MitsubishiメーカーMELSEC FX2Nの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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MELSEC FX2N series Programmable Controller Hardware Manual FX2N 66014 JY992D66301-H MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC Art.No.: 2001 05 07 MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION.
Foreword • This ma nual contains tex t, diagram s and expl anatio ns whic h will gui de the reade r in the corr ect ins tal lat ion an d operat ion of t he FX 2N and sh ould be r ead a nd und erstood before a ttemptin g to i nstall or use t he unit .
i FX 2N Series Programmable Controllers Hardwa re Manual Manuel du m atérie l Hardwa re-Handbuch Manuale hard ware Manual de H ardware Manual nu mber : JY992D 66301 Manual r evision : H Date : April .
FX2N Series Programmable Controllers ii Guidelines for the safety of the user and protection of the FX 2N This manu al provide s information f or the installation and us e of the FX 2N . The manual ha s been written to be use d by trained and c ompetent personne l.
FX2N Series Programmable Controllers iii Directives de sécurité pour l’utilisateur et mesures de protection pour les A PI de la sé rie F X 2N . Le présent manuel cont ient des informati ons concernant l’inst allation et l’util isation des API de la sé rie FX 2N .
FX2N S eries Programmable C ontrollers iv Sicherheit srichtlinien für den Anwender und Schutzmaßnahmen für die FX 2N - SPS Dieses Handbuch enthäl t Informationen zur I nstal lation und zum Einsatz der FX2N- SPS. Das Ha ndbuch wurd e für ges chulte s und ko mpetentes Personal erstel lt.
FX2N Series Programmable C ontrollers v Direttive di sicurezza per l’utente e misure di sicurezza per il P LC FX 2N Il presente manuale cont iene informazioni pe r l’inst allazione e l’i mpiego del PLC FX 2N . Il manuale è destinato a per sonale addestr ato e compet ente.
FX2N Series Programmable C ontrollers vi Instrucciones de seguri dad par a el usuario y medidas de protección p ara la unidad PLC-FX 2N Este manual comprende l as informaci ones correspondient es para l a inst alación y el uso de la unid ad PLC-FX 2N .
FX2N Series Programmable Controllers vii The followi ng variations of the FX 2N PLC conf orm to the identified st andards; Les types d’ API de la séri e FX 2N suiva nts sont conformes aux normes et critères d’homologa - tion ment ionnés.
FX2N Series Programmable C ontrollers viii.
Introductio n 1 1-1 1 Introduction Introduction Einleitung Introduzione Introducción 2 T erminal Layout s Occupation des bornes Klemmen- belegungen Assegnazione dei morsetti Ocupaciones de bornas 3 I.
FX2N Series Programmable C ontrollers Introductio n 1 1-2.
FX2N Series Programmable C ontrollers Introductio n 1 1-3 1. Introduction This manual cover s the hardware inst allati on instructi ons for the followi ng programmable logi c control ler (PLC) product.
FX2N Series Programmable C ontrollers Introductio n 1 1-4 T able 1.1: MODEL INPUTS OUTPUT TYPE POWER SUPPL Y DIMENSIONS MASS (WEIGHT) QTY TYPE QTY RELA Y TRAN- SIST OR mm (inch) kg (lbs) FX 2N -16 8 24V DC Sink/ Sour ce 8 MR- ES/UL MT - ESS/U L (Source ) 100-240V AC +10% -15%, 50/ 60Hz 130 (5.
FX2N Series Programmable C ontrollers Introductio n 1 1-5 T able 1.3: MODEL INPUTS OUTPUT TYPE POWER SUPPL Y DIMENSIONS MAS S (WEIGHT) QTY TYPE QTY RELA Y TRANSISTOR mm (inch) kg (lbs) FX 2N -32 1 6 24V DC Sink/ Sour ce 16 ER- ES/UL ET -ESS/UL (Source) 10 0-240V AC +10%, -15%, 50/60Hz 150 (5.
FX2N Series Programmable C ontrollers Introductio n 1 1-6 Figure 1.1: ENG - Dimensioned unit FRE - Dimens ions GER - Abmessungen ITL - Dimensioni ESP - Dimensiones Figure 1.
FX2N Series Programmable C ontrollers Introductio n 1 1-7 * Interna l 24V DC T able 1.5: MODEL DESCRIPTION NUMBER OF I/O POWER SUPPL Y DIMENSIONS MASS (WEIGHT) IO Inte rn al 5V DC External 24V DC mm (inches) kg (lbs) FX2 N-2A D Anal og to di gital c onve rter 8 20m A 50m A 43 (1.
