Mitsubishi ElectronicsメーカーWT03939X20の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Contents Page 1 Foreword 1.1 Introduction of Maintenance T ools 1 1.2 Required Operating Environment 5 1.3 Installation 7 1.4 S tarting and Ending the Application 14 2 T erms for Each Section 2.1 Design of Screen 27 2.2 Operating Method 27 3 On-Line Monitor Operation Method 3.
1 1.1 Introduction of Maintenance Tools The Maintenance Tools are comprised of the On-Line Monitor and the Off-Line Monitor . The following three connection method s ar e availa ble in the Online Monitoring. (1) Monitoring by conn ecting the maintenance tool to MN converter (CMS-MNF , CMS-MNF-B,CMS-MNG-E) via RS-232C.
2 (2) In case for loca l connection (via USB) (CMS-MNG-E) Connecting PC installed with the Maintenan ce Tool to M-NET transmissi on line via MN Converter allows conducting various monitoring an d setti ng from the Maintenance Tool.
3 1.1.2 On-Line Monitor(via G-50A) The On-Lin e Monitor is connected to the unit by the central cont roller(G-50A) a nd can monitor such area s as system data, unit data and operating data.
4 1.1.3 Off-Line Monitor The Off-Line Monitor can display, print information obtained by the On-Li ne Monitor. In the case of connection monitoring utilizing G-50 A, the operatio n monitor data collected by G-50A will be transmitted to remote mail servers periodically if the [Operation monitor - mail communi cation mode] of online mode is adapted.
5 1.2 Required Operating Environment This manual refers to Windows ® 2000 as Windo ws 2000, and Windows ® XP as Windows XP. 1.2.1 Hardware Requirements The computer must be IBM compatible on DOS/V and capabl e of satisfying the following requirements.
6 1.2.2 Required Materials The following materials are neede d for operating the Maintenance Tools : (1) In case of rout ing via MN converter MN Converter (CMS-MNF, CMS-MNF-B,CMS -MNG -E), Personal Computer, RS-232C cross cable, USB cable(CMS-MNG-E) and m odem in the case of remo te conn ection, are requi red.
7 1.3 Installation There are two Maintenance Tool setup methods: Method 1) New setup.(See Section 1.3.1) Method 2) Upgrading with existing setup.(See Section 1.3.2) 1.3.1 Setting Up the Maintenance Tools (New setup) To set up Maintenance Tools, follow the 2 steps below.
8 Step 2) Setti ng up the Maintenance T ools Set up the application of this Maintenance T ools . Please read the guide shown on the scre en carefully to proceed the setting up. (1) S tarting the setup prog ram 1) S tart MntT oolE.EXE. Execute “MntT oolE.
9 (5) After setu p is co mplete, "Databa se i s installed !! Press any key to continue..." appears at the bottom of the screen. Press any button to close the screen. (6) Confirming the completion of Maintenan ce T ools setup 1) Select [ Finish ] button.
10 1.3.2 Running Maintenance Tool Upgrade The following describes how to upgrade the Maintenance Tool. Step 1) Ending the Maintenance Tool Step 2) Uninstalling the Maintenance Tool :Res tart your computer after compl eting the STEP 2. S tep 3) Upgrade the Maintenance T ool :Restart your computer af ter completing the STEP 3.
11 1.3.3 Uninst alling the Maintenance T ool s The method to uninstall the appli cation of the [M aintenance T ools] once installed is given belo w . (1) Uninst alli ng the Maintenance T ools 1) Confirm the ending of Maintenance T ools. Confirm that Maintenance T ools program has been ended.
12 (2) Click [Browse] and specify CMS-MNG_Driv er folder on the CD-ROM. Then click [OK] , and click [Next] . (3) Though the warning shown on the right appea rs, this is not a problem.
13 (6) The window shown on the right appears and "USB Serial Port(CMS-MNG)" installation ends. Click [Finish] . This completes USB serial driver (CMS-MNG ) inst allation. Check that the driver is running correctly in the Device Manage r window .
14 1.4 Starting and Ending the Application 1.4.1 Starting the Maintenance Tool (1) Connect the comp uter a nd G-50A(MN Converte r) and air conditioner. (2) Click on “ Start ”, and then click on ” Programs ”. (3) Click on “ Mainten ance Tool for Windows2000 & X P ” in the “ Maintenance Tool ” folder.
15 1.4.2 Starting the On-Line Monito r(MN Converter connection) In case for local connection This will be used when online monito ring is adapted to air conditioning system by conn ecting the Maintenance T ool and MN Converter locally . The Maintenan ce T ool, MN Converter and air conditioning system should be conne ct ed beforehand.
