Multi-Tech SystemsメーカーMVP-2410/3010の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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MultiVOIP ® Voice over IP gateways User Guide Digital Models: MVP-2410/3010 AnalogModels: MVP-130/130FXS & MVP-210/410/810 BRI Models: MVP-410ST/810ST.
2 User Guide S000249K Analog MultiVOIP Units (Models MVP130,MVP130FXS, MVP210, MVP410, M VP810 ) ISDN-BRI MultiVOIP Units (Models MVP410ST, and MVP810ST) Digital MultiVOIP Units (Models MVP2410, &.
3 CONTENTS CHAPTER 1: OVERV IEW ....................................................................................... 7 A BOUT T HIS M ANUAL ............................................................................................... 8 I NTRODUCTION TO TI M ULTI VOIP S (MVP2410 & MVP24- 48) .
Contents MultiVOIP User Guide 4 I NTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................ 85 S AFETY W ARNINGS ...........................................................................
MultiVOIP User Guide Contents VOIP 5 Modem Relay .................................................................................................... 238 CHAPTER 7: T1 PHON EBOOK CO NFIGURATION ...................................... 307 C ONFIGURING THE MVP2410 M ULTI VOIP P HONEBOOKS .
Contents MultiVOIP User Guide 6 Setting a Password (Web Browser GU I) .......................................................... 472 Un-Installing the Mu ltiVOIP So ftware ............................................................. 473 Upgrading Sof tware .
7 Chapter 1: Over vie w.
Overview MultiVOIP User Guide 8 About This Manual This manual is about Vo ice-over-IP products made by Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. It describes four product groups. 1. T1 Digital MultiVOIP un its, models MVP 2410, and the capacity-doubling add-on expansion car d, model MVP2 4-48 (which fits the MVP2410 o nly).
MultiVOIP User Guide Overview 9 MultiVOIP Product Family Model Description MVP- 2410 MVP 24-48 MVP 3010 MVP 30-60 Function T1 digital VOIP unit T1 digital VOIP add-on card E1 digital VOIP unit E1 digi.
Overview MultiVOIP User Guide 10 How to Use This Manual . In short, use the inde x and the examples . When our readers crack open this large manual, they generally ne ed one of two things: information.
MultiVOIP User Guide Overview 11 Intr oduction to TI MultiV OIPs (MVP2410 & MVP24-48) We proudly present MultiTech’s T1 Di gital Multi-VOIP products. The MVP2410 is a rack-mount model; and the MVP24-48 is an add-on expansion card that doubles the capacity of the MVP2410 without adding another chassis.
Overview MultiVOIP User Guide 12 H.323, SIP & SPP . Being H.323 compat ible, the MVP2410 can place calls to telephone equipment at remote IP network locations that also contain H.323 compatible voice-over-IP gatew a ys. It will interface with H.323 software and H.
MultiVOIP User Guide Overview 13 software residing in separ ate hardware). Gatekeepers are option al but useful within voip systems. The ga tekeeper acts as the ‘clearinghouse’ for all calls w ithin its zone.
Overview MultiVOIP User Guide 14 While the web GUI’s appearance differs slightly, its c ontent and organization are essentially the same as that of the Windows GUI (except for logging). The primary advant age of the web G UI is remote acc ess for control and configuration.
MultiVOIP User Guide Overview 15 Logging of S ystem Events . M ultiTech has built SysLog Server functionality into the software of the MultiVOI P units. SysLog i s a de facto standard for logging events in network comm unication systems. The SysLog Server reside s in the MultiVOIP un it itself.
Overview MultiVOIP User Guide 16 Supplementary Telephony Services . The H.45 0 standard (an addition to H.323) brings to voip telephony more of the premium fe atures found in PSTN and PBX telephon y.
MultiVOIP User Guide Overview 17 MVP2410 Front Panel LED Definition s LED NAME DESCRIPTION Power Indicates presence of power. Boot After power up, the Boot LED will be on for about 10 seconds while the MVP2410 is booting. FDX Full-Duplex & Collision LED.
Overview MultiVOIP User Guide 18 Intr oduction to EI MultiV OIPs (MVP3010 & MVP30-60) We proudly present MultiTech’s E1 Digital Multi-VO IP products. The MVP3010 is a rack-mount m odel and the M VP30-60 is an a dd-on expansion card that doubles the capacity of the MVP3010 without adding another chassis.
MultiVOIP User Guide Overview 19 H. 323, SIP, & SPP . Being H.323 compa tible, the MVP3010 can place calls to telephone equipment at remote IP network locations that also contain H.323 compatible voice-over-IP gatew a ys. It will interface with H.
Overview MultiVOIP User Guide 20 Gatekeeper . E1 voip syste ms can have gateke eper functionality by adding, as an endpoint, a Mult i-Tech standalone gatekeeper (spec i al software residing in separate hardwa re). Gatekeepers are optional but useful within voip systems.
MultiVOIP User Guide Overview 21 While the web GUI’s appearance differs slightly, its c ontent and organization are essentially the same as that of the Windows GUI (except for logging). The primary advant age of the web G UI is remote acc ess for control and configuration.
Overview MultiVOIP User Guide 22 Logging of S ystem Events . M ultiTech has built SysLog Server functionality into the software of the MultiVOI P units. SysLog i s a de facto standard for logging events in network comm unication systems. The SysLog Server reside s in the MultiVOIP un it itself.
MultiVOIP User Guide Overview 23 Supplementary Telephony Services . The H.45 0 standard (an addition to H.323) brings to voip telephony more of the premium fe atures found in PSTN and PBX telephon y.
Overview MultiVOIP User Guide 24 E1 LED Descriptions MVP3010 Front Panel LED Definition s LED NAME DESCRIPTION Power Indicates presence of power. Boot After power up, the Boot LED will be on for about 10 seconds while the MVP3010 is booting. FDX Full-Duplex & Collision LED.
MultiVOIP User Guide Overview 25 Intr oduction to Analog MultiV OIPs (MVP-130/130FXS, MVP-210/410/810 & MVP428) VOIP: The Free Ride. We proudly present Multi-Tec h's MVP- 130/130FX S and MVP-210/ 410/810 gene ration of MultiVOIP Voice - over-IP Gateways.
Overview MultiVOIP User Guide 26 Figure 1-8: MultiVOIP MVP-130/130FXS Chassis Capacity. MultiVOIP model MV P810 is an eight-ch annel unit, the model MVP410 is a four-channel, the model MVP210 is a two-channel units, the MV130 is a single-channe l unit and the MVP130FXS is a single-channel unit that supports the FXS telephony interface only.
MultiVOIP User Guide Overview 27 H. 323, SIP, & SPP . Being H.323 compatible , the analog M ultiVOIP unit can place calls to tele phone equipment at remote IP network locations that also cont ain H.323 compatible vo ice-over-IP gateways. It will interface with H.
Overview MultiVOIP User Guide 28 Management . Configuration and system management can be done locally with the Multi VOIP configuratio n software. After an IP a ddress has been assigned locally, other co nfiguration can be done remotely using the MultiVOI P web browser GUI.
MultiVOIP User Guide Overview 29 Once you’ve begun using t he web browser GUI, you can go back to the MultiVOIP Windows GUI at any time. However, you must log out of the web browser GUI before using the M ultiVOIP Windows GUI. Logging of S ystem Events .
Overview MultiVOIP User Guide 30 Supplementary Telephony Services . The H.45 0 standard (an addition to H.323) brings to voip telephony more of the premium fe atures found in PSTN and PBX telephon y.
MultiVOIP User Guide Overview 31 Similarly, the MVP210 has the general-operation indicator LEDs and two sets of channel-operation LEDs, one for each chan nel. Figure 1-10. MVP210 LEDs Finally, the MVP 130 has the gener al-operation indicator LEDs and a s et of channel-operation LEDs for its single voip channel.
Overview MultiVOIP User Guide 32 Analog MultiV OIP LED Descriptions MVP-210/410/810 Front Pane l LED Definitions LED NAME DESCRIPTION General Operation LEDs (one set on each MultiVOIP model) Power Indicates presence of power. Boot After power up, the Boo t LED will be on bri efly while the MultiVOIP is booting.
MultiVOIP User Guide Overview 33 MVP-130/130FXS Front Panel LED Definitions LED NAME DESCRIPTION General Operation LEDs Power Indicates presence of power. Boot After power up, the Boot LED will be on briefly while the MultiVOIP is booting. It lights whenever the MultiVOIP is booting or downloading a setup configuration data set.
Overview MultiVOIP User Guide 34 Intr oduction to ISDN-BRI MultiV OIPs (MVP410ST & MVP810ST) VOIP: The Free Ride. We proudly present Multi-Tec h's MVP- 410ST/810ST generation of MultiVOIP Voice-over-IP Gateways.
MultiVOIP User Guide Overview 35 H. 323, SIP, & SPP . Being H.323 compatible, the B RI MultiVOIP unit can place calls to telephone equipment at remote IP network locations that also contain H.323 co mpatible voice-over-IP g ateways. It will interface with H.
Overview MultiVOIP User Guide 36 Management . Configuration and system management can be done locally with the Multi VOIP configuratio n software. After an IP a ddress has been assigned locally, other co nfiguration can be done remotely using the MultiVOI P web browser GUI.
MultiVOIP User Guide Overview 37 Once you’ve begun using t he web browser GUI, you can go back to the MultiVOIP Windows GUI at any time. However, you must log out of the web browser GUI before using the M ultiVOIP Windows GUI. Logging of S ystem Events .
Overview MultiVOIP User Guide 38 Supplementary Telephony Services . The H.45 0 standard (an addition to H.323) brings to voip telephony more of the premium fe atures found in PSTN and PBX telephon y.
MultiVOIP User Guide Overview 39 ISDN-BRI MultiV OIP LED Descriptions MVP-410ST/810ST Front Panel LED Definitions LED NAME DESCRIPTION General Operation LEDs (one set on each MultiVOIP model) Power Indicates presence of power. Boot After power up, the Boo t LED will be on bri efly while the MultiVOIP is booting.
Overview MultiVOIP User Guide 40 Computer Requirements The computer on which the MultiVOIP’ s configuration progr am is installed must meet these requirements: • mu st be IBM-compatible PC with MS Windows operating system; • must have an available COM port for connection to the MultiVOIP.
MultiVOIP User Guide Overview 41 Specifications Specs for Digital T1 MultiV OIP Units Digital T1 MultiVOIP Specifications Parameter ……/Model MVP-2410 MVP-2410 w/ MVP24-48 Expansion Card Operating Voltage/Current 100-240 VAC 1.2 - 0.6 A 100-240 VAC 1.
Overview MultiVOIP User Guide 42 Specs for Digital E1 MultiV OIP Units Digital E1 MultiVOIP Specifications Parameter ……/Model MVP-3010 MVP-3010 w/ MVP30-60 Expansion Card Operating Voltage/Current 100-240 VAC 1.2 - 0.6 A 100-240 VAC 1.2 - 0.6 A Mains Frequencies 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz Power Consumption 17 watts 27 watts Mechanical Dimensions 1.
MultiVOIP User Guide Overview 43 Specs for Analog/BRI MultiV OIP Units Parameter /Model MVP210 MVP410 MVP810 or MVP410 + 428 Operating Voltage/ Current External transformer: 3A @5V 100-240 VAC 1.2 - 0.6 A 100-240 VAC 1.2 - 0.6 A Mains Frequencies 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz Power Consumption 19 watts 29 watts 46 watts Mechanical Dimensions 6.
Overview MultiVOIP User Guide 44 Installation at a Glance The basic steps of inst alling your Mult iVOIP network involve unpacking the units, connecting the c ables, and configurin g the units using management software (MultiVOIP Configuration software) and confirming connectivity with another voip site.
45 Chapter 2: Quic k Star t Instructions.
Quick Start Instructions MultiVOIP User Guide 46 Intr oduction This chapter gets the Mult iVOIP up and runnin g quickly. The deta ils we’ve skipped to make this brief can be found elsewhere in the manual (see Table of Contents and Index).
MultiVOIP User Guide Quick Start Instructions 47 Phone/IP Details *A bs olut el y Needed* Bef ore Starting the Installation Gather IP Informatio n 9 Ask your computer network administrator.
Quick Start Instructions MultiVOIP User Guide 48 Phone/IP Details *A bsolutely Needed* (cont’d) Gather T elephone Information (E1) 9 E1 Phone Parameters Ask phone company or PBX maintainer.
MultiVOIP User Guide Quick Start Instructions 49 Gather T elephone Information (ISDN BRI) 9 ISDN-BRI Phone Parameters Ask phone company or telecom manager.
Quick Start Instructions MultiVOIP User Guide 50 Phone/IP Details Of ten Needed/Wanted Obtain Email Address fo r V OIP (for email call log reporting) required if log reports of VOIP call traffic are t.
MultiVOIP User Guide Quick Start Instructions 51 Placement Mount your MultiVOIP in a safe and convenient location where ca bles for your network and phon e system are accessible. Rack -mounting instructions are in Chapter 3: Mechanical Installation & Cabling.
Quick Start Instructions MultiVOIP User Guide 52 Quic k Hook ups Hookup for MVP2410 & MVP3010 Dig ital V oice Trun k O l 10 /100 RS-232 Ethernet Comm and Cablin g to your IP net work. RJ-45 connec tor. T1/E1/PRI cabling to you r PBX, and/or to the PSTN.
MultiVOIP User Guide Quick Start Instructions 53 Hookup for MVP410 & MVP810 E&M FXS/FX O E&M FXS/FXO E&M FXS/FXO E&M FXS/FXO E&M FXS/FXO E&M FXS/FXO E&M FXS/FXO E&M FXS/FXO Grounding Screw: Connect to Earth Ground On/Off Switch Power C able Recept acle Cabling to your IP network.
Quick Start Instructions MultiVOIP User Guide 54 Hookup for MVP410ST & MVP810ST Ground ing Screw: Connect to Earth Ground On/Off Switch Power Cable Receptacle Cabling to c omputer ru nning Mult iVOIP so ftw are. Connector at Multi VOIP: DB -25. Connector at computer: DB-9.
MultiVOIP User Guide Quick Start Instructions 55 Hookup for MVP210 10BASET COMMAND PORT POWER Ethernet Connection Command Port Connection Power Connection E&M FXS/FXO FXS/FX O RS232 COMMAND 10/100.
Quick Start Instructions MultiVOIP User Guide 56 Hookup for MVP130 Power Connection Networ k Connecti on Ethernet Command Power FXS/FXO Command Port Connec tion PBX PSTN T elephony Connection FXS .
MultiVOIP User Guide Quick Start Instructions 57 Hookup for MVP130FXS Po w er C o nnec tion N et w ork C onnection E t he r n et Co m m and Pow e r VO I C E C o mm a nd P ort C on nect io n T e le.
Quick Start Instructions MultiVOIP User Guide 58 Load MultiV OIP Contr ol Software onto PC For more details, see Chapter 4: So ftware Inst allation . 1. MultiVOIP must be properly c abled. Power must be turned on . 2. Insert MultiVOIP CD into drive. Allow 10 -20 seconds for Autorun to start.
MultiVOIP User Guide Quick Start Instructions 59 Phone/IP Starter Configuration Full details here: MVP2410 MVP3010 Chapter 5: Technical Configuration for Digital T1/E1 MultiVOIPs in User Guide . MVP130 MVP130FXS MVP210 MVP410 MVP810 Chapter 6: Technical Configuration for Analog/BRI MultiVOIPs in User Guide 1.
Quick Start Instructions MultiVOIP User Guide 60 Once you’ve begun using t he web browser GUI, you can go back to the MultiVOIP Windows GUI at any time. Howeve r, you must log out of the web browser GUI befo re using the MultiVOIP Windows GUI. 5. Go to Conf iguration | Voice/Fax .
MultiVOIP User Guide Quick Start Instructions 61 groupings of telephony parameters than do the Country/Region values.) Click OK to exit from the Regional Par ameters dialog bo x. 9. Do you wa nt the phone-call logs produced by the Mult iVOIP to be sent out by email (to your Voip Admin istrator or someone else)? If NO, skip to step 11.
Quick Start Instructions MultiVOIP User Guide 62 Phone/IP Starter Configuration (continued) 12. Enable prem ium (H.450) telephony features. Go to Supplementary Services . Sel ect any features to be used. For Call Hold, Ca ll Transfer, & Ca ll Waiting, speci fy the key seque nce that the phone user will press to invoke the fe ature.
MultiVOIP User Guide Quick Start Instructions 63 Phonebook Starter Configuration ( with remote v oip ) If the topic of voip phone books is new to you, it may be helpf ul to read the PhoneBook Tips section (page 71) be fore starting this procedure.
