NikonメーカーCoolpix S2800の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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DIGIT AL CAMER A Refe renc e Manual En.
i Introduction Parts of the Camera The Basics of Shooting and Playback Shooting Features Playback F eatures Reco rdin g and Pl aying Ba ck Movi es General Camera Setu p Connecting the Camera to a TV, .
ii Introduction Introduction Thank yo u for purc hasing the Niko n COOLPI X S2800 digita l camera . Before us ing the camera, please read th e informa tion in “For Your Safe ty” ( A viii- x) and familiarize yours elf with the information provided in this manu al.
iii Introduction About This Manual If you want to start using the camera ri ght away, see “The Basic s of Shooting and Playb ack” ( A 10). To learn about th e parts of the camera and informa tion that is displ ayed in the monitor, see “Parts of the Came ra” ( A 1).
iv Introduction Other Inf ormation • Symbols and Co nventions • SD, SDH C, and SDXC m emory cards are ref erred to as “me mory c ards” in this manual.
v Introduction Information and Precaut ions Life-Long Le arning As part of Nikon’s “Life-Long Learning” commitment to ongoi ng product support and education, continua lly upda ted inform ation is avai lable o nline at the fo llowin g sites: • For users in the U.
vi Introduction Abou t the Manua ls • No part of the docum entation included with this prod uct may be re produced, transmitted, transcr ibed, sto red in a r etrieval system, or t ransla ted into an y languag e in any fo rm, by any mean s, without Nikon’s prior written permission.
vii Introduction Disposing of Data Stora ge Devices Please note that deleting images or formatting da ta storage devices such as memory cards or built- in ca mera me mory does not c omple tely era se the origi nal ima ge data.
viii Introduction To p r ev en t d am a g e t o y ou r N i ko n p r od u c t o r in ju ry t o y o u rs el f o r to ot h e rs , re a d t h e fo l lo w in g safety preca utions in th eir entirety bef ore using thi s equipme nt. Keep these sa fety instructio ns where all th ose who use the pro duct will re ad them.
ix Introduction Do not remain in contact with the camera, battery charger, or AC adapter for extended periods while the dev ices are on or in use Parts of the devic es become hot. Leaving the devices in d irect co ntact with the skin for ex tended pe riods ma y resu lt in low- temperatur e burns.
x Introduction • Do not damage, modify, forcibly tug or bend t he US B cable, place it under he avy objects, o r expose it to heat or fl a mes. Should the insulation be damaged and the wires b ecome exposed, t ake it t o a Nikon- autho rized service r epresenta tive for inspe ction.
xii Introduction Notice for Customers in the State of California WARNING Handling the c ord on this product will expose you to lead, a chemica l known to the S tate of Cali fo rnia to caus e birt h defects or other repr oductive harm . Wash ha nds afte r handli ng.
xiii Introduction Introduction ..... ................... .......... .............. ... ii Read This First ................................................ ....... i i About This Manual ...................... ............... ............. iii Information an d Precautions .
xiv Introduction Options Available in the Shooting Menu .................... ............... ....................... ............... .................. 54 Functions T hat Cann ot Be Used Simultaneously ............................ ....................
xv Introduction Connecting th e Camera to a Printe r .................... ............... ....................... ............... ......... E 21 Printing Image s One at a Time ........... .. E 23 Printing M ultiple Images .. ............... ......... E 25 The Shooting Menu (for A (A uto) Mode) .
xvi Introduction Troubleshooting ......................... ................... F 7 Specifications ............. .................................. F 16 Approved M emory Card s. ...................... .... F 20 Index ............ ......................
1 Parts of the Camera Parts of t h e Came ra The Camera Body 12 3 4 6 5 8 9 7 Lens cover closed 1 Shutter-releas e button ........ ............... ............. 26 2 Zoom control ...... ............... ...................... ............. 25 f : Wide-an gle.
2 Parts of the Camera 1 2 4 3 5 7 8 6 9 11 12 14 10 13 1 Charge lamp ............... ....................... ............... ..... 13 Flash l amp ............. ............... ...................... ............. 45 2 b ( e movie-record ) button .....
3 Parts of the Camera Attaching th e Camera Strap.
4 Parts of the Camera Use the multi selec tor and the k butt on to na vigate t he menus . Using Me nus (the d Button) 1 Press the d button . • The menu is displayed. 2 Press t he multi selector J . • The cur re nt me nu ic on is disp lay ed in yellow .
5 Parts of the Camera C Setting Menu Options • Certain menu options cannot be set depending on the current shooting mode or the state of the came ra.
6 Parts of the Camera The information that is displa yed in the monitor during sh ooting and playback changes depending on the camera’s settings a nd state of use.
7 Parts of the Camera 1 Shoo tin g mode ............... .... 22, 33 , 38, 40, 42 2 Flash mo de ........... ............... ...................... ............. 45 3 Macro mode ........ ...................... ............... ............. 49 4 Zoom indicator .
8 Parts of the Camera Playb ack Mo de 2 9 m 0 0 s 29 m 00s 2 9 m 0 0 s 29 m 00s 9 99 / 9 99 999 / 999 9 99 9 / 9 99 9 9999 / 9999 13 a b 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 15 18 19 21 16 17 20 14 12 1 11 23 22 23 24 25 a b 1 5 / 0 5 / 2 01 4 1 5 : 3 0 15 / 05 / 2014 15:30 9 99 9 .
9 Parts of the Camera 1 Album icon in favorite pi ctures mod e. ............... ............... E 5 2 Category icon in auto sort mode .. ............... ...................... ........ E 9 3 List by date icon ............... ............... ..........
10 The Basics of Shoot ing and Pl ayback The Basics of Shooti ng and Playback 1 Open the battery-ch amber /memory card slot cover. 2 Insert the batt ery. • Push the orange battery latch in the direction indica ted by the arrow ( 1 ), and fully insert the battery ( 2 ).
11 The Basics of Shoot ing and Pl ayback 3 Close th e battery-ch amber/memo ry ca rd s lot cover. Remo ving the Ba tter y Turn the cam era off an d ma ke sure that th e power- on lamp and monitor have turn ed off, and the n open th e battery- cham ber/ memory car d slot cove r.
12 The Basics of Shoot ing and Pl ayback 1 Prep are t he in clud ed Char ging AC Ad apte r. • If a plug adapter* is included with your camera, attach the plug adapter to the plug on the Charging AC Adapter. Push the plug adapter firmly until it is securely held in place.
