ABC OfficeメーカーDC-2の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Lexico n, Inc . DC- 2/MC- 1 Serial Com m uni cation s Protocol Printe d on: 10/19/ 00 1 of 44 Serial Comm unicat i ons P r ot ocol Definition Project: DC-2/MC-1 Updated: May 15,2000 Major rev 0 Minor rev 5 Lexico n, Inc .
Lexico n, Inc . DC- 2/MC- 1 Serial Com m uni cation s Protocol Printe d on: 10/19/ 00 2 of 44 1D o c u m e n t s 4 2 Definitions 4 3 Abbreviations 4 4 General Description 4 5 Physical Layer 5 5.1 DB-9 R S232 Con nector 5 5.2 Serial Port Driver 5 5.3 Errors 6 5.
Lexico n, Inc . DC- 2/MC- 1 Serial Com m uni cation s Protocol Printe d on: 10/19/ 00 3 of 44 7.3.26 Set C ust om N am e 28 7.3.27 Set In put Nam e by Id 29 7.3.28 Set FPD C ontrol R egis ters 30 7.3.29 Host Wak eup 30 7.3.30 Host Sl eep 31 7.3 .31 Get Co mm unicatio n Configura tion 31 7.
Lexico n, Inc . DC- 2/MC- 1 Serial Com m uni cation s Protocol Printe d on: 10/19/ 00 4 of 44 1 Documents The following documents shou ld also be used with this docum ent to understand how this protocol can be used w ith a DC-2/MC-1.
Lexico n, Inc . DC- 2/MC- 1 Serial Com m uni cation s Protocol Printe d on: 10/19/ 00 5 of 44 The DC-2/MC-1 u ses si mple n otification, com m and, respons e and ackn owl edgm ent packets to h ave communicatio n transa ctions with a gi ven HOST . T his pr o toco l is de signed fo r po i nt to p o int comm u nication betw een a HO ST and DC- 2/MC-1.
Lexico n, Inc . DC- 2/MC- 1 Serial Com m uni cation s Protocol Printe d on: 10/19/ 00 6 of 44 5.3 E rrors The DC-2/MC-1 w ill detect parity, fram ing and data overrun errors.
Lexico n, Inc . DC- 2/MC- 1 Serial Com m uni cation s Protocol Printe d on: 10/19/ 00 7 of 44 Data Link Header: By te Number Description Value First Byte(0) Start of Pack et(SOP) 0xF1 By te(1) DLL Dat.
Lexico n, Inc . DC- 2/MC- 1 Serial Com m uni cation s Protocol Printe d on: 10/19/ 00 8 of 44 Host Response Expected Following th e transm ission of the Wakeup notification DC-2/MC-1 w ill w ait for an AC K. Actions to Response Codes ACK DC-2/MC-1 continues to operate.
Lexico n, Inc . DC- 2/MC- 1 Serial Com muni cations Protocol Printe d on: 10/19/ 00 9 of 44 The DC-2/MC-1 in cludes 8 custom characters that are def ined to display increm ents of a display block. (i.e. Volum e B ar) T he cust om ch aracters are ASCII character codes 08 - 0F(hex ).
Lexico n, Inc . DC- 2/MC- 1 Serial Com muni cations Protocol Printe d on: 10/19/ 00 10 of 44 Zone 2 Balanc e Z2_BAL Zone 2 Mu te Z2_MUTE Bass BA SS Tre ble TR EBL E Loudness LOUDNESS Tilt T ILT Menu B.
Lexico n, Inc . DC- 2/MC- 1 Serial Com muni cations Protocol Printe d on: 10/19/ 00 11 of 44 7.3 Host Initiated Command Packets The DC-2/M C-1 s erial com muni cation protocol has been designed to respon d to the follow ing com mands as described belo w .
Lexico n, Inc . DC- 2/MC- 1 Serial Com muni cations Protocol Printe d on: 10/19/ 00 12 of 44 DC- 2/MC-1 Response The KeyCode is processed as a valid IR cod e . No acknow ledgment w ill be sent from DC-2/MC-1. Dat a Validation The KeyCode data will be verif ied as a legal IR code.
Lexico n, Inc . DC- 2/MC- 1 Serial Com muni cations Protocol Printe d on: 10/19/ 00 13 of 44 Dat a Description ProductId: This un signed 8 bit valu e describes the product .
Lexico n, Inc . DC- 2/MC- 1 Serial Com muni cations Protocol Printe d on: 10/19/ 00 14 of 44 TimeStam p: Is a null term inated ASCII text string describing th e b uild date and time of the current ROM. The Format of this text string is: “yy/ mm/d d( sp ) hh: mm” yy - is th e last t w o digits of the year (i .
Lexico n, Inc . DC- 2/MC- 1 Serial Com muni cations Protocol Printe d on: 10/19/ 00 15 of 44 Data Type: Unsigned 8 bit integer. Maxim um Value: Set by “Total Number of Ef fects” in the “Unit Config uratio n” Packet. Current Input Sam ple Rate Data Type: Unsigned 8 bit integer.
