Mitsubishi ElectronicsメーカーSERIES 742の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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3D DLP ® HOME- CINE MA T ELE VISIO N MODEL S 74 2 Series 8 42 Series SUP P LE MENT AL OWNE R’ S GUIDE ® • For q uestions: - Visit o ur website at w w w .mits ubishi-tv. com . - E-mail us a t T Vsu p po r t @m evs a .co m . - Call Cons umer Re lations at 8 00 -3 32 -2 1 1 9 for operational or connection assista nce.
For assis ta nce c all 1 ( 8 0 0) 3 3 2- 21 1 9 Contents Imp or tant S afet y Instru ctions ................ 5 1 Add itional T V Featur es F A V (Fa vorites ) .......................... 6 Sle ep Time r ............................ 6 Picture Sh ape and D isplay Form ats .
4 For assis ta nce c all 1 ( 8 0 0) 3 3 2- 21 1 9 Mitsubishi Elec tric Visual Solutions America and the Env ironment As pa r t of its ongo ing environme ntal ef for ts, Mits ubishi Elec tric Vi sual So lutions A mer ica , Inc. (ME VSA) joine d the Electronic Manufacturers Recycling Management Company’ s (MRM) national recycling i nitiative .
5 For assis ta nce c all 1 ( 8 0 0) 3 3 2- 21 1 9 Impo r ta nt Safet y Instruc tions Please re ad the following safe guard s for your T V a nd retain fo r future refere nce. A lways follow all w ar nings and instructions mark ed on the t elevision. 1 ) Read the se instr uctio ns.
6 For assis ta nce c all 1 ( 8 0 0) 3 3 2- 21 1 9 A dd itional T V F eatures 1 The FAV key giv es you quic k acce ss to favorite progra m sourc es. Sou rces c an be c hannel s from the ANT input or device s conne cted to the T V . Y o u can store up to nine favorites.
1 . Additional T V Features 7 For assis ta nce c all 1 ( 8 0 0) 3 3 2- 21 1 9 D VD Image Definitions Image infor mation may be s tated on the DVD cas e.
8 1 . Additional T V Features For assis ta nce c all 1 ( 8 0 0) 3 3 2- 21 1 9 Press th e IN FO key t o se e the on-scr een status display . T he mos t commo n displays are shown here. Sa mple i nform ation f rom th e on- scr e en statu s dis play 1. Curre nt Input.
1 . Additional T V Features 9 For assis ta nce c all 1 ( 8 0 0) 3 3 2- 21 1 9 More On T V Inpu ts and Out puts 2 1 3 4 3D GLASSES EMITTER ANT HDMI L R DIGIT AL AUDIO OUTPUT AUDIO/SURROUND -OUTPUT - R .
10 1 . Add itional T V Feat ur es For assis ta nce c all 1 ( 8 0 0) 3 3 2- 21 1 9 More On T V Inpu ts and Out puts, cont inued 2 . USB • Use for a wire less n etwor k adapter to rece ive Stream T V Inter net content. • Use this po r t when u pdating the T V sof twa re using a USB mem or y devic e.
1 . Additional T V Features 11 For assis ta nce c all 1 ( 8 0 0) 3 3 2- 21 1 9 Usin g the T V wit h a Per sona l Comput er Note: If your computer provides digital audio output you can connect it directly to a digital A/V receiver and bypass the TV .
12 1. Additional T V Feat ur es For assis ta nce c all 1 ( 8 0 0) 3 3 2- 21 1 9 Photos and Mot ion V ide o as Comp osite Video Conne ct the c amer a to the T V using a c ompo site video cable a nd contr ol the slide sh ow or movie through the came ra .
1 . Additional T V Features 13 For assis ta nce c all 1 ( 8 0 0) 3 3 2- 21 1 9 Computer Video Adjustments 1. Pow er o n the compu ter . 2 . Select PC from the Input Selection menu. T o do this, pre ss IN PUT to open the Input Selection men u, move the highlight to the PC icon, and p res s ENTER .
