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No part of this document may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the express written consent of II Morrow Inc. II Morrow is a trademark of II Morrow Inc. Apollo is a registered trademark of II Morrow Inc. Precedus is a trademark of II Morrow Inc.
Welcome ... Welcome to a new era of navigation. Once again, II Morrow Inc. has set new standards in features and ease of use for the general aviation public. The Precedus is unequaled in providing the features, level of performace, and reliability that aviation users require.
About This Manual Please take a few moments to review the various sections of this manual. Even if you are an experienced user of GPS navigation, be sure to read the Introduction to Precedus and Getting Started the First Time. These two sections provide the rules for successful use of the Precedus .
Table of Contents Introduction to GPS Navigation ...........................1 GPS Overview ..........................................1 GPS System Accuracy ....................................2 Summary ..............................................2 Operation Basics .
Information About Other Waypoints ........................3 0 Information About Nearest Waypoints ......................3 0 Scanning Waypoints for Information .......................3 0 Navigating Multiple Flight Plans ...........................8 1 Creating a Route .
Available Waypoint Information ...........................6 6 ARPT Waypoint Information .............................6 6 Tutorial ...............................................6 9 Starting the Simulator ...................................7 0 Preparing for the Trip .
History of Revisions July 1995 Original Release August 1995 Revision 01 April 1996 Revision 02 (Version 5.0 software) February 1997 Revision 04 (Version 5/6.1 software ) Ordering Information To receive additional copies of this Precedus GPS User’s Guide, order part #560-0110-04.
Introduction to GPS Navigation GPS Overview The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a constellation of 24 satellites in six orbit lanes 10,898 nautical miles above the earth at an inclination angle of about 55 degrees from the equator. Each satellite orbits the earth twice in 24 hours.
unit can calculate latitude and longitude (usually abbreviated Lat/Lon); with four or more satellites, GPS altitude can also be calculated. GPS System Accuracy The GPS allows a high degree of position fix accuracy. The system can produce a position fix accurate to within less than one meter.
Operation Basics This section introduces you to the Precedus and describes its controls and operating functions. Controls Menu/Pwr This button turns the unit ON and OFF, and also allows you to select features from the Main Menu. Turn the unit ON by pressing the button once.
GOTO and Nearest The GOTO and Nearest functions operate together. Press this button once for the GOTO function or twice for the Nearest Waypoint function. Use the GOTO function to assign a destination waypoint from the Precedus‘s built-in database or one that you personally create.
Display Information The display shows information for each operating function. Information typically includes navigation progress, waypoint information, satellite tracking status, menu options and selections. Helpful Instructions on the Display The Precedus shows you what to do for most functions.
Display Screens Information you view on the display while using the Precedus shows one page or “screen” at a time. Many of the operating functions can show more than one screen of information.
Return to Nav Nav Pages Messages GPS Status Route Moving Map Map Setup Airports VORs NDBs INT s Roads Cities Borders USERs Idents Route Orient Airspace Pilot Checklist Store and Edit up to four prefli.
Main Menu The Main Menu function contains options that control many ways the Precedus operates and lets you customize the navigation function to suit your preference. Press the button to display the main menu. Highlight the selection from the list by pressing the or buttons.
• Screen/Light - Control settings for display backlight and contrast, status light programming, and power light programming. • Time and Place - Contains seed position and current time settings including UTC differential.
NA V Function Summary Nav Info 1 GPS Status Route Moving Map Nav Info 2 Nav Info 3 Nav Info 4 Nav Info & Moving Map Messages HSI Display.
Getting Started the First Time This section explains how to get started using the Precedus . Information in this section explains how to startup the unit, check signals from the GPS satellites, enter a seed position, assign a destination waypoint, and detach your antenna.
Entering a Seed Position 1. Press to reach the main menu. Press the or button to highlight the “Time & Place” function. Press to go to the “Time and Place” function. 2. Set the latitude and longitude coordinates near to your current position.
4. Set local time. (Or enter UTC time and skip step 5 below.) Use the arrow buttons to select and set local time (LOC). Press to save the information. You may also enter current UTC time and skip entry of UTC differential in step 5. It is not necessary to enter seconds - they cannot be set.
6. Press once again. The values you set are now entered into memory and the main menu will be displayed. Checking GPS Signal Strength The unit shows the GPS signal strength screen in the Navigation function. While the Precedus acquires signal information from satellites, the bars representing signal strength show grey in color.
Checking Each Satellite Press the buttons to view information about the visible satellites. Important! The GPS antenna must be able to “see” each satellite it is tracking. If a satellite is “shaded” by the wing or fuselage during a turn, it may temporarily lose track of that satellite.
