Nortel NetworksメーカーTP-1610 SIPの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Mediant™ 2000 & TP-1610 SIP User’s Manual Version 4.4 Document #: LTRT-72504.
Notice This document describes the AudioCodes Median t™ 2000 SIP (Session I nitialization Protocol) gateway and the TP-1610 SIP cPCI board. Information contained in this document is believed to be accurat e and reliable at the time of printing.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual Contents Version 4.4 3 July 2005 Table of Contents 1 Overview ..................................................................................................................... 13 1.1 Available Conf igurat ions ....
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 4 Document #: LTRT-72504 Numbering Plans and Type of Nu mber ...................................................................................... 48 5.8.4 Configuring the Ro uting Tables ....
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual Contents Version 4.4 5 July 2005 8.4 Using IS DN NF AS ................................................................................................................ ........141 8.4.1 NFAS Interface ID ..............
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 6 Document #: LTRT-72504 Configurati on via SNMP ......................................................................................................... .. 181 11.7 SNMP Manager Backwa rd Compat ibility.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual Contents Version 4.4 7 July 2005 Appendix J SS7 Tunnelin g ........................................................................................... 231 J.1 MTP2 Tunneli ng Technol ogy ...............................
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 8 Document #: LTRT-72504 List of Figures Figure 1-1: Typical Mediant 2000 Gateway Application .................................................................................. .1 4 Figure 2-1: Mediant 20 00 Front View .
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual Contents Version 4.4 9 July 2005 Figure 8-3: SIP Call Fl ow Exam ple..................................................................................................... ............ 153 Figure 5-2: IP to Trunk Gr oup Routi ng Table .
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 10 Document #: LTRT-72504 List of Tables Table 2-1: Mediant 2000 Front View Component De scriptio ns ........................................................................ 19 Table 2-2: Chassis LE D Indicators .
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual Contents Version 4.4 11 July 2005 Table K-5: VoiceXML Supported Pr operties ....................................................................................... ...........260 Table L-1: acBoardFat alError Alarm Trap .
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 12 Document #: LTRT-72504 Tip: When viewing this manual on CD, Web site or on any other electronic copy, all cross-references are h yperlinked. Click on the page or se ction numbers (shown in blue) to reach the individual cross-referenced item directly.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 1. Overview Version 4.4 13 July 2005 1 Overview The Mediant 2000 SIP Voice over IP ( VoIP) gateway enables voice, fax, and data traffic to be sent over the same IP network. The Medi ant 2000 pr ovides ex cellent voice qual ity and optimized packet voice streaming over IP networks.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 14 Document #: LTRT-72504 Figure 1-1 below illustrates typical Media nt 2000 gateway applications over VoIP Network.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 1. Overview Version 4.4 15 July 2005 • 48 Channels on 2 T1 spans with gate way-1 only • 96 Channels on 4 T1 spans with gate way-1 only • 192 Channels on 8 T1 spans with g ateway-1 only • 384 Channels on 16 T1 spans with gateway-1 and gateway-2 1.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 16 Document #: LTRT-72504 1.3.3 PSTN-to-SIP Interworking The Mediant 2000 gateway performs int erworking between ISDN and CAS via E1/T1/J1 digita l spans and SIP IETF signaling protocol. 16 E1, T1 or J1 spans are supported (4 80 channels) in a two modules gateway.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 1. Overview Version 4.4 17 July 2005 • Works with Proxy or without Proxy, using an internal routing table. • Fallback to internal routing table if Proxy is not respon ding. • Supports up to four Proxy serve rs. If the primary Prox y fails, the Mediant 200 0 automatically switches to a redundant Proxy.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 18 Document #: LTRT-72504 Reader’s Notes.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 2. Mediant 2000 Physical Description Version 4.4 19 July 2005 2 Mediant 2000 Physical Description This section provides detailed info rmation on the Mediant 20 00 hardware components, th e location and functionality of the LEDs, buttons and connecto rs on the front and rear panels.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 20 Document #: LTRT-72504 2.2 The Mediant 2000 Chassis The Mediant 2000 chassis is an ind ustrial platform, 19” wide, 1U h igh and 12” deep that hou ses the TP-1610 board in its front cage , slot #1 (the lower slot) and the TP-1610 RTM in its rear cage, slot #1 (the lower slot).
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 2. Mediant 2000 Physical Description Version 4.4 21 July 2005 Figure 2-2: Front and Upper Vie w of the TP-1610 cPCI Board Table 2-3: Front and Upper Vie w of the TP-16.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 22 Document #: LTRT-72504 Note 1: Before removing or insertin g boards from / to the chassis, atta ch a wrist strap for electrostatic discharge (ESD) and connect it to the ra ck frame using a n alligator clip.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 2. Mediant 2000 Physical Description Version 4.4 23 July 2005 2.3.2 TP-1610 Front Panel LED Indicators The functionality of the front panel LEDs for the TP-1610 is described in the following four ta bles and illustrated in Figure 2-2 on page 21 .
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 24 Document #: LTRT-72504 2.4 Rear Transition Module The Mediant 2000 RTM includes a PST N trunks and an Ethernet interfaces.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 2. Mediant 2000 Physical Description Version 4.4 25 July 2005 Figure 2-4: Rear Panel with 8 RJ-48c Connectors for 8 Trunks Table 2-9: Rear Panel with 8 RJ-48c Connect ors for 8 Trunks Componen t Descriptio ns Item # Label Component Description 1 ETHERNET 2 Ethernet Ports.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 26 Document #: LTRT-72504 Reader’s Notes.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 3. Installing the Mediant 2000 Version 4.4 27 July 2005 3 Installing the Mediant 2000 This section describe s the hardware installation pro cedures for the Mediant 2000. For information on how to start using the gateway, refer to Section 4 on page 35 .
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 28 Document #: LTRT-72504 Figure 3-1: 19-inch Rack & Desktop Acces sories 3.3 Mounting the Mediant 2000 The Mediant 2000 can be mounted on a desktop, or installe d in a stand ard 19-inch rack. Refer to Section 3.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 3. Installing the Mediant 2000 Version 4.4 29 July 2005 Figure 3-2: Mediant 2000 Front Vie w with 19-inch Rack Mount Brackets Rack Mount Safety Instructions (UL) When .
