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Keys Scrol l key s Scrol l thro ugh menus, sub - menu s, and the phon e book. Press and hol d fo r contin uous scrolling. Power ke y Press and hold to turn your phone on or off . Soft key s Their c urrent function is displayed above the key (for examp le, here t heir function s are Menu and Names).
Quick guide t o functions Note: If you have trouble accessing a feature, try starting fr om the start screen. T o get to the start scr een, press ô at any time except d uring a call (unless yo u want to ha ng up).
Quick guide to th e menu Back one level - Press %DFN Entering the menu - From start screen, pre ss 0HQX Exit ing the menu - Press ([LW or %DFN repeat edly , or press ô Scrolli ng the menu - Pre ss 0HQX , then W or V Selec ting a submenu or option - Press 6HOHFW or 2.
1 Indicator s and Icons Y ou have an active call. The phone is waiting for you to enter a response. Ringing tones for t he current profile has b een set to 6LOHQW . Keyguard has been a ctivated to help prevent any a cci- dental keypresses. Y ou ha ve one or m ore voice messages wa iting.
2 T able of Contents Safety At A Glance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Getting Conn ected . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Instal ling yo ur bat tery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Charg ing yo ur new batte ry . . . . .
3 1. Saf ety At A Glance Read these simple guidelines before using your phone. Failure to co mply with these guidelines may be dangerous or illegal. For more deta iled safety informa tion, Important Safety Inform ation on page 79. Road Sa fet y Come s Fir s t Dont use a hand-held phone while driving; park the vehicle first.
4 FCC/Ind us t ry C anada No t ice Y our pho ne ma y ca use TV or ra dio i nter fer en ce ( e.g. when usin g a telephone in close proximity to receiving equipment). The FCC/I ndustry Canad a can require you to stop using your tele- phone if such inte rference can not be eliminated.
5 2. Get ting C onnec ted So youve just bought your new phone, take n it out of the box, and youre won dering what to do next. Well, this c hapter w ill help g et you started. Installing your ba tt e ry Simpl y plac e the b attery i n the grooves o n the b ack of your phone .
6 Note : If youre ch arging th e batter y for the first time , the batte ry strength ind icator bars will not scr oll the entire time. If yo ur phone is off , the scroll bars w ill disappear long befo re the 24 hours have elapsed. This is no rmal. If your phon e is on, the scroll bars w ill stop scrolling after a w hile.
7 For approximate cha rging and oper ating times, see Batteries on page 73. Can you make cal ls while char ging? Y es, you can. But your bat tery may n ot charge w hile a call is in progre ss.
8 Importan t Batt ery Infor mation Note that a new ba ttery s full per formance is achieved only after two or three complete charge and discha rge cycles! The ba ttery can be charged and disch arged hund reds of times but it will eventually wear out.
9 3. The Basics Y ou r phone is designed wi th many powerful feat ures that you can l earn to use as need ed. Thi s chapte r cov- ers the basic informa tion you ne ed to use your phone. A more compr ehensive desc ription of your phone is covered in Y our Phone A to Z starting on page 18.
10 Increa sing your phone s signal ma y be easy . T ry moving your phone sli ghtly , or move toward s a window if y oure calling from insid e a building. Usin g t he ke ypad cove r Wh en .H SDG FRYHU VH WWLQJ i s on, you can answe r calls simply by opening the keypad cover.
11 Emer gency cal ls See Emerg ency calls on page 3 4. Endi ng a ca l l If .HSDG FRYHU VHW WLQJ is active, s imply cl ose the ke ypad cover. Otherwise, press ô See Using the keypad cover on page 10. Answer ing a call The phone rings accor ding to the settings in the currently se lected profile (see page 55) .
12 Activating Keyguard via the menu At the start screen, 1) Press 0HQX 9 ( .HJXDUG ) 2) .HV ORFNHG wi ll app ear on the disp lay Deactivating Keyguard Press 8QORFN / then - Keyguard ca n not be activated when yo ur phone is in a car kit or in any ha ndsfree kit.
