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O PER A T I O N M A NUA L Cat. No. W465-E1-05 SYSMAC CS and CJ Series CS1W-EIP21 (100Base-TX) CJ1W-EIP21 (100Base-TX) CJ2H-CPU6 @ -EIP (100Base-TX) CJ2M-CPU3 @ (100Base-TX/10Base-T) EtherNet/IP Units.
CS1W-EIP21 (100Base-TX) CJ1W-EIP21 (100Base-TX) CJ2H-CPU6 @ -EIP (100Base-TX) CJ2M-CPU3 @ (100Base-TX/10Base-T) EtherNet/IP Units Operation Manual Revised February 2010.
v Notice: OMRON pr oducts are man uf actured f o r use according to proper proc edures b y a qualified oper ator and only f or the purposes described in this man ual. The f ollo wing conv en tions are used to indicat e and classify precaut ions in this man ual.
vii TABLE OF CONTENTS PRECAUTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxi 1 Intended Audience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxii 2 General Precautions .
viii TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION 4 Memory Allocations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 4-1 Overview of Memory Allocated to the EtherNet/IP Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 4-2 CIO Area Allocations .
ix TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION 10 Communications Performance and Communications Load 261 10-1 Communications System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 6 2 10-2 Adjusting the Communications Load .
x TABLE OF CONTENTS Appendices A CS/CJ-series Ethernet Unit Function Comparison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 375 B Ethernet Network Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
xi About this Manual: This manual describes the opera tion of the CS/CJ-series EtherNet/IP Units and the built- in EtherNet/IP por ts on a CJ2 CPU Unit f or constructing applicat ions and includes th e sections described below .
xii Relevant Manuals The f ollowing table lists CS- and CJ -series manuals th at contain informa tion relev ant to EtherNet/IP Units or b uilt-in EtherNet/IP por ts.
xiii W474 CJ2H-CPU6 @ -EIP CJ2H-CPU6 @ CJ2M-CPU @@ CS1G/H-CPU- @@ H CS1G/H-CPU- @@ -V1 CJ1G/H-CPU @@ H CJ1M-CPU @@ CJ1G-CPU @@ NSJ @ - @@@@ (B)-G5D NSJ @ - @@@@ (B)-M3D Programmab le Con- trollers Instructions Ref erence Manual Describes the ladder diagram programming instru ctions suppor ted by CS-series and CJ-ser ies PCs.
xv Read and Understand this Manual Please read and understa nd this manual bef ore using the product. Please consult y our OMRON representat iv e if you hav e any questi ons or comment s.
xvi Application Considerations SUITABILITY FOR USE OMRON sh all no t be responsib le for conf or mity with any stan dards, code s, or regu lations that apply to the combination of products in th e customer's a pplication or use of the product s.
xvii Disclaimers CHANGE IN SPECIFICATIONS Product specificat ions and accessories ma y be chan ged at an y t ime based on impro vements and other reasons. It is our pract ice to change model n umbers when published ra tin gs or f eatures are changed, or when significant construction chang es are made .
xix Unit Versions of CS/CJ-series Unit V ersions A “unit v ersion” has been introdu ced to manag e Units in the CS/ CJ Series according to di ff erences in functio nality accompan ying Unit upgra des.
xx Note The unit v ersion will be displa yed in the Unit Manuf actur ing Inf o rmation Dialog Bo x. Using Unit V ersion Label The f ollowing unit v ersion label is pr ovided with the Ether Ne t/I P Unit. This label can be attached to the front of the Ethe rNet/IP Unit to diff erentiate between Eth erNet/IP Units with di ff erent unit vers ions.
xxi PRECA UTIONS This section prov ides general precautions for using the CS/CJ-series EtherNet/I P Units and b uilt-in EtherNet/IP ports. The information contained in this section is imp orta nt f or the safe and reliable application of Ethe rN et/IP Units or built-in EtherNet/IP ports.
xxii Intended A udience 1 1 Intended A udience This manual is intende d f or the f ollowing personnel, who m ust also ha v e knowledge of ele ctrical systems (an electrical engineer or the equiv alent). • P ersonnel in charge of installing F A systems.
xxiii Safety Precautions 3 !WARNING Provide safety measures in external ci rcuit s (i.e., not in the Progr ammable Controller), including the fo llowing items, to ensure sa fety in the system if a n a.
xxiv Operating En vironment Precautions 4 4 Operating En vironment Precautions !Caution Do not operate the control system in the follo wing locations: • Locations subject to direct sunlight . • Locations subject to temperat ures or humidity outside the r ange specified in the specifications.
xxv Application Precautions 5 • Alwa ys use the power supply v oltages specified in the operat ion man uals. An incorrect v oltage may result in malfunction or burning. • T ak e appropriate measures to ensure that the specified po wer with the rated v oltage and frequ ency is supplied.
xxvi Conformanc e to EC Directiv es 6 • When transpo rting the Unit, use special pac king box es and protec t it from being e xposed to excessiv e vibration or impacts during tr anspor tation. • CPU Bus Units w ill be restar ted when routing tables are tr ansf erred from a Programming De vice to the CPU Unit .
1 SECTION 1 Over view of EtherNet/IP This section introduces the functi ons and protocols used in EtherNet/IP Unit or b uilt-in EtherNet/IP port communications services. 1-1 EtherNet/IP Unit Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2 EtherNet/IP Unit F eatures Section 1-1 1-1 EtherNet/IP Unit Features EtherNet/IP is an industrial mult i-v endor network that uses Ethernet compo- nents. The EtherNet/IP specificat ions are open standards ma naged b y the OD V A (Open DeviceNet V endor Association), just like De v iceNet.
3 EtherNet/IP Unit F eatures Section 1-1 FTP Server A built- in FTP server is pro vided to enab le transferring files in the PLC to and from a host co mputer . This enab les transfe rring large amounts of dat a from a client without an y additional ladder prog ramming.
4 Devices Required for Co nstruc ting a Netw ork Section 1-2 1-2 De vices Required for Constructing a Netw ork The basic configur ation for an Ethe rNet/IP System consists of one s witching hub to which nodes are atta ched in star configur ation using twisted-pair ca b le .
5 Support Software Required to Construct a Network Section 1-3 Ref er to the CX-Progr ammer Opera tion Manual (Cat. No. W446) f or in f or ma- tion on the CX- Progr ammer . T ag Data Link Settings: Netw ork Configurator The Network Configur ator is used to set the tag data links f or the EtherNet/IP Unit or b uilt-in EtherNet /IP por t.
6 Communications Services Overview Section 1-4 Refer to the CX-Integ rator Oper ation Manual (Cat . No . W464) f or information on the CX-Int egra tor .
7 Communications Services Overview Section 1-4 Note In this e xample, a con nection is estab lished with the originator’ s tag list con- taining tags a t o g (inputs), which are groupe d in a tag set calle d SP1_IN, an d the target ’ s tag list cont aining tags i and ii (outputs) , which are grouped in a tag set called SP1_OUT .
8 Communications Services Overview Section 1-4 FINS Communications Service FINS commands can b e sent to or recei ved f rom other PLCs or co mputers on the same Ethe r net netw or k b y e xecuting SEND(090 ), RECV(098), or CMND(490) instructions in the ladder diagram program.
9 Communications Services Overview Section 1-4 The FINS gatewa y funct ion enables access to PLCs on not only the same Ethernet networ k b ut on v arious other networks, including SYSMA C LINK and Controller Link.
10 Network Configurator Ov erview Section 1-5 1-5 Netw ork Configurator Over view 1-5-1 Overview The Networ k Configurator V er . 3 .0 or higher is a software package design ed f o r building, setting, an d controlling a multi-v endor EtherNet/IP Networ k using OMRON's EtherNet /IP .
11 Network Configurator Ov erview Section 1-5 1-5-3 Precautions When Usin g the Netw ork Configurator Only an OMR ON EtherNet/IP Unit can be set as t he originator f or a connec- tion using the Netw or k Configurato r .
12 Network Configurator Ov erview Section 1-5.
13 SECTION 2 Unit Specif ications This section provides the specifications of Et herNet/IP Units and in troduces r ecommended network co nfiguration de vices. 2-1 EtherNet/IP Unit and Built -in EtherNet/IP Port Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . 14 2-1-1 General Specifi cations .
14 EtherNet/IP Unit and Built-in EtherNet/IP P ort Specifications Section 2-1 2-1 EtherNet/IP Unit and Built-in EtherNet/IP P ort Specifications 2-1-1 General Specifications The general specif ications conform to those of the CS-ser ies and CJ-ser ies PLCs.
15 EtherNet/IP Unit and Built-in EtherNet/IP P ort Specifications Section 2-1 CJ-series EtherNet/IP Unit Note If tag data links are being used, use 100Base-T X. Otherwise, 10Base-T can be used, b ut this is not recommended . Item Specifica tions Model number CJ1W -EIP21 T ype 100Base-TX (See note.
16 EtherNet/IP Unit and Built-in EtherNet/IP P ort Specifications Section 2-1 CJ2 CPU Built-in EtherNet/IP P or t Note If tag data links are being used, use 100Base-T X. Otherwise, 10Base-T can be used, b ut this is not recommended . Item Specifica tions Model number CJ2H-CPU @@ -EIP CJ2M-CPU3 @ T ype 100Base-TX (See note.
17 EtherNet/IP Unit and Built-in EtherNet/IP P ort Specifications Section 2-1 2-1-3 Comm unications Specifications Item CS1/CJ1 CJ2 H CJ2M CIP service T ag data links (Cyclic communi- cations) Number of connections 256 32 Packet in te r va l (r e fr es h cycle) 0.
18 EtherNet/IP Unit and Built-in EtherNet/IP P ort Specifications Section 2-1 Note (1) In this case, pps means “pac kets per second” and ind icates the number of pac kets that can be processe d in one second.
19 EtherNet/IP Unit and Built-in EtherNet/IP P ort Specifications Section 2-1 2-1-4 Dimensions CS1W -EIP21 CJ1W -EIP21 CJ2H-CPU @@ -EIP 101 mm 35 mm 130 mm NODE NO. 1 × 16 0 0 × 16 1 UNIT NO. 100BASE-TX 10BASE-T 0 EIP21 MS NS COMM 100M 10M IP ADDRESS SUBNET MASK 192.
20 EtherNet/IP Unit and Built-in EtherNet/IP P ort Specifications Section 2-1 CJ2M-CPU3 @ 2-1-5 Software Configuration 76.16 mm 62 mm 2.7 mm 2.7 mm 90 mm 84.
21 Nomenclature and Functions Section 2-2 2-2 Nomenc lature and Functions 2-2-1 Nomenc lature and Functions CS1W -EIP21 CJ1W -EIP21 LED Indicators Unit number setting switch Label showing IP address Node address setting switches Ethernet connector Backplane Connector NODE NO.