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 30 Document #: LTRT-72504 2. You’re now recommended to take the optional steps of fastening the device to the frame of the rack (as described above) while it is pl aced on the shelf, so preventing it from sliding when inserting cables into con nectors on the rear panel.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 3. Installing the Mediant 2000 Version 4.4 31 July 2005 Figure 3-4: Mediant 2000 Rear Panel Cabling (8 T runks, DC Po wer)) Table 3-2: Mediant 2000 Rear Panel Cabling (8 Tr unks, DC Power) Component Descrip tions Item # Label Component Description 1 RTM latches.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 32 Document #: LTRT-72504 3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for the other Trunk cable but this time connect it to the connector labeled “Trunks 9 16”.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 3. Installing the Mediant 2000 Version 4.4 33 July 2005 Figure 3-7: Pinout of RJ-45 Conn ectors 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 RJ-45 LAN Connect or and Pinout 4, 5, 7, 8 not connected 1 = Tx+ 2 = Tx- 3 = Rx+ 6 = Rx- 3.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 34 Document #: LTRT-72504 Figure 3-8: DC Terminal Block Screw Connector When using a DC terminal block cr imp connector, take these 3 steps: 1. Remove the DC adaptor (screw connection type) that is attached to the Mediant 2000 rear panel.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 4. Getting Started Version 4.4 35 July 2005 4 Getting Started The Mediant 2000 is supplied with application softwar e already re sident in its flash memory (wi th factory default parameters). Section 4.1 below describes how to assign IP addres ses to the Mediant 2000, while Section 4.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 36 Document #: LTRT-72504 correspond with your network IP settings. If your network doesn’t feature a default gateway, enter a dummy value in the ‘Default Gateway IP Address’ field. 5. Click the Reset button and click OK in the prompt; The Mediant 2000 applies the changes and restarts.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 4. Getting Started Version 4.4 37 July 2005 This option is currently supported on one media gateway module (trunks 1 -8) only. To restore networking parameters to their initial state, take these 6 steps: 1. Disconnect the Mediant 2000 from the power and network cables.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 38 Document #: LTRT-72504 Enable the DMZ (Demilitarized Zone ) configuratio n on the resi dential route r for the LAN port where the Mediant 2000 gateway is conn ected. This enable s unknown packets to be routed to the DMZ port.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 5. Web Management Version 4.4 39 July 2005 5 Web Management 5.1 Configuration Concepts Users can utilize the Mediant 2000 in a wide vari ety of applications, enabled by its parameters and configuration files (e.g., Call Progres s Tones (CPT), etc.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 40 Document #: LTRT-72504 5.4 Password Control The Embedded Web Serv er is protected by a unique usern ame and password combination. Th e first time a browser requ est is made, the User is req uested to provide hi s username an d password to obtain access.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 5. Web Management Version 4.4 41 July 2005 5.6 Accessing the Embedded Web Server To access the Embedded Web Server, take these 4 steps: 1. Open a standard Web-browsing ap plication such as Microsoft™ Internet Explorer™ (Version 6.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 42 Document #: LTRT-72504 5.7 Getting Acquainted with the Web Interface Figure 5-2 shows the general layout of the We b Interface screen.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 5. Web Management Version 4.4 43 July 2005 • Advanced Configuration – Use this menu to set the gateway’s advanced configuration parameters (for advance d users only) (refer to Section 5.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 44 Document #: LTRT-72504 5.8 Protocol Management Use this menu to configure the gateway’s SIP parameters an d tables.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 5. Web Management Version 4.4 45 July 2005 5.8.2 Advanced Parameters Use this submenu to configure the following gateway’s advance d control protocol parameters. • Disconnect and Answer Supervi sion • CDR and Debug • Miscellaneous Parameters • Supplementary Services 5.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 46 Document #: LTRT-72504 Figure 5-4: Source Phone Number Manipulation T able for Tel IP Calls 2.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 5. Web Management Version 4.4 47 July 2005 Table 5-1: Number Manipulation Parameters Parameter Description Prefix / Suffix to add • Prefix - Enter the number / string yo u w ant to add to the front of the phone number.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 48 Document #: LTRT-72504 • [2,3,4]xxx# represents four-digit numbers that start w i th 2, 3 or 4 • 54324 represents any number that sta rts with 54324 • 54324xx# represents a 7 digit number that starts with 54324 • 123[100-200]# rep resents all numbers from 123100 to 123200.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 5. Web Management Version 4.4 49 July 2005 5.8.4 Configuring the Routing Tables Use this submenu to conf igure the gateway’s IP Tel and Tel IP routing tables an d their associated parameters. Tel to IP Routing Table The Tel to IP Routing Table is used to route incomi ng Tel call s to IP addresses.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 50 Document #: LTRT-72504 Alternative Routing’ table, the gateway imme diately initiates a call to the redu ndant destination using the next matched entry in the ‘Tel to IP Routing’ table.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 5. Web Management Version 4.4 51 July 2005 Table 5-3: Tel to IP Routing Table Parameter Description Any telephone number w hose destination number matches the prefi x .
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 52 Document #: LTRT-72504 • You can configure the Trunk Group Se ttings t able to determine the method in which ne w calls are assigned t o channels within the trun k groups (a different method for ea ch trunk group can be config ured).
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 5. Web Management Version 4.4 53 July 2005 Table 5-4: IP to Trunk Group Routing Table Parameter Description Any SIP incoming call whose destination number matches t he.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 54 Document #: LTRT-72504 Reasons for Alternative Routing The Reasons for Alternative Routi ng screen includes two tables (T el IP and IP Tel). Ea ch table enables you to define up to 4 different release reaso ns.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 5. Web Management Version 4.4 55 July 2005 5.8.5 Configuring the Profile Definitions Utilizing the Profiles feature, the M ediant 2000 pr ovides high-level adaptat ion when connected to a variety of equipment (from both Tel and IP side s) and proto cols, each of which require a different system behavior.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 56 Document #: LTRT-72504 Note 2 : If not specified, the ptime gets a default value. Note 3 : The ptime specifies the maximum packeti zation time the gateway can receive. 5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for the seco nd to fifth coders (optional).
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 5. Web Management Version 4.4 57 July 2005 3. In the ‘Profile Preference’ drop-down list, select the preference (1-10) of the cu rrent Profile. The preference option is used to determi ne the priority of the Profile.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 58 Document #: LTRT-72504 2. In the ‘Profile ID’ drop-down list, select the IP Profile you want to edit (up to four IP Profiles can be configured). 3. In the ‘Profile Preference’ drop-down list, select the preference (1-10) of the cu rrent Profile.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 5. Web Management Version 4.4 59 July 2005 Table 5-5: Trunk Group Table Parameter Description Trunk ID The numbers (1-8) in the Trunk ID drop-do wn list represent the physical trunks on the ba ck of the VoIP gateway. Channels To enable the trunk’s B-ch annels, you must enter their number in this field.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 60 Document #: LTRT-72504 5.8.7 Configuring the Trunk Group Settings The Trunk Group Settings Table is u sed to determi ne the method in which new calls are assigned to B-channels within each trunk group.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 5. Web Management Version 4.4 61 July 2005 Table 5-6: Channel Select Modes Mode Description By phone number Select the gateway port acco rding to the called number (ref er to the note below). Cyclic Ascending Select the next available channel i n an ascending cycle order.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 62 Document #: LTRT-72504 5.9 Advanced Configuration Use this menu to set the gateway’s advanced configuration parameters (f or advanced users only). 5.9.1 Configuring the Network Settings From the Network Settings page you can define: • IP settings.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 5. Web Management Version 4.4 63 July 2005 Configuring the SNMP Managers Table The SNMP Managers table allows you to configur e the attributes of up to five SNMP managers. To configure the SNMP Managers Table, take these 6 steps: 1.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 64 Document #: LTRT-72504 maintenance, and debugging actions b ecome simp lified for the network ad ministrator.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 5. Web Management Version 4.4 65 July 2005 5.9.2 Configuring the Channel Settings The Channels Settings screen enables you to set th e VoIP gateway channel parameters, su ch as Input and Output voice gain, Jitter buffer ch arac teristics, M odem, Fax and DTMF transport modes.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 66 Document #: LTRT-72504 5.9.3 Configuring the Trunk Settings To configure the Trunk Settings, take these 9 steps: 1. Open the ‘Trunk Settings’ screen ( Advanced Config uration menu > Trunk Settings ); the ‘Trunk Settings’ screen is displayed.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 5. Web Management Version 4.4 67 July 2005 Table 5-7: Trunks Status Color Indicator Keys Indicator Color Description Gray Disabled Green Active-OK Yellow RAI Alarm Red LOS Alarm Blue AIS Alarm Orange D-channel Alarm (ISDN only) 3.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 68 Document #: LTRT-72504 Click the Close Windo w button. 7. After modifying the parameters: To apply the changes to the selected tru nk only, click the Apply Trunk Settings button. To apply the changes to all the trunks, click the Appl y to all Trunks button.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 5. Web Management Version 4.4 69 July 2005 5.9.5 Restoring and Backing up the Gateway Configuration The Configuration File screen enabl es you to restore (load a new i.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 70 Document #: LTRT-72504 5.9.6 Regional Settings The ‘Regional Settings’ screen e nables you to set an d view the ga teway’s internal date and time and to load to the gate way the following configurat io n files: Call Prog ress Tones, CAS and Voice Prompts.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 5. Web Management Version 4.4 71 July 2005 7. To save the loaded auxiliary files so they are available after a power fail, refer to Section 5.12 on page 84 . 8. To reset the Mediant 2000, refer to Section 5.12 on page 84 .