13 4. W orking The Menu Y o ur phon e contai ns seve ral menu s and su bmenus , givin g you ac cess to certai n optio ns and al lowing you to custo mize y our phone t o suit you r individu al needs. This section describe s several different tools your phone uses t o access many of its featur es.
14 Scroll bar When you access your phone s menu an d sub- menus, you wil l notice a scroll ba r at the far right of the s creen. This bar i ndica tes wher e you ar e in the menu stru ctur e; each tab on the bar re pr e- sents a dif fer ent menu item.
15 Scrolling t hrough the main menu 1) At the start scr een, pre ss 0HQX 2) Press W or V to r each the desir ed menu item 3) Press 6HOHFW , 2SWLRQV or 2.
16 Summary of Me nu Items 1 Messages 1 1 Te x t M e s s a g e s 1 1 1 Inbo x 1 1 2 Saved 1 2 V oice messages 1 2 1 Listen to v oice me ssag es 1 2 2 V oice mail box n umber 1 3 Wel c o m e N o t e 2C .
17 4 3 Secur i ty sett in g s 4 3 1 Restri ct cal ls 4 3 2 A cc ess cod es 4 4 Network servi ces 4 4 1 V oice pr ivacy 4 4 2 Call for war ding 4 4 3 Call wa iting 4 4 4 Send own numb er 4 4 5 Netw ork.
18 5. Y our Phone A to Z ABC mode This allows you to enter na mes into your phone book. See Entering letters and numbers on page 36. Access codes This i s a sec urity feature that a llows you acce ss to cer- tain pho ne features , such as the p hone lock ( page 53 ) and unlocked ph one number ( page 69 ).
19 Snooz ing Press 6QRR]H The al arm w ill go off aga in in 1 0 mi nute s. If y ou let the phone al arm for 1 minute wi thout pressing a ke y, it stops alarming for 10 minutes then starts again.
20 4) Press W to 2Q and press 2. Note: T his feature will not function w ith data calls. Automatic r edial Your phone will redial the num ber youre trying to ca ll up to 3 times after you h ear a quick, busy signal. Press ô to stop the call attempts.
21 4) Enter the second number Repea t these st eps as many time s as ne eded. Pr ess &OHDU to erase any mist akes. 5) Press 2SWLRQV . With (TXDOV highlighted / press 2. . Note: You can a lso choose $GG , 6XEWUDFW , 0 XOWLSO , and 'LYLGH from th e list of options.
22 Note: Y our pho ne must remain o n to use the calendar s alarm feature. If yo ur phone is off, t he alarm will not so und at its schedu led time.
23 0RYH gives you the date pr ompt so you c an move th e note to another date. Option 2: Make note With this option, youll need to choose 5HPLQGHU , &DOO , 0HHWLQJ , or %LUWKGD . Your phone wil l prompt you for more information depending on which one you choose.
24 Call er ID This is a network serv ice that helps iden tify incomin g calls. Contact your service provide r for details. When Caller ID is act ive, you r phone may disp lay th e call ers ph one num ber.
25 Note: Y ou can also retrieve the access n umber from your phone book if it h as already been stored. Simply press 6HDUF K , then W or V to fi nd th e num ber . 7) Enter c ard number and/or PIN when prompt ed to enter c allin g car d nu mber and pers onal id entifi ca- tion nu mber , then press 2.
26 5) Y ou r phone will displ ay &DUG UHDG IRU XVH Making calling card calls Enter the phone number, includ ing any prefix (such as 0 or 1) that your call ing card may require whe n you make a cal ling car d ca ll. See your callin g card for instructions.
27 5) Enter phone number at 1XPEHU = (or pr ess 6HDUF K to locate number in phone book) and press 2. 6) Y our phone will attem pt to call the netw ork to con- firm the fe atur e code you ente red in M.
28 2-4 &OHDU FDOO OLVWV - See page 30 1 2-5 &DOO WLPHUV - See pag e 29 . Tip: You can dial a ny of the phone numbers by pressing ó while the number is o n the disp lay.
