Mitsubishi ElectronicsメーカーA171SHの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Positionin g Control T raining Manu al.
Cautions on Safety Make sure to read the manuals and pay care ful attention to safety when designing a system. In practice, pay attention to the following conte nts and handle any products o r demonstration units c orrect ly . Cautions on practice DANGER • Never touch any terminal while the power is supplied.
i Positioning Control Manual numbe r : JY9 92D899 01 Manual revisio n : A D a te : July 2 000 Positioni ng Control.
Positioni ng Control ii.
F AX BAC K Mitsubis hi has a wor ld wide rep utation fo r its eff orts in co ntinuall y developing an d pushing back the fron tiers of indus trial a utomatio n. What is somet imes overlooked by t he user is t he care and attention to detail that i s taken with the documentation.
Positioni ng Control iv.
Positioni ng Control v Introduction This manual de scribes basi c operation for those who l earn positioni ng control for the fi rst time, the ai m being so tha t they c an get tr aining usi ng demonst ration uni ts of Mit subishi F A equipment.
Positioni ng Control vi.
Positioni ng Control Contents vii 1. The World of Positioning Control ............ .................................... ........... 1-1 1.1 W elco me to th e new world ! ...... ...... ....... ...... ....... ....... ...... ....... ......... ...... ....
Positioni ng Control Contents viii.
1 The World of Positio ning Control 2 Posi tion ing by AC Se rv o Syst em 3 Compo nents of Position ing Control and Their Ro les 4 Advanced Positioning 5 Actual Positioning 6 Prod uct Line up A Append.
The World of Posit ioning Control 1 1-1 1. The World of Po sitioning Con trol 1.1 W elcome to the new world! The positioning controller , together with the p rogrammable co ntroller , persona l computer and operator i nterface, i s one of the four main unit s of F A (factory automation).
Positioni ng Control The World of Posit ioning Control 1 1-2 1.2 Diversif ied actuators • A power source which moves an element in a system is called actuator . A unit which detects a posit ion of a work piece or moving part is called se nsor . • Diversi fied actuator s and sensors, from simple ones to enhanced ones, are used in positi oning.
Positioni ng Control The World of Posit ioning Control 1 1-3 Stepping motor • Positio ning mec hanism is simple. • If load is heav y , motor may step out and displac em ent ca n occur . • Motor ca pacity is smal l. • Preci sion is poo r at high sp eed.
Positioni ng Control The World of Posit ioning Control 1 1-4 1.3 Positioning method type 1) There are three ty pes of positioning method *1 The stop preci sion shows a value in a cas e where low speed is 10 to 100 mm/s.
Positioni ng Control The World of Posit ioning Control 1 1-5 2) Position ing metho d and stop precisi o n < Limit switch method > - When automat ically stopping a moving part driven by a moto r , stop the moto r by a position signal, de tected by a limit switch (in general conditions, t urn on the brake at the same time).
Positioni ng Control The World of Posit ioning Control 1 1-6 < Pulse count method > - When a pulse encoder i s attac hed t o a moving par t, and the mot or speed i s c ontrol led by a number ste.
1 The W orld of Posi tion ing Contr ol 2 Positioning by AC Servo Syst em 3 Compo nents of Position ing Control and Their Ro les 4 Advanced Positioning 5 Actual Positioning 6 Prod uct Line up A Appendi.
Positioning by AC Servo System 2 2-1 2. Positioning by AC Servo System 2.1 When an AC servo system is introduced • Position ing can be performed by many d i versi fied methods. Recent ly , AC servo methods which of f er m any advant ages are often introduced.
Positioni ng Control Positioning by AC Servo System 2 2-2 In the latest A C servo systems, conv entional weak points have been improved as foll o ws. - Though the latest sy stems are complete ly digit.
Positioni ng Control Positioning by AC Servo System 2 2-3 2.2 Examples of AC servo syste ms • Position i ng indi cat es the operation to move an element, such as a workpiece or tool (drill or cutter) from a certain position (point) to another target position (point) and stop it with high eff iciency and high precision.
Positioni ng Control Positioning by AC Servo System 2 2-4 Index table The positi on of the circ ular table i s indexed. The index position is set on th e outside (dig ital swit ch) or the insid e (prog ram). Shortcu t drive is pe rformed dep ending on the inde x positio n.
1 The W orld of Posi tion ing Contr ol 2 Posi tioning by AC S e rvo Sys t em 3 Components of Positioning Control and Their Roles 4 Advanced Positioning 5 Actual Positioning 6 Prod uct Line up A Append.
Components of Positioning Cont rol and Their Roles 3 3-1 3. Componen ts of Positioning Contro l and Their Roles Positi onin g control requir es a numb er of compo nents such as a positioning controller , s ervo ampli fier , serv o motor and d rive mech anism.
Positioni ng Control Components of Positioning Cont rol and Their Roles 3 3-2 Posit ioning command control Deviati on counter Smoothi ng circuit Inve rter PWM (puls e width modulation) c ontrol Curren.
Positioni ng Control Components of Positioning Cont rol and Their Roles 3 3-3 PLG SM Servo motor When required Elec tromag netic brak e Cooling fan In the cas e of large motor Moving elem ent Ball scr.
