NorthStarメーカーExplorer 710 VHFの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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www . n o rt h s ta r n a v . c o m E xplor er 7 1 0 VHF VHF Marine Radio Op er ation an d Ins tallation Manual.
2 Northtstar Explorer VHF Series: 710US, 710EU Operation and Installation Manual FC C Sta temen t Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
3 Northtstar Explorer VHF Series: 710US, 710EU Operation and Installation Manual Co n te n t s Se c ti on 1 - G ene ra l Inf or mat io n ............................................................................................................... 5 1 - 1 Features .
4 Northtstar Explorer VHF Series: 710US, 710EU Operation and Installation Manual Se c ti on 6 - D is tr ess C al ls .......................................................................................................................... 32 6 - 1 Sen ding a D istress Ca ll .
5 Northtstar Explorer VHF Series: 710US, 710EU Operation and Installation Manual Sect ion 1 - G enera l In format ion 1- 1 F e a t u r e s Con grat ulat ions o n you r purch ase o f a Nor ths ta r VHF 71 0 US, or 71 0EU ma rin e ban d VH F ra dio.
6 Northtstar Explorer VHF Series: 710US, 710EU Operation and Installation Manual 1 -3 How to Dis play a nd Navi gate M enu s 1 . Hol d dow n MENU ( or C ALL /M ENU) . Note th at onl y four m enu i tems can b e dis playe d at any o ne tim e on t he sc reen .
7 Northtstar Explorer VHF Series: 710US, 710EU Operation and Installation Manual Symbol Meaning T X T ransmitting. HI L O T ransmission power . H igh (HI) 25 W or Low (L O) 1 W . WX W eather channel. WX AL T W eather Aler t. Alarm beeps will sound. VHF 710US only .
8 Northtstar Explorer VHF Series: 710US, 710EU Operation and Installation Manual 1 - 6 Ba sic O pera tio n an d Key F u nc tio ns All possible keys and their func tions ar e listed. Not e that some of the keys are not available depending on your Northstar VHF radio model .
9 Northtstar Explorer VHF Series: 710US, 710EU Operation and Installation Manual H/L T ransmission P ower . H igh (HI) 25 W or Low (L O) 1 W . Press to t oggle between high or low transmission power f or the entire channel bank. The HI or LO selection is shown on the L CD .
10 Northtstar Explorer VHF Series: 710US, 710EU Operation and Installation Manual P ress + or - to step through the a vailable channels one at a time, or hold down to scroll rapidly thr ough all the available channels . See Appendix C for a listing of channel char ts .
11 Northtstar Explorer VHF Series: 710US, 710EU Operation and Installation Manual B UDD Y LIS T L OCAL/DIS T B A C KLIGH T CO NTRAS T G PS / DA T A D SC S ET U P R ADI O SET UP G P S S IM R ESE T CH NAME RING VOL UME BEEP VOL UME INT SPEAKER W A T CH MODE WX ALERT COM PORT Maintain your buddy list.
12 Northtstar Explorer VHF Series: 710US, 710EU Operation and Installation Manual 2 - 2 Ma inta in You r Budd y List ( BUDDY LIS T) VHF 710US and VHF 710EU only . Use the Buddy List to stor e the names and associated MMSIDs of 20 favourite people . Names are stor ed in the order of entry, with the most r ecent entr y shown fi rst.
13 Northtstar Explorer VHF Series: 710US, 710EU Operation and Installation Manual 2 - 2 -3 De lete a n Ent ry 1. Select BUDDY LIST . P ress ENT to displa y the list of entries. 2. Scroll down (if requir ed) to the entry you want to delete and press ENT .
14 Northtstar Explorer VHF Series: 710US, 710EU Operation and Installation Manual 2 - 4 - 1 Set t he Bac kli ghti ng Leve l 1. Select BACKLIGHT . 2. Select a comfor table backlight level using + or - to change the setting. 3. Pr ess ENT to enable the setting and r eturn to the menu.
15 Northtstar Explorer VHF Series: 710US, 710EU Operation and Installation Manual 2 -5- 2 Loca l Tim e (TIME OFFS ET ) The local time can be set by entering the time off set bet ween UT C and local time as follows. 1. Select GPS/DA T A, then SE T TING.
16 Northtstar Explorer VHF Series: 710US, 710EU Operation and Installation Manual 2 -5- 3 Ti me Form at O ptio ns ( TIME FORMA T) Time can be shown in 12 or 24 hour format. 1 . Se le c t GPS/ DA T A , th en SE T T ING . 2. Sel ec t T IME FO RM A T . 3.