Quick Start Instructions MultiVOIP User Guide 64 4. Suppose you w ant to call a phone number outs ide of your build ing using a phon e station that is an extensio n from your PBX system (if present). What digits must you dial? Often a “9” or “8” must be dialed to “get an outside li ne” through the PBX (i.
MultiVOIP User Guide Quick Start Instructions 65 5. In the “Destination Pattern” field of the Add/Edit Outbou nd Phonebook screen, enter the digits from step 4 follo wed by the digits from step 3. North America, Long-Distance Example Euro, National Call Example Seattle-Chicago system.
Quick Start Instructions MultiVOIP User Guide 66 6. Tally up the number of digits that must be dialed to reach the remote voip site (including prefix digits of all types). Enter this number in the “Total Digits” field. North America, Long-Distance Example Euro, National Call Example Seattle-Chicago system.
MultiVOIP User Guide Quick Start Instructions 67 field in the Outbound Phonebook. This precludes the problem of having to make two inbound phonebook entries at remote voips, one to account for situations where “8” is used as the PB X access digit, and anot her for when “9” is used.
Quick Start Instructions MultiVOIP User Guide 68 4. In the “Ad d Prefix” fie ld, enter any d igits that mu st be dialed f rom your local voip to ga in access to the PSTN. North America, Long-Distance Example Euro, National Call Example Seattle-Chicago system.
MultiVOIP User Guide Quick Start Instructions 69 6. In the “Description” field, it is useful to describe the ultimate destination of the call s. For example, in a New York City voip system, “incoming calls to Manha ttan office,” might describe a phonebook entry, as might the de scriptor “incoming calls to NYC local calling area.
Quick Start Instructions MultiVOIP User Guide 70 Phonebook Ti ps Preparing the phonebook for your voip system is a complex task that, at first, seems quite da unting. Thes e tips may make the task easier. 1. Use Dialing Patterns, Not Complete Phone Numb ers .
MultiVOIP User Guide Quick Start Instructions 71 (b) access codes . There are digits ( PSTN access co des ) that must be dialed to gain access to an operator, to access the pub licly switched ‘long-.
Quick Start Instructions MultiVOIP User Guide 72 4. Using a Comma . Detail Commas are used in telephone dialing strings to ind icate a pause to allow a dia l tone to appe ar (common on PBX and key systems). Commas may be used only in the “Add Prefix” field of the Inbound Phonebook.
MultiVOIP User Guide Quick Start Instructions 73 Phonebook Example Flagstaff Of fice 8-Ch annel Analog V oIP (MVP810 ) PSTN PBX System. Main Number : 777-5600 30 extensio ns Area: 520 Santa Fe Office PBX System. Main Numbe r: 444-3200 40 ex ten sio ns PSTN 204.
Quick Start Instructions MultiVOIP User Guide 74 Voip Sites with Phonebooks Flagst aff Of fice 8-Chan nel Analog VoIP (MVP810) PSTN PBX System.
MultiVOIP User Guide Quick Start Instructions 75 Sample Phonebooks Enlarged Boise V oip Boise V oip Inbound Phonebook Outbound Phonebook Pre fix t o Remove Prefix to A dd Descripti o n Incom ing Call s Destin .
Quick Start Instructions MultiVOIP User Guide 76 Phonebook Worksheet V oip Location/ID:_ ________ ______________ _____ Inb ound Ph oneboo k Outbou nd P honebook Pref ix t o Remove Prefi x to Add Description Incom ing Cal ls Destin.
MultiVOIP User Guide Quick Start Instructions 77 Enlarged Phonebook Worksheet.
Quick Start Instructions MultiVOIP User Guide 78 Connectivity T est The procedures “Phone/IP Starter Configuration” and “Phoneboo k Starter Configuration” mu st be completed before you can do this procedure.
MultiVOIP User Guide Quick Start Instructions 79 5. Open the HyperTerm inal program. 6. Use HyperTerminal to receive and record conso le messages from the MultiVOIP unit.
Quick Start Instructions MultiVOIP User Guide 80 8. Read console messages recorded on HyperTerminal. Console Messages from Originating V OIP . The voip unit that originates the call w ill send back messag es like that shown below.
MultiVOIP User Guide Quick Start Instructions 81 Console Messages from Terminating VOIP . The voip unit connected to the phone where the call is answered will send back messages like that shown below.
Quick Start Instructions MultiVOIP User Guide 82 T roub le s hooti ng If you cannot establish connectivity between two voips in the system, follow the steps below to determine the problem. 1. Ping both Mult iVOIP units to confirm connectivit y to the network.
MultiVOIP User Guide Quick Start Instructions 83 3. Verify pho nebook configuration. 4. Observe console messag es while placing a call. Look for error messages indicating phonebook problems, network problems, voice- coder mismatches, etc.
Mechanical Installation & Cab ling MultiVOIP User Guide 84 Chapter 3: Mechanical Installation and Cabling.
MultiVOIP User Guide Mechan ical Installation & Cabling 85 Intr oduction The MultiVOIP models MVP130 , MVP130FXS and MVP210 ar e tabletop units and can be han dled easily by one person. However, th e MVP410, MVP810, MV P2410, and M VP3010 are so mewhat heavier units.
Mechanical Installation & Cab ling MultiVOIP User Guide 86 Unpac king Y our MultiV OIP When unpacking your M ultiVOIP, ch eck to see that all of the items shown are included in the box. For the vario us MultiVOIP models, the contents of the box will be different.
MultiVOIP User Guide Mechan ical Installation & Cabling 87 Unpac king the MVP-410/810 Voice/F a x over I P N etwork s RCV XMT COL LNK XMT RCV XSG RSG XMT RCV XSG RSG XMT RCV XSG RSG XMT RCV XSG RS.
Mechanical Installation & Cab ling MultiVOIP User Guide 88 Unpac king the MVP210 Voice/ Fax o ver I P Netwo rks 200 Quick Start Guide Figure 3-3: Unpacking the MVP210.
MultiVOIP User Guide Mechan ical Installation & Cabling 89 Unpac king the MVP-130/130FXS Figure 3-4: Unpacking the MVP-130/130FXS.
Mechanical Installation & Cab ling MultiVOIP User Guide 90 Rac k Mounting Instructions for MVP-2410/3010 & MVP-410/810 The MultiVOIPs can be mo unted in an in dustry-standard EIA 19-inch rack enclosure, as shown in Figure 3-5.
MultiVOIP User Guide Mechan ical Installation & Cabling 91 Safety Recommendations f or Rack Installations Ensure proper installation of the unit in a closed or multi-unit enclosure by following the recommended in stallation as defined by the enclosure manufacturer.
Mechanical Installation & Cab ling MultiVOIP User Guide 92 19-Inch Rac k Enclosure Mounting Pr ocedure Attaching the MultiVOIP to a rack-rail o f an EIA 19-inch rac k enclosure will certainly require two persons.
MultiVOIP User Guide Mechan ical Installation & Cabling 93 Cabling Cabling Pr ocedure f o r MVP2410/3010 Cabling your Mult iVOIP entails m aking the proper connections for power, command port, phone system (T1/E1 line connected to PBX or telco office), and Ethernet network.
Mechanical Installation & Cab ling MultiVOIP User Guide 94 4. If you inten d to configure the MultiVOIP rem otely using the MultiVOIP Windows GUI, connect an RJ-11 phone cable between the Command Modem connector (at the rear of the MultiVOIP) and a receptacle served b y a telco POTS line.
MultiVOIP User Guide Mechan ical Installation & Cabling 95 Cabling Pr ocedure for MVP-410/810 Cabling involves connectin g the MultiVOIP to your LAN and te lephone equipment. 1. For DID channels only . If al l channels of your MultiVOIP will be using either FXS, FXO , or E&M tele phony interfaces, skip to step 2.
Mechanical Installation & Cab ling MultiVOIP User Guide 96 d. Identify the channe ls on which the DI D interface will be used . For DID Interface type For non- DID Interface typ e Ch 1 Ch 2 Ch 3 C.
MultiVOIP User Guide Mechan ical Installation & Cabling 97 2. Connect the power cord supplied with your MultiVOIP to a live AC outlet and to the power connector on the back of the MultiVOIP as shown at top right in Figure 3-12.
Mechanical Installation & Cab ling MultiVOIP User Guide 98 Connect the other end to the trunk line. Verify that the E&M Type in the E&M Options group of the Interface dialog box is the same as the E&M trunk type supported by the telephone switch.
MultiVOIP User Guide Mechan ical Installation & Cabling 99 8. Ensure that the unit is pro perly connected to earth ground by verifying that it is re liably grounded wh en mounted within a rack.
Mechanical Installation & Cab ling MultiVOIP User Guide 100 Cabling Pr ocedure for MVP-4 10ST/8 10 ST Cabling involves connectin g the MultiVOIP to your LAN and te lephone equipment.
MultiVOIP User Guide Mechan ical Installation & Cabling 101 4. Terminal Mode . When a vo ip ISDN connector is to be connected to a PBX extension line or to a telco line, sele ct “Terminal” as the “Layer 1 Interfac e” in the ISDN Parameter s screen.
Mechanical Installation & Cab ling MultiVOIP User Guide 102 Network Mode . When a voip ISDN connector is to be connected to an ISDN phone station or to an ISDN term inal adapter (TA), select “Network” as the “Layer 1 Interface” in th e ISDN Parameters screen of the MultiVOIP software.
MultiVOIP User Guide Mechan ical Installation & Cabling 103 5. Repeat the above st ep to conne ct the rem aining ISDN telephone equipment to each ISDN connector on y our MultiVOIP. Be aware that you can assign each I SDN lin e sep arately and independently to either Network mode or Terminal mod e.
Mechanical Installation & Cab ling MultiVOIP User Guide 104 Cabling Pr ocedure for MV P2 10 Cabling involves connectin g the MultiVOIP to your LAN and te lephone equipment. 1. For DID channels only . If both channel s of your MVP210 MultiVOIP will be using either FX S, FXO, or E&M t elephony interfaces, sk ip to step 2.
MultiVOIP User Guide Mechan ical Installation & Cabling 105 d. Identify the channe ls on which the DI D interface will be used . J3 J7 J9 J5 J1 1 FB3 LED 2 R 72 J1 S1 0 R 113 R 114 LE D 12 J1 5 LE.
Mechanical Installation & Cab ling MultiVOIP User Guide 106 Figure 3-17: Cabling for MVP210 3. Connect the MultiVOIP to a PC by usin g a RJ-45 (male) to DB-9 (female) cabl e. Plug the RJ-45 en d of the cable into the Command port of the MultiVOIP and the o ther end in to the PC serial port.
MultiVOIP User Guide Mechan ical Installation & Cabling 107 Connect one end of an RJ-11 phone cord to the Chan nel 1 FXS/FX O connector on the back of the MultiVOIP.
Mechanical Installation & Cab ling MultiVOIP User Guide 108 Cabling Pr ocedure for MVP-130/130FXS Power Connection Network Connecti on Ethernet Command Power FXS/FXO Command Port Connection PB.
MultiVOIP User Guide Mechan ical Installation & Cabling 109 the other end to the device or phone jack. You w ill define the interface in the Interface dialo g box in the software when you configure the unit. The M VP130FXS supports only the FXS inter face.
Software Installation MultiVOIP User Guide 110 Chapter 4: Software Installation.
MultiVOIP User Guide Software Installation 111 Intr oduction Configuring software for your Mult iVOIP entails three t asks: (1) loading the software onto the PC (this is “Software Installation and i.
Software Installation MultiVOIP User Guide 112 2. Insert the MultiVOIP CD into your CD -ROM drive. The CD should start automatically. It may take 10 to 20 seconds for the Multi-Tech CD installation window to display.
MultiVOIP User Guide Software Installation 113 4. A ‘welcome’ screen appears. Press Enter or click Nex t to continue..
Software Installation MultiVOIP User Guide 114 5. Follow the on-screen instru ctions to install your MultiVOIP softwar e. The first screen asks you to choose the folder loc ation of the files of the MultiVOIP software . Choose a location and click Next.
MultiVOIP User Guide Software Installation 115 6. At the next screen, yo u must select a program folder location for the MultiVOIP software program icon.
Software Installation MultiVOIP User Guide 116 7. On the next screen you c an select the COM port that the command PC will use when communicating with the MultiVoip unit.
MultiVOIP User Guide Software Installation 117 8. A completion screen will a ppear. Click Finish . 9. When setup of the Mu ltiVOIP software is complete, you will be prompted to run the MultiVOIP software to configure the VOIP. Software installat ion is complete at this point.
Software Installation MultiVOIP User Guide 118 Un-Installing the MultiV OIP Configuration Software 1. To un-insta ll the MultiVOIP configur ation software, go to Start | Programs and locate the entry for the Mult iVOIP program.
MultiVOIP User Guide Software Installation 119 2. Two confirmation sc reens will appear. C lick Yes and OK when you are certain you want to con tinue with the uninstallation process. 3. A special warnin g message similar to that shown below may appear concerning the MultiVOIP soft ware’s “.
Software Installation MultiVOIP User Guide 120 4. A completi on screen will appe ar. Click Finish ..
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (T1/E1) 121 Chapter 5: T echnical Configuration f or Digital T1/E1 MultiV OIPs (MVP2410, MVP 3010).
Technical Configuration (T1/E1) MultiVOIP User Guide 122 Configuring the Digital T1/E1 MultiV OIP There are two ways in which the MultiVOIP must be configured before operation: technical configurat ion and phonebook configuration. Technical Configuration .
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (T1/E1) 123 Remote configuration is done through a connection between the MultiVOIP’s Ethernet (network) port and a computer connected to the same network. The computer could be miles or continents away fr om the MultiVOIP itself.
Technical Configuration (T1/E1) MultiVOIP User Guide 124 Local Configuration This manual prim arily describes local configur ation with the Windows GUI.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (T1/E1) 125 Write down the values for these IP parameters. You will need to enter these values in the “IP P arameters” screen in the Configuration sect ion of the MultiVOIP softw are. You must have this IP in formation about every VOIP in the system.
Technical Configuration (T1/E1) MultiVOIP User Guide 126 E1 T elephony P arameters (for MVP3010) The following parameters must be known about the PBX or telco central office equipment to which the E1 MultiVOIP will connect: 9 E1 Phone Parameters Ask phone company or PBX maintainer.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (T1/E1) 127 SMTP P ar ameters (f or email call log repor ting) required if log reports of VOIP call traffic are to be sent by email Optional SMTP Parameters Preparation Task: Ask Mail Server administrator to set up email account (with password) for the MultiVOIP unit itse lf.
Technical Configuration (T1/E1) MultiVOIP User Guide 128 Local Configuration Pr ocedure (Summary) After the MultiVOIP confi guration software h as been installed in th e ‘Command’ PC (which is connected to the MultiVOIP unit), several steps must be taken to configure the MultiVOIP to function in its specific setting.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (T1/E1) 129 Local Configuration Pr ocedure (Detailed) You can begin the configuration process as a contin uation of the MultiVOIP software installation. You can establish yo ur configuration or modify it at any t ime by launching the MultiVOIP program from the Windows Start menu.
Technical Configuration (T1/E1) MultiVOIP User Guide 130 3. Confirm Connection . If the MultiVOIP is set for an avai lable COM port and is correctly cabled to the PC, the MultiVOIP main screen will appear. (If the main screen appears grayed ou t and seems inacces sible, go to step 4.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (T1/E1) 131 In the lower left corner of the screen , the connection status of the MultiVOIP wil l be displayed. The messages in the lo wer left corner will change as detection occurs. The message “M ultiVOIP Found” confirms that the MultiVOI P is in contact with the Mu ltiVOIP configuration progr am.
Technical Configuration (T1/E1) MultiVOIP User Guide 132 4. Solving Common Connection Problems . A. Fixing a COM Port Problem . If the MultiVOIP main screen appears but is grayed out and seems inaccessib le, the COM port that was specified for its com munication with the PC is unavailable and must be changed.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (T1/E1) 133 4B. Fixing a Cabl ing Problem . If the Multi VOIP cannot be located by the computer, two error messages will appear (s aying “Mult i -VOIP Not Found” and “Phone Database Not Read”). In this case, the Multi VOIP is simply disconnected from the network.
Technical Configuration (T1/E1) MultiVOIP User Guide 134 6. Set IP Parameters. This dialog box can be reached by pulldown menu, toolbar icon, keyboard shortcut, or sidebar.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (T1/E1) 135 In each field, enter the values that fit your particular network..
