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Printed in Thailand 6MB18611-01 No reproduction in a ny form of this manual, in whole or in part (except for brief quotation in critical articles or reviews), may be ma de without written auth orization from NIKON CORPORATION.
Pr oduct Documentation Thank you for your pur chase of a Nikon single -lens reflex (SLR) digital camera. The documentation for this product consists of a User’ s Manual (this booklet) and a Reference Manual (p df ).
i P ackage C on tents Confirm that the package contains the following items: Pur chasers of the lens kit option should c onfirm that the package also includes a lens. Memory cards are sold separat ely ( 0 66 ). Came ras p urcha sed in Japan display menus and messages in English and Japanese on ly; other languages ar e not supported.
ii Quick Sta r t Guid e F ollow thes e steps f or a quick start with the D5300. 1 Atta ch the cam era s tra p ( 0 9). Atta ch th e str ap as show n. Repeat for the secon d eyelet. 2 Charge the battery ( 0 9). 3 Inser t the batter y and memory card ( 0 10).
iii 6 Tu r n t h e c a m e r a o n ( 0 12). 7 Choose a language and set the camera clock ( 0 12). 8 Fr ame the photograph ( 0 18). 9 Press the shutter-r elease button halfway ( 0 18).
iv Package C ontents ..... ............. .............. ............. ............ ............... ............ ............. .............. ......... i Quick Start Guide ............. .............. ............ ............. .............. .........
v Special Effects 35 % Night Vision ................................................................................................................... .. 35 g Color Sketch ..............................................................................
vi F or Y our Safety T o prev ent damage to your N ikon product or injur y to yourself or to others, read the follow ing safety precautions in their e ntirety before using this equipment. Keep these safety instructions where all those who use the product will read them.
vii A Do not leav e the product where it will be exposed to extr emely high temperatures , such as in an enclosed automobil e or in direct sunlight F ailure to obser ve this pr e caution could cause damage or fire. A Do not aim a fl ash at the operator of a motor vehi cl e F ailure to obser ve this pr e caution could resu lt in accid ents.
viii A Observe proper precautions when h andling the charger • Keep dr y . F ailure to obser ve this precaution could result in fir e or elec tric shock. • Do not short the charger terminals. F ailure to obser ve this precaution could result in overheating and damage to the charger .
ix Notices • No part of the manuals included with this product may be reproduced, transmitt ed, transcribed, stored in a r etrieval system, or translated into any language in any form, by any means, without Nikon’ s prior written permission.
x Notices for Customers in the U.S.A. Federal C ommunic ations Commission (FCC) Radio Frequency Interference Sta tement This equipment has been tested and f ound to comply with the limits f or a Class B digital device, pursuan t to P ar t 15 of the FCC rules .
xi Notice Conc erning Prohibition of Copying or Reproduction Note that simply being in possession of materia l that has been digitally copied or reproduced by means of a scanner , digital camera, or other device may be punishable by law .
xii Use Only Niko n Brand Electronic Accessories Nikon cameras are designed to the highest stan dards and include complex electronic circuitry. Only Nikon bran d electronic accessories (includi ng cha.
xiii Location Da ta Tra c k l og s : Location data will be record ed with pictures taken while On is selec ted f or Loca tion data > Record location da ta ( 0 45). In add ition, i f Star t is selec ted f or Location data > Create log > Log location da ta in the setup menu, the camera continues to log location data even while off .
xiv Wi r e l e s s This product, which contains encr yption soft ware dev eloped in the United States , is controlled by the United States Export Administration Regulations and may not be exported or re - expor ted t o any c ountr y to which the United States embargoes goods.
xv Notices fo r Customers in Canada This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES -003. This device complies with Industry Canada licence-exempt RSS standard(s).
xvi Notices for Customers in Europe Hereby , Nikon, declares that the D5300 is in co mpliance with the essential requirements and other r elevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC. The declaration of conformity ma y be consulted at
1 Introduc tion T ake a few moments to familiariz e yourse lf wi th ca mera co ntrols and d ispl ays. Yo u may find it helpful to boo kmark this se ction and refer to it as you read through th e rest of the manu al.
2 2 1 7 8 9 10 13 20 21 15 16 14 12 11 19 22 18 17 3 5 6 4 1 Viewfinder eyepiece......... 5, 13 2 Rubber ey ecup 3 G button Menus ......................... ......... 54 4 Infrared receiver f or M L -L3 remote cont rol (rear) ........ 65 5 Monit or Viewing settings.
