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NDA-24300 ISSUE 1 STOCK # 200787 System Opera tions and Main tenance Man ual OCTOBER, 2000 NEC Ame rica, In c. ®.
LIABILITY DISCLAIMER NEC Am erica, Inc. res erves th e right t o cha nge the specifi cations , functions, o r featur es, at any ti me, without notic e. NEC A merica , Inc. has prepared this documen t fo r use by its employe es and cust omers . The informa tion co ntaine d herein is the prope rty o f NEC Am erica, I nc.
ISSUE 1 ISSUE 2 ISS UE 3 ISS U E 4 DA T E OCTOBER, 2000 DA TE DA TE DA TE ISSUE 5 ISSUE 6 ISS UE 7 ISS U E 8 DA TE DA TE DA TE DA TE NEAX24 00 IPX System Op er atio ns and Maintenance M an ual Revision Sheet 1/9 NDA- 2430 0 PA G E N o .
ISSUE 1 ISSUE 2 ISS UE 3 ISS U E 4 DA TE OCTOBER, 2000 DA TE DA TE DA TE ISSUE 5 ISSUE 6 ISS UE 7 ISS U E 8 DA TE DA TE DA TE DA TE NEAX24 00 IPX System Op er atio ns and Maintenance M an ual Revision.
ISSUE 1 ISSUE 2 ISS UE 3 ISS U E 4 DA TE OCTOBER, 2000 DA TE DA TE DA TE ISSUE 5 ISSUE 6 ISS UE 7 ISS U E 8 DA TE DA TE DA TE DA TE NEAX24 00 IPX System Op er atio ns and Maintenance M an ual Revision.
ISSUE 1 ISSUE 2 ISS UE 3 ISS U E 4 DA TE OCTOBER, 2000 DA TE DA TE DA TE ISSUE 5 ISSUE 6 ISS UE 7 ISS U E 8 DA TE DA TE DA TE DA TE NEAX24 00 IPX System Op er atio ns and Maintenance M an ual Revision.
ISSUE 1 ISSUE 2 ISS UE 3 ISS U E 4 DA TE OCTOBER, 2000 DA TE DA TE DA TE ISSUE 5 ISSUE 6 ISS UE 7 ISS U E 8 DA TE DA TE DA TE DA TE NEAX24 00 IPX System Op er atio ns and Maintenance M an ual Revision.
ISSUE 1 ISSUE 2 ISS UE 3 ISS U E 4 DA TE OCTOBER, 2000 DA TE DA TE DA TE ISSUE 5 ISSUE 6 ISS UE 7 ISS U E 8 DA TE DA TE DA TE DA TE NEAX24 00 IPX System Op er atio ns and Maintenance M an ual Revision.
ISSUE 1 ISSUE 2 ISS UE 3 ISS U E 4 DA TE OCTOBER, 2000 DA TE DA TE DA TE ISSUE 5 ISSUE 6 ISS UE 7 ISS U E 8 DA TE DA TE DA TE DA TE NEAX24 00 IPX System Op er atio ns and Maintenance M an ual Revision.
ISSUE 1 ISSUE 2 ISS UE 3 ISS U E 4 DA TE OCTOBER, 2000 DA TE DA TE DA TE ISSUE 5 ISSUE 6 ISS UE 7 ISS U E 8 DA TE DA TE DA TE DA TE NEAX24 00 IPX System Op er atio ns and Maintenance M an ual Revision.
ISSUE 1 ISSUE 2 ISS UE 3 ISS U E 4 DA TE OCTOBER, 2000 DA TE DA TE DA TE ISSUE 5 ISSUE 6 ISS UE 7 ISS U E 8 DA TE DA TE DA TE DA TE NEAX24 00 IPX System Op er atio ns and Maintenance M an ual Revision.
NDA-24300 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page i Issue 1 ND A-24300 ISSU E 1 OCT O BER, 20 00 NEAX2400 IPX System Oper ations and Maintena nce Manual T ABLE OF CONTENTS Pag e LIST OF FI GURES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
TABLE OF CONTENTS NDA-24300 Page ii Issu e 1 T ABLE OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED) Pa g e 0-I Mate CPU Fai lure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 0-J Abnormal I nterrupt . .
NDA-24300 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ii i Issue 1 T ABLE OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED) Pa g e 7-G TSW P LO Ke y Turn O N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 6 7-H TSW P LO Ke y Turn O FF .
TABLE OF CONTENTS NDA-24300 Page iv Issu e 1 T ABLE OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED) Pa g e 17-O IOC MB Key Turn ON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 9 17-P IOC MB Key Turn OFF. . .
NDA-24300 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page v Issue 1 T ABLE OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED) Pa g e 6. FUSE RE PLACEME NT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 304 CHAPTER 5 FAULT REP AIR PROC EDURES .
TABLE OF CONTENTS NDA-24300 Page vi Issu e 1 T ABLE OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED) Pa g e 10. TONE FAULT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 6 10.1 Check Point .
NDA-24300 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page vi i Issue 1 T ABLE OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED) Pa g e 7.2.7 Call Mete ring Inform ation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 4 7.2.8 Office Code of Ca llin g (Calle d) Party and B illing Pr ocess Of fice .
TABLE OF CONTENTS NDA-24300 Page viii Issu e 1 T ABLE OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED) Pa g e 2.1 Am bient C onditions in Switc h Room Check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 8 2.2 Al arm Check . . . . . . . . .
NDA-24300 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ix Issue 1 T ABLE OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED) Pa g e DTF104 Dis play of Atte ndant Peg Count Dat a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 567 DTF105 Dis play of Rout e Peg Count Data .
LIST OF FIGURES NDA-24300 Page x Issue 1 LIST OF FIGURES Figure Title Pag e Figure 2- 1 Flow of A dministra tive Man agement Proced ures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Figure 2- 2 System Conf iguratio n . . . .
NDA-24300 LIST OF FIGURES Page xi Issue 1 LIST OF FIGURES (CONTINUED) Figure Title Pa g e Figure 4-2 4 CPR Face La yout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301 Figure 4-2 5 Extractio n of CP R from LP M .
LIST OF FIGURES NDA-24300 Page xi i Issu e 1 LIST OF FIGURES (CONTINUED) Figure Title Pa g e Figure 6-1 6 Message Format for Station -to-Station Ca ll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 8 Figure 6-1 7 Message Format for Outgoing C all - Fusio n .
NDA-24300 LIST OF FIGURES Page xiii Issue 1 LIST OF FIGURES (CONTINUED) Figure Title Pa g e Figure 8-2 Port Status Report (MG , Unit) Di splay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 615 Figure 8-3 Port Status Report (MG , Unit, Group) Display— Designatin g Group .
LIST OF TABLES NDA-24300 Page xi v Issu e 1 LIST OF T ABLES T able Title Pa g e Table 2-1 Summa ry of This M anual’s Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Table 2-2 Kinds of Circ uit Car d Front Resta rt .
NDA-24300 LIS T OF TABLES Page xv Issue 1 LIST OF T ABLES (CONTINUED) T able Title Pa g e Table 8-5 Internal Route Num ber Exp lanation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 553 Table 8-6 Route Num ber Expla nation .
LIST OF T AB LES ND A-24 300 Pa g e x v i Issu e 1 This page is for your notes..
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 1 Page 1 Issue 1 CHAPTER 1 INTRO DUCTION 1. GENERAL This man ual descri bes routi ne system maint enance pro cedures and fault repair pro cedures. Thi s chapter e xplains how to follow the manual and provide s precautio ns pertaini ng to main tenance jobs as a whole .
CHAPTER 1 ND A-24300 Pa g e 2 Issu e 1 INTR ODUCTION • When only the content s of a system message needs to be kno wn, or when a fault is t o be diagnosed from a syst em m ess age • When the range.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 2 Page 3 Issue 1 CHAPTER 2 SYSTEM MAINTENANCE OUTLINE 1. GENERAL 1.1 Purpose This ch apter expl ain s th e outl ine o f fa ult dia gn osis and dut ies n ecessary t o ma intain t he PBX . 1.2 Administ rative Management Proce dures Figure 2- 1 sho ws the w ork flo w of t he administ rati ve manag ement procedure s.
CHAPTER 2 ND A-24300 Pa g e 4 Issu e 1 SYSTEM MAINTENANCE OUTLINE 1.3 Summary of This Manual ’ s Contents T able 2-1 pro vi de s a brief d esc ri pt ion of the co n ten ts fo r each c hapte r in this m an u a l. 2. BASIC KN OWLED GE This secti on identi fi es the informat ion necessary for the system oper ations and mainte nance procedures.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 2 Page 5 Issue 1 SYSTEM MAINTENAN CE OUTLINE 2.1 System Configur ation Figure 2 -2 sho ws the sys tem conf iguration of the f ully e xpanded 4-IMG t ype. F or detai ls on e ach modul e accommodati on, see Fig ure 2-3 th rough Figur e 2-5 .
CHAPTER 2 ND A-24300 Pa g e 6 Issu e 1 SYSTEM MAINTENANCE OUTLINE Figu re 2-3 Fa ce La yout of IMG0 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 0.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 2 Page 7 Issue 1 SYSTEM MAINTENAN CE OUTLINE Figu re 2-4 Fa ce La yout of IMG1 00 00 01 01 02 02 03 03 04 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 21 22 05 06 07 08 09 1.
CHAPTER 2 ND A-24300 Pa g e 8 Issu e 1 SYSTEM MAINTENANCE OUTLINE Figure 2-5 Face La yout of IMG2/3 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 0.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 2 Page 9 Issue 1 SYSTEM MAINTENAN CE OUTLINE 2.2 Line Equipment Number s (LENS) The Line Equipment Numbers (LENS) a re used to specif y the location of a circ uit (trunk/por t) in an y of the PIM uni ve rsal slot s. Refer to the f igures in th is secti on, and conf irm the LENS format used in the syste m.
CHAPTER 2 ND A-24300 Pa g e 1 0 Issu e 1 SYSTEM MAINTENANCE OUTLINE 2.2.2 Uni t Figure 2- 8 , which repre sents a fully e xpanded system, e xplains the Unit (U) number s . The numbers range f rom 0 t o 3, a nd each u nit r epresent s th e PI M uni vers al sl ots, No.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 2 Page 11 Issue 1 SYSTEM MAINTENAN CE OUTLINE 2.2.3 Gr oup The Group (G) numbers are allocated as sh own in F igure 2-9 . A tot al of tw o Groups are assigned on each uni ver sal slot s within the PIM. S lot numbers 10, 11, 12, 21, 22, 23 ca n contain a total of four Groups as an except ion.
CHAPTER 2 ND A-24300 Pa g e 1 2 Issu e 1 SYSTEM MAINTENANCE OUTLINE 2.2.4 Le vel Figure 2- 10 exp l ains the Lev el (Lv) numbers. The r e are a total of eight Le vels (Lv0 - Lv7) on ev ery Group number , which ranges from 00 to 31 . Figure 2- 10 Level Number Allocations A total of eight Leve ls (Lv 0 - Lv7) can be assigned on eac h Grou p.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 2 Page 13 Issue 1 SYSTEM MAINTENAN CE OUTLINE 2.3 Local P artition (LP) Number The L ocal Par tition (LP) n umb er re fers to a logic al lo cal pr oce ssor n umb er , theore tic ally as sig ned fo r each IMG tha t consis ts of fo ur (or l ess) Por t Inter face Modu les (PIM).
CHAPTER 2 ND A-24300 Pa g e 1 4 Issu e 1 SYSTEM MAINTENANCE OUTLINE 2.4 System Messages System messages display during ro utine di agnosis, system o peration status cont rolling , and faul t occurre nce. Figure 2- 12 sho ws an e xample of a syst em message.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 2 Page 15 Issue 1 SYSTEM MAINTENAN CE OUTLINE 2.5 F ault Detecting Funct ion The syste m f in ds a f ault b y its f aul t dete cting c ircui t and th e f aul t detec ting progr am.
CHAPTER 2 ND A-24300 Pa g e 1 6 Issu e 1 SYSTEM MAINTENANCE OUTLINE Figure 2 -14 F ault Dete ction Block Diagram TSW /INT LC/TRK MUX CPU EMA PWR DLKC GT To MA T , Printer, etc .
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 2 Page 17 Issue 1 SYSTEM MAINTENAN CE OUTLINE (a) Main F aults F aults that may occur in the system can be gener ally cat egor ized int o Processo r System F ault, Speec h Pat h System F ault, Line/T runk Faul t, etc.
CHAPTER 2 ND A-24300 Pa g e 1 8 Issu e 1 SYSTEM MAINTENANCE OUTLINE 2.6 Range of Faul ts Specification (1) U pon recei ving a fault report from a stati on user or an oper ator , the techni cian can ass ume a fault y card ex ists if the ran ge to be af fect ed by the faul t can be determ ined.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 2 Page 19 Issue 1 SYSTEM MAINTENAN CE OUTLINE Figure 2 -15 G eneral S ystem Block Diagram CPU 0 To M U X To MU X To MU X ( IMG2) To MUX (IM G2) To MU X ( IMG3) To MUX (IM G3) IMG0 TS.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 2 Page 21 Issue 1 SYSTEM MAINTENAN CE OUTLINE Figure 2-16 CPU Controlling Blo ck Diagram (Conti nued) LPM EMA IOC / MISC ISAGT 0 LANI PWR PWR CPU 0 MEMORY PCI BUS ISA BUS CPU board C.
CHAPTER 2 ND A-24300 Pa g e 2 2 Issu e 1 SYSTEM MAINTENANCE OUTLINE Figure 2-1 7 Sp eech Path Block Diagram IMG 0 TSW 02 To IMG2 TSWM TSW 00 TSW/INT MUX 003 MUX 002 MUX 001 MUX 000 PIM 3 LC/TRK MUX Sy.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 2 Page 23 Issue 1 SYSTEM MAINTENAN CE OUTLINE Figure 2-17 Speech Path Block Di ag ram (Continued) IMG 2 TSW 00 To IMG0 TSWM TSW 02 TSW/INT MUX 023 MUX 022 MUX 021 MUX 020 PIM 3 LC/TR.
CHAPTER 2 ND A-24300 Pa g e 2 4 Issu e 1 SYSTEM MAINTENANCE OUTLINE Figure 2-18 Spee ch Path Range of Fault MUX A fault within this r ange affects this module. 32ch A fault within this range affects the circuit card. A fault within this r ange affect s two slots.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 2 Page 25 Issue 1 SYSTEM MAINTENAN CE OUTLINE 2.7 Explanat ion of Terms • C-Level Infinite L o o p The program rep eatedly ex ecutes specif ic routines due to a fault of th e main memory , data des t ructi on, etc. The progr am is not a ble to b e proces se d normall y .
CHAPTER 2 ND A-24300 Pa g e 2 6 Issu e 1 SYSTEM MAINTENANCE OUTLINE • PM (Li ne/Trunk Ca rd) M ake-Bu sy Re start In this p rocessing , the fau lty PM (Line/ T runk Card) is isolat ed from the s ystem and, at the sa me time, the c alls as socia ted wi th th at fau lty PM (Lin e/Trunk Card ) ar e relea sed .
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 2 Page 27 Issue 1 SYSTEM MAINTENAN CE OUTLINE Figu re 2-19 3M ® M odel 8 012 P o rt able Field Ser vice Kit Figure 2-20 How to Hold a Circuit Ca rd Wrist Strap Place the Circuit Card on a conductive sheet. Connect ground wire to the Earth terminal of the Module Group.
CHAPTER 2 ND A-24300 Pa g e 2 8 Issu e 1 SYSTEM MAINTENANCE OUTLINE (3) When a circuit card appears to be fault y, check the followin g items before r eplacing it with a spare: (a) Poor c onnector contact at the circui t card may be resp onsible for the fault.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 2 Page 29 Issue 1 SYSTEM MAINTENAN CE OUTLINE (4) H o w to clean the connector port ion (gold-plated ter mina l ): (a) Dip th e gold-plated terminal po rtion in the c leaning fluid for 3 to 5 seconds (only P A-XX type circ uit car d) , as sh own in Figure 2- 22 .
CHAPTER 2 ND A-24300 Pa g e 3 0 Issu e 1 SYSTEM MAINTENANCE OUTLINE • The follo wing is an exam ple where the fault w as reco v ered af te r the replacement of circ uit card s: (8) Whe n a fau lt recovery is com plet ed, u se th e RA LM co mman d to c lear a ll th e alar m ind ica tions and re gistered sys tem messages.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 2 Page 31 Issue 1 SYSTEM MAINTENAN CE OUTLINE STEP 5 Perform the work indicat ed by (8), and if the result of the work is the same as the statu s indi- cated , the fa ult is indic ated by (9). If the fau lt rep air wo rk ind icat ed by (9 ) aff ects anoth er nor- mal l ine, re chec k t he wor k a s indicat ed by (10).
CHAPTER 2 ND A-24300 Pa g e 3 2 Issu e 1 SYSTEM MAINTENANCE OUTLINE Figure 2- 24 Diagnostic Wo rk Items an d Symbols Ex amp le FAULT SUPERVISION START END When FAULT Secti on No. (1) : It is the fau lt of Perform (3) (4) When (5) (2) When FAULT Secti on No.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 2 Page 33 Issue 1 SYSTEM MAINTENAN CE OUTLINE Figure 2-2 5 Recov ery Procedure Example 4. REPOR TING FAULT TO NEC When the caus e of a fault is uncerta in, make note of the situat ion invol ved and repor t it to NEC. When for - warding faul ty circ uit cards to NEC, exe rc ise cautio n to protect from static e l e ctrici ty.
CHAPTER 2 ND A-24300 Pa g e 3 4 Issu e 1 SYSTEM MAINTENANCE OUTLINE • Histo ry o f fa ult When did th e fau lt occu r? What kind of repair procedur e has b een execute d? D oes the faul t s till e xist or no t exist? etc .
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 2 Page 35 Issue 1 SYSTEM MAINTENAN CE OUTLINE 4.2 Forwar ding F aulty Cir cuit Card Method Send t he fa ulty ci rcuit ca rd to t he N EC agent t o whom a req uest is made for a replaceme nt card.
CHAPTER 2 ND A-24300 Pa g e 3 6 Issu e 1 This page is for your notes..
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 3 Page 37 Issue 1 CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM MESS A GES This ch apter expl ains how to read and ana lyze sy stem message s displayed du ring routine diag n osis, syst em op- erati on status cont rolling, a nd occurren ce of a fault withi n the system.
CHAPTER 3 ND A-24300 Pa g e 3 8 Issu e 1 SYS T EM MESS AGES 3-B C-Le vel Inf inite Loop (Permanent) 3-C C-Le vel Inf inite Loop (T emporary) 3-D Lock-Up F ailure (Permanent) 3-E Lock-Up Fa i lure ( T .
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 3 Page 39 Issue 1 SYSTEM M ESSA GES 7-B System Initi alize 7-C CPU MB R K ey T urn ON 7-D CPU MB R K ey T urn OFF 7-E T SW MB R Key T urn ON 7-F TSW MBR K e y T urn OFF 7-G TSW PLO K.
CHAPTER 3 ND A-24300 Pa g e 4 0 Issu e 1 SYS T EM MESS AGES 13-P Digital Line Restore 13-Q DR U Battery Operatio n 13-R DR U Line Operation 13-Z Po wer Failure 15-A VPS F ailure (T emporary) 15-B VPS .
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 3 Page 41 Issue 1 SYSTEM M ESSA GES Note 1: Ref er to F usi o n Net w ork Sy ste m Ma nua l. Note 2: Refer to th e manual r elated t o A TM.
CHAPTER 3 ND A-24300 Pa g e 4 2 Issu e 1 SYS T EM MESS AGES This mess ag e di sp lay s whe n th e pr o cess o r is rese t due to a fa il ure in th e sy st e m. ➀ Self-CPU Rest art Infor mation ➁ Mate- CPU Restart I nformat ion (FF H: not mounted) ➂ Relat ed-call Release Result Referenc e: See Chap ter 5 , Section 6.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 3 Page 43 Issue 1 SYSTEM M ESSA GES ➃ Data Load Resul t after re start processi ng Note 1: Phase 1 Rest art is e xecute d when initia lizing th e system without dis r upting the fo.
CHAPTER 3 ND A-24300 Pa g e 4 4 Issu e 1 SYS T EM MESS AGES This message dis plays when a fa ult has occur red to the cloc k oscillator in the CPU. ➀ Self-CPU Rest art Infor mation ➁ Male- CPU R estar t Infor matio n (FF H: not mounted) ➂ Rela ted C all In fo rmati on Referenc e: See Chap ter 5 , Section 6.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 3 Page 45 Issue 1 SYSTEM M ESSA GES C-level infinit e loop is a state wher e a clock- level pro gram, running unde r clock interr upt disabl e state, i s in an infi nite lo op. This message di splays when the c ounter val ue to che ck the normalit y of the p rocessin g has become abnormal .
CHAPTER 3 ND A-24300 Pa g e 4 6 Issu e 1 SYS T EM MESS AGES ➃ System Cont rollin g Port B ➄ CPU Alarm ➅ CPU Changeover Fac tors ➆ Syst em A LM ➇ Data Analyze d by NEC Engineers b7 b6 b5 b4 b.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 3 Page 47 Issue 1 SYSTEM M ESSA GES This messa ge dis plays when a CPU memory re ad/write error occurs. ➀ Inform ation on Self -CPU Restart after det ection of a cl ock fau lt ➁ Mate-CPU Res tart Info rmation ➂ NMI Factor Referenc e: See Chap ter 5 , Section 6.
CHAPTER 3 ND A-24300 Pa g e 4 8 Issu e 1 SYS T EM MESS AGES ➃ System Cont rollin g Port B ➄ CPU Alarm ➅ CPU Changeover Fac tors ➆ Syst em A LM ➇ Data Analyze d by NEC Engineers b7 b6 b5 b4 b.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 3 Page 49 Issue 1 SYSTEM M ESSA GES This messa ge dis plays when a B-leve l infinite lo op failure occu rs. ➀ Inform ation on Self -CPU Restart after det ection of a cl ock fau lt ➁ Mate-CPU Res tart Info rmation ➂ B-level I nfinite Loop ➃ Data Analyze d by NEC Engineers Referenc e: See Chap ter 5 , Section 6.
CHAPTER 3 ND A-24300 Pa g e 5 0 Issu e 1 SYS T EM MESS AGES This message displays when, in the CPU program proc essing, the counter value to ch eck the norm ality o f the process ing has bec ome abnormal.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 3 Page 51 Issue 1 SYSTEM M ESSA GES This message displays when a fault, such as the Clock down or C-level infin ite loop erro r, has occu rred. ➀ Mate-CPU Res tart Info rmation Referenc e: See Chap ter 5 , Section 6.2 a nd Section 6.
CHAPTER 3 ND A-24300 Pa g e 5 2 Issu e 1 SYS T EM MESS AGES This message dis plays when t he system is int errupti ng abnormall y in the pr ocessing . ➀ Self-CPU Rest art Infor mation ➁ Mate- CPU R estar t Infor matio n (FF H: not mounted) ➂ ➃ Data Analyze d by NEC Engineers Referenc e: See Chap ter 5 , Section 6.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 3 Page 53 Issue 1 SYSTEM M ESSA GES This message display s when link inf ormation cann ot be written in to the switch memory of the TSW in both systems. ➀ TSW sys tem in wh ich a fau lt is detected ➁ Status a t the time o f fault de tection ➂ Data Analyzed b y NEC Engine ers Referenc e: See Chap ter 5 , Section 5.
CHAPTER 3 ND A-24300 Pa g e 5 4 Issu e 1 SYS T EM MESS AGES This me ssage dis plays when l i n k information cannot be wr itten i nto the swi t ch memor y of the TSW card in one of the dual sys tems.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 3 Page 55 Issue 1 SYSTEM M ESSA GES This me ssage displa ys when the li nk informatio n cannot be writ ten into the swi tch memory of th e TSW in both systems. ➀ TSW sys tem in wh ich a fau lt is detected ➁ ➂ Data Analyze d by NEC Engineers Referenc e: See Chap ter 5 , Section 5.
