Mitsubishi ElectronicsメーカーFX3Gの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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1 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Pro grammable Controllers Programming Manual - Basic .
2 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition Outl in e Prec aut ion s • This manual provides information for the use of the FX 3U Series Programmable Controllers. The manual has been written to be used by trained and competent personnel.
3 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programmable Co ntrollers Prog ramm in g M anu al - B asic & Ap plie d Instr uctio ns Editio n Tabl e of Co nten ts Table of Contents Related manuals ................... .................... ................... ......
4 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programmable Co ntrollers Prog ramm ing Man ual - Ba sic & Appl ied In stru ctio ns Ed itio n Tabl e of Co nten ts 4.4 State Relay [S] ............ ............ ........... ................. ........... ........... ..
5 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programmable Co ntrollers Prog ramm ing Man ual - Ba sic & Appl ied In stru ctio ns Ed itio n Tabl e of Co nten ts 5. Ho w to Sp ecify Devices and C onstant s to Ins truction s 149 5.1 Nu meric Val ues Handl ed in PLCs (O ctal, Dec imal, Hex adecima l and Re al Numbers ) .
6 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programmable Co ntrollers Prog ramm ing Man ual - Ba sic & Appl ied In stru ctio ns Ed itio n Tabl e of Co nten ts 8.2 FNC 01 – CALL / Ca ll Subrouti ne ................. ........... ............ ................ ..
7 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programmable Co ntrollers Prog ramm ing Man ual - Ba sic & Appl ied In stru ctio ns Ed itio n Tabl e of Co nten ts 12.8 FNC 4 7 – ANR / Ann unciator Reset............ ................. ........... ........... ......
8 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programmable Co ntrollers Prog ramm ing Man ual - Ba sic & Appl ied In stru ctio ns Ed itio n Tabl e of Co nten ts 16.4 FNC 8 3 – HEX / ASCII to Hexadec imal Conv ersion ............... ........... .................
9 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programmable Co ntrollers Prog ramm ing Man ual - Ba sic & Appl ied In stru ctio ns Ed itio n Tabl e of Co nten ts 21. Real Time C lock Contro l – FNC160 to FNC169 560 21.1 FNC16 0 – TCMP / RTC Da ta Compare .....
10 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programmable Co ntrollers Prog ramm ing Man ual - Ba sic & Appl ied In stru ctio ns Ed itio n Tabl e of Co nten ts 28. Data Compari son – FNC220 t o FNC249 652 28.1 FNC22 4~230 – LD =, >, <, < >, <=, >= / Data Compa rison .
11 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programmable Co ntrollers Prog ramm ing Man ual - Ba sic & Appl ied In stru ctio ns Ed itio n Tabl e of Co nten ts 35. SFC Pr ogram and Step La dder 751 35.1 SFC Pro gram ........................ ........... ........
12 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programmable Co ntrollers Prog ramm ing Man ual - Ba sic & Appl ied In stru ctio ns Ed itio n Tabl e of Co nten ts 37.2 Sup plement o f Speci al Device s (M8 000 - and D8 000 -) ............... ........... ..........
13 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programmable Co ntrollers Prog ramm ing Man ual - Ba sic & Appl ied In stru ctio ns Ed itio n Tabl e of Co nten ts Appe ndix B: In stru ction Exec utio n Time 897 Appendi x B-1 Basic Instru ction Exe cutio n Time ...
14 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition Related manu als Related manuals For de tailed explan ation of programmin g (basi c instr uctions , appl ied inst ruction s and ste p ladder i nstruct ions) i n FX 3G / FX 3U /FX 3UC PLCs, refer to this m anual.
15 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition Related manu als Communicatio n via RS-23 2C/RS-422/RS -485/US B When using ea ch product, refer also to the Us er’s Manual - Hardware Edition of the PLC main unit to wh ich each product is connected.
16 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition Related manu als CC-Link, MELSEC I/O L INK and AS-i system When using ea ch product, refer also to the Us er’s Manual - Hardware Edition of the PLC main unit to wh ich each product is connected.
17 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition Related manu als { Su pplie d with pr oduct FX 2N -8A D User’s Manual JY992D86 001 Handling proc edures of th e 8-chan nel analog input (and ther mocoupl e input) spec ial function block.
18 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition Related manu als Manuals for high spe ed counter High speed counte r When using ea ch product, refer also to the Us er’s Manual - Hardware Edition of the PLC main unit to wh ich each product is connected.
19 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition Related manu als Manu als fo r FX- 30P U Supplied with produ ct FX- 30 P Installa tion Manu al JY997D34 201 Describes F X-30P spe cificati on extract ed fro m the FX-30P Operat ion ma nual.
20 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition Generic Names and Abbrevia tions U sed i n Manual s Generic Names and Abbreviati.
21 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition Generic Names and Abbrevia tions U sed i n Manual s Open fi eld networks CC-Link.
22 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 1 Introdu ction 1.1 Programm ing Langu age in PLCs 1. Introduction This ch apter ex plains basic items rel ated to progra mming in FX 3G , FX 3U and FX 3UC programmable control lers ( PLCs).
23 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 1 Introdu ction 1.1 Programm ing Langu age in PLCs 1 Introduction 2 Overview 3 I.
24 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 2 Over view (S equence Prog ram) 2.1 Introduc tion of Conv enient Func tions 2. Overview (Sequence Progra m) This cha pter ex plains t he basic fun ctio ns of FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC PLCs.
25 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 2 Over view (S equence Prog ram) 2.
26 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 2 Over view (S equence Prog ram) 2.
27 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 2 Over view (S equence Prog ram) 2.
28 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 2 Over view (S equence Prog ram) 2.4 Link and Commun ication 3. High speed counter • High speed counter (hardw are counter equip ped with mu ltiplicati on functio n) → Refer to the re specti ve produ ct manual.
29 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 2 Over view (S equence Prog ram) 2.
30 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 2 Over view (S equence Prog ram) 2.5 Introdu ction of Dev ices Cons tructing PLC 2.5.2 Device list 1. Input relays (X) and output relays (Y ) → Refer to Section 4.
31 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 2 Over view (S equence Prog ram) 2.
32 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 2 Over view (S equence Prog ram) 2.6 Progra m Memory and Devices 2.6 Program Memory and De vices 2.6.1 Memory structu re 1. In FX 3U /FX 3UC PLCs FX 3U /FX 3UC PLCs are equipped with the RAM memory as st andar d.
33 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 2 Over view (S equence Prog ram) 2.
34 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 2 Over view (S equence Prog ram) 2.6 Progra m Memory and Devices 2.6.2 Memory operations and latche d (battery or EEPROM backed) devices (power ON/OFF an d RUN/STOP) 1.
35 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 2 Over view (S equence Prog ram) 2.
36 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 2 Over view (S equence Prog ram) 2.6 Progra m Memory and Devices 3) Types of bit dev ice memory a) FX 3U /FX 3UC PLC *1. Some device s are clear ed when the PLC st atus swit ches from STOP to RUN.
37 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 2 Over view (S equence Prog ram) 2.
38 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 2 Over view (S equence Prog ram) 2.6 Progra m Memory and Devices 2.6.3 Types of ba ckup methods a gainst power failure There ar e the foll owing type s of latch ( battery backup) for the pro gram memory and bu ilt-in PLC devices .
39 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 2 Over view (S equence Prog ram) 2.
40 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 2 Over view (S equence Prog ram) 2.7 Types and Setting of Parameters 2.7 Types and Setti ng of Parameters Setti ng of paramet ers means set ting the environmen t where the PLC op erate s.
41 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 2 Over view (S equence Prog ram) 2.
42 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 2 Over view (S equence Prog ram) 2.7 Types and Setting of Parameters 2.7.2 Parameter i nitial v alues and available t ools for changing parameter values 1) FX 3U /FX 3U C PLC *1.
43 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 2 Over view (S equence Prog ram) 2.
44 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 2 Over view (S equence Prog ram) 2.7 Types and Setting of Parameters 2.7.3 Memory capacity setti ng range ~ Built -in memory ca pacity 3 Can be se t by c hang ing p aramet er.
45 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 2 Over view (S equence Prog ram) 2.
46 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 2 Over view (S equence Prog ram) 2.
47 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 2 Over view (S equence Prog ram) 2.
48 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 2 Over view (S equence Prog ram) 2.7 Types and Setting of Parameters Registering and changing the ent ry codes This section expl ains t he opera ting procedu re of GX Developer (Ver.
49 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 2 Over view (S equence Prog ram) 2.
50 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 2 Over view (S equence Prog ram) 2.7 Types and Setting of Parameters Canceling the entry codes This section expl ains t he op erating procedu re of GX Developer (Ver.
51 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 2 Over view (S equence Prog ram) 2.
52 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 2 Over view (S equence Prog ram) 2.7 Types and Setting of Parameters 2 Setting memo ry cap acity *1. The init ial val ue is 8000 ste ps in GX Develop er Ver.
53 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 2 Over view (S equence Prog ram) 2.
54 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 2 Over view (S equence Prog ram) 2.7 Types and Setting of Parameters 5 Assigning I/Os, setting the initial values for special unit s, and setting built-in CC-Link/L T 1.
55 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 2 Over view (S equence Prog ram) 2.
56 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 2 Over view (S equence Prog ram) 2.7 Types and Setting of Parameters 3. Click [End] button to finish the setting and cl ose "Special Function Block Set tings" dialog box.
57 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 2 Over view (S equence Prog ram) 2.
58 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 2 Over view (S equence Prog ram) 2.7 Types and Setting of Parameters 2) FX 3G PLCs *1. This area c an be set only i n FX 3U /FX 3U C PLCs.
59 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 2 Over view (S equence Prog ram) 2.
60 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 2 Over view (S equence Prog ram) 2.7 Types and Setting of Parameters 8 Setting p ositionin g The positioning setting funct ion is available in all FX 3G PLCs and FX 3U /FX 3UC PLCs V er .
61 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 2 Over view (S equence Prog ram) 2.
62 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 2 Over view (S equence Prog ram) 2.7 Types and Setting of Parameters 3. Click [Individual setting] button t o display "Positioning instruction settings" dialog box.
63 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 2 Over view (S equence Prog ram) 2.
64 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programma ble Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 3 Ins tructi on List 3.1 Ba sic I nst ruct ions 3. Instruction List This cha pter i ntroduce s a list of instructi ons avail able in programming.
65 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programma ble Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 3 Ins tructi on List 3.1 Ba sic I nst ruct ions 1 Introduction 2 Overview 3 Inst.
66 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programma ble Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 3 Ins tructi on List 3.2 Step Ladder Instructio ns 3.
67 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programma ble Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 3 Ins tructi on List 3.3 Appl ied Ins tr ucti ons .
68 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programma ble Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 3 Ins tructi on List 3.3 Appl ied Ins tr ucti ons ... in Asce ndi ng O rder of FNC Rotation and Shift Op eration 30 R OR Rotatio n Right 333 –– 3 – 3 Section 11.
69 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programma ble Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 3 Ins tructi on List 3.3 Appl ied Ins tr ucti ons .
70 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programma ble Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 3 Ins tructi on List 3.3 Appl ied Ins tr ucti ons ... in Asce ndi ng O rder of FNC 68 ROTC Rotary Table Control 33 –– – 3 – 3 Section 14.
71 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programma ble Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 3 Ins tructi on List 3.3 Appl ied Ins tr ucti ons .
72 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programma ble Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 3 Ins tructi on List 3.3 Appl ied Ins tr ucti ons ... in Asce ndi ng O rder of FNC 122 EMUL Floating Point Multiplication 33 *6 – – 3 – 3 Sectio n 18.
73 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programma ble Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 3 Ins tructi on List 3.3 Appl ied Ins tr ucti ons .
74 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programma ble Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 3 Ins tructi on List 3.3 Appl ied Ins tr ucti ons ... in Asce ndi ng O rder of FNC 163 TSU B RTC Data S ubtr action 3333 3 3 33 Section 21.
75 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programma ble Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 3 Ins tructi on List 3.3 Appl ied Ins tr ucti ons .
76 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programma ble Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 3 Ins tructi on List 3.3 Appl ied Ins tr ucti ons ... in Asce ndi ng O rder of FNC 206 MID R Random Select ion of Character St rings 33 –– – – –– Section 26.
77 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programma ble Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 3 Ins tructi on List 3.3 Appl ied Ins tr ucti ons .
78 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programma ble Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 3 Ins tructi on List 3.3 Appl ied Ins tr ucti ons ... in Asce ndi ng O rder of FNC Data Table Operat ion 250 to 255 – – 256 LIM IT Lim it Cont rol 33 –– – – –– Secti on 29.
79 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programma ble Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 3 Ins tructi on List 3.3 Appl ied Ins tr ucti ons .
80 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 4 D evice s in Deta il 4.1 Devi ce Nu mber List 4.
81 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 4 D evice s in Deta il 4.1 Devi ce Nu mber List 1 Introduction 2 Overview 3 Inst.
82 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 4 D evice s in Deta il 4.1 Devi ce Nu mber List 2) FX 3G PLCs Device name Des cription Reference I/O re lay Input relay X000 to X1 77 128 point s Devic e numbers are octal.
83 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 4 D evice s in Deta il 4.1 Devi ce Nu mber List 1 Introduction 2 Overview 3 Inst.
84 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 4 D evice s in Deta il 4.2 I/O Relays [X, Y] 4.2 I/O Relays [X, Y ] Some input relays and out put rela ys are secure d in the main uni t, and others ar e assigned t o extensio n device s accord ing t o the conne ctio n order.
85 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 4 D evice s in Deta il 4.2 I/O Relays [X, Y] 1 Introduction 2 Overview 3 Instruc.
86 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 4 D evice s in Deta il 4.2 I/O Relays [X, Y] 4.2.3 Operation t iming of i nput relays The PLC ex ecute s seque nce contr ol by r epeate dly exec uting t he foll owing pr ocessing proce dure.
87 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 4 D evice s in Deta il 4.3 Auxilia ry Relay [M] 1 Introduction 2 Overview 3 Inst.
88 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 4 D evice s in Deta il 4.3 Auxilia ry Relay [M] 2. Latched (battery backed) t ype When the powe r is turned OFF while the PLC is operating , all of the output relays and gene ral type aux iliary relays turn OF F.
89 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 4 D evice s in Deta il 4.4 State Re lay [S] 1 Introduction 2 Overview 3 Instruct.
90 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 4 D evice s in Deta il 4.4 State Re lay [S] 4.
91 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 4 D evice s in Deta il 4.4 State Re lay [S] 1 Introduction 2 Overview 3 Instruct.
92 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 4 D evice s in Deta il 4.5 Timer [T ] 4.5 Timer [T] Timers add and count cl ock pulses of 1 ms, 10 ms, 100 ms, etc. ins ide the PLC.
