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Ke y s 0HQX Pow er k e y Press and hold to turn your phone on or off. Navi™ key Its current function is displayed above it. Use to acc ess the menu, make calls, etc. Scroll keys Press to scroll through menus and phone book. They also adjust sp eak er volume while in a call.
Quick guide to functions Call functions Phone book func ti on s Other essential shor tcu ts Make a call Enter phone numbe r , press &DOO Answer a call Press $QVZHU Answer a call with c all wai tin.
Quick guide to the menu Phone menu shortcuts Note: Menu items in your phone v ary depending on t he network, SIM card, and accessories used. Access me nu Press 0HQX Scroll Pre ss or Go back a level Pr.
0 Indicators and Icons Y ou have an active call . Y ou ha ve one or mor e new voi ce mess ages. Y ou have one or more new text m essages . (If blinkin g, text message m emory is fu ll.) Keyguard is on. Your phone will not accept any keypre sses. T o tur n it of f, press 8QORFN , the n .
i Contents 1. For your safety 1 FCC/Indus try Canada Notice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Using this Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2. Preparing the phon e for us e 3 Insert ing the SIM ca rd . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ii 5. Basic functions 2 4 Turning the phone on or of f . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Checking s ignal strength . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Making a ca ll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 5 Adjusting ea rpiece volume .
iii 9. Call log 4 1 Missed calls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Received calls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Dialed calls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Clearing ca ll lists .
iv PUK and P UK2 codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 1 SIM car d security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 1 Phone s ecurity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Fixed dialing . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1 1. For your safety Read these simple guidelines before using your phone. Failure to comply with these guidelines may be dangerous or illegal. Road Safe ty Comes Fi rst Don’t use a hand-held phone while driving; park the vehicle first. Switch Off In Hos p it als Follow any regulations or rules.
2 FCC/Industry Canada Notice Y our phone may cause TV or radio interference (for example, when u sing a telephone in close proximity to receiving equipmen t). The FC C or Industry Ca nada can require you to stop using your te lephone if such in terference cannot be eliminated.
3 2. Prep a ri ng the ph one for use Before y ou can use yo ur new phon e, you nee d to: 1 Insert a miniatu re SIM card (available from your service provider). 2 Attach a nd charg e the b attery . If you purchased an optional analog module, you should attach it to the phone .
4 4 Close the holder . 5 Slide the SIM card holder toward th e bottom of th e phone unt il it locks in to place. 6 Atta ch the b atter y . Attaching the battery To attach th e bat tery , p lace i t on the back of t he phone as shown an d slide it towa rd the top of t he phone until it clicks into place.
5 Removing the battery Note: Switch off the phone before removing the battery! 1 Press and hold the button at the top of the battery . 2 Slide the battery toward the bottom of the phone. 3 Lift the batte ry off the phone. Battery c harging Y our phone is powered by a rechargeable NiMH o r Li-Ion battery .
6 When is ch arging co mplete? When the charge indicators st op scrolling, your phone is considered fully charged. However , a slight inc rease in charge may occur if yo u leave your phone connected to the charge r .
7 • Never use any charger or battery which is damaged or worn out. • Do not short circuit the battery . Accidental short circuiting can occur when a metallic object (coin, clip, or pen ) causes di.
8 3. About the phone, keys & menu Po w e r k e y The power ke y has several functi ons: • To turn the phone on or off, press and hold it. • When th e phone is not attached to a heads et or handsfre e car kit, yo u can pres s it briefly to select a quick alert setting (see page 2 1).
9 Lig hts To turn your ph one’s lights on for 15 s econds: • if Keyguard is off, press any ke y • if Keyguard is on, briefly press the key Start screen The start screen appears when you first turn on you r phone. 0HQ X app ea r s above the Nav i™ ke y so you can acc ess your phone ’s menu.
10 Phone men u shortcu ts When y ou select a me nu item, numbe rs appear on the display above th e scroll bar . If you become familiar wit h these numbers, you can use them as shortcuts for accessing differe nt me nu item s. For example , to access the 6HFXULW VHWWLQJV menu, y ou can simply press 0HQX 4 2.
