Mitsumi electronicメーカーFR-PU07/FR-PU07BBの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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FR-PU07/FR-PU07BB INSTRUCTION MANUAL D INVERT ER INVER TER Option unit INSTRUCTION MANUAL INVER TER HEAD OFFICE: TOKYO BUILDING 2-7-3, MARUNOUCHI, CHIYODA-KU, TOKYO 100-8310, JAP AN 1 2 3 4 6 5 FR-PU07 FR-PU07BB Parameter unit IB(NA)- 0600240ENG-D(0901) ME E Printed in Japan Specifications subject to change without notice .
A-1 Than k you fo r choo sing th e Mitsu bishi inve rter option unit. This i nstruc tion ma nual giv es handl ing i nformat ion and precau tion s for us e of th is equ ipmen t. Inco rrect h andl ing m ight cause an u nexp ected faul t. Be fore using the equi pmen t, pl ease read t his man ual care fully to use the eq uipme nt to its op timum.
A-2 2. Additional I nstructions T o pr event in jury , damage or produ ct fa ilure, pl ease not e the followin g points. (1) T ransportation and mounting (2) T est operation and adjustment (3) Usage (.
A-3 (5) Dispo sal (6) Gene ral ins truct ion 3. Safety Precautions for Alkaline Battery When us ing an alkali ne batt ery , read the in stru ction manual s carefu lly befo re usin g them .
I — CONTENTS — INTRODUCTION 1 1 PRE-OPERA TION INSTRUCTIONS 2 1.1 Supporting inverter mod els .................................................................................................. ............ 2 1.2 Unpacking and Product Conf irmation .
II 1.5.2 PU buzzer control (Pr. 990) ............ ......... ....... ......... ....... .......... ......... ....... ......... ....... ......... .... ......... ....... ....... 20 1.5.3 PU contrast adjustment (Pr. 991) ......... .......... ...... .......
III 2.5 Calibration of the Meter (Frequen cy Meter).................................................................................. .42 2.5.1 Calibratio n of the F M terminal ........... ......... ....... .......... ......... ....... ......... .....
IV 3.3.1 Precautions f or parameter un it operatio n .. .......... ....... ......... ....... ......... .......... ....... ......... ....... ...... ....... ......... . 81 4O P E R A T I O N 82 4.1 How to Select the Operation Mode ......................
V 6.2.1 FR-PU07 outline dime nsion drawings ........ ....... .......... ......... ....... ......... ....... .......... ......... ....... ..... . .......... ...... . 93 6.2.2 FR-PU07BB outline dimens ion drawings ............. ....... ......... .......
1 INTRO DUCTION This product is a unit for setting inverter functions (parameters) and has the following features. · An op eration pa nel ca n be remo ved and a param eter unit c an be con nected. · Setti ng such as direc t inpu t method with a numeric keyp ad, operat ion s tatus ind ication, and help funct ion are usab le.
2 1 PRE-OPERATION INSTRUCTIO NS 1.1 Suppor ting inve rter models • FR-PU07/FR-PU07BB supporting models *1 If a product assembled before the above date is connected when the inverter power is O FF , "MITS UBISHI" appears on the liquid crystal display screen and it is inoperative.
3 1 Unpacking and Product Confir mation z SERIAL number For p rod uct as semb led dat e, c heck the SER IAL nu mbe r in dic ated o n th e inv ert er r ati ng pla te o r pack age. z SERIAL number chec k Refer to the invert er manual for the locat ion of t he rating p late.
4 Unpacking and Product Confirma tion 1.2 Unpacki ng and Produ ct Confir mation T ake the parameter unit out of the pac kage, check the unit name, and confirm that the product is as you ordered and intact. 1.2.1 Unpacking confirmation Check the enclosed items.
5 1 Unpacking and Product Confir mation 1.2.2 Appearance and pa rts identification Unpack the parameter unit, check the name plate on the back, and make sure that the product has not been damaged before using.
6 Unpacking and Product Confirma tion FR-PU07BB Front Rear 0.00 Hz STF FWD PU READ :List Bottom Operation keys POWER lamp Lit when the power turns ON. ALARM lamp Lit to indicate an inverter fault occurrence. Rating plate Power supply switch Set to ON when using in the battery mode.
