ArcamメーカーFMJ AVR600の使用説明書/サービス説明書
ページ先へ移動 of 68
A VR600 HANDBOOK A VR surround amplier .
E-2 saf ety guidelines Impor tan t safety instructions is p rod uct is designed and man ufa ctur ed to meet strict quality and safety stan dards. H ow ever , you sho u ld be aware o f the following installation a nd operation precaut ions .
Fr ançais F-1 c ons igne s de séc uri té Instructions de sécurité impor tantes Cet ap pareil a été c onçu et fa briqué co nformém ent a ux normes de qualit é et de s écurité les plus strictes. V ous devez cependant observer les précau tions qui suiven t lors de son ins t allation et de son utilisatio n.
E-3 English we lco m e an k you and co ngra tulat ions for pu rchas ing you r Ar cam FMJ A VR600 R ecei ver . A rcam h as been prod ucing spe cialist a udio p roducts o f rema rka ble q uality f or over th ree decad es and the n e w A VR600 Recei ver is the lat est in a lon g line o f awar d w in ning H i-Fi.
E-4 e A VR600 receiver is designed to produce a level of perfo rmance tha t will truly brin g music and movies to life . e A VR600 is a high-quali ty and hi gh-perfo rmance hom e-cinema p rocessor and am plier bu ilt to Ar cam ’ s quali ty design an d manu facturing s tandard s.
E-5 English Placing the unit < Place the unit on a level, rm surface, a voiding direct sunlight and sour ces of heat or dam p. < Do not place the A VR600 o n top o f a power amp lier or other source of hea t.
E-6 Dolby V olume Man ufac tured under license from Dol by Labora tories. Dolb y and the doub le-D sym b ol are trademarks o f D olby Labora tories. Dolby T rue HD , Digital, Digital Plus, PL IIx Man ufac tured under license from Dol by Laboratories. Dolb y , Pro Logic, and the double-D symbol ar e trademarks of Dolby Laboratories.
E-7 English NO TE Ple ase r ead th e ‘P lacin g the un it ’ , ‘P owe r’ a nd ‘In terconnect cables ’ sections on page 5 befor e connecting up yo ur A VR600 integrated am plier! V oltage.
E-8 au dio /video connections Befor e connectin g your A VR600 t o your so urce com ponen ts an d speakers, please r ead thro ugh the next f ew pages whic h will expla in all the in put a nd out put co nne ctivity that is a vailable.
E-9 English Zone 3 connectors Z3 OUT Connect th ese analogue audio ou tpu ts to y our Zo ne 3 equi pment . See ‘M ulti-room S etu p ’ on pag e 48 for info rmation. Zone 2 connectors Z2 AUDIO OUT , Z2 VIDEO OUT Connect th ese analogue audio and video o utpu ts to yo ur Zone 2 equipm ent.
E-10 .
E-11 English.
E-12 .
E-13 English .
E-14 radio connectors .
E-15 English FM Connecting an aerial A sui table FM a erial must be connected to the A VR600 before FM radio can be received. I n strong signal a reas , the FM ribbon aerial sup plied can be used wi t h rea s ona ble res ults.
E-16 ot her connectors Data connectors rLead/rDock For u s e with an Arcam rLead or rDock accessory . See page 13 and the acc essory docume nta tion fo r details. RS232 serial connector U se with c on trol device s having an RS 232 serial port (f or exam ple, Cres tron a nd AMX tou ch screen con troller s).
E-17 English T rigger connectors e trigger connectors ( TRIG Z1 , TRI G Z2 and TRIG Z3 ) pr ovide an electrical signal wh enever the A VR600 i s switched o n and the relevan t zone enabled.
E-18 sp e a ke r s e A VR600 a llows you t o connect up to seven speakers and three active subwoo fers in th e main sys tem. e ou tpu t chann els corr espond t o speake rs installed in the fron t le, centre, fron t r ight, surro und le, surround right, surroun d back le, surround back righ t and an active subw o ofer .
E-19 English Fr ont left and right P osition yo ur f ron t le and right speakers to achiev e a good ste reo i mage for no rmal musi cal rep roduction as well a s for the mul tichann el modes.