11 1 Shortcuts for sets of message settings may vary depending on the number of sets supported by your SIM card. 4S e t t i n g s 41 Call settings 41 1 Automatic redial 41 2 Call waiting 4 13 Send own.
12 Entering letters and numbers Cursor The curs or is a blinking vertical line that appear s on the screen when you a re enteri ng text or numbe rs. Characters you ente r appear to the right of the c ursor . Pressing the key delete s the character to the left of the cursor .
13 Chan ging let ter c ase Press the key to sw itch between upper- and low er- case lette rs. The $%& icon sw itches to DEF to indicate that you are using lower case .
14 Special ch ar acters in phon e numbers You can use spec ial characters to dial or sa ve internationa l phone num bers as well as phone numbers of automated services such as bank a ccount informa tion. When ente ring numbers , press the key rep eatedly to us e these characters.
15 Note: Keyguard is not a security feature and will not prevent unauthorized use of your phone . To l ock the keys Press 0HQ X . To unlock the keys Press 8QORFN . Notes about K eyguard • When Keygua rd is on, calls m ay be possible t o the emergency num ber programmed into your pho ne (e.
16 4. Setting s This sectio n describes some phone sett ings that you probably won’t change very often, and others that allow you to custom ize your phone to suit yo ur preferences. Y o u can set them now or skip to ‘ Basic functions’ on page 24 to get started using your phone.
17 5 At 'LDOLQJ VH TXHQFH , pr ess 6HOHFW . Press to choose the dia ling sequence your card us es, then pres s 6HO HFW . Note: The order of th e following steps may vary , de pending on which d ialing sequence you r card uses. 6 Enter acce ss number (us ually the 1-800 n umber listed on the back of the callin g card), then press 2.
18 Choos i ng a callin g card to us e Use 0HQX 4 1 5 to select a calling card t o use. You will be required to enter your securi ty code. Making callin g card calls See ‘Calling card calls’ on page 34. Clock Your phone has an inte rnal clock that can be displayed on the start screen.
19 Lig hts If you’re using your phone with a car kit, use 0HQX 4 3 7 to set y our ph one’ s ligh ts to 2Q (lights stay on) or $XWRPDW LF (after 15 seconds, ligh ts turn off un til the next k ey is pressed, phone rings, etc.). For information about turning you r phone’s lights on at any time, see page 9.
20 To ne s Use 0HQX 9 to change th e six sou nd settings in your phone: ringing option, ringing tone, ringing vo lume, message alert tone, keypad tones, and warning t ones.
21 Ringin g volu me Use 0HQX 9 3 to control the volume of your phone’s ringing and of message alert ton es. Messag e alert tone Use 0HQX 9 4 to ch oose the ton e played when y ou receive a text m essage.
22 0 WRQHV This se tting uses th e current settings in Me nu 9, Tone s. 6LOHQW All sound is turned off. The icon appears a t the start sc reen. 'LV FUHHW Y our phone beeps on ce when you rece ive a call or text m ess age. Ot her tones are turn ed off.
23 Wel c om e n ot e Use 0H QX 4 3 4 to set a w elcome note for your phone . This note is displayed briefly ea ch time you t urn on your phone. It can be your name, a reminder , etc.
24 5. Basic functions T urning the phone on or off Press and hold the key for one second. Note: If the phone asks for a PIN code, see ‘PIN code’ on page 60.
25 Making a call 1 Enter the area code and phone numb er . ( 0HQX c hanges to &DOO .) 2 Press &DOO and wait for th e other party to an swer . IMPOR T ANT ! The phone can make an d receive call.
26 1 From the start screen, press to access the dialed call s lis t. 2 Scroll to the number you wa nt. 3 Press &DOO . Saving a name and number See ‘Saving names and num bers’ on page 37. Finding a name a nd number 1 Press to access your ph one book.