CHAPTER 3 ND A-24300 Pa g e 5 6 Issu e 1 SYS T EM MESS AGES This messa ge dis play s when the link info rmat ion cannot be writt en in to the switch mem ory of the TSW card in one o f the dual systems.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 3 Page 57 Issue 1 SYST EM ME SS A GES This messag e displays when the sys tem detects a clock failure, su ch as TSW interna l clock down or Frame Head down, in both systems. ➀ TSW card in whic h a fault is dete cted ➁ Clock stat us of No.
CHAPTER 3 ND A-24300 Pa g e 5 8 Issu e 1 SYS T EM MESS A GES This messag e displays when the sys tem detects a clock failure, su ch as TSW interna l clock down or Frame Head down, in one of the du al sys t ems. ➀ TSW card in wh ich a fault is detected ➁ Clock stat us of No.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 3 Page 59 Issue 1 SYST EM ME SS A GES This message displays when the s ystem dete cts a fault, such as input cl ock al l down or ou tput clock d own in the PL O cards, at both sides .
CHAPTER 3 ND A-24300 Pa g e 6 0 Issu e 1 SYS T EM MESS A GES ➃ Scan Dat a 1: Curre nt Status of PLO card ➄ Scan Dat a 2: Curre nt Status of PLO card b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b 2 b1 b0 b7 b4 b1 b0 b0: Clock .
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 3 Page 61 Issue 1 SYST EM ME SS A GES This messag e displays when the syst em detects all the fa ilures co ncerned with input clock do w n or output clock down in th e PLO card at the ACT side. When this mess age is indicat ed, the PLO card chan geov er executes.
CHAPTER 3 ND A-24300 Pa g e 6 2 Issu e 1 SYS T EM MESS A GES ➃ Scan Data 1: St atus of PLO card ➄ Scan Data: St atus of PLO card b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b 2 b1 b0 b7 b4 b1 b0 b0: Clock status at time of de.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 3 Page 63 Issue 1 SYST EM ME SS A GES This messa ge displays when a f ault of t he speech pa th system ha s occurred in a speci fic Module Group.
CHAPTER 3 ND A-24300 Pa g e 6 4 Issu e 1 SYS T EM MESS A GES This messa ge dis pla ys when the chan geov er of the TSW system is exec ute d. ➀ ACT side Sp eech Path ( TSW) after changeover ➁ Reaso.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 3 Page 65 Issue 1 SYST EM ME SS A GES ➂ ~ ➅ Status of A CT side TSW card ➆ ~ ➉ Status of ST -BY side TSW card b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b 2 b1 b0 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 b0-b3, b 4-b7: .
CHAPTER 3 ND A-24300 Pa g e 6 6 Issu e 1 SYS T EM MESS A GES This me ssage dis plays when DLKC da ta trans fer failur e (tempor ary), shown i n message [ 1-V ], occ urs more than 16 times an hour. At this t ime, the f aulty DLKC ca rd is down and its switchin g network a utomaticall y chang es over.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 3 Page 67 Issue 1 SYST EM ME SS A GES This mess age displays w h en a data sen ding err or or no answer e r ror occurs a t the t ime of da ta tra nsfer f rom CPU to DLKC card.
CHAPTER 3 ND A-24300 Pa g e 6 8 Issu e 1 SYS T EM MESS A GES This messa ge dis plays when a fail ure such as i nte rnal clock do wn occurr ed to PLO is restored.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 3 Page 69 Issue 1 SYST EM ME SS A GES This mess age displays w h en a C- level p rogram abno rmal sta te is d etected as permane nt. When the Port Mi- croproc essor ( PM) on an LC/TRK c ard detects t he abnor mal sta te, the PM plac es the c ard int o make-b usy sta - tus.
CHAPTER 3 ND A-24300 Pa g e 7 0 Issu e 1 SYS T EM MESS A GES This messag e displays when C-leve l program is de tected as ab normal by the Por t Microproc essor (PM) mount- ed on a n LC/T RK card.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 3 Page 71 Issue 1 SYST EM ME SS A GES At the p eriodic interval, the CPU sends diag nosis data to the Port Micr oprocesso r (PM) on LC/TRK card s in order to moni tor the PM. If the CPU cannot r ec ei ve the ret urn data within a pre determine d period of time, the system d i spla ys this data.
CHAPTER 3 ND A-24300 Pa g e 7 2 Issu e 1 SYS T EM MESS A GES At the p eriodic interval, the CPU sends diag nosis data to the Port Micr oprocesso r (PM) on LC/TRK card s in order to moni tor the PM. If the CPU cannot r ec ei ve the ret urn data within a pre determine d period of time, the system dis plays this data.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 3 Page 73 Issue 1 SYST EM ME SS A GES This mess age displ ays whe n over curre nt of the o perat ing powe r (DC-4 8V) is sup plied from t he ATI/ ELC cir - cuit ca rd to the A t ten da nt C on s ol e/D term .
CHAPTER 3 ND A-24300 Pa g e 7 4 Issu e 1 SYS T EM MESS A GES This message display s when a wire of the line between the LC circuit car d and the telepho ne set is short - circui ted with g round.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 3 Page 75 Issue 1 SYST EM ME SS A GES This message displays when the DTI card detects an abnormal state of a digital line but this failure has no in- flue nce o n the sp eec h path . W hen t he s tatu s w ors ens, t he s ystem i ssues [ 3-I ] Digi tal Line Failur e message.
CHAPTER 3 ND A-24300 Pa g e 7 6 Issu e 1 SYS T EM MESS A GES This messa ge d ispla ys af ter [ 3-H ] Dig ital L ine War ning la sts in the D TI card over t he part icu lar tim e.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 3 Page 77 Issue 1 SYST EM ME SS A GES This messa ge dis plays when a digital li ne fault is restored. ➀ Location of faulty li ne 1: XX00 0000 0000 0000 2: 0000 0000 0000 0000 3: 00.
CHAPTER 3 ND A-24300 Pa g e 7 8 Issu e 1 SYS T EM MESS A GES This messag e displays when a Ready Fai lure occur s in both syst ems as a result of the TSW card havi ng a failure or the car d is not mounted properly. ➀ Unit and MG number of f ault dete ction Referenc e: See Chap ter 5 , Section 5.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 3 Page 79 Issue 1 SYST EM ME SS A GES This mess age di splays when a Ready Failure occ urs in one of the dual syste ms because the TSW ca rd fa il s or the car d is not mounted properly . ➀ Unit and MG number of f ault dete ctio n Referenc e: See Chap ter 5 , Section 5.
CHAPTER 3 ND A-24300 Pa g e 8 0 Issu e 1 SYS T EM MESS A GES This message dis plays when I /O Ready Fail ure occur s on a DLKC car d. ➀ Details on f aulty DLKC card 1: XX00 0000 0000 0000 2: 0000 00.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 3 Page 81 Issue 1 SYST EM ME SS A GES This mess age disp lay s whe n th e MUX (PH -P C36) car d has a Rea dy Fa ilur e in on e of the dual sy stem s. When the card is not ready fo r service function be cause of t he failur e or because the card is not mount ed properly, the syst em creates this message .
CHAPTER 3 ND A-24300 Pa g e 8 2 Issu e 1 SYS T EM MESS A GES This mess age displa ys when the MUX (PH-PC36) card has a Ready Fail ure in both of the dual systems. Whe n the card is not ready fo r service function be cause of t he failur e or because the card is not mount ed properly, the syst em create s this system mes sage.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 3 Page 83 Issue 1 SYST EM ME SS A GES This message dis plays when a PCI c ard failure oc curs. ➀ F ault detec tion on PCI card ➁ Erro r statu s on PC I slot 0 ➂ Erro r statu s .
CHAPTER 3 ND A-24300 Pa g e 8 4 Issu e 1 SYS T EM MESS A GES ➄ Erro r statu s on PC I slot 3 Note 1: Physical Conn ection Err or • Ethernet ca ble is disconnec te d.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 3 Page 85 Issue 1 SYST EM ME SS A GES This message dis plays wh en the PCI ca rd, which was detected as fault y, is rec overed. ➀ Dete ction of PCI rest orati on ➁ Details on er .
CHAPTER 3 ND A-24300 Pa g e 8 6 Issu e 1 SYS T EM MESS A GES ➄ Details on er ror restorati on (PCI slot 3) Note: Physical Connectio n Err or • Ethernet ca ble is disconnec te d.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 3 Page 87 Issue 1 SYST EM ME SS A GES This messa ge dis plays when any of the followin g faults are det ected: • Power failur e • Fus e bl owing • In-Frame abnormal temperature.
CHAPTER 3 ND A-24300 Pa g e 8 8 Issu e 1 SYS T EM MESS A GES This mess age di spl ays w hen a fau lt in eith e r the ringe r or ho wl er ton e occur s in t he P WR car d .
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 3 Page 89 Issue 1 SYST EM ME SS A GES This messag e displ ays when the CPU usage (occupa ncy) rat e excee ds the val ue assigned to ASYD, SYS1, In- dex 56 , and the call origi nation from the pre-sele cted gr oup of stat ions is re strict ed (i.
CHAPTER 3 ND A-24300 Pa g e 9 0 Issu e 1 SYS T EM MESS A GES This me ssage disp lays when t he CPU usage (occupancy ) rate becomes lo w er than the value assig ned to ASYD, SYS1, Index 57, an d Line Load Control is cancelled. This system message is always indicated as 0.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 3 Page 91 Issue 1 SYST EM ME SS A GES This message d isplays t o indica te the result of Bad Cal l Notifi cation. ➀ When type of connec t ion is Stat ion connecti on ➁ - ➃ Stat.
CHAPTER 3 ND A-24300 Pa g e 9 2 Issu e 1 SYS T EM MESS A GES ➅ - ➇ Called st ation number (See table ) ➈ T ime Slot Number of Link 1 ➉ Not used T ime Sl ot Nu mb er of L ink 2 Not used When type of connecti on is T runk connectio n ➁ - ➃ Station numb er (See tabl e) ➄ Remote Route No.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 3 Page 93 Issue 1 SYST EM ME SS A GES ➆ Called T runk No. ➇ Not used ➈ T ime Slot Number of Link 1 ➉ Not used T ime Sl ot Nu mb er of L ink 2 Not used b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b 2 b1 b0 b0-b7: T runk No.
CHAPTER 3 ND A-24300 Pa g e 9 4 Issu e 1 SYS T EM MESS A GES When type of connecti on is A CD T runk connection ➁ A CD T rouble Kind Note 1: When “(A CD T r ouble Kind)” is 0 1 Hex : ➂ - ➅ Inform ati on on Calli ng P a rty (a) Sta tion (b) T ru nk My Line No.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 3 Page 95 Issue 1 SYST EM ME SS A GES Note 4: When “(A CD T r ouble Kind)” is 2 4 or 99 H ex: ➂ ~ ➅ Not used ➆ ➇ Error Counter Note 5: When “(A CD T r ouble Kind)” is.
CHAPTER 3 ND A-24300 Pa g e 9 6 Issu e 1 SYS T EM MESS A GES This mess age disp lays to indic ate th e resu lt of a designat ed connec tion te st (Ind ividual Trunk Acces s) from a stat ion.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 3 Page 97 Issue 1 SYST EM ME SS A GES ➁ ➂ - ➄ Station number of tes ting s tation (see tabl e) ➅ Te n a n t N o . ➆ OP TN data b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b 2 b1 b0 b7 b3 b2 b1 b 0 b7 b3 b2 b1 b 0 b0-b3: Number of digits of the testin g statio n No.
CHAPTER 3 ND A-24300 Pa g e 9 8 Issu e 1 SYS T EM MESS A GES ➇ T ested Route No. Note: When Logi cal Rou tes ar e assig ned, Logical Route Nu mbers ar e displaye d he re . ➈ OPR T data Note: When Logi cal Rou tes ar e assig ned, Logical Route Nu mbers ar e displaye d he re .
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 3 Page 99 Issue 1 SYST EM ME SS A GES This message dis plays when a cal l te rminates t o the Emergency Tel ephone. ➀ - ➅ Ca lled Stat ion (Em ergency T elephone) No.
CHAPTER 3 ND A-24300 P ag e 100 Issu e 1 SYS T EM MESS A GES This message dis plays when t he LCR-Att endant Manual Overrid e is set at th e Attendan t Desk Cons ole. ➀ Route Sel ection T ime Pattern No. assigned at Attendant Desk Console Note: Route Selection T ime P attern 0-7 cor responds to TDPTN No.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 3 Page 101 Issue 1 SYST EM ME SS A GES This mess age disp lays when th e LCR-Att endant Manual Overr ide i s canc elle d at the At tendan t Desk Consol e. ➀ Susp ension of Emer gency Control Note: Route Selecti on P attern s 0-7 corr esponds to TDPTN No.
CHAPTER 3 ND A-24300 P ag e 102 Issu e 1 SYS T EM MESS A GES This message displays when the s ystem dete cts abnormal duration in the l ine conne ction betw een the c allin g and call ed party.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 3 Page 103 Issue 1 SYST EM ME SS A GES When calling party i s A TTCON/DESKCON Attendan t/Desk conso l e No. (See table .) When calling party i s T runk Route No.
CHAPTER 3 ND A-24300 P ag e 104 Issu e 1 SYS T EM MESS A GES ➄ Calle d Party Inform at ion Station t o Station Call OG Cal l to outs ide ( IC C all from o utsid e) b4-b7 b0-b3 (a) Te n a n t N o . Te n a n t N o . DC0 DC1 DC2 DC3 DC4 DC5 (a) T ype of calle d party 00 = St ation 01 = At tendant Console b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 b0-b7 Route No .
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 3 Page 105 Issue 1 SYST EM ME SS A GES This message disp lays when the SMDR outpu t buffer usag e rate has excee ded the value as signed to ASYD, SYS1, Index 2 49.
CHAPTER 3 ND A-24300 P ag e 106 Issu e 1 SYS T EM MESS A GES ➂ Buf fer Usage Rat e Assigned by ASYD, SYS1, Inde x 249 ➃ Buf fer Usage Rat e Assigned by ASYD, SYS1, Inde x 250 (b) FS = 1, FE = 0 .
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 3 Page 107 Issue 1 SYST EM ME SS A GES (c) FS = 2, FE = 0 ➁ SMDR Group No. ➂ Port No. ➃ Not used (d) FS = 3, FE = 0 ➁ b7 b3 b2 b1 b 0 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b 2 b1 b0 b7 b3 b2 b1 b 0 b0-b3: SMDR Group No. to which failure occurred b0-b7: Port No.
CHAPTER 3 ND A-24300 P ag e 108 Issu e 1 SYS T EM MESS A GES This me ssage dis plays when t he SMDR outp ut buffer usage ra te has been lower ed to les s than the value as- signed i n the ASYD, SYS1, In dex 250 after the ra te exceeds t he value a ssigned by Index 249.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 3 Page 109 Issue 1 SYST EM ME SS A GES This mess age di spl ay s af te r the o f f ice da ta is lo a ded an d sys te m in i tial i z atio n has exec u ted.
CHAPTER 3 ND A-24300 P ag e 110 Issu e 1 SYS T EM MESS A GES Note 1: Phase1 Res tart is ex ecuted when in itiali zing the system without d isrupting the following two- way con- nection s that have al .
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 3 Page 111 Issue 1 SYST EM ME SS A GES This message d isplays wh en system initia lizati on is act ivated. ➀ Note: Phase1 Res tart is e xecuted when ini tializ ing the s ystem with.
CHAPTER 3 ND A-24300 P ag e 112 Issu e 1 SYS T EM MESS A GES This message displays when the MBR swit ch on the GATE card is turned ON at the time of CPU changeove r or speec h path changeove r.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 3 Page 113 Issue 1 SYST EM ME SS A GES This messa ge dis pla ys wh en the MB R swit ch o n the GA TE car d is tu rned OFF at th e tim e of CPU chan geov er or speec h path changeove r.
CHAPTER 3 ND A-24300 P ag e 114 Issu e 1 SYS T EM MESS A GES This messag e displays when the M BR switch on the TSW card is tu rned ON at CPU changeo ver or speec h path chang eover.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 3 Page 115 Issue 1 SYST EM ME SS A GES This messa ge displays when th e MBR switch on the TSW card i s turned OFF at CPU changeov er or speech path cha ngeover.
CHAPTER 3 ND A-24300 P ag e 116 Issu e 1 SYS T EM MESS A GES This mess age disp l ays when the PL O M BR sw i tch is tu rn ed O N (UP) . ➀ Informa tio n on PLO MBR operati on 1: XX00 0000 0000 0000 .
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 3 Page 117 Issue 1 SYST EM ME SS A GES This message dis plays when t he PLO MBR swit ch is turned O FF (DOWN). ➀ Informa tio n on PLO MBR operati on 1: XX00 0000 0000 0000 2: 0000 .
CHAPTER 3 ND A-24300 P ag e 118 Issu e 1 SYS T EM MESS A GES This message dis plays when t he MB switch o n t he EMA card i s turned ON whi le extract ing or inse rting a circu it c ard or a t P M in itia lizati on. T his m essa ge dis plays w ith th e [ 7-J ]: ALMC MB Key Turn OFF message.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 3 Page 119 Issue 1 SYST EM ME SS A GES This me ssage dis plays when t he MB switc h on the EMA ca rd is tur ned OFF while e xtracting or i nserting a circu it ca rd or at PM i nitializ at ion.
CHAPTER 3 ND A-24300 P ag e 120 Issu e 1 SYS T EM MESS A GES This mess age disp lays when t he MB switch on the line/t run k card is tu rned ON while ext ract ing or ins erti ng a circu it ca rd or at PM i nitializ at ion.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 3 Page 121 Issue 1 SYST EM ME SS A GES This me ssage disp lays when th e MB switch on th e line/t runk card i s turned OFF while ex trac ting or inser ting a ci rcuit card o r at PM initia lization.
CHAPTER 3 ND A-24300 P ag e 122 Issu e 1 SYS T EM MESS A GES This message displa ys when the MB switch on the PFT car d is turned ON while extrac ting or inser ting a circ uit card, or a t PM in itiali zati on.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 3 Page 123 Issue 1 SYST EM ME SS A GES This messag e displays when the MB swit ch on the PFT card is tur ned OFF whi le ex tra c ting or insert ing a c i r - cuit card , or at PM in itia liza tio n.
CHAPTER 3 ND A-24300 P ag e 124 Issu e 1 SYS T EM MESS A GES In a sp ecifi c time cy cle, the system allows a routine diagno sis in i ts hardwa re and so ftware to dete rmine i f they are opera tin g pr ope rly.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 3 Page 125 Issue 1 SYST EM ME SS A GES [00H] Routine Diagnosis Sta rt ➀ Perf orme d D iag nosis Ite m ➁ Pending Diagnosis Menu (SYS1 , Inde x 89) ➂ Pending Diag nosis Menu (SYS.
CHAPTER 3 ND A-24300 P ag e 126 Issu e 1 SYS T EM MESS A GES [10H] Pr ogram Memory V erifi cation Normal End ➀ Routin e Diagnosis ➁ Infor mation on HD ➂ V erif icati on of Dri ve Number 1: 10XX .
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 3 Page 127 Issue 1 SYST EM ME SS A GES [20H] Data Memory V erif ic at ion Normal End ➀ Routin e Diagnosis ➁ V e rificati on of HD ➂ V erif icati on of Data Memory 1: 20XX XX00 .
CHAPTER 3 ND A-24300 P ag e 128 Issu e 1 SYS T EM MESS A GES [30H] TSW A CT/STBY Changeover Normal End ➀ Routin e Diagnosis ➁ Active TSW s yst em a fter chan geover 1: 30XX 0000 0000 0000 2: 0000 .
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 3 Page 129 Issue 1 SYST EM ME SS A GES [40H] CPU A CT/STBY Changeo v er Normal End ➀ Rout ine Diagn osis ➁ Acti ve CPU system 1: 40XX 0000 0000 0000 2: 0000 0000 0000 0000 3: 000.
CHAPTER 3 ND A-24300 P ag e 130 Issu e 1 SYS T EM MESS A GES [50H] No T runk Ineffecti ve Hold ➀ Rout ine Diagn osis ➁ MG and Unit of No. of T runk Ineffective Hold 1: 50XX 0000 0000 0000 2: 0000 .
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 3 Page 131 Issue 1 SYST EM ME SS A GES [70H] Call F orwarding Memo ry Clear Normal End ➀ Routin e Diagnosis 1: 7000 0000 0000 0000 2: 0000 0000 0000 0000 3: 0000 0000 0000 0000 ➀.
CHAPTER 3 ND A-24300 P ag e 132 Issu e 1 SYS T EM MESS A GES [A0H ] Perio dic B ack- up Norm al ➀ Routine Diagnosis ➁ Infor mation on Peri odic Backup Normal End ➂ Backup Data to No. 0 system ➃ Backup Data to No. 1 system Note: Number Sharing data l oad also affects the data l oad of D ual Stat ion C alling Over-FC CS.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 3 Page 133 Issue 1 SYST EM ME SS A GES [C0H] D etect ion of R ema ining Li nk Nor mal End ➀ Per formed Diagnosis Item 1: C0XX XX00 0000 0000 2: 0000 0000 0000 0000 3: 0000 0000 000.
CHAPTER 3 ND A-24300 P ag e 134 Issu e 1 SYS T EM MESS A GES In a sp ecifi c time cy cle, the system allows a routine diagno sis in i ts hardwa re and so ftware to dete rmine i f they are opera tin g pr ope rly.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 3 Page 135 Issue 1 SYST EM ME SS A GES [10H] Pr ogr am Memory V erif ication Discre pancy ➀ Error detectio n by Routine Diagnosi s ➁ V e rificati on of HF D num ber ➂ V e rific.
CHAPTER 3 ND A-24300 P ag e 136 Issu e 1 SYS T EM MESS A GES [11H] Pr ogram Memory V erifi cation Impossible (HFD F ault) ➀ Error detectio n by Routine Diagnosi s ➁ V erif ication Imposs ible of H.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 3 Page 137 Issue 1 SYST EM ME SS A GES [12H] Pr ogram Memory V erif ication Impossi ble (F ault at CPU s ide) ➀ Error detectio n by Routine Diagnosi s ➁ Cause for suspension of P.
CHAPTER 3 ND A-24300 P ag e 138 Issu e 1 SYS T EM MESS A GES [20H] Data Memory V erif ic at ion Disc r epancy ➀ Error detectio n by Routine Diagnosi s ➁ V e rificati on of HF C ➂ V e rificatio n.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 3 Page 139 Issue 1 SYST EM ME SS A GES [21H ] D ata Me mory V er ificatio n Im pos sib le (HFC Fault) ➀ Error detectio n by Routine Diagnosi s ➁ HFC Imposs i ble V eri fi cation .
CHAPTER 3 ND A-24300 P ag e 140 Issu e 1 SYS T EM MESS A GES ➅ Data anal yzed by NEC Engineer s ➆ Error D riv e Note: When ➃ (Err or T ype) is 00H, ➄ Signal Cod e, ➅ and ➆ Er r or Drive ar e valid.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 3 Page 141 Issue 1 SYST EM ME SS A GES [30H] TSW A CT/STBY Changeove r Failure ➀ Detecte d Err or Item ➁ Acti ve TSW No. ➂ - ➅ MUX ca rd (A CT -side ) linka ge conditi on 1: .
CHAPTER 3 ND A-24300 P ag e 142 Issu e 1 SYS T EM MESS A GES ➆ - ➉ MUX card (STBY) linkage conditi on b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b 2 b1 b0 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 ➆ Unit 3 Uni t 2 Unit 1 Unit 0 Unit 3 Uni t.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 3 Page 143 Issue 1 SYST EM ME SS A GES [31H] TSW A CT/STBY Changeo ve r Failure (MUX Fault) Detected Er ror Item Acti ve TSW No. - MUX card (ACT -sid e) l inkag e condit ion 1: 31XX .
CHAPTER 3 ND A-24300 P ag e 144 Issu e 1 SYS T EM MESS A GES ➆ - ➉ MUX card (STBY) linkage conditi on b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b 2 b1 b0 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 ➆ Unit 3 Uni t 2 Unit 1 Unit 0 Unit 3 Uni t.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 3 Page 145 Issue 1 SYST EM ME SS A GES [41H] CPU A CT/STBY Changeo v er Fail ur e ➀ Error d etecti on b y Rout ine Diagnosi s ➁ A C T sy stem aft er c han geover 1: 41XX 0000 000.