17 Northtstar Explorer VHF Series: 710US, 710EU Operation and Installation Manual 2 - 5- 7 GPS Al er t O pti on s (ALERT) The GPS aler t is usually set to ON (on) so that if the GPS na vigation receiver is disconnected , the alarm sounds. 1. Select GPS/DA T A, then SE T TING.
18 Northtstar Explorer VHF Series: 710US, 710EU Operation and Installation Manual Sect ion 3 - Rad io Setu p Menu ( R ADI O SETUP) 3- 1 Rad io Se tup Me nu (R ADIO SETUP) Edit or delete channel names. See S ection 3-2. Set the volume level of the incoming call notifi cation beeps .
19 Northtstar Explorer VHF Series: 710US, 710EU Operation and Installation Manual 3- 3 RING & BEEP Volu me ( RING VOL) an d (BEEP VOL) Set the volume level of the incoming sig nal beeps (RING VOL UME) and/or the error and warning beeps (BEEP VOL UME) to HIGH (high) or L O W (low) as f ollows: 1.
20 Northtstar Explorer VHF Series: 710US, 710EU Operation and Installation Manual 3-6 We ath er A le r t (W x ALERT) VHF 710US only . The NOAA pr ovides several weather f orecast channels on USA and Canadian channel banks . If severe weather such as storms or hurricanes are for ecast, the NOAA br oadcasts a weather alert on 1050 H z.
21 Northtstar Explorer VHF Series: 710US, 710EU Operation and Installation Manual Sect ion 4 - DSC Set up Me nu (DSC S ETUP) 4- 1 DSC Se tup - Me nu O ptio ns The following options ar e available: Enter your user MMSID . See section 4.2. (I f you do not hav e a user MMSID , see Appendix D .
22 Northtstar Explorer VHF Series: 710US, 710EU Operation and Installation Manual 4-3 Mai nta in Y ou r Gro ups (GROUP SETUP) Use GROUP SE TUP to cr eate, edit, or delet e 1, 2, or 3 groups of fr equently called people stored in alphanumeric order . A gr oup MMSID always starts with 0.
23 Northtstar Explorer VHF Series: 710US, 710EU Operation and Installation Manual 4-3 - 3 De lete a G rou p 1. Select DSC SE TUP , then GROUP SETUP . The existing group names are displa yed. 2. Pr ess + or - to scr oll to the incorrect entr y then press ENT .
24 Northtstar Explorer VHF Series: 710US, 710EU Operation and Installation Manual VHF 710EU only . An A TIS MMSID always starts with the number 9. T o enter or edit your A TIS MMSID: 1. Select DSC SE TUP , then A TIS MMSID. 2. I f this is the fi rst time that you are entering your A TIS MMSID, a dashed line appears .
25 Northtstar Explorer VHF Series: 710US, 710EU Operation and Installation Manual There are two annunciators in the scr een to show you the curr ent mode: if the DSC annunciator is shown, DSC is operational. If the A TIS annunciator is shown, A TIS is operational.
26 Northtstar Explorer VHF Series: 710US, 710EU Operation and Installation Manual Sect ion 5 - Send ing a nd Receiving DSC Call s 5- 1 WHAT IS DSC? DSC (Digital Selective Calling) is a semi-automated method of establishing VHF , MF , and HF radio calls.
27 Northtstar Explorer VHF Series: 710US, 710EU Operation and Installation Manual 5- 2 - 1 M ake a Ro ut ine Ca ll (I nd ivid ua l) Y ou can call any other person that has another DSC equipped radio . 1. Pr ess CALL/MENU to enter DSC mode , then select INDIVIDU AL.
28 Northtstar Explorer VHF Series: 710US, 710EU Operation and Installation Manual 5- 2 -4 R eca ll the M ost Re cen t Inco min g Call ( LAST ) This facility is useful and used frequently . 1. Pr ess CALL/MENU to enter DSC mode . LAST CALL is automatically selected.
29 Northtstar Explorer VHF Series: 710US, 710EU Operation and Installation Manual 5- 2 - 7 Cal l us ing t he Cal l Log (CALL LOG ) The Call Log contains the contact details for the 20 most r ecent incoming calls, so that you call any of them again quick ly .
30 Northtstar Explorer VHF Series: 710US, 710EU Operation and Installation Manual 5- 2 -9 Req ue st th e LL P os iti on of a B udd y (LL REQUEST ) 1. Pr ess CALL/MENU to enter DSC mode , then select LL REQUEST . 2. Select the buddy whose LL position you want to request then pr ess ENT to send the r equest.
