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DIGIT AL CAME RA Ref er ence Manual En.
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i Introduction Parts of the Camera and Basic Operations The B asics of S hootin g and Playba ck Shooting Features Playba ck Featu res Recordi ng and Pl aying Bac k Movie s General Camera Setup Referen.
ii Introduction Introduct ion Read Thi s First Thank you for pu rchasing the Nikon COOLPIX S6300 digital camera. Bef ore using th e camer a, pl ease r ead the info rmation in “For Your Safety” ( A vi) and familiarize yourself with the inf ormation provided in this manual.
iii Read This First Introduction About This Manual If you want to start using the camera righ t away, see “The Basics of Sho oting and Playb ack” ( A 15). To learn about the parts of the camera and basic operations, see “Parts of the Camera and Bas ic Operations” ( A 1).
iv Read Th is Fi rst Introduction Information and Pr ecautions Life-Long Le arning As part of Nikon’s “Life-Long Learning” commitment to ongoi ng product support and education, continua lly upda ted inform atio n is availab le online at the follo wing si tes: • For users in the U.
v Read This First Introduction • While every effor t was made to ensure that the infor mation in the se manuals is accurate and complete, we w ould appreciate it were you to brin g any errors or omissions to the attention of the Nikon represe ntative in yo ur area (add ress provided separately).
vi Introduction For Y ou r S a f e t y To prevent dam age to your Nikon pro duct or injury to you rself or to others, read the following safety precautions in their entirety before using this equ ipment. Keep these safety instructions where all those who use the product will read them.
vii For You r Safe ty Introduction Obse rve caution wh en handling the battery The b att ery ma y leak , ov erhea t, or explode if improperly hand led. Observe the follow ing precautions when handling the battery for use in this p ro duc t: • Before replacing the battery, turn the p roduct off.
viii For Your Safe ty Introduction Use ap propri ate cables When connect ing cab les to t he input and out put ja cks, us e only th e cable s provided or sold by Nikon for the purpose, t o maintai n compliance with product regulations.
x Noti ces Introduction Notice f or cus tomer s in th e State of California WARN ING Handling the cord on thi s product will expose you to lead, a chemical kno wn to the State of California to cause birth defects or other reproductive harm. Wash hands af ter han dling .
xi Introduction T able of C ont ents Introduction ..... ............... ......... ............... ......... .......... .............. .......... .......... .............. .... ........... ..... ....... ii Read This First ..............................
xii Tabl e of Co nten ts Introduction Shooting Features ......... .............. .......... .............. .......... ......... ............... .......... ......... .......... ..... ......... 37 A (Auto) Mode ..................... ....................
xiii Table of Contents Introduction Recording and Playing Back Movies ............. .......... ......... ............... .......... .............. .......... ......... 87 Recording Movies .... .......................... ........................... ...
xiv Tabl e of Co nten ts Introduction The Shooti ng Menu ( for A (Auto) Mode) ........... ....................................... ....................... E 36 White Balance (Adjusting Hue) ......................... ............... ....................
xv Table of Contents Introduction Charge by Computer................... .............. ...................... ............... ............... ...................... .. ............ ...... E 80 Blink Warning ........................... ............... .
1 Parts of the Camera and Basic Operat ions Parts of the Camera and Basic Operations This chapter describes the pa rts of the ca mera and also e xplains how to use basic came ra fea tures . Parts of the Camera ............. .......... ........... ....
2 Parts of the Camera and Basic Operat ions Parts of th e Cam era an d Bas ic Op erat ions P arts of the Camer a The Camera Body 9 1 23 45 6 7 8 10 11 Lens cover closed 1 Shutter-release button.................... 4, 5, 30 2 Zoom control .............
3 Parts of the Camera Parts of the Camera and Basic Operat ions 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 1 2 1 3 14 15 16 17 10 3 1 Charge lamp .......................... ..........19, E 81 Flash lamp ................. .............. ............... ........... 62 2 b ( e movie-record) button.
4 Parts of the Camera Parts of the Camera and Basic Operat ions Controls Used in Shoo ting Mode Contro l Name Mai n Fu nct io n A Shooting mode button Changes the shoot ing mode (displays t he shoot in g mo de se lec tion scr een) .
5 Parts of the Camera Parts of the Camera and Basic Operat ions Controls Used in Playback Mode Cont ro l Name Main Funct ion A Play bac k button • Changes the playback mode (displays the playback mo de selection scr een). • When the c amera is of f, press an d hold this bu tto n to tur n th e ca mera on in playba ck mode .
6 Parts of the Camera Parts of the Camera and Basic Operat ions The Monitor • The information that is displayed in the monitor during shooting and playback changes depending on the camera’s sett ings and state of u se.
7 Parts of the Camera Parts of the Camera and Basic Operat ions 1 Shooting mode ............ ...................... ... 26, 27 2 Macro mode .......................... ....................... ... 65 3 Zoom indicator ............. ......................
8 Parts of the Camera Parts of the Camera and Basic Operat ions Playba ck M ode 1 m 0 s 1m 0s 9 9 9 / 9 9 9 999/ 999 1 m 0 s 1m 0s 9 9 9 9 / 9 9 9 9 9999/9999 9999. JPG 9999. JPG 9 9 9 / 9 9 9 999/ 999 15/05/2012 15:30 15/05/2012 15:30 18 22 25 24 23 13 15 14 b a 1 2 7 4 8 9 10 12 3 17 20 21 11 16 19 56 1 Date of recording .
9 Parts of the Camera and Basic Operat ions Basic O perat ions Switching Between Sh ooting Mode and Playback Mode The camera has two modes of operation: Shooting mode, which is used for taking pictures, and playback mode, which is u sed for viewing pictures.
10 Basic Operations Parts of the Camera and Basic Operat ions Using the Rotary Multi Selector Rotate the rotary multi selector, pres s its upper ( H ), lo wer ( I ), left ( J ), or rig ht side ( K ), o r pr es s t he k button. • The rotary mu lti selector i s sometimes r eferred to as “the multi selector” in this manual.
11 Basic Operations Parts of the Camera and Basic Operat ions Using Menus ( the d Butt on) If you press the d button while the shooting screen o r playback scree n is displ ayed, the menu for the curre nt mode is displayed. Once the menu is displayed , you can ch ange v arious se tting s.
12 Basic Operations Parts of the Camera and Basic Operat ions Switc hing Be tween Tabs Selec ting M enu It ems C When the Menu Contains Tw o or More Pag es A guide in dicati ng the page position is di splayed.
13 Basic Operations Parts of the Camera and Basic Operat ions Attaching th e Camera Strap.
15 The Basics of Shooting and Playback The Basics of Shooting and Playback Preparatio n Preparation 1 Insert the Ba ttery .......... ............ ......... ........... ......... ............ ......... ............ . 16 Preparation 2 Charge the Batter y .
16 The Basics of Shooting and Playback The Bas ics of S hootin g and P layb ack Pr eparation 1 Insert the Batt er y 1 Open th e battery-chamb er / memory card sl ot cover.
17 Preparation 1 Insert the Battery The Basics of Shooting and Playback Remo ving the Ba ttery Turn the camera off a nd be sure that the power-on lamp and the monitor have tu rned off before opening the battery-chamber/m emory card slot cover.
18 The Basics of Shooting and Playback Pr eparation 2 Char ge the Ba ttery 1 Prepare th e included Charging A C Adapter EH-6 9P. If a plug adapt er* is inc luded wit h your camer a, attach th e plug adapter to the plug on th e Charg ing AC Adap ter. Push the plug adapter firmly unti l it is securely held in place.