14 1 . Additional T V Features For assis ta nce c all 1 ( 8 0 0) 3 3 2- 21 1 9 Supplemen tal Audio Co nnect ions (8 42 series) Addi ng a S u bwoo fe r Add a subwoofer to comple ment the T V spea kers with a fuller bass sound. • Af ter conne cting a s ubwoofer , you must ena ble the T V ’ s s ubwoofer output in the T V’ s Sou nd menu.
1 . Additional T V Features 15 For assis ta nce c all 1 ( 8 0 0) 3 3 2- 21 1 9 Ex ternal Rear Speakers Y ou may wish to supple ment su rround s ound fro m the T V with ex terna l rear sp eaker s. Ex ter nal spe akers c an fill in rea r sound if your ro om lacks a re ar wall suit able for sound r eflections.
16 1 . Add itional T V Feat ur es For assis ta nce c all 1 ( 8 0 0) 3 3 2- 21 1 9 Using t he T V Sp eakers as a Center Channel If using an ex terna l sur round sou nd system, you can use the T V’ s spe akers to provide ce nter chan nel soun d.
1 . Additional T V Features 17 For assis ta nce c all 1 ( 8 0 0) 3 3 2- 21 1 9 S tr ea m T V ™ I nter net About S tr eam T V Internet s er vic es let you ac ces s many popul ar on- line applic ations pr oviding both free a nd pai d content. This se ctio n desc ribe s using VU DU Movies a nd VUDU App s.
18 1. Additional TV Features For assis ta nce c all 1 ( 8 0 0) 3 3 2- 21 1 9 S tr e am T V ™ I nte r net , c onti nue d Wireless Connection The T V require s an A zureWa ve A W-NU231 USB wireles s adapter to comm unicate with your IEEE 802. 1 1 n- compli - ant wirel ess n etwor k router .
1 . Additional T V Features 19 For assis ta nce c all 1 ( 8 0 0) 3 3 2- 21 1 9 Remote PC ( VNC) This fu nction a llows you t o disp lay the PC scre en on the T V via a h ome L A N net work.
20 1. Additional T V Feat ur es For assis ta nce c all 1 ( 8 0 0) 3 3 2- 21 1 9 Log- in failure Successful log-in Note: Each time you use the VNCviewer , you need to select the IP address in the VNC log in menu and type the password using the keyboar d and mouse.
1 . Additional T V Features 21 For assis ta nce c all 1 ( 8 0 0) 3 3 2- 21 1 9 INTERNET FORMA T F O R M AT. Changes the VNC pi cture format. . S ele cts Re mote PC in the S t r e a mT V ™ menu . T o determine the s elec tion, pre ss the ENTER butto n.
22 For assis ta nce c all 1 ( 8 0 0) 3 3 2- 21 1 9 2 T V Menus Pi cture Vi deo Set tings in this m enu are s av e d for the cur rent inpu t only . Pre ss t o make changes and then pre ss MENU to return to the menu sc ree n. T o make Video a djustme nts while watch- ing T V a nd withou t using the me nu: 1.
2 . T V Menus 23 For assis ta nce c all 1 ( 8 0 0) 3 3 2- 21 1 9 Contrast • Low contr ast shows a vari ety of s hades in d arker images. • In most ho me lighting si tuations, me dium co ntrast l ooks best. • High con trast s hows darker imag es more u niformly black a nd makes col ors a ppea r more vib rant.
24 2 . T V M enus For assis ta nce c all 1 ( 8 0 0) 3 3 2- 21 1 9 Picture , c ontinued Pi cture Pe r fe ct (Perfec tColor , 842 Series) Perfec tColor Slider s Adjusts th e saturati on (intensi ty) of si x color s for the cu rrent i mage sou rce. Perfec Tint Sliders Adjusts s ix hues for th e curre nt image s ource.
2 . T V Menus 25 For assis ta nce c all 1 ( 8 0 0) 3 3 2- 21 1 9 Pi cture 3 D Mode Sou r ce Format Off • Over ride s the 3D pro ces sing of any HDMI 1 .