E-20 Operating y our A VR600 Fo r inform ation di splay w e recom mend you use the OSD (On-Scr een Dis play) o n your d isplay device wheneve r possible .
E-21 English Using Z one 2 and 3 Zone 2 provi des the op tion fo r the occupan ts of the master bedroom, con s ervatory , kitchen, etc. to view or listen to a dier ent source at a di erent vol ume le vel from the main zo ne (Z one 1).
E-22 Remote co ntrol receiver . is is positio ned behind the display windo w , above the MENU bu tton on the fron t p anel. Ens ure the receiv er is in a clear line of sigh t fro m the rem ote con trol f or opera tion. I f this is not p ossib le, use a sepa rate sen sor conn ected to the Z1 IR inpu t on the rear panel.
E-23 English Inser ting batteries int o the remote c ontrol 1. Open the battery com partment by p ressing the but ton on the back o f the handset. 2. I nsert four ‘ AAA ’ batteries int o t he battery compa r tment – two facing the to p of the unit, and two facing the end , as in t he diagram.
E-24 e CR102 remain s in t he last selected Device Mode so it is not necessary to pres s a D evice Mode key before every command key if all you are do ing is playing or skipp ing tracks on a CD, f or example. Navigation k eys e N aviga tion keys steer the cursor i n Setup men us or o n-screen m enus.
E-25 English Con trolling other devices Method 1 (Direct code setup) is section describes t he simples t (pref erred) way to pr ogram the CR 102’ s Device M ode keys to con trol th e non-Ar cam devices in your system.
E-26 AMP Device Mode e A Device M ode bu tto n congur es the CR10 2 to con trol the A VR600. Pr essing th is b utton does not a ect the currently selected inp ut on the A VR600.
E-27 English DVD Devic e M ode e d Device M ode bu tto n congur es the CR10 2 to contr ol the DVD functions of Arca m DVD players, altho ugh this can be cha nged (see pa ge 25). P res sing th is but ton also selects DVD as the A VR600 source.
E-28 SA T Device Mode e z Device M ode bu tto n congur es the CR10 2 to con t rol the functions o f a s atelli te receiver . Y ou will need to congur e this Device M ode to wo rk with y our equipm ent. Pr essing this butto n a lso selects S AT as the A VR600 s ource.
E-29 English VCR Device Mode e w Device M ode bu tto n congur es the CR10 2 to co ntro l the fun ctions o f a video rec order o r similar device. Y ou will need t o congur e this Device M ode to wor k with yo ur equip ment. Pr essin g this bu tton al so selects VCR as the A VR600 source.
E-30 CD Device Mode e c Device M ode bu tto n congur es the CR10 2 to co ntro l the C D functio ns of A rcam CD p layers , although this can be chang e d (see page 25). Pressing this but ton also selects CD as the A VR600 source. P T og gles power between standby a nd on.
E-31 English.
E-32 Befor e you use yo ur A VR600 i t is essen tial that y ou enter som e informa t ion int o t he Setup men us about you r speaker co nguratio n. is allo ws the A VR600 to process an y surround sound digital sour ce to exac tly matc h your system and give yo u the ultimate surround sound experience.
E-33 English au to spea k er se tup ere is a p rop r ietary automa tic loudspeaker setup functio n buil t int o yo ur A VR600. e Arcam Au to Speaker Setup function at tempts to set all the essential speaker s ettin gs for all the s peakers in yo ur system .
E-34 set up men us e Setu p menu s allow y ou t o congur e all aspects of your A VR600. e next few pages will go through the me nu ite ms a nd explai n their functio n.
E-35 English Input Config . e a udio and video setting s on this pa ge of the Setu p menu can be tailor ed specica lly a nd indepen dentl y to the curren tly selected i nput . When a dier ent inpu t is s elected on the In put line, all the in put-s p ecic set tings fo r that in put are displa yed below it.
E-36 Sub Stereo – If Le/Right+S ub or Sat+Sub is selected in Ster eo Mode abov e, this s etting adj usts the level of the subw oofer when the source is two c hannel stereo .
