Nortel Networksメーカー450の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Software Rele ase V1.3.0 Part No. 302 401-D Rev 00 July 19 99 4401 Gr eat Ame rica P arkw a y Santa C lara, C A 95054 Using the Ba yStac k 450 10/100/1000 Series Switc h kombk.
ii 302401-D Rev 0 0 Copyri ght © 1999 Nortel Netw orks All rights reserved. Printed in the USA. July 1999. The inform ation in this document is subjec t to chan ge without notice.
302401-D Rev 00 iii EC Dec laration of Conf ormity This pro duct co nforms ( or these pr oduc ts co nfor m) to the pr ovision s of Counci l Direct ive 89/336/E E C and 73/23/EEC. The Declara tion of Con formity is a vailable on the Norte l Network s W orld W ide W eb site at http://lib ra2.
iv 302401-D Rev 0 0 Nor tel Netw orks NA Inc. Software Lice nse Agreement NO TICE: Please carefu ll y read this l icense agre ement bef o re copyin g or usi ng the ac companying sof tware or installing the hardware unit with pre-enabled software (each of which is referred to as “Software” in this Agreement).
302401-D Rev 00 v Licensee is re sponsible for th e security of its o wn d ata and in formatio n and fo r maintain ing a dequate pro cedures a part from the Software t o reconstruct lost or altered f iles, da ta, or prog rams. 4. Limita tion of li ability . Page vi Tuesday, June 29, 1999 3:25 PM.
302401-D Re v 00 vii Contents Prefac e A u dience ............... ................... ............. .................... ............. ................... ............. .......... xxi Organiza tion ......... ............. ................... .........
viii 3024 01- D Rev 00 P or t Mirror ing .............. ............. ................... ............. ................... ............. .............. 1-16 A u tosensi ng and Autonegotiation ... .................... ............. ...................
302401-D Re v 00 ix MultiLin k T r unks .... ...... ....... ...... ............. ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ............. ...... ....... ...... . 1- 57 Client/Se r ver Configuration Using M ultiLink T r unks . ............. .........
x 30240 1-D R ev 00 Chapter 3 Using the Console Interface Accessing t he CI Me nus and Screens ......... ................... ............. ................... ............. ... 3-1 Using the CI Menus and S creens ......... .................... .......
302401-D Re v 00 xi Renumber Sta c k Units ....... ................... ............. .................... ............ .................... ....... 3-65 Hardware Unit Informa tion .............. ................... ............. ................... ..
xii 3024 01- D Rev 00 Electroma gnetic Im munity .............. ............. ................... ............. ................... ............. .. A-3 Declaration of Conf ormity ............... ............. ................... ............. .......
302401-D Re v 00 xiii MDI-X to MDI-X Cable Connection s ..... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ...... ....... ...... ....... ........ E-4 DB-9 (RS-232-D) Consol e/Co mm P o r t Conn ect or ... ...... ....... ...... ...... ....... ...... ....... .. Page xiv Tuesday, June 29, 1999 3:25 PM.
302401-D Re v 00 xv Figures Figure 1-1. BayStac k 450 Sw itch V e rsions ........................ ............ ............. ................ 1-1 Figure 1-2. BayStac k 450 Sw itch F r ont P a nels ................. ................... ............. ..
xvi 3024 01- D Rev 00 Figure 1-30 . VLAN Configu ration Spann ing Multi ple Switc hes ....... .................... ....... 1-46 Figure 1-31. IP Multicas t Propa gation With I GMP Routi ng . ................... ............. ....... 1-49 Figure 1-32. Ba yStack 450 Switch Fi lter ing IP Mu lticast St reams (1 o f 2) .
302401-D Re v 00 xvii Figure 2-12. Nor tel Networks Logo Scree n .................. ................... ............. .............. 2-16 Figure 2-13. Main Menu .. ................... ............. ............. ................... ............. .....
xvii i 30240 1-D Rev 00 Figure 3-30. Spanning T ree P or t Configuratio n Screen (2 of 2) ................... .............. 3-70 Figure 3-31. Spanning T ree Switch Setti ngs Screen ........... ................... ............. ....... 3-72 Figure 3-32.
302401-D Re v 00 xix Ta b l e s T able 1-1. Ba yStack 450 Switch L ED Descr iption s .............. ............. ................... ... 1-6 T able 1-2. Inter nation al P ower Cord Specific ations .. ............. ................... ............. ..
xx 30240 1-D R ev 00 T able 3-27. TELNET Confi guration Sc reen Fields ..... ............. ................... ............. . 3-76 T able 3-28. Software Download Screen Fi elds ................. ............ .................... ....... 3-79 T able 3-29.
302401-D Re v 00 xxi Preface Congratul ations o n your pu rchase of the BayS tack 450 swi tch, part of the Nortel Netw orks ® BayStack 10/10 0/1000 Swi tch line of communicati ons product s. There ar e three v ersions of the BayStack 450 switch: t he Model 450-24T, the Model 450-1 2T, and t he Model 450- 12F.
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch xxii 30 240 1-D Rev 00 Or ganizatio n This gui de has four chapters , se v en app endix es, and an inde x: If y ou want to: Go to: Learn abo ut the.
Prefac e 302401-D Re v 00 xxiii T ext Con v enti ons This gui de uses the foll owi ng te xt con v ention s: Acr on yms This gui de uses the foll owi ng acron yms: bold te xt Indicate s command na mes and opti ons and te xt that you need to enter . Example: Ent er show ip { aler ts | routes }.
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch xxiv 30 240 1-D Rev 00 Relate d Publications F or mor e i nf ormat io n about u sing t he BaySt ac k 4 50 swit ch, refe r t o the f ollo wing publi.
Prefac e 302401-D Re v 00 xxv Y ou can purcha se selec ted document ation se ts, CDs, and techn ical publ ication s through t he colla teral ca talog. The catalog i s locate d on the W orld W ide W eb at support. Page xxvi Tuesday, June 29, 1999 3:25 PM.
302401-D Re v 00 1-1 Chap ter 1 Ba yStac k 45 0 10 /100/10 00 Ser ies Switches This chap ter int roduces th e BaySta ck 450 switc h and co v ers the follo wing topics: • Phy sica l de scr iptio n �.
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch 1-2 3024 01-D R ev 00 Fr ont P anel Figure 1- 2 sho ws the fro nt-panel conf igur ations f or the three Bay Stack 450 switch model s. Desc rip ti ons o f the fr ont -pane l c omp o nents follow the figur es.
BaySta ck 450 1 0/100/1000 S eries Switches 302401-D Re v 00 1-3 Comm P or t The Co mm Port (als o refe rred to as the Con sole/ Comm Port) allows you t o acce ss the cons ole in terf ace (CI ) screens and cus tomize your netw ork us ing th e supplied menus a nd screens (see Chapter 3, “Usin g the Con sole Inte rfac e”).
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch 1-4 3024 01-D R ev 00 The 10B ASE-T/100B ASE-TX port connect ors are c onf igured as MDI-X (medi a-dependen t interface- crossov er).
BaySta ck 450 1 0/100/1000 S eries Switches 302401-D Re v 00 1-5 LED Displa y P anel Figure 1- 3 sho ws the BayStack 450- 24T and Bay Stack 450- 12T LED disp lay panels. Figure 1-4 sho ws t he BayStac k 450-12F LED display pane l. See Ta b l e 1 - 1 for a de scripti on of the LEDs .
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch 1-6 3024 01-D R ev 00 Figure 1-4. Ba yStack 450-12F LED Dis play P anel T able 1-1. BayStac k 450 S witch LED Descript ions Label T ype Color State Meaning Pwr P ower statu s Green On DC power is available to th e switch’ s in ter n al cir cui tr y .
BaySta ck 450 1 0/100/1000 S eries Switches 302401-D Re v 00 1-7 Amber or Green Blinking Inco mpatib le software re visi on or u nabl e to ob tain a uni t ID (R enumb er Stack Unit t able ful l). T he uni t is o n the r i ng bu t cann ot participate in t he stac k configur ation .
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch 1-8 3024 01-D R ev 00 Back P anel The BayStack 450 switch back-pa nel components ( Figure 1-5 ) are th e sam e for all switc h versio n s. Descript ions of t he back-pa nel co mponents fol lo w the f igure.
BaySta ck 450 1 0/100/1000 S eries Switches 302401-D Re v 00 1-9 Figure 1-5. BayStac k 450 Switch Bac k P a nel A C P o wer Receptac le The A C po wer re ceptacle accep ts the A C po wer cord (suppli ed). F or ins tallat ion outside of Nort h America, mak e sure that you ha ve t he proper p owe r cord for your re gion.
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch 1-10 3024 01-D R ev 00 RPSU Connector The RPSU connec tor all ows you to c onnect a b ackup po wer supply uni t to the switch. Nor tel Netw orks provi des an (optiona l) high-p owe r redu ndant po wer supply un it (HRPSU) fo r this purpos e.
BaySta ck 450 1 0/100/1000 S eries Switches 302401-D Re v 00 1-11 Cascade Module Sl ot The Cascad e Module slot allo ws you to attac h an optiona l BaySt ack 400-ST1 Cascade M odule to t he switch (s ee “ Stac k Ope rat ion ” on page 1-23 ). Y ou can connec t up to ei ght BayStac k 450 swi tches int o a redundant stack conf igu ration.
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch 1-12 3024 01-D R ev 00 • Addres s databas e size: 1 6,000 entri es at li ne rate ( 32,000 e ntries wi thout floodin g) • F ail-Saf e Stackin g:.
BaySta ck 450 1 0/100/1000 S eries Switches 302401-D Re v 00 1-13 • TELNET : -- Suppor t for up t o four si multaneous TELNET session s -- Opti onal passw ord p rotection -- Login time-o ut -- Failed -lo gi n gu ard -- Ina ctivity time -out -- Allo wed source add resses -- Ev ent logg ing • IEEE 802.
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch 1-14 3024 01-D R ev 00 • MultiLink T runking, sup porting: -- Sw it ch-t o -swit ch t ru nks -- Sw it ch-t o -ser ver t runks • Port mirrorin g.