19 Preparation 2 Charge the Battery The Basics of Shooting and Playback The Ch arge Lamp B Note s About th e Cha rging AC Adap ter Be sure to read and follow the warnings for the Charging AC Adapter EH-69P on page vii and in “Charging AC Adapter” ( F 4) befo re use.
20 The Basics of Shooting and Playback Pr eparation 3 Inse r t a Memory Card 1 Be sure that the power-on la mp and the monitor a re of f and open the battery- chamb er / memory c ard slot cove r. • Be sure to tu rn off the camera be fore open ing the cov er.
21 Preparation 3 Insert a Memory Card The Basics of Shooting and Playback Removing Memo ry Card s Turn the camera off a nd be sure that the power-on lamp and the monitor have tu rned off before opening the battery-chamber/m emory card slot cover.
22 The Basics of Shooting and Playback St ep 1 T urn the Ca mera On 1 Press t he power swit ch to turn on the camer a. • If you are turning the camera on for the first time after purchase , see “Set ting the Disp lay Langu age, Date, and Time” ( A 24).
23 Step 1 Tu rn the C amera O n The Basics of Shooting and Playback Turning the Camera On and Off • When the camera is turned o n, the power-on lamp (green) will lig ht and then the monitor will turn o n (the power-on lamp turns off when the monitor turns on).
24 Step 1 Turn the Cam era On The Basics of Shooting and Playback Setting the Display Language, Date, and Time When the camera is turned on for the first time, the language-selection s creen and the date and time setting screen for the camera clock are displayed.
25 Step 1 Tu rn the C amera O n The Basics of Shooting and Playback 6 Press H or I to select Yes and pr ess the k button. • When se tti ngs are fin ishe d, th e lens exte nds a nd th e camera switche s to shoo ting mode.
26 The Basics of Shooting and Playback St ep 2 Select a Shooting Mod e 1 Press t he A button. • The shooting mode se lection menu, wh ich allows you to select the desired shooting mode, is displayed. 2 Press t he multi sele ctor H or I to sel ect a sh ooting m ode.
27 Step 2 Select a Shooting Mode The Basics of Shooting and Playback Available Sh ooting Mode s C Features That A re Availabl e in Shooting M ode • The multi s electo r H ( X ), I ( p ), J ( n ), and K ( o ) can be used to set the corresponding features.
28 The Basics of Shooting and Playback Step 3 F rame a Pi cture 1 Hold the camer a stead y. • Keep finge rs, hair, the cam era strap, and other objects away from the lens, fla sh, AF assist -illuminator , microphone, and speaker.
29 Step 3 F ram e a P ict ure The Basics of Shooting and Playback Using th e Zo om Use the zoom cont rol to ac tivat e opti cal zoom. • To zoom in closer to the subject, r otate the zoom control t o g (tel ephoto). • To zoom out and view a larger area, rotate the zoom control t o f (wide-angle).
30 The Basics of Shooting and Playback St ep 4 Fo cu s and Shoot 1 Pre ss the shu tter-relea se b utton h a lfwa y, i.e., pr ess the button sligh tly until y ou feel resi stan ce. • When you press the shut ter-relea se button halfway, the c amera sets th e focus and exposure (shutter sp eed and aper ture val ue).
31 Step 4 F ocus an d Shoot The Basics of Shooting and Playback B Note on R ecording Image s and Sa ving Movies The in dicator showing the num ber of ex posures re maining or th e indica tor showi ng the maximum movie length flas hes while images are being recorded or while a m ovie is being saved .
32 The Basics of Shooting and Playback St ep 5 Play Back Images 1 Press t he c (playback) button. • When you sw itch from sho oting mo de to playback m ode, the las t image saved will be dis played fu ll-fra me. 2 Use the mult i se lect or to sele ct an ima ge to display .
33 Step 5 Play Back Images The Basics of Shooting and Playback Changing How Images Ar e Displayed When using pla yback mo de, you can change how images are disp la ye d b y r ota ti ng th e z oo m c on tro l to f ( h ) an d g ( i ). Playbac k Zoom • You can ch ange the zoom ratio by rotating the zoom control to f ( h ) and g ( i ).
34 The Basics of Shooting and Playback St ep 6 Delete Un wanted I mages 1 Press th e l button to delete th e image curr ently dis played in the mo nitor. 2 Press t he multi sele ctor H or I to selec t the desi red de letion method and pre ss the k button.
35 Step 6 Delete Unwanted Images The Basics of Shooting and Playback Oper ating the Erase S elected Image s Screen 1 Press t he multi sele ctor J or K to select an imag e to be de leted, an d then p ress H to display y . • To undo the sel ection, press I to remov e y .
37 Shooting Features Shooting Features This chapter describes the camera’s shooting modes and the features that are available when usin g each shootin g mode. You can select shooting mode s and adjust settings according to the shooting conditions and t h e kind of images yo u want capture.
38 Shooting Features Shoo ting Feat ures A (A u to) Mode Used for general shooting. Settings can be adjusted in the shooting menu ( A 39 ) to suit the s hooting conditions and the type of s hot you want to capture.
39 A (Auto) Mo de Shooting Features Options Available in the Auto Shooting Menu When usi ng A (auto) mod e, the following settings can be chang ed. Sele ct A (auto) mode M d butt on Option Descr ipt ion A Image mode Allows you to select the combination of im age size and im age quality used wh en saving ima ges ( A 69 ).
40 A (Auto) Mode Shooting Features C Camera Settings That Canno t Be Ap plied Simult aneously Some settings cannot be used with other functions ( A 71).
41 Shooting Features Scene Mode (Shoo ting Suited to Sce nes) When one of the following scenes is selected, camera settings are automatically optimized for the selected scene. * The icon of the last scene se lected is disp layed. The default sett ing is x (sce ne a uto selector ).
42 Scene Mod e (Shooti ng Suit ed to Scene s) Shooting Features Characteristics of Each Scene x Scene auto selector The camera simplifies shooting by automatically selecting the optimum scene mode from the list below when the shot is framed.
43 Scene Mode (Shooting Suited to Scenes) Shooting Features d Sports Use this mode when shooting sporting event s. The camera captures a series of still images that allow you to clearl y see detailed moveme nts in a moving subject. • The camera fo cuses on the area in th e center of the frame.
44 Scene Mod e (Shooti ng Suit ed to Scene s) Shooting Features O : Use of a tripod is recommended when using scene modes indicated with O . Set Vibration reductio n to Off in the s et up menu ( A 94) when using a tripod to stabilize the camer a during shoo ting.
45 Scene Mode (Shooting Suited to Scenes) Shooting Features j Night landscape Captures the atmos phere of night landscapes. From the screen displayed after the j Night landscape scene mode is selected, sel ect Hand-held or Tripod .
46 Scene Mod e (Shooti ng Suit ed to Scene s) Shooting Features O : Use of a tripod is recommended when using scene modes indicated with O . Set Vibration reductio n to Off in the s etup menu ( A 94) when usi ng a tripod to stabilize the camer a during shoo ting.
47 Scene Mode (Shooting Suited to Scenes) Shooting Features n Black and white copy Provides clear images of text or drawings on a whit eboard or in prin t. • The camera fo cuses on the area in th e center of the frame. • Use together with macro mo de ( A 65) when shooting subjects that a re close to the camera.
