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2538144-B NH Series NHTC / NHPC ELECTRODE STEAM HUMIDIFIER Engineering Manual TM.
2008-10-01 PROPRIETARY NOTICE This document and the info rmation disclosed herei n are propriet ary data of W AL TER MEIER L TD. Neither this document nor the information cont ained herein shall be reproduced used, or disclosed to others without the written authoriza tion of W AL TER MEIER L TD.
2008-10-01 Subject Page 7. CONTROLS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 3 A. GENERAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2008-10-01 LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 10-00 ELECTRODE STEAM ENGINEERI N G Figure 1. NHTC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Figure 2. Optimum Boiling Time . . . . . . .
2008-10-01 Figure Page Figure 33. Humidifier Controlled by Air Prov ing, On/Off Duct Mounted Hig h Limit and Modulating Wall Mounted Space Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Figure 34. Humidifier Controlled by Air Prov ing, Modulating Duct Moun ted High Limit and Modulating Wall Mount ed Space Controller .
2008-10-01 LIST OF TABLES T able Page 10-00 ELECTRODE STEAM ENGINEERI N G Table 1. Features Comparison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Table 2. NHTC/NHPC Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . .
2008-10-01 T able Page Table 13. Modulating De mand Signal By Others Single Channel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 Table 14. Modulating De mand Signal By Others Dual Channel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 Table 15. Modulating By Other Tra nsducer Signal .
10-00 Page 1 2008-10-01 10-00 INTRODUCTION.
10-00 Page 2 2008-10-01 Figure 1. NHTC.
10-00 Page 3 2008-10-01 1. INTRODUCTION The NHTC humidifier is controlled by Nortec’s Patented Auto adaptive Water Management Control System. This system allows the hum idifiers to adapt to basically any potable incoming water and changes that occur to the water supply.
10-00 Page 4 2008-10-01 (6) As the water is boiled away, the minerals left behind increase the conductivity of the water in the cylinder. As soon as the conductivity is greater than design, the Ta to boil from A to D will be shorter than To and a drain cycle is initiated.
10-00 Page 5 2008-10-01 Figure 2. Optimum Boiling Time Figure 3. Conductivity.
10-00 Page 6 2008-10-01 B. NH CAPACITY ADJUSTMENT (1) Each NORTEC NH Series humidifier is rated at its maximum output capacity. By means of the alphanumeric display and keypad on the NHTC/NHPC, the humidifiers can be adjusted to obtain an output between 20% and 100% of its rate d capacity.
10-00 Page 7 2008-10-01 Figure 4. Typical Auto-Adaptive Operation 0. Store previous cycle’s drain decision in integral (l) memory. 1. Fill to A trigger (use all places below 1-10). 2. Boil to C trigger without timing to allow pr ev ious fill water to mix thoroughly during boiling.
10-00 Page 8 2008-10-01 It is important to note that the drain rate shown includes the make-up water, mixed with the drain water, which tempers the drain water to 140°F (60°C) or less. NOTE The electrode steam process provides optimum efficiency because all re sistance to current passage is converted to usable energy.
10-00 Page 9 2008-10-01 3. PRE-INSTALLATION EQUIPMENT VERIFICATION A. GENERAL (1) Ensure the available voltage and phase correspond with humidifier voltage and phase as indicated on the humidifier’s specification label.
10-00 Page 10 2008-10-01 Figure 6. Typical NHRS Installation (Sheet 1 of 2).
10-00 Page 11 2008-10-01 Figure 7. Typical NHRS Installation (Sheet 2 of 2).
10-10 Page 13 2008-10-01 HUMIDITY, STEAM ABSORP TION AND DISTRIBUTION 1. HUMIDITY A. ESTIMATING THE HU MIDIFICATION LOAD Note: The humidification lo ad can easily be ca lcul ated by u sing Nortec’ s Humidification En gineering and Load-sizing Program (HELP).