BaySta ck 450 1 0/100/1000 S eries Switches 302401-D Re v 00 1-15 IGMP Snooping Feature F or conser ving bandwi dth and cont rolling IP Multi cast, th e IGMP snoop ing featur e can pr ovid e the s ame benef it as IP Mu ltic ast route rs, b ut in the l ocal are a.
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch 1-16 3024 01-D R ev 00 MultiLink T runking The MultiLi nk T runking fea ture allo ws you to gro up multipl e ports ( up to four) togethe r when for.
BaySta ck 450 1 0/100/1000 S eries Switches 302401-D Re v 00 1-17 When aut onego tiation -capab le de vices are atta ched to th e BaySta ck 450 switc h, the swit ch port s ne gotiate do w n from 100 Mb/s spee d and full -duple x mode until the att ached de vice ackno wledges a supp orted spe ed and duple x mode.
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch 1-18 3024 01-D R ev 00 SNMP MIB Suppor t The BayStac k 450 switc h supports an SNMP agent wi th indust ry standard MIBs , as well as pri vate M IB ex tensions, which en sures compa tibilit y with exis ting netw ork manage ment tools.
BaySta ck 450 1 0/100/1000 S eries Switches 302401-D Re v 00 1-19 Desktop Switch Application Figure 1- 6 sho ws a BayStack 450-24T switch used as a de sktop sw itch, wher e desktop w orks tations are connec ted dire ctly to s witch port s.
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch 1-20 3024 01-D R ev 00 Segment Switch Application Figure 1- 7 sho ws a BayStack 450-24T switch used as a s eg ment switch to alle viate user c ontention for bandwi dth and eliminat e serv er and net wor k bottle necks.
BaySta ck 450 1 0/100/1000 S eries Switches 302401-D Re v 00 1-21 High-Density Switched W orkgr oup Application Figure 1- 8 sho ws an exampl e of using a BayStack 4 50 swit ch with a hi gh-speed (gig abit) connect ion to a Nor tel Ne tworks Accelar ™ 1100 switch.
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch 1-22 3024 01-D R ev 00 F ail-Safe Stac k Application Figure 1- 9 sho ws an exampl e of eight BayStack 4 50 switches that are stac ked togethe r as a si ngle managed unit. If a n y single u nit in th e stack f ails, the remaini ng stack r emains oper ational, without in terr uption.
BaySta ck 450 1 0/100/1000 S eries Switches 302401-D Re v 00 1-23 Stack Operati on BaySta ck 450 swit ches that are conf igured with BaySt ack 450 sof twa re ve rsio n V1.1.0 or la ter p rovi de fai l-safe stackabil ity when yo u instal l the opti onal BaySta ck 400-ST1 Cas cade Module.
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch 1-24 3024 01-D R ev 00 Cascade A Out Connector Pro vides a n attachme nt point f or connect ing this unit to another unit via the cascade cable.
BaySta ck 450 1 0/100/1000 S eries Switches 302401-D Re v 00 1-25 Base Unit The base u nit is t he unique stac k unit that you conf igure with th e Unit Sele ct switch on the fron t panel of the 400 -ST1 cascad e module.
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch 1-26 3024 01-D R ev 00 Stac k MA C Address The Stac k MA C addr ess is auto ma tica l ly as s igned durin g the stac k init ia liza ti on. The base u nit’ s MA C address, with a softw are o f fset, is used for the Stack MA C address .
BaySta ck 450 1 0/100/1000 S eries Switches 302401-D Re v 00 1-27 Removi ng a Unit fr om the Stac k If a uni t is remo ved from the stack (t herefore operati ng in stan dalone mode), th e follo wing s.
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch 1-28 3024 01-D R ev 00 Stac k Up Configur ations In Figure 1-12 , data fl o ws fr om th e ba se uni t (uni t 1) t o th e n ext swit ch, w hich is assigne d as unit 2 , and con tinues unt il the l ast swit ch in the stack is assign ed as unit 8.
BaySta ck 450 1 0/100/1000 S eries Switches 302401-D Re v 00 1-29 Figure 1 -13. Stack Down Configuration Example Certain netw ork management statio n (NMS) appli cations a ssume a sta ck-do wn conf iguration f or the gra phical user int erfa ce (GUI) that re presen ts the stack (s ee Figure 1- 13 ).
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch 1-30 3024 01-D R ev 00 • Y ou can do wnline upgrade t he entire stack fr om an y switch in the stack. • Y ou can acces s and manage t he stack using a TELNET connecti on or an y generic SNMP management tool through an y switch port t hat is par t of the stack c onf igurat ion.
BaySta ck 450 1 0/100/1000 S eries Switches 302401-D Re v 00 1-31 Figure 1 -14. Redundant Cascade Stacking Feature Unit 2 1 = Base unit 2 = Last unit 3 = Cascade cable (PN 303978-A) 4 = Cascade max-return cable (PN 303979-A) BS0035B Cascade A Out Cascade A In Unit 1 Unit 5 Unit 4 Unit 3 2 1 B A 4 3 kombk.
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch 1-32 3024 01-D R ev 00 IEEE 802. 1Q V LAN W ork groups BaySta ck 450 swit ches suppor t up to 64 port-b ased VLANs with 802.1Q tag ging a v a il abl e per port . Port s are grouped int o bro adc ast domain s by as si gni ng the m to the same VLAN.
BaySta ck 450 1 0/100/1000 S eries Switches 302401-D Re v 00 1-33 IEEE 802.1Q T ag ging BaySta ck 450 swit ches opera te in acc ordance with the I EEE 802.
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch 1-34 3024 01-D R ev 00 • Fil teri ng d atab ase id enti fier (FI D) -- the spec ific filterin g/f orward ing data bas e within t he BayStack 450 swit ch that i s assigne d to each VLAN. Th e curr ent ver sion of s oftw are assi gns all VLANs to the same FID.
BaySta ck 450 1 0/100/1000 S eries Switches 302401-D Re v 00 1-35 In Figure 1-17 , unta gged incomi ng pack ets ar e assigne d directl y to VLAN 2 (PVID = 2). Port 5 i s conf igured as a tagged member of VLAN 2, and p ort 7 is conf igured as an un tag ged me mber of VLAN 2.
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch 1-36 3024 01-D R ev 00 In Figure 1- 19 , tagged i ncoming pack ets ar e assigne d directly t o VLAN 2 because of the tag as sig nmen t in th e pa cke t. Po rt 5 i s configu red as a ta gg ed me mb er of VLAN 2, and port 7 is conf igured as an untagged member of VLAN 2.
BaySta ck 450 1 0/100/1000 S eries Switches 302401-D Re v 00 1-37 VLANs Spanning Multiple Switches Y ou can use VLANs t o seg ment a ne twork wi thin a swi tch. When c onnecting multiple swi tches, it i s possible t o connect u sers of on e VLAN with user s of that same VLAN in ano ther switch.
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch 1-38 3024 01-D R ev 00 Because t here is o nly one li nk betwe en the tw o swit ches, the S panning T ree Protocol ( STP) t re at s t his conf igur at ion as an y ot her swi tc h-t o-switch connect io n.
BaySta ck 450 1 0/100/1000 S eries Switches 302401-D Re v 00 1-39 T o connect multiple VLANs a cross switches wi th redunda nt links , you must disable the STP on all par ticipatin g switch por ts. Figur e 1-23 s ho ws possi ble conseque nces of ena bling the STP when us ing VLANs betw een untag ged (non-802 .
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch 1-40 3024 01-D R ev 00 Shared Serv ers BaySta ck 450 swi tches al lo w port s to e xist in mu ltiple VLANs for s hared resourc es, suc h as serv ers, printers , and switch -to-sw itch conn ections.
BaySta ck 450 1 0/100/1000 S eries Switches 302401-D Re v 00 1-41 Figure 1 -25. VLAN Broadcast Domains Within the Switch F or e xample, to c reate a br oadcast d omain fo r each VLAN s ho wn in Figure.
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch 1-42 3024 01-D R ev 00 T o conf igure t he VLAN port member ship for VLAN 1: 1. Select Switch Conf iguration fr om the Bay Stack 450-12 T Main Menu (or pr ess w). 2. Fr om the Swit ch Conf iguration Menu, sele ct VLAN Conf iguration (or pr ess v) .
BaySta ck 450 1 0/100/1000 S eries Switches 302401-D Re v 00 1-43 Ports 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 11 are n ow u ntagged member s of VLAN 3 as s ho wn in Figure 1- 25 on page 1-41 . Figure 1 -27. VLAN Configuration Screen Example T o c onfigure the PVID ( por t VLAN ide n tifier) f or Po rt 8: 1.
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch 1-44 3024 01-D R ev 00 Figure 1 -28. Default VLAN P ort Configuration Screen Example Figure 1- 29 sho ws the VLAN Port Conf igurati on screen after i t is conf igured to support the PVID ass ignment for port 8, as sho wn in Figure 1 -25 (Port Name is optiona l).
BaySta ck 450 1 0/100/1000 S eries Switches 302401-D Re v 00 1-45 Figure 1 -29. VLAN P or t Configuration Screen Example VLAN W orkgroup Summar y This sec tion summa rizes the VLAN w orkgr oup ex amples d iscussed in t he pre vious sections of this chapt er .
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch 1-46 3024 01-D R ev 00 The co nnec ti on to S2 requi re s o nly one li nk bet ween the s wi t ches be cause S1 an d S2 are bot h BayStack 4 50 swit ches that support 80 2.1Q tagg ing (see “ VLAN S Spanning Mul tiple 802.
BaySta ck 450 1 0/100/1000 S eries Switches 302401-D Re v 00 1-47 VLAN Configuration Rules VLANs operate acco rding to speci fic conf igu ration rule s.
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch 1-48 3024 01-D R ev 00 IGMP Snooping BaySta ck 450 swit ches can se nse IGMP host me mbershi p reports from atta ched stati ons and use this info rmat ion t o set up a d edi cated path b etwe en th e reque st ing sta tio n a nd a lo ca l IP Mu ltic ast ro ute r .
BaySta ck 450 1 0/100/1000 S eries Switches 302401-D Re v 00 1-49 As sho wn in Figure 1-31 , a non-I P Multic ast f iltering s witch caus es IP Mu lticas t traf fic t o be sent t o all se gments on the loc al subnet .