26 2. T V Menus For assis ta nce c all 1 ( 8 0 0) 3 3 2- 21 1 9 S ound Sound Au dio Set tings in this m enu are s av e d for the cur rent inpu t only with the exception of Balance and TV Spea k ers , which applie s to all inputs. Pres s to make change s and the n pres s MENU to return to the me nu scre en.
2 . T V Menus 27 For assis ta nce c all 1 ( 8 0 0) 3 3 2- 21 1 9 S ound , c ontinue d Sound G lobal 842 Series. The se set tings af fe ct audio f rom the AUDIO /SURROUND OUTPU T jacks. An al og Au di o Out Fix ed Use wi th an ana log A / V re ceiver .
28 2. T V Menus For assis ta nce c all 1 ( 8 0 0) 3 3 2- 21 1 9 Capt ions Captions on Digital Channels The T V can de code c aptions f rom the ANT inpu t only . Broadc aster s ca n send up to six dif fe rent ca ptioning sele ctions o r can s end ana log ca ptions for a pr ogra m that ori ginated in ana log for mat.
2 . T V Menus 29 For assis ta nce c all 1 ( 8 0 0) 3 3 2- 21 1 9 Setup Langua ge Menu English Spanis h Displ ays on-sc reen m enus in e ither Englis h or Spa nish. An te nn a Digital Audi o Sele cts the c urre nt langua ge for a digita l prog ram fro m the ANT input.
30 2 . T V Menus For assis ta nce c all 1 ( 8 0 0) 3 3 2- 21 1 9 Set up, contin ued Setup Channel A n t A i r, An t Ca bl e Y ou m us t pe r fo rm a c ha nn el s ca n to r ec eive d ig it al c ha nn el s. T he sc an sea rche s for broad - cas t channe ls and ad ds them to T V me mor y .
2 . T V Menus 31 For assis ta nce c all 1 ( 8 0 0) 3 3 2- 21 1 9 Set up, contin ued Setup Energy La mp Energy Standard, Bright Standard is for most viewin g conditio ns. Use Bright in brightl y lit rooms . Y o u may notice inc rease d fan no ise whe n using the Bright set ti ng.
32 2 . T V Me nus For assis ta nce c all 1 ( 8 0 0) 3 3 2- 21 1 9 Inpu ts Inputs Name IN PUT and HDMI jacks: Cab le b ox, Ca m(co rd e r), CD, DVD (DVD, DVD2 , Bl u-r ay ), DVR, Ga me (G am e, PS , Xb.
2 . T V Menus 33 For assis ta nce c all 1 ( 8 0 0) 3 3 2- 21 1 9 Inpu ts , co ntinued Inputs HDMI Control On , O f f Select On or Off to enab le or dis able the T V’ s control of a CEC -e nable d device. See “ Enabling HD MI Control of CEC Devic es” on page 3 8 for use of this featu re.
34 2. T V Menus For assis ta nce c all 1 ( 8 0 0) 3 3 2- 21 1 9 T V Locks Parental Loc k by Progr am Ratings Restr icts a cce ss usin g U. S.-base d rating s sent by broa dcas ters. Time Loc k by Time Restr icts T V use by time of day . Channel Lock by Channel Blocks access to the channels you specify .
2 . T V Menus 35 For assis ta nce c all 1 ( 8 0 0) 3 3 2- 21 1 9 Using T V Locks Af ter you set the lock , you must us e your pass c ode to: • View a locked pr ogram • View a lock ed cha nne.
36 2. T V Menus For assis ta nce c all 1 ( 8 0 0) 3 3 2- 21 1 9 Lock, contin ued T V P rogram Ratings T V A ge-Based Ratings T V -Y Yo u t h . For child ren unde r 7 . T V -Y 7 Yo u t h 7 and older . T V- G General Audience. For the entire fa mily . T V- P G Parental Guidance.
2 . T V Menus 37 For assis ta nce c all 1 ( 8 0 0) 3 3 2- 21 1 9 Lock, contin ued Lock Time Blocks a ll use of the T V during the time p erio d you speci f y . Y ou mus t enter a pa ss co de to use the T V wh en the time lo ck is in ef fec t. Loc k by Tim e Enables/d isable s Loc k by Tim e .