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 72 Document #: LTRT-72504 Note: The information in columns ‘Quality Status’ and ‘Quality Info.’ (per IP address) is reset if two minutes elapse without a call to that destination. To view the IP connectivity information, take these 2 steps: 1.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 5. Web Management Version 4.4 73 July 2005 Table 5-8: IP Connectivity Parameters Column Name Description Quality Info. Displays QoS information: dela y and packet loss, calculated according to previo us calls. Note 1: This field is applicable only if the p arameter ‘AltRoutingTel2IPMode’ is set to 2 or 3.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 74 Document #: LTRT-72504 Table 5-9: Call Counters Description (continues o n pages 7 3 to 74) Counter Description Number of Established Calls This counter indicates the numbe r of estab lished calls.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 5. Web Management Version 4.4 75 July 2005 5.10.2 Monitoring the Mediant 2000 Trunks & Channels The Trunk & Channel Sta tus screen provides real time monito ring on the current status of the Mediant 2000 trunks & channels.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 76 Document #: LTRT-72504 2. Click the submenu links to check/view a specific channel’s p arameter settings. Figure 5-26: Channel Status Details Screen 5.10.3 Activating the Internal Syslog Viewer The Message Log screen display s Syslog debug messages sent b y the gateway.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 5. Web Management Version 4.4 77 July 2005 3. Select the messages, copy them and paste them into a text editor such as Notepad.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 78 Document #: LTRT-72504 5.11 Software Update Menu The ‘Software Update’ menu enables users to upgra de the Mediant 2000 software by loading a new cmp file along with the ini and a su ite of auxiliary files, or to update the existing auxiliary files.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 5. Web Management Version 4.4 79 July 2005 Note: At this point, the process can be canceled with no conse quence to the Mediant 2000 (click the Cancel button).
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 80 Document #: LTRT-72504 Click Cancel ; the Mediant 2000 resets ut ilizing the cmp, ini and all other configuration files that were previously stored in flash me mory. Note that these are NOT the files you loaded in the previous Wizard steps.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 5. Web Management Version 4.4 81 July 2005 Figure 5-33: Load a CPT File Screen 7. Follow the same procedure you followed when loading the ini file (refer to Step 6 ). The same procedure applies to the ‘Load a VP file’ (not applicab le to the Mediant 2000 gateway) screen and ‘Load a coefficient file’ screen.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 82 Document #: LTRT-72504 Figure 5-35: ‘End Process’ Screen 9. Click the End Process button; the ‘Quick Setup’ screen appears and the full Web application is reactivated.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 5. Web Management Version 4.4 83 July 2005 Figure 5-36: Auxiliary Files Screen 2. Click the Browse button that is in the field for the type of file you want to load. 3. Navigate to the folder that contai ns the file you want to load.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 84 Document #: LTRT-72504 5.12 Save Configuration The Save Configuration screen enables users to save the current parameter configuration and the loaded auxiliary files to the non-volatile memory so they are available after a power fail.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 5. Web Management Version 4.4 85 July 2005 5.13 Resetting the Mediant 2000 The Reset screen enables you to remotely reset the gateway. Before reset you can choo se to save the gateway configuration to flash memory. To reset the Mediant 2000, take these 3 steps: 1.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 86 Document #: LTRT-72504 Reader’s Notes.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 6. ini File Configuration of the Mediant 2000 Version 4.4 87 July 2005 6 ini File Configuration of the Mediant 2000 As an alternative to configuring th e VoIP gateway using the Web I nterface (refer to Section 5 on page 39 ), it can be configured by loading the ini file containing Customer-configured pa rameters.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 88 Document #: LTRT-72504 6.3 The ini File Content The ini file contains the following SIP gateway information: • Basic, Logging, Web and RA DIUS parameters shown in Table 6-1 on page 90 . • SNMP parameters shown in Table 6-2 on page 98 .
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 6. ini File Configuration of the Mediant 2000 Version 4.4 89 July 2005 6.5 The ini File Example Figure 6-2 shows an example of an ini file for the VoIP gateway.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 90 Document #: LTRT-72504 6.6 Basic, Logging, Web and RADIUS Parameters Note: In Table 6-1 , parameters in brackets are the format in the Embedded Web Server * .
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 6. ini File Configuration of the Mediant 2000 Version 4.4 91 July 2005 Table 6-1: Basic, Logging, Web and RADIUS Para meters (continues o n pages 90 to 97) ini File Fi.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 92 Document #: LTRT-72504 Table 6-1: Basic, Logging, Web and RADIUS Para meters (continues o n pages 90 to 97) ini File Field Name Web Parameter Name .
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 6. ini File Configuration of the Mediant 2000 Version 4.4 93 July 2005 Table 6-1: Basic, Logging, Web and RADIUS Para meters (continues o n pages 90 to 97) ini File Fi.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 94 Document #: LTRT-72504 Table 6-1: Basic, Logging, Web and RADIUS Para meters (continues o n pages 90 to 97) ini File Field Name Web Parameter Name * Valid Range and De scription RAILowThreshold Low Threshold (in percentage ) that def ines the gateway‘s busy endpoints.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 6. ini File Configuration of the Mediant 2000 Version 4.4 95 July 2005 Table 6-1: Basic, Logging, Web and RADIUS Para meters (continues o n pages 90 to 97) ini File Fi.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 96 Document #: LTRT-72504 Table 6-1: Basic, Logging, Web and RADIUS Para meters (continues o n pages 90 to 97) ini File Field Name Web Parameter Name * Valid Range and De scription RA DIUSA uthPort [RADIUS Authentication Port] Port number of Authentication and Authorizat ion server.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 6. ini File Configuration of the Mediant 2000 Version 4.4 97 July 2005 Table 6-1: Basic, Logging, Web and RADIUS Para meters (continues o n pages 90 to 97) ini File Fi.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 98 Document #: LTRT-72504 6.7 SNMP Parameters Note: In Table 6-2 , parameters in brackets are the format in the Embedded Web Server * .
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 6. ini File Configuration of the Mediant 2000 Version 4.4 99 July 2005 Table 6-2: SNMP Parameter (continue s on pages 98 to 99) ini File Field Name Web Parameter Name * Valid Range and De scription SetCommunityString Note: Obsolete parameter, use SNMPReadWriteCommunityString_x instead.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 100 Document #: LTRT-72504 6.8 SIP Configuration Parameters Note: In Table 6-3 , parameters in brackets are the format in the Embedded Web Server * .
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 6. ini File Configuration of the Mediant 2000 Version 4.4 101 July 2005 Table 6-3: SIP Configuration Parameters (continues on pages 100 to 1 10) ini File Field Name We.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 102 Document #: LTRT-72504 Table 6-3: SIP Configuration Parameters (continues on pages 100 to 1 10) ini File Field Name Web Parameter Name * Valid Ran.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 6. ini File Configuration of the Mediant 2000 Version 4.4 103 July 2005 Table 6-3: SIP Configuration Parameters (continues on pages 100 to 1 10) ini File Field Name Web Parameter Name * Valid Range and De scription Asserte dIdMode [Asserted Identity Mode] 0 = None (defa u lt).
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 104 Document #: LTRT-72504 Table 6-3: SIP Configuration Parameters (continues on pages 100 to 1 10) ini File Field Name Web Parameter Name * Valid Ran.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 6. ini File Configuration of the Mediant 2000 Version 4.4 105 July 2005 Table 6-3: SIP Configuration Parameters (continues on pages 100 to 1 10) ini File Field Name Web Parameter Name * Valid Range and De scription AMRSendRat e Determines the selected rate for the AMR coder .