7 1 Unpacking and Product Confir mation 1.2.3 Explanation of k eys Key Description Used to se lect th e paramete r setting mode. Press to sel ect the parameter se tting mo de. Used to di splay t he first prior ity scre en. Used to di splay t he output fr equen cy when making an initial se tting.
8 Unpacking and Product Confirma tion Fo rwa rd r ota tion c om ma nd ke y . Reverse rot atio n command key . · S top c omma nd ke y . · Used to reset the inverter when a fault occurs. · Used to write a set value in the setting mode. · Used as a cl ear key i n the all parame ter cle ar or alarm history cl ear mod e.
9 1 Installation and Removal of FR-PU07 1.3 Installat ion and Remova l of FR- PU07 T o ensure safety , install or remove FR-PU07 after switching the power of the inverter OFF . FR-PU07 cannot be directly inst alled to the FR-E700, D700 inverter . 1.3.
10 Installation and Removal of FR-PU07 1.3.2 Removal f rom the inve rter (A 700/F700 series) Loosen the fixed screws, hold down the right and lef t hooks of the FR-PU07, and then pull the p ar ameter unit toward you.
11 1 Installation and Removal of FR-PU07 1.3.3 Installation using th e connection cable (FR-CB2) • For the FR-A700/FR-F700 (1) Remove the operation p anel (FR-DU07).
12 Installation and Removal of FR-PU07 • For FR-E700 (1) Open the PU connect or cover . ( 2 ) Securely insert one end of connec tion cable into t he PU connector o f the inverter and the other end into the conne ction connector o f FR-PU07 along the guides until the st oppers are fixed.
13 1 Installation and Removal of FR-PU07 • For FR-D700 (1) Rem ove th e inver ter front cover . (For the re moval of th e fron t cover , refer t o the in verter manual.
14 Connection and Removal of FR-PU07BB 1.4 Connec tion and Re moval of FR-PU 07BB 1.4.1 Before using FR-PU07BB in the battery mode For the power supply of FR-PU07BB, a battery and an AC adapter (sold sep arately) are available. (1) When using a battery 1) Loos en the scr ew of the FR- PU07BB r ear side .
15 1 Connection and Removal of FR-PU07BB (2) When using an AC adapter 1) Pul l out the prot ectiv e co ver t oward you t o remo ve and then insert the output plu g of an AC adapt er (sold s eparatel y) into the A C a dapter conn ector . 2) Con nect the A C adapter (sold separat ely) to a A C p ower supply .
16 Connection and Removal of FR-PU07BB REMARKS · Discon nectio n of the con nector can be preve nted by catching the cab le with the h ook of the parameter unit. · When u sing a recha rgeab le bat tery , use the rec harge able ba ttery charged with t he cha rger sp ecified by the battery m anufa cturer.
17 1 Connection and Removal of FR-PU07BB 1.4.2 Instructions fo r the FR-PU0 7BB (bat tery mode) (1) Functions available when using i n the battery mode (2) FM/AM calibration parameter ( Pr .
18 Connection and Removal of FR-PU07BB 1.4.3 Connecting to FR-A700/F700 using the connection cable (FR-CB2) (1) Remove the operation panel (FR-DU07). (2) Insert one end of connection cable securely in.
19 1 Connection and Removal of FR-PU07BB 1.4.4 Connecting to FR-E700 using the connection cable (FR-CB2) (1) Open the PU cover of the inverter. (2) Insert one end of connection cable securely into the PU connector of the inverter and the other end i nto the connection connector of FR-PU07BB along t he cable guides until the stoppers are fixed .
20 Parameters to be Checked First 1.5 Parameter s to be Checke d First Change the following p arameter settings as required. For the changing procedures, refer to page 3 3 . 1.5.1 PU display langua ge selection (Pr. 145) By setting the Pr . 145 P U display languag e selectio n value, you can select the language displaye d on the parameter unit.
21 1 Parame ters to be Check ed Firs t 1.5.3 PU contrast adjustment (Pr. 991) By setting the Pr . 99 1 PU cont rast ad just ment value, you can adjust the contrast for the display panel of the parameter unit.
22 2 FUNCTI ONS 2.1 Monit oring Fun ctio n 2.1.1 Display overv iew (1) Main monitor Shows the output frequency , output current, output voltage, alarm history and other monitor dat a.
