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Nokia Mobile Phones, Inc. 7725 Woodland Center Boulevard, Suite # 15 0 Tampa, Florida 336 1 4 1 -888- NOKIA 2 U ( 1 - 888-665-4228 ) Fax: ( 81 3 ) 249-96 19 TTY : 1 -800-24 NOKIA ( 1 -800-246-6542 ) www .
Nokia 8260 User Guide.
Legal information P art No. 9352 522, Is sue 1g © 2000–200 1 Nokia Mobile Phones. All rights reserved. Printed in Canada 08/0 1. Nokia, Nokia Connecting People, and the Original Accessories logos are trademarks of Nokia Corporation and/or its affiliates.
[ i ] Contents 1. For your saf ety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2. Welcome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Before y ou begin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
[ i i ] 5. Make an d answer calls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Make a call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Answer a ca ll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Adjust the e arpiece volume .
[ iii ] Change a sto red telephone number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Recall and re dial numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Erase stored nam es and numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Erase the entir e phone book . . . . . . .
[ iv ] Use call forw arding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Store the call forw arding featur e code . . . . . . . 40 Activate call forwar ding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Redial aut omaticall y . . . . . . . . . . .
[ v ] Set keypad t ones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Set warning and game tones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Set the messa ge alert tone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Set your phone to answer automat ically . . .
[ vi ] Use caller gr oups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Add names to a calle r group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Assign a ringing tone to a calle r group . . . . . . . 62 Rename a cal ler group . . . . . . . . . . .
[ vii ] 14. Set netwo rk services fe atures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 1 Set up how your phone selects a system . . . . . . . . . 7 1.
[ viii ] 16. Send and receive e- mail messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 Save e-mail addresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 Save an e-mail address for an existing name . . 84 Add a new e-ma il address . . . . . . . . . . . .
[ ix ] Save rece ived ringi ng tones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 Discard receiv ed ringing tones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 Alarm clock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 Set the ala rm clock . . . . . .
[ x ] Accessorie s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 15 Batte ry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 16 Chargers and ot her accessor ies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 17 Standard Travel Charger (ACP-7U ) .
[ 1 ] For your safety 1. For your safety This section provides va rious safety guidelines. Read this information before using your mobile phone (called phone throughout this guide). Failure t o comply with these guidelines could prove either dangerous or illegal.
[ 2 ] Interference All phones are susceptible to inter ference, which cou ld affect performance. This could impede the making of an emergency call. Use sensibly Use only in the normal position (to ear). Avoid unnecessary contact with the antenna when phone is on.
[ 3 ] Welcome 2. W elcome • Before you begin This section provides information that you need to know before you begin using your phone. This guide describes the Nokia 8 260 phone, which is approved for use in the 800/19 00 MH z TDMA/ AMPS netwo rks.
[ 4 ] • Contacting Nokia Nokia Customer Care Ce nter Nokia Inc. 7725 Woodland Cent er Boule vard, S u i t e 1 5 0 Tam pa , FL 33614 Tel: 1-888- NOKIA -2U (1- 888-6 65-422 8) F ax: 1-8 13- 249-96 19 For the hearing-impaired only (TTY): 1-800- 24-NO KIA (1- 800-2 46-6 542) Custom er Care , Canada Nokia Products Ltd.
[ 5 ] Prepare your phone for use 3. Prepare your phone for use • Ins tall the battery First, remove the back cover To a ttach and remove the battery , you need to first remove the phone’s back cover . 1 Press down on the tab on the bottom of the cover .
[ 6 ] 2 Connect the charger to an AC wall outlet. If the phone is turned on, the messages Charger co nnected an d th en Charging appear . Then the battery power indica tor bar starts to flash up and down (scroll). • Y ou can use the ph one while the batter y is charging.
[ 7 ] Get to know your phone 4. Get to know your phone • K eys and screen Back of phone Tip: As with any other radio transmitting device, do not touch the antenna un- necessarily when the phone is switched on. Contact with the antenna affects call quality and might cause the phone to operate at a higher power level than needed.
[ 8 ] Ke y s Po w er k e y : Press and hold th e key to switch the phon e on or off. Note: This key is on the top of the phone. Sele ctio n key s: Press to perform the function indicated by the text on th e screen above the ke y . Tal k ke y : Press to make or a nswer a call.
[ 9 ] Get to know your phone Po w e r k e y • To turn the phone on or off, press and hold the P ower key . The P ower key is on the upper-right, top portion of the phone. War nin g : Do not switch on the phone where wireless phone use is prohibited, or where the use of a ph one might cause interference or could be a danger .