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 106 Document #: LTRT-72504 Table 6-3: SIP Configuration Parameters (continues on pages 100 to 1 10) ini File Field Name Web Parameter Name * Valid Ran.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 6. ini File Configuration of the Mediant 2000 Version 4.4 107 July 2005 Table 6-3: SIP Configuration Parameters (continues on pages 100 to 1 10) ini File Field Name We.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 108 Document #: LTRT-72504 Table 6-3: SIP Configuration Parameters (continues on pages 100 to 1 10) ini File Field Name Web Parameter Name * Valid Ran.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 6. ini File Configuration of the Mediant 2000 Version 4.4 109 July 2005 Table 6-3: SIP Configuration Parameters (continues on pages 100 to 1 10) ini File Field Name We.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 110 Document #: LTRT-72504 Table 6-3: SIP Configuration Parameters (continues on pages 100 to 1 10) ini File Field Name Web Parameter Name * Valid Ran.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 6. ini File Configuration of the Mediant 2000 Version 4.4 111 July 2005 6.9 ISDN and CAS Interworking-Related Parameters Note: In Table 6-4 , parameters in brackets are the format in the Embedded Web Server * .
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 112 Document #: LTRT-72504 Table 6-4: ISDN and CAS Inter working-Related Parameters (continues o n pages 111 to 114) ini File Field Name Web Parameter Name * Valid Range and De scription PlayRBTone2IP [Play Ringback Tone to IP] 0 = Ringback tone isn’t pla y ed (default).
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 6. ini File Configuration of the Mediant 2000 Version 4.4 113 July 2005 Table 6-4: ISDN and CAS Inter working-Related Parameters (continues o n pages 111 to 114) ini F.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 114 Document #: LTRT-72504 Table 6-4: ISDN and CAS Inter working-Related Parameters (continues o n pages 111 to 114) ini File Field Name Web Parameter Name * Valid Range and De scription CASTransportType [CAS Transport Type] 0 = Disable CAS relay (defa ult).
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 6. ini File Configuration of the Mediant 2000 Version 4.4 115 July 2005 6.10 Number Manipulation and Routing Parameters Note: In Table 6-5 , parameters in brackets are the format in the Embedded Web Server * .
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 116 Document #: LTRT-72504 Table 6-5: Number Manipulation and Routing Parameter s (co ntinues on pages 115 to 121) ini File Field Name Web Parameter Name * Valid Range and De scription ChannelSelectMode [Channel Select Mode] Defines common rule of port allo cation for IP to TEL calls.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 6. ini File Configuration of the Mediant 2000 Version 4.4 117 July 2005 Table 6-5: Number Manipulation and Routing Parameter s (co ntinues on pages 115 to 121) ini Fil.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 118 Document #: LTRT-72504 Table 6-5: Number Manipulation and Routing Parameter s (co ntinues on pages 115 to 121) ini File Field Name Web Parameter N.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 6. ini File Configuration of the Mediant 2000 Version 4.4 119 July 2005 Table 6-5: Number Manipulation and Routing Parameter s (co ntinues on pages 115 to 121) ini Fil.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 120 Document #: LTRT-72504 Table 6-5: Number Manipulation and Routing Parameter s (co ntinues on pages 115 to 121) ini File Field Name Web Parameter N.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 6. ini File Configuration of the Mediant 2000 Version 4.4 121 July 2005 Table 6-5: Number Manipulation and Routing Parameter s (co ntinues on pages 115 to 121) ini Fil.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 122 Document #: LTRT-72504 6.11 E1/T1 Configuration Parameters Note: In Table 6-6 , parameters in brackets are the format in the Embedded Web Server * .
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 6. ini File Configuration of the Mediant 2000 Version 4.4 123 July 2005 Table 6-6: E1/T1/J1 Configuration Parameters (c ontinues on pages 122 to 127) ini File Field Name Web Parameter Name * Valid Range and De scription TerminationSide [ISDN Termination Side] Selects the ISDN termination side.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 124 Document #: LTRT-72504 Table 6-6: E1/T1/J1 Configuration Parameters (c ontinues on pages 122 to 127) ini File Field Name Web Parameter Name * Valid Range and De scription ISDNNFASInterfaceID_x [NFAS Interface ID] Defines a different Interface ID for each T1 trunk.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 6. ini File Configuration of the Mediant 2000 Version 4.4 125 July 2005 Table 6-6: E1/T1/J1 Configuration Parameters (c ontinues on pages 122 to 127) ini File Field Na.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 126 Document #: LTRT-72504 Table 6-6: E1/T1/J1 Configuration Parameters (c ontinues on pages 122 to 127) ini File Field Name Web Parameter Name * Valid Range and De scription ISDN Flexible Behavior Parame ters ISDN protocol is implemented in different S w itches / PBXs by different vendors.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 6. ini File Configuration of the Mediant 2000 Version 4.4 127 July 2005 Table 6-6: E1/T1/J1 Configuration Parameters (c ontinues on pages 122 to 127) ini File Field Na.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 128 Document #: LTRT-72504 6.12 Channel Parameters The Channel Parameters d efine the DTMF, fax and modem t ransfer mode s. Refer to Appendix D on page 203 for a detailed description of Fax and Modem transfer mode s; refer to Section 8.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 6. ini File Configuration of the Mediant 2000 Version 4.4 129 July 2005 Table 6-7: Channel Parameters (continues on pages 128 to 131) ini File Field Name Web Parameter Name * Valid Range and Description CNGDetectorMode [CNG Detector Mode] 0 = Disable (default).
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 130 Document #: LTRT-72504 Table 6-7: Channel Parameters (continues on pages 128 to 131) ini File Field Name Web Parameter Name * Valid Range and Description V34ModemTransportTy pe [V.34 Modem Transport Type] V.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 6. ini File Configuration of the Mediant 2000 Version 4.4 131 July 2005 Table 6-7: Channel Parameters (continues on pages 128 to 131) ini File Field Name Web Parameter Name * Valid Range and Description RFC2833PayloadTy pe [RFC 2833 Payload T y pe] The RFC 2833 DTMF relay dynamic payload type.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 132 Document #: LTRT-72504 6.12.1 Dynamic Jitter Buffer Operation Voice frames are transmitte d at a fixed rate. If the frames arrive at the other end a t the same rate, voice quality is perceived as good.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 6. ini File Configuration of the Mediant 2000 Version 4.4 133 July 2005 6.13 Configuration Files Parameters The configuration files (Call Progress Tones, PR T, Voice P rompts and CAS) can be loaded t o the Mediant 2000 via the Embedded Web Server (refe r to Section 5.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 134 Document #: LTRT-72504 Reader’s Notes.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 7. Configuration Files Version 4.4 135 July 2005 7 Configuration Files This section describes the configuration ( dat ) files that are load (in addition to the ini file) to the gateway. The configuration files are: • Call Progress Tones file (refer to Section 7.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 136 Document #: LTRT-72504 • [CALL PROGRESS TONE #X] – containing the Xt h tone definition (starting f rom 1 and n ot exceeding the number of Call.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 7. Configuration Files Version 4.4 137 July 2005 7.2 Prerecorded Tones (PRT) File The Call Progress Tones mecha nism has several limitations, su ch as a limited number of predefined tones and a limited number of frequen cy integrations in one tone.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 138 Document #: LTRT-72504 When the list of recorded file s is converted to a single voiceprompts.dat file, every Voice Prom pt is tagged with an ID number, starting with “1”. This ID is u sed later by the Mediant 2000 to sta rt playing the correct announcement.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 8. Gateway Capabilities Description Version 4.4 139 July 2005 8 Gateway Capabilities Description 8.1 Proxy or Registrar Registration Example REGISTER sip:servername SIP/2.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 140 Document #: LTRT-72504 8.3 ISDN Overlap Dialing Overlap dialing is a dialin g scheme used by severa l ISDN variants to send and / or receive calle d number digits one right aft er the other (or several at a time).
