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SM-DM602 Oct ober 2002 NET GEAR , Inc. 4500 Grea t America Parkway Santa Cla ra, CA 950 54 USA Phone 1-888 -NETGEAR Reference Manual for the Model D M602 ADSL Modem DM602.
ii © 2002 by NETGEAR, Inc. All rights reserved. T r ademar ks NETGEAR is a tradem ark of Net gear, Inc. Micros of t, W indow s, and Windows NT are r egi stered trademarks of Microso ft Corporat ion. Other bra nd and produ ct names ar e registe red trad em ark s or trademarks o f thei r respective holders.
iii Bestätigung des Herstellers/Importeur s Es wird hi er mit bestät i gt, daß das Mod el DM602 ADSL Mo dem gemäß der im BMP T -Amtsbl Vfg 243/19 91 und Vfg 46/199 2 aufgef ührt en Bestimmu ngen ents tört is t. Das vorsc h riftsmäßige Betreiben einiger Geräte (z.
iv Page iv Friday, October 4, 2002 4:22 PM.
Contents v Content s About This Guide Chapter 1 Introduction About the Modem .............. ............. ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ............. ...... ....... ...... ....... ......... 1-1 Key Features ..................... ...............
vi Contents Chapter 3 Prep aring Y our Computer Preparing Y our Co mputer for TCP /IP Netw orking .......... ................... ............. ............. ... 3-1 Configur ing Wind ows 95, 98, and ME for TCP/IP Netw orking ........... ..............
Contents vii Device Mode ............... ............. .................... ............. ............. ................... ............. ....... 5- 10 Chapter 6 T roubleshooting Basic Functio nin g .............. ...... ............. ....... ...... .
viii Contents Page viii Friday, October 4, 2002 4:22 PM.
About This Gui de ix About This Guide Congratul ations o n your pu rchase of the NETGEAR ™ Model DM602 ADSL Mod em . The DM602 mode m provides a secure c onnection for a c omputer to the Inter net thro ugh an inter nal A DSL m ode m.
Referenc e Manual f or the Model DM60 2 ADSL Modem x About Thi s Guid e T ypograp hica l Conv ention s This gui de uses the foll owing typogr aphical convent ions: ital ics Book titles and UNIX file, c ommand, and dir ectory na mes. courier font Scree n te x t, use r-type d com m and -lin e entr ies.
Introduc tion 1-1 Chap ter 1 Introduction This chap ter de scribes the feat ures of t he NETGEAR Model DM602 ADSL Mod em . Abou t the Mode m The Model DM602 ADSL Modem connects your comput er to the Inte rn et us ing a built-i n ADSL modem. The DM602 mode m provides y ou with hig h-speed ADSL I nternet a ccess.
Referenc e Manual f or the Model DM60 2 ADSL Modem 1-2 Introduc tion • Pro toco l Supp ort – Dynamic Host Configu ration Prot ocol (DHCP) se rver for dynamicall y assigni ng network c onfigurat ion info rmatio n to one comput er .
Referenc e Manual for the Mo del DM602 ADSL Mode m Introdu ction 1-3 Router Device Mode In Router Device Mode, t he DM602 su pports con figurati on of the T ransmissi on Control Protocol / Intern et Protoc ol (TCP/IP) parameter s and login f unctions o n the mode m.
Referenc e Manual f or the Model DM60 2 ADSL Modem 1-4 Introduc tion Page 4 F riday, October 4, 2002 4:22 P M.
Setting Up the Hardwa re 2-1 Chap ter 2 Setting Up the Hardware This chap ter de scribes the Model DM6 02 ADSL Modem hardwar e and provi des in structions for insta lling it. Packag e Conte nt s The produc t pack age should c ontain t he followi ng items: Figure 2-1.
Referenc e Manual f or the Model DM60 2 ADSL Modem 2-2 Setting U p the Hardw are • Model DM602 ADSL Modem • AC power ad apter ( varies by regio n) • Cat ego r y 5 ( Cat 5) Eth ern et cab le • .
