Life FitnessメーカーExercise Bike Inspire Console 95C Lifecycleの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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97C, 95C, 95R Lifecycle ® Exercise Bike Inspire Console oper a tion manual.
1 M051-00K66-A101 1/08 C ORPORA TE H EADQUARTERS 5100 River Road Schiller Park, Illinois 60176 • U.S.A. 847.288.3300 • F AX: 847.288.3703 800.735.3867 (T oll-free within U.S.A., Canada) Global Website: www I NTERNA TIONAL O FFICES A MERICAS North America Life Fitness Inc.
...Before using this product, it is essential to read this ENTIRE operation manual and ALL installation instructions. It describes equipment setup and instructs members on how to use it correctly and safely .
3 T ABLE OF C ONTENTS Section Description Page 1. Getting S tarted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 1.1 Important Safety Instructions . . . . . . . . . .
4 This Operation Manual describes the functions of the following products: 97C, 95C, 95R Lifecycle ® Exercise Bike Inspire Console See "S pecifications" in this manual for product specific features. Health-related injuries may result from incorrect or excessive use of exercise equipment.
5 1 G ETTING S T ARTED 1.1 IMPORT ANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS Read all instructions before using this product. • If this Life Fitness product does not function properly after it has been dropped, damaged, or even p artially immersed in water , contact Life Fitness Customer Support Services for assistance.
6 1 D ÉMARRAGE 1.1 CONSIGNES DE SÉCURITÉ IMPORT ANTES Lisez toutes les instructions avant le fait d'utiliser ce produit. • Si l'appareil Life Fitness ne fonctionne p as correctement apr.
7 2 T HE I NSPIRE LCD C ONSOLE 2.1 I NSPIRE LCD C ONSOLE O VERVIEW The Inspire LCD console on the Lifecycle ® Exercise Bike allows the user to tailor a workout to personal fitness abilities and goals and to monitor progress. With this easy-to-use console, the user can track fitness improvement from one workout to the next.
8 2.2 I NSPIRE LCD C ONSOLE D ESCRIPTION This section lists and describes the functions for the buttons on the T ouchscreen Display for the Inspire LCD console on the Lifecycle Exercise Bikes. See Section 4 titled The Workouts for detailed information on using the console to set up workouts.
9 E. SCREEN LOCK/UNLOCK: (Cannot be used during a workout.) Freezes the screen for the purpose of routine main- tenance/screen cleaning. The screen automatically unlocks af ter ten seconds. Pressing SCREEN LOCK a second time will unlock it as well. F.
10 K. MEDIA: Press the illuminated key next to MEDIA to access the following options: Life Fitness Attachable T elevision and iPod. L. VOLUME: V olume control for the optional Life Fitness Attachable TV and iPod. Press the illuminated UP and DOWN arrow keys next to the volume icon to adjust the volume.
11 F1. GOAL TYPE: Select a desired workout goal type. Choose from T ime, Distance, Calories, Pace, Time in Zone or Marathon Mode (if enabled). G1. BACK: Returns to the previous screen. H1. ST ART OVER: Exits workout setup and returns to the Home Screen.
12 4) W ORKOUT P ROGRESS The Workout Progress Screen opens automatically upon completion of the workout setup, signaling the user to st art the workout.
13 H2 . SPEED DISPLA Y : The S peed Display shows the pedaling speed in revolutions per minute (RPM) and miles per hour (MPH). Every 3 seconds, the speed toggles between RPM and MPH.
14 Users can access the following iPod options: iPod CONTROLS: If detected, use to access iPod data. Use the controls next to the menu item to navigate cate- gories, songs, movies, etc. Press SELECT to accept the highlighted list item. HIDE PLA YLIST : Press this button to hide the iPod playlist to view the workout profile.
15 2.4 R EADING R ACK AND A CCESSOR Y T RA YS A built-in reading rack (A) allows a book or magazine to be supported during the workout. A built-in accessory tray (B) provides storage for items such as water bottles, personal media devices, and cell phones.
