Mitsubishi ElectronicsメーカーFR-A700の使用説明書/サービス説明書
ページ先へ移動 of 523
A-1 Thank you for choosing this Mitsubishi Inverter . 1. Electric Sh ock Preventio n 2. Fire Pr eventio n 3. Injury Prev ention 4. Addit ional Inst ructions Also the fol low ing po int s must be not ed to pr even t an acc iden tal fail ure, inju ry , electric shock, etc.
A-2 (2) Wiring • Do not install a power factor correction capacitor , surge suppressor or radio noise filter on the inverter output side. These devices on the inverter output side m ay be ov erheated or burn out. • The connection orientation of the output cables U, V , W to t he motor affect s the rotation direction of t he motor .
I CONTENTS 1 OUTLIN E 1 1.1 Product che cking and parts identific ation ........... ......... .............. .............. ........ 2 1.2 Inverter and peripheral devic es ............... .............. .............. ......... .............. ........
II 2.5.7 Connection of power reg eneratio n converte r (MT-RC) ................. ............. ............. ............. .... 4 9 2.5.8 Connection of the p ower fact or impr oving DC r eactor (FR -HEL) .................... ............. ........... 49 3 PRECAUTIONS FOR USE OF THE INVERTER 51 3.
III CONTENTS 4.4.8 Notch filter (Pr. 862, Pr . 863) ........... ............. ............. ................... ............. ............. ........ ..... 118 4.5 Torque control by Real sensorle ss vector c ontrol, vector c ontrol ............ 119 4.5.
IV 4.11.3 Input co mpensati on of multi -speed and remo te setting (Pr. 28) ... ................... ............. ........ 169 4.11.4 Remote s etting func tion (Pr. 59) ............ ............. ............. ............. ................... .......
V CONTENTS 4.16.1 Speed displ ay and s peed setti ng (Pr. 37, Pr. 1 44, Pr. 5 05, Pr. 81 1) ................. ............. ...... 25 1 4.16.2 DU/PU, FM, AM termi nal monit or display selectio n (Pr. 52, Pr . 54, Pr. 158, Pr. 170, Pr. 171, Pr. 26 8, Pr.
VI 4.23 Selection of operation mode and opera tion location ............ .............. ........ 313 4.23.1 Operation m ode se lection (Pr. 79) ......... ............. ............. ................... ............. ............. ........ 31 3 4.23.2 Operation m ode at p ower ON (Pr.
VII CONTENTS 4.30 Check and cl ear of the faults hist ory .......... .............. .......... .............. ............ 399 5 PROT EC TIVE FU NCT ION S 401 5.1 Reset me thod of protective function . .............. .............. ......... .........
VIII 6.2.5 Measurement of i nverter input po wer factor ....... ............. ................... ............. ............. ......... 43 8 6.2.6 Measurement of c onverter outp ut voltag e (across te rminals P /+ - N/-) .................. ...........
1 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 1 OUTLINE This chapter descri bes the basic "OUTLINE" for use of this product. Always read the i nstructions befor e using t he equipment. 1.1 Product checkin g and p arts identi fication ... ..... ....... . 2 1.2 Inver ter and peri phera l devices .
2 Product checki ng and par ts iden tifica tion 1.1 Product ch ecki ng and par ts identificat ion Unpack the inverter and check the cap acity plate on the front cover and the rating plate on the in verter side face to ensure that the product agrees with your order and the inverter is int act.
3 Inverter and peripher al devices 1 OUTLINE 1.2 In ve r ter and peri pheral de vices CAUT ION · Do not install a pow er factor correction capacitor , surge suppressor or radio noise filter on the inverter output side. This wi ll cause t he inverter to t rip or the capacitor , and surge suppressor to be damaged.
4 Invert er an d per ipher al devi ces 1.2.1 Peripheral dev ices Check the inverter model of the inverter you purchased. Appropriate peripheral devices must be s elected according to the capacit y .
5 Inverter and pe ripheral devices 1 OUTLINE 400V class Motor Outp ut (kW) *1 Applicabl e Inverter Model Moulded Ca se Circuit Breake r (MCCB) *2 or Earth Leakage Circuit Br eaker (ELB) (NF or NV type.
6 Method of removal and reinstallation of the front cover 1.3 Method of remo val and reinstallatio n of the f r ont co v er • Removal of the operati on pa nel 1) Loosen the two screws on the operation panel.
7 Method of removal and reinst allation of the front cover 1 OUTLINE 30K or higher • Removal • Reinst allation CAUT ION 1. Fully make sur e that the fron t cover ha s been rei nstalled secur ely . Alwa ys tigh ten the mou nting sc rews of the fr ont cove r .
8 Install atio n of the i nvert er an d enc losu re design 1.4 Installa tion of t he in ver ter and enc losur e design When an inverter enclosure is to be designed and manufactured, heat generated by cont ained equipment, etc.
9 Inst allation of the inverter and enc losure design 1 OUTLINE (3) Dust, dirt, oil mi st Dust and dirt will cause such fault s as poor contact of cont act points, reduced insulation or reduced cooling ef fect due to moisture absorption of accumulated dust and dirt, and in-enclosure temperature rise due to clogged filter .
10 Install atio n of the i nvert er an d enc losu re design 1.4.2 Cooling system types for inve rter enclosure From the enclosure that conta ins the inverter , the heat of the inverter and other equipment (transformers, lamps, resistors, etc.
11 Inst allation of the inverter and enc losure design 1 OUTLINE (2) Clearances around th e inverter T o ensure ease of he at dissi pation and maintenan ce, leave at leas t the shown clearanc es around th e inverter .
12 MEMO.
13 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 2 WIRING This chapter describes the bas ic "WIRING" for use of this product. Always read the i nstructions befor e using t he equipment. 2.1 Wiring .. ..... ....... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ....... ..... ..... ..... ....
14 Wi ri ng 2.1 W iring 2.1.1 T erminal conne ction diagram CAUTION · T o prevent a malfu nction du e to noise, ke ep the sign al cables mo re than 10c m away from the power cables . Also se parate the mai n c ircuit wire of the input side and the ou tput side.
2 WIRING 15 Wiring 2.1. 2 EMC filt er This inverter is equipped with a built-in EMC filter (cap acitive filter) and common mode choke. Effectiv e for reduction of air-propagated noise on the input side of the inv erter . The EMC filter is factory-set to disable (OFF).
16 Main c ircui t t ermin al s peci fic ations 2.2 Main circuit ter minal specif icati ons 2.2.1 Specification of main circuit terminal 2.2.2 T erminal arr angement of the main ci rcuit terminal, power supply and the motor wiring.
2 WIRING 17 Main ci rcuit termin al spe cifications FR-A72 0-5.5K, 7.5K FR-A74 0-5.5K , 7.5K FR-A720- 1 1K FR-A7 40-1 1K, 15K FR-A72 0-15K to 22K FR-A74 0-18.
18 Main c ircui t t ermin al s peci fic ations FR-A 740-75K, 90 K FR-A720- 75K, 90K FR-A 740- 1 10K to 18 5K FR-A 740-220 K to 5 00K CAUTION · T he powe r supp ly cables m ust be c onnec ted to R/L1 , S/L2, T/L3. (Pha se sequ ence n eeds n ot to be matche d.
19 Main ci rcuit termin al spe cifications 2 WIRING 2.2.3 Cables and wiring length (1) Applied cable size Select the recommended cable size to ensu re that a voltage drop will be 2% max.
20 Main c ircui t t ermin al s peci fic ations *1 For the 55K or lower , the cable size is that of the cable ( HIV cable (600V class 2 viny l-insulated cable) etc.) with continuou s maximum pe rmissible temperature of 75°C . Assumes that the surrounding air temperature is 50°C or less and the wiring distance is 20m or less.
21 Main ci rcuit termin al spe cifications 2 WIRING (2) Notes on earthing (grounding) Always earth (ground) the motor and inverter . 1)Purpose of earthing (grounding) Generally , an electrical apparatus has an earth (ground) terminal, which must be connected to the ground before use.
22 Main c ircui t t ermin al s peci fic ations (3) T ot al wir ing length The ove rall wi ring leng th fo r con nection o f a si ngle motor o r multiple moto rs shou ld be within th e value in th e table b elow . (The wiring length should be 100m maximum for vector control.
23 Main ci rcuit termin al spe cifications 2 WIRING 2.2.4 When connectin g the control circui t and the main circuit se parately to the power supply • FR-A720-0.
24 Main c ircui t t ermin al s peci fic ations • FR-A720- 1 1K or hi gher , FR-A740-1 1K or higher 1) Remove the upper screws. 2) Remove the lower screws. 3) Pull the jumper toward you to remove. 4) Connect the sep arate power supply cable for the control ci rcuit to the upper terminals (R1/L1 1, S1/L21) .
25 Control circuit specificatio ns 2 WIRING 2.3 Contr ol cir cuit specifica tions 2.3.1 Control circui t terminals indicat es that ter minal fu nctions ca n be sel ected usin g Pr . 178 t o Pr . 196 ( I/O term inal fu nction sel ection) (Re fer to page 2 31 .
26 Control circuit specificatio ns *S e t Pr . 73 , Pr . 267 , and a vo ltage/c urrent input switch correctly , th en input an analog signal in acc ordance with th e setting.
27 Control circuit specificatio ns 2 WIRING (3) Communication Ope n colle ctor RUN Inverter running Switche d low when th e inverter output fre quency i s equal to or higher tha n the starting f requency (initial value 0.5H z). Switc hed high durin g stop or DC injection brake oper ation.
28 Control circuit specificatio ns 2.3.2 Changing the control logic The input signals are set to sink logic (SINK) when shipped from the factory . T o change the control logic , the jumper connector on the back of the control circuit terminal block must be moved to the other position.
29 Control circuit specificatio ns 2 WIRING 4) Sink logic and source logi c ⋅ In sink logic, a signal switches ON when a current flows from the correspondi ng signal input terminal. T erminal SD is common to the contact input signals. T erminal SE is common to the open collector output signals.
30 Control circuit specificatio ns 2.3.3 Wiring of control c ircuit (1) Control circuit ter minal layout (2) Com mon terminals of the contr ol circuit (SD, 5, SE) T erminals SD, 5, and SE are all common terminals (0V) fo r I/O signals and are is olated from each other .
31 Control circuit specificatio ns 2 WIRING 2.3.4 W iring instructions 1) It is recommended to us e the cables of 0.75mm 2 ga uge for connection to the control circuit termina ls.
32 Control circuit specificatio ns 2.3.5 Mounting the operation panel (FR- DU07) or parameter unit (FR-PU07 ) on the en clos ure s urf ace Having an operati on panel or a parameter unit on the enclosur e surface is conveni ent.
33 Con nection of moto r wi th enco der (vector con trol) 2 WIRING 2.4 Connection of motor with encoder ( ve ctor cont r ol) Orientation control and encoder feedback control, and speed control, torque control and position control by full-scale vector control operation can be performed using a motor with encoder and a plug-in option FR-A7AP .
34 Conn ect io n of mot or wi th en coder (v ect or cont r ol ) (3) Switches of the FR-A7AP • Encoder specification selection swi tch (SW1) Select either dif ferential li ne driver or complementary It is initiall y set to the dif ferential li ne driver .
35 Con nection of moto r wi th enco der (vector con trol) 2 WIRING (4) E ncoder Cable • When using the dedicated encoder cable (FR-JCBL, FR-V5CBL, etc.) for the conventional motor , cut the crimpli ng terminal of the encoder cable and strip its s heath to make its cables l oose.
36 Conn ect io n of mot or wi th en coder (v ect or cont r ol ) Connection terminal compati bility t able (5) Wiring • S peed control • T orque c ontrol Motor SF-V5RU, SF-THY SF-JR/HR/JRCA/HRCA (with Encoder) Encoder cab le FR-V7CBL FR-JCBL FR-A 7AP ter minal PA 1 PA PA P A2 Keep this op en.
37 Con nection of moto r wi th enco der (vector con trol) 2 WIRING • Position control V ector control dedicated moto r (SF-V5RU, SF-THY), 12V com plement ary *1 The pin number diff ers accord ing to the enc oder used.
38 Conn ect io n of mot or wi th en coder (v ect or cont r ol ) (6) Instructions for encoder cable wiring • Use shielded twisted p air cables (0.2mm 2 or larger) to connect the FR-A7AP and position detector . Cables to terminal s PG and SD should be connected in parallel or be larger in size according to the cable length.
39 Con nection of moto r wi th enco der (vector con trol) 2 WIRING (9) Combi nation with a vector control dedicated motor Refer to the table below when us ing with a vector control dedicated motor .
40 Conne ction of sta nd-alone option unit s 2.5 Connection of stand-alone o ption units The inverter accepts a variety of st and-alone option unit s as required. Incorrect connection will c ause inverter damage or acci dent. Connect and operate the op tion unit carefull y in accordance with the corresponding option unit manual.
41 Conn ection of st and-alone o ption uni ts 2 WIRING * Do not remove the jumper acros s terminal P/+ and P1 excep t when connect ing a DC reactor . When the regenerative brake transistor is damaged, t he follo wing sequence is recommended to prevent overheat and burnout of the brake resistor .
42 Conne ction of sta nd-alone option unit s 2.5.2 Connection of the brake unit (FR-BU2) Connect the brake unit (FR-BU2) as shown below to improve the braking capability at deceleration.
43 Conn ection of st and-alone o ption uni ts 2 WIRING (2) FR-BR-(H) connection example with resistor unit (3) Connection example with MT -BR5 type resistor unit After making sure that the wiring is correct, set the following p arameters: Pr . 30 Regenerative function selection = "1" Pr .
44 Conne ction of sta nd-alone option unit s 2.5.3 Connection of the brake unit (FR-BU/MT -BU5) When connecting the brake unit (F R-BU(H)/MT -BU5) to improve the brake cap ability at deceleration, mak e connection as shown below .
45 Conn ection of st and-alone o ption uni ts 2 WIRING (2) Connec tion with the MT -BU5 ( 75K or higher) After making sure that the MT -BU5 is properly connected, set the following parameters. Pr . 30 Regenerative func tion selection = "1" Pr .
46 Conne ction of sta nd-alone option unit s 2.5.4 Connection of the brake unit (BU type) Connect the brake unit (BU type) correctly as shown below . Incorrect connection will damage the inverter . Remove the jumper across terminals HB-PC and terminals TB-HC of the brake unit and fit it across terminals PC-TB.
47 Conn ection of st and-alone o ption uni ts 2 WIRING (2) Connec tion with the MT -HC (75K or higher) After making sure the wiring is correct, set the following parameters. Pr . 19 Base fr equency voltage (under V/F control) or Pr . 83 Ra ted mo tor v olta ge (under a control method other than V/F control) = "rated motor voltage" Pr .
48 Conne ction of sta nd-alone option unit s 2.5.6 Connection of the power regene ration comm on converter (FR-CV) When connecting the power regeneration co mmon converter (FR-CV), make connection so that the inverter ter minals (P/+, N/-) and the terminal symbols of the power regeneration common converter (FR-CV) are the same (55K or lower).
49 Conn ection of st and-alone o ption uni ts 2 WIRING 2.5.7 Connection of power re generation converter (MT -RC) When connecting a power regeneration conv erter (MT -RC), perform wiring securely as shown below . Incorrect connection will damage the regeneration converter and in verter (75K or higher).
50 MEMO.
51 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 PRECA UTIONS FOR USE OF THE INVER TER This chapter exp lains the "PRECAUTIONS FOR USE OF THE INVER TER" for use of this product . Always read the i nstructions befor e using t he equipment. 3.1 EMC and leakage current s ..
52 EMC and leak age cu rrents 3.1 EMC and leak a ge cur rents 3.1.1 Leakage currents and countermeasures Capacit ances exist between the inverter I/O cables, other cables and earth and in the motor , through which a leakage current flows. Since its value depends on the static capacit ances, carrier frequency , etc.
53 EMC and lea kage cu rrent s 3 PRECAUTIONS FOR USE OF T HE INVERTER (3) Selection of rated sensitivi ty current of earth (ground) l eakage breaker When using the earth (ground) leakage circuit break.
54 EMC and leak age cu rrents 3.1.2 EMC measures Some electromagnetic noises enter the inverter to malfuncti on it and others are radiated by the inverter to malfunction peripheral devices. Though the inverter is designed to have hi gh immunity performance, it handles low-level signals, so it requires the following bas ic techniques.
55 EMC and lea kage cu rrent s 3 PRECAUTIONS FOR USE OF T HE INVERTER z Data li ne filter Data line fil ter is effective as an EMC meas ure. Provide a data line filter for the detector cable, etc .
56 EMC and leak age cu rrents 3.1.3 Power supply harm onics The inverter may generate power supply harmonics from its converter circuit to affect the power generator , power capacitor etc. Power supply harmonics are different from noise and leakage currents in source, frequency band and transmission path.
57 EMC and lea kage cu rrent s 3 PRECAUTIONS FOR USE OF T HE INVERTER 3.1.4 Harmonic Suppres sion Guidelines Harmonic currents flow from the inverter to a power receiving poi nt via a power transformer . The Harmonic Suppression Guidelines were est ablished to protect other consumers from these outgoing harmonic currents .
58 EMC and leak age cu rrents 1) Calculation of equivalent c apacity P0 of harmonic generating equipment The "equivalent capacity" is the capacity of a 6-pulse converter conv erted from the capacity of consumer's harmonic generating equipment and is calc ulated with the following equation.
59 EMC and lea kage cu rrent s 3 PRECAUTIONS FOR USE OF T HE INVERTER 3) Harmonic suppression technique requirement If the outgoing harmonic current is higher than the maximum value per 1kW (contract power) × contract power , a harmonic suppression technique is required.