13 The Basics of Shoot ing and Pl ayback 3 Disconnect the Charging AC Adapte r from t he electr ical outlet a nd then d i sconn e ct th e USB cable. C Charg ing Using a C omputer or Battery Charger • You can also charge the battery by connecting the camera to a computer ( A 74 , E 70).
14 The Basics of Shoot ing and Pl ayback 1 Turn off t he camera an d open the b attery - cham ber/mem ory card sl ot cove r. 2 Insert the memory ca rd.
15 The Basics of Shoot ing and Pl ayback B Forma tti ng a Mem ory C ard The first time you insert a m emory card that has been used in a nother device into this camera , make sure to format it with this camera. Insert the memo ry card into the camera, press the d button, and select Format card in the setup menu.
16 The Basics of Shoot ing and Pl ayback When the camera is turned on fo r the firs t time, th e language- selection scree n and the dat e and time setting s creen for the camer a clock are displayed. • If you exit without sett ing the date an d time, O will flash when the shooting screen is displayed.
17 The Basics of Shoot ing and Pl ayback 4 Select your home time zone and press t he k button. • To e nabl e dayli ght sav ing tim e, p res s H . When the daylight savi ng time function is enabled, W is displaye d above th e map. To dis able the day light saving tim e function, pres s I .
18 The Basics of Shoot ing and Pl ayback C Changi ng the Language or the Date and Time Setting • You can change these settings using the Language and Time zone and dat e settings in the z setup menu ( A 73). • You can enabl e or disable daylight saving time in the z setup menu by selecting Time z one and date followed by Time zone .
20 The Basics of Shoot ing and Pl ayback 1 Press t he pow er swi tch. • The monitor turns on. • To turn the camera off, press the power switch again. 2 Check t he batte ry level ind icator and the n umber of ex posures rema ining. Batter y Level Ind icator Numb er of Ex posu res Rem ain ing The number of imag es that can be taken is displayed.
21 The Basics of Shoot ing and Pl ayback C The Auto Off Function • The time that elapses befo re the camera enters standby mode is about one minute. The time can be chan ged usi ng the Auto off setting in the setup menu ( A 73 ).
22 The Basics of Shoot ing and Pl ayback 1 Press t he A butto n. 2 Use the mul ti selecto r HI to s ele ct a shootin g mode an d press the k button. • x (scene auto selector) mode is us ed in this example. • The shootin g mode setti ng is save d even afte r the camera is turned off.
23 The Basics of Shoot ing and Pl ayback Available Sh ooting Modes x Scene auto select or A 32 The camera automatically selects the optimum scene mode when you frame an image, mak ing it even easier to take images usi ng settings that suit the sc ene.
24 The Basics of Shoot ing and Pl ayback 1 Hold the camera steady. • Keep fingers and other objects away from the lens, flash, AF assist-ill uminato r, microphon e, and sp eaker. • When taking picture s in portra it (“tall”) orientation, tu rn the camera so th at the flash is above the le ns.
25 The Basics of Shoot ing and Pl ayback B Notes About x (Scene Auto Selector) Mode • Depending upon shooting conditions, the camera ma y not select the desired scene mode . In this case, sel ect another shooting mode ( A 32, 38, 40, 42). • When the digital zoom is in effect, the scene mod e changes to d .
26 The Basics of Shoot ing and Pl ayback 1 Press t he shut ter -releas e button halfwa y. • When the subject is in focus , the focus area glows green (multiple focus a reas can glow gree n). • When you are using dig ital zoom, the camera focuses in the center of the fram e and the focus area is not displayed .
27 The Basics of Shoot ing and Pl ayback The Shutter-release Button B Notes About Saving Images and Recording Movies The in dicator showing the num ber of e xposure s remai ning o r the indi cator showin g the ma ximum movie length flas hes while images are being saved or while a movie is being recorded.
28 The Basics of Shoot ing and Pl ayback 1 Press t he c (playb ack) button. • If you press and hol d down the c (pla yback ) button while the camera is turned off, the camera turns on in play back mode. 2 Use t he mu lti se lect or to sele ct an imag e to display .
29 The Basics of Shoot ing and Pl ayback C The Quick Effects Function • When e is displa yed in full-f rame pl ayback mode, y ou can press the k button to apply an effect to the image.
30 The Basics of Shoot ing and Pl ayback 1 Press t he l butt on to delet e the imag e currently d isp layed in th e monitor . 2 Use the mul ti selecto r HI to selec t the desi red de letion method and p ress t he k button. • To exit without deleting, press the d button.
31 The Basics of Shoot ing and Pl ayback Oper ating the Eras e Select ed Images Scr een 1 Use the mul ti selecto r JK to sele ct an image to be delete d, and the n use H to display K .
32 Shooting Features Shooting Features The camera au tomatically sel ects the opt imum scene mode whe n you frame an ima ge, making it even easier to take ima ges using sett ings that su it the scene.
33 Shooting Features When a scene is selec ted, camera setti ngs are automa tically optimized for the selected scene. * The icon f or t he la st scen e sele cted is dis pla yed. 1 The camera focuses at infinity. 2 The camera focuses on the area in the center of the frame.
34 Shooting Features Tips and No tes d Sports • While the shutter-release button is held all th e way down, the camera shoots up to about 6 images continuously at a rate of about 1.
35 Shooting Features k Clo se-up • Macro mode ( A 49) is enabled and the camer a automatically zooms to the closest position at which it can foc us. • You can move the focu s area. Press the k button, use the multi selector HIJK to move the focus area, and press the k button to apply the setting.
36 Shooting Features o Backlighting • The flash alw ays fires . U P anorama as sist • You can use this mode when shooting a series of images that can l ater be joi ned on a computer to form a sin gle panorama. • Select the direction in which to add images to the panora ma by using the multi selector HIJK and then pre ss the k button.
37 Shooting Features B Pet Portrait Auto Release • Press the mul ti selector J ( n ) to change the Pet portrait a uto release setti ng. - Y : The camera detects a dog or cat face and automatic ally rel eases the s hutter. - OFF : The camera doe s not release the shutter automatically , even if a dog or cat face is detected .
38 Shooting Features Effects can be a pplied to images during sh ooting. * The icon of the last effect se lected is displ ayed. Spe cial E ffects Mod e (Applying Effects W hen S hooting) Ente r shoo t.
39 Shooting Features • The came ra focuses on the area in the center of the frame. • Whe n Selec tiv e co lor or Cross process is selecte d, use the mu lti selec tor HI to select the desire d color fr om the slid er. To chan ge setting s for any of th e following functio ns, press the k button to can cel color sele ction.