27 If you a lso subscribe to the call forw arding network service and the inc oming call has been forw arded from another phone num ber , the ph one displays )RU ZDUGHG FDOO , then the name or nu mber and FDOOLQJ ! . Rejecting a call To reject an incoming call, press .
28 6. Emergency calls 1 If the phon e is not on, switc h it on. Some networks m ay require th at a valid SIM c ard is properly inse rted in the phone. 2 Press and hol d the key for se veral sec onds to ready the phone for calls. 3 Key in the emergency nu mber for your pre sent locatio n (e.
29 Emergency key 9 When th is feature is on, the phon e attemp ts to make an emerge ncy cal l when yo u: • press an d hold the 9 ke y , or • press 9, then press &DOO . This feat ure is set to 2II in new phone s and will not work until you turn it on .
30 7. Advanced func tions In-call menu When y ou are in a sin gle call, the Navi ™ key function is (QG . However , your phone ha s an in-call menu th at allows you to perform seve ral functions while in a call. To access the in- call me nu, press to change the Na vi™ key fun ction to 2SWLRQV , then pre ss 2SWLRQV .
31 Making/receiving multiple calls Makin g a new outg oing ca ll Select 1HZ FDO O from th e in-call me nu, enter or fin d the phone number you wan t, the n press &DOO . The first ca ll is automatica lly put on hold. The active call is indica ted by the icon and the he ld call is indicated by the icon.
32 Call forwarding Use 0HQX 5 to acce ss the call forwarding network service, which lets you forward your inco ming calls to another phon e number. Check with your service prov ider for details. Forwardin g ca lls Call forwarding types are )RUZDUG DOO YRLFH FDOOV and )RU ZDUG ZKHQ QRW DEOH WR WDNH F DOOV .
33 The se cond through eighth phone numbers y ou save to your phone book are automatically assigned t o keys 2 throu gh 8. You can change the k ey assignments using the follow ing procedure.
34 Calling card calls Before you c an make a ca ll using a calling card, you have to enter y our calling card informat ion into the ph one. See ‘Calling card set-up’ on page 16.
35 Touch tones can be used for man y automated, over-the- phone servic es such as voi ce mail, callin g cards, and checking airline arrival/departure times and bank balances. Note: Sending con fidential information over the air using touch tones is not recommended in analog mode.
36 3OHDVH F RQQHFW WHUPLQDO will appe ar . Check that the data adapter is prope rly set up. 2 Enter or find t he phone number . 3 Press &DOO . 4 End the call by pressing (QG . For more information, refer to documentat ion supplied with your data adapter , data application or fax application.
37 8. Phon e book Y our phone allows you to save phone n umbers and a ssociated names so they ar e righ t at your fi nger ti ps fo r easy di ali ng. Note that th e maximum num ber of phone book entrie s and the maxim um length of saved names and numbe rs depend on your SIM ca rd.
38 • A name may appear only o nce in me mory . If yo u try to save a name that already exists in memory , the phone asks if y ou want to re place the curren tly saved name . • If you try to save a phone number and your phon e book is full, y ou are given the option to replace an ex isting entry .
39 Editing names and numbers To edit phone book entries, press 0HQX 1 3, scrol l to the entr y you wa nt to edi t, then press (GLW . Edit the name and number as needed. Erasing names and numbers Use 0HQX 1 4 to erase entries from your phone book. 2QH E RQH lets you select one entry at a time t o be eras ed.
40 Checking available memory Use 0HQX 1 6 2 to see h ow many memory location s are free and how many are being used. (E ach memory location holds one number and associ ated name.) Service numbers If your wireless service provider sup ports this feature , you can us e 0H QX 1 8 to access a list of customer service phone numbers .
41 9. Call log For you r convenience , the call log ( 0HQX 3) re cords the phone num bers of missed, received, and dialed calls as well as the a mount of tim e spent in c alls.
42 Viewing the missed calls list at any time Use 0H QX 3 1 to v iew the missed c alls list at any tim e. To dial a number , press 2SWL RQV , then c hoose &DOO . Received calls Your phone automati cally stores th e phone nu mbers of the 5 most recent ca lls you’ve an swered.