48 Scene Mod e (Shooti ng Suit ed to Scene s) Shooting Features B Note s Abou t Pr intin g Pan orama s When printing panorama s, the entire image may not be able to be prin ted depending on the printer’s setting s. Addi tionally, printi ng may not be possible depen ding on the printer.
49 Scene Mode (S hooting Suited to Scenes ) Shooting Features O Pet por trait Use this mode when taking pictur e s of dogs or cats. When the camera detects the face of a dog or cat, the camera focuses on that face. Once the camera h as focused, by default it automati cally relea ses t he shu tter (pet port rait a uto re lease).
50 Scene Mod e (Shooti ng Suit ed to Scene s) Shooting Features B Note s Ab out Ta kin g 3D Pict ure s In some sh ooting conditions, such a s when the subj ect is moving, da rk, or low in contrast, the second shot may not be taken or the 3D image may not be saved.
51 Shooting Features Special Effects Mode (A pplying Effects When Shooting) Effects can be applied to images during shooting. * The icon of the last effect sele cted is displayed. Th e default setting is D (soft). The following six e ffects are available.
52 Special Effe cts Mode (Applying Effec ts When Shooting) Shooting Features Changing Special Effects Mode Set tings • Features that can be set using the multi selector ( A 61): Flash mo de ( A 62),.
53 Shooting Features Smart P or trait Mode (Ca pturing I mages of Smili ng F aces ) When the camera de tects a smiling face , you can take a picture automatically without pressing the shutter-release button (smile timer). You can use the skin softening option to smooth the skin t ones of human faces.
54 Smart Portrait Mode (Capturing Images of Smiling Faces) Shooting Features B Notes Abou t Sm art P ortr ait Mo de • Digital zoom cannot be used. • Under some shoot ing c on dition s, the camera may be unable to detect fa ces or detect smiles. • See “Notes About Face Detection” ( A 74) for more infor mation.
55 Smart Portrait Mode (Capturing Images of Smiling Faces) Shooting Features Changing Smar t Portrait Mode Settin gs • Features that can be set using the multi selector ( A 61): Flash mo de ( A 62),.
56 Smart Portrait Mode (Capturing Images of Smiling Faces) Shooting Features Options Available in the Smar t Portrait Menu When usi ng F smart portrait mode, the following settings c an be changed. C Camera Settings That Canno t Be Ap plied Simult aneously Some settings cannot be used with other functions ( A 71).
57 Shooting Features Subjec t T rack ing Mode (Focusing on a Moving Subject ) Use this mode to focus on a subject that is moving w hen taking pictures. When you register a subject, subject trac king begins and the focu s area automatically follows the subje ct.
58 Subject Trac king Mode (Focu sing on a Mo ving Su bject) Shooting Features B Note s Abou t Subj ect Tra cking Mode • Adjust zoom position, flash mode , exposure comp ensation, an d menu setti ngs prior to r egistering the subject. • Subject tracking m ay not be possible in certain shooting condition s.
59 Subject Tracking Mode (Focus ing on a Moving S ubject) Shooting Features Changing Subject Trac king Mode Settings • Features that can be set using the multi selector ( A 61): Flash mo de ( A 62), expos ure comp ensatio n ( A 66) • Features that can be set by pressing the d button: Options available in the subject tracking menu ( A 59).
60 Subject Trac king Mode (Focu sing on a Mo ving Su bject) Shooting Features B Note s About F ace Pr iority Tr ackin g • Only one subject can be tracked. If the camera de tects multip le faces at th e same time, the face closest to the center of the frame is tracked.
61 Shooting Features Features That Ca n B e Se t Usi ng t he M ult i Se lec to r When shooting, the multi selector H ( X ), I ( p ), J ( n ), and K ( o ) ca n be us ed to set the following features. Av aila ble F eatu res The features that are a vailable vary w ith the sh ooting mo de, as s hown be low.
62 Features That Ca n Be Set Using the M ulti Selector Shooting Features Using the Flash (Flash Modes) You can set the flash mode to match the shooting conditions. 1 Press t he multi sele ctor H ( m flash mode). 2 Use the mult i se lect or to sele ct t he de sire d mode an d press the k button.
63 Features That Can Be Set Using the M ulti Selector Shooting Features Avail a ble Fla sh Modes C The Flash Mode Setting • The setting varies with the shooting mode. See “ Available Fea tures” ( A 61) and “Default S ettin gs” ( A 67) for more in formation.
64 Features That Ca n Be Set Using the M ulti Selector Shooting Features Using the Self-timer The camera is equipped with a self-ti mer that rele ases the shutter ten seconds or two second s af ter y ou pres s the shut ter-r ele ase but ton.
65 Features That Can Be Set Using the M ulti Selector Shooting Features Using Macro Mode When usi ng macro mode, the camera can focu s on object s as close as 10 cm (4 in. ) from the front of the lens. This fe ature is usef ul when taking clo se-up pictu res of flow ers and ot her smal l subjec ts.
66 Features That Ca n Be Set Using the M ulti Selector Shooting Features Adjusting Brightness (Exposure Compensa tion) By adjusting expos ure compensation when taking pictures, you can a djust overall image brightness. 1 Press t he multi sele ctor K ( o exp osure compens atio n).
67 Features That Can Be Set Using the M ulti Selector Shooting Features Default Settings Default settings for each shooting mode are described below. • Information about scene modes can be found on the next page. 1 Cannot be us ed when Blink proof is set to On .
68 Features That Ca n Be Set Using the M ulti Selector Shooting Features Default settings for scene modes are described below. 1 U (auto) a nd W (off ) can be se lected. When U (auto) is selected, the camera automatica lly select s the flash mode appr opriate for the scen e it has select ed.
69 Shooting Features Changin g the Image Siz e (Image Mode) You can use the Ima ge mode setting i n the shooting menu t o select the combination of image size and compression ratio that is used when saving images. Select the image mode best sui ted to the manner in which i m ages will be used and the capacity of the internal memory or me mory card.
70 Changing the Image Si ze (Image Mod e) Shooting Features C Number of Ima ges That Ca n Be Saved The following tabl e lists the approxima te number of imag es that can be saved in the internal memory and on a 4 GB memory card.
71 Shooting Features Features That Ca nnot B e Used Sim ulta neo usly Some shooting settings cannot be used w ith other functions. Restrict ed functio n Option Descr iption Flash m ode Contin u ous ( A 39) When a setting other than Singl e is sele ct ed, the flas h ca nn ot be us ed.
72 Features That Can not Be Used Simu ltaneo usly Shooting Features B Notes Abou t Digi tal Zo om • Depending on the shooting mode or the current settings, digital zoom may not be available ( E 74). • When digital zoom is in eff ect, the camera focuses in the center of the frame.
73 Shooting Features Using F a ce Detec t ion In the fo llowing shoot ing mode s, the c ame ra uses face detection to automatically focus on human faces. If the camera detects more than one face, a doub le border is displayed aro und the fac e that the camera will foc us on, a nd sin gle bord ers are di splay ed aro und the other faces .
74 Using Face Detect ion Shooting Features B Notes About Fac e Detecti on • The camera’s ability to detect faces depends on a variety of factors, including whether or not the subject is facing the camera.
75 Shooting Features Using Skin S of tening When the shutter is re leased when u sing one of the following shooting modes, the camera dete cts one or more human faces (up to three), and processes the image to soften facia l skin tones before savin g the image.