16 3 H EART R AT E Z ONE T RAINING E XERCISE 3.1 W HY H EART R AT E Z ONE T RAINING E XERCISE ? Research shows that maintaining a specific heart rate while exercising is the optimal way to monitor the intensity of a workout and to achieve maximum results.
17 3.2 H EART R AT E M ONITORING T HE L IFEPULSE TM D IGIT AL H EART R AT E M ONITORING S YSTEM The patented Lifepulse system sensors are the built-in heart rate monitoring system . For the most accurate reading pos- sible, during a workout: • Grasp the sensors (A) on the armrests or handlebars firmly .
T HE O PTIONAL H EART R AT E C HEST S TRAP The Life Fitness Lifecycle Exercise Bike is equipped with Polar ® telemetry , a heart rate monitoring system in which elec- trodes, pressed against the skin, transfer heart rate signals to the bike console. These electrodes are att ached to a chest strap that the user wears during the workout.
19 4 T HE W ORKOUTS 4.1 W ORKOUT O VERVIEWS The following workouts are preprogrammed for the Inspire LCD console on the 95C and 95R Lifecycle Exercise Bikes. QUICK ST ART is the fastest way to begin exercising and it bypasses the step s involved in selecting a specific workout program.
20 H ILL +W ORKOUTS HILL + are workouts in which intensity levels increase and decrease in set patterns. The following workouts may be accessed with this button: AROUND THE WORLD is an interval-training workout in which the hills resemble scenes of various geographical areas.
21 4.2 U SING THE W ORKOUTS Select a workout. See the chart at the beginning of Section 4.3 for an overview of the steps required to set up each workout. 1) B EGINNING A W ORKOUT There are three ways to begin a workout: Quick S tart, Select Workout (see Section 4.
22 The Pace Goal feature is designed to allow the user to set the pace of a workout. The user sets a pace goal during the workout setup. Once the goal is met, the workout automatically goes into a cool down phase and ends afterward.
23 4) E NTERING W ORKOUT V ALUES AGE: When prompted to enter Age, use the illuminated ARROW KEYS to increase or decrease the displayed age to the correct value, or key in the correct value with the NUMERIC KEYP AD, and press ENTER.
E NDING W ORKOUTS E ARL Y T o end a workout early , press COOL DOWN on the Control Panel. The COOL DOWN button changes into an END WORKOUT button. A user can stop a workout by pushing the END WORKOUT button; otherwise the cool down phase will automatically begin.
25 4.3 W ORKOUT D ESCRIPTIONS W ORKOUT H IERARCHY Fit T est Classic Heart Rate + Hill + Advanced Manual Random Hill Fat Burn and Cardio Heart Rate Hill Heart Rate Interval Extreme Heart Rate Around th.
26 W ORKOUT D ESCRIPTIONS Q UICK S T ART QUICK ST ART is the fastest way to begin exercising. It bypasses the step s of selecting a specific workout program. On the home screen, press the QUICK ST ART button. The workout begins at an intensity level that remains the same unless manually changed .
27 1 to 9 minutes: A workout with a duration of less than 10 minutes is insufficient for the HILL program to complete all four phases adequately . The program, therefore, condenses a workout of this duration at various st ages. 10 to 19 minutes: The interval durations initially are set at 30 seconds for a 10-minute workout.
H EART R AT E +W ORKOUTS F AT B URN F A T BURN is a low-intensity workout for burning a higher percentage of calories from fat. The user must wear a heart rate chest strap or grasp the Lifepulse system sensors continuously .
29 H EART R AT E I NTERV AL This program also combines the standard HILL workout profile with the concept of Heart Rate Zone Training. The default target heart rate* is calculated as 80 percent of the theoretical maximum † (HRmax), but the user can adjust the target rate during the workout setup.