43 Setti ng timers ba ck to 0 Use 0HQX 3 5 4 to clea r digital call timers. Y o u will be required to enter your securi ty code. Displaying the cur rent call timer during calls 1 Press 0HQ X 3 5 1. 2 Press 'HWDLOV . 3 Press 6HO HFW . 4 Scroll to 2Q , then pres s 2.
44 1 0. Co ntrolling call costs Your phone has features that help you c ontrol the amou nt of money you spe nd on calls. Note: The actual invoice for ca lls and service s from you r service prov ider may vary , dependin g upon network features, rounding-off for billing, taxes and s o forth.
45 Limiting cal l costs This featu re allows you to se t a call cost li mit for your phone. Whe n the limit you set is reach ed, no calls can be made exc ept for emerge ncy call s. Setti ng a call cos t limit Use 0H QX 3 7 1 to set a call c ost limit.
46 1 1. V oice m essages V oice m ail is a netw ork service th at allows callers t o record a mess age when you c annot be reac hed. Saving your voice mailbox number See ‘V oice mailbox number’ on page 22.
47 12. Text messages The tex t message network se rvice allows you to ex change short tex t messages with other phon es that ha ve text message capa bility . Y ou can also ask your serv ice provider to convert the message to other formats suc h as e-mail and fax.
48 Send in g usin g a lterna te messag e sett i ng 6HQG V SHFLD O allows you t o send a me ssage using an alternat e message settin g (se e ‘Message sett ings’ on page 50). You choose a setting to use, then spe cify whethe r you want to enter a phone number ( 1XPHULF ) or a routing address ( 7H [ W 2 QXPEHUV ).
49 Wo rking with messages in the Inbox Several optio ns are available while you’re reading a message. Just press 2SWL RQV , s croll to t he one yo u want, then press 2. . (UDVH deletes th e message. Pre ss 2. to confirm the de letion or to cance l. 5HSO sends a reply to the sender of the m essage.
50 (GLW allows yo u to edit the m essage. *HW QX PEHU retrieves an included ph one number from a message , if there is one . Y ou ca n use it lik e any other number . If there is more than one number , scroll to the number yo u want, the n press 2. . )RU ZDUG sends th e message t o someon e else.
51 Note: In order to receive a converted message, the recipient needs to have the a ppropriate terminal devic e. 0HVVDJH YDOLGLW Select the amount of tim e you want messages to be stored at t he message ce nter while w aiting to be delivered. Changing common messag e settings Common m essage settings apply to all me ssages you se nd.
52 Using the news & information ser vice Use 0HQX 2 4 to choose one of the following options. 2Q turns on News & info reception. 2II turns off News & info reception. 7 R SLF LQGH[ retrieve s a list of all available topics from the net work.
53 13. Other features Games Use 0HQX 6 to challe nge yourself or a friend to the three fun games in your phone . T o pause a game, press . To resume, choose &RQWLQXH . For information abou t turning game sounds on or off, see ‘Warning tones’ on pa ge 2 1.
54 of marks above th e column. A correc t figure in the right place gets a full mark ; a correct figure in the w rong place gets a half mark. The game ends when the correct figures are in the right place. Tip: T o copy a figu re from the previous column, move the curs or over it using the 2, 4, or 8 key , then press the 5 key .
55 3 Scroll to +RZ P DQ KRPH XQLWV WR D YLVLWHG XQLW (to enter the num ber of dome stic units to a foreign unit) or +RZ PDQ YLVLWHG XQLWV WR D KRPH XQLW (to enter the numb er of foreign uni ts to a domes tic unit). Note: Y ou only have to set one or the other , not both.
56 If you turn of f the phon e If you turn off the phone and the alarm is set, the phone switches i tself on at alarm time, t hen the alarm sounds. • To shut off the alarm, press any ke y except 6QRR]H . The phone displays .HHS WKH SKRQH RQ" Press <H V to keep i t on or to switc h it off.
57 Nokia Xpress-on™ color covers Your phone’s Xpress-on™ co ver is availa ble in several fashion colors. Extra covers may be purchased from your authorized Noki a deal er .