29 Call timers Your ph one aut omatic ally kee ps track of the amount of time youve spen t in calls . 1) Press 0HQ X 2 5 ( &DOO ORJ - &DOO WLPHU V ) (For details on how to work the Menu, see pa ge 13) 2) Press W r epeat edly to show duratio n of the fo llow- ing options /DVW FDOO di splays call duration of last c all.
30 Ending the calls Press ô to end bot h calls Activating call waiting You can a lso activate this fea ture with y our phone; sim- ply ask your ser vice pro vider f or the f eature c ode, s tore it into your ph one, then acti vate it. Note: T his feature may not appear in yo ur phone s menu until the feature co de has been st ored.
31 1) Press 0HQ X 2 4 ( &DOO ORJ - &OHDU FD OO OL VWV ) (For details on how to work the Menu, see pa ge 13) 2) Highlight eith er $OO , 0LVVHG , 'LDO HG , o r 5HFHLYHG and press 2.
32 2) Press W to $GMX VW WLP H , press 6HOH FW 3) Enter pr esent ti me at 7L PH = (use t wo-digit fiel ds for hours and minutes) 4) Press 2. 5) Select DP or SP and press 2.
33 Rec alling a number fro m the phone book 1) During the ca ll, press 2S WLRQV 2) Press W or V to 1DPHV and press 2. 3) Press 6H OHF W at 6HD UFK 4) Enter name a nd press 2.
34 Dial ed cal ls Your phon e automa tically sto res the last 10 numbers y ouve dial ed. 1) Press 0HQX 2 2 ( &DOO ORJ - 'LD OHG FDOOV ) (For details o n how to w ork the M enu, see page 13.
35 IMP ORTAN T! This phone, like an y cellular phone, op erates using radio signals, cellular and la ndline networks, a s well as user-pro- grammed functions which ca n not guarantee connection in all conditions. Th erefore, you should neve r rely solely upon any cellular phone fo r essential communica tions (e.
36 IMPORTANT! Official emergency numb ers vary by location (e.g. 911). Only one em ergency num ber is program med into you r phone to be dialed automatically by Em ergency key 9, which may no t be the proper num ber in all circumstance s.
37 Chang ing le tter case Press the # key to switch between upper a nd lower case letters. The icon will sw itch to to indicat e you a re usi ng lower case. 123 mode When storing names to the phone book, you can en ter a numb er within a name a t any time.
38 ( S ) creates a pa use when a numbe r is dialed; the digits loc ated to the right of the S ar e autom ati- cally sent as touch tones af ter a 2.
39 Snake Feed the snake w ith as many goodies a s possible and wat ch it grow . Use key s 2, 4, 6, and 8 to tu rn the snake toward food. The longer the snake s tail grows, the higher the score . If the snake hits its own tail or the surrounding wall, the game i s over .
40 /HYHO allows you to choose the le vel of dif ficul ty . 1HZ JDPH s tarts a new ga me. 7RS VFRUH will display the top sc ore ( does not appear in Log ic ). ,QVWUXFWLRQV will describe how the game is played. Note: /DVW YL HZ or &RQWL QXH m ay appear in the o ptions list if a game is interrupted, not finished , or if you have lost the game.
41 (For details on how to work the Menu, see pa ge 13) 2) Y our phone lists each profile. Use W to highlight the one you want to set the keypad tones for an d press 2SWLRQV . 3) Highlight &XVWRPL]H and press 2. . Press W to .HSDG WRQHV a nd press 6HOH FW .
42 Letter case You ca n change from upp er to l ower cas e when entering lette rs into your phone. See Changing letter ca se on page 37 for mo re details. Life timer The li fe timer displays th e total time of a ll call s dialed and received with your ph one (in hours and minutes only).
43 Press /LVWHQ OR Press ó Liste ning to voice m essag es any time If you dont wish to listen to voice messages as you get them, you can access them l ater.
44 Manu al touc h tones This s ettin g dete rmines how long touch tones are pro- duced as you p ress the keys on the keypad. Note tha t touch t ones are some times ca lled DT MF tones .
