Nortel NetworksメーカーA0789401の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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C allPi lot ™ . Product release 1.07 Desktop Messaging Quick R ef er ence Guide CallPilot ™ Speech Activ ated Messaging User Guide T oronto Information Products Nortel 522 University Avenue, 14th Floor T oronto , On tario, C anada M5G 1W7 Copyright © 1998 Nor thern T elecom, All Rights Reserved.
Business Communications Manager & CallPilot 100/150 Updates to the Desktop Messaging Us er Guides Internet Clients Page 3 Call the sender of a message Call the sender of a message is not supported.
About for warding Desktop Messaging messages Do not use the right-click menu to forward a Desktop Messaging message. T o forward a message, either: • open the message and forward it from the CallPilot window or • for Outlook, select the message in the Outlook Inbox and forward it from the Outlook toolbar.
i CallPi lot Desktop Me ssaging from No rtel Networks al lows you to acce ss yo ur CallPilo t mailbox from your per sonal co mputer. You c an manage all your v oice, fax, and e-mail messages in one gr aphical in terface.
ii Welcome to Ca llPilot Desktop M essaging .......................................................................... i Logging in ..............................................................................................
iii Use your CallPil ot password to log i n to Desktop Messa ging. To log in from Micros oft Exchange, Microsoft Outlook, Lotus Note s, or Novell GroupWise 1 Open M i crosoft Exchange, M icrosoft Outlook, Lotu s Notes, or Nov ell Group W ise.
iv You can c hange your C allPilot password from Des ktop Messaging or from the telepho ne. To access C allPilot Password Ch ange from Microsoft Exchange or Microsoft Outlo ok 1 In your Inbox , on the Tools menu, click Servi c es.
CallPilot Desktop Messagi ng for Microsoft Exchange/Outlook 1 .
2 CallPilot Desktop Messaging for Microsoft Exchange/Outlook ! " To play a voice mes sage To open a voi ce message, dou ble-click the me ssage line. W hen y ou open a voice-on ly message, the CallPilot Pl ayer appear s right away.
CallPilot Desktop Messagi ng for Microsoft Exchange/Outlook 3 ! "#$ To view a fax message To view faxes in Desktop M essaging, you mu st have Imagin g for W indow s installed on your PC .
4 CallPilot Desktop Messaging for Microsoft Exchange/Outlook "" You can c ompose a message that is a ny combination of voice, fax , or text. A composed message can be a new message, a re ply to a re ceived message, or an introduction to a forwarded message .
CallPilot Desktop Messagi ng for Microsoft Exchange/Outlook 5 ""#$ To create and send a fax message To send a fax, y our CallPilot mailbox must have fax capability.
6 CallPilot Desktop Messaging for Microsoft Exchange/Outlook % " You can forw ard a message, and compo se an introduct i on to send with it.
CallPilot Desktop Messagi ng for Microsoft Exchange/Outlook 7 & " To download the Ca llPilot Address B ook The CallPil ot Address Book contain s the name s and addresse s of all u sers on your local C allPilot server.
8 CallPilot Desktop Messaging for Microsoft Exchange/Outlook ' You can cr eate a Desktop M essaging per sonal distribut ion list for a group of recip ients to w hom you frequently s end messages.
CallPilo t Desktop Messaging for Lotus Notes 1 ) When you ope n Lotus Notes an d log in to CallPi lot Desktop M essaging, you ar e in the Workspace at Office w indow.
2 CallPilot Desktop Messaging for Lotus Notes ! " To play a voice mes sage To open a voi ce message, dou ble-click the me ssage line. W hen y ou open a voice-on ly message, the CallPilot Pl ayer appear s right away.
CallPilo t Desktop Messaging for Lotus Notes 3 ! "#$ To view a fax message To view faxes in Desktop M essaging, you mu st have Imagin g for W indow s installed on your PC .
4 CallPilot Desktop Messaging for Lotus Notes "" You can c ompose a message that is a ny combination of voice, fax , or text. A composed message can be a new message, a re ply to a re ceived message, or an introduction to a forwarded message .