Positioni ng Control Components of Positioning Cont rol and Their Roles 3 3-4 3.1 Positioning controller As the pos itioning con troller gives position command s to the serv o amplifier , positioning programs sh ould be created, and param eters defined.
Positioni ng Control Components of Positioning Cont rol and Their Roles 3 3-5 3.1.3 Setti ng the acceleration/decel eration time • When the start command is given, accelerati on, operation at constant speed and deceleratio n are performed for po sitioning.
Positioni ng Control Components of Positioning Cont rol and Their Roles 3 3-6 3.1.5 Zero p oint return funct ion • There are two types of servo motor encoders, incr emental type (puls e count method) and absolute type (absolute pos ition det ection met hod).
Positioni ng Control Components of Positioning Cont rol and Their Roles 3 3-7 3.2 Servo ampli fier and servo motor The servo a mplif ier co ntrols th e movement quan tity and t he speed i n accor dance with commands given by the positioning controller .
Positioni ng Control Components of Positioning Cont rol and Their Roles 3 3-8 3.2.4 Regen erative brake function • During decel eration, because the servo motor rotates by the load iner tia of the d rive mechanism, it funct i ons as a generator and elect ric power returns to the servo amplif ier .
Positioni ng Control Components of Positioning Cont rol and Their Roles 3 3-9 3.3 Drive mech anism The drive mechanis m converts the rotation moti on of the servo motor int o the reciprocat ing or vertic al motion through a speed reducer , timing bel t, ball screw , etc.
Positioni ng Control Components of Positioning Cont rol and Their Roles 3 3-1 0 2) Examples of calculation equat ions a) Movement quanti ty per r otation of motor ( mm/rev) b) Number of r otations of motor ( rev/min.) (The maximum number of rot ations is r ealized during quick feed.
Positioni ng Control Components of Positioning Cont rol and Their Roles 3 3-11 3.3.2 Set ti ng the target position In posi tioning contr ol, the target positi on can be se t by the foll owing tw o methods. (Av ailable command unit s are "mm", "inch", " degree" or "puls e".
Positioni ng Control Components of Positioning Cont rol and Their Roles 3 3-1 2.
1 The W orld of Posi tion ing Contr ol 2 Posi tioning by AC S e rvo Sys t em 3 Compo nents of Position ing Control and Their Ro les 4 Advanced Positioning 5 Actual Positioning 6 Prod uct Line up A App.
Advanced Positionin g 4 4-1 4. Advanced Positioning 4.1 Interpolation control The interpolation functi on contro ls two or more axes al ternately or simultaneously .
Positioni ng Control Advanced Positionin g 4 4-2 X axis < Circular interpolat ion when an auxiliary point is specif ied > End point Start point Y axis Auxiliary line X axis < Circular interpo.
Positioni ng Control Advanced Positionin g 4 4-3 4.2 Other controls In some models, contr ols in accordance with diversi f ied special needs such as speed control, position f ollow-up co ntrol and th ree-dime nsional interp olation con trol shown below are availabl e.
Positioni ng Control Advanced Positionin g 4 4-4 X axis Start point 1000 mm/min 5000 mm/min 300 mm/min Y axis End point Speed changeover point Speed change in X axis Speed Time X axis Start point Y ax.
Positioni ng Control Advanced Positionin g 4 4-5 X axis Start point Y axis Original end point Change point Changed end point Speed change in X axis Speed Time X axis Start point Y axis End point Z axi.
Positioni ng Control Advanced Positionin g 4 4-6.
1 The W orld of Posi tion ing Contr ol 2 Posi tioning by AC S e rvo Sys t em 3 Compo nents of Position ing Control and Their Ro les 4 Advanced Positioning 5 Actual Positioning 6 Prod uct Line up A App.
Actual Positioning 5 5-1 5. Actual Positioning T erms requi red for positioning contro l have been explained in the first three secti ons. In thi s sectio n, le t’s exper ience ac tual po sition ing cont rol bas ed on the knowledg e you have learned so far .
Positioni ng Control Actual Positioning 5 5-2 5.2 Operation of the demonstrat ion equipment Source the requir ed demonstr ation equipment, and setup as in section 5.1. If a plott e r is being used refer to th e operations manual for the partic ular unit and setup accordingl y .
Positioni ng Control Actual Positioning 5 5-3 5.2.1 Pr ogram example The program below demonstrates basic positioning using the FX 2N -20GM. As this program is designed to be used wi thout a mechanical plot ter , the electrical zero point is used fo r refe rence.
Positioni ng Control Actual Positioning 5 5-4 5.2.2 W riting the program Using FX-PCS-VPSWin-E, re-create the flow cha rt program shown in sec tion 5.2.1. If assistance is required in the operation of the software, please refer to the Software manual JY992D86801.
Positioni ng Control Actual Positioning 5 5-5 5.2.3 Parameter s In additi on to the preparation of a positioning program, div ersified parameters should be set in the FX 2N -20GM. In this ex ample, only a few parameters ne ed be set. If a plotting table is used, the parameter s should be set in acc ordance with its mechanism.