22 Nomenclature and Functions Section 2-2 Built-in EtherNet/IP P or t in CJ2H-CPU @@ -EIP Built-in EtherNet/IP P or t in CJ2 M -CPU 3 @ Ethernet Ad dress No tation A specific Ethernet address is allocated to all de vices connected to the Et her- net network.
23 Nomenclature and Functions Section 2-2 Indicators A EtherNet /IP Units or bu ilt-in EtherNet/IP port is equipped with the foll owing indicators that in dicate the oper ating status of the node it self and the o vera ll network.
24 Nomenclature and Functions Section 2-2 Seven-segme nt Display When the power is turned ON (or the Unit is restar ted), all of the segments will flash twice, t he IP address set in the EtherNet/IP Unit or built -in EtherNet/IP por t will be display ed on the 7-segment di splay just once , from right to left.
25 Nomenclature and Functions Section 2-2 If an error occurs, the error code will be displa yed alternat ely with the r ight- most b yte of the aff ected device ’ s IP address . F or details on error code s, ref er to SECTION 14 T r oub leshooting and Error Processing .
26 Nomenclature and Functions Section 2-2 Right and Left Dot LEDs If an error o ccurred in two or more devices with the same r ightmost byte in their IP addresses, the Right Dot LED will be lit while the de vices’ error is being display ed.
27 Nomenclature and Functions Section 2-2 Node Address Setting Switch The Node Addr ess Setting Switch sets th e node address of the Et herNet/IP Unit or built-in EtherNet/IP por t.
28 Selecting the Network Devices Section 2-3 2-3 Selecting the Netw ork Devices 2-3-1 Recommended Netw ork Devices The f ollowing tabl e shows the de vices recommended f or use with the Ether- Net/IP . Note (1) Alwa y s use a s witching hub when using tag data links in the netw or k.
29 Selecting the Network Devices Section 2-3 2-3-4 Switching Hub Functions This section d escribes t he s witching hub f unctions that ar e impor tant wh en using an EtherNet/IP netw ork. When using an EtherNet /IP Unit, set th e f ollo w- ing two fu nctions .
30 Selecting the Network Devices Section 2-3 When selecting a s w itching hub , it is necessar y to consider whether t he s witching hub w ill be selected based on the kind and amount of communica- tions that will be perf ormed in the network or the kind of s witching hub that y ou want to use .
31 Selecting the Network Devices Section 2-3 L3 Switching Hub with Multicast Filterin g and L4 QoS Functions W e recommend this kind of switchin g hub when both tag data links and me s- sage communica tions are e xecuted.
32 Selecting the Network Devices Section 2-3.
33 SECTION 3 Installation and Initial Setup This section explains how to install and make the initial se ttings required for operation of th e EtherN et/I P Unit or built-in EtherNet/IP port. 3-1 Overvie w of Initial Setup Procedures . . . . . . . . .
34 Overview of Initial Setup Procedures Section 3-1 3-1 Overvie w of Initial Setup Pr ocedures 3-1-1 Pr ocedures Initial Settings 1,2,3... 1. Set the unit n umber and node addre ss with the s witches on the front of the EtherNet/IP Unit or , f o r the built-in EtherNet/IP por t, on the front of the CPU Unit.
35 Overview of Initial Setup Procedures Section 3-1 9. T est co mmunicat ions. Send a PING com mand to the Ether Net/IP Unit or built-in EtherNet /IP por t. Ref e r to 3-1 1 Communications T est . Settings Required f or T ag Data Link Service (Cyc lic Comm unications) 1.
36 Switch Settings Section 3-2 3-2 Switc h Settings 3-2-1 CS-series EtherNet/IP Units Setting the Unit Number The unit number is used to identify in dividual CPU Bus Units when m ore than one CPU Bus Unit is mounted to the s ame PLC . Us e a small scre wdriver to mak e the setting, taking ca re not to damage the rotary s witch.
37 Switch Settings Section 3-2 3-2-2 CJ-series EtherNet/IP Units and CJ2 Built-in EtherNet/IP P ort Setting the Unit Number The unit number is used to identify in dividual CPU Bus Units when m ore than one CPU Bus Unit is mounted to the s ame PLC . Us e a small scre wdriver to mak e the setting, taking ca re not to damage the rotary s witch.
38 Mounting to a PLC Section 3-3 3-3 Mounting to a PLC 3-3-1 Mounting to a CS-series PLC EtherNet/IP Units can b e mounted to an y slot in a CS-series CPU Rack or a CS-series Expansion CPU Rack, but the nu mber of slots to which they can be mounted depen ds on the Bac kplane .
39 Mounting to a PLC Section 3-3 Note The CJ1W -EIP21 EtherNet/IP Unit’ s maximum curr ent consumption is 410 mA. Be sure that the total current consumpt ion of all the Units connected to the same CPU Bac kplane or Expansion Backplan e does not e xceed the output capa city of the P ower Supply Unit.
40 Mounting to a PLC Section 3-3 3. When removing the Unit, fi rst loosen the scre w at the bottom of the Unit. Note When mounting the Unit, provide the clearance sho wn below to f acilitate easy mounting or di sm ounting.
41 Network Installation Section 3-4 3-4 Netw ork Installation 3-4-1 Basic Installation Precautions • T ak e the greatest care when installing the Ether net System, being sure to f ollow ISO 8802-3 specificati ons. Y ou must obtain a cop y of these specifi- cations and be su re you und erstand them bef ore attempting to install an Ethernet System.
42 Network Installation Section 3-4 • Press the cab le connector in firmly until it locks in to place at both th e s witching hub and the EtherNet/IP Unit. • Do not la y the twisted-pair cab le together with high-v oltage lines. • Do not la y the twisted-pair cab le near devices that g enerate noise .
43 Network Installation Section 3-4 Note Best = Recommended; OK = Allow ed; --- = Not allow ed. 3-4-4 Using Contact Output s (Common to All Units) When an EtherNet/I P Unit or b uilt-in EtherNet/IP po.
44 Connecting to the Network Section 3-5 3-5 Connecting to the Netw ork 3-5-1 Ethernet Connector s The f ollowing standards a nd specifications apply to the connectors f or the Ethernet twisted-pair cabl e. • Electrical specifications: Confo rming to IEEE802 .
45 Connecting to the Network Section 3-5 1,2,3... 1. La y the twisted-pair cab le. 2. Co nn e c t th e ca ble to the switching hub . Be sure to pr es s in the cable until it locks into place. 3. Connect the twisted-pair ca ble t o the connecto r on the EtherNet/ IP Unit.
46 Creating I/O T ables Section 3-6 3-6 Creating I/O T ables 3-6-1 I/O T ab le Over view I/O tab le s are u sed to iden tify Unit s mounte d to t he PLC , and to allocat e I/O to them.
47 Creating I/O T ables Section 3-6 (2) W ith the CJ2H-CPU @@ -EIP and CJ2M-CPU3 @ CPU Units, the b uilt-in EtherNet/IP port is set in the I/O tab les by def ault and cannot be changed. It is not ne cessar y to regi ster it in the I/O tables. Use the f ollowing procedure to creat e the I/O tab les.
48 Creating I/O T ables Section 3-6 2. The Direct Online Dialog Bo x will be di spla y ed. Select a serial connection, select the nam e of the applicable computer ser ial por t, and then press the Connect Button. 3. If the connection process is succe ssful, the sys tem will be connected on- line.
49 Creating I/O T ables Section 3-6 5. The EtherNet/IP Unit will be display ed at the position it is mounted in the PLC . Note If it is not display ed, select Options − T ransfer fr om PLC from the menus . Note Creating I/O ta b le s is not require d if the b uilt-in EtherNet/IP port of a CJ2 CPU Unit is used.
50 Setting the Local IP Address Section 3-7 3-7 Setting the Local IP Ad dress This sectio n describes the 3 w ays to set t he local I/O add ress of an Et herNet/ IP Unit or b uilt-in EtherNet /I P por t. Method 1: Using the def ault IP address: The def ault IP address is 192.
51 Setting the Local IP Address Section 3-7 Method 2: Setting the Ad dress in th e CPU Bus Unit's Allocated DM Area With this method, an IP address is not set in the TCP/IP Configurat ion (left at its def ault setting), and an IP add ress is set in the allocat ed DM Area words (the IP Addr ess Display/Setting Area in words m +98 and m+9 9).
52 TCP/IP and Link Settings Section 3-8 3-8 TCP/IP and Link Settings This section describes the TCP/IP-relat ed settings , such as the local IP address and subnet mask f or the EtherNet/I P Unit or b uilt-in EtherNet/IP por t. Use the CX-Progr ammer to make t hese settings .
53 TCP/IP and Link Settings Section 3-8 4. Place the CX-Programmer onlin e with the PLC and tr ansf er the setting s to the EtherNet/IP Unit or built-in EtherNet/IP por t. 5. After transf erring the settings, a message will ask if yo u w ant to restar t the EtherNet/IP U nit or built-in EtherNet/IP por t.
54 TCP/IP and Link Settings Section 3-8 IP Address Sets the local IP address of the Ether Net/IP Unit or b uilt-in EtherNet/IP port. Set the local IP address on the TCP/IP T a b P age when not setting the IP address in the CPU Un it’ s allocated DM Area or using the def ault IP address (def ault IP address = 192.
55 TCP/IP and Link Settings Section 3-8 functions th at require a DNS server , so these settings are not used. (Th e functionality required to use a DNS server is not pr ovided on EtherNet /IP Units with unit v ersion 1.0. The DNS se rver cannot be used with these Units .
56 TCP/IP and Link Settings Section 3-8 2. Select T ools - Setup TCP/IP Configuration to display the f ollowing Setup TCP/IP Configur ation Dialog Bo x, and set the TCP/IP Configur ation f or the target de vice. In the f ollowing e xample, the settings are all at the ir def ault va lu e s.
57 T ag Data Link P arameters Section 3-9 Configurato r , connect the de vices one at a t ime, and download the TCP/ IP Configur ation’ s IP address parameter s.
58 T ag Data Link P arameters Section 3-9 The follo wing method can be us ed to eas ily set the data links sho wn in the f ol- lowing figure using a wizard in the EtherNet/IP Datalink T ool.
59 T ag Data Link P arameters Section 3-9 3. Select Datalink − Wizard from the menus in the Dat alink T ool when it has star ted. 4. In the Datalink Wizard Dialog Bo x, enter 50 words star ting from memory address W000 f or area 1 and 100 words star ting from D00050 f or area 2, and then press the OK Button.
60 T ag Data Link P arameters Section 3-9 6. In the Device Configu ration Windo w of the Network Configurator , a mark will be added to each E therNet/IP Unit to show that data links ha ve been set. 7. Connect the Network Configur ator to the Ethe rNet/IP netwo rk and select Network − Downloa d from the menus .
61 Other P arameters Section 3-10 3-10 Other P arameter s In addition to the tag data link parameter s, the EtherNet/IP Unit and built -in EtherNet/IP port also hav e the follo wing communica tions and operat ion parameters.