23 Monitoring Function 2 (4) Operation mode indication Displays the st atus of the operation mode. EXT : External operation mode PU : PU operation mode EXTj : External Jog mode PUj : PU Jog mode NET : Network operation mode PU+E : External/PU combined operation mode (5) Unit indication Shows the unit of the main monitor .
24 Monitoring Function REMARKS · S tandby mo de f unction When FR -PU0 7BB gets into the stan dby mode , the back light of the parameter un it turns OF F , and POW ER LE D rem a in s lit . <Switching conditions> ·Whe n the FR-PU 07BB is left in the po wer-ON status for one minu te witho ut conne cting to the in verter .
25 Monitoring Function 2 2.1.2 Using " SH I FT" to change th e main monitor When "0" (initial value) is set in the Pr . 52 DU/PU main display data selection , simply pressin g calls 6 different monitor sc reens in sequence.
26 Monitoring Function 2.1.3 S etting the pow er-ON monitor (the first priority monitor) Set the monitor which appears first when power is switched ON or i s pressed. • When you press during any monitor screen other than ALARM HISTOR Y being displayed, that screen is set as the power-ON screen and will be disp layed first.
27 Monitoring Function 2 2.1.4 Using " READ" to change th e main moni tor Press to display the monitoring list while the main monitor is displayed. Select a monitor from the monitoring list to change the mai n monitor . Exampl e: Sele ct the output curren t peak va lue mon itor .
28 Monitoring Function 2.1.5 Using the parameter to ch ange the monitor (Pr. 52 ) T o change the third monitor (output voltage monitor), set Pr . 52 DU/PU main dis play data selection .
29 Monitoring Function 2 * The monitor displayed at powering ON is the first priority monitor . Refer to pa ge 26 for the setting method of the first priority monitor . 1) For the set value of "17, 18, 24", thei r monitors are displayed at the second monitor instead o f output current monitor .
30 Frequency Setting 2.2 Frequenc y Sett ing The frequency in PU operation mode and External /PU combined operation mode ( Pr . 79 = "3") can be set.
31 Frequency Se tting 2 2.2.2 Step setting Chang e freque ncy con tinuousl y using / . Y ou can cha nge th e frequ ency on ly while y ou press / . Since the fre quenc y chan ges slowl y at firs t, this set ting can b e us ed f or fi ne adjus tme nt. 1 Press .
32 Frequency Setting 2.2.3 Precautions for frequenc y setting 1) Pr . 79 Operation mode selection must have been set to switch to the PU operation. (Refer to the inverter instruction manual for detai ls of Pr . 79 .) 2) In the monitor mode, you cannot make the direct setting (Refer to page 30) to set the r unning frequency .
33 Setting and Changing the Parameter Va lues 2 2.3 Setting and Chang ing th e Parameter Values Using the FR-PU07/FR-PU07BB allows you to read the p arameter of inverter or change the set v alue easily . Refer to the inverter instruction manual for details of the parameters.
34 Setting and Changing the Pa rameter V alues 2.3.2 Selecting the para meter from functional list to c hange the set val ue Example: When changing 5s to 180s at the Pr . 8 Deceleration time setti ng 1 Press . The frequency setting screen appears, and operation mode changes to PU operation mode.
35 Setting and Changing the Parameter Va lues 2 * If is p ressed w hen an incorr ect setting v alue is input, the display return s to the list display "8". 10 (1) Direct setti ng Press . * Enter the desired v alue. Or (2)S tep setting Press .
36 Setting and Changing the Pa rameter V alues 2.3.3 Selecting t he paramet er from parameter list to c hange the se t value Example: When changing 5s to 180s at the Pr . 8 Deceleration time setting * If is press ed wh en an inco rrect s etting valu e is input, the di splay re turns to th e list display "5 ".
37 Setting and Changing the Parameter Va lues 2 2.3.4 Selecting t he paramet er from User List t o change the set value If a parameter is registered to User List, the parameter can be read from User List and changed. (F or registering the user group, refer to page 3 9 .
38 Setting and Changing the Pa rameter V alues 2.3.5 Precautions for se tting write · Perform parameter setting change during an inverter stop basically in the PU operation mode or combined operation mode. The p arameter setting can not be changed in the External operation mode or during inverter operation.