93 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 4 D evice s in Deta il 4.5 Timer [T ] 1 Introduction 2 Overview 3 Instruction Li.
94 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 4 D evice s in Deta il 4.5 Timer [T ] 4.5.3 Set value specifi cation method 1. Specif ying a con stant (K) T10 is a 1 00 ms ( 0.1 sec ) type timer.
95 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 4 D evice s in Deta il 4.5 Timer [T ] 1 Introduction 2 Overview 3 Instruction Li.
96 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 4 D evice s in Deta il 4.5 Timer [T ] 4.
97 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 4 D evice s in Deta il 4.6 Co unter [ C] 1 Introduction 2 Overview 3 Instruction.
98 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 4 D evice s in Deta il 4.6 Co unter [ C] 4.
99 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 4 D evice s in Deta il 4.6 Co unter [ C] 1 Introduction 2 Overview 3 Instruction.
100 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 4 D evice s in Deta il 4.6 Co unter [ C] 4.
101 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 4 D evice s in Deta il 4.7 High Spe ed Counter [C] (FX3U/FX3UC PLC) 1 Introduct.
102 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 4 D evice s in Deta il 4.7 High Spe ed Counter [C] (FX3U/FX3UC PLC) 5. High speed counter device list *1. They a re handl ed as so ftware c ounte rs dep ending on the ope rati ng con dition .
103 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 4 D evice s in Deta il 4.7 High Spe ed Counter [C] (FX3U/FX3UC PLC) 1 Introduct.
104 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 4 D evice s in Deta il 4.7 High Spe ed Counter [C] (FX3U/FX3UC PLC) Restri ctio.
105 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 4 D evice s in Deta il 4.7 High Spe ed Counter [C] (FX3U/FX3UC PLC) 1 Introduct.
106 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 4 D evice s in Deta il 4.7 High Spe ed Counter [C] (FX3U/FX3UC PLC) • A 2-phase encoder generate s outputs for the A phase and B phase by a phas e differ ence of 90 ° .
107 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 4 D evice s in Deta il 4.7 High Spe ed Counter [C] (FX3U/FX3UC PLC) 1 Introduct.
108 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 4 D evice s in Deta il 4.7 High Spe ed Counter [C] (FX3U/FX3UC PLC) 4.
109 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 4 D evice s in Deta il 4.7 High Spe ed Counter [C] (FX3U/FX3UC PLC) 1 Introduct.
110 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 4 D evice s in Deta il 4.7 High Spe ed Counter [C] (FX3U/FX3UC PLC) 4.
111 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 4 D evice s in Deta il 4.7 High Spe ed Counter [C] (FX3U/FX3UC PLC) 1 Introduct.
112 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 4 D evice s in Deta il 4.7 High Spe ed Counter [C] (FX3U/FX3UC PLC) 2) When special analog adapt ers an d FX 3U /FX 3UC Se ries speci al fu nction bloc ks/uni ts ar e use d *1.
113 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 4 D evice s in Deta il 4.7 High Spe ed Counter [C] (FX3U/FX3UC PLC) 1 Introduct.
114 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 4 D evice s in Deta il 4.7 High Spe ed Counter [C] (FX3U/FX3UC PLC) • Write the followi ng program t o "reset only the cur rent val ue of a hig h speed coun ter (and do es not tu rn OFF the cont act) ".
115 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 4 D evice s in Deta il 4.8 High Sp eed Coun ter [C] (FX3G PLCs ) 1 Introduction.
116 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 4 D evice s in Deta il 4.8 High Sp eed Coun ter [C] (FX3G PLCs ) 5.
117 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 4 D evice s in Deta il 4.8 High Sp eed Coun ter [C] (FX3G PLCs ) 1 Introduction.
118 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 4 D evice s in Deta il 4.8 High Sp eed Coun ter [C] (FX3G PLCs ) 4.8.3 Handling of high speed counters High s peed c ounte rs in FX 3G PLCs ope rate in th e same way as high sp eed count ers in FX 3U /FX 3UC PLCs.
119 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 4 D evice s in Deta il 4.8 High Sp eed Coun ter [C] (FX3G PLCs ) 1 Introduction.
120 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 4 D evice s in Deta il 4.8 High Sp eed Coun ter [C] (FX3G PLCs ) 4.
121 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 4 D evice s in Deta il 4.8 High Sp eed Coun ter [C] (FX3G PLCs ) 1 Introduction.
122 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 4 D evice s in Deta il 4.8 High Sp eed Coun ter [C] (FX3G PLCs ) • Write the followi ng program t o "reset only the cur rent val ue of a hig h speed coun ter (and do es not tu rn OFF the cont act) ".
123 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 4 D evice s in Deta il 4.9 Data Register an d File Registe r [D] 1 Introduction.
124 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 4 D evice s in Deta il 4.9 Data Register an d File Registe r [D] 4.
125 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 4 D evice s in Deta il 4.9 Data Register an d File Registe r [D] 1 Introduction.
126 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 4 D evice s in Deta il 4.9 Data Register an d File Registe r [D] 3. Operat ion example s Data registers ca n be used in variou s control with numer ic data .
127 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 4 D evice s in Deta il 4.9 Data Register an d File Registe r [D] 1 Introduction.
128 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 4 D evice s in Deta il 4.9 Data Register an d File Registe r [D] 2.
129 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 4 D evice s in Deta il 4.9 Data Register an d File Registe r [D] 1 Introduction.
130 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 4 D evice s in Deta il 4.9 Data Register an d File Registe r [D] 2) When file r.
131 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 4 D evice s in Deta il 4.10 Exten sion Re gister [R] and Extension File Re gist.
132 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 4 D evice s in Deta il 4.10 Exten sion Re gister [R] and Extension File Re gister [ER] 4.10.3 Structures of extension r egisters and extension file r egisters One ex tension regi ster con sist s of 16 bits.
133 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 4 D evice s in Deta il 4.10 Exten sion Re gister [R] and Extension File Re gist.
134 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 4 D evice s in Deta il 4.10 Exten sion Re gister [R] and Extension File Re gister [ER] 4.
135 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 4 D evice s in Deta il 4.10 Exten sion Re gister [R] and Extension File Re gist.
136 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 4 D evice s in Deta il 4.10 Exten sion Re gister [R] and Extension File Re gister [ER] 2.
137 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 4 D evice s in Deta il 4.10 Exten sion Re gister [R] and Extension File Re gist.
138 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 4 D evice s in Deta il 4.10 Exten sion Re gister [R] and Extension File Re gister [ER] 4.
139 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 4 D evice s in Deta il 4.10 Exten sion Re gister [R] and Extension File Re gist.
140 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 4 D evice s in Deta il 4.10 Exten sion Re gister [R] and Extension File Re gister [ER] 5. Input a device number to be set to "Device Label", and click the [Display] button.
141 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 4 D evice s in Deta il 4.10 Exten sion Re gister [R] and Extension File Re gist.
142 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 4 D evice s in Deta il 4.11 Index R egister [V and Z] 4.11 Index Register [ V and Z] Index r egister s can be us ed in the same wa y as of data r egister s.
143 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 4 D evice s in Deta il 4.11 Index R egister [V and Z] 1 Introduction 2 Overview.
144 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 4 D evice s in Deta il 4.12 Poi nter [P and I] 4.12 Pointer [P and I] 4.12.1 Numbers of pointe rs The ta ble below sh ows numbers of pointe rs (P and I).
145 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 4 D evice s in Deta il 4.12 Poi nter [P and I] 1 Introduction 2 Overview 3 Inst.
146 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 4 D evice s in Deta il 4.12 Poi nter [P and I] Operati ons 2. Pointers for timer interrupt : 3 points → For deta ils on timer interru pt func tion, ref er to Secti on 36.
147 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 4 D evice s in Deta il 4.12 Poi nter [P and I] 1 Introduction 2 Overview 3 Inst.
148 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 4 D evice s in Deta il 4.12 Poi nter [P and I] Operati ons M8000 RUN monitor FN.
149 FX 3G / FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Prog ramma ble Control le rs Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 5 How to Specify Devi ces and Con stants t o Instruc tions 5.
150 FX 3G / FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Prog ramma ble Control le rs Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 5 How to Specify Devi ces and Con stants t o Instruc tions 5.1 Numer ic Val ues Hand led i n PLCs (O ctal, Decimal , Hexad ecima l and Rea l Number s) 5.
151 FX 3G / FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Prog ramma ble Control le rs Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 5 How to Specify Devi ces and Con stants t o Instruc tions 5.
152 FX 3G / FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Prog ramma ble Control le rs Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 5 How to Specify Devi ces and Con stants t o Instruc tions 5.
153 FX 3G / FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Prog ramma ble Control le rs Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 5 How to Specify Devi ces and Con stants t o Instruc tions 5.
154 FX 3G / FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Prog ramma ble Control le rs Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 5 How to Specify Devi ces and Con stants t o Instruc tions 5.
155 FX 3G / FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Prog ramma ble Control le rs Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 5 How to Specify Devi ces and Con stants t o Instruc tions 5.
156 FX 3G / FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Prog ramma ble Control le rs Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 5 How to Specify Devi ces and Con stants t o Instruc tions 5.5 Bit Spe cific atio n of a Wor d Device (D[ ]. b) 5.5 Bit Specification of a Word Device (D[ ].
157 FX 3G / FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Prog ramma ble Control le rs Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 5 How to Specify Devi ces and Con stants t o Instruc tions 5.
158 FX 3G / FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Prog ramma ble Control le rs Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 5 How to Specify Devi ces and Con stants t o Instruc tions 5.
159 FX 3G / FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Prog ramma ble Control le rs Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 5 How to Specify Devi ces and Con stants t o Instruc tions 5.
160 FX 3G / FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Prog ramma ble Control le rs Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 5 How to Specify Devi ces and Con stants t o Instruc tions 5.7 Ind exi ng 5.7.3 Indexing ex ample for instructi on with limited nu mber of use .
161 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 6 What to Understan d before Pro grammin g 6.
162 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 6 What to Understan d before Pro grammin g 6.1 How to R ead E xpl anatio n of Inst ruction s Out li ne 1. Instruct ion format 1) The applie d instru ction numbe r (FNC No.
163 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 6 What to Understan d before Pro grammin g 6.
164 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 6 What to Understan d before Pro grammin g 6.2 Caut ions on Creatio n of F undament al Progr ams 6.2 Cautions on Creation of Fu ndamental Programs This section expl ains c autions on p rogrammin g.
165 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 6 What to Understan d before Pro grammin g 6.
166 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 6 What to Understan d before Pro grammin g 6.2 Caut ions on Creatio n of F undament al Progr ams 6.2.3 Circuits which cannot b e programmed and countermeasures 1.
167 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 6 What to Understan d before Pro grammin g 6.
168 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 6 What to Understan d before Pro grammin g 6.
169 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 6 What to Understan d before Pro grammin g 6.
170 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 6 What to Understan d before Pro grammin g 6.5 General Rules for Applied Instru ctions 6.5 General Rules for Applie d Instructions 6.
171 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 6 What to Understan d before Pro grammin g 6.
172 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 6 What to Understan d before Pro grammin g 6.
173 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 6 What to Understan d before Pro grammin g 6.
174 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 6 What to Understan d before Pro grammin g 6.
175 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 6 What to Understan d before Pro grammin g 6.
176 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 7 Ba sic I nstru ctio n 7. Basic Instruction This cha pter ex plains t ypes and f unctions of basic seq uence i nstruct ions.
177 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 7 Ba sic I nstru ctio n 1 Introduction 2 Overview 3 Instruction List 4 Devices .
178 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 7 Ba sic I nstru ctio n 7.1 LD , LDI 7.
179 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 7 Ba sic I nstru ctio n 7.1 LD , LDI 1 Introduction 2 Overview 3 Instruction Li.
180 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 7 Ba sic I nstru ctio n 7.2 OUT 7.2 OU T Out li ne OUT instruct ion d rives co ils of output relays (Y), a uxiliary relay s (M), s tate r elays (S ), tim ers (T) and co unters (C).
181 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 7 Ba sic I nstru ctio n 7.2 OUT 1 Introduction 2 Overview 3 Instruction List 4 .
182 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 7 Ba sic I nstru ctio n 7.2 OUT 3. Indexing *1 Devices used in OUT inst ructi on can be in dexed with index re gister s (V and Z).
183 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 7 Ba sic I nstru ctio n 7.3 AN D, AN I 1 Introduction 2 Overview 3 Instruction .
184 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 7 Ba sic I nstru ctio n 7.3 AN D, AN I 2. ANI instru ction (serial c onnection o f NC (normally clo sed) cont acts) 3. Indexing *1 Devices used in AND an d ANI instr uction ca n be index ed with inde x regi sters (V an d Z).
185 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 7 Ba sic I nstru ctio n 7.3 AN D, AN I 1 Introduction 2 Overview 3 Instruction .
186 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 7 Ba sic I nstru ctio n 7.4 OR, ORI 7.
187 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 7 Ba sic I nstru ctio n 7.4 OR, ORI 1 Introduction 2 Overview 3 Instruction Lis.
188 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 7 Ba sic I nstru ctio n 7.4 OR, ORI 5. Bit specif ication of d ata register (D) *1 A bit in data register (D) can be specified as a device us ed in OR and ORI instr uctions .
189 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 7 Ba sic I nstru ctio n 7.5 LDP, LDF , AND P, A NDF, ORP , ORF 1 Introduction 2.
190 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 7 Ba sic I nstru ctio n 7.5 LDP, LDF , AND P, A NDF, ORP , ORF Explanation of funct ion and operat ion 1.
191 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 7 Ba sic I nstru ctio n 7.5 LDP, LDF , AND P, A NDF, ORP , ORF 1 Introduction 2.
192 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 7 Ba sic I nstru ctio n 7.5 LDP, LDF , AND P, A NDF, ORP , ORF 4. Output drive side The fo llowin g two circu its offe r a same operat ion: In each ci rcuit, M6 is ON during only one op eration cycle when X010 turns ON f rom OFF.
193 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 7 Ba sic I nstru ctio n 7.5 LDP, LDF , AND P, A NDF, ORP , ORF 1 Introduction 2.
194 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 7 Ba sic I nstru ctio n 7.5 LDP, LDF , AND P, A NDF, ORP , ORF Cautions 1.
195 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 7 Ba sic I nstru ctio n 7.6 ORB 1 Introduction 2 Overview 3 Instruction List 4 .
196 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 7 Ba sic I nstru ctio n 7.7 ANB 7.7 ANB Out li ne Use ANB inst ruct ion to conne ct a bran ch circui t (paral lel ci rcuit bl ock) to the preced ing ci rcuit i n series.