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch 1-50 3024 01-D R ev 00 One clie nt, connect ed to S2 , responds with a h ost membershi p report . Switch S2 inter cepts the re por t fr om th at po rt, an d gen erate s a pr ox y rep ort to it s ups tream neighbor , S1.
BaySta ck 450 1 0/100/1000 S eries Switches 302401-D Re v 00 1-51 After t he swit ches l earn which ports are reque sting acc ess to the IP Multic ast stream, al l other ports no t responding to the que ries are block ed from recei ving the IP Mult icast ( Fi gure 1 -33 ).
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch 1-52 3024 01-D R ev 00 IGMP Snooping Configurat ion Rules The IGMP snoopi ng featu re oper ates acc ording to specif ic conf igurat ion rules .
BaySta ck 450 1 0/100/1000 S eries Switches 302401-D Re v 00 1-53 IEEE 80 2.1 p Prio rit i zi ng Y ou can use t he VLAN Conf igurati on scr eens to pr ioriti ze the ord er in which the switch f orwards pack ets, on a per -port basis.
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch 1-54 3024 01-D R ev 00 Figure 1-35. P or t T ransmit Queue As sho wn in Figure 1- 35 , the switch pr ovide s tw o transmis sion queue s, High and Low , for an y gi ve n port. Fra mes are as signed to one of the se queues o n the basi s of user_pr iorit y using a traf f ic clas s table .
BaySta ck 450 1 0/100/1000 S eries Switches 302401-D Re v 00 1-55 T o c o nfigure th e por t prio rity level, foll ow these st ep s: 1. Dete rmin e the prior ity level you want to ass ig n to th e sw itch p ort . User prio rity le vels are assigne d defaul t settin gs in all BayStack 450 swit ches.
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch 1-56 3024 01-D R ev 00 5. Select a priority le vel fr om the r ange sho wn in the T raff ic Clas s Conf igurat ion scr een (or modify t he T raff ic Class parameters to suit y ou r needs). 6. Assign the priority le vel to port s using the VLAN P ort Conf igura tion screen: a.
BaySta ck 450 1 0/100/1000 S eries Switches 302401-D Re v 00 1-57 MultiLink T runks MultiLin k T runks allo w you to group up t o four swit ch por ts togeth er to for m a link to another s witch o r serv er , thus in creasing aggre gate t hroughpu t of the interc onnection between the de vices (up to 80 0 Mb/s in full-dup lex mod e).
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch 1-58 3024 01-D R ev 00 Y ou can conf igure each of the trunks sho w n in Figure 1 -38 with up to four swi tch ports t o pro vide up to 800 Mb/s ag gre gate b andwidth t hrough each trunk, in full- duple x mode.
BaySta ck 450 1 0/100/1000 S eries Switches 302401-D Re v 00 1-59 Clients accessi ng data from the se rver s (FS1 and FS 2) are provi ded with maximized b andwidth thro ugh trunks T 1, T2, T3, T4, and T5 .
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch 1-60 3024 01-D R ev 00 T runk Configuration Screen Exampl es This sect ion sho ws e xampl es of the Mu ltiLink T runk conf ig urati on screens for the client /ser ver c onf igurat ion e xamp le sho wn in Fi gure 1-40 on page 1- 59 .
BaySta ck 450 1 0/100/1000 S eries Switches 302401-D Re v 00 1-61 The MultiLi nk T runk Conf igurat ion scree n opens ( Fi gure 1-42 ). Figure 1 -42. MultiLink T r unk Configuration Screen for Switc h.
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch 1-62 3024 01-D R ev 00 Ports 2 a nd 4 are as signed as trunk me mbers of trunk 3. Ports 14 and 16 ar e assign ed as trun k members of t runk 4. Ports 22 and 24 ar e assign ed as trun k members of t runk 5.
BaySta ck 450 1 0/100/1000 S eries Switches 302401-D Re v 00 1-63 T runk Configuration Screen f or Switch S2 As sho wn in Figure 1- 40 on page 1-59 , switch S2 is set up with tw o trunk conf igurations (T2 a nd T3). Bot h trunks c onnect di rectly t o switch S1 .
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch 1-64 3024 01-D R ev 00 Ports 1 a nd 3 are as signed as trunk me mbers of trunk 2. • STP Learni ng indicates t he spa nning t ree parti cip atio n sett ing f or each of the trunks: T runks 1 and 2 ar e enabled for Norm al STP Learni ng.
BaySta ck 450 1 0/100/1000 S eries Switches 302401-D Re v 00 1-65 T runk Configuration Screen f or Switch S3 As sho wn in Figure 1- 40 on page 1-59 , switch S3 is set up with one t runk conf iguration (T4). This tr unk connect s direct ly to swi tch S1.
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch 1-66 3024 01-D R ev 00 • STP Learni ng indicates t he spa nning t ree parti cip atio n sett ing f or each of the trunks: T runk 1 is enab led for Nor mal STP Lea rning.
BaySta ck 450 1 0/100/1000 S eries Switches 302401-D Re v 00 1-67 T runk Configuration Screen f or Switch S4 As sho wn in Figure 1- 40 , swit ch S4 is se t up with o ne trunk co nf igurat ion (T5).
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch 1-68 3024 01-D R ev 00 Swit ch S4 is con figured as fol lows: • T runk (read only) ind icates t he trunk ( 1 to 6) th at corre sponds to t he swit ch ports s pecif ied in the T runk Member s f ields.
BaySta ck 450 1 0/100/1000 S eries Switches 302401-D Re v 00 1-69 Before Configuring T runk s When you cre ate and ena ble a tr unk, the tr unk member s (switch ports) t ake on certai n s etti ngs nece ssary for co rr ect op erati on of t he Mul tiL ink T runkin g feat ure.
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch 1-70 3024 01-D R ev 00 • All trunk member s must ha ve the same VLAN confi guratio n before the T r unk Conf igurat ion scree n’ s T runk Stat us f ield ca n be set to Enable d (see “VLAN Conf igurat ion” on page 3-24).
BaySta ck 450 1 0/100/1000 S eries Switches 302401-D Re v 00 1-71 How the MultiLink T runk Reacts to Losing Distributed T runk Member s If your MultiLink T runk ( Figur e 1- 46 ) spans sepa rate u nit.
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch 1-72 3024 01-D R ev 00 Spanning T ree Considerations for MultiLink T runks The spanni ng tree P ath Cost paramete r is recalculat ed base d on the agg reg ate bandwidth of the tr unk.
BaySta ck 450 1 0/100/1000 S eries Switches 302401-D Re v 00 1-73 The switc h can also detect t runk member po rts that are phy sically misconf igured. F or exampl e, in Figure 1- 48 , tr unk member ports 2, 4, a nd 6 of switch S1 ar e conf igured cor r ectly to tr unk member por ts 7, 9, and 11 of switch S2.
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch 1-74 3024 01-D R ev 00 If swit ch S2’ s trunk member port 11 is phy sically disconnec ted and then reconnec ted to port 13, the Spanni ng T ree Por t Conf igurati on screen f or switch S1 changes t o sho w port 6 in the Blocking s tate ( Figure 1-49 ).
BaySta ck 450 1 0/100/1000 S eries Switches 302401-D Re v 00 1-75 Additional Tips About the MultiLink T runking Featu re When you cre ate a Multi Link T runk, the indi vidual trunk members (the spe cif ic ports t hat make up the trunk) lo gically connect an d react as a sin gle entity .
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch 1-76 3024 01-D R ev 00 P or t Mir roring ( Con versation Stee rin g) Y ou can design at e one of y our swit ch por ts t o monit or tra f f ic on an.
BaySta ck 450 1 0/100/1000 S eries Switches 302401-D Re v 00 1-77 P or t-Based Mirroring Configuration Figure 1- 50 sho w s an e xam ple of a port -base d mirror ing con f i gurat ion where port 23 is des ignated a s the mon itor por t for port s 24 and 25 of swit ch S1.
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch 1-78 3024 01-D R ev 00 In the c onf igurati on e xample sho wn in Figur e 1-50 , the des ignated moni tor port (port 2 3) can b e set to monit or traf fic in an y of the foll o wing mo des: • Monito r all tr af f ic recei v ed b y port X.
BaySta ck 450 1 0/100/1000 S eries Switches 302401-D Re v 00 1-79 Figure 1 -51. P or t Mirror ing P or t-Base d Screen Example Address-Based Mirroring Configuration Figure 1- 52 sho ws an e xample o f.
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch 1-80 3024 01-D R ev 00 Figure 1 -52. Address-Based Mirroring Configuration Example In this conf igurat ion, th e designat ed monit or port ( port 23) can be set to monitor traf fic i n any of the follo wing modes: • Monito r all tr af f ic transmit ted from address A to an y address.
BaySta ck 450 1 0/100/1000 S eries Switches 302401-D Re v 00 1-81 In this exampl e, por t 23 be comes the d esign ate d Mon itor P ort fo r switc h S1 when you press Enter in respon se to the [ Y es] screen prompt.
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch 1-82 3024 01-D R ev 00 P or t Mirroring Configuration Rules The foll o wing conf iguration r ules appl y to an y port mirrori ng conf iguration: • Y ou cannot co nfi gure a mo nitor por t as a tr unk member or IGMP member .
302401-D Re v 00 2-1 Chap ter 2 Inst alling th e Ba yStac k 450 Sw itc h This chapt er covers the f o llowing to pic s: • Ins tallat ion re quire men ts • Instal lation p rocedure • Instru ction.
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch 2-2 3024 01-D R ev 00 Figure 2 -1. P ackage Contents The number of box es and their conten ts depend s on the options you order ed. Open any access ories box and ve rify that the contents agree wit h your bi ll of mat erials.
Installi ng the BayS tac k 450 Swit ch 302401-D Re v 00 2-3 Instal lati o n Pr ocedur e This sec tion pr ovi des the require ments an d inst ructions for i nstalli ng the BaySta ck 450 swit ch on a fla t surf ace or in a standar d 19-inch utilit y rack.