40 Shooting Features When the camera detects a s miling face, you can tak e an image automatically without pr essi ng the shut ter -rel ease butt on (s mile time r ( A 55)). Y ou can use the skin sof tening option to sm ooth the skin to nes of human fac es.
41 Shooting Features C When the Self-timer Lamp Flashes When using sm ile timer, the self- timer lamp fl ashes when the camera detects a face and flashes quickly immediately afte r the shutter is released.
42 Shooting Features Used for general shooting. Set tings can be adju sted to suit the shoo ting cond itions and the type of shot yo u want to ca pture. • You can change how the camera selects the area of the frame t o focus on by changing AF area mode setting ( A 54).
43 Shooting Features Using Quick Effects When in A (auto ) mode, you can apply effects to ima ges immediatel y after relea sing the shutter . • The edit ed image is saved as a separate file with a diffe rent name. 1 Press t he k but ton wh en the im age is display ed after it i s taken i n A (auto) mode .
44 Shooting Features The function s that are ava ilable vary dep ending on th e shootin g mode, as show n below. * Availability depends on the setting .
45 Shooting Features Using the Flash You can sel ect a fl ash m ode to m atch the sh ooti ng condi tio ns. 1 Press t he multi selecto r H ( m ). 2 Selec t the des ired flas h mode ( A 46) and press t he k button. • If a setting is not applied by pressing the k button within a few seconds, the selection will be canceled.
46 Shooting Features Avail able F lash Mo des C The Flash Mode Setting • The settin g may not be a vailable with some shooti ng modes. • The setting ap plied in A (auto) mode is s a ved in the camera’s memo ry even after the camera is turned off.
47 Shooting Features Using the Self-timer The camera is e quipped with a s elf-ti mer that re leases t he shu tter ab out ten s econds or two seconds aft er you pre ss the shu tter-rele ase butto n. 1 Press t he multi selecto r J ( n ). 2 Se lec t n 10 s or n 2 s , and pre ss the k button.
48 Shooting Features 4 Press t he shutt er-release b utton the rest of the way down. • Countdown starts. The self-timer lamp flashes and the n glows steadil y about one seco nd before the shutter is relea sed. • When the shutter is released, the self-timer i s set to OFF .
49 Shooting Features Using Macro Mode Use macro mode when taking close-up images. 1 Press t he multi selecto r I ( p ). 2 Se lec t ON and pres s th e k button. • If the setting is not applied by pressing the k button within a few seconds, the se le cti on w ill be c an cele d.
50 Shooting Features Adjusting Brightness (Exposure Compensa tion) You can adj ust overall image b rig htness. 1 Press t he multi selecto r K ( o ). 2 Select a comp ensation val u e an d pres s the k button. • To brighten the image, set a positive (+) valu e.
51 Shooting Features Default Settings Default settings for each shooting mode are described below. Fla sh mod e ( A 45) Self -tim er ( A 47) Macro mode ( A 49) Exposure compensation ( A 50) x (scene auto selector) U 1 Off Off 2 0.0 Scene b (portrait) V Off Off 2 0.
52 Shooting Features 1 U (auto flash) or W (off) can be se lected. W hen U (auto fla sh) is selected, the camer a automatically selects the flash mode approp riate for the scen e it has been selected. 2 The setting cannot be chang ed. 3 The setting cannot be chang ed.
53 Shooting Features The settings listed below can be changed by pressing the d button during shooting ( A 4). The settings that can be changed vary depending on th e shooting mode, as shown below. 1 The setting is also applied to other shooting modes.
54 Shooting Features Options Available in the Sho oting Menu Option Description A Image mode Allows you to set the combination of image size and image quality used when s aving images.
55 Shooting Features Skin sof tenin g Allows you to select the skin softenin g level for human fa ces. • Default setting: Normal E 42 Smile timer Allows you to select whether or not the camera automatically releases the shutter when it detects a human smiling face.
56 Shooting Features Some func tions cann ot be used with other men u options. Functi ons That Ca nnot Be Used Simultaneously Restricte d function Option Description Flash mode Continuous ( A 54) When a setting other than Single is sele cted, the flash cannot be us ed.
57 Shooting Features B Notes About D igital Zoom • Depending on the shooting mode or the current settings, digital zoom may not be available ( E 66).
58 Shooting Features The focus are a varies dep ending on th e shootin g mode. Using Face Detection When the c amer a is point ed at a hu man fa ce in the shoo ting modes as shown below, the camera a utomatically detects the face and foc uses on it.
59 Shooting Features Using Skin Softening When the shut ter is r ele ased whi le us ing one of the s hooti ng mod es li sted b elow , th e cam era detects hum an face s and proces ses the image to soften fa cial sk in tones (up to th ree faces ). • Sm art po rtrai t mod e ( A 40 ) - The ski n softening leve l can be adjusted.
60 Shooting Features Using Target Finding AF When AF area mode ( A 54) in A (auto) mode is s et to Target finding AF , the camera focuses in th e manner de scribed bel ow when you p ress the shutt er-relea se button halfway. • The came ra detects th e main subject and focuses on it.
61 Shooting Features Subjects Not Suitabl e for Autofocus The camera ma y not focus as expected in the fo llowing situation s. In some rare cases , the subject may not be in focus despite the fact tha.
62 Shooting Features Focus Lock Focus lock shooting is recommended when the camera does not activate the focus area that contains the desired subject. 1 Se t AF area mode to Center in A (auto) mode ( A 54). 2 Positio n the su bject in the cen ter of the fr ame a nd pr ess th e shu tter- rele ase bu tton h alfwa y.
63 Playback Feature s Play back F eatures Moving th e zoom cont rol tow ard g ( i ) in f ull-frame playback mode ( A 28) zooms in o n th e image. • You can change t he zoom rat io by moving the zoom control toward f ( h ) or g ( i ). • To view a diffe rent area of the image, pres s the multi sel ector HIJK .
64 Playback Feature s Moving th e zoom cont rol tow ard f ( h ) in fu ll-frame pl ayback mode ( A 28) disp lays images a s thu mbnails . • You can ch ange the number of thumbnails displayed by moving t he zoom contr ol toward f ( h ) or g ( i ).
65 Playback Feature s When view ing i mages in full-fr ame play back m ode or thumb nail play back mode, you can configure th e menu oper ations listed below by pre ssing the d butto n ( A 4).
66 Playback Feature s * Edited images are saved as se parate files. Some images may not be edited. Favorite pictures Allows you to a dd images to an album. This option is not display ed in favorite pictures mode. E 5 Remove from favorites Allows yo u to remove i mages from an album.