Technical Configuration (T1/E1) MultiVOIP User Guide 136 The IP Parameters fields are described in the table below. IP Parameter Definitions Field Name Values Description DiffServ Parameter fields DiffServ PHB (Per Hop Behavior) value s pertain to a differenti al prioritizing system for IP packets as handled by DiffServ-compatible router s.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (T1/E1) 137 The IP Datagram with Header, Its Ty pe-of-Service field, & DiffServ bits => 0 4 8 16 19 24 31 VERS HLEN TYPE OF SERVICE TOTAL LENGTH IDE.
Technical Configuration (T1/E1) MultiVOIP User Guide 138 IP Parameter Definitions (cont’d) Field Name Values Description IP Parameter fields Enable DHCP Y/N disabled by default Dynamic Host Configur.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (T1/E1) 139 7. Enable Web Browser GUI (Option al) . After an IP add ress for the MultiVOIP unit has been established, you c an choose to do any furt her configuration of the unit (a) by using the MultiVOIP web browser GUI, or (b) by continuing to use the Mu ltiVOI P Windows GUI.
Technical Configuration (T1/E1) MultiVOIP User Guide 140 8. Set Voice/FAX Pa rameters. This dialog box ca n be reached by pulldown menu, toolbar icon, ke yboard shortcut, or sidebar.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (T1/E1) 141 In each field, enter the values that fit your particular network..
Technical Configuration (T1/E1) MultiVOIP User Guide 142 Note that Voice/FAX parameters are applied on a channel-by-channel basis. However, once you have established a set of Voice/FAX parameters for a particular channel, you can apply this entire set of Voice/FAX parameters to another ch annel by using the Copy Channel button and its dialog box.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (T1/E1) 143 The Voice/FAX Parameters fields are described in the table s below. Voice/Fax Parameter Definitions Field Name Values Description Default -- When this button is clicked , all Voice/FAX parameters are set to their default values.
Technical Configuration (T1/E1) MultiVOIP User Guide 144 Voice/Fax Parameter Definitions (cont’d) Field Name Values Description DTMF Para meters Duration (DTMF) 60 – 3000 ms When DTMF: Out of Ban d is selected, this setting determines how long each DTMF digit ‘sounds’ or is held.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (T1/E1) 145 Voice/Fax Parameter Definitions (cont’d) Coder Parameters Coder Manual or Auto- matic Determines whether select ion of coder is manual or automatic.
Technical Configuration (T1/E1) MultiVOIP User Guide 146 Voice/Fax Parameter Definitions (cont’d) Field Name Values Description Advanced Features Silence Compression Y/N Determines whether silence compression is enabled (checked) for this voice channel.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (T1/E1) 147 Voice/Fax Parameter Definitions (cont’d) Field Name Values Description AutoCall/Offhook A l ert Parameters Auto Call / Offhook Alert AutoCall.
Technical Configuration (T1/E1) MultiVOIP User Guide 148 Voice/Fax Parameter Definitions (cont’d) Field Name Values Description AutoCall/Offhook A l ert Parameters Offhook Alert Timer N/A Not supported in T1/E1 MultiVOIP units. Phone Number N/A Not supported in T1/E1 MultiVOIP units.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (T1/E1) 149 Voice/Fax Parameter Definitions (cont’d) Field Name Values Description Dynamic Jitter Buffer Parameters Dynamic Jitter Buffer Dynamic Jitter defines a mi nimum and a maximum jitter value for voice communications.
Technical Configuration (T1/E1) MultiVOIP User Guide 150 Voice/Fax Parameter Definitions (cont’d) Field Name Values Description Dynamic Jitter Buffer Parameters Maximum Jitter Value 60 to 400 ms The default maximum dynamic jitter buffer of 300 milliseconds i s the maximum delay tolerable over a high jitter network.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (T1/E1) 151 Voice/Fax Parameter Definitions (cont’d) ) Field Name Values Description Auto Disconnect Parameters The Automatic Disconnection group has four options which can be used singly or in any combination.
Technical Configuration (T1/E1) MultiVOIP User Guide 152 9. Set T1/E1/IS DN Paramet ers. This dialog box can be reached by pulldown menu, toolbar icon, ke yboard shortcut, or sidebar.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (T1/E1) 153 In each field, enter the values that fit your particular network..
Technical Configuration (T1/E1) MultiVOIP User Guide 154 T1 Paramet ers. The parameters applicab le to T1 and their v alues are shown in the figure below.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (T1/E1) 155 T1 Parameter Definitions Field Name Values Description T1/E1/ISDN T1 North American standard. Long-Haul Mode Y/N In Long-Haul Mode, the MultiVOIP automatically recovers received signals as low as –36 dB.
Technical Configuration (T1/E1) MultiVOIP User Guide 156 T1 Parameter Definitions (cont’d) Field Name Values Description CAS Protocol E&M Immed Strt E&M Wink Start E&M Wink with dial ton.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (T1/E1) 157 T1 Parameter Definitions (cont’d) Field Name Values Description Detect Flash Hook Y/N This setting determ ines whether or not the MultiVOIP responds to hook-flash signals.
Technical Configuration (T1/E1) MultiVOIP User Guide 158 T1 Parameter Definitions (cont’d) ISDN Parameters Field Name Values Description Enable ISDN-PRI Y/N If digital connection is ISDN- PRI type, this box should be checked. When ISDN is enabled, the “CAS Protocols” field is grayed out (ISDN has its own signaling method).
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (T1/E1) 159 T1 Parameter Definitions (cont’d) Field Name Values Description Line Build Out 0 dB, -7.5 dB, -15 dB, -22.5 dB To reduce the crosstalk on received signals, a transm it attenuator can be placed in the data path.
Technical Configuration (T1/E1) MultiVOIP User Guide 160 E1 Para meters. The parameters applicab le to E1 and their v alues are shown in the figure below.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (T1/E1) 161 E1 Parameter Definitions Field Name Values Description T1/E1/ISDN E1 European standard. Long-Haul Mode Y/N In Long-Haul Mode, the MultiVOIP automatically recovers received signals as low as –36 dB.
Technical Configuration (T1/E1) MultiVOIP User Guide 162 E1 Parameter Definitions (cont’d) Field Name Values Description CAS Protocol E&M Immed Strt E&M Wink Start E&M Wink with dial ton.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (T1/E1) 163 E1 Parameter Definitions (cont’d) Field Name Values Description Detect Flash Hook Y/N This setting determ ines whether or not the MultiVOIP responds to hook-flash signals.
Technical Configuration (T1/E1) MultiVOIP User Guide 164 E1 Parameter Definitions (cont’d) ISDN Parameters Field Name Values Description Enable ISDN-PRI Y/N If digital connection is ISDN- PRI type, this box should be checked. When ISDN is enabled, the “CAS Protocols” field is grayed out (ISDN has its own signaling method).
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (T1/E1) 165 E1 Parameter Definitions (cont’d) Field Name Values Description Line Build Out 0 dB, -7.5 dB, -15 dB, -22.5 dB To reduce the crosstalk on received signals, a transm it attenuator can be placed in the data path.
Technical Configuration (T1/E1) MultiVOIP User Guide 166 10. Set ISDN Par ameters (if applicable). These parameters are acces- sible in the T1/E1/ISD N Parameters screen. I f your T1 or E1 phone line is a Primary Rate Interf ace ISDN line, e nable ISDN-PRI and set it f or the particular implementation of ISDN that your telco uses.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (T1/E1) 167 11. Set SNMP Param e ters (Remote Voip Man agement). This dialog box can be reached by pulldown menu, keyboard shortcut, or sidebar. To make the Mu ltiVOIP controllable by a remote PC running the MultiVo ipManager software, check the “Enable SNMP Agent” box on the SNMP Parameters screen.
Technical Configuration (T1/E1) MultiVOIP User Guide 168 In each field, enter the values that fit your particular system..
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (T1/E1) 169 The SNMP Parameter fields are d escribed in the table below. SNMP Parameter Definitions Field Name Values Description Enable SNMP Agent Y/N Enables the SNMP code in the firmware of the MultiVOIP .
Technical Configuration (T1/E1) MultiVOIP User Guide 170 12. Set Regional Parameter s (Phone Signaling Tones & Cadences and setup for built-in Remo te Configuration/ Command Modem) . This dialog box can be reache d by pulldown menu, keyboard shortcut, or sidebar.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (T1/E1) 171 The Regional Para meters screen will appear. For the country selec ted, the standard set of frequen cy pairs will be listed for dial tone, busy tone, ‘unobtainable’ tone (fast busy or trunk busy), and ring tone.
Technical Configuration (T1/E1) MultiVOIP User Guide 172 The Regional Para meters fields are desc ribed in the table below. “Regional Parameter” Definitions Field Name Values Description Country/ .
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (T1/E1) 173 “Regional Parameter” Definitions Field Name Values Description Frequency 1 frequency in Hertz Lower frequency of pair. Frequency 2 frequency in Hertz Higher frequency of pair. Gain 1 gain in dB +3dB to –31dB and “mute” setting Amplification factor of lower frequency of pair.
Technical Configuration (T1/E1) MultiVOIP User Guide 174 “Regional Parameter” Definitions (cont’d) Field Name Values Description Cadence (msec) On/Off n/n/n/n four integer time values in milli-s.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (T1/E1) 175 13. Set Custom Tones and Cadences (optional ) . The Regional Parameters dialog box has a secondary dialog box that allows you to customize DTMF.
Technical Configuration (T1/E1) MultiVOIP User Guide 176 The Custom Tone-Pair Settings fields are described in the table below. Custom Tone-Pair Settings Definition s Field Name Values Description Ton.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (T1/E1) 177 Custom Tone-Pair Settings Definition s Field Name Values Description Cadence 1 integer time value in milli-seconds; zero value for dial-tone in.
Technical Configuration (T1/E1) MultiVOIP User Guide 178 14. Set SMTP Parameters ( Log Reports by Email). The SMTP Parameters screen is applicable when the VOIP administr ator has chosen to receive lo.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (T1/E1) 179 The SMTP Parameters screen is shown below..
Technical Configuration (T1/E1) MultiVOIP User Guide 180 “SMTP Parameters” Defi nitions Field Name Values Description Enable SMTP Y/N In order to send log reports by email, this box must be checked. However, to enable SMTP functionality, you must also select “SMTP” in the Logs screen.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (T1/E1) 181 ...... “SMTP Parameters” Defi nitions (cont’d) Field Name Values Description Mail Type text or html Mail type in which log reports will be sent. Subject text User specified. Subject line that will appear for all emailed log reports for this MultiVOIP unit.
Technical Configuration (T1/E1) MultiVOIP User Guide 182 The SMTP Parameters dialog box has a secondary dialog box, Custom Fields , that allows yo u to custom ize email log me ssages for the MultiVOIP. The Multi VOIP software logs d ata about many aspects of the call traffic going through the Mult iVOIP.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (T1/E1) 183 “Custom Fields” Definitions (cont’d) Field Description Field Description Outbound Digits Digits put out by MultiVOIP onto the T1 or E1 line. Prefix Matched When selected, the phonebook prefix matched in processing call will be listed in lo g .
Technical Configuration (T1/E1) MultiVOIP User Guide 184.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (T1/E1) 185 15. Set Log Reporting Method . The Logs screen lets you choose how the VoIP administrator will receive log reports about the MultiVOIP’s performance and the phone call traffi c th at is passing through it.
Technical Configuration (T1/E1) MultiVOIP User Guide 186 the logging option that applies to your VoIP system design. If you intend to use a SysLog Server program for logging, click in that Enable check box. The com mon SysLog logical port number is 514.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (T1/E1) 187 “Logs” Screen Definition s (cont’d) Field Name Values Description Filters (button) Click to a ccess secondary screen on where console messages can be included/excluded by category and on a per-channel basis.
Technical Configuration (T1/E1) MultiVOIP User Guide 188 To customize console me ssages by cate gory and/or by chann el, click on “Filters” and use the Console Mess ages Filters Settings screen.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (T1/E1) 189 16. Set Supplementary Ser vices Parameters. This dialog box can be reached by pulldown menu, keyboard shortcut, or sidebar. Accessing “Supplementary Services Parameters ” Pulldown Icon Shortcut Sidebar Ctrl + Alt +H Supplementary Services feature s derive from the H.
Technical Configuration (T1/E1) MultiVOIP User Guide 190 In each field, enter the values that fit your particular network. Of the features implemented unde r Supplementary Services, three ar e very closely related : Call Transfer, Ca ll Hold, and Call Waiting.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (T1/E1) 191 the channel over which the call is being originated (for example, “Calling Part y - Omaha Sales O f fice Line 2”). If that v oip channel is dedicated to a certain individual, the descriptor could say th at, as well (for example “C alling Party - Harold Smith in Omaha”).
Technical Configuration (T1/E1) MultiVOIP User Guide 192 The Supplementary S ervices fields are de scribed i n the tables below. Supplementary Services Parameter Definitions Field Name Values Description Select Channel 1 (MVP- 130/ 130FXS 1-2 (210); 1-4 (410); 1-8 (810) The channel to be configured is selected here.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (T1/E1) 193 Supplementary Services Definitions (cont’d ) Field Name Values Description Call Hold Enable Y/N Select to enable Call Hold function in voip unit.
Technical Configuration (T1/E1) MultiVOIP User Guide 194 Supplementary Services Definitions (cont’d ) Field Name Values Description Call Name Identification Enable Enables CNI function .
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (T1/E1) 195 Supplementary Services Definitions (cont’d) Field Name Values Description Calling Party, Allowed Name Type (CNI) If the ‘home’ voip unit .
Technical Configuration (T1/E1) MultiVOIP User Guide 196 Supplementary Services Definitions (cont’d ) Field Name Values Description Alerting Party, Allowed Name Type (CNI) If the ‘home’ voip uni.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (T1/E1) 197 Supplementary Services Definitions (cont’d ) Field Name Values Description Busy Party, Allowed Name Type (CNI) If the ‘home’ voip unit is.
Technical Configuration (T1/E1) MultiVOIP User Guide 198 Supplementary Services Definitions (cont’d ) Field Name Values Description Connected Party, Allowed Name Type (CNI) If the ‘home’ voip un.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (T1/E1) 199 Supplementary Services Definitions (cont’d ) Field Name Values Description Caller ID This is the identifier of a specific channel of the ‘home’ voip unit.
Technical Configuration (T1/E1) MultiVOIP User Guide 200 17. Set Baud Rate . The Connection opti on in the side bar menu has a “S ettings” item that i ncludes the baud-ra te setting for t he COM port of the com puter running t he MultiVOIP software.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (T1/E1) 201 18. View System Information screen an d set updating interval (optional). This dialog box can be reached by p ulldown menu, keyboard shor tcut, or sidebar.
Technical Configuration (T1/E1) MultiVOIP User Guide 202 This screen presents vital system in formation at a glance. Its pr imary use is in troubleshooting . System Information Para meter Definitions Field Name Values Description Boot Version nn.nn Indicates the version of the code that is used at the startup (booting) of the voip.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (T1/E1) 203 System Information Para meter Definitions Field Name Values Description Configur- ation Version nn.nn.nn. nn alpha- numeric Indicates version of MultiVOIP Configuration software (which includes screens for IP Parameters, SNMP Parameters, SMTP Par ameters, Regional Pa rameters, etc.
Technical Configuration (T1/E1) MultiVOIP User Guide 204 The frequency with which the System In formation screen is upd ated is determined by a setting in the Logs screen 19. Saving the MultiV OIP Configur ation . When v alues have been set for all of the Mult iVOIP’s various ope rating parameters, c lick on Save Setup in the sidebar.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (T1/E1) 205 20. Crea ting a User Default Confi guration . When a “Setup” (com plete grouping of parameters) is being saved, you will be prompted abo ut designating that setup as a “User Default” setup.
206 Chapter 6: T echnical Configuration f or Analog/BRI MultiV OIPs (MVP-130/130FXS, MVP-210, MVP-410, MVP-810 & MVP-410ST/810ST).
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Analog/BRI) 207 Configuring the Analog/BRI MultiV OIP There are two ways in which the MultiVOIP must be configured before operation: technical configurat ion and phonebook configuration. Technical Configuration .
Technical Configuration (Analog/ BRI) MultiVOIP User Guide 208 Local/Remote Configuration . The Mult iVOIP must be configured locally at first (to est a blish an IP ad dress for the MultiVOIP unit). But changes to this initial confi guration can be done either loc ally or remotely.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Analog/BRI) 209 Functional Equivalence of Interfaces. The MultiVOI P configuration program is requ ired to do the initia l configuration (th at is, setting an IP address for the Multi VOIP unit) so th at the VOIP unit can commun icate with the MultiVoipManager program or with the web browser GUI.