[ 1 0 ] At the start screen, when you press the right selection key , the six options for the Names feature appear , along w ith the same Sele ct and Exit options that appear when you select Me nu . This guide refers to the selection keys by the na mes that appear above them.
[ 1 1 ] Get to know your phone Indicators show the status of something. The phone u ses three types of indicators: • Signal strength indicator • Battery power indicator • Handset volume indicator Signal stre ngth : This indicator shows the signal strength of the wireless network at your current location.
[ 12 ] Digital service is available. Any alpha ch aracters you enter will be uppercase (capital letters). Press the key to switch between upper and low ercase letters. Any alpha characters y ou enter will be lowe rcase. Press the key to switch between upper an d lowercase letters.
[ 13 ] Make and answer calls 5. Make and answer calls Make a call 1 Hold the phone as you w ould any other telephone, wi th the earpiece over your ear and the microphone near you r mouth.
[ 14 ] Adjust the earpiece volu me Y ou can adjust the earpiece volume (while in a call or at any time) by pressing the volume keys on the upper left side of the phone. • Press the key up to increase the volume . • Press down to decr ease the volume.
[ 15 ] Make and answer calls Check signal strength When you are at the Start screen or in a call, the strength of the radio signal is indicated by the signal indicator s on the left side of your phone’s screen. The signal indicators move up as the strength of the signal increases and down as it decreases.
[ 16 ] 6. Use phone menus • Navigate menus A menu is a list of choices you can make. Y our phone has 9 main menus. Each main menu contains nume rous submenus that allow you to use the phone book, change the ringing tone, and so on. Y ou can use menus and submenus two ways: by scrolling or by using sh ort cu ts .
[ 17 ] Use ph one me nus Exit menu le vels • To return to the previous m enu level, press Bac k or Exit . • To retu rn to the Start screen, press . No menu se tting changes are saved. Get help For most of the m enu items in your phone, a brief help text is pr ovided.
[ 18 ] 2C a l l l o g 1 Missed calls 2 Dialed calls 3 Received calls 4 Clear call lists 5 Call timers 3P r o f i l e s 1N o r m a l 1 Select (not availa ble for Headset or Car K it) 2 Customize (the f.
[ 19 ] Use ph one me nus 3T o u c h t o n e s 1 Manu al touc h tones 2 Touch tone length 4 Restore factory settings 5 Language 1 English 2F r e n c h 3 Spanish 4 P ortuguese 5 Russian 6H e b r e w 7 T.
[ 20 ] 7 Public system selection (might not be available; see your service provider) 8 Digital/analog selection (might not be available; see your service provider) 5S y s t e m 1 Automatic 2M a n u a .
[ 2 1 ] Enter letters and numbers 7. Enter letters and numbers Note: For text mess ages and calendar notes, you can use predictive text input. This method is covered in “Write with predictive text input” on page 76.
[ 22 ] Edit na mes To edit a name in the phone book: • Use the scroll key to move the cursor to the left. • Use the scroll key to move the cursor to the right. •P r e s s Clear to correct any mistakes. Change from capital (uppercase) letters To switch between capital letters (uppercase) and lowe rcase letters: •P r e s s t h e k e y .
[ 23 ] Enter letters and numbers • Enter numbers Y ou use the 123 mode to enter numbe rs. When you’r e in 123 mode, the screen shows the icon. Note: Y ou cannot e nter special characters in 123 m ode from the special characters list. • If you are in mode, press and hold the key for about 2 seco nds.
[ 24 ] 8. Use the phone book • About the phone book Y our ph one includes a phone book that can store up to 250 n ames and associated phone numbers. Stored numbers can b e up to 32 digits long. Stored names can be up to 26 characters long. Make entries uniqu e Y ou cannot store identical names in your phone.
[ 25 ] Use the phone book Change views Y ou can view your phon e book in three diff erent ways: In all views, you can use the scroll keys to move up and down through the list of names. Select a scrolling vi ew 1 Press Names . 2 Scroll to Options , then press Select .
[ 26 ] • Add names and num bers 1 Press Names . 2 Scroll to Ad d new and press Sele ct . 3 Using the keypad, enter the n ame. Use the key to switch between upper and lowercase letters. 4 Press OK . 5 Enter the phone nu mber and press OK . Short cut Y ou can also enter numbers by using a shortcut from the Start screen.
[ 27 ] Use the phone book 7 Press OK . The associate d number appears. 8 Press Cl ear to erase one number at a time , or press and hold Clear to erase all the numbe rs on th e screen. Use the a nd keys move within the digits in th e number . 9 Enter the new number .