16 (3) Initial setting of modem For the modem to be installed at the local si de (MN Converter sid e), initial setting should be applied before connecting remotely. To apply the initial setting of the modem, click on the remote setting screen. The Connection Modem Initial Setting Screen will appear.
17 (4) Initiating the remote connection To initiate the remote connection, click on the remote setting screen. The Customer Selection Screen will a ppear.
18 1.4.3 Starting the On-Line M onitor(G-50A connection) * To use the Maintenance Tool via G-50A (Network), l icense registration for the G-50A to be use d is necessary. Purchasing the license No. for each G-50 A to be used, conduct the license registration throu gh the Web browser (http://[IP address of the G-50A ]/ administrator.
19 In case for remote connection (Dialup) In the case when on line monitoring is applied to local air co nditioning system (with G-50A installed) from the Maintenance T ool in the remote place via public telephone circu it.
20 In case for remote connection (E-mail) In the case when on line monitorin g is applied to local air conditioni ng system (wi th G-50A installed) from the Maintenance T ool in the remote place via mail server . All communication to G-50A is converted in E-mail in this case.
21 [Entering order] 1) Preparing the Customer folder Pressing displays t he input scree n of customer nam e, and then enter the name. The setting can also be made from the file menu or the sub-menu displaye d b y right-clicking. Further deletion processing c an be made with or Del-key , an d rename processing with button.
22 1.4.4 Starting the Off-Line Monitor When offline analysi s is adapted to the dat a coll ected under ONLINE MODE. (1) Clicking "Offline Analyze" on the sele ctio n screen of Monitor mode.
23 Online Connection (1) Clicking “Onli ne Co nnectio n (Wide area access mo de )”on the section screen of Monitor mode. L a s t c l i c k " . " (2) The customer regist rati on screen will be displ ayed. Register customer info rma tion in the order of [1] -> [2] -> [3] hierarchically.
24 (c) Setting the [Air conditioning sy stem name] 1) Under the st ate when the [Customer name folder] desired to be set on the air conditioning system is focussed, the sub-menu will be displayed by right-clicking the air conditi oning system list at the right screen.
25 (d) Other setting You may select the mail address of Main tenan ce Tool PC itself and the Com port to be used. * To use the E-mail mode, mail setting is essentially required.
26 1.4.6 Ending the Maintenance Tool Ending the On-Line Monitor (1) Open the Main Screen . (2) Click on [ File ] on the menu bar. (3) Click on [ Return ] in the sub-menu. (4) The message “ Are y ou sure you want to finish Maintenance Tool? ” will appea r.
27 2.1 Design of Screen The design of the screen is sho wn below. - Title Bar Displays the title of the screen. - Menu Bar Displays the functions that can be pe rformed using the current screen. Click on an item and a sub-menu or message screen will appear, as shown in the illustration.
28 3.1 On-Line Monitor Screen Transfer 3 On-Line Monitor Oper ating Method Title Screen Main Screen Operation Control Connecting Information Operation Monitor Optional Setting Malfunction Log Setting .
29 3.2 Function Chart Connecting Information ---------------- ------- [Refer to 3.6] This allows monitoring of the indoor units connect ed to the outdoor unit and of the interlock units and the operation group SC connected to indoor units. Operation Monitor ---------------- ---------------[R efer to 3.
30 3.3 Address Search Method 3.3.1 Address Search Method Selection (1) Start the M-NET Maintenance Tools a n d the Select The Address Searching Metho d Screen will appear after the Title Screen . ( 2 ) C l i c k o n e i t h e r o r t o s e l e c t t h e address search method.
31 3.4 Main Screen The operations in 3.3 Address Sear ch Method have made information abo ut the units kno wn. The [ Unit Attributes ] are displ ayed on top of the address buttons.
32 3.5 Function Selection Operations (1) First, click o n the desi red [ Function Selection Button ]. (2) Next, click on the Unit to Operate . (3) The screen will move to the various operation screens. (4) If the wrong functio n sele ction button is clicked, click on that button once again and the other functio n selection buttons will be enabled.
33 (4)Momentarily, the Conne cting Information Screen will appear. (5)Click on to end the Connec ting Information Screen . (6)The message ” Finish the Connecting Informati on ” will appear. Click on to end or click on to continue. Click on and the Main Screen appea rs.
34 3.7 Operation Monitor * Items Performed Here - Monitors the operating condition and operating data of the current units every minute. This information can be displayed an d saved. * When an excessively large number of the objective uni t for monitoring exi sts, the monitoring interval may exceed 1 minute (70s, 80s, ---).
35 When [ Mail communication Mode ] is selected, the setting items of mail communication will be di splayed. - From: Mail Address Set the mail address of the G-50A in the [From: Mail Address] field. When sending mail via an ISP, set the mail address allocated by the I SP.