Technical Configuration (Analog/ BRI) MultiVOIP User Guide 210 Local Configuration This manual prim arily describes local configur ation with the Windows GUI.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Analog/BRI) 211 Write down the values for these IP parameters. You will need to enter these values in the “IP P arameters” screen in the Configuration sect ion of the MultiVOIP softw are. You must have this IP in formation about every VOIP in the system.
Technical Configuration (Analog/ BRI) MultiVOIP User Guide 212 ISDN-BRI T elephony Pa rameters (for MVP-410ST/810ST) The following parameters must be known about the PBX or telco central office equipment to which the analog MultiVOIP will connect: 9 ISDN-BRI Phone Parameters Ask phone company or telecom manager.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Analog/BRI) 213 SMTP P ar ameters (f or email call log repor ting) required if log reports of VOIP call traffic are to be sent by email Optional SMTP Parameters Preparation Task: Ask Mail Server administrator to set up email account (with password) for the MultiVOIP unit itse lf.
Technical Configuration (Analog/ BRI) MultiVOIP User Guide 214 Local Configuration Pr ocedure (Summary) After the MultiVOIP confi guration software h as been installed in th e ‘Command’ PC (which is connected to the MultiVOIP unit), several steps must be taken to configure the MultiVOIP to function in its specific setting.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Analog/BRI) 215 19. Create a User Defau lt Configurat ion (optional). When technical configuration is comp lete, you w ill need to configure the MultiVOIP’s inbound and outbound phonebooks.
Technical Configuration (Analog/ BRI) MultiVOIP User Guide 216 3. Confirm Connection . If the MultiVOIP is set for an avai lable COM port and is correctly cabled to the PC, the MultiVOIP main screen will appear. (If the main screen appears grayed out and seems inacces sible, go to step 4.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Analog/BRI) 217 In the lower left corner of the screen , the connection status of the MultiVOIP wil l be displayed.
Technical Configuration (Analog/ BRI) MultiVOIP User Guide 218 4. Solving Common Connection Problems . A. Fixing a COM Port Problem . If the MultiVOIP main screen appears but is grayed out and seems inaccessib le, the COM port that was specified for its com munication with the PC is unavailable and must be changed.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Analog/BRI) 219 4B. Fixing a Cabl ing Problem . If the Multi VOIP cannot be located by the computer, two error messages will appear (s aying “Mult i -VOIP Not Found” and “Phone Database Not Read”).
Technical Configuration (Analog/ BRI) MultiVOIP User Guide 220 6. Set IP Parameters. This dialog box can be reached by pulldown menu, toolbar icon, keyboard shortcut, or sidebar.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Analog/BRI) 221 In each field, enter the values that fit your particular network..
Technical Configuration (Analog/ BRI) MultiVOIP User Guide 222 The IP Parameters fields are described in the table below. IP Parameter Definitions Field Name Values Description DiffServ Parameter fields DiffServ PHB (Per Hop Behavior) value s pertain to a differenti al prioritizing system for IP packets as handled by DiffServ-compatible router s.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Analog/BRI) 223 The IP Datagram with Header, Its Ty pe-of-Service field, & DiffServ bits => 0 4 8 16 19 24 31 VERS HLEN TYPE OF SERVICE TOTAL LENGT.
Technical Configuration (Analog/ BRI) MultiVOIP User Guide 224 IP Parameter Definitions (cont’d) Field Name Values Description IP Parameter fields Enable DHCP Y/N disabled by default Dynamic Host Co.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Analog/BRI) 225 IP Parameter Definitions (cont’d) Field Name Values Description FTP Parameter fields FTP Server Enable Y/N Default = disabled See “FTP Server File Transfers” in Operation & Maintenance chapter.
Technical Configuration (Analog/ BRI) MultiVOIP User Guide 226 7. Enable Web Browser GUI (Option al) . After an IP add ress for the MultiVOIP unit has been established, you c an choose to do any furt her configuration of the unit (a) by using the MultiVOIP web browser GUI, or (b) by continuing to use the Mu ltiVOI P Windows GUI.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Analog/BRI) 227 8. Set Voice/FAX Pa rameters. This dialog box ca n be reached by pulldown menu, toolbar icon, ke yboard shortcut, or sidebar.
Technical Configuration (Analog/ BRI) MultiVOIP User Guide 228 In each field, enter the values that fit your particular network..
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Analog/BRI) 229 Note that Voice/FAX parameters are applied on a channel-by-channel basis. However, once you have established a set of Voice/FAX parameters.
Technical Configuration (Analog/ BRI) MultiVOIP User Guide 230 The Voice/FAX Parameters fields are described in the table s below. Voice/Fax Parameter Definitions Field Name Values Description Default -- When this button is clicked, all Voice/FAX parameters are set to their default values.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Analog/BRI) 231 Voice/Fax Parameter Definitions (cont’d) Field Name Values Description DTMF Para meters Duration (DTMF) 60 – 3000 ms When DTMF: Out of Band is selected, this setting determines how long each DTMF digit ‘sounds’ or is held.
Technical Configuration (Analog/ BRI) MultiVOIP User Guide 232 Voice/Fax Parameter Definitions (cont’d) Coder Parameters Coder Manual or Auto- matic Determines whether select ion of coder is manual or automatic.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Analog/BRI) 233 Voice/Fax Parameter Definitions (cont’d) Field Name Values Description Advanced Features Silence Compression Y/N Determines whether silence compression is enabled (checked) for this voice channel.
Technical Configuration (Analog/ BRI) MultiVOIP User Guide 234 Voice/Fax Parameter Definitions (cont’d) Field Name Values Description AutoCall/Offhook A l ert Parameters Auto Call / Offhook Alert Au.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Analog/BRI) 235 Voice/Fax Parameter Definitions (cont’d) Field Name Values Description AutoCall/Offhook A l ert Parameters Auto Call / Offhook Alert AutoCall, Offhook Alert (continued from previous page) Both functions apply on a channel-by- channel basis.
Technical Configuration (Analog/ BRI) MultiVOIP User Guide 236 Voice/Fax Parameter Definitions (cont’d) Field Name Values Description AutoCall/Offhook A l ert Parameters Offhook Alert Timer 0 – 30.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Analog/BRI) 237 Voice/Fax Parameter Definitions (cont’d) ) Field Name Values Description Dynamic Jitter Dynamic Jitter Buffer Dynamic Jitter defines a mi nimum and a maximum jitter value for voice communications.
Technical Configuration (Analog/ BRI) MultiVOIP User Guide 238 Voice/Fax Parameter Definitions (cont’d) Field Name Values Description Dynamic Jitter Maximum Jitter Value 60 to 400 ms The maximum dynamic jitter buffer of 400 milliseconds is the maximum delay tolerable over a high jitter network.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Analog/BRI) 239 Voice/Fax Parameter Definitions (cont’d) ) Field Name Values Description Auto Disconnect Automatic Disconnect- ion -- The Automatic Disconnection group provides four optio ns which can be used singly or in any combination.
Technical Configuration (Analog/ BRI) MultiVOIP User Guide 240 9a. ( Analog V OIPs ). Set Telephony Interface P arameters. This dialog box can be reached by pull down menu, toolbar icon, keyboard sho rtcut, or sidebar.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Analog/BRI) 241 In each field, enter the values that fit your particular network. The kinds of parameters for which va lues must be chosen depend on the type of telephony supervisory signaling or interface used (FXO, E&M, etc.
Technical Configuration (Analog/ BRI) MultiVOIP User Guide 242 Note that Inte rface paramet ers are applie d on a channel-b y-channel basis. However, once you have established a set of Interface param.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Analog/BRI) 243 FXS Loop Start Parameters. The p arameters applicable to FXS Loop Start are shown in the figure below and described in the table that follows. FXS Loop Start Interface: Parameter Definitions Field Name Values Description FXS (Loop Start) Y/N Enables FXS Loop Start interface type.
Technical Configuration (Analog/ BRI) MultiVOIP User Guide 244 FXS Loop Start Interface: Parameter Definitions (cont’d ) Field Name Values Description Dialing Options fields Inter Digit Timer 1 - 10 seconds This is the length of time that the MultiVOIP will wait between digits.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Analog/BRI) 245 FXS Loop Start Interface: Parameter Definitions (cont’d ) Field Name Values Description Flash Hook Options f ields Generation -- not applicable to FXS interface Detection Range for Min . and Max .
Technical Configuration (Analog/ BRI) MultiVOIP User Guide 246 FXS Loop Start Interface: Parameter Definitions (cont’d ) Field Name Values Description Caller ID fields Caller ID enable (cont’d) Y/N The form s of the ‘Caller Name’ and ‘Caller Phone Number’ differ depending on the IP transmission protocol used (H.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Analog/BRI) 247 FXO Parameters. The parameters applicable to the FX O telephony interface type are shown in the figu re below and described in the table that follows.
Technical Configuration (Analog/ BRI) MultiVOIP User Guide 248 FXO Interface: Parameter Definitions* *Not applicable to MVP130FXS Field Name Values Description Interface, FXO Y/N Enables FXO functionality Dialing Options Regeneration Pulse, DTMF Determines whether digits generated and sent out will be pulse tones or DTMF.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Analog/BRI) 249 FXO Interface: Parameter Definitions (cont’d) Field Name Values Description Dialing Options (cont’d) Inter Digit Regeneration Time 50 to 20,000 milliseconds The length of time between the outputting of DTMF digits.
Technical Configuration (Analog/ BRI) MultiVOIP User Guide 250 FXO Interface: Parameter Definitions (cont’d ) Field Name Values Description FXO Disconnect On (cont’ d) Disconnect Tone Sequence 1 st tone pair + 2 nd tone pair These are DTMF tone pairs.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Analog/BRI) 251 FXO Interface: Parameter Definitions (cont’d ) Field Name Values Description Flash Hook Options field s Generation 50 - 1500 milliseconds Length of flash hook that will be generated and sent out when the remote end initiates a flash hook and it is regenerated locally.
Technical Configuration (Analog/ BRI) MultiVOIP User Guide 252 The Caller ID feature has dependencie s on both the telco central office and the MultiVOIP phone book. See the diagram series below. IP Network xxxyyyzzzz J.Q. Public xxxyyyzzzz J.Q. Public Central Office with standard telephony Caller ID service T erminating Vo IP Generating VoI P H.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Analog/BRI) 253 IP Net wo rk xx xyy yz zz z J. Q. P u bl ic x xxy yy zz zz J. Q. P u bl ic C entr al Of fic e with out st and ard t elepho ny Ca lle r ID service T e rm in a tin g VoI P Ge nera ting Vo I P SPP Protocol Ca l l is r ece ived he re.
Technical Configuration (Analog/ BRI) MultiVOIP User Guide 254 IP Network xxxyy yzzzz J.Q. Pub lic xxxyyyzzzz J.Q. Pu blic Central Office without standard telephony Caller ID service T erminating Vo IP Generating VoI P H.323 Protocol Call is received here.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Analog/BRI) 255 E&M Parameters. The parameters applicable to the E&M telephony interface type are shown in the figu re below and described in the table that follows.
Technical Configuration (Analog/ BRI) MultiVOIP User Guide 256 E&M Interface Parameter Defini tions *Not applicable to MVP130FXS Field Name Values Description Interface E&M enables E&M fu nctionality Type Types 1-5. Refers to the type of E&M interface being used.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Analog/BRI) 257 E&M Interface Parameter Definitions (cont’d) Field Name Values Description Dialing Options Inter Digit Timer integer values, in seconds This is the length of time that the MultiVOIP will wait between digits.
Technical Configuration (Analog/ BRI) MultiVOIP User Guide 258 E&M Interface Parameter Definitions (cont’d) Field Name Values Description Dialing Options (cont’d) Disconnect on Call Progress T.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Analog/BRI) 259 DID Parameters. The param eters applicable to the Direct Inward Dial (DID) telephony interfac e type are shown in the fi gure below and described in the table that follows.
Technical Configuration (Analog/ BRI) MultiVOIP User Guide 260 DID Interface Parameter Definitions ( cont’d ) Field Name Values Description DID Options (cont’d) Start Modes Immediate Start, Wink Start, Delay Dial For Wink Start , the voip detects the off-hook condition.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Analog/BRI) 261 9b. ( for ISDN-BRI MultiVOIP units ). Set ISD N Paramete rs . This dialog box can be reached by pull down menu, toolbar icon, keyboard sho rtcut, or sidebar.
Technical Configuration (Analog/ BRI) MultiVOIP User Guide 262 In the ISDN BRI Parameters screen, select one of the BRI interfaces and configure it for the part icular implemen tation of ISDN that you wil l use. Configure each BRI interface per th e requirements of your voip system.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Analog/BRI) 263 Note that ISDN B RI parameters are applied on an interface-by-interface basis. However, once you have established a set of ISDN BRI parame.
Technical Configuration (Analog/ BRI) MultiVOIP User Guide 264 ISDN-BRI Parameter Definitions Field Name Values Description Select BRI Interface ISDN n for n= 1- 2 (410ST) for n=1-4 (810 ST) In this field, you will choose which ISDN port you are configuring .
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Analog/BRI) 265 ISDN-BRI Parameter Definitions (conti nued) Field Name Values Description Dialing Options Inter Digit Timer (value in milliseconds) Dialin g options are relevant w hen the MultiVOIP provides dial tone either during an overlap receiving mode or pr oviding a second dial tone.
Technical Configuration (Analog/ BRI) MultiVOIP User Guide 266 ISDN-BRI Parameter Definitions (conti nued) Field Name Values Description Numbering Details Calling Party Number Type: Unknown, International, National, Net_Spf, Subscriber, Local, Abbreviated Support for the user to select the Calling Party Number Type.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Analog/BRI) 267 ISDN-BRI Parameter Definitions (conti nued) Field Name Values Description MSN Details MSN n Right most digits to be distinguished Multiple.
Technical Configuration (Analog/ BRI) MultiVOIP User Guide 268 Country and Operator options for the MVP-410ST/810 ST voip units are listed below. Au s t r a l ia Eu ro pe E TSI - -A -l a w E C MA _Q S.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Analog/BRI) 269 10. Set SNMP Param e ters (Remote Voip Man agement). This dialog box can be reached by pulldown menu, keyboard shortcut, or sidebar.
Technical Configuration (Analog/ BRI) MultiVOIP User Guide 270 In each field, enter the values that fit your particular system..
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Analog/BRI) 271 The SNMP Parameter fields are d escribed in the table below. SNMP Parameter Definitions Field Name Values Description Enable SNMP Agent Y/N Enables the SNMP code in the firmware of the MultiVOIP .
Technical Configuration (Analog/ BRI) MultiVOIP User Guide 272 11. Set Regional Parameter s (Phone Signaling Tones & Cadences) . ) . This dialog box can be reache d by pulldown menu, keyboard shortcut, or sidebar.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Analog/BRI) 273 The Regional Para meters screen will appear. For the country selec ted, the standard set of frequen cy pairs will be listed for dial tone, busy tone, ‘unobtainable’ tone (fast busy or trunk busy), and ring tone.
Technical Configuration (Analog/ BRI) MultiVOIP User Guide 274 The Regional Para meters fields are described in the table below. “Regional Parameter” Definitions Field Name Values Description Coun.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Analog/BRI) 275 “Regional Parameter” Definitions Field Name Values Description Country/ Region USA, Japan, UK, Custom Note : “Survivability” tone indicates a special type of call-routing redundancy & applies to MultiVantage voip units only.
Technical Configuration (Analog/ BRI) MultiVOIP User Guide 276 “Regional Parameter” Definitions (cont’d) Field Name Values Description Cadence (msec) On/Off n/n/n/n four integer time values in m.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Analog/BRI) 277 12. Set Custom Tones and Cadences (optional). The Re gional Parameters dialog box has a secondary dialog box that allows you to customize .
Technical Configuration (Analog/ BRI) MultiVOIP User Guide 278 The Custom Tone-Pair Settings fields are described in the table below. Custom Tone-Pair Settings Definition s Field Name Values Descripti.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Analog/BRI) 279 Custom Tone-Pair Settings Definition s Field Name Values Description Cadence 1 integer time value in milli-seconds; zero value for dial-to.
Technical Configuration (Analog/ BRI) MultiVOIP User Guide 280 13. Set SMTP Parameters ( Log Reports by Email). The SMTP Parameters screen is applicable when the VOIP administr ator has chosen to rece.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Analog/BRI) 281 The SMTP Parameters screen is shown below “SMTP Parameters” Defi nitions Field Name Values Description Enable SMTP Y/N In order to send log reports by email, this box must be checked. However, to enable SMTP functionality, you must also select “SMTP” in the Logs screen.