FX2N Series Programmable C ontrollers Introductio n 1 1-8 * FX Special f unctions bl ocks must be connect ed at the right end of the syst em using the FX 2N - CNV -IF convertion inter face.
FX2N Series Programmable C ontrollers Introductio n 1 1-9 1.1 Unit Acces sories Each powered extension unit comes with: 1 I/O label kit and a 55mm (2.17 inch) extension cables.
FX2N Series Programmable C ontrollers Introductio n 1 1-1 0 1.3 *Note: See T able 1.9 T able 1.8: Model t able Description des ty pes T ypenbesc hrei - bung Descrizione dei modelli Descripción del ti.
FX2N Series Programmable C ontrollers Introductio n 1 1-11 Figure 1.3: ENG - Model name FRE - Désignation des types d’appareils . GER - T ypenbezeichnung ITL - Modello. ESP - Designación del tipo 1.4 Figure 1.4: ENG - Ser ia l num ber FRE - Numéro de série GER - Seriennummer ITL - Numero di serie ESP - Número de serie T able 1.
FX2N Series Programmable C ontrollers Introductio n 1 1-1 2 1.5 Figure 1.5: ENG - Schematic system FRE - Représent ation sché matique de l a construct ion du sy stème GER - Schematischer Syst emauf.
FX2N Series Programmable C ontrollers Introductio n 1 1-13 T able 1.1 1: Configurat ion notes Descriptio n de la configuratio n Konfigura tions-bes- chreibung Descriz ione della configuraz ione Desc r.
FX2N Series Programmable C ontrollers Introductio n 1 1-1 4 1.5.1 Rules Max. 8 special func tion blocks per sys tem. Check the loading on the 5V bus. Consumption val ues for special func tion blocks can be found in T able1.5. For maximum avail able current see t he tab le below .
FX2N Series Programmable C ontrollers Introductio n 1 1-15 Règles de base relativ es à la construction du système Huit (8) module s spéciaux au maximum sont autor isés par sy stème. Vérifiez la charge au bus de 5 V olt. Pour la valeur de consommation de courant des modules spéciaux, vous pouv ez consulter le t ableau 1.
FX2N Series Programmable C ontrollers Introductio n 1 1-1 6 Figure 1.6: T able 1.15: UNIT ADDRESSABLE I/O 24V DC SERVICE SUPPL Y 5V DC POWER AC/DC X Y X/Y SUM I/O T ABLE SUM T ABLE SUM FX 2N -48MR-ES/UL 24 24 - X=8 Y=2 4 Þ 1.13 (48M ¶ ) Axis A = 24 Axis B = 8 Þ +1 8 5m A 1.
Terminal Layout 2 2-1 1 Introduction Introduction Einleitung Introduzione Introducción 2 T erminal Layout s Occupation des bornes Klemmen- belegungen Assegnazione dei morsetti Ocupaciones de bornas 3.
FX2N Series Programmable C ontrollers Terminal Layout 2 2-2.
FX2N Series Programmable C ontrollers Terminal Layout 2 2-3 2. T erminal layout s The fol lowing sele cti on of termi nal lay out s are t aken f rom the FX 2N pr oduc t range . Note: All layouts a re diagr ammatic onl y and are only i ntende d to aid the crea tion of wir ing diagr ams.
FX2N Series Programmable C ontrollers Terminal Layout 2 2-4 2.1 ENG FRE GER IT L ESP FX -16MR-ES/UL FX -32MR-ES/UL Y 0 Y 2 Y 4 Y 6 Y10 Y12 Y14 Y16 Y17 Y15 COM4 Y13 Y11 COM3 Y 7 Y 5 COM2 Y 3 Y 1 COM1 L.
FX2N Series Programmable C ontrollers Terminal Layout 2 2-5 2.2 FX -128MT-ESS/UL Y 0 Y 2 Y 1 Y 3 Y 4 Y 5 Y 6 Y 7 Y10 Y11 Y12 Y13 Y14 Y15 Y16 Y17 Y20 Y22 Y24 Y26 Y21 Y23 Y25 Y27 Y30 Y32 Y34 Y36 Y31 Y35.