10-10 Page 14 2008-10-01 Table 1. Outdoor/Indoor Relative Humidity Conv ersion Chart Table 2. Load Calculation Su mmary Sheet Outdoor relative humidity 1 0 0 % 245679 1 2 1 7 1 9 2 3 2 9 3 6 4 3 5 2 9.
10-10 Page 15 2008-10-01 Table 3. Grains of Water Per Cubic Foot – Saturated Air (1 00% rh) (2) Formula 2 Assume our printing plant is locate d in Denver, Colorado. From Table 4, the worst case is -10 ° F with 37% rh From Table 3: 0.29 gr/ft 3 x 37% rh - 0.
10-10 Page 16 2008-10-01 Table 4. Design Outdoor Conditions JANUARY Relative Humidity (% RH) JUL Y Relative Humidity (% RH) St ate City °C Dry Bulb °F 7:30 A.
10-10 Page 17 2008-10-01 Table 4. Design Outdoor Conditions (cont) JANUARY Relative Humidity (% RH) JUL Y Relative Humidity (% RH) St ate City °C Dry Bulb °F 7:30 A.
10-10 Page 18 2008-10-01 Table 4. Design Outdoor Conditions (cont) JANUARY Relative Humidity (% RH) JUL Y Relative Humidity (% RH) Province City °C Dry Bulb °F 7:30 A.
10-10 Page 19 2008-10-01 (3) Using the natural ventilation method req uires knowing the volume of th e humidified space and the type of construction. A tightly constructed building will have a least one air change per hour.
10-10 Page 20 2008-10-01 (5) Using an exhaust air fan : (a) Formula 5 Assume the print shop has a 1,000 CF M fan to exhaust a drying room. The moisture required to humidify the drying room o nly is 1,000 x 5.08 x 60 min/hr ___________ _________ _____ = 44 lbs/hr 7,000 grains/lb (Refer to Figure 1.
10-10 Page 21 2008-10-01 (b) Formula 7 Assume that during the summer the HVAC system is in the cooling mode. The air leaving the cooling coil is at 55°F and 90% rh. In order to maintain the desired 47% rh in the sp ace, moisture must be added u sing the following formula: Desired space 80°F 47% rh = 5.
10-10 Page 22 2008-10-01 Table 5. Inside Relative Humidities At Whic h Moisture Will Condense On Windows (cont) Table 6. Regain of Hygroscopic Materials Out side T emperature Inside T emper atur e (°F/°C) Out side Te m p e r a t u r e Inside T emperature (°F/°C) °F °C 60/ 15.
10-10 Page 23 2008-10-01 Table 7. Design Indoor Conditions For Various Pla ces, Products and Processes Product and/or Process T emperatu re Relative Humidity %RH °F °C Abrasives Manufa cturing 78 25.
10-10 Page 24 2008-10-01 Table 7. Design Indoor Conditions For Various Plac es, Products and Processes (cont) Product and/or Process T emper ature Relative Humidity %RH °F °C Clean Rooms – Computer Ro oms Computer Room Clean Room – Gen eral Clean Room – C ritical 70 – 80 70 – 74 71.
10-10 Page 25 2008-10-01 Table 7. Design Indoor Conditions For Various Plac es, Products and Processes (cont) Product and/or Process T emperatu re Relative Humidity %RH °F °C Libraries and Muse ums .
10-10 Page 26 2008-10-01 Table 7. Design Indoor Conditions For Various Plac es, Products and Processes (cont) Product and/or Process T emper ature Relative Humidity %RH °F °C T extiles Opening and P.
10-10 Page 27 2008-10-01 Figure 2. Psychrometric Chart.
10-10 Page 28 2008-10-01 2. STEAM ABSORPTION AND DISTRIBUTION A. VARIABLES THAT AFFECT ABSORPTION DISTANCES (1) This manual will help in the design of a steam distribution system to provide the optimum performance f rom the humidifier and absorption of stea m within the duct system.
