MakerBotメーカーReplicator Z18の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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1 WELC OME 04 Leg al 05 Saf ety and C ompliance 07 About the Mak erBot R eplicat or Z18 10 2 GETTING S T ARTED 14 A cc essory Checklist 15 Unpacking the Mak erBot R eplicat or Z18 16 Se tting up the M.
W elc ome. L et ’ s get started. 6 TROUBLE SHOOTING 53 Printing P robl ems 54 L eveling the Buil d Pl ate 57 Updating Firm ware 59 Emptying the Fil ament W aste Bin 59 7 REFERENCE 60 Specifica tion.
WEL C OME. W el come t o the User Manual f or the Mak erBot ® R eplic at or ® Z18 3D Print er . With the Mak erBot R eplic at or Z18 y ou can print high-r esol ution, industrial -qualit y prot ot ypes bigg er than ev er , but it also r equire s car e and att ention, so pl ea se be sure t o r ead this manual all the w a y throu gh.
5 LEG AL The MakerBot ® R eplicat or ® Z18 3D Print er is co vered b y a limite d warrant y . For t erms and conditions, s ee makerbot. com/l egal. All informa tion in this user manual (“Manual ”) is subject to chang e at any time without notice and is pr ovided f or conv enience purpose s only .
6 LEG AL MakerBot does not w arrant the ac cur acy or compl et eness of the informa tion, product s, or services pr ovided b y or through this Manual and assumes no a ssume no responsibility for an y .
WEL COME. 7 S AFETY AND C OMPLIANCE Radio and T ele vision Interferenc e This equipment has been t este d and found t o compl y with the limits for a Cl ass B digital devic e, pursuant t o P art 15 of the Federal C ommunications C ommission (FCC) rul es.
WEL COME. 8 S AFETY AND C OMPLIANCE Safet y alert s ymbols prec ede ea ch safe ty messag e in this manual. These symbol s indicat e potential sa fet y hazards that c oul d harm you or others or c ause product or pr operty damage . W arning: The MakerBot R eplica tor Z18 g enerat es high temper atures.
WEL COME. 9 Caution: The sock et outl et must be l ocat ed near the machine and must be easil y ac cessibl e. Caution: In c ase of emergenc y disconnect the Mak erBot R eplicat or Z18 from the socke t outle t. Caution: The Mak erBot R eplicat or Z18 melts pl astic during printing.
WEL COME. 10 ABOUT THE MAKERBOT REPLIC A TOR Z18 The MakerBot R eplica tor Z18 mak es solid, thre e-dimensional objects out of mel ted MakerBotPLA Fil ament. First, use MakerBot Desk top t o transl at e 3D design files int o instructions f or theMakerBot R eplica tor Z18.
WEL COME. 11 ABOUT THE MAKERBOT REPLIC A TOR Z18 1 MAKERBOT REPLIC A TOR DIA GRAMS 4. C ontrol panel 5. Filament dr aw er 1. Buil d plat e 2. Filament w ast e bin 3.
WEL COME. 12 ABOUT THE MAKERBOT REPLIC A TOR Z18 2 1 MAKERBOT REPLIC A TOR DIA GRAMS 3 4 3. USB port 1. P ow er switch 2. P ow er input port 4. E thernet port.
WEL COME. 13 ABOUT THE MAKERBOT REPLIC A TOR Z18 2 1 MAKERBOT REPLIC A TOR DIA GRAMS 4 4. Bell o ws 1. Gantry 2. Extruder c arriage 3. Filament g uide tube 3.
GETTING S T AR TED When y ou set up y our Mak erBot ® R eplic at or ® Z18 3D print er , r emember that it w as buil t and pack ag ed v ery c arefull y at the Mak erBot fa ct ory . W e hope you’ll t ak e your time and be jus t as car eful unpacking it and g e tting it se t up.
GETTING ST AR TED 16 2 REMOVE P A CKA GING MA TERIALS UNP ACKING THE MAKERBOT REPLIC A TOR Z18 Cut the str aps holding the Mak erBot R eplicat or Z18 box in pl ace and li o the cardboar d lid and slee ve. R emove the t ape and foam hol ding the door and filament dr aw er of the MakerBot R eplicat or Z18 open.