62 Other P arameters Section 3-10 Using FINS/TCP When necessary , set the routing tab les using the CX-Integra tor . Using FTP T ab P a g e in Edit Parameter s Dialog Bo x Setting Function FINS/TCP FINS/TCP P ort Speci fies the local TCP por t number to use in the FINS co mmuni- cations ser vice.
63 Other P arameters Section 3-10 Using the A u tomati c Time Adjustment Using the Status Area T ab P a g e in Edit Parameter s Dialog Bo x Setting Function A uto Adjust Time Not get the time inf o rm.
64 Other P arameters Section 3-10 Using SNMP Using SNMP Tr a p T ab P a g e in Edit Parameter s Dialog Bo x Setting Function SNMP Not use SNMP service or Use SNMP ser vice Specifies whether to use the SNMP . If not using the SNMP ser v ice is specified, an SNMP manager will not be able to connected from an e xter nal device.
65 Communications T est Section 3-11 3-11 Comm unications T est If the basic settings (in particular the IP address and subnet mask) ha ve been made correctly f or the EtherNet/IP Unit or b uilt-in EtherNet/IP port, then it should be possib le to communicate with nodes on the Et herNet/IP network.
66 Communications T est Section 3-11 Application Example In this e xample, a PING com mand is sent to the node at IP address 130.25.36. 8. The “$” in the e xample represents th e host computer prompt. Normal Execution Error Oc curred Ref er to the OS command ref erence manual f or your computer f or details on using the PING command.
67 SECTION 4 Memory Allocations This section describes the words allocated in the CIO Area and the DM Area for EtherNet/I P Units or built-in EtherNet/IP ports. 4-1 Overview of Memory Allocated to the Ethe rNet/IP Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 4-2 CIO Area Allocations .
68 Overview of Memory Allocated to the EtherNet/IP Unit Section 4-1 4-1 Overvie w of Memory Allocated to the EtherNet/IP Unit The f o llowing CPU Unit words are allocated to the Eth erNet/IP Unit or built-in EtherNet/IP por t. • CPU Unit’ s allocated C IO Area words Contains sof tware s wit ch and status inf or mat ion.
69 Overview of Memory Allocated to the EtherNet/IP Unit Section 4-1 CPU Unit ● Allocated CIO Area words (Allocated to the Unit as a CPU Bus Unit.) 100 words 100 words 100 words EtherNet/IP Unit 100 .
70 CIO Area Allocations Section 4-2 4-2 CIO Area Allocations 4-2-1 Overview of the Allocated CIO Area W ords The v arious kinds of data are stored in th e allocated CIO Are a words , which are identified by the offset from th e beginning wo rd (n) allocated to each Unit.
71 CIO Area Allocations Section 4-2 User Settings Note The reserved wor ds are regularly refreshed with all z eroes. The functions of the alloca ted CIO Area wo rds are described in the f ollowing section.
72 CIO Area Allocations Section 4-2 T ag Data Link Star t Bit (Bit 2) Star t the tag data links by s witching th is bit from OFF to ON. If the tag data links are already operating, the signal will be ignored.
73 CIO Area Allocations Section 4-2 T arget Node PLC Error Inf ormation (EtherNet/IP U nit to CPU Unit) (n + 6 to n + 9) These words sho w the error status (logical OR of f atal and non-f a tal errors) of the target node PLCs th at are connected wit h the EtherNet/IP Unit as the orig- inator .
74 CIO Area Allocations Section 4-2 Bit Name Status M anipulated by Unit operation 0 Unit Error Occurred ON Uni t Indicates that an error occurred that is related to EtherNet/IP Unit operation. This flag is turned ON when any b it in Unit St atus 1 is ON.
75 CIO Area Allocations Section 4-2 Unit Status 2 (EtherNet/IP U nit to CPU Unit) (n + 11) 10 to 13 (Not used) --- --- --- 14 Status Area La yout Setting Error ON Unit Indicates that there was an error in the allocated CIO Area’ s layout settings . When this error occurs, the allo- cated CIO Area la y out is set to the defa ult patt ern.
76 CIO Area Allocations Section 4-2 1 T ag Data Link Operating ON Unit Indicates that the tag da ta link is operating. T ur ned OFF when communica tions stop in the f ollowing cases.
77 CIO Area Allocations Section 4-2 Communications Status 1 (EtherNet/IP U nit to CPU Unit) (n + 12) W o rd n+12 contains status flags relat ed to the tag data lin ks, as sho wn in the f o llowing diagram. 15 Error Log Stored ON Unit Indicates that an error record is registered in the error log.
78 CIO Area Allocations Section 4-2 4 Inv alid Communi- cations P arameter ON Uni t ON when there w as an error in the validation chec k of tag data link parameters stored in the Unit’ s non-volatile mem- or y , and a checksum error occurred. (Incl udes par ame- ters related to basic Ether net settings.
79 CIO Area Allocations Section 4-2 Communications Status 2 (EtherNet/IP U nit to CPU Unit) (n + 13) W ord n+13 co ntains status fl ags related to the Et hernet, as sh own in the f o l- lowing diagr am.
80 CIO Area Allocations Section 4-2 Registered T arget Node T a ble (EtherNet/IP U nit to CPU Unit) (n + 16 to n + 19) W ords n+16 to n+19 show the regi stratio n status of the targe t nodes that ar e connected with the EtherNe t /IP Unit as the originator .
81 CIO Area Allocations Section 4-2 Normal T arget Node T able (EtherNet/IP Unit to CPU Unit) (n+20 to n+23) W ords n+20 to n+23 show the connection status o f the target nod es that are connected with the EtherNet/IP Unit as th e originat or .
82 CIO Area Allocations Section 4-2 14 FINS/TCP Connec- tion 15 ON Unit T urned ON by the Unit when a connection is established. OFF Uni t T ur n ed OFF by the Unit when the connection is ter minated. 15 FINS/TCP Connec- tion 16 ON Unit T urn ed ON by the Unit when a connection is established.
83 DM Area Allocations Section 4-3 4-3 DM Area Allocations 4-3-1 Overview of the Allocated DM Area W ords The v ar ious kinds of data are stor ed in the offset positi ons shown in the f ol- lowing diag ram, from the beginning w ord in the area f or each Unit.
84 DM Area Allocations Section 4-3 address, ev en if a non-z ero IP addres s was set in the IP Add ress Display/ Setting Area w ords bef orehand. (2) It is not possible to set the f ollowing IP addresses . If any of these v alues are set, the ERH indicator will flash.
85 User Settings Area Section 4-4 4-4 User Settings Area 4-4-1 Overview of the User Settings Area When the la yout of the allo cated CIO Area w o rds is set to user sett ings, the user setting s area can be used in addit ion to the allocated CIO Area w ords and allocated DM Area w ords.
86 User Settings Area Section 4-4 Normal T arget Node T able (EtherNet/IP Unit to CPU Unit) These flags indicat e the con ne cti on st at u s of t he ta rget nod es . With re vision 2 or higher , the flag turns ON after all data f or multiple connections f or individual target de vices is refreshed in the CPU Unit.
87 User Settings Area Section 4-4 T arget Node PLC Error Inf ormation (EtherNet/IP U nit to CPU Unit) These flags indicate the error status (logical OR of f atal and non-f atal errors) of the target n ode PLCs, a nd are v alid only when the EtherNet /IP Unit is the originator .
88 A uxiliary Area Data Section 4-5 4-5 A uxiliary Area Data The f ollowing tab le and descriptions co ve r the word s and bits in the CPU Unit’ s Auxiliary Area that are related to the EtherNet/IP Unit.
89 A uxiliary Area Data Section 4-5 4-5-2 Read/Write Bits (User Settings) A417 A41700 to A41715 CPU Bus Unit Error , Unit Number Flags Wh en an error occurs in a data e xchange between the CPU Unit and a CPU Bus Unit, the CPU Bus Unit Error Flag (A40207) an d the corresponding flag in A417 are tur ned ON.
90 A uxiliary Area Data Section 4-5.
91 SECTION 5 Determining IP Addr esses This section explains ho w to manage and use IP addresses. 5-1 IP Addresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 5-1-1 IP Address Conf iguration .
92 IP Addresses Section 5-1 5-1 IP Ad dresses 5-1-1 IP Address Configuration IP addresses are made up of 32 bit s of binary data divided in to f our 8-bit fiel ds called octets . These f our octets pro vide the netw or k number ( net ID) and host number (hos t ID).
93 IP Addresses Section 5-1 5-1-3 EtherNet/IP Unit IP Address Settings An IP address must be set e ven f or the EtherNet/IP Unit or b uilt-in Ether Net/IP por t bef ore Ether net commun ications can proceed. Use one o f the f ollowing methods to se t the IP addre ss of the EtherNet /IP Unit or b uilt-in EtherNet/IP por t.
94 IP Addresses in FINS Communications Section 5-2 5-1-5 CIDR CIDR, or classless interdomain ro uting, is used to assign IP addr esses that do not use classe s. IP addresses tha t use classes are sep arated int o bl ocks according to net IDs and host IDs, resu lting in inefficient usage o f IP address space.
95 IP Addresses in FINS Communications Section 5-2 • Ethernet address: A fixed n umb er is assigned to each EtherNet /IP Unit or b uilt-in EtherNet/I P por t and it cannot be changed.
96 IP Addresses in FINS Communications Section 5-2 5-2-2 P airing Addresses in Internal T ables FINS/UDP Communications Methods A utomatic Genera tio n (Dynamic ) When the EtherNet/ IP Unit or built-in EtherNet/IP por t is tur ned ON or restar ted , the follo w ing values are set for addresses in the inter nal table.
97 IP Addresses in FINS Communications Section 5-2 A utomatic Genera tio n (Static) With th e static method as well, th e f ollowing values are set f or addresses in the inter nal table when the EtherNet/IP Unit or built-in EtherNet/IP po r t is tur n e d ON or res ta r ted.
98 IP Addresses in FINS Communications Section 5-2 Example Combined Metho d The combined method combines the IP address tab le method and the auto- matic gener ation method (dynamic). First the IP addr ess table is re f erenced. Then, if the applicab le FINS node address is f ound, the corresponding IP address is read.
99 IP Addresses in FINS Communications Section 5-2 Example Note When an internal tabl e IP address has bee n changed with the r eception of a FINS command, this is sent to the IP addr ess in the internal table .
100 IP Addresses in FINS Communications Section 5-2 Note If the ETN11-compatible mo de is used, the internal table will retain the same content fr om whe n it was created aft er the EtherNet /IP Unit w as tur ned ON or restar ted . This feature provides protection from access via FINS/UDP fr om computers that dynamically chan ge their IP address .
101 IP Addresses in FINS Communications Section 5-2 ■ Local Device: FINS/TCP Ser ver 1,2,3... 1. A request to open a conn ection is receiv ed in TCP/IP protocol from th e re- mote de vice (i.e., the client, either a person al computer , an EtherNet /IP Unit or b uilt-in EtherNet/IP port), and the connection is estab lished.