CHAPTER 3 ND A-24300 P ag e 146 Issu e 1 SYS T EM MESS A GES [42H] CPU A CT/STBY Changeo v er Fail ur e (DM V erif ication NG or PM V erifi cat io n NG) ➀ Error detectio n by Routine Diagnosi s ➁ .
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 3 Page 147 Issue 1 SYST EM ME SS A GES [43H] CPU A CT/STBY Changeo v er Fail ure (PCI F ault) ➀ Error detectio n by Routine Diagnosi s ➁ A C T sy stem aft er c han geover 1: 43XX.
CHAPTER 3 ND A-24300 P ag e 148 Issu e 1 SYS T EM MESS A GES [44H] CPU A CT/STBY Changeo v er F ailure (Chan geover NG or CPU RAM Copy NG) ➀ Error d etecti on b y Rout ine Diagnosi s ➁ A CT system.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 3 Page 149 Issue 1 SYST EM ME SS A GES [50H] T runk Ineff ec ti ve Hold Detected ➀ Error detectio n by Routine Diagnosi s ➁ LENS of T runk Inef fecti ve Hold (MG, U) ➂ LENS of .
CHAPTER 3 ND A-24300 P ag e 150 Issu e 1 SYS T EM MESS A GES [51H] T runk Ineffec t ive Hold Detecte d and Released ➀ Error detectio n by Routine Diagnosi s ➁ LENS of T runk Inef fecti ve Hold Det.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 3 Page 151 Issue 1 SYST EM ME SS A GES [52H] T runk Ineffec t ive Hold Detecte d Impossible ➀ Error d etecti on b y Rout ine Diagnosi s ➁ Cause fo r suspended de tection of T run.
CHAPTER 3 ND A-24300 P ag e 152 Issu e 1 SYS T EM MESS A GES [70H] Call F orwarding Me mory Clear NG ➀ Error detectio n by Routine Diagnosi s ➁ Caus e for which T ransfer Memory was stopped 1: 700.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 3 Page 153 Issue 1 SYST EM ME SS A GES [A0H] P eriodic Backup Abnor mal End ➀ Error d etecti on b y Rout ine Diagnosi s ➁ Infor mation of Peri odic Backup Abnormal End ➂ Backup Data to No.
CHAPTER 3 ND A-24300 P ag e 154 Issu e 1 SYS T EM MESS A GES ➄ Error S tat us of No . 0 s ystem HD ➅ Backup data to No. 1 system ➆ Error Code of No.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 3 Page 155 Issue 1 SYST EM ME SS A GES [C0H] D etect ion of R ema ining Li nk Abn or mal En d ➀ Perf orme d D iag nosis Ite m ➁ ED (Error Data ) 1: C000 XX00 0000 0000 2: 0000 00.
CHAPTER 3 ND A-24300 P ag e 156 Issu e 1 SYS T EM MESS A GES This me ssage dis plays when the MB swi tch on the PLO card is turned on while ext racting or inser ting a ci rcuit car d .
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 3 Page 157 Issue 1 SYST EM ME SS A GES This me ssage displa ys when the MB swit ch on the PLO ca rd is turned off while ext racting or i nserting a ci rcuit car d .
CHAPTER 3 ND A-24300 P ag e 158 Issu e 1 SYS T EM MESS A GES This message displays when a clock down failure occ ur s in the CCH/DCH cir cui t card. When this mess age is indicat ed, th e relate d CCH/DCH card is pl aced into m ake-busy stat us .
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 3 Page 159 Issue 1 SYST EM ME SS A GES This me ssage di splays when C-level infinit e loop of the Port Microproce ssor (PM) i n the CCH/DCH ci rcuit car d has o ccu rre d .
CHAPTER 3 ND A-24300 P ag e 160 Issu e 1 SYS T EM MESS A GES This me ssage di splays when C-level infinit e loop of the Port Microproce ssor (PM) i n the CCH/DCH ci rcuit car d has o ccu rre d .
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 3 Page 161 Issue 1 SYST EM ME SS A GES This message displa ys when a Port Micr oproce ssor (PM) of the CCH/DCH card did not sen d an answer to th e CPU .
CHAPTER 3 ND A-24300 P ag e 162 Issu e 1 SYS T EM MESS A GES This message displa ys when a Port Micr oproce ssor (PM) of the CCH/DCH card did not sen d an answer to th e CPU .
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 3 Page 163 Issue 1 SYST EM ME SS A GES This me ssage di splays when B-level infinit e loop of the Port Microproce ssor (PM) i n the CCH/DCH ci rcuit car d has o ccu rre d .
CHAPTER 3 ND A-24300 P ag e 164 Issu e 1 SYS T EM MESS A GES This me ssage di splays when B-level infinit e loop of the Port Microproce ssor (PM) i n the CCH/DCH ci rcuit car d has o ccu rre d .
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 3 Page 165 Issue 1 SYST EM ME SS A GES This messag e displays when a failu re has occurr ed numerous ti mes to a common channel sign aling link and the li nk has been placed into make- busy state .
CHAPTER 3 ND A-24300 P ag e 166 Issu e 1 SYS T EM MESS A GES ➂ Prob abl e ca use f or failur e b7 b3 b2 b1 b 0 b0-b3: See T able. FL T ID CCITT ERR OR FA C T O R 00 A S (F = 1) frame is recei v ed. 01 B DM (F = 1) res ponse is rec ei ved. 02 C U A (F = 1) respons e is recei ved.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 3 Page 167 Issue 1 SYST EM ME SS A GES This messag e displays when a failu re has occurr ed numerous ti mes to a common channel sign aling link and the li nk has been placed in to make -busy st ate. Wh en this fa ult las ts over th ree min utes, the system message chang es to [ 13- H ] CCS Link Failure (Per manent) .
CHAPTER 3 ND A-24300 P ag e 168 Issu e 1 SYS T EM MESS A GES ➂ Proba ble ca use fo r the fail ure b7 b3 b2 b1 b 0 b0-b3: See T abl e. FL T ID CCITT ERR OR FA C T O R 00 A S (F = 1) frame is r eceiv e d . 01 B DM (F = 1) r esponse is r eceive d . 02 C U A (F = 1) response is recei ved.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 3 Page 169 Issue 1 SYST EM ME SS A GES This message dis plays wh en the fau lts pertai ning to CCIS/ISDN Li nk are restore d to normal .
CHAPTER 3 ND A-24300 P ag e 170 Issu e 1 SYS T EM MESS A GES This message d isplays when a fa ult occurr ed to the Port Micropr ocessor (P M ) within the CCH/DCH circ uit card and the rest art process ing is executed .
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 3 Page 171 Issue 1 SYST EM ME SS A GES This messa ge dis plays when a dig it al line fail ure occ urs . ➀ Accommodat ed locati on ➁ Kind of F ault 1: XXXX 0000 0000 0000 2: 0000 .
CHAPTER 3 ND A-24300 P ag e 172 Issu e 1 SYS T EM MESS A GES This messa ge dis plays when a dig it al line fail ure occ urs . ➀ Accommodat ed locati on ➁ Kind of F ault 1: XXXX 0000 0000 0000 2: 0.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 3 Page 173 Issue 1 SYST EM ME SS A GES This messa ge dis plays when a digital li ne failure is restored to no rmal . ➀ Accommodat ed locati on ➁ Kind of Fa ult 1: XXXX 0000 0000 .
CHAPTER 3 ND A-24300 P ag e 174 Issu e 1 SYS T EM MESS A GES This message dis plays when t he battery is o perated i n the DRU syst em . ➀ Accommodat ed locati on 1: XX00 0000 0000 0000 2: 0000 0000.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 3 Page 175 Issue 1 SYST EM ME SS A GES This messa ge dis pla ys when the main power of the DRU syste m is restored to normal . ➀ Accommodat ed locati on 1: XX00 0000 0000 0000 2: 0.
CHAPTER 3 ND A-24300 P ag e 176 Issu e 1 SYS T EM MESS A GES This message dis plays wh en a PWR cir cuit car d failur e is dete cted . ➀ MG No. and Unit No. of f ault detect ion ➁ Kind of Po wer ➂ Loca tio n of fa ulty circ uit card Referenc e: See Chap ter 4 , Section 3.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 3 Page 177 Issue 1 SYST EM ME SS A GES This message dis plays when a VPS fa ilure is dete cted . ➀ Prob able cau se f or fail ure ➁ LENS of VPS with the f ailure ➂ LENS of VPS .
CHAPTER 3 ND A-24300 P ag e 178 Issu e 1 SYS T EM MESS A GES This message dis plays when a VPS fa ilure is dete cted . ➀ Prob able cau se f or fail ure ➁ LENS of VPS with the f ailure ➂ LENS of .
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 3 Page 179 Issue 1 SYST EM ME SS A GES This message dis plays when a VPS failure i s restor ed to norma l . ➀ LENS of VPS with th e failure ➁ LENS of VPS with the f ailure 1: XXX.
CHAPTER 3 ND A-24300 P ag e 180 Issu e 1 SYS T EM MESS A GES This message dis plays when I ntra-Off ice Trunks (ATI, RST, etc.) have all be come busy. ➀ Intr a-Of fice t runks that hav e become all .
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 3 Page 181 Issue 1 SYST EM ME SS A GES RO UT E NO . DA T A (HEX.) TR UNK NAME RO U T E NO . DA T A (HEX.) TR UNK NAME 901 01 At tendant C onsole 917 11 MFC Sender 902 02 Or i ginat i.
CHAPTER 3 ND A-24300 P ag e 182 Issu e 1 SYS T EM MESS A GES This message dis plays when virtu al tie line se tup has comp leted. ➀ Counte r ➁ V irtual T ie Line Call Header Accommodated Loc ation.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 3 Page 183 Issue 1 SYST EM ME SS A GES This message d isplays wh en virtu al tie line canc el has comp leted. ➀ Counte r ➁ V irtual T ie Line Call Header Accommodated Loc ation .
CHAPTER 3 ND A-24300 P ag e 184 Issu e 1 SYS T EM MESS A GES This mess age disp lays whe n virt ual tie l ine setup has f aile d d ue to a fau lt in t he n etwo rk of the term inat ing office concerned .
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 3 Page 185 Issue 1 SYST EM ME SS A GES ➂ V irtual T ie Line Call Header Accommodated Loc ation ➃ F ault Cause b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b 2 b1 b0 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b 2 b1 b0 CLASS REA SON KIND.
CHAPTER 3 ND A-24300 P ag e 186 Issu e 1 SYS T EM MESS A GES 010 xxxx Classes not allo wed use of resour ces 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 0010 0110 1001 1010 1011 1100 1111 34 38 41 42 43 44 47 No usab.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 3 Page 187 Issue 1 SYST EM ME SS A GES This messag e indicates that an outgoing call (b y connectio n acknowledge system) ha s not received an ac - knowledgment signal from t he opposi te offi ce. As a r e sult, t he attempte d outgoing call i s routed to Reorde r Tone (ROT) c onnection.
CHAPTER 3 ND A-24300 P ag e 188 Issu e 1 SYS T EM MESS A GES ➄ T enant No. of c alling station (He x.) ➅ OPTN data Note: This data displays when the T e nant No. of the calling statio n is larg er than 15, and bit7 of ➄ di splays as “1” ( other wise , “ 0” dis plays at any time).
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 3 Page 189 Issue 1 SYST EM ME SS A GES ➇ OPR T data Note: This data di splays when the OG Route No. is lar g er than 63, and bit6 of ➆ d isp lays as “1 ” (othe rwise, “0” d isplays at any time). Wh ile the six-bi t data of ➆ is self-suf ficie nt in verifying the Rout e N o.
CHAPTER 3 ND A-24300 P ag e 190 Issu e 1 SYS T EM MESS A GES 12 Number dial ed by c aller (See table) In Case of T andem Connection ➀ T ype of connecti on ➁ IC route number (Hex.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 3 Page 191 Issue 1 SYST EM ME SS A GES ➂ OPR T data Note: This da ta dis plays whe n t he I C Ro ute No. is la rg er than 63, and bit6 of ➁ displays as “1” (otherwise, “1” d isplays at any time). Wh ile the six-bi t data of ➁ is self-s uff icient in verifying the Route No.
CHAPTER 3 ND A-24300 P ag e 192 Issu e 1 SYS T EM MESS A GES ➇ OPR T data Note: This data di splays when the OG Route No. is lar g er than 63, and bit6 of ➆ d isp lays as “1 ” (othe rwise, “0” is di spla ys a t an y t ime). Whil e th e six bi t da ta of ➆ is s elf -sufficient in ver ifyin g the Rou te N o.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 3 Page 193 Issue 1 SYST EM ME SS A GES 12 Number dialed by caller (Se e table) b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b 2 b1 b0 b4-b7 b0-b3 DC0 DC1 DC2 DC3 DC4 DC5 DC6 DC7 DC8 DC9 DC10 DC11 DC12 DC13 DC14 D.
CHAPTER 3 ND A-24300 P ag e 194 Issu e 1 SYS T EM MESS A GES This mess age displays whe n the DR si gnal of the RS-232C, connect ed to the port designa ted by th e system data, re m a ins off fo r 30 consecuti ve seconds whi le the sys tem is in servi ce (imme diately a fter sta rtup in th e case o f sy stem star t-u p).
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 3 Page 195 Issue 1 SYST EM ME SS A GES This messa ge disp la ys when [ 16- K ] I/ O P or t Line D own Fai l u r e is res tore d to no r mal .
CHAPTER 3 ND A-24300 P ag e 196 Issu e 1 SYS T EM MESS A GES This message di splay s when the timer circuit in the EMA card becomes faulty a nd stops funct ioning an d 64- Hz clock alarm is output. ➀ Message Det ail Da ta This system mess age is alwa ys indicated as 0000.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 3 Page 197 Issue 1 SYST EM ME SS A GES This messa ge disp la ys when [ 16- M ] 64 Hz Clock Down Detected is restor ed to normal. ➀ Message Det ail Da ta This system mess age is alwa ys indicated as 0000.
CHAPTER 3 ND A-24300 P ag e 198 Issu e 1 SYS T EM MESS A GES This message dis plays when t he IOC card f ails. ➀ IOC circ uit card No. ➁ Cause fo r fault 1: XXXX 0000 0000 0000 2: 0000 0000 0000 0.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 3 Page 199 Issue 1 SYST EM ME SS A GES This mess age disp lay s wh en t he IO C ca rd failur e, obse rved in t he m essa ge [ 16-T ] , is de tec ted m ore t han 8 time s a day. ➀ IOC circ uit card No. ➁ Cause fo r fault Referenc e: See Chap ter 4 , Section 1.
CHAPTER 3 ND A-24300 P ag e 200 Issu e 1 SYS T EM MESS A GES This message dis plays when the user uses Follow Pho ne (SWAP) servic e. ➀ Error code 1: XXXX XXXX XXXX XX00 2: XXXX XXXX XXXX 00XX 3: XX.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 3 Page 201 Issue 1 SYST EM ME SS A GES ➁ T enant No. of ca lling sta tion ➂ Accommodate d location of c alling stat ion a fte r Follow Ph one s erv ice ➃ Accommodated loca tion.
CHAPTER 3 ND A-24300 P ag e 202 Issu e 1 SYS T EM MESS A GES ➄ - ➆ Stati on No. of ca lling st atio n ➇ T enant No. of ca lled stat ion ➈ Accommod ated locat ion of call ed stat ion ➉ Accommod ated locat ion of call ed stat ion 11 - 13 Sta tio n No .
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 3 Page 203 Issue 1 SYST EM ME SS A GES This message dis plays when t he MBR switch on th e CCH/DCH card is turne d ON. ➀ Location of CCH/DCH card ➁ CKT No.
CHAPTER 3 ND A-24300 P ag e 204 Issu e 1 SYS T EM MESS A GES This message dis plays when t he MBR switch on th e CCH/DCH card is turne d OFF. ➀ Loca tion of CCH/DCH card ➁ CKT No.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 3 Page 205 Issue 1 SYST EM ME SS A GES This messa ge di spl ays when the MB switch on the CCH/DCH ca rd is turned ON while ex tr act i ng or ins er ti ng a ci rcuit card o r at PM i nitiali zation, etc.
CHAPTER 3 ND A-24300 P ag e 206 Issu e 1 SYS T EM MESS A GES This messa ge display s when th e MB switch o n the CCH/DCH card i s turned OFF whil e extract ing or ins erting a ci rcuit card o r at PM i nitiali zation, etc.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 3 Page 207 Issue 1 SYST EM ME SS A GES This messa ge display s when the NIGHT swi tch on the ATTCON/DESKCON is ope rated or whe n the DAY/ NIGH T chan g e is ex ecut ed by the exte rn al sw i tc h op era tion.
CHAPTER 3 ND A-24300 P ag e 208 Issu e 1 SYS T EM MESS A GES ➂ Day/Night Mode Specif ication ➃ Exte rna l Sw itch Stat us b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b 2 b1 b0 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b 2 b1 b0 b0-b3: Mo de after changing b4-b7: Mode before changi ng Note: This data is pr ogr ammed as initial dat a.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 3 Page 209 Issue 1 SYST EM ME SS A GES This mess age displa ys when the MB switch on the IOC card is tur ned ON while extrac ting or inse rting a circ uit car d.
CHAPTER 3 ND A-24300 P ag e 210 Issu e 1 SYS T EM MESS A GES This message dis plays when t he MB switch on the IOC ca rd i s tur ned OFF. ➀ Circu it Card No.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 3 Page 211 Issue 1 SYST EM ME SS A GES This messa ge displa ys when the MBR switc h on the IOC card is turned on at the time of CP U changeover o r speech p ath changeover.
CHAPTER 3 ND A-24300 P ag e 212 Issu e 1 SYS T EM MESS A GES This messa ge displays when t he MBR switch o n the IOC card i s turned o ff at the time of CP U changeover or speech p ath changeover.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 3 Page 213 Issue 1 SYST EM ME SS A GES This message dis plays when t he Prima ry Dch fai ls, and the Dch Ba ck-Up function i s operate d automatic ally.
CHAPTER 3 ND A-24300 P ag e 214 Issu e 1 SYS T EM MESS A GES ➃ Changeo ver I nformat ion ➄ Status of the Primary/Ba ck-up Dch ➅ EVENT No. b7 b3 b2 b1 b 0 b7 b5 b4 b3 b 2 b1 b0 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b 2.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 3 Page 215 Issue 1 SYST EM ME SS A GES This message dis plays when t he Prima ry Dch fai ls, and the Dch Ba ck-Up function i s operate d manually.
CHAPTER 3 ND A-24300 P ag e 216 Issu e 1 SYS T EM MESS A GES ➃ Detaile d information on ch anging Dch ➄ Status of Primary/Back -up Dch ➅ EVENT No.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 3 Page 217 Issue 1 SYST EM ME SS A GES This message dis plays when t he MUX (PH-PC36) card has a clock failur e in one of t he dual systems. ➀ Unit, MG, syst em number for MUX card w ith a cl ock failu re ➁ Scan Data Referenc e: See Chap ter 5 , Section 4.
CHAPTER 3 ND A-24300 P ag e 218 Issu e 1 SYS T EM MESS A GES This message dis plays when t he MUX (PH-PC36) card has a clock failur e in both of the dual sy stems. ➀ MUX card locati on ➁ Scan Data 1 ➂ Scan Data 2 Referenc e: See Chap ter 4 , Section 3.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 3 Page 219 Issue 1 SYST EM ME SS A GES This message dis plays when t he MAT is log-in or l og-out. ➀ Port No. of the MA T logged in/o ut ➁ Command Name ➂ User Name 1: XX00 XXXX.
CHAPTER 3 ND A-24300 P ag e 220 Issu e 1 SYS T EM MESS A GES This massage is issued when a call, originate d via a st ati on/trunk, is judged as mal ic iou s, and then, the de ta ils on th e call is traced with the called party pressing an access code or the “ Call Trace ” key.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 3 Page 221 Issue 1 SYST EM ME SS A GES • Info rmation o n Malici ous call ➅ Kind of Call (Hex. ) 10H=Call f rom a st ation ➆ Fusion Point Cod e (FPC) (He x.) Note ➇ T enant No. (He x.) Not e ➈ Physical Station No. (He x.) Not e ➉ User Group No.
CHAPTER 3 ND A-24300 P ag e 222 Issu e 1 SYS T EM MESS A GES [When a call is originat ed from a trunk ] • Inform ation o n Call ed P arty (Infor mer) ➀ Fusion Point Cod e (FPC) (He x.) Note ➁ T enant No. (He x.) Not e ➂ Physical Station No. (He x.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 3 Page 223 Issue 1 SYST EM ME SS A GES • Inform ation o n Malici ous Call ➅ Kind of Call (He x.) Not e 20H=Call f rom a tr unk ➆ Calling No. o f T runk Call (Caller ID) (He x.) Note , Note 1 Note: Each No./Code is output in he xadecimal.
CHAPTER 3 ND A-24300 P ag e 224 Issu e 1 SYS T EM MESS A GES This message is issued when th e connect ion erro r related to external LAN Interface eq uipment occurs in th e syste m. ➀ ~ ➃ IP Addr ess for e xternal e quipment in whic h error has been detected.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 3 Page 225 Issue 1 SYST EM ME SS A GES T able 3-2 Error Code Output Data (Hex. ) Definition Out put Data (Hex.) De finition BSD SOC KET ER ROR 58 Add ress fa mily no t suppo rted 10 .
CHAPTER 3 ND A-24300 P ag e 226 Issu e 1 SYS T EM MESS A GES ➈ Applicati on T ype [When =03 (SM DR) / 04 (MCI) ] ➉ Device Num ber o f Er ror de tect ed c lien t PC Kind of Erro r Deta il s on D e .
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 3 Page 227 Issue 1 SYST EM ME SS A GES [When =05 (O AI) / 07 (MIS ) ] ➉ Faulty Log ical P or t No. (Hex) Error Kin d (ERRK) ~ N o t u s e d b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b 2 b1 b0 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 .
CHAPTER 3 ND A-24300 P ag e 228 Issu e 1 SYS T EM MESS A GES This mess age disp lay s wh en the L AN I nterf ace Con nec tion Fai lure , de tected in Mes sage [ 26-V ], recovers. The message dis plays when the LAN Interface Conne ction Failu re is restor ed.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 3 Page 229 Issue 1 SYST EM ME SS A GES ➈ Applicati on T ype [When ➈ ➈ ➈ ➈ =03 (SMDR ) / 04 (MCI) ] ➉ Device Numb er o f recovered clie nt PC Recovery Info rmat ion b7 b6 .
CHAPTER 3 ND A-24300 P ag e 230 Issu e 1 SYS T EM MESS A GES This messa ge display s when the MUX ( PH-PC36) card , whose clock f unction wa s detected as faulty, is re cov- ere d.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 3 Page 231 Issue 1 SYST EM ME SS A GES This messa ge dis pla ys when an abnormal sta te is det ect ed temporarily on the SDT (PA-SDTA/B) car d. ➀ MG (Module Group) ➁ Detail s on alarm Note: Alar m-de tect ed HW i s spec ified in ➂ (ne xt pag e).
CHAPTER 3 ND A-24300 P ag e 232 Issu e 1 SYS T EM MESS A GES ➂ Alarm-d etected HW Note: This data displays o nly when b4 is “1” a nd b3 is “0” in data ➁ . Repair Pr ocedur e Basical ly, fault repair wor k is not require d by the dis play of this message.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 3 Page 233 Issue 1 SYST EM ME SS A GES This mess age displ ays whe n a gra ve f ailur e oc curs o n th e SD T (PA -SD TA/B ) car d. I f this is is sued , re memb er the AC T/S TBY chan ge o f the SDT car d m ay be fo llo wed, as a resu lt of faul t dete ctio n in th e op tical fiber line (see [ 33 -E ] message).
CHAPTER 3 ND A-24300 P ag e 234 Issu e 1 SYS T EM MESS A GES Repair Pr ocedur e Depe n din g on the fa u lt stat us sh o wn in data ➁ , perform necessa ry repair work: (1) Hardwar e Failure /Onboard Po wer Alar m SDT ( P A - S D T A/B ) ca rd is fa ulty .