Referenc e Manual for the Mo del DM602 ADSL Mode m Setting Up the Hardwar e 2-3 The Modem’ s Front Pa nel The front panel of the DM602 modem ( Fi gure 2-2 ) con tains st atus LEDs. Figure 2-2. DM 602 Front Panel Y ou can use some of the LEDs to ve rify connecti ons.
Referenc e Manual f or the Model DM60 2 ADSL Modem 2-4 Setting U p the Hardw are The M odem ’ s Rear Pa nel The rear panel of the Model DM602 modem ( Figur e 2-3 ) contai ns por t conne cti ons and a power switc h.
Referenc e Manual for the Mo del DM602 ADSL Mode m Setting Up the Hardwar e 2-5 Access Requirement The Model DM602 ADSL Mode m contains a built- in ADSL modem, which connect s directly to an ADSL servi ce provi der .
Referenc e Manual f or the Model DM60 2 ADSL Modem 2-6 Setting U p the Hardw are ADSL Through a Modular RJ-1 1 Wal l Jack . T o install the Model DM60 2 modem direct ly to the wall jac k without i nstalli ng a tele phone: 1. Connect t he prov ided tele phone cabl e to the wal l ja ck.
Referenc e Manual for the Mo del DM602 ADSL Mode m Setting Up the Hardwar e 2-7 Connecting the Power Adapter T o connect the power ad apter to t he mo dem: 1. Plug the connector of the powe r adapt er into o utlet on the rear panel o f the modem. 2. Plug the other end of the adapter i nto an AC power outle t.
Referenc e Manual f or the Model DM60 2 ADSL Modem 2-8 Setting U p the Hardw are Conn ecting to Y our C omput er Y our computer wil l attach to either t he Etherne t or USB 1.1 mode m ports s hown in Figure 2-3 . Ethe rnet T o connect your comput er to th e modem via Ethernet : 1.
Referenc e Manual for the Mo del DM602 ADSL Mode m Setting Up the Hardwar e 2-9 1. Insta ll th e U SB d river a. Insert the CD which c ame with your modem into the CD dr ive of you r computer . Figure 2-5. CD St artup Scre en b. Click th e INST ALL USB Driver butt on.
Referenc e Manual f or the Model DM60 2 ADSL Modem 2-10 Setting U p the Hardw are Ready to C onfigure Y our Modem Y ou are now rea dy to assu re your compu ter is pr epared f or connect ing to and configur ing your modem, as des cribed in the f ollowing ch apter .
Preparin g Your Co mputer 3-1 Chap ter 3 Prep aring Y our Computer This chap ter de scr i bes how to pr epa re y our comput er to con nec t t o t he Int ern et thr oug h the Model DM602 ADSL Modem and ho w to verify the readiness of a DSL modem accou nt from an In ternet servic e provi der (ISP) .
Referenc e Manual f or the Model DM60 2 ADSL Modem 3-2 Preparing Your Computer In most ca ses, you sh ould in stall TCP/ IP so that the comput er obtain s its spe cific ne twork configu ration i nformation automatic ally fr om a DHCP server d uring boot up.
Referenc e Manual for the Mo del DM602 ADSL Mode m Prepari ng Your Computer 3-3 Y ou must have an Eth ernet ada pter , the TCP/IP pro tocol, and Client fo r Microsof t Networks. If you ne ed the ada pter: a. Click th e Add button . b. Select Adapter , and then cl ick Add.
Referenc e Manual f or the Model DM60 2 ADSL Modem 3-4 Preparing Your Computer a. Click th e Add button . b. Select Client, an d then c lick Add. c. Select Mi cr osof t. d. Select Client fo r Microsof t Networ ks, and then click OK. 3. Rest art yo ur PC for the chan ges to tak e e ffect.