[ 28 ] • Erase stored names and numbers Note: Y ou cannot undo Erase functions, so be careful! 1 Using one of the methods described in “Recall and r edial numbers” on page 27, recall the s tored name and its associa ted number . If you chose Na me onl y as you r scrolling view , continue to ste p 2.
[ 29 ] Use the phone book • Check memory status Y ou can check to see how many free and in-use memory locations are in your directory . 1 Press Names and scroll to Options .
[ 30 ] 9. Use voice mail V oice mail is a network services feature. Colleagues who miss you when they call can leave a voice message, which you can retrieve later . • When you have a message • Y our phone beep s when y ou r eceive a vo ice me ssage .
[ 3 1 ] Use voice mail 6 Enter your voice mailbox password an d press OK . Y our voice mailbox number can be up to 32 digits long and is used until it’s changed. There fore, if your ph one number changes, you m ay need to change your voice mailbox nu mber along with it.
[ 32 ] 1 0. W ork with the call log The call log keeps track of: • Missed calls • Numbers you’ve dialed • Numbers from which you’ve received calls • The amount of time you’ve spen t on calls • Check the call log Press Menu 2 to access Ca ll log , then press Sel ect .
[ 33 ] Work with the call log Tip: Y ou can dial any numbe rs that appear on your phone’s screen by pressing . Check missed calls Y our phone stores up to th e last 1 0 numbers associated with ca lls you have misse d. When you m iss a call(s), the m essage Missed calls appears on your phone’s screen, along with th e number of calls missed.
[ 34 ] 1 Press Menu 2 > 2 ( C all log > Diale d calls ). 2 Use or to scroll through the dialed numbers list. 3 When you r each the number you want to dial, pr ess . Y ou can also access previously dialed numbers by pressing and then pressing or to scroll through the list.
[ 35 ] Work with the call log • Check call timers Y our phon e tracks the amount of time you spend on each call. To obtain information about time spent on phone calls: 1 Press Menu 2 > 5 ( Call log > Call timers ).
[ 36 ] T urn on a current call timer Y ou can set your phone to display the r unning elapsed time while a call is active. To do so: 1 Press Menu 2 > 5 ( Call lo g > Call timers ). 2 Press Deta ils . Current call timer appears. 3 Press Sele ct . 4 Use or to scroll to On .
[ 37 ] Use advanced calling features 1 1. Use advanced calling features • Set in-call options Y o ur phone allo ws you to use a number of feature s during a call. Thes e featur es are known as in- call options . Note: Many in-call options a re network services features.
[ 38 ] • Use call waiting If you have call waiting, you r phone beeps during a call to let you know that someone else is calling you . Depending on your caller ID s etup, the phone might also display the number of the i ncoming call. Note: Call waiting may not be available in all wireless systems.
[ 39 ] Use advanced calling features Make a conference call While in a call, you can call another n umber and "conference in " (add) a third party to the call. The conference call feature varies based on wireless systems. Contact your service provider for details.
[ 40 ] • Use call forwarding With call forwarding, you can forward incoming calls to a nother number . This way , if you are unable to receive calls on your phone, all calls going to that phone can be f orwarded to another phone. Y ou never have to miss an important call.
[ 4 1 ] Use advanced calling features 3 Highlight Activate an d press OK . 4 At th e Number fiel d , either enter the number to which you want your calls forwarded or press Se arch to find this number in the phone book (if the number is indeed in your phone book).
[ 42 ] Before you can use the Automatic Redial feature, you must activate it. 1 Press Menu 4 > 1 > 2 ( Se ttin gs > Cal l sett ings > Automa tic r edial ). 2 Use or to scroll to On . 3 Press OK . • Use a calling card Y ou can use a calling card when you dial lon g distance calls.
[ 43 ] Use advanced calling features Calling cards sh own here are fr equently used with the diali ng sequences listed in the first column. However , this information might vary and it is subject to change at the phone companies’ discretion. 7 Press Sele ct .
[ 44 ] Choose a calling card to use If you have more than one calling card, you’ll ne ed to choose one before making a ca ll. 1 Press Menu 4 > 1 > 3 ( Sett ings > Call se ttin gs > Cal ling c ard ). 2 Scroll to the desired card and press Optio ns .
[ 45 ] Use advanced calling features Note: Send Own Number might not be available in all wireless systems. Contact your service provider for details and availab ility . Also note that this feature is effective only when you call a num ber that is equipped with caller I D.
[ 46 ] in three different s ervice areas. For example, your phone cou ld bc9`````o``````9```BTı ].