H ILL + W ORKOUTS The Life Fitness patented HILL + workouts give even more ways to vary interval training. Based on the same principles as the CLASSIC HILL workout, Hill + workouts are customized to resemble different locations/training scenarios to add variety and challenge to Hill workouts.
Lower Half of Range Upper Half of Range higher age lower age lower weight higher weight* shorter taller * In cases of excessive weight, use lower half of range.
R ELA TIVE F ITNESS C LASSIFICA TION FOR W OMEN Women Estimated VO2 Max (ml O 2 /kg/min) Per Age Category Rating 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60+ Elite 47+ 44+ 42+ 37+ 35+ Excellent 45-46 42-43 40-41 35-36.
W ORKOUT L ANDSCAPE ™ P ERSPECTIVES Workout Landscapes provide users with four ways to visualize progress through a workout. Users can switch views by pressing the CHANGE VIEW key while in the Workout Progress Screen or by pressing the corresponding illuminated key on the Control Panel.
34 4.4 M AXIMIZING W ORKOUTS ON A L IFE F ITNESS L IFECYCLE E XERCISE B IKE S ELECTING A L EVEL The Life Fitness Lifecycle Exercise Bikes provide a selection of 25 intensity levels (26 levels with optional external power supply) . Each level represents a range of resist ance percentages.
5 S YSTEM O PTIONS M ENU 5.1 U SING THE S YSTEM O PTIONS M ENU Fitness facility managers and other authorized personnel can use the Systems Options feature to change default set- tings, or to enable or disable certain programs or displays on the Inspire LCD console, and to run systems checks.
5.2 C ONFIGURA TION M ENU M ANAGER Allows the manager to set unit defaults, configure workout duration, set st and by , and program custom messages. Choosing Manager accesses Manager ’ s Configuration 1 . The forward button on the bottom right of the screen opens Manager ’ s Configuration 2 .
C REA TE Y OUR O WN (D EF AUL T :E NABLED ) The manager can enable or disable the Create Y our Own workout feature. P ROGRAM T IMEOUT (D EF AUL T : 60 S ECONDS ) Sets the amount of time the user can go without touching the T ouchscreen while setting up their workout, before the console resets back to the Home Screen.
5.3 C ONFIGURA TION S ETTINGS M ANAGER ’ S C ONFIGURA TION 1 SETTING DEF AUL T DESCRIPTION LANGUAGE ENGLISH The language of the Message Area display . Choices include English, German, French, Italian, Japanese, Dutch, Spanish, Portuguese, Korean, Russian, T urkish, T raditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese.
5.4 S PECIFICA TIONS L IFE F ITNESS 97C, 95C, 95R I NSPIRE C ONSOLE S PECIFICA TIONS Console Option: Integrated 7” LCD with T ouch Screen T echnology Resolution: 800x480 Headphone Jack: 300 milliwatt, 3.
40 5.5 W ARRANTY I NFORMA TION W ARRANTY C OVERAGE :I NSPIRE C ONSOLE FOR 97C, 95C, 95R Model 2 Y ears 1 Y ear 97C, 95C, 95R Mechanical and Labor Electrical components *NOTE - Once any commercial product is placed in a private residence (home), it automatically becomes covered under that product category's consumer war- ranty .
Life Fitness World Headquarters 5100 North River Road Schiller Park, IL 60176 USA M051-00K66-A101.
デバイスLife Fitness Exercise Bike Inspire Console 95C Lifecycleの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Life Fitness Exercise Bike Inspire Console 95C Lifecycleをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはLife Fitness Exercise Bike Inspire Console 95C Lifecycleの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Life Fitness Exercise Bike Inspire Console 95C Lifecycleの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Life Fitness Exercise Bike Inspire Console 95C Lifecycleで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Life Fitness Exercise Bike Inspire Console 95C Lifecycleを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はLife Fitness Exercise Bike Inspire Console 95C Lifecycleの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Life Fitness Exercise Bike Inspire Console 95C Lifecycleに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちLife Fitness Exercise Bike Inspire Console 95C Lifecycleデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。