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch 2-4 3024 01-D R ev 00 The BayS tack 450 swi tch can be mounted o nto an y appro priate f lat, le vel sur face that c an safel y support the weight of the switch and its attached cable s, as lon g as there i s adequ ate space around the unit for v entilation and acces s to ca ble connecto rs.
Installi ng the BayS tac k 450 Swit ch 302401-D Re v 00 2-5 The BayS tack 450 swi tch occupi es a 1.6-un it (1 .6u) rack s pace and ca n be instal led in most standar d 19-inch r acks. Th e rack must be groun ded to the same groundin g electr ode used by th e po wer service in the area.
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch 2-6 3024 01-D R ev 00 Y ou can i nstall the sw itch flush to the rack o r extend ed fro m the ra ck, dependin g on the orientati on of th e mounting br acket s. 2. Using a Phil lips scr ewdrive r , attac h a mounting bra cket t o each side of the swit ch using the supplied sc rews ( Figure 2-3 ).
Installi ng the BayS tac k 450 Swit ch 302401-D Re v 00 2-7 4. Insert t wo s cre ws, appr opriate f or y our 19-inch rac k, into each of the mounting brac kets a nd tighten. 5. After th e switch is secur ed in the rack , see the ne xt secti on, “ Attachi ng Devi ces to the BayStack 450 Switc h .
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch 2-8 3024 01-D R ev 00 Connecting the 1 0B ASE-T/100BASE-TX P or ts Connect de vices to t he 10B ASE-T/100B ASE-TX ports a s sho wn in Figure 2-5 . The BayS tack 450 swi tch 10B ASE-T/100B ASE-TX ports ar e conf igured with RJ-45 conn ectors t hat are wi red as MDI-X port s.
Installi ng the BayS tac k 450 Swit ch 302401-D Re v 00 2-9 Connecting Fiber Optic P orts Connect de vices to t he f iber optic por ts as sho wn in Figur e 2-6 . The BayS tack 450-1 2F switch an d the (opt ional) 40 0-4FX MD A are 100B ASE-FX de vices.
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch 2-10 3024 01-D R ev 00 Console/Comm P ort The seri al consol e interf ace is an RS-232 por t tha t enables a connect ion to a PC or termina l for mo nitoring and conf iguring a stand alone swit ch or a stack conf iguration.
Installi ng the BayS tac k 450 Swit ch 302401-D Re v 00 2-11 Connecting a T erminal t o the Console/ Comm P or t T o connect a termin al to t he consol e port, fo llo w the se steps: 1. Set th e term ina l protoc ol as desc rib ed in “ Console/Comm P ort ” on page 2-10 .
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch 2-12 3024 01-D R ev 00 Connecting P ower The BayStack 450 switch does not hav e a po wer on/ of f switch. When you connect the A C po w er cord to a s uitable A C po wer outlet , the swit ch po wers up imm ediat ely .
Installi ng the BayS tac k 450 Swit ch 302401-D Re v 00 2-13 T o connect the A C po wer cord , foll ow t hese s teps: 1. Plug one end of the A C power c ord into th e A C power r eceptacle o n the switch bac k panel ( Figur e 2-8 ). Figure 2-8. BayStac k 450 S witch A C Po wer Receptacle 2.
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch 2-14 3024 01-D R ev 00 V erifying the In stallati on When po wer is applie d to the s witch, po wer- on self-tes ts ru n.
Installi ng the BayS tac k 450 Swit ch 302401-D Re v 00 2-15 V e rifying the Install ation Using the Self-T est Screen If a monito r is conn ect ed t o the swit ch (see “ Console /Comm Port ” on p.
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch 2-16 3024 01-D R ev 00 Figure 2-12. Nor tel Networks Logo Screen Upon succe ssful compl etion of the po wer-up self-test s, the switch is ready for normal ope ration. T o acces s the BaySta ck 450 Main M enu, press [Ctrl]- Y .
Installi ng the BayS tac k 450 Swit ch 302401-D Re v 00 2-17 Initial Setup The BayStac k 450 switch is de signed for “p lug-and-play ” operation; in mos t cases the sw it ch c an be i nst al led a.
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch 2-18 3024 01-D R ev 00 Figure 2-13. Mai n Menu 3. Select IP Conf igurati on/Setup ( or pr ess i) f rom the Main Menu. This sel ection di splay s the IP Conf iguration/Set up screen ( Figure 2-14 ). Note: The IP inter face of the BaySt ack 450 swi tch is only on VLAN 1.
Installi ng the BayS tac k 450 Swit ch 302401-D Re v 00 2-19 Figure 2 -14. IP Configuration/Setup Screen (Standalone Switch) Enter the IP addr ess of th e switch in the In- Band IP Addr ess f ield, then pr ess [Retur n]. 4. Enter the IP s ubnet mask addr ess in the In-Ba nd Subnet Mask f ield, then pr ess [Retur n].
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch 2-20 3024 01-D R ev 00 Stack Setup F or the in itial s etup of a s tack conf iguration, y ou need to e nter the stack IP address , the su bnet mask.
Installi ng the BayS tac k 450 Swit ch 302401-D Re v 00 2-21 Figure 2 -15. Main Menu (Standalone Switch Example) Figure 2 -16. Main Menu (Stack Configuration Example) BayStack 450-24T Main Menu IP Configur ation/Setup. .. SN MP Conf iguration... System Char acteristics.
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch 2-22 3024 01-D R ev 00 4. Select IP Conf igurati on/Setup ( or pr ess i) f rom the Main Menu. This sel ection di splay s the IP Conf iguration/Set up screen ( Figure 2-17 ). Figure 2 -17. IP Configuration/Setup Screen (Stack Configuration) 5.
Installi ng the BayS tac k 450 Swit ch 302401-D Re v 00 2-23 6. Enter the IP s ubnet mask addr ess in the In-Ba nd Subnet Mask f ield, then pr ess [Retur n]. 7. Enter the default gat eway addr ess in the De fault Gate way f ield, t hen pr ess [Retur n]. Page 24 Tuesday, June 29, 1999 3:25 PM.
302401-D Re v 00 3-1 Chap ter 3 Using the Console Interface This chap ter descr ibes ho w to conf igure and manag e the BaySta ck 450 s witch usin g the menu -dri ven cons ole inte rf ace (CI).
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch 3-2 3024 01-D R ev 00 Usin g th e CI Menus an d Scre en s The CI me nus and scr eens pro vide options that allo w you to conf igure and manage the BayStack 450 switch.
Using th e Console Interfac e 302401-D Re v 00 3-3 Screen Fields and Des criptions Figure 3- 1 sho w s a map of the CI scr eens. Th e remaind er of this c hapter desc ribes the CI sc reens and their f ields, be ginni ng with the main menu. Figure 3-1.
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch 3-4 3024 01-D R ev 00 Main Menu This sec tion desc ribes the optio ns a v ailab le from the CI main menu ( Figure 3-2 ). The CI scr eens a nd submenus fo r these op tions are descr ibed in t he follo wing sectio ns.
Using th e Console Interfac e 302401-D Re v 00 3-5 Ta b l e 3 - 1 describes the CI main menu opt ions. T able 3-1. Console Interface Main Menu options Option Descript ion IP Configuration/ Setup... Dis pla ys the IP Confi guratio n/Setup screen (s ee “ IP Configur ation/ Setup ” on page 3-8 ).
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch 3-6 3024 01-D R ev 00 Displa y Har dware Units Displa ys the Hardw are Unit Inf ormation screen (s ee “ Hardware Unit Information ” on pa ge 3-67 ).
Using th e Console Interfac e 302401-D Re v 00 3-7 Caution: If y ou choos e the Rese t to Def ault Settings op tion, all of y our configu red se ttings wil l be repla ced with f actory def ault settings wh en y ou pre ss [Enter].
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch 3-8 3024 01-D R ev 00 IP Configurati on/Setup The IP Conf igurati on/Setup sc reen ( Figure 3- 3 ) allo ws you to set or modify the BayS t ack 45 0 sw itch IP configu ra tio n p ara me ters . Data th at yo u enter in the user -conf igurable f ields t ake s ef fect as soon as you pres s [Ente r].
Using th e Console Interfac e 302401-D Re v 00 3-9 T able 3-2. I P Configuration/Setup Screen Fields Field Desc ription BootP Request Mode One o f f our mo des of op erati on f or BootP . (See “ Choosing a BootP Request Mode ” on page 3-10 fo r details about the f our mod es.
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch 3-10 3024 01-D R ev 00 Choosing a Bo otP Reque st Mode The BootP Req uest Mode f ield in the I P Conf igura tion scre en allo ws you to choose whi .
Using th e Console Interfac e 302401-D Re v 00 3-11 • When the in-band I P addre ss is not set from t he console terminal , the s witch broadcas ts BootP re quests un til i t recei ves a Boo tP reply c ontainin g an IP address . If the s witch does not re cei v e a BootP r eply that contains an IP address , the switc h cannot be managed i n-band.
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch 3-12 3024 01-D R ev 00 BootP or Last Address Allo ws the switch to be managed e v en if a Boot P serv er is not reac hable.
Using th e Console Interfac e 302401-D Re v 00 3-13 SNMP Conf igur ation The SNMP Conf iguration screen ( Figure 3- 4 ) allo ws you to set or modify the SNMP conf igurat ion parameter s. Choo se SN MP Co nfigurat ion (o r pr ess m) from the mai n menu to op en th e SN MP Conf igurat ion scr een.
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch 3-14 3024 01-D R ev 00 Read-Write Comm unity String The com munit y string used f or in-band read-write SNMP o peratio ns. Def ault V a lue private Rang e Any ASC II st ri ng of up to 3 2 pr in table cha ract er s T rap #1 IP Ad dress 1 Numbe r one of f ou r trap IP a ddresses .
Using th e Console Interfac e 302401-D Re v 00 3-15 System Ch arac teris tics The S ystem Cha rac te ris tics sc ree n ( Figure 3-5 ) allo ws you to vie w system charact eristi cs and cont ains thr ee use r- conf igura ble f ields : sysContac t, sysNa me, and sysLoc ation .