67 Recording and Playing B ack Movies Recording and Playing Back Movies 1 Display the sh ootin g screen . • Check the remaining amount of movie recording time.
68 Recording and Playing B ack Movies B Maximum Mo vie Len gth Individual mov ie files cannot exceed 2 G B in size or 29 minutes in length, ev en when there is sufficient free space on the memory card for long er recording. • The maximum mov ie length for a single movie is displ ayed on the shooting screen.
69 Recording and Playing B ack Movies • Depending on th e distance to the subject or the am oun t of zoom applied, subjects with re peating patterns (fabrics, lattice windows, etc.) may have co lored stripes (interfer ence patterns, mo ire, etc.) in them during mov ie recording and pl ayback.
70 Recording and Playing B ack Movies Functions That Can Be Set w ith the d Button (Movie Menu) The setting s of the men u options listed below can b e con fig ured . Ente r shoo ting m ode M d butt on M D menu icon M k butt on Option Description A Movie options Select the movie type.
71 Recording and Playing B ack Movies Press the c button to enter playbac k mode. Movies are ind icated by the movie options ic on ( A 70). Press the k but ton to pl ay back movies. • To adjust the volume, move the zoom control while a movie is play ing ( A 1).
72 Recording and Playing B ack Movies Operation During Movie Playback Playbac k controls are displayed at the bottom of the monito r. The operation s listed bel ow can be perf ormed by using the multi select or JK to select a control and then pressin g the k button.
73 General Camera Setup General Ca mera Se tup The setting s of the men u options listed below can b e con fig ured . Functi ons That Ca n Be Set with the d Button (Setup Men u) Press th e d but ton M.
74 General Camera Setup AF assist Allows you to enable or disable the AF-assist illuminator. E 66 Digital zoom Allows you to enable and disabl e digit al zoom. E 66 Soun d set tin gs Allows y ou to adj ust s oun d set ti ngs. E 67 Auto off Allows you to set the amount of time that pass es before the monitor turns off to save power.
75 Connecting t he Camera to a TV, Comp uter, or Printer Connecting the Camera to a TV, Compu ter, or Printer You can enhance your enjoym ent of images an d movies by conn ecting the came ra to a TV, com put er, o r pr int er.
76 Connecting t he Camera to a TV, Comp uter, or Printer Viewin g ima ges on a TV E 19 Images an d movies captur ed with the camera can be vie wed on a TV. Connection method: Connect the video a nd audio plugs of an optional au dio video cable to the TV’s input jacks.
77 Connecting t he Camera to a TV, Comp uter, or Printer ViewNX 2 is an all -in-one sof tware pac kage which ena bles you to transfer, view , edit and shar e images. Install V iewNX 2 using the in cluded ViewN X 2 CD-ROM. Installing ViewN X 2 • An In ternet co nnection is required.
78 Connecting t he Camera to a TV, Comp uter, or Printer 1 Start the computer an d inser t the V iewNX 2 CD-R OM into the CD-ROM drive. • Windows: If instructions fo r operating the CD-ROM are dis played in the window, follow the instructions to proceed to the installation window.
79 Connecting t he Camera to a TV, Comp uter, or Printer 5 Exit the installer whe n the install ation comple tion sc reen is disp layed . • Windo ws: Clic k Yes .
80 Connecting t he Camera to a TV, Comp uter, or Printer Transferring Image s to t he Computer 1 Choos e how ima ges wi ll be copied to the computer. Choose one of the following methods: • Direct USB conn ectio n : Turn the camera off and ensure that the m emory card is inserte d in the camera.
81 Connecting t he Camera to a TV, Comp uter, or Printer If a message is displayed prompting you to choose a program, select Nikon Transfer 2. • When u sing W ind ows 7 If th e dialog shown at rig ht is di splaye d, follow the steps below to select Nikon Transfe r 2.
82 Connecting t he Camera to a TV, Comp uter, or Printer 3 Termin ate the conn ection. • If the camera is connected to the computer, turn the camera off and disconnect the USB cab le.
E 1 The Referen ce Section prov ides detailed in f ormation and hi nts for usin g the cam era. Shootin g Using Panorama Assist ......... ...... ...... ......... ............ ..... ......... ............ ...... ...... ......... .... E 2 Playback Favorite Pi ctures Mode.
E 2 Reference Secti on Use a tripod fo r the best results . * The icon for the last s cene mode selecte d is disp layed. 1 Use t he mu lti se lecto r HIJK to select the direct ion in whi ch imag es are joi ned, and press t he k button.
E 3 Reference Secti on 3 Take the n ext pictur e. • Match the outline of the next image so that one third of the frame overla ps the previous ima ge, and press the shutter-release button. 4 Press t he k button when shooting is compl ete. • The camera returns to ste p 1.
E 4 Reference Secti on C R Indicator In panorama assist scene mode, exposure , white balance, and focus for all imag es in a pan orama are fixe d at the valu es for the first image in each ser ies. When the first imag e is taken, R is displayed to indicate that exposure, white bal ance, and focus are locked.
E 5 Reference Secti on By adding imag es (excep t movies) to album s as favorit e pictures, yo u can play bac k only the added images. • Images can be sorte d into nine alb ums. Up to 200 images can be added to each album. • The orig inal images are not copied or moved .
E 6 Reference Secti on Playi ng Back Im ag es in Album s Use the multi selec tor to selec t an album and th en press the k but ton to pl ay back the ima ges i n the selec ted al bum. • Function s in the p layba ck menu ( A 65) ca n be u sed for the images in t he selecte d album (exc ept Copy and Favorite pict ure s ).
E 7 Reference Secti on Rem ovi ng I mage s fr om A lbu ms 1 Use the mul ti selecto r JK to select a n ima ge and use H to h i de L . • To display the icons again , press I . • Move the zoom control ( A 1) toward g ( i ) to switch to full-fra me play back o r f ( h ) to switch to thumbnail playback.
E 8 Reference Secti on Changing the Favorite s Album Icon 1 Use t he mu lti se lect or to sele ct an albu m an d pres s th e d bu tton. 2 Use JK to selec t an icon color and pres s the k butt on. 3 Se lec t an i con and pre ss th e k button. • The icon changes.
E 9 Reference Secti on Ima ges are automat ica lly so rted in to ca te gori es, such as portrai ts, lan dscape s, an d movi es, based on the camera se ttings at the time of shoot ing. Use the multi selec tor to selec t a category and then pr ess the k but ton to pl ay back the ima ges in t he selec ted cat egory.