Entering a Destination Waypoint With a seed position and the current time and date set, the Precedus is ready to begin navigating a trip. Prepare for trip navigation by entering a destination waypoint.
Hint For airport waypoints, press the buttons to move the highlight on the screen down to the second line containing the city name. You can select characters in this line, too. The buttons scroll through waypoint names that most closely match the characters you select.
External Antenna The built-in regular antenna for the Precedus may be removed and used as an external antenna. A dummy antenna is inserted into the Precedus to replace the built-in antenna. A six-foot cable is provided to connect to the regular antenna.
Navigation Basics This section explores the navigation function and describes the powerful features it contains. When you become comfortable operating the unit, you may wish to “fly” the Precedus using the built-in simulator. Follow the instructions in the Tutorial section.
GPS Status The GPS Status screen contains information about signals received from visible satellites in the sky. The GPS information screen tells you: • The type of position fix currently calculated.
Custom Navigation Screens You can customize the Navigation Information pages by selecting the information shown in each of the windows. 1. In the Navigation function, press and hold the button to highlight the top information window. 2. Press the buttons to move the highlight to the desired window.
Navigation Information Choices.
Moving Map Screen The following information shows in highlighted boxes at each corner of the display: • The destination waypoint • Bearing to the destination waypoint • Map scale • Range to the destination waypoint The moving map screens represent graphic views of your navigation progress.
“Pan” selected, press to start the Pan feature. Move the crosshair with the arrow keys. When the crosshair touches the edge of the map, the map will redraw to continue panning in the desired direction. GOTO a Waypoint in Pan Mode Move the cross hair with the arrow keys.
Zooming In or Out While using the Panning feature, you can change the viewing scale of the map While using the Panning feature press to display the Pan Zoom options. Press the or buttons to select “Quit,” “Zoom,” or “Pan.” With Zoom highlighted, press to start the Zoom feature.
Auto Zoom The auto zoom feature changes the moving map scale automatically, adjusting the map scale to zoom in closer and closer as you near the destination waypoint. This feature adjusts the map scale to zoom out as your distance from a waypoint of origin increases.
The Route Screen The Precedus can store up to 20 reversible trip plans or “routes” in memory. Each route can consist of up to 30 waypoints using either those you create or those from the built-in waypoint database.
You can also return to the navigation function without assigning a new destination waypoint from the list by pressing the button. Important You can control the types of waypoints that show on the display as the result of a search for nearest waypoints.
If you want a different location for your new waypoint, use the buttons to move the highlight and the buttons to change the waypoint Lat/Lon or radial and distance coordinates . When you are finished, press to enter the new waypoint into memory. You can also create new waypoints in the Pan mode as detailed on page 24.
Information About Other Waypoints You can also get information about any other waypoint in memory by using the GOTO function together with the waypoint information function. Press the button as if you were assigning a destination waypoint. Use the buttons to select the waypoint name.
Navigating Multiple Flight Plans The ability of the Precedus to store multiple leg flight plans is very useful. Once you set up a route, you can navigate the plan in forward or reverse. You can also edit a route you have created, or select any waypoint from a route and navigate directly to it, skipping other waypoints and legs of the trip.
When you finish inserting waypoints into the route, select “DONE” with the buttons and press the button then in the same way select “QUIT” to complete route editing. Remember, you can always change, add, or delete route waypoints later. When you finish with the first route, you can immediately create another.
Each time a change is made, “DONE” is highlighted. When waypoints are changed as desired, press to complete route editing. Adding a Route Waypoint You can add waypoints to any route. Add waypoints to a route by inserting them into the route at the proper location.
Deleting Route Waypoints To delete waypoints from a route, scroll through the route screen pages to select the route that you wish to delete waypoints. Then, select “EDIT” as if creating a route. Use the buttons to move the marker arrow to the waypoint you wish to delete.
Only one route can be “started” or active at any time. You can navigate the route in either direction, depending on your present position. If your present position is at the last waypoint in the route, you could use this last waypoint as the point of origin by selecting “REVERSE.
Resuming a Route Select “START,” press and then select “RESUME” with the buttons and press to resume a route on hold. Route “Direct To” While navigating a route, you may wish to bypass one or more waypoints and proceed directly to a destination waypoint.
Creating an Approach Route The Precedus allows you to setup an approach route using the established approach waypoints. 1. Select “EDIT” from the Route Options with the buttons and press . Then, select “INS” and press . 2. Use the arrow buttons to select the desired airport designator and then press .