Terminal Layout 2 2-6 2.2 (Continued) ENG GER COM L X1 X3 FX 2N - 16M T- E/ UL X2 X4 Y0 Y1 Y2 Y3 X0 24+ COM0 CO M1 COM3 COM 4 COM 2 N X6 X5 X7 COM 5 Y5 COM 6 Y6 Y4 Y7 COM7 COM L X1 X3 FX 2N - 32M T- E.
Terminal Layout 2 2-7 2.3 2.4 FX -32ER-ES/UL Y 0 Y 2 Y 4 Y 6 COM4 COM3 Y 7 Y 5 COM2 Y 3 Y 1 COM1 L N X 1 X 3 X 5 X 7 S/S 0 V X 0 X 2 X 4 X 6 24V 2N FX -32ET-ESS/UL Y 0 Y 2 Y 4 Y 6 Y 5 Y 3 Y 1 +V0 +V1 .
Terminal Layout 2 2-8 2.5 X1 X3 X0 X2 X5 X7 X4 X6 FX -8EX-UA1/UL 0N FX -8ER-ES/UL 0N X1 X3 X0 X2 Y1 Y3 Y0 Y2 Y1 Y3 Y0 Y2 Y 5 Y7 Y4 Y6 FX -8EYT-ESS/UL 0N Y1 Y3 Y0 Y2 Y5 Y7 Y4 Y6 FX -8EYR-ES/UL 0N X1 X3.
Terminal Layout 2 2-9 2.6 AC 1 10V Input, MPUs - (base unit s) A p p a r e i l sd eb a s ea v e c entrées 1 10V CA Grundgeräte mit AC 1 10V - Eingängen Appar ecchi base con ingressi 1 10V CA Unidad.
Terminal Layout 2 2-1 0.
Installation Notes 3 3-1 - 1 Introduction Introduction Einleitung Introduzione Introducción 2 T erminal Layout s Occupation des bornes Klemmen- belegungen Assegnazione dei morsetti Ocupaciones de bor.
FX2N Series Programmable C ontrollers Installation Notes 3 3-2.
FX2N Series Programmable C ontrollers Installation Notes 3 3-3 3. In stallation The instal lation of FX 2N products has been designed to be safe and easy . When the products assoc iated wit h this manua l are used as a system or individual ly , they must be ins tal led in a suit able enclosure.
FX2N Series Programmable C ontrollers Installation Notes 3 3-4 3.1 Figure 3.1: ENG - Features of th e FX 2N PLC FRE - Description de l’ API FX 2N GER - Beschreibung der FX 2N -SPS ITL - Des criz ion.
FX2N Series Programmable C ontrollers Installation Notes 3 3-5 T able 3.1: Feature t able Vue d’ensemble des composant s Übersicht der Komponente n Componenti V ista de c onjunto de los componente s REF A DIN rail 3 5mm (1.
FX2N Series Programmable C ontrollers Installation Notes 3 3-6 3.2 FX 2N RUN/ST OP C ontrol R U No rS T O Po ft h e F X 2N can be controlled by: The RUN/STOP switc h mounted next to the programming port. A standard i nput (X0 to X17; X0 to X7 for FX 2N -16M ¶ uni ts) defin ed by the system paramet ers.
FX2N Series Programmable C ontrollers Installation Notes 3 3-7 Commande Run/Stop de la FX 2N La fonction RUN ou ST OP de la FX 2N peut êtr e commandée: au commutateur RUN/ STOP instal lé à cô.
FX2N Series Programmable C ontrollers Installation Notes 3 3-8 3.3 T able 3.3: SPEC 0-5 5° C 32 - 131 F Operating temp erat ure T empérature de servi ce Betriebste mperatur T emperat ura di eserciz .
FX2N Series Programmable C ontrollers Installation Notes 3 3-9 3.4 PLC mounti ng arrangements T o prevent a ris e in temperature , mount the unit s to walls. Never mount them to the floor or ceil ing of a n enc losure . Figure 3.2 Single row arrangement Figure 3.
FX2N Series Programmable C ontrollers Installation Notes 3 3-1 0 Cau ti on • Units should not be installed in areas subject to the following co nditions: e xcessive or conductive dust, corrosive or flammable ga s, moisture or rain, excessive he at, regular impact s hocks or excessi ve vibrati on.
FX2N Series Programmable C ontrollers Installation Notes 3 3-11 3.5 DIN rail mounting Units can be ‘snap’ mounted on to 35mm (1.38 inch) DIN rail. T o release the unit fr om a DIN rail mount; pull the spring loaded DIN clips a way from the ra il. Onc e the spring clip s are clear , slide the unit up and of f.