GETTING ST AR TED 17 3 REMOVE A C CESS ORIES UNP ACKING THE MAKERBOT REPLIC A TOR Z18 T ake the acc essory and fil ament box es out of the MakerBot R eplica tor Z18 and set them aside. 4 T AKE THE MAKERBOT REPLIC A TOR Z18 OFF OF THE P ALLET Li the MakerBot R eplica tor Z18 o of the palle t and plac e it on a stabl e surfac e.
GETTING ST AR TED 18 5 ADJUS T LEVELING FEET UNP ACKING THE MAKERBOT REPLIC A TOR Z18 If the MakerBot R eplica tor Z18 sho ws any tendency t o wobbl e, s tabilize it using the adjustabl e le veling f eet.
GETTING ST AR TED 19 UNP ACKING THE MAKERBOT REPLIC A TOR Z18 6 REMOVE LID Use a tool t o unlock the lid of the Mak erBot R eplicat or Z18. Pull the lid o and se t it aside.
GETTING ST AR TED 20 7 REMOVE G ANTR Y CLIPS UNP ACKING THE MAKERBOT REPLIC A TOR Z18 R emove the or ange pl astic clips fr om the top c ompartment of the MakerBot R eplicat or Z18.
GETTING ST AR TED 21 SETTING UP THE MAKERBOT REPLIC A T OR Z18 Loc ate and un wrap the Smart Ex truder and press it ag ainst the back of the ex truder carriag e, with the c onnector pins f acing the front of the Mak erBot Replic ator Z18 . Magnets will lock the S mart Extruder int o plac e.
GETTING ST AR TED 22 SETTING UP THE MAKERBOT REPLIC A T OR Z18 3 ROUTE FILAMENT 3a. Deta ch the free end of the filament fr om the spool and insert it into the hol e at the back l e corner of the fil ament dra wer . 3b. C ontinue to f eed the fil ament by hand int o the slot a t the side of the filament dr aw er .
GETTING ST AR TED 23 4a. The buil d plat e on the MakerBot R eplicat or Z18 has tw o parts: a remov able plas tic top pl ate , and a flat, sturdy aluminum ba se. T urn the la tches on the front of the buil d plat form and slide the top pl ate f orwar d to rel ea se it.
GETTING ST AR TED 24 SETTING UP THE MAKERBOT REPLIC A T OR Z18 5a. Mak e sure the pow er swit ch is in the O position. 5b. L oca te the po wer c ord and plug it into the po wer input port at the ba ck of the MakerBot R eplica tor Z18. 5c. Plug the po wer c ord int o an ele ctrical outl et.
S T AR TUP The first time y ou turn on y our Mak erBot ® R eplic at or ® Z18 3D Print er , it will run a setup assis tant that will introduc e y ou t o the c ontrol panel and w alk y ou throu gh ev erything y ou need t o do t o start y our fir st print.
ST AR TUP 26 THE MAKERBOT REPLIC A T OR Z18 CONTR OL P ANEL The MakerBot R eplica tor Z18 is oper ate d by means of a c ontrol panel at the l ow er right of the 3D printer . The control panel incl udes a col or L CD scr een, a rotary / push dial, and tw o butt ons.
ST AR TUP 27 Y our MakerBot Replic ator Z18 us es 1. 75 mm diameter PLA fil ament to cr eat e 3D printed objects. Onc e your spool of Mak erBot PLA Fil ament is loade d into the filament dr aw er an.
ST AR TUP 28 FIRS T STEP S Once y ou’ve l oaded fil ament into y our Smart Extruder , you’re r eady t o print something. The L CD panel will displa y the tes t prints we’v e loa ded onto y our MakerBot R eplica tor Z18 f or you.
ST AR TUP 29 FIRS T STEP S CONNE CT TO Y OUR C OMPUTER There are f our wa ys t o mov e files fr om your c omputer t o your Mak erBot Replic ator Z18: Wi-Fi, Etherne t, USB cabl e and USB driv e. Bef ore y ou proc eed, set up y our comput er to connec t using one of these methods.