Insta llati on of a re actor 60 3.2 Insta ll ation of a r e act or When the inverter is connected near a la rge-capacity power transformer ( 1000kV A or more) or when a power capacitor is to be switched ov er , an excessive peak current may flow in the power input circuit, damaging the converter circuit.
61 Power -off an d magne tic cont actor (MC) 3 PRECAUTIONS FOR USE OF T HE INVERTER 3.3 Po wer-off and ma gnetic conta ctor (MC) (1) Inverter input si de magneti c cont actor (MC) On the inverter input side, it is recommended to provide an MC for the following purposes.
62 Inverter -driven 400V class motor 3.4 In ver ter-driv en 400V c lass moto r In the PWM ty pe inverter , a surge voltage attribu table to wiring constant s is generated at the motor terminals. Especially for a 400V class motor , the surge voltage may deteriorate the ins ulation.
3 PRECAUTIONS FOR USE OF T HE INVERTER 63 Precaution s for use of the inverter 3.5 Pr ecautions f or use of th e in ve r ter The FR-A700 series is a hi ghly reliable product, but u sing in correct peripheral ci rcuits or incorrect operation/handli ng methods may shorten the product life or damage the product.
64 Prec autions f or use o f the in verter (13) P rov ide e lec tri cal and m ech anic al i nter loc ks f or MC 1 an d MC2 which are used for bypas s operation.
3 PRECAUTIONS FOR USE OF T HE INVERTER 65 Failsafe of th e system which uses the invert er 3.6 Fail safe of the system w hich uses the inv er ter When a fault o ccurs, the inverter trip s to ou tput a fa ult sign al.
66 Failsaf e of the sys tem which uses th e inverter (2) Backup method o utsid e the i nverter Even if the i nterlock is provid ed by the i nverter st atus si gnal, enough fai lsafe is n ot ensured dependin g on the fai lure sta tus of the in verter it self.
67 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 4 PA R A M E T E R S The follo wing ma rks are used to indicat e the cont rols as belo w . .... V/F control .. Advanced magneti c flux vecto r contro l .... Real sensorless vector control .... V ector control (Parameter s without a ny mark are vali d for all control.
68 Operati on p anel (F R-DU0 7) 4.1 Operation panel (FR-DU07) 4.1.1 Parts of the operation pane l (FR-DU07) Setting dial (Setting dial: Mitsubishi inverter dial) Used to change the frequency setting and parameter settings. Operation mode switchover Used to switch between the PU and External operation mode.
69 Operatio n panel (FR-DU07 ) 4 P ARAMETERS 4.1.2 Basic operation (f actory setting) At power-ON (External operation mode) PU operation mode (output frequency monitor) Parameter setting mode PU Jog o.
70 Operati on p anel (F R-DU0 7) 4.1.3 Changing the parameter setting va lue 4.1.4 Displaying the set frequency Press the setting dial ( ) in the PU operation mode or in the External/PU combined operation mode 1 ( Pr . 79 = "3") to show the set frequency .
71 Parameter List Paramet er Li st 4 P ARAM ETERS 4.2 Parameter List 4.2.1 Para meter list For simpl e variabl e-speed o peration of the in verter , the ini tial valu e of the param eters may be used as they ar e. Set the necess ary pa ramete rs to mee t the loa d and operation al spec ification s.
72 Parameter List Para meter Li st Freque ncy detecti on 41 Up-to-frequency sensi tivity 0 to 10 0% 0.1% 10% 246 42 Output frequency detection 0 to 400Hz 0.01 Hz 6Hz 246 43 Outp ut freq uenc y det ectio n for reve rse rot atio n 0 to 400Hz, 999 9 0.01Hz 9999 246 Second funct ions 44 Second accel eration/deceler ation time 0 t o 3600/ 360s 0.
73 Parameter List Paramet er Li st 4 P ARAM ETERS Motor constants 80 Motor cap acity 0.4 to 55kW , 9999/ 0 to 3600k W , 9999 *2 0.01/0.1kW *2 9999 148, 189 81 Number of motor poles 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 1 2, 1 4, 16, 18, 20 , 99 99 1 9999 148, 189 82 Motor excit ation current 0 to 500A, 9 999/ 0 to 3600A, 9999 *2 0.
74 Parameter List Para meter Li st PID operation 127 PID control au tomatic switcho ver frequency 0 to 400Hz, 9999 0.01Hz 9999 361 128 PID action sel ection 10, 1 1, 20, 21, 50, 51, 60, 61 1 10 361 129 PID proportional b and 0.1 to 1000%, 999 9 0.1 % 100% 361 130 PID integral time 0.
75 Parameter List Paramet er Li st 4 P ARAM ETERS Curr ent d etec tio n 166 Output current d etection signal retention time 0 to 10s, 9999 0.1s 0.1s 248 167 Output current d etection operation selec tion 0, 1 1 0 248 ⎯ 168 Parameter for manufacturer setting.
76 Parameter List Para meter Li st Output terminal function assignment 190 RUN terminal function select ion 0 to 8, 10 to 20 , 25 to 28, 30 to 36, 39, 41 to 47 , 55, 64, 70, 83 to 85, 90 to 99, 100 to.
77 Parameter List Paramet er Li st 4 P ARAM ETERS Power failure stop 261 Power fa ilure stop sel ection 0, 1, 2, 1 1, 12 1 0 270 262 Subtrac ted freque ncy at decele ration st art 0 to 20Hz 0.01Hz 3Hz 270 263 Subtraction starting frequency 0 to 120Hz, 999 9 0.
78 Parameter List Para meter Li st RS-485 comm unication 331 RS-485 com munication st ation number 0 to 31(0 to 247) 1 0 333 332 RS-485 com munication spe ed 3, 6, 12, 24, 48, 96, 1 92, 38 4 1 96 333 .
79 Parameter List Paramet er Li st 4 P ARAM ETERS Orientation control 393 *6 Orie ntation se lect ion 0 , 1 , 2 1 0 220 396 *6 Orientation speed gain (P term) 0 to 1000 1 60 220 397 *6 Orientation speed integral time 0 to 20s 0.001s 0.333s 220 398 *6 Orientation speed gain (D term ) 0 to 100 0.
80 Parameter List Para meter Li st Simple position feed function 464 *6 Digital position control sudden stop deceleration time 0 to 360s 0. 1s 0 s 134 465 *6 First po sition fe ed amount lo wer 4 digi.
81 Parameter List Paramet er Li st 4 P ARAM ETERS Current average value monitor 555 Current av erage ti me 0.1 to 1.0 s 0.1s 1s 390 556 Data output mask time 0.0 to 20 s 0.1s 0s 390 557 Current average value moni tor signal output reference current 0 to 500/0 to 360 0A *2 0.
82 Parameter List Para meter Li st Adjus tme nt func tion 820 Speed co ntr ol P gai n 1 0 to 1000% 1% 60% 105 821 Speed con tr ol inte gral ti me 1 0 to 20s 0.001s 0.333s 105 822 Speed setting f ilter 1 0 to 5s, 99 99 0.001s 9999 292 823 *6 Speed detection filter 1 0 to 0.
83 Parameter List Paramet er Li st 4 P ARAM ETERS Control system functions 877 Speed feed forward control/model adaptive speed contro l select ion 0, 1 , 2 1 0 11 2 878 Spe ed feed forward f ilter 0 to 1s 0.01s 0s 11 2 879 Speed feed forward t orque limit 0 to 400% 0.
84 Parameter List Para meter Li st Calibration parameters C12 (917) *7 T erminal 1 bias fr equency (spe ed) 0 to 40 0Hz 0.01Hz 0Hz 294 C13 (917) *7 T erminal 1 bi as (speed) 0 to 300% 0. 1% 0% 294 C14 (918) *7 T erminal 1 gai n frequenc y (speed) 0 to 40 0Hz 0.
85 Parameter s according t o purposes 4 P ARAMETERS Parame ters ac cord ing to pur pose s 4.3 Control mode 88 4.3.1 W hat is ve ctor contr ol?............... ........... ................. ............ ................ ............ ................ ...
86 Pr. 516 to Pr. 519) ...................... ................ ................. ................. ........... ................. ........ ......... ............... 176 4.12.4 Shorte st acce leration/de celeratio n and optimum acc eleration /decelera tion (automa tic acce leration/dec eleration) (Pr.
87 Parameter s according t o purposes 4 P ARAMETERS (Pr. 74, Pr. 8 22, Pr. 826, Pr. 832, Pr. 836, Pr. 84 9) ................ ................. ................. ........... ............. ........ 292 4.21.5 Bi as and gain of frequ ency settin g voltage (current) (Pr.
88 Control mo de 4.3 Control mode V/F control (initial setting), Advanced magnetic flux vector c ontrol, Real sensorless vector control and vector control are available with this inverter . (1) V/F control ⋅ It controls frequen cy and voltage so that the ratio of frequency (F) to v oltage (V) is constant when changing frequenc y .
4 P ARAMETERS 89 Contr ol mo de 4.3.1 What is vec tor control? V ector control is one of the control techniques for drivi ng an induc tion motor . T o help explain vector control, the fundamental equi.
90 Control mo de Block dia gram of Real se nsorless ve ctor control Block diagram of vector control PWM modulation output voltage conversion torque current control speed control slip calculation curre.
4 P ARAMETERS 91 Contr ol mo de (1) S peed control S peed control operation is performed to zero the difference between the speed command ( ω *) and actual rotati on detection value ( ω FB). At this time, the motor load is found and its result is transferred to the tor que current controller as a torque current command (iq*).
92 Control mo de 4.3.2 Change the control method (Pr . 80, Pr . 81, P r . 451, P r . 800) (1) Setting of the motor cap acity and the number of motor poles ( Pr .
4 P ARAMETERS 93 Contr ol mo de (3) V ector control test operation ( Pr . 800 = "9") ⋅ S peed control test operation can be performed even when the motor is not connected. The speed calculation value changes to track the speed command and the transiti on can be checked with the operation panel and anal og signal output at FM and AM.
94 Control mo de (5) Switching the control method from the external terminal (MC signal) ⋅ When "12 (2)" is set in Pr . 800 ( Pr . 451 ), speed control is selected when the control mode switching signal (MC) is OFF , and torque control is selected when the si gnal is OFF under Real sensorless vector control and vector control.
4 P ARAMETERS 95 Contr ol mo de T erminal 4 function according to c ontrol * This setting i s valid u nder vec tor cont rol. ⎯ :No functi on Pr .
96 Speed co ntrol by Real sen sorless v ector control, vector co ntrol 4.4 Speed cont r ol by R eal sensor less v ector c ontrol, vec tor control (1) Control block diagram Purpose Parameter th at should be Set Refer to Page T o perform torque lim it during speed control T orque limit Pr .
97 Speed con trol by Real senso rless vector control, vector cont rol 4 P ARAMETERS Load inertia ratio J s [ Pr . 880 ] Speed feed forward gain [ Pr . 881 ] Speed feed forward control Model adaptive speed control Model speed control gain [ Pr . 828 ] Speed feed forward torque limit [ Pr .
98 Speed co ntrol by Real sensorless ve ctor control, vector co ntrol 4.4.1 Setting procedure of Real s ensorle ss vector control (spe ed control) CAUTION ⋅ Make s ure to perfo rm offline auto t uning bef ore perfor ming Real senso rless ve ctor contr ol.
4 P ARAMETERS 99 Speed con trol by Real senso rless vector control, vector cont rol 4.4.2 Setting procedure of v ector control (speed control) CAUTION ⋅ S peed com mand se tting ran ge is 0 to 12 0Hz for vec tor contr ol. ⋅ The c arrier frequ encies are selec table from among 2k, 6k, 10k, 14kHz for v ector con trol.
100 Speed co ntrol by Real sensorless ve ctor control, vector co ntrol 4.4.3 T orque limit lev el setting for speed control (Pr . 22 , Pr . 157 , Pr . 8 03, Pr .
101 Speed con trol by Real senso rless vector control, vector cont rol 4 P ARAMETERS (1) T orque limit block diagr am (2) Selection of torque limit i nput method ( Pr . 810 ) ⋅ Set Pr . 810 T or que limit input method selection to select the method to limit output torque during s peed control.
102 Speed co ntrol by Real sensorless ve ctor control, vector co ntrol T erminal 1, 4 function according to control ( ⎯ : wit hout function) *1 When th e P r . 868 setting is other tha n "0", other function s of terminal 1 (auxiliar y input, override funct i on, PID control) do not fu nction.
103 Speed con trol by Real senso rless vector control, vector cont rol 4 P ARAMETERS (6) Set a torque limit value during acceleration and decel eration indivi dually ( Pr . 816 , Pr . 817 ) ⋅ Y ou can set torque limit during acceleration and deceleration individuall y .
104 Speed co ntrol by Real sensorless ve ctor control, vector co ntrol (9) T rip when torque limit i s activated ( Pr . 874 ) (10) St all prevention operation signal output and output timing adj ustment (OL signal, Pr .
105 Speed con trol by Real senso rless vector control, vector cont rol 4 P ARAMETERS 4.4.4 T o perform high accuracy /fast response ope ration (gain adjustment of Real sensor le ss ve ctor contr ol and vec tor c ontr ol) (P r . 81 8 to Pr . 821 , Pr .
106 Speed co ntrol by Real sen sorless v ector control, vector co ntrol (2) Easy gain tuning execution procedure ( Pr . 819 = " 1" load iner tia rati o automati c estimati on) Easy gain tuning (load i nertia ratio automatic estimation) is valid onl y in the speed control or position control mode under vector control.
107 Speed con trol by Real senso rless vector control, vector cont rol 4 P ARAMETERS (4) Parameters automatically set by easy gain tuning The following table indic ates the relationship between easy gain tuning function and gain adjustment p arameter .
108 Speed co ntrol by Real sen sorless v ector control, vector co ntrol (5) Manual input speed cont rol gain ad justment · Make adjustment when any of such phenomena as unusual machine vibration/noise , low response level and overshoot has occurred. · When there is load inertia, the ac tual speed gain is as giv en below .
109 Speed con trol by Real senso rless vector control, vector cont rol 4 P ARAMETERS (6) W hen using a multi-pol e motor (8 poles or more) S pecially when using a multi-pole motor with more than 8 poles under Real sensorless vector control or v ector control, adjust Pr .
11 0 Speed co ntrol by Real sen sorless v ector control, vector co ntrol (8) T roubleshooting (speed) Phenomeno n Cause Countermea sures 1 Motor d oes not rotate . (V ecto r con tro l) (1) The motor wi ring is wron g (1) Wiring check Select V/F con trol (set "999 9" in Pr .
111 Speed con trol by Real senso rless vector control, vector cont rol 4 P ARAMETERS 4 Motor spee d is unstable. (1) The speed comma nd var ies. (1) -1 Che ck that a co rrect spee d com mand com es from t he com mand dev ice. (T ake mea sur es agai nst noise s.
11 2 Speed con trol by Real sen sorless vect or control, vector co ntrol 4.4.5 Speed feed forward contr ol, model adaptiv e speed control (Pr . 82 8, Pr . 877 to Pr . 881) (1) Speed feed forward contro l ( Pr . 877 = "1") ⋅ Calculate required torque in response to the acceleration/deceleration command for the inertia ratio set in Pr .
11 3 Speed con trol by Real senso rless vector control, vector cont rol 4 P ARAMETERS (2) Model adaptive speed control ( Pr . 877 = "2") ⋅ The motor's model speed is calculated to feed back the model side speed controller . This model speed is also used as the actual speed controller command.
Speed co ntrol by Real sensorless ve ctor control, vecto r control 11 4 4.4.6 T orque biases (Pr . 840 to P r . 848) (1) Block diagram This function accelerates the rise of the torque at a start. Adj ust the torque at a motor start using the cont act signals or analog signals .
11 5 4 P ARAMETERS Speed contro l by Real sensorle ss vector control, vector contro l (2) Setting torque bias amount with the cont act input ( Pr . 840 = "0") ⋅ Select the torque bias amount in the t able below according to the combination of cont act signals.
Speed co ntrol by Real sensorless ve ctor control, vecto r control 11 6 (4) Setting torque bias amount with terminal 1 ( Pr . 840 = "3") ⋅ C16 T erminal 1 bias command ( tor que/magnet ic .
11 7 4 P ARAMETERS Speed contro l by Real sensorle ss vector control, vector contro l 4.4.7 Prev ent the motor f rom overr unning (Pr . 285, Pr . 85 3, Pr . 87 3) (1) Speed deviation excessive (Pr . 285, Pr . 853) When the deviation between the set frequency and actual speed is large, e.
11 8 Speed co ntrol by Real sen sorless vector control, ve ctor contro l 4.4. 8 Notc h fil ter (P r . 86 2, Pr . 863) (1) Pr . 862 Notch fi lter ti me const ant ⋅ If you do not know the mechanical resonance frequency , decrease notch frequency gradually from the highe st value.
11 9 T orq ue control by Real se nsorless vector control, vector control 4 P ARAMETERS 4.5 T orque control by Real sensor less v ector c ontrol, vec tor control 4.5.1 T orque control (1) Block diagram Purpose Parameter tha t must be Set Refer to Page Selection of torque comm and source an d setting of torq ue command value T orque com mand Pr .
120 T orque contro l by Real sensorless vector control, vector co ntrol Terminal 2 Terminal 4 Terminal 1 Terminal 2 bias [ C2, C3 (Pr. 902) ] Terminal 1 bias [ C12,C13(Pr. 917) ] Terminal 2 gain [ Pr. 125, C4 (Pr. 903) ] Terminal 1 gain [ C14,C15(Pr. 918) ] Terminal 4 bias [ C5, C6 (Pr.