E 10 Reference Secti on Use the multi selec tor to selec t a date and th en press the k butt on to pla y ba ck the images cap tured o n the se le cted dat e. • Function s in the p layba ck menu ( A 65) ca n be u sed for the images in the selecte d shoot ing dat e (excep t Copy and Remove fr om favorites ).
E 11 Reference Secti on Before Editing Images You can easily ed it imag es on this camera. Edi ted copie s are sa ved as se parate f i les. Edited copi es are saved with the same shooting date and time as the origin al. C Restrictions on Image Editing An image can be edited up to ten times.
E 12 Reference Secti on Quick Effects: Changing Hue or Mood 1 Displ ay the image to wh ich you want to a pply an effec t in full-frame playback m ode and press t he k button. 2 Use the mul ti selector HI JK to select the desired eff ect and pres s the k button.
E 13 Reference Secti on Quick Retouch: Enhanc ing Contrast and Saturatio n Use the m ulti selec tor HI to selec t the amount of effect ap plied an d press the k button. • The edited vers ion is displa yed on the right. • To exit without saving the copy, press J .
E 14 Reference Secti on Red-eye Correcti on: Correcting Red-eye Wh en Shooting with the Flash Previ ew th e resu lt and pres s th e k button. • To exit without saving the copy, press the multi selector J . B Notes About Red -eye Correction • Red-eye cor rection can only b e applied to images when r ed-eye is d etected.
E 15 Reference Secti on Glamour Retouch : Enhancing Hu man Faces 1 Use the mul ti selecto r HIJK to select the face that y ou want to retouch an d press the k butt on. • When only one face is detected, proceed to step 2. 2 Use JK to sel ect the e ffect, use HI to sele ct the effe ct lev el, and pr ess th e k button.
E 16 Reference Secti on 4 Se lec t Yes and press th e k button. • An edited copy is created. B Notes About Glamour Retouch • Only one fa ce at a time can be edited using the glamour retouch function.
E 17 Reference Secti on Small Picture: Red ucing the Size of a n Image 1 Use the mul ti selecto r HI to selec t the desi red co py size a nd pre ss the k button. • Image s taken at an image mode setting of z 51 20 × 2880 are saved at a size of 640 × 360, and images taken at an image mode setti ng of s 38 6 4 × 38 6 4 are save d at 480 × 480.
E 18 Reference Secti on Crop: Creating a Cropped Copy 1 Move t he zoom cont rol to enla rge th e image ( A 63). 2 Refine co py composi tion and pr ess th e d button. • Move the zoom contr ol toward g ( i ) or f ( h ) to ad just the zoom ratio. Set a zoom ratio at which u is displ aye d.
E 19 Reference Secti on 1 Turn off the camera and conn ect it to the TV. • Connect the yellow plug to the video-in jack an d the white plug to the audio-in jack on the TV. • Make su re that the plugs are properly ori ented. Do not in sert or remove the plu gs at an angle when connecti ng or disconnecting them.
E 20 Reference Secti on Users of Pict Bridge-compatible printers c an connect the camera dir ectly to the p rinter and print image s without usin g a computer . Connect ing the Camera to a Printer (Dire ct Print) Take images. Connect to printer ( E 21).
E 21 Reference Secti on Connecting the Camer a to a Printer 1 Turn off the camera. 2 Turn on the p rinter. • Check printer setting s. 3 Connec t the ca mera to t he print er using the USB cable. • Make su re that the plugs are properly ori ented. Do not in sert or remove the plu gs at an angle when connecti ng or disconnecting them.
E 22 Reference Secti on 4 The came ra is automati cally turned on. • The PictBridge startup scree n ( 1 ) is displayed in the camera monitor, followed by the Print selection screen ( 2 ).
E 23 Reference Secti on Pri nting Ima g es One at a Tim e 1 Use t he mu lti se lect or to se lect t he de sire d image and press the k button . • Move the zoom contr ol toward f ( h ) to switch to thumbn ail playba ck or g ( i ) to switch to full-frame playback.
E 24 Reference Secti on 4 Se lec t Paper si z e and pre ss the k button . 5 Select t he desi red paper siz e and p ress t he k button. • To apply the paper size setting configured on the printer , sele ct Defau lt in the paper siz e option. • The paper size options available on the camera vary depending on the prin ter that you use.
E 25 Reference Secti on Printing Multiple Images 1 When the Print sel ection screen is di splayed, press t he d button. 2 Use t he mu lti se lecto r HI to se lect Paper size and press th e k bu tton. • To exit the print menu, press the d button. 3 Select t he desi red paper siz e and p ress t he k button.
E 26 Reference Secti on 4 Se lec t Print selec tion , Print al l imag es , or DPOF printing and press t he k button. Prin t sel ect ion Select imag es (up to 99) an d the number of copies (up to nine) of each. • Use the multi selector JK to select imag es, and use HI to specify the number of copie s to be printed.
E 27 Reference Secti on Print all images One copy each of all imag es saved in the interna l memor y, or on the memo ry car d, i s printed. • When the screen shown on the right is d isplayed, sele ct Start p rint an d press t he k button to start printing.
E 28 Reference Secti on Image Mode (Image Size and Quality) Select the comb ination of im age size a nd compre ssion ratio that is used when sa ving images .
E 29 Reference Secti on C Im ag e Mo de • The ima ge mode setting can also be ch anged in shoo ting mode s oth er than auto. The cha nged setting is also applied to other shooting modes. • Some functions cannot be used with other menu options ( A 56).
E 30 Reference Secti on White Balance (Adjusting Hue) Adjust whit e balan ce to suit the light source or weat her conditions in or der to make the colors in images match what you see wit h your eyes. • Use Auto under most con ditions. Change the setting when yo u want to adjust the hue of the image you ar e taking.
E 31 Reference Secti on Using Pres et Manua l Use the proc edure below to measure the white balance va lue under th e lighting used d uring shootin g. 1 Place a white or gray reference object under th e lighting that will be used during shooting.
E 32 Reference Secti on 5 Press t he k button to m easure the valu e. • The shutter is rele ased and measu rement is complete . No image is saved . B Notes About P reset Manual A value fo r flash lig hting cannot be measured with Preset manual . Wh en shoo ting us i ng the f las h, set White bala nce to Auto or Flash .
E 33 Reference Secti on Continuous Shootin g Sele ct A (au to) mode M d button M Con tinuous M k button Option Description U Sing le (defau lt sett ing) One image is taken each time the shutter-release button is pressed. V Continuous While the shutter-rele ase button is held all the way down , imag es are captured continuously.