4. Select the desired approach waypoint group with the buttons and then press to insert the approach route. 5. Select “QUIT” with the buttons and press . The approach route is now set. The route will show the bearing and distance between each waypoint.
Function Reference This section provides detailed information on the functions you can select from the Main Menu. The Main Menu gives you access to functions that modify the operation of your Precedus and the way navigation information is displayed. The menu options allow you to customize the to best suit your navigation requirements.
• Screen/Light - (Page 57) Control settings for display backlight and contrast, status light programming, and power light programming. • Time and Place - (Page 58) Contains seed position and current time settings including UTC differential.
Main Menu Function Summary E6B Functions Alerts Display Units Return To N a v Ti m e & Place Screen/ Light Tr a c k History User Wpt Mgmt Ti m e r s System Setup Main Menu Pilot Checklist Map Setu.
Pilot Checklist The preflight checkout is one of the most important parts of your flight. To help with your workload and increase your safety, the Precedus includes a menu item to store up to four Pilot Checklists. There is a predefined list of items that you can select for viewing on each checklist.
Now, for the next item. With “INS” highlighted, press . Select the desired item with the or buttons and press . Continue until you are finished selecting items and then use the or buttons to highlight “QU” (Quit) and press .
Pilot Checklist Options The following list shows the options available for you to select from for the Pilot Checklist function 1. Activate Flightplan 2. Alternate Air Check 3. Alternators Check 4. Alternators On 5. Alternators Off 6. Altimeter Setting 7.
Map Setups This option controls the type of waypoints that show on the moving map screens, the size of the text, whether or not a Route Path or Airspaces are shown, and the orientation of the moving map. The pages available in Map Setup include Misc Setup, Aviation Wpts, Airspaces, Road Data, City Wpts, and User Wpts.
Press to highlight “Ident Zoom Limit.” Press or to select the distance from your position that waypoint identifiers will be displayed. Set the units (nm, mi, or km) in the DISPLAY UNITS menu item in the Main Menu. Aviation Waypoints Press to highlight “All Wpts.
the unit of measure you choose using the “DISPLAY UNITS” setting described later in this section. Press to highlight the Time Buffer value. Press or to select the value. The Time Buffer contains the travel time (based upon current track and speed) from the airspace border where you will be alerted.
Road Data The Road database allows you to show interstate, U.S., and state highways on the map pages of your Precedus. All Roads - Choose ON or OFF. Choose ON to display roads and road names on the map pages. Choose OFF to not display road information.
not show the city name; a “+” will still show the location. SMALL, MEDIUM and LARGE determine type size for the city name. Press to highlight the desired item.
Press or to highlight the number value for CDI. Press or to select the distance off your course where the Precedus alerts you. The number you select is the distance from the center to the left or right side of the CDI scale in the NAV function. Press to highlight the ON/OFF option.
In the Main Menu press, or to highlight “DISPLAY UNITS” and press . Press or to select the Distance unit type. Press the button to highlight the Altitude value and then press or to select the desired type. Press the button to highlight Lat/Lon and then press or to select the desired type.
Press the button to highlight the Map Datum Type and then press or to select the desired Map Datum. The following list shows the GPS map datums contained within the Precedus . Each map datum represents a mathematical model of the earth used for the purpose of establishing precision in charting various areas of the earth.
Datum Name Ellipsoid (Model) European 1950 Sicily International European 1979 International Gandajika Base International Geodetic Datum 1949 International Hjorsey 1955 International Indian (Thailand/V.
Timers The Precedus includes timers for countdown and flight time. Use this option to count elapsed time for as long as 60 minutes.The timers can run “in the background” while you navigate and will not interfere with unit operation. In the Main Menu, press or to highlight “TIMERS” and press .
User Waypoint Manage- ment This option allows you to edit or delete waypoints you have created (user waypoints). To edit a waypoint, press the buttons to highlight the desired waypoint. Press the button to select “EDIT” and then press . Move the highlight to the desired character with the buttons.
When track history is “ON,” points are stored in memory. Your track history displays on the moving map screens as a series of dots showing your flight path. Each dot indicates a stored point. When track history is “OFF,” no track points are stored or shown on the moving map screens.
Screen/ Light This function controls the backlight, Status Light, Power Light, and display contrast. 1. In the Screen/Light function, press the buttons to select a Backlight intensity level of OFF, LOW, MED, or HIGH. A light bulb icon will appear at the bottom of the display when the backlight is turned on.
• OFF - Power light will stay off • On When Ext - Power light will turn on when external power is supplied • Flash/Charge - Power light will flash when the battery is charging Press to reach the “CONTRAST” selection. Adjust the display contrast by pressing the buttons.