CallPilo t Desktop Messaging for Lotus Notes 5 ""#$ To create and send a fax message To send a fax, y our CallPilot mailbox must have fax capability enable d. The recipient s of your fax must also have f ax capability to v iew the fax on their computer.
6 CallPilot Desktop Messaging for Lotus Notes % " You can forw ard a message and compo se an introducti on to send w ith it. You ca n also co mpose a reply to the sender of a message, or to the sender and all reci pie nts of a mess age.
CallPilo t Desktop Messaging for Lotus Notes 7 & " To download CallPil ot addresse s to y our personal Address Book You can d ownload the name s and addresses of any CallPilot u sers on your Lot us Notes server to y our personal A ddress Book.
8 CallPilot Desktop Messaging for Lotus Notes You can cr eate a distribut ion list for a gr oup of recipients t o whom you fr equently s end message s. After you create a list, it appear s in your person al Address Book in Groups (CallP ilot).
CallPilo t Desktop Messaging for Novell GroupWise 1 )!* When you ope n Novell GroupWis e, your CallPil ot messages appe ar in the CallPilot Desktop M essaging folder.
2 CallPilot Desktop M essaging for Nove l l Group W ise ! " To play a voice mes sage To open a voi ce message, dou ble-click the me ssage line. W hen y ou open a voice-on ly message, the CallPilot Pl ayer appear s right away.
CallPilo t Desktop Messaging for Novell GroupWise 3 ! "#$ To view a fax message To view faxes in Desktop M essaging, you mu st have Imagin g for W indow s installed on your PC .
4 CallPilot Desktop M essaging for Nove l l Group W ise "" You can c ompose a message that is a ny combination of voice, fax , or text. A composed message can be a new message, a re ply to a re ceived message, or an introduction to a forwarded message .
CallPilo t Desktop Messaging for Novell GroupWise 5 ""#$ To create and send a fax message To send a fax, y our CallPilot mailbox must have fax capability. The rec ipients of your fax must also have fax capability to view the fax on their c omputer.
6 CallPilot Desktop M essaging for Nove l l Group W ise % " You can forw ard a message, and compo se an introduct i on to send with it.
CallPilo t Desktop Messaging for Novell GroupWise 7 & " To add CallPilot addres ses to your personal A ddress Book You can a dd CallPilot addre sses t o the list o f e-mail addres ses in y our personal Addre ss Book.
8 CallPilot Desktop M essaging for Nove l l Group W ise ' You can cr eate a Desktop M essaging per sonal distribut ion list for a group of recip ients to w hom you frequently s end messages.
CallPil o t Desktop Messaging for Internet Mail Clients 1 + .
2 CallPilot Desktop Messaging for Internet Mail Clients ! " To play a voice mes sage To play a v oice message, c lick on the mess age to open it, t hen clic k the Voice icon to open the CallP ilot Player.
CallPilo t Web Messaging 1 *' Use your W eb br owser and CallPilot W eb M essaging to w ork with your voi c e, fax, and tex t messages. After you log i n, your Message L ist display s your CallPilot messages.
2 CallPilot Web Messaging ! " To play a voice mes sage To open a voi ce message, cl ick the Subject area of a message in your Message List. The medi a player that you sel ected opens an d plays the mes s ag e.
CallPilot Desktop Messaging Quick Referenc e Guide Toronto Informat ion Products Nortel Networks 522 University Avenue, 14t h Floor Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5G 1W 7 Copyright © 2000 Nortel Networks , All Rights Reserved. Inform ati on is subj ect t o change without notice.
デバイスNortel Networks A0789401の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Nortel Networks A0789401をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはNortel Networks A0789401の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Nortel Networks A0789401の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Nortel Networks A0789401で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Nortel Networks A0789401を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はNortel Networks A0789401の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Nortel Networks A0789401に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちNortel Networks A0789401デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。