45 Using messages 1) Press 0HQ X 1 ( 0HVVD JHV ) (For details on how to work the Menu, see pa ge 13) 2) Press W to reach one of the foll owing options, then press 6HOHFW 1-1 7H[W PHVVDJHV - See page 65 . 1-2 9RLFH PHVVDJH V - See pa ge 70 . 1-3 :HOFRPH QRW H - See p age 72 .
46 If thes e texts are no t avail able, p ress 2SWLRQV , scroll to 0XWH or (QG P XWH and press 6HOHFW . Muti ng and unmut ing also af fect the micro phone s of any ac cessor ies con nected to the phone.
47 Only on e numbe r can be acti ve at a time. When you select a phone number, youre also selecting w hich system youre using as your home system ( see Sys- tem on page 64 ). The first phone number displ ayed with this menu i s the curre ntly sele cted numb er.
48 2) At )HDWXUH &RGH = , enter th e featur e code or deact iva- tion cod e rec eived fr om your de aler (e.g. ∗ 74, ∗ 740, etc.) , pre ss 2. 3) W to the servi ce that the code applie s to and.
49 But first... You must store names and numbers in your phone book ( see page 51 ) bef ore you c an use this feature. Then you can assign a name from the phone book to a one-touch dial location using your phone s keys 2 through 8.
50 Changing numbers in one- touch dial list With this featu re, you can assign a different number to any one-touc h dial loc ation. At the start screen, 1) Repeat steps 1 through 3 in A ssigning on.
51 Y ou can not stor e identi cal name s into your phon e (i.e., John, John); make sure tha t like names are somewh at differen t in the phone book (i .e., J ohn, Johnny). 5HSODFH" foll owed b y the currently stored name d ispla ys when storing a nam e alr eady i n memory .
52 4) Enter ph one nu mber and pr ess 2. Also, see Entering letters and numb ers on page 3 6 and Quick save on page 64. Changing a number stor ed with a name 1) Recall store d name, then pre ss 'HW DLOV to v iew number 2) Press 2SWLRQV , scroll to (GLW and pr ess 6HOHFW 3) Press 2.
53 Note: If you only entered the first letter of the name and there are sever al names beginni ng with th e same let ter, press W or V until the desired name appears. Erasing stor ed names and numbers 1) Reca ll stored name 2) Press 'HWDLOV 3) Press 2SWLRQV 4) Highlight (UDVH , the n pre ss 6HOHFW , t hen 2.
54 2) Enter l ock code then press 2. 3) Press W or V to 2Q , t hen press 2. W hen your phone is locked, calls may be po ssible to the emer gency number programmed int o your phone (e.g . 911 or other offici al emer gency n umber ) incl uding calls with Emerg ency ke y 9 ( page 35 ).
55 4-2-2 $ODUP FORFN - See page 18 . 4-2-3 7RXFK WRQHV - See page 67 . 4-2-4 5HVWRUH IDFWRU VHWWLQJV - See page 57 . 4-2-5 /DQJXDJH - Se e page 41 . Profile s Now y ou can ad just and custom ize your p hone t o whateve r environme nts you find yourself i n (i.
56 (For details o n how to w ork the M enu, see page 13) 2) W or V unt il desired Profile is highlighted 3) Press 2SWLRQV Once 2SWLRQV is sele cted, 6HOHFW , &XVWRPL]H and 5HQDPH will app ear as your choi ces. Once you hav e select ed and highlighted one of these items, press 2.
57 At the start scr een, pre ss 0HQX 2 3 ( &DOO ORJ - 5HFHLYHG FDOOV ), then W to scr oll the numbers. Also, see Call log on pa ge 27 for details on o ther call lists. The Options soft k ey See The Options soft ke y on page 28 .
58 If you ha ve alrea dy marked a selectio n, then highlight the mark ed select ion and p ress 8QPDU N if you wish to remove the restriction. Res trict o utgoi ng call s /RFDO FDOOV restricts all outgoing local calls. /RQJ GLVWDQFH re stricts all outgoing long distance calls and charg eable serv ice numb ers.