Referenc e Manual for the Mo del DM602 ADSL Mode m Prepari ng Your Computer 3-5 V erifying TCP/IP Propertie s (Windows) After yo ur PC is configure d and ha s reboote d, you can che ck the TCP/I P confi guration using the utilit y w inipcf g.exe : 1. On the W indows taskba r , cl ick the S tart button, a nd then click Run.
Referenc e Manual f or the Model DM60 2 ADSL Modem 3-6 Preparing Your Computer 7. Click OK and close al l Network an d Dialup Conne ctions wi ndows. 8. Make sure y our PC is con nected to the mode m, then reboot your P C. V erifying TCP/IP Propertie s T o check your PC’ s TCP/IP conf igurati on: 1.
Referenc e Manual for the Mo del DM602 ADSL Mode m Prepari ng Your Computer 3-7 The TCP/IP Con trol Pane l opens: 2. From the “ Connect v ia” box, se lect your Macintosh’ s Ethernet i nterface. 3. From the “ Configure” box, selec t Using DHCP Ser ver .
Referenc e Manual f or the Model DM60 2 ADSL Modem 3-8 Preparing Your Computer V erifying TCP/IP Properties for Macinto sh Computers After yo ur Macintos h is confi gured and h as reb ooted, you ca n check th e TCP/IP conf igurati on by retur nin g to th e TCP /IP C ont ro l Pa nel.
Referenc e Manual for the Mo del DM602 ADSL Mode m Prepari ng Your Computer 3-9 V e rifyi ng th e Readin ess of Y our DSL In tern et Acc ou nt For ac cess to th e Inte rne t, you n eed to con t rac t with an Int erne t se rv ice pr ovi der (I SP ) fo r a single -user Int ernet ac cess a ccount usi ng a DSL modem.
Referenc e Manual f or the Model DM60 2 ADSL Modem 3-10 Preparin g Your Co mputer If an I SP technici an confi gured yo ur computer during th e inst allati on of the s ervice f or a stat ic IP address.
Basic Configu ration of the Mod em 4-1 Chap ter 4 Basic Configuration of the Modem This chap ter de scribes how to perf orm the basi c configu ration of your Model DM602 ADSL Modem for you r Int ernet conn ection.
Referenc e Manual f or the Model DM60 2 ADSL Modem 4-2 Basic Co nfigurati on of the M odem For added securit y , the modem is protecte d with a User Name and Pass word. 4. T ype admin in the User Na me box, password in t he Password box, and then click OK.
Referenc e Manual for the Mo del DM602 ADSL Mode m Basic Con figurati on of th e Modem 4-3 Configur ing the Mo dem in Rout er Devi ce Mode for an ISP Ac count with PPPoE o r PP PoA Login If your Internet service account us es a logi n protocol such as PPP o ver Ether net (PPPoE) or PPP over A TM (PPPoA), f ill out the menu below .
Referenc e Manual f or the Model DM60 2 ADSL Modem 4-4 Basic Co nfigurati on of the M odem 3. Domain Name Ser ver (DNS) Addres s: Usua ll y th e “ Ge t A utom a tic ally fr om IS P” se ttin g will w ork.
Referenc e Manual for the Mo del DM602 ADSL Mode m Basic Con figurati on of th e Modem 4-5 A login wi ndow opens as shown in Figure 4-4 below:. Figure 4-4. Mode m Login window 5. T ype admin in the User Na me box, password in t he Password box, and then click OK.
Referenc e Manual f or the Model DM60 2 ADSL Modem 4-6 Basic Co nfigurati on of the M odem 7. After s elect ing Modem Device ty pe, the mo dem sends the modem’ s built in W eb Configur ation Ma nager scr een below (s ee Fig ure 4-6 ) t o your b rowser .
Advanc ed Confi guration of the M odem 5-1 Chap ter 5 Advance d Config ur ation of the Modem This chap ter de scribes how to confi gure the a dvanced fe atures of your Mode l DM602 ADSL Modem . Thes e features can be f ound under t he Advanced heading in the Main Menu of t he brow s er in te rfa ce .