121 T orq ue control by Real se nsorless vector control, vector control 4 P ARAMETERS (2) Operation transition ⋅ When "0" is set in Pr . 7 or Pr . 8 , speed control is exercised upon powering OFF a start signal and the output torque is limited at the torque limit va lue.
122 T orque contro l by Real sensorless vector control, vector co ntrol (3) Operation example (when Pr . 804 = "0") T orque control is enabled if the actual speed is l ess than the speed limit value.
123 T orq ue control by Real se nsorless vector control, vector control 4 P ARAMETERS 4.5.2 Setting procedure of Re al sensorle ss vect or con trol (torq ue co ntr ol) CAUTION ⋅ Make sure t o perfor m offl ine a uto tuni ng befor e per for ming Real sens orle ss v ecto r cont rol.
124 T orque co ntrol by Real sensor less vector control, vector co ntrol 4.5.3 Setting procedure of vector control (torque c ontrol) CAUTION ⋅ The ca rrier frequ encies a re selec table from amo ng 2k, 6k, 10k, 14kHz for ve ctor con trol. (2k a nd 6 kHz for the 75K or higher ) Vector Vector Vector T est run Perform secure wiring.
125 T orque cont rol by Real se nsorless vector control, vector control 4 P ARAMETERS 4.5.4 T orque command (Pr . 803 to Pr . 806) * This paramete r allows i ts sett ing to b e change d during the opera tion in a ny operatio n mode ev en if "0 (initial v alue) or 1" is se t in Pr .
126 T orq ue control by Real se nsorless vector control, ve ctor contro l (3) T orque command using p arameters ( Pr . 804 = "1" ) (4) T orque command by pulse trai n input ( Pr .804 = "2") T orque command is set by pulse train input from FR-A7AL (plug-in option).
127 T orque cont rol by Real se nsorless vector control, vector control 4 P ARAMETERS (7) Change the torque characteristics in th e const ant power ( Pr . 803 ) 4.5.5 Spee d limit (Pr . 807 to Pr . 809) (1) Control block diagram ⋅ Due to the motor characteristics, torque is reduced at or above the base frequency .
128 T orq ue control by Real se nsorless vector control, ve ctor contro l (3) Set the forward rot ation and reverse rot ation i ndividually ( Pr . 80 7 = "1") Set the speed limit during forward rotation using Pr . 808 Forwar d rotatio n speed limit and the speed limit during reverse rotation using Pr .
129 T orque cont rol by Real se nsorless vector control, vector control 4 P ARAMETERS (4) Forward rot ation/rever se rot ation speed limit ( Pr . 807 = "2") ⋅ When making a speed limit using analog input from terminal 1, the speed limit of the forwar d and reverse rotation can be switched according to the polarity of volt age.
130 T orq ue control by Real se nsorless vector control, ve ctor contro l 4.5.6 Gain adjustment of tor que control ( Pr . 824, Pr . 825, Pr . 834, Pr . 83 5) (1) Adjustment of current loop proportio nal (P) gain ⋅ For general adjustment, make setting within the range 50 to 200% as a guidel ine.
131 T orque cont rol by Real se nsorless vector control, vector control 4 P ARAMETERS (4) Adjustment procedure Make adjustment when any of such phenomena as unusual motor and machine vibration/nois e/current and overcurrent has occurred. 1)Check the conditions and simul taneously change the Pr .
132 Position control by vector control 4.6 P osition contro l by v ector control 4.6.1 Position control (1) Setting procedure Purpose Parame ter that mu st be Set Refe r to Page Simple positio n control b y paramete r setting Position com mand by par a m et e r Pr .
4 P ARAMETERS 133 Position control by vector contro l (2) Control block diagram (3) Example of operation The speed command given to rotate the motor is calculated to zero the difference between the number of internal command pulse train pul ses (when Pr .
134 Position control by vector control 4.6.2 Simple position feed function by contact input (Pr . 419, Pr . 46 4 to Pr . 494) REMARKS ⋅ For the servo ON s ignal (LX), set " 23" in Pr . 17 8 to Pr . 189 (input term inal func tion sele ction) to ass ig n th e fu ncti on .
4 P ARAMETERS 135 Position control by vector contro l 479 Eighth position feed amou nt l ower 4 digi t s 0 0 to 9999 ××× 8 sp eed (Pr . 232) 480 Eighth position feed amount uppe r 4 digits 0 0 to 9999 481 Ninth position feed amou nt l ower 4 digi t s 0 0 to 9999 ×× 9 Speed (Pr .
136 Position control by vector control (1) Setting of posit ion feed amount by p arameter ⋅ Set position feed amount in Pr . 465 to Pr . 494 . ⋅ The feed amount set in each p arameter is selected by multi-speed terminal (RH, RM, RL, REX). ⋅ Set (encoder resolution × speed × 4 times) for position feed amount.
4 P ARAMETERS 137 Position control by vector contro l 4.6.3 Position control (Pr . 419, Pr . 428 to Pr . 43 0) by inverter puls e train input (1) Operation T urning ON the servo ON signal (LX) cancels the output sh ut-off and the operation ready signal (RDY) turns O N after 0.
138 Position control by vector control (3) Selection of clear signal ( Pr . 429 , CLR signal) ⋅ Use this function to zero the droop pulse for home positi on operation, etc. ⋅ When "0" is s et in Pr . 4 29 , the dev iation counter is cl eared at the edge of turning ON of t he clear signal (CLR).
4 P ARAMETERS 139 Position control by vector contro l 4.6. 4 Setti ng of th e ele ctro nic ge ar (Pr . 420, P r . 421, Pr . 42 4) (1) Calculation of the gear ratio (Pr .
140 Position control by vector control Relationship between position resolution Δ and overall ac curacy Since overall accuracy (positioni ng accuracy of machine) is the sum of electrical error and mechanical error , normally take meas ures to prevent the elec trical system error from affecting the overall error .
4 P ARAMETERS 141 Position control by vector contro l 4.6.6 Gain a djustment of position control (Pr . 422, Pr . 423, Pr . 42 5) (1) Position loop ga in ( Pr . 422 ) ⋅ Make adjustment when any of such phenomena as unusual vibration, noise and overcurrent of the motor/machine occurs.
142 Position control by vector control (3) T roubleshooting (Posit ion) Phenomenon Caus e Countermeasures 1 Motor does not ro tate. (1) The phase se quence of the motor or en coder w iring is wrong. (1) Che ck the wiring. (Re fer to p age 36 ) (2) The contr ol m ode sel ection Pr .
4 P ARAMETERS 143 Position control by vector contro l 4.6.7 T rouble shooting for when position c ontrol is not exerci sed normall y REMARKS The speed comma nd of po sition co ntrol relat es to spee d control. (Refer to page 98 ) Vector Vector Vector Motor or machine is hunting.
Adjustment of Rea l sensorless vecto r control, vecto r control 144 4.7 Adjustment of R eal sensor less v ector control, v ector control 4.7.1 Speed detec tion filt er and torque de tection filt er (Pr . 823, Pr . 82 7, Pr . 833, Pr . 837) (1) St abiliz e speed detecti on ( Pr .
145 Adjustment of Real sensorless vector control, vector contro l 4 P ARAMETERS 4.7.2 Exc itation ra tio (Pr . 854) Decrease the excitation ratio when you want to improve ef ficiency under light load.
146 Adjustmen t of the o utput torq ue (curr ent) of t he motor 4.8 Adjustment of the output t or que (cur r ent) of the mo tor 4.8.1 Manual torque boost (Pr . 0, Pr . 46, Pr . 1 12) (1) St arting tor que adjustment ⋅ On the assumption t hat Pr . 19 Base freque nc y v olt age is 100%, set t he output v oltage at 0Hz in % in Pr .
147 4 P ARAMETERS Adjustme nt of the output torq ue (current ) of th e motor (2) Set multiple t orque boost ( RT signal, X9 signal, Pr . 46, Pr . 1 12 ) ⋅ Use the second (third) torque boost when changing th e torque boost according to application or when using multiple motors by switc hing between them by one inverter .
148 Adjustmen t of the o utput torq ue (curr ent) of the mo tor 4.8.2 Advanced magnet ic flux vector control (Pr . 71, Pr . 80, Pr . 81, Pr . 89, Pr . 450, Pr . 451, Pr . 453, Pr . 454, Pr . 569, Pr . 800) *1 Use Pr . 178 to Pr . 18 9 to assign th e terminals us ed for the X18 and MC sig nal.
149 Adjustme nt of the output torq ue (current ) of th e motor 4 P ARAMETERS (1) Selection method of Advan ced magnetic fl ux vector control REMARKS · When hig her accur acy oper ation is neces sary , se t online a uto tunin g after perfor ming o ffline auto tuning and se lect Rea l sensor less v ecto r cont rol.
150 Adjustmen t of the o utput torq ue (curr ent) of the mo tor (2) Adjust the motor speed fluctuati on at load fluctuati on (speed control gain) (3) Advanced magnetic flux vector control is performed with two motors • T urning the RT s ignal ON allows the second motor to be controlled.
151 4 P ARAMETERS Adjustme nt of the output torq ue (current ) of th e motor 4.8.3 Slip c ompensation (Pr . 245 to Pr . 247) ⋅ Slip compensation is va lidated when the motor rated slip calculated by the fol lowing formula is set in Pr . 245 . Sli p compensation is not made when Pr .
152 Adjustmen t of the o utput torq ue (curr ent) of the mo tor 4 . 8 . 4 St a ll p r e v e n t i o n o p e r a t i o n (Pr . 22, Pr . 23, Pr . 48, Pr . 4 9, Pr . 66, Pr. 1 1 4 , P r . 1 1 5, Pr . 1 48, P r . 149, Pr . 154, P r . 156 , Pr . 157, Pr . 85 8, P r .
153 4 P ARAMETERS Adjustme nt of the output torq ue (current ) of th e motor (2) St all prevention operat ion signal output and output timing adj ustment (OL signal, Pr .
154 Adjustmen t of the o utput torq ue (curr ent) of the mo tor (4) Set multiple st all prevention oper ation levels (Pr . 48, Pr . 49, Pr . 1 14, Pr . 1 15 ) ⋅ Setting "9999" in Pr . 49 Sec ond st all pr eve ntio n ope rat ion f requency and turning the R T signal ON mak e Pr .
155 4 P ARAMETERS Adjustme nt of the output torq ue (current ) of th e motor (5) St all prev ention operation l evel setting by terminal 1 (terminal 4) (analog vari able) (Pr .
156 Adjustmen t of the o utput torq ue (curr ent) of the mo tor (7) Limit the st all preve ntion operati on and fast response curr ent limit operation accordi ng to the opera ting st atus (P r .
157 Limiting th e output frequen cy 4 P ARAMETERS 4.9 Limiting the output frequency 4.9.1 Maximum/ minimum frequenc y (Pr . 1, Pr . 2, P r . 18) (2) Set m inimum frequency ⋅ Use Pr . 2 Min imum f r equen cy to set the lower limit of the output frequency .
158 Limiting th e output frequen cy 4.9.2 Avoiding mechanical re sonance points (Frequency jump) (Pr . 31 to Pr . 36) When it is desired to avoid resonance attributable to the natural frequency of a mechanical system, these parameters allow resonant frequencies to be jumped.
159 V/F pa ttern 4 P ARAMETERS 4.10 V/F pa tter n 4.10.1 Base frequency , volt age (Pr . 3, Pr . 19 , Pr . 47, Pr . 1 13) (2) Set multiple ba se frequencies (Pr . 47, Pr . 1 13) ⋅ When you want to change the base frequency when switching two motors with one inverter , use the Pr .
160 V/F p attern (3) Base frequency volt age setting (Pr . 19) ⋅ Use Pr . 19 Base fr equency vo ltage to set the base volta ge (e.g. rated motor voltage). ⋅ If the setting is less than the power supply volt age, the maximum output volt age of the inverter is as set in Pr .
161 V/F pa ttern 4 P ARAMETERS 4.10.2 Load pattern selection (Pr . 14) Y ou can select the optimum output characteristic (V/F charac teristic) for the application and load characteristi cs.
162 V/F p attern Pr . 14 Setting RT (X17) Signal Output Charac teristics (4) Change load p attern selection using termin al ( Pr . 14 = "4, 5") ⋅ Output characteristic can be switched between for constant torque load and for elevator using the RT signal or X17 signal.
163 V/F pa ttern 4 P ARAMETERS 4.10.3 E levator mode (automatic ac celerati on/decelerat ion) (Pr . 61 , Pr . 64, Pr . 292) (1) Elevator mode ⋅ When "5" or "6" is set in Pr . 292 Automatic acceleration/decelera tion , elevator mode is selected and each setting is changed as in the table bel ow .
164 V/F p attern 4.10. 4 Adjustable 5 poi nts V/F (Pr . 71, Pr . 100 t o Pr . 10 9) A dedicated V/F pattern can be made by freely s etting the V/F characteristic between a startup and the base frequency and base voltage under V/F control (frequency volt age/frequency).
165 Freq uency settin g by ex terna l ter minals 4 P ARAMETERS 4.11 F r equenc y setting by e xter nal ter minals 4.1 1.1 Multi-spe ed setting opera tion (Pr .
166 Frequen cy setting by e xtern al termin als (2) Multi-speed setti ng for 4 or more speeds (Pr . 24 to Pr . 27 , Pr . 232 to P r . 239) ⋅ Frequency from speed 4 to speed 15 can be set according to the combination of the RH, RM, RL and REX s ignals.
167 Freq uency settin g by ex terna l ter minals 4 P ARAMETERS 4.1 1.2 Jog operation (Pr . 15, Pr . 16) The above p arameters are display ed as simple mode par ameters only when the p arameter u nit (FR-PU04/ FR-PU07) is conne cted. When the operation p anel (FR-DU07 ) is connecte d, the abov e paramete rs can be set onl y when Pr .
168 Frequen cy setting by e xtern al termin als (2) Jog operation from PU ⋅ Set the PU (FR-DU07/FR-PU07/FR-PU04) to the jog operation mode. Operation is performed only while the start button is pressed.
169 Freq uency settin g by ex terna l ter minals 4 P ARAMETERS 4.1 1.3 Input compensation of multi-speed and remote setting (Pr . 28) 4.1 1.4 Remote setting function (Pr .
170 Frequen cy setting by e xtern al termin als (1) Remote setting function ⋅ Use Pr . 59 to s elect whether the remote setting function is used or not and whether the frequenc y setting storage function in the remote setting mode is used or not. When Pr .
171 Freq uency settin g by ex terna l ter minals 4 P ARAMETERS REMARKS During Jog operation or PID control operation, the remote setting function is i nvalid.
172 Sett ing of ac cele rati on/ decel erat ion ti me and accel era ti on/de celer ati on patte rn 4.12 Setting of accelera tion/deceleratio n time and acceleration/ deceleration pa tter n 4.12.1 Setting of the a cceleration a nd decelerat ion time (P r .
173 Sett ing of ac cele rati on/ decel erat io n ti me and acce lera tion/decel eration p attern 4 P ARAMETERS (2) Deceleration time setti ng (Pr . 8, Pr . 20) ⋅ Use Pr . 8 Deceleration time t o set the dec eleration tim e require d to reach 0Hz from Pr .
174 Sett ing of ac cele rati on/ decel erat ion ti me and accel era ti on/de celer ati on patte rn ⋅ Switch ing freque ncy for ea ch contro l method Control Method Switching frequency V/F control Ou.
175 Sett ing of ac cele rati on/ decel erat io n ti me and acce lera tion/decel eration p attern 4 P ARAMETERS 4.12.2 S tarting frequency and start-time hold function (Pr . 13, Pr . 571) Y ou can set the starting frequency and hold the set starting frequency for a cert ain period of time.
176 Sett ing of ac cele rati on/ decel erat ion ti me and accel era ti on/de celer ati on patte rn 4.12 .3 A ccele rati on/d ecel erati on pat tern (Pr . 29 , Pr . 14 0 to Pr . 14 3, P r . 380 to Pr . 38 3, Pr . 516 t o Pr . 51 9) Y ou can set the acceleration/deceleration pattern suit able for application.
177 Sett ing of ac cele rati on/ decel erat io n ti me and acce lera tion/decel eration p attern 4 P ARAMETERS (3) S-patt ern acceleration/ deceleration B ( Pr .
178 Sett ing of ac cele rati on/ decel erat ion ti me and accel era ti on/de celer ati on patte rn (6) S-pat tern acceler ation/deceler ation D ( Pr . 2 9 = "5", Pr . 516 to Pr . 519 ) ⋅ Set the time taken for S-pattern operation of S-pattern acceleration/deceleration us ing Pr .
179 Sett ing of ac cele rati on/ decel erat io n ti me and acce lera tion/decel eration p attern 4 P ARAMETERS CAUTION ⋅ When t he accele ration/ decelerat ion time ( Pr . 7, Pr . 8, etc.) setting under Re al sen sorless vector co ntrol or ve ctor con trol is 0s, the S-pattern accelerati on/dece leration A to D ( Pr .
180 Sett ing of ac cele rati on/ decel erat ion ti me and accel era ti on/de celer ati on patte rn 4.12.4 Shortest acceleration/decelera tion and optimum acceleration/de celeration (automat ic accele ration/decelera tion) (P r . 61 to Pr . 63 , Pr . 292 , Pr .