36 (8) Click on to e nd the Operating Status Monitor Screen . The message “ Finish the operation status monitor ” will appear. Click on to end or click on to not end. Clicking displays the screen to save dat a. Change the data name as required and save it.
37 * About LM ADAPTER Operation Monitor Item Performed Here Operation status of LM ADAPTER, current values of net work varia ble and configration property ,setting stat us of switch or the like.
38 3 Introduction to the screen Display Contents <Function set switch> Set status of function selector switch 0:OFF s etting 1:ON setting <Extension switch> Set status of extensio n fun ct.
39 Display Contents <Binding stat us : nvoOnOf f_n> Binding information on operation st atus output 0:No binding 1:Binding <IC connection st atus> Connection st atus of air conditioner(ind.
40 3.7.3 Trend graph Clicking at 3.7.2 (2) [GRAPH] displays Trend Graph Screen. (1) Procedure for graphing (a)Click [Option] on the menu bar. (b)The sub-menu of "Grap h detail settin g" and "Other setting" will be displayed. Click "Graph detail setting" to set each item of the graph.
41 (d) Conducting the "Other setting" With "Other setting," the optional function to facilitate graph observation can be set. Click [Option] on the menu bar. Click "Ot her setting." Other Setting Screen will be displayed.
42 3.8 Malfunction Log * Items Performed Here - The malfunction log of the most rece nt 10 cases (except operation grou p SC) 3.8.1 Screen Transfer Operation (1) Click on from the function selection buttons on the Mai n Screen . (2) Click on the units to be monitored (except operatio n g roup SC).
43 (5) Click on to end the Malfuncion Log Screen . The message “ Close the malfunction log display? ” will be displayed. Click on to end or click on to not end. is clicked, the Main Screen is returned. 3.8.2 Screen Functions and Operations (1) Click on and the Address Change Screen appear.
44 3.9 Optional Setting * Items Performed Here - Self-Diagnosis Monitoring : The self-di a gnosis function (LED for service mo nitor) to be performed with Dip-SW on the circuit board of the outdoor unit can be monito red. - Operation Control : Controlling of unit operation can be performed in the same mann er as a remote controller.
45 3.9.3 Sending Command (1) Click on and the Sending Command Screen will appear . (2) Input M-NET comma nd desired to transmit by clicking on the button. Direct input from the keyboard is also po ssi ble. (3) After input ting command, click on . Response command is displayed on [ Answ er ] column.
46 3.9.5 Date / T ime Setting ( 1 ) C l i c k o n . T h e Date / Tim e Setting Screen opens and the present time of PC is displaye d. * When the unit which does not correspond to a setup of time is chosen, the message of "This function is not available" is displayed, and it cannot set up.
47 3.10 Operation Control * Items Performed Here - ON / OFF of the unit, the operation mode and setti ng the temperature can be performed in the same manner as a remote controller. 3.10.1 Screen Transfer Operation (1) Click on from the function sel ection buttons on the Main Screen .
48 3.10.3 Screen Functions and Operation(BC Controller) (1) Click on the button corresponding to the valve number you want to change. “0” represents “close” and “1” rep re sent s “open ”. To change the valve setting, perform “Fix Release” --> “Fix ” ( 2 ) A f t e r s e t t i n g , c l i c k o n .
49 3.11 Free contact of indoor unit * Items Performed Here - When utilizing the [Indoor unit free contact mode] which uses the external input/output of Free Plan indoor unit (Building-Multi) together with G-50A and TG 2000 A, the contact action of the indoor unit can be te sted with this function.
50 (2) Automatic monitoring To automatically monitor the contact status of indo or units of No.1 ~ 50 repeatedly, select the [Auto monitor] mode. a) Click the [Auto monitor] button on t he mode selection section. The contact status of indoor units of No.
51 3.12 Remote error notification The “ Remote error notification " has been located st arting from Ver4.20 . * Items Performed Here - The MN Converter (CMS-MNG-E) has a built-in remote error notification function.
52 3.12.1 Starting of this function (1) Click [Option] in the menu bar and select [Error notification mode] -> [Error notification mode setting/cancellation...] in the sub-menu. The function starts searching for units to be notified of errors and displays a message to that effect.
53 3.12.2 Design of Screen There are two kinds of following screens to the Erro r notification mode se tting/cancellation screen. (1) Maintenance mode -- When the MN Co nverte r is in maintenance mode.
54 The design of the screen is sho wn below. - (5) Phone line disconnection setting (Inac tivity timeout) S pecifies how soon an inactive telephone line is di sconnected. - (6) Error codes targeted for notific ation S pecifies which errors are notified.