Referenc e Manual f or the Model DM60 2 ADSL Modem 5-2 Advance d Configurati on of th e Modem This scre en sh ows th e fo ll ow ing pa rame ter s: Ta b l e 5-1. Router St atus Fields Field Descrip tion Firmware V e rsion This fi eld di splays the modem firmware v ersion.
Referenc e Manual for the Mo del DM602 ADSL Mode m Advanc ed Configu ration o f the Mo dem 5-3 Click on t he “Show S tatis tics” but ton to di splay mo dem usage st atisti cs, as shown in Figur e 5-2 belo w: Figure 5-2. Show Statistics screen This scre e n sh ow s th e foll owin g stat isti cs: .
Referenc e Manual f or the Model DM60 2 ADSL Modem 5-4 Advance d Configurati on of th e Modem Click th e “PPP S tatus ” button t o display the progr ess of th e PPPoE or P PPoA connecti on, as shown in Fi gure 5-3 , bel ow .
Referenc e Manual for the Mo del DM602 ADSL Mode m Advanc ed Configu ration o f the Mo dem 5-5 Modem Device Mode St atus In Modem Devic e Mode , fr om th e Mai n Me nu o f t he b rows er int er fa ce, c lick on Modem S t at us t o displa y the Sys tem St atus s creen, sho wn in Fig ure 5-4 wil l appear .
Referenc e Manual f or the Model DM60 2 ADSL Modem 5-6 Advance d Configurati on of th e Modem Click on t he “Show S tatis tics” but ton to di splay mo dem usage st atisti cs, as shown in Figur e 5-5 belo w: Figure 5-5. Show Statistics screen This scre e n sh ow s th e foll owin g stat isti cs: .
Referenc e Manual for the Mo del DM602 ADSL Mode m Advanc ed Configu ration o f the Mo dem 5-7 LAN IP S etup The LAN IP Set up menu al lows confi guration of LAN IP ser vices such as DHCP . From the Main Menu of t he bro wser interf ace, u nder Adv anc ed, cl ick on LAN IP Se tup to view the LAN I P Setup menu, shown i n Figure 5- 6 Figure 5-6.
Referenc e Manual f or the Model DM60 2 ADSL Modem 5-8 Advance d Configurati on of th e Modem Chan ging th e Modem Access Passw ord The defa ult us er name is admin and the pa ssword for t he modem’ s W eb Configur atio n Manager is password . Net gear rec ommends that y ou change t his user n ame and pass word to a more secure combinati on.
Referenc e Manual for the Mo del DM602 ADSL Mode m Advanc ed Configu ration o f the Mo dem 5-9 From the Mai n Menu of the browser interfa ce, under t he Maint enance hea ding, sele ct the Firmware Upg rade heading to displ ay the menu sh ow n i n Figure 5-8 .
Referenc e Manual f or the Model DM60 2 ADSL Modem 5-10 Advance d Configur ation of th e Mode m The Securi ty menu, shown in Figure 5-9 , allows th e configur atio n of a Defau lt DMZ Server . Figure 5-9. DMZ menu. T o assign a computer or serve r to be a De fault DMZ ser ver: 1.
Referenc e Manual for the Mo del DM602 ADSL Mode m Advanc ed Configu ration o f the Mo dem 5-11 In Router Device Mode, t he modem pr ovides limit ed router functio nality whi ch allows you to have the modem perform a ny logon steps your I SP may requir e.
Referenc e Manual f or the Model DM60 2 ADSL Modem 5-12 Advance d Configur ation of th e Mode m Page 12 Friday, October 4, 2002 4:22 PM.
Troubles hooting 6- 1 Chap ter 6 T roubleshooting This chap ter gi ves info rmation abo ut troubl eshooting your Mode l DM602 ADSL Modem . After each pro blem des cription , inst ructions are provi ded to hel p you di agnose and s olve the p roblem.