10-10 Page 29 2008-10-01 Table 9. Typical Absorption Distan ces, Single Distributor, 100 lbs/hr Humidifier FPM °F °C % RH FT CM T ypical System (V) (T) (H) (D) 500 70 21 30 3.0 91 Air handler before coils 500 55 13 80 4.5 137 Air hand ler after cooling 900 70 21 30 3.
10-10 Page 30 2008-10-01 B. CALCULATING THE DOWN STREAM HUMIDITY LEVEL (1) Table 10 indicates the amount o f water that each 1000 CFM of duct air holds in pounds of water per hour at various combinations or air temperature and relative humid ity.
10-10 Page 31 2008-10-01 NOTE Maximum capacity of the NHTC/NHPC humidifier can be limited through the keypad. C. CONTROL OF DUCT OR PLENUM SA TURATION (1) NORTEC always recommends the use of a hi gh limit humidistat set at 85% rela tive humidity in combination with an air-proving switch to assure air movement.
10-10 Page 32 2008-10-01 3. STEAM RUNS AND CO NDENSATE RETURNS A. STEAM RUNS (1) Steam runs between the humidifier and t he distributors ca n be ac complished by using flexible NORTEC steam hose or insulated copper pipe. The long er the steam run, including elbows, the lower the efficie ncy of the system.
10-10 Page 33 2008-10-01 Table 11. Steam Line Material Table 12. Recommended Material an d Size for Steam Run Table 13. Recommended Condensate Line at Distributor(s) Stea m Hose Copper T ube Stai nles.
10-10 Page 34 2008-10-01 (3) NORTEC recommends the use of insulated ha rd copper steam lines on distances o f more than 10 feet and no more than 3 elbows (90 ⊃ ). The use of flexible steam hose on runs of more than 10 feet can reduce these recommended distances in Table 14 by as much as 25%.
10-10 Page 35 2008-10-01 (2) Use vertical condensate leg of distributor only. Do not over-tighten clamp. (3) Drip stations on steam mains must be located at all low points in the system, at each elevation change and or directional change.
10-10 Page 36 2008-10-01 (7) Vertical drop of the drip station should be 1.5 times the diameter of th e steam main b ut no less then 12". (8) Install the P trap at the botom of the drip station. The P trap height is to be a minimum of 6 inches or 2 “ greater than the stat ic pressure in the duct.
10-10 Page 37 2008-10-01 4. STEAM DISTRIBUTORS (ASD, BSD, CSD) A. STEAM DISTRIBUTORS (1) NORTEC’s steam distributors, in use f or over twenty years, are a proven desig n to suit applications for the introductio n of atmospheric steam.
10-10 Page 38 2008-10-01 (2) Ensure the total capacity of the humid ifier is not higher than the allowable maximum steam capacity of the following distribu tors: (a) ASD: 25 lbs/hr (9 kg/hr) (b) BSD: 35 lbs/hr (13 kg/hr) (c) CSD: 115 lbs/hr (45 kg/hr) C.
10-10 Page 39 2008-10-01 Figure 13. Humidification Distance Nomogram Figure 12. Cutting Duct For Mounting.
10-10 Page 41 2008-10-01 determine the number of steam distributors that must be use for short saturation distances. (2) If the ‘Saturation Distance ’ for one steam dist ributor is not sufficient, add more steam distributors until the minimum saturation distance is a ttained.
10-10 Page 42 2008-10-01 5. SHORT ABSORPTION MANIFOLD (SAM-e) A. GENERAL (1) NORTEC’s best performing steam absorption system for use in Air Handling Units and duct systems where short steam absorption distance is critical.
10-10 Page 43 2008-10-01 (5) The features of the short absorpt ion manifold are: (a) Inlets/Outlets located on same side, one access p oint required. (b) All stainless steel distributors and no zzles ensure permanent bond. (c) Stainless steel header with rubber grommet seals for easy installa tion of distribution tubes.
