Multitechメーカー1777.8/7-10 G3の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Mult itec Operat ing i nstr ucti ons 1777.8/ 7 - 10 G3 High - pr essur e pumps i n ring - section d esign W orks No. : __________________________________ T ype ser ies: __________________________________ These operat ing i nstr ucti ons contain fundament al inf ormat ion and pr ecauti onary not es.
Multitec 2 Contents Page 1 General 4 2 Safet y 4 2.1 Marki ng of i nstr ucti ons in the m anual 4 2.2 Personnel quali fi cation and t rai ning 4 2.3 Non-com pliance wi th saf ety i nstruct ions 4 2.4 Safet y awareness 4 2.5 Safet y instr uctions for t he operator / user 5 2.
Multitec 3 Index Secti on Page Ad jus tin g d ime ns io ns for co up ling ali gnment, pump sizes 32 t o 65, ver sions E, Ex, F , Fx, V , Vx 31 Ali gning the pum p / dr ive 5. 3.1 8 Appli cations 4.4 6 Beari ngs 7.4. 4 22 Beari ngs and lubri cati on 7.
Cauti o n Multitec 4 1 General The Mu ltitec pump has been developed i n accordance wit h stat e-of -t he-ar t technology; i t is manufact ured wit h utmost care and subject to cont inuous qual ity cont rol . These operat ing instr ucti ons are intended t o faci li tate oper ati on of t he pump and help i n commissi oning and mai ntenance.
Cauti o n Cauti o n Multitec 5 2.5 Saf ety inst ruct ions f or t he operat or / user - Any hot or col d components that coul d pose a hazard m ust be equipped wi th a guar d by the operat or . - Guards whi ch are f itt ed to pr event acci dental contact wit h moving part s (e.
Multitec 6 4 Descr iption of the product and accessories 4.1 T echnical specif icat ion Mult ist age centr ifugal pumps in r ing- section desi gn with suct ion impel ler for low NPSH val ue (except ion: M TC 32).
Shim Foundati on bolt s ³ 800 Shim Shim Cauti o n Shim Multitec 7 5 Installation at site 5.1 Saf ety regul ations / Speci al instr uctions Elect ri cal equipment operat ed in potent ial ly explosi ve atmospher es must compl y wit h the rel evant expl osion protect ion r egulat ions.
Cauti o n Cauti o n Str aight -edge Str aight -edge Gauge a a b b a b a b Gauge Str aight -edge Str aight -edge Cauti o n Cauti o n Cauti o n Multitec 8 5.
Cauti o n Cauti o n Multitec 9 5.4 Connecting t he piping Su ctio n lift line s sh al l be laid w ith a risin g slop e to wa rds the pump and sucti on head li nes with a downwar d s lope t owards the pump, t o prevent t he for mati on of ai r pocket s.
1212:5 Cauti o n 1 145:31/2 1 145:32/2 Cauti o n Multitec 10 5.4. 1 V acuum balance li ne Wher e liqui d has to be pumped out of a vessel under vacuum, it is advi sable to i nstal l a vacuum bal ance l ine. This l ine shal l have a m inim um nom . diamet er of 25 mm and m ust extend above the highest perm issibl e li quid level of t he v essel.
Cauti o n Cauti o n Cauti o n Pump sizes 32 to 100 Pump sizes 125 and 150 Cauti o n Multitec 11 6 Com mi ssioning, st art - up / Shutdown Inst ruct ions for boi ler feed appli cati ons Limi t val ues for boi ler f eed water and condensate when using cast i ron pump par ts: pH val ue ³ 9.
Cauti o n Cauti o n Multitec 12 6.1. 3 Contact guard In co mp lian c e with health and saf ety regulat ions the pump must not be oper ated wit hout a coupl ing guard. If the cust omer speci fi cally r equests not to i nclude a coupling guard i n our del ivery , t hen the oper ator m ust supply one.
Cauti o n Cauti o n Multitec 13 6.2. 2 Swit ching f requency The permi ssibl e number of st art -ups in a given per iod of t ime depends on the ci rcumst ances preva iling in th e pla nt an d th e operat ing condi tions.
Cauti o n Multitec 14 7 Ser vicing / mainten ance 7.1 G eneral i nstr uctions The operat or i s responsibl e for ensur ing that al l mai ntenance, inspect ion and i nstall ati on work be per form ed by authori zed, quali fied per sonnel who ar e thoroughl y fam iliar w ith the manual.
Cauti o n Multitec 15 Oil qual ity / Oil change Quali ty: ISO V G 46. The fi rst oil change shall be car ri ed out af ter 300 operat ing hours, the f oll owing ones every 3000 oper ati ng hours. Unscrew t he screwed pl ug in t he r e-f ill hole and in the drai n hol e.
Shaft i n 1.4021 / 1.4462 Mult it ec 32 - 125 Mult it ec 150 Mult it ec 32 - 125 Mult it ec 150 Mult it ec 32 - 125 Mult it ec 150 Multitec 16 7.3. 3 Dism antli ng the bear ings The s ecti ons below describe par ti al dismant ling ( beari ngs, seals, etc.