58 4 Remove the rubber keypa d from the back of the cove r . P lace it in to the bac k of the new cover . 5 Place the bottom of the cover a gainst th e bottom of the phone. Make sure all thre e sets of plastic tabs line u p with the ir respective slots, as sh own at left.
59 14. Security features Access codes overview Access codes consist of th e PIN code, PIN2 code, security code, and module code if u sing the optional analog m odule. Use 0HQ X 4 2 5 to change access codes. Av oid using access codes th at are sim ilar to emergency numbers, s uch as 91 1, to preven t accidenta l dialing of th e emergency number .
60 PIN code The P IN (P ersonal Identity Numb er) code is a 4- to 8-digit number us ually supplied w ith the SIM ca rd given to you by your service p rovider . If you use SI M card security , the phone will require you to ent er the PIN code every time you switch on the ph one.
61 Security code The securit y code is required by s ome security features, including pho ne secu rity (see page 62). It comes wi th your phone. The default security code is 12345 . Use 0HQX 4 2 5 3 to change it. K eep the new code secret and in a safe place, separate from the phone.
62 Use 0HQX 4 2 1 to turn SIM card sec urity on. You will be required to enter your PIN code. Phone security When phone security is on, the pho ne requires the security code when you switch it on after inserting a new SIM card. Use 0HQX 4 2 2 to turn phon e security on and off.
63 T ur n in g fi xed dia li ng on or off Use 0H QX 4 2 4 t o turn fixed dialing on or off. Y ou will be required to enter your PIN2 code. Adding nu mbers to the fixed di aling lis t 1 Press 0HQX 4 2 4. 2 Scroll to 1X PEHUV , then press 2. . 3 Scroll to $G G , then pr es s 6HOHFW .
64 15. Optional analog module With an option al Nokia PLUS analog module and a dual- mode SIM card, you can use your phone in analog networks. See your dealer for details on how to p urchase this accessory an d activate your su bscription. Attaching the analog module First rem ove the batt ery .
65 Analog features In order for y ou to use the analog module , your service provider will have to add ce rtain information to your SIM card. See your servic e provider for details. Once y ou have inserte d the upgra ded SIM card and attached the analog module, your ph one gives you access to analog network fe atures.
66 The an alog system sele ction feature a llows you to re quest the order in which yo ur phone looks for available systems. Choosing a system- selection met hod Use 0HQX 4 4 2 to te ll your phone how to select a nalog systems. Note: Using + RPH RQO or 3U HI 1 VVWHP is usually the mos t economical c hoice.
67 Setti ng timers ba ck to 0 Use 0HQX 3 5 5 to set analog call timers back to zero. You will be require d to enter the modu le code. Module security/module code If you purchased an optional analog module, you can protect it from unauthorized use by turning on m odule security .
68 Append ix A: Call fo rwarding The codes described in this section give you greater control over call forw arding features in GSM 1900 networks than do the menu items in your phone. For more informati on about call forwarding, see ‘Call forwarding’ on page 32.
69 You want to cancel this particular ca ll forward. > Enter &&95& then press &DOO . Adding a call type You can specify whe ther you want call forwarding t o apply only to certain t ypes of calls by adding an asterisk (*) and two-digit code be fore the # in th e forwarding codes listed in the pre vious table.
70 Adding a timeout You can specify a timeout during wh ich call forwa rding is not acti ve (i.e., ca ll forwarding does not tak e effect until this num ber of seconds ha s passed afte r the phone rec eives the ca ll attempt). To do th is, adding an as terisk (*) an d the time period in se conds to the codes listed above.
71 Appendix B : Accessories An exte nsive range of ac cessories is available for your phone. Y ou can select the acce ssories that best suit your specific commu nicatio n needs. F or availability , see your local authorized Nokia dealer . A few practi cal rules for accessory operation: • Keep accessorie s out of small c hildren's reach.