39 User Group Function 2 2.4 User Gr oup Functi on · User group function is a function to display only parameters necessary fo r setting. · Among all parameters, max imum 16 parameters can be registered to the user group. When "1" is set in Pr .
40 User Group Function 2.4.1 Registering the parameters to user group 1 Press . The parameter unit is in the parameter setting mode. 2 Read the par ameters. Ente r th e par amet er numb er to be reg istered to the use r group wi th the numb er keys and press to read t he para meter setting.
41 User Group Function 2 2.4.2 Deleting the para meters from user group 2.4.3 Confirming the parameters registered to use r group 1 Press . The parameter unit is in the parameter setting mode. 2 Select "Us er List". Using / , point the cursor t o "3 User List" and press .
42 Calibration of the Mete r (Frequenc y Meter) 2.5 Calibrat ion of the Met er (Freque ncy Meter) The functions vary with the inverter . (Refer to the inverter instruction manual for details of the parameters.
43 Calibration of the Meter (Frequency Mete r) 2 2.5.2 Calibration of t he AM terminal This section provid es a way to calib rate the meter conn ected to term inal AM using t he p aramete r unit. (1) Calibration proc edure 1 (Example: T o calib rate the met er at th e running frequenc y of 60Hz) 7 Press .
44 Calibration of the Mete r (Frequenc y Meter) (2) When calibrating out put current For the output current or another item, which does not easily point 100% value during operation, adjust the reference vol tage output, then select the item to be displayed.
45 Calibration of the Meter (Frequency Mete r) 2 6 Enter and press . The present Pr . 901 setting appears. 7 Enter and press . The setting of maximum running frequency is comp lete . 8 Press . Forward rotation is per formed at 60Hz. Y ou need not co nnect the motor to m ake adjust ment.
46 Adjustment of the Frequency Setting Signa ls "Bias" and "Gain" 2.6 Adjustmen t of the Freque ncy Setting Signals "Bias" and "Gain" The functions vary with the inverter model. (Refer to the inverter instruction manual for details of the functions.
47 Adjustment of the Fre quency Setting Signals "Bias " and "Gain" 2 (1) Adjust only the bias and gain frequencies and not adjust the voltage • Setting of the frequency setting voltage bias 1 Press . The frequency setting screen appears, and operation mode changes to PU operation mode.
48 Adjustment of the Frequency Setting Signa ls "Bias" and "Gain" • Setting of the frequency setting voltage gain The adjustment of the frequency s etting volt age bias and gain is c omplete. 6 Press . The present s etting appears.
49 Adjustment of the Fre quency Setting Signals "Bias " and "Gain" 2 (2) Adjust any poin t by application of voltage to across terminals 2-5 • Setting of the frequency setting volt age bias 1 Press . The frequency setting screen appears, and operation mode changes to PU operation mode.
50 Adjustment of the Frequency Setting Signa ls "Bias" and "Gain" • Setting of the frequency setting volt age gain The adjustment of the frequency s etting voltage bias and gain is complete. 9 Press , then . The present Pr . 903 setting appears.
51 Adjustment of the Fre quency Setting Signals "Bias " and "Gain" 2 (3) Adjust any point without application of voltage to across terminals 2-5 • Setting of the frequency setting v oltage bias 1 Press . The frequency setting screen appears, and operation mode changes to PU operation mode.
52 Adjustment of the Frequency Setting Signa ls "Bias" and "Gain" • Setting of the frequency setting v oltage gain The adjustment of the frequency s etting voltage bias and gain is complete. 9 Press , then . The present Pr . 903 sett ing value appears.
53 3 3 FUNCTI ON MENU 3.1 Overview of Fu nction Menu Press in any operation mode to call the function menu, on which you can perform various func tions. 3.1.1 Function menu Function M enu Desc ripti on Refer T o 1. MONI TOR FR-PU07 The monitor list appears, and you can change f rom one monitor to another and set the first priority monitor .
54 Overview of Functio n Menu 3. Pr .List The parameter menu appears, and you can perf orm "parameter setting", "list display", "parameter change list display" and "initial value list display".
