Lowrance electronicメーカーLRA-1800の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Pub. 988-0161-10B Radar Operation Instruction Manual.
Copyright © 2008 Navi co. All rights reserved. No part of this manual m ay be copi ed, reproduced, republished, trans- mitted or distributed for any pur pose, without prior writt en consent of Navico. Any unauthorized commercial distribution of this man- ual is strictly prohib ited.
i Table of Contents Warnings and Cautions .......................................................... iii Section 1: Introduction............................................................. 1 Software Update ...........................................
ii Log Radar Data ....................................................................... 18 Radar Setup ............................................................................. 22 Radar Orient ation ..............................................
iii Warnings and Cautions Caution: Use this radar at your own risk. This radar was designed for use as a navigation aid. I t should not be used for purposes that require precise measurements of direction, distance, topograph y or location.
iv WARNING: Microwave Radiation Hazard The microwave ener gy radiated by a rad ar antenna is harmful to humans, especially to the eyes. NEVER look directly into an open wavegu ide or into the path of ra- diation from an enclosed antenna. Radar and other ra- dio frequency radiation can upset cardiac pacemakers.
1 Section 1: Introduction Your radar consists of four c omponen ts: the radar scanner unit (antenna), your display unit (sold separately) radar pro cessor and RIM 300 radar in te r fa ce m o du le . This manual covers LRA-1800 and LRA-24 00 radars. WARNING: Radar radiation can be harmful to you and bystande rs.
2 3. Select your dis play unit icon a nd choose D OWNLOADS . Click on the D OWNLOAD button next to the desired software updat e. 4. Follow the onscr een install ation in structions to down load the update onto your MMC/SD card. To update display unit software: 1.
3 Basic Radar Display Components Your unit has three electronic bearing lines and three variable range markers. An enlarged example of EBLs and VRMs is on the next page.
4 VRMs and EBLs allow you to track the distance and bearing of multiple radar targets. VRM1 EBL1 EBL2 EBL3 Heading line (in gre en) PPI (radar screen's 360º overhead view of the area) Bearings, .
5 Section 2: Radar Setup Before you begin radar setup, the radar scanning unit, RIM 3 00 mod- ule, radar processor and display un it all must be installed.
6 To access Radar Pag e: 1. Press PA GES , then use ← → to select the radar tab. 2. Press ↓ to select R ADAR O NLY then press EXIT . Radar only highlighted on Radar Pag es menu (left). Radar menu with Radar Power selected (right). 3. Press MENU , then use ↑ ↓ to select R ADAR P OWER from th e radar menu and press ENT .
7 8. Use ↑ ↓ to highlig ht one of the thre e full color options and p ress ENT . Press EXIT to return to the main page display. Auto Power-On When the Auto Power-on feature is turned on, the radar will start warming up ev ery time the d isplay unit is turned on.
8 We will set them up in that order, but before making any adjustments, make sure the display is set to a ra nge of 0.125 nautical miles and that Gain, Anti-Sea Clutter (S TC), Anti-Rain Clutter (F TC) and Trigger De- lay all have been set to zero p ercent.
9 2. Press → | ↓ to A DJUST T RIGGER D ELA Y and press ENT . That will launch the Adjust Trigger Dela y vertical scrollbar. 3. Press ↓ until Trigger Delay is set to zero p ercent.
10 4. Press ↑ to increase the leve l of Trigger Delay, wh ich will decrease th e size of the ring. If you have a 4 kW radar, as the large ring decreases in size, the smaller ring in t he center of the scre en will disappear, l eaving only one ring. Increase Trigger Delay to diminish t he size of the red ring (left).
11 1. Line up the bow of your vessel with a point of reference, like a penin- sula, lighthouse or other stationary target. 2. Press MENU , highlight R ADAR S ETUP and press ENT . Press → to select A DJUS T H EADING L INE and press ENT . That will place an arrow on each side of the green Head ing Line.
