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McIntosh Laboratory , Inc. 2 Chambers Street Binghamton, New Y ork 13903-2699 Phone: 607-723-3512 www MVP881BR Au dio Vid eo Pl a y er Owner ’ s Manual.
2 The lightning ash with arrowhead, within an equilateral triangle, is intended to alert the user to the presence of uninsulated “dangerous voltage” within the product’s en - closure that may be of sufcient magnitude to constitute a risk of electric shock to persons.
3 17. The mains plug of the power supply cord shall remain readily operable. 18. Do not expose batteries to excessive heat such as sunshine, re or the like. 19. Connect mains power supply cord only to a mains socket outlet with a protective earthing connection.
4 T radema rk and License Information T radema rk and License Information The McIntosh MV P88 1 BR incor por ates copy r ight protect ion technolo g y th at is protected by U .
5 T able of Contents Thank Y ou Y ou r decision to o w n t his McIntosh MV P88 1 BR Audio V ideo P lay er r an ks you at the v er y top among disc r im i nat i ng musi c list ener s.
6 General Infor mation 1 . F or add itional con nection in for mation, refer to the owner’ s ma nual( s ) for any component( s ) conne cted to the M V P88 1 BR A udio Vi deo Play e r .
7 X LR Connectors Bel ow is the Pin con f i g u r ation fo r t he XLR Bala nced Out put Con nect ors on the M V P88 1 BR. Re fer to the diag r am for conne ction: P I N 1 : Shield/Grou nd P I N 2: + O.
8 M V P88 1B R also has C omponent V ideo, S- Vi deo a nd Composite V ideo Out puts for a var iety of applica t ions. • Ad vanced Video Circuit r y The M V P88 1 BR uses the HQ V Realta P rocessor f rom Silicon Opti x for video deinterlacing, proce ssing and scali ng.
9 Dimensions The fo llowing d imen sions can assist i n deter mi n- ing t he best location f or yo u r M V P88 1 BR. There is add itional in form ation on the next page per t ai n ing to in st alli ng t he MV P8 8 1B R i nto cabinet s. 17- 1/2 " 44.
10 Installation Installation The M V P88 1 BR can be placed upr ight on a table or she lf, st a ndi ng on its fo u r feet. It also can be custom in st alled i n a pi ece of f u r n it u re or cabinet of y ou r cho ice. The fo u r feet may be remo ved f rom the bot- tom o f t he M V P88 1B R when it is custom in sta lled as outlined b el ow .
11 Rear P anel Connector s Con ne ct t he M V P88 1B R power cord to a l ive A C outlet. Refer to in for mat ion on t he back pa nel of your M V P88 1BR to deter mi ne the cor rec t vo lta ge for y ou.
12 Making Connections Making Connections The M V P88 1 BR has the abilit y to be re motel y switched On /O f f f rom a Mc I ntosh Prea mplif ier or A / V Cont rol Center v ia the P ow er Cont rol connec - tion.
13 Notes.
14 Remote Control P ush- But tons Note : Pu sh- bu tto ns wh ose f unc tio n is not i de nt if ie d above a re for use w ith othe r McIntosh Com pone nt s Use to Clear the last programmed track Use to.
15 How to use the Remote Control How to use the Remote Control The Remote Control is capabl e of perfor mi ng both basic Oper ati ng Funct ions and Set up O ptions for the M V P88 1B R Audio V ideo Disc Pl ayer .
16 Sta ndby Po wer On Ind icator IR Se ns or receives com ma nd s f rom a Remote Cont rol Disc T r ay open s to load a nd u nloa d a di sc Front P anel In for m ation Disp lay ST A N DB Y /O N P ush -.
17 Indicates when the two digits below are displaying the T rack or Chapter Number Indicates when the disc con- tains multiple viewing angles Indicates the type of media loaded; BD, SD Card, CD, DVD, .
18 Y ou r Mc I ntosh M V P88 1B R has be en fact or y con f i g- u red for de fault operat i ng set ti ngs th at wil l allow y ou to i m med iatel y enjo y super b video a nd high f ide lit y audio f rom a D V D - Vi deo. I t also reproduce s D V D - Audio , SA C Ds and CDs w ith u npa ral le led sonic pu- r ity .