102 IP Addresses in FINS Communications Section 5-2 2. Set IP addresses f o r the de vices to be connected. Set the IP address f or the remote EtherNet/IP Unit or built- in EtherNet/IP por t (i.e ., the server) connect ed b y FINS/TCP . This setting must be made if this EtherNet/IP Unit will be used as a FINS/ TCP client.
103 IP Addresses in FINS Communications Section 5-2 server whene ver the system is started. Theref ore, at a personal computer using the DHCP ser vice, IP addresse s ma y be diff erent with each system star tup . DHCP ser vice is mainly used for automa tic settings in de vices such as per- sonal computers that are used f or client applications .
104 IP Addresses in FINS Communications Section 5-2 Models Supporting A utomatic Genera tio n Method (Static ) Models Supporting IP Address T able Method Programmab le T er minal NS Ser ies No: Set manually so that automati c settings can be used with th e au to ma ti c generation method.
105 IP Addresses in FINS Communications Section 5-2 Models that Can Use the Combined Metho d 5-2-5 P airing IP Addresses and FINS Node Ad dresses The f ollowing tab le shows the method s f or pair ing IP addre ss and FINS node addresses , and the relati on between fix ed and va riable address , for bo th FINS/UDP and FINS/TCP .
106 Private and Global Addresses Section 5-3 5-3 Priv ate and Global Addresses 5-3-1 Priv ate and Global Addresses There are tw o kinds of IP addresses, p riv ate and global. • Global addresses: These are IP addresse s that connect directl y to the Internet.
107 Private and Global Addresses Section 5-3 5-3-2 Using a Priv ate Address f or the EtherNet/IP Unit Conditions f o r Using Communic ations Applications When the EtherNe t/IP Unit or built-in EtherNe.
108 Private and Global Addresses Section 5-3 • With FINS/UDP , when the IP address (priv ate address) of a computer serv ing as a DHCP client is chan ged, the IP address con version method of the Et.
109 Private and Global Addresses Section 5-3 5-3-3 EtherNet/IP Unit with a Global Ad dress Conditions f o r Using Communic ations Applications Communications applications can be used o ver the Interne.
110 Private and Global Addresses Section 5-3 • If the TCP port number (44818) or UDP por t number (44818) that is used f or EtherNet/IP cannot be used if prohibited b y a firew all in the communi- cations path.
111 SECTION 6 T ag Data Link Functions This section describes tag data link functions and related Network Configurator operations. 6-1 Overvie w of T ag Data L inks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 6-1-1 T ag Data Links .
112 Overview of T ag Data Links Section 6-1 6-1 Overvie w of T ag Data Links 6-1-1 T ag Data Links T ag data links enable cycli c data e xchanges on an EtherNet/IP network between PLCs or b etween PLCs and anot her de vice. I/O memory addresses (e.g .
113 Overview of T ag Data Links Section 6-1 6-1-2 Overview of Operation Setting and Downloading T ag Data Link P arameters The tag data link par ameters (e.
114 Overview of T ag Data Links Section 6-1 Another EtherNet/IP Unit m ust be mounted to the PLC to increase the ma xi- mum nu mber of connectio ns. (Ref er to the f ollowing figur e.
115 Overview of T ag Data Links Section 6-1 If multica st connections ar e used, ho we ver , use a s witching hub that h as mul- ticast filter ing, unless th e tag set is received b y all nodes in the netw or k.
116 Overview of T ag Data Links Section 6-1 System Configuratio n Conditions for Setting T ags Us ing Symbols or I/O Memory Addresses Local tags f or tag data links can be set using I/ O memor y addresses or net- work symbols. Supp or t fo r network symbols , how ev er , depends on the mode l of CPU Unit, as shown in the f ollowing table .
117 Overview of T ag Data Links Section 6-1 There are bot h input and ou tput tag se ts. Each tag se t can contai n only input tags or only ou tput tags . The same input tag can not be included in mor e than one input tag se t. Number of T ags in T ag Sets Each tag set can contain one or more tags .
118 Overview of T ag Data Links Section 6-1 Note The I/O memory words used in tags in a tag set do not ha ve continuo us addresses . The tags ca n also be fr om diff ere nt I/O memory areas. T o enable a connection, ho wev er , each tag set must include only input tags or only outp ut tags .
119 Overview of T ag Data Links Section 6-1 T o receive the PLC st atus, specify the PLC status in an inpu t (consume) tag in the reception tag se t as w ell.
120 Overview of T ag Data Links Section 6-1 The f ollowing tab le shows the opera tion of each the bits when mu ltiple con- nections are used to comm unicate with a node , and the PLC status is speci- fied in all of the connec tio ns.
121 Setting T ag Data Links Section 6-2 6-2 Setting T ag Data Links 6-2-1 Starting the Network Configurator Procedure T ag data links are set by using the Network Configurator .
122 Setting T ag Data Links Section 6-2 When the Network Configurator star ts, the f ollowing window will be displa y ed. Main Window The Main Window consist s of a Hardw are List and a Network Configurat ion Window , as shown in t he f ollowing diagr am.
123 Setting T ag Data Links Section 6-2 When two or mor e networks are being mana ged, a new Net work Configura- tion Windo w can be added b y selecting Network - Add . T o change the name displa yed in the Netw ork T ab P age, select Netw ork - Property .
124 Setting T ag Data Links Section 6-2 6-2-2 T ag Data Link Setting Pr ocedure The section describes the pro cedu re f or setting tag data links (i. e ., connection inf or mation). F or data links between PLCs , the connection inf or mation is set only in the originator , i.
125 Setting T ag Data Links Section 6-2 6-2-3 Registering De vices Register all of t he de vices required in the equipmen t (such as EtherNet/I P Units performing tag data links ) as a network con figu ration.
126 Setting T ag Data Links Section 6-2 3. Set the IP address to ma tch the node a ddr ess (IP address) actually b eing used in the de vice. 4. Repeat steps 1 to 3, and register all of the de vices par ticipating in the tag data links.
127 Setting T ag Data Links Section 6-2 2. Click the Ta g S e t s T ab at th e top of the Edit Device P arameter s Dialog Box. There are tw o kinds of tag sets: input (consume) an d ou tput (produce).
128 Setting T ag Data Links Section 6-2 Creating and Ad ding T ags 3. Clic k the Edit T ags Button. The Edit T ags Dialog Box will be displa yed. Register the input ( consume) tags and output (produce) t ags separ ately . 4. Click the In - Consume T ab, a nd click the Ne w Button.
129 Setting T ag Data Links Section 6-2 (b) Be sure to directly ent er the CPU Unit's I/O me mor y address (e.g., 100, W100, D0) or a network symbol as a charact er string. 6. In pu t th e size of the tag in the Size Field, in bytes. 7. Click the Regist Button to register the ta g.
130 Setting T ag Data Links Section 6-2 9. Wh en you are finished re gistering the required t ags, clic k the OK Butt on at the bottom of the E dit T ag s D ialo g Box. 10. At this point, a confir mation dialog box will be displa yed to chec k whether the registered tag names will registered without changes as tag sets.
131 Setting T ag Data Links Section 6-2 Changing and Registering Ta g S e t s 11. The f ollowing dialog bo x will be disp lay ed when the tags in the Edit T ags Dialog Box are registered directly as tag sets.
132 Setting T ag Data Links Section 6-2 Open the Edit Device P aram eters Dialog Bo x, select the t ag set containing the tag th at you want to delete, and click the Delete But ton in the Edit T ag Dialog Bo x.
133 Setting T ag Data Links Section 6-2 13. In order to ed it a registered tag se t and add tags , either double-clic k the tag set, or select the ta g set and clic k the Edit Button.
134 Setting T ag Data Links Section 6-2 18. If y ou want to just add ne w tags and register the tag se t, first register t he tags with steps 1 to 9. In th is e xample, inp ut tags D00004 and D00 005 hav e been newly added.
135 Setting T ag Data Links Section 6-2 21. T o register the ne wly added tags in a tag set, either doub le-click the de- sired tag set, or select the tag set and clic k the Edit Button.
136 Setting T ag Data Links Section 6-2 2. Importing Network Symbols Created wi th the CX-Pr ogrammer to the Network Configurator If the CJ2H-CPU6 @ -EIP or CJ2M-CPU3 @ is use d, you can create network symbols using the CX-P rogram mer , impor t th em into the Netw ork Configura- tor , and then cre at e tags an d ta g se ts.
137 Setting T ag Data Links Section 6-2 A confir mation message will be displa yed. Clic k the Ye s Button. The symbols will be impor ted as shown belo w on the T ag Sets T ab P age. Each symbol will be impor ted into a diff erent tag set and the de vice param- eters will be automatically edited.
138 Setting T ag Data Links Section 6-2 T o place more than one input symbol (inp ut tag) imported from the CX- Programmer into one tag set, you must delete the input tags that were reg- istered to s eparate input tag s ets. Select the tag sets f or the symbols that are includ ed in the one t ag set and click the De lete Button.
139 Setting T ag Data Links Section 6-2 4. Y ou can change tag set names in t his dialog bo x. T o confir m a change , click the OK Button in the dia log box.
140 Setting T ag Data Links Section 6-2 Impor ti ng th e T ag and T ag Set CSV File with the CX-Programmer 1,2,3... 1. In the project global symbol tab le for the CJ2H-CPU6 @ -EIP or CJ2M- CPU3 @ , right-click and select Import N etwork V ariable from the pop-up menu.
141 Setting T ag Data Links Section 6-2 6-2-5 Connection Settings After creating the tag sets, click the Connections T ab at the top of the Edit De vice P arameters Dialog Box, and se t the f ollowing connection inf o r mation.
142 Setting T ag Data Links Section 6-2 3. In the Unregister Device List , select the target de vice that requires connec- tion settings b y clicking the de vice so its color changes to gra y , and click the Button. The select ed target de vice will be display ed in the Reg- ister De vice List, as shown in the fo llowing diagr am.
143 Setting T ag Data Links Section 6-2 1,2,3... 1. Select the Connectio n T ab and then click the New Button. The f o llowing Edit Connection Dialog Bo x will be display ed acc ording to the type of de vice that is selected.
144 Setting T ag Data Links Section 6-2 The settings are as f ollows: 2. When the settings ha ve been complet ed, press the Regist Button. Connections Settings (Editing All Connections) The connectio n settings betw een the originator and all of the target de vices selected in th e Register De vice List can be edite d together in a tab le.
145 Setting T ag Data Links Section 6-2 The f ollowing tab le descr ibes the v ar ious settings in the dialog bo x. 2. When the settings are co mpleted, clic k the OK Button. Setting Function T arget Devic e Selects the targ et device . Connection Name Any name can be giv en to the connection (up to 32 charac- ters).