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 8. Gateway Capabilities Description Version 4.4 141 July 2005 8.4 Using ISDN NFAS In regular (non-NFAS) T1 I SDN trunks, a single 6 4 kbps chann el carries sign aling for the other 2 3 B-channels of that particular T1 tru nk.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 142 Document #: LTRT-72504 To define an explicit Interface I D for a T1 tr unk (t hat is different from the default), use the following parameters: �.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 8. Gateway Capabilities Description Version 4.4 143 July 2005 8.5 Configuring the DTMF Transport Types You can control the way DTMF digits are tran sporte d over the IP network to the remote endpoint. The following five modes are suppo rted: 1.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 144 Document #: LTRT-72504 5. Sending DTMF digits (in RTP packets) as part of the audio stream (DTMF Rel ay is disabled): Note that this method is normally used with G.711 coders; with other Low Bit Rate (LBR) coders the quality of the DTMF digits is reduced.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 8. Gateway Capabilities Description Version 4.4 145 July 2005 Table 8-3: Summary of DTMF Configuration Param eters (continues on pag es 144 to 145) ini File Field Name [Web Name] Valid Range and Description RxDTMFOption Defines the supporte d Receive DTMF negotiation method.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 146 Document #: LTRT-72504 8.6 Configuring the Gateway’s Alternative Routing (based on Connectivity and QoS) The Alternative Routing fe ature enables reli able routing of Tel t o IP calls when Proxy isn’t used.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 8. Gateway Capabilities Description Version 4.4 147 July 2005 8.6.4 Relevant Parameters The following parameters (descri bed in Table 6-5 ) are used to configure the Alternative Routing mechanism: • AltRoutingTel2IPEnable • AltRoutingTel2IPMode • IPConnQoSMaxAllowedPL • IPConnQoSMaxAllowedDelay 8.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 148 Document #: LTRT-72504 In the transfer scenario there are three parties: Party A - transferring, Party B – tr ansferred, Party C – transferred to. • A Calls B. • B answers. • A presses the hookflash and puts B on-h old (party B hears a hold tone) • A dials C.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 8. Gateway Capabilities Description Version 4.4 149 July 2005 8.8 TDM Tunneling The Mediant 2000 TDM T unneling feature allows you to tunnel group s of digital trunk spans or timeslots (B-channels) ov er the IP network.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 150 Document #: LTRT-72504 Figure 8-1: ini File Example for TDM Tunneling (Originating Side) EnableTDMOverIP = 1 ;E1_TRANSPARENT_31 ProtocolType_0 = 5 ProtocolType_1 = 5 ProtocolType_2 = 5 ProtocolType_3 = 5 prefix = '*,10.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 8. Gateway Capabilities Description Version 4.4 151 July 2005 8.9 Call Detail Report The Call Detail Report (CDR) contains vital statistic information on calls made by the gateway. CDRs are generated at the end and (optionally) at the begin ning of each call (determined by the parameter ‘CDRReportL evel ’ ).
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 152 Document #: LTRT-72504 8.10 Trunk to Trunk Routing Example This example describes two Me diant 2000 gateways , each i nterface with the PSTN th rough four E1 spans. Gateway "A" is config ured to route all inco ming Tel IP calls to gateway "B".
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 8. Gateway Capabilities Description Version 4.4 153 July 2005 8.11 SIP Call Flow Example The Call Flow, shown in Figure 8-3 , describes SIP messages exchange d between Mediant 2000 gateway and an MP-108 gateway during a simple call.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 154 Document #: LTRT-72504 F2 ==> Try ing SIP/2.0 100 Trying Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKacsiJkDGd From: <sip:8000@>;tag=1c5354 To: <sip:1000@10.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 8. Gateway Capabilities Description Version 4.4 155 July 2005 CSeq: 18153 ACK Supported: 100rel,em Content-Length: 0 Note: Phone "8000" goes on-hook; gateway sends "BYE" to gateway 10.8.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 156 Document #: LTRT-72504 8.12 SIP Authentication Example Mediant 2000 gateway supports basic and dig est authentication types, according to SIP RFC 3261 standard. A proxy server mi ght require au thentication before forwarding a n INVITE message.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 8. Gateway Capabilities Description Version 4.4 157 July 2005 Using SIP protocol “sip” Proxy IP from ini file “” The equation to be evaluated: “REGISTER:sip:”. The MD5 algorithm is run on this equati on and stored for future usage.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 158 Document #: LTRT-72504 8.13 Nortel IMS Specific Features and Configuration 8.13.1 SIP2PRI Gateway To enable Nortel’s IMS SIP2PRI gateway spe.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 8. Gateway Capabilities Description Version 4.4 159 July 2005 For the SIP2PRI gateway to be able to apply the ro uting rule s on the combine d string, the prefix (doma.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 160 Document #: LTRT-72504 Note: Usually each E1/T1 span is c onfigured as a separate trun k group. Different Domain names, according to the originat ed trunk group (or E1/T1 spans), ca n be determined via the Tel to IP Routing table.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 8. Gateway Capabilities Description Version 4.4 161 July 2005 2. Use the number manipulation table (exemplified below) to assign NPI/TON val ues according to the number’s prefix: NumberMapIP2TEL=,30,$$,$$,1,2 In the above example, all numbers starting with t he ‘nortelnetworks.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 162 Document #: LTRT-72504 8.13.2 SIP2CAS (Call Pilot) Gateway To enable SIP2CAS gateway specifi c features, take these 2 steps: 1.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 8. Gateway Capabilities Description Version 4.4 163 July 2005 • If the call transfer fails, the gateway either plays a busy tone (if the de stination client to who m the call is transferred is b usy) or it plays a reorder tone (for all other reasons).
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 164 Document #: LTRT-72504 Reader’s Notes.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 9. Diagnostics Version 4.4 165 July 2005 9 Diagnostics Several diagnostic tool s are provided, enabling you to identify co rrect functioning of the Me diant 2000, or an error condition with a probable cause and a solution or workaro und.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 166 Document #: LTRT-72504 9.2.1 Syslog Servers Users can use the provided Syslog serv er (ACSyslog08.exe) or other third-part y Syslog servers. Examples of Syslog serv ers available as sharew are on the Internet: • Kiwi Enterprises: http://www.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 10. BootP/DHCP Support Version 4.4 167 July 2005 10 BootP/DHCP Support 10.1 Startup Process The startup proces s (illustrated in Figure 10-1 on page 168 ) begins when the gateway is reset (physically or from the We b / SNMP) and end s when the operational software is running.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 168 Document #: LTRT-72504 Figure 10-1: Mediant 2000 Startup Process DHCP x tim es BootP/DHCP reply contains firmware file name ? Download firmware vi.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 10. BootP/DHCP Support Version 4.4 169 July 2005 10.2 DHCP Support When the gateway is configured to use DHCP (DHCPEnabl e = 1), it attempts to contact the enterprise�.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 170 Document #: LTRT-72504 • From version 4.4 to version 4.4 or to any highe r versi on, the device retains its configuration ( ini file), however, the auxiliary file s (CPT, logo, etc.) may be erased.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 11. SNMP-Based Management Version 4.4 171 July 2005 11 SNMP-Based Management Simple Network Manage ment Protocol (SNMP) is a stan dard-based network control p rotocol used to manage element s in a network.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 172 Document #: LTRT-72504 • Trap Message - The SNM P standard furnishes a m echanism by which devi ces can ‘reach out’ to a Network Manager on their own (via a ‘t rap’ message) to notify or alert the manager of a problem with the device.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 11. SNMP-Based Management Version 4.4 173 July 2005 11.2 Carrier Grade Alarm System The basic alarm system has been extended to a carri er-grade alarm system.