North StarメーカーGM9571Mの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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957 GPS/W AAS C HA RT N AVI GATOR I NSTALLATION M ANUAL Rev is io n C 1 Pa r t N u m b e r G M 9 57 I M Norths tar Te chnologi es 30 Su dbury Road Acto n, Massachus etts 01 720 800/62 8-4487 978/89 7-6600 www.
Limited w arr anty policy Northstar T echnologies, Inc. warrants the Northstar 95 7 to be free from def ects in materials and workman ship f or a per iod of two (2) ye ars. Th is warr anty appli es to t he ori ginal p urchase r and to an y subsequent owner during the warranty period, which begins on the date of s hipment of the uni t, F .
Contents SECTION ONE: Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Welcome to the Northstar 957 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
SECTION SEVEN: Troubleshooting and ser v icing the 957 system . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Troubleshoot ing 957 install ation proble ms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Getting tec hnical support . . .
957 Installa tion Manual, Revi sion C1 Page 1 S ECTI O N O N E: Intr oduction W elcome to the Northstar 957 The Northstar 957 is a full- featured colo r G P S /W A A S vector chart navigato r .
S E CTIO N O N E: Introduc tion Page 2 957 Inst allation Manu al, Revisi on C1 Scope of this man ual In thi s manual, you ’ll find informati on about th e follow ing topi cs: • wiring and instal l.
S E CTIO N O N E: Intr oduct ion 957 Install ation Manual , Revision C1 Page 3 • sunshi eld (P/ N XP 600 ) • warranty registration card (P/ N G D671) • Northsta r 957 Installatio n Manu al (P/ N.
S E CTIO N O N E: Introduc tion Page 4 957 Inst allation Manu al, Revisi on C1 Step 5 . (Optional ) Install a nd connec t the Nort hstar 490 E cho Sound er. For ins truction s, see the Northstar 490 Installa tion Manua l (part num ber GM4 91). Step 6.
957 Install ation Manual , Revision C1 Page 5 S ECTI O N T WO: Installing and wiring the 957 Saf ety conside r ations WARNING! Before startin g the ins tallation , be sure t o turn power off. Further , Northstar highly recom mends keepi ng pow er off whi le you’ re ins talli ng the system.
S ECT IO N TW O: Inst alling and wirin g the 957 Page 6 957 Installation M anual, Revi sion C1 Bench- testing t he 957 N orths tar reco mmends benc h- testing the 957 bef ore insta lling it ont o the vess el.
S ECTIO N TWO: Installing an d wirin g the 9 57 957 Install ation Manual , Revision C1 Page 7 Figur e 1: Mounting recommendations Regardless of the type of mounting, the 957 should be installed in an acce ssible location (dry) whe re the operat or can easily use the controls a nd clearly see the disp lay screen .
S ECT IO N TW O: Inst alling and wirin g the 957 Page 8 957 Installation M anual, Revi sion C1 Flush -moun ting th e 957 When flush mount ing, leave at least t wo and a h alf inches of clearance spa ce behind th e mounting panel for all of the cables and co nnectors.
S ECTIO N TWO: Installing an d wirin g the 9 57 957 Install ation Manual , Revision C1 Page 9 F igur e 2: 957 flush-mo unt clear ance dimens ions.
S ECT IO N TW O: Inst alling and wirin g the 957 Page 10 957 Installa tion Manual, Revi sion C1 Y ok e-mo unting the 957 Befor e drill ing, turn th e 957 to the desir ed angle on the yoke to make s ure there’ s enough sp ace f or the cab les.
S ECTIO N TWO: Installing an d wirin g the 9 57 957 Install ation Manual, Revi sion C1 Page 11 Figur e 3: 957 yoke-mount dimensio ns (side) 6.1” 1.9” 8.
S ECT IO N TW O: Inst alling and wirin g the 957 Page 12 957 Installa tion Manual, Revi sion C1 Figur e 4: 957 yoke-mount dimen sions (front) 13.5” 11.
S ECTIO N TWO: Installing an d wirin g the 9 57 957 Install ation Manual, Revi sion C1 Page 13 Wi r i n g t h e 9 5 7 Av oidin g cable wiring short cuts Most install ation probl ems ar e cause d b y shortc uts taken wit h system cables . When wiring the 957 , follow th e gui delines illus trated in Figur e 5 b elo w .