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 3 Page 235 Issue 1 SYST EM ME SS A GES (6) Recei ving Pa th Failure/Re ceiving Path Error Abnormal st ate is de tected i n the p rocess of mult iplexing t he “ Recei ve ” signals.
CHAPTER 3 ND A-24300 P ag e 236 Issu e 1 SYS T EM MESS A GES This me ssage di splays when the SDT (PA- SDTA/B) card or optic al fiber line, whi ch was once detecte d as faulty , recovers .
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 3 Page 237 Issue 1 SYST EM ME SS A GES This mes sage displays when the ACT/STBY of t he SDT (PA-SDTA) card is changed o ver as a resu lt of faul t detect ion in the opt ical fi ber line. When t he ACT/STBY chan ge cannot be per formed, this me ssage al so indi- cates the caus e for the cha ngeover execu ti on failure.
CHAPTER 3 ND A-24300 P ag e 238 Issu e 1 This page is for your notes..
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 4 Page 239 Issue 1 CHAPTER 4 Unit/Cir cuit Card Replacement Pr ocedure 1. LPM Accommodating Unit/Cir cuit Car d Replacement Procedure This secti on expl ains how to replace unit /c ir cuit cards mounted in the LPM.
CHAPTER 4 ND A-24300 P ag e 240 Issu e 1 UNIT/C IRCU IT CAR D REPLACEMENT PR OCEDURE Fig ure 4- 1 Circu it Card Mount i ng F ace La yout of LPM Note: In place of PZ-IO27, the CPR may be equipp ed with PZ-IO28, whic h does not have the MB (Make -busy) key .
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 4 Page 241 Issue 1 UNIT/CIRCUIT CAR D REPLACEMENT PROCEDURE 1.3 Operati ng Pr ocedures The foll o wing parag raphs pro vi de ope ratin g proc edures to repl ace uni t/ci rcui t car ds of the LPM. Pe rform the oper ations that correspo nd to each Re ference Item specif ied in T able 4-1 .
CHAPTER 4 ND A-24300 P ag e 242 Issu e 1 UNIT/C IRCU IT CAR D REPLACEMENT PR OCEDURE 1.3.1 CPR Replacement P rocedure This sect ion e xplains ho w to replac e the Contro l Processor Rack (CPR) .
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 4 Page 243 Issue 1 UNIT/CIRCUIT CAR D REPLACEMENT PROCEDURE Figure 4-3 How to Replace the CPU ..... ..... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5A SLOT No. 0 1 2 3 456 2 6 E ..... ..... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5A SLOT No.
CHAPTER 4 ND A-24300 P ag e 244 Issu e 1 UNIT/C IRCU IT CAR D REPLACEMENT PR OCEDURE [Cir cuit Card Acco mmodation in to the New CPR] The steps belo w sho w the procedu re to ins tall the ne w CPR into th e LPM. STEP 1 Using the Phill ips Screwdrive r, remove the 4 + 8 screws .
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 4 Page 245 Issue 1 UNIT/CIRCUIT CAR D REPLACEMENT PROCEDURE STEP 2 Insert th e ISAGT (PZ-GT13) and LANI (PZ-PC19) cards into the follo wing slo ts of th e new C PR (r efe r to Figure.
CHAPTER 4 ND A-24300 P ag e 246 Issu e 1 UNIT/C IRCU IT CAR D REPLACEMENT PR OCEDURE STEP 3 Reattach the top cover and fro nt panel by faste ning the re moved screws .
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 4 Page 247 Issue 1 UNIT/CIRCUIT CAR D REPLACEMENT PROCEDURE STEP 4 After turni ng “ ON ” the MBR key on the DSP of the n ew CPR, ins ert the new CP R into the LPM.
CHAPTER 4 ND A-24300 P ag e 248 Issu e 1 UNIT/C IRCU IT CAR D REPLACEMENT PR OCEDURE STEP 5 Ins e rt t he ne w HFD i nto th e CPR. Then, fas t en th e t w o scr e w s.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 4 Page 249 Issue 1 UNIT/CIRCUIT CAR D REPLACEMENT PROCEDURE Replacement Proc edur e • Syst em Ch a n geover of th e CPU from A C T to ST BY m o de.
CHAPTER 4 ND A-24300 P ag e 250 Issu e 1 UNIT/C IRCU IT CAR D REPLACEMENT PR OCEDURE A TTEN TION Contents Static Sens iti ve Handling Precautions Required • Refer t o Fi gure 4-2 for CPR face la yout . • Refer t o Figure 4-2 for CPR fac e layout. • Refer t o F igure 4-3 to re place the CPU.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 4 Page 251 Issue 1 UNIT/CIRCUIT CAR D REPLACEMENT PROCEDURE A TTEN TION Contents Static Sens iti ve Handling Precautions Required • Refe r to Figure 4-3 to replac e the CPU. • Refer t o C irc uit C ard In sta llatio n Into Ne w CPR procedure in this secti on.
CHAPTER 4 ND A-24300 P ag e 252 Issu e 1 UNIT/C IRCU IT CAR D REPLACEMENT PR OCEDURE A TTENTION Contents Static Sens iti ve Handling Precautions Required Note: Do not c onnect the cable for t he Conn ect t he disco nnected bus ca bles to the con nectors on the PZ-GT13.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 4 Page 253 Issue 1 UNIT/CIRCUIT CAR D REPLACEMENT PROCEDURE A TTENTION Contents Static Sens iti ve Handling Precautions Required • EMA SUP lamp on the EMA card goes OFF . • IMG 0 la mp on the D S P flas hes green. Flip the MB R key on t he DSP of the new CPR from ON to OFF.
CHAPTER 4 ND A-24300 P ag e 254 Issu e 1 UNIT/C IRCU IT CAR D REPLACEMENT PR OCEDURE Circu i t Card In sta ll atio n Into N ew CPR This procedu r e shows how to inst all the new CPR into the LPM. (1) Detach the front panel of t he ne w CPR b y using the Phill ips scr e wdri v er to remove the fou r scre ws, as sho wn in Figure 4-9 .
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 4 Page 255 Issue 1 UNIT/CIRCUIT CAR D REPLACEMENT PROCEDURE (2) Insert the ISA GT (PZ-GT13) and LANI (PZ-P C19) c ards i nto the follo wing slot s of the ne w CPR (refer to Figure 4 .
CHAPTER 4 ND A-24300 P ag e 256 Issu e 1 UNIT/C IRCU IT CAR D REPLACEMENT PR OCEDURE (3) Reattac h the top cov er by faste ning the remo ved eight scr e ws. Then, reattach the front pan e l by fastenin g th e re moved fou r scr ews. R ef er to Figure 4-11 .
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 4 Page 257 Issue 1 UNIT/CIRCUIT CAR D REPLACEMENT PROCEDURE (4) After turni ng ON the MBR key on th e DSP of the ne w CPR, insert the ne w CPR into the LP M as shown in Fi gure 4 -12 .
CHAPTER 4 ND A-24300 P ag e 258 Issu e 1 UNIT/C IRCU IT CAR D REPLACEMENT PR OCEDURE (5) Las tly , insert the ne w HFD into the CPR. Then, fasten the two scre ws as sho wn in Figure 4-1 3 . Figure 4-13 Insertion of New HFD Into CPR 1.3.2 EMA Card Replacement P rocedure The EMA (PH-PC40) card is moun ted in Slot No.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 4 Page 259 Issue 1 UNIT/CIRCUIT CAR D REPLACEMENT PROCEDURE Replacement Proc edur e Before re placi ng the EMA card, check the CPU #0 ’ s ACT mod e. A tte mpti ng to re plac e t he ca rd when the CPU is acti ve will re sul t in the system bein g init ia li zed.
CHAPTER 4 ND A-24300 P ag e 260 Issu e 1 UNIT/C IRCU IT CAR D REPLACEMENT PR OCEDURE A TTENTION Contents Static S en sit ive Handling Precautions Required • OPE/MB lamp on the EMA card is steady- green. • PFT service is canc el l ed: resum ption of n ormal opera tion.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 4 Page 261 Issue 1 UNIT/CIRCUIT CAR D REPLACEMENT PROCEDURE 1.3.3 IOC Card Replacement Pr ocedure The IOC ( PH-IO24) c ard is mounted in Slot No.
CHAPTER 4 ND A-24300 P ag e 262 Issu e 1 UNIT/C IRCU IT CAR D REPLACEMENT PR OCEDURE A TTENTION Contents Static Sens iti ve Handling Precautions Required • OPE lam p on th e IOC c ard is re d. • Release of I/O ports : ne w IOC card is in itia lize d, and I/ O po rt cha nn els reope ns.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 4 Page 263 Issue 1 UNIT/CIRCUIT CAR D REPLACEMENT PROCEDURE 1.3.4 P ower Suppl y Unit Replacement Pr ocedure A TTEN TION Contents Static Sens iti ve Handling Precautions Required • CPU System Changeo ver Refe r to Section 12. 1.2 in Chapter 6 .
CHAPTER 4 ND A-24300 P ag e 264 Issu e 1 UNIT/C IRCU IT CAR D REPLACEMENT PR OCEDURE A TTENTION Contents Static S en sit ive Handling Precautions Required END Insert the n ew PWR UNIT i nto the LPM . Extract th e PWR UNIT fro m the CPR. Turn ON the SW k ey on the PWR UNIT.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 4 Page 265 Issue 1 UNIT/CIRCUIT CAR D REPLACEMENT PROCEDURE 1.3.5 MISC Car d Replacement Procedure A TTENTION Contents Static Sens iti ve Handling Precautions Required • K eep MB switch UP . END Extract the MISC card from it s mountin g slot.
CHAPTER 4 ND A-24300 P ag e 266 Issu e 1 UNIT/C IRCU IT CAR D REPLACEMENT PR OCEDURE 2. TSWM A CCOMMOD A TING CIRCUIT CARD REPL ACEMENT PROCEDURE This secti on e xplains the proce dure for replac in g circuit ca rds accommodated in the TSWM.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 4 Page 267 Issue 1 UNIT/CIRCUIT CAR D REPLACEMENT PROCEDURE 2.3 Operati ng Pr ocedures The foll owing paragra phs e xplain the op erating procedur es to re place ci rcuit cards l ocate d in the PIM. Perform the oper ations corr es ponding to each Ref erence Item specif ied in Ta b l e 4 - 2 .
CHAPTER 4 ND A-24300 P ag e 268 Issu e 1 UNIT/C IRCU IT CAR D REPLACEMENT PR OCEDURE 2.3.1 GT Card Replac ement Pr ocedure The GT (PH-GT09) c ard is loca ted in Slot No.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 4 Page 269 Issue 1 UNIT/CIRCUIT CAR D REPLACEMENT PROCEDURE GT Card Replace ment Pr ocedure Use ext reme care when ope rating the ke ys on the DSP of CPR and PH-GT09 car d.
CHAPTER 4 ND A-24300 P ag e 270 Issu e 1 UNIT/C IRCU IT CAR D REPLACEMENT PR OCEDURE A TTENTION Conte nts Static Sens itive Handl ing Precautions Required • OPE/MB lamp on th e GT card rema in s OFF . • OPE/MB lamp o n the ne w card is OFF . • OPE/MB lamp on th e new card rema in s OFF .
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 4 Page 271 Issue 1 UNIT/CIRCUIT CAR D REPLACEMENT PROCEDURE Note: The system c hang eo ver of GT can be execu ted also by using the CMOD command. F or details, r efer to Chapte r 8 , Maintenance Commands . EMA SUP lamp on the EMA car d goes OFF .
CHAPTER 4 ND A-24300 P ag e 272 Issu e 1 UNIT/C IRCU IT CAR D REPLACEMENT PR OCEDURE 2.3.2 TSW Card Replacement Procedure The T SW (PH -SW 12) ca rd is lo cated in the Slo t Nos.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 4 Page 273 Issue 1 UNIT/CIRCUIT CAR D REPLACEMENT PROCEDURE F i gu r e 4 - 1 6 S y st e m B lo c k D i ag r a m ( T SW a n d O t h e r S peech P a t h E c h e l o n s ) IMG 0 TSW I/O.
CHAPTER 4 ND A-24300 P ag e 274 Issu e 1 UNIT/C IRCU IT CAR D REPLACEMENT PR OCEDURE TSW Card Repla cement Pr ocedur e Use ext r eme care when ope rating the ke ys on the circuit card. Figure 4-17 LEDs and Swi t ches for TSW Changeover WA R N I N G A TTEN TION Contents Static Sens iti ve Handling Precautions Required System Changeo ver .
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 4 Page 275 Issue 1 UNIT/CIRCUIT CAR D REPLACEMENT PROCEDURE • TSW A CT lamp on the TSW c ard i s red. • TSW A CT lamp on the n ew card is red. A TTEN TION Contents Static Sens iti ve Handling Precautions Required B Set TSW M BR and MB ke ys on the new ca rd UP.
CHAPTER 4 ND A-24300 P ag e 276 Issu e 1 UNIT/C IRCU IT CAR D REPLACEMENT PR OCEDURE Note: The sy st em cha ngeove r of TSW c ar d ca n be execu ted a lso b y u s i n g th e CMOD command. F or detail s, re f er t o Chap ter 8 , Maintenan ce Commands .
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 4 Page 277 Issue 1 UNIT/CIRCUIT CAR D REPLACEMENT PROCEDURE 2.3.3 DLKC Card Replace ment Pr ocedure The D LKC (PH- PC2 0) car d is l oca ted in Slot No.
CHAPTER 4 ND A-24300 P ag e 278 Issu e 1 UNIT/C IRCU IT CAR D REPLACEMENT PR OCEDURE Note: The c hangeo ver of spe ech path syst em can be pe rformed al so by usi ng the CMOD command.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 4 Page 279 Issue 1 UNIT/CIRCUIT CAR D REPLACEMENT PROCEDURE 2.3.4 PLO Card Replacement Pr ocedure The PLO (PH-CK16/17/1 6-A/17-A) card is loca ted in Slot No.
CHAPTER 4 ND A-24300 P ag e 280 Issu e 1 UNIT/C IRCU IT CAR D REPLACEMENT PR OCEDURE Note: After all ste ps ar e completed, chec k t he A CT mode of TSW car ds , whic h ar e in the same sw itc hing bloc k with the r eplaced PLO.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 4 Page 281 Issue 1 UNIT/CIRCUIT CAR D REPLACEMENT PROCEDURE 2.3.5 PWR SW Card Repl acement Pr ocedure The PWR SW (PH-PW14) card is loca ted in Slot No.
CHAPTER 4 ND A-24300 P ag e 282 Issu e 1 UNIT/C IRCU IT CAR D REPLACEMENT PR OCEDURE 2.3.6 MISC Car d Replacement Procedure A TTEN TION Contents Static Sens iti ve Handling Precautions Required • K eep MB switch UP . END START Extract the MISC car d from its mo unti ng sl ot.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 4 Page 283 Issue 1 UNIT/CIRCUIT CAR D REPLACEMENT PROCEDURE 3. PIM Accommodating Cir cuit Car d Replacement Pr ocedure This section c overs the proced ures for r eplacin g circuit ca rds mounted in the PIM (IMG0/1/2/3) .
CHAPTER 4 ND A-24300 P ag e 284 Issu e 1 UNIT/C IRCU IT CAR D REPLACEMENT PR OCEDURE 3.3 Operati ng Pr ocedures The foll owi ng sections pro vide operatin g procedures to rep lace circuit ca rds mounted i n the PIM. Pe rform the oper ations corre sponding to each Refe rence I tem specif ied in T able 4-3 .
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 4 Page 285 Issue 1 UNIT/CIRCUIT CAR D REPLACEMENT PROCEDURE 3.3.1 LC/TRK Ci rcuit Ca rd Replacement Proc edure A TTEN TION Contents Static Sens iti ve Handling Precautions Required • K eep MB switch set at UP . END START Extract th e circuit card fr om its m ount ing s lot.
CHAPTER 4 ND A-24300 P ag e 286 Issu e 1 UNIT/C IRCU IT CAR D REPLACEMENT PR OCEDURE 3.3.2 MUX Card Replacement Pr ocedure The MUX (PH-P C36) card is moun te d in Slot No.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 4 Page 287 Issue 1 UNIT/CIRCUIT CAR D REPLACEMENT PROCEDURE • MUX A CT lamp on th e new ca rd is red. A TTEN TION Contents Static Sens iti ve Handling Precautions Required B Insert the n ew card i nto the PIM . A On the n ew card, set the MB ke y UP.
CHAPTER 4 ND A-24300 P ag e 288 Issu e 1 UNIT/C IRCU IT CAR D REPLACEMENT PR OCEDURE Note: The c hangeover of Speec h P ath System can be per formed also by using the CMOD command.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 4 Page 289 Issue 1 UNIT/CIRCUIT CAR D REPLACEMENT PROCEDURE 3.3.3 SDT Card Replacement Procedur e The SDT (P A-SDT A/P A-SDTB) card, mounted in a uni ve rsa l slo t o f a PIM, is us ed to pro vide a 52M interf ace for th e opti cal f iber lines.
CHAPTER 4 ND A-24300 P ag e 290 Issu e 1 UNIT/C IRCU IT CAR D REPLACEMENT PR OCEDURE A TTENTION Contents Static S en sit ive Handling Precautions Required • OPE lamp on the P A-SDT A card is steady- green. END A Remove th e optica l f iber cable from t he front connect or on the PA-S DTA ca rd.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 4 Page 291 Issue 1 UNIT/CIRCUIT CAR D REPLACEMENT PROCEDURE Pr ocedure to Rep l ace P A-SDT A/P A-SDTB card A TTENTION Contents Static S en sit ive Handling Precautions Required • A C T la mp on the P A-S DT A c ard goes OFF . • Though an y call attempt is rej ecte d, alread y establish ed calls are sa fely main tain ed.
CHAPTER 4 ND A-24300 P ag e 292 Issu e 1 UNIT/C IRCU IT CAR D REPLACEMENT PR OCEDURE A TTENTION Contents Static S en sit ive Handling Precautions Required • OPE lamp on the P A-SDTB card is red. • When an y connection link ex ists, t he nailed -down con nection bet ween the FCH (P A-FCHA) and SDT (P A- SDT B) car ds is c ut off.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 4 Page 293 Issue 1 UNIT/CIRCUIT CAR D REPLACEMENT PROCEDURE A TTENTION Contents Static S en sit ive Handling Precautions Required • OPE lam p on th e new card is re d. • OPE lamp on the ne w card is steady- gre en. END B On the PA -SDT A car d, turn OF F Swi tc h 4 of the P-SW ke y.
CHAPTER 4 ND A-24300 P ag e 294 Issu e 1 UNIT/C IRCU IT CAR D REPLACEMENT PR OCEDURE 3.3.4 PWR Card Rep lacement P rocedure The PWR (P A-PW55-A/P A-PW55-B) and DPWR (P A-PW54-A/P A-PW54-B) cards ar e mounted re specti vely i n Slot No. 1 and Slot No. 3 of ea ch PIM.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 4 Page 295 Issue 1 UNIT/CIRCUIT CAR D REPLACEMENT PROCEDURE A TTEN TION Contents Static Sens iti ve Handling Precautions Required • OPE lamp on th e new card is OFF . • OPE la mp on the new car d is gr een . END A Insert the new card into th e PIM.
CHAPTER 4 ND A-24300 P ag e 296 Issu e 1 UNIT/C IRCU IT CAR D REPLACEMENT PR OCEDURE 4. Fan Uni t Replacement This section expl ains how to re place the Fan Unit (FANU), whi ch is fasten ed on the TOPU or i nside the ded- icated fan box withi n the system.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 4 Page 297 Issue 1 UNIT/CIRCUIT CAR D REPLACEMENT PROCEDURE Figure 4-20 Preparation for FANU Replacement (Fans o n TOPU) STEP 5 Remove the four screws fast ening the fan to be repl aced. Refe r to Fi gure 4-21 . Note: The r emoved scr ews ar e used in STEP 7 again.
CHAPTER 4 ND A-24300 P ag e 298 Issu e 1 UNIT/C IRCU IT CAR D REPLACEMENT PR OCEDURE STEP 10 Set the PWR SW on the PZ-M369 to the AUTO positio n. Note: The switc h setting of the PWR SW can be ON, depen din g on the lo cation con ditions of the system.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 4 Page 299 Issue 1 UNIT/CIRCUIT CAR D REPLACEMENT PROCEDURE Replacement Pr ocedur e: F ANU in Fan Box When the FANU is mount ed in the fan box, perform the following replac ement: STEP 1 Remove t he front cover of the fan box. Then, ext ract the FANU.
CHAPTER 4 ND A-24300 P ag e 300 Issu e 1 UNIT/C IRCU IT CAR D REPLACEMENT PR OCEDURE STEP 5 Take off the four screws f astenin g the fan t o be rep laced. (Refer to Figure 4-23 .) Note: T h e re m ov e d s c rew s a re u s e d i n STEP 7 a g ain. Do not dispose of them when u n s c rewing the FAN he re.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 4 Page 301 Issue 1 UNIT/CIRCUIT CAR D REPLACEMENT PROCEDURE 5. CPR Coolin g Fan Replacement This sect ion explains how to r eplace a coo ling fan i n the back sid e of the CPR. This procedure i s necessar y when a fault is detecte d in the cooli ng fan.
CHAPTER 4 ND A-24300 P ag e 302 Issu e 1 UNIT/C IRCU IT CAR D REPLACEMENT PR OCEDURE Figure 4-25 Extraction of CPR from LPM STEP 7 Disconnec t the fan cable from the connect or in the backbone of CPR. Note: The cooling fan i s located in the ba ckbone of CPR and th e cable connector lies in its right side.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 4 Page 303 Issue 1 UNIT/CIRCUIT CAR D REPLACEMENT PROCEDURE STEP 11 Insert th e CPR back int o the LPM. STEP 12 Fasten the CPR and LPM with the four scr ews. STEP 13 Connect the disco nnected power, b us, a nd ether cabl es to the relevant connecto rs.
CHAPTER 4 ND A-24300 P ag e 304 Issu e 1 UNIT/C IRCU IT CAR D REPLACEMENT PR OCEDURE 6. Fuse Replacement The syst em uses the f uses shown in Figure 4-2 8 a s a pro tec tion against an ov erl oad resultin g from a short cir- cuit .
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 4 Page 305 Issue 1 UNIT/CIRCUIT CAR D REPLACEMENT PROCEDURE Figure 4- 30 show s th e loca tio n of fu ses with in the sys tem. In Chapter 4-30 , the f use s are i ndi cate d by o r . Figure 4-30 Fuse Loc ations Within System NEC NEAX 2400 IMS PZ-M377 3.
CHAPTER 4 ND A-24300 P ag e 306 Issu e 1 UNIT/C IRCU IT CAR D REPLACEMENT PR OCEDURE In the TSW M, the fu se shown in Figure 4 -31 is used fo r the PWR SW (PH-PW14) card, which is hous ed in Slot No.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 4 Page 307 Issue 1 UNIT/CIRCUIT CAR D REPLACEMENT PROCEDURE Perform the proc edu r e in Figure 4-32 to confirm the c ause of the RGU fu se blown fault.
CHAPTER 4 ND A-24300 P ag e 308 Issu e 1 UNIT/C IRCU IT CAR D REPLACEMENT PR OCEDURE Perform the proc edu r e in Figure 4-33 to confirm the c ause of the DC-4 8V fuse blown fault.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 5 Page 309 Issue 1 CHAPTER 5 F A ULT REPAIR PRO CEDURES This chapte r pro vides inform ati on on ho w to repa ir the fault (s) w ithi n the syste m. If an y of the components o r equipment list ed in T able 5- 1 has a failu re, move on to th e repai r pro cedure explai ned for each f ault y con diti on.
CHAPTER 5 ND A-24300 P ag e 310 Issu e 1 FAULT REPAIR PR OCEDURE S Speech System F ault Faults r elated to speech. Section 5.2, Speech P ath System Fault - F ault Related to Speech Dial tone is not heard. Section 5.3, Speech P ath System Fault - W hen Dial T one (DT) Cannot Be Heard STBY side is faulty .
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 5 Page 311 Issue 1 FAULT REPAIR PR OCEDURES 1. LINE FAULT This sect ion explains the faul t repair procedure in a ca se where only one sp ecific st ation lin e is in any of the faulty conditions liste d in Ta b l e 5 - 2 . ISDN Line F ault • A specific DCH/PR T card is faulty .