Lexico n, Inc . DC- 2/MC- 1 Serial Com muni cations Protocol Printe d on: 10/19/ 00 16 of 44 A p plication Header: Comm and DC_CMD_GET_REC_ST ATUS 0x17 Data Count 0 0x00 A pplication Data: N/A 7.
Lexico n, Inc . DC- 2/MC- 1 Serial Com muni cations Protocol Printe d on: 10/19/ 00 17 of 44 Max: Set by the Sy stem Parameter Count in th e “Unit Configuration Packet”.
Lexico n, Inc . DC- 2/MC- 1 Serial Com muni cations Protocol Printe d on: 10/19/ 00 18 of 44 7.3.8 Get Sy stem Parameter Values Request to DC-2/MC-1 for all current sy stem parameter values. DC- 2/MC-1 will respond w ith the “Sys tem Parameter Values Packet”.
Lexico n, Inc . DC- 2/MC- 1 Serial Com muni cations Protocol Printe d on: 10/19/ 00 19 of 44 A p plication Header: Comm and DC_RESP_EFFECT_DEF 0x85 Data Count 2 + strlen(Ef fectNam e) + 1 nn A pplication Data: Data[0] Effec tId nn Data[1] MaxParam eters nn Data[2]- Data[DataCount-1] Effec tName ch ch ch … 0x00 7.
Lexico n, Inc . DC- 2/MC- 1 Serial Com muni cations Protocol Printe d on: 10/19/ 00 20 of 44 Dat a Description EffectId: Data Type: Unsigned 8 bit integer. Max: Set by the Ef fect Count in th e “Unit Configuration Packet”. Param Id: Data Type: Unsigned 8 bit integer.
Lexico n, Inc . DC- 2/MC- 1 Serial Com muni cations Protocol Printe d on: 10/19/ 00 21 of 44 A p plication Header: Comm and DC_RESP_EFFECT_PARAM_VALUES 0x87 Data Count 1 + Eff ectParam Count nn A ppli.
Lexico n, Inc . DC- 2/MC- 1 Serial Com muni cations Protocol Printe d on: 10/19/ 00 22 of 44 A p plication Header: Comm and DC_CMD_GET_INPUT _NAME 0x2D Data Count 1 0x01 A pplication Data: Data[0] InputId nn 7.
Lexico n, Inc . DC- 2/MC- 1 Serial Com muni cations Protocol Printe d on: 10/19/ 00 23 of 44 A p plication Header: Comm and DC_RESP_FPD_CONTROL 0x88 Data Count 4 0X04 A pplication Data: Data[0] FPD_CtrlReg0 nn Data[1] FPD_CtrlReg1 nn Data[2] FPD_CtrlReg2 nn Data[4] FPD_MinUpdate nn 7.
Lexico n, Inc . DC- 2/MC- 1 Serial Com muni cations Protocol Printe d on: 10/19/ 00 24 of 44 Command Pack et Descr iption A p plication Header: Comm and DC_CMD_SET_EFFECT _PARAM_VALUES 0x1F D.
Lexico n, Inc . DC- 2/MC- 1 Serial Com muni cations Protocol Printe d on: 10/19/ 00 25 of 44 The Effect Id mu st b e a valid Effect Id. If it is not the DC-2/MC-1 w ill respond with a NAK packet an d error code DC_E RR_ INVAL ID_EFFECT_ I D.
Lexico n, Inc . DC- 2/MC- 1 Serial Com muni cations Protocol Printe d on: 10/19/ 00 26 of 44 If a value is passed that exceeds the m aximum value of that parameter the DC- 2 /MC-1 will ignore the comm and and transm it a DC_NAK com man d with an error code DC _INVALID_DA T A.
Lexico n, Inc . DC- 2/MC- 1 Serial Com muni cations Protocol Printe d on: 10/19/ 00 27 of 44 7.3.22 Set Record/Zone2 Input Sets the Record/Zone 2 input. If Record/Zone2 w as inactive, this comm and will set the input then activate the Record/Z one 2 fu nction.
Lexico n, Inc . DC- 2/MC- 1 Serial Com muni cations Protocol Printe d on: 10/19/ 00 28 of 44 7.3.24 Set Zone2 Volume Comm a nds DC-2/MC-1 to set the system volum e with the valu e in this packet.
Lexico n, Inc . DC- 2/MC- 1 Serial Com muni cations Protocol Printe d on: 10/19/ 00 29 of 44 Pack et Descript ion A p plication Header: Comm and DC_CMD_SET_CUST_NAME 0x 2C Data Count 1 + strlen(Cus tomNam e) + 1 nn A pplication Data: Data[0] Custom Nam eEnable nn Data[1]-Data[DataCount-1] Custom Name c h ch ch … 0x00 7.