Technical Configuration (Analog/ BRI) MultiVOIP User Guide 282 . “SMTP Parameters” Defi nitions (cont’d) Field Name Values Description Password alpha- numeric Login password for MultiVOIP unit’s email account. Mail Server IP Address n.n.n.n for n= 0 to 255 This is the mail server’s IP address.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Analog/BRI) 283 The SMTP Parameters dialog box has a secondary dialog box, Custom Fields , that allows yo u to custom ize email log me ssages for the MultiVOIP. The Multi VOIP software logs d ata about many aspects of the call traffic going through the Mult iVOIP.
Technical Configuration (Analog/ BRI) MultiVOIP User Guide 284 “Custom Fields” Definitions (cont’d) Field Description Field Description Outbound Digits Digits put out by MultiVOIP onto the phone line. Prefix Matched When selected, the phonebook prefix matched in processing the call will be listed in lo g .
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Analog/BRI) 285.
Technical Configuration (Analog/ BRI) MultiVOIP User Guide 286 14. Set Log Reporting Method . The Logs screen lets you choose ho w the VoIP administrator will receive log reports about the MultiVOIP’s performance and the phone call traffi c th at is passing through it.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Analog/BRI) 287 If you enable console messages, you can customize the types of messages to be included/e xcluded in log reports b y clicking on the “Filters” button and using the Consol e Messages Fil ter Settin gs screen (see subsequent page).
Technical Configuration (Analog/ BRI) MultiVOIP User Guide 288 “Logs” Screen Definition s Field Name Values Description Enable Console Messages Y/N Allows MultiVO IP debugging messages to be read via a basic te rminal program lik e HyperTerminal ™ or equivalent.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Analog/BRI) 289 To customize console me ssages by cate gory and/or by chann el, click on “Filters” and use the Console Mess ages Filters Settings screen.
Technical Configuration (Analog/ BRI) MultiVOIP User Guide 290 15. Set Supplementary Ser vices Parameters. This dialog box can be reached by pulldown menu, keyboard shortcut, or sidebar. Accessing “Supplementary Services” Parameter s Pulldown Icon Shortcut Sidebar Ctrl + Alt +H Supplementary Services feature s derive from the H.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Analog/BRI) 291 In each field, enter the values that fit your particular network. Of the features implemented unde r Supplementary Services, three ar e very closely related : Call Transfer, Ca ll Hold, and Call Waiting.
Technical Configuration (Analog/ BRI) MultiVOIP User Guide 292 the channel over which the call is being originated (for example, “Calling Part y - Omaha Sales O f fice Line 2”). If that v oip channel is dedicated to a certain individual, the descriptor could say th at, as well (for example “C alling Party - Harold Smith in Omaha”).
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Analog/BRI) 293 The Supplementary S ervices fields are de scribed i n the tables below. Supplementary Services Parameter Definitions Field Name Values Description Select Channel 1 (MVP- 130/ 130FXS) 1-2 (210); 1-4 (410); 1-8 (810) The channel to be configured is selected here.
Technical Configuration (Analog/ BRI) MultiVOIP User Guide 294 Supplementary Services Definitions (cont’d ) Field Name Values Description Call Hold Enable Y/N Select to enable Call Hold function in voip unit.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Analog/BRI) 295 Supplementary Services Definitions (cont’d ) Field Name Values Description Call Name Identification Enable Enables CNI function .
Technical Configuration (Analog/ BRI) MultiVOIP User Guide 296 Supplementary Services Definitions (cont’d) Field Name Values Description Calling Party, Allowed Name Type (CNI) If the ‘home’ voip.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Analog/BRI) 297 Supplementary Services Definitions (cont’d ) Field Name Values Description Alerting Party, Allowed Name Type (CNI) If the ‘home’ voi.
Technical Configuration (Analog/ BRI) MultiVOIP User Guide 298 Supplementary Services Definitions (cont’d ) Field Name Values Description Busy Party, Allowed Name Type (CNI) If the ‘home’ voip u.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Analog/BRI) 299 Supplementary Services Definitions (cont’d ) Field Name Values Description Connected Party, Allowed Name Type (CNI) If the ‘home’ vo.
Technical Configuration (Analog/ BRI) MultiVOIP User Guide 300 Supplementary Services Definitions (cont’d ) Field Name Values Description Caller ID This is the identifier of a specific channel of the ‘home’ voip unit.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Analog/BRI) 301 16. Set Baud Rate . The Connection option in the sidebar menu has a “Settings” item that includes the baud-rate setting for the COM port of the computer running the MultiVOIP so ftware.
Technical Configuration (Analog/ BRI) MultiVOIP User Guide 302 17. View System Information screen an d set updating interval (optional). This dialog box can be reached by p ulldown menu, keyboard shor tcut, or sidebar.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Analog/BRI) 303 This screen presents vital system in formation at a glance. Its pr imary use is in troubleshooting . System Information Para meter Definitions Field Name Values Description Boot Version nn.
Technical Configuration (Analog/ BRI) MultiVOIP User Guide 304 System Information Para meter Definitions (cont’d) Field Name Values Description Configur- ation Version nn.
MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Analog/BRI) 305 The frequency with which the System In formation screen is upd ated is determined by a setting in the Logs screen 18. Saving the MultiV OIP Configur ation . When v alues have been set for all of the Mult iVOIP’s various ope rating parameters, c lick on Save Setup in the sidebar.
Technical Configuration (Analog/ BRI) MultiVOIP User Guide 306 19. Crea ting a User Default Confi guration . When a “Setup” (com plete grouping of parameters) is being saved, you will be prompted abo ut designating that setup as a “User Default” setup.
307 Chapter 7: T1 Phonebook Confi guration (North American Telephony Standards).
T1 Phonebook Configuration MultiVOIP User Guide 308 Configuring the MVP2410 MultiV OIP Phonebooks When a VoIP serves a PBX system, it ’s important that the operation of the VoIP be transparent to t he telephone end user. That is, the VoIP should not entail the dialing of extr a digits to reach user s elsewhere on the network that the VoIP serves.
MultiVOIP User Guide T1 PhoneBook Configuration 309 adjacent area code, an area code differen t than the comp any’s office but still a local c all from that of fice (e.g., St aten Island). The first type of call requires an entry in the Outbound PhoneBoo k of the Miami VOIP and a coordin ated entry in the Inbound phonebook of the New York VOIP.
T1 Phonebook Configuration MultiVOIP User Guide 310 Phonebook configuration screens can be accessed using icons or the sidebar menu. Phonebook Icons Description Phonebook Configuration Inbound Phonebo.
MultiVOIP User Guide T1 PhoneBook Configuration 311 Phonebook Sidebar Menu.
T1 Phonebook Configuration MultiVOIP User Guide 312 1. Go to the PhoneBook Configuration screen (using either the sidebar or drop-down menu)..
MultiVOIP User Guide T1 PhoneBook Configuration 313 In consultation with your VOIP ad ministrator, enter the Gateway Name determine which protocol you will use (H .323, SIP, or SPP). Then fill in the IP address, signaling port, and other par ameters, as needed.
T1 Phonebook Configuration MultiVOIP User Guide 314 . PhoneBook Configuration Parameter Defini tions (cont’d) GateKeeper RAS Parameters Field Name Values Description RAS TTL Value in seconds The H.
MultiVOIP User Guide T1 PhoneBook Configuration 315 PhoneBook Configuration Parameter Defini tions (cont’d) Field Name Values Description H.323 Version 4 Parameters H.323 Multiplexing (Mux) Y/N Signaling for multiple phone calls can be carried on a single port rather than opening a separate signaling port for each call.
T1 Phonebook Configuration MultiVOIP User Guide 316 PhoneBook Configuration Parameter Defini tions (cont’d) Field Name Values Description H.323 Version 4 Parameters Parallel H.245 (FS + Tun) Values : Y/N Description : FS (Fast Start or Fast Connect) is a Q.
MultiVOIP User Guide T1 PhoneBook Configuration 317 PhoneBook Configuration Parameter Defini tions (cont’d) Field Name Values Description SIP Proxy Parameters Signaling Port Port number on which the MultiVOIP UserAgent software module will be waiting for any incoming SIP requests.
T1 Phonebook Configuration MultiVOIP User Guide 318 PhoneBook Configuration Parameter Defini tions (cont’d) Field Name Values & Description SIP Proxy Parameters Password Values : alphanumeric Description : Password for proxy server function. See “User Name” description above.
MultiVOIP User Guide T1 PhoneBook Configuration 319 PhoneBook Configuration Parameter Defini tions (cont’d) Field Name Values Description Single Port Protocol (SPP) Mode Direct, Client, or Regis tra.
T1 Phonebook Configuration MultiVOIP User Guide 320 PhoneBook Configuration Parameter Defini tions (cont’d) Field Name Values Description Single Port Protocol (SPP) [continued] Client Options Client Option fields are active only in registrar/client mode and only for client voip units.
MultiVOIP User Guide T1 PhoneBook Configuration 321 About SPP Proxy/NAT Device Parameters IP Ne t w or k S P P Cli ent/Regi st r ar Sys t em C lie nt Vo ip P ubli c C lie nt Vo ip Pu b l ic C lie n t .
T1 Phonebook Configuration MultiVOIP User Guide 322 2. Select PhoneBook Modify and then select Outbound Phone Book / List Entri es . Fields in the “Details” sect ion will differ depending on the protocol (H.323, SIP, o r SPP) of the select ed list entry to which the details pertain.
MultiVOIP User Guide T1 PhoneBook Configuration 323 3. The Add/Edit Outboun d PhoneBook screen appears. Enter Outbound PhoneBook data for your MVP2410.
T1 Phonebook Configuration MultiVOIP User Guide 324 The fields of the Add/Edit Outbound P hone Book screen are desc ribed in the table below. Add/Edit Outbound Phone Book: Field Definitions Field Name Values Description Accept Any Number Y/N When checked, “Any Number” appears as the value in the Destination Pattern field.
MultiVOIP User Guide T1 PhoneBook Configuration 325 Add/Edit Outbound Phone Book: Field Definitions (cont’d) Field Name Values Description Destination Pattern prefixes, area codes, exchanges, line numbers, extensions Defines the beginning of dialing sequences for calls that will be connected to another VOIP in the system.
T1 Phonebook Configuration MultiVOIP User Guide 326 Add/Edit Outbound Phone Book: Field Definitions (cont’d) Field Name Values Description H.323 fields Use Gatekeepr Y/N Indicates whether or not gatekeeper is us ed. Gateway H.323 ID alpha- numeric The H.
MultiVOIP User Guide T1 PhoneBook Configuration 327 Add/Edit Outbound Phone Book: Field Definitions (cont’d) Field Name Values Description SIP Fields Use Proxy Y/N Select if proxy server is used. Transport Protocol TCP or UDP Voip admi nistrator mus t choose between UDP and TCP transmissio n protoco ls.
T1 Phonebook Configuration MultiVOIP User Guide 328 Add/Edit Outbound Phone Book: Field Def’ns (cont’d) Field Name Values Description SPP Fields Use Registrar Values: Y/N Description: Select this checkbox to use registrar when voip system is operating in the “Registrar/Client” SPP mode.
MultiVOIP User Guide T1 PhoneBook Configuration 329 Clicking on th e Advanced button brings up the Alternate Routing secondary screen. This feature p rovides an alt ernate path fo r calls if the primary IP network cannot carry the traffic. Often in cases of failure, call tr affic is temporarily diverted into the PSTN.
T1 Phonebook Configuration MultiVOIP User Guide 330 Alternate Routing Field Definitions Field Name Values Description Alternate IP Address n.n.n.n where n= 0-255 Alternate destination for outbound data traffic in case of excessive dela y in data transmission .
MultiVOIP User Guide T1 PhoneBook Configuration 331 4. Select PhoneBook Modify and the n select Inbound Phone Book | List Entries ..
T1 Phonebook Configuration MultiVOIP User Guide 332 5. The Add/Edit Inbound PhoneBook screen appears..
MultiVOIP User Guide T1 PhoneBook Configuration 333 Enter Inbound PhoneBook data fo r your MultiVOIP. The fields of the Add/Edit Inbound PhoneBook screen are desc ribed in the table below.
T1 Phonebook Configuration MultiVOIP User Guide 334 Add/Edit Inbound Phone Book: Field Defini tions (cont’d) Field Name Values Description Call Forward Parameters Forward Condition Uncondit.; Busy No Resp. Unconditional . When selected, all calls received will be forwarded.
MultiVOIP User Guide T1 PhoneBook Configuration 335 Add/Edit Inbound Phone Book: Field Defini tions (cont’d) Field Name Values and Description Ring Count 0, 1, 2, 3, etc. When “No Response” is condition for forwarding calls, this determines how many unanswered rings are needed to trigger the fo rwarding.
T1 Phonebook Configuration MultiVOIP User Guide 336 T1 Phonebook Examples The following example de monstrates how Outbound and Inboun d PhoneBook entries work in a situation of multiple area cod es. Consider a company wit h offices in Minneapolis and B altimore.
MultiVOIP User Guide T1 PhoneBook Configuration 337 An outline of the equipment setup in both offices is sh own below. IP Network Digital Vo I P T1 717-5170 PBX -5171 -5172 -5173 -5174 Company HQ. Minneapolis North Sub. area 763 Local-Call Area Cod es: 612, 651, 952 325-7001 R o u t e r Digital Vo I P 200.
T1 Phonebook Configuration MultiVOIP User Guide 338 The screen below shows O utbound PhoneBook entries for the VOIP located in the company’s B altimore facility. The entries in the Minneapolis VOI P’s Inbound PhoneBook match the Outbound PhoneBook entries of the Ba ltimore VOIP, as shown below.
MultiVOIP User Guide T1 PhoneBook Configuration 339 To call the Minneapolis/St. Paul ar ea, a Baltimore employee must dial eleven digits. (In this case, we ar e assum ing that the Baltimore PBX does not require an “8” or “9” to seize an outside phone line.
T1 Phonebook Configuration MultiVOIP User Guide 340 Similarly, the Inbound PhoneBook fo r the Baltimore VOIP (shown first below) generally matches the Outbou nd PhoneBook of the Minneapolis VOIP (shown second below). Notice the extended prefix to be re moved: 14103257.
MultiVOIP User Guide T1 PhoneBook Configuration 341 The Outbound PhoneBook for the Minn eapolis VOIP is shown below. The third destination pattern, “7” facilitates reception of co-worker calls using local-appearin g-extensions only. In this case, the “Add Prefix” field value for this phonebook entry would be “1410325” .
T1 Phonebook Configuration MultiVOIP User Guide 342 Configuring Mixed Digita l/Analog V OIP Systems The MVP2410 digital Mul tiVOIP unit is compatible with analog VOIPs. In many cases, d igital and analog VOIP units wil l appear in th e same telephony/IP system.
MultiVOIP User Guide T1 PhoneBook Configuration 343 The Series I analog VOIP phone book re sides in the “Host” VOIP unit at Site B. It applies to both of the Series I analo g VOIP units. Each of the Series II an alog MultiVOIPs (the MVP2 10 and the MVP410) requires its own inbound and outbound phonebooks.
T1 Phonebook Configuration MultiVOIP User Guide 344 These seven phone books are shown below. Phone Book for Series I Analog VOIP Host Unit (S ite B) VOIP Dir # -OR- Destination Pattern IP Address Channel Comments 102 2 Site B, FX S channel. 101 200.
MultiVOIP User Guide T1 PhoneBook Configuration 345 Note 1. The “x” is a wildcard character. Note 2. By specif ying “Channel 0,” we instruct the MVP2400/ 2410 to choose any avai lable data channel to carry the call. Note 3. Note that Site F key system has only 30 extensions (x7400-7429) .
T1 Phonebook Configuration MultiVOIP User Guide 346 Outbound Phone Book for MVP2410 Digital VOIP (Site D) Destin. Pattern Remove Prefix Add Prefix IP Address Comment 201 200.2. 9.7 To originate calls to Site A (Bismarck). 1507 1507 101# Note 3. 200.2.
MultiVOIP User Guide T1 PhoneBook Configuration 347 Inbound Phonebook for MVP2410 Di gital VOIP (Site D) Remove Prefix Add Prefix Channel Number Comment 1615 9, Note 4. Note 5. 0 Allows phone users at remote voip sites to call non-toll numbers within the Site D area code (615; Pierre, SD) over the VOIP network.
T1 Phonebook Configuration MultiVOIP User Guide 348 Outbound Phone Book for MVP410 Analog VOIP (Site F) Destin. Pattern Remove Prefix Add Prefix IP Address Comment 201 200.2.9. 7 To originat e calls to Site A (Bismarck). 1507 1507 101# Note 3. 200.2.9.