10-10 Page 44 2008-10-01 (6) Absorption Distances: 3" centers = 7" (18 cm) 6" centers = 9" (23 cm) 9" centers = 12" (31 cm) 12" centers = 18" (46 cm) (7) Reference Figures 19, 20, 21 and 22 to determine the center-to-center spacing required.
10-10 Page 45 2008-10-01 Figure 20. Absorption Distance – 6" Centers Figure 21. Absorption Di stance – 9" Centers Figure 22. Absorption Distance – 12" Centers Figure 19.
10-10 Page 46 2008-10-01 (2) NORTEC recommends the installation of a condensate drain on the steam inlet run prior to entering the SAM-e. Table 16. Condensate Loss E.
10-10 Page 47 2008-10-01 (2) There is a selection of four types of steam tubes. Each are capable of distributing different capacities. To select the steam tube for your application refer to Table 17.
10-10 Page 48 2008-10-01 I. SAM-e STEAM INLET CONFIGURATION SELECTION (1) Atmospheric Steam (NH, GS, SE) (a) The steam inlet, Figure 25, is determined by the selected humidifier. Refer to submittals, Chapter 10-30 to determine the size of steam outlet required.
10-10 Page 49 2008-10-01 Table 18. Mini SAM-e Headers – 3" Table 19. Mini SAM-e Headers – 6" Table 20. Mini SAM-e Tubes Table 21. Mini Inlet Configurations – For Atmosph eric Steam Unit Duct W id th in. (cm) Steam T ubes Qty Header Part Number Maximum C ap acity Atmospheri c lbs/hr (kg/hr ) MA MB MC 12 (30.
10-10 Page 50 2008-10-01 Figure 26. Typical SAM-e Installation for Atmo spheric Steam Applications.
10-10 Page 52 2008-10-01 Table 22. Ceiling and Frontal Clearanc es for Blower Packs NH Series Model Minimum Number Of Blower Packs Minimum Ceiling Clearance in.
10-10 Page 53 2008-10-01 7. CONTROLS A. GENERAL (1) NORTEC humidifiers all accept on/off contro ls for their security loop. Many NORTEC humidifiers can also accept mo dulating or transducer signals for contro l (See the features section for each specific model).
10-10 Page 54 2008-10-01 (d) Modulating Demand Signa l Supplied by Others – A signal that is a lin ear demand signal that rises on need f or humidity can be used in conjunction with NORTEC humidifiers. See features se ction for a list of which models can accept which signal) D.
10-10 Page 55 2008-10-01 F. POSITIONING CONTROLS AND SENSORS (1) When positioning controls and sensors, ens ur e other factors do not influence these devices and give incorrect inputs to the unit. Some of these influences are: (a) The wall humidistat should not be instal led on an ou tside wall or hot or cold surface.
10-10 Page 56 2008-10-01 Figure 30. NORTEC OnLine Monitoring.
10-10 Page 57 2008-10-01 (l) Access to service history (m) Option to add up to seven slave humid ifiers to each NORTEC OnLine module (n) Monitor up to eight humidif iers (one master, seven slaves) wit.
10-10 Page 58 2008-10-01 I. TYPICAL INSTALLATION LAYOU T FOR NHTC/NHPC (1) The following are examples of typical cont rol installation possib ilities. There are many more configurations possible, be sure to con sider the application and positioning as a priority.
10-10 Page 59 2008-10-01 NORTEC ONLINE CONFIGURA TION FORM Please complete the information below . Attention : Date: Comp any: Fax #: From: Page: of Subject: NOR TEC Online Information G FOR YOUR INFORMA TION G RESPONSE REQUESTED Agent P .
10-10 Page 60 2008-10-01 Figure 32. NORTEC Links Form NORTEC LINKS FORM Please complete the information below . Attention : Date: Comp any: Fax #: From: Page: of Subject: NOR TEC Links Information G FOR YOUR INFORMA TION G RESPONSE REQUESTED MESSAGE Agent P .