59 Ring ing tone s This is one of the settings in your phone s Profiles ( see page 55 ). It sets the ring ing tone for incoming voice calls. If you set 5LQJLQJ 2SWLRQV ( see page 58 ) to 6LOHQW or %HHS RQFH , ring ing ton es are automat ically off.
60 Note: T he ringing volum e setting is stored ind ividually for the handsfree desktop charger and handsfree car kit. Roaming This is a term used to in dicate tha t your phon e is not in its ho me area. Calls m ade or received while roamin g are usually more expensive than ca lls made in your hom e area.
61 your screen at a time, with th e corresponding phone number. Use W or V to view othe r names. 1DPH RQO shows individual names only. To view other names, use W or V . You can view the corre sponding phone numbe r by pressing 'HWDLOV , t hen W or V .
62 If you enter an incorre ct security code ( &RGH HUURU wi ll appear) five times in a row, your phone wont ac cept any en tries for the next five minutes.
63 (For details on how to work the Menu, see pa ge 13) 2) W to <HV (to show your number) or 1R (to not show it) an d p ress 2. 3) Enter the number you wi sh to call (or press 6H DUFK to r etriev e the number from the phone book and press 2. ), then press 2.
64 Storing a n ame & number You can sa ve names and numbe rs in the Phone book. Eith er use the method de scribed in Storing a name and number on page 51 or th e quick save me thod de- scribed below. Quick sa ve At the start screen, 1) Enter th e phon e numbe r and press 6DYH 2) The phone pr ompts you to enter a 1DPH = .
65 T o switch fro m private to public If yo u are in a pri vate syste m and wa nt ac cess t o a p ub- lic system, press and hold 0HQX wh en yo u are not in a call. Y our phone wi ll display 6HDUFK SXEOLF VVWHPV" , press 2. and your ph one wil l use the public system fo r the next (only once) outgoing call.
66 0HVVDJH UHFHLYHG indicates an unread message or page. If more than one m essage exists, the number of re- ceived messages will be listed firs t. 1HZ HPHUJHQF PH VVDJH indicate s that the message or page received w as sent by someone vi a the service provider.
67 If someone ha s paged you Your phone wil l display 0HVVDJ H UHFHLYHG . The me ssage will disp lay &DOO = , followed by the name or number of the person who paged you .
68 Touch to nes can b e used fo r many a utomated, ov er- the-pho ne servic es such as che cking ban k balanc es, airline arrival and departure times, and using voice mail- box options.
69 When you dial this number, your phon e first dials the phone number , then waits ( becau se of the w charac- ter) for you to press 6HQG . Your phone then sends your password. If you includ e a p cha racter instea d of a w, yo ur phone pau ses for 2.
70 At the start screen, press W or V once, t hen ó or you can manual ly enter the phone number as it is stored and press ó . Vibra ting ale rt This is one of the settings in your phone s Profiles ( see page 55 ). When your phone has the vibrating battery attached , you can set your phone to vibra te when you rece ive a vo ice call.
71 Storing your voice mailbox number 1) Press 0HQ X 1 2 2 ( 0HVVDJHV - 9RLFH PHVVDJHV - 9RLFH PDLOER [ QXPEHU ) (For details on how to work the Menu, see pa ge 13) 2) Enter voice mailbox number 3) Press 2. Once you e nter your voice mailbox n umber, its use d until you cha nge it again.
72 power on, bat tery l ow, and recharg e bat tery. Yo u can set warning tones on or off. T urning warning to nes on and of f 1) Press 0HQX 3 ( 3URILOHV ) (For details o n how to w ork the M enu, see page 13) 2) Y ou r phone lists ea ch Profile. Us e W to high light the one you want to set the w arning tones for and press 2SWLRQV .
73 6. Accessories If you wa nt to enhan ce your p hones functionali ty, an exte nsive r ange of acces sorie s is av ailable fo r you. You can sel ect any of these it ems to help accommodat e your spec ific communi cation nee ds. For avai lability of these and othe r accessories, contact you r service provider.
74 CONTAINS: Ni ckel metal hydri de or lith- ium io n battery. M ust be re cycled or dis posed of properl y. Must not be dis - posed of in muni cipal waste .