38 For assis ta nce c all 1 ( 8 0 0) 3 3 2- 21 1 9 3 HDMI Cont r ol of CEC De v ic es 4 . If prompted for a n ame, high- light a nam e for the device and pre ss ENTER to add a chec k. The d evice itse lf may later override th e name you assign. 5 . Highlight On and pre ss ENTER to add a check .
3 HDM I Control of CEC Devices 39 For assis ta nce c all 1 ( 8 0 0) 3 3 2- 21 1 9 HDM I Con trol of an HDMI A/V Receiv er and Con nected De vices 1. Enable HD MI Control fo r the A / V re ceiver as desc ribe d in “Enab ling HDMI Co ntrol of CEC Devices” on the pre vious page.
40 3 HDMI Control of CEC Devices For assis ta nce c all 1 ( 8 0 0) 3 3 2- 21 1 9 Using H DMI Control As an examp le of using HD MI Control, pre ss P L AY on the device its elf to : • Pow er o n t.
Appendices 41 For assis ta nce c all 1 ( 8 0 0) 3 3 2- 21 1 9 Cleaning Recommend ations Norm ally , lig ht dusting wi th a dr y , non -scr atching duster will keep your T V cl ean. If cle aning beyond this is neede d, please use the follo wing guidelines: Firs t, turn of f the T V and unplug th e power cord fr om the pow er outlet.
42 Appendices For assis ta nce c all 1 ( 8 0 0) 3 3 2- 21 1 9 CAUTION BURN DANGER! HOT SURF ACES INSIDE! T ouch lamp cartridge handle only . Do not touch lamp or lamp car - tridge housing. Keep lamp cartridge horizontal during removal. Do not tilt as glass may come out and cause injury .
Appendices 43 For assis ta nce c all 1 ( 8 0 0) 3 3 2- 21 1 9 Repla cement P rocedure Rem ovin g t he O ld L am p Ca r t ri dg e 1. T urn of f T V power and unplug the T V .
44 A ppendices For assis ta nce c all 1 ( 8 0 0) 3 3 2- 21 1 9 Appendix B: T r oublesh ootin g General TV Operation Sy mptom R ema rks 1. The T V remote control d oes not wor k. • Check th at the bat terie s are fre sh and in stalle d cor rec tly .
Appendices 45 For assis ta nce c all 1 ( 8 0 0) 3 3 2- 21 1 9 Appendix B: T r oublesh oot ing, con tinu ed General TV Operation Sy mptom R ema rks 9. I ha ve turne d on CEC for my HDMI devic es but co ntrol is er ratic a nd I wish to disa ble it. • Fir st turn of f the T V’ s HDMI c ontrol for the sp ecif ic device.
46 Appendices For assis ta nce c all 1 ( 8 0 0) 3 3 2- 21 1 9 Appendix B: T r oubl eshoot ing, con tinu ed T V Po w e r O n /O f f Sy mptom R ema rks 1. T V ta kes an ex ce ssi vely long time to power on. When p owered on, the T V n eed s time to boot up, just as a computer does.
Appendices 47 For assis ta nce c all 1 ( 8 0 0) 3 3 2- 21 1 9 Appendix B: T r oublesh oot ing, con tinu ed Sou n d Sy mptom R ema rks 1. T here is n o sound even whe n the volume is turne d up.
48 T rad emark and Li cense I nformation For assis ta nce c all 1 ( 8 0 0) 3 3 2- 21 1 9 T radema rk and Li cense Information LICENSOR’S SUPPLIERS DO NOT MA KE OR P ASS ON TO END USER OR AN Y OTHER .
T rademar k and Lice nse Information 49 For assis ta nce c all 1 ( 8 0 0) 3 3 2- 21 1 9 Mitsubishi T V Sof t ware END-USER L ICENSE A GREEMENT FO R EMBEDD ED SOFTW ARE IM PO RT AN T – RE A D CAR E F.