S ECT IO N TW O: Inst alling and wirin g the 957 Page 14 957 Installa tion Manual, Revi sion C1 Underst anding the inte rface con nector s All of the 957’ s int erface connec tors are shown in Figure 6: ”Int erfac e con nectors (bac k of 957) ,” be lo w.
S ECTIO N TWO: Installing an d wirin g the 9 57 957 Install ation Manual, Revi sion C1 Page 15 Elec trica l power r equir ements Powe r s ou rce The 957 is a negat ive- gro und syste m that ’ s reve rse- po larity prot ecte d. DC power is req uired from a 10-volt mini mum to a 36- volt maximum usin g at least 16- gauge connect ing wire.
S ECT IO N TW O: Inst alling and wirin g the 957 Page 16 957 Installa tion Manual, Revi sion C1 T he po wer cable has a n inline fuse to prot ect the vesse l’ s wiring, pre vent ele ctrical fires, and p revent d amage to the 957 . If you shorte n thi s cable, be sure to keep the in line fuse intact.
957 Install ation Manual, Revi sion C1 Page 17 S ECTI O N TH R E E: Installing and wiring the 220 1 Intr oducing the 220 1 T he N orthsta r 22 01 G PS pod is a self-contai ned, hig h performance G P S an tenna/ receiver that al so receives Wide Area Augment ation System (W A AS) differenti al correction sig nals.
S ECT IO N TH R E E: Instal ling and wiring the 220 1 Page 18 957 Installa tion Manual, Revi sion C1 Instal ling th e 220 1 2201 parts list The 2201 includes the f ollowing pa rts (see Figur e 7: ”2.
S ECTION THR E E: In st all ing a nd wiri ng t he 220 1 957 Install ation Manual, Revi sion C1 Page 19 • below the rad iation plan e of any I N M AR SA T or radar antennas, a nd away fro m any other high - power tran smit ting ant ennas (see Figure 8 on page 19).
S ECT IO N TH R E E: Instal ling and wiring the 220 1 Page 20 957 Installa tion Manual, Revi sion C1 Using a st andar d antenna mast ❶ Usi ng the 1”x 14 marine - industry sta nd ard U N S threa d mountin g, instal l the b ase of th e 22 01 o nto a st andard antenna ma st.
S ECTION THR E E: In st all ing a nd wiri ng t he 220 1 957 Install ation Manual, Revi sion C1 Page 21 F igur e 1 0: Mounting on a fla t surf ace (v ie wed f ro m belo w) ❷ Make su re the 22 01 has enou gh mou nting cl earan ce so that yo u can ea sily connec t the cab le.
S ECT IO N TH R E E: Instal ling and wiring the 220 1 Page 22 957 Installa tion Manual, Revi sion C1 2. Coil an y extra 2201- CA cable a way from the 2201. Don’t pinc h the cable or mak e an y sharp bends, and don ’t run the ca ble where it interferes with any co ntrols.
S ECTION THR E E: In st all ing a nd wiri ng t he 220 1 957 Install ation Manual, Revi sion C1 Page 23 Selecting differ ential options T he 95 7 has four settin gs f or diffe rential op eratio n s. Fo r instructio ns on choosing the co rrect setting, se e ”Selec ting different ial opt ions” s tartin g on pa ge 36.
S ECT IO N TH R E E: Instal ling and wiring the 220 1 Page 24 957 Installa tion Manual, Revi sion C1.
957 Install ation Manual, Revi sion C1 Page 25 S ECTI O N F O U R: Installing and wiring the 27 0 1 Intr oducing the 27 0 1 The N orthstar 27 01 is a high- performance, fully automatic 12- channel G P S /W A A S receive r and a two- channel beacon receive r packaged int o a self- con tained enc losure.
S ECT IO N FO U R: I nstalling and wiring t he 2 70 1 Page 26 957 Installa tion Manual, Revi sion C1 Instal ling th e 27 0 1 2701 parts list T h e 27 01 includes the following parts: • 27 01 D G P S.