146 Setting T ag Data Links Section 6-2 Confirming the Connections Settings 1,2,3... 1. An ov erview of the con nections set in the Register De vice List is displa yed in the Connectio ns T ab Page. 2. Click the OK Button. The follo w ing kind of diagr am will be displa yed.
147 Setting T ag Data Links Section 6-2 4. If the tag set’ s siz e is changed in either the or iginator or tar get after th e connection was set, the size will not match the othe r node and a par ameter data mismatch will occur . In this case , if the connection settings ha v e been changed, be sure to chec k the connections.
148 Setting T ag Data Links Section 6-2 Example 2: A utomatic Connecti ons with the Elli p ses The f ollowing connections would autom atically be set if there is an output tag set named O_Signal at node A and input tag sets named I_Signal at no des B and C , and “O_” and “I_” were set as ellipses.
149 Setting T ag Data Links Section 6-2 Click the OK Button t o star t processing. 4. A device connection stru cture tree w ill be displa y ed when processing has been completed. 5. Use the device connection structur e tree as requir ed to chang e the RPI and timeout settin gs.
150 Setting T ag Data Links Section 6-2 •T h e Display t he detail of Connection Check Bo x can be used to s witch between de vice-le vel and conne ction-le vel displa ys of tag data link com- munica tions. • An asteris k will be displa yed after the de vice name of the originator set f or the connection.
151 Setting T ag Data Links Section 6-2 Node List The f o llowing items will be displa yed in the Node Area on the left side of the window . • IP Address: The IP addre ss of the node . • De vice: The name (mod el n umber) of the de vice at the node.
152 Setting T ag Data Links Section 6-2 • T ag Set N ame: If the Wizard is used, the names w ill be automatically assigned using consecutiv e IP addresses in t he f ollowing f or m f or both input and outpu t tags: T agSet1 _192168.250.1. There is no reason to be concer ned with these names.
153 Setting T ag Data Links Section 6-2 2. Select the memory area (here , W) in the Memor y Field an d enter the star t- ing address (her e, 0) and number of words (here, 50) in the Star t Address and Size Fields f or Ar ea 1.
154 Setting T ag Data Links Section 6-2 If the creating the data link tab le is c o ntinued, the data link tab le will be cre- ated with the same siz e of data link f or all registered no des . Examples are shown belo w . A utomatic Allocation Results f or Node 1 (IP Address: 192.
155 Setting T ag Data Links Section 6-2 A utomatic Allocation Results f or Node 3 (IP Address: 192. 168.250.3) 6. After entering all of the sett ings in the data li nk tab le, select Save from the File Menu. A consistency chec k will be performed on the table and the re- sults will be displa yed.
156 Setting T ag Data Links Section 6-2 b . No T able Inconsiste ncies The f ollowing message will be displa yed. Clic k the OK Button. 7. Select Exit from the File Menu. The EtherN et/IP Datalink T o ol will be e x ited and you’ll return to the Network Configurator .
157 Setting T ag Data Links Section 6-2 The f ollowing dialog bo x will be displa yed bef ore the Wizard star ts. Click the Ye s Button to delete the connections that hav e been set with OM- RON PLCs before star ting the W izard. 3. Cr eate the conn ection follo wing the instruc tions that are given b y t he Wiz- ard after the Wizard sta r ts.
158 Setting T ag Data Links Section 6-2 The f ollowing displa y will appear when you clic k the Show Detail Button. The specified v alues for detailed par ameters will be display ed. Change the v alues as required. Th e connection name cannot be set .
159 Setting T ag Data Links Section 6-2 6-2-8 Creating Connections by De vice Dragging and Dr opping Y ou can create a connectio n to the originator b y dragging a target de vice and dropping it at t he originator de vice. Network Configurat or v ersion 3.
160 Setting T ag Data Links Section 6-2 • If there is no app licab le input tag set at the originator , y ou can create a new one by using the Edit T ag Sets Button a nd Edit T ag Button.
161 Setting T ag Data Links Section 6-2 Note The f ollowing dialog bo x will be displa yed if a target de vice that does not ha v e I/O data is dropped. Bef ore dropp ing aga in, ref er to the man ual o f the a pplicab le de vice and create the I/O data (i .
162 Setting T ag Data Links Section 6-2 The Network Configur ator will conn ect to the EtherNet /IP network. If t he Network Configura tor is connected online pr operly , On-line will be dis- pla y ed in the status bar at the bo ttom of the windo w .
163 Setting T ag Data Links Section 6-2 3. Input the EtherNet/IP Unit’ s unit number in the Unit No . Field, selec t the connecting COM por t numbe r , and clic k the OK Button. Usually , the Ba ud Rate is left at this setting. The f ollowing dialog bo x will be displa yed.
164 Setting T ag Data Links Section 6-2 2. Select Network - Connect . The Setup Interf ace Dialog Bo x will be dis- pla yed. 3. Set the por t type to either USB or serial. 4. Set the por t to use and then click th e OK Button. (Lea ve the baud r ate at the default setting.
165 Setting T ag Data Links Section 6-2 7. Se lec t th e p or t f or th e Eth er Ne t/IP Unit and then click the OK Button. The Network Configurator will be connected to the EtherN et/IP network. If the Network Configurator goes online no r mally , “On-line” will be display ed in the status bar at th e bo tto m of the w ind ow .
166 Setting T ag Data Links Section 6-2 2. Select Network - Conne ct . The f ollowing Setup Interf ace Dialog Box will be displa yed. 3. Click the Setup Button in the Setup Interf ace Dialog B o x. The Registration of the connecti on Dialog Bo x will be display ed.
167 Setting T ag Data Links Section 6-2 • Node address Last v alue in the IP address of the Unit abov e (e.g., 3 f or 192.168.25 1.3) • Unit number of CPU Bus Unit Unit number of the Unit abov e d. Remote Info rmation - Ether net Unit Enter the inf or mation f or the Ether n et Unit of the PLC that will be the rela y node.
168 Setting T ag Data Links Section 6-2 is click ed in the dialog bo x abo ve . (Refer t o the f ollowing figure. ) 6-2-10 Downloadi ng T ag Data Link P arameters T o make tag data links , you m ust download t ag data link par ameters , such as tag set settings and connection setti ngs, to all de vices in the EtherNet/IP net- work.
169 Setting T ag Data Links Section 6-2 1,2,3... 1. Connect the Netw or k Configur ator online . 2. There are two w ays to do wnload the parameters . • Downloading to All De vic es in the Network Select Networ k - Do wnload . The fo llowing dialog bo x will be display e d.
170 Setting T ag Data Links Section 6-2 If the Download after cha nged to Progra m mode Button is clicked, all CPU Units will be changed to PROG RAM mode and the parameters will be do wnloaded. Confirm saf ety for all controlled equip ment if the CPU Units are changed to PR OGRAM mode.
171 Setting T ag Data Links Section 6-2 If the oper ating mode of one or mor e CPU Units was changed to download the param eters , the CPU Units can be returned to the pre vious operatin g mode. If the No Button is click ed, the CPU Units will remain in PR OGRAM mode.
172 Setting T ag Data Links Section 6-2 Select the icon of th e EtherNet/IP Un it from which y ou want t o upload. T o select multip le nodes , press and hold the Shift K e y while selecting addi- tional icons . (In the follo wing examp le, 2 nodes ar e selected: 192.
173 Setting T ag Data Links Section 6-2 V erifying the Netw ork Configuration Compare the list o f registered de vices in the Netwo rk Configuration Windo w with the de vices connected on the EtherNet/I P network, and chec k the IP addresses and de vic e types.
174 Setting T ag Data Links Section 6-2 Click the OK Button or the Close Butt on. V erifying the Device P arameters Use the f ollo wing proced ure to compare the de vice parameter s f or the de vices selected in the Net work Configur ation Windo w with those of the de vices con- nected on the EtherNet/I P network.
175 Setting T ag Data Links Section 6-2 • Diffe rences F ound in the Device T ype Click the OK Button or the Close B utton. 5. If multiple nodes hav e been sele cted, the f ollowing message will be dis- pla yed. Click the Ye s Button . The comparison results will be displayed in order of the s elected nodes.
176 Setting T ag Data Links Section 6-2 Star t Connection Bu tton: Star ts all connections f or which the de vice is the originator . Stop Connection Button : Stops all connections f or which the de vice is the originator .
177 Setting T ag Data Links Section 6-2 3. Select Device - Reset . The f ollowing dialog bo x will be display ed. • Clicking the Ye s Button: The f ollowing dialog bo x will be displa yed. Select one of the f ollowing optio ns and click the OK Button .
178 Setting T ag Data Links Section 6-2 The network configur ation file sav e operation is co mplete. 3. When the network configura tion is changed later , t he existing network con- figurat ion file can be ov erwritten by selecting File - Sa ve or clicking the Button.
179 Setting T ag Data Links Section 6-2 1,2,3... 1. Select File - Open or click the Button. The f ollowing dialog bo x will be displa yed. If the network configur ation file that you w ant to read is not displa yed, change to ( Loo k in ) another f older .
180 Setting T ag Data Links Section 6-2 5. Select any of the opt ions as necessary . The options are listed belo w . Note The sav e format will vary depending on the N etwork Configurator v ersion.
181 Setting T ag Data Links Section 6-2 6-2-18 Changing Devices De vices that are register ed in a network configur ation with the Network Con- figurator can be changed. Select Change Device from the De vice Menu to display a list of the de vices th at can be changed to.
182 Setting T ag Data Links Section 6-2 Icon Status (gra y) Offline Default (no configur ation) (turquoise edge) (green) Idle (CPU Unit of PLC is in PROGRAM mode.) (blue) Communications normal (CPU Unit of PLC is in R UN or MONI- T OR mode.) (yellow) Warning (A non-fatal error has o ccurred in the CPU Unit of the PLC.
183 Ladder Programming with T ag Data Links Section 6-3 6-3 Ladder Pr ogramming with T ag Data Links 6-3-1 Ladder Pr ogramming Related to T ag Data Links If data in the ladder progr am is linked by tag data links, add conditio ns 1 to 4 in the ladder prog ram f or that data.
184 Ladder Programming with T ag Data Links Section 6-3 Progra mming for Re vision 2 or Higher Progra mming for Re vision 1 and Revision 2 Progra mm ing to Detect Error s: Example 1 The f ollowing p rogramming can be us ed to check for errors for each target node.
185 Ladder Programming with T ag Data Links Section 6-3 Progra mming for Re vision 1 or Higher Example of Pr ogramming to Pr ocess Data The f ollo wing type of pro gramm ing can be used to pr ocess data only when th e data links are oper ating normally .
186 Ladder Programming with T ag Data Links Section 6-3 Note Ev en if an error occurs in communicat ions with a target de vice, the input da ta from the target de vice will remain stored in words a llocated in memor y to the local node .