12 Notes.
13 Section 3: Basic Operation Pages The Radar Page has six display option s: Radar Only, Digital Data, Ra- dar with Map, Radar wit h Sonar, Radar with Ga uges and Radar, Map and Sonar. GPS only un its do not support the Radar w ith Sonar page, so they have four display options: Radar Only, D igital Data, Radar with Map and Radar with Gauges.
14 Digital Data page (left) with Ra dar with Map display (right). NOTE: When more than one page display is on the scr een at the sa me time, press PA GE S | PA GES t o s w i t c h t h e A c t i v e s t a t u s b e t w e e n windows. The tit le bar at the top of the wi ndow will be blue when the window is active.
15 Radar, Map and Sonar page display . Radar, Map and Sonar The Radar, Map and Sonar pag e is broken up into thre e windows, al- lowing you to monitor the radar, map and sonar simultaneously. Radar Menu When a radar page is the active pa ge, you can access the radar menu by pressing MENU .
16 NOTE: When adjusting Gain bac k to a useable l evel, increase th e level un- til you see a light pepperi ng of echoes on the displ ay. Also reme m- ber, you will have to adjust g ain every time yo u change ranges. To adjust Gain: 1. Press PA GES , select th e Radar tab and press ENT .
17 WARNING: Increasing FTC may reduce or eliminate we ak echoes, like those from small vess els. Use only the minimum amount needed, then check back periodica lly to see if the FTC level may be decre ased. Anti-Rain Clutter vertical scrollbar (left) with Interference Rejection scrollbar (right).
18 To adjust radar range: 1. Press MENU , select R ADAR R ANG E and press ENT . 2. Use ↑ ↓ to select the desired range and press ENT . NOTE: When switching radar ranges, you li k e l y w i l l n e e d t o a d j u s t G a i n , STC and FTC settings to achiev e optimum perfor mance.
19 GlobalMap 8300cHD an d GlobalMap 9300cHD) the Log Ra dar Data feature will b e availa ble on the Rada r menu, allowing you to sa ve radar logs. Saving a radar log allows you t o reuse the lo g in the unit's simula- tor. If your unit does not have a hard drive you will not see the Log Radar Data command on your Radar menu.
20 Browse Files selected from the Radar Chart Logging menu (left). Browse Files menu (right). To copy data file s: 1. Press MENU , select L OG R AD AR D ATA and press ENT . Select B ROWSE F ILES and press ENT . 2. Select the desired file and press ENT .
21 2. Select the desired file from the Browse Files menu and press ENT . 3. Highlight D ELETE from the Fil e Information win dow and press ENT . 4. A confirmation message will a ppear. Press ← to Y ES and press ENT . To stop or play a data file: 1. Press MENU , select L OG R AD AR D ATA and press ENT .
22 Radar Setup The Radar Setup menu allows you to set up and adjust basic radar set- tings, like Heading Line, Trigger Delay and Tune , all of which are ad - dressed in the section on Rad ar Setup. You can als o modify Radar Ori- entation, Ra dar Color Schem e and Antenna P ark from the Radar Setup menu.
23 Selecting Adjust Antenna Park will pl ace a dialog box in the up per right-hand corner of the screen. Use Arrow keys to adjust it. NOTE: There is no recom mended set ting for Ant enna Park. Use the trial and error method when adj usting antenna park.
24 Radar Power Turns the radar on and off. To turn the radar on or off: 1. Press MENU , select R ADAR P OWER and press ENT . 2. A confirmation messag e will appear. Select Y ES and press EXIT . Radar Simulator Your unit has a simulator that allows you to get familiar with rada r operation bef ore heading out on the w ater.
25 Radar Overlay The Radar Ov erlay feat ure allows you to overlay ra dar data on an y map page as long as you have a valid GPS position and a NMEA 2000 heading sensor or com patible NMEA 0 183 heading sensor. NOTE: You will need to purch ase a SIMRAD heading sens or for the Radar Overlay feature to w ork properly.