76 Shooting Features F ocu s Lock You can us e focus lo ck to focus on off-cente r subjects when ce nter is selected for AF area mo de. The follow ing proc edure describes how to use f ocus loc k when using A (a ut o) mode with AF area mod e ( A 40) s et to Cente r .
77 Playback Feature s Playback Features This chapter describes how to select certai n types of images for playb ack as well as some of the f eat ures avai labl e when pla ying b ack im ages. 4 / 4 4 / 4 1 5/05/20 1 2 1 5 : 3 0 1 5/05/20 1 2 1 5:30 000 4 .
78 Playback Feature s Play back Feat ures Selecting Certain T ypes of Images f or Playback You can change the playb ack mode according to the type o f images you want to view. Available Playback Mod es Switching Between Playback Mod es 1 When v iewing imag es in full-frame playback mode o r thum bnail p layback m ode, press the c button.
79 Playback Feature s F eatu res A vailable in Pl ayback Mode (Playb ack Menu) When viewing images in full-frame playback mo de or thumbnail pla yback mode, you can c o nfigure the menu oper ations liste d below by pressing the d button.
80 Features Availabl e in Pla yback M ode (Playb ack Menu ) Playback Feature s 1 Images are edited an d saved as separat e files. Cer tain restric tions appl y ( E 16, E 17).
81 Playback Feature s C o nnecting the Cam era to a T V , Compute r , or Print er You can enhan ce your enj oyment of imag es and movies by conn ecting the camera to a TV, computer, or printer. • Before connecti ng the camera to a n exte rnal device, make sure the remaining battery level is sufficient and turn the camera off.
82 Playback Feature s Using V iewNX 2 ViewNX 2 is an all-in-one software package w hich enables you to transfer, view, edit and share images. Install ViewNX 2 u sing the incl uded ViewNX 2 Installer CD-ROM. Installing ViewN X 2 • An Internet connection is required.
83 Using ViewNX 2 Playback Feature s 2 Select a langua ge in the languag e selecti on dial og to open t he installation window. • If the d esired language is not av ailable, click Reg ion Selection to choose a diff erent region and then choose the desired language (t he Region Selection but ton is n ot availab le in the Europea n releas e).
84 Using ViewNX 2 Playback Feature s Transferring Image s to t he Computer 1 Choos e how images w ill be copied to t he comp uter. Choose one of the fol lowing methods: • Direct USB connection : Turn the came ra off an d ensure th at the me mory ca rd is inserted in the camera .
85 Using ViewNX 2 Playback Feature s 2 Transfer images to the computer. • Confirm that the name of the conn ected camera or remo vable disk is d isplaye d as the “Source” on th e “Options ” title bar of Nikon Tran sfer 2 ( 1 ). • Click Start Transfer ( 2 ).
87 Recording and Playing Back Movies Recording and Playing Back Movies You can record movies by s imply pressing the b ( e movie-record) button. In playback mode, pre ss the k button to play a movie. 114 0 114 0 2 9 m 0 s 29m 0s 1 4 m 3 0 s 14 m30s 1 0 s 1 0s 1 5 / 0 5 / 2 0 1 2 1 5 : 3 0 1 5/05/20 1 2 1 5:30 0 0 1 0 .
88 Recording and Playing Back Movies Recor ding an d Playing Back M ovies Recording Movies You can record movies by s imply pressing the b ( e movie-record) button. The settings made for still images, such as hue and white balance, are applied when recordin g movies.
89 Recording Movie s Recording and Playing Back Movies B Notes Ab out Movie Rec ording • Memory cards with an SD Speed Class rati ng of 6 or faster are recom mended when record ing movie s ( A 21). Movie r ecording may stop unexpectedly when memor y cards with a lowe r Speed Class rating are used.
90 Rec ord ing Mo vie s Recording and Playing Back Movies C Movie Options and Maximum Movie Length All figures are approxi mate. The maximu m movie length may v ary depend ing on t he mak e of t he memory card, ev en among memory card s of the same capacity.
91 Recording Movie s Recording and Playing Back Movies Changing Movie Recording Settin gs (the Movie Menu) The following settings can be change d. Ente r shoo ting mode M d button M D tab ( A 11) Option Descr iption A Mov ie opti ons Select the movi e type.
92 Recording and Playing Back Movies Playing Back Movies Press the c button to enter playbac k mode. Movies are indicated by the movie options i con ( A 91). Press the k button to play back movies. Func tio ns Av ailable Duri ng Playba ck Rotate the multi sele ctor to advance or rewind the movie.
93 General Ca mera Set up General Camera Setup This chapter describes the var ious settings that can be adjusted in the z setup menu. • See “Using Me nus (the d Button)” ( A 11) for inf o rmation about usi ng the camera’s menus. • For further details about each s etting , refer to “The Setup Menu” i n the Reference Section ( E 65 ).
94 General Ca mera Set up Genera l Camer a Se tup The Setup Me nu The following settings can be c hanged in the setup menu by selec ting the z ta b. Press th e d button M z (setup) tab ( A 11) Option Descr iption A Welcom e screen Allows you to select the im age displa yed as the wel come screen whe n the camera is turn ed on.
General Ca mera Set up 95 The Setup Menu Print d ate Allows you to im print the shooting dat e and time o n images at the time of shootin g. The default set ting is Off .
96 The Setup Menu General Ca mera Set up Format memory / Format c ard Allows you to forma t the interna l memor y (only when a memory card is n ot inserted) or the memory ca rd (when a mem ory card is ins erted). • All data stored in the internal m emory or on the mem ory card is de let ed duri ng f orma tti ng a nd cannot be rest ored.
E 1 E Reference Sect ion Reference Section The Reference Section provides detailed information and hints about using the came ra. Shootin g Using Easy Panorama (Shooti ng an d Playback) ......... ......... ............... ............ . E 2 Using 3D Photography .
E 2 Reference Sect ion Refere nce Se ctio n Using Easy Panorama ( Shootin g and Playback) Shooting with Easy Panorama * The icon of the last scene se lected is disp layed. The default sett ing is x (sce ne a uto selector ). 1 Choose Normal ( 180 °) or Wide (36 0 °) as the shooting range and pr ess the k button .
E 3 Using Easy Panorama (Shooting and Playback) Reference Sect ion 4 Move the camera slowly and stra ight in one of the fou r di recti ons, a nd beg in sho oti ng. • When the camera de tects which direction it is moving in, sh ooti ng be gins . • A guide indicating the current shooting positio n is displayed.
E 4 Using Easy Pano rama (Shoo ting and Playba ck) Reference Sect ion Viewing Image s Captured with Easy Panorama Swit ch to playback mod e ( A 3 2), display an im age captured using ea sy panorama in.
E 5 Reference Sect ion U sing 3D Phot ograph y The camera captures one imag e for ea ch eye to simulate a thre e-dimension al image on a 3D-compatible TV or monitor. * The icon of the last scene se lected is disp layed. The default sett ing is x (sce ne a uto selector ).
E 6 Using 3D Photography Reference Sect ion B Note s About 3 D Photo grap hy • Moving subjects are not sui ted to 3D photog raphy. We re commend shooting still su bjects. • Images have a l ess pronounced 3 D feel as the dis tance between the camera a nd background is increased.
E 7 Reference Sect ion Fa v o r i t e P i c t u r e s M o d e After shooting, you can ad d your favorite still imag es to albums; there are nine albums available. After you add images to an album, you can use favorite picture mode to view those imag es easily.