197 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 7 Ba sic I nstru ctio n 7.8 MPS, MRD, MPP 1 Introduction 2 Overview 3 Instructi.
198 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 7 Ba sic I nstru ctio n 7.8 MPS, MRD, MPP Err or MPS instr uction ca n be used two or mor e times.
199 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 7 Ba sic I nstru ctio n 7.8 MPS, MRD, MPP 1 Introduction 2 Overview 3 Instructi.
200 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 7 Ba sic I nstru ctio n 7.8 MPS, MRD, MPP 3) Pr ogram exam ple 3: Tw o sta cks 4) Pr ogram exampl e 4: Fo ur sta cks In progr amming a cir cuit on th e upper side, it is nece ssary to MPS instru ction th ree times.
201 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 7 Ba sic I nstru ctio n 7.9 MC , MCR 1 Introduction 2 Overview 3 Instruction Li.
202 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 7 Ba sic I nstru ctio n 7.9 MC , MCR Cau ti on 1. A circuit error (Err or code: 6611) occurs when an instruction connected the bus line (such as LD and LDI) is not present just after the M C instruction.
203 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 7 Ba sic I nstru ctio n 7.9 MC , MCR 1 Introduction 2 Overview 3 Instruction Li.
204 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 7 Ba sic I nstru ctio n 7.10 IN V 7.10 I NV Out li ne 1. Instructio n Format INV i nstru ction inverts the op eration resul t up to jus t befo re INV instr uction , and d oes no t re quire d evice number specif ication.
205 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 7 Ba sic I nstru ctio n 7.11 MEP, MEF 1 Introduction 2 Overview 3 Instruction L.
206 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 7 Ba sic I nstru ctio n 7.11 MEP, MEF Cau ti on 1. MEP an d MEF instructions may not operat e normally if the indexed contact is modified and changed to pulses by sub-rout ine programs, the FOR and NEXT instr uctions, etc.
207 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 7 Ba sic I nstru ctio n 7.12 PL S, PLF 1 Introduction 2 Overview 3 Instruction .
208 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 7 Ba sic I nstru ctio n 7.12 PL S, PLF 3. Output drive side The fo llowin g two circu its resul t the same ope rati on. In each cas e, M0 is ON during onl y one oper ation cy cle when X000 cha nges from OFF t o ON.
209 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 7 Ba sic I nstru ctio n 7.12 PL S, PLF 1 Introduction 2 Overview 3 Instruction .
210 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 7 Ba sic I nstru ctio n 7.13 SET, RST 7.
211 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 7 Ba sic I nstru ctio n 7.13 SET, RST 1 Introduction 2 Overview 3 Instruction L.
212 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 7 Ba sic I nstru ctio n 7.13 SET, RST Caution s on using RST inst ruction for a.
213 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 7 Ba sic I nstru ctio n 7.14 NOP 1 Introduction 2 Overview 3 Instruction List 4.
214 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 7 Ba sic I nstru ctio n 7.15 END 7.15 E ND Out li ne END instruc tion speci fies t he end of a progr am. (Do not wr ite the END in stru ction in the middle of a pro gram.
215 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 7 Ba sic I nstru ctio n 7.16 Nu mber of Inst ruction Step s and Speci fied Devi.
216 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 8 Program Fl ow – FNC 00 to FNC 09 8.
217 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 8 Program Fl ow – FNC 00 to FNC 09 8.
218 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 8 Program Fl ow – FNC 00 to FNC 09 8.1 FNC 00 – CJ / Conditiona l Jump Cautions 1. Relationship between the label input position and the list program The figu re belo w shows pro gramming of a label.
219 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 8 Program Fl ow – FNC 00 to FNC 09 8.
220 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 8 Program Fl ow – FNC 00 to FNC 09 8.
221 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 8 Program Fl ow – FNC 00 to FNC 09 8.
222 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 8 Program Fl ow – FNC 00 to FNC 09 8.
223 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 8 Program Fl ow – FNC 00 to FNC 09 8.
224 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 8 Program Fl ow – FNC 00 to FNC 09 8.
225 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 8 Program Fl ow – FNC 00 to FNC 09 8.
226 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 8 Program Fl ow – FNC 00 to FNC 09 8.
227 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 8 Program Fl ow – FNC 00 to FNC 09 8.
228 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 8 Program Fl ow – FNC 00 to FNC 09 8.3 FNC 02 – SR ET / Subroutine Retur n 8.3 FNC 02 – SRET / Subroutine Return Out li ne This in struct ion retur ns the progr am executi on from a subr outine to the main prog ram.
229 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 8 Program Fl ow – FNC 00 to FNC 09 8.
230 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 8 Program Fl ow – FNC 00 to FNC 09 8.4 FNC 03 – IRET / Interrupt Retu rn Program example Inte rrupts ar e usuall y disable d in PLCs.
231 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 8 Program Fl ow – FNC 00 to FNC 09 8.
232 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 8 Program Fl ow – FNC 00 to FNC 09 8.
233 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 8 Program Fl ow – FNC 00 to FNC 09 8.
234 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 8 Program Fl ow – FNC 00 to FNC 09 8.
235 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 8 Program Fl ow – FNC 00 to FNC 09 8.
236 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 8 Program Fl ow – FNC 00 to FNC 09 8.8 FNC 07 – W DT / Watchdo g Timer Refre sh 2. The watchdog timer time can be changed. → For de tails on cha nging watc hdog timer time, refe r to Subsec tion 37 .
237 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 8 Program Fl ow – FNC 00 to FNC 09 8.
238 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 8 Program Fl ow – FNC 00 to FNC 09 8.10 FNC 09 – NE XT / End a FOR/NE XT Loop 8.10 FNC 09 – NEXT / End a FOR/NEXT Loop Out li ne NEXT instru ction s pecifi es the end p ositi on of t he loop .
239 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 8 Program Fl ow – FNC 00 to FNC 09 8.
240 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 9 Move and Compar e – FNC 10 to FNC 19 9.
241 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 9 Move and Compar e – FNC 10 to FNC 19 9.
242 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 9 Move and Compar e – FNC 10 to FNC 19 9.1 FNC 10 – C MP / Compare 2. 32-bit operation (DCMP and DCMPP) The com parison va lue [ +1, ] and the comp arison source [ +1, ] are compared wi th each othe r.
243 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 9 Move and Compar e – FNC 10 to FNC 19 9.
244 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 9 Move and Compar e – FNC 10 to FNC 19 9.
245 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 9 Move and Compar e – FNC 10 to FNC 19 9.
246 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 9 Move and Compar e – FNC 10 to FNC 19 9.3 FNC 12 – M OV / Move When a word device is s pecifie d The wor d device tran sfers 1 point.
247 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 9 Move and Compar e – FNC 10 to FNC 19 9.
248 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 9 Move and Compar e – FNC 10 to FNC 19 9.4 FNC 13 – SMOV / Shift Mo ve 9.4 FNC 13 – SMOV / Shift Mo ve Out li ne This in stru ction dis tributes and compose s data in un its of digi t (4 bits ).
249 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 9 Move and Compar e – FNC 10 to FNC 19 9.
250 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 9 Move and Compar e – FNC 10 to FNC 19 9.5 F NC 14 – CM L / Compl eme nt 9.5 FNC 14 – CML / C omplement Out li ne This in stru ction inv erts dat a in units of bit, and t hen tra nsfers (c opies) t he inve rted da ta.
251 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 9 Move and Compar e – FNC 10 to FNC 19 9.
252 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 9 Move and Compar e – FNC 10 to FNC 19 9.6 FNC 1 5 – BMOV / Block M ove 9.6 FNC 15 – BMOV / Block Move Out li ne This instru ctio n trans fers (copie s) a specif ied numb er of data at o ne time .
253 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 9 Move and Compar e – FNC 10 to FNC 19 9.
254 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 9 Move and Compar e – FNC 10 to FNC 19 9.
255 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 9 Move and Compar e – FNC 10 to FNC 19 9.
256 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 9 Move and Compar e – FNC 10 to FNC 19 9.7 FNC 16 – FMOV / Fill Move 9.7 FNC 16 – FMOV / Fill Move Out li ne This in stru ction trans fers same data to specifi ed number of dev ices .
257 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 9 Move and Compar e – FNC 10 to FNC 19 9.
258 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 9 Move and Compar e – FNC 10 to FNC 19 9.8 FNC 17 – XCH / Exchan ge 9.8 FNC 17 – XCH / Exchange Out li ne This in stru ction exch anges dat a betwe en two device s.
259 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 9 Move and Compar e – FNC 10 to FNC 19 9.
260 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 9 Move and Compar e – FNC 10 to FNC 19 9.
261 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 9 Move and Compar e – FNC 10 to FNC 19 9.
262 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 9 Move and Compar e – FNC 10 to FNC 19 9.9 FNC 18 – BCD / Conversi on to Binary Code d Decimal Program examples 1. When the seven- segment dis play unit has 1 digit 2.
263 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 9 Move and Compar e – FNC 10 to FNC 19 9.
264 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 9 Move and Compar e – FNC 10 to FNC 19 9.
265 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 9 Move and Compar e – FNC 10 to FNC 19 9.
266 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 10 Arithmetic and Log ical Operation ( + , − , × , ÷ ) – FNC 20 to FN C 29 10.
267 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 10 Arithmetic and Log ical Operation ( + , − , × , ÷ ) – FNC 20 to FN C 29 10.
268 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 10 Arithmetic and Log ical Operation ( + , − , × , ÷ ) – FNC 20 to FN C 29 10.1 FN C 20 – ADD / Addit ion Related de vices 1.
269 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 10 Arithmetic and Log ical Operation ( + , − , × , ÷ ) – FNC 20 to FN C 29 10.
270 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 10 Arithmetic and Log ical Operation ( + , − , × , ÷ ) – FNC 20 to FN C 29 10.
271 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 10 Arithmetic and Log ical Operation ( + , − , × , ÷ ) – FNC 20 to FN C 29 10.
272 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 10 Arithmetic and Log ical Operation ( + , − , × , ÷ ) – FNC 20 to FN C 29 10.2 FNC 21 – S UB / Su btraction Program example 1.
273 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 10 Arithmetic and Log ical Operation ( + , − , × , ÷ ) – FNC 20 to FN C 29 10.
274 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 10 Arithmetic and Log ical Operation ( + , − , × , ÷ ) – FNC 20 to FN C 29 10.3 FNC 22 – MUL / Multiplicatio n • When a digit (K1 to K8) is specif ied for [ +1, ] A digit ca n be specifi ed in the ra nge fro m K1 to K8.
275 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 10 Arithmetic and Log ical Operation ( + , − , × , ÷ ) – FNC 20 to FN C 29 10.
276 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 10 Arithmetic and Log ical Operation ( + , − , × , ÷ ) – FNC 20 to FN C 29 10.
277 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 10 Arithmetic and Log ical Operation ( + , − , × , ÷ ) – FNC 20 to FN C 29 10.
278 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 10 Arithmetic and Log ical Operation ( + , − , × , ÷ ) – FNC 20 to FN C 29 10.4 FNC 23 – D IV / D ivision Program examples 1.
279 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 10 Arithmetic and Log ical Operation ( + , − , × , ÷ ) – FNC 20 to FN C 29 10.
280 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 10 Arithmetic and Log ical Operation ( + , − , × , ÷ ) – FNC 20 to FN C 29 10.
281 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 10 Arithmetic and Log ical Operation ( + , − , × , ÷ ) – FNC 20 to FN C 29 10.
282 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 10 Arithmetic and Log ical Operation ( + , − , × , ÷ ) – FNC 20 to FN C 29 10.
283 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 10 Arithmetic and Log ical Operation ( + , − , × , ÷ ) – FNC 20 to FN C 29 10.
284 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 10 Arithmetic and Log ical Operation ( + , − , × , ÷ ) – FNC 20 to FN C 29 10.
285 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 10 Arithmetic and Log ical Operation ( + , − , × , ÷ ) – FNC 20 to FN C 29 10.
286 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 10 Arithmetic and Log ical Operation ( + , − , × , ÷ ) – FNC 20 to FN C 29 10.
287 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 10 Arithmetic and Log ical Operation ( + , − , × , ÷ ) – FNC 20 to FN C 29 10.
288 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 10 Arithmetic and Log ical Operation ( + , − , × , ÷ ) – FNC 20 to FN C 29 10.
289 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 10 Arithmetic and Log ical Operation ( + , − , × , ÷ ) – FNC 20 to FN C 29 10.
290 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 11 Rotati on and Shift Operatio n – FNC 30 to FNC 39 11.
291 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 11 Rotati on and Shift Operatio n – FNC 30 to FNC 39 11.
292 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 11 Rotati on and Shift Operatio n – FNC 30 to FNC 39 11.1 FNC 30 – ROR / Rotat ion Right 2. 32-bit operation (DROR and DRORP) "n" bits out of 32 bits of [ +1, ] are rotated ri ghtward.
293 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 11 Rotati on and Shift Operatio n – FNC 30 to FNC 39 11.
294 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 11 Rotati on and Shift Operatio n – FNC 30 to FNC 39 11.2 FNC 31 – ROL / Rotat ion Left 2. 32-bit operation (DROL and DROLP) "n" bits out of 32 bits of [ +1, ] are rotated le ftward.
295 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 11 Rotati on and Shift Operatio n – FNC 30 to FNC 39 11.
296 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 11 Rotati on and Shift Operatio n – FNC 30 to FNC 39 11.
297 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 11 Rotati on and Shift Operatio n – FNC 30 to FNC 39 11.
298 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 11 Rotati on and Shift Operatio n – FNC 30 to FNC 39 11.
299 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 11 Rotati on and Shift Operatio n – FNC 30 to FNC 39 11.
300 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 11 Rotati on and Shift Operatio n – FNC 30 to FNC 39 11.5 FNC 34 – S FTR / Bit Shift Right Explanation of funct ion and operat ion 1.
301 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 11 Rotati on and Shift Operatio n – FNC 30 to FNC 39 11.
302 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 11 Rotati on and Shift Operatio n – FNC 30 to FNC 39 11.
303 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 11 Rotati on and Shift Operatio n – FNC 30 to FNC 39 11.
304 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 11 Rotati on and Shift Operatio n – FNC 30 to FNC 39 11.
305 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 11 Rotati on and Shift Operatio n – FNC 30 to FNC 39 11.
306 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 11 Rotati on and Shift Operatio n – FNC 30 to FNC 39 11.
307 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 11 Rotati on and Shift Operatio n – FNC 30 to FNC 39 11.
308 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 11 Rotati on and Shift Operatio n – FNC 30 to FNC 39 11.
309 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 11 Rotati on and Shift Operatio n – FNC 30 to FNC 39 11.