Lexico n, Inc . DC- 2/MC- 1 Serial Com muni cations Protocol Printe d on: 10/19/ 00 30 of 44 The InputId must be a v alid Input Id. If it is not the DC-2/MC- 1 will respond w ith a NAK packet and error code DC_ERR_ INVA LID_INPUT _ID.
Lexico n, Inc . DC- 2/MC- 1 Serial Com muni cations Protocol Printe d on: 10/19/ 00 31 of 44 7.3.30 Host Sleep By transm itting the Sleep comm a nd, the Host indicates it has just “powered down” and w ill no longer respond to DC-2/MC-1 Notifications.
Lexico n, Inc . DC- 2/MC- 1 Serial Com muni cations Protocol Printe d on: 10/19/ 00 32 of 44 LED Ackn owledge En able: TRUE Indicates the DC-2/MC-1 w ill light the g reen standby L ED to indicate the .
Lexico n, Inc . DC- 2/MC- 1 Serial Com muni cations Protocol Printe d on: 10/19/ 00 33 of 44 A p plication Header: Comm and DC_CMD_SET_MUT E 0x31 Data Count 1 0x01 A pplication Data: Data[0] Mute State nn Dat a Description MUTE State: Value Definition 0 UNMUTE The user m ute state is s et to unm uted.
Lexico n, Inc . DC- 2/MC- 1 Serial Com muni cations Protocol Printe d on: 10/19/ 00 34 of 44 Speaker Id # Center 0 Subwoofer 1 Front Left 2 Front Right 3 Side Left 4 Side Right 5 Rear Left 6 Rear Right 7 DC- 2/MC-1 Response The output ID w ill be verified for validity .
Lexico n, Inc . DC- 2/MC- 1 Serial Com muni cations Protocol Printe d on: 10/19/ 00 35 of 44 The display string is sent to the OSD and Front Panel Displays .
Lexico n, Inc . DC- 2/MC- 1 Serial Com muni cations Protocol Printe d on: 10/19/ 00 36 of 44 Responses DC_RESP_UNIT_CONF IG 0x80 DC_RESP_SYS_STATUS 0x 81 DC_RESP_REC_ZONE2_ST ATUS 0x82 DC_RESP_SYS_PAR.
Lexico n, Inc . DC- 2/MC- 1 Serial Com muni cations Protocol Printe d on: 10/19/ 00 37 of 44 10 Appendix B Error Codes Error Code( Hex) NO_ACK 0x00 DC_NO_ERROR 0x01 DC_ERR_PARITY 0x02 DC_ERR_FRAMING 0.
Lexico n, Inc . DC- 2/MC- 1 Serial Com muni cations Protocol Printe d on: 10/19/ 00 38 of 44 11 Appendix C DC-2/MC-1 IR-Codes Function Hex Code Shift Functions Hex Code Rec Function Hex Code Off 19 T .
Lexico n, Inc . DC- 2/MC- 1 Serial Com muni cations Protocol Printe d on: 10/19/ 00 39 of 44 12 Appendix D Input Id’s Input Name Input Id Tape 0 Tuner 1 Cd 2 Aux 3 TV 4 V-Disc 5 DVD 6 VCR 7 13 Appen.
Lexico n, Inc . DC- 2/MC- 1 Serial Com muni cations Protocol Printe d on: 10/19/ 00 40 of 44 14 Appendix F FPD Control Registers Control Reg 0 Bit USER_MSG 0 REC_BLOCK_MSG 1 SYS_VOL_MSG 2 LOCKED_MSG 3.
Lexico n, Inc . DC- 2/MC- 1 Serial Com muni cations Protocol Printe d on: 10/19/ 00 41 of 44 15.2 Getting Sy stem W ide Status and Setup: In order for the HOST to save a complete DC-2/MC-1 system setu.
Lexico n, Inc . DC- 2/MC- 1 Serial Com muni cations Protocol Printe d on: 10/19/ 00 42 of 44 15.5 Examples: The following exam ples show th e byte’s transm itted for the Get Unit Config , Get Effect Defin itio n, and Set Input Nam e transacti ons. They are shown as they should be transmitted from left to right.
Lexico n, Inc . DC- 2/MC- 1 Serial Com muni cations Protocol Printe d on: 10/19/ 00 43 of 44 15.5.2 Get Effect Definition Once we know ho w many effects the DC-2/MC-1 has resident we can then start to step thro ugh each effect for its definition.
Lexico n, Inc . DC- 2/MC- 1 Serial Com muni cations Protocol Printe d on: 10/19/ 00 44 of 44 SOP DLL DC CMD App DC DAT A0 EOP Cmd F1 04 E0 01 2E F2 Because the DC -2/MC-1 receiv ed and processed the com man d successfully the DC-2/MC- 1 responds w ith the DC_A CK packet.
デバイスABC Office DC-2の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
ABC Office DC-2をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはABC Office DC-2の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。ABC Office DC-2の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。ABC Office DC-2で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
ABC Office DC-2を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はABC Office DC-2の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、ABC Office DC-2に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちABC Office DC-2デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。