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V isuaLink 128/384 General Description NEC America Inc. July , 1998 Stock # 0293739 NDA-24229, Issue 1.
LIABILITY DISCLAIMER NEC Ameri ca, Inc. reserves the right to c hange the specifi cations , functions, or featur es, at any time, without notice . NEC Amer ica, Inc . has pr epared this document for the exclusi ve use by its em ployees and custome rs.
i VisuaLi nk 128/38 4 General D escription Contents Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2 Applicatio ns .
ii Conte nts VisuaLin k 128/384 Gene ral Desc ription Spec ification s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1 Genera l Specifications . . . . . .
1-1 V isuaLink 128/384 General De scription Introduction Overv iew In toda y ’s fast paced busin ess climate , timely access to accurate informa tion is a cri tical res ource in every succes sful organ ization. Often, thi s informati on must b e communi cated face-to-fa ce.
1-2 Introduction Vis uaLink 1 28/384 G eneral D escriptio n Features VisuaLink incorpora tes features for today ’s high performa nce technolo gies while mak ing a vi deoco nference system easy and cost effective to o perate. T otal Integration • singl e compact unit VisuaLink is a sel f-containe d unit.
Introduct i on 1-3 V isuaLink 128/384 General De scription Phone-Li ke Di ali n g • V oicePoint+ co nnectivity for ease of dialing For th o se not wan t ing t o di a l u sin g the V i sua L ink re m ote, an N EC V oic e Point+ c a n be con n ected to t h e V isu a Li n k.
1-4 Introduction Vis uaLink 1 28/384 G eneral D escriptio n Field Upgradable • same software used for bot h 128 & 38 4 uni ts Often, k eeping up w ith techno logy ca n be a full -time j ob in its elf. Wheneve r a vendor relea ses a new softwar e update, you mu st wait for it to arri ve by mai l or dow nload p atches from a Web site.
Introduct i on 1-5 V isuaLink 128/384 General De scription Applications The Videoconfe rencing ma rket is gr owing r apidly wi th the more w idely availab le ISDN networ k and cost effectiv e videoc on fer en cing uni ts such as VisuaLink. Videoc onferenci ng is bei ng adapted to a wide variety of appli catio ns.
1-6 Introduction Vis uaLink 1 28/384 G eneral D escriptio n V isuaLink 12 8/384 Poin t-to-Point Applicat ions NEC VisuaLink brings a whole new catego ry of porta ble and ea sy to use videoc onferenc ing syste ms.
Introduct i on 1-7 V isuaLink 128/384 General De scription V isuaLink Documentation Addit ional in formatio n on Visu aLink can be foun d in the f ollowi ng NEC publica tions : • V is uaLink User Ma.
1-8 Introduction Vis uaLink 1 28/384 G eneral D escriptio n.
2-1 V isuaLink 128/384 General De scription Application Configurations VisuaLink is the hea rt of a videoc onferenc ing syst em. The co mpact VisuaLink unit can b e conf igured wi th a var iety of pe riphera l equipmen t to addres s most any vide oconferenc ing need.
2-2 Applicati on Configur ations Vis uaLink 1 28/384 G eneral D escriptio n Roll-About • easily m oved, use in active locations The V i suaLink Roll-About application config uration p rovides a tu rn-key solu tion to mos t genera l busi ness us es for vi deocon ferenci ng.
Applicati on Configuratio ns 2-3 V isuaLink 128/384 General De scription Roll-About Component s The Roll- About inc orporates the follo wing comp onents in to one eas y to move u nit for v ideoconf er.
2-4 Applicati on Configur ations Vis uaLink 1 28/384 G eneral D escriptio n Motion Video Camera Motion V ideo Came ra The motion camera ( D30) is a full col or camera with the followin g features : .
Applicati on Configuratio ns 2-5 V isuaLink 128/384 General De scription Desktop PC • als o av ailab l e wit h control software The VisuaLink Desktop PC app licatio n confi guratio n provid es a busines s solut ion for v ideocon ferencin g at the indivi dual desk top.
2-6 Applicati on Configur ations Vis uaLink 1 28/384 G eneral D escriptio n Desktop PC Components The Des ktop PC in corpor ates the f ollowi ng compon ents: • VisuaLink 128 or VisuaLin k 384 • Vi.
Applicati on Configuratio ns 2-7 V isuaLink 128/384 General De scription V is uaLink Director Sof tware This Micros oft Windows 9 5 ® softwar e allows the PC to c ontrol th e VisuaLink 128/384 uni t, thereby p rovidi ng comple te control o f the videoc onference.
2-8 Applicati on Configur ations Vis uaLink 1 28/384 G eneral D escriptio n Personal Computer Personal Computer Requirements VisuaLink Desktop PC i s added to a user ’s P ersonal Com puter .
Applicati on Configuratio ns 2-9 V isuaLink 128/384 General De scription Gateway The VisuaLink Gateway ap plicati on config uration a llows shar ed VisuaLink 128/384 uni ts between many us ers. Ex isting d esktop vid eo/ audio equipment users can no w have hig h qual ity videoc onferenc ing with VisuaLink .