E 34 Reference Secti on B Notes About C ontinuous Shooting • When a setti ng other than Si ngle is se lected, the flash cannot be used. Focus, exposure, and white balance are fixe d at the values deter mined with the first imag e in each series. • It may take some time to save the images after shooting.
E 35 Reference Secti on ISO Sensitivity Higher ISO sen sitivity allows dar ker subjects to be capture d. Addition ally, even with subject s of similar b rightnes s, images ca n be taken at fa ster shutter speeds, and blurring caused by camera shake and subject movement can be reduced.
E 36 Reference Secti on Color Options Make col ors more v ivid or save images in monoch rome. B Notes About C olor Options Some functions cannot be used with other menu options ( A 56) . Sele ct A (au to) mode M d button M Color options M k button Option Description n Standard color (d efault setting) Use f or images exhibitin g natural color.
E 37 Reference Secti on AF Area Mode Use this opt ion to deter mine how the camera se lects the foc us area for au tofocus. Sele ct A (au to) mode M d button M AF area mode M k button Option Description a Face prio rity When the camera detects a human face, it fo cuse s on tha t fac e.
E 38 Reference Secti on x Manual Use the multi selector HIJK to move the focus area to where you want to focus. • To use the multi sele ctor to configure the flash mode or other settings, pr ess the k button. To return to movi ng the focus area, press the k button again.
E 39 Reference Secti on B Notes About AF Area Mode • When digital zoom is in eff ect, the camera focuses in the center of the frame rega rdless of the AF area mod e setting.
E 40 Reference Secti on Using Subject Tracking 1 Regi ster a s ubject . • Align the subject that you want to track with the border in the center of the monitor and pres s the k button. • When the su bject is regis tered, a yell ow borde r (focus area) is displayed around that subject and the camera begins tracking that subject.
E 41 Reference Secti on Autofocus Mode Select how the camera focuses w hen shooting still images. C Autofo cus Mode for Movie Recording Autofocus mode for m ovie recording ca n be set with Auto focus mode ( E 57) in t he mo vie me nu. Quick E ffect s B Notes About Qu ick Effects Some functions cannot be used with other menu options ( A 56) .
E 42 Reference Secti on • See “Image Mode (Image Size and Qua lity)” ( E 28) for information ab out Image mode . Skin Softenin g The effects of skin softeni ng are not vis ible when frami ng images for sh ooting. Ch eck the results in play back mode, af ter ta king im ages.
E 43 Reference Secti on Smile Timer The camera det ects human faces and the n automati cally releases the shutter wh enever a smile is de tected. B Notes About Smile Timer Some functions cannot be used with other menu options ( A 56) .
E 44 Reference Secti on Blin k Proo f Enter shooti ng mode M A (shooting mode) bu tton M F Sma rt port rait M k bu tton M d bu tton M Blink proof M k bu tton Option Description y On The ca mera automati cally releases the shutter twice with every shot and saves one im age in which the subject’s eyes ar e open.
E 45 Reference Secti on • See “Editing Images (Still Images )” ( E 11) for information ab out image editing feat ures. • See “ Favor ite Pi ctu res Mo de” ( E 5) for info rmation about Favorite pictures and Remove fr om favorites .
E 46 Reference Secti on 2 Select images (up to 99) and the number of copi es (up to nine ) of each. • Use the multi selector JK to select imag es, and use HI to specify the number of copies to be printed. • Images selected for printing a re indicated by M and the numeral indicating the number of copies to be printed.
E 47 Reference Secti on B Notes About P rint Order When a p rint order is created i n favor ite pi ctures mode , auto sort mo de, or l ist by date mo de, the screen shown below is dis played if images other than those in the sele cted album, category, or shooting date have b een marked for prin ting.
E 48 Reference Secti on B Notes About S hooting Date and Shooting Information for Print Order • Some printers may not be able to print the shooting date and shooting information. • Shooting information is not printed when the camera is connected to a printer.
E 49 Reference Secti on Slide Show Play back imag es one by one in an automate d “slide show.” When movie files are played ba ck in the slide show, onl y the first fra me of each movie is disp layed. 1 Use t he mu lti se lecto r HI to se lect St art and press the k button.
E 50 Reference Secti on Prote ct The camera pro tects selected images from accidental deletion. Select images t o protec t or cancel protectio n for previou sly protec ted images f rom the image selection screen ( E 51). Note that f ormattin g the cam era’s inter nal memor y or the memory car d perman ently del etes protecte d files ( E 68 ).
E 51 Reference Secti on The Im age Select ion Scre en When an imag e selection screen such as the on e shown on the right is displayed wh ile operating the camera, follow the procedure s describ ed below to selec t the images . 1 Use the mul ti selecto r JK to sele ct an image.
E 52 Reference Secti on Rotate Image Specify the orien tation in w hich saved image s ar e displaye d during playb ack. Still images can be rotated 90 degrees cl ockwise or 90 degrees countercl ockwise. Select an image fr om the imag e selectio n screen ( E 51).
E 53 Reference Secti on Voice Mem o Voice memos can be recorded and attac hed to images. Reco rding V oice Memos • Press an d hold th e k button to rec ord (up to ab out 20 seco nds) . • Do not to uch the microp hone. • Durin g recor ding, o and p fl ash in the monitor.
E 54 Reference Secti on Deleting Voice Me mos Press the l button while the screen describe d in “ Playing Voice Memos” ( E 53) is displayed. When the c onf irma tion dia log i s display ed, use th e mult i selector HI to se lect Yes and pre ss the k butto n.
E 55 Reference Secti on 2 Select a copy opt ion and press the k button. • If you choose the Selected images option, use the image selection scr een to specify images ( E 51). B Notes About C opying Images • Only files in formats that this camera can record can be copied.
E 56 Reference Secti on Movie Options Select the d esired movie option to re cord. • Memo ry car ds (C lass 6 or h igher) are recom mended for r ecordi ng m ovies ( F 20). 1 The items and frame rate that can be set vary depending on the Video mode setting in the setup menu ( E 69) .
E 57 Reference Secti on Autofocus Mode Set how the camera focuses in movie mode. Wind Noise Reduction Set whet her or not to re duce w ind noise d uring m ovie reco rding.
E 58 Reference Secti on Welcom e Screen Configure th e welcome screen that is displaye d when you turn on th e camera. The S etu p Menu Press th e d but ton M z menu icon M We lcome s creen M k button Option Description None (defau lt sett ing) Does not display the welcome screen.