19 3 . Pres s the R ight Di rect ional Pu sh-butt on fo l- lo wed by m ultiple presses o f t he Down D ire c- tional P ush-but ton u ntil t he BD Data Utilit y Menu item appea rs at t he top of the menu in a rect a ng u- lar box. Re fer to f ig u re 5 .
20 BD DA TA UTILITY Do not perform this operation when an SD card containing MP3 or JPEG data is inserted. ► Initialize SD Card No Ye s Initialize SD Card Please Wait... Fi g u r e 12 1 0. Press t he SE LECT Pu sh-but ton to begi n I n itial- iz ing t he card.
21 Default Settings MENU SELECTION SETTING ADJUST MENT SETTING PAG E La ng u ag e Set u p A HDMI Dia log Or igi n a l 22 Subt itle Off 22 Dis c Men us Engli sh 22 GU I La ng u a ge Engli sh 22 H DMI S et u p A HDMI Auto For m at Ma x Res .
22 MAIN MENU SUB MENU SELECTION OPTION(S) DESCRIPTION La ng u ag e Set u p A HDMI Dia log ● Original Original, English, French, Spanish, German, Japanese, Italian, Swedish, Dutch, Russian, Chinese, .
23 Setup Mode, con’t MAIN MENU SUB MENU SELECTION OPTION(S) DESCRIPTION H DMI S et u p A HDMI SA-CD Audio Out ● On Off On, the MVP881BR converts the SACD Disc native DSD (Direct Stream Digital) signal to multichannel or 2CH PCM via the HDMI Output.
24 1 The 7.1 ch Audio Out Menu Selection will be “grayed out” until the HMDI Setup, Audio Setup, Menu Selection is set to “Mute”. MAIN MENU SUB MENU SELECTION OPTION(S) DESCRIPTION Audio Setup A HDMI Focus Position Distance between the Loudspeakers and the Microphone Focus Position Figure 13 7.
25 MAIN MENU SUB MENU SELECTION OPTION(S) DESCRIPTION Audio Setup A HDMI Subwoofer Mode ● LFE LFE+Main LFE setting allows the low frequency signal from the channels with Speaker Conguration set to Small to be sent to the Subwoofer .
26 MAIN MENU SUB MENU SELECTION OPTION(S) DESCRIPTION Ratings A HDMI Password Change Enter a new password The default password is 0000 BD Rating Level ● No Limit Level 0 thru Level 254 No Limit, setting allows anyone to view the Blu-ray Disc. Level 0 thru Level 254, settings allow parents to restrict the viewing of Blu-ray on the basis of age.
27 Setup Mode, con’t MAIN MENU SUB MENU SELECTION OPTION(S) DESCRIPTION Other Setup A HDMI Auto Power Mode ● Off On Off, the MVP881BR will stay on until switched Of f. On, will automatically switch power Off about 30 minutes after disc playback has ended, a disc is not loaded or when disc playback is stopped.
28 How to Operate the MVP881BR Y ou r Mc I ntosh M V P88 1B R has be en con f ig u red fo r default operat ing set t i ngs that w ill al lo w yo u to im me diately enj oy superb video a nd high f ide lit y audio f rom a wide var iety of discs.
29 Note: Whe n a Blu-ra y, D V D Video or Aud io Di sc is f ir st star te d, th e Di sc ’ s On- Scre en Men u will us ually ap pea r allowing for the choic e of selec - tio ns a nd va rio u s Audio/ Video Playbac k Param- ete rs.
30 How to Operate the MVP881BR, con’t 7 ti mes nor m al spee d. T o ret u r n to nor m al pla yback press t he (Pla y ) P u sh-butt on. Stop Mode Pre ss the < ( Stop ) Pu sh-but ton once to stop d isc pla y - back, k nown a s Resu me Stop .
31 How to Operate the MVP881BR, con’t N U M ER IC Pu sh-butt on( s ) to ente r the desi red T r ack N u m b e r. Note: The de sired di sc T ra ck s ma y als o be selec ted b y using th e On- Scr een Ico n. P res s the SEA RCH Push- b ut ton on th e Remote Co nt rol an d then N U - MER IC Push - but ton s.