26 2. Highlight R ADAR O PTIONS and press ENT to access the Radar Options menu. To use the features on the Ra dar Options menu, refer the Radar Menu instructions covered earlier in this section.
27 Section 4: Advanced Operation Radar Only page display. Reading the Display The radar page displays digital info rmation on the screen which covers, Range Rings, Gain, An ti-Sea Clutter (STC), Anti-Rain Clu tter (FTC) and when active, Elec tronic Bearing Lines (EBL) and Variable Range Markers (VRM).
28 Anti-Sea Clutter (STC) The STC percentage displays the curre nt Anti-Sea Clutter s etting on your radar screen. Anti-Rain Clutter (FTC) The FTC per centage displays the current Ant i-Rain Clutter s etting on your radar screen.
29 The Radar Cursor boxes are show in white in the top, left-han d corner. The Radar Cursor is aligned with a target in the bottom-right portion of the screen 3. Press ENT to launch the EBL/VRM menu. Use ↑ ↓ t o s e l e c t t h e d e - sired EBL and VRM and press ENT twice.
30 The Variable Range (VRM) shows the target is 0.219 nautical miles away. The Electronic Bearing Line (EBL) displays the target's bearing as 099.9ºR . To reposition an EBL/VRM: 1. Press ENT to launch the EBL/VRM menu. Select the EBL/VRM you would like to change and press ENT .
31 This is a zoomed in view from the previous im age, clearly showing the radar target, Variable Range Mark er and Electronic Bearing Line. To remove an EBL/VRM from the display: 1. Press ENT to call up the EBL/VRM menu. Se lect the EBL/VRM you want to remove and press ENT .
32 When using multiple EBL/VRMs, the size of the dashes and the dis- tance between dashes allows you to distinguish between the different EBL/VRMs on the di splay.
33 Appendix I: Glossary Anti-Rain Clutter (FTC) : used to r educe or elim inate massive num - ber of small echoes that clutt er the display during r ain or snow storms . Anti-Sea Clutter (STC) : lowers rece iver sensitivi ty at shorter rang es to reduce or eliminate s ea clutter ec hoes, which are m ost preval ent around the vessel.
34 North Up : a stabilized d isplay mode in which Nort h is at the top of th e radar display. This display mode requires a heading sensor. Offset EBL : an e lectronic bearin g line originating fr om a locat ion other than the PPI sweep origi n. Open Array Antenna : a radar ant enna which has an external rotat - ing scanner.
35 Notes.
36 Notes.
37 Notes.
38 FCC Compliance This device complies with Part 15 and Part 80 of the U. S. Fed- eral Communications Commission (FCC) Rules. Operation is subject to the following two cond itions: (1) this device may.
39 NAVICO FULL ONE- YEAR WARRAN TY "We," "our," or "us" refers to NAVICO, the ma nufacturer of this product. "You" or "y our" refers to the first person who purchases this product as a consumer item for personal, family or house hold use.
40 How to Obtain Service… …in the USA: We back your in vestment in qua lity products with quick, ex pert servic e a n d g e n u i n e L o w r a n c e p a r t s . I f y o u ' r e i n t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s a n d y o u have technical, return or repair questions, please contact the Factory Customer Service De partment.
Accessory Ordering Information for all countries To order Lowrance accessories fo r your unit, please contact: 1) Your local marin e dealer or consumer electronics store. Most qualit y dealers that handle mar ine electron ic equipment or other consumer electronics shou ld be able to assist you with th ese items.
Visit our web site: Lowrance Pub. 988-0161- 10B © Copyright 2008 All Rights Reserved Printed in USA 090808 Navico.
デバイスLowrance electronic LRA-1800の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Lowrance electronic LRA-1800をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはLowrance electronic LRA-1800の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Lowrance electronic LRA-1800の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Lowrance electronic LRA-1800で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Lowrance electronic LRA-1800を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はLowrance electronic LRA-1800の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Lowrance electronic LRA-1800に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちLowrance electronic LRA-1800デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。