55 3.12.3 Selecting remote error notification mode Specify the settings below to enable the remote er ror notification function o n the MN Converter. (1) Enter the site name. Enter the name of the air conditioning system to be monitored. E.g.) MITSUBISHI BUILDING The remote monitoring PC is notified of this site name.
56 (4) Enter the MN Converter address. Enter the M-NET address fo r the MN Converte r. You can enter any number between 201 and 250. Ensure that you do not enter the same addre s s as another unit. The default is 250. (5) Specify the setting for the Inactivity Timeout function.
57 (6) Specify the error codes targeted for notification. You can use this setting to specify which of the erro rs that occur in air conditioni ng units will be reported. You can choose from the following 3 options: [All] Reports all error codes. [A.C.
58 (8) Select the system information settings. This option selects whethe r a host system controller is connected in the M-NET system to whi ch the MN Conver ter is c onnecte d.
59 (10) Send the settings. Click [Send settings] . When the Settings will be sent. OK? message appears, click [Yes] . Setting begins. When setting is completed, the Settings hav e been sent message appears. Click [OK] . The MN Converter switches to rem ote error notification mode.
60 3.12.4 Error notification testing After setting the MN Converter to remote error notificat i on mode, run the error notification test to che c k that notification is implemented correctly. (1) In the Error notification mode setting/cancellation screen , click [Test repo rt ] .
61 The error messages ar e shown below. If an error occurs, check the connections, etc. Error message When Test report Error message Meaning/Cause Repair A test report failed (Modem no-response erro r) Modem connection error The MN Converter cannot communicate with the modem.
62 3.12.5 Report log A log of past error notifications is saved in the MN Converter. You can use the Maintenance Tool to vie w and check the Report log stored on the MN Converter. The log shows the reported error codes, the address of the unit on whi ch the error occurred and the report result (OK/NG).
63 The design of the screen is sho wn below. - (1) Site name Name of the system being m onitored [see se ction 3.12.3 (1)] - (2) Report result Results notified OK --- Notification succeeded NG(**) ----Notification failed * * : E r r o r c o d e ( s e e b e l o w ) 01:Modem no-respon se -- There was no response from the mod em.
64 Clearing the Report log (1) Click the [Log clear] button in the Report log screen . (2) Click [Yes] . (3) The Report log is cleared. Click [OK] . Saving the Report log in CSV format You can save the Report log as a CSV-format file on the Mainten an ce Tool PC.
65 (2) Select CSV format and click [OK] . Use , -- Uses a comma (,) as the delimiter in the CSV file. Use ; -- Uses a semicolon (;) as the delimiter in the CSV file. (3) The log is saved in CSV format and a folder display window opens. The folder nam e is c:¥ProgramFiles¥MntTool32¥Data.
66 3.12.6 Changing the erro r notification settings (1) Click [Option] in the menu bar and select [Error notification mode] -> [Error notification m ode setting/canc ellation] in the sub-menu. (2) The information set in the MN Converter i s load e d and the Error notification mode setting/cancellation screen appears.
67 (4) Select System information settings. (5) Click [Send settings] . A confirmation window is displayed. Click [Yes] . Setting begins. (6) If you change the units targeted for error monito ring or change the MN Conv erter address, the message shown below appears.
68 (9) Click [Close] to close the Error notification mode setting/cancellation screen . 3.12.7 Canceling error notification mode This procedure cancels error notificatio n mode and returns the MN Converter to maintenance mode. (1) In the Error notification mode setting/cancellation screen , click [Sen d cancel all] .
69 (3) When setting is complet ed, the All settings have been cancelled message appears. Click [OK] . The MN Converter switches to maintenance mode, and the message below appears.Click [OK] . (4) Click [Close] to close the Error notification mode setting/cancellation screen .
70 (4) T he ne w settings are applied on the MN Converter and the wi ndow shown below appears. Note: If the MN Converter is reporting an error , the message shown below appears and the setting s cannot be applied. W ait a few moments until erro r notification en ds and then resend the settings.
71 The various settings are explained below. - (1) Minimum reporting period (mins.) (Default = 10 min.) Set a period between 0 and 60 minutes in 1-min ute in crements as t he error reporting interval. Errors that occur duri ng this period are all repo rt ed together when the end of the specified period is reached.
72 - (3) Redial interval (secs.) (Defa ult = 30 sec.) If the MN Converter dials a notification conta c t but the contact telephone does not answer, the converter redials the number for the nu mber of time s specified in " (4) Number of redials " below.
73 The figure below summarizes these settings. [If the notification contact teleph one does not answer] ( 2 ) Call duration (1) Minimum reporting period Error occurr e d Dial Contact telep hone: No answer Result stored in the error report log as a notification failure.