FX2N Series Programmable C ontrollers Installation Notes 3 3-1 2 3.6 Direct mounting Direkte Mont age Mont aje d irecto ENG GER ESP Monta ge direct Mont aggio dirett o FRE IT L w A POWER BATT.
FX2N Series Programmable C ontrollers Installation Notes 3 3-13 3.7 General not es Always en sure that mou nted uni ts and blocks are kep t as far as possible from high-vol tage cables, high-v oltage equi pment and power equipment.
FX2N Series Programmable C ontrollers Installation Notes 3 3-1 4 3.8 Extens ion Board I nst allation T o inst all a special funct ion extensi on board on the left side of the FX 2N MPU: Remove the top cover of the FX 2N . Fit the board to the connect or and position over the screw holes corr ectly .
FX2N Series Programmable C ontrollers Installation Notes 3 3-15 Inst alla tion de la carte d’extension Pour instal ler une carte d’extens ion à fonctions spéciales du côt é gauche de la MPU FX.
FX2N Series Programmable C ontrollers Installation Notes 3 3-1 6.
Power Sup ply 4 4-1 1 Introduction Introduction Einleitung Introduzione Introducción 2 T erminal Layout s Occupation des bornes Klemmen- belegungen Assegnazione dei morsetti Ocupaciones de bornas 3 I.
FX2N Series Programmable C ontrollers Power Sup ply 4 4-2.
FX2N Series Programmable C ontrollers Power Sup ply 4 4-3 4. Wiring techniques The wiring of FX 2N product s has been designed to be safe and easy . If during the i nstal lation of these product or as.
FX2N Series Programmable C ontrollers Power Sup ply 4 4-4 4.1 Wiring c autions • Do not run input sign als in the s ame multicore ca ble as output s ignals or al low them to share the same wire. • Do not lay I/O signal cabl es next to power cables or allow them t o share the same trunki ng duct.
FX2N Series Programmable C ontrollers Power Sup ply 4 4-5 4.2 T erminat ion at screw term inals Cables terminati ng at a screw terminal of an FX 2N pr oduct should be fitt ed with insulat ed crimp termi nals, see example shown. T ermi nals screws should be tight ened to between 5 and 8 kg-cm (4.
FX2N Series Programmable C ontrollers Power Sup ply 4 4-6 4.3 Power supply When wiring AC sup plies the ‘Live’ cable shoul d be connected t o the ‘L ’ ter minal and the ‘Neutral’ cable shou ld be connected to the ‘N’ terminal.
FX2N Series Programmable C ontrollers Power Sup ply 4 4-7 Aliment ation en tension Lors du ra ccord ement d’ une ten sion al tern ativ e (CA), le c onduct eur Ldo it êtr e racco rdé à la borne L et le conducteu r N à la borne N.
FX2N Series Programmable C ontrollers Power Sup ply 4 4-8 T able 4.1: FX 2N - ¶¶ M/E- ES/ESS/E FX 2N - ¶¶ M/E-DS/DSS Power suppl y 100 - 240 V AC +10 % -15%, 50/60 Hz 24V DC +20 %, -30% Alime ntation en te nsion Spannungs versor gung Alime ntazione d ella t ensio ne Alimen ta ción d e tensió n Max.
FX2N Series Programmable C ontrollers Power Sup ply 4 4-9 Figure 4.2: T able 4.2: Power connection diagram Raccord ement de la tension Sp annungs- anschluß Allac ciament o del la te nsi one Cone xió.
FX2N Series Programmable C ontrollers Power Sup ply 4 4-1 0 4.4 Earthing/Grounding Use a cable at lea st 2mm 2 (A WG14) to groun d equipmen t. Ground re sist ance mus t be less than 100 Ω (class 3). Note that the ground cable must not be connected to the same ground as the power circuits.
FX2N Series Programmable C ontrollers Power Sup ply 4 4-11 4.5 Service power supply If the syst em bein g inst alle d uses the se rvice su pply from bo th the PLC and a power ed extensio n block , then the 0V terminals should be linked. • DO NOT however , link the 24V terminals .
FX2N Series Programmable C ontrollers Power Sup ply 4 4-1 2 T able 4.3: FX: W ithout extens ion b lock FX 2N -16M, F X 2N -32M/E-ES/E SS = 24V DC Max. 250mA FX 2N -48M/E-ES /ESS, FX 2N -64M-ES/ ESS, F.