MultiVOIP User Guide T1 PhoneBook Configuration 349 Inbound Phonebook for MVP410 Ana log VOIP (Site F) Remove Prefix Add Prefix Channel Number Comment 1402 4 Access to Lincoln local PSTN by users at remote VOIP locations via FXO p ort at Site F. 1402 263740 740 0 Gives remote voip users acces s to extension of key phone system at Site F (Lincoln).
T1 Phonebook Configuration MultiVOIP User Guide 350 Outbound Phone Book for MVP210 Analog VOIP (Site E) Destin. Pattern Remove Prefix Add Prefix IP Address Comment 201 200.
MultiVOIP User Guide T1 PhoneBook Configuration 351 Inbound Phonebook for MVP210 Ana log VOIP (Site E) Remove Prefix Add Prefix Channel Number Comment 421 1 Call Completion Summaries Site A call ing Site C, Method 1 1. Dial 101. 2. Hear dial tone from Site B.
T1 Phonebook Configuration MultiVOIP User Guide 352 Site D calling Site C 1. Dial 9,1507717 5662. 2. “9” gets o utside line. On some PBXs, an “8” may be u sed to direct calls to the VOIP, while “9” directs calls to the PSTN.
MultiVOIP User Guide T1 PhoneBook Configuration 353 Site D calling Site F A voip call from Pierre PBX to extension 74 24 on the key telephone system in Lincoln, Nebraska. A. The required entry in the Pierre O utbound Phonebook to facilitate origination of the call, wou ld be 1402263742.
T1 Phonebook Configuration MultiVOIP User Guide 354 Site F calling Site D A voip call from a Lincoln key extension to ext ension 3117 on the PBX in Pierre, South Dakota. A. The required entry in th e Lincoln Outbound Phonebook to facilitate origination of the call, would be “31” .
355 Chapter 8: E1 Phonebook Configuration (European Telephony Standards).
E1 Phonebook Configuration MultiVOIP User Guide 356 MVP3010 Inbound and Outbound MultiV OIP Phonebooks Important Definition: The MultiVOIP’s Outbound phone book lists the phone stations it can call; its Inbound phonebook de scribes the dialing sequences that ca n be used to call that MultiVOIP and how those calls will be directed.
MultiVOIP User Guide E1 PhoneBook Configuration 357 Free Calls: One V OIP Site to Another The most direct use of the VOIP system is making calls between the offices where the VOIPs are loc ated. Consider, for example, the Wr en Clothing Company. This company has VOIP-equipp ed offices in London, Paris, and Amste rdam, each served by its ow n PBX.
E1 Phonebook Configuration MultiVOIP User Guide 358 Local Rate Calls: Within Lo cal Calling Area of Remote VO I P In the second use of the VOIP syst em, the local calling area of each VOIP location becomes accessible to all of the VOIP system’s users.
MultiVOIP User Guide E1 PhoneBook Configuration 359 Similarly, the VOIP system allows Wren Clothing employees in London and Amsterdam to call anywhere in Pa ris at local rates; it allow s Wren Clothing employees in Paris an d London to call anywhere in Amsterdam at local r ates.
E1 Phonebook Configuration MultiVOIP User Guide 360 National Rate Calls: Within Nation of Remote V OIP Site In the third use of the VOIP system, the national calling area of eac h VOIP location becomes accessible to all of the VOIP system’s users. As a result, intern ational calls can be made at nat ional calling rates.
MultiVOIP User Guide E1 PhoneBook Configuration 361 Similarly, the VOIP system allows Wren Clothing employees in London and Amsterdam t o call anywhere in France at Fr ench national r ates; it allows Wren Clothing employees in Paris and Amsterdam to call anywhere in the United Kingdom at its national rates .
E1 Phonebook Configuration MultiVOIP User Guide 362 In order for any VOIP pho ne call to be made, there must be both an Inbound Phonebook entry and an O utbound Phonebook entry that describe the end-to-end connection. The phone st ation originating the call must be connected to the VOIP system.
MultiVOIP User Guide E1 PhoneBook Configuration 363 Phonebook configuration screens can be accessed using icons or the sidebar menu. Phonebook Icons Description Phonebook Configuration Inbound Phonebo.
E1 Phonebook Configuration MultiVOIP User Guide 364 Phonebook Sidebar Menu Phonebook Configuration Pr ocedure 1. Go to the PhoneBook Configuration screen (using either the sidebar menu, drop-down menu, or icon).
MultiVOIP User Guide E1 PhoneBook Configuration 365 In consultation with your VOIP administrator, enter the Gateway Name determine which protocol you will use (H.
E1 Phonebook Configuration MultiVOIP User Guide 366 Then fill in the IP addre ss, signaling port, and other par ameters, as needed. (The parameters needed for e ach protocol are different.) The table below describes all fields in the general PhoneBook Configuratio n screen.
MultiVOIP User Guide E1 PhoneBook Configuration 367 . PhoneBook Configuration Parameter Defini tions (cont’d) GateKeeper RAS Parameters Field Name Values Description RAS TTL Value in seconds The H.
E1 Phonebook Configuration MultiVOIP User Guide 368 PhoneBook Configuration Parameter Defini tions (cont’d) Field Name Values Description H.323 Version 4 Parameters H.323 Multiplexing (Mux) Y/N Signaling for multiple phone calls can be carried on a single port rather than opening a separate signaling port for each call.
MultiVOIP User Guide E1 PhoneBook Configuration 369 PhoneBook Configuration Parameter Defini tions (cont’d) Field Name Values Description H.323 Version 4 Parameters Parallel H.245 (FS + Tun) Values : Y/N Description : FS (Fast Start or Fast Connect) is a Q.
E1 Phonebook Configuration MultiVOIP User Guide 370 PhoneBook Configuration Parameter Defini tions (cont’d) Field Name Values Description SIP Proxy Parameters Signaling Port 1 - 64000 Port number on which the MultiVOIP UserAgent software module will be waiting for any incoming SIP requests.
MultiVOIP User Guide E1 PhoneBook Configuration 371 PhoneBook Configuration Parameter Defini tions (cont’d) Field Name Values & Description SIP Proxy Parameters Password Values : alphanumeric Description : Password for proxy server function. See “User Name” description above.
E1 Phonebook Configuration MultiVOIP User Guide 372 PhoneBook Configuration Parameter Defini tions (cont’d) Field Name Values Description Single Port Protocol (SPP) Mode Direct, Client, or Regis tra.
MultiVOIP User Guide E1 PhoneBook Configuration 373 PhoneBook Configuration Parameter Defini tions (cont’d) Field Name Values Description Single Port Protocol (SPP) [continued] Client Options Client Option fields are active only in registrar/client mode and only for client voip units.
E1 Phonebook Configuration MultiVOIP User Guide 374 2. Select PhoneBook Modify and then select Outbound Phone Book/List Entri es . Click Add ..
MultiVOIP User Guide E1 PhoneBook Configuration 375 3. The Add/Edit Outboun d PhoneBook screen appears. Enter Outbound PhoneBook data for your MVP3010.
E1 Phonebook Configuration MultiVOIP User Guide 376 The fields of the Add/Edit Outbound P hone Book screen are desc ribed in the table below. Add/Edit Outbound Phone Book: Field Definitions Field Name Values Description Accept Any Number Y/N When checked, “Any Number” appears as the value in the Destination Pattern field.
MultiVOIP User Guide E1 PhoneBook Configuration 377 Add/Edit Outbound Phone Book: Field Definitions Field Name Values Description Destination Pattern prefixes, area codes, exchanges, line numbers, extensions Defines the beginning of dialing sequences for calls that will be connected to another VOIP in the system.
E1 Phonebook Configuration MultiVOIP User Guide 378 Add/Edit Outbound Phone Book: Field Definitions (cont’d) Field Name Values Description H.323 fields Use Gatekeepr Y/N Indicates whether or not gatekeeper is us ed. Gateway H.323 ID alpha- numeric The H.
MultiVOIP User Guide E1 PhoneBook Configuration 379 Add/Edit Outbound Phone Book: Field Definitions (cont’d) Field Name Values Description SIP Fields Use Proxy Y/N Select if proxy server is used. Transport Protocol TCP or UDP Voip admi nistrator mus t choose between UDP and TCP transmissio n protoco ls.
E1 Phonebook Configuration MultiVOIP User Guide 380 Add/Edit Outbound Phone Book: Field Def’ns (cont’d) Field Name Values Description SPP Fields Use Registrar Values: Y/N Description: Select this checkbox to use registrar when voip system is operating in the “Registrar/Client” SPP mode.
MultiVOIP User Guide E1 PhoneBook Configuration 381 Clicking on th e Advanced button brings up the Alternate Routing secondary screen. This feature p rovides an alt ernate path fo r calls if the primary IP network cannot carry the traffic. Often in cases of failure, call tr affic is temporarily diverted into the PSTN.
E1 Phonebook Configuration MultiVOIP User Guide 382 Alternate Routing Field Definitions Field Name Values Description Alternate IP Address n.n.n.n where n= 0-255 Alternate destination for outbound data traffic in case of excessive dela y in data transmission .
MultiVOIP User Guide E1 PhoneBook Configuration 383 5. The Add/Edit Inbound PhoneBook screen appears. Enter Inbound PhoneBook dat a for your MVP3010. Th e fields of the Add/Edit Inbound PhoneBook screen are desc ribed in the table below.
E1 Phonebook Configuration MultiVOIP User Guide 384 Add/Edit Inbound Phone Book: Field Defini tions Field Name Values Description Accept Any Number Y/N When checked, “Any Number” appears as the value in the Remove Prefix field.
MultiVOIP User Guide E1 PhoneBook Configuration 385 Add/Edit Inbound Phone Book: Field Defini tions (cont’d) Field Name Values Description Channel Number 1-30, or “Hunting” E1 channel number to which the call will be assigned as it enters the local telephony equipment (often a local PBX).
E1 Phonebook Configuration MultiVOIP User Guide 386 Add/Edit Inbound Phone Book: Field Defini tions (cont’d) Field Name Values Description Forward Destination IP address, phone number, port number, etc. Phone number or IP address to which calls will be directed.
MultiVOIP User Guide E1 PhoneBook Configuration 387 Remember th at the initi al MVP3010 setup must b e done local ly or via the built-in Remote Configurat ion/Command Modem us ing the MultiVOIP program .
E1 Phonebook Configuration MultiVOIP User Guide 388 Lille Reims Strasbourg Paris: Area 01 Rouen Nantes Lyon Marseille Toulouse Bordeaux France Country Code: 33.
MultiVOIP User Guide E1 PhoneBook Configuration 389 010 Rotter dam 020 Amsterdam 050 Groni ngen 040 Eindhoven 01 18 Middelburg 038 Zwolle 058 Lee uwar den 053 Enschede 070 The H ague Haarlem 023 0294 .
E1 Phonebook Configuration MultiVOIP User Guide 390 An outline of the equipment setup in the se three offices is shown below. IP Network Digital Vo I P 200.2 .10.3 E1 979-5170 PBX -5171 -5172 -5173 -5174 Wren Clothing Co. London Of fice Country Code: +4 4 Area Cod e: 0208 PBX Wren C lothing Co.
MultiVOIP User Guide E1 PhoneBook Configuration 391 The screen below shows Outbound Ph oneBook entries for the VOIP located in the company’s London facility The Inbound PhoneBook for the London VOIP is sho wn below. NOTE: Commas are a llowed in the Inbound Phoneb ook, but not in the Outbound Phonebook.
E1 Phonebook Configuration MultiVOIP User Guide 392 The screen below shows O utbound PhoneBook entries for the VOIP located in the compa ny’s Paris facility.
MultiVOIP User Guide E1 PhoneBook Configuration 393 The screen below shows O utbound PhoneBook entries for the VOIP in the company’s Amsterdam facility.
E1 Phonebook Configuration MultiVOIP User Guide 394 Configuring Digital & Anal og V OIPs in Same System The MVP3010 digital Mul tiVOIP unit is compatible with analog VOIPs. In many cases, d igital and analog VOIP units wil l appear in th e same telephony/IP system.
MultiVOIP User Guide E1 PhoneBook Configuration 395 The Series I analog VOIP phone book re sides in the “Host” VOIP unit at Site B. It applies to both of the Series I analo g VOIP units. Each of the Series II an alog MultiVOIPs (the MVP2 10 and the MVP410) requires its own inbound and outbound phonebooks.
E1 Phonebook Configuration MultiVOIP User Guide 396 Phone Book for Analog VOIP Host Unit (Site B) (continued) VOIP Dir # -OR- Destination Pattern IP Address Channel Comments 0207 xxx xxxx 200.2.9. 9 0 (Note 2.) Gives remote voip users access to phone numbers in 0207 ar ea code (Inner London) in which Site D is located.
MultiVOIP User Guide E1 PhoneBook Configuration 397 The Outbound PhoneBook of th e MVP3010 is shown below. Outbound Phone Book for MVP3010 Digital VOIP (Site D) Destin. Pattern Remov e Prefix Add Prefix IP Address Comment 201 To originate calls to Site A (Birmin g ham).
E1 Phonebook Configuration MultiVOIP User Guide 398 The Inbound PhoneBook of the MVP3010 is shown below. Inbound Phone Book for MVP3010 Di gital VOIP (Site D) Remove Prefix Add Prefix Channel Number Comments 0207 9,7 Note 4.
MultiVOIP User Guide E1 PhoneBook Configuration 399 Outbound Phone Book for MVP410 Analog VOIP (Site F) Destin. Pattern Remove Prefix Add Prefix IP Address Comment 201 200.2.9. 7 To originat e calls to Site A (Birmin g ham). 01189 0118 101# Note 3. 200.
E1 Phonebook Configuration MultiVOIP User Guide 400 Inbound Phonebook for MVP410 Ana log VOIP (Site F) Remove Prefix Add Prefix Channel Number Comment 01822 2 4 Calls to Tavistock local PSTN through FXO port (Port #4) at Site F. 0182 263 740 740 . 0 Gives remote voip users, access to extensions of key phone system atTavistock office.
MultiVOIP User Guide E1 PhoneBook Configuration 401 Outbound Phone Book for MVP210 Analog VOIP (Site E) Destin. Pattern Remove Prefix Add Prefix IP Address Comment 201 200.2.9. 7 To originat e calls to Site A (Birmin g ham). 01189 0118 101# Note 3. 200.
E1 Phonebook Configuration MultiVOIP User Guide 402 Inbound Phonebook for MVP210 Ana log VOIP (Site E) Remove Prefix Add Prefix Channel Number Comment 421 1 Call Completion Summaries Site A calling Site C, Method 1 Dial 101. Hear dial tone from Site B.
MultiVOIP User Guide E1 PhoneBook Configuration 403 Site D calling Site C 1. Dial 901189435632 . 2. “9” gets outside line. On some PBXs, an “8” may be used to direct calls to the VOIP, while “9” directs calls to the PSTN.
E1 Phonebook Configuration MultiVOIP User Guide 404 Site D calling Site F A voip call from Inner London PBX to ext ension 7424 on the ke y telephone system in Tavistock, UK. A. The required entry in the London Outbound Phonebook to facilitate origination of the call, would be 90182 263742.
MultiVOIP User Guide E1 PhoneBook Configuration 405 Site F calling Site D A voip call from a Tavistock key extension to extension 3117 on th e PBX in Inner London. A. The required entry in the Tavistoc k Outbound Phonebook to facilitate origination of the call, wou ld be “3”.
E1 Phonebook Configuration MultiVOIP User Guide 406 International T elephony Numbering Plan Resour ces Due to the expansion of telephone number capacity to accommodate pagers, fax machines, wireless telephony, and other new phone technologies, numbering plans have been changing worldwide .
MultiVOIP User Guide E1 PhoneBook Configuration 407 URL Description Guide to international use of modems. National and international numbering plans based on di rect input from regulators worldwide.
408 Chapter 9: Analog/BRI Phonebook Configuration.
MultiVOIP User Guide O peration & Maintenance 409 Phonebooks for Series II analog MultiVO IP units (MVP130, MVP130FXS, MVP210, MVP41 0, and MVP810) and BRI MultiVOIP units (MVP410ST/810ST) are, in.
410 Chapter 10: Operation and Maintenance.
MultiVOIP User Guide O peration & Maintenance 411 Operation and Maintenance Although mo st Operation and Mainte nance functions of the so ftware are in the Statistics group of screens, an important su mmary appears in the System Information of the Configuration scre en group.
Operation and Maintenance MultiVOIP User Guide 412 System Information Para meter Definitions Field Name Values Description Boot Version nn.nn alpha- numeric Indicates the version of the code that is used at the startup (booting) of the voip. The boot code version is independent of the software version.