E-37 English loud) volum e exc eeds this value . It is sto red i n memo r y and recalled each time the unit is power ed up. Audio In iPod – I f you ha ve an iPod connected to the A VR600 usin g an Arc am rDoc k or rLead, th is co ntrol allows you to set which a udio input is used.
E-38 V ideo Inputs Setting s to op tionall y assign a video so urce to ea ch o f the no rmally a udio-o nly inp uts. ese settings are st ored in memory and recalled each time the unit is power ed up.
E-39 English Out 1 & 2 Resolution – is se ttin g con trols the out put r es olutio n when both HDMI out puts are used sim ultaneou sly . is settin g is only valid if Ou tpu t Switc hing is set to Output 1 & 2. < e dropdown list s hows all the resolu tions that the A VR600 video p rocessor can out put.
E-40 Introduction Y our A VR600 recei ver pr ovides all the key decodin g and pr o cessing modes for a na logue and digital signals, including the la test high denition audio fo rmats over HDMI. Modes for digital sources Digital recordin gs are usually encoded to include info rmation about th eir forma t type.
E-41 English High resolution a udi o sources Dolby T r ue-HD Pro vides up to 7.1 full channel at 96kHz, 24b it resolution, wi t h potentially no losses in the comp ression process. Da t a rates can be u p to 18Mbps. Dolby Digital Pl us Pro vides up to 7.
E-42 Dol by v olum e Dolb y V olum e is a sop histica ted new techn ology that r esolves the p rob lem of dier ent v olume lev els between p rogramm e cont ent (e.g. a TV show and advert br ea ks) and between sources (e.g. a roc k radio sta tion an d DV D, o r between tw o TV stations).
E-43 English.
E-44 tu ner operation e A VR600 is tted wi th an in ternal AM/F M tun er . Depending on your loca t ion, it ma y als o be tted with a D AB tuner (Euro pe) or Siri us sat ellit e radio co nnection (Americas). Sirius req uires the purchase of the ‘ Siriu sC onn ect™ H ome T uner’ kit a nd Siriu s subscrip tion – please visit www.
E-45 English is displa yed and a udio is muted. If y ou have an y queries about yo ur subscription, please contact Sirius. Operation In a ddition t o the cha nnel and pr eset selection, previous ly mentio ned, you can also cycle through the sta tion cat egories (Roc k, Po p, Coun tr y , etc.
E-46 netw ork / usb operation e A VR600 is tted wi th a netwo rk aud io clien t which is capa ble of p laying i nternet radio sta tion s as well a s stor ed music on a netw ork sto rage devic e such as a PC, or from a US B ash drive. Fo r inform ation o n installin g the A VR600 on y our network, see page 16.
E-47 English ex te rnal amplie rs Analogue pre-amplifier outputs All pr e-amp lier anal ogue out puts a re bu ered, ha ve a lo w outp ut im p edance and ar e at lin e level. e y ar e able to drive lo ng cables or several inpu ts in p arallel if requ ire d.
E-48 Zone 2 and 3 con trol outputs e A VR600 a lso allows remot e control from Zon es 2 and 3. Z2 IR and Z3 IR is allo ws the A VR600 t o be con trolled r emotel y from Zo ne 2 or Zone 3 via Infra-red r emote con trol. Connect a rem ote IR recei ver in Zon e 2 or Zon e 3 to allow contr ol of the A VR600 from these liste ning/viewing area s.
E-49 English .
E-50 Code L earning e CR1 02 comes w ith a compl ete li brary of pr eprogra mmed codes. A er you h ave set u p the CR102 for your device, you ma y nd that there are o ne or mor e functions on yo ur original remote which do not ha ve a place on the CR102 keypad.
E-51 English Exampl e: T o deas sign t he Macr o associa ted with the h key 1. Pr ess and hold S until the power LED blinks twice: * * . 2. Pr ess 9 9 5 .
E-52 Mode Mover If yo ur home entertainment set up con tains devices of the same type (e.g. two TVs, p erhaps fro m dierent man ufactur ers) y ou can s till contr ol both th ose devices with the CR102. Y ou simp ly need to reassign an unuse d Device M ode key .