E 8 Fav orit e Pictur es Mode Reference Sect ion Playi ng Back I mag es in Alb ums Use the multi selector to se lect an album and then press the k button to play ba ck the images that have been ad ded to the selected album. • The following operatio ns are available from the albu m select ion sc reen.
E 9 Favori te Pictu res Mo de Reference Sect ion Changing the Favorite s Album Icon 1 Use the mult i se lect or to sele ct a n alb um and pre ss th e d button. 2 Press J or K to se lect an icon co lor a nd p ress the k butt on. 3 Press H , I , J , or K to select an i con and press t he k button.
E 10 Reference Sect ion Aut o S or t M o de Images are automatically sorted into categories , such as portraits, landscapes , and movies. Use the multi se lector to select a c ategory and then press the k button to play ba ck the images in the selecte d cate gor y.
E 11 Auto Sor t Mode Reference Sect ion B Note s About Au to Sort Mode • Up to 9 99 images and movie fil es can be sorted to each category in auto sort mode. If 999 images or movies have alr eady been s orted to a specific cate gory, new images an d movies can not be sorted to that category nor can they be displayed in auto sort mode.
E 12 Reference Sect ion List by Date Mode Use the multi selector to select a d ate and then press the k button to play back the imag es captured on the selecte d date. • The first image that was captured o n the selected date is displayed. • The foll owing op erations are a vailable while the shooting date selection screen is displayed.
E 13 Reference Sect ion V iewing an d Deletin g Imag es Captur ed C ontinu ously (Sequen ce) Viewing Images in a Seq uence Each series of images captured using the following settings is s aved in a sequence.
E 14 View ing a nd Delet ing I mages Captur ed Conti nuousl y (Sequen ce) Reference Sect ion B Sequence Display Options • Select Sequenc e displ ay o ptions ( E 61) in the playback menu to set all sequence s to be displa yed usi ng their k e y pic tures or to disp lay the m as indi vidual images.
E 15 Viewing and Delet ing Images Captu red Continuo usly (Se quenc e) Reference Sect ion Del eti ng Imag es i n a Seq uen ce If Sequence disp lay options ( E 61) i n the play back men u is set to Key pictu re only , images to be deleted vary as described below.
E 16 Reference Sect ion Edit ing Still Images Editing Features Use the CO OLPIX S6300 to e dit images in-c amera and save them as s eparate files ( E 90). The editing functions described below are available. B Notes About Im age Edit ing • Images c apture d at an Image mode ( A 69) setting of l 4 6 08 ×2 5 92 cannot be edited.
E 17 Editing Sti ll Images Reference Sect ion C Restriction s on Image Edit ing When an edited copy is furth er modified with anothe r edit ing fu nct ion , check the fol lowi ng restrictions. • Copies created with editing functi ons cannot be further edited with the same function used to create them.
E 18 Editing S till Images Reference Sect ion k Quick Retouch: Enhan cing Contrast and Saturat ion Press t he multi sele ctor H or I to sel ect the amount of effect ap plied and press the k bu tton . • The original version is disp layed on the lef t and the edited version is dis played on t he right.
E 19 Editing Sti ll Images Reference Sect ion e Skin Softening: Softening Sk in Tones 1 Press t he multi sele ctor H or I to selec t the degree of sof ten ing a nd pr ess th e k button. • The confirmation dialog is displayed with the face to which skin soften ing was app lied enlarged at th e center of th e monitor .
E 20 Editing S till Images Reference Sect ion p Filter Effects: Applying Digital Filter Effects 1 Press the multi selector H or I to select the filter effect type and press the k button. • When Cross screen , Fisheye , Miniature effect , or Painting is sel ected, pr oceed to st ep 3.
E 21 Editing Sti ll Images Reference Sect ion 3 Confir m the effec t and pres s the k button. • A new, edited c opy is created . • To exit witho ut saving the copy , press J . • Copies cre ated using th e filter ef fects functio n are indicated by the c icon displayed during playback.
E 22 Editing S till Images Reference Sect ion a Crop: Creating a Cropped Copy Create a copy containing only the por tion visible in t he monitor when u is displayed with playbac k zoom ( A 33 ) ena bled. Cropp ed c opies are saved as separa te files .
E 23 Reference Sect ion C onnec ting the Camera to a TV ( Viewing Images on a T V ) Connect the camera to a TV t o play back ima ges or mo vies on the TV. If your TV is equipped with an HD MI jack, a comm ercially available HDMI cab le can be used to conn ect the ca mer a to the TV.
E 24 Connecting the Cam era to a TV (Viewing Imag es on a TV) Reference Sect ion 3 Set t he TV’s input to e xternal vid eo input. • See the documentat ion provided wit h your TV for details. 4 Hold d ow n th e c button t o turn on th e camer a. • The camera en ters playbac k mode and image s are displayed on the TV.
E 25 Reference Sect ion C onnec ting the C amera to a Pri nter (Di rect Print) User s of P ictB ridg e-c ompa tible ( F 16 ) printers c an connect the camera directly to the printer and print images without using a compu ter. Follow the procedures below to print imag es.
E 26 Connecting the Cam era to a Printer (Dire ct Print) Reference Sect ion Connecting the Camer a to a Printer 1 Turn off t he camera. 2 Turn on the pri nter. • Check pr inter set tings. 3 Conn ect the c amera to the printer us ing the i ncluded USB cable.
E 27 Connecting the Came ra to a Printer (Di rect Print) Reference Sect ion Printing Individual Images After properly connecting the camera to the printer ( E 26), follow the procedures described below to print an image. 1 Use the mult i se lect or to sele ct t he de sire d image and press the k butto n.
E 28 Connecting the Cam era to a Printer (Dire ct Print) Reference Sect ion 6 Sel ec t Start pr int and p ress the k butt on . 7 Printi ng begins . • Monitor di splay re turns to the pr int selec tion scre en shown in st ep 1 when p rinting is complete .
E 29 Connecting the Came ra to a Printer (Di rect Print) Reference Sect ion 4 Sel ec t Print selec tion , Pr int al l im ages , or DPOF printing and pres s the k button. Prin t s elec tion Select im ages (u p to 99 ) and the numbe r of copies ( up to nine) of ea ch.
E 30 Connecting the Cam era to a Printer (Dire ct Print) Reference Sect ion 5 Printi ng begins . • Monitor di splay re turns to the pr int menu sh own in step 2 when pr inting is co mplete. • To cancel p rinting be fore all copie s have been printe d, press the k butt on.
E 31 Reference Sect ion Recording Movie s in Slow Mo tion and F as t Motio n (HS Movie ) HS (high speed) movies can be recorded . The portions of the mo vie recorded using HS movie can be played back in s low motion at 1/4 or 1/2 of normal playback speed, or playe d back in fast mo tion at a speed two times faster than normal speed.
E 32 Recording Movies in Slow M otion and Fast Mo tion (HS Movie) Reference Sect ion 4 Press the b ( e movi e-re cor d) bu tton to star t recordin g. • Movie recor ding be gins after the monito r briefly turns off. • The camera f ocuses at the ce nter of the frame.
E 33 Recording Movies in Slow Moti on and Fast Moti on (HS Mo vie) Reference Sect ion B Notes Abou t HS Movie • Sound is not recorded. • Zoom position, focus, exposu re, and white balance a re locked when the b ( e mo vie-r eco rd) button is pressed to start HS movie recording.