187 SECTION 7 Message Communications Functions This section describes message communications using FINS messages and explicit messages. 7-1 Overvie w . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
188 Overview Section 7-1 7-1 Overview The messag e communica tions funct ions se nd com ma nd/r espo nse m essa ges betwee n node s o n t he Eth ernet netw ork. The message s ca n be se nt be tw een a computer and PLC, between two PLCs, between an OMRON PLC and a master made b y another compan y , or between sla ves .
189 Overview Section 7-1 Overall Str u cture Note With the EtherNet/IP Unit or built- in EtherNet/IP port, message communica- tions are pos sible e ven if the I/O link function is disabled.
190 FINS Message Communications Section 7-2 7-2 FINS Messa ge Communications Messages containing FINS commands can be e xchanged ov er the Ether net network betw een nodes that suppor t FINS messages.
191 FINS Message Communications Section 7-2 Note FINS commands sent and receiv ed b y the CS/CJ-series EtherNet/IP Unit include commands ad dressed to the CS/ CJ-series CPU Unit and commands addressed to the CS/CJ-series EtherNet/IP Unit. Up to 8 network lev els, including the EtherNet/IP network, can be crossed.
192 Explicit Message Communications Section 7-3 7-3 Explicit Messa ge Communications Explicit messages defined in EtherNet /IP can be used to send service requests to other companie s’ EtherNet/IP masters/sla ves and OMR ON PLCs with CS/CJ-series EtherNet/IP Units and b uilt-in EtherNet/IP ports.
193 Message Communications Specifications Section 7-4 7-4 Message Comm unications Specifications CPU Unit function CS/CJ Series Unit model number CS1W -EIP21 , CJ1W -EIP21 , CJ2H-CPU @@ -EIP , or CJ2M.
194 Message Communications Error Indications Section 7-5 7-5 Message Comm unications Error Indications There are tw o w a ys t o obtain inf or mation on comm unicatio ns errors that o ccur in message co mmunications: chec king the EtherNet/IP Un it’ s error log or checking its indicator s.
195 Message Communications Errors Section 7-6 7-6 Message Comm unications Error s The f ollowing tab le sh o ws the main err ors that ma y occur when messages are sent or received.
196 Message Communications Errors Section 7-6.
197 SECTION 8 FINS Communications This section provides information on communicating on Et herNet/IP Systems and interconnected networks using FINS commands. The inform ation provided in the section deals only wi th FINS communications in r eference to EtherNet/IP Units or built-in EtherNet/IP ports.
198 Overview of FINS Communications Section 8-1 8-1 Overvie w of FINS Comm unications 8-1-1 Communications On an Ethernet Ne tw ork The EtherNet/IP Units and b uilt-in EtherNet/I P por ts suppor t th e FINS com- munications service, which can be used simultaneo usly with the CIP comm u- nications ser vice.
199 Overview of FINS Communications Section 8-1 8-1-2 Using the FINS/UDP and FINS/TCP Methods It is recommend ed that FINS/UDP and FINS/TCP be used as follo ws: • When remote de vices do not support the FINS/TCP method: Use the FINS/UDP meth od f or FINS commun ications with those de vices.
200 FINS/UDP Method Section 8-2 8-2 FINS/UDP Method 8-2-1 Overview FINS/UDP Features The FINS/UDP method is a FINS commun ications meth od that uses t he UDP/ IP protocol.
201 FINS/UDP Method Section 8-2 UDP P or t Numbers f or FINS/UDP The UDP por t n umber is the number f or UDP to identify the applicat ion la yer (i.e. , the FINS comm unications ser vice in this case). Whe n commun ications are e xecuted by UDP/IP , this port number must be allocated to the com muni- cations ser vice.
202 FINS/TCP Method Section 8-3 8-3 FINS/TCP Method 8-3-1 Overview FINS/TCP Features The FINS /TCP method is a FINS communicatio ns method that uses the TC P/ IP protocol. TCP/I P is a connection-type comm unications protocol. Bef ore a message is sent from one node to anot her , it is necessary to establish a vir- tual circuit, i.
203 FINS/TCP Method Section 8-3 • After a FINS/TCP connection (c onnection n umber , remote IP address) has been set in the FINS/TCP T ab P age of the Network Configur ator’ s Edit P arameters Dialog Box, it can be d ynamically changed from the lad- der prog ram usin g a FINS command (i .
204 FINS/TCP Method Section 8-3 FINS/TCP Connection Stat us (W ord n+24) While a connectio n with a remote n ode is estab lished, the bit correspond ing to the FINS/TCP connection sta tus turns ON in the section of the CPU Bus Unit words alloca ted in the CIO Area.
205 FINS/TCP Method Section 8-3 After a connecti on has been e stab lished as a FINS/TCP cli ent, it can be termi- nated in the f ollo wing ways . • If the connection is closed b y the ser ver . • If there is no response f rom the client when the k eep-alive function is in eff e ct.
206 FINS/TCP Method Section 8-3 • When routing tab les are used f or one or more oth er nodes on the same network It is not n ecessar y to set routing ta bles if one Communications Unit is mounted to the PLC and the nodes ar e connected as one ne tw or k.
207 Routing T ables Section 8-4 8-4 Routing T ables When the FINS commun ications service is used, routing tables m ust be cre- ated in advance. Routing tables are required in the f o llowing circumstances. • When communicating with a PLC or computer o n another netw or k (e.
208 Routing T ables Section 8-4 The f ollo wing e xample shows r outing tab les f or sending data fr om PLC #1 (the local node: network address 1, node address 1) to PLC #4 (the dest ination node: netw or k address 3, node ad dress 2).
209 Routing T ables Section 8-4 8-4-3 Routing T able Setting Examples ■ Example 1: Local Netw ork T able f or a PLC With Multiple Units Mounted This e xample shows the local ne twork ta ble settings f or a PLC to which multi- ple CPU Bus Units are mounted.
210 Routing T ables Section 8-4 ■ Example 3: All Nodes This e xample uses th e f ollo win g configur at ion to sho w the ro uting tab l es f or al l nodes .
211 Using FINS Applications Section 8-5 8-5 Using FINS Applications 8-5-1 CX-Pr ogrammer (CX-Ser ver) The f ollowing e xamples show how to connect online from a CX-Progr ammer on an Ethernet network to a PLC on the Eth ernet network.
212 Using FINS Applications Section 8-5 Example: Inputs to the CX-Pr ogrammer's Setup Window Example: Change PLC Settings Example: Netw ork Settings (Network T ab P age) Note When FinsGatewa y is s elected as the n etwork type, make sure that the frame length is set to 2,000 b ytes max.
213 Using FINS Applications Section 8-5 Example: Netw ork Settings (Driver T ab P age) ■ System Configuration Example 2: Using Routing T ables In this e xample, an online connect ion is made via the Ethernet to a PLC on a Controller Link netw or k (PLC 3 belo w) from a CX-Progr ammer/CX-Integ rator connected to the Ethernet network.
214 Using FINS Applications Section 8-5 CX-Progra mmer 's FINS/UDP T ab P age in Edit P a rameters Dialog Box Same as f or System Configuratio n Example 1 . Routing T able Setting s and T ransfer to Each PLC Set the routin g tables with CX-Integrator , a nd transf er them.
215 Using FINS Applications Section 8-5 8-5-2 FinsGatewa y FinsGatewa y V er . 2003 must be used t o communicate us ing FINS/TCP between a pplications serving as communications driv ers and CS1W -EIP21, CJ1W -EIP21, CJ2H-C PU @@ -EIP , or CJ2M-CPU3 @ EtherNet/IP Units.
216 Using FINS Applications Section 8-5 • Communica tio n Unit T ab P age • UDP Node s T a b P age : A utomatic Ge neration Method (D ynamic or Passiv e) • UDP por t number Set the local UDP por t number for the personal com- puter (Ether net por t).
217 Using FINS Applications Section 8-5 • UDP Nodes T ab P age: IP Address T able Method or Combined Meth od Click the Ad d Button, and then set th e IP address ta ble in the f ollowing Ether- net Node Definition Dialog Bo x. • Nod e address: Set the remote FINS node address.
218 Using FINS Applications Section 8-5 • TCP Nodes T ab Page Click the Ad d Button, and then set th e IP address ta ble in the f ollowing Ether- net Node Definition Dialog Bo x. 3. Start ing FinsGatewa y ETN_ UNIT Service Select ETN_UNIT from Ser vices unde r the Basic T ab in the FinsGate wa y Setup Windo w , and then clic k the Star t Button .
219 Using FINS Applications Section 8-5 ■ System Configuration Example 3: Connecting the CX- Programmer Online Using the FINS/TCP Meth od In this e xample, an online connection is made b y FINS/TCP to a PLC on an Ethernet network (PLC1 in the diagr am below) from a CX-Progr ammer/CX- Integr ator connected to the Et hernet netw or k.
220 Communicating between OMR ON PLCs Section 8-6 8-6 Comm unicating between OMRON PLCs FINS commands can be sent from the CPU Unit of a PLC b y using the SEND(090), RECV(098 ), and CMND(490 ) instructions. SEND(090): Writes I/O data f rom the local node to an other node .
221 Communicating between OMR ON PLCs Section 8-6 8-6-2 PLC Comm unications Data Areas The f ollowing tab le sho w s the I/O dat a areas in volv ed when SEND(090) and RECV(098) ar e us ed. Note 1. Data cannot be wr itten to words A0 00 to A447 in the A uxiliar y Area.
222 Communicating between OMR ON PLCs Section 8-6 8-6-3 Using SEND(090), RE CV(098), and CMND(490) Mak e the settings sho wn below when using the SEND( 090), RECV(098), and CMND(490) instructions in the user’ s ladder-diagram prog ram in the PC .
223 Communicating between OMR ON PLCs Section 8-6 RECV(098) With the REC V(0 98) instr uction, th e dat a in m num ber of wo rds, star ting from the beginn ing word S at the r emote node (n ode ad dress M) is received at the words starting from the beginning wo rd D at the local node .
224 Communicating between OMR ON PLCs Section 8-6 CMND(490) The CMND(490) instruction sends n b ytes o f command data , star ting from t he beginning wo rd S at the local node , to the no de at node address N.
225 Communicating between OMR ON PLCs Section 8-6 Commands Add ressed to CS/CJ- series CPU Unit s The f ollowing tab le prov ides a list of FINS commands th at can be processed by a CS/CJ-series CPU Unit. F or details, ref er to the CS/CJ-ser ies Program- mable Controllers Communicatio ns Commands Re f e rence Manual (W342).
226 Communicating between OMR ON PLCs Section 8-6 8-6-4 Writing Programs Progr ams incorporating the SEND(090), RECV(098), and CMND(490) instructions are generally crea ted using the Comm unications P or t Enable d Flag and the Comm unications P or t Error Fl ag as input condi tions.
227 Communicating between OMR ON PLCs Section 8-6 The e x ecution stat us of the SEND(0 90), RECV( 098), a nd CMND(490 ) instruc- tions is alwa ys reflected by the communica tions flags (i.e ., the Communica- tions P or t Enab led Flag and the Comm unications P or t Error Flag).