[ 47 ] Use advanced calling features • Set touch tone s Touch tones are sou nds that are produ ced when you press the keys on your phone’s keypad. Sometimes, touch tones are called DTM F to n e s , but this guide calls them touch tone s.
[ 48 ] Store touch tone sequen ces (string s) Y ou store touch tone strings the same wa y that you store names and numbers in your phone book. Y ou can store an entire digit sequence and send it a s touc h t ones for f req uentl y use d st ring s of numbe rs.
[ 49 ] Customize your phone 12. Customize your phone • What is a profile? A profile is a "set of settings" you can use to customize the way your ph one works.
[ 50 ] • Customize a profile 1 Press Menu 3 ( Pr ofile s ). 2 Scroll to the desired profile in the l ist. Note: The Car and Headset profiles do not appear unless your phone ha s been connected to these accessories.
[ 5 1 ] Customize your phone 3 Highlight Customize and press OK . 4 Scroll to Ringing op tions and press Select . 5 Scroll to one of the ringing options, as described below , and press OK . Set the ringing vo lume Y ou can set the default ringing volume for incoming voice calls and message alert tones.
[ 52 ] Note: As you scroll through the ringing options, you can listen to a sample of each. Although the ringing sample for level 4 and level 5 are the same, ringing level 5 will produce very loud ringing. The ringing volume setting is stored individually for the handsfree car kit and the headset.
[ 53 ] Customize your phone 5 Use or to scroll to On and press OK . The phone does not vibr ate when it is con nected to or placed in any charging device. Set keypad tones Ke ypad tones are the sounds you hear when you press your phone’s keys. Y ou can set the volume for those tones.
[ 54 ] Set the message alert tone Y ou can set your phone to use a certain ton e to indicate an incoming text message. 1 Press Menu 3 ( Pro files ). 2 Use or to scroll to the prof ile for which you w ant to set the message al ert tone, and press Opt ions .
[ 55 ] Customize your phone Set the li ghts (car ki t only) While your phone is connected to a car kit, you can either set its lights to be on only when you use it, or you can have th e lights on contin uously . This fe ature works only when your phone is connected to a car kit.
[ 56 ] • Restore factory settings If you have made ch anges to your phone’s profiles (settin gs), you can restore them to their original, or f actory settings. Y ou must enter a security code to reset your phone’s factory settings. Note: The memory , timers, language selection, security code, and lock codes are not reset.
[ 57 ] Customize your phone 2 Use or to scroll to Adjust time and press Sel ect . The Time field appears. 3 Enter the time using an xx: xx format and press OK . For example, to set your clock to 9:30, en ter 09:30 . If you set the time format for 24-h our time, enter the number the sa me way: 09:3 0 or 23:12 .
[ 58 ] • Set automatic update of date and time Y o u can set your p hone to automatically update the date and ti me from the net work. If the clo ck in yo ur phon e is 2 min utes or m ore of f the net work time, the ph one will automa tically update the time to reflect the netw ork.
[ 59 ] Customize your phone • Add a welcome note Y ou can set your phone to display a welcome note each time you switch on your ph one. This note could say , for ex ample: Hello . It could in clude your nam e, a remin der , or more. T he maximu m leng th of this note is 36 characters.
[ 60 ] Assign a n ame or number to a 1-tou ch dial key 1 Press Names and scroll to 1-touch diali ng . 2 Press Sele ct . 3 Use or to scroll to the first number that includes the me ssage (empty) and press Assign . 4 Use or to scroll to the name and number to which you want to assign this key and press Se lect .
[ 6 1 ] Customize your phone 3 Use or to scroll to the key you want to erase and press Options . 4 Use or to scroll to Erase a nd press Select . 5 Press OK . • Use emergency key 9 When the emergency key feature is turned on , the phone attempts to make an emergency call when you press 9 and .
[ 62 ] • Use caller groups Y ou can create groups of names in your phone book and give each group a different ringing tone. T his allows you to recognize w ho is calling you by the way your phone rin gs.
[ 63 ] Customize your phone Rename a caller group 1 At the Start screen, press Names . 2 Use or to scroll to Cal ler grou ps and press Select . 3 Use or to scroll to the group you want and press Select . 4 Use or to scroll to Rename group and press Select .
[ 64 ] View the new graphic Note: If you pr ess Ex it at any time before saving the graphic, the new graphic will be deleted! 1 When your phone shows Group graph ic re ceived , press Op tions . 2 Show is sele cted. 3 Press OK . The phone previews th e new group graphic.
[ 65 ] Security 13. Security Y our phon e is equipped with a versatile security s ystem that prevents the unauthorized use of the phone. Y ou must successfully enter your security code to activate and use certain phone feat ures. • The de fault secur ity cod e is 1234 5.