• Aviation • Hiking • Land Mobile • Marine • Survey • Simulator Each mode is optimized for the given activity. Generally you will use either the “AVIATION” or “SIMULATOR” operation mode. Select “SIMULATOR” only when you wish to use the built-in simulator to practice navigating with the unit.
• Send serial data matching the NMEA formats to any serial device in the cockpit capable of accepting it • Disable the serial data port *See your II Morrow dealer or contact the factory for information about the optional Precedus /PC Interface Kit.
General Info The General Info function tells you about the Databases that you have stored in the Precedus and other system information. In General Info, press or to access the available pages. Databases The Databases page shows the databases currently available in your Precedus and their date.
System Info The System Info page shows your Precedus software version and date, database type, amount of memory in the database, and the GPS version. This information is for reference only and should be used whenever you contact a factory service representative.
True Air Speed Highlight Indicated Altitude value (IALT) using , change the value using or . Use the altitude indicated on your aircraft instruments. Change the units (feet or meters) in the DISPLAY UNITS menu. Highlight the Barometer (BARO) value using , change the value using or .
The Wind Direction and Speed is shown on the top line of this box. The Head Wind component describes the amount of wind directly affecting your forward progress. Fuel Flow Highlight the Flow/Hr value using . Change the displayed value using or . Press the key once for each increment of the tenths value.
Option Description Default Alert Track History Track History: Strategy: Save By: Interval: Used: Clear? ON FOREVER DIST - TIME . 1- .50 -1 0n m 0 -100% NO N/A Arrival Alerts Alert Message: Distance: YES . 1- 1 - 9.9 nm YES Airspace Alerts Alert Message Dist.
Waypoint Database Database Structure The Precedus provides an extensive built-in database of waypoint information to aid the navigator. Waypoints in the database are divided into 5 categories.
• Bearing and distance from present position • Operating frequency • Lat/Lon coordinates • DME available • Class (high/low/terminal) • Weather broadcasts NDB Waypoint Information • Beari.
INT Waypoint Information • Country • Bearing and distance from present position • Bearing from present position • Lat/lon coordinates USER Waypoint Information • Bearing and distance from pr.
Tutorial This section gives a tutorial on using the built-in simulator to practice “flying” the Precedus . Use this tutorial at your own pace to become familiar with using the unit. During the tutorial, you will use many of the Precedus ‘s features as you would during an actual trip.
Starting the Simulator 1. Press to turn on the Precedus . 2. Press the key again to reach the main menu. 3. Press the buttons to select “SYSTEM SETUP.” Press to select the option. 4. Press the buttons to select Simulator mode. 5. To set your Ground Speed, press the buttons to highlight the Ground Speed value and change it with the buttons.
Preparing for the Trip Before you navigate a trip, determine whether you will fly direct to a waypoint, or navigate a route of several waypoints. This tutorial presents instructions to set up either kind of trip. It may be helpful to first navigate direct to a destination before setting up a route to travel.
Navigating the Trip In the Navigation function, your track shows directly on course with no deviation from the bearing to the destination. The Lat/Lon coordinates change to reflect your present position to the nearest hundredth of a minute. The bearing/distance/ground speed show your selected ground speed and estimated time enroute on the trip.
Getting Waypoint Information While you are enroute, you may want to get information about your destination waypoint. You can check for fuel availability, runway lengths and surface, communication frequencies, and more. With the moving map screen displayed, press the button to get information about the destination waypoint.
Hint You can get information about any waypoint in the Precedus’s built-in database. Follow the steps in “Assigning a Direct Waypoint” earlier. With the desired waypoint name showing on the display, press the button. Waypoint information shows on the screen, without the waypoint being assigned as a destination.
Select the AIRSPACE ALERTS function on the Main Menu. The “AIRSPACES” choice should be set to “ON.” The Precedus can also alert you with a message on the display as you approach your destination. Set the WPT ARRIVAL selection to “ON.” Set the distance from the destination where you wish to be alerted.
Scroll through the navigation screens to check your progress and decreasing range to the destination. When you are within several miles of the destination, adjust your ground speed to slow your rate of travel to approximately 30 knots. See “Setting the Ground Speed” earlier in this tutorial.
2. Use the buttons to select “INSERT” to begin inserting waypoints. Press . You can select waypoints to insert based on type, identifier, or name. 3.
arrow symbol appears to the left of the waypoint name. 5. Press to insert the waypoint in the route. The waypoint is inserted and the arrow cursor points to the second line in the route. Repeat steps 2 through 4 above to enter additional waypoints. When you finish inserting waypoints in the route, select “QUIT” with the buttons and press .