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch 3-16 3024 01-D R ev 00 T able 3-4. System Charac teristics S creen Fields Field Des cription Operat ion Mo de Read-only field tha t indicat es the .
Using th e Console Interfac e 302401-D Re v 00 3-17 sysObje ctID A read-only field that provides a un ique identificati on of the s witch, which conta ins the v endor’ s priv ate enterpr ise number . sysUpTime A read -on ly fie ld th at s ho ws the leng th of tim e sin ce th e l ast re se t.
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch 3-18 3024 01-D R ev 00 Switch Configur at ion The Switch Conf igurat ion Menu scr een ( Figure 3 -6 ) al lo ws you t o set or modify your s witch conf igurati on. Choose Swit ch Conf igu ration (or press w) from the ma in menu to o pen the Swi tch Conf igurat ion Menu s creen.
Using th e Console Interfac e 302401-D Re v 00 3-19 T able 3-5. S witch Configuratio n Menu Screen Options Option Descript ion MA C Ad dress T able Displ a ys the MA C Ad dress T ab le screen (see “ MA C A ddress T able ” on page 3-20 ).
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch 3-20 3024 01-D R ev 00 MA C Address T able The MAC Addres s T a ble sc ree n ( Figure 3 -7 ) allo ws you to vi e w MA C addresses that t he switch ha s learne d or to sea rch for a speci fi c MA C address.
Using th e Console Interfac e 302401-D Re v 00 3-21 Figure 3 -7. MA C Address T able Screen Ta b l e 3 - 6 describes the MA C Address T able scree n fi elds . T able 3-6. MA C Address T able Sc reen Fields Field Des cription Aging Time Spec ifies how long a lear n ed MAC add r ess rem ain s i n th e switc h’ s f orw arding database .
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch 3-22 3024 01-D R ev 00 VLAN Configuration Menu The VLAN Conf iguration Menu scree n ( Figure 3-8 ) allo ws you to select the appropri ate scr een to conf igure up to 64 port- based VLANs.
Using th e Console Interfac e 302401-D Re v 00 3-23 Figure 3 -8. VLAN Configuration Menu Screen Ta b l e 3 - 7 describes the VLAN Conf igura tion Menu sc reen opti ons. T able 3-7. V LAN Configuration Menu Screen Options Option Descript ion VLAN Configuration .
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch 3-24 3024 01-D R ev 00 VLAN Configuration The VLAN Conf iguration screen ( Figure 3- 9 ) allo ws you to assi gn standal one or sta c ke d un it swi tch por ts as VLAN port members .
Using th e Console Interfac e 302401-D Re v 00 3-25 Ta b l e 3 - 8 describes the VLAN Confi guratio n scre en f ields. T able 3-8. V LAN Configuration Screen Fields Field Des cription Create VLAN Allo ws y ou to s et up or vi e w configu red VLAN w orkgrou ps.
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch 3-26 3024 01-D R ev 00 VLAN P or t Configuration The VLAN Port Con fi guration scr een ( F igure 3-10 ) allo ws you to conf igure specif ied switch.
Using th e Console Interfac e 302401-D Re v 00 3-27 Figure 3 -10. VLAN P or t Configuration Screen Ta b l e 3 - 9 describes the VLAN Port Conf iguration scr een f ields. T able 3-9. VLAN P or t Configuration Screen Fields Field Des cription Unit Allo ws you t o select the unit n umber (wh en stac king is confi gured) to view or c onfig ure.
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch 3-28 3024 01-D R ev 00 Filter Unt agged Frames Sets this por t to filt er (discar d) all re ceiv ed untagged pac kets . Def ault No Range No , Y es Filter Unregiste red Frames Sets t his por t to filt er (dis card) all re ceiv ed unregistered pac kets .
Using th e Console Interfac e 302401-D Re v 00 3-29 VLAN Displa y by P ort The VLAN Displa y by Po rt scree n ( Figure 3-9 ) allo ws you to vie w VLAN charact eris tics ass ociat ed with a s pecif ied switch por t. Choose VLAN Disp lay b y Port (or press d) from the VLAN Conf iguration Menu screen t o open the VLAN Displa y b y Port screen .
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch 3-30 3024 01-D R ev 00 Ta b l e 3 - 1 0 describes the VLAN Displa y b y Port scr een f ields . T raffic Class Confi gur ation The T raf fic Class C.
Using th e Console Interfac e 302401-D Re v 00 3-31 Figure 3 -12. T raffic Class Configuration Screen Ta b l e 3 - 1 1 describes the T raf fic Class Conf igurati on screen f ields.
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch 3-32 3024 01-D R ev 00 P or t Configuration The Port Co nfi guratio n scree n (Figure s 3-13 a nd 3-14 ) allo ws you to conf igure specif ic switch port s or all swi tch port s.
Using th e Console Interfac e 302401-D Re v 00 3-33 Figure 3 -14. P or t Configuration Screen ( 2 of 2) Ta b l e 3 - 1 2 describes the Po rt Conf iguration s creen f iel ds. Note: When a gigabi t MD A is instal led, on ly the Sta tus f ield for that MD A port is conf igur able.
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch 3-34 3024 01-D R ev 00 High Speed Flow Control Configuration The High Spe ed Flo w Control Conf iguration scr een ( Figure 3 -15 ) all ows you to set the port p aramet ers for i nstal led gig abit MD As.
Using th e Console Interfac e 302401-D Re v 00 3-35 Choose High Speed Fl ow Co ntrol Conf igurati on (or pre ss h) fro m the Swit ch Conf igurat ion Menu s creen to op en the High Speed Fl ow Co ntrol Conf igurati on scr een.
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch 3-36 3024 01-D R ev 00 Choosing a High Speed F low Contr ol Mo de The High Spe ed Flo w Control feat ure allo ws you to cont rol traf fi c and a v oid congest ion on the g igabit full-dup le x link.
Using th e Console Interfac e 302401-D Re v 00 3-37 When a pause frame is r ecei ved (b y either the gi gabit MD A port or its link partner ), the por t susp ends tran smission of frames f or a number of slot ti mes spec if ied in the contr ol fr ame or unti l a pau se-rele ase con trol fra me is r ecei ved.
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch 3-38 3024 01-D R ev 00 Figure 3 -16. MultiLink T runk Configuration Menu Screen Ta b l e 3 - 1 4 describes the Mul tiLin k T runk Config urati on Menu scree n options. T able 3-14. MultiLink T runk Configuration Menu Screen Options Option Descript ion MultiLink T runk Configuration.
Using th e Console Interfac e 302401-D Re v 00 3-39 MultiLink T runk Configurati on Screen The MultiLi nk T runk Conf igurat ion scree n ( Figu re 3 -17 ) allo ws you to con fi gure up to si x trunk s in a sta ndalone swi tch or st ack.
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch 3-40 3024 01-D R ev 00 Figure 3 -17. MultiLink T runk Configuration Screen Ta b l e 3 - 1 5 describes the MultiLi nk T runk Conf igurat ion scree n f ields .
Using th e Console Interfac e 302401-D Re v 00 3-41 MultiLink T runk Utili zation Screen The MultiLi nk T runk Utili zation sc reen (Fig ures 3-18 and 3-19 ) allows you to monitor t he per ce ntage of b and widt h used b y conf igur ed t r unk me mb ers .
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch 3-42 3024 01-D R ev 00 Figure 3-18. MultiLink T runk Utilization Scr een (1 of 2) MultiLink T runk Uti lization Trunk Tr affic Ty pe Unit/Port Last 5 Minutes La st 30 Mi nutes Last Hour ----- -- -------- --- ------ --- -- ------------ ------ --------- -------- - 1 [ Rx and T x ] 3/6 90.
Using th e Console Interfac e 302401-D Re v 00 3-43 Figure 3-19. MultiLink T runk Utilization Scr een (2 of 2) Ta b l e 3 - 1 6 describes the Mul tiLin k T runk Utilizati on screen fi elds. T able 3-16. MultiLink T runk Utilization Scr een Fields Field Des cription Tr u n k Column heade r fo r the read-only fie lds in this screen.
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch 3-44 3024 01-D R ev 00 Last 5 Min utes This rea d-only fie ld indic ates the p ercentage of pac kets (of the type spe cified i n the T raffic T ype fie ld) utiliz ed by the por t in t he last 5 min utes .
Using th e Console Interfac e 302401-D Re v 00 3-45 P or t Mirroring Configuration The Port Mi rrorin g Confi guratio n screen al lo ws you to co nfi gure a spec if ic swit ch port to monitor up to tw o speci fi ed ports or two MA C addre sses. Y ou can speci fy port-ba sed monitor ing or add ress-bas ed monitori ng.
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch 3-46 3024 01-D R ev 00 Ta b l e 3 - 1 7 describes the Po rt Mir roring Conf iguration s creen f ields.
Using th e Console Interfac e 302401-D Re v 00 3-47 Ta b l e 3 - 1 8 describes the v arious monitori ng modes a vail able fro m the Port Mirrori ng Conf igurat ion scree n. Addr ess B Indicates the MA C addresses that wil l be moni tored b y th e design ated po r t monitor when o ne of the a ddress -base d monitoring m odes is selecte d.
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch 3-48 3024 01-D R ev 00 Rate Limiting Configuratio n The Rate Limi ting Conf iguration s creen a llo ws you to limit th e forw ardi ng rate of broadcas t and multi cast pac kets. Figures 3-21 and 3- 22 sho w s ample rate- lim itin g v alues for the t w o Rate Limi ting Conf igurat ion scr eens.
Using th e Console Interfac e 302401-D Re v 00 3-49 Figure 3 -22. Rate Lim iting Configuration Screen (2 of 2) Y ou can use t his scree n to vie w the perce ntage of e ither pa cket t ype (or bot h packe t types) recei ved on e ach port.
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch 3-50 3024 01-D R ev 00 Ta b l e 3 - 1 9 describes the Rate Li miting Conf iguration s creen f ields. T a ble 3- 19. R ate L im iti ng C onfi gur at ion Scre en Fiel ds Field De scription Unit Onl y appe ars if the s witch is participating i n a sta c k co nfigur a tion.