CHAPTER 5 ND A-24300 P ag e 312 Issu e 1 FAULT REPAIR PR OCEDURE S 1.1 Chec k P oint When r epa iring a l ine fa ult, co nside r the fol lowing i tems : (1) Check ala rm lamps on l ine ci rcuit ca rds.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 5 Page 313 Issue 1 FAULT REPAIR PR OCEDURES 1.3 Line F ault - When Dial T one (DT) Cannot Be Hear d Note: If a cir cuit car d is r eplaced b ecause only one li ne is fault y , no oth er lines in that cir cuit car d can be used until the r eplacement is comple te .
CHAPTER 5 ND A-24300 P ag e 314 Issu e 1 FAULT REPAIR PR OCEDURE S Check the fau l ty line on t he MDF . Isolat e the fau lty line t o the in-hous e wiring side a nd to t he system side . Connect the test tel ephone t o the s ystem side and check to see if dial t one can be heard.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 5 Page 315 Issue 1 FAULT REPAIR PR OCEDURES 1.4 Line F ault - When Dialing Results in W rong Connection Note: If a cir cuit car d is r eplaced b ecause only one li ne is fault y , no oth er lines in that cir cuit car d can be used until the r eplacement is comple te .
CHAPTER 5 ND A-24300 P ag e 316 Issu e 1 FAULT REPAIR PR OCEDURE S 1.5 Line F ault - When Bell Does Not Ri ng Note: If a cir cuit car d is r eplaced b ecause only one li ne is fault y , no oth er lines in that cir cuit car d can be used until the r eplacement is comple te .
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 5 Page 317 Issue 1 FAULT REPAIR PR OCEDURES 1.6 When Call Cannot Be Ans wered and Speec h Cannot Be Made Note: If a cir cuit car d is r eplaced b ecause only one li ne is fault y , no oth er lines in that cir cuit car d can be used until the r eplacement is comple te .
CHAPTER 5 ND A-24300 P ag e 318 Issu e 1 FAULT REPAIR PR OCEDURE S 1.7 D term Fault Note 1: If a cir cuit car d is r eplaced be cause only one line is faulty , no othe r line s in that ci rcui t card can be used unt il the r epla ceme nt is complete .
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 5 Page 319 Issue 1 FAULT REPAIR PR OCEDURES Chec k the faul ty lin e on the MD F . Iso late t he fau lty li ne to the i n-ho use w iring side a nd to t he system side . Conn ec t the test D term to the sy stem side. Confirm spee ch b y S tation -to -Stat ion c alli ng.
CHAPTER 5 ND A-24300 P ag e 320 Issu e 1 FAULT REPAIR PR OCEDURE S 2. T RUNK FAULT This parag ra ph explai ns the fa ult re pair pr ocedure when a fault, shown in T able 5-3 , has o ccurr ed to a spec ific trunk. 2.1 Chec k P oint When repai r ing a trunk f ault, consider th e follo wing items: (1) Check ala rm lamps on t runk ci rcuit cards.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 5 Page 321 Issue 1 FAULT REPAIR PR OCEDURES T able 5-4 Timings for Trunks ITEM S FOR ST A TUS SUPER VISIO N CONDITIONS FOR SU PER VISION TIMING S PE CIFICA TIO NS 1 Detection of Call T ermin ation • Ring Do wn System Detection by r i ngi ng s ig nal (2 0Hz) fr om the opposite of fice.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 5 Page 323 Issue 1 FAULT REPAIR PR OCEDURES 2.2 T runk Contr ol T runk cir cuit cards are contr olled from the CP U via the MUX. Each trunk line in a specif ic trun k circ uit card is co ntrolled by the Port Microproces sor (PM) in a trunk circ uit card.
CHAPTER 5 ND A-24300 P ag e 324 Issu e 1 FAULT REPAIR PR OCEDURE S 2.3 T runk (ORT , SND , CFT) F ault Note: If a cir cuit car d is r eplaced b ecause only one line is fa ult y , no other l ines in th at cir cuit car d can be used unti l the r eplace- ment is complet e .
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 5 Page 325 Issue 1 FAULT REPAIR PR OCEDURES 2.4 T runk (CO T , TL T , DTI) Faul t Note 1: If a cir cuit car d is r eplaced bec ause only o ne lin e is fau lty , any other lin es in th at cir cuit car d cannot be used until the rep lacement is complet e.
CHAPTER 5 ND A-24300 P ag e 326 Issu e 1 FAULT REPAIR PR OCEDURE S Chec k the fa ulty l ine on th e MD F . If th e C .O ./T ie L ine is in L oop Star t sys tem: Isol ate the fault y line to C.O. sid e and to the sy stem side. Connect the t est telephone to the C.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 5 Page 327 Issue 1 FAULT REPAIR PR OCEDURES Note: When performi ng loop-bac k connection tests on the tr unks at the user ’ s of fice, pr o vide cr oss connect ion as follows : (1) For a C O T • Set up a loop-back connection be twee n the CO T (C.
CHAPTER 5 ND A-24300 P ag e 328 Issu e 1 FAULT REPAIR PR OCEDURE S • If the TL T is a 2W E & M Sy ste m , con nect the rel ate d l ea ds as sh own below: (3) For a D TI • Set up a loop- back c.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 5 Page 329 Issue 1 FAULT REPAIR PR OCEDURES 3. A TTCON/DESKCO N FAULT This sect ion explai ns the fa ult repair procedure when a specifi c Attendant Cons ole (ATTCON) is in an y of the followi ng faulty con ditions. • No speech c an be made.
CHAPTER 5 ND A-24300 P ag e 330 Issu e 1 FAULT REPAIR PR OCEDURE S Figure 5-3 ATT Connector C abling and Connector Leads Accommodation LT5 LT11 PIM Backplane MDF ATTCON/ DESKCON LT11 is used when PA-CS33 is mounted in Slot 23. LT5 is used when PA-CS33 is mounted in Slot 12.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 5 Page 331 Issue 1 FAULT REPAIR PR OCEDURES 3.3 A TTCON/DESKCO N Faul t Note 1: N o sp eech ca n be made. Note 2: While replacement of the ATI circuit card for the master ATTCON/DESKC ON is in progress, the sy stem is placed under Night Mode.
CHAPTER 5 ND A-24300 P ag e 332 Issu e 1 FAULT REPAIR PR OCEDURE S Note: No oper ations can be made . Replace the A TTCON/DESKCON with a spare. Se t the MB swit ch of A TI P A-CS33 circ uit car d UP . If th e circuit c ard is equipped with a fuse, remo ve the fuse.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 5 Page 333 Issue 1 FAULT REPAIR PR OCEDURES 4. UNIT FAULT This sect ion explains the fau lt rep air procedure in a cas e where any of the faults shown in T able 5-6 has oc- curred to all th e line/t runk cir cuit car ds mounte d in a spec ific unit.
CHAPTER 5 ND A-24300 P ag e 334 Issu e 1 FAULT REPAIR PR OCEDURE S 4.1 Chec k P oint When repai r ing a unit f ault, con si der the fo llowing it ems: (1) Spe ech path s an d co ntro l pa ths i n th e un it ar e c onne cted to l ine/ trunk s v ia th e MU X ci rcui t car ds.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 5 Page 335 Issue 1 FAULT REPAIR PR OCEDURES Figure 5-6 Unit Control Bl ock Diagram (Sin gle Configuration) Figure 5-7 MUX Card Locations LC/TRK LC/TRK PM Line/ Trunk Circuit Card MUX X To TSW/INT Clock Speech Path (A) Control of CPU MUX (PH - PC36 ) ca rd is m ounted in Slot No.
CHAPTER 5 ND A-24300 P ag e 336 Issu e 1 FAULT REPAIR PR OCEDURE S 4.2 Unit F ault - Fault Related to Spee ch Faulty Sit uation: • Noise, one-wa y speech, no tone, etc. occurs only within a unit. • Even if dialing has started, dial ton e does not stop.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 5 Page 337 Issue 1 FAULT REPAIR PR OCEDURES Check the lin e/trunk ci rcuit cards mo unted in th e unit t o se e if they are faulty . Se t the MB sw it ch of th e line/tr unk circuit car d UP and extra ct it fr om its mounting slot. Make a stat ion-to-stati on call and see if a fa ult occurs.
CHAPTER 5 ND A-24300 P ag e 338 Issu e 1 FAULT REPAIR PR OCEDURE S (2) For Single Conf iguration Check by r eplacing the MUX (PH-PC36 ) circui t card. Repl ace th e MU X cir cuit c ard by re ferr ing to Section 3 .3.2, MUX Card Replac ement Procedur e , in Chapter 4 .
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 5 Page 339 Issue 1 FAULT REPAIR PR OCEDURES Check the lin e/trunk ci rcuit cards mo unted in th e un it t o see if they are faulty . Perform t his check o n an individual ba sis. Set th e MB switch of t he line/t runk circ uit card UP and ex tract it from it s mounting sl ot.
CHAPTER 5 ND A-24300 P ag e 340 Issu e 1 FAULT REPAIR PR OCEDURE S 4.3 Unit Fault - When Dial Tone (DT) Cannot Be Heard Faulty Sit uation: • Dial T one (DT) cannot be heard e x cept within a unit.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 5 Page 341 Issue 1 FAULT REPAIR PR OCEDURES Place the MUX c ircuit card i nto A CT mode by flippi ng the MBR k ey on th e activ e GT (PH- GT09) card . Refer to Secti on 12.1.6, Manual Syst em Ch ang eov er of S pee ch Pa th Sy stem , in Chapte r 6 .
CHAPTER 5 ND A-24300 P ag e 342 Issu e 1 FAULT REPAIR PR OCEDURE S (2) For Single Conf iguration Chec k to se e if the M UX (PH -PC 36) circui t card is ma king poor cont act. Se t the MB swi tc h o f the M UX ci rc ui t card UP . Extract the MUX circuit car d from its mountin g slot and clean the cont act port ion.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 5 Page 343 Issue 1 FAULT REPAIR PR OCEDURES Extract all t he lin e/trunk circuit cards from their mou nting slo ts in t he u nit. I nsert the card s back int o their slots one after anoth er and see i f the dia l tone is heard each time.
CHAPTER 5 ND A-24300 P ag e 344 Issu e 1 FAULT REPAIR PR OCEDURE S 4.4 Unit F ault - AC T-Side MUX Card Is Faulty and System Has Changed Over Faulty Sit uation: • The A CT side has become faulty a nd the system ch angeo ver has ex ecuted in t he dual con figurat ion syste m.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 5 Page 345 Issue 1 FAULT REPAIR PR OCEDURES Replace t he MUX circ uit card with a spare, and c heck it. Re plac e the M UX circu it ca rd refe rri ng to Section 3 .3.2, MUX Card Replac ement Procedur e in Chapter 4 . Place the MUX c ircuit ca rd into ACT mode by fli pping t he MBR key o n the active GT (PH- GT09) ca rd.
CHAPTER 5 ND A-24300 P ag e 346 Issu e 1 FAULT REPAIR PR OCEDURE S 5. SPEECH P ATH (TSW) SYSTEM FAULT This section e xplains t he fault repair procedur e when any o f the faults shown in T able 5-7 ha s occurre d in the whole system.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 5 Page 347 Issue 1 FAULT REPAIR PR OCEDURES Figure 5- 8 Speech Path Block Diagram IMG0 TSW 02 To IMG2 TSWM TSW 00 TSW /INT MUX 003 MUX 002 MUX 001 MUX 000 PIM 3 LC/TRK MUX Symbols : .
CHAPTER 5 ND A-24300 P ag e 348 Issu e 1 FAULT REPAIR PR OCEDURE S Figure 5-8 Speech Path Blo ck Diagram (Continued) IMG2 TSW 00 To IMG0 TSWM TSW 02 TSW /INT MUX 023 MUX 022 MUX 021 MUX 020 PIM 3 LC/T.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 5 Page 349 Issue 1 FAULT REPAIR PR OCEDURES 5.2 Speec h Pa th System Fault - F ault Related to Speec h Faulty Sit uation: • Fault r elated t o speech s uch as nois e, one-wa y speech, no -speed, et c. occurs. • Even if dialing started, Di al Tone (DT) does not s top.
CHAPTER 5 ND A-24300 P ag e 350 Issu e 1 FAULT REPAIR PR OCEDURE S Chec k to se e if a stati on- to-sta tio n con necti on can be s et up and iden ti fy a c ircuit card r es pon- sible for th e fault . Perform t he abo ve check by ext racting the MUX circuit cards indi vidually .
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 5 Page 351 Issue 1 FAULT REPAIR PR OCEDURES (2) For Single Conf igurati on Check to see if the f ault occur s by ext r acti ng TSW circ uit cards one by one. Replace the TSW circuit ca rd referring to Sectio n 2.3.2, TSW Card Replacemen t Procedur e , in C hapte r 4 .
CHAPTER 5 ND A-24300 P ag e 352 Issu e 1 FAULT REPAIR PR OCEDURE S When the P LO (PH-CK16/17) c ircuit car d is m ounte d f or di gita l int erfa ce, repl ace the PLO c i rcuit card with a sp are and check it. Set MB swit ch of t he PL O circ uit ca rd to U P side.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 5 Page 353 Issue 1 FAULT REPAIR PR OCEDURES 5.3 Speec h Pa th System Fault - When Dial T one (DT) Cannot Be Hear d Faulty Sit uation: • Dial T one (DT) cannot be heard.
CHAPTER 5 ND A-24300 P ag e 354 Issu e 1 FAULT REPAIR PR OCEDURE S 5.4 Speech P ath System Fault - STBY Side Has B ecome Faulty Faulty Sit uation: • A faul t occu r red in th e ST B Y si d e of th e du a l conf igu ra tio n syst em .
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 5 Page 355 Issue 1 FAULT REPAIR PR OCEDURES Faulty Sit uation: • F ault re lated to speech suc h as noi se, one-w ay speech, no- speed, etc.
CHAPTER 5 ND A-24300 P ag e 356 Issu e 1 FAULT REPAIR PR OCEDURE S 6. CONTROL SYSTEM F AU LT This sectio n ex p l a in s th e faul t rep air pr oce d ure fo r the co n trol s yste m listed i n T able 5- 8 .
CHAPTER 5 ND A-24300 P ag e 358 Issu e 1 FAULT REPAIR PR OCEDURE S Figure 5-9 CPU Cont rolling Block Di agram (Conti nued) LPM EMA IOC / MISC ISAGT 0 LANI PWR PWR CPU 0 MEMORY PCI BUS ISA BUS CPU boar.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 5 Page 359 Issue 1 FAULT REPAIR PR OCEDURES 6.2 Contr ol System F ault - F ault Occur s Intermittentl y Faul ty Situ ati o n: • Faul t occu rs inter mit tentl y at AC T s ide in the d ua l conf igura tio n syst em. • Fault oc curs intermi tt ently in the single configu ration syst em.
CHAPTER 5 ND A-24300 P ag e 360 Issu e 1 FAULT REPAIR PR OCEDURE S (2) For Single Conf igurati on Rep lace th e rela ted cir cui t card (C PU, GT , TSW , MUX, EMA) with a spare, and check. R e place the cir cu it card (C P U, GT , TSW , MU X, EMA) indivi dually b y referring to the followin g section s in Chapter 4 : • Section 1.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 5 Page 361 Issue 1 FAULT REPAIR PR OCEDURES 6.3 Contr ol System F ault - STBY Side Is Faulty Faul ty Situ ati o n: • F aul t has occurred in the STBY side of dual conf igurati on syst em. • [ 0-I ] STBY CPU Fail ure • The A CT side has bec ome faulty , and system changeo ver has ex ecuted.
CHAPTER 5 ND A-24300 P ag e 362 Issu e 1 FAULT REPAIR PR OCEDURE S Figure 5-10 Ala rm Bus Cable Conne ctions Diagram IMG 0 MUX 0 LC/TRK MUX 1 PWR DPWR PIM 3 ALMA ALMB DSPL TO P U MUX 0 LC/TRK MUX 1 PW.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 5 Page 363 Issue 1 FAULT REPAIR PR OCEDURES Figure 5-10 Alarm Bus Cable Connections Diagram (Contin ued) IMG 2 MUX 0 LC/TR K MUX 1 PWR DPWR PIM 3 ALMA ALMB DSPM TO P U MUX 0 LC/TR K .
CHAPTER 5 ND A-24300 P ag e 364 Issu e 1 FAULT REPAIR PR OCEDURE S 7. ALARM INDICATION FAULT This secti on explains the fau lt re pai r procedure where any of the faults shown in T able 5-9 occur . 7.1 Chec k P oint When repa iring an al arm indicat ion fau lt, check the alarm cab le route sh own i n Figure 5-11 and Figur e 5- 12 .
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 5 Page 365 Issue 1 FAULT REPAIR PR OCEDURES Figure 5-11 Ca ble Routing f or Alar m Indications Figure 5-12 Cabling Related to Al arm Indi catin g Pane l A DSP A DSPL Alarm Lamps TOP .
CHAPTER 5 ND A-24300 P ag e 366 Issu e 1 FAULT REPAIR PR OCEDURE S 7.3 F ault That Cannot Be Det ected Check the DSP fla t cable (See Figure 5-10 .). If the E MA car d is rem ove d fro m th e syst em wh ile the sy ste m is in oper atio n und er the con trol of th e CPU #1, the syst em will reset and stop all call processi ng.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 5 Page 367 Issue 1 FAULT REPAIR PR OCEDURES 8. P OWER SUPPLY FAULT This section e xplains t he fault repai r procedure wh en any of the fau lts shown i n T a ble 5- 10 occur.
CHAPTER 5 ND A-24300 P ag e 368 Issu e 1 FAULT REPAIR PR OCEDURE S Figu re 5-14 Bl o ck Dia gram o f Power Su ppl y Syste m (IM G1) Figure 5-15 Block Diagram of Power Supply System (IMG2/3) Note: PWR1 is mou nte d w h en po we r supply s yst e m is a dual system co nfi gurat ion.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 5 Page 369 Issue 1 FAULT REPAIR PR OCEDURES (4) Figure 5-16 sho ws the powe r supply syst em for PIM. Figu re 5-1 6 P ow er Supp ly to PIM (5) Figure 5-17 sho ws the po wer supply syst em for LPM.
CHAPTER 5 ND A-24300 P ag e 370 Issu e 1 FAULT REPAIR PR OCEDURE S (6) Figure 5-18 sho ws the powe r supply system for TSWM. Figure 5-18 Power Supply to TSWM +5V, +12V, +5V (To MISC Cards) -48V (To MI.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 5 Page 371 Issue 1 FAULT REPAIR PR OCEDURES 8.2 Fuse Bl own F ault Check the backplane of the PIM. Make a vi sual chec k on the backplane for pin contact ing, melting o r burn, etc. Extr act all the ci rcu it card s from the P IM, and in sert them back in to thei r slo ts individ ually to see if the fu se blows.
CHAPTER 5 ND A-24300 P ag e 372 Issu e 1 FAULT REPAIR PR OCEDURE S 8.3 Circuit Breaker OFF Fault in PWR Supply Check the backplane of the PIM. Make a visual c heck on the backplane for pin contact ing, melting o r burning, etc. Extr act all the cir cui t card s fr om th e PIM , and make a visual che ck of the ci rcuit card s.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 5 Page 373 Issue 1 FAULT REPAIR PR OCEDURES 8.4 F ault of Alarm Lamps on PWR Suppl y Note: Insert eac h PWR supply wit h its MB switc h to UP side, and then set it bac k to DO WN side. Press RESET butt on of the PWR supply . Alarm lamp goes ou t.
CHAPTER 5 ND A-24300 P ag e 374 Issu e 1 FAULT REPAIR PR OCEDURE S 9. FAN UNIT FAULT This secti on explains the fau lt repair proc edur e where a fan in the Fan Unit (FANU) does not operate . 9.1 Chec k P oint (1) When repai ring a F ANU fault , ex ercise care about the follo wing conditi ons.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 5 Page 375 Issue 1 FAULT REPAIR PR OCEDURES 9.2 F an Unit F ault Set the PWR SW key on the PZ-M369 to the ON posit ion. When th e fan spin s Set PWR SW key to AUTO posit ion, and short th e thermal relay of th e thermal uni t. If the f an does not operate Chec k the connector cable bet ween the F ANU and the ther mal unit.
CHAPTER 5 ND A-24300 P ag e 376 Issu e 1 FAULT REPAIR PR OCEDURE S 10. T ONE FAULT This sect ion explains the faul t repair procedure when an y of the variou s tones cannot be heard in the whol e syste m.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 5 Page 377 Issue 1 FAULT REPAIR PR OCEDURES 10.2 T one Fa ult Replace t he TSW circ uit card with a spar e and chec k. When only Hold T one is fau lty If Externa l Hold T one source is in use Check the e xternal e quipment whic h sends out hold tone.
CHAPTER 5 ND A-24300 P ag e 378 Issu e 1 FAULT REPAIR PR OCEDURE S Figure 5-2 1 External Hold To ne Suppl y Blo ck Diag ram Note: If PH-CK16-A/PH- CK17-A is used, multi ple connect ions ar e made between PLO#0 and PLO#1. Refer to t he des cription of PH-CK16-A or PH-CK17-A in the Ci r cuit Car d Manual.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 5 Page 379 Issue 1 FAULT REPAIR PR OCEDURES 11. SYSTEM DOWN F AULT This s ection explains the f ault repa ir proced ure when both the CPU and TSW syst ems are faulty. Figure 5-22 shows the sequenc e of repair fo r system down fa ult.
CHAPTER 5 ND A-24300 P ag e 380 Issu e 1 FAULT REPAIR PR OCEDURE S 11.1 W hen Cause for F ault Cannot Be Identif ied Check power supply circuits. Che ck voltage (DC: -4 8V , ±5V) a t LOAD side of the re ctif ier . Confirm tha t NFB (circuit breaker) on all PWR supplie s is at ON positi on (UP side).
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 5 Page 381 Issue 1 FAULT REPAIR PR OCEDURES (1) Check by minimizing t he system c onfigurat ion Mount only the b asic circui t car ds in CPU No. 0 syst e m and init ia liz e. Remove all circ uit cards fr om CPU No. 0 syst em exc ept the b asi c circ uit c ard s.
CHAPTER 5 ND A-24300 P ag e 382 Issu e 1 FAULT REPAIR PR OCEDURE S 11.2 W hen Faulty Cir cuit Car ds Can Be Assumed Fr om System Message Faulty Sit uation: When the sys tem is down with me ssage [ 0-C ] ~ [ 0-J ] indicat ed, fault y circuit cards can be assumed from the mes sa ge de ta il dat a.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 5 Page 383 Issue 1 FAULT REPAIR PR OCEDURES 12. COMMON CHANNEL INTEROFFICE SIGNALING (CCIS) LINE FAULT This secti on explai ns the fault repair pro cedure when any of the faults shown in T able 5-11 occur to a sp ecific CCIS line. 12.
CHAPTER 5 ND A-24300 P ag e 384 Issu e 1 FAULT REPAIR PR OCEDURE S 12.3 Specific CCH/CCT Card I s Fau lty Check by r eplacing CCH/CCT card wit h a spare. On CCH/CCT card, set t he MBR switch UP . On CCH/CCT car d, set MBR switch UP and extra ct th e card from it s moun tin g slot.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 5 Page 385 Issue 1 FAULT REPAIR PR OCEDURES 12.4 Fault of CCH, DTI and Relat ed Flat Cab le Check conn ectors and fla t cable s between DTI and CCH. On DTI card s, set MB switch UP . On CCH card, se t MBR switch UP . Check the connect or .
CHAPTER 5 ND A-24300 P ag e 386 Issu e 1 FAULT REPAIR PR OCEDURE S 13. INTEGRATED SER VICE DIGITAL NETWORK ( ISDN) LINE F AULT This secti on explai ns the fault repair pro cedure when any of the faults shown in T able 5-12 occur to a sp ecific ISDN. 13.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 5 Page 387 Issue 1 FAULT REPAIR PR OCEDURES 13.3 Specific DCH/PRT Car d Is F aulty Check by repl acing the DCH/PR T card with a spare . On DCH/PR T card, set MBR switch UP . On D CH /PR T ca rd, s et M B sw itch UP and extract the card f r om i ts mounti ng slot .