32 How to Operate the MVP881BR, con’t Note : It is pos sible to ente r a Prog ram u sing just the Front Panel Alphanu me ric D ispla y ; h oweve r the On - Sc ree n Icon Dis play allows vie wing of the whole prog ram at on e tim e. 2. U sing the Numer ic Push-button s enter t he desired T ra ck Se lection f or the f ir st Progr am Ste p .
33 How to Operate the MVP881BR, con’t MP 3/W MA Audio Playb ack The M V P88 1 BR will d ispla y t he F older Str uct u re and T r ack s f rom a CD Disc with M P3 for mat to ma ke the song sel ect ion process ea sier . T o pla y a M P3 disc per for m the fo llowing ste ps : 1 .
34 H DMI Set t i ngs The H DMI MOD E allo ws match ing t he requi re ments o f a w ide var iety of Digital Audio and V ideo Com- ponents con nect ed to t he M V P88 1 B R. T he H DMI MO DE Push-but ton sw itches bet ween the var ious HDMI set ti ngs. Re fer to the char t belo w a lon g w ith f ig u res 50 and 5 1 .
35 The re are four tee n dif ferent video a djustment possibl e fo r ea ch o f the f iv e memor y locations. Re fer to t he f ol- lo wi ng char t fo r ad ditional i nfor mat ion : Video Adjustment Des.
36 Figu re 57 Figu re 56 Figu re 55 Figu re 54 4. T o exit the Second a r y Video (PIP ) Mode Se lection press t he MO DE Push-but ton. Au d io Set t i ngs The BD F or m at allo ws for a new o ptional feat u re not previousl y availabl e on D V D dis cs, k nown as P ict u re- in-Pict u re.
37 On ma ny discs t he sound t r ack is availab le in sev er al d if ferent ty pes ( e. g. Dol by T r ue HD, Do lby Digital 5 . 1 , etc. ). The M V P88 1B R allow s selection f rom the availab le t y pe s while the d isc is pla y ing. T o chn age the sound t r ack t y pe p er form t he fo llowing: 1 .
38 P u r p o s e: T o Update t he M V P88 1B R F i r mware. Re q u i re m e nt s: 1 . A f u nct ioning M V P88 1 BR A udio/ Video P layer . 2. A n Ether net Connec tion bet ween the M V P88 1 BR ETH E.
39 Fi g u r e 84 OTHER SETUP Firmware Update Set other items. a ▲ ▼ HDMI ► Check for Update Start CHECK FOR UPDA TE The firmware is use is the most recent version. Result Update Firmware Not available Firmware is up to date. Return Fi g u r e 86 CHECK FOR UPDA TE Please Wait.
40 CHECK FOR UPDA TE Result Update Firmware Not available Firmware is up to date. Return Firmware Update Execute update. Do not turn power off until update is finished.
41 Notes.
42 N umber of Channels 2 and 7 . 1 Output Lev el 4. 0V r m s Balanced (2 c ha n nel Out put ) 2.0 V r ms Unbalanced ( 2 chan ne l O ut put and 7 . 1 Ch an nels ) Output Impedance 600 oh ms Bala nced (2 c ha n nel Out put ) 600 oh ms Unbalanced (2 c ha n nel Out put and 5 .
43 Packing Instructions Packing Instructions In t he event i t is necessa r y to repa ck the equipment for shipment, the equ ipment must be packed exactly as sho w n belo w . It is v er y impor ta nt that t he fo u r plas- tic feet are at t ached to t he bot tom o f t he equipment.
The continuous improvement of its products is the policy of McIntosh Laboratory Incorporated who reserve the right to improve design without notice. Printed in the U.S.A. McIntosh Laboratory , Inc. 2 Chambers Street Binghamton, NY 13903 www .mcintoshlabs.
デバイスMcIntosh MVP881の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
McIntosh MVP881をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはMcIntosh MVP881の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。McIntosh MVP881の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。McIntosh MVP881で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
McIntosh MVP881を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はMcIntosh MVP881の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、McIntosh MVP881に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちMcIntosh MVP881デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。