74 [If the notification contact teleph one answers] (1) Minimum reporting period Error occurr e d Dial Contact telep hone: Answer ( 7 ) Res p onse timeout ( 6 ) Server/T ool T ool selected Server selected Result stored in the error report log as a notification success.
75 3.12.9 Error notification dat a format The notification dat a sent from the MN Converter to the remote m onitoring PC via the telephone lines is i n the format shown below . The remote monitoring PC re ceives and processes thi s dat a in the dedicated server software or another dedica ted softwa re tool.
76 3.12.10 MN Converter LED display The MN Converter (CMS-MNG-E) ha s a STATUS LED (yello w) that displ ays the converter status. The STATUS LED blinking patterns are shown below. [Maintenance mode] Lit: Ready for operation. (normal) Unlit: Not ready for operation.
77 3.13 Setting and Monitoring DIDO/AI/PI Controllers The “ Setting and Monitoring DIDO/AI/PI Controller s " has be en located starting from Ver4.20 . * Items Performed Here - Settings and monitori ng DI DO Controller (PAC-YG66DCA), AI Controller (PAC-YG63MCA), and PI Controller (PAC-YG60M CA) can b e made.
78 The function allotment of DIDO Controller, G(B)-5 0A Web,TG-200 0A and Maintenance T ools is as follows. [Note]S:Setting possibility , M:Monitoring only , -:None Function name DIDO Controller G(B)-.
79 (5) The current time is monitored, and Date/Time setting screen will appear. (6) Set the current date and time. (7) Click [Send settings] . (8) The message ”Are you sure y ou w ant to send the Date/Time setting?” will appear. Click [Yes] . (9) Time is set to DIDO Controller, and the messa ge “Settings have been sent.
80 Output control (1) Click [Output control] in the DIDO controller (66DC) input/output sta tus monitoring screen . (2) The current output status is monitored, and Output control screen will appear. * The pressed (sunken) b utto n shows the current status.
81 Monitoring Di p switch setting of DIDO Controllers (1) Click [Option] in the DIDO controller (66DC) input/output status monitoring screen and select [DIP switch setting monitoring] in the sub-menu. (2) The DIP switch setting is monitored, and DIP switch setting monitoring screen will appear.
82 3.13.2 Setting and Monitoring AI Controllers (63MC) AI Controller (P AC-YG63MCA) is capabl e of measuring the temperature and humidity. Trend displays of measurement data ca n be show n on the G(B)-50A Web Brow ser and T G-2000A. Furthermore, an alarm can be output if measure ment data exceeds a preset uppe r or lo wer limi t.
83 The following settings and monitori ng can be made on AI Controllers (PAC-YG63 M CA). When G(B)-50A or TG-2000A is connecte d, the setting must be made on G(B)-50A Web Browser or TG-2000A.
84 Setting for AI Controllers (63MC) (1) Click [Setting contents] in the AI controller (63MC) measurement v a lue monitoring screen . (2) The setting details are monitored, and, AI controll er (63MC) setting screen will appear. [Category ] The measurement category (temperature or humidity) is shown.
85 (6) The message ” Settings w ill be sent. OK?” will appear, click [Yes] . The setting will be applied to the unit. (7) The message ” Settings hav e been sent.” will appear, click [OK] . (8) Click [Close] to return to the AI controller (63MC) measurement value monitoring scre en .
86 (2) The correction value for Pt100 detection is monito red, and Monitoring of the correction value for Pt100 detection screen will appear. [Correction value] The correction value for each Reference correction point No. is shown. (3) Click [File output] to save the monitored information as a CSV file.
87 Out-of-limit alarm history The history of out-of-limit alarm/alarm-off is displa yed. Up to 100 of the latest data can be displayed. (1) Click [Option] in the AI controller (63MC) measurement value monitoring screen , and select [Out-of-limit alarm history] in the sub-me nu.
88 Measurement cat egory setting history The change history of measurement cat egory (temperature or hum idity) is displayed. Up to 10 of the latest data can be displayed. (1) Click [Option] in the AI controller (63MC) measurement value monitoring screen and select [Measurement c ategory setting history] in the sub-menu.
89 3.13.3 Monitoring PI Controllers (60MC) PI Controller (P AC-YG60MCA) counts pu lse s from a power meter, gas meter, water meter, and cal orim eter. The combined use of the G(B)-50A an d TG-2000A allo ws for calculating the charges for ea ch unit and performing peak-cut operation (dem and control).
90 PI Controller (60M C) measurement value Monitor (current value) (1) Click [Option] in the menu bar and select [DIDO/ AI/PI] -> [AI/PI setting] in the sub-menu.