[ 66 ] If you have changed your security code and don’t remember the new code, contact your serv ice provider . Once you have changed your secu rity code, the default setting is n o longer valid. • Protect your phone with the lock code Y ou can prevent unauthorized use of your phone by lo cking it.
[ 67 ] Security Store an unlocked phone numb er 1 Press Menu 4 > 3 > 2 > 2 ( Settings > Security settings > Access codes > Unlocked phone number ). 2 Enter the lock code and press OK . The Number box opens. 3 Enter a phone number or press Search and scroll through the phone book until the number you want to store appears.
[ 68 ] T urn off phone lock 1 Press Menu . The E nter lock code box opens. 2 Enter the lock code and press OK . Phone unlocked displays briefly , and you are returned to the Start screen. 3 Press Menu 4 > 3 > 2 > 1 ( S etting s > Se curity setti ngs > Access code s > Phone lock ).
[ 69 ] Security Deactivate keyguard 1 Press Unlock . 2 Press . OR • Pre ss an d hol d until the mess age Unlock keys? appears. •P r e s s OK . Answer a call wh ile keygua rd is active During an incoming call, the keypad automatically unlocks. • Press to answer the call.
[ 7 0 ] When calls are restric ted, you might be able to make calls to the em ergency number that is programmed into your phone. For example, you could dial 9 1 1 and p ress . Howeve r , em ergency ke y 9 might n ot work , depend ing on the type of r estriction you choose.
[ 7 1 ] Set network services features 14. Set network services features The foll owing net work ser vices c an be obtai ned from your service p rovider .
[ 72 ] Set up t he wa y your phone sel ects a netwo rk 1 Press Menu 5 . Y ou see the following three options: • Automati c : Y our phone automatically searches for availab le ne two rk s and chooses the appropriate one. Every time you turn on your phone, it resets to Au tom at ic .
[ 73 ] Set network services features Select a public system When you take your phone outside its home system, the phone is said to be "roaming. " The phone can search for home-type sys tems—systems tha t are the same type a s your home s ystem.
[ 74 ] • Roaming The te rm roaming is u sed to indicate when you r phone is not in its h ome area. Calls made or r eceived while you are roaming ar e usually more expensive than calls made in your home area.
[ 75 ] Send and receive text m essages 15. Send and receive text messages With the text message n etwork service, you can s end and receive short text messa ges. Y ou can also send an d receive messages that contain a person’s name and/or number (a "business card").
[ 76 ] For example, to enter the na me Joh n : Write with predictive text input With predictive text i nput, you need to press each number key only once for each letter .
[ 77 ] Send and receive text m essages T9 dictionary a ctivated appears. ("T9" is the technical name for predictive text input.) This m eans you can use predictive text input to enter me ssages. The T9 icon is also visible in the text message window when the feature is activated.
[ 78 ] T urn off predictive text in put 1 Rep eat st eps 1 thro ugh 7 in “T urn on pred icti ve tex t in put” on page 7 6. 2 Scroll to Di ctio nary o ff and press OK . Or , press to toggle between predictive and standard text input. Press until th e icon in the upper left corner indicates the desired input type.
[ 79 ] Send and receive text m essages 2 Press Spel l and enter the w ord(s) using standard text input. 3 Press OK to save the word(s). Insert numbers 1 To add a number to the message, press and hold until app ears . You can also pre ss Options and scroll to Insert number .
[ 80 ] 4 Enter or recall from you r phone book the recipient’s 1 0-digit phone number , then pres s Se nd . Sending messag e appears. When the messa ge is successfully sent, Message sent appear s. If you need to exit while writing the message, press at any time.
[ 8 1 ] Send and receive text m essages • Receive a text message When you rece ive a text message, the phone sounds a messa ge alert tone and the text message icon appears, along with one of the following messa ges: • Message received : Indicates that you have an unread mes sage or page.
[ 82 ] Choose optio ns for a text me ssage When you press Options while reading a message, the following choices are available: • When your phone’s memory is full When your phone’ s message memor y is full, one or more messages of the lowest priority are automatically deleted.
[ 83 ] Send and receive text m essages • Erase a message 1 While reading a message, press Opt ions . 2 Scroll to Era se , t hen p ress OK . Y our ph one asks you to confirm that you want to erase the message. 3 Press OK . • Re ply t o a me ssage 1 While reading a message, press Opt ions .
[ 84 ] 16. Send and receive e-mail messages Y ou can use your phone to send and receive e-mail messages. This means you no longer n eed to be at your computer to send or receive me ssages. Note: E-mail me ssages may not be av ailable in all wireless systems.