10-10 Page 61 2008-10-01 Figure 34. Humidifier Controlled by Air Proving, Modulat ing Duct Mounted High Limit and Modulating Wall Mounted Space Controller Figure 33.
10-10 Page 62 2008-10-01 Figure 35. Humidifier Controlled by Air Proving, Modula ting Duct Mounted High Limit and Modulating Wall Mounted Return Air Sensor with Wa ll Mounted Controller Figure 36.
10-20 Page 63 2008-10-01 10-20 SPECIFICATIONS.
10-20 Page 64 2008-10-01 SPECIFICATIONS 1. HUMIDIFIERS A. GENERAL (1) Work Included (a) NORTEC NH Series electrode steam humidifier(s) as indicated on drawing(s) and as indicated on schedule(s). (b) Complete and operable humidification syst em (which meets a pplicable building codes).
10-20 Page 65 2008-10-01 2 Published replacement pricing. 3 Cylinder seams must be spin welded to ensu r e long -term water tightne ss and leak resistance. 4 Integral electronics to ensure safe operatio n. 5 High water sensor circuitr y to prevent over fillin g.
10-20 Page 66 2008-10-01 10 Accepts a signal from BMS/BAS sy stem or modulating humidistat. 11 Single or dual channel signal acce ptance. 12 Isolated plumbing and electrical com partment with cabinet made of 18-gauge powder coat paint fin ish and 20 gaug e plumbing electrical door.
10-20 Page 67 2008-10-01 m Manual capacity output adjustment range of 20-100%. n Humidifier model, capacity, software version. o Cylinder model # and capacity rating. p Humidifier run time weighted hours. q Date and time (year, month, day, hour and minute).
10-20 Page 68 2008-10-01 e Channel 2 Set point – Control channe l 2 setpoint for relative humidity in space 0-100% (read/write). f System Demand – Indicates h umidi fier system demand based on input signal calculations 0-100% (read). g Demand/rh_Configuration Parameter – Con figures humidifier to accept demand or %rh signal(s) (read/write).
10-20 Page 69 2008-10-01 11 Individual account access to 12 Monitor up to seventy parameters from each humidifier. 13 Access to service history. 14 Option to add up to <seven> or <six NMTC> ‘slave’ humidifiers to each NORTEC OnLine module.
10-20 Page 70 2008-10-01 2 The factory assembled blower pack in cludes an integral steam distributor, three tubeaxial (box) fans, fusin g, wall mounting bracket, and air proving safety circuitry. 3 Primary and control voltage terminal bl ocks facilitate field connectio ns between the humidifier.
10-20 Page 71 2008-10-01 (b) Examine roughing-in for piping syste ms to verify actual locations of piping connections before humidifier installation. (c) Proceed with installation only after uns atisfactory condition s have been corrected. (2) Installation (a) Install humidifiers and steam dispersion panels per manufacturers’ in structions.
10-20 Page 72 2008-10-01 1 Training of the owner’s operation and main tenance personnel is required in co-operation with the commissioning authority. Provide competent, f actory authorized personnel to provide instru ction to operation and maintenance personnel concerning the location, o peration, and troubleshooting of the installed systems.
10-30 Page 73 2008-10-01 10-30 SUBMITTALS.
10-30 Page 74 2008-10-01 1. SUBMITTAL DESCRIPTIONS A. INTRODUCTION (1) The information found in this section is general in nature and consists of part numbers, product descriptions and options, dimensions, specifications and equipment features. B. NH UNIT (1) The different wiring connections to the humidifier unit can be found in Fig ure 2.
10-30 Page 75 2008-10-01 between the NH unit and remote blower pack terminal blocks or can be powered by a seperate 12 ov supply. (b) Disk thermostat mounted on the top of steam distributor will start the fan when steam is generated and will allow to cool down the blower pack when there is no call for humidity.
10-30 Page 76 2008-10-01 coupled circuits can be specified. Coupled circu its will enable the two circuits to be operated from one controller without compromising the safety features of the humidifier (order Part No.146-9000). (3) The humidifier shall be controlled directly using a humidity sensor (transducer) supplied by others.