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 174 Document #: LTRT-72504 11.4 Third-Party Performance Monitoring Measurements Performance measurements are avail able for a third-party performa nce monitoring system through an SNMP interfa ce.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 11. SNMP-Based Management Version 4.4 175 July 2005 Note: The acBoard MIB is still supported but is being replaced by five newer proprietary MIBs.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 176 Document #: LTRT-72504 acAlarmVarbinds and also in acBoar d.acTrap. acBoardTrapDefinitions. oid_1_3_6_1_4_1_500 3_9_10_1_21_2_ 0). The table size can be altered via notificationLogMIB.notificati onLogMIBObjects.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 11. SNMP-Based Management Version 4.4 177 July 2005 11.6 SNMP Interface Details This section describes det ails of the SNMP inte rfa ce that is required when developing an Ele ment Manager (EM) for any of th e TrunkPack-VoP Series products, or to manage a device with a MIB browser.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 178 Document #: LTRT-72504 To change the only r ead-write community string from v2admin to v2mgr, take these 4 steps: 1. Follow the procedure above to add a read-write com munity string to a row for v2mgr.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 11. SNMP-Based Management Version 4.4 179 July 2005 1. Add a row to the snmpTargetAddrTable with these values: Name=mgr0, TagList =MGR, Params= v2cparams. 2. Add a row to the tgtAddressMaskTable table with these values: Name=m gr0, tgtAddressMask=255.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 180 Document #: LTRT-72504 11.6.4 Multiple SNMP Trap Destinations An agent can now send traps to up to five managers.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 11. SNMP-Based Management Version 4.4 181 July 2005 Figure 11-1: Example of Entries in a Dev ice ini file Regarding SNMP ; SNMP trap destinations ; The board maintains a table of trap destinations containing 5 ;rows. The rows are numbered 0.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 182 Document #: LTRT-72504 To disable a trap destination: • Change TagList on the approp riate row in the snmpTargetAdd rTable to the empty string. To enable a trap destination: • Change TagList on the approp riate row in the snmpTargetAdd rTable to ‘AC_TRAP’.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 12. Selected Technical Specifications Version 4.4 183 July 2005 12 Selected Technical Specifications Table 12-1: Mediant 2000 Selected T echnical Specifications (conti.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 184 Document #: LTRT-72504 Table 12-1: Mediant 2000 Selected T echnical Specifications (continues on pages 1 83 to 185) Function Specification Fax Transpar en cy Automatic fax bypass (pass-through) to G.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 12. Selected Technical Specifications Version 4.4 185 July 2005 Table 12-1: Mediant 2000 Selected T echnical Specifications (continues on pages 1 83 to 185) Function S.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 186 Document #: LTRT-72504 Reader's Notes.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual A. Mediant 2000 SIP Software Kit Version 4.4 187 July 2005 Appendix A Mediant 2000 SIP Sof tware Kit Table A-1 describes the stand ard supplied softwar e kit for Mediant 2000 SIP gateway s.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 188 Document #: LTRT-72504 Reader’s Notes.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual B. The BootP/TFTP Configuration Utility Version 4.4 189 July 2005 Appendix B The BootP/TFTP Configuration Utility The BootP/TFTP utility enables you to easily co nfigure and provision our boards and media gateways.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 190 Document #: LTRT-72504 • Protection against entering faulty information. • Rem ote res et. • Unicast BootP response. • User-initiated BootP respond, for remote provisioning over WA N. • Filtered display of BootP requests.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual B. The BootP/TFTP Configuration Utility Version 4.4 191 July 2005 B.7 BootP/TFTP Application User Interface Figure B-1 shows the main application sc reen for the BootP/TFTP utility.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 192 Document #: LTRT-72504 When a gateway resets, it first sends a BootRe quest. Therefore, Re set can be used to force a BootP session with a gateway without needing to powe r cycle the gateway.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual B. The BootP/TFTP Configuration Utility Version 4.4 193 July 2005 B.10 Setting the Preferences The Preferences windo w, Figure B-3 , is used to configure the BootP Tool parameters.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 194 Document #: LTRT-72504 • ARP Type: The type of entry made into the ARP cache on the computer, once ARP Manipulation is enabled, can be eithe r Dy nam ic or Static .
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual B. The BootP/TFTP Configuration Utility Version 4.4 195 July 2005 B.11 Configuring the BootP Clients The Clients window, shown in Figure B-4 below, is used to set up th e parameters for each specific VoIP gateway. Figure B-4: Client Configuration Screen B.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 196 Document #: LTRT-72504 To add a client to the list using a template, take these 5 steps: 1. Click on the Add New Client Icon; a client with blank parameters i s displayed.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual B. The BootP/TFTP Configuration Utility Version 4.4 197 July 2005 B.11.5 Setting Client Parameters Client parameters are liste d on the right side of the Client Configuration Window . • Client MAC: The Client MAC is used by BootP to identify the VoIP gateway.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 198 Document #: LTRT-72504 • Call Agent: This field spe cifies the IP address of the MGCP Call Agent that is controlling the gateway. This field can be ignored for all other control /signaling prot ocols.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual B. The BootP/TFTP Configuration Utility Version 4.4 199 July 2005 B.12 Managing Client Templates Templates can be used to simplify configuratio n of clients when most of the parameters are the same. Figure B-5: Templates Screen To create a new template, take these 4 steps: 1.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 200 Document #: LTRT-72504 Reader’s Notes.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual C. RTP/RTCP Payload Types and Port Allocation Version 4.4 201 July 2005 Appendix C RTP/RTCP P ayload T ypes and Port Allocation RTP Payload Types are defined in RF C 1889 and RFC 189 0. We have added new payload types to enable advanced use of other coder types.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 202 Document #: LTRT-72504 Payload Ty pe Description Basic Packet Rate [msec] 53 NetCoder 8.0 kbps 20 54 NetCoder 8.8 kbps 20 55 NetCoder 9.6 kbps 20 56 Transparent PCM 20 96 DT MF relay per RFC 2833 102 Fax Bypass 20 103 Modem Bypass 20 104 RFC 2198 (Re dundancy) Same as chan nel’s voice coder.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual D. Fax and Modem Transport Mode s Version 4.4 203 July 2005 Appendix D Fax and Modem T ransport Modes D.1 Fax/Modem Settings Users can choose to use f or fax, and for each m odem type (V.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 204 Document #: LTRT-72504 D.1.3 Supporting V.34 Faxes V.34 fax machine support is available only in by pa ss mode (fax relay is not su pported) when .
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual E. Mediant 2000 Clock Settings Version 4.4 205 July 2005 Appendix E Mediant 2000 Clock Settings The gateway can either ge nerate its own timing si gnal s, using an internal clock, or recover them from one of the E1/T1 trunks.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 206 Document #: LTRT-72504 Reader's Notes.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual F. Cu stomizing the Mediant 2000 Web Interface Version 4.4 207 July 2005 Appendix F Customizing the Mediant 2000 W eb Interface Customers incorporating the Me diant 2000 into thei r portfolios can customize the device’s Web Interface to suit their specific corp orate logo an d product naming conventions.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 208 Document #: LTRT-72504 2. In the URL field, append the suffix ‘AdminPage’ (note that it’s case-sensitive) to the IP address, e.g., 3. Click Image Load to Device ; the Image Download screen is displayed (shown in Figure F-3 ).