91 (3) Click [Monitor update ] to update the measurement values. (4) Click [File output] to save the monitored information as a CSV file. Refer to section [ Monitoring in put/out put status on DIDO Controlle rs (6 6DC) (5)]. The folder name is c:¥ProgramFiles¥MntTool32¥Data.
92 (2) The setting details are monitored, and PI controller (60MC) setting screen will appea r. No settings of PI Controller can be made in the Maintenance Tools. [Pulse unit (weight)] The pulse unit (weight) and the measurement unit of each channel are sho wn.
93 Monitoring Di p switch setting of PI Controllers (1) Click [Option] in the PI controller (60MC) measurement v alue monitoring scre en and select [DIP switch setting monitoring] in the sub-menu. (2) The DIP switch setting is monitored, and DIP switch setting monitoring screen will appear.
94 Pulse unit (weight) change history (1) Click [Option] in the PI controller (60MC) measurement value monitoring screen and select [Pulse unit ( w eight) change history] in the sub-menu. (2) The pulse unit (weig ht) change history is monitored, and Pulse unit (weight) change history screen will appear.
95 3.13.4 Interlock control settings on DIDO Controllers (66DC) DIDO Controllers (PAC-Y G66DCA) can control the follo wing items of M-NET de vices o r the contacts on DIDO Controllers d epending on the change in input co ntact status.
96 Starting the interlock cont rol settings on DIDO Controllers The password is needed to make the settings for interlo ck control. Only the allowed administ rator can perform the settings. To make the settings, enter the password first to be id entified as a n administrator.
97 Interlock control set tings on DIDO Controllers (1) Click [Option] in the menu bar and select [DIDO/ AI/PI] -> [DIDO/AI interloc k setting] in the sub-menu. (2) Click of the unit (DIDO Controller) to be monitored on the Main screen . (3) DIDO controller (66DC) Interlock control setting screen will appear.
98 <Interlock special condition setting > [Emergency stop receiv e: Interlock disable] When the emergency stop comm and i s received fr om G(B)-50A, whether to enable or disable the interlock operation dependi ng on the change in input contact status can be set for each channel.
99 [Interlock operation error: Error repor t output] When the interlock cont rol with the M-NET device is failed (when no response to the interlock operation command is received from the M-NET device), Wheth er to output or doesn't output the error report can be set for each output channel.
100 Select one of the following operations by clicking a radio button. * The pressed (sunken) b utto n shows t he cur rently “Enabled ” status. * [DIDO operation] Select the channel to be output, and set whether to [Opera tion] or [Stop] the selected channel.
101 NOTE: If there are several patterns of the same input cha nne l and interlock operation condition s, the interlock control operation will be output in the ascending order of the interlock operation No. Note the order when setting the same interlock operation conditions patterns.
102 Temporary interl ock prohibition setting (1) Click [Temporary prohibition] . (2) Temporary interlock prohibition setting sc reen will appear. * The pressed (sunken) b u tto n shows the current status. (3) Click the checkbox of the channel to be ch anged, and select [Disable] or [Enable] .
103 Saving the interlock control settings on DIDO Controllers (66DC) in CSV format (1) Click [File output] to save the interlock control settings as a CSV file. Refer to section [ Monitoring input/output status on DIDO Controllers (66DC) (5)].
104 3.13.5 Interlock control settings on AI Controllers AI Controllers (PAC-YG63MCA) can control the following items of M-NET d evices de pending on the measurement values measured by AI Controlle rs.
105 Starting the interlock c ontrol settings on AI Controllers The password is needed to make the settings for interlo ck control. Only the allowed administ rator can perform the settings. To make the settings, enter the password first to be id entified as a n administrator.
106 <Output> [Interlock t arget] The unit address of the interlock target is shown. [T ransmission interv als (min.)] As long as the input interlock condition is met, the interlock control operation will keep being output continuously at the set intervals.
107 [SC communication error detection : Interloc k disable] When the communication error with G(B)-50A occurs, whether to enabl e or disable the interlock operation depending on the change in m easurement values can be set for each channel. * The pressed (sunken) button show s the current l y “Disable” status.
108 (6) Select the line to be set, and click [E dit] . To copy the preset interlock setting, select the line to be copied, and click [Co py] , then sele ct the line to be pasted, and click [Paste] . To delete the setting, select the line to be deleted, and click [Delete] .
109 [Interlock t a rget] Select the unit address to be controlled. Select one of the following operations by clicking a radio button. * The pressed (sunken) b utto n shows t he cur rently “Enabled ” status. * [DIDO operation] Select the channel to be output, and set whether to [Opera tion] or [Stop] the selected channel.
110 NOTE: If there are several patterns of the same input cha nne l and interlock operation condition s, the interlock control operation will be output in the ascending order of the interlock operation No. Note the order when setting the same interlock operation conditions patterns.