E 34 Reference Sect ion Ed itin g Mo vies The desired portions of a recorded movie can be saved as a separate file (except movies recorded using p iFra me 540 (96 0 × 540 ) ( E 62)). 1 Play back the desired movie and pause at the start point of the por tion that is to be e xtracted ( A 92 ).
E 35 Editing Movie s Reference Sect ion 6 Choose Ye s and p ress the k bu tton . • The edited movie is sa ved. B Notes About Mo vie Edit ing • Use a sufficiently char ged battery to pre vent the camera fr om turning off during editing. Wh en the bat tery leve l displa y is B , movie editin g is not possible.
E 36 Reference Sect ion The S hooting Menu (f or A (Auto) Mode) • See “Cha nging t he Imag e Size (Image Mode) ” ( A 69) for information about Image mod e . White Balance (Adjusting Hue) The color of light reflected from an object varies with the color of the light s ource.
E 37 The Shooting Menu (for A (Au to ) Mo de ) Reference Sect ion Usin g Pres et Manua l The pre set manua l optio n is used with m ixed lighti ng or to co mpensa te for ligh t sources with a strong c.
E 38 The Shooting Menu (for A (Auto) Mode ) Reference Sect ion Continuous Shootin g Change settings to continuous or BSS (Best Shot Selector). Sele ct A (auto) mode M d butt on M Continuou s Option Descrip tion U Single (defaul t setting) One pictur e is taken ea ch time the shutte r-rel ease butt on is press ed.
E 39 The Shooting Menu (for A (Au to ) Mo de ) Reference Sect ion The current continuous shooting setting is indicated b y an icon w hen shooting ( A 6). No icon is displayed when Sing le is selected. B Note s Ab out Co nti nuo us Sh oot ing • When a setting other than Singl e is selected, flash cannot be used.
E 40 The Shooting Menu (for A (Auto) Mode ) Reference Sect ion C Pre-s ho otin g Ca che When Pre-shoot ing cache is sele cted, shooting begins when the s hutter-release b utton is press ed halfway f or 0.
E 41 The Shooting Menu (for A (Au to ) Mo de ) Reference Sect ion ISO Sensitivity When ISO sensitivity is increased, less light is nee ded when taking pictures.
E 42 The Shooting Menu (for A (Auto) Mode ) Reference Sect ion Color Options Make colors more vivid or save ima ges in monoc hrome. The current color options setting is indicated by an icon when shooting ( A 6). When Sta ndar d color is selected, no icon is displayed.
E 43 The Shooting Menu (for A (Au to ) Mo de ) Reference Sect ion AF Area Mode Use this option to determine how the camera selects the focu s area for autofocus. Sele ct A (auto) mode M d butt on M AF a re a mod e Option Description a Face p riori ty (defaul t setting) When the camer a detects a huma n face, it f ocuse s on that face.
E 44 The Shooting Menu (for A (Auto) Mode ) Reference Sect ion B Note s Ab out AF Ar ea Mo de • When digita l zoom is in e ffect, focus will be on the center of the screen rega rdless of the AF ar ea mode setting. • Autofocus may not perform as expected ( A 31).
E 45 The Shooting Menu (for A (Au to ) Mo de ) Reference Sect ion Autofocus Mode Sele ct how the came ra focuse s. B Autofo cus Mode Setting Autofocus mode can be set independently for both subject trac king mode and A (aut o) mod e .
E 46 Reference Sect ion T he Sma rt P ort ra it Men u • See “Cha nging t he Imag e Size (Image Mode) ” ( A 69) for information about Image mod e . Skin Softenin g Enable skin softening. The current setting c an be confirmed by the indicator d isplayed in the monitor during sho otin g ( A 7).
E 47 The Smart Portrait Menu Reference Sect ion Blin k Proo f The camera automa tically releas es the shu tter twice each time a p icture is taken. Of the tw o shots, one in which the subjec t’s eyes are op en is saved . The current blink proof setting is indicated by an icon when shooting ( A 7).
E 48 Reference Sect ion The Subject T racking Menu • See “Cha nging t he Imag e Size (Image Mode) ” ( A 69) for information about Image mod e . Autofocus Mode Determines how the camera focuses when using s ubject tracking mode.
E 49 Reference Sect ion The Pl ayback Me nu • See “Editing Still Images” ( E 16 ) for infor mation about image editing features. • See “Favorite Pictures Mode” ( E 7) for informati on about Favorite pictu res and Rem ove from favorite s .
E 50 The Playback Menu Reference Sect ion 3 Select w hether or not to print shooting date and sho oting inform a tion. • Select Date an d press th e k button to prin t the shootin g date on all imag es in the prin t order.
E 51 The Pl ayback Menu Reference Sect ion B Note s Abou t Pr int O rder • Print orders cannot be created f or images ca ptured in 3D photography scene mode.
E 52 The Playback Menu Reference Sect ion C Cance ling Ex istin g Pri nt Or der Select Delete prin t order in step 1 of “ a Print Order (Crea ting a DPOF Print Ord er)” ( E 49) and press the k button to remove print mark ing from all images and cancel the print order.
E 53 The Pl ayback Menu Reference Sect ion b Slide Show Play back images, saved in the internal memory or on a memory card, one by one in an a utomated “slide show.
E 54 The Playback Menu Reference Sect ion d Protect Protects s elected im ages f rom ac cidental d eletion. Sele ct image s to prote ct or canc el protecti on for prev ious ly pro tecte d images from the image selec tion screen. See “ The Imag e Selection Screen” ( E 55 ) for more information.
E 55 The Pl ayback Menu Reference Sect ion The Im age Select ion Scre en When us ing one of the followin g featu res, a sc reen like that shown on the right is displayed when selecting ima ge s.
E 56 The Playback Menu Reference Sect ion f Rotate Image Specify the orientation in which saved imag es are displayed during play back. Still images can be rotated 90 degrees clockwise or 90 degrees c ounterclockwise. Images that were s aved in portrait (“tall” ) orientation can be rotated up to 1 80 degrees in either direc tion.
E 57 The Pl ayback Menu Reference Sect ion E Voice Memo Use the camera’ s microphone to record voice memo s for images. • The voice memo recordi ng screen i s displayed for i ma ges tha t do not h ave a voice memo, and the voice memo playback sc re en is displa yed for images that have a voice memo (i.
E 58 The Playback Menu Reference Sect ion B Notes About Vo ice Memo s • When an image with a voice memo atta ched is deleted, b oth the image and its voice memo are delet ed. • You cannot delete voice memos attached to protected images ( E 54). • Voice memos cann ot be recorded for an im age that alread y has a voice memo attache d to it.
E 59 The Pl ayback Menu Reference Sect ion h Copy (Copy Between Internal Memory and Memo ry Card) Copy images between the internal memory and a memory card. 1 Use the mult i se lect or to sele ct a dest inat ion option to which images are copied and press the k butt on.
E 60 The Playback Menu Reference Sect ion C Notes About Copying Images i n a Seque nce • If you se lect a key pict ure of a sequence in Sele cte d im ag es when only the k ey picture is displa yed for t he seque nce ( E 13), all images in the sequence a re copied.
E 61 The Pl ayback Menu Reference Sect ion C Sequence Display Options Choose the metho d used to display a se ries of image s shot c o ntinuously (sequenc e) ( E 13) when view ing them in full -fr ame playba ck mode ( A 32 ) and in thumbnail playback mode ( A 33 ).