3 The Mode Dial The camera off ers a choice of the f ollowing shooting modes: P , S, A, and M Modes Select these modes for full control o ver camera settings.
4 The s ( E / # ) Button T o choose how the shutter is released (release mode), press the s ( E / # ) button, then highlight the desired option and press J . Mode Description 8 Single fra me : Camera takes one photograph each time shutter-release button is pressed.
5 Note : Display shown with all indicato rs lit for illustrative purposes. The V iewfinder 7 12 3 4 5 6 8 18 16 19 21 20 11 12 14 9 17 10 15 13 1 Framing grid ( disp lay ed when On is selected for Custom Setting d2) ...................... ..... 55 2 Fo cus points .
6 The Mo ni tor The monito r can be angled and rotated as sho wn below . Normal use Fold the monitor against the camera face out. This position is recommended for normal photography . Low-angle shots Frame live view shots with the camera close to the ground .
7 The In for mat io n D isp lay Viewing settings : T o view the information display , press the R button. Note : Display shown with all indicato rs lit for illustrative purposes. R button 16 10 9 8 11 12 13 14 15 17 22 4 6 1 3 18 19 21 20 2 23 5 7 1 Shooting mode i auto/ j auto (flash off ) .
8 Changing settin gs : T o change the settings at the bottom of the display , press the P button, then highlight items using the multi selector and press J to view options for the highlight ed item. 1 Image qualit y Choose a file format and compression ratio .
9 First Steps Always turn the camera off before inserting or removing batteries or memory cards. 1 Att ach the st rap. Attach the strap as shown. Repeat for the se cond eyelet. 2 Charge the batter y . If a plug adapter is supplied, raise the wall plug and connec t the plug adapter as shown below at lef t, making sure the plug is fully inser ted .
10 3 Inser t the batter y and memory card. Inser t the battery in the orientation shown, using the batter y to keep the orange battery latch pressed to one side. The latch locks the battery in place when the battery is fully inserted. Slide the memor y card in until it clicks into place.
11 4 Att ach a l ens. Be careful to prev ent dust from ent ering the camera when the lens or body cap is remov ed. Be s ure to re move the lens cap befo re tak ing pi ctu res.
12 5 O pen the monitor . Open the monitor as shown. Do not use force . 6 Tu r n t h e c a m e r a o n . A language-selection dialog will be displayed . 7 Choose a language and set the camera clock. Use the multi selector and J button to select a language and set the camera clock.
13 8 Check the batter y level and number of exposures remaining . Pr ess the R button and check the battery level and number of exposur es remaining. In the case of exposures remaining, values ov er 10 00 are sho wn in thousands, indicated by the letter “k ” .
14 D Charging the Battery Read and follow the warnings and c autions on pages vi–viii and 68–70 of this manual. Charge the battery indoors at ambient temperatures of 5 °C –35 °C (41 °F–95 °F).
15 A Removing the Batt ery T o remove the battery, turn the camer a off and open the battery- chamber cover . Press the battery latch in the direction shown by the arrow to r elease the battery and then remove the battery by hand.
16 A A-M, M/A-M, A/M -M, and Vibr ation Reduction (VR) Switches When using autofocus with a lens equipped with an A-M mode switch, slide the switch to A (if the lens has an M/A-M or A/M-M switch, selec t M/A or A/ M ). F or information on other lenses that can be used with this camera, see page 63.
17 “P oint-and-S hoot ” Modes ( i and j ) This sec tion describes how to shoo t photographs and movies in i and j modes, aut omatic “point-a nd-shoot” modes in which the majority of settings are controlled by the camera in response t o shooting co nditions.
18 F raming Photos in the V iewfinder 1 Ready the camera. When framing ph ot ogr aphs in the viewfinder , hold the handgrip in your right hand and cradle the camera body or lens wit h your left. When framing photog raphs in po r trait (tall) orientation, hold the camer a as shown at right.
19 4 Shoot. Smoothly press the shutter-release button the rest of the way down to take the photograph. The memory card access lamp will light and the photograph will be displa yed in the monitor for a few s econ ds. Do not ejec t the memory card or remove or disc onnect the power source until the lamp has gone out and recor ding is complete .