CHAPTER 5 ND A-24300 P ag e 388 Issu e 1 FAULT REPAIR PR OCEDURE S 13.4 Fault of DCH, DTI, and Related Fl at Cable Check the connec tors and flat cables between DTI and DCH. Check the connector . On DTI cards, set MB switch UP . On DCH card, set MBR sw itch UP .
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 5 Page 389 Issue 1 FAULT REPAIR PR OCEDURES 14. HARD TIME CLOC K FAULT This sect ion explains the procedu re for re pairi ng a hard ti me clock fa ilur e whic h occurs wit hin the EMA card.
CHAPTER 5 ND A-24300 P ag e 390 Issu e 1 This page is for your notes..
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 6 Page 391 Issue 1 CHAPTER 6 SY STEM OPERATIONS To ma intain the sy stem in a nor mal state, mai ntenanc e te chnician s need to mon itor the se rvicing st atus of the syste m. Figure 6- 1 shows th e fl ow of the sy stem status monit or.
CHAPTER 6 ND A-24300 P ag e 392 Issu e 1 SYSTE M OP ERATI ONS 1.2 Ho w to Stop Alarm I ndications T o stop the a larm indicat ion, pres s ALM RST ke y on the T OPU or use the RALM command . Note: If the RALM comman d is e xecuted, the syst em messag es that sh ow the r eason for the fail ure wi ll be clear ed.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 6 Page 393 Issue 1 SYSTE M OPERA TIONS 1.4 V ariable Alarm Indic ation This featu re allo ws PBX users to make a fle xible cha nge of syste m message output grades which range 0 to 3 and alarm lamp grades which consist of MJ, MN, SUP and NONE.
CHAPTER 6 ND A-24300 P ag e 394 Issu e 1 SYSTE M OP ERATI ONS 2.2 Displa y on MA T Set Scannin g to Scannin g ON (default ) on the Scann ing PBX form to collec t system message s. If an y mes- sage is collect ed, the inf ormation is displa yed in the te xt box on the DFTD command form.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 6 Page 395 Issue 1 SYSTE M OPERA TIONS Figure 6-5 Reco very Procedure Fr om Lock out Station (Continued) COMMAND COMMAND FULL NAME RLST Release Station/T runk A RLST command (Co nfir m: D T) Hear DT? Replace 16LC card with a s pare. Circuit may be faulty temporarily .
CHAPTER 6 ND A-24300 P ag e 396 Issu e 1 SYSTE M OP ERATI ONS 4. LINE LOAD CONTROL In the PBX, Line Load Control c an be activa ted automat ically or ma nually as a countermeasure against ab nor- mal t raf fic congest ion.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 6 Page 397 Issue 1 SYSTE M OPERA TIONS • Canc elli ng Figure 6-7 Line Load Cont rol Operations on ATTCON — Cancelling Figure 6-8 Locat ions of Lamps ( ATTCON ) Press LOOP key. Press CANC EL key. • Lamp ( Fi gure 6-8 ) on cont rol panel lights.
CHAPTER 6 ND A-24300 P ag e 398 Issu e 1 SYSTE M OP ERATI ONS (2) K ey Operatio ns on th e Desk Console (DESKCON) By the oper ations on t he Desk Consol e, restrictio n is appli ed on an outgo ing cal.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 6 Page 399 Issue 1 SYSTE M OPERA TIONS Figure 6-11 Line Load Cont rol Indication (DESKCON) (3) Operati ons on the MA T By enter ing ALLC command fro m the MA T , Line Load C ontrol ex ecutes.
CHAPTER 6 ND A-24300 P ag e 400 Issu e 1 SYSTE M OP ERATI ONS 5. IOC LINE MONITOR (1) Funct ion al Outline This funct ion moni tors the IOC port s tatus . As a resu lt of th e mo nitor ing by this func tion, the foll owing is executed : • Whe n the c onn ectio n with a port h as b een dis connec ted, it i s rep ort ed by a message .
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 6 Page 401 Issue 1 SYSTE M OPERA TIONS 6. LINE MANAGEMENT The fo llowing ex planatio ns apply t o line manag ement: • Make-Bus y/Make-Busy Cance l of Station and Dat a T erminal • Class Change and Numbe r Change of Station a nd Data T erminal • Make-Bus y/Mak e-Busy Cancel o f C.
CHAPTER 6 ND A-24300 P ag e 402 Issu e 1 SYSTE M OP ERATI ONS 6.2 Class Cha nge and Number Chan ge of Station and Data Te rminal Figure 6- 12 sho ws the procedure for class change and number change of station and data term ina l. Figu re 6-12 Class Change and Number Change of Station and Data Terminal Procedure 6.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 6 Page 403 Issue 1 SYSTE M OPERA TIONS 6.4 Line Mana gement Commands 7. STATION MESS AGE DETAIL RECORDING SYSTEM (SMDR) Billin g informa tion can be manage d by con necting th e PBX system and an externa l compute r (SM DR equip- ment).
CHAPTER 6 ND A-24300 P ag e 404 Issu e 1 SYSTE M OP ERATI ONS 7.1 T ransmission Data t o SMDR Equipment (1) T ransmission F or m at As seen in the f igure belo w , the basi c information to be trans m i tted (T ransmi ssion Message ) is a block which be gins with Sta rt of T ext (STX) and ends with End of Text (ETX).
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 6 Page 405 Issue 1 SYSTE M OPERA TIONS T able 6-3 ASCII Code CHARA C- TER ASCII CODE REMARKS HEX. BINAR Y DIGIT b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 0 3 0 00110 000 1 3 1 00110 001 2 3 2 00110 01.
CHAPTER 6 ND A-24300 P ag e 406 Issu e 1 SYSTE M OP ERATI ONS Figure 6-14 Message Format for Outgoing Call BYTE DATA CALLED NUM BER CALL OFFICE 60 92 96 100 (SEE PARAGRA PH 7.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 6 Page 407 Issue 1 SYSTE M OPERA TIONS Figure 6-15 Message Format for Incoming Call EI-K BYTE D ATA CALLED NUMBER CALL OFFICE 60 92 96 100 (SEE SECTION 7.
CHAPTER 6 ND A-24300 P ag e 408 Issu e 1 SYSTE M OP ERATI ONS Figur e 6-16 Message Fo rm at for S tation-t o-Station Call K BYTE D ATA 60 92 96 MONT H BYTE DATA DAY HOUR MINUTE SECOND 28 30 32 36 38 48 51 54 BYTE D ATA B SPACE (20 Hex.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 6 Page 409 Issue 1 SYSTE M OPERA TIONS 7.2 Detail s on T ransmission Data 7.2.1 Calling P ar ty Inf ormation/Called P arty Informat ion • The 9th byte in dicates the type o f the calling (or called) party . The 10th through 17th byt es are data pertai ning to this calling (or call ed) pa rty .
CHAPTER 6 ND A-24300 P ag e 410 Issu e 1 SYSTE M OP ERATI ONS 7.2.2 Call Start/Call End Time Informa tion • The data wh ic h indicates Call Start T ime is as follo ws: • The data wh ic h indicat e.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 6 Page 411 Issue 1 SYSTE M OPERA TIONS 7.2.3 Called Number • The data wh ic h indicates the Called Num ber is as fol lows: 9-0471-83-0351 H AS BEEN DIAL ED.
CHAPTER 6 ND A-24300 P ag e 412 Issu e 1 SYSTE M OP ERATI ONS 7.2.4 Account Code/A uthorization Code • The data wh ic h indicates the Account Code is as fol lo ws: • The da ta which indic ates the.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 6 Page 413 Issue 1 SYSTE M OPERA TIONS 7.2.5 Route Adv ance Inf ormation When a call h as been origi nated by route advan cing, the follo wing data is tran smitt ed. 7.2.6 Condition B Inf ormation The 51st through 53rd byt es ar e C onditi on B In for m ati on.
CHAPTER 6 ND A-24300 P ag e 414 Issu e 1 SYSTE M OP ERATI ONS 7.2.7 Call Metering Inf ormation The v alue of call metering fr om the Centra l Of fice is t ransmitt ed via the dat a from the 92nd by te to 95th byte.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 6 Page 415 Issue 1 SYSTE M OPERA TIONS 7.2.9 T ext Fo r mat of Centralized Billi ng - Fusion Belo w is the te xt format for bill ing info rmation (F usion) to be tr ansmitted to the SMDR equi pment. On the follo wing pages, Fi gure 6-17 through Fi gur e 6- 19 , provide de tailed inform ation.
CHAPTER 6 ND A-24300 P ag e 416 Issu e 1 SYSTE M OP ERATI ONS Note: Cond iti onall y Pr ov ide d: Info rma tion is pr ovided whe n data is effecti ve. Pr ovide d: In form ati on is pr o vided on e very call with no exce ption.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 6 Page 417 Issue 1 SYSTE M OPERA TIONS Figure 6-17 M essage Format for Outgoing Ca ll - Fusion Byte Data 1 10 5 15 25 20 30 40 35 45 55 50 60 65 STX 0 ! K K 0 1 1 FPC (3 digits ) Physi cal Route No. T runk No . Logica l Route No. 0 2 1 ORIG T enant (3 digits ) STN No .
CHAPTER 6 ND A-24300 P ag e 418 Issu e 1 SYSTE M OP ERATI ONS Figure 6-1 8 Message For mat for I n coming Call - Fusion Office Code of B illin g Process Offi ce Byte Data 1 10 5 15 25 20 30 40 35 45 55 50 60 65 STX 0 ! K L 0 1 1 2 FPC (3 digi ts) Phy sical Route No.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 6 Page 419 Issue 1 SYSTE M OPERA TIONS Figure 6-19 Message For mat for Station-to-Station Call - Fusion Byte Data 1 10 5 15 25 20 30 40 35 45 55 50 60 65 STX 0 ! K M 0 2 1 0 FPC (3 digi ts) ORIG (Note) T enant (3 digi ts) STN No. A TT CON No.
CHAPTER 6 ND A-24300 P ag e 420 Issu e 1 SYSTE M OP ERATI ONS Refer ence Data = 0 2: Ca lling Party Inf orma tio n (S tatio n Num ber) Data = 08: Cond ition B In format ion 02 10 O R I G T enant (3 digits) Station No .
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 6 Page 421 Issue 1 SYSTE M OPERA TIONS Data = 09 : Alte rn a te Rou t ing In for m at io n (KK ) / Inc o m i ng R o u te Nu m b er (KL) Data = 13: Cond ition C In formation + Billing Info / Call Meterin g Info. 09 18 FPC1 (3 digits) FPC1: FPC actually used Physical Route No .
CHAPTER 6 ND A-24300 P ag e 422 Issu e 1 SYSTE M OP ERATI ONS Data = 14: Cond it ion D Informati on + Bill Notif ication A TT CON Number Data = 16 : Au toma tic N um ber In dica tio n 14 01 • 04 D B.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 6 Page 423 Issue 1 SYSTE M OPERA TIONS 7.2.10 T ext For mat of SMDR - TCP/IP Inte rface When using SMDR - TCP/I P inter fa ce, bill ing inf ormati on is outp ut to the bi llin g output de vice s con- nected b y an exte rnal LAN in t he form of sock et int erfa ce as sho wn in Figure 6- 20 .
CHAPTER 6 ND A-24300 P ag e 424 Issu e 1 SYSTE M OP ERATI ONS (2) Identi f ier 2: Sending Data T ext A text fo r sen din g billing dat a in resp on se to “ (1) Data Requ es t Tex t ” from th e clie n t . T ex t sending d irection: Client Ser ver The number of billing data records is 64 or less.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 6 Page 425 Issue 1 SYSTE M OPERA TIONS (5) Ide ntifier 5 : St atu s Mon itori ng T ext A tex t for use in monit oring the s erver stat us from the client ’ s vie wpoint or the clien t from th e serv er ’ s vie wpoint. At the same time, the te xt is use d to not ify the serv e r of the client stat us .
CHAPTER 6 ND A-24300 P ag e 426 Issu e 1 SYSTE M OP ERATI ONS Note: Asteris k (*) ide ntif ies the tr aff ic meas ur ements that can be s aved on the HD of the M A T. 4* A TTCON Peg Count Measurement of the number of each type of call handled at the ATTCON/ DESKCON.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 6 Page 427 Issue 1 SYSTE M OPERA TIONS 8.2 Operati ng Pr ocedure 1. Procedure for Se t-up and St art The proce dure to set up and start the t raf fic me asurement i s as fol lo ws: S.
CHAPTER 6 ND A-24300 P ag e 428 Issu e 1 SYSTE M OP ERATI ONS Figure 6-21 IPX “ MA T M e n u ” Display Imag e (Example) Figu re 6 -21 show s the IPX “ MA T Menu ” displ ay image.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 6 Page 429 Issue 1 SYSTE M OPERA TIONS (2) Data O utpu t - Deta ils on DT FD/D TFD N C om mand To obtain the collected Traffic data, you can use the “ DTFxxx ” or “ DTFx xxN ” command as shown below.
CHAPTER 6 ND A-24300 P ag e 430 Issu e 1 SYSTE M OP ERATI ONS Figure 6-22 DTFD Command Display Image (Example) Figu re 6-22 sho ws the DTFD command di splay image (exa mple). The DTFD/ DTFDN command shoul d look simi li ar to this. T raf fic Data Check box t o specify th e “ Traffic Data ” TYPE.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 6 Page 431 Issue 1 SYSTE M OPERA TIONS Figure 6-23 “ Listup Report ” Windo w when “ View Data base ” is Selected (Exam ple) Figure 6-24 “ Export ” Dialog fo r Tr affic R .
CHAPTER 6 ND A-24300 P ag e 432 Issu e 1 SYSTE M OP ERATI ONS (3) Service Condi tions (whe n performin g Tra ffic Measu rement via TCP/ IP) (a) The NDM (netw ork-le vel) data f or the traf fic measuremen t order is rep laced/upd ated, at each time the sy s tem is in itia li zed o r da t a ch an g e is requ e sted fr om th e AT R FN com mand .
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 6 Page 433 Issue 1 SYSTE M OPERA TIONS 9. OFFICE DATA MANAGEMENT This sec t ion expl ains how to manage various ki nds of da ta such as Call Forwa rding Data , Individ ual Speed Calling Data, an d Office Data, etc.
CHAPTER 6 ND A-24300 P ag e 434 Issu e 1 SYSTE M OP ERATI ONS 9.3 Offi ce Data Mana g ement Procedur e The pr ocedure ge nerally t aken whe n changing the of f ice da ta is sho wn bel o w. Figure 6-25 Office Data Chan ge Procedure HDD_MA T command Note Direction Select : Verify H DD against MAT Data T ype Select : Data Memory , etc.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 6 Page 435 Issue 1 SYSTE M OPERA TIONS Figure 6-26 Office Data Chan ge Procedure HDD_FDD command Note System Select : HFD0/HFD1 Direction Select : Verify H DD against FDD Data T ype Select : Data Memory , etc. MEM_HDD command Not e Direction Select : Verify HDD against MEM Data T ype Select : Data Memory , etc.
CHAPTER 6 ND A-24300 P ag e 436 Issu e 1 SYSTE M OP ERATI ONS Figure 6-2 7 sho ws the funct ion of thr ee backup commands: HDD t o FDD, HDD to MA T , and MEM to HDD.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 6 Page 437 Issue 1 SYSTE M OPERA TIONS 9.4 Call Forwar ding Data/Indiv idual Speed Calling Dat a Management Call Forwa rdi n g Da ta and Ind ividu al Sp e ed Calli ng Dat a ar e change d at a ny ti m e be ca us e these ser vi ces are set /cancel led fr om the stat ion in volv ed.
CHAPTER 6 ND A-24300 P ag e 438 Issu e 1 SYSTE M OP ERATI ONS 10. T EST OPERATIONS OF V ARIOUS KINDS This sect ion explains the methods of test operatio ns (shown in Figure 6-28 ) to be performed in case a fault recover y occurs.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 6 Page 439 Issue 1 SYSTE M OPERA TIONS 10.1 Designated Connec tion T est (Station) (1) Gen eral The purpo se of this te st is to conf irm the operat ions rel ated to a trunk or t one th at is de signated fr om the test st atio n. R efer to Ta b l e 6 - 6 .
CHAPTER 6 ND A-24300 P ag e 440 Issu e 1 SYSTE M OP ERATI ONS (3) Designat ed Connecti on T est Procedure (a) R egister T est Pro cedu re Figure 6-29 Register Test Procedure/Connection Diagram • Access code is assigned b y ASPA command, CI=N, SRV= SSC , SID= 17 • Route numbers to be designated are as follows .
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 6 Page 441 Issue 1 SYSTE M OPERA TIONS (b) Sen der T est P roce dur e Figure 6-30 Send er Test Pr ocedure/Connection Diagram • Access code is assigned by ASPA command, CI=N, SRV=SSC, SID=1 7 • Route number to be designated is as follows: • If any of the d ialed numbers are received correctly, a Reorder Tone (ROT) is heard.
CHAPTER 6 ND A-24300 P ag e 442 Issu e 1 SYSTE M OP ERATI ONS (c) 3-P arty Conferen ce T runk T est Procedure Figure 6-31 3-Party Conferen ce Test Procedure Note: If the tr unk numb er of the ne xt 3- P arty Confer ence T runk is not ass igned, t he test ends.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 6 Page 443 Issue 1 SYSTE M OPERA TIONS Figure 6-32 3 -P a rty Conferenc e Te st Connection Diagram TSTT TSTT TST T TSTT TSTT TST T ORT SST TRUNK DESIGNATION TEST IN PROGRESS 1 SEC.
CHAPTER 6 ND A-24300 P ag e 444 Issu e 1 SYSTE M OP ERATI ONS (d) T one T est Pr ocedure Figure 6-33 T o ne Test Procedure/Connection Diagram • Access code is assigned by ASPA command, CI=N, SRV=SSC, SID=17 • For Tone No. to be design ated, refer to T able 6-7 .
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 6 Page 445 Issue 1 SYSTE M OPERA TIONS Table 6-7 Tone Numbers T ONE NO . KIND OF T ONE REMARKS 00 Dial T one (DT) 01 Special Dial T one (SPDT) 02 Ring Ba ck T one (RB T) 03 Contin uo.
CHAPTER 6 ND A-24300 P ag e 446 Issu e 1 SYSTE M OP ERATI ONS (e) Inte rr upt Ringing (IR) T est Procedure Figure 6-34 Interrupt Ringing (IR) Test Procedure/Connection Diagram AA A A ORT IR SST • Ac.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 6 Page 447 Issue 1 SYSTE M OPERA TIONS (f) T runk T est Pro cedure Figure 6-35 Tru nk Tes t Pr ocedure Not e: If the trunk numbe r of the next t runk i s not assigned, th e t est ends. • Access code is ass igned by ASPA command , CI=N, SRV=SSC, SID=1 7 Hang Up + “ 9xx ” RT No.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 6 Page 449 Issue 1 SYSTE M OPERA TIONS 10.2 Designated Connec tion T est (DESKCON/A TTCON) (1) Gen eral The purp ose of this test is to conf ir m the op erati ons r elat ed t o a t runk which has b een de signat ed fro m the Desk/Att endant Conso le (DESKCON/A TTCON).
CHAPTER 6 ND A-24300 P ag e 450 Issu e 1 SYSTE M OP ERATI ONS (b) T runk seizure by acc ess code dial ing • Special Code is assigned by ASPA command. • CI=N, SRV=SS C, SID-17 • C.O. Line No. is assigned by ACOC command. Press LO O P key or Lx (L1- L6) key (RBT) Dial “ xxxx ” C.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 6 Page 451 Issue 1 SYSTE M OPERA TIONS 10.3 Bad Call Not ification (1) Gen eral When a stat ion user has trouble because of hear ing noise dur ing a call , or has oth er dif fic ulty ha ving a norm a l call, th e line in volved is reco r ded as a bad ca ll no t ificatio n.
CHAPTER 6 ND A-24300 P ag e 452 Issu e 1 SYSTE M OP ERATI ONS 11. RO UTINE DIA GNOSIS For conf irming its o wn serv icing status, the system aut omatical ly exe cutes self diag nosis every day, an d dis- plays t he result of the di agnosis on a sy ste m message.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 6 Page 453 Issue 1 SYSTE M OPERA TIONS • SYS1, INDEX89, 90 — Routi ne Diagnosis Items : The item corr esponding t o each bit is t o ex ecute once a day .
CHAPTER 6 ND A-24300 P ag e 454 Issu e 1 SYSTE M OP ERATI ONS b6 — Ca ll F orwarding Dat a Clear (See Inde x 232) 0/1 = No/Y e s INDEX90 b1 — Backup Call Forwa rding, I ndi vidual Speed Dat a and .
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 6 Page 455 Issue 1 SYSTE M OPERA TIONS 12. SYSTEM CONTROL PR OCEDURES Although the system is remarka bly maintenance free, maintenan ce technici ans occasio nally may confro nt a situat ion i n which t hey hav e t o manual ly cont rol t he sys tem.
CHAPTER 6 ND A-24300 P ag e 456 Issu e 1 SYSTE M OP ERATI ONS PLO Changeo ver: Though PLO is inc luded in t he switchi ng blo ck togethe r with the TDSW , MUX, and DLKC, its A C T/STBY change o v er shoul d be perfo rmed inde- pendentl y by operat ing the MB k ey on the card.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 6 Page 457 Issue 1 SYSTE M OPERA TIONS T o perform the A CT/STBY system chan geover , check the l amp indica tors sh own in Figure 6-38 , and then o pera te the rela ted key . Note 1: LED indicati ons cited i n F igur e 6-38 ar e only an ex ample.
CHAPTER 6 ND A-24300 P ag e 458 Issu e 1 SYSTE M OP ERATI ONS T o perform A CT/ST BY system changeo ver , check the lamp indi cators sho wn in Fi gure 6-39 , a nd the n operate the related ke y . Note: LED indicat ions cited in F igur e 6-39 ar e only an e xample .
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 6 Page 459 Issue 1 SYSTE M OPERA TIONS T o perform the A CT/STBY system chan geover , check the l amp indica tors sh own in Figure 6-40 , and then o pera te the rela ted key . Note: LED indi cati ons c ite d in F igur e 6- 40 ar e o nly an e xampl e.
CHAPTER 6 ND A-24300 P ag e 460 Issu e 1 SYSTE M OP ERATI ONS • Ho w to check the ST A TUS 7-se gment LEDs The AC T / STB Y st atus o f CPU c an be confirme d by view ing t he S TAT US 7-s eg me nt LED s. Visuall y check the LED i ndicatio ns and confi rm which CPU is ac tive in your system.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 6 Page 461 Issue 1 SYSTE M OPERA TIONS 12.1.2 How to Cont rol CPU Blo ck The CPU, when it is provi ded in a dual co nfi guration , can be switched over by one o f the opera tions sho wn in T able 6-8 . If the sys tem o f CPU is cha nge d over , the A CT/STBY of GT (in TSWM) a lso change s ov er .
CHAPTER 6 ND A-24300 P ag e 462 Issu e 1 SYSTE M OP ERATI ONS Figure 6-42 System Block Dia gram (Switching Network Between CPU and GT) IMG0 IMG1 IMG2 IMG3 TSW I/O BUS TSW I/O BUS CPR 0 CPR 1 MIS C BUS.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 6 Page 463 Issue 1 SYSTE M OPERA TIONS 12.1.3 Manual System Changeo ver of CPU T o ch ange over th e CPU syst em, th e CM OD co mm and is norm ally used . Howev er , if the comm and cannot be us ed for some reason, use the ke y operations lis ted belo w: Note: F or system chang eove r via the command, see Chapte r 8 .
CHAPTER 6 ND A-24300 P ag e 464 Issu e 1 SYSTE M OP ERATI ONS (2) C heck the mate CPU ’ s STBY mode. Also check the mate GT ’ s STBY mode . Refer t o Fig- ure 6-43 and Figure 6-4 4 . STEP 2 Flip the MBR key on the DSP o f the active CPU. Refer to Fig ure 6-45 .