181 Sett ing of acc elera ti on/de cel erat ion t ime and acce lera tion/decel eration p attern 4 P ARAMETERS (2) Optimum acceleration/decelerat ion mode ( Pr . 292 = "3", Pr . 293 ) ⋅ The optimum operation within the rating range where the inverter c an be continuously used regardless of the inverter capabil ity is performed.
182 Sett ing of ac cele rati on/ decel erat ion ti me and accel era ti on/de celer ati on patte rn (3) Adjustment of shor test and opt imum accelerati on/decelerati on mode (Pr . 61 to Pr . 63) ⋅ By setting the adjustment p arameters Pr . 61 to Pr .
183 Selection and pro tection of a mot or 4 P ARAMETERS 4.13 Selection and protection of a motor 4.13.1 Motor protection from overheat (El ectr onic thermal relay function) (Pr . 9, Pr . 51 ) *1 The in itial value of the 0.4K and 0.75K is set to 85% of the rate d inverter curr ent.
184 Selection and pr otection of a mo tor (2) Electronic thermal rel ay function operati on characteristic (THT) Electronic thermal relay function (transis tor protection thermal) operation characteristics of the inverter when the ratio of the motor current to the inverter rated current is pres ented as transverse is shown.
185 Selection and pro tection of a mot or 4 P ARAMETERS (3) Set multiple e lectronic t hermal relay functions (Pr . 51) (4) Electronic thermal relay function pre- ala rm (TH) and alarm signal (THP signal) Use this function when rotating two motors of dif ferent rated currents individually by a single inverter .
186 Selection and pr otection of a mo tor (5) External thermal relay inpu t (OH signal) (6) PTC thermistor input (PTC signal) Built-in P TC thermistor of the motor can be input to the PTC signal (AU terminal). ⋅ For the terminal used fo r PTC signal in put, assign the function by setting "63" in Pr .
187 Selection and pro tection of a mot or 4 P ARAMETERS 4.13.2 Applied motor ( Pr . 71, Pr . 450) (1) Set the motor t o be used Refer to the following list and set this p arameter according to the motor used. Setting of the used motor selects the thermal c haracteristic appropriate for the motor .
188 Selection and pr otection of a mo tor (2) Use two types motors (Pr . 450) ⋅ Set Pr . 450 Se cond appli ed mot or to use two types motors with one inverter . ⋅ When "9999" (initial value) is set, no function is selected. ⋅ When Pr .
189 Selection and pro tection of a mot or 4 P ARAMETERS 4.13.3 Offline auto tuning ( Pr . 71, Pr . 80 to Pr . 8 4 , Pr . 90 to Pr . 94 , Pr . 96 , Pr . 45 0, Pr . 453 to Pr . 463, Pr . 684, Pr . 859, Pr . 860 ) The motor performance can be maxi mized with of fline auto tuning.
190 Selection and pr otection of a mo tor 453 Second motor cap acity 99 99 55K or lower 0.4 to 55kW S et the capac ity of the se cond mot or . 75K or highe r 0 to 360 0kW 9999 V /F c ontrol 454 Number of sec ond motor poles 9999 2, 4, 6 , 8, 10 Set th e numbe r of pol es of the secon d motor.
191 Selection and pro tection of a mot or 4 P ARAMETERS (1) Before performing offline auto tuni ng Check the following before performing offl ine auto tuning. · Make sure Advanced magnetic flux vector control (Pr . 80, Pr . 81) , Real sensorless vector control or vector control (Pr .
192 Selection and pr otection of a mo tor (2) Sett ing 1) Selec t the Advanced magnetic fl ux vector contr ol, Real sensor less vector control or vect or contr ol (r efer to pa ge 9 2 ) . 2) Set "1" or "101" in Pr . 96 Auto tuning setting/status .
193 Selection and pro tection of a mot or 4 P ARAMETERS (3) Execution of tuning 1)When performing PU operation, press / of the operation panel. For External operation, turn ON the start command (STF signal or STR signal ).
194 Selection and pr otection of a mo tor 3)When of fline auto tuning ends , press of the operation p anel during PU operation. For External operation, turn OFF the start signal (STF signal or STR signal). This operation reset s the offline aut o tuning and the PU 's monitor display returns to the normal indic ation.
195 Selection and pro tection of a mot or 4 P ARAMETERS (4) Utilizing or changing offli ne auto tuning dat a for use The data measured in the of fline auto tuning can be read and util ized or changed. <Operating procedure> 1)Set Pr . 71 according to the motor used.
196 Selection and pr otection of a mo tor (5) Method to set the motor const ant s without using the off line auto tuning dat a The Pr . 92 and Pr . 93 motor constant s may either be entered in [ Ω ] or in [mH]. Before starti ng operati on, confirm which motor constant unit is used.
197 Selection and pro tection of a mot or 4 P ARAMETERS • T o enter the Pr . 92 and Pr . 93 motor constants in [mH] <Operating procedure> 1) Set Pr . 71 according to the motor used. *1 For othe r settings of Pr . 71 , r efer to page 187 . 2) In the parameter setting mode, read the fol lowing parameters and set desired values.
198 Selection and pr otection of a mo tor (6) T une second applied motor · When you want to switch two motors with one inverter , set the s econd motor in Pr . 450 Secon d appli ed moto r (r efer to page 187) . In itial setting is without s econd applied motor .
4 P ARAMETERS 199 Selection and pro tection of a mot or 4.13.4 Online auto t uning (Pr . 95 , Pr . 574 ) (1) St art-time onl ine auto t uning ( Pr . 95 = "1") · By quickly tuning the motor .
200 Selection and pr otection of a mo tor (2) Magnetic flux ob server (normal tuning) ( Pr . 95 = "2" ) · When exercising vector control using a motor with encoder , it is effectiv e for torque accuracy improvement.
4 P ARAMETERS 201 Selection and pro tection of a mot or (3) St art-time onl ine auto t uning from extern al ter minal (X28 signal , Y39 signal ) · By tur ning ON the start-time tuni ng signal (X28) b.
202 Selection and pr otection of a mo tor (4) T une second applied motor · When you want to switch two motors with one inverter , set the second motor in Pr . 45 0 Se cond applie d mo tor .(Initial setting is without second applied motor . (Refer to page 187) ) Perform tuning using Pr .
203 Moto r brak e and s top op erat ion 4 P ARAMETERS 4.14 Motor brak e and stop operation 4.14.1 DC injection brake and zero speed control, servo lock (LX signal , X13 signal, Pr . 10 to Pr . 12, Pr . 80 2, Pr . 85 0) * This par ameter ca n be se t when t he FR- A7AP/FR- A7AL ( option) is moun ted.
204 Motor brake an d stop op eratio n (3) Operation volt age (torque) se tting (Pr . 12) ⋅ Use Pr . 12 to set the percent age to the power supply volt age. (T his param eter is not used during zero speed control or servo lock.) ⋅ When Pr . 12 = "0%", the DC injection bra ke is not operated.
205 Moto r brak e and s top op erat ion 4 P ARAMETERS (5) Magnetic flux decay out put shutoff ( Pr . 850 = "2") ⋅ Frequent start s/stops (inching) under Real sensorless vect or c ontrol may cause an inverter failure or create a difference in operation with the motor .
206 Motor brake an d stop op eratio n (6) Brake operation s election under vector cont rol (Pr . 802) ⋅ When pre-excitation is performed, selec t zero speed control or servo lock using Pr .
207 Moto r brak e and s top op erat ion 4 P ARAMETERS 4.14.2 Selection of regener ative brake and DC feeding (Pr . 30, Pr . 70) *1 Used in combi nation with GZG , GRZG , or FR-BR.
208 Motor brake an d stop op eratio n <75K or higher> *1 Used in combination with GZG , GRZG , or FR-BR. *2 Used in combi nation wit h MT -BR5. (1) W hen the built- in brake resistor , the brake unit (FR- BU2, BU, FR-BU) is used ⋅ Set Pr .
209 Moto r brak e and s top op erat ion 4 P ARAMETERS (5) W hen using the high power factor converter (FR- HC, MT -HC) or power r egeneration common converter (FR-CV) ⋅ Set "2" in Pr . 30 . The Pr . 70 setting is invalid. ⋅ Use any of Pr .
210 Motor brake an d stop op eratio n (7) DC feeding mode 2 ( Pr . 30 = "20, 2 1") ⋅ When "20 or 21" is set in Pr . 30 , operation is performed with A C power supply normally and with DC power supply such as battery at power failure.
21 1 Moto r brak e and s top op erat ion 4 P ARAMETERS ⋅ Operation example 1 at power failure ⋅ Operation example 2 at power failure (when DC power is restored) ⋅ Operation example 3 at power failure (when continuous operation is performed) Ti m e ON ON Back up operation Motor coasting Approx.
212 Motor brake an d stop op eratio n (8) Power supply specification at DC feeding (9) Regenerative brake duty alarm output and alarm signal (RBP signal) 200V c las s Rate d input DC vo ltage 283V DC .
213 Moto r brak e and s top op erat ion 4 P ARAMETERS 4.14 .3 Stop sele ction (P r . 250) Use this function to select the stoppi ng method (deceleration to a stop or coasting) when the st art signal turns OFF . Use this function to stop the motor with a mechanical brake, etc.
214 Motor brake an d stop op eratio n 4 . 1 4 . 4 Stop-on contact contr ol function (Pr . 6, Pr . 48, Pr . 270, Pr . 275, P r . 2 7 6 ) *1 This par ameter allows it s setting to be chang ed during op eration in any opera tion mode even if "0 (ini tial val ue) or 1" is se t in Pr .
215 Moto r brak e and s top op erat ion 4 P ARAMETERS (1) Set stop-on-cont act control ⋅ Make sure that the inverter is in External operation m ode. (Refer to page 313 ) ⋅ Select either Real sensorless vector c ontro l or Advanced magnetic flux vector control.
216 Motor brake an d stop op eratio n (3) Set frequency when stop-on-cont act control ( Pr . 270 = 1, 3, 1 1 or 13) is selected ⋅ The following table l ists the frequencies set when the input terminals (RH, RM, RL, RT , JOG) are selected together . Bold frame indicates stop-on-cont act control is valid.
217 Moto r brak e and s top op erat ion 4 P ARAMETERS 4.14.5 Brake sequence f unction (Pr . 2 78 to Pr . 285, Pr . 292) *1 Whe n exercisin g vector c ontrol with the FR-A7A P/FR-A7AL (o ption), t his .
218 Motor brake an d stop op eratio n (1) Set the brake s equence mode ⋅ Select either Real sensorless vector control, vector c ontrol (speed control) or Advanced magnetic flux vector control. The brake sequence function is valid only when the Exter nal operation mode, External/PU combined operation mode 1 or Network operation mode is selected.
219 Moto r brak e and s top op erat ion 4 P ARAMETERS (4) Protective functions If any of the following errors occurs in the brake sequence mode, the inverter results i n a fault, trips, and turns OFF the brake opening request signal (BOF).
220 Motor brake an d stop op eratio n 4.14 .6 O rien tat ion co ntro l ( Pr . 350 t o Pr . 366, P r . 3 69, Pr . 39 3, Pr . 396 to Pr . 399) This function is used with a position detector (encoder) inst alled to the spindle of a machine tool, etc. to allow a rotation shaf t to be stopped at the specified position (oriented).
221 Moto r brak e and s top op erat ion 4 P ARAMETERS 364 Encoder stop check ti me 0.5s 0 to 5.0s Orientation fault si gnal (O RM) i s outpu t when the en coder remains stopped f or the set t ime witho ut orientation complet e in t he state wh ere no o rientation c omple te sign al (ORA) is output.
222 Motor brake an d stop op eratio n (1) Connection example *1 The pin numbe r diffe rs according to the encoder used. *2 Use Pr . 178 t o Pr . 189 (i nput term inal f unction selection ) to assign the func tio n to any of te rmina l. (R ef er t o p ag e 2 31.
223 Moto r brak e and s top op erat ion 4 P ARAMETERS (3) Selecting stop posit ion command ( Pr . 350 S top position command selection ) ⋅ Select either the internal stop position command (Pr . 35 6) or the external stop position command (16-bit data using the FR-A7AX).
224 Motor brake an d stop op eratio n • Relationship between stop position command and 16-bit data 3) Pr . 361 Position shift (ini tial value "0") The stop position is a position obt ained by adding the setting value of Pr . 361 to the position command.
225 Moto r brak e and s top op erat ion 4 P ARAMETERS (6) Orient ation operation (under V/F contr ol, Advanced magneti c flux vector control) Orient ation during runni ng 1) When the orientation c ommand (X22) is input, the mo tor speed decreases to the orient ation speed set in Pr .
226 Motor brake an d stop op eratio n Orient ation from stop After turning ON the orientation command (X22), turning ON the st art signal will increase the motor speed to the orientation speed set in Pr . 351 Ori ent ation s peed , then orientation operation same as when "orientation during running" is performed.
227 Moto r brak e and s top op erat ion 4 P ARAMETERS Servo torque selection ( Pr . 358 ) V alid only under V/F control and Adv anced magnetic flux vect or control. 1) Servo torque function selection until output of the orientati on complete signal Whether servo torque is available or not is selected using Pr .
228 Motor brake an d stop op eratio n Position loop gain ( Pr . 362 ) When servo torque function is selected using Pr . 358 Se rvo tor que sele ction , output frequency for generating s ervo torque increases to the creep speed of Pr . 35 2 Creep spe ed gradually according to the slope set in Pr .
229 Moto r brak e and s top op erat ion 4 P ARAMETERS 3) Orientation from the reverse rotation di rection Servo rigi dity adjus tment (Pr . 362, Pr . 396 to Pr . 398) •T o increase the servo rigidity *1 during orient ation stop using Pr . 396 or Pr .
230 Motor brake an d stop op eratio n Pr . 399 Ori entat ion decel eration ra tio (initial val ue is 20) • Make adjustments as shown below according to the orient ation status . (Refer to the Pr . 396 and P r . 397 det ails als o.) Generally adjust Pr .
231 Functi on assignm ent of ext ernal term inal an d control 4 P ARAMETERS 4.15 Function assig nment of e xter nal ter minal and control 4.15.1 Input terminal function selecti on (Pr . 178 to Pr . 189 ) ........ ...... Specifications d iffer accord ing to the date as sembled .
232 Func tion assi gnment of e x ternal termi nal an d cont rol (1) Input terminal function assignment ⋅ Use Pr . 178 to P r . 189 to set the functions of the input terminals. ⋅ Refer to the following tabl e and set the parameters: Setting Signa l Name Function Re lated Parameters Refer to Page 0R L Pr .
233 Functi on assignm ent of ext ernal term inal an d control 4 P ARAMETERS *1 When Pr . 59 Remote func tion sele ction = "1 or 2", the funct ions of the RL, RM and RH signals chang e as listed above.
234 Func tion assi gnment of e x ternal termi nal an d cont rol 4.15.2 Inverter output shutoff si gnal (MRS signal, Pr . 17) The inverter output can be shut off from the MRS signal.
235 Functi on assignm ent of ext ernal term inal an d control 4 P ARAMETERS 4.15.3 Condition selection of funct ion validity by the second function selection signal (RT) and third function selection signal (X9) (R T signal, X9 signal, Pr . 155) ⋅ When the RT s ignal turns ON, the second function becomes valid.
236 Func tion assi gnment of e x ternal termi nal an d cont rol 4.15.4 Star t signal operation se lection (STF , STR, ST OP signal, Pr . 250) (1) 2-wire type (STF , STR signal) ⋅ A two-wire type connection is shown below . ⋅ In the initial setting, the forward/reverse rotation signals (STF/STR) are used as start and stop signals.
237 Functi on assignm ent of ext ernal term inal an d control 4 P ARAMETERS (2) 3-wire type (STF , STR, STOP signal) ⋅ A three-wire type connection is shown below . ⋅ The start self-holding selection becomes valid when the STOP signal is turned ON.
238 Func tion assi gnment of e x ternal termi nal an d cont rol 4.15.5 Magnetic flux decay output shutof f signal (X74 signal) ............... Specifications di ffer according to the d ate assemb led. Refer to page 48 4 to check the SE RIAL num ber. ⋅ For the X74 signal, set "74" in any of Pr .
239 Fu nct io n ass i gnme nt o f ex te rn al te rmi n al an d co ntr o l 4 P ARAMETERS 4.15.6 Output t erminal func tion selection ( Pr . 190 to Pr . 196) ....... ...... Specifications differ acc ording to the date assem bled. R efer to page 484 to check the SE RIAL num ber.
240 Func tion assi gnmen t of extern al terminal a nd contro l 13 1 13 Y13 Ze ro current detectio n Output when the out put power is low er than the Pr . 152 setting for longer than the time s et in Pr . 153 . Pr . 15 2, Pr . 153 248 14 1 14 FDN PID lower limit O utput wh en the feed back v alue fa lls below the lower limit o f PID control.
241 Fu nct io n ass i gnme nt o f ex te rn al te rmi n al an d co ntr o l 4 P ARAMETERS 47 147 PID During PID contro l activated Output during PID contr ol.
242 Func tion assi gnmen t of extern al terminal a nd contro l (2) Inverter operation ready si gnal (R Y , R Y2 signal) and invert er running signal (RUN, RUN2, RUN3 signal) *1 This s ignal tur ns OFF du ring power failure o r underv oltage. *2 Output i s shutoff in conditions like a fa ult and when the MRS signal is ON.
243 Fu nct io n ass i gnme nt o f ex te rn al te rmi n al an d co ntr o l 4 P ARAMETERS *1 Pr e-excit ation is made when the st art signal is O N and f requency c ommand is 0Hz. *2 This s ignal turns OFF during po wer failure or undervolt age. *3 Ther e is a delay of 100ms (500ms for th e 75K or higher ) when the signa l is ON.