20 V iewing Photogr aphs Pressing K display s a pic tur e in the monitor . Press 4 or 2 t o view additional pictures. ❚❚ Thumbnail Playback T o display images in “ contact sheets ” of four , 12, or 80 images (thumbnail playback), press the W ( Q ) button.
21 Deleting Un wanted Pictures Display the photo graph you wish to delete. Pr ess O ; a confirmation dialog will be displayed. Pr ess the O button again t o delet e the pic ture . A The Stan dby Timer The viewfinder and information display will turn off if no operations are per formed for about eight seconds, r educing the drain on the batter y .
22 F raming Photos in the Monitor 1 Rotate the liv e view switch. The view through the lens will be displayed in the camera monitor (liv e view). 2 Ready the camera. Hold the handg rip in your right ha nd and cradle the camer a body or lens with your lef t.
23 4 Ta k e t h e p i c t u r e . Pr ess the shutter-relea se button the r est of the way down. The monitor tur ns off and the memor y car d access lamp lights during reco rding. Do not eject the memory card or rem ove or disconnect the pow er source until the lamp has gone out and recording is complet e.
24 D Shooting in Live V iew Mode Although they will not appear in the final pic ture, distortion may be visible in the monitor if the camera is panned horizo ntally or an object moves at high speed thr ough frame. Bright light sources may lea ve after-images in the monitor when the camera is panned .
25 V iewing Photographs Pressing K displa ys a picture in the monitor . Pr ess 4 or 2 to view additional pictures. Deleting Un wanted Pictures Display the photo graph you wish to delete. Pr ess O ; a confirmation dialog will be displayed. Pr ess the O button again t o delet e the pic ture .
26 Rec ording Mo vies Movies can be recorded in live view mode. 1 Rotate the liv e view switch. The view through the lens is displayed in the monitor . 2 Ready the camera. Hold the handg rip in your right ha nd and cradle the camer a body or lens with your lef t.
27 5 En d re cordi ng. Press t he mov ie -record butto n aga in to end reco rding. Recording will end auto matically when the maximum length is re ached, the memor y car d is full, another mode is selected, or the monitor is close d (closing the monitor does not end recording on t elevis ions or other ex ternal displays).
28 D Recording Mo vies Flicker , banding, or distortion may be visibl e in the monitor and in the final movie under fluorescent, mer cur y vapor , or sodium lamps or if the camera is panned horizontally or an object moves at high speed through frame (f licker and banding can be reduc ed using Flicker r e duction ; 0 55).
29 V iewing Movies Pr ess K to star t playback and then scroll through pictures until a movie (indicated by a 1 icon) is displayed. Pr ess J to start playback; your current positi on is indicated by the movie prog ress bar .
30 Deleting Un wanted Mo vies Display the movie you wish to delete (movies are indicated by 1 icons). Press O ; a confirmation dialog will be displayed.
31 Mat ching S ettings to the S ubjec t or Si tua tion (S cene Mode) The camera of f ers a choice of “scene ” modes. Choosing a scen e mode auto matically optimizes settings to suit th e selected sc ene, ma king creativ e photograph y as simple as selecting a mode, fr a ming a picture, and shooting as described on page 17.
32 The Mode Dial The following scenes can be sel ected with the mode dial: k Por tra it Use fo r portraits with soft, natur al-looking skin tones. If the subject is far from the backgr ound or a telephoto le ns is used, backg round details will be softened t o lend the composition a sense of depth.
33 Other S cenes The following scenes can be selec ted by rotating the mode dial to h and rotating the command dial until th e desired scene appears in the monitor . Mode dial Command dial Monitor o Night Portrait Use for a natural balance between the main subjec t and the background in por traits taken under low light.
34 y Blossom Use for fields of flowers, orchar ds in bloom, and othe r landscapes featuring expanses of blossoms. Note : The built-in flash turns off . z Autumn Colors Captures the brilliant reds and yellows in autumn leaves. Note : The built-in flash turns off .
35 Sp ecial Eff ec ts Special eff ects can be used wh en r ecording images. The following effects can be selected by rotating the mode dial to q and rotating the command dial until th e desired option appears in the mo nitor .
36 ( Miniatur e Effec t Create photos that appear to be pic tures of dioramas. W orks best when shooting from a high vantage point. Miniature eff ect movies play back at high speed, compressing about 45 minutes of footage shot at 1920 × 1080/30 p into a movie that plays back in about three minutes.