FX2N Series Programmable C ontrollers Inputs 5 5-1 5. Input s 1 Introduction Introduction Einleitung Introduzione Introducción 2 T erminal Layout s Occupation des bornes Klemmen- belegungen Assegnazi.
FX2N Series Programmable C ontrollers Inputs 5 5-2.
FX2N Series Programmable C ontrollers Inputs 5 5-3 5.1 T able 5.1: FX 2N X0 - X7 X10 - ∞ Input cur rent 24V DC, 7mA 24V DC, 5mA Courant d’ entrée Eingangs stro m Corrente di ing resso Corriente d e entrada OFF Ì ON / ON Ì OF F; input switching curre nt: >4.
FX2N Series Programmable C ontrollers Inputs 5 5-4 5.1.1 Figure 5.1: ENG - Source (positive input connection, ne gative S/S) FRE - Source (émetteur ) (pôle positif) GER - Source (pl usschaltend) ITL - Source (comando positivo) ESP - Source (conexión de posi tivo) Figure 5.
FX2N Series Programmable C ontrollers Inputs 5 5-5 Figure 5.3: ENG - Sink (negative input connection ) FRE - Sink (récepteu r) GER - Sink (minusschal tend) ITL - Sink (conexión de negativo ) ESP - S.
FX2N Series Programmable C ontrollers Inputs 5 5-6 5.1.2 Input circuit connect ion T able 5.2: REF . DC servic e supply T ens ion de s ervice CC DC-Service- Spannung T ensio ne di se rviz io DC T .
FX2N Series Programmable C ontrollers Inputs 5 5-7 5.1.3 Diodes and input s connected in series; ENG FRE GER IT L ESP 24V X S/ S 0V 24V DC 24V X S/ S 0V 24V DC Source (-v e S /S ) Si nk ( +v e S/ S) E.
FX2N Series Programmable C ontrollers Inputs 5 5-8 5.1.4 Resistors and input s connected in para llel Parallel r esistance Rp: F X 2N =1 5 k Ω . I f resistance Rp is le ss than t he stated va lue, then a dd Rb. See equation 1 for Rb calculati on. Alternativel y; Current leakage: FX 2N = 1.
FX2N Series Programmable C ontrollers Inputs 5 5-9 5.2 T able 5.3: FX 2N X0 - ∞ Input voltage 85-132V AC 50/6 0Hz T e nsion d’ entrée Eingangs spannung T e nsion e di ingr esso T e nsión de entr.
FX2N Series Programmable C ontrollers Inputs 5 5-1 0 5.2.1 T able 5.4: FX 0N X0 - ∞ Input voltage 85-132V AC 50/6 0Hz T e nsion d’ entrée Eingangs spannung T e nsion e di ingr esso T e nsión de .
FX2N Series Programmable C ontrollers Inputs 5 5-11 5.2.2 Figure 5.5: ENG - T ypica l wirin g FRE - Exemple de câblage GER - V erdrahtungsbeispiel ITL - Esempio di cablaggio ESP - Ejemplo de cableado T able 5.5: REF . AC serv ice s upply (see page 4.
FX2N Series Programmable C ontrollers Inputs 5 5-1 2 5.2.3 Programming caution When using 1 10V AC units, high speed counter and interrupt routi nes are not suit able for use due to the long ‘ON/OFF’ times. The fol lowing instru ctions are also no t suitable.
Outpu ts 6 6-1 6. Output s 1 Introduction Introduction Einleitung Introduzione Introducción 2 T erminal Layout s Occupation des bornes Klemmen- belegungen Assegnazione dei morsetti Ocupaciones de bor.
FX2N Series Programmable C ontrollers Outpu ts 6 6-2.
FX2N Series Programmable C ontrollers Outpu ts 6 6-3 6.1 T able 6.1: FX 2N Y0 - ∞ Switched v oltages (resisti ve load) ≤ 240V AC, 30V DC Rated current / N points (resisti ve load) 2A / 1 point .
FX2N Series Programmable C ontrollers Outpu ts 6 6-4 6.1.1 Reliabilit y test s The test results in t a ble 6.2 were gathered from a 1 sec ON /OFF test cycle. Please note that the ov er cur rent i nduce d by in-r ush gr eatl y reduc es the r elay co nt act s servic e life.
FX2N Series Programmable C ontrollers Outpu ts 6 6-5 6.1.2 Figure 6.1: ENG - T ypical wiring FRE - Exemple de câblage GER - V erdrahtungsbeispi el ITL - Esempio di cablaggio ESP - Ejemplo de cableado T able 6.