55 Overview of Function M enu 3 3.1.2 Function menu transition *1 C annot be monitore d for the F R-E700 and FR-D70 0 series . *2 Cann ot be mon it ored f or the FR -F70 0 and FR- D700 seri es. *3 Can be moni tored f or t he FR -F700 ser ies w ith the 75K o r more .
56 Overview of Functio n Menu 2 Pr.List 1 Setting Mode 3 Set Pr.List 4 Def.Pr.List SETTING MODE 0~9:Ser Pr.No. Select Oper 2 Pr.List 1 Appl.Grp 3 User List 4 Param Copy 1 Max.F1 0 Trq Bst1 2 Min.F1 3 VFbaseF1 SET Pr.LIST 15 JOG F 15.00 79 Oper 1 125 2Freq 50.
57 Overview of Function M enu 3 2 1 3 4 5 6 7 INV.Reset 8 T/Shooting 9 S/W 10 11 12 INV.RESET Exec<WRITE> Cancel<ESC> 2 M.Spd Error 1 M.Not Run Error? V/f Setting See Pr.3,14, 19,47,113 0.00Hz INV.Output 0.00A 0.0V <SHIFT> 3 M.A/Dec Err 4 M.
58 Overview of Functio n Menu :Select Char Name: 0 00 READ:Decide Char WRITE:DecideName 9 11 Option 2 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 Selectop 12 PRCpy set RM : 1 RL : 0 RH : 2 RT : 3 OP1: ---- <option> OP2: -.
59 Operation Procedure s for Functions 3 3.2 Operati on Proced ures for Functi ons 3.2.1 Monitor function The monitoring list ap pears and you can change from one monitor screen to another and set the first priority screen. 1 Press . The function menu is called.
60 Operation Procedure s for Functions 3.2.2 Selection of PU opera tion (direct input) Y ou can select the PU operation mode to set PU operation frequency . 1 Press . The function menu is called. 2 Using , move the cursor to "2 P U Oper". 3 Press .
61 Operation Procedure s for Functions 3 3.2.3 Selection of the PU Jog ope ration mode Y ou can select the PU Jog operation mode to set PU jog frequency . 1 Press . The function menu is called. 2 Using , move the cursor to "2 P U Oper". 3 Press .
62 Operation Procedure s for Functions 3.2.4 Param eters When selecting the p arameter on the function menu, the parameter menu is displayed, and you can perform the following operations for the p arameters. Display Description 1 Sett in g Mode Swit ches to t he pa ramet er se tt ing mode t o re ad an d wr ite t he pa ramet er se tt ing.
63 Operation Procedure s for Functions 3 (1) " 1 Setting Mode" (2) "2 Pr .List " Press to move to the next parameter . 1 Press . The function menu is called. 2 Using , mo ve the cursor to "3 Pr . List". 3 Press . The parameter menu appears.
64 Operation Procedure s for Functions (3) Display of "3 S et Pr .List" (4) Display of "4 Def.Pr .List" The initial values of p arameters are displayed. 1 Cal l th e param eter men u similar ly to step s 1 to 3 of page 6 3 . 2 Using / , move th e cursor to "3 Set Pr .
65 Operation Procedure s for Functions 3 3.2.5 Paramet er cl ear Y ou can perform the "parameter clear" and "all parameter clear". Switch to the PU operation mode before performing any operation. • Clear Pr . ....................
66 Operation Procedure s for Functions (2) All parameter clear 1 Cal l th e param eter men u similar ly to step s 1 to 3 of page 6 5 . 2 Select the "Clear Al l". Using / , move the cursor to "2 Clear All" and pres s the . 3 "Clear All" is selected, and the confirmation screen for clearing execution is displayed.
67 Operation Procedure s for Functions 3 3.2.6 Alarm history Shows the history of p ast eight faults. 1 Press . The function menu is called. 2 Using / , move th e cursor to "5 Alarm His ". Hold down and press / to shift one sc reen. 3 Press .
68 Operation Procedure s for Functions 3.2.7 Alarm clear Clears all the fault history . 1 Press . The function menu is called. 2 Using / , move th e cursor to "6 AlarmC lear". Hold down and press / to shift one sc reen. 3 Press . " AlarmClear " is selected, and the confirmation screen for clearing is displayed.