Referenc e Manual f or the Model DM60 2 ADSL Modem 6-2 Troubl eshootin g T r oublesho otin g the Modem ’ s W eb Configur ation Inte rface If you ar e unable t o access the modem’ s W eb Configurat.
Referenc e Manual for the Mo del DM602 ADSL Mode m Troub lesh ooting 6-3 T r oublesho otin g the ISP C onn ection ADSL link If your modem is unabl e to acces s the Internet, you should first d etermine whe ther you h ave an ADSL link with the s erv ic e provid er .
Referenc e Manual f or the Model DM60 2 ADSL Modem 6-4 Troubl eshootin g Obt aining a W AN IP A ddress If your modem is unab le to acc ess the int ernet, an d your W AN LED is gre en or blinki ng green, yo u should det ermine whethe r the modem is able to obtai n a W AN IP address from the ISP .
Referenc e Manual for the Mo del DM602 ADSL Mode m Troub lesh ooting 6-5 4. If any of t he steps in dicates “ Failed”, you can attempt to reconnec t by clicking “Co nnect”.
Referenc e Manual f or the Model DM60 2 ADSL Modem 6-6 Troubl eshootin g Page 6 F riday, October 4, 2002 4:22 P M.
Techni cal Spec ific ations A-1 Append ix A T echnical Specifications This appe ndix provi des te chnical s pecific ations f or the Mod el DM602 ADSL Modem .
Referenc e Manual f or the Model DM60 2 ADSL Modem A-2 Technic al Spec ificati ons Physical Specificat ions Dimensions : 174 by 1 18 by 28 mm 6.9 by 4.
Glossary 1 Glossary 10BASE-T IEEE 802.3 specificat ion for 10 Mb ps Ethernet over twisted p air wiring . 100BASE-Tx IEEE 80 2.3 speci fication for 1 00 Mbps Ether net over tw isted pair wi ring. ADSL See Asymmetric Digital Sub scrib er Line Asymmetric Digita l Subscri ber Line A technology for sending d ata over regular telephone lines.
Referenc e Manual f or the Model DM60 2 ADSL Modem 2 Glossar y IP Address A four -byte number uniquely definin g each host on the I nternet. Ranges of addresses are assigned by Inter nic, an or ganizatio n formed for this pur pose. Usually written in d ot ted-d ecimal notation with per io ds separating the bytes (for example, 134.
Referenc e Manual for the Mo del DM602 ADSL Mode m Glossa ry 3 Network Address T ranslation A technique by which several hosts share a single I P address fo r access to the Internet. NID Network Interface Device. The po int of demarcation, where the telephone line comes into the house.
Referenc e Manual f or the Model DM60 2 ADSL Modem 4 Glossar y USB Universal Serial Bus. An external bus standard that support s data tr ansfer rates of 12 Mbps. A s ingle USB po rt can be us ed to con nect up to 127 peripheral devices , such as network interface adapters, mice, mod ems, and keybo ards.
Index i A ADSL conne c t ing thr o ugh ot h er ja cks 6 conne ct ing thro ugh RJ 11 6 Auto MDI/MDI-X 2 Auto Uplink 2 C Cat5 cable 4 config urati on automatic by DHCP 3 Conn ect Mo de 2, 6 connectio n .
ii Index contacti ng ix P package co ntents 1 password restoring 5 PC, usin g to conf igure 10 PPP over A TM 2, 3, 4 PPP over Eth er ne t 2, 3, 9, 3, 4 Sta t us 4 PPPoA .
デバイスNETGEAR DM602の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
NETGEAR DM602をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはNETGEAR DM602の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。NETGEAR DM602の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。NETGEAR DM602で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
NETGEAR DM602を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はNETGEAR DM602の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、NETGEAR DM602に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちNETGEAR DM602デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。