Using th e Console Interfac e 302401-D Re v 00 3-51 IGMP Configuration The IGMP Conf igurati on scree n allo ws yo u to set your swi tch port s to opt imize I P multica st pack ets in a b ridged Eth ernet en vir onment (see “ I GMP Snooping ” on page 1-48 ).
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch 3-52 3024 01-D R ev 00 Ta b l e 3 - 2 0 describes the IGMP Con fi guration scree n fi elds. T able 3-20. IGMP Configuration S creen Fields Field Desc ription VLAN Allow s y ou to se t up or vie w IGMP VLAN co nfigur ations on speci fied VLAN s.
Using th e Console Interfac e 302401-D Re v 00 3-53 Query Time Al lows a us er to cont rol t he num be r of I GMP messa ges allowed o n the s ubne t by var yin g t he Query Inter v al (the Query Interval is the interval b etwee n gene ral queries sent by t he mul ticast ro uter).
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch 3-54 3024 01-D R ev 00 P or t Statistics The P ort St atis tic s s cre en ( Figure 3-24 ) al lows y ou to v iew detai led i nfo rm atio n about an y switch port in a sta cked or standalo ne conf iguration.
Using th e Console Interfac e 302401-D Re v 00 3-55 Ta b l e 3 - 2 1 describes the Port S tatisti cs scree n f ields. Note: In a stack ed co nfi guration , the Port S tatisti cs s creen a ppears in a s lightly different f ormat w hen t he po rt sele cted in the U nit/P ort field is configu red with a giga bit MD A.
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch 3-56 3024 01-D R ev 00 P ac kets 64 b ytes Re ceived colu mn: In dicat es th e tota l numbe r of 64 -byte pa ckets re ceived on t his por t. T ransmitte d column: In dicat es the tota l num ber of 64-b yte pack ets transm itted succes sfu lly on this po r t .
Using th e Console Interfac e 302401-D Re v 00 3-57 Collisions In dicat es the tota l n umber of c ollisio ns dete cted on t his po r t. Single Collisions In dicates the total n umber of pac ke ts that w ere tr ansmitte d succe ssfully on this port after a singl e collis ion.
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch 3-58 3024 01-D R ev 00 Console/ Comm P or t Configuration The Console /Comm Port Conf iguration screen ( Figure 3 -25 ) allo ws you to conf igure and modify the conso le/comm port para meters of a standal one switch or any part icip ati ng swit ch in a stac k con figura tion.
Using th e Console Interfac e 302401-D Re v 00 3-59 Comm P or t Stop Bits A read-only fie ld tha t indicate s the current console /comm por t stop b it sett ing. Console P ort Speed Allo ws y ou to se t the cons ole/c omm port baud rate to ma tch the ba ud rate of the con s ole t er mi nal .
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch 3-60 3024 01-D R ev 00 Console Switc h P assword Enab les pass word protec tion f or accessing the cons ole interf ace (CI) of a stan dal o ne switch through a TELNET se ssio n, a cons ole terminal, or both.
Using th e Console Interfac e 302401-D Re v 00 3-61 Console Read-Write Switch P ass w ord When the C onsole Switch P ass word field i s set to Required (f or TELNET , for Console , or f or Both), thi s field a llows read-write pas s word access to the CI of a stan dal o ne switch .
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch 3-62 3024 01-D R ev 00 Precaución: Si mo difica las con tras eñas predete r minad as asign adas p or el sistema , aseg úrese de a notar l as nue vas contr aseñas y guárde las en un lugar seguro .
Using th e Console Interfac e 302401-D Re v 00 3-63 Console Read-Write Stac k P ass wor d When the Console Switch P ass word field i s set to Required (f or TELN ET , for Console , or f or Both), thi s field a llows read-write pas s word access to the CI of any p ar t icip atin g switch in a stack co nfig urati on .
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch 3-64 3024 01-D R ev 00 Precaución: Si mo difica las con tras eñas predete r minad as asign adas p or el sistema , aseg úrese de a notar l as nue vas contr aseñas y guárde las en un lugar seguro .
Using th e Console Interfac e 302401-D Re v 00 3-65 Ren umber Stac k Units The Renumb er St ac k Uni ts scr een ( Figur e 3-26 ) al lo ws you to re number the un it s conf igured in the stack.
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch 3-66 3024 01-D R ev 00 Ta b l e 3 - 2 3 describes the Renumb er Stack Uni ts scre en options : T able 3-23. Renumber Stack Units Scr een Options Option Descript ion Current Unit Number Read-only fields l isting th e current u nit num ber of eac h of the c onfigur ed stac k unit s.
Using th e Console Interfac e 302401-D Re v 00 3-67 Har dware Unit Informatio n The H a rdwa re Un it Info rm at ion sc ree n ( Figure 3-27 ) lists t he switch models, includi ng an y inst alled MD A and Casca de modules, t hat are c onf igured in your standal one or stack conf iguration.
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch 3-68 3024 01-D R ev 00 Choo se Sp an ning T ree Co nfigurati on (or pr ess p) fr om th e main menu to o pen th e Spanning T ree Co nfi guration Menu scr een.
Using th e Console Interfac e 302401-D Re v 00 3-69 Spanning T ree P or t Configuration The Spanni ng T ree Port Conf igur ation sc reen all o ws you to conf igure indi vidual switch po rts or al l switch ports for part icipati on in the s panning t ree.
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch 3-70 3024 01-D R ev 00 Figure 3 -30. Spanning T r ee P ort Configuration Screen (2 of 2) Ta b l e 3 - 2 5 describes the Spanni ng T ree Port Conf igur ation sc reen f ields.
Using th e Console Interfac e 302401-D Re v 00 3-71 P articipation Allo ws you to c onfigure a ny (o r all) o f the s witch por ts f or Spanning tree p ar ticipatio n. When an i ndivi dual p or t is a trunk me mber (s ee T runk field ), cha nging this s etting f or one of th e trunk memb ers ch anges the setting f or all m embers of that trunk.
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch 3-72 3024 01-D R ev 00 Display Spanning T ree Switch Settings The Spanni ng T ree Switch Settings screen ( Figur e 3-31 ) allo ws you to vie w spanning tree par ameter v alu es for the BayS tack 450 swi tch.
Using th e Console Interfac e 302401-D Re v 00 3-73 Ta b l e 3 - 2 6 describes the Spanni ng T ree Switch Setti ngs paramet ers. T able 3-26. Spa nning T ree Switch Settings P arameters P aramete r De.
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch 3-74 3024 01-D R ev 00 Forward Delay I ndicates the F orward De la y par ameter v alue that th e root bridge is currently using. T his v alue specifi es the am ount of time that the bridge por ts remai n in the Li steni ng and Learning state s bef ore entering the F orwarding state .
Using th e Console Interfac e 302401-D Re v 00 3-75 TELN ET Co nfigur ation The TELNET Conf iguration scr een ( Figu re 3-32 ) allo ws a user at a remote console terminal to communi cate with the BayStac k 450 switch as if th e consol e terminal wer e directly connected to it.
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch 3-76 3024 01-D R ev 00 T able 3-27. TELNET Configuration Screen Fields Field De scription TELNET Access Allo ws a us er remote access to t he CI thro ugh a TELNET sess ion.
Using th e Console Interfac e 302401-D Re v 00 3-77 Allo w ed S our ce IP Address Specifies up to 10 use r-assigne d host IP ad dresses tha t are al low ed TELN ET access to the CI .
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch 3-78 3024 01-D R ev 00 Softwa re D ownload The Softw are Downl oad sc reen ( Figu re 3-33 ) allo ws you to re vise the BayS tack 450 switc h soft ware image t hat is l ocated in non v olati le flas h memor y .
Using th e Console Interfac e 302401-D Re v 00 3-79 Y ou can monitor the soft ware do wnload pr ocess b y observi ng the BaySt ack 450 switc h LE Ds (se e “ LED Indication s During th e Do wnload Pr ocess ” on page 3-80 ). Figure 3-33. Soft ware Download Screen Ta b l e 3 - 2 8 describes the Softw are Do wnload sc reen f ields.
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch 3-80 3024 01-D R ev 00 LED Indications During the Download Process The soft ware do wnload p rocess au tomatical ly completes wi thout user interv ention. The pr ocess e rases the conten ts of f lash memor y an d repla ces it with a ne w software i m age.
Using th e Console Interfac e 302401-D Re v 00 3-81 Note: The LED indicati ons descri bed in Ta b l e 3 - 2 9 apply to a 24- port swit ch model. Alt hough a 12 -port swi tch pro vides si mila r LED indication s, the LED indicat ion se quence is associ ated with in the 12-port r ange.
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch 3-82 3024 01-D R ev 00 Configurat ion File The Conf iguration Fil e Do wnload/ Upload scre en ( Figure 3-34 ) al lo ws you to store y our switch /stack co nf igurat ion paramet ers on a TF TP serv er .
Using th e Console Interfac e 302401-D Re v 00 3-83 Requirements • The Conf iguration Fil e feature can only b e used to co py standalone switc h conf iguration p ar ameters to ot her standa lone switc hes or to c opy sta ck conf iguration p ar ameters to other stac k conf igurat ions .
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch 3-84 3024 01-D R ev 00 • A conf iguration f ile obtained fr om a standa lone switc h can on ly be used t o conf igure other stan dal one switche s t hat ha ve the same f irmware re vision and model type as the don or sta ndalone swi tch.
Using th e Console Interfac e 302401-D Re v 00 3-85 Display Eve nt L og This sec tion de scribes the v arious funct ions o f the E vent Log scre en ( Figu re 3-35 ). When the switch i s part of a stack co nfi guratio n, the Ev ent Log screen di splay s only the dat a for the specif ic unit you are connec ted to th rough the Co nsole/ Comm port.
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch 3-86 3024 01-D R ev 00 The Ev ent Log screen pr ovide s the fol lo wing i nformatio n: • Softwar e download: Ind ic ates the new so ftwa re versio n . • A uthen tication failu re: Indic ates an y attempt ed SNMP get or set access t hat spec if ied an in v alid communi ty stri ng.