E 59 Reference Secti on Time Zone and Date Set the came ra clock. Settin g the Ti me Zone 1 Use t he mu lti se lecto r HI to se lect Ti me zone and pres s the k butt on.
E 60 Reference Secti on 2 Se lec t w Home ti me zone or x Travel destin ati on and pres s the k button. • The date and time displayed in the monitor chang es depending on whethe r the home time zone or travel destination is selecte d. 3 Press K . 4 Use JK to select th e time zone.
E 61 Reference Secti on Monitor Settings Photo Info Press th e d but ton M z menu icon M Moni to r se tt ings M k button Option Description Photo info Set whether or not to display information in the monitor . Image review This setting deter mines whether or not the captured image is displayed immediately after shooting.
E 62 Reference Secti on B Notes About Monitor Settings When Quick effects ( E 4 1) is set to On while shooting still images , the captured image is displayed af ter shooting, regardless of the Image re view setting. Framing grid+a uto info Movi e frame+auto info The current settin gs or operatio n guide is displayed, as in Auto info .
E 63 Reference Secti on Print Date (Imprinting Date and Time) The shooting date and time can be imprinted on the images when shootin g, allowing the in formatio n to be printed even from prin ters that do not support date print ing ( E 48). B Notes About P rint Date • Imprinted dates form a permanen t part of image data and cannot be deleted.
E 64 Reference Secti on Ele ctro nic VR Choose wh ether or n ot to use elec tronic V R (vibration reducti on), which reduces the effec ts of came ra sh ake durin g shoo ting. B Notes About E lectronic Vibration Reduction • The effectivenes s of electronic vibration re duction decreases as cam era shake in creases.
E 65 Reference Secti on Motion Detect ion Enable motion detectio n to reduce the ef fects of subject m ovement and camera sha ke when shooting still im ages. B Notes About Motion Detection • Motion detection may be unab le to eliminate th e effects of su bject movement and camer a shake in some si tuations.
E 66 Reference Secti on AF Assist Enable or dis able the AF-a ssist illumi nator which assists au tofocus ope ration. Digital Zo om B Notes About D igital Zoom Digital zoom cannot be used in the follo.
E 67 Reference Secti on Sound Settings Auto Off Set the amount of tim e that elapses before the c amera enter s standby mode ( A 21). You can select 30 s , 1 mi n ( defau lt setting ), 5 min , or 30 mi n .
E 68 Reference Secti on Format Memo ry/Format Card Use this opt ion to forma t the inte rnal memor y or a memory card. Formatting the internal m emory or memory c ards permanently d eletes all data. Data that has been deleted cannot be recovered. M a ke sure t o transfer imp ortant images to a co mputer be fore formatt ing.
E 69 Reference Secti on Lang uage Select a lang uage for dis play of came ra menus an d mess ages. Video Mode Adjust settings necessary for connection to a TV. Select from NTSC an d PAL . Both NTSC and PAL are stan dards fo r analog c olor tel evision bro adcas ting.
E 70 Reference Secti on Charge by Co mputer B Notes About C harging with a Computer • When connected to a computer, the camera automatically turns on and starts charging. If the camera is turned off, cha rging stops. • About 3 hours are required to charge a fully ex hausted battery .
E 71 Reference Secti on Blin k Wa rnin g Select wh ether or not th e camera dete cts hum an subject s that have blin ked using fa ce detection ( A 58) when shooting in the fol lowing modes: • x (scene a uto selector ) mode ( A 32) • Por tra it , or Night portrait in scene mo de ( A 33 ).
E 72 Reference Secti on Eye-Fi Uplo ad B Notes About E ye-Fi Cards • Note that images will not be uploa ded if signal strength is insufficient even if En able is selected. • Remove your Ey e-Fi card from the camera whe re wireless devi ces are prohibited.
E 73 Reference Secti on Res et Al l When Reset is selected, the came ra’s setting s are restor ed to their defa ult values. • Some settings, such as Time zone and date or Language , are n ot rese t.
E 74 Reference Secti on Refer to the table below if an error message is displayed. Error Messages Display Cause/Solut ion A Battery tempera ture is elevated. The camera will turn off. The camera turns off automatically. Wait until the camera or battery temperatu re has cooled before resum ing use.
E 75 Reference Secti on Out of memory. Delete imag es or insert a new mem ory card. 14, 30, 72 Image cann ot be save d. An error occurred whil e saving the image. Insert a new memory card or format the interna l memory or memory card. 14, E 68 The camera has run out of file number s.
E 76 Reference Secti on Memory con tains no images. There are no images in the internal memory or on the memory card. • Remov e the me mory card from th e came ra to play ba ck images i n the cam era’s in ternal memor y.
E 77 Reference Secti on * See the docume ntation provided with your pr inter for further gu idance and inform ation. Printer error: check printer status. After s olving the p roble m, sele ct Resume and pr ess the k button to resume printing.* – Printer error: check paper.
E 78 Reference Secti on Images, movies , or voice memos are as signed f ile names as foll ows. • Voice memo file names have the same identifier and file n umber as the image to which the vo ice memo is attach ed.
E 79 Reference Secti on Availability may vary with country or region. See our website or brochures for the latest information . Option al Accessories Batte ry charg er Battery Char ger MH-66 (Charging time when no charge rem ains: Approx.
E 80.
F 1 Caring for the Product .............. ................ .................... .. F 2 The Camera ....... ............... ............ ...... ......... ............ ..... ...... ......... ............ ...... ...... ......... ... F 2 The Battery ......
F 2 Technical Notes and Index The Camera To ensure con tinued enj oyment of this N ikon prod uct, observ e the precaution s descri bed below in add ition to the w arnings in “F or Your Safety ” ( A viii-x) whe n using or storing the device. B Keep Dry The dev ice will be da maged if immersed in water or subjecte d to h igh humi dity.
F 3 Technical Notes and Index B Avoid Sudden Changes in Temperature Sudden changes in temp erature, such as when enter ing or leaving a hea ted building on a cold day, can cause condensation to form inside the device .
F 4 Technical Notes and Index The Battery Be sure to rea d and foll ow the wa rnings in “For You r Safety” ( A viii-x) befor e use. • Check the battery leve l before using the camera and repla ce or charge the battery if nece ssary.
F 5 Technical Notes and Index • Replace the batter y when it no longer holds a charge. Used bat teries are a va luable res ource. Please recycle used batteries in accordance with local regulations. Charging AC Adapter Be sure to rea d and foll ow the wa rnings in “For You r Safety” ( A viii-x) befor e use.