228 Communicating between OMR ON PLCs Section 8-6 Communic ations Po r t Completion Codes The status of a SEND(090 ), RECV(098), and CMND(4 90) instruction after e x ecution is reflected as a co mm un ica tions port completion code, in o ne w ord (two bytes) of data as shown in the follo w ing table.
229 Communicating between OMR ON PLCs Section 8-6 1 0 1 0 0000 0000 0000 Example Communications P or t Enabled Flag Communications instruction: SEND(090), RECV(098), CMND(490) Communications P or t Error Flag Communications P or t Completion Code Instruction 1 being ex ecuted.
230 Communicating between OMR ON PLCs Section 8-6 8-6-5 Pr o gram Example When the Communications P or t Enabled Flag f or por t 7 is ON, and RECV(098) is not being ex ecuted, the send ex ecution program will start when execution condition CIO 000000 turns ON.
231 Communicating between OMR ON PLCs Section 8-6 Note 1. With CS/CJ-series PLCs, the Commu nications P or t Enabled Flags at bits 0 to 7 in word A202 t urn OFF ev en when the PCMR(2 60) instruction is be- ing e xecuted using t he por ts corresponding to those f lags.
232 Precautions on High T raffi c in FINS Communications Section 8-7 8-7 Precautions on High T raffic in FINS Communications When applications are co nstructed using FINS communication s services, com.
233 SECTION 9 Message Communications This section describes message commu nications u sing FINS commands sent from the ladd er pro gram in th e CPU Unit o f the PLC. 9-1 Sending Explicit Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
234 Sending Explicit Messages Section 9-1 9-1 Sending Explicit Messages CS/CJ-series EtherNet/IP Units and b uilt-in EtherNet/IP por ts can send explicit messages. Only CIP un connected me ssage (UCMM) communications can be used to send e xplicit messages .
235 Sending Explicit Messages Section 9-1 in the same netw or k la yer and the remote n ode’ s IP address r ange is lim- ited. The f ollowing diagr a m sho ws an ex ample of actual node address specifica- tions. Note Depending on co nditions, the destination sla ve ma y not alw ays accept an e xplicit m essage .
236 Sending Explicit Messages Section 9-1 CIP UCMM MESSA GE SEND (28 10) This command sends an e xplicit message f or CIP routing to another n ode’ s specified class and rece iv es a response. Ther e are two command f orm ats: one with a specified rou te path (path to th e target de vice), and the other with- out the route pa th.
237 Sending Explicit Messages Section 9-1 Response Bloc k The follo wing nor mal response is returned to a transmitt ed CIP UCMM MES- SA GE SEND command if it was completed nor mally . The f ollowing response is retu rned if an error occurs in a tr ansmitted CIP UCMM MESSA GE S END command.
238 Sending Explicit Messages Section 9-1 In the routing f or mat f or rely hops, the first service code (in the routing service data) is 52 He x, which is the Unconnected Send service. Request path size (command): Specifies the n u mber of w ords of data that are specified in the reque st path field.
239 Sending Explicit Messages Section 9-1 This he xadecimal value is re turned to indicate the numbe r of words o f data in the additiona l stat us fie l d.
240 Sending Explicit Messages Section 9-1 Ann Arbor , Michigan 48108-500 6 USA TEL: 1 734-975-8 840 F AX: 1 734-922-0 027 Email odv WEB www .
241 Sending Explicit Messages Section 9-1 EXPLICIT MESSA G E SEND (28 01) EXPLICIT MESSA GE SEND will send a De viceNet Unit-compatib le explicit message to the specified class of another node and receiv e a response. The other nod e is specified with the destination node address in t he com- mand.
242 Sending Explicit Messages Section 9-1 Class ID ( command): The class ID of t he destination of t he e xplicit message. Instance ID ( comman d): The instance ID of the destinat ion of the e xplicit message. Service data (command, response): The data defined f or the services codes.
243 Sending Explicit Messages Section 9-1 9-1-1 Sending Explicit Messages Using CMND(490) With a CS/CJ-series EtherNet/ IP Unit or b uilt-in EtherNet/ IP por t, a CMND(490) in the CPU Unit ’ s ladder program can send CIP UCMM e xplicit messages .
244 Sending Explicit Messages Section 9-1 Setting the Command Data for CMND(490) The response data is set in the same w a y , star ting from the word specif ied f or CMND(490) oper and D (first re sponse word ) and continuin g with words with higher addr esses in I/O memory in the response b loc k f or mat.
245 Sending Explicit Messages Section 9-1 data and ERR OR CLEAR codes, is also returned in the same order from low to high b ytes in the resp onse b loc k. Example: Sending Explicit Messages Using CMND(490) Operation The identity object inf or mation (class ID = 01 he x) is read from the other com- pany’ s EtherNet/IP node at IP address 192.
246 Sending Explicit Messages Section 9-1 D01016 = 382E he x IP address: “8. ” D01017 = 3235 he x IP address: “25” D01018 = 302E he x IP address: “0.
247 Sending Explicit Messages Section 9-1 Progra m Example Sets 0000 in D00000 to D02999. Shifts the contents of CIO 0000 one bit to the right and retries in the next cycle (CIO 000000 ON). Sends 8 bytes of command data to destination node address 06, receives 14 bytes of response data, and stores it in the local node starting at D02000.
248 Receiving Explicit Messages Section 9-2 9-2 Receiving Explicit Messa ges The CS/CJ-series EtherNet/IP Units and b u ilt-in Et herNet/IP por ts are equipped with a PLC Object that is fu nctionally compatib le with CS/C J-series De viceNet Units.
249 Receiving Explicit Messages Section 9-2 9-2-1 List of PLC Object Services PLC Objects provide the f ollowing serv ices. Status Read/Write for CPU Units Services Service code Class ID Instance ID Request service da ta Contents CPU Unit Informa- tion Read 0E Hex C4 Hex (2F He x) (See note.
250 Receiving Explicit Messages Section 9-2 I/O Memory Re ad/Write for CPU Units Note With a EtherN et/IP Unit or built-in EtherNet /IP por t with unit version 2.0 or later , the PLC object clas s ID is C4 he x. (Wi th unit v ersion 1.0, the PLC object class ID is F2 he x.
251 Receiving Explicit Messages Section 9-2 CPU Information Read (S ervice Code: 0E Hex) Reads CPU Unit inf or mation, includ ing operating m ode, f atal/non-fatal errors, and the CPU Unit model. Command Block Note A body f or mat of either 8 bits or 16 bits is possib le.
252 Receiving Explicit Messages Section 9-2 Note The codes f or the abov e modes are 1-w ord (2-byte ) data and are returned in low b yt e first. F or example, f or PROGRAM mode, the code is retur ned as 01 He x fo llowed b y 00 Hex.
253 Receiving Explicit Messages Section 9-2 • CPU Operating Mo de (Attribut e ID = 64 He x) Changes the CPU Unit operating mode. The Attribute V alues are as f ollows: 0001 He x: PROGRAM mode; 0002 .
254 Receiving Explicit Messages Section 9-2 CPU Unit Status Read (Service Code: 40 Hex) This PLC Object service reads status details (oper ation status , operating mode, f atal and non-f atal errors, etc.) from the CPU Unit . Command Block Note A body f or mat of either 8 bits or 16 bits is possib le.
255 Receiving Explicit Messages Section 9-2 • Operating mode: Returns the operati ng mode of the CPU Unit in 1-b yte (2-digit) hexadecimal. 0001 He x: PROGRAM mode; 0002 He x: MONIT OR mode; 0004 He x: RUN mo de • Fatal err or information: Returns the f atal error inf or mation f or the CPU Unit in 2 bytes (low to high).
256 Receiving Explicit Messages Section 9-2 • Message Exists/Does Not Ex ist: When the MSG instruction is ex ecuted by the CPU Unit, the bit correspo ndi ng to the message number will turn ON and be r eturned in 2 byt es (from lo w to high byt es).
257 Receiving Explicit Messages Section 9-2 Class ID ( command): Alw ays C4 (2F). The class ID depends on the unit v ersion. The class ID is C4 f or unit ve rsion 2.0, and 2F f or unit version 1.0. Instance ID (command): The memory area that will re ad the data is specified as shown in the f ollowing tab le.
258 Receiving Explicit Messages Section 9-2 Response Bloc k P ar amet er s Service code (command, response): ID He x is specified for commands . F or responses, the highest bit will tu rn ON and 9D Hex will be returned. Class ID ( command): Alw ays C4 (2F).
259 Receiving Explicit Messages Section 9-2 Command Block Note A body f or mat of either 8 bits or 16 bits is possib le. Response Bloc k P a rameter s Service code (command, response): IE He x is specified for commands . For responses, the highest bit will turn ON and 9E Hex will be returned.
260 Receiving Explicit Messages Section 9-2 Command Block Note A body f or mat of either 8 bits or 16 bits is possib le. Response Bloc k P arameters Service code (comma nd, response): IF Hex is specified f or commands. F o r responses, the highest bit will turn ON and 9F Hex will be retur ned.
261 SECTION 10 Communications P erf ormance and Communications Load This section describes the communications performance in an EtherNet/IP network, and shows ho w to estim ate the I/O response times and transmission delays. 10-1 Communications System .
262 Communications System Section 10-1 10-1 Comm unications System 10-1-1 T ag Data Link Comm unications Method P acket Interval (RPI) Settings In EtherNet/IP tag da ta links, t he data tr ansmission period is set f or each con- nection as the pac k et inter val (RPI).
263 Communications System Section 10-1 P acket Interval (RPI) and Bandwidth Usage (PPS) In a tag data link, t he n umber of pack ets transf erred each second is called the bandwidth used or PPS ( pack ets per second).
264 Communications System Section 10-1 10-1-2 Calculating the Number of Connections The maximum n umber of connections f or the Unit is 32 f or the CJ2M and 256 f o r other CPU Units.
265 Communications System Section 10-1 10-1-3 Netw ork T ransm ission Dela y Time In an EtherNet/ IP network, the tag data link packets are sent once each pac ket interval (RPI), b ut se ver al delays occur between t he transmission of pac kets from each node and t he arriv al of the pac kets at the d estination nodes.
266 Communications System Section 10-1 3. Switching Hub Dela y The s witching hub dela y is the dela y time betw een the arrival of t he pac ket at the s witching hub and the output of t he pac ket fr om the hub’ s transmission por t.
267 Communications System Section 10-1 PLC #1 PLC #2 PLC #3 PLC #17 #17 #3 #2 200 words 200 words 200 words × 16 5 ms 5 ms 200 words 5 ms.
268 Adjusting the Communications Load Section 10-2 10-2 Adjusting the Comm unications Load In an Ethernet network using a s witching hub , the network bandwidth is not shared b y all of the nodes; independent transmission pat hs are establishe d between ind ividual nodes thr ough the s witching hub .