37 Op tions A vailable in Liv e V iew ❚❚ g Color Sketch 1 Selec t liv e view. Rotate the live view switch. The view thr ough the lens will be displayed in the monitor . 2 Adjust options. Pr ess J to display the options shown at right. Pr ess 1 or 3 to highlight Vi v id ne s s or Outlines and press 4 or 2 to change.
38 ❚❚ ' T oy Camer a E ffect 1 Select liv e view . Rotate the live view swit ch. The view thr o ugh the len s will be displayed in the monitor . 2 Adj ust op tio ns. Press J t o display the options shown at right. Press 1 or 3 to highlight Viv i d ne s s or Vig n et t in g and press 4 or 2 to change.
39 2 P osition the focus point. Use the multi selector to position the focus point in the area that will be in f ocus and then press the shutter-release button halfway to f ocus. To temporarily clear miniature effect options from the display and enlarge the view in the monitor for pr ecise focus, pr e ss X .
40 3 Selec t a color . F rame an object in the white squar e in the center of the display and press 1 to choose the color of the objec t as one that will remain in t he final image (the camera may hav e difficulty detecting unsaturated colors; choose a sa turated color).
41 P , S, A, and M Modes P , S , A , and M modes offer diff erent degr ees of control over shutter speed and aperture: Mode Description P Programmed auto ( 0 42) Recommended for snapshots and in other situations in which there is little time to adju st camera set tings.
42 Mode P (Pr ogrammed A uto) This mode is recommended for snapshots or whenever you want to leave the camera in charge of shutter speed and aperture. The camera automatically adjusts shutter speed and aperture for optimal exposure in most situations.
43 A Shutter Speed and Aperture Shutter speed and aperture are shown in the viewfinder and information display . Shutter speed Aperture F ast shutter speeds ( 1 / 1600 s in this example) freeze motion. Slow shutter sp eeds (here 1 s) blur motion. Large apertures (such as f/5.
44 Exposure C ompen sation Exposure compensa tion is used to alter ex posure fr om t he value suggested by the camera, making pictures brighter or darke r ( 0 75).
45 Loc ation Da ta Embedding Location Da ta in Photos and Movies The built-in location data unit can reco rd information on the camera ’ s current position (latitude, long itude, altitude) an d the current time (UT C ) as provided by satellite naviga tion systems and embed it in photographs and mo vies taken with the camera.
46 4 Check satellite signal strength. Press the R button and check sa tellite signal strength in the information displa y. 5 Ta k e p i c t u r e s . The location data obtained via the navig ation sat.
47 D Location Data Local geographic and atmospheric conditions may prevent or delay the acquisition of location data. The camera may be unable to receive lo cation data indoors, underground, or in metal containers or the vicinity of bridges a nd other large structures , trees, pow er lines, or other objects that block or refl ect satellite signals.
48 Wi- Fi Install the Wireless Mobile Utility app on your Android and iOS device to display the view through the camera lens on the smar t device , take pictures and contro l the camera re motely , and download pictur es from the camer a for sharing via the Int erne t.
49 Acces s in g t he Ca me ra Before connecting via Wi-F i (wireless LAN), install the Wireless Mobile Utility on your Android or iOS smart device. Instructions for accessing the camera vary with the type of connection used by the smar t device. Android • Push-button WPS : If the sma rt device suppor ts push-butt on WPS (i.
50 WPS ( Android Only) 1 Enable the camera ’ s built-in Wi-F i. Press the G button to display the menus, then highlight Wi - Fi in the setup menu and press 2 . Highl ight Netw ork connection and press 2 , then highlight Enable and press J . W a it a few seconds f or Wi-F i to activate.
51 PIN Entr y ( Android Only) 1 Enable the camera ’ s built-in Wi-F i. Pr ess the G button to display the menus , then highlight Wi -F i in the setup menu and press 2 . Highlight Network connection and press 2 , then highlight Enable and press J . W ait a few seconds for Wi-F i to activat e.
52 SSID ( Android and iOS) 1 Enable the camera ’ s built-in Wi-F i. Press the G button to display the menus, then highlight Wi - Fi in the setup menu and press 2 . Highl ight Netw ork connection and press 2 , then highlight Enable and press J . W a it a few seconds f or Wi-F i to activate.