244 Func tion assi gnmen t of extern al terminal a nd contro l (3) Forward rot ation and reverse r ot ation signal (Y30, Y31 signal) (4) Regenerative mode output signal (Y32 sign al) ⋅ The status during forward rotation (Y30) and reverse rotation (Y31) are output from the actual motor speed under vector control.
245 Fu nct io n ass i gnme nt o f ex te rn al te rmi n al an d co ntr o l 4 P ARAMETERS (5) Fault output signal (ALM, ALM2 signal) (6) Input MC shutoff si gnal (Y91 si gnal) ⋅ The Y91 signal is output at occurrence of a fault attribut able to the failure of the inverter circuit or a fault caused by a wiring mist ake.
246 Func tion assi gnmen t of extern al terminal a nd contro l 4.15.7 Detection of output frequency (SU, FU , FU2 , FU3, FB, FB2 , FB3, LS signal, Pr . 41 t o Pr . 43, Pr . 50 , Pr . 1 16, Pr . 865) The inverter output frequency is detected and output to the output signal.
247 Fu nct io n ass i gnme nt o f ex te rn al te rmi n al an d co ntr o l 4 P ARAMETERS (3) Low spee d detect ion (L S signal , Pr . 865 ) ⋅ The low speed detection signal (LS) is output when the output frequency drops below the Pr . 865 Low s peed detection setting.
248 Func tion assi gnmen t of extern al terminal a nd contro l 4.15.8 Out put current detection function (Y12 signa l, Y13 signal, Pr . 150 to Pr . 153, Pr . 166, Pr . 167 ) The output power during inverter running can be detected and output to the output terminal.
249 Fu nct io n ass i gnme nt o f ex te rn al te rmi n al an d co ntr o l 4 P ARAMETERS 4.15.9 Detection of output torque (TU signal, Pr . 864) (2) Zero curren t detection (Y13 signal, Pr . 152, Pr . 15 3 ) ⋅ If the output current remains lower than the Pr .
250 Func tion ass ignme nt of e xterna l termi nal a nd co ntrol 4.15.10 Remote output function (REM signal , Pr . 495 to Pr . 497) Y ou c an utilize the ON/OFF of the inverter's output signals instead of the remote output terminal of the programmable logic controller .
251 Monitor d isplay and mon itor out put signa l 4 P ARAMETERS 4.16 Monitor display and monitor o utput signal 4.16.1 Speed display and spe ed setting (Pr . 37, Pr . 144, P r . 505, Pr . 81 1) * The maxim um value of the setting r ange differs acco rding to the Pr .
252 Monitor d isplay and moni tor out put signa l ⋅ T o display the machine speed, set in Pr . 37 the machine speed for operation with frequency set in Pr . 50 5 . For example, when Pr . 5 05 = "60Hz" and Pr . 37 = "1000", "1000" is displayed on the running speed m onitor when the running frequency is 60Hz.
253 Monito r displa y and moni tor output signal 4 P ARAMETERS 4.16.2 DU/PU, FM, AM termin al moni tor disp lay se lection (Pr . 52, Pr . 54 , Pr . 1 58, Pr .
254 Monit or displa y and monito r outpu t signal Freque ncy sett ing valu e 0.01H z 5 *1 5 Pr . 55 Display t he set frequ ency . Runn ing speed 1( r/min) 6 *1 6 The valu e conver ted with the Pr . 37 value from Pr . 55 Displa y the moto r speed (The di splay differs depen ding on the Pr .
255 Monito r displa y and moni tor output signal 4 P ARAMETERS *1 Frequency setting to output terminal status on t he PU main monitor are selected by "ot her monitor selection" of the p arameter unit (FR-PU04 , FR-P U07 ).
256 Monit or displa y and monito r outpu t signal REMARKS ⋅ By setting "0" in Pr . 52 , the monit oring of outpu t frequ ency to faul t display can be sele cted in se quence by . ⋅ When th e operat ion panel (FR-DU 07) is use d, the displ ayed units are Hz, V and A only and the ot hers are not disp layed.
257 Monito r displa y and moni tor output signal 4 P ARAMETERS (3) Operation p anel (FR-DU07) I/O termin al monitor (Pr . 52) ⋅ When Pr . 52 is set to a ny of "55 to 57" , the I/O termina l states can b e monitored on the operatio n panel (FR-DU0 7).
258 Monit or displa y and monito r outpu t signal (4) Cum ulative power monit or and clear (Pr . 170, Pr . 891) ⋅ On the cumulative power monitor ( Pr .
259 Monitor d isplay and mon itor out put signa l 4 P ARAMETERS 4.16.3 Reference of the termina l FM (pul se train output) and AM (analog voltage output) (Pr . 55, Pr . 56, Pr . 291, Pr . 866, Pr . 867) (1) Pulse train output of the t erminal FM (Pr .
260 Monitor d isplay and moni tor out put signa l High spee d puls e train output spe cificati ons * T he output pulse ra te is 50kpps when a monito r outp ut value is 100% . High spee d pulse train o utput circu it (connection e xample with a pulse coun ter) • When Pr .
261 Monitor d isplay and mon itor out put signa l 4 P ARAMETERS (2) Frequency monitoring ref erence (Pr . 5 5) • Set the full scale value when outputting the frequency monitor from terminal FM or AM.
262 Monitor d isplay and moni tor out put signa l (4) Reference of torque monitor ( Pr . 866 ) • Set the full scale value when outputting the torque monitor from terminal FM or AM. • For calibration of terminal FM, set the full-scale value of the connected torque meter when the pulse speed of terminal FM is 1440 pulse/s (50k pulse/s).
263 Monitor d isplay and mon itor out put signa l 4 P ARAMETERS 4.16.4 T erminal FM, AM calibration (Cal ibration paramet er C0 (Pr . 900), C1 (P r . 901)) (1) FM terminal calibrat ion (C0(Pr . 900)) ⋅ The terminal FM is preset to output pulses. By setting the C alibrati on para meter C0 ( Pr .
264 Monitor d isplay and moni tor out put signa l (2) AM terminal c alibration (C1 (Pr . 901 )) ⋅ Calibrate the AM terminal in the following pro cedure. 1) Connect a 0-10VDC meter (frequency meter) to across inve rter terminals AM-5. (Note the polarity .
265 Monitor d isplay and mon itor out put signa l 4 P ARAMETERS (3) How to calibrate t he terminal FM when using the operati on p anel (FR-DU07) REMARKS ⋅ Calibrat ion can also be made for ext ernal oper ation. Set the frequ ency in Ex ternal ope ration m ode, and m ake cal ibration i n the above pr ocedu re.
266 Operation selection at p ower failur e and in stant aneous power fa ilure 4.17 Oper a tion selecti on a t po w er fail ure and instanta neous pow er failure 4.17.1 Automatic restart after instantaneous power failure/flying st art (Pr . 57, Pr . 58, Pr .
267 Operatio n selection at pow er failure and inst antane ous powe r failu re 4 P ARAMETERS (1) Automatic rest art af ter inst an t aneous power failure operation ⋅ When inst antaneous power failure protection (E.IPF) and undervoltage protection (E.
268 Operation selection at p ower failur e and in stant aneous power fa ilure Without freque ncy search When Pr . 162 = "1" or "1 1", automatic restart operation is performed i.
269 Operatio n selection at pow er failure and inst antane ous powe r failu re 4 P ARAMETERS (4) Restart coasting time (Pr . 57) ⋅ Coastin g time is th e time fro m when t he moto r speed is dete cted un til auto matic res tart control is st arted .
270 Operation selection at p ower failur e and in stant aneous power fa ilure 4.17.2 P ower fai lure-time decelerat ion-to-stop fu nction (Pr . 261 to Pr .
271 Operati on sele ction at power failu re and inst antane ous pow er failu re 4 P ARAMETERS (4) Original operation continuation at inst antaneou s power failure functi on ( Pr . 261 = "2, 12") (5) Undervoltage avoi dance function ( Pr . 261 = "1 1, 1 2", Pr .
272 Operation selection at p ower failur e and in stant aneous power fa ilure (6) Power failure deceleration signa l (Y46 signal) ⋅ After deceleration at an inst antaneous power failure, inverter cannot start even if the start command is given. In this case, check the power failure deceleration signal (Y46 si gnal).
273 Operation setting at fau lt occurre nce 4 P ARAMETERS 4.18 Oper at ion setting at f ault occur rence 4.18.1 Retry f unction (Pr . 6 5, Pr . 67 t o Pr . 69) ⋅ Retry operation automatically resets a fault and restarts the inverter at the starting frequency when the time set in Pr .
274 Operatio n setting at faul t occurrence ⋅ Using Pr . 65 y ou can select the fault that will cause a retry to be executed. No retry will be made for the fault not indicated. (Refer to page 404 for the fault description.) indicates the errors selected for retry .
275 Operation setting at f ault occurrence 4 P ARAMETERS 4.18.2 Fault code output selection (Pr . 76) ⋅ By setting Pr . 76 = "1" or "2", the fault code can be output to the output terminals.
276 Operation setting at fault occurrence 4.18.3 Input/output phase loss protection selection (Pr . 251, Pr . 872) (1) Output phase loss protection selection ( Pr . 251) ⋅ When Pr . 251 is set to "0", output phase loss protection (E.LF) becomes invalid.
277 Operation setting at f ault occurrence 4 P ARAMETERS 4.18.6 Fault definition (Pr . 875) When motor thermal protection is activated, a fault can be output af ter the motor decelerates to a stop.
278 Ener gy sa vin g oper at io n and ener gy s avi ng moni to r 4.19 Ener g y savin g operation an d ener gy saving moni tor 4.19.1 Energy saving cont rol (Pr . 60) Energy saving operation mode ( setting "4" ) ⋅ When "4" is set in Pr .
279 Ener gy sa vin g oper at io n and ener gy s avi ng moni to r 4 P ARAMETERS 4.19.2 Energy saving monitor (Pr . 891 to Pr . 899) From the power consumption estima ted value during commercia l power supply operation, the energy saving effect by use of the inv erter can be monitored/output.
280 Ener gy sa vin g oper at io n and ener gy s avi ng moni to r (1) Energy saving monitor list ⋅ The following provides the items that can be monitored b y the power saving monitor ( Pr . 52, Pr . 54, Pr . 158 = "50"). (Only 1) power saving and 3) power saving average value can be output to Pr .
281 Ener gy sa vin g oper at io n and ener gy s avi ng moni to r 4 P ARAMETERS (2) Power saving inst antaneous monitor ( 1) power savi ngs, 2) power saving rate ) ⋅ On the power saving monitor ( 1)).
282 Ener gy sa vin g oper at io n and ener gy s avi ng moni to r (5) Power estimated val ue of commercial power supply o peration (Pr . 892, Pr . 893, Pr .
283 Ener gy sa vin g oper at io n and ener gy s avi ng moni to r 4 P ARAMETERS (6) Annual power saving amount, power cost (Pr . 899) ⋅ By setting the operation time rate [%] (ratio of time when the motor is actually driven by the inverter during a year) in Pr .
284 Motor noi se, EM I mea sur es 4.20 Motor noise, EMI measures 4.20.1 PWM carrier fre quency and Sof t-PWM control (Pr . 72, Pr . 240) (1) PW M carr ier frequency chan ging (Pr .
285 Frequency/ torque setti ng by anal og input (te rminal 1, 2, 4) 4 P ARAMETERS 4.21 F r equenc y/torque setting by analog in put (ter minal 1, 2, 4) 4.
286 Frequen cy/torque setting by analog input ( termi nal 1, 2, 4) 4.21.2 Analog input selection (Pr . 73, P r . 267) (1) Selection of analog input specifi cations ⋅ For the terminals 2, 4 used for analog input, volt age input (0 to 5V , 0 to 10V) or current input (0 to 20mA) can be selected.
287 Frequency/ torque setti ng by anal og input (te rminal 1, 2, 4) 4 P ARAMETERS ⋅ Refer to the following tabl e and set Pr . 73 and Pr . 2 67 . ( i ndicates the main speed setting) ⎯ : Invaild ⋅ Set the voltage /current input switch referring to the table below .
288 Frequen cy/torque setting by analog input ( termi nal 1, 2, 4) (2) Perform operation by analog input volt age ⋅ The frequency setting signal input s 0 to 5VDC (or 0 to 10V DC) to across the terminals 2 and 5. The 5V (10V) inpu t is the max imum output frequency .
289 Frequency/ torque setti ng by anal og input (te rminal 1, 2, 4) 4 P ARAMETERS (3) Perform operation by analog input curre nt ⋅ When the pressure or temperature is controlled constant by a fan, pump, etc., automatic operation can be per formed by inputting the output signal 0 to 20mADC of the adjuster to across the terminals 4 and 5.
290 Frequen cy/torque setting by analog input ( termi nal 1, 2, 4) 4.21.3 Analog input compensation (Pr . 73, Pr . 242, Pr . 243, Pr . 252 , Pr . 25 3) (1) Added com pensation (Pr .
291 Frequency/ torque setti ng by anal og input (te rminal 1, 2, 4) 4 P ARAMETERS (2) Override function (Pr . 252, Pr . 253) Override conn ection diagram ⋅ Use the override function to change the main speed at a fi xed ratio. ⋅ Set any of "4, 5, 14, 15" in Pr .
292 Frequen cy/torque setting by analog input ( termi nal 1, 2, 4) 4 . 21 . 4 Response level of ana log input and noise elim ination (Pr . 74 , Pr . 822 , Pr .
293 Frequency/ torque setti ng by anal og input (te rminal 1, 2, 4) 4 P ARAMETERS (2) Time const ant of analog input (Pr . 74) ⋅ Effecti ve for eliminating noise in the frequency setting c ircuit. ⋅ Increase the filter time const ant if steady operation cannot be performed due to noise.
294 Frequen cy/torque setting by analog input ( termi nal 1, 2, 4) 4.21.5 Bias and gain of frequency s etting voltage (current) (Pr . 125, Pr . 126, Pr .
295 Frequency/ torque setti ng by anal og input (te rminal 1, 2, 4) 4 P ARAMETERS (1) The relationship between analog inp ut terminal and calibr ation p arameter T e rmin al 1 fu nction al cali bration par ameter T e rmin al 4 fu nction al cali bration par ameter ⎯ : No function *U s e Pr .
296 Frequen cy/torque setting by analog input ( termi nal 1, 2, 4) . (4) Analog input display unit changing (Pr . 24 1) ⋅ Y ou can change the analog input display unit (%/V /mA) for analog input bias/gain cali bration. ⋅ Depending on the terminal input specific ation set to Pr .
297 Frequency/ torque setti ng by anal og input (te rminal 1, 2, 4) 4 P ARAMETERS (5) Frequency setting volt age (current) bias/ gain adjustment method (a)Method to adjust any point by application of v oltage (current) to across the terminals 2 and 5 (4 and 5).
298 Frequen cy/torque setting by analog input ( termi nal 1, 2, 4) (b) Method to adjust any point without application of a volt age (current) across terminals 2 and 5(4 and 5). (T o change from 4V (80%) to 5V (100%)) REM ARKS By press ing after step 6 , you can con firm th e current freq uency setting bi as/gain se tting.
299 Frequency/ torque setti ng by anal og input (te rminal 1, 2, 4) 4 P ARAMETERS (c) Method to adjust only the frequency without adjustment of a gain volt age (current). (When changing the gain frequency from 60Hz to 50Hz) REMARKS ⋅ Chang ing C4 ( Pr .
300 Frequen cy/torque setting by analog input ( termi nal 1, 2, 4) 4.21.6 Bias and gain of torque (magne tic flux) setting voltage (curr ent) (Pr . 241, C16( Pr .
301 Freque ncy/torque se tting by analog input ( termina l 1, 2, 4) 4 P ARAMETERS T erminal 4 functional ca libration parameter ⎯ : No function * Use Pr . 148 S tall prevention level at 0V input and Pr . 149 S tall prevention level at 10V input to adjust bias/ gain of stall preven tion opera tion level.
302 Frequen cy/torque setting by analog input ( termi nal 1, 2, 4) (6) Adjustment method of torque setting volt age (current) bia s and gain a) Method to adjust any point without applicatio n of a vol.
303 Freque ncy/torque se tting by analog input ( termina l 1, 2, 4) 4 P ARAMETERS b) Method to adjust any point without application of a volt age (current) across terminals 1 and 5(4 and 5) (T o change from 8V (80%) to 10V (100%)) REMARKS Y ou can chec k the curren t torqu e setting bia s/gain setting by pr essing after step 6.
304 Frequen cy/torque setting by analog input ( termi nal 1, 2, 4) c) Method to adjust torque only without adjustment of gain volt age (current) (when changing gain torque from 150% to 130%) REMARKS · For oper ation from the paramete r unit (FR-PU 04/FR-PU 07), refer to the instru ction man ual of the FR- PU04/ FR-PU07 .
305 Misop erat ion preven tion and parame ter setting restriction 4 P ARAMETERS 4.22 Misoper a tion pre vention and parameter setting restriction 4.22.
306 Misoper ation preve ntion an d param eter setting restriction (2) Disconnected PU detect ion • This function detect s that the PU (FR-DU07/FR-PU04/ FR-PU07) has been disconnected from the inverter for longer than 1s and causes the inverter to provide a fault output (E.
307 Misop erat ion preven tion and parame ter setting restriction 4 P ARAMETERS 4.22.2 Para meter write selecti on (Pr . 77) (1) Write p arameters only at a stop (setting "0", init ial value) ⋅ Parameters can be written only during a stop in the PU operation mode.