10-30 Page 77 2008-10-01 Figure 1. Low Voltage Control Terminal Strip (11) A and B: Mo unt any wall humidistat (control or high limit) over a standard electrical box at a height similar to a typical thermostat.
10-30 Page 78 2008-10-01 Figure 2. Primary (Line) Voltage Wiring to Uni t.
10-30 Page 79 2008-10-01 Figure 3. Physical Data – NHTC/NHPC 005 -03 0.
10-30 Page 80 2008-10-01 Figure 4. Physical Data – NHTC/NHPC 050 -10 0.
10-30 Page 81 2008-10-01 Figure 5. Physical Data – NHTC/NHPC 150 -20 0.
10-30 Page 82 2008-10-01 Unit Model NH 005-020 NH 030 NH 045-100 NH 135-200 Distributor Model ASD BSD CSD CSD No. of Cylinders 1 1 1 2 No. of Outlets/Cylinder 1 1 1 2 OD of Cylinder Outlet (NHTC,P,B) f" f" f" 1¾" OD of Cylinder Outl e t (NHSC/DI ) 1¾" 1¾" 1¾" 1¾" Distributor Model Dimensions – in.
10-30 Page 83 2008-10-01 Distributor Model Dimensions – in (mm) Minimum Duct A B C Length – in. (mm) BSD 12 2 (51) 1.75 (44) 10 (254) 12 (305) BSD 18 2 (51) 1.75 (44) 16 (406) 18 (457) BSD 24 2.25 (57) 1.75 (44) 20 (508) 24 (609) BSD 30 2.25 (57) 1.
10-30 Page 84 2008-10-01 Distributor Model Dimensions – in (mm) Minimum Duct A B C Length – in. (mm) CSD 24 1.75 (44) 1.55 (39) 20 (508) 24 (305) CSD 30 2 (51) 2 (51) 26 (406) 30 (457) CSD 36 2 (51) 2 (51) 32 (508) 36 (609) CSD 42 2.25 (57) 2 (51) 38 (660) 42 (762) CSD 48 2.
10-30 Page 85 2008-10-01 Duct Width A B C Duct Height D (Tube Height) E min. E max. in cm in cm in cm in cm in cm in cm in cm in cm 18 45.7 13 1/8 33.3 14 7 /8 37.8 16 1/4 41.3 18 45.7 6.25 15.9 17.063 43.3 24.604 62.5 24 61.0 19 1/8 48.6 20 7 /8 53.0 22 1/4 56.
10-30 Page 86 2008-10-01 Figure 10. General Mini SAM-e Dimensions Duct Width A Duct Heigh t B C in cm in cm in cm in cm in cm 12 30.5 11 1/16 28.1 8 20. 3 7 7/8 20.0 4 7/16 11.3 18 45.7 17 1/16 43.3 10 25. 4 9 7/8 25.1 6 7/16 16.4 24 61.0 23 1/16 58.6 12 30.
10-30 Page 87 2008-10-01 Figure 11. In-Duct / AHU Installation Without Mounting Fra me Installation.
10-30 Page 88 2008-10-01 Figure 12. In-Duct / AHU Installation With Mounting Frame Installation.
10-30 Page 89 2008-10-01 Figure 13. Outside Duct Installation Without Mounting Frame Installation.
10-30 Page 90 2008-10-01 Figure 13. In-Duct / AHU Installation With Mounting Frame Installation.
10-30 Page 91 2008-10-01 Figure 14. Vertical Duct Installation Figure 15. Outside Duct Mounting Cover Plates.
10-30 Page 92 2008-10-01 Figure 16. Atmospheric SAM-e Adapter Dimen sions.
10-30 Page 93 2008-10-01 Figure 17. Atmospheric Steam Header and Adapter Con figura tion.
10-30 Page 94 2008-10-01 Figure 18. Physical Data for Remote Mounted Blo wer Pack.