MultiVOIP User Guide O peration & Maintenance 413 The frequency with which the System In formation screen is upd ated is determined by a setting in the Logs screen.
Operation and Maintenance MultiVOIP User Guide 414 Statistics Screens Ongoing operation of the Mult iVOIP, whether it is i n a MultiVOIP/PBX setting o r MultiVOIP/telco-o ffice setting, can be monitored for performance using th e St a tistics functions of the MultiVOIP software .
MultiVOIP User Guide O peration & Maintenance 415 The Call Progress Details Screen.
Operation and Maintenance MultiVOIP User Guide 416 Call Progress Details: Field Definitions Field Name Values Description Channel 1-n Number of data channel or time slot on which the call is carried. This is the channel for which call- progress details are being viewed.
MultiVOIP User Guide O peration & Maintenance 417 Call Progress Details: Field Definitions (con t’d) From – To Details Description Gateway Name alphanumeric string Identifier for the VOIP gateway that handled this call. IP Address x. x.x.x, where x has a range of 0 to 255 IP address from which the call was received.
Operation and Maintenance MultiVOIP User Guide 418 Call Progress Details: Field Definitions (con t’d) Field Name Values Description Supplementary Services Status Call on Hold alphanumeric Describes held call by its IP address source, location/gateway identifier, and hold duration.
MultiVOIP User Guide O peration & Maintenance 419 Call Progress Details: Field Definitions (con t’d) Field Name Values Description Supplementary Services Status Caller ID There are four values: .
Operation and Maintenance MultiVOIP User Guide 420 About Logs The Logs A ccessing “Statistics: Logs” Pulldown Icon Shortcut Sidebar Alt + L.
MultiVOIP User Guide O peration & Maintenance 421 The Logs Screen.
Operation and Maintenance MultiVOIP User Guide 422 Logs Screen Details: Field Definitions Field Name Values Description Log # column 1 or higher All calls are assigned an event number in chronological order, with the most recent call having the hi g hest event number.
MultiVOIP User Guide O peration & Maintenance 423 Logs Screen Details: Field Definitions (cont’d) Field Name Values Description Call Details (cont’d) Packets loss (lost) integer value The number of voice packets from this call that were lost after being received from the IP network.
Operation and Maintenance MultiVOIP User Guide 424 Logs Screen Details: Field Definitions (cont’d) Supplementary Services Info Call Transferred To phone number strin g Number of party called in transfer. Call Forwarded To phone number strin g Number of party called in forwardin g .
MultiVOIP User Guide O peration & Maintenance 425 About IP Statistics A ccessing IP Statistics Pulldown Icon Shortcut Sidebar Alt + I IP Statistics Screen.
Operation and Maintenance MultiVOIP User Guide 426 IP Statistics: Field Definitions Field Name Values Description UDP versus TCP . (User Datagram Protocol versus Transmission Control Protocol). UDP provides unguaranteed, connectionless transmission of data across an IP network.
MultiVOIP User Guide O peration & Maintenance 427 IP Statistics: Field Definitions (cont’d) Field Name Values Description Total Packets (cont’d) Sum of data packets of all types.
Operation and Maintenance MultiVOIP User Guide 428 IP Statistics: Field Definitions (cont’d) RTP Packets Voice signals are transmitted in Realtime Transport Protocol packets.
MultiVOIP User Guide O peration & Maintenance 429 About Link Management The Link Management scr een is es sentially an automated uti lity for pinging endpoints on your voip network. This utilit y generates pings of variable si zes at variabl e intervals an d records the response t o the pings.
Operation and Maintenance MultiVOIP User Guide 430 Link Management screen Field Definitions Field Name Values Description Monitor Link fields IP Address to Ping a.b.c.d 0-255 This is the IP address of the target endpoint to be pinged. No. of Pings 1-999 This field determines how many pings will be generated by the Start Now command.
MultiVOIP User Guide O peration & Maintenance 431 Link Management screen Field Definitions (con t’d) Field Name Values Description Link Status Parameters These fields s ummarize the results of pinging. IP Address column a.b.c.d 0-255 Target of ping.
Operation and Maintenance MultiVOIP User Guide 432 About P acketization Time You can use the Packetization T i me screen to specify defin ite packetization rates for coders selected in the Vo ice/FAX Parameters screen (in the “Coder Options” grou p of fields).
MultiVOIP User Guide O peration & Maintenance 433 Packetization Time Screen Packetization rates can be set separately for each channel. The table below presents the ranges and inc rements for packetization rates.
Operation and Maintenance MultiVOIP User Guide 434 Once the pack etization rate has been set f or one channel , it can be copi ed into ot her channels.
MultiVOIP User Guide O peration & Maintenance 435 About T1/E1 and BRI Statistics A ccessing T1 Statistics Pulldown Icon Shortcut Sidebar Alt + T The T1 and E1 Statistics scr eens are only accessible an d applicable fo r the MVP2410, an d MVP3010. The BRI statis tics screens are only accessible and applicable for the MVP 410ST and MVP810ST .
Operation and Maintenance MultiVOIP User Guide 436 T1 Statistics Screen.
MultiVOIP User Guide O peration & Maintenance 437 T1 Statistics: Field Definitions Field Name Values Description Red Alarm Integer tally of alarms counted since last reset. The alarm condition declared when a device receives no signal or cannot synchronize to the signal being received.
Operation and Maintenance MultiVOIP User Guide 438 T1 Statistics: Field Definitions (cont’d ) Field Name Values Description Yellow Alarm Tally since last reset. The alarm signal sent by a remote T1/E1 device to indicate that it sees no receive signal or cannot synchronize on the receive signal.
MultiVOIP User Guide O peration & Maintenance 439 T1 Statistics: Field Definitions (cont’d ) Field Name Values Description Bipolar Violation Integer tally of violation count since last reset. Two successive pulses of the same polarity have been received and these pulses are not part of zero substitution.
Operation and Maintenance MultiVOIP User Guide 440 E1 Statistics Screen E1 Statistics: Field Definitions Field Name Values Description Red Alarm Integer tally of alarms counted since last reset. The alarm condition declared when a device receives no signal or cannot synchronize to the signal being received.
MultiVOIP User Guide O peration & Maintenance 441 E1 Statistics: Field Definitions (cont’d ) Field Name Values Description Receive Timeslot 16 Alarm Indication Signal Detected alarm indication si g nal in timeslot 16 ac cording to ITU-T G.
Operation and Maintenance MultiVOIP User Guide 442 E1 Statistics: Field Definitions (cont’d ) Field Name Values Description Receive Timeslot 16 Loss of MultiFrame Alignment The framing pattern '0000' in 2 consecutive CAS multiframes were not found or in all time slot 16 of the previous multiframe all bits were reset.
MultiVOIP User Guide O peration & Maintenance 443 ISDN BRI Statistics Screen.
Operation and Maintenance MultiVOIP User Guide 444 ISDN BRI Statistics: Field Definitions Field Name Values Description Select BRI Interface ISDNn For n=1-2 (410ST) For n-1-4 (810ST) In this field, you can choose the ISDN port for which you want to view the status.
MultiVOIP User Guide O peration & Maintenance 445 ISDN BRI Statistics: Field Definitions (continued) Field Name Values Description Switch Information: TEI Assignment TEI 0 through TEI 7 0-63 (point-to-po int assignments ) 64-126 (automatic assignments ) Displays the value for each TEI assigned to the BRI port.
Operation and Maintenance MultiVOIP User Guide 446 ISDN BRI Statistics: Field Definitions (continued) Field Name Values Description Switch Information: SPID 1 (SPID 1 number ) numeric SPID for channel 1 of the B RI interface. Otherwise, same as SPID0 description above.
MultiVOIP User Guide O peration & Maintenance 447 About Registered Gate way Details The Registered Gatew ay Details screen presents a real-time display of the special operating parameters of the Single Port Protocol (SPP). These are configured in the PhoneBook Configuration screen an d in the Add/Edit Outbound PhoneBook screen.
Operation and Maintenance MultiVOIP User Guide 448 Registered Gate way Details: Field Definitions Field Name Values Description Column Headings Description alphanumeric This is a descriptor for a particular voip gateway unit. This descriptor should generally identify the physical location of the unit (e.
MultiVOIP User Guide O peration & Maintenance 449 MultiV oip Pr ogram Menu Items After the Mult iVoip program is inst alled on the PC, it c an be launched from the Programs group of t he Windows Start menu ( Start | Programs | MultiVOIP ____ | … ).
Operation and Maintenance MultiVOIP User Guide 450 MultiVOIP Program Menu (cont’d) Menu Selection Description Download Factory Defaults Select this to retu rn the configuration parameters to the original factory values. Download Firmware Select this to download new version s of firmware as enhancements become availabl e.
MultiVOIP User Guide O peration & Maintenance 451 “Downloadi ng” here ref ers to transfe rring progra m files from the PC to the nonvolatile “flash” memory of the Mult iVOIP. Such transfers are made via the PC’s serial port. Thi s can be understood as a “download” from the perspective of the Multi VOIP unit.
Operation and Maintenance MultiVOIP User Guide 452 Date and Time Setup The dialog box below allo ws you to set the time and date indicators of the MultiVOIP system.
MultiVOIP User Guide O peration & Maintenance 453 If you conduct a search, for example, on t he word “MultiVoip ,” you will be directed to a list of firmware that can be download ed. If you choose Support , you can se lect “MultiVoip” in the Prod uct Support menu and then click on Firmwa re to find MultiVOI P resources.
Operation and Maintenance MultiVOIP User Guide 454 Once the updated firmware has been loc ated, it can be downloaded from the web/ftp site usin g normal PC/Windows procedure s. While the next 3 screens below p ertain to the MVP3010, similar screens will appear for any M ultiVOIP model described in th is manual.
MultiVOIP User Guide O peration & Maintenance 455 Generally, the firmwar e file will be a sel f-extracting compressed file (with .zip extension), whic h must be expanded (decom pressed, or “unzipped”) on the user’s PC in a user-specified directory.
Operation and Maintenance MultiVOIP User Guide 456 Implementing a Soft ware U p gra de MultiVOIP software can be upgraded locally using a single comman d at the MultiVOIP Windows GUI, name ly Upgrade Software . This command downloads firmware (inc luding the H.
MultiVOIP User Guide O peration & Maintenance 457 Download Firmware transfers the firmware (including the H.323 protocol stack) in the PC’s MultiV OIP directory into t he nonvolatile flash memory of the MultiVOIP.
Operation and Maintenance MultiVOIP User Guide 458 3. If a password has been established, the Pass word Verificatio n screen will appear. Type in the password and click OK . 4. The MultiVOIP ___- Firmware screen a ppears saying “MultiVOIP [ model number ] is up.
MultiVOIP User Guide O peration & Maintenance 459 5. The program will locate the firmware “.bin ” file in th e MultiVOIP directory. Highlight the correct (newest) “.bin” file and click Open . 6. Progress ba rs will appear at the bottom of the screen during the file transfer.
Operation and Maintenance MultiVOIP User Guide 460 Downloading F actor y Defaults 1. The MultiVoip Configuration pr ogram must be off when invoking the Download F actory Defaults comm and. If it is on, the command will not work. 2.To invoke the Downloa d Factory Defau lts command, go to Star t | Programs | MVP____ x.
MultiVOIP User Guide O peration & Maintenance 461 3. If a password has been established, the Pass word Verificatio n screen will appear. Type in the password and click OK . 4. The MVP____- Firmware screen appears saying “MultiVOIP [ model number ] is up.
Operation and Maintenance MultiVOIP User Guide 462 5. After the PC gets a response from the MultiVOIP, the Dialog – I P Parameters screen will ap pear. The user should verify that the correct I P parameter values are listed on the screen and revise them if necessary.
MultiVOIP User Guide O peration & Maintenance 463 might indicate that a phone is off hook (FXS) or that an incoming ri ng is present (FXO). The IFM receives operating in structions from the v oip’s main processor. For exam ple, the IFM might be inst ructed to ring the phone (FXS) or seize the l ine (FXO).
Operation and Maintenance MultiVOIP User Guide 464 6. The IFM F irmware Down load screen will appear. Select “Copy to All IFMs” and click OK . (Only in ver y special circumstances wo uld different IFMs in the same voip be lo aded with different IFM firmware.
MultiVOIP User Guide O peration & Maintenance 465 8. Then a completion sc reen entitled IFM Tes t will appear. Click OK . 9. The MultiVOIP will reboot itself. When the reboot is complete, the MultiVOIP Co nfiguration screen wil l close. 10. The IFM firm ware downloading process is compl ete.
Operation and Maintenance MultiVOIP User Guide 466 Setting and Download ing User Defaults The Download User Defaults command allows you to maintain a known working configuration that is specific to your VOIP system.
MultiVOIP User Guide O peration & Maintenance 467 4. Progress bars will appear during the fi le transfer process. 5. When the file transfer pr ocess is complete, the Dialog-- IP Parameters screen will ap pear. 6. Set the IP values per yo ur particular VOIP sy stem.
Operation and Maintenance MultiVOIP User Guide 468 Setting a P asswor d (Windows GUI) After a user n ame has been designated and a passwor d has been set, that password is requ ired to gain access to any functionality of the MultiVOIP software . Only one user nam e and password can be assigned to a voip un it.
MultiVOIP User Guide O peration & Maintenance 469 2. To invoke the Set Passw ord command, go to Start | Programs | MVP____ x.xx | Set Password . 3. You will be prompted to conf irm that you w ant to establish a password, which will enta il rebooting the MultiVOI P (which is done automaticall y).
Operation and Maintenance MultiVOIP User Guide 470 NOTE : Be sure to write do wn your password in a conv enient but secure place. If the pass word is forgotten, contact MultiTech Technical Supp ort for advice. Click OK . 5. A message will appear i ndicating tha t a password has b een set successfully.
MultiVOIP User Guide O peration & Maintenance 471 6. After the password has been set, th e user will be r equired to enter the password to gain access to the web browser GUI and any part of the MultiVOIP software listed in the Program group men u.
Operation and Maintenance MultiVOIP User Guide 472 Setting a P asswor d (W eb Bro wser GUI) Setting a password is optional when using the MultiVOIP web browser GUI. Only one password can be assigned and it works for all MultiVOIP software functions (Windows GUI, web br owser GUI, FTP server, and all Program menu comma nds, e.
MultiVOIP User Guide O peration & Maintenance 473 Un-Installing the MultiV OIP Software 1. To un-insta ll the MultiVOIP configur ation software, go to Start | Programs and loc ate the MultiVOIP en try. Select Uninstall MVP____ vx.xx (versio ns may vary).
Operation and Maintenance MultiVOIP User Guide 474 3. A special warnin g message similar to that shown below may appear for the MultiVOIP softwar e’s “.bin” file. Click Yes . An option that you selected requires that files be installed to your system, or files be uninstalled from your system, or both.
MultiVOIP User Guide O peration & Maintenance 475 Upgrading Software As noted earlier (see the section Implementin g a Software Upgrade ab ove), the Upgrade Softwa re command transfe r s, from the controller PC to the MultiVOIP unit, f irmware (including th e H.
Operation and Maintenance MultiVOIP User Guide 476 FTP Server File T ransfers (“Do wnloads”) With the 4.03/6.03 software release, MultiTech has built an FTP server into the MultiVOIP unit. T herefore, fi le transfers fro m the controller PC to the voip unit can be done us ing an FTP client pro gram or even using a browser (e.
MultiVOIP User Guide O peration & Maintenance 477 To transfer files using the FTP server functionality in the MultiVOI P, follow these directions. 1. Establish Network Connection and IP Addresses . Both the controller PC and the MultiVOIP unit(s) must be connected to the same IP network.
Operation and Maintenance MultiVOIP User Guide 478 3. Install FTP Client Program or Us e Substitute . You should install an FTP client program on the controller PC . FTP file transfers can be done using a web browser (e.g., Netscape or I nternet Explorer) in conjun ction with a local Windows bro wser a (e.
MultiVOIP User Guide O peration & Maintenance 479 5. Identify Files to be Updated . Determine which files you w ant to update. Six types o f files can be updated using the F TP feature. In some cases, the file to be transferred will have “Ftp” as the part of its filename just before the suffix (or extens ion).
Operation and Maintenance MultiVOIP User Guide 480 6. Contact MultiVOIP FT P Server . You must make contact with the FTP Server in the voip usin g either a web browser or FTP client program.
MultiVOIP User Guide O peration & Maintenance 481 7. Log In . Use the User Name and password est a blished in item #2 above. The login screens will differ d epending on whether the FTP file transfer is to be done with a web brow ser (see first screen below ) or with an FTP client program (see second screen below).