308 Misoper ation p revention and p arameter setting restriction 4.22.3 Reverse rotation pre vention selection ( Pr . 78) ⋅ Set this parameter when you want to limit the motor rotati on to only one direction.
309 Misop erat ion preven tion and parame ter setting restriction 4 P ARAMETERS (2) User group function ( Pr . 160, Pr . 172 to Pr . 174 ) ⋅ The user group function is designed to display only the p arameters necessary for setting. ⋅ From among all parameters, a maximum of 16 parameters can be regis tered to a user group.
310 Misoper ation p revention and p arameter setting restriction 4.22. 5 Password functi on (P r . 296, P r . 297) (1) Parameter reading/writing res triction lev el (Pr . 296) Level of reading/writing restriction by PU/NET operation mode operation command can be s elected by Pr .
31 1 Misop erat ion preven tion and parame ter setting restriction 4 P ARAMETERS (2) Password lock/unlock (Pr .296, Pr .297) <Lock> 1) S et para met er re ading /w riti ng res tr ictio n le vel. ( Pr . 296 ≠ 9999) * If passwo rd unlo ck erro r has occ urred 5 tim es when Pr .
312 Misoper ation p revention and p arameter setting restriction (3) Parameter operation during p assword locked/unl ocked Parameter Operation Passwo rd Unloc ked Password R egistere d Password Lo cked Pr . 296 = 9999 Pr . 297 = 9999 Pr . 296 ≠ 9999 Pr .
313 Selection of operation mode and ope ration location 4 P ARAMETERS 4.23 Selection of o per a tion mode and operation loca tion 4.23.1 Operation mode s election (Pr . 79) *1 This p arameter allo ws its setti ng to be changed in any operation mod e even if "0 (initi al value) or 1" is set in Pr .
314 Selection of operation mode and ope ration locatio n (1) Operation mode basics (2) Operation mode switching method ⋅ The operation mode is to specify the source of inputting the start command and frequency command of the inverter . ⋅ Basically , there are following operation mo des.
315 Selection of operation mode and ope ration location 4 P ARAMETERS (3) Operation mode selection flow In the following flowchart, select the basic p arameter setti ng and term inal conne ction relate d to the op eration mo de.
316 Selection of operation mode and ope ration locatio n (4) External operation mode (s etting "0" (i nitial value ), "2") (5) PU operation mode ( setting " 1") ⋅ Select the External operation mode when the start command and the frequency command are applied from a frequency setting potentiometer , start switch, etc.
317 Selection of operation mode and ope ration location 4 P ARAMETERS (6) PU/External combined operation mode 1 (setting "3") (7) PU/External combined operation mode 2 (setting "4".
318 Selection of operation mode and ope ration locatio n (8) Switchover mode (setti ng "6") ⋅ While continuing operation, you can switch among PU operation, External operation and Network operation (when RS-485 terminals or communication option is used).
319 Selection of operation mode and ope ration location 4 P ARAMETERS (10) Switching of operati on mode by external signal (X16 signal) ⋅ When external operation and operation from the operation pan.
320 Selection of operation mode and ope ration locatio n (1 1) Switching of operati on mode by exter nal terminal (X65, X66 signal) ⋅ When Pr . 79 = any of "0, 2, 6", the operation mode sw.
321 Selection of operation mode and ope ration location 4 P ARAMETERS 4.23.2 Operati on mode at po wer ON (Pr . 79, Pr . 340) (1) Specify operati on mode at power ON (Pr . 340) ⋅ Depending on the Pr . 79 and Pr . 340 s ettings, the operation mode at power ON (reset) changes as described below .
322 Selection of operation mode and ope ration locatio n 4.23.3 Start co mmand source and frequency command source during communication operation (Pr . 338, Pr . 339 , Pr . 5 50, Pr . 551) (1) Select the command source of the Network operation mode (Pr .
323 Selection of operation mode and ope ration location 4 P ARAMETERS (2) Select the command source of the PU operation mode (Pr . 551) ⋅ Any of the P U connector , RS-485 terminals, or USB connector can be specified as the command source in the PU operation mode.
324 Selection of operation mode and ope ration locatio n (3) Controllability th rough communication Operat ion Locat ion Conditio n ( Pr . 551 Setti ng) Operation Mode Item PU Oper ati on External Opera tio n External /PU Combin ed Opera tio n Mod e 1 ( Pr .
325 Selection of operation mode and ope ration location 4 P ARAMETERS *1 As set in Pr . 338 Communication operation command so urc e and Pr . 339 Communi cation speed command source . (Refer to p age 322) *2 At oc currence of RS- 485 communic ation error , the invert er cannot be reset from the computer .
326 Selection of operation mode and ope ration locatio n (5) Selection of command source in Network operation mode (Pr . 338, Pr . 339 ) ⋅ There are two control sources: operation command source, wh.
327 Selection of operation mode and ope ration location 4 P ARAMETERS [Explanation of t able] Externa l : Control is va lid only from externa l terminal sign al. NET : Control only from communic ation is valid Combin ed : Control is vali d from eith er of exte rnal termin al and co mmunicati on.
328 Commun ication operat ion and setting 4.24 Communicati on operati on and setting 4.24.1 Wiring and configuration of PU connector Using the PU connector , you can perform communi cation operation from a personal computer etc.
329 Commun ication o peration and setti ng 4 P ARAMETERS (2) PU connector communication syst em configurat ion and wiring z System configurati on z Connection with RS-485 computer * Make connection s in accorda nce with the ma nual of the c omputer used.
330 Commun ication operat ion and setting 4.24.2 Wiring and arrangement of RS-48 5 terminals (1) RS-485 terminal layout (2) Connection of RS-485 terminals and wires Loosen the terminal screw and insert the cable into the terminal .
331 Commun ication o peration and setti ng 4 P ARAMETERS (3) RS-485 terminal sy stem configurat ion z Connection of a computer t o the inver ter (1:1 connection) z Combination of computer and multiple.
332 Commun ication operat ion and setting (4) RS-485 terminal wiri ng method z Wiring of one RS-485 computer and one inverter z Wiring of one RS-485 computer and "n" inverters (several inverters) *1 Make conne ctions in accor dance with the manua l of the compu ter used.
333 Commun ication o peration and setti ng 4 P ARAMETERS 4.24.3 Initial settings and specifications of RS-485 communication (Pr . 1 17 t o Pr . 12 4, Pr .
334 Commun ication operat ion and setting [RS-485 terminal communicat ion related p arameter] 4.24. 4 Communication EEP ROM write sel ection (P r . 342) ⋅ When ch anging the p aramete r values fr equently , set "1" in Pr . 342 to write them to the RAM.
335 Commun ication o peration and setti ng 4 P ARAMETERS 4.24.5 Mitsubishi inver ter protocol (computer link comm unication) (1) Com munication specif ications ⋅ The communication specifications are giv en below .
336 Commun ication operat ion and setting (3) Com munication operat ion presence/absence and dat a format types ⋅ Data communic ation between the computer and inverter is made in ASCII code (hexadecimal code).
337 Commun ication o peration and setti ng 4 P ARAMETERS (4) Data definit ions 1) Control codes 2) Inverter station number S pecify the station number of the inverter which communicates with the computer . 3) Instruction code S pecify the proces sing req uest, e.
338 Commun ication operat ion and setting 7) Error Code If any error is found in the data received by the inverter , its definition is sent back to the computer together with the NAK code.
339 Commun ication o peration and setti ng 4 P ARAMETERS (6) Retry count sett ing ( Pr . 121, Pr . 335 ) ⋅ Set the permissible number of retries at occurrence of a data receive error .
340 Commun ication operat ion and setting (8) Instructions for the pr ogram 1) When data from the computer has any error , the inverter does not accept that dat a. Hence, in the user program, always insert a retry program for data error . 2) All data communication, e.
341 Commun ication o peration and setti ng 4 P ARAMETERS General flowchart Port open Communication setting Ti me out s etting Send data processing Data sett ing Sum code c alculation Data .
342 Commun ication operat ion and setting (9) Setting items and se t dat a After completion of parameter setting, set the i nstruction codes and data then start c ommunication from the computer to allow various types of oper ation control and monitoring .
343 Commun ication o peration and setti ng 4 P ARAMETERS Example) When reading the C3 (P r . 902) and C6 (P r . 904) settings from the inverter of stati on 0 T o read/w rite C3 (Pr . 902) and C6 (Pr . 904) a fter i nverte r reset or param eter cl ear , execute from 1) a gain.
344 Commun ication operat ion and setting List of calibration parameters [Special monitor selection No .] Refer to page 253 for det ails of the monitor description. ...........S pecificatio ns differ according to the date assemble d. Refer to pa ge 48 4 to check th e SERIAL n umber .
345 Commun ication o peration and setti ng 4 P ARAMETERS [Fault data] Refer to page 403 for details of fault descripti on. [Run command] *1 The si gnal within p arentheses is the initial se tting. The descr iption chang es depending on the setting of Pr .
346 Commun ication operat ion and setting [Inverter status monito r] * The signal within p arenthes es is the initial settin g. The descripti on changes depending on t he setting of Pr .
347 Commun ication o peration and setti ng 4 P ARAMETERS 4.24.6 Modbus-R TU communication speci fications (Pr . 331 , Pr . 332, Pr . 334, Pr . 343, Pr . 53 9, Pr . 54 9) (1) Com munication specif ications ⋅ The communication specifications are giv en below .
348 Commun ication operat ion and setting (2) Outl ine The Modbus protocol is the communication protocol developed by Modi con for programmable controller . The Modbus protocol performs serial communication between the master and slave using the dedicated message frame.
349 Commun ication o peration and setti ng 4 P ARAMETERS (4) Message frame (protocol) Communication method Basically , the master sends a query message (question) and the sl ave returns a response message (response).
350 Commun ication operat ion and setting (5) Message format types The message formats corresponding to the func tion codes in T able 1 on page 349 will be explained.
351 Commun ication o peration and setti ng 4 P ARAMETERS Write multiple holding register data (H06 or 06) Y ou can write the description of 1) system env ironment variables and 4) inverter parameters assigned to the holding register area (refer to the register list (page 35 5) ).
352 Commun ication operat ion and setting Function diagno sis (H08 or 08) A communication check can be m ade since the query me ssage sent is returned unchanged as a response message (function of subfunction code H00).
353 Commun ication o peration and setti ng 4 P ARAMETERS ⋅ Description of normal response 1) to 4) (including CRC check) of the normal response are the same as those of the query message. Read holding register access log ( H46 or 70) A response can be made to a query made by the function c ode H03 or H10.
354 Commun ication operat ion and setting Error response An error response is returned if the query message received from the master has an illegal function, address or data. No response is returned for a p arity , CRC, overrun, framing or busy error .
355 Commun ication o peration and setti ng 4 P ARAMETERS (6) Modbus registers System environment variable *1 The communi cation para meter values are not clea red. *2 For write, set the data as a contro l input instr uction. For read, data is read as an inverter opera ting st atus.
356 Commun ication operat ion and setting Real-time monitor Refer to page 253 for details of the moni tor description. ...........S pecificatio ns differ according to the date assemble d. Refer to pa ge 48 4 to check th e SERIAL n umber . *1 The sett ing depend s on capac ities.
357 Commun ication o peration and setti ng 4 P ARAMETERS Par ame ter Parameters Register Parameter Name Read/Write Re ma rks 0 to 999 41000 to 41999 Refer to the para meter list (page 71 ) for the p arameter names. Re ad/w ri te The parame ter num ber + 41000 is the register number.
358 Commun ication operat ion and setting Faults history Fault code list (7) Pr . 343 Communicatio n error coun t Y ou can check the cumulative number of communication errors.
359 Commun ication o peration and setti ng 4 P ARAMETERS (9) Signal loss detection ( Pr . 539 Modbus-RTU communication check time i nterval ) If a signal loss (communication s top) is detected between the i nverter and master as a result of a signal loss detection, a communication faul t (E.
360 Commun ication operat ion and setting 4.24.7 USB communication (Pr . 547, Pr . 548) * Changed setting value i s valid whe n power ing ON or resetting the in verter . z USB communication specifi cations · When using USB communi cation, set "3" in Pr .
361 Special o peration and fre quency cont rol 4 P ARAMETERS 4.25 Special operatio n and frequenc y control 4.25.1 PID cont rol (Pr . 127 to Pr . 134, Pr . 575 t o Pr . 577 ) Purpose Parameter th at must be Set Refer to Page Perform pr ocess cont rol such as pump and air volume.
362 Spec ial oper atio n and fr eque ncy co ntrol (1) PID control basic configuratio n ⋅ Pr . 128 = "10, 1 1" (Deviation value signal input) *S e t 0 i n Pr . 868 T erminal 1 functi on assignment . PID control is invalid when Pr . 868 ≠ 0.
363 Special o peration and fre quency cont rol 4 P ARAMETERS (2) PID action overview 1) PI action 2) PD action 3) PID action A combination of P action (P) and I ac tion (I) for providing a manipulated variable in response to deviation and c hanges with time.
364 Spec ial oper atio n and fr eque ncy co ntrol 4)Reverse action Increases the manipulated variable (output frequency ) if devia tion X = (set point - measured value) is posi tive, and decreases the manipulated variabl e if deviation is negative.
365 Special o peration and fre quency cont rol 4 P ARAMETERS (4) I/O signals and p arameter se tting ⋅ T urn O N the X14 si gnal to perform PID control. When th is signal is OFF , PID action is not performed and normal inverter operation is pe rformed.
366 Spec ial oper atio n and fr eque ncy co ntrol (5) PID control auto matic switchove r control (Pr . 127) ⋅ The inverter can be started up without PID co ntrol only at a start.
367 Special o peration and fre quency cont rol 4 P ARAMETERS (8) Adjustment procedure (9) Calibration example (A detector of 4mA at 0 ° C and 20mA at 50 ° C is used to adjust the room temperature to 25 ° C under PID control. The set point is given to across inverter terminals 2 and 5 (0 to 5V).
368 Spec ial oper atio n and fr eque ncy co ntrol <Set point input cal ibration> 1. Apply the input voltage of 0% set point setti ng (e.g. 0V) across terminals 2 and 5. 2. Enter in C2 (Pr . 902) the frequency which should be output by the inverter at the deviation of 0% (e.
369 Special o peration and fre quency cont rol 4 P ARAMETERS 4.25.2 Bypass-inve rter sw itchover function (P r . 57, Pr . 58, P r . 135 to Pr . 139, Pr . 159) ⋅ When the moto r is operat ed at 60Hz (or 50Hz), mo re efficient oper ation can be performed by t he commerc ial power supply than by the inver ter .
370 Spec ial oper atio n and fr eque ncy co ntrol (1) Connection diagram ⋅ The following shows the connection diagram of a typical electronic bypass sequence. Sink logic, Pr . 185 = "7", Pr . 192 = "17", Pr . 193 = "18", Pr .
371 Special o peration and fre quency cont rol 4 P ARAMETERS ⋅ The input signals are as indicated below . ⋅ The output signals are as indicated below . Signa l T er min al U sed Function Operati on MC Oper atio n *6 MC1 *5 MC2 MC3 MRS MRS Operat ion enable/ disable select ion *1 ON .
372 Spec ial oper atio n and fr eque ncy co ntrol (2) Electronic byp ass operation sequence ⋅ Operation sequence example when there is no automatic switchover sequence ( Pr . 139 = "9999") ⋅ Operat ion seq uence exam ple when the re is auto matic switchover s equenc e ( Pr .
373 Special o peration and fre quency cont rol 4 P ARAMETERS (3) Operating procedure 1) Procedure for operation Operation pattern 2) Signal ON/OFF after p arameter setting MRS CS STF MC1 MC2 MC3 Remar.
374 Spec ial oper atio n and fr eque ncy co ntrol 4.25.3 Load torque high speed frequency c ontrol (Pr . 4, Pr . 5, Pr . 270 to Pr . 274) <Connection di agram> Load torque high speed frequency c ontrol is a function which automatically s ets the operational maxi mum frequency according to the load.
375 Special o peration and fre quency cont rol 4 P ARAMETERS (1) Load torque high speed frequency control setti ng · Set "2, 3 or 13" in Pr .
376 Spec ial oper atio n and fr eque ncy co ntrol 4.25.4 Droop control (Pr . 286 to Pr . 28 8) CAUTION When the load is light, the m otor may suddenly accelerate to 120Hz maximum, causing hazard. Securely provide mechanical interloc k on the machine side to perform.
377 Special o peration and fre quency cont rol 4 P ARAMETERS (2) Limit the frequency af ter droop compensation (0 li mit) · Setting Pr . 288 under Real sensorless vector control or vector control can limit the fr equency command when the frequency after droop compensation is n egative.
378 Spec ial oper atio n and fr eque ncy co ntrol 4.25.5 Frequency setting by pulse train input (Pr . 291, Pr . 384 to Pr . 386) (1) Pulse train input selection ( Pr . 291) · Setting any of "1, 1 1, 21, 100" in Pr . 291 Puls e train I /O sele ction and a value other than "0" in Pr .
379 Special o peration and fre quency cont rol 4 P ARAMETERS * When the wiring l ength of the open collecto r output conne ction is long, input pulse c annot be r ecognize d because of a pulse sh ape defor mati on due t o the stray capac itances of th e wiring.
380 Spec ial oper atio n and fr eque ncy co ntrol (4) Synchronous speed operat ion by pulse I/O * W hen the wir ing length be tween FM and JOG is long, a pu lse sha pe is deform ed due to th e stray capacitance s of the wirin g and i nput pul se ca nnot be recognized .