S E CTIO N F OU R : Inst alling and wi ring the 270 1 957 Install ation Manual, Revi sion C1 Page 27 Figur e 1 1: 27 0 1 case and mounting dimen sions Wi r i n g t h e 2 70 1 Connectin g the 2701 to the 957 T he 10-foot 95 7B DM- CA cable con nects th e 957 wit h the 27 01.
S ECT IO N FO U R: I nstalling and wiring t he 2 70 1 Page 28 957 Installa tion Manual, Revi sion C1 Instal ling th e AN205 -P antenna Choosing the antenna ’s mountin g location The 27 01 operate s with Norths tar’ s A N2 05- P “ c ombo” G P S / DG P S ant enna.
S E CTIO N F OU R : Inst alling and wi ring the 270 1 957 Install ation Manual, Revi sion C1 Page 29 If posit ion d ata is in termitten t, make s ure you have th e proper cable lengt h, and v erify th e qualit y of the a ntenna l ocatio n and the qua lity and proper term ination of the connec tors.
S ECT IO N FO U R: I nstalling and wiring t he 2 70 1 Page 30 957 Installa tion Manual, Revi sion C1.
957 INSTALLATION MAN UAL, Revision C1 Page 31 S ECTI O N F IVE: Checking out the system Inserting a chart cartridge The c artridge slot is l ocated at the lower l eft-han d corn er of the 957. Before inserting a Navionics chart cartridge, make sure its label is facing up and that t he cartrid ge is or iented as s hown in Figure 13 below.
S E CTIO N FI V E: Checking out the syste m Page 32 957 INST ALLATION MANUAL, Revision C1 Figu re 1 3: P roperly inse r ting a chart cartridg e The Na vionics chart cartrid ge must stay free from debris and mois ture at all tim es.
S E CTIO N FI V E: Checking o ut the system 957 INSTALLATION MAN UAL, Revision C1 Page 33 T urnin g the 957 on and off To turn on the 957, briefly press the PWR key. The 95 7 emits sev eral sho rt beeps as it d ispla ys the START-UP screen, then th e 957 p erform s a ser ies of self- tests to check its cri tical compon ents an d funct ions.
S E CTIO N FI V E: Checking out the syste m Page 34 957 INST ALLATION MANUAL, Revision C1 • if a c artridge is inside, th e cartri dge name and date are sho wn on the left of the CHA RT SETUP/STAT US screen (screen at left, bel ow).
S E CTIO N FI V E: Checking o ut the system 957 INSTALLATION MAN UAL, Revision C1 Page 35 To see more inform ation abou t DGPS, on the GPS POSITION scre en, press th e DGPS I NFO key to display the DGPS STAT US screen. Ch eck for lo w noise leve ls and mid- range SNR readi ngs.
S E CTIO N FI V E: Checking out the syste m Page 36 957 INST ALLATION MANUAL, Revision C1 Selecting differ ential options The 957 has several se ttings for differential reception. T o sel ect one, pr ess the STAR key to display the OPTI ONS/S ERV ICE INF O scre en, th en pres s the RECEIVE R OPTIONS key to di splay the RECEI VER O PTIO NS scree n.
S E CTIO N FI V E: Checking o ut the system 957 INSTALLATION MAN UAL, Revision C1 Page 37 Instal lation-tes t checklist To che ck-out the 957 system aft er inst allat ion: 1. T urn on the 957 , t hen c heck f or the pre senc e of G P S, W A A S, or D G P S signal s.
S E CTIO N FI V E: Checking out the syste m Page 38 957 INST ALLATION MANUAL, Revision C1.
957 INSTALLATION MAN UAL, Revision C1 Page 39 S ECTI O N S I X: Interf acing the 957 system Wi r i n g t h e connecto r pins T he 95 7 has the f ollo wing int erfac e ports : • N M EA 1 and 2 in put.
S E CTIO N S I X: Inter fac ing the 957 syst em Page 40 957 INST ALLATION MANUAL, Revision C1 F igur e 1 5: N M EA connector pin configur a tion T able 5: N M EA conn ector pins Descri ption Wi re c o.