Cauti o n Grease l ubri cati on Pump ver sion V , MTC 100/ 125/150 (greas e lubric ation only ) Fig. 27 Oil lubr icati on wit h labyr inth seal Oil lubr icati on wit h lip seal Multitec 17 7.3 .3.2 Dis ma n tling th e driv e -en d rollin g e leme n t be a ring s N.
Multitec 18 7.3. 4 Dismant ling and replacem ent of shaft seal Gland packi ngs 7.3. 4.1 Replaci ng the packing r ings Access to packi ng ri ngs without r emoving t he beari ng or t he lant ern: - Undo both nut s 920.3 and pul l gland cover 452 out of seal housing 441.
Cauti o n Cauti o n Multitec 19 7.3. 5.2 Removing an ai r- cooled mechani cal seal (seal code 64) Fig. 33 N.B. : This mechanical seal desi gn is used f or applicat ion temper atur es fr om 140 to 200 ° C and Mul ti tec si zes 32 to 100. The pump shall only be coupled t o a mot or wit h enclosur e I P 55.
171.5 230.1 540.3 Cauti o n Cauti o n Multitec 20 7.3. 6 Dism antli ng the hydr auli c system - Remove t he bearings as descr ibed in sect ions 7.3. 3.
12 34 Cauti o n l d i d a Multitec 21 7.4. 1 Ti ghteni ng torques - T ie bolts, par t No. 905 Mater ial codes 10, 1 1, 12, 13 (casing: cast i ron) Pump size Ti ghteni ng tor que Nm Mu ltitec 3 2 85 Mu.
Cauti o n Cauti o n Left - - hand spr ing Right- - hand spring Shaft rotation: an ti -clo ck- wise Shaft rotation: clo ckwi se Vie w towards the spr ing- loaded ring Cauti o n Multitec 22 Mechanical seal s Mechanical seals are pr ecision component s. The seat ri ng and t he spring- loaded ri ng must always be repl aced toget her , i.
Cauti o n Cauti o n 1.) Tighten nut to torque M1 , then loosen again 1.) Tighten firs t nut to t orque M1 , then loos en again 2.) Tighten firs t nut to t orque M2 3.) Tighten sec ond nut to t orque M3 , at t he same t ime block ing f irs t nut 1.) Tighten firs t nut to t orque M1 2.
Cauti o n 0.2 ...0.8 mm 0.2... 0.8 mm Multitec 24 If t here is no sui tabl e torque wr ench avail able f or tight ening t he shaft nut s, proceed as fol lows, depending on the pump versi on: Self- loc.
Fig. 42 Cauti o n Multitec 25 Radial bear ing V ersions C and D are equipped wit h a deep- groove bal l bearing as radi al bear ing. ( The other versions are f it ted with a plain beari ng in t he sucti on casing). The outer r ace of t he deep-gr oove ball beari ng must have axi al play .
Pump deli vers ins uffici ent flow rate Motor is ov erloaded Pump is running, but does not deliver Exces si ve bearing temperature Leakage at the pump Excessive lea kage at t he shaf t seal Vibrations.
Pump sizes 32 t o 100 Radial suct ion nozzle V ersion wi thout balance dr um wit h mechanical seal Axial suct ion nozzle up to pump si ze 50 Axial suct ion nozzle pump size 65 and above 1) f or pump m.
Multitec 28 Close- coupled pump up t o pump size 65 Radial suct ion nozzle V erti cal design Pump sizes 32, 50 and 65 V erti cal design Pump sizes 100, 125 and 150 1) f or pump models with mec hanical s eal only 2) pump size 65 and abov e 3) pump size 100 and abov e 4) except pump s iz e 32 5) pump sizes 32 and 50 only 6) hy dr aulics 9.
Multitec 29 Pump sizes 125 and 150 1) f or pump models with mec hanical s eal only 2) pump size 65 and abov e 3) pump size 100 and abov e 4) except pump s iz e 32 5) pump sizes 32 and 50 only 6) hy dr aulics 9.
Multitec 30 9.1 Li st of components This l ist incl udes all component s ment ioned in t his document Part No. Descri pti on 106.1/ 2 Suction casi ng 107 Discharge casi ng 108.1 Stage casi ng 160.1/ 2 Cover 171.1 Di f fuser 181 Pump stool 182 Foot 210 Shaft 1) 230.
Bild 4 4 Fig. 44 Ac htung Attenzion Cauti o n Multitec 31 Adjust ing Dimensi ons for Coupli ng Alignment , Pump sizes 32 to 65, Pump versi ons E, Ex, F , Fx, V , Vx Cotes de r églage pour ali gnement.
1777.8/7-10 01.06.2006 Subjec t to technic al modifi cation wi thout prior notice. KSB Akti engesel lsch aft P . O. Box 1361, 91253 Pegni tz · Bahnhofpl atz 1, 91257 Pegnit z (Germany ) T el.
デバイスMultitech 1777.8/7-10 G3の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Multitech 1777.8/7-10 G3をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはMultitech 1777.8/7-10 G3の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Multitech 1777.8/7-10 G3の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Multitech 1777.8/7-10 G3で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Multitech 1777.8/7-10 G3を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はMultitech 1777.8/7-10 G3の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Multitech 1777.8/7-10 G3に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちMultitech 1777.8/7-10 G3デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。