[ 85 ] Send and receive e-mail m essages 3 Enter the phone nu mber and press OK . The messa ge Save d appears briefly , confirming your action. 4 Press Detai ls , then Optio ns , scroll to E- mail ad dress , and press Se lect . The E-mail addr ess box opens.
[ 86 ] 3 Enter a subject and press OK . The subject line can hold a m aximum of 26 characters. Y ou can leave the line blank if y ou wish. 4 When the messa ge screen appea rs, enter your messa ge. Note: The maximu m number of chara cters for messag e length va ries; contact your service provider for details.
[ 87 ] Send and receive e-mail m essages • Receive an e-mail message When you re ceive an e-ma il message, th e phone so unds a mes sage alert tone and the text message icon appears, along with one of the following messages: • Message received : Indicates th at you have an unread e -mail me ssage, text message or page .
[ 88 ] 4 Scroll to the option you want, then press OK . In your inbox, e-mail m essages are shown in the order in wh ich they were received, unle ss one is an emergency messa ge.
[ 89 ] Send and receive e-mail m essages 5 Enter the recipient's e-mail addr ess or press Search to find the name if it has been saved in your phone book. •I f y o u p r e s s Sea rch , e nter the first few letters of the name you want and press OK when you fin d the nam e.
[ 90 ] 17. Use your personal assistant Y our ph one can be your personal assistant. It can wake you up in the morning and remind you of meetings, birthdays, and tasks. Y ou can check the current time, calculate a tip at dinner , and convert currencies.
[ 9 1 ] Use your personal assistant Move from day to day After you set the date, whenever you press Menu 8, your phone displays the current date and day . 1 To move forward or backward through the calend ar , use or . 2 When y ou rea ch the date you wa nt, press Options an d scroll to highlight the option you want.
[ 92 ] 4 Enter the tim e at wh ich you w ant th e alar m to soun d usi ng the hh :mm format and press OK . 5 Select either am or pm and press OK . Note: Step 5 appears only if you have selected the am/pm format. The messa ge Calend ar note saved appears.
[ 93 ] Use your personal assistant Note: Step 8 appears only if you selected the am/pm format. The messa ge Calend ar note saved appears. Meet ing The Subje ct field appears. 1 Enter the information and press OK . The current date appears. • If you do not want to ch ange the date, just press OK .
[ 94 ] Birthday The Name field appears. 1 Enter the person’s name whose birth day you want to be reminded of and press OK . The Date field appears. 2 Enter the month and day of this per son’s birthday and press OK . The Ye ar o f b ir t h field appears.
[ 95 ] Use your personal assistant The following options are available: Erase notes This option enables you t o erase notes. Y ou can choose from the following categories: Of chosen day , One by one , or All at once . • After you choose a cate gory , press Erase to delete the associated notes, or press Ba ck .
[ 96 ] After 1 0 minutes, the alarm once again goes off. The alarm can be postponed in increments of 10 minutes for up to 90 m inutes. Yo u c a n e i t h e r : •P r e s s Po s t p o n e again OR •P r e s s OK to stop the alarm.
[ 97 ] Use your personal assistant Discard v iewed c alendar notes After viewing the calendar n ote: 1 Press Bac k . 2 Scroll to Di scard and press OK . • Send and receive business cards Y our phone can send or receive electronic busin ess cards consisting of a name and phone number .
[ 98 ] 2 At the Na me: prompt, edit th e name if you want to, then press OK . 3 At the Number: pr ompt, ed it the numbe r if y ou want t o, then press OK . Delete a viewed business card After viewing the business card, press Back , then pre ss Exit . Or , press Disca rd , then p ress OK .
[ 99 ] Use your personal assistant 4 Press OK . The phone saves the new tone in the list of ringing ton es. Discard received ringing tones Y ou can discard a ringing tone if you don’t want to save it. •P r e s s Exit . OR • Scroll to Di scard t one , then press OK .
[ 1 00 ] T urn off the alarm clock when it rings • When the a larm cl ock r ings: •P r e s s Stop to turn it off. The phone asks if you want to keep the phone on. Press Ye s or No . •P r e s s Snooze to set the alarm to go off again in 1 0 minutes.
[ 101 ] Use your personal assistant 3 Then, based on the type of calculation that you need to perform, use one of the following actions: Or , you can press Options , then use or to scroll to: Eq uals, Add , Subtra ct , Mult iply , Divid e , T o home , To vi s i t ed , or Ex chang e rate .