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual F. Cu stomizing the Mediant 2000 Web Interface Version 4.4 209 July 2005 Table F-1: Cu stomizable Logo ini File Parameters Parameter Description LogoFileName The name of the image f ile contain ing your corporate logo.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 210 Document #: LTRT-72504 6. To save the image to flash memory so it is available after a power fail, refer to Section 5.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual F. Cu stomizing the Mediant 2000 Web Interface Version 4.4 211 July 2005 F.4 Modifying ini File Parameters via the Web AdminPage To modify ini file parameters via the Ad minPage, take these 6 steps: 1. Access the Mediant 2000 Embedded Web Server (refer to Section 5.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 212 Document #: LTRT-72504 Reader’s Notes.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual G. Accessory Programs a nd Tools Version 4.4 213 July 2005 Appendix G Accessory Programs and T ool s The accessory applicatio ns and tools shipped with th e device provide you with friendly interfa ces that enhance device usab ility and smooth your tr ansition to the new VoIP infrastructure.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 214 Document #: LTRT-72504 G.1.1 Converting a CPT ini File to a Binary dat File For detailed information on creatin g a CPT ini file, refer to Section 7.1 on page 135 . To convert a CPT ini file to a binary dat file, take these 10 steps: 1.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual G. Accessory Programs a nd Tools Version 4.4 215 July 2005 G.1.2 Creating a Loadable Voice Prompts File For detailed information on the Voic e Prompts file, ref er to Section 7.2 on page 137 . To create a loadable Voice Prompts dat file from your voice recording files, take these 7 steps: 1.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 216 Document #: LTRT-72504 4. Arrange the files according to your require ments by dragging and dr opping them from one location in the list to another. Note that the sequence of the files determines their assigne d Voice Prompt ID.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual G. Accessory Programs a nd Tools Version 4.4 217 July 2005 G.1.3 Encoding / Decoding an ini File For detailed information on secure d ini file, refer to Section 6.1 on page 87 . To encode an ini file, take these 6 steps: 1.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 218 Document #: LTRT-72504 G.1.4 Creating a Loadable Prerecorded Tones File For detailed information on the PRT file, refer to Section 7.2 on page 137 . To create a loadable PRT dat file from your raw da ta files, take these 7 steps: 1.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual G. Accessory Programs a nd Tools Version 4.4 219 July 2005 Click the Add File(s) butto n; the ‘Select Files’ screen opens. Select the requi red Prerecorded Tone files a nd press the Add>> button. Close the ‘Select Files’ screen.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 220 Document #: LTRT-72504 G.2 PSTN Trace Utility These utilities are designed to convert PSTN trace binary files to textual form. The binary PSTN trace files are generated when the User se ts the PSTN interfa ce to trace mode.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual G. Accessory Programs a nd Tools Version 4.4 221 July 2005 Figure H-8: Trunk Traces Figure H-9: UDP2File Utility.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 222 Document #: LTRT-72504 Reader’s Notes.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual H. Software Upgrade Key Version 4.4 223 July 2005 Appendix H Sof tware Upgrade Key H.1 About the Software Upgrade Key Mediant 2000 gateways are sup plied with a Software Upgrade Key already pre-configured f or each of its TrunkPack Modules (TPM).
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 224 Document #: LTRT-72504 H.3.1 Loading the Software Upgrad e Key Using the Embedded Web Server To load a Software Upgrade Key us ing the Web Server, take these 5 steps: 1. Access the devices Embedded Web Server (refer to Section 5.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual H. Software Upgrade Key Version 4.4 225 July 2005 Figure H-2: Example of a Soft ware Upgrade Key File Containing Multiple S/N Lines H.3.2 Loading the Software Upgr ade Key Using BootP/TFTP To load the Software Upgrade Key file using Boot P/TFTP, take these 5 steps: 1.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 226 Document #: LTRT-72504 Reader’s Notes.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual I. Release Reason Mapping Version 4.4 227 July 2005 Appendix I Release Reason Mapping Table I-1 below describes the mapping of ISDN release reason to SIP respo nse. Table I-2 on page 229 describes the mapping of SIP response to ISDN relea se reason.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 228 Document #: LTRT-72504 ISDN Release Reason Description SIP Response Description 66 Channel type not implem ented 480 * Temporarily unavailable 69 .
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual I. Release Reason Mapping Version 4.4 229 July 2005 Table I-2: Mapping of SIP Response to ISDN Release Reason SIP Response Description ISDN Release Reason Description .
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 230 Document #: LTRT-72504 Reader’s Notes.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual J. SS7 Tunneling Version 4.4 231 July 2005 Appendix J SS7 T unneling The Signaling System 7 (SS7) tunneling feature fa cilitates peer-to-pee r transport of SS7 links b.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 232 Document #: LTRT-72504 J.1 MTP2 Tunneling Technology The SS7 tunneling technology is based on a pairi ng of remote and central gateways, as shown in Figure J-3 .
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual J. SS7 Tunneling Version 4.4 233 July 2005 J.3 SS7 Parameters The parameters in Table J-1 below configure all MTP attributes simultaneo usly. To set each MTP attribute individually, add _xx (xx equals the element number in th e range of 0 to 2) to the en d of the ini file field name.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 234 Document #: LTRT-72504 Table J-1: SS7 Parameters (continue s on pages 233 to 234) ini File Parameter Name Description SS7_MTP2_Param_Timer _T6 Defines the SS7 MTP2 Remote Con gestion timer (in msec).
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual J. SS7 Tunneling Version 4.4 235 July 2005 Table J-2: SIGTRAN Interface Groups (con tinues on pages 234 to 235 ) ini File Parameter Name Description SS7_LOCAL_SCTP_PORT Determines the SIGTRAN group SCTP port. The valid range is 0 to 0x FFFE.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 236 Document #: LTRT-72504 J.4.3 SS7 Signaling Link Table J-4: SS7 Signaling Link (continues on page s 236 to 2 37) ini File Parameter Name Description SS7_LINK_INDEX Determines the index field for a line.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual J. SS7 Tunneling Version 4.4 237 July 2005 Table J-4: SS7 Signaling Link (continues on page s 236 to 2 37) ini File Parameter Name Description SS7_LINK_GROUP_ID Determines the group ID (M3 UA) of signaling link. The valid range is 0 to 0x FFFF.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 238 Document #: LTRT-72504 • There are 8 SS7 links - 4 links of type: MTP2 MGC, and 4 links of type MTP2. Each pair of links (1 MTP2 MGC and 1 MTP2) defines an MTP2 tunnel. • There is 1 interface that is used for the M2UA MG C <=> M2UA SG (Signaling Gateway) connectio n.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual J. SS7 Tunneling Version 4.4 239 July 2005 Figure J-4: SS7 MTP2 Tunneling ini File Example - MGC SS7_MTP2_PARAM_TIMER_T4E_0=500 SS7_MTP2_PARAM_TIMER_T4N_0=8200 SS7_MTP2_PARAM_TIMER_T5_0=100 SS7_MTP2_PARAM_TIMER_T6_0=3000 SS7_MTP2_PARAM_TIMER_T7_0=2000 [syslog] SYSLOGSERVERIP = 168.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 240 Document #: LTRT-72504 Figure J-4: SS7 MTP2 Tunneling ini File Example - MGC SS7_SIG_IF_GROUP_TABLE 4 = 4, 77, 4, 1, 2000, 2000, 30000, 1, 0, 2904, 1,2904,168.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual J. SS7 Tunneling Version 4.4 241 July 2005 Figure J-5: SS7 MTP2 Tunneling ini File Example - SG SS7_LINK_TABLE 1 = new_link_1, 0, 2, 1,1, 2, 12, 12; SS7_LINK_TABLE 2 =.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 242 Document #: LTRT-72504 Table J-5: Table of Parameter Values Example - Remote Mana gement Connections Index Fields: 1.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual J. SS7 Tunneling Version 4.4 243 July 2005 J.6.3 Tables of Parameter Value Rules in the ini File Structure The ini file allows you to add/modify parameters in tables. When using tables, Read-Only parameters are not loaded, since th ey cause an error when trying to download the loaded file.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 244 Document #: LTRT-72504 • The order of the Data fields in the Format line is not significa nt (unlike the Index-fields). Field values in Data lines are int erpreted according to the o rder specified in the Forma t line.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual K. RADIUS Billing and VXML Calling Card Application Version 4.4 245 July 2005 Appendix K RADIUS Bil ling and VXML Calling Card Application The Mediant 2000 calling car.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 246 Document #: LTRT-72504 • Loads the VXML script s once and stores them in t he RAM; scripts can b e changed without the need of reset • Barge-in dialing (to shorten menu time), once p rompt has started K.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual K. RADIUS Billing and VXML Calling Card Application Version 4.4 247 July 2005 K.4 Implementation The Mediant 2000 uses an emb edded VoiceXML int erpreter to interpret and execute standard VoiceXML scripts, which a re loaded from an outbou nd HTTP server and stored in the gateway’s volatile memory (RAM).