FX2N Series Programmable C ontrollers Outpu ts 6 6-6 6.2 T able 6.4: FX 2N Y0 Ì ∞ Switched v oltages (resisti ve load) 85 - 242 V AC Rated current / N point s (resis tive lo ad) 0.
FX2N Series Programmable C ontrollers Outpu ts 6 6-7 6.2.1 In-rush current s These current s should be kept as low as possible. The root mean squar e ( Ι rms )<0 .
FX2N Series Programmable C ontrollers Outpu ts 6 6-8 6.3 Figure 6.3: ENG - T ypic al wir ing FRE - Exemple de câblage GER - V erdrahtungsbeispi el ITL - Esempio di cablaggio ESP - Ejemplo de cableado T able 6.
FX2N Series Programmable C ontrollers Outpu ts 6 6-9 6.4 T able 6.6: FX 2N Y0 Ì ∞ Switched v oltage (resisti ve load) 5-3 0VD C Rated current / N point s (resis tive lo ad) 0.
FX2N Series Programmable C ontrollers Outpu ts 6 6-1 0 6.4.1 Response times OFF times increase as the load current decreases. For improved response times use a ‘dummy’ resistor , see Figure 6.
FX2N Series Programmable C ontrollers Outpu ts 6 6-11 6.5 Figure 6.5: FX 2N - ¶¶ MT -ESS, FX 2N - ¶¶ ET -ESS, (Source) Figure 6.6: FX 2N - ¶¶ MT , FX 2N - ¶¶ ET (Sink)Jap anese spec.
FX2N Series Programmable C ontrollers Outpu ts 6 6-1 2 6.6 Applying safe loads Ensure all loads are appli ed to the same side of each PLC output, see previous figures. Loads wh ich should NEVE R simultaneously op erate (e.g. direction co ntrol of a motor), because of a safety criti cal situation, shoul d not rely on the PLC’s sequenc ing alone.
Diagnostics 7 7-1 7. Diagnostics 1 Introduction Introduction Einleitung Introduzione Introducción 2 T erminal Layout s Occupation des bornes Klemmen- belegungen Assegnazione dei morsetti Ocupaciones .
FX2N Series Programmable C ontrollers Diagnostics 7 7-2.
FX2N Series Programmable C ontrollers Diagnostics 7 7-3 7.1 T able 7.1: REF . Chec k pow er supply , ground and I/O c abl es are wi red corre ctly . C heck a ll terminal sc rews are tight.
FX2N Series Programmable C ontrollers Diagnostics 7 7-4 7.2 Basic diagnostics The followi ng diagnostic fu nctions will h elp identify , common fault s. Diagnostic d’erreurs général Le diagnostic d’erreurs suivant vous offr e une aide pour la recherche et l ’élimination des per- turb ations.
FX2N Series Programmable C ontrollers Diagnostics 7 7-5 Possible results Résul tat s possibiles M ögliche Prüfergebniss e Possibili risultati dei controlli Resultados posi- bies de la prueba deverifica ción Power LED re mains OFF Possibl e fuse blown in the P LC.
FX2N Series Programmable C ontrollers Diagnostics 7 7-6 7.2.2 Fault Perturbation Störung Anomalla Fallo / avería BA TT .V LED ON LED BA TT .V s’allu me BA TT .V -LED le uchtet Il LED BA TT .V si accend e Diodo LED de BA TT .V encendido Remedy Remède Abhilfe Rimedio Remedio Monitor M 8006 wi th a progr amming t ool.
FX2N Series Programmable C ontrollers Diagnostics 7 7-7 Possible resu lt s Résu ltats possibiles Mö gliche Prüfergebniss e Possibili r isult ati dei controlli Result ados posibies de la prueba de veri fica ció n Monit or D8005. Th is is the current battery volt- age (in 0.
FX2N Series Programmable C ontrollers Diagnostics 7 7-8 7.2.3 Fault Perturbation Störung Anomalla Fallo / avería PROG .E LED flashes LED PROG . E PROG .E-LED blinkt LE D PROG .E Diodo LED de PROG .E Remedy Remède Abhilfe Rimedio Remedio Check BA TT .
FX2N Series Programmable C ontrollers Diagnostics 7 7-9 7.2.4 Fault Perturbation Störung Anomalla Fallo / avería CPU.E LED ON La LED C PU. E est all umée CPU.E-LED leuc hte t Il LED CPU.E èa c c e s o Diodo LED de CPU.E ence ndido Remedy Remède Abhilfe Rimedio Remedio Rese t PLC.