MAKERBO T DE SK T OP Mak erBot ® Desk top is a fr ee app f or prep aring 3D prints and managing y our 3D c ont ent. Whe ther y ou print direc tl y t o the Mak erBot R eplic at or ® Z18 3D Print er via USB c abl e, Wi-Fi or Etherne t, or y ou e xport y our print fil es t o a USB driv e , Mak erBot Desk t op is where all y our prints will begin.
MAKERBO T DESKT OP 31 DOWNL O ADING AND INS T ALLING MAKERBOT DE SKT OP 1. Open a bro wser session and g o to mak erbot.c om/ desk top. Click the Downl oad butt on. 2. Sel ect y our opera ting syst em from the dr opdown menu on the do wnload pa ck and click Downl oad .
MAKERBO T DESKT OP 32 5. Sel ect ho w you will c onnect y our MakerBot R eplica tor Z18 t o your c omputer . If you will print only via U SB drive, click Skip . Y ou will be asked t o choose a MakerBot 3D P rinter . Choose Replica tor Z18 . Y ou can connect t o your Mak erBot R eplicat or via USB cabl e, Etherne t or Wi-Fi at any time .
MAKERBO T DESKT OP 33 PRINTING FROM MAKERBO T DESK TOP HOW IT WORK S MakerBot Desk top c onsists of f our sections: Expl ore, Library , Prepare and S tor e. Explor e gives y ou acc ess to Thingiv erse and the hundre ds of thousands of free 3D printabl e objects designed b y the Thingivers e community .
MAKERBO T DESKT OP 34 PRINTING FROM MAKERBO T DESK TOP FINDING A 3D MODEL Ev ery 3D print starts with a 3D model. If y ou design a 3D model your self , export it from y our 3D modeling application in S TL or OBJ f ormat. If y ou don’t ha ve a 3D model, do wnl oad one from Thingiv erse, either thr ough the websit e at Thingiver se.
MAKERBO T DESKT OP 35 PREP ARING TO PRINT Y ou should now see y our model or models at the c enter of a gr ay r ectangl e. This is Mak erBot Deskt op’ s representa tion of your 3D print er ’s buil d pla te. Let’ s tak e a look a t the other fe atures visibl e in the Pr epare view .
MAKERBO T DESKT OP 36 4. M ove • • Click the Move butt on or press the M k ey to g o into Mo ve mode . • • In Mov e mode, click and dr ag with your mouse t o mov e your model around on the • build pl at e.
MAKERBO T DESKT OP 37 9 . A dd File • • Click Add Fil e to open an Open Fil e dial og. • • Navig ate t o the loc ation of any S TL, OB J, or Thing fil e and sele ct the fil e to add a • model to the buil d pla te. • • Y ou can add as many models t o the plat e as will fit.
MAKERBO T DESKT OP 38 PRINT SETTINGS PRINTING FROM MAKERBO T DESK TOP 1 5 4 6 2 3 If you w ant to chang e any settings be fore printing, click Settings . This is where you c an specify options that will a ect the qualit y of your printe d object, lik e print resol ution and object str ength.
MAKERBO T DESKT OP 39 PRINT SETTINGS PRINTING TO THE MAKERBOT REPLIC A TOR Z18 PRINTING FROM MAKERBO T DESK TOP When you ar e ready t o print, click Print t o slice the model using the curr ent settings and send a .makerbot print fil e to y our Mak erBot Replic ator Z18 .
MAKERBO T DESKT OP 40 USING THE C AMERA A fee d of images from the onboar d camer a is alw ay s avail abl e when you’re c onnect ed to y our MakerBot R eplica tor Z18 via Wi-Fi or E thernet. T o view the f eed, click the menu ic on at the right side of the status bar t o open the monitor panel.
THE C ONTR OL P ANEL The c ontrol panel on the Mak erBot ® R eplic at or ® Z18 3D Print er all o w s y ou t o inter a ct with y our 3D print er . Y ou can use it t o initia t e prints, edit se ttings, and ac c ess inf ormation. This chapter de scribes the di erent things y ou c an do with the contr ol panel.