E-53 English De vic e cod es e tab les that begin on pag e 58 (in the nal sectio n of this Han db ook) list the four -gure codes f or di eren t manufact urers’ devices. U se these w hen setting your CR102 u p to co ntr ol you r devices, as describe d in Method 1 (see page 25).
E-54 trouble - shooting Problem Check that... ere are no lights o n the unit < the pow er cord is p lugged in to the A VR600 a nd the mai ns sock et it is plugged in to is switched on. < the power butt on is pressed in. If a red LED is p resent, the A VR600 is in standb y mode.
E-55 English Problem Check that... Sound only comes from some of the speakers < you hav e an ap propriat e surround source selected and pla y ing. < the DVD disc is encoded in the appr opriate fo r mat, an d the correct forma t has been selected in the disc star t menu o f t he DVD pla yer (if applicable).
E-56 Continuous power out put (20Hz—20kHz at 0.05% THD), per channel 2 channels driv en 150W All channels driven 120W THD at full rated pow er <0.
E-57 English pro du c t guarantee W orldwide Guarantee is en titles y ou to ha ve the un it repa ired free o f char ge, during the rst two year s aer pur chase, a t any autho rised Arca m dis tribu tor pr ovided th at it wa s originally purch ased from an au thorised Ar cam dealer o r distrib utor .
58 TV 888 0294 A.R. Systems 0067 038 2 0586 0404 0485 Accen t 0039 006 7 0586 Acous t ic Research 1299 Acura 0039 Adcom 0655 Addison 0683 0138 ADL 1247 Admiral 0123 01 93 0448 0294 Adve nt 0906 Ady so.
59 Innov a 0067 Innova tion 0067 0586 Innowe rt 0895 1328 inotech 0803 0850 Interactiv e 0067 058 6 0542 0357 019 3 0400 0139 Interb uy 0039 0067 0294 0542 0586 Interfunk 0067 0193 05 86 0542 035 7 04.
60 T V (cont.) RFT 0400 029 4 0067 0586 0516 Rh aps od y 0246 Ricoh 0067 0586 Rinex 0803 0448 Roads tar 0039 1067 0294 0448 006 7 0586 0744 069 8 1219 Rodex 0067 0586 Rove r 0907 Rowa 0067 0294 0728 0.
61 VCR Accen t 0102 Admiral 0078 Adven tura 0030 Ady so n 0102 Aiko 0308 Aim 0308 0672 0378 Aiwa 0030 0378 0382 0067 077 2 1167 0062 Akai 0067 0136 0345 0672 038 2 0270 0378 Akashi 0102 Akiba 0102 Aku.
62 Ta n d y 0062 Te a c 0423 T echnics 0333 0059 Thorens 0187 Thule A udio 0187 T raxdata 0656 U niversum 0187 Vi c t o r 0102 Wa r d s 0187 Y amaha 0066 0520 0062 Zond a 0187 TUNER AEG 1420 AFK 1419 .
63 Bush 0743 07 25 0863 1725 076 0 0861 0747 080 8 0546 0848 075 3 1195 1466 144 9 1513 1170 C-T ech 0798 1182 Cambridge A udio 1139 0781 Camp om ati c Digital 1081 C AT 0819 Celestial 0702 cello 1760.
64 S AT @s at 1330 @Sky 1364 ABsat 1353 0743 ADB 0672 0917 128 9 1397 150 3 1521 Adcom 0230 Akai 0230 Alba 0743 1314 Al ls at 0230 1047 Allsonic 0399 Alltech 0743 Allvision 1262 Alpha 0230 Amitronica .
65 Smart 1303 0162 0 329 1143 126 2 0743 1443 Soniq 1597 So ny 0877 1588 0312 0883 SR 0162 Star Sat 0162 Starland 0743 Strea m 1878 Strong 0155 1397 1439 1656 039 9 0909 0883 118 9 1330 1503 1314 Sunn.
デバイスArcam FMJ AVR600の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Arcam FMJ AVR600をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはArcam FMJ AVR600の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Arcam FMJ AVR600の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Arcam FMJ AVR600で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Arcam FMJ AVR600を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はArcam FMJ AVR600の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Arcam FMJ AVR600に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちArcam FMJ AVR600デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。