72 Batterie s Several batteries are available for y our phone: • BLS-2 Exte nded Li-Ion 900 mAh • BMS-2 S Extended NiMH 9 00 mAh • BMS-2 V Extended NiMH Vibra 900 mAh • BLS-4 Ult ra Extended Li-Ion 1 500 mAh Chargin g ti mes The table below displays approx imate battery charging times.
73 Talk and stan dby time s The table below displays approx imate talk and standby times. Variations will oc cur depending on SIM card, network settings, and usage. Nickel Me tal Hydride and Lithiu m Ion batteries must be recycled or disposed of properly .
74 for longer than a week, since ov ercharging may shorten its life. If left unused, a fully charged battery w ill discharge itse lf over time. ACP-7U St andard T ravel Charger Use this durable and economical charger to charge all battery options. Plug the charger int o a wall outlet and connect the con nector to the bottom of your phone.
75 LCH-9 Rap id Cigar ette Lighte r Charger The multivoltage Rapid Cigarette Lighte r Charger allows you to charge your phone w hen you tr avel. The small charger's fu nctional design fit s well with mos t car lighters and inte riors. Charging times are the same as for the Rapid Travel Charger ACP-9U.
76 When the phone is charging, no lights are displayed on t he stand; check th e charging status of the p hone battery on the phone display . Note: If you have attached an optional analog module, be sure to remove it and replace the battery before plac ing the phone in the cha rging stan d.
77 Appendix C: Re ference information Important safety informa tion Traffic safe ty Do not use a hand-held telephone whil e driving a vehicle. If using a hand-held phone park the vehicle before conversing. Always secure the phone in its holder; do not place t he phone on the passenger seat or where it can break loose in a collision or sudden stop.
78 P ersons with pacemakers: • Should always keep the phone mor e than 6 inches (20 cm) from their pacemaker when the phone is switched on; • Should not carry the phone in a breast pocket; • Should use the ear opposite the pacemaker to minimize the potentia l for interfe rence.
79 Users are advised to switch off the phone while at a refueling point (service station). Users are reminded of t he need to observe restrictions on the use of r adio equipment in fuel depots (fuel storage and distribution areas), chemical plants or where blasting operations are in progress.
80 Remember , to make or receiv e any calls the phone must be sw itched on and in a service area with adequate signal strength. Emergency calls may not be possible on all wireless phone networks or when certain network services and/or phone f eatures are in use.
81 The design of your phone complies with the FCC guidelines (and those standards). *American Nation al Standards Institute, National C ouncil on Radiation Protection and M easurements; International C ommission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Prot ection.
82 Appendix D : T e chnical information USA NOKIA MOBILE PHONES 6200 Courtne y Campbe ll Ca useway , St e. 9 00 Tampa, FL 3360 7 Tel: 1-888-NOKIA2U (1-88 8-665-4228) CANADA NOK IA PRODU CTS LTD . 575 Westney Rd. South Ajax, Ontario L1S 4N7 Tel: (905) 427-6654 Part No.
83 Appendix E : Nokia Limited W arranty Nokia Mobile Phones, Inc. (“NMP”) warrants th at this cellular phone (“Product”) is free from defects in material and workmanship, according to the following ter ms and conditions: 1. The limited warranty for t he Product extends for one (1) year beginning on the date of pur chase of the Product.
84 d) The defect or damage was caused by the defective function of the cellular system, or by inadequate signal reception by the exter nal antenna. 8. If a problem develops during the limited war rant.
85 1 1. Some states do not allow limitation of how long an implied warranty lasts, so the above limitati on may not apply to you (the Consumer). Some states do not allo w the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above li mitation or exclusions may not apply to you (the Consumer) .
87 Para obtener un manu al del usuari o en es pañol fa vor de ll ama r o enviar un fax al tel éf ono 1-888- NOKIA2U (1-888- 665-4228) , fax 813-287-66 12.
デバイスNokia 5190の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Nokia 5190をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはNokia 5190の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Nokia 5190の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Nokia 5190で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Nokia 5190を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はNokia 5190の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Nokia 5190に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちNokia 5190デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。