75 Charge rs & Othe r A ccessor ies The fol lowing chargers and o ther accesso ries are avail- able for y our phone; please see your deale r for details. Also, refer to the accessories brochure that was included in your sales p ackage f or the enti re line of Genuine Nokia Acc essories.
76 Rapi d Cigar ette Lighter C harge r (LCH- 9) You can c harge your phones batte ry from your vehicle battery b y using the Rapid Cigarette Lighter Charger (LCH-9). You can also use this lightweight charger with the Compact Desktop Charging Stand (DCH-9).
77 Also, you ma y notice a light indicator on t he stan d, which i s used for ch arging a sp are battery. A green light indi cates a batte ry is a t leas t 80% full; the r ed ligh t indi cates a b atter y is char ging.
78 7. T roubleshootin g What if c ha rg ing fai l s ? If you r phone displays 1RW FKDU JLQJ , cha rging i s sus- pended. Make sure the batt ery is connec ted to an approv ed ch arging device and t hat th e batte ry is at room tempera ture. Ext reme temperat ures, h ot or c old, can affect your batte rys performance and prevent chargin g.
79 8. Reference Information Important Sa fet y Inf orma tion T raffi c Saf et y Do not use a hand-held telephone wh ile driving a vehicle. If using a hand- held phone park the vehicle befo re conversing.
80 Should not carry the phon e in a breast pocke t; Should use the ear opp osite the pace maker to m inimize the po tent ial for inte rfe renc e. If you have any reason to suspect t hat interference is ta k- ing place, switch off your phone immed iately .
81 Areas with a potentially explosive atmosphere ar e often but not alw ays cl ear ly ma rke d. The y incl ude belo w deck on bo ats; chemical transfe r or storage fac ilities; vehicles using liquefie.
82 Making an Em e rg e ncy C all 1) If the ph one is not o n, swit ch it on 2) Key in the emergency number for your pres ent loca tion (e .g. 911 o r othe r of ficia l emerg ency num- ber). Emergency numbers vary by location. 3) Press ó If certain feat ures are in use (keygu ard, restrict calls, etc.
83 Car e an d Main tena nce Y our p hone is a product of superior d esign and cra ftsmanship and should b e treated with care. The suggest ions below will help you to fulfill any war ranty obligations and allow you to en joy this product for many year s.
84 9. T echnica l Data Wireless System Dual-Band TDMA and AMPS Weigh t 165g (6 oz) wi th BMS- 2 900 mAh N iMH Battery Size 140 cc Frequency R ange Lowb and 824.04 - 848.97 MHz (TX) 869.04 - 893.97 MHz (RX) High ban d 1850.04 - 1909.92 MHz (TX) 1930.08 - 1989.
85 NOKIA O ne-Year Limite d Warranty Nokia Mobi le Phones, Inc. (NMPI) warra nts that this cellular phone (Produ ct") is free from defe cts in mate rial and work man- ship, according to the following terms a nd conditions: 1.
86 d) The def ect or dama ge was caused by the defective fu nction of the cellular system, or by inadeq uate signal reception by the extern al antenna.
87 OF THE WARRANT Y EVEN IF NMPI KNEW OF TH E LIKELI- HOOD OF SUC H DAMAGES. 11. Some state s do not allow l imitation of how long an im plied warranty lasts, so the abo ve limitation may not apply to y ou (the Consumer).
Para obt ener un manual del usua rio en españ ol favor de llamar o e nviar un f ax al teléfo no 1- 888-NOKIA 2U (1-888- 665-4228 ), fax 813- 287 -6612.
9351 488 Printed in Canada Nokia Mobile Phones, Inc. 6200 Courtney Campbell Causeway , Suite 900 T ampa, Florida 33607 1 - 888- NOKIA 2 U ( 1 - 888- 665-4228 ) www .
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Nokia 6162をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはNokia 6162の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Nokia 6162の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Nokia 6162で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Nokia 6162を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はNokia 6162の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Nokia 6162に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちNokia 6162デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。