THE CONTR OL P ANEL 42 HOME SCREEN 1. Print: Initiat e a print st ored on a USB driv e or internal st orag e, or s ynced from y our MakerBot a ccount. 2. Filament: Load fil ament into or unl oad filament fr om the MakerBot R eplic ator Smart E xtruder .
THE CONTR OL P ANEL 43 PRINT T urn the dial to scroll thr ough the list of av ailabl e loc ations. P ush the dial to sel ect the loc ation of the fil e you want t o print. Sel ect USB Sto rage to print a fil e stor ed on a USB drive ins erted int o the USB port.
THE CONTR OL P ANEL 44 2 ST ART PRINT • • If you sel ect a fil e from the USB driv e or internal s tor age, the c ontrol panel will • displa y the file scr een. • • If you sel ect some thing from your Mak erBot Cl oud Library , you will see a list of all • the la youts a ssociated with the fil e.
THE CONTR OL P ANEL 45 PRINT 4 3 2 1 4. P rint Menu. Pr ess the contr ol panel’ s Menu butt on to open the Print menu. The Print menu c ontains the foll owing options: • • Pause. Sel ect this option t o tempor arily pa use your print. Y ou can also • pause by pr essing the contr ol panel dial.
THE CONTR OL P ANEL 46 3 PRINT COMPLETE If you ar e printing a file from Thingiv erse, you will be prompt ed t o share a photo . Phot os shared t o Thingiverse will appe ar on the Thing page in the I Made one! se ction.
THE CONTR OL P ANEL 47 Sel ect the Filament icon to l oad or unl oad fil ament. T o load filament: 1. Use the dial t o selec t Load fil ament. 2. Unl ock and remov e the lid of the MakerBot R eplicat or Z18. 3. W ait for the Smart Ex truder to he at.
THE CONTR OL P ANEL 48 FILAMENT T o change filament spools: 1. Unl oad filament. 2. Open the filament dr aw er and rota te the spool c ountercl ockwise t o wind the filament b y hand around the spool. Caution: Be c areful to k eep the spool tightl y wound as y ou pull the filament fre e of the guide tube.
THE CONTR OL P ANEL 49 UTILITIES Use the Utilities menu to ac ce ss plat e le veling, diagnos tics and other tools. Level Buil d Plat e Sel ect t o begin the assiste d le veling proc ess. For best r esults when l ev eling, mak e sure filament is unl oaded and the e xtruder nozzl e is cl ean, and wipe any pl astic debris o of the build pl at e.
THE CONTR OL P ANEL 50 UTILITIES Additional options ar e avail abl e under Sy st em T ools . Home Position Sel ect t o mov e the build pl atf orm and ex truder assembl y to their home positions. The build plat form will mo ve all the w ay do wn and the ex truder carriage will mo ve t o the front l e corner of the Mak erBot R eplicat or Z18.
THE CONTR OL P ANEL 51 SETTINGS Use the Set tings menu to edit net work and sharing set tings and to pers onalize your MakerBot R eplica tor Z18. Netw ork Settings • • Netw ork Info . Sel ect f or informa tion about your net work c onnection. MakerBot A cc ount • • Unlink Ac count.
THE CONTR OL P ANEL 52 INFO Use the Info menu t o view your 3D print er’s history and sta tistics. Firmware View the v ersion number of the firmw are currentl y install ed on y our MakerBot R eplica tor Z18. Statis tics Sel ect t o view printing statistic s, including t otal print time and the amount of spac e avail abl e in internal st orag e.
TR OUBLE SHOO TING As y ou g et t o kno w y our Mak erBot ® R eplic at or ® Z18 3D Print er , you ma y run int o issues with di er ent parts of the printing pr oce ss. Here is a handy g uide t o some simpl e-t o-fix probl ems. For help with issues not c o ver ed in this chapt er , go t o mak erbot.
TROUBLE SHOO TING 54 PROBLEM SOLUTION Can’t l oad fil ament into the MakerBot R eplica tor Smart Extruder . T ry unloa ding and loading ag ain. Hol d the Smart Extruder in pl ace and try pushing the fil ament through. P ush hard; as l ong as y ou are holding the Smart Extruder in pl ac e, pushing on the fil ament will not damage it.