Positioni ng Control Actual Positioning 5 5-6 As we will not be con necting any mechanic al hardware to the FX2N- 20GM, the limit switch and DOG switch sett ings do not r equire sett ing. W e do how ever need to reduc e the Creep speed and the Ze ro return spe ed.
Positioni ng Control Actual Positioning 5 5-7 5.2.4 Operati on Now that your program has been wri tten, check the communica tion cables between the FX 2N - 20GM and PC, then download your program to the FX 2N -20GM. Make sure that the GM unit is in ‘MANU’ mode before download, or it will be impossible t o communicat e.
Positioni ng Control Actual Positioning 5 5-8 The next s tep, it to switch t he FX 2N -20GM to ‘AUT O’ mode, so that the program can be executed. Fina lly , on the Monitor sc r e en clic k on eith er the X or Y axis start butt ons. It does no t matte r which one, as both will start the progr am.
1 The W orld of Posi tion ing Contr ol 2 Posi tioning by AC S e rvo Sys t em 3 Compo nents of Position ing Control and Their Ro les 4 Advanced Positioning 5 Actual Positioning 6 Product Line up A Appe.
Product Line u p 6 6-1 6. Product Lin e up We are of fering diversified position controllers, servo amplifiers and se rvo motors. Y ou can select desi red units in accor dance with your system and appli cat ion. For the derail s, refer to the catal og of each product.
Positioni ng Control Product Line u p 6 6-2 Model name/ unit name Positioning language Outline Motion controller A171SH A172SH A173SH Languag e dedicat ed to servo system [4-, 32 -axis independe nt co.
Positioni ng Control Product Line u p 6 6-3 1) When and which position contro ller? In ad dition to th e PLC serie s, take into accoun t the fo llowing con tents to det ermine t he positi on controller t o be used. a) Determine t he position controller to be used i n accordance with t he number of control led axes (motor s).
Positioni ng Control Product Line u p 6 6-4 b) Determine the positi on controller to be used in accord ance with the output pulse frequency . However , the pulse frequency actual ly used inside the servo amplifier can be incr eased by electronic gear ing.
Positioni ng Control Product Line u p 6 6-5 6.2 Servo ampli fier 1) Outline of serve amplifier models Model name Outline MR-J2-Jr Series • DC 24V • Size is extremel y small, an d capaci ty is smal l. • Applicabl e to 10 to 3 0 w . • Used f or semico nductor m anufacturi ng unit and small ro bots.
Positioni ng Control Product Line u p 6 6-6 2) When and which servo amplifier? In addition to the series, take into account the following contents to determine the servo amplifie r to be used. a) Determine the servo amplifi er to be used in a ccordance with t he rated out put of the ser vo motor .
Positioni ng Control Product Line u p 6 6-7 6.3 Servo mot o r Serv o motors are classi fied i nto ser ies in accor dance wi th th e applicat ion, the ou tside dimensions and the motor inertia moment. In each series, models of different output capacity are lined up.
Positioni ng Control Product Line u p 6 6-8 *3 The model name "HC- S" is compatible with the servo ampli fier MR-J2S. HC-RF (16384P /rev) HC-RFS (131072P /rev) 3000 1kW to 5k W Low iner tia and me dium capaci ty (compatible with speed reduce r).
1 The W orld of Posi tion ing Contr ol 2 Posi tioning by AC S e rvo Sys t em 3 Compo nents of Position ing Control and Their Ro les 4 Advanced Positioning 5 Actual Positioning 6 Prod uct Line up A App.
A-1 Appendix A: A-1: T entative Selection of Motor Capacity T emporarily select the moto r capacity at first whil e taki ng into account the followi ng two poi nts, and determine the model. • The rated torque of the motor should be larger t han the ef fective torque.
Positioni ng Control A-2 A-1-1: Motor effective torque When the motor ef fective torque obt ained by the calculation below does not exceed the rated torq ue (100%) of th e servo motor speci fications, it is suit able. If t he obtai ned ef fective torque exce eds 100%, in crease th e motor capacit y and perfor m the calculat ion again.
Positioni ng Control A-3 2) The torque dur ing constant speed is the torque requir ed to move the load at t he constant speed. 3) The torque during decelerat ion is the tor que requi red for deceleration and stop.
Positioni ng Control A-4 5) Machine load torq ue (TL) The rotat i on force requi red to move or cut an obj ect is cal led load torque. Duri ng oper ati on at co nsta nt spee d, the moto r is outp utti ng the torque bala ncing thi s load torq ue.
Under no circu m stances will Mitsu bishi Electric be liabl e or responsibl e for any consequenti al damage that may arise as a result of th e installati on, use and/or programming of the pr oducts associated wit h this manual.
デバイスMitsubishi Electronics A171SHの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Mitsubishi Electronics A171SHをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはMitsubishi Electronics A171SHの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Mitsubishi Electronics A171SHの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Mitsubishi Electronics A171SHで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Mitsubishi Electronics A171SHを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はMitsubishi Electronics A171SHの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Mitsubishi Electronics A171SHに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちMitsubishi Electronics A171SHデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。