310 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 11 Rotati on and Shift Operatio n – FNC 30 to FNC 39 11.9 FNC 38 – SFWR / Shift Writ e [FIFO/FILO Control] Program example 1. Example of first-in first-out contr ol → For a pro gram ex ample of FILO, ref er to Secti on 27.
311 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 11 Rotati on and Shift Operatio n – FNC 30 to FNC 39 11.
312 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 11 Rotati on and Shift Operatio n – FNC 30 to FNC 39 11.10 FNC 39 – SFRD / Shift Read [FIFO Control] 1) When the comma nd input tu rns ON, t he contents of +1 are transfer red (rea d) to .
313 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 12 Data Operat ion – FNC 40 to FNC 49 11 FNC30-FNC39 Rotation and Shift 12 FN.
314 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 12 Data Operat ion – FNC 40 to FNC 49 12.1 F NC 40 – ZRST / Zone Reset 12.1 FNC 40 – ZRST / Zone Reset Out li ne This in struct ion reset s devices l ocate d in a zone betwee n two spec ified dev ices at one time.
315 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 12 Data Operat ion – FNC 40 to FNC 49 12.
316 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 12 Data Operat ion – FNC 40 to FNC 49 12.1 F NC 40 – ZRST / Zone Reset 2. When specifying high speed counters (C235 to C255) ZRST inst ruct ion is handl ed as th e 16-bit t ype, but 32- bit count ers can be specified in and .
317 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 12 Data Operat ion – FNC 40 to FNC 49 12.
318 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 12 Data Operat ion – FNC 40 to FNC 49 12.2 FNC 41 – DECO / Decode 2) Whe n is a wor d devic e (1 ≤ n ≤ 4) The numeric value (e xpressed in 2 n on the l ow-order side) of is decoded to .
319 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 12 Data Operat ion – FNC 40 to FNC 49 12.
320 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 12 Data Operat ion – FNC 40 to FNC 49 12.3 FNC 42 – ENCO / Encode 12.3 FNC 42 – ENCO / Encode Out li ne This in struct ion obt ains posi tions in which bits are ON in data.
321 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 12 Data Operat ion – FNC 40 to FNC 49 12.
322 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 12 Data Operat ion – FNC 40 to FNC 49 12.
323 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 12 Data Operat ion – FNC 40 to FNC 49 12.
324 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 12 Data Operat ion – FNC 40 to FNC 49 12.4 FNC 43 – SUM / Sum of Acti ve Bits Cau ti on While th e command input is OFF, the inst ructi on is not exec uted.
325 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 12 Data Operat ion – FNC 40 to FNC 49 12.
326 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 12 Data Operat ion – FNC 40 to FNC 49 12.5 FNC 44 – BON / Che ck Specified Bit Status 2. 32-bit operation (DBON and DBONP) The stat us (ON or OFF) of the bit "n" in [ +1, ] is output to .
327 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 12 Data Operat ion – FNC 40 to FNC 49 12.
328 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 12 Data Operat ion – FNC 40 to FNC 49 12.6 FNC 45 – MEAN / Mean Cau ti on • When a device number is exceeded , "n" is handle d as a smaller value in the possible range.
329 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 12 Data Operat ion – FNC 40 to FNC 49 12.
330 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 12 Data Operat ion – FNC 40 to FNC 49 12.
331 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 12 Data Operat ion – FNC 40 to FNC 49 12.
332 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 12 Data Operat ion – FNC 40 to FNC 49 12.9 FNC 48 – SQ R / Square Roo t 12.9 FNC 48 – SQR / Square Root Out li ne This instru ctio n obtai ns the squ are roo t.
333 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 12 Data Operat ion – FNC 40 to FNC 49 12.
334 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 12 Data Operat ion – FNC 40 to FNC 49 12.
335 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 13 High Speed Process ing – FNC 50 to F NC 59 11 FNC30-FNC39 Rotation and Shi.
336 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 13 High Speed Process ing – FNC 50 to F NC 59 13.
337 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 13 High Speed Process ing – FNC 50 to F NC 59 13.
338 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 13 High Speed Process ing – FNC 50 to F NC 59 13.1 FNC 50 – REF / Refresh Cautions 1. Setting the number of refr eshed points "n" Set a mult iple of 8 suc h as "K8 (H8), K16 (H10) … K2 56 (H100)".
339 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 13 High Speed Process ing – FNC 50 to F NC 59 13.
340 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 13 High Speed Process ing – FNC 50 to F NC 59 13.
341 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 13 High Speed Process ing – FNC 50 to F NC 59 13.
342 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 13 High Speed Process ing – FNC 50 to F NC 59 13.
343 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 13 High Speed Process ing – FNC 50 to F NC 59 13.
344 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 13 High Speed Process ing – FNC 50 to F NC 59 13.3 FNC 52 – MTR / Input Ma trix The fi gure bel ow shows an exampl e of th e FX 3U series main u nit (s ink i nput /sink ou tput ).
345 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 13 High Speed Process ing – FNC 50 to F NC 59 13.
346 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 13 High Speed Process ing – FNC 50 to F NC 59 13.3 FNC 52 – MTR / Input Ma trix 13.3.1 Operation a nd cautions f or MTR instr uction 1.
347 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 13 High Speed Process ing – FNC 50 to F NC 59 13.
348 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 13 High Speed Process ing – FNC 50 to F NC 59 13.
349 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 13 High Speed Process ing – FNC 50 to F NC 59 13.
350 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 13 High Speed Process ing – FNC 50 to F NC 59 13.
351 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 13 High Speed Process ing – FNC 50 to F NC 59 13.
352 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 13 High Speed Process ing – FNC 50 to F NC 59 13.
353 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 13 High Speed Process ing – FNC 50 to F NC 59 13.
354 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 13 High Speed Process ing – FNC 50 to F NC 59 13.5 FNC 54 – HSCR / Hig h Speed Counter Reset Related inst ructions The fo l low ing ins tructi ons can be c ombine d with high speed c ounter s: Cautions 1.
355 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 13 High Speed Process ing – FNC 50 to F NC 59 13.
356 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 13 High Speed Process ing – FNC 50 to F NC 59 13.
357 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 13 High Speed Process ing – FNC 50 to F NC 59 13.
358 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 13 High Speed Process ing – FNC 50 to F NC 59 13.
359 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 13 High Speed Process ing – FNC 50 to F NC 59 13.
360 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 13 High Speed Process ing – FNC 50 to F NC 59 13.
361 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 13 High Speed Process ing – FNC 50 to F NC 59 13.
362 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 13 High Speed Process ing – FNC 50 to F NC 59 13.
363 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 13 High Speed Process ing – FNC 50 to F NC 59 13.
364 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 13 High Speed Process ing – FNC 50 to F NC 59 13.
365 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 13 High Speed Process ing – FNC 50 to F NC 59 13.
366 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 13 High Speed Process ing – FNC 50 to F NC 59 13.
367 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 13 High Speed Process ing – FNC 50 to F NC 59 13.
368 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 13 High Speed Process ing – FNC 50 to F NC 59 13.
369 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 13 High Speed Process ing – FNC 50 to F NC 59 13.
370 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 13 High Speed Process ing – FNC 50 to F NC 59 13.7 FNC 56 – SPD / Speed Det ection 2. 32-bit operation (DSPD) The inp ut pulse is co unted only for [ +1, ] x 1 ms .
371 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 13 High Speed Process ing – FNC 50 to F NC 59 13.
372 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 13 High Speed Process ing – FNC 50 to F NC 59 13.8 FNC 57 – PLSY / Pulse Y Output 13.8 FNC 57 – PLSY / Pulse Y Output Out li ne This inst ructio n gene rates a pul se sign al.
373 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 13 High Speed Process ing – FNC 50 to F NC 59 13.
374 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 13 High Speed Process ing – FNC 50 to F NC 59 13.
375 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 13 High Speed Process ing – FNC 50 to F NC 59 13.
376 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 13 High Speed Process ing – FNC 50 to F NC 59 13.8 FNC 57 – PLSY / Pulse Y Output 6. Other s 1) Types of pul se output, positi oning and oth er relev ant instr uction s and their target out put numbers *1.
377 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 13 High Speed Process ing – FNC 50 to F NC 59 13.
378 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 13 High Speed Process ing – FNC 50 to F NC 59 13.
379 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 13 High Speed Process ing – FNC 50 to F NC 59 13.
380 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 13 High Speed Process ing – FNC 50 to F NC 59 13.
381 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 13 High Speed Process ing – FNC 50 to F NC 59 13.
382 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 13 High Speed Process ing – FNC 50 to F NC 59 13.
383 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 13 High Speed Process ing – FNC 50 to F NC 59 13.
384 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 13 High Speed Process ing – FNC 50 to F NC 59 13.10 FNC 59 – PLSR / Acceler ation/Decel eration Setup 5. Other s 1) Types of pul se output, positi oning and oth er relev ant instr uction s and their target out put numbers *1.
385 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 14 Handy In struct ion – FNC 60 to FNC 69 11 FNC30-FNC39 Rotation and Shift 1.
386 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 14 Handy In struct ion – FNC 60 to FNC 69 14.
387 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 14 Handy In struct ion – FNC 60 to FNC 69 14.
388 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 14 Handy In struct ion – FNC 60 to FNC 69 14.
389 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 14 Handy In struct ion – FNC 60 to FNC 69 14.
390 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 14 Handy In struct ion – FNC 60 to FNC 69 14.
391 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 14 Handy In struct ion – FNC 60 to FNC 69 14.
392 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 14 Handy In struct ion – FNC 60 to FNC 69 14.1 FNC 60 – IST / Init ial State 5. Program e xample 1) Circuit diagr am In the sequen ce circui t shown below, all ar eas excep t shaded are as are stand ard.
393 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 14 Handy In struct ion – FNC 60 to FNC 69 14.
394 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 14 Handy In struct ion – FNC 60 to FNC 69 14.
395 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 14 Handy In struct ion – FNC 60 to FNC 69 14.
396 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 14 Handy In struct ion – FNC 60 to FNC 69 14.
397 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 14 Handy In struct ion – FNC 60 to FNC 69 14.
398 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 14 Handy In struct ion – FNC 60 to FNC 69 14.
399 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 14 Handy In struct ion – FNC 60 to FNC 69 14.
400 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 14 Handy In struct ion – FNC 60 to FNC 69 14.
401 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 14 Handy In struct ion – FNC 60 to FNC 69 14.
402 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 14 Handy In struct ion – FNC 60 to FNC 69 14.
403 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 14 Handy In struct ion – FNC 60 to FNC 69 14.
404 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 14 Handy In struct ion – FNC 60 to FNC 69 14.5 FNC 64 – TTMR / Teac hing Timer 14.5 FNC 64 – TTMR / Teaching Timer Out li ne This instruc tion m easur es the pe riod of time in which TT MR ins tructi on is ON .
405 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 14 Handy In struct ion – FNC 60 to FNC 69 14.
406 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 14 Handy In struct ion – FNC 60 to FNC 69 14.6 FNC 65 – STMR / Special Timer 14.6 FNC 65 – STMR / Special Timer Out li ne This in struct ion can ea sily make off -delay ti mers, one- shot ti mers and flic ker timer s.
407 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 14 Handy In struct ion – FNC 60 to FNC 69 14.
408 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 14 Handy In struct ion – FNC 60 to FNC 69 14.
409 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 14 Handy In struct ion – FNC 60 to FNC 69 14.
410 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 14 Handy In struct ion – FNC 60 to FNC 69 14.
411 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 14 Handy In struct ion – FNC 60 to FNC 69 14.
412 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 14 Handy In struct ion – FNC 60 to FNC 69 14.
413 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 14 Handy In struct ion – FNC 60 to FNC 69 14.
414 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 14 Handy In struct ion – FNC 60 to FNC 69 14.9 FNC 68 – ROTC / Rot ary Table Co ntrol Operation conditi ons The con dition s require d to use th is instr uction are as shown in the exam ple below.
415 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 14 Handy In struct ion – FNC 60 to FNC 69 14.
416 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 14 Handy In struct ion – FNC 60 to FNC 69 14.
417 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 14 Handy In struct ion – FNC 60 to FNC 69 14.
418 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 15 External FX I/ O Device – FNC 70 to FNC 79 15.
419 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 15 External FX I/ O Device – FNC 70 to FNC 79 15.
420 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 15 External FX I/ O Device – FNC 70 to FNC 79 15.1 FNC 70 – TKY / Ten Key Inpu t 2) Key press ing i nfor matio n [ to +10] - For the ke y press ing infor mation, to +9 turn ON or OFF accord ing to the pr essed keys.
421 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 15 External FX I/ O Device – FNC 70 to FNC 79 15.
422 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 15 External FX I/ O Device – FNC 70 to FNC 79 15.
423 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 15 External FX I/ O Device – FNC 70 to FNC 79 15.
424 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 15 External FX I/ O Device – FNC 70 to FNC 79 15.
425 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 15 External FX I/ O Device – FNC 70 to FNC 79 15.
426 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 15 External FX I/ O Device – FNC 70 to FNC 79 15.2 FNC 71 – HKY / Hexad ecimal Inpu t Program example The figu re belo w shows an exa mple of the FX 3U series main unit (sink input /sink out put).
427 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 15 External FX I/ O Device – FNC 70 to FNC 79 15.
428 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 15 External FX I/ O Device – FNC 70 to FNC 79 15.
429 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 15 External FX I/ O Device – FNC 70 to FNC 79 15.
430 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 15 External FX I/ O Device – FNC 70 to FNC 79 15.
431 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 15 External FX I/ O Device – FNC 70 to FNC 79 15.
432 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 15 External FX I/ O Device – FNC 70 to FNC 79 15.
433 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 15 External FX I/ O Device – FNC 70 to FNC 79 15.
434 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 15 External FX I/ O Device – FNC 70 to FNC 79 15.5 FNC 74 – SEGL / Seve n Segment With La tch Related de vices → Fo r the i nstr uction execut ion c omplete f lag use metho d, r efer to Subse ction 6.
435 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 15 External FX I/ O Device – FNC 70 to FNC 79 15.
436 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 15 External FX I/ O Device – FNC 70 to FNC 79 15.5 FNC 74 – SEGL / Seve n Segment With La tch 3. Confirming the logic o f the seven-s egment displa y unit 1) D ata i nput 2) Strobe s ignal 4.
437 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 15 External FX I/ O Device – FNC 70 to FNC 79 15.
438 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 15 External FX I/ O Device – FNC 70 to FNC 79 15.
439 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 15 External FX I/ O Device – FNC 70 to FNC 79 15.
440 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 15 External FX I/ O Device – FNC 70 to FNC 79 15.