10-30 Page 95 2008-10-01 Figure 19. Physical Data Units with Optional Built-On Blo wer Packs.
10-30 Page 96 2008-10-01 Figure 20. Physical Data Units with Optional Built-On Blo wer Packs.
10-30 Page 97 2008-10-01 Wall Digital Humidistat Dimensions A B C D E F in. cm in. cm in. cm in. cm in. cm in. cm 4.4 12.2 2.9 7.2 1.2 3.0 0.6 1.6 1.7 4.
10-30 Page 98 2008-10-01 Duct Sensor Dimensions A B C D E F in. cm in. cm in. cm in. cm in. cm in. cm 3.5 8.9 7.9 20.0 1.7 4.2 4.4 11.2 3.9 9.6 3.5 8.9 Figure 22.
10-30 Page 99 2008-10-01 2. SUBMITTALS A. INTRODUCTION (1) The following pages are intended to be used by the en gineer to determine the component quantities required. B. INSTALLATION COMPONENT SELECTION (1) The following Tables 1 through 15 will enable the engineer to select compone nts for this installation.
10-30 Page 100 2008-10-01 Table 2. Common Accessories Universal Table 3. Steam Distributors Part No. Description Qty 1458807 DOUBLE CHECK V AL VE FOR W A TER INL ET LINE 1429527 DRAIN W A TER SUMP PUM.
10-30 Page 101 2008-10-01 Table 3. Steam Distributors (cont) Table 4. Steam Distributor Ac cessories Part No. Description Qty 1506190 DISTRIBUTOR SST BSD 102 1506191 DISTRIBUTOR SST CSD 24 1506192 DIS.
10-30 Page 102 2008-10-01 Table 4. Steam Distributor Accessories (cont) Part No. Description Qty Small Size Steam Distribution Accessories (<33 lb/hr) 1329642 BALANCING V AL VE MANUAL TYPE FOR f &q.
10-30 Page 103 2008-10-01 Table 5. SAM-e Header Part No. Description Qty 1503269 3" CENTER S, 18" (45.7 cm) W IDE 3 S tea m tubes 1503270 3" CENTER S, 24" (61.0 cm) W IDE 5 S tea m tubes 1503271 3" CENTER S, 30" (76.2 cm) W IDE 7 S tea m tubes 1503272 3" CENTER S, 36" (91.
10-30 Page 104 2008-10-01 Table 5. SAM-e Header (cont) Part No. Description Qty 1503290 3" CENTERS, 144 " (365.8 cm) WIDE 45 S team tubes – – – 3" CENTERS, 144+" (365.8+ cm) WIDE Consult factory 1503309 6" CENTER S, 18" (45.
10-30 Page 105 2008-10-01 Table 5. SAM-e Header (cont) Part No. Description Qty 1503328 6" CENTERS, 132 " (335.3 cm) WIDE 21 S te am tubes 1503329 6" CENTERS, 138 " (350.5 cm) WIDE 22 S te am tubes 1503330 6" CENTERS, 144 " (365.
10-30 Page 106 2008-10-01 Table 5. SAM-e Header (cont) Table 6. Adjustable Mounting Frame for SAM-e Table 7. SAM-e Tube Matrix Part No. Description Qty 1506803 12" CENTERS, 108" (274.3 cm) WIDE 9 S tea m tubes 1506804 12" CENTERS, 120" (304.
10-30 Page 107 2008-10-01 Table 7. SAM-e Tube Matrix (cont) Part No. Description Qty 1503396 TYPE A, 66" (167.6 cm) WIDE 15 lbs/hr (7 kg/hr) 1503397 TYPE A, 72" (182.9 cm) WIDE 15 lbs/hr (7 kg/hr) 1503398 TYPE A, 78" (198.1 cm) WIDE 15 lbs/hr (7 kg/hr) 1503399 TYPE A, 84" (213.