F 6 Technical Notes and Index Cleaning Do not use al cohol, thinn er, or othe r volatile ch emicals. Storage Turn the cam era off whe n not in use. Be sure that the pow er-on lamp is off before putting the camera away. Remo ve the batter y if the camera will no t be used for an ext ended period .
F 7 Technical Notes and Index If the camer a fails to func tion as expecte d, check th e list of common pr oblems b elow before consultin g your retailer or Nik on-autho rized se rvice r epresenta tive. Power, Displa y, Sett ings Iss ues Trou bleshoot ing Problem Cause/Solution A The camera is on but does not respond.
F 8 Technical Notes and Index The camera turns off without warning. • The camera automatically turns off to save power ( auto off fun ction). • The camera and ba ttery may not work properly at low tempe rature s. • The inside of the camer a has become hot.
F 9 Technical Notes and Index Shooting Iss ues No indi cator s displ ayed in moni tor. Hide info is selected for Ph oto i nfo in Moni tor settings in the setup menu. 73, E 61 Pri nt d ate not available. Time zone and date has not been set in the setup menu.
F 10 Technical Notes and Index The camera cannot focus. • The subject is too close. Try shooting using macro mode or x (scene a uto selector) mode, or Close-up scene mode. • The subject is hard to focus on. • Set AF assist in the setup menu to Auto .
F 11 Technical Notes and Index Bright specks appea r in images captured with fla sh. The flash is reflecting off parti cles in the air. Set the flash mode setting to W (off). 46 Flash does not fire. • The flash mode is set to W (off) . • A scene mode that restricts the flash is selected.
F 12 Technical Notes and Index Images appea r smeared. The lens is dirty. Clean the lens. F 6 Colors are unnatural. White ba lance is not a djusted prop erly. 35, 54, E 30 Randomly spaced brig ht pixels (“noise”) appear in image. The subject is dark and the shutter speed is too slow, or ISO sensitivity is too high.
F 13 Technical Notes and Index Playba ck Iss ues Skin tones are not softened. • In some sh ooting conditions, facial skin tones may not b e softened . • For images containing four or more fac es, try using the Skin soften ing effec t in Glamour retouch in the playback menu.
F 14 Technical Notes and Index Cannot zoom in on image . • Playback zoom cannot be used with movies. • For small images, the zoom ratio displayed on the screen may not be compatible with the actual zoom ratio. • This camera may not be able to z oom in on images captured with another make or model of digita l camera .
F 15 Technical Notes and Index The PictBridge startup scre en is not displayed when the camera is conne cted to a printer. With some PictBridge-compatible pr inters, the PictBridge startup screen may n ot be displayed and it may be imp ossible to print images when Auto is selected for Charge by comput er in the set up m enu .
F 16 Technical Notes and Index Niko n COOLPIX S2 800 Dig ital Camer a Specificati ons Type Compact digital camera Number of effective pixels 20.1 million Image sensor 1 / 2.3 -in. type CCD; total pixels: approx. 20.48 mi llion Lens NIKKOR lens wi th 5× optical zoom Focal length 4.
F 17 Technical Notes and Index Sto rage Media I nternal memory (appr ox. 25 MB), SD/SDHC/SDX C memory card File system DCF, Exif 2. 3, and DPOF compli ant File formats Still pictures: JPEG Sound files.
F 18 Technical Notes and Index • Unle ss otherw ise stated, all figures assu me a full y-charged battery an d an ambien t tempera ture of 23 ±3°C ( 73.4 ±5.4° F) as specifie d by the Camera and Imaging Produ cts Assoc iat ion (CIP A). Flash Range (approx.
F 19 Technical Notes and Index 1 Battery life may var y depending on conditions of use, such as the in ter v al between shots or the length of time that menus and images are displayed. 2 Individual m ov ie files ca nnot exceed 2 GB in si ze or 29 minutes in length.
F 20 Technical Notes and Index Approved Me mory Cards The fo llowing Sec ure Di gital (SD) memory cards h ave b een test ed and approved for use in this ca mera. • Memory cards with an SD Sp eed Class ratin g of 6 or faster ar e recommen ded for recordin g movies .
F 21 Technical Notes and Index Trade mark In formatio n • Micro soft, Windows and Window s Vista are either registered tr ademark s or tradema rks of Microsoft Corporatio n in the United State s and/o r other countrie s. • Mac an d OS X are trade marks or registere d trademark s of Appl e Inc.
F 22 Technical Notes and Index Symbols x Scene auto selector mode ......... ......... 32 A Auto mode .......... ......... ..... ..... ........ .......... .... 42 b Scene mod e ......... ..... .... ........ .......... ..... ....... .. 33 D Special effects mode .
Technical Notes and Index F 23 Bat tery-ch amber/ memory c ard slot cover ........ .......... .... ........ .......... ..... ..... ....... .......... .. 2, 11, 14 Beac h Z .... ....... .......... ..... ....... .......... ..... ........ ......... 33 Best Sh ot Selec tor .
F 24 Technical Notes and Index Fill fla sh ....... .......... ....... .......... ..... ..... ....... .......... ..... . 46 Fireworks sho w m ......... ....... .......... ..... ........ .... 35 Firmware vers io n ...... ............ ......... 74, E73 Fixed range a uto.
Technical Notes and Index F 25 Movie m enu ...... .......... ....... .......... .... 70, E 56 Movie o ptions ....... ..... ....... .......... .... 70, E 56 Movie pl ayback ...... .......... ....... .......... ..... ..... ........ 71 Movie re cording .
F 26 Technical Notes and Index Scene mode ........ ............. ......... ..... ........ ... 33, 34 Selective color I ......... .... ........ .......... ..... ....... .. 38 Self-tim er .......... ..... ........ ......... ..... ........ .......... ...
Technical Notes and Index F 27 W WAV ......... ..... ..... ....... .......... ..... ....... .......... ..... ... E78 Welcome scree n ....... ......... ........ ..... 73, E58 White balanc e ......... ..... ..... ....... ....... 54, E 30 Wide-angl e ...
No rep roducti on in any f orm of this m anual, in w hole or in p art (exc ept for brief quotat ion in critical articl es or r eviews), m ay be made withou t writt en author izati on fr om NI KON C ORPORA TION.
デバイスNikon Coolpix S2800の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Nikon Coolpix S2800をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはNikon Coolpix S2800の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Nikon Coolpix S2800の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Nikon Coolpix S2800で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Nikon Coolpix S2800を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はNikon Coolpix S2800の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Nikon Coolpix S2800に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちNikon Coolpix S2800デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。