111 Temporary interl ock prohibition setting (1) Click [Temporary prohibition] . (2) Temporary interlock prohibition setting sc reen will appear. * The pressed (sunken) b u tto n shows the current status. (3) Click the checkbox of the channel to be ch anged, and select [Disable] or [Enable] .
112 Saving the interlock contro l settings on AI Controllers (63MC) in CSV format (1) Click [File output] to save the interlock control settings as a CSV file. Refer to section [ Monitoring input/output status on DIDO Controllers (66DC) (5)].
113 4.1 Off-Line Monitor Screen Transfer 4 Off-Line Monitor Operating Method Title Screen (Operation monitor Data list screen) (Operation st atus monitor screen) (System info.
114 4.2 Function Chart 4.2.1 Operation Monitor Off-Line Analizing -------------- ------ [Refer to 4.3.1] Monitors and prints about unit data saved in On-Li ne “ 3.7 Operation Monitor ”. Graph ---------------- ----- [Refer to 4.3.2] The operation data obtained can be gra phed for display.
115 4.3 Operation Monitor * Items Performed Here - Monitors and prints about the System Information and the Operating Data of uni ts saved using the on-line monitor. 4.3.1 Off-Line Analyzing (1) Click on to display the data list scre en of Operation Monitor.
116 - Click on [ Help ] and “ Explanation of Terminology ” and “ Operatio n Method ” sub-menus ca n be selected. [Refer to 3.6 Connecting Information 3 .6.2 (2) ” Menu Bar ”] (c) Click on [ Return ] on the menu bar to end the Operation Status Monitor Scre en .
117 - Clicking "Sampling setting ---" displays Sampling Setting Screen. Set the sampling time (interval) by moving [Scroll bar] or input through the keyboard. For the sampling interval, set the time interval of the abscissas axis with 1 ~10 minutes.
118 4.3.3 Check mail * Mail Server Setting In order to provide mail checking to the operation data mail-messaged from G-50A by ut ilizing Mail communication mode under online mode, the setting is required relating to the conne ction of the objective mail server.
119 4.4 System Information 4.4.1 Off-Line Analyzing (1) Click on to display the data list screen of System Information. (2) Click on [ Monitor Da ta ] desired to monitor. ( 3 ) C l i c k o n . - The System Information Screen of Off-Line displays all connection informatio n memorized by the connected G-50A.
120 4.5 Monitoring of Pre-error Data 4.5.1 Off-Line Analyzing (1) Click on to display the data list screen of Pre-error. (2) Click on [ Monitor Da ta ] desired to monitor. ( 3 ) C l i c k o n . (4) On the Pre-error Data scre en, the opera tion status data immediately before generating error will be displayed in a unit of minute.
121 4.6 Function common for each screen (Filing operation) * Clicking the button of "Monitor Data", "Monitor Da te" , "Last Updated" and "Others" at the upper column allows to sort the displayed data . * The right-clicki ng op eration of the mouse covers the operatio n of each file also.
122 (b) Divided (file exceeds 15 MB) 1. [ The information for dividing data is acquired ] scre en ap pears. 2. After the information for dividing data is acquired, [ Export ] screen appears. 3. Enter the name of the destination folder and export file.
123 4.6.4 Text Convert ( 1 ) C l i c k i n g t o d i s p l a y D a t a l i s t s c r e e n containing the file desired to edit. (Text conversion can also be adapted to the Pre-erro r data. For the converting me thod, refer to 4.5.1(5).) (2) Click on [ Monitor Da ta ] desired to convert into text format.
124 4.6.6 Right-clicking menu - Right-clicking menu Clicking the right button of the mouse on [Monitor data] displays the pop-up menu as shown on the right scre en. The items that can be set are same as that of the function button on the screen listing each data.
125 4.7 Offline Analyze on Wide area access mode The function of the offline mode is mostly equals that of the normal mode, however, the following function is provided additionally. 1) Display of monitored name objective for data collection. - The [AREA name], [Customer name] and [Air conditioning system name] are shown f or ea ch data obtained.
126 5.1 System Information Data When the system information data saved in the database in " 3.4 Main Screen (2) " is exported in " 4.6.2 Export ", exported data is saved in c:¥ProgramFiles¥MntTool32¥Data. (Default setting. Can be changed.
127 5.3 Pre-error Data When the pre-error data saved in the database in " 3.9.4 Monitoring of Pre-err or Data " is exported in " 4.6.2 Export ", exported data is saved in c:¥ProgramFiles¥MntTool32¥Data. (Default setting. Can be changed.