10-30 Page 108 2008-10-01 Table 7. SAM-e Tube Matrix (cont) Part No. Description Qty 1503418 TYPE B, 66" (167.6 cm) WIDE 35 lbs/hr (16 kg/hr) 1503419 TYPE B, 72" (182.9 cm) WIDE 35 lbs/hr (16 kg/hr) 1503420 TYPE B, 78" (198.1 cm) WIDE 35 lbs/hr (16 kg/hr) 1503421 TYPE B, 84" (213.
10-30 Page 109 2008-10-01 Table 7. SAM-e Tube Matrix (cont) Part No. Description Qty 1509398 TYPE B+, 72" (182.9 cm) WIDE 55 lbs/hr (25 kg/hr) 1509399 TYPE B+, 78" (198.1 cm) WIDE 55 lbs/hr (25 kg/hr) 1509400 TYPE B+, 84" (213.4 cm) WIDE 55 lbs/hr (25 kg/hr) 1509401 TYPE B+, 90" (228.
10-30 Page 110 2008-10-01 Table 7. SAM-e Tube Matrix (cont) Table 8. SAM-e Inlet and Adapter Configurations Part No. Description Qty 1503448 TYPE C, 84 " (213.4 cm) WIDE 75 lbs/hr (34 kg/hr) 1503449 TYPE C, 90 " (228.6 cm) WIDE 75 lbs/hr (34 kg/hr) 1503450 TYPE C, 96 " (243.
10-30 Page 111 2008-10-01 Table 9. Remote Blower Pack Table 10. Built-On Blower Pack Part No. Description Qty 2530893 Remote Blower Pack 5 - 30 lbs/hr 1 10-120V 2530891 Remote Blower Pack 5 - 30 lbs/h.
10-30 Page 112 2008-10-01 Table 11. Controls – ON/OFF Table 12. Modulating Control By NORTEC Part No. Description Qty 2520259 DIGIT AL HUMIDIST A T WALL MOUNTED ON/OFF On/off wall mounted humidistat applicable as control humidistat or high limit 10% to 90% RH range with 5% non-adjustable differential.
10-30 Page 113 2008-10-01 Table 13. Modulating Demand Signal By Others Single Chann el Table 14. Modulating Demand Signal By Others Dual Cha nnel NOTE: : NHPC does not acce pt dual signal control Table 15. Modulation By Others: Transduc er Signal (NHTC AND NHTC OUTDOOR ONLY) Part No.
10-30 Page 114 2008-10-01 Table 16. NORTEC OnLine Options (NHTC only ) Table 17. NORTEC Links Options (NHTC o nly) NOTES:: NHTC Total Controller has the Modbus communication bu ilt into the PCB Processor for remote monitoring and control us ing only BAS/BMS supp ort Modbus Table 18.
10-30 Page 115 2008-10-01 C. SCHEDULE 2522478 FUSING NHTC/PC 100/55 0-600/3 2522479 FUSING NHTC/PC 150/20 8-240/3 2522480 FUSING NHTC/PC 150/44 0-600/3 2522481 FUSING NHTC/PC 200/20 8-240/3 2522482 FU.
WARRANTY (1) Walter Meier Inc. and/or Walter Meier Ltd. ( hereinafter collectively referred to as THE COMPANY), warrant for a period of two years afte r installation or 30 months from manufacturer’s.
Cylinder Replacement Da te (MM/DD/YYYY) Authorized Agent: INST ALLA TION DA TE (MM/DD/YYYY) MODEL # SERIAL # CYLINDER # U.S.A. W alter Meier (Climate USA) Inc. 826 Proctor Avenu e Ogdensburg, NY 13669 TEL: 1-866-NORTE C-1 EMAIL: northamerica.climate@waltermeie r .
デバイスNortec NHPCの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Nortec NHPCをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはNortec NHPCの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Nortec NHPCの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Nortec NHPCで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Nortec NHPCを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はNortec NHPCの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Nortec NHPCに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちNortec NHPCデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。