441 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 15 External FX I/ O Device – FNC 70 to FNC 79 15.
442 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 15 External FX I/ O Device – FNC 70 to FNC 79 15.
443 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 15 External FX I/ O Device – FNC 70 to FNC 79 15.
444 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 15 External FX I/ O Device – FNC 70 to FNC 79 15.
445 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 15 External FX I/ O Device – FNC 70 to FNC 79 15.
446 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 15 External FX I/ O Device – FNC 70 to FNC 79 15.
447 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 15 External FX I/ O Device – FNC 70 to FNC 79 15.
448 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 15 External FX I/ O Device – FNC 70 to FNC 79 15.
449 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 15 External FX I/ O Device – FNC 70 to FNC 79 15.
450 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 15 External FX I/ O Device – FNC 70 to FNC 79 15.9 FNC 78 – FROM / Read Fr om A Special Funct ion Block Acceptance of i nterrupt s while FROM/TO instruct ion is exec uted (M8028) 1.
451 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 15 External FX I/ O Device – FNC 70 to FNC 79 15.
452 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 15 External FX I/ O Device – FNC 70 to FNC 79 15.
453 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 16 External FX Dev ice – FNC 80 to FNC 89 11 FNC30-FNC39 Rotation and Shift 1.
454 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 16 External FX Dev ice – FNC 80 to FNC 89 16.
455 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 16 External FX Dev ice – FNC 80 to FNC 89 16.
456 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 16 External FX Dev ice – FNC 80 to FNC 89 16.
457 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 16 External FX Dev ice – FNC 80 to FNC 89 16.
458 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 16 External FX Dev ice – FNC 80 to FNC 89 16.
459 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 16 External FX Dev ice – FNC 80 to FNC 89 16.
460 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 16 External FX Dev ice – FNC 80 to FNC 89 16.3 FNC 82 – A SCI / Hexadecimal to ASCII Conversion 3. 8-bit con version mode ( while M81 61 is ON) (M8161 is used a lso for the RS , H EX, CCD and CRC instructions.
461 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 16 External FX Dev ice – FNC 80 to FNC 89 16.
462 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 16 External FX Dev ice – FNC 80 to FNC 89 16.4 FNC 83 – HEX / ASCII to Hexadecimal Conversion 2. 16-bit conversion mode (while M8161 is OFF) (M8161 is used a lso for the RS , A SCI, CCD, and CRC instructions.
463 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 16 External FX Dev ice – FNC 80 to FNC 89 16.
464 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 16 External FX Dev ice – FNC 80 to FNC 89 16.
465 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 16 External FX Dev ice – FNC 80 to FNC 89 16.
466 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 16 External FX Dev ice – FNC 80 to FNC 89 16.5 FNC 84 – CCD / Check Code 3. 8-bit con version mode ( while M81 61 is ON) (M8161 is used also f or the RS, A SCI, HEX and CRC instruc tions.
467 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 16 External FX Dev ice – FNC 80 to FNC 89 16.
468 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 16 External FX Dev ice – FNC 80 to FNC 89 16.6 FNC 85 - VRRD / Volume Read 2. Example in which t he analog va lues of the variable analog pot entiometers N os.
469 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 16 External FX Dev ice – FNC 80 to FNC 89 16.
470 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 16 External FX Dev ice – FNC 80 to FNC 89 16.
471 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 16 External FX Dev ice – FNC 80 to FNC 89 16.
472 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 16 External FX Dev ice – FNC 80 to FNC 89 16.8 FNC 87 – R S2 / Se rial Com muni cat ion 2 Related de vices → For deta iled explanat ion, r efer to th e Da ta C ommunicatio n Edi tion.
473 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 16 External FX Dev ice – FNC 80 to FNC 89 16.
474 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 16 External FX Dev ice – FNC 80 to FNC 89 16.
475 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 16 External FX Dev ice – FNC 80 to FNC 89 16.
476 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 16 External FX Dev ice – FNC 80 to FNC 89 16.9 FN C 88 – PID / PID Control Lo op *1. +20 to +24 are oc cupied w hen any bit 1, 2 or 5 is set to "1" in +1 for operation set ting (ACT).
477 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 16 External FX Dev ice – FNC 80 to FNC 89 16.
478 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 17 Data Tr ansf er 2 – FNC1 00 to FN C109 17.
479 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programmable Co ntrollers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 17 Data Tr ansf er 2 – FNC1 00 to FN C109 17.
480 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 17 Data Tr ansf er 2 – FNC1 00 to FN C109 17.1 FNC 102 – ZPUSH/ Batch Store of Index Registe r 4) The figur e below show s the data st ructur e batch- stored in and later.
481 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programmable Co ntrollers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 17 Data Tr ansf er 2 – FNC1 00 to FN C109 17.
482 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 17 Data Tr ansf er 2 – FNC1 00 to FN C109 17.
483 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 18 Floati ng Poin t – FNC1 10 to FNC 139 11 FNC30-FNC39 Rotation and Shift 12.
484 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 18 Floati ng Poin t – FNC1 10 to FNC 139 129 INT Floating Point to I nteger Conversio n Section 18.17 130 SIN Floating Point Sin e Section 18.
485 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 18 Floati ng Poin t – FNC1 10 to FNC 139 18.
486 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 18 Floati ng Poin t – FNC1 10 to FNC 139 18.
487 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 18 Floati ng Poin t – FNC1 10 to FNC 139 18.
488 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 18 Floati ng Poin t – FNC1 10 to FNC 139 18.3 FNC112 – EMOV / Floating Point Move 18.3 FNC112 – EMOV / Floating Point Move Out li ne This inst ructio n trans fers bina ry fl oating point data.
489 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 18 Floati ng Poin t – FNC1 10 to FNC 139 18.
490 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 18 Floati ng Poin t – FNC1 10 to FNC 139 18.
491 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 18 Floati ng Poin t – FNC1 10 to FNC 139 18.
492 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 18 Floati ng Poin t – FNC1 10 to FNC 139 18.4 FNC116 – ESTR / Floating Point to Characte r String Conv ersion • The number of digits of the decimal part which can be specif ied by +2 is from 0 to 7.
493 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 18 Floati ng Poin t – FNC1 10 to FNC 139 18.
494 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 18 Floati ng Poin t – FNC1 10 to FNC 139 18.
495 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 18 Floati ng Poin t – FNC1 10 to FNC 139 18.
496 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 18 Floati ng Poin t – FNC1 10 to FNC 139 18.
497 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 18 Floati ng Poin t – FNC1 10 to FNC 139 18.
498 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 18 Floati ng Poin t – FNC1 10 to FNC 139 18.5 FNC1 17 – EVAL / Char acter String to Float ing Point Conve rsion Related de vices → For the use method s of the zer o, borrow and carry fl ags, r efer to S ubsection 6.
499 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 18 Floati ng Poin t – FNC1 10 to FNC 139 18.
500 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 18 Floati ng Poin t – FNC1 10 to FNC 139 18.
501 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 18 Floati ng Poin t – FNC1 10 to FNC 139 18.
502 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 18 Floati ng Poin t – FNC1 10 to FNC 139 18.
503 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 18 Floati ng Poin t – FNC1 10 to FNC 139 18.
504 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 18 Floati ng Poin t – FNC1 10 to FNC 139 18.
505 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 18 Floati ng Poin t – FNC1 10 to FNC 139 18.
506 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 18 Floati ng Poin t – FNC1 10 to FNC 139 18.11 FNC123 – EDIV / Floating Point D ivision 18.11 FNC123 – EDIV / Floating Point Division Out li ne This in stru ction exec utes divi sion of two binar y floati ng poi nt.
507 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 18 Floati ng Poin t – FNC1 10 to FNC 139 18.
508 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 18 Floati ng Poin t – FNC1 10 to FNC 139 18.
509 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 18 Floati ng Poin t – FNC1 10 to FNC 139 18.
510 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 18 Floati ng Poin t – FNC1 10 to FNC 139 18.
511 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 18 Floati ng Poin t – FNC1 10 to FNC 139 18.
512 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 18 Floati ng Poin t – FNC1 10 to FNC 139 18.
513 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 18 Floati ng Poin t – FNC1 10 to FNC 139 18.
514 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 18 Floati ng Poin t – FNC1 10 to FNC 139 18.
515 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 18 Floati ng Poin t – FNC1 10 to FNC 139 18.
516 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 18 Floati ng Poin t – FNC1 10 to FNC 139 18.17 FNC129 – INT / Floating Point to In teger Conversion Related de vices → For t he methods of zer o, borr ow and carry fl ags, r efer to Subsection 6.
517 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 18 Floati ng Poin t – FNC1 10 to FNC 139 18.
518 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 18 Floati ng Poin t – FNC1 10 to FNC 139 18.19 FN C131 – COS / Flo ating Point Cosine 18.19 FNC131 – COS / Floating Point Cosine Out li ne This in stru ction obt ains the cos ine value of an angl e (in radi ans).
519 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 18 Floati ng Poin t – FNC1 10 to FNC 139 18.
520 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 18 Floati ng Poin t – FNC1 10 to FNC 139 18.21 FN C133 – ASIN / Floatin g Point Arc Sine 18.21 FNC133 – ASIN / Floating Point Arc Sine Out li ne This in struct ion execut es the SIN − 1 (arc sine ) opera tion .
521 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 18 Floati ng Poin t – FNC1 10 to FNC 139 18.
522 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 18 Floati ng Poin t – FNC1 10 to FNC 139 18.22 FNC 134 – ACOS / Floating Point Arc Cos ine 18.22 FNC134 – ACOS / Floating Point Arc Cosine Out li ne This in struct ion execut es the COS − 1 ( arc cosi ne) op eratio n.
523 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 18 Floati ng Poin t – FNC1 10 to FNC 139 18.
524 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 18 Floati ng Poin t – FNC1 10 to FNC 139 18.23 F NC135 – ATAN / Floa ting Point Arc Tan gent 18.23 FNC135 – ATAN / Floating Point Arc Tangen t Out li ne This in struct ion exec utes the TAN − 1 (ar c tangen t) operat ion.
525 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 18 Floati ng Poin t – FNC1 10 to FNC 139 18.
526 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 18 Floati ng Poin t – FNC1 10 to FNC 139 18.
527 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 18 Floati ng Poin t – FNC1 10 to FNC 139 18.
528 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 18 Floati ng Poin t – FNC1 10 to FNC 139 18.
529 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 19 Dat a Operat ion 2 – F NC140 to FNC1 49 11 FNC30-FNC39 Rotation and Shift .
530 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 19 Dat a Operat ion 2 – F NC140 to FNC1 49 19.1 FNC140 – WSUM / Sum of Word Data 19.1 FNC140 – WSUM / Sum of Word Data Out li ne This in stru ction cal culates the sum of co nsecuti ve 16-bit or 32-bi t data.
531 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 19 Dat a Operat ion 2 – F NC140 to FNC1 49 19.
532 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 19 Dat a Operat ion 2 – F NC140 to FNC1 49 19.2 FNC141 – W TOB / WO RD to BYTE 19.2 FNC141 – WTOB / WORD to BYTE Out li ne This in stru ction sepa rates consecu tive 16- bit data i n byte unit s (8 bit s).
533 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 19 Dat a Operat ion 2 – F NC140 to FNC1 49 19.
534 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 19 Dat a Operat ion 2 – F NC140 to FNC1 49 19.3 FNC142 – BTOW / BYTE to WORD 19.3 FNC142 – BTOW / BYTE to WORD Out li ne This in stru ction combi nes th e low-orde r 8 bits (low-or der byte) of consec utive 16- bit data .
535 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 19 Dat a Operat ion 2 – F NC140 to FNC1 49 19.
536 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 19 Dat a Operat ion 2 – F NC140 to FNC1 49 19.
537 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 19 Dat a Operat ion 2 – F NC140 to FNC1 49 19.
538 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 19 Dat a Operat ion 2 – F NC140 to FNC1 49 19.5 FNC 144 – DIS / 4-bit Grouping of Word Data 19.5 FNC144 – DIS / 4-bit Grouping of Word Data Out li ne This in stru ction sepa rates 16-bit dat a into 4 bi t units.
539 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 19 Dat a Operat ion 2 – F NC140 to FNC1 49 19.
540 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 19 Dat a Operat ion 2 – F NC140 to FNC1 49 19.6 FNC147 – SWAP / Byte Swap 19.6 FNC147 – SWAP / Byte Swap Out li ne This in stru ction swaps the hig h-order 8 bits and low- order 8 bi ts of a word dev ice.
541 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 19 Dat a Operat ion 2 – F NC140 to FNC1 49 19.
542 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 19 Dat a Operat ion 2 – F NC140 to FNC1 49 19.
543 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 19 Dat a Operat ion 2 – F NC140 to FNC1 49 19.
544 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 19 Dat a Operat ion 2 – F NC140 to FNC1 49 19.7 FNC149 – SORT2 / Sort Tabulated Da ta 2 Related de vices → Fo r the i nstr uction execut ion c omplete f lag use metho d, r efer to Subse ction 6.
545 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 20 Po sitio ning Cont rol – FNC150 to FNC15 9 11 FNC30-FNC39 Rotation and Shi.
546 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 20 Po sitio ning Cont rol – FNC150 to FNC15 9 20.
547 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 20 Po sitio ning Cont rol – FNC150 to FNC15 9 20.
548 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 20 Po sitio ning Cont rol – FNC150 to FNC15 9 20.2 FNC151 – D VIT / Interrup t Positioning 20.2 FNC151 – DVIT / Interrupt Positioning Out li ne This inst ructio n exec utes on e-spee d in terrupt consta nt q uantity fee d.
549 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 20 Po sitio ning Cont rol – FNC150 to FNC15 9 20.
550 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 20 Po sitio ning Cont rol – FNC150 to FNC15 9 20.
551 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 20 Po sitio ning Cont rol – FNC150 to FNC15 9 20.
552 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 20 Po sitio ning Cont rol – FNC150 to FNC15 9 20.
553 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 20 Po sitio ning Cont rol – FNC150 to FNC15 9 20.
554 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 20 Po sitio ning Cont rol – FNC150 to FNC15 9 20.
555 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 20 Po sitio ning Cont rol – FNC150 to FNC15 9 20.
556 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 20 Po sitio ning Cont rol – FNC150 to FNC15 9 20.7 FNC158 – DRVI / Drive to Incr ement 20.7 FNC158 – DRVI / Drive to Increment Out li ne This in structio n execut es one-s peed posit ioning by i ncrementa l drive.
557 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 20 Po sitio ning Cont rol – FNC150 to FNC15 9 20.
558 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 20 Po sitio ning Cont rol – FNC150 to FNC15 9 20.8 FNC159 – DRVA / Drive to Ab solute 20.8 FNC159 – DRVA / Drive to Absolute Out li ne This i nstruc tion exe cutes one-speed posi tionin g by ab solute d rive.