381 Special o peration and fre quency cont rol 4 P ARAMETERS 4.25.6 Encoder feedback control (Pr . 144, Pr . 285 , Pr . 359 , Pr . 367 to Pr . 3 69) (1) Setting before the operation ( Pr . 144, Pr . 359, Pr . 369 ) ⋅ When performing encoder feedback control under V/F control, set the number of motor poles in Pr .
382 Spec ial oper atio n and fr eque ncy co ntrol (2) Selection of encoder feedback contr ol ( Pr . 367 ) (3) Feedback gain ( Pr . 368 ) ⋅ Set Pr . 368 Fee dback gain when the rot ation is unstable or response is slow . ⋅ If the acceleration/deceleration time is long, feedback response becomes slower .
383 Special o peration and fre quency cont rol 4 P ARAMETERS 4.25.7 Regeneration avoidanc e function (Pr . 665, Pr . 882 to Pr . 886) (1) W hat is regenerat ion avoidance function? (Pr . 882, Pr . 883) ⋅ When the regenerative status is s erious, the DC bus voltage rises and an overvolt age fault (E.
384 Spec ial oper atio n and fr eque ncy co ntrol (2) T o detect the regenerati ve st atus during decelerat ion faster (Pr . 884) ⋅ As the regeneration av oidance function cannot respond to an abrup.
385 Useful functions 4 P ARAMETERS 4.26 Useful fu nctions 4.26.1 Cooling fan operation se lection (Pr . 244) ⋅ In either of the following cases, fan operation is regarded as faulty , [FN] is shown on the operation panel, and the fan fault (F AN) and alarm (LF) signals are output.
386 Useful functions 4.26.2 Display of the l ife of the i nverter part s (Pr . 25 5 to Pr . 259) Degrees of deterioration of main circuit c apacitor , control circuit cap acitor , cooling fan and inrush current li mit circuit can be diagnosed by mon itor .
387 Useful functions 4 P ARAMETERS (1) Life alarm display and signal output (Y90 signal, Pr . 255 ) ⋅ Whether a ny of the contro l circuit c apacitor , main c ircuit capacitor , cooling fan and inr ush current limit ci rcuit has reached t he life alarm outpu t level or not can be c hecked by Pr .
388 Useful functions (4) Main circuit cap acitor life display (Pr . 25 8, Pr . 259) ⋅ The deterioration degree of the main circuit cap acitor is displayed in Pr . 258 as a life. ⋅ On the assumption that the main circuit capac itor capacit ance at factory shipment is 100%, the cap acitor life is displayed in Pr .
389 Useful functions 4 P ARAMETERS 4.26.3 Mainte nance time r alarm (P r . 503, P r . 50 4) ⋅ The cumulative energization ti me of the inverter is stored into the EEPROM every hour and indicated in Pr . 503 Maintenance timer in 100h increment s. Pr .
390 Useful functions 4.26.4 Current average v alue monitor s ignal (Pr . 555 to Pr . 557) ⋅ The pulse output of the current average value monitor signal (Y93) is shown above. ⋅ For the terminal used for the Y93 signal output, assign the func tion by setting "93" (positive logic) or "193" (negative logic) to any of Pr .
391 Useful functions 4 P ARAMETERS (3) Setting of Pr . 557 Curr ent average value monitor signal output r eference curr en t Set the reference (100%) for outputting the signal of the current average value. Obtain the time to output the signal from the following formula.
392 Useful functions 4.26. 5 Free paramet er (Pr . 888, Pr . 88 9) Y ou can input any number within the setting range 0 to 9999. For example, the number can be used: ⋅ As a unit number when multiple unit s are used. ⋅ As a pattern number for each operation application when multiple unit s are used.
393 Setting of the p arame ter unit a nd operat ion pan el 4 P ARAMETERS 4.27 Setting of the parameter unit and op er at ion panel 4.27.1 PU displ ay language se lection (Pr .
394 Setting o f the p arame ter unit a nd operat ion p anel (1) Using the sett ing dial like a pot entiometer t o set the frequency . Operation example Changing the frequency from 0Hz to 60Hz during operation REM ARKS ⋅ If the displ ay changes from flick ering "60.
395 Setting of the p arame ter unit a nd operat ion pan el 4 P ARAMETERS (2 ) Disable the setting dial and key operation of the operation p anel (Press [MODE] long (2s)) ⋅ Operation using the setting dial and key of the operation p anel can be invalid to prevent p arameter change, and unexpected start or frequency setting.
396 Paramet er clear an d all paramete r clear 4.28 Parameter c lear and all parameter c lear * Refer to th e list of param eters on page 466 for availability of p arameter clear and all p arameter clear . POIN T · Set "1" in Pr . CL parameter clear or ALLC All parameter clea r to initiali ze all parameters.
397 Para mete r copy an d parame ter verif ica tio n 4 P ARAMETERS 4.29 Pa r ameter cop y and parameter v erifi catio n 4.29.1 Parameter copy PCPY Setting Description 0 Cancel 1 Copy the s ource parameters to t he operation panel. 2 Write the parameters copied to the operati on panel into the destination inverter .
398 Paramete r copy and p aramete r verif ication 4.29. 2 Parameter ve rificat ion Whether same parameter values are set in other in verters or not can be checked. Operat ion 1. Move the operation panel to the inverter to be verified. Move it during a stop.
4 P ARAMETERS 399 Check an d clear o f the faul ts history 4.30 Chec k and c lear of the f aults histor y (1) Check for the faul t s history * The cumul ative energ izati on time and actual ope ration t ime are accumul ated from 0 to 65535 hours, th en cleared, and accumulate d again from 0.
400 Check an d clear o f the fault s history (2) Clearing procedure POIN T · The fault s history can be cleared by setting "1" in Er .CL Fault s hist ory clear . Operat ion 1. Screen at power-ON The monitor display appears. 2. Parameter setting mode Press to choose the paramet er setting mode.
401 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 5 PR O TECTIVE FU NCTIONS This chapter describes t he basic "PROTECTIVE FUNCTION" for use of this product. Always read the i nstructions befor e using t he equipment. 5.1 Reset method of pro tective f unction ...... .......
402 Reset met hod of pr otective function When a fault occurs in the inverter , the inverter trips and the PU display automatically changes to one of the following fault or alarm indications. If the fault does not correspond to any of the followi ng faults or if you have any other problem, pl ease contact your sales representative.
403 List of fault or a larm displa y 5 PROTECTIVE FUNCTIONS 5.2 List of fault or alar m disp lay * If a fault oc curs when using the FR-PU04 , "Fault 1 4" is displ ayed on the FR-PU0 4. ....... S pecifications d iffer accordin g to the date a ssembled.
404 Cause s and co rrec tive ac tion s 5.3 Cause s and cor r ectiv e actions (1) E rror message A message regarding operational troubles is displayed. Output is not shut off. ....... S pecific ations differ according t o the d ate assemb led. Refer to pa ge 484 to check the S ERIAL n umber .
405 Causes and c orrec tive act ions 5 PROTECTIVE FUNCTIONS Operation Pa nel Indication Er4 Name Mode de sign atio n erro r Description · Appears if a parameter setting i s attempted in the External or NET operation mode with Pr . 77 ≠ "2 ".
406 Cause s and co rrec tive ac tion s (2) W arning When the protective function is activated, the output is not shut off. Operation P anel Indicati on OL FR- PU0 4 FR-P U07 OL Name S tall pr evention.
407 Causes and c orrec tive act ions 5 PROTECTIVE FUNCTIONS Operation Pa nel Indication RB FR-PU0 4 FR-PU07 RB Name Regen erat ive b rak e pr e-al arm Description Appears if the regene rative br ake duty r eaches or exceeds 85 % of the Pr . 70 Special r egener ative bra ke duty v alue.
408 Cause s and co rrec tive ac tion s (3) Alarm When an alarm occurs, the o utput is not shut off. Y ou can also output an alarm signal by making parame ter setting. (Set "98" in any of Pr . 190 to P r . 196 (output te rminal function selection) .
409 Causes and c orrec tive act ions 5 PROTECTIVE FUNCTIONS Operation Pa nel Indication E.OC3 FR-PU0 4 FR-P U07 OC During Dec Name Overcurrent tri p during deceleration or stop Description When t he i.
410 Cause s and co rrec tive ac tion s *1 Resetti ng the inverte r initializes th e internal th ermal integrat ed data of th e electroni c thermal relay fu nction. *2 Resetti ng the inverte r initializes th e internal th ermal integrat ed data of th e electroni c thermal relay fu nction.
41 1 Causes and c orrec tive act ions 5 PROTECTIVE FUNCTIONS Operation Pa nel Indication E.BE FR-PU0 4 FR-P U07 Br . Cct. Fault Name Brake transistor alarm detection Description This func ti on s tops th e i nver ter out put if an al arm occ urs i n t he b rake cir cui t, e.
412 Cause s and co rrec tive ac tion s Operation P anel Indicati on E.LF FR-PU04 FR-PU07 E.LF Name Output ph ase loss Descriptio n This funct ion stops t he inve rter outp ut if one of the three p hases (U, V , W) on t he inve rter's o utput sid e (load side ) is lost.
413 Causes and c orrec tive act ions 5 PROTECTIVE FUNCTIONS Operation Pa nel Indication E.OP3 FR-PU0 4 FR-P U07 Option3 Fault Name Comm unicati on o ption f ault Description S tops the inv erter outp ut whe n a commu nicatio n line error occurs in t he comm unicat ion option .
414 Cause s and co rrec tive ac tion s Operation P anel Indicati on E.RET FR-PU04 FR-PU07 Retry No Over Name Ret ry coun t exce ss Descriptio n If oper ation cannot b e resumed p roperl y within t he number of retr ies set, this function trip s the in verte r .
415 Causes and c orrec tive act ions 5 PROTECTIVE FUNCTIONS Operation Pa nel Indication E.OSD FR-PU0 4 FR-P U07 E.OSd Name Speed deviation ex cess dete ction Description T rips the inver ter if the mo tor spee d is increas ed or de creas ed under t he influe nce of the load etc.
416 Cause s and co rrec tive ac tion s Operation P anel Indicati on E.P24 FR- PU0 4 FR-P U07 E.P24 Name 24VDC pow er out put short ci rcuit Descriptio n When the 24VDC pow er output from the PC terminal is shorted, this f unction shuts of f the power output.
417 Causes and c orrec tive act ions 5 PROTECTIVE FUNCTIONS Operation Pa nel Indication E. 1 1 FR -PU 04 FR-P U07 Fault 1 1 Name Opposite rot ation decele ration fault Description The speed m ay not d.
418 Corresp ondences b etween di git al and actual ch aracter s 5.4 Cor r espondences between d igital and actual c haracter s There are the following correspondences between the actual alphanumeric characters and the digit al characters displayed on the operation p anel.
419 Check f irst wh en you ha ve a troubl e 5 PROTECTIVE FUNCTIONS 5.5 Chec k first w hen y ou hav e a trouble Refer to troubleshooting on page 11 0 (speed control), page 13 1 (torque control) and pa ge 143 (position control) in addition to the following check points.
420 Check first whe n you have a trouble Parame ter Setti ng was pressed. (Operation panel indication is (PS).) During the External operation mode, check the method of restarting from a input stop from PU. 406 T wo-wire or three-wire type c onnection is wrong.
421 Check f irst wh en you ha ve a troubl e 5 PROTECTIVE FUNCTIONS 5.5.2 Motor o r machine is making ab normal acoustic noise Even if the car rier f reque ncy ( Pr .
422 Check first whe n you have a trouble 5.5.5 Motor rotates in the oppo site direction 5.5.6 Speed greatly differs from the setting 5.5.7 Accelera tion/deceler ation is not s mooth Check points Possible Cause Co untermeas ures Refer to pag e Main Circuit Phase sequence of output terminals U, V and W is incorrect.
423 Check f irst wh en you ha ve a troubl e 5 PROTECTIVE FUNCTIONS 5.5.8 Speed varies during ope ration When Adv anced m agnetic f lux vect or contro l, Real s ensorles s vecto r contr ol, vect or con trol or encoder feedba ck cont rol is exercis ed, the out put frequen cy varie s with loa d fluctuat ion be tween 0 and 2Hz.
424 Check first whe n you have a trouble 5.5.9 Ope ration mo de i s no t chan ged pro perl y 5.5.10 O peration panel (FR-DU07) disp lay is not operating 5.5.1 1 Motor cu rrent is too large Check points Possible Cause Co untermeas ures Refer to pag e Input signal S tart signal (STF or STR) is ON.
425 Check f irst wh en you ha ve a troubl e 5 PROTECTIVE FUNCTIONS 5.5.12 Speed do es not accelerate 5.5.13 Unable to w rite parameter setting 5.5.14 Power lamp is not lit Check points Poss ibl e C au se Counterm easures Refer to pag e Inp ut signal S tart command and frequency command are chattering.
426 MEMO.
427 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 6 PRECA UTIO NS FOR MAINTEN ANCE AND INSPECTION This chapter pro vides the "PRE CAUTIONS FOR MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION" of this product. Always read the i nstructions befor e using t he equipment. 6.1 Inspe ctio n item ...
428 Inspec tion item The inverter is a st atic unit mainly cons isting of semic onductor devices. Daily inspection must be performed to prevent any fault from occurring due to the adverse effects of the operating environment, such as temperature, humidity , dust, dirt and vibration, changes in the part s with time, service li fe, and other factors.
429 Ins pecti on it em 6 PRECAUTIONS FOR MAINTENAN CE AND INSPEC TION 6.1.3 Daily and periodic inspection *1 It is rec ommended to inst all a device to monitor volt age for chec king the power supply voltag e to the inve rter . *2 One to two years of perio dic inspect ion cycle is recomme nded.
430 Inspec tion item 6.1.4 Display of the l ife of the i nverter parts The self-diagnostic alarm is output when the life sp an of the control circuit cap acitor , cooling fan, each parts of the inrush current limit circuit is near it s end. It gives an indication of replacement time .
431 Ins pecti on it em 6 PRECAUTIONS FOR MAINTENAN CE AND INSPEC TION 6.1. 7 Rep la cemen t of parts The inverter consists of many elec tronic parts such as semiconductor devices. The following p arts may deteriorate with age becaus e of their structures or physic al characteristics, leadin g to reduced performance or fault of the inverter .
432 Inspec tion item • Reinst allation (FR-A720-1.5K to 90K, FR-A740-2.2K to 132K) 1)After confirm ing th e or ientation of the fan, reinstall th e fan so th at th e arr ow on th e left o f "AIR FLOW " face s up. <Fan side fa ce> 2)Reconnect the fan connectors.
433 Ins pecti on it em 6 PRECAUTIONS FOR MAINTENAN CE AND INSPEC TION (2) Replacement procedure of the cooling fan when using a heat sink protrusion att achment (FR-A7CN) • Removal (FR-A740-160K or higher) 1) Remove a fan cover . 2) After removing a fan connector , remove a fan block.
434 Inspec tion item (3) Sm oothing ca p acitors A large-capacity aluminum electrolytic capac itor is used for smoothing in the main circu it DC section, and an aluminum electrolytic capaci tor is used for stabilizing the control power in the control circuit.
435 Measur ement of m ain ci rcuit vol tages, curren ts and powers 6 PRECAUTIONS FOR MAINTENAN CE AND INSPEC TION 6.2 M easur ement of main ci r cuit voltage s, cur r ents and power s Since the voltag.
436 Measur ement of m ain circu it volt ages, current s and power s Measuring point s and instruments *1 Use an FFT to measure the out put voltag e accurately .
437 Measur ement of m ain ci rcuit vol tages, curren ts and powers 6 PRECAUTIONS FOR MAINTENAN CE AND INSPEC TION 6.2.1 Measur ement of powers Use digital power meters (for inverter) for the both of inverter input and output side.
438 Measur ement of m ain circu it volt ages, current s and power s 6.2.3 Measurement of currents Use a moving-iron type meter on both the input and output sides of the inverter .
439 Measur ement of m ain ci rcuit vol tages, curren ts and powers 6 PRECAUTIONS FOR MAINTENAN CE AND INSPEC TION 6.2.6 Measur ement of converter output voltage (across terminal s P/+ - N/-) The output voltage of the converter is developed across terminals P/+ and N/- and can be measured with a moving-coil type meter (tester).
440 MEMO.
441 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 7 SPECIFICA TIONS This chapter provides the "S PECIFICA T IONS" of this prod uct. Always read the i nstructions befor e using t he equipment. 7.1 R ating ..... .... ........ .... ..... ..... ..... ....... ..... ..... .... .
442 Inverter r ating 7.1 In ver ter ra ting 200V class Model FR-A7 20- K 0.4 0.75 1.5 2.2 3.7 5.5 7.5 11 15 18.5 22 30 37 45 55 75 90 Applicable motor capacity (kW) *1 0.4 0.75 1.5 2.2 3.7 5. 5 7.5 11 15 18.5 22 30 37 45 55 75 90 Output Rated capacity (kV A ) *2 1.
443 Inverte r rating 7 SPECIFICA TIONS 400V class Model FR-A740- K 0.4 0.75 1.5 2.2 3.7 5.5 7. 5 11 15 18.5 22 30 37 45 55 Appli ca ble mo tor capacit y (kW) *1 0.4 0.75 1.5 2.2 3.7 5. 5 7.5 11 15 18. 5 22 30 37 45 55 Output Rated capacity (kV A ) *2 1.