FX2N Series Programmable C ontrollers Diagnostics 7 7-1 0 Remedy Remède Abhilfe Rimedio Remedio Disc onne ct earth/gr ound ter minal Débrancher le racc ord- ement de terre. Erdungsan schluß abklem men. Sta c c a r e i l collega mento a terra. Desembornar l a con- e x i ó nd ep u e s t aa tierra.
FX2N Series Programmable C ontrollers Diagnostics 7 7-11 Remedy Remède Abhilfe Rimedio Remedio Poss ibl e progr am/s can time error . Check D8012 for pro gram scan time, (uni ts 0.1m sec m us t be le ss than 0. 1 sec, i. e data value < 1000 ) . Erreur éventuel le de temps de cycl e de programme .
FX2N Series Programmable C ontrollers Diagnostics 7 7-1 2 7.3 Common errors - Corroded contac t points at s ome point in an I/O line. - An I/O device has been used outside it s specified operating r ange. - An input signal occurs in a shorter time peri od than that tak en by one program scan.
FX2N Series Programmable C ontrollers Diagnostics 7 7-13 7.4 R eplaci ng the batte ry T urn OFF PLC’ s power supp ly . Remove top cove r (Z) from the PL C. Remove batte ry from holder - disconnect and replace. (This shou ld be ca rried out in 20 sec i f the curren t data held in the PLC’ s RAM is not to be lost).
FX2N Series Programmable C ontrollers Diagnostics 7 7-1 4 7.5 Mainte nance - Battery has a 5 year life (3 year s when used wi th FX-RAM-8). - Check interior temperat ure of the p anel. - Check panel air filters if f itted. - Check for loosening of terminals or mount ing faciliti es (due to vibration ).
FX2N Series Programmable C ontrollers Diagnostics 7 7-15 7.6 T able 7.2: M8004 - M8039 REF . M8004 (ref. D8 004) Error occurrence (ON when M8060- 7 are ON) Erreur (MARCHE, lorsque M 8060-67 MARCHE) Fe.
FX2N Series Programmable C ontrollers Diagnostics 7 7-1 6 Figure 7.1: ENG - Power down and its associated flags FRE - Indicateur s d’erreurs pour pannes de tension GER - Fehlermerker für Spannungsa usfall ITL - Merker di errore per caduta di tensi one ESP - Marcadores de fallos/ errores para fall o de tensión T able 7.
FX2N Series Programmable C ontrollers Diagnostics 7 7-17 7.7 T able 7.4: D8000 - D8009 REF . D8000 (default 100mse c) Wat chdog timer W atchdog timer (surveil lance du temps ) Watch-Dog- Timer T imer .
FX2N Series Programmable C ontrollers Diagnostics 7 7-1 8 Figure 7.2: ENG - I/O configurat ion error , A) number , B) type FRE - Erreur de configurat ion E/S, A) Numéro, B) T ype GER - E-/A-Konfigu r.
FX2N Series Programmable C ontrollers Diagnostics 7 7-19 7.8 T able 7.6: D8061 - D8062 REF . D8061 Check cabl e connect ions Vérifier les l iaisons câblées Ka belverbindunge n überprüfen Co ntrol.
FX2N Series Programmable C ontrollers Diagnostics 7 7-2 0 T able 7.7: D8063 REF . D8063 Chec k bot h po wer and commun ications connect ions Vér ifi er l’a lim entati on en tension e t les liai son.
FX2N Series Programmable C ontrollers Diagnostics 7 7-21 7.9 T able 7.8: ENG - Numericall y sorted FRE - Classement numériqu e GER - Numerisch sortier t ITL - In ordine numeric o ESP - Clasifi cació.
FX2N Series Programmable C ontrollers Diagnostics 7 7-2 2 T able 7.9: ENG - Alphabeticall y sorted GER - Alphabetisc h sortier t ESP - Clasif icación alf abétic a FRE - Classement alphabét ique ITL - In ordine alfabeti co Sym bol FNC No. D P Symbo l FNC No.
FX2N Series Programmable C ontrollers Diagnostics 7 7-23 FX 2N 8000 step s, FX-RAM-8 = 8K - 16K steps FX-EPROM-8 = 8K -16K step s FX-EEPROM- 16 = 4K - 16K s teps X0 - 327 (256 pnt s) (X+Y) ≤ 256 pnt s Max.