E 62 Reference Sect ion The M ovie Menu Movie Options Select the desired mo vie option to re cord . Larger image size s and fa ster movie bitrates mean greater image quality and larger movie file sizes. • The movie bit rate is the vo lume of movie data re corded per second.
E 63 The M ovi e Menu Reference Sect ion HS Mov ie Op tions * The ma ximum record ing time shown he re refe rs only to the port ion of the m ovie tha t is re cord ed i n slow mot ion or fast m ot ion. C More Information See “File and Fold er Na mes” ( E 90) for more information.
E 64 The Movie Menu Reference Sect ion Autofocus Mode Select how the came ra focuses in movie mode. • When an HS movie option is selected in Movie options , the setting is fixed at Sing le AF . Wind Noise Reduction Allows you to reduce wind no ise during movie recording.
E 65 Reference Sect ion The Setup Me nu Welcom e Screen Select whether or not a welcome screen is displayed when the camera is turned on. Press th e d button M z tab M Welcom e screen Option Descrip tion None (defaul t setting) The camera ent ers shooting or playback mode with out display ing the welc ome scree n.
E 66 The Setup Menu Reference Sect ion Time Zone and Date Set the camera clock. Select ing the Tra vel Destina tion T ime Zone 1 Use the mult i se lect or to sele ct Ti me zone and press the k butto n. 2 Sel ec t x T ravel des tinat ion and press the k button.
E 67 The Setup Menu Reference Sect ion 3 Press K . • The travel de stinati on screen is di splayed . 4 Press J or K to sel e ct the tr avel dest ination time zone . • If daylight savin g time is in effect, press H to enable daylight saving tim e func tion.
E 68 The Setup Menu Reference Sect ion C Time Z ones The camera supports the time zones listed below. For time zones not listed below, set th e camera clock to local time from the Date and tim e option.
E 69 The Setup Menu Reference Sect ion Monitor Settings Set the options below. Press th e d button M z tab M Monitor settings Option Descrip tion Ph oto in fo Select information displayed in the monitor during shooting and play bac k. Se e “Phot o Info” ( E 70) for more infor matio n.
E 70 The Setup Menu Reference Sect ion Photo Info Select whether or not the pho to information is displayed in the mo nitor. See “The Monitor ” ( A 6) for information about indicato rs displayed in the monit or.
E 71 The Setup Menu Reference Sect ion Print Date (Imprinting Date and Time) The shooting date and time can be imprinted on the images when shooting, allowing the information to be printed even from p rinters that do not support date printing ( E 50).
E 72 The Setup Menu Reference Sect ion Vibration Reduction Reduce the effects of camera shake while shooti ng. Vibration reduction effectively reduces blur, caused by slight hand movement known as camer a shake, which commonly occurs when shoo ting with zoom applied or at sl ow shu tter sp eeds.
E 73 The Setup Menu Reference Sect ion Motion Detect ion Enable motion detection to reduce the e f fe cts of subject move ment and came ra shake when sho oting still image s. The current motion detection setting is indicated by an icon when shooting ( A 6).
E 74 The Setup Menu Reference Sect ion AF Assist Enable or disable AF-assist illuminator, which assists autofocus operation when the subject is dimly lit. Digital Zo om Enable or dis able dig ital zoom . B Notes Abou t Digi tal Zo om • When digital zoom is in eff ect, the camera focuses at the center of the frame.
E 75 The Setup Menu Reference Sect ion Sound Settings Adjust the following sound settings. B Notes Abou t Sou nd S etti ngs Button sounds and the shutter sound are disabled when using the Pet portrait scene mode. Press th e d button M z tab M Sound setti ngs Option Descrip tion But ton sou nd Select On (def aul t setting) or Of f .
E 76 The Setup Menu Reference Sect ion Auto Off If no operations are performed for a specified amount of time, the monitor tu rns off and t he camera enters st andby mode ( A 23). This setting d etermines the amount of time t hat passes before the camera enters stan dby mode.
E 77 The Setup Menu Reference Sect ion Format Memo ry/Format Card Use this option to format the internal memory or a memory card. Formatting the internal memory or m emory cards permanently de letes all data. Data that has be en delete d cannot be restored.
E 78 The Setup Menu Reference Sect ion Lang uag e Sele ct one of 29 langu ages for display of ca mera menus and me ssages. Press th e d button M z tab M Lang uage Czech Russian Danish Ro man ian Germa.
E 79 The Setup Menu Reference Sect ion TV Settings Adjust settings for connection to a TV. C HDMI an d HDMI- CEC HDMI (Hi gh-Definition Multimedia Interf ace) is a multimedia interface. H DMI-CEC (H DMI-Consu mer Electronics Control) allows compatible device s to inter-operate.
E 80 The Setup Menu Reference Sect ion Charge by Co mputer Select whether or not the battery inserted into the camera is charged when the camera is connecte d to a computer via the USB cable ( A 81 ).
E 81 The Setup Menu Reference Sect ion B Notes About Charging w ith Connection to a Computer • The battery cannot be charged, nor can data be transfe rred, when the camera is connected to a computer before t he came ra’s display language and dat e and time have been set ( A 24).
E 82 The Setup Menu Reference Sect ion Blin k W arni ng Select whether or not the camera detects human subjects that have blinked using face detection ( A 73) when shooting in the following modes: •.
E 83 The Setup Menu Reference Sect ion The B link Warning S creen When the Did someon e blink? screen sh own on the right is d isplayed in the monitor, the operations described below a re available. If no operations are pe rformed within a few seconds, the camera automatically returns to shooting mode.
E 84 The Setup Menu Reference Sect ion Eye-Fi Uplo ad B Note s About Ey e-F i Cards • Note that images will not be uploa ded if signal strength is insufficient even if Enable is selected. • Select Disable where wire less devices are pr ohibited. • Refer to the instruction manual of your Eye-Fi card for more infor mation.
E 85 The Setup Menu Reference Sect ion Filmstrip Allows you to select whether or not the filmstrip is dis played when you rotate the multi selector q uickly in full-frame display.
E 86 The Setup Menu Reference Sect ion Res et Al l When Reset i s selected, the camera’s settings will be restored to t heir default values. Basic Shooting Fun ctions Shooting Me n u Scene Mo de Pre.
E 87 The Setup Menu Reference Sect ion Speci al effect s mode Smart Portrait Menu Sub ject Trackin g Menu Movi e Menu Setup Me nu Option Default v alue Special effect s mode se tting in the shoot ing .
E 88 The Setup Menu Reference Sect ion Other s • Selecting Reset all also clears the current file number ( E 90) f rom memory. Numbe ring will continue from the lowest number available. To rese t file numbering to “0001”, delete all images sa ved in the internal memory or on the memory card ( A 3 4) before selecting Reset all .
E 89 The Setup Menu Reference Sect ion Firmware Version View the current camera firmware version. Press th e d button M z tab M Firmw are v ers ion COOLPI X S6300 Ver.
E 90 Reference Sect ion F i le and F older Names Images, movies, or voic e memos a re assig ned fil e names as foll ows. • Files a re sav ed i n folde rs named with a folder numbe r followed by “NIKON ” (e.g. “100NIKON”). When the number of files within a folder reaches 9999, a new folder will b e created.
E 91 Reference Sect ion Optional A cces s ories 1 Included with the camer a at the time of purc hase ( A ii). 2 When using in other coun tries, use a plug adapt er (commerc ially availab le) as necessar y. For more inf ormatio n abo ut plug a dapters , consul t your t ravel agen cy.