444 Inverter r ating 7.2 Motor rati ng (1) SF-V5RU *1 80% out put in th e high- speed range. (T he ou tput is r educed when th e speed is 2400r/ min or m ore. Contact us se parately f or det ails.) *2 A dedicat ed mot or of 3 .7kW or less can b e run at the ma ximum sp eed of 3600 r /min.
445 Inverte r rating 7 SPECIFICA TIONS (2) SF-THY Motor typ e SF- THY Appl icable inve rter FR-A720- K FR -A740- K 90 90 11 0 132 160 185 220 280 Rated output (k W) 75 75 90 11 0 132 160 200 250 Ra ted to rqu e (k gf · m) (N · m) 48.7 477 48.
446 Common specifica tions 7.3 Common sp ecifica tions Control specifications Control method Soft-PWM control/high carrier frequency PWM cont rol (V/F control, Advanced magnetic flux vector control and Real sen sorless vector control are available) / vector control *1 Output frequency range 0.
447 Outline dime nsion drawin gs 7 SPECIFICA TIONS 7.4 Outline dimension drawings 7.4.1 Inver ter outline dimension draw ings FR-A720-0.4K, 0.75K FR-A720-1.5K, 2.2K, 3.7K FR-A740-0.4K, 0.75K, 1.5K, 2.2K, 3.7K ( Unit: mm ) ( Unit: mm ) 2- φ 6 hole 260 245 7.
448 Outline di mension dra wings FR-A720-5.5K, 7.5K, 1 1K FR-A740-5.5K, 7.5K, 1 1K, 15K FR-A720-15K, 18.5K, 22K FR-A740-18.5K, 22K ( Unit: mm ) ( Unit: mm ) H1 H D 2- φ 6 hole 7.5 220 195 21 1 10 6 7.5 D1 Inverter Mode l H H1 D D1 FR-A72 0-5.
449 Outline dime nsion drawin gs 7 SPECIFICA TIONS FR-A720-30K, 37K, 45K, 55K FR-A740-30K, 37K, 45K, 55K FR-A740-75K, 90K ( Unit: mm ) ( Unit: mm ) W2 W W1 H1 H H2 10 D 3.
450 Outline di mension dra wings FR-A720-75K, 90K FR-A740-1 10K, 132K FR-A740-160K, 185K ( Unit: mm ) 360 715 740 465 400 10 15 3.2 2- φ 12 hole E P1 P P1 P W1 Within D (for S screw) 4-mo.
451 Outline dime nsion drawin gs 7 SPECIFICA TIONS FR-A740-220K, 250K, 280K FR-A740-315K, 355K ( Unit: mm ) ( Unit: mm ) 984 1010 3- φ 12 hole 12 300 300 680 3.
452 Outline di mension dra wings FR-A740-400K, 450K, 500K ( Unit: mm ) R/L1 S/L2 T/L3 N/- UV W 300 300 300 12 995 1580 440 1550 950 222 194 4- φ 12 hole 4.5 4.5 P1 P/+ 185 E P P1 P1 P 75 40 40 500 10 455 10 220 195 Rating plate 2-M8 eye nut 2-terminal 4- 15 hole * Remove the eye nut after installation of the product.
453 Outline dime nsion drawin gs 7 SPECIFICA TIONS Operation panel (FR-DU07) ( Unit: mm ) Parameter unit (option) (FR-PU07) ( Unit: mm ) 2-M3 screw Panel Cable Air- bleeding hole FR-DU07 Operation panel connection connecto r (FR-ADP option) <Outline drawing> <Panel cutting dimension drawing> 78 50 44 72 3 3 81 3 3 16 25 3.
454 Outline di mension dra wings 7.4.2 Dedicated motor outline dimens ion drawings Dedica ted mo tor (SF -V5RU(H)) ou tline d imensi on drawin gs (sta ndard h orizont al ty pe) Dime nsi ons ta ble (Unit : mm ) Note) 1. Install th e motor on the floor and use it with the shaf t horizont al.
455 Outline dime nsion drawin gs 7 SPECIFICA TIONS Dedicated m otor (SF-V5RU (H)) outline dimension dr awings (s tandar d ho ri zo ntal t ype wi th b ra ke) Dimensio ns t able (Unit: mm) Note) 1. Install the mot or on the flo or and use it w ith the shaf t horizontal .
456 Outline di mension dra wings Dedica ted mo tor (SF -V5RU(H)) ou tline dimensi on drawin gs (f lange t ype) Dime nsi ons ta ble (Unit : mm ) Note) 1. Install th e motor on the floor and use it with the shaf t horizont al. For use unde r the shaft, th e protection structure of the co oling fan is IP20.
457 Outline dime nsion drawin gs 7 SPECIFICA TIONS Dedica ted mo tor (SF -V5RU(H )) outli ne dim ension drawi ngs (f lange type with brak e) Dimensio ns t able (Unit: mm) Note) 1. Install the mot or on the flo or and use it w ith the shaf t horizontal .
458 Outline di mension dra wings Dedic ated motor (SF-TH Y) out line di mensio n dra wings ( 1500r/min series) Dime nsi ons ta ble (Unit : mm ) Note) The tole rance of the top a nd bottom of the center shaft h eight *C is for the 250 frame and for the 280 frame o r more.
7 SPECIFICA TIONS 459 Heat sink prot rusion att achment procedu re 7.5 Heatsink protr usion att achment p r ocedure When encasing the inverter in an enclosure, the generated heat amount in an enclosure can be greatly reduc ed by install ing the heatsink portion of the inverter outside the enclosure.
460 Heat sink prot rusion att achment proc edure (2) Shift and removal of a rear side installation frame • FR-A740-160 K to 280K One installation frame is attached to each of the upper and lower part s of the inverter .
7 SPECIFICA TIONS 461 Heat sink prot rusion att achment procedu re (3) Instal lation of the inverter Push the inve rter heatsink portion out side the enclosure and fix the enclosure and inverter with upper and l ower instal- lation frame.
462 MEMO.
463 APPENDICES This chapt er provides the "APPENDICES" of this product. Always read the i nstructions befor e using t he equipment..
464 Appendix 1-1 Replacement of the FR -A500 seri es (1) Instructions f or inst allation 1) Removal procedure of the front cover was changed. (with screws) Please note. (Refer to page 6.) 2) Removal procedure of the operation panel was changed. (with screws) Please note.
465 (5) Main differences and comp atibilities wit h the FR-A500(L) series Appendix 1- 2 Replacement of the FR-A20 0 <EXCEL ENT> ser ies Instructi ons for ins t allation • When using the mounting holes of the FR-A200(E) series, FR-A5A T (intercompatibility att achment) is necessary .
466 *1 These instru ction codes are used for paramet er read and write by using Mit subishi inverter prot ocol with the RS-48 5 communica ti on. (Ref er to page 333 for RS-485 communica tion) *2 V ali.
467 26 Multi -speed s etti ng (spe ed 6) 1A 9A 0 Δ 27 Multi -speed s etti ng (spe ed 7) 1B 9B 0 Δ 28 Multi-spee d input compen s.
468 67 Number of r etries at fa ult occurre nce 43 C3 0 × 68 Retry waiting time 44 C 4 0 × 69 Retr y count di splay er ase 45 C5.
469 11 4 Third s ta ll prev enti on operatio n current 0E 8E 1 ××××× 11 5 Third s ta ll prev enti on operatio n frequen cy 0F 8F 1 ××××× 11 6 Thi rd out.
470 148 S tall prevent ion level at 0V input 30 B0 1 × × × × × 149 S tall preven tion lev el at 10V input 31 B1 1 ××××× 150 Output curren t detecti on l.
471 183 RT terminal function selectio n 17 97 2 × 184 AU terminal function selectio n 18 98 2 × 185 JOG terminal f unction selecti.
472 252 Overr ide bias 3C BC 2 × 253 Override g ain 3D BD 2 × 255 Lif e alar m stat us di spl ay 3F BF 2 .
473 288 Droop f unct ion activa ti on selectio n 60 E0 2 ×× ×× × 291 Pulse train I/ O selection 63 E3 2 × × 292 Automatic acc eleration/ decel.
474 329 Digital in put unit selectio n 1D 9D 3 × × 331 RS-485 communication station number 1F 9F 3 *5 *5 332 RS-485 communication .
475 362 Orien tation position loop gain 3E BE 3 ×××× 363 Comp letion si gnal out put delay time 3F BF 3 × × × × 364 Encod er st op ch eck t ime 40.
476 407 Mot or temp eratur e detec tion filter 07 87 4 408 Motor thermistor selectio n 08 88 4 413 Encode r pulse divi sion .
477 458 Second motor constant (R1) 3A BA 4 × × × × × 459 Second motor constant (R2) 3B B B 4 × ××× × 460 Second motor constant (L1) 3C BC 4 × × �.
478 485 El event h pos iti on f eed amount lower 4 digits 55 D5 4 ×× × × ×× 486 El event h pos iti on f eed amount upper 4 digits 56 D6 4 × × × × × × 487 T w.
479 525 DA2 ou tput sele ction 19 99 5 526 DA2 s cale 1A 9A 5 527 DA3 ou tput sele ction 1B 9B 5 �.
480 61 1 Accelera tion time at a restar t 0B 8B 6 ×× × 665 Rege neration avo idance frequen cy gai n 41 C1 6 × × × 684 Tuning data unit swit.
481 833 S peed det ection f ilter 2 21 A1 8 × × × × × 834 T or que cont rol P gain 2 22 A2 8 ×× 835 T orque cont rol integral time 2 23 A3 8 × �.
482 879 S peed fe ed forwar d torque lim it 4F CF 8 ×× × × 880 Load in ertia ratio 50 D0 8 × × × × × 881 S peed fe ed forwar d gain 51 D1 8 ×× .
483 C12 (917) T erm inal 1 bias freq uency (speed) 11 91 9 × × × C13 (917) T ermina l 1 bias (spee d) 11 9 1 9 ×× × C14 (918) T erm inal 1 gai.
484 Appendix 3-1 Changed functions (1) Addition of X74 si gnal The chan ge applie s to th e July 2006 productio n or la ter . Magnetic flux decay output shutoff signal (X74) becomes a valid input by setting "74" in any of Pr . 178 to Pr .
485 (6) Motor temperature monitor output ( when using a dedi cated vector motor with thermistor and FR-A7AZ) The chan ge app lies to th e Decembe r 2010 p roduction or later .
486 REVISIONS *The m anual nu mber is g iven on t he bottom lef t of the bac k cove r . For Maximum Safety • Mitsubi shi i nverter s are not de signe d or man ufactu red t o be u sed in e quipme nt or system s in s ituati ons that can affect or endan ger human life.
1/24 BCN-C22005-63 4 FR-A 700 Series Instruction Manual Supplement The FR-A700 series that has the SERIAL on page 24 or later ar e compatib le with the following specification s. Check th e serial num ber printed on the rat ing plate of the inv erter .
2/24 BCN-C22005-63 4 1.1 Setting procedure of PM sensorless vector control * T wo IPM parameter in itialization met hods are availabl e for MM-CF IPM motors; setting Pr .998 IPM parameter initi alization , an d selecting (IPM parameter init ializati on) mode on the op eration panel.
3/24 BCN-C22005-63 4 (1) PM sensorless vector control setting by se lecting IPM in the p arameter setting mode on the operation p anel () POINT · The parameters required to drive an MM-CF IPM motor are automatically changed as a batch.
4/24 BCN-C22005-63 4 (2) PM sensorless vector control display and PM sensorless vector control signal P .RUN on the operation panel (FR-DU07) is lit and the PM sensorless vector cont rol signal (IPM) is output during PM sensorless vector control.
5/24 BCN-C22005-63 4 (1) IPM parameter initialization (Pr .998) · T o use a motor capacity that is one rank lower than the inverter capacity , set Pr .80 Motor capacity before performing IPM parameter initialization. By performing IPM p arameter initialization, initial settings required to drive an IPM motor are set in parameters.
6/24 BCN-C22005-63 4 (2) IPM p arameter initialization list The parameter settings in the following table are changed to the settings required to perform PM sensorless vector control by selecting PM sensorless vector control with the IPM parameter initialization mode on the operation panel or with Pr .
7/24 BCN-C22005-63 4 1.3 Offline auto tuning for an IPM motor (motor constant tuning) (Pr .1 , Pr .9 , Pr .18 , Pr .71 , Pr .80 , Pr .81 , Pr .83 , Pr .84 , Pr .90 , Pr .92 , Pr .93 , Pr .96 , Pr .684 , Pr .706 , Pr .707 , Pr .71 1 , Pr .712 , Pr .721 , Pr .
8/24 BCN-C22005-63 4 *1 Initial values differ according to the inverter cap acity . (55K or lower/75K or higher) *2 The initial value differs according to the voltage level. (200V/400V) (1) Before performing offline auto tuning Check the following before performing off line auto tuning.
9/24 BCN-C22005-63 4 (2) Setting T o perform tuning, set the following p arameters about the motor . (3) Execution of tuning 1)When performing PU operation, press / on the operation panel. For External operation, turn ON the start comm and (STF signal or STR signal).
10/24 BCN-C 22005-6 34 2)Monitor is displayed on the operation panel (FR- DU07) and p arameter unit (FR-PU07/FR-PU04) during tuning as below . 3)When offline au to tuning ends, press of the operation panel during PU operation. For External operation, turn OFF the start signal (STF signal or STR signal).
11/24 BCN-C 22005-6 34 (4) Utilizing or changing offline auto tuning dat a The data measured in the of fline auto tuning can be read and utilized or changed. <Operating procedure> 1)Se t Pr . 71 ac cording to the motor used. 2) In the parameter setting mode, read the following p arameters and set desired values.
12/24 BCN-C 22005-6 34 1.4 Applied motor (Pr . 71) (1) Set the motor to be used Refer to the following list and set this p arameter according to the motor used. Setting of the used motor selects the thermal characteristic appropriate for the motor . Setting is necessary when using a constant-torque motor .
13/24 BCN-C 22005-6 34 1.5 Position co ntrol under PM sen sorless vector control (Pr .800) (1) Setting procedure (2) Select the control method Refer to Chapter 4 of the Instruction Manual (Applied) for the det ail of the position control.
14/24 BCN-C 22005-6 34 1.6 Low-speed range torque characteristics (Pr .788) Åt Å s I P M Å t * Current synchronization operation is always perfor med fo r IPM motors other than MM-CF , even if "9999" is set.
15/24 BCN-C 22005-6 34 If torque is required in a low-speed range (less than 1/10 of the rated motor frequency), set Pr .791 Acceleration time in low-speed range and Pr .792 Deceleration time in low-speed range settings higher than the Pr .7 Acceleration time and Pr .
16/24 BCN-C 22005-6 34 1.9 PM sensorless vector control specification * T o perform PM sensorless vector control on an IPM mo tor ot her than MM-CF , cont act your sales representative.
17/24 BCN-C 22005-6 34 *1 When the power supply voltage drops, we canno t guarantee the above output and rated speed. *2 When the load torque is 20% of the motor rati ng. The permissibl e load inertia momen t ratio is smaller when the load torque is lar ger .
18/24 BCN-C 22005-6 34 2 V oltage redu ction selection during stall p rev e ntion oper ation (Pr .154) (1) T o further preve nt a trip (Pr . 154) When Pr . 154 is set to "0 , 10 ", the output voltage reduces d uring st all prevention operation.
19/24 BCN-C 22005-6 34 3 Speed detection h yster esis (Pr .870) 4 Limit r e gener ation a v oidance oper ation frequen cy (Pr . 885) Operation Panel Indication E.
20/24 BCN-C 22005-6 34 5 Break point setting for droop contr ol (Pr .994, Pr .995) Set Pr .994 and Pr .995 to have a break point on a droop compens ation frequency line. Setting a break point allows the inverter to raise the droop compensat ion frequency for light-load (no load) operati on without raising it for heavy-load operation.
21/24 BCN-C 22005-6 34 6 Setting multiple paramet er s as a batc h (Pr .999) *1 This paramet er allows its setti ng to be changed in any operati on mode even if "0 (initial val ue)" is set in Pr . 77 Parameter write se lection . *2 The read value is alway s "9999.
22/24 BCN-C 22005-6 34 (2) List of automatically-set p arameters The following tables show which parameters are changed in each of the automatic parameter settings. GOT initial setting (PU connector) ( Pr .999 = "10") GOT initial setting (RS-485 terminals) ( Pr .
23/24 BCN-C 22005-6 34 Rated frequency ( Pr . 999 = "20(50Hz), 21(60Hz)") * This parameter can be se t when th e option FR-A7NL is mounted. Acceleration/deceleration time increment ( Pr .999 = "30(0.1s) or 31(0.01s)") * The set value i s changed fo r Pr .
24/24 BCN-C 22005-6 34 7 SERIAL number chec k The description on this supplemental sheet applies to the inverters that are manufactured in June 2012 or la ter and have the following SERIAL or later on thei r rating plates. Check the SERIAL of your inverter (printed on its rated plate) against the list of SERIAL numbers shown below .
1/1 BCN-C22005-642 FR-V500, A700, A701 Series Instruction Manual Supplement When inst alling a thermal relay to the coolin g fan of the vect or-control dedicated motors (SF- V5RU), use the following recommende d thermal relay settings.
デバイスMitsubishi Electronics FR-A700の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Mitsubishi Electronics FR-A700をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはMitsubishi Electronics FR-A700の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Mitsubishi Electronics FR-A700の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Mitsubishi Electronics FR-A700で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Mitsubishi Electronics FR-A700を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はMitsubishi Electronics FR-A700の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Mitsubishi Electronics FR-A700に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちMitsubishi Electronics FR-A700デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。