559 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 20 Po sitio ning Cont rol – FNC150 to FNC15 9 20.
560 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 21 Real Time Cl ock Control – FNC160 to FNC169 21. Real Time Clock Control – FNC 160 to FNC169 FNC160 to FNC1 69 provide operatio n and compar ison instr uctions for the time dat a.
561 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 21 Real Time Cl ock Control – FNC160 to FNC169 21.
562 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 21 Real Time Cl ock Control – FNC160 to FNC169 21.1 FNC160 – TCMP / RTC Data Compare Explanation of funct ion and operat ion 1.
563 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 21 Real Time Cl ock Control – FNC160 to FNC169 21.
564 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 21 Real Time Cl ock Control – FNC160 to FNC169 21.2 FNC161 – TZCP / RTC Data Zone Compare Cautions 1) Number of occu pied devic es Three devi ces are occup ied res pective ly by , , , and .
565 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 21 Real Time Cl ock Control – FNC160 to FNC169 21.
566 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 21 Real Time Cl ock Control – FNC160 to FNC169 21.3 FNC162 – TADD / RTC Data Additio n Cautions 1) Number of occu pied devic es Three devi ces are occup ied by , and resp ectivel y.
567 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 21 Real Time Cl ock Control – FNC160 to FNC169 21.
568 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 21 Real Time Cl ock Control – FNC160 to FNC169 21.4 FN C163 – TSUB / RTC Data Subtra ction Cautions 1) Number of occu pied devic es Three devi ces are occup ied by , and resp ectivel y.
569 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 21 Real Time Cl ock Control – FNC160 to FNC169 21.
570 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 21 Real Time Cl ock Control – FNC160 to FNC169 21.
571 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 21 Real Time Cl ock Control – FNC160 to FNC169 21.
572 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 21 Real Time Cl ock Control – FNC160 to FNC169 21.
573 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 21 Real Time Cl ock Control – FNC160 to FNC169 21.
574 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 21 Real Time Cl ock Control – FNC160 to FNC169 21.8 FNC167 – TWR / Set RTC data 21.8 FNC167 – TWR / Set RTC data Out li ne This in stru ction writ es the cl ock data to t he real ti me clock bui lt in a PLC.
575 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 21 Real Time Cl ock Control – FNC160 to FNC169 21.
576 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 21 Real Time Cl ock Control – FNC160 to FNC169 21.9 FN C169 – HOU R / Hour Mete r 21.9 FNC169 – HOUR / Hour Meter Out li ne This in struct ion measu res the ON ti me of the input contact i n units of hour.
577 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 21 Real Time Cl ock Control – FNC160 to FNC169 21.
578 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 22 Exter nal D evice – FNC170 to FNC179 22.
579 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 22 Exter nal D evice – FNC170 to FNC179 22.
580 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 22 Exter nal D evice – FNC170 to FNC179 22.
581 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 22 Exter nal D evice – FNC170 to FNC179 22.
582 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 22 Exter nal D evice – FNC170 to FNC179 22.
583 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 23 Introdu ction of Alternat e Instruc tio ns – FNC180 23.
584 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 23 Introdu ction of Alternat e Instruc tio ns – FNC180 23.
585 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 24 Other s – FNC18 1 to FNC 189 21 FNC160-FNC169 Real Time C lock Control 22 .
586 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 24 Other s – FNC18 1 to FNC 189 24.
587 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 24 Other s – FNC18 1 to FNC 189 24.
588 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 24 Other s – FNC18 1 to FNC 189 24.2 FNC184 – RND / Random Number Generation 24.2 FNC184 – RND / Random Number Generatio n Out li ne This instru ction generat es ran dom numb ers.
589 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 24 Other s – FNC18 1 to FNC 189 24.
590 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 24 Other s – FNC18 1 to FNC 189 24.3 FNC186 – D UTY / Timing Pu lse Generation 4) When the comman d input is set to ON, the operat ion is start ed.
591 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 24 Other s – FNC18 1 to FNC 189 24.
592 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 24 Other s – FNC18 1 to FNC 189 24.
593 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 24 Other s – FNC18 1 to FNC 189 24.
594 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 24 Other s – FNC18 1 to FNC 189 24.
595 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 24 Other s – FNC18 1 to FNC 189 24.
596 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 24 Other s – FNC18 1 to FNC 189 24.
597 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 24 Other s – FNC18 1 to FNC 189 24.
598 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 24 Other s – FNC18 1 to FNC 189 24.
599 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 25 Block Data Opera tion – FNC190 to FNC19 9 21 FNC160-FNC169 Real Time C loc.
600 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 25 Block Data Opera tion – FNC190 to FNC19 9 25.1 FNC192 – BK+ / Block Data Addition 25.1 FNC192 – BK+ / Block Data Addition Out li ne This inst ruct ion adds binary b lock da ta.
601 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 25 Block Data Opera tion – FNC190 to FNC19 9 25.
602 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 25 Block Data Opera tion – FNC190 to FNC19 9 25.
603 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 25 Block Data Opera tion – FNC190 to FNC19 9 25.
604 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 25 Block Data Opera tion – FNC190 to FNC19 9 25.
605 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 25 Block Data Opera tion – FNC190 to FNC19 9 25.
606 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 25 Block Data Opera tion – FNC190 to FNC19 9 25.3 FN C194~199 – BK CMP=, >, <, < >, <=, >= / Block Data C ompare 25.
607 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 25 Block Data Opera tion – FNC190 to FNC19 9 25.
608 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 25 Block Data Opera tion – FNC190 to FNC19 9 25.3 FN C194~199 – BK CMP=, >, <, < >, <=, >= / Block Data C ompare 2.
609 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 25 Block Data Opera tion – FNC190 to FNC19 9 25.
610 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 25 Block Data Opera tion – FNC190 to FNC19 9 25.
611 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 26 Char acter S tring Control – FN C200 to FNC209 21 FNC160-FNC169 Real Time .
612 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 26 Char acter S tring Control – FN C200 to FNC209 26.
613 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 26 Char acter S tring Control – FN C200 to FNC209 26.
614 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 26 Char acter S tring Control – FN C200 to FNC209 26.
615 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 26 Char acter S tring Control – FN C200 to FNC209 26.
616 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 26 Char acter S tring Control – FN C200 to FNC209 26.
617 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 26 Char acter S tring Control – FN C200 to FNC209 26.
618 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 26 Char acter S tring Control – FN C200 to FNC209 26.2 FNC2 01 – VAL / Ch aracter String to BIN Convers ion For exampl e, when a chara cter string "-123.
619 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 26 Char acter S tring Control – FN C200 to FNC209 26.
620 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 26 Char acter S tring Control – FN C200 to FNC209 26.2 FNC2 01 – VAL / Ch aracter String to BIN Convers ion 5) [ +1, ] stor es 16-b it data (b in) conve r ted f rom a charact er stri ng with the decimal po int ign ored.
621 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 26 Char acter S tring Control – FN C200 to FNC209 26.
622 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 26 Char acter S tring Control – FN C200 to FNC209 26.
623 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 26 Char acter S tring Control – FN C200 to FNC209 26.
624 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 26 Char acter S tring Control – FN C200 to FNC209 26.
625 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 26 Char acter S tring Control – FN C200 to FNC209 26.
626 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 26 Char acter S tring Control – FN C200 to FNC209 26.
627 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 26 Char acter S tring Control – FN C200 to FNC209 26.
628 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 26 Char acter S tring Control – FN C200 to FNC209 26.
629 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 26 Char acter S tring Control – FN C200 to FNC209 26.
630 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 26 Char acter S tring Control – FN C200 to FNC209 26.
631 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 26 Char acter S tring Control – FN C200 to FNC209 26.
632 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 26 Char acter S tring Control – FN C200 to FNC209 26.
633 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 26 Char acter S tring Control – FN C200 to FNC209 26.
634 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 26 Char acter S tring Control – FN C200 to FNC209 26.
635 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 26 Char acter S tring Control – FN C200 to FNC209 26.
636 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 26 Char acter S tring Control – FN C200 to FNC209 26.
637 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 26 Char acter S tring Control – FN C200 to FNC209 26.
638 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 26 Char acter S tring Control – FN C200 to FNC209 26.10 FNC 209 – $MOV / Character Strin g Transfer 26.10 FNC209 – $MOV / Character String Transfe r Out li ne This in stru ction tr ansfe rs char acter st ring da ta.
639 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 26 Char acter S tring Control – FN C200 to FNC209 26.
640 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 27 Dat a Operat ion 3 – F NC210 to FNC2 19 27.
641 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 27 Dat a Operat ion 3 – F NC210 to FNC2 19 27.
642 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 27 Dat a Operat ion 3 – F NC210 to FNC2 19 27.
643 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 27 Dat a Operat ion 3 – F NC210 to FNC2 19 27.
644 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 27 Dat a Operat ion 3 – F NC210 to FNC2 19 27.
645 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 27 Dat a Operat ion 3 – F NC210 to FNC2 19 27.
646 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 27 Dat a Operat ion 3 – F NC210 to FNC2 19 27.3 FNC21 2 – POP / Shift Last Data Read [FIL O Control] • Subtract “1 ” from the val ue of the poi nter da ta .
647 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 27 Dat a Operat ion 3 – F NC210 to FNC2 19 27.
648 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 27 Dat a Operat ion 3 – F NC210 to FNC2 19 27.
649 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 27 Dat a Operat ion 3 – F NC210 to FNC2 19 27.
650 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 27 Dat a Operat ion 3 – F NC210 to FNC2 19 27.
651 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 27 Dat a Operat ion 3 – F NC210 to FNC2 19 27.
652 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 28 Dat a Compar ison – FNC220 to FNC249 28. Data Comparison – FNC220 to FNC249 FNC220 to FN C249 pro vide data compariso n inst ructio ns which can be handl ed as contac t symbo ls in pro gramming such a s LD, AND a nd OR.
653 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 28 Dat a Compar ison – FNC220 to FNC249 21 FNC160-FNC169 Real Time C lock Con.
654 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 28 Dat a Compar ison – FNC220 to FNC249 28.
655 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 28 Dat a Compar ison – FNC220 to FNC249 28.
656 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 28 Dat a Compar ison – FNC220 to FNC249 28.
657 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 28 Dat a Compar ison – FNC220 to FNC249 28.
658 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 28 Dat a Compar ison – FNC220 to FNC249 28.
659 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 28 Dat a Compar ison – FNC220 to FNC249 28.
660 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 29 Da ta Tabl e Oper ation – F NC25 0 to FNC2 69 29.
661 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 29 Da ta Tabl e Oper ation – F NC25 0 to FNC2 69 29.
662 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 29 Da ta Tabl e Oper ation – F NC25 0 to FNC2 69 29.1 FNC 256 – LIMIT / Lim it Control • When controlli ng the outpu t valu e using only the lower l imit value, set “32767” to the up per limi t value spec ified in .
663 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 29 Da ta Tabl e Oper ation – F NC25 0 to FNC2 69 29.
664 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 29 Da ta Tabl e Oper ation – F NC25 0 to FNC2 69 29.
665 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 29 Da ta Tabl e Oper ation – F NC25 0 to FNC2 69 29.
666 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 29 Da ta Tabl e Oper ation – F NC25 0 to FNC2 69 29.
667 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 29 Da ta Tabl e Oper ation – F NC25 0 to FNC2 69 29.
668 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 29 Da ta Tabl e Oper ation – F NC25 0 to FNC2 69 29.
669 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 29 Da ta Tabl e Oper ation – F NC25 0 to FNC2 69 29.
670 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 29 Da ta Tabl e Oper ation – F NC25 0 to FNC2 69 29.
671 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 29 Da ta Tabl e Oper ation – F NC25 0 to FNC2 69 29.
672 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 29 Da ta Tabl e Oper ation – F NC25 0 to FNC2 69 29.
673 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 29 Da ta Tabl e Oper ation – F NC25 0 to FNC2 69 29.
674 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 29 Da ta Tabl e Oper ation – F NC25 0 to FNC2 69 29.
675 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 29 Da ta Tabl e Oper ation – F NC25 0 to FNC2 69 29.
676 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 29 Da ta Tabl e Oper ation – F NC25 0 to FNC2 69 29.
677 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 29 Da ta Tabl e Oper ation – F NC25 0 to FNC2 69 29.
678 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 29 Da ta Tabl e Oper ation – F NC25 0 to FNC2 69 29.
679 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 29 Da ta Tabl e Oper ation – F NC25 0 to FNC2 69 29.
680 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 29 Da ta Tabl e Oper ation – F NC25 0 to FNC2 69 29.
681 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 29 Da ta Tabl e Oper ation – F NC25 0 to FNC2 69 29.
682 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 29 Da ta Tabl e Oper ation – F NC25 0 to FNC2 69 29.7 FNC26 9 – SCL2 / Scaling 2 ( Coordinate by X/Y Data) Setti ng the conv ersion setting data table for scaling *1.
683 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 29 Da ta Tabl e Oper ation – F NC25 0 to FNC2 69 29.
684 FX 3G / FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 30 External Device C ommunic ation (I nverter Communic ation) – FN C270 to FNC274 30.
685 FX 3G / FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 30 External Device C ommunic ation (I nverter Communic ation) – FN C270 to FNC274 30.
686 FX 3G / FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 30 External Device C ommunic ation (I nverter Communic ation) – FN C270 to FNC274 30.1 FNC270 – IVCK / Inverter Status Ch eck 2.
687 FX 3G / FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 30 External Device C ommunic ation (I nverter Communic ation) – FN C270 to FNC274 30.
688 FX 3G / FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 30 External Device C ommunic ation (I nverter Communic ation) – FN C270 to FNC274 30.
689 FX 3G / FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 30 External Device C ommunic ation (I nverter Communic ation) – FN C270 to FNC274 30.
690 FX 3G / FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 30 External Device C ommunic ation (I nverter Communic ation) – FN C270 to FNC274 30.3 FNC 272 – IVRD / Inve rter Parame ter Read 2.
691 FX 3G / FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 30 External Device C ommunic ation (I nverter Communic ation) – FN C270 to FNC274 30.
692 FX 3G / FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 30 External Device C ommunic ation (I nverter Communic ation) – FN C270 to FNC274 30.4 FNC273 – IVWR / Inverter Pa rameter Write 2.
693 FX 3G / FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 30 External Device C ommunic ation (I nverter Communic ation) – FN C270 to FNC274 30.
694 FX 3G / FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 30 External Device C ommunic ation (I nverter Communic ation) – FN C270 to FNC274 30.5 FNC274 – IVBWR / In verter Parameter Block Write 2.
