Life FitnessメーカーT5iの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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1 C ORP ORA TE H EA DQ UA RTE RS 10601 W est Belm ont Avenue Frank lin Park , Illinois 6013 1 • U.S.A. 847.288. 3300 • FAX: 84 7.288.3703 800.735. 3867 (Toll-f ree within U.S.A ., Canada) I NT ERNA TIONAL O FFICES LIFE FITNESS ASIA PACIFIC LTD Room 2610, Miramar Towe r 132 Nathan Road Tsimshatsui, Kowloon HO NG K ONG Telephone: (+852) 2891.
2 Before us ing this pro duct, it is essential to r ead this ENTIRE Operat ion Manual and ALL As sembly Instruc tions. The y des cribe equi pment setup and instruct user s on how to us e it correctl y and safel y . Class H (Hom e): Dom estic use. CA UTION: Any changes or m odifications to this equ ipment could void the pr oduct warrant y.
3 T A BLE OF C ONT ENTS Section Description Page 1. Getting Started .....................................................................................................................................5 1.1 Importa nt Safety In structio ns ...........
4 This Operation Manu al describes t he functions of the follo wing products : Life Fitn ess Tr ead mill Models: T3i T5i See "Spec ificatio ns" in this m anual for pr oduct specif ic features. Statem ent of Purpose: T he Treadm ill is an ex ercise m achine that enables users to wa lk or run, in place, on a mo ving surface.
5 1 G ETTING S TA RTED 1.1 I MPOR TANT S AF E TY I NST RUCTIONS Read all i nstructions before using the treadm ill. DA NGER: To r educe the risk of electric al shock, al w ays un plug this Lif e Fitness produc t before cle aning or attempting an y m ainten ance ac ti vit y.
6 • Use the han drails whene ver additi onal stabi lity is requ ired. In case of an emergenc y , s uch as tripp ing, the handrai ls should be gr abbed and t he user shou ld place his/ her feet on th e side platfor ms. • Never w alk or jog back w ards on t he treadmill.
7 1.1 C ONSIGNES DE SÉCURITÉ IMPO RTA N TES Lire toutes les instr uctions a vant d ’ utilis er le tapis r oulant. DA NGER: Pour r é duire l es risques de d é charge é lec trique, toujo urs d é brancher cet apparei l Life Fitness avant le nettoyage ou toute m esure d ’ entretien.
8 • Ne jam ais marcher ou courir en arr i è re sur l e tapi s roulant. • Lorsqu ’ il es t n é cessai re d ’ im mobilise r l ’ appareil, r é gl er l ’ affichage sur SELECT A W ORKOUT ( S é lectionn er un exercic e). (Appuyer de ux fois s ur la touche ST OP s ’ il n ’ y est pas d é j à ).
9 1.2 S ETUP Read the O peration Ma nual befor e setting up the L ife Fitness treadmill. Place the tre admill where it will be us ed before be ginning the s etup procedure . E LECTRICAL P OWER R EQUIREMENTS The Lif e Fitness T readmill is intended for us e on a norm al 120-Volt e lectrical c ircuit in the Un ited States and Canada.
10 H OW T O S T ABILIZE T HE L IF E F ITNESS T READMILL After plac ing the un it where it will be used, c heck its s tability. If th ere is even a slight rock ing motion or the unit is not stable , determ ine which stab ilizing leg is not restin g on the floor.
11 C ENTERING T HE B ELT After the tr eadmill has been insta lled and le veled, the be lt must be c hecked to co nfirm pr oper tracking. F irst, plug the power c ord into a su itable outl et. See the top ic titled Electr ical Requ irements , wh ich appears earlier in this section, f or details.
12 2 T HE D ISPLAY C ONSOLE 2.1 D ISPLAY C ONS OLE O VERVIEW The c o m puterized dis play conso le on the tre admill al lows the user t o tailor a workout to perso nal fitness abilities and goals and to monit or progress. W ith this eas y-to-use cons ole, the user ca n track f itness improvem ent from one workout to the next.
13 E. MY W ORKOUTS: The M y W orkout feature m akes it possibl e to pre-set up to f our workouts with persona l setup inform ation, such as a ge or desire d speed, and then store thes e workouts in th e console m emory. Thes e work outs are accessed wi th the MY W ORKOUTS k ey .
14 3 H EA R T R AT E Z ONE T RA IN I NG ® + E XERCISE 3.1 W HY H EA RT R ATE Z ON E T RA INING E XERCISE ? Research s hows that m aintaining a s pecific heart rate whi le exercising is the optim al way to m onitor the inte nsity of a work out and to achiev e maximum results.
15 3.2 H EA RT R ATE M ON ITOR ING T HE P OLAR ® H EA RT R AT E C HEST S TRAP The Lif e Fitness T readmill is equipped w ith Polar ® telem etry, a heart r ate monitoring system in which electr odes, pressed ag ainst the the skin, transf er heart rate s ignals to the tr eadmill cons ole.
16 4 T HE W ORKOUTS 4.1 W ORKOUT O VERVIEW S The f ollowing work outs are pre-progr amm ed for the L ife Fitness T readmill. GO SY STEM- QUICK ST A RT is the fastest w a y t o begin exerc ising, and it bypasses th e steps in volved in se lecting a specific w o rkout program.
17 4.2 S ETTING U P W ORKOU TS The char t below lists th e steps for s etting up each workout program , except f or those stored un der the MY W ORKOUT key.