Navigating a Route Set the ground speed to a realistic rate of travel. During route navigation, the arrow marker on the route screen points to the current “TO” waypoint.
Track History The Precedus can store a record of your trip navigation progress in memory. The record consists of a series of track points, each containing your position at the time the point was stored. You can store up to 2,000 track points. Track point storage can be activated or deactivated any time you navigate.
5. Select a storage interval for the method you selected. If you selected Distance, the “INTERVAL” will be in nm, sm, or km. If you selected Time, the “INTERVAL” will be in hours and minutes. With the track point history screen items properly set, press to begin recording.
Navigating to a Nearest Waypoint The Precedus can help you select and navigate to waypoints near your present position. This feature could be valuable if you had to land the aircraft quickly. For the purpose of this tutorial, imagine that the weather conditions were becoming worse and you wish to land immediately.
Conclusion This tutorial has explored many of the Precedus ‘s features. If you feel comfortable using the unit, switch it off and then back on to cancel the simulator. The unit is ready for actual navigation. If you need more time to become comfortable operating the Precedus , repeat this tutorial.
Troubleshooting This section contains information to troubleshoot the Precedus when improper operation is observed. The following table lists possible problems you could encounter while operating the unit. Examine the possible causes of the problem and take the action listed to correct the trouble.
Problem Possible Cause Action Unit does not power on If using battery: Dead battery Recharge battery If using AC power supply: bad power supply Check operation with battery or a known good power suppl.
Problem Possible Cause Action Wrong types of waypoints show on moving map screens Incorrect selection of waypoint types to show on moving map screens See action above - the waypoint types you set to �.
Glossary of Navigation Terms A Altitude (GPS ALT): Altitude, as calculated by the Precedus , based upon a mathematical model of the earth’s surface curvature. A substantial difference between this altitude value and altitude referenced to sea level may exist.
Desired Track (DTK): The desired course of navigation between a point of origin and a destination waypoint. Dilution of Precision (DOP) : A merit value for the calculated position based on the geometrical configuration of the satellites used; 3 is considered good, greater than 7 is considered poor.
Intersection (INT): A point defined by any combination of courses, radials, or bearings of two or more navigational aids. K Knot (kt): A unit of speed equal to one nautical mile per hour. L Latitude (Lat): Any line circling the earth parallel to the equator, measured in degrees, minutes, and seconds north and south of the equator.
Non-Directional Beacon (NDB): A low frequency/medium frequency navigation aid sending non-directional signals that can be used for navigation. R Radial: Any of the 360 magnetic courses from a VOR or similar navigational aid, beginning at the navigational aid and proceeding outward in a straight line.
may provide such airport information as active runway, wind direction and velocity and other conditions of importance to pilots. Universal Coordinated Time (UTC): Greenwich Mean Time, or the time at the Prime Meridian in Greenwich, England. Also referred to as Zulu time.
Note Use a clean fabric with each cleaning method to avoid other contaminates. Do not use paper products. Battery Care Charging the Battery The Precedus comes with a high quality rechargeable NiCd battery. This battery is not charged and needs to be charged two to three times to reach full capacity before its first use.
Index A Airport .......................6 6 Airspace ..................7 4 ,8 6 Alert ...............4 9 ,6 5 ,7 5 Distance Buffer ............4 6 Time Buffer ...............4 7 Airspaces .....................4 6 Alert .........................8 C D I .
Status ..............1 4 ,1 5 ,2 0 Version ...................6 2 H HSI Display ...................2 6 I Identifier Size .....................4 5 II Morrow Inc. .................8 4 Info ..........................3 Intersection ...................6 8 L Local Time .
Setup ....................7 6 Start .....................7 8 Starting ...................3 4 Stop .....................3 5 S Screen/Light5, 9, 40, 57 Backlight .................5 7 Contrast ..................5 8 Power Light ...............5 7 Status Ligh .
Precedus Features • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Technical Specifications Standard Accessories Optional Accessories.
© 1997 by II Morrow Inc. 2345 Turner Road S.E. U.S.A. Phone (503) 581-8101 1-800-525-6726 In Canada 1-800-654-3415 FAX (503) 364-2138 Part #560-0110-04 Rev.
デバイスApollo Precedusの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Apollo Precedusをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはApollo Precedusの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Apollo Precedusの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Apollo Precedusで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Apollo Precedusを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はApollo Precedusの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Apollo Precedusに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちApollo Precedusデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。