695 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 31 Data Tr ansf er 3 – FNC2 75 to FN C279 31 FNC275-FNC279 Data T ransfer 3 3.
696 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 31 Data Tr ansf er 3 – FNC2 75 to FN C279 31.
697 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 31 Data Tr ansf er 3 – FNC2 75 to FN C279 31.
698 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 31 Data Tr ansf er 3 – FNC2 75 to FN C279 31.1 FNC278 – RBFM / Divided BFM Read Cautions • A watchdog timer er ror may occur when many numbe rs of point s are tran sferred in one operat ion cycl e.
699 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 31 Data Tr ansf er 3 – FNC2 75 to FN C279 31.
700 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 31 Data Tr ansf er 3 – FNC2 75 to FN C279 31.
701 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 31 Data Tr ansf er 3 – FNC2 75 to FN C279 31.
702 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 32 High Speed Processi ng 2 – FNC280 to FNC289 32. High Speed Processing 2 – FNC280 to FN C289 FNC No. Mnemonic Symbol Fun ction Ref er en ce 280 HSCT High Speed Counter Compare Wit h Data Table Section 32.
703 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 32 High Speed Processi ng 2 – FNC280 to FNC289 32.
704 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 32 High Speed Processi ng 2 – FNC280 to FNC289 32.
705 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 32 High Speed Processi ng 2 – FNC280 to FNC289 32.
706 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 32 High Speed Processi ng 2 – FNC280 to FNC289 32.1 FN C280 – HS CT / Hig h Speed Co unter Co mpare Wi th Data Ta ble Cautions • This instructi on can be exe cuted only once in a progr am.
707 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 32 High Speed Processi ng 2 – FNC280 to FNC289 32.
708 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 33 Exte nsion File Register Contr ol – FN C290 t o FNC299 33. Extension File Register Control – FNC290 to FNC 299 FNC No. Mnemonic Symbol Fun ction Ref er en ce 290 LOADR Load From ER Section 33.
709 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 33 Exte nsion File Register Contr ol – FN C290 t o FNC299 33.
710 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 33 Exte nsion File Register Contr ol – FN C290 t o FNC299 33.
711 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 33 Exte nsion File Register Contr ol – FN C290 t o FNC299 33.
712 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 33 Exte nsion File Register Contr ol – FN C290 t o FNC299 33.
713 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 33 Exte nsion File Register Contr ol – FN C290 t o FNC299 33.
714 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 33 Exte nsion File Register Contr ol – FN C290 t o FNC299 33.
715 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 33 Exte nsion File Register Contr ol – FN C290 t o FNC299 33.
716 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 33 Exte nsion File Register Contr ol – FN C290 t o FNC299 33.2 FNC291 – SAV ER / Save to ER Program examples 1) In the case of FX 3UC PLCs Ver .
717 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 33 Exte nsion File Register Contr ol – FN C290 t o FNC299 33.
718 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 33 Exte nsion File Register Contr ol – FN C290 t o FNC299 33.2 FNC291 – SAV ER / Save to ER 2) In the case of FX 3UC PLCs for mer th an Ver.
719 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 33 Exte nsion File Register Contr ol – FN C290 t o FNC299 33.
720 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 33 Exte nsion File Register Contr ol – FN C290 t o FNC299 33.
721 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 33 Exte nsion File Register Contr ol – FN C290 t o FNC299 33.
722 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 33 Exte nsion File Register Contr ol – FN C290 t o FNC299 33.
723 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 33 Exte nsion File Register Contr ol – FN C290 t o FNC299 33.
724 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 33 Exte nsion File Register Contr ol – FN C290 t o FNC299 33.4 FNC 293 – LOGR / Logging R and ER Logging da ta forma t The tabl e below sh ows the head devi ce numbe r in each sect or: Cautions 1.
725 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 33 Exte nsion File Register Contr ol – FN C290 t o FNC299 33.
726 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 33 Exte nsion File Register Contr ol – FN C290 t o FNC299 33.4 FNC 293 – LOGR / Logging R and ER 5) To the PLC, wr ite the data whi ch was tempor arily withdrawn to GX Deve loper.
727 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 33 Exte nsion File Register Contr ol – FN C290 t o FNC299 33.
728 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 33 Exte nsion File Register Contr ol – FN C290 t o FNC299 33.
729 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 33 Exte nsion File Register Contr ol – FN C290 t o FNC299 33.
730 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 33 Exte nsion File Register Contr ol – FN C290 t o FNC299 33.5 FNC294 – RWER / Rewrite to ER 3. Allowable number of writes to the memory Note the follow ing cautio ns on acces s to exte nsion file regis ters.
731 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 33 Exte nsion File Register Contr ol – FN C290 t o FNC299 33.
732 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 33 Exte nsion File Register Contr ol – FN C290 t o FNC299 33.
733 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 33 Exte nsion File Register Contr ol – FN C290 t o FNC299 33.
734 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 33 Exte nsion File Register Contr ol – FN C290 t o FNC299 33.
735 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 33 Exte nsion File Register Contr ol – FN C290 t o FNC299 33.
736 FX 3G / FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 34 FX3U-CF-ADP App lied Inst ruction s – FNC300 to FNC305 34. FX 3U -CF-ADP Applied Instructions – FNC300 to FNC305 FNC No. Mnemonic S ymbol Fun ction Ref er enc e 300 FLCRT File create / check Sectio n 34.
737 FX 3G / FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 34 FX3U-CF-ADP App lied Inst ruction s – FNC300 to FNC305 34.
738 FX 3G / FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 34 FX3U-CF-ADP App lied Inst ruction s – FNC300 to FNC305 34.
739 FX 3G / FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 34 FX3U-CF-ADP App lied Inst ruction s – FNC300 to FNC305 34.
740 FX 3G / FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 34 FX3U-CF-ADP App lied Inst ruction s – FNC300 to FNC305 34.
741 FX 3G / FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 34 FX3U-CF-ADP App lied Inst ruction s – FNC300 to FNC305 34.
742 FX 3G / FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 34 FX3U-CF-ADP App lied Inst ruction s – FNC300 to FNC305 34.
743 FX 3G / FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 34 FX3U-CF-ADP App lied Inst ruction s – FNC300 to FNC305 34.
744 FX 3G / FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 34 FX3U-CF-ADP App lied Inst ruction s – FNC300 to FNC305 34. 4 FNC 30 3 – FLRD / Data read 34.4 FNC 303 – FLRD / Data read Out li ne The FLRD instructi on reads data from th e CompactF lash TM ca rd.
745 FX 3G / FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 34 FX3U-CF-ADP App lied Inst ruction s – FNC300 to FNC305 34.
746 FX 3G / FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 34 FX3U-CF-ADP App lied Inst ruction s – FNC300 to FNC305 34.
747 FX 3G / FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 34 FX3U-CF-ADP App lied Inst ruction s – FNC300 to FNC305 34.
748 FX 3G / FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 34 FX3U-CF-ADP App lied Inst ruction s – FNC300 to FNC305 34.
749 FX 3G / FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 34 FX3U-CF-ADP App lied Inst ruction s – FNC300 to FNC305 34.
750 FX 3G / FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 34 FX3U-CF-ADP App lied Inst ruction s – FNC300 to FNC305 34.6 FNC 305 – FLSTRD / FX3U -CF-ADP statu s read • When is "K768 (H300 )" The FLSTRD inst ructi on reads the versi on info rmation of the CF-A DP.
751 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 35 SFC Program and Step La dder 35.
752 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 35 SFC Program and Step La dder 35.
753 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 35 SFC Program and Step La dder 35.
754 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 35 SFC Program and Step La dder 35.1 S FC Progr am 3. Assigning devices Assign devi ces of a PLC in the created proces s drawing. 1) Assign a state rel ay to a rect angle ind icatin g a proces s.
755 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 35 SFC Program and Step La dder 35.
756 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 35 SFC Program and Step La dder 35.
757 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 35 SFC Program and Step La dder 35.
758 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 35 SFC Program and Step La dder 35.
759 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 35 SFC Program and Step La dder 35.
760 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 35 SFC Program and Step La dder 35.
761 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 35 SFC Program and Step La dder 35.
762 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 35 SFC Program and Step La dder 35.
763 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 35 SFC Program and Step La dder 35.
764 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 35 SFC Program and Step La dder 35.1 S FC Progr am Separation of flow When creat ing an SFC prog ram havi ng two or more i nitial st ate relay s, separa te the bloc ks for ea ch initial state rel ay.
765 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 35 SFC Program and Step La dder 35.
766 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 35 SFC Program and Step La dder 35.1 S FC Progr am 35.1.9 Program of branch/ recombination state relay s Selective br anch After making a branc h, create a transf er conditi on.
767 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 35 SFC Program and Step La dder 35.
768 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 35 SFC Program and Step La dder 35.
769 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 35 SFC Program and Step La dder 35.
770 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 35 SFC Program and Step La dder 35.1 S FC Progr am 3. It is not permitted to provide a selective transfer condition * afte r parallel branches or to recombine parallel bra nches after a tra nsfer condition < * >.
771 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 35 SFC Program and Step La dder 35.
772 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 35 SFC Program and Step La dder 35.
773 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 35 SFC Program and Step La dder 35.
774 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 35 SFC Program and Step La dder 35.1 S FC Progr am 4. Example of sequential start and stop The motor s M1 to M4 are star ted in tur n by a timer, and stopped in turn in the revers e order.
775 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 35 SFC Program and Step La dder 35.
776 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 35 SFC Program and Step La dder 35.
777 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 35 SFC Program and Step La dder 35.
778 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 35 SFC Program and Step La dder 35.
779 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 35 SFC Program and Step La dder 35.
780 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 35 SFC Program and Step La dder 35.
781 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 35 SFC Program and Step La dder 35.
782 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 35 SFC Program and Step La dder 35.
783 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 35 SFC Program and Step La dder 35.
784 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 35 SFC Program and Step La dder 35.2 S tep La dder 2. Program for the tran sfer destinatio n There is no change in pr ogramming es peciall y for the t ransfer destinati on.
785 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 35 SFC Program and Step La dder 35.
786 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 35 SFC Program and Step La dder 35.2 S tep La dder Output drivi ng method It is requi red to in clude a LD or LDI instruc tion befo re the last OUT instru ction in a st ate rela y.
787 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 35 SFC Program and Step La dder 35.
788 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 35 SFC Program and Step La dder 35.2 S tep La dder 2. Example of selective r ecombination Do not use MPS, MRD, MPP, ANB and ORB i nstruct ions in a tra nsfer pro cessing pr ogram wit h branches an d recombi nation.
789 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 35 SFC Program and Step La dder 35.
790 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 35 SFC Program and Step La dder 35.
791 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 35 SFC Program and Step La dder 35.
792 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 35 SFC Program and Step La dder 35.
793 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 35 SFC Program and Step La dder 35.
794 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 35 SFC Program and Step La dder 35.2 S tep La dder The figu re belo w shows a st ep ladder pr ogram fo r select ing the ball siz e and judging balls as acc epted or reject ed.
795 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 35 SFC Program and Step La dder 35.
796 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 35 SFC Program and Step La dder 35.
797 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 36 Interr upt Fun ction and Pulse Catch Fun ction 36.
798 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 36 Interr upt Fun ction and Pulse Catch Fun ction 36.
799 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 36 Interr upt Fun ction and Pulse Catch Fun ction 36.
800 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 36 Interr upt Fun ction and Pulse Catch Fun ction 36.2 Common Items 3. Operation when a timer is used [interrupt function] Make sure t hat coun ting usi ng a genera l timer is di sabled, even a 1ms retent ive type timer.
801 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 36 Interr upt Fun ction and Pulse Catch Fun ction 36.
802 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 36 Interr upt Fun ction and Pulse Catch Fun ction 36.3 Input Interrupt (Interrup t Triggered by Externa l Signal) [Without Dela y Function] 36.
803 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 36 Interr upt Fun ction and Pulse Catch Fun ction 36.
804 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 36 Interr upt Fun ction and Pulse Catch Fun ction 36.
805 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 36 Interr upt Fun ction and Pulse Catch Fun ction 36.
806 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 36 Interr upt Fun ction and Pulse Catch Fun ction 36.3 Input Interrupt (Interrup t Triggered by Externa l Signal) [Without Dela y Function] 36.
807 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 36 Interr upt Fun ction and Pulse Catch Fun ction 36.
808 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 36 Interr upt Fun ction and Pulse Catch Fun ction 36.4 Input i nterrupt ( Interrupt by Ext ernal Signal) [With Dela y Function ] 36.
809 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 36 Interr upt Fun ction and Pulse Catch Fun ction 36.
810 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 36 Interr upt Fun ction and Pulse Catch Fun ction 36.
811 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 36 Interr upt Fun ction and Pulse Catch Fun ction 36.
812 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 36 Interr upt Fun ction and Pulse Catch Fun ction 36.6 Counter Inter rupt - Interr upt Trigge red by Counting Up of High Speed Count er 36.
813 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 36 Interr upt Fun ction and Pulse Catch Fun ction 36.
814 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 36 Interr upt Fun ction and Pulse Catch Fun ction 36.8 Puls e width/Pulse pe riod measu rement func tion [M8075 to M8 079, D8074 to D 8097] 36.
815 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 36 Interr upt Fun ction and Pulse Catch Fun ction 36.
816 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 36 Interr upt Fun ction and Pulse Catch Fun ction 36.
817 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 36 Interr upt Fun ction and Pulse Catch Fun ction 36.
818 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 37 Operat ion of Speci al Device s (M8000 - , D8000 -) 37.1 Sp ecial Device L ist (M8000 -, D 8000 -) 37. Operation of Specia l Devices (M8000 -, D8000 -) 37.
819 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 37 Operat ion of Speci al Device s (M8000 - , D8000 -) 37.
820 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 37 Operat ion of Speci al Device s (M8000 - , D8000 -) 37.1 Sp ecial Device L ist (M8000 -, D 8000 -) PLC Mode M 8030 *1 Battery LED OFF When M8030 set to ON, LED on PLC is not lit even if battery volt age low is detect ed.
821 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 37 Operat ion of Speci al Device s (M8000 - , D8000 -) 37.
822 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 37 Operat ion of Speci al Device s (M8000 - , D8000 -) 37.1 Sp ecial Device L ist (M8000 -, D 8000 -) Error Detection (Refer to Chapter 38 for details.
823 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 37 Operat ion of Speci al Device s (M8000 - , D8000 -) 37.
824 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 37 Operat ion of Speci al Device s (M8000 - , D8000 -) 37.
825 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 37 Operat ion of Speci al Device s (M8000 - , D8000 -) 37.
826 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 37 Operat ion of Speci al Device s (M8000 - , D8000 -) 37.