E 92 Reference Sect ion Err or Messag es Display Cause / Solu tion A O (flas hes) Clock no t set. Set date and t ime. E 66 Ba ttery exhaus ted. Charge o r repl ace batte ry. 16 , 18 Battery tem peratu re high Batte ry tempe rature is hi gh. Turn off ca mera , and allo w battery to cool down before resumin g use.
E 93 Error Me ssages Reference Sect ion Card is not forma tted. Forma t card? Yes No Memory card ha s not been formatte d for us e in COOLPI X S6 300. Formattin g delet es all data sa ved on the m emory car d. Be sur e to sele ct No and make co pies of any i mages whi ch ne ed t o be k ept b efore fo rmattin g th e memo ry card.
E 94 Error Messages Reference Sect ion Image can not be modified. Cannot edit se lected image. • Select image s that support editing function. • Movies can not be edite d. E 17 – Canno t record m ovie. Time out error w hile savin g movie on the memory card.
E 95 Error Me ssages Reference Sect ion Shooting failed When taking 3D pictur es, the first sh ot could not be successfully taken. • Try shoo ting again. • In some shootin g conditions, such as when the subject is moving, dark, or low in contrast, shooting may not be possible.
E 96 Error Messages Reference Sect ion * See the documentat ion provided with your printer for further guidance and information . Pri nter e rror : pap er jam Paper has ja mmed in printer. Remove the jammed paper, select Resume , and press the k button to resu me printi ng.
F 1 Technical Not es and Index Technical Notes and Index Maximizing Camera Life and Pe rformance ...... ............ F 2 The Camera ....... ......... ............ ......... ............ ......... ........... ......... ............ ...... ......... ...
F 2 Technical Not es and Index Techni cal Note s and Index Maximizing Camer a Life and Performance The Camera To ensure continued enjoyment of this Nikon pro duct, observe the precautions described below in additi on to the warnings in “For Your Safety” ( A vi) when usi ng or stor ing the device.
Maximizing Camera Life and Performa nce Technical Not es and Index F 3 B Notes on th e Mo nit or • Monitors and electr onic viewfinders are constructed with extr emely hig h precisio n; at least 99.99 % of pixels are effective , with no more than 0.
Maximizing Camera Life and Performance Technical Not es and Index F 4 Charging AC Adapter • The Charging AC Adapter EH-69P is f or use only wi th compatible devices. Do not use with another make or model of device. • The EH-69P is com p atible with AC 1 00-240 V, 50/60 Hz electri cal outlets.
F 5 Technical Not es and Index Cleani ng and St orage Cleaning Do not use alcohol, thinner, or other volatile chemicals. Storage Turn the camera o ff when not in use. Be su re that the power-on lamp is off before putting the camera away. Remove the battery if the camera will not be used for an extended period.
F 6 Technical Not es and Index T roubleshoo ting If th e camera fail s to f u nction a s expected, check t he list of common problems below before consulting your retailer or Nikon -aut horize d serv ice r epres entat ive. Power, Displa y, Sett ings I ssues Problem Caus e / Solution A Battery ins erted in the cam era can no t be charged.
Trouble s hooti ng Technical Not es and Index F 7 Monitor is bla nk. • Camera is off. • Standby mode for saving power: press the power switch, th e shutter- release button, A butto n, c butt on, or b ( e m ovie- reco rd) butto n. • When flash lamp flashe s, wait un til flash has charged.
Troub lesho otin g Technical Not es and Index F 8 Char acte ristics of Digital Ca meras In extremely rare instances , unusual characters may appear in the monitor and the camera may stop f u nctioning. In mos t cases, this phenomenon is caused by a strong external static charge.
Troubleshooting Technical Notes and In dex F 9 Flash does not fire. • The flash mode is set to W (o ff). • Scene mode with which th e flash does not fire is selected. • On is selected for Blink proof in smart portrait menu. • Another funct ion that restri cts flash is enab led.
Troub lesho otin g Technical Not es and Index F 10 Ima ges are too brig ht (ove rexp ose d). Adjust exp osur e compens ation. 66 Unexpected results when flas h set to V (auto wi th red-eye red uction) .
Trouble s hooti ng Technical Not es and Index F 11 Playba ck Iss ues Problem Caus e / Solution A Fil e can not be play ed back. • File or fol der was overw ritten or renamed by compute r or other m ake of camera. • The COOLPI X S6300 is not abl e to play ba ck movies recorded with another make or model of digital camera.
Troub lesho otin g Technical Not es and Index F 12 The saved imag es are not displayed in auto sort mode. • The desire d image wa s sorted to a cate gory othe r than the c ategory c urren tly displa yed. • Images saved by a ca mera oth er than the COOLPIX S 6300 and image s copied using the Copy option cann ot be displayed in auto sort mode.
F 13 Technical Notes and In dex Specific ations Nikon COOLPIX S6300 Digital Camera Type Compac t digital camera Effective pixels 16.0 million Image sensor 1 / 2.3 -in. type CMOS; approx. 16.79 million total pixels Lens 10× optical zoom, NIKKOR lens Focal length 4.
Spe cif icat ions Technical Not es and Index F 14 ISO sen sitivity (Stand ard o utput sensit ivity) • ISO 125, 200, 400 , 800, 1600, 3200 • Auto (a uto gain fro m ISO 125 to 160 0) • Fixe d ra n.
Specificatio ns Technical Not es and Index F 15 • Unless otherwise stated, all figures are for a camera with a fully-charged Rechargeable L i-ion Battery EN -EL12 op erate d at an ambient temperature of 25° C (77°F). * Based o n Cam era and Imaging Produ cts Ass ociatio n (CIPA ) stand ards f or meas uring th e life of camera batterie s.
Spe cif icat ions Technical Not es and Index F 16 Supported S tandards • DCF : Design Rule for Camera File System is a stand ard widely used in the digital camera indus try to ensu re compati bil ity among different makes o f camera.
F 17 Technical Not es and Index Index Symbols A Auto mode 22, 26, 38 x Scen e mode 41 D Special effe cts mod e 51 F Smart portrait m ode 53 s Subject trackin g mode 57 c Playba ck mode 32, 78 h Favori.
Index F 18 Technical Not es and Index Computer 81, 8 4 Connector cover 3 Continuous 39, E38 Copying images 79, E59 Crop E22 Cyanotype 40, E42 D Date 24, 94, E 66 Date and time 24, 94, E6 6 Date format.
Index F 19 Technical Not es and Index Internal me mory 21 ISO sensitivity 39, E41 J JPG E90 L Land sca pe c 42 Lang uag e 96, E78 Lens 2, F13 Lens cov er 2 List by da te m en u 79, E12 List by date m .
Index F 20 Technical Not es and Index Reco rding slo w m otion mo vies 91, E31, E63 Red-eye redu ction 63 Remove from favorites E8 Rese t all 96 , E86 Rota ry m ult i se lec tor 4, 5, 10 Rota te im ag.
No repr oduction in an y form of this manual , in whole or in part (exc ept for brie f quotation in crit ical articles or r eview s), may be made without written au thorization fr om NIKON C O RPORA TION .
デバイスNikon COOLPIXS6300SILの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Nikon COOLPIXS6300SILをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはNikon COOLPIXS6300SILの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Nikon COOLPIXS6300SILの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Nikon COOLPIXS6300SILで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Nikon COOLPIXS6300SILを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はNikon COOLPIXS6300SILの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Nikon COOLPIXS6300SILに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちNikon COOLPIXS6300SILデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。