2-10 Applic ati on Co nfig urat ion s Vis uaLink 1 28/384 G eneral D escriptio n V isuaLink Dire ct Connect Gat eway The VisuaLink Di rect Co nnect Gateway applic ation co nfiguration uses VisuaLink 128/384 units as shared re source s for different vi deo/audio users and group s in a fac ility .
3-1 V isuaLink 128/384 General De scription T echnical Description VisuaLink 128 and VisuaLin k 384 employ th e latest Co dec (coder/ decoder ) techno logy for di gital vi deo/au dio appli catio ns. VisuaLin k emplo ys echo ca ncellin g and c ontrol s ystem l ogic to e nhance th e signal clarity and ea se of us e.
3-2 T echnical De scription Vis uaLink 1 28/384 G eneral D escriptio n V ideo & Aud io Interfaces These circ uits prov i d e the corr e c t el e c t ric a l a nd p r o tocol c o nn e c t io n s for vi d eo so u rc es, vi d e o out p uts a n d dis p l a y m onitor s, a u dio s ources, and a u dio ou t puts .
T echnical D escript ion 3-3 V isuaLink 128/384 General De scription System Control The Syste m Control circuit man ages the m any sepa rate func tions of VisuaLink.
3-4 T echnical De scription Vis uaLink 1 28/384 G eneral D escriptio n ...more on H.320 V ideocon ferencing ITU-T H.320 s pecifies te chni cal requir ements fo r narrow- band visua l telephone system s and t erminal equip ment-- typi cally for videoc onferencing and vide ophone se rvices.
T echnical D escript ion 3-5 V isuaLink 128/384 General De scription V ideo Processing Video Processin g is a complex pr ocess to reduc e the amount of ima ge data that must be proces sed on any gi ven pict ure frame.
3-6 T echnical De scription Vis uaLink 1 28/384 G eneral D escriptio n.
4-1 V isuaLink 128/384 General De scription Installation & Maintenance Installation Requirements The compac t VisuaLink un its need no speci al insta llation. H owever , the follo wing shoul d be cons idered whe n using or mountin g the VisuaLin k uni ts.
4-2 Installat ion & Mainten ance Vis uaLink 1 28/384 G eneral D escriptio n Maintenance Requirements There are no user s erviceable ( see Not e ) compon ents, modu les, or circu its inside the VisuaLin k uni ts.
5-1 V isuaLink 128/384 General De scription Specifications General Specif i cations The f o llowing di agra m s illus trate t h e V isu a Li n k 1 28 a n d V is u a Li n k 3 8 4 units. A ll fron t an d r e ar p a nel c o nn e ctio n s a re show n . (S e e the Gen e r a l Para m eters ta b l e for dime n si ons.
5-2 Specifica tions Vis uaLink 1 28/384 G eneral D escriptio n V is uaL ink 128/3 84 T op Vie w V isuaLink 128/384 Side Vi ew.
Specific ations 5 -3 V isuaLink 128/384 General De scription General P arameters Parameter VisuaLink 128 VisuaLink 38 4 Connection Line T ype Basic Rate Interface (BRI) National ISDN-1 Basic Rate Inte.
5-4 Specifica tions Vis uaLink 1 28/384 G eneral D escriptio n General P arameters (Cont) Parameter VisuaLink 128 VisuaLink 38 4 Data Seria l • Ports: 2 Serial (DIN 8-pin) • Speed: 1.2-38.4 Kbps, asynchronous • Start-Stop synchronization • Ports: 2 Serial (DIN 8-pin) • Speed: 1.
Specific ations 5 -5 V isuaLink 128/384 General De scription External Interface Parameters Parameter VisuaLink 128 VisuaLink 38 4 Line Interface • Applicable Line: (1) ISDN BRI (2) High speed digita.
5-6 Specifica tions Vis uaLink 1 28/384 G eneral D escriptio n External Interface Parameters (Cont) Parameter VisuaLink 128 VisuaLink 38 4 Audio Output Line Audio Out • Output level: -10dBv • Exce.
Specific ations 5 -7 V isuaLink 128/384 General De scription Operating Modes & Features The followi ng prov ides a summ ary of th e main operatin g modes a nd features for VisuaLink .
5-8 Specifica tions Vis uaLink 1 28/384 G eneral D escriptio n Line Interface Control Originate at a 64 Kb ps or 56 Kbps to th e North A merican Nat ional ISDN-1. Line Connect Modes • BRI interf ace with VisuaLink 128/384 and ot her ISDN equi pment (T A, F AX, etc.
Specific ations 5 -9 V isuaLink 128/384 General De scription Multi-Point Conference Control Multi-Poi nt Confe rence Modes : •A u d i o S w i t c h • Chairma n mode ( Video sele ction, local r oom.
5-10 Specificati ons Vis uaLink 1 28/384 G eneral D escriptio n Serial Port Modes Seri al Port 1 • Conso le port ( PC contr ol) • VC-CI ca mera co ntrol port • EVI-D30 camer a contr ol port • T .
NEC America Inc. July , 1998 V isuaLink 128/38 4 General De scription Stock # 0293739 NDA-24229, Is sue 1.
デバイスNEC 128の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
NEC 128をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはNEC 128の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。NEC 128の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。NEC 128で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
NEC 128を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はNEC 128の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、NEC 128に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちNEC 128デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。