69 Operation Procedure s for Functions 3 3.2.8 Inverte r reset Resets the inverter . 1 Press . The function menu is called. 2 Using / , move th e cursor to "7 INV . Reset". Hold down and press / to shift one sc reen. 3 Press . " INV . Reset " is selected, and the confirmation screen for reset is displayed.
70 Operation Procedure s for Functions 3.2.9 Troubleshooting If the inverter appears to operate im properly , perform the following operation to display the most likely cause of the fault. This operation may also be performed during inverter operation (PU operation, External operation) or during trip (protection activated).
71 Operation Procedure s for Functions 3 T r oubleshooting guidance 1) M.NOT RUNNING (Motor does not run) The protective function is activated to bring the inverter to trip. Press to display the cause of the trip. The inverter's main circuit power has decreased or a phase in the power supply is lost.
72 Operation Procedure s for Functions 2) M.SPEED ERROR (S peed does not match the running frequency setting) 3) M.A/Dec Err (Actual acceleration/decelerati on time is longer than the Pr . 7/Pr . 8 setting) M. SPEED ERROR SetF MinF1 60.00Hz Pr.2 Since the running frequency setting is higher than the maximum frequency ( Pr.
73 Operation Procedure s for Functions 3 4) M.Curr .High (Inverter output current is larger than normal) REMARKS <When the faul t could not be identifie d> When t he caus e of the fault is not s.
74 Operation Procedure s for Functions 3.2.10 Terminal assignment (Se lectop) The signals assigned to the control circuit term inals and their ON-OFF state are display ed. If the plug-in options FR-A7AX, FR-A7A Y and FR-A7A R are mounted, the terminal state of the plug-in option can be also confirmed.
75 Operation Procedure s for Functions 3 3.2.11 Opt ion Displays what options are fitted to the option c onnectors. 1 Press . The function menu is called. 2 Using / , move th e cursor to "1 1 Option". Hold down and press / to shift one sc reen.
76 Operation Procedure s for Functions 3.2.12 Multiple copies (1) Copying the para meter settings Parameter settings of an inverter can be read. The settings of maximum three inverters can be stored in the FR-PU07. Y ou can also copy the stored parameter settings to another inverter of the same series.
77 Operation Procedure s for Functions 3 • Reading the parameter settings of the inverter and storing them to FR-PU07. 1 Connect the F R-PU07 to t he copy source inverter. 2 Press . The function menu appears. 3 Sele ct th e " PRC py set". Using / , mo ve the cursor to "12 PRCpy s et" and press .
78 Operation Procedure s for Functions • Writing the parameter setting stored in FR-PU07 to the inverter 1 Connect the F R-PU07 to the copy dest ination inverter . 2 Press . The function menu appears. 3 Sele ct th e " PRC py set". Using / , mo ve the cursor to "12 PRCpy s et" and press .
79 Operation Procedure s for Functions 3 (2) V erifying t he parameters All the parameter settings stored in the FR-PU07 are verified with those which are stored in the inverter . REMARKS V erification can not be per formed betwe en d ifferent in verter series.
80 Operation Procedure s for Functions 9 If an error is detected during verification, the correspondin g Pr . is shown. Note that only "V erify Err" will be displayed if an incorrect value has been entered directly (f se tting) or set in either Pr .
81 Other Precaut ions 3 3.3 Other Preca utions 3.3.1 Precautions for parameter unit opera tion Note the following items when operating the p arame ter unit to prevent setting from being disabled or incorrect values from being entered.
82 4 OPERATION 4.1 How to Sel ect the O peration M ode 4.1.1 Switchi ng from Exte rnal operation mode [EXT] to PU operation mode [PU] Pressing switches to the PU operation mode and changes the o peration mode indication to [PU].
83 How to Se lect th e Operat ion Mode 4 4.1.3 Switching to the Ex ternal / PU combine d operation mode Changing the Pr . 79 Operation mode selection setting to "3" or "4" switches to th e External / PU combined operation mode. "PU+E" is displayed in the operation mode indication pos ition.
84 How to Operat e PU Op eration 4.2 How to Oper ate PU Ope ration 4.2.1 Normal operation During motor operation, the speed can be changed by simply executing S tep 2. Step Operation Procedure Image 1 Switch power ON. Make sure that the monitor appears.