31 Northtstar Explorer VHF Series: 710US, 710EU Operation and Installation Manual 5- 3- 2 Re ceiv ing a n Ind ivid ua l C al l (INDIV ) 1. When you receiv e notifi cation of an INDIV call, press an y key to cancel the aler t. The radio automatically selects the channel designated in the incoming call .
32 Northtstar Explorer VHF Series: 710US, 710EU Operation and Installation Manual Sect ion 6 - D ist res s C al ls 6- 1 Se nd ing a D ist ress Ca ll 1. Open the red cover labelled DISTRESS. I f time is available t o specify the nature of the distr ess, go to st ep 2.
33 Northtstar Explorer VHF Series: 710US, 710EU Operation and Installation Manual 6- 2 Rece ivi ng a Di stre ss Cal l (DISTRESS! ) 1. An aler t sounds when a distress call (DISTRESS!) is received . P ress an y key to cancel the aler t. Y ou do not need to send an acknowledgement.
34 Northtstar Explorer VHF Series: 710US, 710EU Operation and Installation Manual Appe ndix A - T ec hnical S peci ficat ions Nor th sta r VHF 7 1 0 US.
35 Northtstar Explorer VHF Series: 710US, 710EU Operation and Installation Manual TRANSMIT TER F requency : 156.025 - 157.425 MHz Output power: 25 W / 1 W selectable T ransmitter protection: Open / shor t circuit of antenna Max F req deviation: +/- 5 kHz Spurious & harmonics: better than 2.
36 Northtstar Explorer VHF Series: 710US, 710EU Operation and Installation Manual Appe ndix B - T roubles hooting 1. The transceiver will not pow er up . A fuse may have blown OR ther e is no voltage getting to the transceiv er . a) Check the power cable f or cuts, br eaks, or squashed sections.
37 Northtstar Explorer VHF Series: 710US, 710EU Operation and Installation Manual NOTE For as sistanc e in underst anding the T able, see n otes a) to o) bel ow.
38 Northtstar Explorer VHF Series: 710US, 710EU Operation and Installation Manual Transmi tting frequencie s MHz Port oper ation s and ship movement Channel designator Notes Ship station s Coast stati.
39 Northtstar Explorer VHF Series: 710US, 710EU Operation and Installation Manual d. The frequencies in this T able may also be used for radiocommunications on inland wat er ways in accor d- ance with the conditions specifi ed in No. 5.226. – 56 – 62238 IEC:2003(E) e.
40 Northtstar Explorer VHF Series: 710US, 710EU Operation and Installation Manual C .2 USA Ch an ne l Char t CH SEND (MHz) RECEIVE (MHz) TRAFFIC TYPE SHIP TO SHIP SHIP TO SHORE NAME T AG 01A 156.050 156.050 P or t Operations , Selected V TS Areas Y es Y es PORT OPS/V TS 03A 4 156.
41 Northtstar Explorer VHF Series: 710US, 710EU Operation and Installation Manual CH SEND (MHz) RECEIVE (MHz) TRAFFIC TYPE SHIP TO SHIP SHIP TO SHORE NAME T AG 61A 4 156.075 156.075 U.S. Government, Canadian Coast Guard Y es Y es UNA UTHORIZED 63A 156.
42 Northtstar Explorer VHF Series: 710US, 710EU Operation and Installation Manual WEA THER MHz TRAFFIC TYPE NAME T AG Wx01 RX Only 162.550 NOAA WEA THER CHANNEL ------ ------ NOAA WX Wx02 RX Only 162.400 NOAA WEA THER CHANNEL ------ ------ NOAA WX Wx03 RX Only 162.
43 Northtstar Explorer VHF Series: 710US, 710EU Operation and Installation Manual C - 3 CANADA Ch an ne l CHART CH SEND (MHz) RECEIVE (MHz) TRAFFIC TYPE SHIP TO SHIP SHIP T O SHORE NAME T AG 01 156.050 160.650 Public C orrespondence, Duplex No Y es TELEPHONE 02 156.
44 Northtstar Explorer VHF Series: 710US, 710EU Operation and Installation Manual CH SEND (MHz) RECEIVE (MHz) TRAFFIC TYPE SHIP TO SHIP SHIP T O SHORE NAME T AG 28B RX Only 162.000 Public Correspondenc e, RX Only ------ ------ TELEPHONE 60 156.025 160.