Operation and Maintenance MultiVOIP User Guide 482 8. Invoke Download . Downloading can be done wit h a web browser or with an FTP client program. 8A. Download with Web Browser. 8A1. In the local Windows browser, locate the directory holding the MultiVOIP program file s.
MultiVOIP User Guide O peration & Maintenance 483 You may be asked to confir m the overwriting of files on the MultiVOIP. Do so. File transfer b etween PC and voip will lo ok like transfer within voip directories.
Operation and Maintenance MultiVOIP User Guide 484 8B. Download with FT P Client Program. 8B1. In the local directory browser o f the FTP client program, locate the directory holdin g the MultiVOIP program files.
MultiVOIP User Guide O peration & Maintenance 485 Some FTP client programs are more graphically oriented (se e previous screen), while others (like t he “WS-FTP” client) are more text orien ted. 9. Verify Transfer . The files transferred will appear in the di rectory of the MultiVOIP.
Operation and Maintenance MultiVOIP User Guide 486 W eb Br o wser Interface Beginning with the 4.03/6. 03 softwa re release, you can control the MultiVOIP unit with a graphic user inte rface (GUI) based on the common web browser platform. Qualifying browsers are InternetExplorer6 and Netscape6.
MultiVOIP User Guide O peration & Maintenance 487 The initial config uration step of assi gning the voip un it an IP address must still be done locally using the Windows GUI. However, all additional configuration can be done via the web GUI. The content and organization of the web GUI is directly parallel to the Windows GUI.
Operation and Maintenance MultiVOIP User Guide 488 The graphic l ayout of the web GUI is also some what larger -scale than that of the Windows GUI. For that reason, it’s helpfu l to use as large of a video monitor as poss ible. The primary advant age of the web G UI is remote acc ess for control and configuration.
MultiVOIP User Guide O peration & Maintenance 489 During the installat ion, you must sp ecify which browser you’ll use in the Select Browsers screen. When installation is comp lete, the Java program becom es accessible in your Start | Programs menu (Java resources ar e readily availabl e via the web).
Operation and Maintenance MultiVOIP User Guide 490 After the Java program has been installed , you can access the MultiVOIP using the web browser GUI. Close the MultiVOIP Windows GUI. Start the web browser. Enter the IP address of the MultiVOIP unit. Enter a password when prompted.
MultiVOIP User Guide O peration & Maintenance 491 SysLog Server Functions Beginning with the 4.03/6. 03 software release, we have built SysLog server functionality into the software of the MultiVOIP units. S ysLog is a de facto st andard for log ging events in network com munication systems.
Operation and Maintenance MultiVOIP User Guide 492 Before a SysLog client program is used, t he SysLog functionality must be enabled within the MultiVOIP in the Logs menu under Configuratio n . The IP Address used will be that of the Mult iVOIP itself.
MultiVOIP User Guide O peration & Maintenance 493 Configuring the SysLog Client Program . Configure the SysLog cl ient program for your own nee ds.
494 Chapter 1 1: Regulator y Inf ormation.
MultiVOIP User Guide Regulatory Information 495 EMC, Safety , and R&TT E Directive Compliance The CE mark is affix ed to this product to confirm compliance wit h the following European Comm unity .
Regulatory Information MultiVOIP User Guide 496 Warning: Changes or mod ifications to th is unit not expressly approved by the party responsible fo r complian ce could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
MultiVOIP User Guide Regulatory Information 497 may request you to remove the equipment form t network until the problem is resolved. 7. No repairs are to be made by you . Repairs are to be made on ly by Multi-Tech Systems or its licensees. Unauthorized repair s void registration and warranty.
498 Appendix A: Expansion Card Installation (MVP24-48 & MVP30-60).
MultiVOIP User Guide T1/E1 Expansion Cards 499 Installation Both the MVP2410 and the MVP 3010 use the same mechanical ch assis. This chassis accommodates a seco nd MultiVOI P circuit card or motherboard module . The add-on module for the MVP2410 is the MVP24-48 pr oduct; the add-on m odule for the MVP3010 is the MVP30- 60 product.
T1/E1 Expansion Cards MultiVOIP User Guide 500 Power Cable Molex Co nnector Figure A-2: MVP2410/3010 Chassis (top/rear vie w) 4. While keeping the powe r cable out of the way, fit the MVP24-48 or MVP30-60 card into the grooves of the expansion slot.
MultiVOIP User Guide T1/E1 Expansion Cards 501 Operation The MVP2410/3010 front panel has two sets of identical LEDs. In the MVP2410/30 10 without an expansion card, only t he left-han d set of LEDs is functional.
502 Appendix B: Cable Pinouts.
MultiVOIP User Guide Cable Pinouts 503 Appendix B: Cable Pinouts Command Cable RJ-45 Connector End-to-End Pin Info 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 3,112 .
Cable Pinouts MultiVOIP User Guide 504 T1/E1 Connector T1/E1 Connector 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 T ransmit Pair (to line) } 4 5 Receive Pair (from line) } 1 2 V oice/F a x Channel Connector s 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 .
MultiVOIP User Guide Cable Pinouts 505 Pin Functions (FXS/FXO Interface) FXS Pin Description FXO Pin D escription 2 N/C 2 N/C 3 Ring 3 Tip 4 Tip 4 Ring 5 N/C 5 N/C.
Cable Pinouts MultiVOIP User Guide 506 ISDN BRI RJ-45 Pinout Inf o rmation The S/T interface uses an 8-conductor modular cable terminated with an 8-pin RJ -45 plug. An 8 -pin RJ-45 jack located on the t erminal is used to connect the terminal to the DSL (D igit al Subscriber Loops) using this modular cable.
MultiVOIP User Guide Cable Pinouts 507 ISDN Interfaces: “ST” and “U” The MVP410ST and MVP810ST are ISDN-BRI voip units that use an S/T outlet interface. You will need an NT1 dev ice to connect these units to any network equipment that has the “U” ISDN interface.
508 Appendix C: TCP/UDP P or t Assignments.
MultiVOIP User Guide Cable Pinouts 509 W ell Known P or t Numbers The following descri ption of port num ber assignm ents for Internet Proto col (IP) communicat ion is taken from the Int ernet Assigne d Numbers Authority (IANA) we b site (
510 Appendix D: Installation Instructions f or MVP428 Upgrade Car d.
MultiVOIP User Guide 8-Chan nel Analog Expansion Card 511 Installation Instructions f or MVP428 Upgrade Car d In this procedure, you will install an additio nal circuit board into the MVP410, converting i t from a 4-c hannel voi p to an 8-chan nel voip.
8-Channel Analog Expansion Ca rd MultiVOIP User Guide 512 3. Using a Phillips driver, remove the three screws that secure th e main circuit board and bac k panel assem bly to the chassis. NOTE: Follow standard ESD precautions to protect the circuit board from static electricity damage.
MultiVOIP User Guide 8-Chan nel Analog Expansion Card 513 8. On the ph one-jack side of the circu it card, three screws attach the circuit card to the back panel. T wo of these screws are adjacent to the four phone- jack pairs. Rem ove these two screws.
8-Channel Analog Expansion Ca rd MultiVOIP User Guide 514 11. Locate the male 60-pin vertical conn ector near the LED edge of the m ain circuit card. Check that pins are stra ight an d evenly space d. If not, then correct for straightness and sp acing.
MultiVOIP User Guide Index 515 INDEX ( Alternate Phone Number field, SPP E1 .............................................. 380 Alternate Phone Number, SPP T1 .............................................. 328 A abbreviated dialing , inter-office E1 .
Index MultiVOIP User Guide 516 Add/Edit Inbou nd Phonebook screen E1 .............................................. 384 T1 .............................................. 333 Add/Edit Inbou nd Phonebook screen fields (E1) Accept Any Number ............
MultiVOIP User Guide Index 517 Supplementary Services (anal og) .............................. 297, 298, 299 Supplementary Services (T1/ E1) .............................. 196, 197, 198 Allowed Nam e Type (analog) Alerting Party............ 297, 298, 299 Calling Part y .
Index MultiVOIP User Guide 518 analog models ............................. 32 analog, MVP130 ......................... 33 BRI models ................................. 39 MVP-210 .................................. 107 MVP-410/810 ......................
MultiVOIP User Guide Index 519 analog ........................................ 276 T1/E1 ........................................ 174 cadences, custom T1.E1 ................................ 177, 279 T1/E1 ........................................ 175 cadences, signaling analog .
Index MultiVOIP User Guide 520 T1/E1 ........................................ 192 Call Transfer music jingle duri ng hold analog ........................................ 293 T1/E1 ........................................ 192 Call Transferred To logs (statistics) field .
MultiVOIP User Guide Index 521 T1/E1 ........................................ 182 coder (T1/E1 ) bandwidth, max ......................... 145 G.711 ........................................ 14 5 G.723.1 ..................................... 145 G.726 .
Index MultiVOIP User Guide 522 configuration of voip (analog) local versus rem ote ................... 208 configurati on of voi p (T1/E1) local versus rem ote ........... 122 , 123 Configurati on option desc ription (MultiVOIP program menu) ..... 449 Configuration Parameter Groups, accessing analog .
MultiVOIP User Guide Index 523 E1/ISDN ................................... 164 country codes .................................. 70 Country defi nitions ISDN-BRI ................................. 268 Country field ISDN-BRI .............................
Index MultiVOIP User Guide 524 Cadence 2 ................................. 177 Cadence 3 ................................. 177 Cadence 4 ................................. 177 Custom Tone-Pair Settings definitions analog ...............................
MultiVOIP User Guide Index 525 T1 .............................................. 308 Detection Flash Hook field E1 .............................................. 163 T1 .............................................. 157 Detection Range, Flash Hook Options field E&M .
Index MultiVOIP User Guide 526 Download User Defaults (progr am menu option) , command .......... 466 Download User Defaults option description (MultiVOIP program menu) ........................................ 450 downloading firm ware, machine perspective .
MultiVOIP User Guide Index 527 Bipolar Vari ation ...................... 442 Blue Alarm ............................... 440 Excessive Zeroes ...................... 442 Loss of Frame Alignm ent ......... 440 Loss of MultiFrame Alignment 441 Receive S lip .
Index MultiVOIP User Guide 528 analog ........................................ 280 T1/E1 ........................................ 178 enabling web browser GUI analog .................................. 59, 226 T1/E1 ....................................
MultiVOIP User Guide Index 529 T1 ................................................ 17 Filters (Console Message Settings) analog ........................................ 289 T1/E1 ........................................ 188 Filters button (Console Messag e Settings) analog .
Index MultiVOIP User Guide 530 T1/E1 ........................................ 138 FTP Server function as added feature ........................ 476 enabling .................................... 478 FTP Server, contacting ................. 480 FTP Server, invoking download/transfer using FTP client program .
MultiVOIP User Guide Index 531 T1/E1 ........................................ 433 G729 code rs (RTP packeti zation, voice/fax) T1/E1 ........................................ 433 Gain 1 (custom tone) field analog .......................................
Index MultiVOIP User Guide 532 compatibility (E1 models) .......... 19 compatibility (T1 models) .......... 12 H.323 Anne x E field E1 .............................................. 369 T1 .............................................. 316 H.323 co der analog .
MultiVOIP User Guide Index 533 T1 .............................................. 308 Industry Canada requirem ents ...... 496 info sources analog telephony details ...... 48, 211 BRI telephony details.................. 49 E1 details ..................
Index MultiVOIP User Guide 534 with T1/E1/BRI voi ps ................. 34 inter-operation with ph one system analog models ............................. 26 BRI models ................................. 34 E1 models ................................... 18 T1 models .
MultiVOIP User Guide Index 535 Clear (butt on) ............................ 446 D Channel Information (field group) .................................... 445 Layer 1 Interface (field gro up) .. 444 Loss of Framing ........................ 444 Loss of Sync .
Index MultiVOIP User Guide 536 Power .......................................... 33 RCV (channel) .......................... 33 RSG ............................................ 33 XMT (channel) .......................... 33 XSG ........................
MultiVOIP User Guide Index 537 analog/BRI ................................ 210 T1/E1 ........................................ 124 local configura tion proce dure detailed, analog ......................... 215 detailed, T1/E1 ..........................
Index MultiVOIP User Guide 538 Filters ........................................ 288 GUI ........................................... 288 IP Address (SysLog Server) ..... 288 Online Statistics Updation Interv al .........................................
MultiVOIP User Guide Index 539 E&M ......................................... 257 FXO .......................................... 248 FXS Loop St art ......................... 244 Minimum Jitter Value field analog ...................................
Index MultiVOIP User Guide 540 grounding .................................. 107 MVP210x cabling procedure ...................... 104 unpacking .................................... 88 MVP2410 cabling procedure ........................ 93 unpacking ....
MultiVOIP User Guide Index 541 operation expansion card (T1/E1) ............. 501 Operator (ISDN) field E1/ISDN ................................... 164 T1/ISDN ................................... 158 Operator defi nitions ISDN-BRI ....................
Index MultiVOIP User Guide 542 Password (SMTP) fi eld analog ........................................ 282 T1/E1 ........................................ 180 password, lost/forgotten ........ 468, 472 password, se tting........................... 468 web browser GUI .
MultiVOIP User Guide Index 543 Gatekeeper IP Addr ess .............. 366 Gatekeeper Nam e ...................... 366 Gateway Na me .......................... 366 General Options ........................ 372 H.245 Tunneling ....................... 368 H.
Index MultiVOIP User Guide 544 phonebook, outb ound example ....................................... 73 example, quick ............................ 63 phonebooks, inbound vs. outbound E1 .............................................. 361 T1 ...........
MultiVOIP User Guide Index 545 PSTN failover feature Alternate Routing, and .............. 330 analog models ............................. 27 BRI models ................................. 35 E1 models ................................... 19 T1 models ..
Index MultiVOIP User Guide 546 Frequency 2 .............................. 173 Gain 1 ....................................... 173 Gain 2 ....................................... 173 type (of tone) ............................. 172 Regional Para meters fields (analog, except MVP130 ) Country Selection for Built-In Modem .
MultiVOIP User Guide Index 547 Response Tim eout (Link Management) field .................... 430 Retransmission (SPP, Gene ral Options) field E1 .............................................. 372 T1 .............................................. 319 Retrieve Sequence analog .
Index MultiVOIP User Guide 548 Set Password option description (MultiVOIP program menu) ..... 450 Set Regional Parameters analog ........................................ 272 T1/E1 ........................................ 170 Set SMTP Parameters analog .
MultiVOIP User Guide Index 549 SIP Proxy Parameters E1 .............................................. 370 T1 .............................................. 317 SIP URL field E1 .............................................. 379 T1 ....................
Index MultiVOIP User Guide 550 software configuration summary ................................... 111 software installation detailed ...................................... 111 quick ........................................... 58 software loa ding.....
MultiVOIP User Guide Index 551 Supplementary Services (anal og) Alerting Party............ 297, 298, 299 Call Hold ................................... 291 Call Hold En able ....................... 294 Call Name Identification ........... 291 Call Transf er .
Index MultiVOIP User Guide 552 Supplementary Services Para meter fields (analog) Allowed Name Types ............... 299 Supplementary Services Para meter fields (analog) Caller ID ................................... 300 Supplementary Services Para meter fields (T1/E1) Call Transfer Enable .
MultiVOIP User Guide Index 553 T1/E1 ........................................ 187 SysLog Server, enabling analog ........................................ 287 T1/E1 ........................................ 186 System Inform ation screen for op & maint .
Index MultiVOIP User Guide 554 telephony signaling t ones analog ........................................ 272 T1/E1 ........................................ 170 telephony startup configuration ...... 59 telephony toning schemes analog ................
MultiVOIP User Guide Index 555 Transport Prot ocol (SIP) fiel d E1 .............................................. 379 T1 .............................................. 327 trap manager parameters (SN MP) T1/E1 ........................................ 169 triggering log report email analog .
Index MultiVOIP User Guide 556 user defaults, s etting ..................... 466 user name Windows GUI ........................... 468 User Name (pr oxy server) field E1 .............................................. 370 T1 ...........................
MultiVOIP User Guide Index 557 Copy Channel ........................... 143 Default ...................................... 143 DTMF Gain .............................. 143 DTMF Gain (High Tones) ........ 143 DTMF Gain (Low Tone s) ......... 143 DTMF In/Out of Band .
Index MultiVOIP User Guide 558 browser version requirem ent ... 486, 489 general ...................................... 486 Java requirement ....................... 486 prerequisite local assigning of IP address .................................. 487 video useability .
559 S000249K.
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