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 6 Page 465 Issue 1 SYSTE M OPERA TIONS 12.1.4 Forced Changeo ver of CPU Figure 6- 47 sho ws ho w to perform t he forced changeover of CPU by k ey oper- ation on the EMA (PH-PC40) card. Because the k ey opera tion will cau se the en- tire s ystem to in itiali ze, do not rely on this metho d except as a last resort.
CHAPTER 6 ND A-24300 P ag e 466 Issu e 1 SYSTE M OP ERATI ONS 12.1.5 How t o Contr ol Switch ing Bloc k The Switching Block denot ed here includes the foll owing system equipment: • TSW (PH-SW12) .
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 6 Page 467 Issue 1 SYSTE M OPERA TIONS 12.1.6 Manual Sys t em Chang eo ver of Speech P ath System T o ch ange over the ACT/ST BY o f Sp eec h Path S yst em, th e CMOD co mma nd i s norm ally used . H ow- e ver , if for some reason the command ca nnot be used, us e the ke y operat ions li sted bel o w.
CHAPTER 6 ND A-24300 P ag e 468 Issu e 1 SYSTE M OP ERATI ONS Figu re 6 - 48 System B lock Diagra m (Sw itchin g N etwo r k for Sp eech Path Syst em) IMG0 TSW I/O BUS TSW I/O BUS CPR 0 CPR 1 TSW 00 GT.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 6 Page 469 Issue 1 SYSTE M OPERA TIONS STEP 1 Make sure the act ive Speech Pat h System. (1) Check al l the lamp indica ti ons in F igu re 6 -49 , which are in the sa m e switc hin g block.
CHAPTER 6 ND A-24300 P ag e 470 Issu e 1 SYSTE M OP ERATI ONS Note: Because th is 4-IMG uses multipl e TSW and MUX car ds, be sur e to chec k all the cir cuit car ds concerned, whic h a re in the same Swit ching Blo ck.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 6 Page 471 Issue 1 SYSTE M OPERA TIONS (2) If t he system us es PH-CK16 or PH-CK17 a s the PLO, make sur e the acti ve PLO and the newly activ ate d TSW systems are in the same Switching Block .
CHAPTER 6 ND A-24300 P ag e 472 Issu e 1 SYSTE M OP ERATI ONS 12.1.7 Manual System Changeo ver of PLO T o change ov er the syst em of Pha se Lock Osci llator ( PLO), use the ke y operation s liste d bel o w. Note: Though the PLO belongs to t he Switch ing Bloc k as e xplaine d in Sect ion 12.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 6 Page 473 Issue 1 SYSTE M OPERA TIONS STEP 2 Flip the MB key on the PLO card. Refer to Figure 6-55 . Figure 6-5 5 PLO C hangeover via M B Key Note: If t he M B key r emains in t he UP pos itio n, the P LO sys tem a lso st ays i n it s m ake- b usy sta tus.
CHAPTER 6 ND A-24300 P ag e 474 Issu e 1 SYSTE M OP ERATI ONS STEP 4 Analyze the dis played system messages. After STEP s 1 through 3 a re perfo rmed, the s ystem messages [ 7-U ] and [ 7-V ] will automat i- cally d isplay. Make sure that no errors occurre d dur ing the PLO cha ngeover proc ess.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 6 Page 475 Issue 1 SYSTE M OPERA TIONS 12.2.2 System Initial ization b y T urning ON P ower Suppl y This ini tiali zation e xecute s when the po wer supply to the sy stem has stopped.
CHAPTER 6 ND A-24300 P ag e 476 Issu e 1 SYSTE M OP ERATI ONS 12.2.3 System Initial ization b y Ke y Operations on T O PU T able 6-11 sho ws the sys tem in itia lizat ion pro cedu re. Figure 6-57 sho ws the init ial prog ram load con - ception al diagr am.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 6 Page 477 Issue 1 SYSTE M OPERA TIONS Figure 6-57 Conceptional Diagram of Initial Program Load HDD Main Memory Files Basic Softw are (#2-11)s (=PR OGRAM) Standard Service Softwa re IMA T Softwa re (#1- 2) TCP/IP Softw are (#1) Office Data Files Data Memory (ASYD , A UNT , (=SYSTEM D A T A) ANPD , ASP A, ASDT , etc.
CHAPTER 6 ND A-24300 P ag e 478 Issu e 1 SYSTE M OP ERATI ONS T o init ializ e the sys tem, check the la mp indi cati ons in Figure 6-58 , and operate th e keys on PZ- DK 222 (T OPU).
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 6 Page 479 Issue 1 SYSTE M OPERA TIONS T able 6-12 S ystem Initia lization Without Loading [Procedure #1] AC T I O N 7SEG L ED/OP E LA MP /KEY SETTINGS ST AR T CPU OPE lamp on the DSP of acti ve CPU lights ste adily green . IMG0-3 la mps flash.
CHAPTER 6 ND A-24300 P ag e 480 Issu e 1 SYSTE M OP ERATI ONS T able 6-13 System Initializat ion With Office Data Loading Fr om HD [Procedure #2] AC T I O N 7SEG L ED/OP E LA MP /KEY SETTINGS ST AR T CPU OPE lamp on the DSP of acti ve CPU lights ste adily green .
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 6 Page 481 Issue 1 SYSTE M OPERA TIONS T able 6-14 S ystem Initialization w ith Program Loading From HD [Procedure #3] AC T I O N 7SEG L ED/OP E LA MP /KEY SETTINGS ST AR T CPU OPE lamp on the DSP of acti ve CPU lights ste adily green .
CHAPTER 6 ND A-24300 P ag e 482 Issu e 1 SYSTE M OP ERATI ONS T able 6-15 System Initializatio n With Office Data And Program Loading From HD [P rocedur e # 4] AC T I O N 7SEG L ED/OP E LA MP /KEY SETTINGS ST AR T CPU OPE lamp on the DSP of acti ve CPU lights ste adily green .
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 6 Page 483 Issue 1 SYSTE M OPERA TIONS T able 6-16 System Initializatio n by Ph ase 1 Re start [P rocedur e #5 ] AC T I O N 7SEG L ED/OP E LA MP /KEY SETTINGS ST AR T CPU OPE lamp on the DSP of acti ve CPU l ight st eadily gree n. (IMG0-3 l amps flash.
CHAPTER 6 ND A-24300 P ag e 484 Issu e 1 SYSTE M OP ERATI ONS 12.2.4 System Initial ization b y Ke ys on CPU Fr ont P anel This init ializa tio n executes when the IN ITIA L key on t he TOPU c anno t be used . The CPU ’ s acti v e st atus must be conf irmed befor e e x ec uting this t ype of init ial- izati on.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 6 Page 485 Issue 1 SYSTE M OPERA TIONS 12.2.5 System Initializ ation b y SINZ Command The enti re system can be init ialized b y ex ecution of the SINZ comman d from the MA T , which is useful for m a int ena nc e t ec hni c ians w ho have to c o ntro l the s yst em f rom a dist ant lo catio n.
CHAPTER 6 ND A-24300 P ag e 486 Issu e 1 SYSTE M OP ERATI ONS 12.2.6 P eripheral Equipment Ini tializati on (Line/T r unk Initializati on) Line/tr unk initializ at ion can be d ivided i nto two ty pes : i nitiali zation on an indi - vidual ch annel basis and in itializati on on a ci rcuit card bas i s.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 6 Page 487 Issue 1 SYSTE M OPERA TIONS 12.3 Ho w to T urn ON/OFF Whole System A switchin g system, once put int o service, is seldom st opped. Ho w e ver , there may be a case when a switchi ng syst em must b e stopp ed due t o module e xpa nsion w ork, etc.
CHAPTER 6 ND A-24300 P ag e 488 Issu e 1 SYSTE M OP ERATI ONS 12.3.2 How to T urn OFF Whole System Confirm that the mem or y dat a ha s bee n b acke d up on the H D be fore turn ing OFF the sys tem p ower . When tur ning OFF the po wer supply , follo w the proce dure sho wn bel o w.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 6 Page 489 Issue 1 SYSTE M OPERA TIONS 12.4 System Start-Up The syste m start-up procedu res co nsist of the fo llowi ng types: Procedur e #1 (see T able 6-20 ) Exe cuted when the Basic S oftware and App li cat io n Software ha ve alread y been i nstalle d in the HD.
CHAPTER 6 ND A-24300 P ag e 490 Issu e 1 SYSTE M OP ERATI ONS T able 6-20 Sta rt-Up When Basic & Application Software Is Installed [Procedure #1] AC T I O N 7SEG LED/OP E LAMP/KEY SETTINGS ST A TUS LED (right) on the DSP of CPU is ON. ST A TUS LED (right) on the DSP of CPU is ON.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 6 Page 491 Issue 1 SYSTE M OPERA TIONS CPU OPE and IMGX lamps on both DSP go OFF . ST A TUS LED (right) on the DSP of CPU is ON. ST A TUS LED (right) on the DSP of CPU is ON. ST A TUS LED (right) on the DSP of CPU is ON. CPU OPE lamp on th e DSP of ac ti ve CPU lights steady-gr ee n.
CHAPTER 6 ND A-24300 P ag e 492 Issu e 1 SYSTE M OP ERATI ONS T able 6-21 Sta rt-Up Whe n Basic, App lication Software , and Office D ata Insta lled [Procedur e #2] AC T I O N 7SEG LED/OP E LAMP/KEY SETTINGS ST A TUS LED (right) on the DSP of CPU is ON.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 6 Page 493 Issue 1 SYSTE M OPERA TIONS CPU OPE lamp on the DSP of acti ve CPU light s steady-gr een. IMG0-3 ligh t steady-green . IMG 0 lam p on t he D SP o f mate CPU flashes green .
CHAPTER 6 ND A-24300 P ag e 494 Issu e 1 This page is for your notes..
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 7 Page 495 Issue 1 CHAPTER 7 ROUTINE MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE 1. GENERAL When a fault has occurred in t he system, ( for example when a fault has occurr ed to No. 1 cir cuit on the 16LC card), the stati ons connecte d to No. 1 ci rcuit beco me unservicea ble.
CHAPTER 7 ND A-24300 P ag e 496 Issu e 1 ROUTINE MAINTENANC E PROCEDURE 1.2 Required T est Equipment and T ools T able 7-1 sh o ws the tool s an d equip m ent req uir ed for t est procedures.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 7 Page 497 Issue 1 ROUTINE MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE 2. ROUTINE MA INTENANCE PROCEDURES This section explains general routin e maintenance procedures to be performed on a daily, monthly, and quar- terly basis . T able 7-2 li sts each pr ocedure acc ording to t he time each procedur e is to be per formed.
CHAPTER 7 ND A-24300 P ag e 498 Issu e 1 ROUTINE MAINTENANC E PROCEDURE 2.1 Ambient Conditions in Switc h Room Check Check the room temperat ure. Check the humidity in the room. If the tem p er atu re or th e humi dit y is outside the allowable range , ad jus t the air conditi oner .
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 7 Page 499 Issue 1 ROUTINE MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE 2.2 Alarm Chec k Chec k al ar m i nd i cati ons o n the TO PU. If an alarm is indicated Che ck whether the al arm lamp on t he po wer supply o f any module is l it. Chec k wh ethe r an al arm l amp i s lit on any circui t card(s).
CHAPTER 7 ND A-24300 P ag e 500 Issu e 1 ROUTINE MAINTENANC E PROCEDURE 2.3 MAT/Printer Check Check the MAT. Syst em mes sag es are au tom ati cally s ent to the MA T HD fo r out pu t . Syst em mes sag es are au tom ati cally s ent to the extern al printer for output .
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 7 Page 501 Issue 1 ROUTINE MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE 2.4 Collecti on of System M essa ges Cause syst em messages to be displayed. When a system message is displayed. Check the resul ts of routin e diagnosi s. When the sys te m is operat in g norma lly or after a fault is re st ore d Refe r to Chapter 3 .
CHAPTER 7 ND A-24300 P ag e 502 Issu e 1 ROUTINE MAINTENANC E PROCEDURE 2.5 Displa y of Loc ked-out Station Check the displa ys of releva nt commands to loc ate an y loc ke d -out sta tio ns .
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 7 Page 503 Issue 1 ROUTINE MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE 2.6 Fan Unit Chec k When fan is set for auto mat ic start When fan is set for consta nt operation When fan is out of or der Pull F AN ST A R T s witch toward the f ron t an d set it to ON (UP) position .
CHAPTER 7 ND A-24300 P ag e 504 Issu e 1 ROUTINE MAINTENANC E PROCEDURE 2.7 Alarm T ests An al arm is to b e ge nera ted w hic h will b e dis pla yed at the DESKCON/ATTCON. Be sure to info rm the attend ant of the test in advance . Replace t he – 48V fuse in the F ANU with a blown fuse.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 7 Page 505 Issue 1 ROUTINE MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE 2.8 Main Powe r System Che ck Note: F or a long e r battery li fe , observe the following items: • Place th e batteries in a dark, cool place . • K eep th e r oom temper atur e within the r ange of 10 ° C to 35 ° C (40 ° F to 85 ° F).
CHAPTER 7 ND A-24300 P ag e 506 Issu e 1 ROUTINE MAINTENANC E PROCEDURE 2.9 T runk RGU Check Check ala rm lamps on th e line/trunk ci rcuit c ards. Check to s ee if a sy stem message pertaining to a circui t card ha s been output. Check the speech path fo r each PIM and al so check r i nging si gnal.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 7 Page 507 Issue 1 ROUTINE MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE 2.10 A TTCON/DESKCON Check (1) Attendan t Console Che ck Note: Adjusti ng T im e Method (se e F igur e 7-2 .) • If the Ho ur ( H ) b utton is pus hed once, the t ime wi ll advance one hour .
CHAPTER 7 ND A-24300 P ag e 508 Issu e 1 ROUTINE MAINTENANC E PROCEDURE (2) Desk Consol e Check Note 1: The lamp c hecks can be suspende d any ti me when the * ke y on the con t rol panel is p ressed. Note 2: The DESKCON obtains time informatio n only fr om the PBX side .
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 7 Page 509 Issue 1 ROUTINE MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE 2.11 System Chec k Chec k th e O PE l amps (g reen ) on all c ircui t car ds. Check wheth er a syste m m essage per taining to t he CPU/TSW has been outp ut. Check spee ch conditions by establ ishing a station- to-stat ion connec tion at e ach PIM.
CHAPTER 7 ND A-24300 P ag e 510 Issu e 1 ROUTINE MAINTENANC E PROCEDURE 3. ROUTINE MA INTENANC E CHECK LI STS This secti on provide s check lis ts (Mainte nance Proc edu re Reports ) to be used when performing routine ma in- tenan ce.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 7 Page 511 Issue 1 ROUTINE MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE USER NAME SIGNATURE OF SUPER VISOR WOR K TIME (FR OM - ) Name of Us er (Company) Da te: Maintenanc e Clas sifica tion Routine/Non- rout ine Control No.
CHAPTER 7 ND A-24300 P ag e 512 Issu e 1 ROUTINE MAINTENANC E PROCEDURE C.O. Tr unk/Tie Line T EST T YPE T EST ITEM CONNECTION DIAGRAM C.O. T runk/T ie Line Speech Pa th T est • Set up a spe ech path t est by seizin g a trunk usi ng the Sta tion o r A T TCON/D ESKCON connecti on test diag rammed t o the ri ght .
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 7 Page 513 Issue 1 ROUTINE MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE Register/Se nder Tru nk (RST) T EST T YPE T EST ITEM CONNECTION DIAGRAM OR T Function • Perform the test by speci fying an OR T using the Connection T est-Stat ion. • Conf irm th at [ 6-I ] system message di splays as a result of the te st.
CHAPTER 7 ND A-24300 P ag e 514 Issu e 1 ROUTINE MAINTENANC E PROCEDURE RST (/ ) FUNCTION T RUNK NO. ORT SENDER REMARKS PB RECE IVING DP RECE IVIN G RST No. OR T0 SND0 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 RST No. 00 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 RST No. 00 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 RST No.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 7 Page 515 Issue 1 ROUTINE MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE Digital Confer ence Function T EST T YPE T EST ITEM CONNECTION DIAGRAM Three-wa y Conv ersat ion • Perform the test by specif ying an 8CF T using the Conne ction T est-Stati on. • Con firm th at [ 6-I ] system message displ ays a s a r esult of the test .
CHAPTER 7 ND A-24300 P ag e 516 Issu e 1 ROUTINE MAINTENANC E PROCEDURE 2 The operat or calls the stat ion back. Afte r norm al sp eec h pa th ha s been confi rmed, the a ttendant calls t he stati on back.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 7 Page 517 Issue 1 ROUTINE MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE Attendant Conso le (A TTCON/DESKCON) T EST T YPE T EST ITEM CONNECTION DIA GRAM Call T ermination T est • Station dia ls the opera tor access co de and conf irm that the ca ll t e rm ina tio n is indicat ed at all the A TTCON/ DESKCON.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 8 Page 519 Issue 1 CHAPTER 8 MAINTENANCE COMMANDS 1. GENERAL This chap ter explain s various c ommands and li st up commands w hich ar e used in t he system ad m inist rative mana ge m en t pr o ced ur e. The tabl e belo w s h ows th e list of co m m an d s.
CHAPTER 8 ND A-24300 P ag e 520 Issu e 1 MAINTENANCE COM MANDS DLSS_T Display of Lock Out S tation – Number – T elephone Number DL TEL D isplay of T elephone Number fro m LENS for LDM DNTEL Displa.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 8 Page 521 Issue 1 MAINTENANCE COM MANDS FLINS T Fil e Inst all HDD_FDD Data C ontrol Between HDD and FDD HDD_MA T Data Control Between HDD and MA T HDD_MA T_N D ata Control Between .
CHAPTER 8 ND A-24300 P ag e 522 Issu e 1 ALLC: Assignment of Line Load Contr ol ALLC: Assignmen t of Line Load Contr ol 1. Functional Outline This command is used to des i gnate star t and sto p of line load contro l. 2. P arameters Input da ta ALL/ONE: Opera tion Mode Selectio n O/A=Only One L P/All LPs 2 is not va lid for 1IMG-system.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 8 Page 523 Issue 1 ALMG: A ss ignm ent of Alarm Grade Data ALMG: Assignmen t of Alarm Grade Data 1. Functional Outline This command i s used to make a f lexible cha nge of syste m me ssage outpu t grades. Thu s, the PBX user can give a proper alarm grade to eac h system mes sage according to their r equirem ents.
CHAPTER 8 ND A-24300 P ag e 524 Issu e 1 A TRF: Assi gnme nt of T raffi c Meas ureme nt Or der AT R F : Assignment of T raffic Measurem ent Or der 1. Functional Outline This command i s used to a ssign and de lete traffi c measu rement pr ograms.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 8 Page 525 Issue 1 A TRFN: Assignment of T raffic Measurement Orde r f or Fus ion Netw or k A TRFN: Assignment of T raffic Measurement Or der for Fusion Network 1. Functional Outline This co mmand is used to as sign and de lete tr affi c measure ment programs avail able on th e Etherne t.
CHAPTER 8 ND A-24300 P ag e 526 Issu e 1 BOSD: Back Up One-T ouch Speed Call Memory Data BOSD: Back Up One-T ouch Speed Call Memory Data 1. Functional Outline • Sa ve Function • Saves the data re sid in g in the O n e- T ouc h Sp e ed Call Memo ry of D L C/ E LC car d on t o a floppy d isk.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 8 Page 527 Issue 1 CADSD: Continuous Assignment of S tation Data CADSD: Continuous Assignment of Station Dat a 1. Functional Outline This co mma nd ca n as sig n/d elet e man y stat ion dat a si mul tan eous ly w hi ch have co nse cuti ve nu mber s.
CHAPTER 8 ND A-24300 P ag e 528 Issu e 1 CADSD: Continuous Assignment of Station Da ta TEC: T elephone Equi pmen t Class [1-31 ] 1=DP (10pps ) 2=PB 3=DP/PB 4=DP (20pps ) 5-11=Not u sed 12=D term 13=Da.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 8 Page 529 Issue 1 CADSD: Continuous Assignment of S tation Data When Delete is se lec ted i n the T y pe s elect ion list b ox Input Dat a TN(ST AR T): First T enant Numbe r TN(E ND): Last T en ant Nu mbe r STN(ST AR T): Firs t Statio n Number [Max.
CHAPTER 8 ND A-24300 P ag e 530 Issu e 1 CARR: Continuous Assignment of Alternative Route Res triction CARR: Continuous Assignment of Alternative R oute Restriction 1. Functional Outline This co mmand is used to con tinuously assign/del ete the res tricti on data of rela y connection s between th e outgoing route and the in coming route.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 8 Page 531 Issue 1 CARRN: Continuous Assignment of Alternative Route Restriction for NDM CARRN : Continuous Assignment of Alternative Route Restriction for NDM 1.
CHAPTER 8 ND A-24300 P ag e 532 Issu e 1 CA TK: Continuous Assignment of T runk Data CA TK: Continuous Assignment of T runk Data 1. Functional Outline This command c an assi gn/delete m any trunk data simu ltaneously which h ave cons ecu tiv e n umb ers.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 8 Page 533 Issue 1 CA TK: Continuous Assignment of T runk Data Buttons Exec ute: Click to make the input data v alid. Canc el: Cli ck to ca nce l th e input data.
CHAPTER 8 ND A-24300 P ag e 534 Issu e 1 CA TK: Continuous Assignment of T runk Data [When “ Delete ” is se lec te d in th e “T yp e /K IN D ” s el ect io n lis t box] Input Dat a RT: R o u t .
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 8 Page 535 Issue 1 CA TK: Continuous Assignment of T runk Data [Detail s on Trunk Arrang ement “TYPE”] When assi gning the conse cutive t runk dat a by usin g the CATK command, y ou must se lect th e trunk arran geme nt t ype (1-6) in the “ TYPE ” par am et er .
CHAPTER 8 ND A-24300 P ag e 536 Issu e 1 CA TK: Continuous Assignment of T runk Data TYPE=2 (Leve l → Unit → Group) T runk data is a r ranged in the fol lowing numer ical orde r. TYPE=3 (Group → Leve l → Unit) T runk data is a r ranged in the fol lowing numer ical orde r.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 8 Page 537 Issue 1 CA TK: Continuous Assignment of T runk Data TYPE=4 (Group → Unit → Level) T runk data is a r ranged in the fol lowing numer ical orde r. TYPE=5 (Unit → Level → Group) T runk data is a r ranged in the fol lowing numer ical orde r.
CHAPTER 8 ND A-24300 P ag e 538 Issu e 1 CA TK: Continuous Assignment of T runk Data TYPE=6 (Unit → → → → Group → → → → Level) T runk data is a r ranged in the fol lowing numer ical orde r.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 8 Page 539 Issue 1 CBCN: Control of Br oadc asting for NDM CBCN: Control of Broadcasting f or NDM 1. Functional Outline This comma nd is used to spec ify the dest ination of NDM data broadcas t from the NCN. This command is availa ble onl y at the NCN (Network C ontrol Node ).
CHAPTER 8 ND A-24300 P ag e 540 Issu e 1 CCSE: Change of Common Signaling Channel Equipment CCSE: Change of Common Signaling Channel Equipment 1. Functional Outline This command is used to se t/reset the make bus y stat e of CCH circui t card .
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 8 Page 541 Issue 1 CDBU: Change of Dch Bac kup CDBU: Change of Dch B ac k up 1. Functional Outline This comma nd is used to exec ute the D-channel ro ute changeo ver, associ ated with the D-CHANNEL BACKUP-PRI feature (for AT&T /NT/N-ISDN2).
CHAPTER 8 ND A-24300 P ag e 542 Issu e 1 CMOD: Change of System Mode CMOD: Change of Syst em Mode 1. Functional Outline This command i s use d to execut e A CT/ST -BY change of th e process or (CPU) /TSW and display t he status of CPU/CLK/TSW .
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 8 Page 543 Issue 1 CMWL: Control Message W ait ing Lamp CMWL: Control Message W aiting Lamp 1. Functional Outline This com mand is us ed to i ndicate O N/OFF st atus and to control th e Messag e Wa iting La mp ON /OFF (MW Lamp) a t the st ation.