18 4.3 W ORKOUT D ESCRIPTIO NS G O S YSTEM -Q UICK S TA RT This is the fastest way to begin ex ercising, and it bypasse s the steps i nvolved in s electing a sp ecific w ork out program . Press one of the GO SYST EM-QUICK ST ART ke y s to begin a MA NUA L work out at a preset s peed: English Units Metric Units W ALK 3.
19 Each co lumn, as seen in the W ORKOUT PROFILE W INDOW and the char t above, repres ents one int erval. The overal l duration of the workout det ermines the length of eac h interval. 1 to 9 minutes: A work out with a durati on of less than 10 minutes is insuff icient for the Hill pr ogram to c o mplete all four phas es adequatel y .
20 Z ONE T RA INING + W ORK OUTS During th e setup for eac h of these work outs, the treadm ill com puter calculates a target hear t rate* based o n age and the wor kout type. T he MESSAGE CENT ER displa y s this target ra te and prom pts the user to accept or chang e it.
21 H i l l H i l l H i l l V a lley V all ey V al ley H EA RT R ATE I NTERVAL TM This program also c ombines the s tandard HIL L workout prof ile with a He art Rate Zone T raining work out.
22 E XTREME H EART R ATE TM This intense, varied workout is d esigned to hel p more exper ienced user s to break through fitness improvem ent plateaus. T he work out alternates bet ween two target heart rates* as quick ly as pos sible. The eff ect is sim ilar to that of runnin g sprints.
23 4.4 M Y W OR KOU T The M y W ork out feature on this tr eadmill m akes it poss ible to pre-set up to four workouts wit h personal setup inform ation, such as a ge or desire d speed, and then store the workouts in th e console m emory. These workouts are acces sed with the MY WORKOU TS key.
24 4.5 S ELECTING AN I NTE NSITY L EVEL The st eps for setting up a HILL or RA ND OM workout inc lude select ing a level . The word “ leve l ” refers to a r ange of incline percentages. T he treadm ill features 20 levels , with Level 1 h aving the l owest average incline gr ade and Level 20 havin g the hig hes t.
25 5 U SER M ENU The USER MENU makes it possible to c hange certai n settings in t he treadm ill software 5.1 E NTERING AND U SING THE U SER M ENU Enter the USER MENU BY us ing one of two procedures: Press the STOP k ey t wice, and the n hold down th e ENTER k ey .
26 5.3 U SER M ENU I TEM S S ETTING D EFAULT R ANGE D ESCRIPTION V ALU E USER ST A T ISTICS Mode di splays accumulated st atistics of up to four different users. Select Us er Use Arrow Keys to select 1 of 4 users. † My W orkout 1-4 MY W ORKOUT X Press Enter to acc ess accumulated st atistics of t he selected us er .
27 6 S ERVICE A ND T ECHNIC A L D AT A 6.1 P REVENTATIVE M A INTEN A NCE T IP S The Lif e Fitness T -Series treadm ill is back ed by the eng ineering exc ellence and r eliabilit y of Life Fitnes s and is one of the m ost rugged and tr ouble-free pi eces of exer cise equipm ent on the m ar ket toda y.
28 6.2 T ROU BLE SHOOT ING T HE H EA RT R ATE C HEST S TR AP H EA RT R ATE R EADING I S E RRATIC O R A BSE N T E NT IRELY • Repeat the e lectrode wetti ng procedure ( see How to Use th e Heart Rate Moni tor Chest Strap) . The electrod es must be wet to pick up and transmit ac curate heart rat e readings.
29 6.3 H OW T O A DJUST A ND T ENSION T HE S T RIDING B ELT O N T HE L IFE F ITNESS T RE A DMILL Do not m ove treadm ill or place hands under tr eadmill while it is plugged into an electric al outlet!.
30 T ENSIONING A N E XISTING S TRIDING B ELT Under norm al usage, the treadmill s triding belt m ay stretch s l ightly. If the belt starts to sl ip during us e, take the steps lis ted belo w to corr ect the tension. 1 Using t he STOP k ey , stop th e treadm ill.
31 6.4 H OW T O O BTA I N P RODUCT S ERVI CE 1. Verif y t he symptom and review the operating instructions. T he problem may be unfam iliarit y with the prod uct and its f eatures and wor kouts. 2. Locate and document th e serial num ber of the unit, which is loc ated on the ser ial number pl ate above the power entr y area .
32 7 S PECIFICATIONS 7.1 L IFE F ITNESS T3i T READMILL S PECIFICA TION S Designed use: Consum er Maxim u m us er weight: 300 pounds / 135 kilo grams Speed ra nge: 0.5 - 10.0 m ph (0,8 – 16 k ph) in 0.1 inc rements Elevatio n range: 0%-15% (in 0. 5% increm ents) Motor: 2.
33 7.2 L IFE F ITNESS T5i T READMILL S PECIFICA TION S Designed use: Consum er Maxim u m us er weight: 400 pounds / 180 kilo grams Speed ra nge: 0.5 - 12.0 m ph (0,8 - 20 k ph) in 0.1 inc rements Elevatio n range: 0%-15% (in 0. 5% increm ents) Motor: 2.
10601 W est Belm ont Avenue Frank lin Park , Illinois 6013 1 • U.S. A. 847.288. 3300 • FAX: 84 7.288.3703 800.735. 3867 (Toll-f ree within U.S.A ., Canada) 7248201 – Rev B.
デバイスLife Fitness T5iの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Life Fitness T5iをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはLife Fitness T5iの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Life Fitness T5iの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Life Fitness T5iで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Life Fitness T5iを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はLife Fitness T5iの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Life Fitness T5iに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちLife Fitness T5iデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。