SE C T IO N SIX : In t e rf a ci n g t h e 9 57 s y st em 957 INSTALLATION MAN UAL, Revision C1 Page 41 Co n f i g u r i n g t h e NM EA output ports Y ou can set eac h output port to meet the require ments of devic es that conf orm to the NM EA 018 3 or othe r data-forma t specif ications: 1.
S E CTIO N S I X: Inter fac ing the 957 syst em Page 42 957 INST ALLATION MANUAL, Revision C1 Th e devices yo u’re interfacing wi th the 957 may ha ve special requirem ents, so check thei r installati on instruc tions.
SE C T IO N SIX : In t e rf a ci n g t h e 9 57 s y st em 957 INSTALLATION MAN UAL, Revision C1 Page 43 N M EA 01 83 format, the checksum i sn’t used . (Note: S ince the c hecks um isn’t used , the 95 7 may recei ve incor rect N M EA data when connect ed to an exte rnal R aytheo n loran.
S E CTIO N S I X: Inter fac ing the 957 syst em Page 44 957 INST ALLATION MANUAL, Revision C1 3. Repea t for eac h senten ce as de sired. W hen you’ re don e, pres s the RETURN menu key to go b ack to th e PORT SETUP screen.
SE C T IO N SIX : In t e rf a ci n g t h e 9 57 s y st em 957 INSTALLATION MAN UAL, Revision C1 Page 45 • XX.XX ’ (lat/lon precis ion to t wo decim al pl aces/ hundredths of minutes/or 60 fee t) • XX.XXX ’ (lat/lo n pr ecisi on to three d ecimal places/ thous andths of min utes/ or 6 feet; this is the fa ctory setting ) • XX.
S E CTIO N S I X: Inter fac ing the 957 syst em Page 46 957 INST ALLATION MANUAL, Revision C1 Choosing the checks um setting Some older de vices may not accep t sentences containing the N M EA 0183 c hec ksum that’ s output b y the 957 . In suc h cases, the dev ice may not work properl y or at all.
SE C T IO N SIX : In t e rf a ci n g t h e 9 57 s y st em 957 INSTALLATION MAN UAL, Revision C1 Page 47 relay), a spike s uppressio n diode s uch as a 1N 40 01 should be connect ed across the lo ad. Catho de connect s to the power side of the devic e and anode connect s to the output pi n side.
S E CTIO N S I X: Inter fac ing the 957 syst em Page 48 957 INST ALLATION MANUAL, Revision C1 0180, N M EA 01 83, Data marine C D X, or R ayt heon 0183) to the R S-232 port’ s output for direct connection to the co mputer . 1. Pre ss the STAR key to disp lay the OPTIONS/SERVICE INFO scre en, then press the PORT SETUP OP TIONS menu key .
SE C T IO N SIX : In t e rf a ci n g t h e 9 57 s y st em 957 INSTALLATION MAN UAL, Revision C1 Page 49 C onnecting the 957 to a r emote displ ay The 95 7’s VGA conne ctor is us ed to connect t he 957 with a remo te dis play, s uch as the No rthstar 1201.
S E CTIO N S I X: Inter fac ing the 957 syst em Page 50 957 INST ALLATION MANUAL, Revision C1 C onnecting tw o Northstar units Y ou can con nect two 957 ’s and then t ransf er one of t he unit’ s waypoi nts an d route s into the oth er .
SE C T IO N SIX : In t e rf a ci n g t h e 9 57 s y st em 957 INSTALLATION MAN UAL, Revision C1 Page 51 Figur e 1 7: 957 aux ports’ i nterface diagram (wir ing side vie w, sol der cup) T able 8: 957.
S E CTIO N S I X: Inter fac ing the 957 syst em Page 52 957 INST ALLATION MANUAL, Revision C1 Figur e 1 8 : 952/95 1 / 94 1 and 957 aux ports’ interface diagr am (w iring side vi e w, solder cup) 95.
SE C T IO N SIX : In t e rf a ci n g t h e 9 57 s y st em 957 INSTALLATION MAN UAL, Revision C1 Page 53 3. Slid e the twis t lock o nto the co nnect or bod y . 4. Scre w the conn ector backsh ell to the co nnect or body , and tigh ten. 5. Install the st rain- relief clam p with two sc rews.