45 Northtstar Explorer VHF Series: 710US, 710EU Operation and Installation Manual WEA THER MHz TRAFFIC TYPE NAME T AG Wx01 RX Only 162.550 NOAA WEA THER CHANNEL ------ ------ NOAA WX Wx02 RX Only 162.400 NOAA WEA THER CHANNEL ------ ------ NOAA WX Wx03 RX Only 162.
46 Northtstar Explorer VHF Series: 710US, 710EU Operation and Installation Manual C -4 EU INL AND WA TERWA Y CHANNELS Cou ntr y Sp eci fic F or specifi c channel inf ormation for your country, please r ef er to local authorities. CH SPECIFIC FOO TNO TES T RANSMIT TING FREQUENCY (MHZ) SHIP- TO-SHIP SHIP- TOPORT NA UT .
47 Northtstar Explorer VHF Series: 710US, 710EU Operation and Installation Manual 17 h) 156.85 156.85 x 77 a) k) 156.875 156.875 x 18 156.9 161.5 x 78 156.925 161.525 x 19 156.95 161.55 x 79 a) 156.975 161.575 x 20 157 161.6 x 80 157.025 161.625 x 21 a) 157.
48 Northtstar Explorer VHF Series: 710US, 710EU Operation and Installation Manual 1.1 General remarks to frequency table 1 1.1.1 The channels for ser vice categories ship-to-ship and nautical information may also be used for v essel traffi c -sys tems by traffi c centres.
49 Northtstar Explorer VHF Series: 710US, 710EU Operation and Installation Manual Appe ndix D - M MS ID a nd License I nforma tion Y ou must obtain a user MMSID (Marine Mobile Ser vice Identit y) and enter it int o your 710 in order t o use the DSC functions.
50 Northtstar Explorer VHF Series: 710US, 710EU Operation and Installation Manual This Nor thstar r adio is designed to gener ate a digital maritime distress c all to facilitate search and r escue.
51 Northtstar Explorer VHF Series: 710US, 710EU Operation and Installation Manual Che ckl ist ( pic tur ed ove r) The following items should be supplied in the bo x. Check befor e star ting the installation and contact your dealer if an item is missing.
52 Northtstar Explorer VHF Series: 710US, 710EU Operation and Installation Manual Che ckl ist ( mi ddl e pic t ure o ppo si te) 16. T wo fl ush mount kit brackets 17. T wo M5x32 screws 18. T wo M5x10 screws 19. T wo lock nuts 20. T wo plastic bulk head bushings.
53 Northtstar Explorer VHF Series: 710US, 710EU Operation and Installation Manual Gimbal Installation 1. Hold the mounting gimbal at the chosen location and use a soft pencil to mark the screw hole positions onto the mounting sur face.
54 Northtstar Explorer VHF Series: 710US, 710EU Operation and Installation Manual Cha ngi ng th e Viewi ng An gl e The viewing angle has a 20º tilt range. T o change the current viewing angle on a gimbal mount: 1. Suppor t the radio then loosen the mounting knobs until the radio can be moved.
55 Northtstar Explorer VHF Series: 710US, 710EU Operation and Installation Manual Wir ing D eta i ls In c ase a c abl e is cut a ccide ntall y the p ino ut s are show n here f or inf orm ation o nly. D o not cu t cab le s intenti ona lly. Cab le Pi nou t Col or 1 VHF Antenna 2 Power 1 .
56 Northtstar Explorer VHF Series: 710US, 710EU Operation and Installation Manual User MMSID Y ou must obtain a user MMSID (Marine Mobile Ser vice Identit y) and enter it int o your 710 or 720 in order t o use the DSC functions. Contact the appropriate authorities in your countr y .
Designed in New Zealand Made in China MN000599A-G AMERICAS 30 Sudbur y Road, Acton, M A 01720, USA Ph: +1 978.897.6600 Ph: +1 800.628.4487 F ax: +1 978.897.7241 EUROPE Unit 2, Ocean Quay , Belvidere Rd , Southampton, SO14 5Q Y , ENGLAND Ph: +44 2380 339922 F ax: +44 2380 330345 nor thstaruk@nor thstarnav .
デバイスNorthStar Explorer 710 VHFの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
NorthStar Explorer 710 VHFをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはNorthStar Explorer 710 VHFの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。NorthStar Explorer 710 VHFの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。NorthStar Explorer 710 VHFで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
NorthStar Explorer 710 VHFを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はNorthStar Explorer 710 VHFの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、NorthStar Explorer 710 VHFに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちNorthStar Explorer 710 VHFデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。