53 ❚❚ T erminating the Connection Wi-F i c an be disabled by : • Selecting Wi - Fi > Network connection > Disable in the camera setup menu • Starting movie recording • Tu r n i n g t h.
54 Camera Menus Most shooting, playback, and setup options can be accessed from the camera m enus. T o view the menus, pr ess the G button. Ta b s Choose from the following menus: • D : Playback •.
55 Menu O ptions ❚❚ D Playback Menu: Managing Images ❚❚ C Shooting Menu: Shooting Op tions ❚❚ A Custom Settings: Fine-T uning Camera Settings ❚❚ B Setup Menu: Camer a Setup * Only available when compatible Ey e-Fi memory card is inser ted.
56 ❚❚ N Retouch Menu: Creating Retouched C o pies * Available only if retouch menu is display e d by pr ess ing P and selecting Retouch in full-frame playback when a retouched image or original is displa yed.
57 Usi ng Cam era Me nu s The multi selec tor and J button are used to navigate the camera menus. F o llow the steps below to navigate the menus. 1 Display the menus . Pr ess the G button to display the menus . 2 Highlight the icon for the current menu .
58 4 P osition the cursor in the selec ted menu. Press 2 to position the curs or in the selected menu. 5 Highlight a menu item. Press 1 or 3 to highlight a menu item. 6 Display options. Press 2 to display options for the selected men u item. 7 Highlight an option.
59 Vie wNX 2 Install the supplied software to display and edit photographs and mo vies that have been copied to your compute r . Befo re installing ViewNX 2, confirm that y our computer meets the system requirements on page 60.
60 3 Exit the installer . 4 Remove the installer CD fr om the CD -ROM drive. Windows Mac OS Click Ye s Click OK A Syst em Requi rements Windo ws Mac OS CPU • Photos : Intel Celeron, Pentium 4, Core Series ; 1.6 GHz or better • Movies (playback) : 3.
61 Us in g V i ew NX 2 C o p y Pictures to the C omputer Before proceeding, be sur e you have inst alled the software on the supplied V iewNX 2 CD ( 0 59). 1 Connect the USB cable. After turning the camer a off and ensuring tha t a memor y car d is inserted, connect the suppli ed USB cable as shown and then turn the camera on.
62 Vi e w Pi c t u r e s Pictures are displayed in ViewNX 2 when transfer is complete. ❚❚ Retouching Phot ographs T o crop pictures and per form such tasks as adjusting sharpness and tone levels, click the Edit button in the Vi ewNX 2 toolbar .
63 T echnic a l Notes Read this chapter for information on compatible accessories, cleaning an d storing the camera, and wh at to do if an erro r message is displayed or y ou encounter problems using the camera. This camera supports autofocus with AF-S and AF-I CPU lenses only.
64 O ther A ccessories At the time of writing, the following accessories were available for the D5300. Powe r sources • Rechargeable Li-ion Ba ttery EN-EL14a ( 0 9): Additional EN-EL14a batt eries are available from local r eta ilers and Nikon-authorized ser vice representativ es.
65 * A wireless remote controller can not be atta ched at the same time as an ME-1 ster eo microphone. Attempting t o forcibly attach accessories can damage the camera or access or y . Body cap Body Cap BF-1B/Body Cap BF-1A : The body cap keeps the mirr or , viewfinder screen, and image sensor free of dust when a lens is not in place.
66 Ap prov ed M emor y Cards The fo llowing SD memory cards hav e been te sted and approved f or use in the D5300. Cards with class 6 or faster wr ite speeds are recommended for movie recording . Recordin g may end unexpectedly wh en cards with slo wer write speeds are used .
67 Caring f or the Camer a Storage When the camera w ill not be used for an ex tended period, remove the battery an d store it in a cool, dry area with the terminal cover in plac e. T o prevent mold or mildew , sto re the camera in a dry, well-ventilated area.
68 Caring f or the Camer a and Batter y: Cautions Caring f or the Camera Do not drop : The product may malfunct ion if subjec ted to strong shocks or vibration. Keep dry : This product is not waterpr oof, and may ma lfunction if immersed in wat er or exposed to high levels of humidity.
69 Storage : T o prevent mold or mildew , store the camera in a dry, w ell-ventilated area. If y ou a re using an AC adapter , unplug the adapter to prevent fir e. If the produc t will not be us ed for an extended period, remove the battery to prevent leakage and store the camer a in a plastic bag containing a desiccant.