FX2N Series Programmable C ontrollers Diagnostics 7 7-2 4 Numb ers 16 b it 32 bit K -32, 768 to 32,767 -2,147,483,6 48 to 2,147,48 3,647 H 0 to FFFF H 0 to FFFFFFF FH Float - 0 ± 1.
Index 8 8-1 8. Index 1 Introduction Introduction Einleitung Introduzione Introducción 2 T erminal Layout s Occupation des bornes Klemmen- belegungen Assegnazione dei morsetti Ocupaciones de bornas 3 .
FX2N Series Programmable C ontrollers Index 8 8-2.
FX2N Series Programmable C ontrollers Index 8 8-3 ENG A AC pow ered bas e units FX 2N units ........... ............. ............. ............ 1 -4 Approval s .............. ............. ............. ............. viii B Base u nit s AC powered (relay/tran sistor output) .
FX2N Series Programmable C ontrollers Index 8 8-4 W Wiri ng Advice .... ............. ............. ................... ...... 4 -3 Caution ... ............. ............. ............. ............ 4 -4 Connectin g 1 10V AC i nputs ......... ........
FX2N Series Programmable C ontrollers Index 8 8-5 FRE A Accessoir es de s a ppareils . ............. ............ 1 -8 Alime ntation en t ension Caractéris tiques des câbles .......... ............ 4 -7 Equipeme nt du sys tème ........ ............
FX2N Series Programmable C ontrollers Index 8 8-6 R Raccor demen t des b ornes Bornes à v is ....... ............. ................... ...... 4- 5 Registre d’erreu rs ....... ............ ................. 7- 17 Rela is Fiabilité ............... .
FX2N Series Programmable C ontrollers Index 8 8-7 GER A AC-G rundgerät FX 2N -Geräte ....... ................... ............. ...... 1- 4 Allgem eine Mer kmale FX 2N -Geräte ....... ................... ............. ...... 3- 4 Antwortzeit beim Einsatz eines T ransistors .
FX2N Series Programmable C ontrollers Index 8 8-8 S Seriennu mmer Erläute rung .. ............. ............ ............. .... 1-10 Serv ice-Spannu ng Services pannung von DC 24 V .......... ..... 4-1 1 Systema usrüstung .......... ............. ..
FX2N Series Programmable C ontrollers Index 8 8-9 IT L A Accessor i ............. ................... ............. ....... 1-9 Alime ntazione d ella t ensio ne Allestimen to del sistema ....... ............. ...... 4 -8 Dati caratterist ici dei cavi .
FX2N Series Programmable C ontrollers Index 8 8-1 0 S Sicure zza Direttiv e di sic urezza .. ............ ............. .......... v Simboli usati ne l manuale ................... .......... v Sostit uzione de lla b atteria .. ............. ......... 7-13 T T e m p od ir i s p o s t aq u a n d o si us a un tra nsistor .
FX2N Series Programmable C ontrollers Index 8 8-11 ESP A Accesori os de las unid ades ............ ............ 1 -7 Alimen ta ción d e tensió n Aislamien to del sistema ...................... ...... 4- 6 Equipamiento del sistema ............. .....
FX2N Series Programmable C ontrollers Index 8 8-1 2 R Registro de fallos/err ores ... ............. .......... 7-1 7 Relé Fiabilida d ............. ............. ............. ............ 6- 4 Salidas .......... ............. ............ ..........
ESP La MITSU BISHI ELECTRIC no a s umirá r espo nsabil idad al guna por los daños qu e se prod uzca n a causa de u na inst alación ina decua da o de un ser vici o inapro piado de las un idad es o de los a cceso rios.
MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC European Representatives Headquarters Wiener Straße 89 A-2500 Baden +43 (0) 2252 / 85 55 20 Phone: +43 (0) 2252 / 488 60 Fax: GEVA AUSTRIA Pontbeeklaan 43 B-1731 Asse-Zellik +32 (0) 2 / 467 17 51 Phone: +32 (0) 2 / 467 17 45 Fax: N.
デバイスMitsubishi MELSEC FX2Nの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Mitsubishi MELSEC FX2Nをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはMitsubishi MELSEC FX2Nの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Mitsubishi MELSEC FX2Nの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Mitsubishi MELSEC FX2Nで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Mitsubishi MELSEC FX2Nを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はMitsubishi MELSEC FX2Nの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Mitsubishi MELSEC FX2Nに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちMitsubishi MELSEC FX2Nデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。