TROUBLE SHOO TING 55 PRINTING PROBLEMS PROBLEM SOLUTION Object peels o the buil d pl ate during printing. Make sur e that thebuil dplat e tape is cl ean and securel y applied t o the build pl at e. If prints continue t o peel o the pla te, your pla te ma y no long er be l evel.
TROUBLE SHOO TING 56 PROBLEM SOLUTION The Smart Extruder is ins talled, but the MakerBot R eplica tor Z18 does not rec ognize it. R emove the S mart Extruder and run the e xtruder atta chment script by g oing to Utilities > S ys tem T ools > A ttach Smart Ex truder .
TROUBLE SHOO TING 57 LEVELING THE BUILD PLA TE The build pl at e on your Mak erBot Replic at or Z18 is lev el ed at the Mak erBot Fac tory and lock ed int o plac e, but o ver time it might shi slightl y . If you observe tha t your prints are consist entl y peeling o of the build pl at e, you ma y need t o le vel the pl ate ag ain.
TROUBLE SHOO TING 58 LEVELING THE BUILD PLA TE 4. Foll o w the directions on the c ontrol panel. The Makerbot R eplica tor Z18 will mo ve the Smart Extruder t o dier ent positions on the build pl at e. A t each point it will prompt you t o adjust one of the l eveling knobs and prompt y ou again when the pla te is in the corr ect position.
TROUBLE SHOO TING 59 UPD A TING FIRMW ARE Firmwar e is the soware tha t runs on your Mak erBot Replic ator Z18 . K eeping y our firmwar e up to dat e will help ensure that y our Mak erBot Replic ator Z18 is in the be st possible w orking order .
REFERENCE 61 SPECIFIC A TIONS PRINTING Print T echnol ogy: Fused deposition modeling Build V olume: 30.5 L X 30.5 W X 45. 7 H cm[12.0 L X 12.0 W X 18. 0 H in] Lay er R esolution: 100 microns [0. 0039 in] Filament: 1.75 mm [ 0. 069 in] Mak erBot PLA Filament Nozzl e Diameter: 0.
REFERENCE 62 GLOSSARY BA CK BUTTON: The butt on at the top right corner of the c ontrol panel ’s L CD screen. The back butt on will oen allo w you t o return t o a previous scr een or canc el an action. BUILD PLA TE: The pla te on which y our MakerBot R eplica tor Z18 prints an objec t.
REFERENCE 63 GLOSSARY FIRMW ARE: The sowar e that runs on your MakerBot R eplica tor Z18. GANTR Y : The apparatus that all ow s the ex truder assembl y to mov e around. HEA TED CHAMBER: The interior chamber of the MakerBot R eplica tor Z18. The chamber is heat ed during the printing proc ess.
REFERENCE 64 GLOSSARY PROFILE: The se ttings used t o slice y our 3D model and crea te a print fil e. Mak erBot Deskt op Sowar e comes with pr eset profil es for L ow , Standar d and High resol ution prints. RAFT : A pla stic base print ed on the build plat e and used as a printing surf ace f or your printed objec t.
REFERENCE 65 HOW T O USE MAKERBOT S UPPORT At Mak erBot, w e take pride in o ering expert, responsive , friendl y customer support t o cust omers around the w orld. When y ou call us or open a c ase on mak support, there are a f ew things y ou can do ahea d of time to help us help y ou.
REFERENCE 66 C ONT A CT Support makerbot. com/ support Our websit e has ex tensiv e documentation and troubl eshooting informa tion about your Mak erBot R eplicat or Z18. It’ s a great r esourc e when you w ant to try t o solv e issues quickl y on your o wn.
MakerBot One Metr oT ech C enter , 21st Fl oor , Br ooklyn, NY support@mak erbot.c om makerbot. com.
デバイスMakerBot Replicator Z18の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
MakerBot Replicator Z18をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはMakerBot Replicator Z18の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。MakerBot Replicator Z18の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。MakerBot Replicator Z18で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
MakerBot Replicator Z18を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はMakerBot Replicator Z18の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、MakerBot Replicator Z18に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちMakerBot Replicator Z18デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。