[ 1 02 ] 5 Press OK . The Rate sa ved m essage appears . Calcul ate currency us ing the exchan ge rate 1 Press Menu 7 ( Calculator ). 2 Enter number of un its comprising the excha nge rate. 3 Press Opt ions and scroll to T o home or To v i s i t e d .
[ 1 03 ] Games 18. Games Y ou phone provides exciting games that you can play whenever the phone is turned on: Memor y Snake Logic Rotation 1 Press Menu 6 ( Games ) to display the listing of these games. 2 Use or to scroll to the game you want to play and press Sel ect .
[ 1 04 ] 4 Press the key to jump to the left over pictures that have already been revealed or to move from the top left to the bottom right. 5 Press the key to jump to the right over pictures that have already been revealed or to move from the bottom right to the top le ft.
[ 1 05 ] Games The result is presented as a set of marks over the row . A cor rect figure in the right place displays a rectangle. A correct figure in the wrong place displays a line. The game ends when all the figures are correct and in the right place.
[ 1 06 ] 19. Reference information • Batteries , chargers, and accessories This section provides information about the phone’s batteries, accessories, and chargers. Be aware that the information in thi s section is subject to change as th e batteries, chargers, and accessor ies change.
[ 1 0 7 ] Reference infor mation An example of short-circuiting could occur if you carry a spare battery in your pocket or purse, w here the battery cou ld come into contact w ith such objects like a coin. Short-circuiting could damage either the batter y or the connecting object.
[ 1 08 ] After completing your ph one conversation, always secure the phone back into its holder; do not place the phone on the passenger seat or place it where it can break loose in a collision or during a sudden stop. Note: The use of an alert device to operate a vehicle’s lights or horn on public roads is not permitted.
[ 1 09 ] Reference infor mation • should always keep the phone more than six inches (20 cm) from their pacemaker when the phone is switched on • should not carry the phone in a breast pocket • s.
[ 1 1 0 ] P otentially explo sive atmospheres Switch off you r phone if you are in any area that h as a potentially e xplosive atmosphere, and obey all signs and instructions. Spar ks in such areas could cause an expl osion or fire, r esulting in bodily injury or even death .
[ 111 ] Reference infor mation Failure t o observe these instructions could lead to the suspension or th e denial of telephone services to the offe nder , or it cou ld result in legal action, or both scenarios could apply .
[ 1 1 2 ] If certain feat ures are in use (Keyguard, fixed dialing, restrict call s, and so on), you might first need to turn those feature s off before you can make an emergency call .
[ 1 1 3 ] Reference infor mation Before a phone model is available for sale to the public, it m ust be tested and certified to the FCC that it does not exceed the lim it established by the government-adopted r equirement for safe ex posure. The tests are performed in positions and locations (e.
[ 1 1 4 ] Care and main tenance Y our ph one is a product of superior design and craftsmanship and should be treated with care. The suggestions below will help you to f ulfill any warranty obligations an d allow you to enjoy this product for many year s.
[ 1 1 5 ] Reference infor mation • Acces sories If you want to enhanc e your phone’ s function ality , a rang e of accessorie s is available for you. You can select any of these items to help accom modate your speci fic com munication ne eds. For availabi lity of these and other accessories, contact your service provider .
[ 1 1 6 ] •B a t t e r y This section provides informa tion about the phone’s battery . Be aware that the information in this section is subject to ch ange. Note: This is a lithium ion (Li-Ion) battery . Dispose of used batteries in accordance with a ny local regulations.
[ 1 1 7 ] Reference infor mation • Chargers and other accessories This section provides in formation about the phone’s c hargers and accessories. Be aware that the i nformation in this section is subject to change as the charger s and accessories change.
[ 1 1 8 ] Rapid Mobile Charger (LCH-8/LCH-9) Y ou can charge your phone’s battery from your vehicle battery by us ing the Rapid Mobile Charger (LCH-8/LCH-9). Y ou can also use this lightweight charger with the Desktop Charging Stand. Calls are possible during charging.
[ 1 1 9 ] Reference infor mation • T roubleshooting This section provides a table that li sts some of the most commonly- encountered problems and provides possible solutions. Proble m P ossible ca use P ossible sol ution My phone isn’t charging. The charger and the phone are not properly connected.
[ 12 0 ] 20. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) This section lists and answers the questions phone users most frequently ask. Some of the answers tell you to u se menu shortcuts. For a complete listing of these shortcuts, refer to “List of shortcuts” on page 17.
[ 121 ] Frequently Ask ed Questions (FAQ) Q. How do I unlock the keypad? A. There are two ways you can unlock the keypad: pre ss and hold and then press OK , or press Unlock and . The term Keyguard is also used in connection with this feature. Q. How do I make th e ringin g loude r? A.