Using th e Console Interfac e 302401-D Re v 00 3-87 Figure 3- 37 sho ws an exampl e of the ev ent log entry for this type of e v ent. Figure 3 -37. Sample Event Log Entry Exce eding the Write Threshold The write threshol d is res et when e ither of th e foll o wing occ urs: • The BayS tack 450 swi tch is r eset.
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch 3-88 3024 01-D R ev 00 Reset The Reset opt ion (acces sed from t he mai n menu) a ll o ws you to reset a stand al one switch, a specif ic unit in a s tack conf iguration, or an entir e stack wi thout era sing any conf igure d switch pa ramete rs.
Using th e Console Interfac e 302401-D Re v 00 3-89 Figure 3-40. Nor tel Networks Logo Screen Upon succe ssful compl etion of the po wer-up self-test s, the switch is ready for normal ope ration. T o acces s the BaySta ck 450 main men u, press [Ct rl]-Y .
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch 3-90 3024 01-D R ev 00 Reset to De fault S ettings The Reset to Defa ult Sett ings opti on (acces sed from t he main menu) allo ws you t o reset a .
Using th e Console Interfac e 302401-D Re v 00 3-91 The resul ts of the self -tes t are dis played briefl y (5 or 10 seconds) in the Self-T est scr ee n ( Figure 3-41 ), which is fol lo wed b y the Nortel Netw orks l ogo screen ( Figure 3- 42 ). Figure 3-41.
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch 3-92 3024 01-D R ev 00 Figure 3 -42. Nor tel Networks Logo Screen After Rese tting to Default Settings Upon succe ssful compl etion of the po wer-up self-test s, the switch is ready for normal ope ration.
Using th e Console Interfac e 302401-D Re v 00 3-93 Logout The Logout option (accesse d from the mai n menu) all o ws a use r worki ng at a passwo rd-prote cted consol e terminal or in an acti v e TELNET sessi on to termina te the se ssi on. Page 94 Tuesday, June 29, 1999 3:25 PM.
302401-D Re v 00 4-1 Chap ter 4 T r oubleshooti ng This chap ter descr ibes ho w to iso late and d iagnose pr oblems with your BaySta ck 450 swit ch. This chapt er covers the f o llowing to pic s: •.
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch 4-2 3024 01-D R ev 00 Interp reting the LE Ds Figure 4- 1 sho ws the BayStack 450- 24T and Bay Stack 450- 12T LED disp lay panels. Figu re 4-2 sho ws the BayStack 450-12F LED display p anel. Ta b l e 4 - 1 describes the LEDs.
Troubleshoo ting 302401-D Re v 00 4-3 Figure 4-2. Ba yStack 450-12F LED Dis play P anel T able 4-1. BayStac k 450 S witch LED Descript ions Label T ype Col or State Meaning Pwr P ower statu s Green On DC power is available to th e switch’ s in ter n al cir cui tr y .
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch 4-4 3024 01-D R ev 00 Amber or Green Blinking Inco mpatib le software re visi on or u nabl e to ob tain a uni t ID (R enumb er Stack Unit t able ful l). T he uni t is o n the r i ng bu t cann ot participate in t he stac k configur ation .
Troubleshoo ting 302401-D Re v 00 4-5 Dia gno sing a nd Co rrect ing th e Pr oble m Befo re you p erfor m the pr obl e m-solv ing st eps in thi s s ectio n, cycle the power to the BaySt ack 450 sw itch (di sconnect a nd then re connect t he A C po wer cord ); then, v erify that the switc h follo ws the normal po wer - up sequence.
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch 4-6 3024 01-D R ev 00 Normal P ower -Up Sequence In a norma l po wer -up sequence, th e LEDs appe ar as fol lo ws: 1. After po wer is appli ed to the switch, th e Pwr (Po wer) LED turns on within 5 seco nds.
Troubleshoo ting 302401-D Re v 00 4-7 P or t Connection Problems Y ou can usual ly trace port conne ction pro blems t o either a poor c able conne ction or an impr oper conne ction of the por t cables at eithe r end of th e link.
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch 4-8 3024 01-D R ev 00 A utonegotiat ion Modes Port conn ection pr oblems can o ccur whe n a port ( or stati on) is con nected to another port (or s.
Troubleshoo ting 302401-D Re v 00 4-9 P or t In terfac e Ensure t hat the de vices are c onnected u sing t he appropr iate cro sso ver or strai ght-thro ugh cable ( see Appendi x E, “Conne ctors and Pin Assi gnments” ). Page 10 Tuesday, June 29, 1999 3:25 PM.
302401-D Re v 00 A-1 Appendix A T echni cal Speci ficati ons This appe ndix l is ts the techn ica l specif ications f or the BaySt ac k 450 10/ 100 /1000 Series Swit che s.
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch A-2 3024 01-D Rev 00 Physical Dimen sion s P er f ormanc e Spec ific at ions Network Protocol and S tandards Comp atibilit y Data R ate P aramete r Specificati ons Heig ht 7.0 3 cm ( 2 .77 in.) Width 44.
Technic al Spec ificati ons 302401-D Re v 00 A-3 Interf ace Option s Safe ty Agency Ce r tificat ion Electroma gnetic Emiss ions Electroma gnetic Immunity • 1 0BASE-T/100BASE-TX -- RJ-45 (8-pin modu.
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch A-4 3024 01-D Rev 00 Dec larat ion of Co nformity The Decla ra ti on o f Co nformity f or the Ba ySt ack 450 swi tches compl ie s with I SO/ IEC Guide 22 and EN45014 .
302401-D Re v 00 B-1 Appendix B Gigabit F iber O ptical C haracte risti cs The Uplink /Expansion Module on the BayStac k 450 switch suppor ts 1000B ASE-X (Gig abit Ethe rnet) MD As. This appendix de scrib es the opt ical charact eristi cs of the 1000B ASE-X MD As.
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch B-2 3024 01-D Rev 00 T ransmit Characteristics Ta b l e B - 2 lists the tr ansmit charac terist ics fo r the 1000B ASE-SX models: T able B-2. 1000B ASE-SX T r ansmi t Charac teris tics Description 62.
Gigabit Fib er Opti cal Char acteristi cs 302401-D Re v 00 B-3 Receive Characteristic s Ta b l e B - 3 lists the rec ei v e charac teristi cs for t he 1000B ASE-SX models: W orst-Case P ower Budget an d P enal ties Ta b l e B - 4 lists the wo rst-cas e po wer b udget and penal ties for the 100 0B ASE-SX models: T able B-3 .
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch B-4 3024 01-D Rev 00 1000BASE-LX Model s The 450-1LX a nd 450-1LR MD As pro vide 1000 B ASE-LX (1 300 nanometer s, long wa vele ngth, Giga bit Ether net) conn ecti vity . The 45 0-1LX pro vides one 1000B ASE-LX port .
Gigabit Fib er Opti cal Char acteristi cs 302401-D Re v 00 B-5 T ransmit Characteristics Ta b l e B - 6 lists the tr ansmit charac terist ics fo r the 1000B ASE-LX models: Receive Characteristic s Ta b l e B - 7 lists the rec ei v e charac teristi cs for t he 1000B ASE-LX models: T able B-6.
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch B-6 3024 01-D Rev 00 W orst-Case P ower Budget an d P enal ties Ta b l e B - 8 lists the wo rst-cas e po wer b udget and penal ties for the 100 0B ASE-LX models: Recei v e sensiti vity – 19 dBm Return loss (mi nimum ) 12 dB Stre sse d rece ive sensi tiv i ty 1 , 2 – 14.
302401-D Re v 00 C-1 Appendix C Media Dependen t Adapter s This appe ndix descr ibes the option al media de pendent ada pters (MD As) that ar e a v ailabl e from Nortel Netwo rks. The MD As can support hi gh-speed connect ions to serv ers, shared F ast Ethernet hubs, or bac kbone de vices.
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch C-2 30240 1-D R ev 00 10B ASE-T /1 00B ASE-T X MD A The 400-4TX MD A ( Figure C-1 ) us es four 10B ASE-T/100 B ASE-TX RJ-45 (8-pin modular) port conn ectors t o attach E therne t de vices. Ta b l e C - 1 describes the 400- 4TX MD A components and LEDs.
Media Dep endent Adapters 302401-D Re v 00 C-3 The RJ-45 p orts are conf igure d as media- dependent interf ace-cr ossov er (MDI-X) connecto rs. Thes e port s connect ov er straight cables to th e networ k inte rfac e control ler (NIC) card in a node or ser v er , similar to a con vent ional Eth ernet repeat er hub .
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch C-4 30240 1-D R ev 00 There ar e two 100 B ASE-FX model s ( Figure C-2 ): •4 0 0 - 2 F X M D A The 400-2FX MD A uses two long wa v e 1300 nm SC conne ctors to attach de vice s ov er 62.5/125 or 50/ 125 micron multi mode f iber optic ca ble.
Media Dep endent Adapters 302401-D Re v 00 C-5 For inst alla ti on i nstr u ctio ns, s ee “ Instal ling an M D A ” on page C- 11 . T able C-2. 100B ASE-FX MD A Components Item Label Desc ription 1 Link Commun ications li nk LEDs (green): On: V alid comm unicati ons l ink esta blis hed.
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch C-6 30240 1-D R ev 00 1000B ASE-S X MD As W arning: This is a Clas s 1 Lase r/LED produc t. It cont ains a la ser ligh t source th at can in jure yo ur ey es. Ne ver look into an opt ical fi ber or connector port.
Media Dep endent Adapters 302401-D Re v 00 C-7 There ar e two 100 0B ASE-SX (shortw a ve gigabi t) MD A models ( Fi gu re C- 3 ): • The 450-1SR MD A is a si ngle MA C MD A with a separate r edundant Phy (backup P hy por t). Only one Phy port can be a cti ve at an y time.
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch C-8 30240 1-D R ev 00 T able C-3. 1000B ASE-SX M D A Components Item La bel Description 1 Li nk Commu nic at ion link LEDs (gree n): On: V alid comm unicati ons link . Off: The com m unica tions li nk con nectio n is bad or there is no connectio n to this por t.