50 T rade mark and Lic ense Infor mation For assis ta nce c all 1 ( 8 0 0) 3 3 2- 21 1 9 Copyright © 2007 Free Softwar e Foundation, Inc. <> Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
T rademar k and Lice nse Information 51 For assis ta nce c all 1 ( 8 0 0) 3 3 2- 21 1 9 4. Conveying V erbatim Copies. Y ou may convey verbatim copies of the Program’ s source code as you receive it.
52 T r ademark and Licens e Information For assis ta nce c all 1 ( 8 0 0) 3 3 2- 21 1 9 However , if you cease all violation of this License, then your license from a particular copyright holder is r .
T rademar k and Lice nse Information 53 For assis ta nce c all 1 ( 8 0 0) 3 3 2- 21 1 9 GNU General Publi c License Ver si on 2 , Ju ne 19 91 Copy ri ght (C) 1989, 1991 Free S of twa re Fou nda tio n, Inc.
54 T rade mark and Lic ense Infor mation For assis ta nce c all 1 ( 8 0 0) 3 3 2- 21 1 9 3. Y o u may c opy an d dis tri bute t he Pro gr am (or a wor k ba se d on it , und er S ec tio n 2) in obj ec .
T rademar k and Lice nse Information 55 For assis ta nce c all 1 ( 8 0 0) 3 3 2- 21 1 9 GNU LESSER GENERAL P UBL IC LI CENSE V er sion 2 . 1 , Feb rua r y 199 9 Copyrigh t (C) 1 991 , 1 9 99 Free Sof t ware Foundation, Inc.
56 T rade mark and Lic ense Infor mation For assis ta nce c all 1 ( 8 0 0) 3 3 2- 21 1 9 A more fre quent c ase is th at a free lib rar y d oes the s ame job a s widel y used n on-free lib rar ies. In this c ase, ther e is lit tle to gain by limiting the fre e librar y to free sof t ware only , s o we use the Les ser G ene ral Public L icen se.
W ar rant y 57 For assis ta nce c all 1 ( 8 0 0) 3 3 2- 21 1 9 Mitsubishi Home-Cinema T ele vision L imited W arrant y MITSUBIS HI ELECTRIC VISUAL SOLUTIO NS AMERICA , INC.
58 Warrant y For assis ta nce c all 1 ( 8 0 0) 3 3 2- 21 1 9 2. THIS LIMITED W ARR ANT Y D OES NOT COVER: a. Up to .0 1 % pixel outage s (small dot pic ture ele ments that a re dar k or inco rrec tly illuminated ).
59 For assis ta nce c all 1 ( 8 0 0) 3 3 2- 21 1 9 Mitsubishi Elect ric Visual Solutions America, Inc. (MEVSA) Int ernet Applicat ions P olicy ME VSA Internet A pplic ations af for d the oppor tunit y to acces s third par ty Inter net pro duct of fer ings or s er vi ces (“ Third Par t y Ser v ices” ) on cer tain Mitsu bishi T V s.
60 I ndex For assis ta nce c all 1 ( 8 0 0) 3 3 2- 21 1 9 I n d ex A Ana morp hic Picture Form at 7 Antenn a Input (A NT ) 1 0 Signal Strength for Digital Chan - nels 8 Audio Ou tput Jacks 1 0 Auto- O.
W ebsite: w w w .mitsub ishi-tv .com E-m ai l: T Vsu p po r t @m evs a .co m F or questions, call Consumer R elations at 1 (8 0 0 ) 3 32- 21 1 9 T o order replacement or additional remote controls or lamp car tridges, Vis it our website w w w .mit supa r t s.
デバイスMitsubishi Electronics SERIES 742の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Mitsubishi Electronics SERIES 742をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはMitsubishi Electronics SERIES 742の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Mitsubishi Electronics SERIES 742の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Mitsubishi Electronics SERIES 742で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Mitsubishi Electronics SERIES 742を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はMitsubishi Electronics SERIES 742の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Mitsubishi Electronics SERIES 742に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちMitsubishi Electronics SERIES 742デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。