[ 12 2 ] To listen to your voice messages at a later time, per form one of the following actions: • Pre ss an d hol d the 1 k ey . • Press Menu 1 > 2 > 1 ( Messages > V oice mess ages > Liste n to voice mess ages ). Th e message Calling voi ce mail box appears on the screen.
[ 12 3 ] Frequently Ask ed Questions (FAQ) Q. How do I find my phone’s ESN (electronic serial number)? A. Turn you r phone off. Rem ove the phone’s back cover , grasp the ridge at the end of the battery with a fingernail, and lift th e battery out.
[ 12 4 ] 2 1. Glossary This section lists various terms and provides definitions. antenna The portion of th e phone that sends or receives radio signals. battery The power source fo r the phone. call forwarding A netw ork serv ices fe ature y ou use to for ward incoming calls to another number .
[ 12 5 ] Glossary messag e alert tone See tones . microphone The place on your phone into w hich you speak. mobile- origin ated s hort message serv ice (MO-SMS) MO-SMS (mobile-originated short message service) allows you to send text messages from your phone, as well as receive them.
[ 12 6 ] sending own number A network services feat ure that enables you to determine, on a per-call basis, whether you want your telephone number to display on another phone’s caller ID. Sele cting a phone number A netw ork services feat ure that enables yo u to switch between ph one number s if you have more than one.
[ 12 7 ] Glossary voice channel A channel on which a voice con versation occurs and on which brief digital messages may be sent from a base station to a mobile station or f rom a mobile station to a base station. voice mail A network services feature that enables people who call and miss you to leave a voice message on y our phone.
[ 12 8 ] 22. T echnical Information Weight 96.9g (3.4 1 oz) with BLB- 3 900 mA h Li-ion Bat tery Size 85 cc Frequency Range Lowb and 824.04 - 84 8.97 MH z (TX) 869. 04 - 893.97 MH z (RX) Highba nd 1850.04 - 19 09.92 MHz (T X) 1930.08 - 1989 .96 MH z (R X) Tra ns m i tte r O u tp ut Pow er Up to 600m W Battery V oltage 3.
[ 12 9 ] NOKIA One-Y ear Limited W arranty 23. NOKIA One-Y ear Limited W arranty Nokia Inc. (“Nokia”) warrants that this cellular phone (“ Product”) is free from defects in material and workma.
[ 13 0 ] 6 The Consumer shall bear the cost of shipping the Product to Nokia in Melbourne, Florida. Nokia shall bear the cost of shipping the Product back to th e Consumer after the completion of service under th is limited warranty .
[ 131 ] NOKIA One-Y ear Limited W arranty b) If “ a” is not convenient because of distance (more than 50 miles) or for other good cause, the Consumer shall ship the Product prepaid and insured to: Nokia Inc. Attn: Repair Department 795 West Nasa Blvd.
[ 13 3 ] NOKIA One-Y ear Limited W arranty 13 This is the entire warranty between Nokia and the Consumer , and sup ersedes a ll prio r and co ntempo raneou s agreem ents or underst andi ngs, oral or written, and all communications relating to the Pr oduct, and no representation, promise or condition not contained herein shall modify these terms.
[ 13 4 ] 24. Index Numerics 1-touc h dial ing 59 A ABC text entry mode 21 accessories 115 accessories, operating 115 adding names and numbers 26 alar m snoozing a calendar alar m 95 alarm clock 99 set.
[ 13 5 ] Index restricting incoming and outgoing 69 chargers 11 7 clock changing time format (am/pm, 24-hour) 57 display on screen 57 set 56 set automatic update of time 58 conference calls 39 currenc.
[ 13 6 ] Menus, navigating using the s croll metho d 16 message alert tone 54 missed calls, checking 33 N names editing 22 network services need to subscribe 3 setting 71 Nokia conta cting 4 World W i.
[ 13 7 ] Index ringing options 50 ringing tone 52 ringing tones, downloading 98 ringing volume 51 roam ing 74 HOME 74 indicators 74 S saf ety 1 scroll bar 10 scroll keys 8 , 10 Scrolling method 16 sec.
[ 13 8 ] NOT ES.
[ 13 9 ] NOTE S.
[ 14 0 ] P ara obtener un manual del usuario en español favor de llama r o enviar un fax al teléfo no 1-88 8-NOKI A-2U, fax 813-249- 96 19..
デバイスNokia 8260の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Nokia 8260をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはNokia 8260の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Nokia 8260の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Nokia 8260で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Nokia 8260を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はNokia 8260の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Nokia 8260に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちNokia 8260デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。