Media Dep endent Adapters 302401-D Re v 00 C-9 M1000B AS E-LX MD As W arning: This is a Clas s 1 Laser/ LED product. I t contai ns a lase r light source th at can in jure yo ur ey es. Ne ver look into an opt ical fi ber or connector port. Alway s assume that the fi ber optic cable or connector is connec ted to a l aser l ight sour ce.
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch C-10 30240 1-D R ev 00 There ar e two 100 0B ASE-LX (l ongwa ve gigabit) MD A models ( Fig ure C-4 ): • The 450-1LR MD A is a si ngle MA C MD A with a separate r edundant Ph y (backup P hy por t).
Media Dep endent Adapters 302401-D Re v 00 C-11 For inst alla ti on i nstr u ctio ns, s ee “ Instal ling an M D A ” on page C- 11 . Installing an MD A The Uplink Module sl ot on the BayStack 450 switch acc ommodates a single MD A.
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch C-12 30240 1-D R ev 00 3. Insert t he MD A into the Upl ink Modu le card gui des ( Figur e C-5 ). Make sur e the M DA slides in on the c ard gu id es. Fail ure to a lign th e MD A to the car d guides co uld damag e the pins .
Media Dep endent Adapters 302401-D Re v 00 C-13 1. P ower do wn the switch. Remove the A C power co rd fro m th e power s ou rce. 2. Remov e the inst alled MD A.
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch C-14 30240 1-D R ev 00 Page 14 Tuesday, June 29, 1999 3:25 PM.
302401-D Re v 00 D-1 Appendix D Quic k Steps to Features If you ar e a syste m adminis trator with e xperi ence conf igur ing BayStac k 450 switch VLANs , MultiLink T runking, Port Mirroring, and IGMP Snooping, use the flo wcharts on t he foll o wing pages as q uick co nfi gurat ion guides .
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch D-2 30240 1-D R ev 00 Configurin g 802.1Q VLA Ns T o create o r modify an 8 02.1Q VLAN, follo w the flo wcharts i n Figures D-1 and D-2 ). Choose VLAN Confi guratio n (or pr ess v) f rom the VLAN Conf igur ation Menu screen t o open the VLAN Conf igurat ion scre en.
Quic k Ste ps to Fe atures 302401-D Re v 00 D-3 Figure D-2. Confi guring 802.1Q VLANs (2 of 2) Yes No No Set tagged, untagged, unregistered filters, if necessary.
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch D-4 30240 1-D R ev 00 Configuring MultiLink T runks T o creat e or modi fy a Mul tiLink tr unk, fo llo w the flo wchart in Figure D-3 .
Quic k Ste ps to Fe atures 302401-D Re v 00 D-5 Configur ing P or t Mirroring T o create o r modify port-mir roring por ts, foll o w the fl o wchart s in Figures D-4 and D- 5 ). Choose Port Mirrori ng Conf igurati on (or press i) from the Switc h Conf igur ation Menu scree n to open t he Port Mirroring Conf igurat ion scre en.
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch D-6 30240 1-D R ev 00 Figure D-5. Confi guring P or t Mirroring (2 of 2) Yes No No Enable Port Mirroring (see "Port Mirroring Configuration Rules"). BS45052A Are Address A and B configured? Is Port Mirroring Enabled? Yes 1 Done 2 Configure Addresses.
Quic k Ste ps to Fe atures 302401-D Re v 00 D-7 Configurin g IGMP Snoo ping T o create o r modify IGM P Snooping po rts, f ollo w the flo wchart s in Figures D-6 to D-8 . Choose IGMP Conf iguration ( or press g) fro m the Switch Conf igurat ion Menu screen t o open the IGMP Conf igura tion scr een.
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch D-8 30240 1-D R ev 00 Figure D-7. Configuring IGMP Snooping (2 of 3) Yes No No BS45054A Is the Robust Value field set correctly? Is the Query Timer.
Quic k Ste ps to Fe atures 302401-D Re v 00 D-9 Figure D-8. Configuring IGMP Snooping (3 of 3) Yes No No All trunk members for that trunk are automatically configured as IGMP Static Router Ports. Page 10 Tuesday, June 29, 1999 3:25 PM.
302401-D Re v 00 E-1 Appendix E Connector s and Pi n Assign ments This appe ndix descr ibes the BayStack 450 switch port conne ctors and pin assignmen ts. RJ-45 ( 10B A SE-T/100 B ASE-TX ) P or t Con nectors The RJ-45 p ort connec tors ( Figure E- 1 ) are wired as MD I-X ports to connect end stati ons without using cro sso ver cable s.
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch E-2 3024 01-D Rev 00 Ta b l e E - 1 lists the RJ-4 5 (8-pin mod ular) por t connect or pin assignment s. MDI and MDI-X Devices Media depe ndent int erfac e (MDI) i s the IEEE s tandard f or the in terfa ce to unsh ield e d twis ted pair ( UTP) cabl e .
Connector s and Pin Assig nme nts 302401-D Re v 00 E-3 MDI-X to MDI Cable Connections BaySta ck 450 swi tch es use MDI- X po rt s t ha t allo w you to c onne ct di re ctl y to end stati ons without using cro sso ver cable s ( Figure E-2 ). Figure E-2.
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch E-4 3024 01-D Rev 00 MDI-X to MDI-X Cable Connections If you ar e connect ing th e BayStack 45 0 switch t o a de vice that also i mplement s MDI-X ports , use a cros so ver cable ( Figure E -3 ). Figure E-3.
Connector s and Pin Assig nme nts 302401-D Re v 00 E-5 DB-9 (RS-232-D) Console/Comm P or t Connector The DB-9 Conso le/Comm Port conne ctor ( Fi gure E-4 ) i s conf igured as a da ta communic ations eq uipment (DCE) connect or . The DSR a nd CTS signal outputs are al wa ys assert ed; the CD, DTR, R TS, and RI s ignal in puts are n ot used . Page 6 Tuesday, June 29, 1999 3 :25 PM.
302401-D Re v 00 F-1 Appendix F Default Settings Ta b l e F - 1 lists the f actory defaul t setti ngs for t he BayStack 4 50 swit ch. T able F-1 . F actory Default Settings for the BayStac k 450 Switc.
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch F-2 302401- D Rev 00 Agin g Time 300 se conds MAC Address T ab le ( page 3-20 ) Find an Address 00-00 -00-00-0 0-00 (no MA C address ass igned) P o.
Default S ettings 302401-D Re v 00 F-3 Unit 1 P or t Configur ation ( pa ge 3-32 ) Status Enab led (f or all ports) A utoneg otiation Enab led (f or all ports ) Speed/D uple x 100Mbs /Half (whe n A ut.
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch F-4 302401- D Rev 00 P ack et T ype Both Rate Limit ing Conf igur ation ( pag e 3-48 ) Limit N one VLAN 1 IGMP Confi guratio n ( page 3-51 ) Snoo p.
Default S ettings 302401-D Re v 00 F-5 Bridge Priority 8000 (rea d only) Spanning T ree Switc h Settings ( pag e 3-72 ) Desig nated Root 8000 (bridge_ id) (read on ly) Root P or t 0 (re ad onl y) Root.
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch F-6 302401- D Rev 00 Config uration Image Fi lename Zero-leng th string Configu ratio n File ( page 3- 82 ) TFTP Server IP Address (no IP add ress ass igned) Cop y Configur ation Image to Server No Retrie v e Configu ration Im age from Server No T able F-1 .
302401-D Re v 00 G-1 Appendix G Sample BootP Confi guration File This appe ndix pro vides a sample BootP conf iguration f ile. The BootP serv er searche s for thi s f ile, cal led boo tptab (or BOO TPT AB.
Using the BayS tack 450 10/100 /1000 Ser ies Swit ch G-2 302401- D Rev 00 # Caution # # Omitting a Forward slash (/) when the entry is continued to the next # line, can cause the interruption of the booting process or the # incorrect image file to download.
302401-D Re v 00 Index- 1 A acron yms, xxiii Actual Hello Interval, 3-73 Aging Time field, 3-21 Allowed Source IP Address field, 3-77 All ow ed So urce Ma sk f iel d, 3- 77 Authen tication T rap f iel.
Index-2 3024 01-D Rev 00 conf iguration op tio ns , 3-5 conf iguration sc r e e n, 3-58 connec ting to te rminal, 2-11 illustrati on, E-5 pin assi gnments, E-5 con vention s, te xt, xxiii con versation steering , 1 - 16 cooli ng fa ns, 1-11 crossover cable, E-4 customer su pp ort, xxv D data c ommunica tion equipm ent.
302401-D Re v 00 Index-3 grou nding, 2-3 LED verification, 2-14 requiremen ts, 2- 1 tools, 2- 1 verifyin g, 2-14 IP address form at of, 2- 18, 2-23 setting, 2-17 startu p, 2- 17 IP addres s, automa ti.
Index-4 3024 01-D Rev 00 MA C Addre ss T able, 3-19 MultiLin k T runk Conf iguration, 3-19 Port Config urati on, 3 -19 Port Mir roring Co nfigura tion, 3-19 Rate Li miting Conf iguration, 3 -19 Reset,.
302401-D Re v 00 Index-5 S Self-T est screen during software download process, 3-80 settings, defaul t, F-1 Simp le Netw ork M anage ment Protoc ol (SNM P) MIB su ppo rt, 1 -12, 1-1 8 using t o man age th e swi tch, 1-1 8 Single Co llisions f ield, 3 -57 SNMP Co nfigura tion op tio n, 3-5 SNMP Co nfig urati o n scree n, 3-13 SNMP .
Index-6 3024 01-D Rev 00 TFTP . See T ri vial File T ransfer Protocol T otal Octets f ield, 3-55 T rap IP Address fields, 3-14 traps, 1- 18 T ri v ial File T ransfer Protocol (TFTP ) software do wnload, 3-78 using t o up grade firmwar e, 1-12 troublesho oting port interface, 4-8 power -up sequence, 4-6 Tu t o r i a l IEEE 80 2.
デバイスNortel Networks 450の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Nortel Networks 450をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはNortel Networks 450の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Nortel Networks 450の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Nortel Networks 450で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Nortel Networks 450を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はNortel Networks 450の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Nortel Networks 450に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちNortel Networks 450デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。