827 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 37 Operat ion of Speci al Device s (M8000 - , D8000 -) 37.
828 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 37 Operat ion of Speci al Device s (M8000 - , D8000 -) 37.1 Sp ecial Device L ist (M8000 -, D 8000 -) Counter Up /down Counter Counting Di rection (Refer to Section 4.
829 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 37 Operat ion of Speci al Device s (M8000 - , D8000 -) 37.
830 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 37 Operat ion of Speci al Device s (M8000 - , D8000 -) 37.
831 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 37 Operat ion of Speci al Device s (M8000 - , D8000 -) 37.
832 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 37 Operat ion of Speci al Device s (M8000 - , D8000 -) 37.1 Sp ecial Device L ist (M8000 -, D 8000 -) Positioning [FX 3U PLCs] (Refer to Positioning Control Manual for details.
833 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 37 Operat ion of Speci al Device s (M8000 - , D8000 -) 37.
834 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 37 Operat ion of Speci al Device s (M8000 - , D8000 -) 37.1 Sp ecial Device L ist (M8000 -, D 8000 -) FX 3U -CF-ADP [ch1] (Refer to CF-ADP Manual for details.
835 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 37 Operat ion of Speci al Device s (M8000 - , D8000 -) 37.
836 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 37 Operat ion of Speci al Device s (M8000 - , D8000 -) 37.1 Sp ecial Device L ist (M8000 -, D 8000 -) PLC Statu s [D]8 007 Momentary p ower failure count Operation frequency of M8007 is stor ed.
837 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 37 Operat ion of Speci al Device s (M8000 - , D8000 -) 37.
838 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 37 Operat ion of Speci al Device s (M8000 - , D8000 -) 37.
839 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 37 Operat ion of Speci al Device s (M8000 - , D8000 -) 37.
840 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 37 Operat ion of Speci al Device s (M8000 - , D8000 -) 37.
841 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 37 Operat ion of Speci al Device s (M8000 - , D8000 -) 37.
842 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 37 Operat ion of Speci al Device s (M8000 - , D8000 -) 37.
843 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 37 Operat ion of Speci al Device s (M8000 - , D8000 -) 37.
844 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 37 Operat ion of Speci al Device s (M8000 - , D8000 -) 37.
845 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 37 Operat ion of Speci al Device s (M8000 - , D8000 -) 37.
846 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 37 Operat ion of Speci al Device s (M8000 - , D8000 -) 37.1 Sp ecial Device L ist (M8000 -, D 8000 -) Analo g Specia l Adapte r [FX 3U , FX 3UC ] ( Refer to Subsecti on 37.
847 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 37 Operat ion of Speci al Device s (M8000 - , D8000 -) 37.
848 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 37 Operat ion of Speci al Device s (M8000 - , D8000 -) 37.1 Sp ecial Device L ist (M8000 -, D 8000 -) Timing Clock (Refer to Sec tion 24.
849 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 37 Operat ion of Speci al Device s (M8000 - , D8000 -) 37.
850 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 37 Operat ion of Speci al Device s (M8000 - , D8000 -) 37.1 Sp ecial Device L ist (M8000 -, D 8000 -) RS2 (FNC 87) [c h2] and Computer Link [ch2] (Refer to Data Communication Edition for details.
851 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 37 Operat ion of Speci al Device s (M8000 - , D8000 -) 37.
852 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 37 Operat ion of Speci al Device s (M8000 - , D8000 -) 37.
853 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 37 Operat ion of Speci al Device s (M8000 - , D8000 -) 37.
854 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 37 Operat ion of Speci al Device s (M8000 - , D8000 -) 37.2 Su pplement of Special Devi ces (M800 0 - and D8000 - ) 37.2.4 Power failure detection t ime [D8008 , M8008 and M8007] 1.
855 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 37 Operat ion of Speci al Device s (M8000 - , D8000 -) 37.
856 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 37 Operat ion of Speci al Device s (M8000 - , D8000 -) 37.2 Su pplement of Special Devi ces (M800 0 - and D8000 - ) 37.2.8 How to set real time clock The re al time clock is set by the followi ng method.
857 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 37 Operat ion of Speci al Device s (M8000 - , D8000 -) 37.
858 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 37 Operat ion of Speci al Device s (M8000 - , D8000 -) 37.
859 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 37 Operat ion of Speci al Device s (M8000 - , D8000 -) 37.
860 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 37 Operat ion of Speci al Device s (M8000 - , D8000 -) 37.
861 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 37 Operat ion of Speci al Device s (M8000 - , D8000 -) 37.
862 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 37 Operat ion of Speci al Device s (M8000 - , D8000 -) 37.
863 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 37 Operat ion of Speci al Device s (M8000 - , D8000 -) 37.
864 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 37 Operat ion of Speci al Device s (M8000 - , D8000 -) 37.2 Su pplement of Special Devi ces (M800 0 - and D8000 - ) 2. Special da ta register (D8260 to D8279) •F X 3G PLC *1.
865 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 37 Operat ion of Speci al Device s (M8000 - , D8000 -) 37.
866 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 37 Operat ion of Speci al Device s (M8000 - , D8000 -) 37.2 Su pplement of Special Devi ces (M800 0 - and D8000 - ) *1. In th e case of FX 3U PLCs, all versions ar e applic able.
867 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 37 Operat ion of Speci al Device s (M8000 - , D8000 -) 37.
868 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 37 Operat ion of Speci al Device s (M8000 - , D8000 -) 37.2 Su pplement of Special Devi ces (M800 0 - and D8000 - ) 2. Special data reg isters (D826 0 to D8299) •F X 3U /FX 3UC PLC *1.
869 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 37 Operat ion of Speci al Device s (M8000 - , D8000 -) 37.
870 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 37 Operat ion of Speci al Device s (M8000 - , D8000 -) 37.2 Su pplement of Special Devi ces (M800 0 - and D8000 - ) •F X 3G PLCs *1.
871 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 37 Operat ion of Speci al Device s (M8000 - , D8000 -) 37.
872 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 38 Error Chec k Method and Err or Code List 38.
873 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 38 Error Chec k Method and Err or Code List 38.
874 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 38 Error Chec k Method and Err or Code List 38.1 Stat es and Color s of LEDs PLC Ope ration Status 38.1.6 L RUN LED [FX 3UC -32MT- LT(-2)] *1.
875 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 38 Error Chec k Method and Err or Code List 38.
876 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 38 Error Chec k Method and Err or Code List 38.2 Erro r Code Check Method and Indication 38.2.2 Error code check method by GX Developer 1 Connect a person al computer t o PLC.
877 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 38 Error Chec k Method and Err or Code List 38.
878 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 38 Error Chec k Method and Err or Code List 38.
879 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 38 Error Chec k Method and Err or Code List 38.
880 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 38 Error Chec k Method and Err or Code List 38.
881 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 38 Error Chec k Method and Err or Code List 38.
882 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 38 Error Chec k Method and Err or Code List 38.
883 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 38 Error Chec k Method and Err or Code List 38.
884 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 38 Error Chec k Method and Err or Code List 38.4 Error Code Lis t and Action *1. The unit nu mber 0 to 7 of the specia l functi on unit/ block err or is put i n .
885 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition A Programming Tool Applicability and V ersion Upgrade History A-1 P rogramm ing.
886 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition A Programming Tool Applicability and V ersion Upgrade History A-1 P rogramm ing.
887 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition A Programming Tool Applicability and V ersion Upgrade History A-1 P rogramm ing.
888 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition A Programming Tool Applicability and V ersion Upgrade History A-1 P rogramm ing.
889 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition A Programming Tool Applicability and V ersion Upgrade History A-1 P rogramm ing.
890 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition A Programming Tool Applicability and V ersion Upgrade History A-1 P rogramm ing.
891 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition A Programming Tool Applicability and V ersion Upgrade History A-1 P rogramm ing.
892 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition A Programming Tool Applicability and V ersion Upgrade History A-2 Peripheral pr.
893 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition A Programming Tool Applicability and V ersion Upgrade History A-2 Peripheral pr.
894 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition A Programming Tool Applicability and V ersion Upgrade History A-3 Version U pgr.
895 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition A Programming Tool Applicability and V ersion Upgrade History A-3 Version U pgr.
896 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition A Programming Tool Applicability and V ersion Upgrade History A-3 Version U pgrade History Appendix A-3 -5 Version upgrade hi story [FX 3UC ] *1.
897 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition B Instruct ion Exe cution Time B-1 Basic I nstruction E xecution Ti me 31 FNC27.
898 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition B Instruct ion Exe cution Time B-1 Basic I nstruction E xecution Ti me *1. M1536 to M3583, M825 6 to M85 11, S 1024 to S4095 *2. M1536 to M3583, M8000 to M85 11 *3.
899 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition B Instruct ion Exe cution Time B-1 Basic I nstruction E xecution Ti me 31 FNC27.
900 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition B Instruct ion Exe cution Time B-1 Basic I nstruction E xecution Ti me *1. M1536 to M3583, M825 6 to M85 11, S 1024 to S4095 *2. M1536 to M3583, M8000 to M85 11 *3.
901 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition B Instruct ion Exe cution Time B-1 Basic I nstruction E xecution Ti me 31 FNC27.
902 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition B Instruct ion Exe cution Time B-1 Basic I nstruction E xecution Ti me *1. M1536 to M3583, M825 6 to M85 11, S 1024 to S4095 *2. M1536 to M3583, M8000 to M85 11 *3.
903 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition B Instruct ion Exe cution Time B-2 Step La dder Ins truction Exe cution Tim e 3.
904 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition B Instruct ion Exe cution Time B-4 Ap plied Instr uction Exe cution Tim e Appendix B-4 Applie d Instruction Execution Tim e •F X 3U /FX 3UC PLCs FNC No.
905 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition B Instruct ion Exe cution Time B-4 Ap plied Instr uction Exe cution Tim e 31 FN.
906 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition B Instruct ion Exe cution Time B-4 Ap plied Instr uction Exe cution Tim e Exter nal FX I/O de vice 78 FROM *1 141 + 419n 119 + 841 n 0.
907 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition B Instruct ion Exe cution Time B-4 Ap plied Instr uction Exe cution Tim e 31 FN.
908 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition B Instruct ion Exe cution Time B-4 Ap plied Instr uction Exe cution Tim e Real time clock control 160 TC MP 21 .3 ⎯ 0. 715 ⎯ 161 TZCP 22.
909 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition B Instruct ion Exe cution Time B-4 Ap plied Instr uction Exe cution Tim e 31 FN.
910 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition B Instruct ion Exe cution Time B-4 Ap plied Instr uction Exe cution Tim e Data comparis on 237 AN D<= 1.22 1 .48 1 .22 1. 48 For d etai ls, refe r t o Appendix B-6-2.
911 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition B Instruct ion Exe cution Time B-4 Ap plied Instr uction Exe cution Tim e 31 FN.
912 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition B Instruct ion Exe cution Time B-4 Ap plied Instr uction Exe cution Tim e •F X 3G PLCs FNC No.
913 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition B Instruct ion Exe cution Time B-4 Ap plied Instr uction Exe cution Tim e 31 FN.
914 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition B Instruct ion Exe cution Time B-4 Ap plied Instr uction Exe cution Tim e Floatin g point 110 ECM P ⎯ 12.46 ⎯ 0.61 ⎯ 14.68 ⎯ 0.
915 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition B Instruct ion Exe cution Time B-4 Ap plied Instr uction Exe cution Tim e 31 FN.
916 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition B Instruct ion Exe cution Time B-5 Execu t ion Tim e of Pulse Genera tion Instr.
917 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition B Instruct ion Exe cution Time B-5 Execu t ion Tim e of Pulse Genera tion Instr.
918 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition B Instruct ion Exe cution Time B-6 Execu t ion Tim e on Co mbinat ion of Appli .
919 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition B Instruct ion Exe cution Time B-6 Execu t ion Tim e on Co mbinat ion of Appli .
920 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition B Instruct ion Exe cution Time B-6 Execu t ion Tim e on Co mbinat ion of Appli cable Devices and Index ing •F X 3G PLCs - Data c omparison instr uction (16-bit oper ation) *1.
921 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Ser ies P rogra mmabl e Cont rol lers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition C Applied In struction Lis t [by Instructio n Type/in Alphabetic Or der] C.
922 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Ser ies P rogra mmabl e Cont rol lers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition C Applied In struction Lis t [by Instructio n Type/in Alphabetic Or der] C.
923 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Ser ies P rogra mmabl e Cont rol lers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition C Applied In struction Lis t [by Instructio n Type/in Alphabetic Or der] C.
924 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Ser ies P rogra mmabl e Cont rol lers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition C Applied In struction Lis t [by Instructio n Type/in Alphabetic Or der] C-1 Applied instructi ons [by instructi on type] 16.
925 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Ser ies P rogra mmabl e Cont rol lers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition C Applied In struction Lis t [by Instructio n Type/in Alphabetic Or der] C.
926 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Ser ies P rogra mmabl e Cont rol lers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition C Applied In struction Lis t [by Instructio n Type/in Alphabetic Or der] C.
927 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Ser ies P rogra mmabl e Cont rol lers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition C Applied In struction Lis t [by Instructio n Type/in Alphabetic Or der] C.
928 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition D Disco ntinued models Appendix D: Discontinued models The tabl e below show s disconti nued models of MELSEC-F Seri es PLCs and progr amming to ols descri bed in this manual.
929 FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition D Disco ntinued models C Applicable Instruction List D Discontinued models MEMO.
930 Warran ty FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition Warra nty Please confirm the follow ing prod uct warra nty detai ls befor e using this prod uct.
931 Revis ed History FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition Revised History Date Create d Re visio n Descript ion 7/2005 A First Editi on 2/2006 B FX 3U and FX 3UC se ries versio n 2.
932 Revis ed History FX 3G /FX 3U /FX 3UC Series Programm able Controllers Programming Manual - Basic & Appli ed Instructi on Edition 3/2007 C • Caution on storing sign dat a of charact er stri ng is added [S ection 26.2]. • The sentence d escri bing rou gh guide t o the wat chdog ti mer set va lue is modi fied [Secti ons 3 3.
デバイスMitsubishi Electronics FX3Gの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Mitsubishi Electronics FX3Gをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはMitsubishi Electronics FX3Gの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Mitsubishi Electronics FX3Gの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Mitsubishi Electronics FX3Gで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Mitsubishi Electronics FX3Gを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はMitsubishi Electronics FX3Gの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Mitsubishi Electronics FX3Gに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちMitsubishi Electronics FX3Gデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。