CHAPTER 8 ND A-24300 P ag e 544 Issu e 1 CMWL_T: C ontrol Message W a iti ng Lamps – T elephone Number CMWL_T : Contr ol Message W aiting Lamps – T e lephone Number 1. Functional Outline This command is used to c ontrol/dis play the Message Waiting Lamp ’ s ON/OFF stat us, by usi ng Telephon e Num bers.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 8 Page 545 Issue 1 CPRS: Contro l led Alternate PRSCs CPRS: Contr olled Alterna te PRSCs 1. Functional Outline This co mmand is neces sary for the Contr olled Alte rnate PRSCs functio n. It eithe r select s the clas s used between two priorit y restric tion clas ses (Normal or Urgent), or indicates the class used.
CHAPTER 8 ND A-24300 P ag e 546 Issu e 1 CSCL: Continu ous Change of Station Class CSCL: Continuous Change of Station Class 1. Functional Outline This command can ch ange the station class information ( TEC, RSC, SFC) en bloc by designating the range of the st atio n num b e r.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 8 Page 547 Issue 1 CSTN: Continuous Change of Station Number CSTN: Continuous Change of Station Number 1. Functional Outline This co mma nd can ch ange th e co nsec utiv e s tat ion num ber s en b lo c by desi gna ting th e sta tion num ber r ange .
CHAPTER 8 ND A-24300 P ag e 548 Issu e 1 DCBD: Display of Call Bloc k Entry Data DCBD: Display of Call Bloc k Entr y Data 1. Functional Outline This command is used to di spl ay the following Call Blo.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 8 Page 549 Issue 1 DCBD: Display of Call B lock Entry Data Display Data CNT: Registered “ Restri ct ion N u mber s ” in to t al (1-5 ) DC: Each “ Rest rictio n Number ” • When Ph ysical St at ion Number is re gistered – Max.
CHAPTER 8 ND A-24300 P ag e 550 Issu e 1 DCEN: Display o f Connection T runk LENS D ata f or LDM DCEN: Displa y of Connection T runk LENS Data f or LDM 1. Functional Outline This command is used to display t he regis tered connecti on trunk/route d ata by d esignati ng LENS.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 8 Page 551 Issue 1 DCON: Display of Connection Status DCON: Displa y of Connection Status 1. Functional Outline This co mmand displays the connecti on status of the stati on and trunks. If the spe cified st ation or tr unk is busy, the conne cted party is d isplayed.
CHAPTER 8 ND A-24300 P ag e 552 Issu e 1 DFTD: Display of Sy stem Message Details DFTD: Displ a y of Sy stem Me ssage Det ails 1. Functional Outline This co mma nd i s n ece ssa ry t o pr int t he syste m mess age s detect ed b y the Fa ult Di a gnostic progr am s.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 8 Page 553 Issue 1 DISS: Display o f Pr ogram Issue DISS: Displa y of Program Issue 1. Functional Outline This command outputs to the printe r and displ ays at the MAT, t he program info rmation (ver sion, issue No. and date) i n the main memor y, and the pr ogram information (SP No.
CHAPTER 8 ND A-24300 P ag e 554 Issu e 1 DLEN: Display of LENS Data DLEN: Displa y of LENS Data 1. Functional Outline This command displays the data (station data or trunk data) assigned for a designate d LEN. For Hotel system, Room Class a nd Floor Ser vice Data [Annex (ANX), Ground/Unde rground (G), Fl oor (FLR) ] displays a l so.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 8 Page 555 Issue 1 DLEN: Display of LENS Data G: 0=Ground 1=Under ground FLR: Floor (1-127) R T : Intern a l Route Number (See T able 8-5 .
CHAPTER 8 ND A-24300 P ag e 556 Issu e 1 DLSL: Display of Loc kout Sta tion - LENS DLSL: Displa y of Loc kout Station - LENS 1. Functional Outline This command print s the LENS of stations in loc kout state.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 8 Page 557 Issue 1 DLSS: Displa y of Loc kout St ation - Number DLSS: Displa y of Loc kout Station - Number 1. Functional Outline This command print s the stations in loc kout state by station number.
CHAPTER 8 ND A-24300 P ag e 558 Issu e 1 DLSS_T: D isplay of Loc k Out Station – Number – T elephone Number DLSS_T : Display of Loc k Out Station – Number – T e lephone Number 1. Functional Outline This comman d is used to p r int out stations in lockout state, b y usin g Telephon e Numbers.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 8 Page 559 Issue 1 DL TEL: Display of T elephone Number from LENS f or LDM DL TEL: Displa y of T elephone Number fr om LENS for LDM 1. Functional Outline This co m ma n d, a v aila b le at e ach Loc a l No d e ( LN ), is u sed to di spl ay t he T el e p ho n e Numbe r o r othe r station data by designating a speci fic LEN.
CHAPTER 8 ND A-24300 P ag e 560 Issu e 1 DNTEL: Display of T elephone Number from LENS f or NDM DNTEL: Displa y of T elephone Number fr om LENS for NDM 1. Functional Outline This command, ava i lable at Network Co ntrol Node (NCN) only, i s used to dis play the T elephone Numbe r or other st atio n data by d esig nat ing a specif ic FPC and LEN.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 8 Page 561 Issue 1 DPKG: Display of Setting P ort P ackage DPKG: Displa y of Setting P or t P acka ge 1. Functional Outline This command is used to displa y the circuit c ard name accommodated in each Gr oup of a spe cific U NIT.
CHAPTER 8 ND A-24300 P ag e 562 Issu e 1 DPS W : Dis p lay Pack ag e Sw it ch St at us DPSW: Displa y P ackage Switch Status 1. Functional Outline This command is used to di splay the follo w ing info.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 8 Page 563 Issue 1 DSTN: Display of St ation Data DSTN: Displa y of Station Data 1. Functional Outline This command is used to dis play the register ed Stati on Data cor responding to the des i gnated Te nant and Statio n Number.
CHAPTER 8 ND A-24300 P ag e 564 Issu e 1 DTELN: Display of T elephone Number Data for NDM DTELN: Displa y of T elephone Number Data f or NDM 1. Functional Outline This comman d is used to displ ay the regis tered stati on data corre sponding to spe cified User Group Numbe r (UGN) and Te lephone Numbe r (TELN).
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 8 Page 565 Issue 1 DTELN: Display of T elephone Number Data for NDM Selecti on Bu tt on CPGN: Call Pic kup Group (NDM) CPEN: Call Pickup Ex pand Group (NDM) SHUN: Station Hunting Gro.
CHAPTER 8 ND A-24300 P ag e 566 Issu e 1 DTF101: D isplay of T erminal T raff ic Data DTF101: Displa y of T erminal T raffic Da ta 1. Functional Outline This c ommand disp lays the resu lt of traffic measurem ent data f or Type=1 (Terminal Traffi c) assi gned by th e ATRF command.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 8 Page 567 Issue 1 DTF102: Displa y of Route T raffic Data DTF102: Display of Route T raffi c Data 1. Functional Outline This command dis plays th e result of traffic mea surement data for Type= 2 (Route Traff ic) ass igned by th e ATRF command.
CHAPTER 8 ND A-24300 P ag e 568 Issu e 1 DTF103: Displa y of Station P eg Count Data DTF103: Displa y of Station P e g Count Data 1. Functional Outline This comman d di splay s the resul t of traf fic measure ment data for Type=3 ( Stati on Peg Coun t) as signed by th e ATRF command.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 8 Page 569 Issue 1 DTF104: Display of Attendant P eg Count Data DTF104: Displa y of Attendant P eg Count Data 1. Functional Outline This command displays the result o f traff ic measur ement data for Type =4 (ATT Peg Cou nt) assi gned by th e ATRF command.
CHAPTER 8 ND A-24300 P ag e 570 Issu e 1 DTF105: Displa y of Route P eg Count Data DTF105: Displa y of Route P eg Count Data 1. Functional Outline This command displays the result of traffic mea surement data for Type=5 (Route Peg Count) assigned by the ATRF command.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 8 Page 571 Issue 1 DTF201: Display of Service P eg Count Data DTF201: Displa y of Service Peg Count Data 1. Functional Outline This command display s the re sult of traffi c measuremen t data f or Type=6 (Service Peg Count) assigne d by the ATRF command.
CHAPTER 8 ND A-24300 P ag e 572 Issu e 1 DTF301: Displa y of UCD Route P eg Count Data DTF301: Displa y of UCD Route P eg Count Data 1. Functional Outline This comma nd displays the result of traffic measu r ement data f or Type=8 (UCD Route Peg Coun t) assigne d by the ATRF command.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 8 Page 573 Issue 1 DTF302: Display of UCD Group P eg Count Data DTF302: Displa y of UCD Group P e g Count Data 1. Functional Outline This comma nd display s the result of traffic meas urement data for Type=9 (UCD Group Peg C ount) assigned by the ATRF command.
CHAPTER 8 ND A-24300 P ag e 574 Issu e 1 DTF303: Displa y of Station P eg Count Data DTF303: Displa y of Station P e g Count Data 1. Functional Outline This comman d disp lays the result of traff ic measure ment data for Type= 10 (UCD Stat ion Peg Cou nt) ass igned by the ATRF command.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 8 Page 575 Issue 1 DTF501: Display of Atten dant Answe ring P eg Count Data DTF501: Displa y of Attendant Answ ering P eg Count Data 1. Functional Outline This co m mand d isplays the res ult of traf fic meas urement da ta for Type=1 5 (ATT Answ ering Pe g Count) assigne d by the ATRF comman d.
CHAPTER 8 ND A-24300 P ag e 576 Issu e 1 DTF601: Displa y of Connection Route P eg Count Data DTF601: Displa y of Connection Route P eg Count Data 1. Functional Outline This comma nd display s the resu lt of traff ic measuremen t data for Type=18 (Conne ction Rout e Peg Count) assigne d by the ATRF comman d.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 8 Page 577 Issue 1 DTF602: Display of Connection Rou te T raffic Data DTF602: Displa y of Connection Route T raffic Data 1. Functional Outline This command displays the resul t of traffi c measureme nt data for Type=19 (C onnection Route Traffic) assigne d by the ATRF comman d.
CHAPTER 8 ND A-24300 P ag e 578 Issu e 1 DTF101N: Dis p lay of T erminal T raffic Data f or Fusion Network DTF101N: Displa y of T erminal T raffic Data f or Fusion Network 1. Functional Outline This co mmand is used fo r displaying th e result of traff ic measurement dat a for “ Type ” =1 (Term inal Tr affic) assigne d by the ATRFN command .
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 8 Page 579 Issue 1 DTF102N: Display of Route T raffic Data for Fus ion Netw ork DTF102N: Displa y of Route T raffic Data f or Fusion Netw ork 1. Functional Outline This comm and is us ed f or dis pla ying the re sul t of tr aff ic me asu reme nt da ta for “ Type ” =2 (Ro ute Traf fic) assigne d by the ATRFN command .
CHAPTER 8 ND A-24300 P ag e 580 Issu e 1 DTF103N: Display of Station P eg Count Data for Fusion Netw ork DTF103N: Displa y of Station P eg Count Dat a f or Fusion Netw ork 1.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 8 Page 581 Issue 1 DTF104N: Display of Attendant P eg Count Data f or Fusion Netw ork DTF104N: Displa y of Attendant P eg Count Data for Fusion Netw ork 1. Functional Outline This command i s used for displ aying the result of traffi c measuremen t data for “ Type ” =4 ( ATT Peg Count) assigne d by the ATRFN command .
CHAPTER 8 ND A-24300 P ag e 582 Issu e 1 DTF105N: Display o f Route P eg C ount Data f or Fusion Network DTF105N: Displa y of Route P eg Count Data f or Fusion Netw ork 1. Functional Outline This co mmand is used fo r displayi ng the result of traffic m easuremen t data for “ Type ” =5 (Route Peg Count ) assigne d by the ATRFN command .
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 8 Page 583 Issue 1 DTF201N: Display of Service P e g Count Data for Fus ion Network DTF201N: Displa y of Service Peg Count Data f or Fusion Network 1. Functional Outline This comm and is use d fo r disp layi ng th e res ult of traf fic m easu rem ent da ta fo r “ Type ” =6 (Se rvice Peg Co unt) assigne d by the ATRFN command .
CHAPTER 8 ND A-24300 P ag e 584 Issu e 1 DTF301 N : Di s p lay of UCD Rou te Peg Count Data for Fusion Network DTF301N: Displa y of UCD Route P eg Count Data f or Fusion Network 1.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 8 Page 585 Issue 1 DTF302N: Displa y of UCD Group P eg Count Data for Fusion Netw ork DTF302N: Displa y of UCD Gr oup P e g Count Data for Fusion Network 1.
CHAPTER 8 ND A-24300 P ag e 586 Issu e 1 DTF303N: Display o f UCD Station Peg Count Da ta f or Fusion Network DTF303N: Displa y of UCD Station P eg Count Data f or Fusion Ne tw ork 1.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 8 Page 587 Issue 1 DTF501N: Display of Attendant Ans w ering P e g Count Data f or Fusion Netw or k DTF501N: Displa y of Attendant Answ ering P eg Count Data f or Fusion Netw ork 1.
CHAPTER 8 ND A-24300 P ag e 588 Issu e 1 DTF601N: Display of Connection Route P eg Count Data for Fusion Netw ork DTF601N: Displa y of Connection Route P eg Count Data for Fusion Network 1.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 8 Page 589 Issue 1 DTF602N: Display of Connection Route T raffic Data for Fusion Network DTF602N: Displa y of Connection Route T raffic Data for Fusion Net w ork 1.
CHAPTER 8 ND A-24300 P ag e 590 Issu e 1 FLINST: File Install FLINST : F ile Insta ll 1. Functional Outline This comma nd is us ed to instal l the DP SW- dedic ated databa se fi les to yo ur MAT . Thi s comm and is necess ary to provi de each circuit card ’ s variou s informa tion (such a s circui t card name, equipp ed switch names, etc.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 8 Page 591 Issue 1 HDD_FDD: Data Control Between HDD and FDD HDD_FDD: Data Cont r ol Between HDD and FDD 1. Functional Outline This command is used to inst all the program da ta from FDD of PBX to HDD of PBX, and t o verify the pr ogram data between FDD of PBX and HDD of PBX.
CHAPTER 8 ND A-24300 P ag e 592 Issu e 1 HDD_FDD: Data Control Between HDD and FDD File Name Sele ct Auto V er if y Afte rw ar d Note 1: Wh en t his da ta is selec t ed, sp ecify th e fi le nam es in the “ F ile N ame S elect ” paramete r.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 8 Page 593 Issue 1 HDD_MA T: Data Control Between HDD a nd MA T HDD_MA T : Data Control Between HDD and MA T 1. Functional Outline This command is used to sa ve the followi ng dat a from HDD of PBX to MAT.
CHAPTER 8 ND A-24300 P ag e 594 Issu e 1 HDD_MA T_N: Data Contro l Between HD D and MA T fo r NDM HDD_MA T_N: Data Control Between HDD and MA T f or NDM 1. Functional Outline This command, a vailabl e at the NCN onl y, instal ls (overwr ites) t he updated P rogram data from the cen tralized MAT onto the HDD of all local nodes.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 8 Page 595 Issue 1 HDFP: HDD Format of PBX HDFP: HDD Format of PBX 1. Functional Outline This command is used to exe cut e the form att i ng of the HDD of PBX. 2. P arameters Input Data (Sel ection b y check) 0 System: HDD of No.0 Syst em 1 System: HDD of No.
CHAPTER 8 ND A-24300 P ag e 596 Issu e 1 MBCT: Make Busy of Connection T runk for LDM MBCT : Make Busy of Connection T runk for LDM 1. Functional Outline This command is used to se t/reset the make bus y stat e of the connection tr unk.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 8 Page 597 Issue 1 MBLE: Make Busy of LENS MBLE: Make B usy o f LENS 1. Functional Outline This command assign s the IDLE/BUSY status of Lin e Equipment Numbers (LENS).
CHAPTER 8 ND A-24300 P ag e 598 Issu e 1 MBPM: Mak e Busy of P or t Microprocessor MBPM: Make B usy o f P or t Micropr oce ssor 1. Functional Outline This comma nd sets or r esets the mak e-busy sta te of the ci rcuit card t hat contai ns the port microproces sor.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 8 Page 599 Issue 1 MBRT: Make Busy of Route MBR T : Ma ke Bu sy of Route 1. Functional Outline This command assign s Idle/Busy stat us for al l the tr unks in the route desi gnat ed . 2. P arameters Input da ta R T : Route Number o f the e xternal rout e/inte rnal route.
CHAPTER 8 ND A-24300 P ag e 600 Issu e 1 MBRT_LR: Make Bu sy of Rout e-Logical Route Number MBR T _LR: Make Busy of Route-Logical Route Number 1. Functional Outline This comman d is used for ass igning IDLE/BUSY sta tus of all the tru nks in the logical route design ated.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 8 Page 601 Issue 1 MBSM : M ake Bu sy of Syst e m Mes sage Pr in tout MBSM: Make Bu sy of Sy stem Me ssage Printout 1. Functional Outline This comma nd allows or inhibits the system message printer to output sys tem messag es. 2. P arameters Input da ta POR T NO.
CHAPTER 8 ND A-24300 P ag e 602 Issu e 1 MBST: Ma ke Busy of Stati on MBST : Make B usy o f Sta tion 1. Functional Outline This command assign s the Idle/Busy sta tus of station s. 2. P arameters Input da ta TN STN : Ma ximu m 5 digi ts f or Bus ine ss sys tem / Maxi mum 6 digits fo r Hotel sys tem.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 8 Page 603 Issue 1 MBST_T : Mak e Busy of Stat ion – T elephone Number MBST_T : Make B usy o f Stati on – T e lephone Number 1. Functional Outline This comma nd is used to assi gn the IDLE/BUS Y status of stat ions, by using Telephone Number s.
CHAPTER 8 ND A-24300 P ag e 604 Issu e 1 MBTC: Make Busy of T runk-Continuous MBTC: Make Busy o f T runk-Cont inuous 1. Functional Outline This co m mand is used to a ssign t he IDLE/BUSY s tatus o f trunks .
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 8 Page 605 Issue 1 MBTC_LR: Make Busy of T runk-Continuous-Logical Route Number MBTC_LR: Make Busy of T runk-Continuous-Logical Route Number 1.
CHAPTER 8 ND A-24300 P ag e 606 Issu e 1 MBTK: Make Busy of T runk MBTK: Make Busy of T runk 1. Functional Outline This command assign s the Idle/Busy sta tus of trunks.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 8 Page 607 Issue 1 MBTK_LR: Make Busy T runk-Logical Route Number MBTK_LR: Make Busy T runk-Logical Route Number 1. Functional Outline This command is use d to assign the IDLE/BUSY status of trunk s. Route number of t he MBTK command ca n be as signed by usi ng logical route numb er.
CHAPTER 8 ND A-24300 P ag e 608 Issu e 1 MEM_HDD: Da ta Control Between Memory a nd HDD MEM_HDD: Data Control Between Memory and HDD 1. Functional Outline This command is used to sa ve the followi ng dat a from MEM of PBX to HDD of PBX, and vice versa.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 8 Page 609 Issue 1 MEM_HDD_N: Da ta Control Between Memor y and HDD f or NDM MEM_HDD_N: Data Control Between Memory and HDD for NDM 1. Functional Outline This comman d, available at th e NCN only , is use d to sav e/verify a series o f Office Data fr om the Memory of all Loca l Nodes to the HDD of each same node .
CHAPTER 8 ND A-24300 P ag e 610 Issu e 1 MFCH: Make Busy of FCCH MFCH: Make Busy of FCCH 1. Functional Outline This command i s used t o set or rese t the make busy state of the FCH ca rd.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 8 Page 611 Issue 1 PMBU: P ort Micropr ocessor Back Up PMB U: P or t Micr oprocessor B ack Up 1. Functional Outline This command saves the cont ents of Port Micr oprocesso r (PM) ont o Floppy Dis k (FD) or v erifies them. Information of firmware (Program Code) also appears o n the screen.
CHAPTER 8 ND A-24300 P ag e 612 Issu e 1 RALM: Rele ase Alar m RALM: Release Alarm 1. Functional Outline This co mman d c lea rs th e fau lt indi cat ion s.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 8 Page 613 Issue 1 RALMN: Rel ease Ala rm for NDM RALMN: Release Alarm for NDM 1. Functional Outline This comm a nd, av ail a b l e at the N CN on ly , cl ear s the fa ul t indicat i ons of all the No d es by cl icki n g the re le ase button o n the display.
CHAPTER 8 ND A-24300 P ag e 614 Issu e 1 RLST: Release Statio n/T runk RLST : Release Station/T runk 1. Functional Outline This command relea ses a station or trunk.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 8 Page 615 Issue 1 RLST_T: Re lease of Stat ion/T runk – T elephone Number RLST_T : Release of Station/T runk – T elephone Number 1. Functional Outline This command is used to r elease a station/trunk, by using Telephon e Numbers .
CHAPTER 8 ND A-24300 P ag e 616 Issu e 1 RLST_T: Release of Station/T runk – T elephone Number ST A TU S : Sta tus of Sta ti on/ Trunk (1-5 ) 1=Idle 2=Busy 3=Lock out 4=Make Bu sy 5=No w Callin g IN.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 8 Page 617 Issue 1 SINZ: System Init ializ ation SINZ: Syste m Initialization 1. Functional Outline This comm and initia liz es the PBX from the MA T. At the time of sys tem init iali zatio n, th is com man d allo ws the prog rams and the office data to b e loaded from a Ha rd Disk of PBX into the RAM of PBX.
CHAPTER 8 ND A-24300 P ag e 618 Issu e 1 SPTS: Scanning of Port Status SPTS : Scanning of P or t St atus 1. Functional Outline This comman d displays momenta r ily th e working stat us of Por t Micr oprocessor ( PM) on Module Gro up (MG), Unit, and Group basis.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 8 Page 619 Issue 1 SPTS: Scanning of Port Status Figure 8-1 Po rt Stat us Rep o rt ( MG) Dis play T able 8-7 pr o vides a list of the circu it cards and the working status of PM in ea ch group.
CHAPTER 8 ND A-24300 P ag e 620 Issu e 1 SPTS: Scanning of Port Status T ype 2: By MG, Uni t Display o f Scanning by Desig nating Uni t ( Fig ure 8-2 ) Port Sta t us on Circuit Card Basis ID: On- Line.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 8 Page 621 Issue 1 SPTS: Scanning of Port Status T ype 3: By MG, Unit, Gr oup Display o f Scanning by Desig nating Grou p When Group is De signated ( Figure 8- 3 ) ST A TU S: Idle = .
CHAPTER 8 ND A-24300 P ag e 622 Issu e 1 SPTS: Scanning of Port Status When Group-T runk is Desi gnated ( Figure 8-4 ) RT: S e e T able 8-8 . TK: T runk Number TCL: T runk Class Figure 8-4 Port Status.
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 8 Page 623 Issue 1 SRTS : Scanning o f Route Status SR TS: Scanning of R oute Status 1. Functional Outline This command displays t he designated trunk status (busy/id le) at predetermined interva ls. A maximum of 15 routes can be scan ned.
CHAPTER 8 ND A-24300 P ag e 624 Issu e 1 SR TS_LR: Scanning of Route Status-Logical Route Number SR TS_LR: Scanning of R oute Status-Logical Route Number 1. Functional Outline This command displays the designated tru nk status (Busy/Id le) at predet ermined i ntervals (ma ximum 15 routes).
NDA-24300 CHAPTER 8 Page 625 Issue 1 XHFD: X -RA Y HD or FD D Diagnosis XHFD: X-RA Y HD or FDD Diagnosis 1. Functional Outline This command is used to exe c ute the following dia gnoses.
CHAPTER 8 ND A-24300 P ag e 626 Issu e 1 XHFD: X-RA Y HD or FDD Diagnosis Display Data F A UL T DRIVE: Fault Dri ve Number [0-4] 0=- 1=#0 2=#1 3=#2 4=#3 F A UL T SECT OR: Number of Fault Sect or [0-65.
デバイスNEC NDA-24300の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
NEC NDA-24300をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはNEC NDA-24300の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。NEC NDA-24300の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。NEC NDA-24300で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
NEC NDA-24300を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はNEC NDA-24300の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、NEC NDA-24300に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちNEC NDA-24300デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。