128 5.6 DIDO Controller Monitor Data The data saved in Section " 3.13.1 Setting and Moni toring DIDO Controllers (66DC) ” is stored in c:¥ProgramFiles¥MntTool32¥Data - The following is an explanation of the file name (1) Monitoring input/output status on DIDO Controllers (66DC) (Section “3.
129 (5) Out-of-limit alarm history (Section “3. 13.2.6” ) MCT AH_20 070214_120559.CSV Extension Monitor Time*1 Fixed (6) Measurement category setting history (Section “3 .13.2.7” ) MCTSH_20070214_120559.CSV Extension Monitor Time*1 Fixed *1 Monitor Time Monitor time: YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS format 5.
130 (6) Power failure/restoratio n history (Section “” ) MCPPH_20070214_120559.CSV Extension Monitor Time*1 Fixed (7) Pulse unit (weight) change hi story (Section “” ) MCPWH_20070214_120559.CSV Extension Monitor Time*1 Fixed *1 Monitor Time Monitor time: YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS format 5.
131 How to Change Setting of Firewall for Windows XP 1. Introduction When connecting Maintenance T ool through G-50A, normal communication may not be performed if Firewall, the security function of Windows XP , has wholly been validated.
132 (7) The [Local Area Connectio n Properties] screen will be displayed. (8) Select the [Advanced] t ab. (9) Confirm that the checking column of [Internet Connection Firewall] has been af fixed with a check mark. (10) Click the [Settings - - -] button.
133 (1 1) [Advanced Settings] will be displayed. (12) Click the checking colum n of [Internet Mail Server [SMTP]] within the [Service] tab to af fix a check mark. (13) Click the [OK] button to close the [Advanced Settings] screen. Now the setting of Firewall has completed.
134 On the [Windows Security Alert] screen, if [Keep Blocki ng] or [Ask Me Later] has been selected, the settings of Firewall should be chang ed manually . The method of change is given below . (1) Select [Control Panel] from the S tart menu. (2) The [Control Panel] screen will be displayed.
135 (1 1) The [Windows Firewall] screen will be displayed. Confirm that Firewall is being set to [On [recommended]]. Do not affix a che ck m ark to [Don't allow exceptions]. (12) Click the [Exceptions] tab. (13) Click the checking column of [MntT ool32(Maintenance T ool)] to affix a check mark.
136 Trouble When Installing or Starting T rouble Cause Rep air Cannot install. Install CD-ROM not properly positioned. Properl y position Install CD-ROM. Cannot start application. Insufficient memory . End other applications. OS is not an English version.
137 Trouble with Main Screen T rouble Cause Rep air Cannot select function selection buttons. Collecting data about individual units using manual search. (Unit is communicating.) Can be used when communication with all the units selected by manual search have completed communication.
138 Operation Monitor Trouble T rouble Cause Rep air The monitor display screen on the operation monitor has red characters. Because of the increased re-transmission process work due to abundant communication noise, data may not be monitored fully within the rated cycle.
139 Operation Monitor Mail Communication Mode Trouble T rouble Cause Rep air Operation monitor mail cannot receive normally . A mail address and SMTP server information were made a mistake in and set up by mail communication setup. Please set up the right information again after performing "S top mail communication" of 3.
140 Specific troubles induced by E-mail connection mode T rouble Cause Rep air The message of ” Not connectable to mail server .” or “Not c onnectable to G-50A.” Is displayed. The initial information is not being set to G-50A. (The mail address of Maintenance T ool is not being registered previously .
141 Setting and Monitoring DIDO/A I/PI Controllers Trouble T rouble Cause Rep air The pulse unit (weight) cannot be set on the PI Controller. The PI Controller can be used only for monitoring. Make the settings for the PI Controller on G(B)-50A Web Browser or TG-20 00A.
142 Off-Line Monitor Trouble T rouble Cause Rep air The setting of IP address of POP server is incorrect. Set the correct IP address with Mail Server Setting. The message of ”T imeout Can’t connect to Mailserver .” Is displayed. The setting of the IP address of PC is incorrect.
143 * MS, Microsoft, Micro sof t logo, and Windows are registered trademarks and tra de names of Microsoft Corporation. Each company may use as registe red trademarks and trade name s the product names used in this manual. * Distributed 7-Zip libra ry accordi ng to GNU LGPL is used for data ex port and imp ort in the Maintenance T ool.
デバイスMitsubishi Electronics WT03939X20の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Mitsubishi Electronics WT03939X20をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはMitsubishi Electronics WT03939X20の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Mitsubishi Electronics WT03939X20の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Mitsubishi Electronics WT03939X20で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Mitsubishi Electronics WT03939X20を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はMitsubishi Electronics WT03939X20の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Mitsubishi Electronics WT03939X20に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちMitsubishi Electronics WT03939X20デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。