S E CTIO N S I X: Inter fac ing the 957 syst em Page 54 957 INST ALLATION MANUAL, Revision C1 the wiring to sup port th e 957’ s ex ternal ho nk feature.
957 INSTALLATION MAN UAL, Revision C1 Page 55 S ECTI O N S EVE N: T r oubleshooting and servicing the 957 system T r oubleshootin g 957 instal lation problems Typi cal prob lems that may oc cur duri ng or after the 957’s installa tion ar e described in the t ables be low.
S E CTIO N S E V E N: T r oubleshooti ng and serv icing t he 957 syste m Page 56 957 INST ALLATION MANUAL, Revision C1 DISPLAY (cont.) • The disp lay screen dims , either sligh tly or more, after the 957 has been on for a certain t ime. • The mes sage 8117 F AILUR E appears where th e video i nput ima ge shoul d be.
S E CTI ON S E VE N: T roubles hooting an d servic ing the 95 7 system 957 INSTALLATION MAN UAL, Revision C1 Page 57 T able 1 1: T roublesh ooting the 220 1 ins tallation If . . . Then . . . Satellite signals are oft en lost, or the 220 1 works while you ’re travelling i n one directio n, but not the opp osite one.
S E CTIO N S E V E N: T r oubleshooti ng and serv icing t he 957 syste m Page 58 957 INST ALLATION MANUAL, Revision C1 T able 1 2: T roubleshooting the 27 0 1 and AN2 05-P installat ion If . . . Then . . . Satellite signals are of ten lost, o r the AN205-P works while you’re travelli ng in one dire ction, but not the opposite on e.
S E CTI ON S E VE N: T roubles hooting an d servic ing the 95 7 system 957 INSTALLATION MAN UAL, Revision C1 Page 59 Getting technical support Co ntacting North s tar Af ter you’ve followed the inst.
S E CTIO N S E V E N: T r oubleshooti ng and serv icing t he 957 syste m Page 60 957 INST ALLATION MANUAL, Revision C1 Hear ing fr om y ou Y ou r feedback is import ant and help s Northstar ensu re that this manu al is a va luable resou rce f or all mari ne tec hnician s.
S E CTI ON S E VE N: T roubles hooting an d servic ing the 95 7 system 957 INSTALLATION MAN UAL, Revision C1 Page 61 For dealers Once Norths tar has posted an addendum to its website, y ou can ca ll t.
S E CTIO N S E V E N: T r oubleshooti ng and serv icing t he 957 syste m Page 62 957 INST ALLATION MANUAL, Revision C1 Returnin g a 957 system f or service The 95 7 is covered by a two- year hardware-.
957 INSTALLATION MAN UAL, Revision C1 Page 63 A PPEN DIX A : 957 system technical specifications T able 1 4: 957 t echnical specifications Physical fe atures/envir o nmental Interfaci ng Waterproof c ontrol hea d Two b i-directional NMEA I/O ports, 1 AUX p o rt 10.
AP P E N D IX A: 957 system tec hnica l speci fic ations Page 64 957 INST ALLATION MANUAL, Revision C1 T able 1 5: 2 20 1 techn ical specifications Physical fe atures Interfacin g Self-contai ned 12-chann el L1 GPS/WAAS pod ant enna- receiv er. Dimens ions: 4.
A PP E N D IX A: 95 7 system techn ical spec ifica tions 957 INSTALLATION MAN UAL, Revision C1 Page 65 T able 1 6: 27 0 1 technical specifi cations Physical fe atures Interfacin g Dimens ions: 2.0 ” high x 4.68” wide x 8.9” deep Weight: 2 p ounds Prim ary power: 10 to 40 VDC (12V and 24V syste ms).
AP P E N D IX A: 957 system tec hnica l speci fic ations Page 66 957 INST ALLATION MANUAL, Revision C1.
デバイスNorth Star GM9571Mの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
North Star GM9571Mをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはNorth Star GM9571Mの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。North Star GM9571Mの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。North Star GM9571Mで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
North Star GM9571Mを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はNorth Star GM9571Mの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、North Star GM9571Mに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちNorth Star GM9571Mデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。