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 248 Document #: LTRT-72504 K.4.2 Call Flow Description Figure K-2 on the previous p age depict s an example of a stan dard PSTN IP call (billing-model: debit). • An incoming PSTN call with a publi shed access number reaches the Media nt 2000.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual K. RADIUS Billing and VXML Calling Card Application Version 4.4 249 July 2005 K.5 Operation & Configuration To start working with the IVR system, take these 6 steps: 1. Install the Mediant 2000 (refer to Section Installing the Mediant 2000 on page 27 and to Section Getting Started on page 35 ).
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 250 Document #: LTRT-72504 ini File Field Name Valid Range and Description IVR Reference NumberMapIP2Tel Manipulate the destination number for IP to Tel calls.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual K. RADIUS Billing and VXML Calling Card Application Version 4.4 251 July 2005 • RADIUSAuthServerIP • RADIUSAuthPort • RADIUSAccServerIP • RADIUSAccPort • AAAIndications • RADIUSAccountingType K.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 252 Document #: LTRT-72504 Table K-3: Supported RADIUS Attributes (continues on page s 251 to 252) Attribut e Number Attribut e Name VSA No.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual K. RADIUS Billing and VXML Calling Card Application Version 4.4 253 July 2005 K.8 RADIUS Server Messages Note: In Figure K-4 , Figure K-5 and Figure K-6 non-standard pa rameters are preceded with brackets.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 254 Document #: LTRT-72504 12.1.2 Accounting Figure K-6: Accounting Example Accounting-Request (361) user-name = 111 acct-session-id = 1 nas-ip-address = 212.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual K. RADIUS Billing and VXML Calling Card Application Version 4.4 255 July 2005 The user_passwd parameter (that initially containe d the user pa ssword collected from the user) is being assigned the value ‘domain '+user_passwd + '.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 256 Document #: LTRT-72504 K.10 Supported Elements & Attributes Table K-4: VoiceXML Supported Elements & Attributes (continues on pa ges 256 t.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual K. RADIUS Billing and VXML Calling Card Application Version 4.4 257 July 2005 Table K-4: VoiceXML Supported Elements & Attributes (continues on pa ges 256 to 260) .
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 258 Document #: LTRT-72504 Table K-4: VoiceXML Supported Elements & Attributes (continues on pa ges 256 to 260) Element Element’s Description Parameter s Paramete r’s D escription Supported label A string which may be used.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual K. RADIUS Billing and VXML Calling Card Application Version 4.4 259 July 2005 Table K-4: VoiceXML Supported Elements & Attributes (continues on pa ges 256 to 260) Element Element’s Description Parameter s Paramete r’s D escription Supported finalsilence The interval of silence that indicates end of speec h.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 260 Document #: LTRT-72504 Table K-4: VoiceXML Supported Elements & Attributes (continues on pa ges 256 to 260) Element Element’s Description Pa.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual K. RADIUS Billing and VXML Calling Card Application Version 4.4 261 July 2005 8. “Your account number a nd password do not match”. 9. “We are having technical difficulties, please call agai n later”. 10. “Please enter the number that you wi sh to call followe d by the pound key”.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 262 Document #: LTRT-72504 K.11.2 VXML Flow Chart Figure K-7: VXML Script Opening Menu Play VP 1 No No No No No Yes Start No Yes Yes Yes Yes Go To Sta.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual K. RADIUS Billing and VXML Calling Card Application Version 4.4 263 July 2005 Figure K-8: VXML Script Option 1, Make a Call No Yes 1 No Yes Yes No No Wa i t s f o r Au.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 264 Document #: LTRT-72504 Figure K-9: VXML Script, Call Transfer Procedure End DTMF Pres sed? No Play VP 3 Yes Play VP 15 Go to Trans fer Call for tr.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual K. RADIUS Billing and VXML Calling Card Application Version 4.4 265 July 2005 Figure K-10: VXML Script, Options 2, 3 and 4 2 Play VP 17 Go To S tar t 3 End Tra ns fer .
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 266 Document #: LTRT-72504 K.12 VXML Script Example Figure K-12: VXML Script Example (continues on pages 266 to 270) <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <vxml version="1.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual K. RADIUS Billing and VXML Calling Card Application Version 4.4 267 July 2005 Figure K-12: VXML Script Example (continues on pages 266 to 270) <if cond="AAStat.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 268 Document #: LTRT-72504 Figure K-12: VXML Script Example (continues on pages 266 to 270) </form> <form id="GetCalledPartyTelephone&qu.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual K. RADIUS Billing and VXML Calling Card Application Version 4.4 269 July 2005 Figure K-12: VXML Script Example (continues on pages 266 to 270) <param name="password" expr="AuthenticationInfo.user_passwd"/> <nomatch> <prompt> <audio src="/8.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 270 Document #: LTRT-72504 Figure K-12: VXML Script Example (continues on pages 266 to 270) called transfer failed </audio> </prompt> <goto next="#main_menu"/> <elseif cond="mycall.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual L. SNMP Traps Version 4.4 271 July 2005 Appendix L SNMP T rap s This section provides information on proprietary SNMP trap s currently su pported by the g ateway. There is a separation bet ween traps that are al ar ms and traps that are not (logs).
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 272 Document #: LTRT-72504 Table L-2: acBoardConfigurationErr or Alarm Trap Corrective Action: Inspect the run-time specific string to determine the nature of t he configuration err or. Fix the configuration error using t he appr opriate tool: Web interface, EMS, or ini file.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual L. SNMP Traps Version 4.4 273 July 2005 Table L-5: acFeatureKeyError Alarm T rap Condition: After raise Alarm status: Status stays critical until reboot. A clear trap is not sent. Corrective Action: Obtain a corrected feature key from AudioCodes, activa te it b y loading to the device, then reset the device.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 274 Document #: LTRT-72504 Table L-8: acBoardOverloadAlarm Ala rm Trap Condition: An overl o ad condition exists in one or more of the system components.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual L. SNMP Traps Version 4.4 275 July 2005 L.1.2 Component: AlarmManager#0 Table L-9: acActiveAlarmTableOv erflow Alarm Trap Alarm: acActiveAlarmTableOverflo w OID: 1.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 276 Document #: LTRT-72504 L.1.4 Other Traps The following are provided as SNMP traps an d are not alarms. Table L-11: coldStart Trap Trap Name: coldStart OID: MIB SNMPv2-MIB Note: This is a trap from the standar d SNMP MIB.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual M. Regulatory Information Version 4.4 277 July 2005 Appendix M Regulatory Information Declaration of Conformity Application of Council Direc tives : 73/23/EEC (includi.
Mediant 2000 SIP Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual 278 Document #: LTRT-72504 Industry Canada Notice This equipment meets the applicable Industry Canada Terminal Equipment technical specif ications.
Mediant 2000 SIP User’s Manual M. Regulatory Information Version 4.4 279 July 2005 Original printed on recycled paper and available on CD or Web site.
AudioCodes Offices International Headquar te rs AudioCodes Ltd. 1 Hayarden Street, Airport City, Lod 70151, Isra el. Tel: +972-3-976 4000 Fax: +972-3-976 4040 Email: USA Headquarters AudioCodes, Inc. 2099 Gateway Place, Suite 500 San Jose, CA 95110 Tel: +1-408-411-1175 Fax: +1-408-451-9520 Email: info@audiocodes.
デバイスNortel Networks TP-1610 SIPの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Nortel Networks TP-1610 SIPをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはNortel Networks TP-1610 SIPの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Nortel Networks TP-1610 SIPの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Nortel Networks TP-1610 SIPで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Nortel Networks TP-1610 SIPを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はNortel Networks TP-1610 SIPの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Nortel Networks TP-1610 SIPに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちNortel Networks TP-1610 SIPデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。