70 • The internal temperature of the batt e ry may rise while the battery is in use. Attempting to charge the batt ery while the internal temp eratur e is elevated will impair battery per formance , and the batter y may not charge or charge only partially.
71 Error Messages This section lists the indicators and error messages that appear in the viewfinder and monitor . A W arning Icons A flashing d in th e monitor or s in the viewfinder indicates that a warning or error message can be displayed in the monitor b y pressing the W ( Q ) button.
72 This card is not formatted. Forma t the card. T (flashes) F ormat card or turn camera off and insert new memory card. Card is full j / A / s (flashes) • Reduce qualit y or size. • Delete photographs. • Insert new memory card. — ● (flashes) Camera can not focus using autofocus.
73 Error . Press shutter release button again. O (flashes) Release shutter . If error persists or appears frequently , consult Nikon-authorized service representa tive. Star t-up error . Contact a Nikon-auth orized ser vice representativ e. Consult Nikon-authorized ser vice r epresenta tive.
74 Specifications ❚❚ Nikon D5300 Digital C amera Typ e Ty pe Single -lens reflex digital camera Lens mount Nikon F mount (with AF contacts) Effective angle of view Nikon D X format; focal length equivalent to approx. 1.5× that of l enses with FX format angle of view Effective pixels Effec tive pixels 24.
75 Lens Compatible lenses Autofo cus is av ailable with AF-S and AF-I lenses . Autofo cus i s not available with other type G and D lenses, AF lenses (IX NIKK OR and lenses for the F3AF are not supported), and AI-P lenses. Non-CPU lens es can be used in mode M , but the camer a exposure meter will not func tion.
76 ISO sensitivity (Recommended Exposure Index) ISO 100 – 12800 in steps of 1 / 3 EV . Can also be set to appro x. 0.3, 0.7, or 1 EV (ISO 25600 equivalent) above ISO 12800 ; auto ISO sensitivity con.
77 Live view Lens ser vo • Autofocu s (AF) : Single-ser vo AF ( AF-S ); full-time-ser vo AF ( AF-F ) • Manual foc us (MF) AF-area mode F ace -priority AF , wide -area AF , normal-area AF , subject.
78 • Unless other wise stated, all figures are for a came ra with a full y-charged battery operating at the temperature specified by the C amera and I maging P roducts A ssociation (CIP A): 23 ±3 °C (73 .
79 ❚❚ MH-24 Battery Charger ❚❚ EN-EL14a Rech argeable Li-ion Batter y ❚❚ AF-S DX NIKK OR 18–140mm f/3.5–5.6G ED VR Lens Rated input AC 100–240 V , 50/60 Hz, 0.2 A maximum Rated o utput DC 8.4 V/0.9 A Sup ported batteri es Ni kon Rechargeable Li-ion Battery EN-EL14a Cha rging time Approx.
80 ❚❚ AF-S DX NIKK OR 18–55mm f/3.5–5.6G VR Lens Nikon reser ves the right to change the specifications of the hardware and software described in this manual at any time and without prior notice. Nikon will not be held liable for damages that may result from any mistakes that this manual may contain.
81 A AF-S D X NIKK OR 18–140mm f/3.5–5.6G ED VR The lens generally used in this ma nual for il lustrative purposes is the AF-S D X NIKKOR 18–140mm f/3.
82 A T rademark Informa tion IOS is a trademark or registered trademark of Ci sco Systems, Inc., in the United States and/or other countries and is used under license. Mac OS and OS X are registered trademarks of Apple In c. in the United States and/or other countries.
83 A Battery Life The movie footage or number of shots that c a n be record ed w ith full y- cha rged bat teri es varies with the condition of the battery, temperature, the interval bet ween shots, and the length of time menus are displayed. Sample figures for EN-EL14a (1230 mAh) batteries ar e given below.
Printed in Thailand 6MB18611-01 No reproduction in a ny form of this manual, in whole or in part (except for brief quotation in critical articles or reviews), may be ma de without written auth orization from NIKON CORPORATION.
デバイスNikon 1522Bの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Nikon 1522Bをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはNikon 1522Bの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Nikon 1522Bの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Nikon 1522Bで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Nikon 1522Bを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はNikon 1522Bの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Nikon 1522Bに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちNikon 1522Bデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。