85 How to Op erate P U Oper ation 4 4.2.2 PU Jog operat ion Hold down or to perform operation, and release it to stop. Jog operation cannot be performed in the following cases: · During motor operation · The Pr . 15 Jo g frequenc y is less than the Pr .
86 Combined Operation (Operation Using External Input Signals and PU ) 4.3 Com bined Operation (Operation Using External Input S ignals and PU ) 4.3.1 Entering the start signal from outside and se tting the running frequency from the PU ( Pr. 79 = 3) The extern al frequency setting signals an d and of the pa rameter unit are n ot accepted .
87 Combined Operation (Operation Using External Input Signals and PU) 4 4.3.2 Entering the running frequency from outsi de and making start a nd stop from the PU ( Pr. 79 = 4) Ste p Oper ation Procedure Image 1 Switch t he powe r ON. 2 Set "4" in Pr .
88 Combined Operation (Operation Using External Input Signals and PU ) 4.3.3 Entering the start signal and mul ti-speed signal from outside and setting multiple speeds from the pa rameter unit Ste p Operation Procedure Image 1 Switc h th e pow er ON. 2 Select th e multi-s peed signal requ ired for oper ati on.
89 5 5 CHECK FIRST W HEN YOU HAVE A TROUBLE 5.1 Tro ubleshooti ng If a fault occurs and the inverter fails to operate properly , locate the cause of the fault and tak e proper corrective action by referring to the troubleshooting below .
90 Troubleshooting The "MITSUBISHI" display remains on an d it will no t accept op eration. During inverter reset Check whe ther RES si gnal is ON T urn OFF the RES sign al. Conn ecti on fault of a cabl e or connect or Check that no cable d amag e nor connec tion faul t of a connect or is found.
91 6 6 SPECIFICATIONS 6.1 Standa rd Sp ecificat ions *1 At the lo w tem peratur es o f less than about 0 ° C, the liquid cr ystal displ ay (LCD) may be sl ower in ope ration . At high temp erat ures , t he LC D li fe may be come short er . *2 T e mperat ures app licable f or a short tim e, e.
92 Stand ard Spec ification s • FR-PU 07BB d edicated specific ations * The batt ery life is a re ferenc e value. It differs dep endi ng on the bat tery an d the usage . Item Specific ations Battery life * Alkaline batter y Nick el metal hydride battery A700/F700 E700 A7 00/F700 E 700 Battery life Approx.
93 Outline Drawing and Panel Cutting Drawing 6 6.2 Outli ne Dra wing a nd Pan el Cut ting Dr awing 6.2.1 FR-PU07 outline dimension dra wings 80.3 (14.2) 2.5 50 (1 1.45) 25.05 135 83 67 51 40 56.8 57.8 26.5 4-R1 Mounting hole 4- 4 hole (V alid screw depth 5.
94 Outline Drawing and Panel Cutting Drawing 6.2.2 FR-PU07BB outline dimension draw ings <Outline drawing> 8.2 46.7 44.7 46.7 135 83 18 6 (Unit: mm) * FR-PU07BB cannot be installed t o the enc losure and such .
95 APPENDIX Appendi x 1 Disposing of the e quipment in the EU coun tries • The symbol shown below, which is printed on the product for EU countries, means that electric and electronic equipment, at their end-of-life, should be disposed of separately from your household was te.
96 REVISIONS *The ma nual nu mber is gi ven on the bottom left of the back co ver . Print Date *Manual Number Revision Aug., 2 005 IB(NA)-0600 240ENG -A First edition May , 2007 I B(NA)-0 60024 0ENG-B · FR -PU07B B · Dispos ing of the equ ipmen t in EU countr ies Mar .
デバイスMitsumi electronic FR-PU07/FR-PU07BBの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Mitsumi electronic FR-PU07/FR-PU07BBをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはMitsumi electronic FR-PU07/FR-PU07BBの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Mitsumi electronic FR-PU07/FR-PU07BBの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Mitsumi electronic FR-PU07/FR-PU07BBで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Mitsumi electronic FR-PU07/FR-PU07BBを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はMitsumi electronic FR-PU07/FR-PU07BBの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Mitsumi electronic FR-PU07/FR-PU07BBに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちMitsumi electronic FR-PU07/FR-PU07BBデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。