269 Adjusting the Communications Load Section 10-2 10-2-1 Chec king Bandwidth Usa ge for T ag Data Links The Network Configur ator can displa y the bandwidth actually u sed f or tag data links at e ach EtherNet/IP Unit, based on the conne ctions set in the net- work configura tion.
270 Adjusting the Communications Load Section 10-2 Checking the Usage of Capacity and Netw ork Bandwidth for T ag Dat a Links The percentage of th e allow a ble commu nications bandwidth f or tag data.
271 Adjusting the Communications Load Section 10-2 Example: If the RPI is set to 50 ms f or all c onnections and the usage of capacity is 40%, the usage of capacity ma y increase to 80% when the RPI is reduced to 25 ms f or all connectio ns.
272 Adjusting the Communications Load Section 10-2 • Is the netw ork bandwidth usage without multicast filt ering under 100 Mbps for each node or the usag e of capacity withou t multicast filtering under 100% f or each node? ( These appear a s “Mbit/s” and “Usage of Capacity” in the dialog bo x shown on page 269.
273 Adjusting the Communications Load Section 10-2 The Usage of Capacity column will sho w the percen tage of the allow ed tag data link bandwidth being used , and the Mbit/s column will show the net- work bandwidth being used. 3. The usage of capacity can be adjusted b y changing the associated de vic- es’ RPI settings.
274 Adjusting the Communications Load Section 10-2 Method 2: Changing a P ar ticular De vice’ s RPI Setting The usage of capa city can be adjus ted f or only a par ticular de vice by changing the pac ket intervals ( RPI) f or all of the de vice’ s connections to- gether .
275 Adjusting the Communications Load Section 10-2 a. Click the Close Button at the bot tom of the Usage of De vice Bandwidth Dialog Bo x. b . Double-click the device that is set as the or iginator of th e desired con- nection. The Edit De vice P arameters Dialog Bo x will be display ed.
276 Adjusting the Communications Load Section 10-2 4. If the usage of capacity cannot be adjusted t o the desired le vel when th e setting described abo v e has been p erf ormed, reconsider the network con- figurati on considering the f ollowing points .
277 Adjusting the Communications Load Section 10-2 Example Conditions Connections In this e xample, t here are 10 CS1 W -EIP21 Units and 10 CJ1W -EIP21 Units f or a total of 20 de vices connected in the netw or k.
278 Adjusting the Communications Load Section 10-2 Changing the Settings Method 1: Same Pac ket Interval Setting f or All Connections The percentage of t he allow e d tag data link ba ndwidth being used (Usage of Capacity) wa s 39.67% with the RPI set to 10.
279 Adjusting the Communications Load Section 10-2 If the pac ket interval f or all connections has been set to the same setting, the dialog bo x will show that the usage of capacity for the tag data link's allow ab le communication s bandwidth is 73 .
280 Adjusting the Communications Load Section 10-2 The Usage of Capacity v alues also indicate that the Usage of Capacity has increased (fro m 39.67% t o 43. 00%) f or all of the other de vices, which connect with de vices and 192.16 8.250.
281 Adjusting the Communications Load Section 10-2 Method 3: Changing th e Pac ket Interval (RPI) of Only Spec ific Connections In this e xample, we w ant a fa st er tag data links f or just a part icular connectio n of de vice Double -click de vice 192.
282 Adjusting the Communications Load Section 10-2 In the Edit Connectio n Dialog Bo x, input 1.0 ms as the new RPI value , and click the OK Butt on. The tag data link bandwidth being used b y device 192.168.250. 1 (Usage of Capacity) increases to 54 .
283 I/O Response T ime in T ag Data Links Section 10-3 10-3 I/O Response Time in T ag Data Links Note This section d escribes th e data process ing time for an EtherNet/IP Unit or a built-in EtherNet/IP po r t on a CJ 2H-CPU6 @ -EIP CPU Unit. The data process- ing time f or a b uilt-in Et herNet/ IP port on the CJ2M-CPU3 @ CPU Unit is diff er- ent.
284 I/O Response T ime in T ag Data Links Section 10-3 The maximum n umber of tag data link w ords that can be transf erred b y one EtherNet/IP Unit or CJ2H b uilt-in por t is 184,832 words .
285 I/O Response T ime in T ag Data Links Section 10-3 Note (1) When one of the listed CPU Bus Units is mo unted in a CS-series Long- distance Rac k, the I/O refreshing time is e xtended b y the distance to th e Rack in which the Unit is mount ed, regardless of th e model of the CPU Unit.
286 I/O Response T ime in T ag Data Links Section 10-3 The f ollowing tabl e giv e s the items required t o find the I/O resp onse time and values used in calculations f or this system configuration. Maximum T ag Data Link I/O Response Time Y ou can f ind t he maximum I/O res ponse tim e from the total of (1) to (6) in the f o llowing figure.
287 I/O Response T ime in T ag Data Links Section 10-3 (1) Node 1 (PLC #1) Input ON Response Time This is the dela y time fo r the e xter nal input de vice from when the input occurs until the s witch actually tur ns ON and th e tim e until the input da ta is stor ed in the memory area of the CPU Unit f or PL C #1.
288 I/O Response T ime in T ag Data Links Section 10-3 (3) Pac ket In te r val (RPI) This is the communications refresh cycl e set for each connection using the Network Configur ator . In this system, it is the refre sh cycle f or connection 1 (10 ms), which includes W000.
289 I/O Response T ime in T ag Data Links Section 10-3 (6) Output ON response time This is the dela y time f or the e xter nal ou tput de vice from when the output bit turns ON in the memor y of the CPU Unit until the o utput is actua lly perf o rmed.
290 I/O Response T ime in T ag Data Links Section 10-3 Minim um T ag Data Link I/O Response Time The minimum t ag data link I/O response t ime, which occurs when there ar e no processing dela ys, is calculated as f ollows. When the baud ra te is 100 Mbps , the tr ansmission time can be calculated with the f ollowing equation.
291 T ag Data Link P erformance f or CJ 2M Built-in EtherNet/IP P orts Section 10-4 10-4 T ag Data Link P erf ormance for CJ2M Built-in EtherNet/IP Po r t s 10-4-1 Overview The bu ilt-in EtherNet/I P por t on a CJ2M CPU Unit (CJ2M-CPU3 @ ) suppor ts tag data links f or up to 32 con nections , with a data siz e of 20 words per con- nection.
292 T ag Data Link P erformance f or CJ 2M Built-in EtherNet/IP P orts Section 10-4 If the same RPI is set f or all connections , 12 ms is the lowest setting that can be used.
293 T ag Data Link P erformance f or CJ 2M Built-in EtherNet/IP P orts Section 10-4 F o r example, the maximum and m inimum I/O respon se times would be as fol- lows f or the above system. Maximum re sponse time: 1.5 ms + 5 ms × 2 + 12 ms + 10 ms × 2 + 2.
294 Message Service T ran smission Delay Section 10-5 10-5 Message Service T ransmission Delay This section e xplains the maximum tra nsmission dela y that can occur betwee n the e xecut ion of a SEND( 090), RECV(098 ), or CMND(490) in struc- tion in the la dder progr am until completion of the inst ruction.
295 Message Service T ran smission Delay Section 10-5 F or details, ref er to the CPU Unit’ s Opera tion Manual . CPU Bus Unit Service Proce ssing Time (Local Node) The f o llowing tab le shows the CPU Bus Unit service processing time, which depends on the CPU Unit’ s CPU processing m ode setting.
296 Message Service T ran smission Delay Section 10-5 CPU Bus Unit Service Proce ssing Time (Remote Node) The f o llowing tab le shows the CPU Bus Unit service processing time, which depends on the CPU Unit’ s CPU processing m ode setting. Note CJ2 CPU Units suppor t only Nor mal Mode.
297 Message Service T ran smission Delay Section 10-5 RECV(098) Instruction Maximum tr ansmission delay = CPU Bus Unit ser vice cycle (Local node, 1) + CPU Bus Unit service processing time (Local node.
298 Message Service T ran smission Delay Section 10-5 F or details, ref er to the CPU Unit’ s Opera tion Manual . Send Processing T ransmission Dela y The tr ansmission dela y time depends on the baud rate set f or the EtherNet/IP Unit or b uilt-in EtherNet/ IP por t, as shown in the f ollowing t able .
299 Message Service T ran smission Delay Section 10-5 Note CJ2 CPU Units suppor t only Nor mal Mode. F or details, ref er to the CPU Unit’ s Opera tion Manual . CPU Bus Unit Service Cycl e (Local Node, 2) The f o llowing table shows the CPU Bus Unit ser vice cycle, which depends on the CPU Unit’ s CPU processing mode setting.
300 Message Service T ran smission Delay Section 10-5 Example Calculation In this e xample , RECV(098) is u sed to receiv e 256 w ords of data f rom another PLC. The maximum transmission delay is calculated based on the following operating cond itions .
301 SECTION 11 FTP Serv er This section describes the functions provided by the FTP server . 11-1 Overvie w and Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 302 11-1-1 Ov ervie w . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
302 Overview and Specifications Section 11-1 11-1 Overvie w and Specifications 11-1-1 Overview The EtherNet/IP Unit or b uilt-in Ether Net/IP port has a built-in FTP (File T rans- f er Protocol) ser v.
303 FTP Server Function Details Section 11-2 11-1-2 Specifications Note The PLC , howe ver , is unable to read or write files at othe r nodes using FTP because the Et herNet/IP Unit or b uilt-in EtherNet/IP port does not suppor t FTP client functions .
304 FTP Server Function Details Section 11-2 11-2-2 Connecting to the FTP Ser ver The host computer must connect to the FTP server bef ore the FTP server functions can be used. The login name and pass word set in the Unit Setup will be used when connecti ng.
305 Using the FTP Server Function Section 11-3 11-3 Using the FTP Server Function 11-3-1 Pr ocedure 1,2,3... 1. Make t he basic settings . Ref e r to Initial Settings on page 34.
306 Using the FTP Server Function Section 11-3 11-3-3 FTP T ab The CPU Bus Unit System Setup , which is set when using the FTP server function, is s hown in the CX-Programmer's Ed it P arameter s Dialog Box.
307 FTP Server Appl ication Example Section 11-4 11-4 FTP Server Application Example The f ollowing procedure sho ws how to use the FTP ser ver by connecti on with the def ault login name, CONFIDENTIAL.
308 Using FTP Commands Section 11-5 11-5 Using FTP Commands This section describes the FTP commands which the host computer (FTP cli- ent) can send to the FTP server of t he EtherNet/IP Unit o r built -in EtherNet/IP por t. The descriptions should a lso apply to most UNIX workstations, but slig ht diff erences ma y ar ise.
309 Using FTP Commands Section 11-5 user Format user [ user_name ] Function Specifie s the user name . Specify the FTP login name set in the EtherNet /IP Unit or b uilt-in EtherNet/IP port system setup. The def ault FTP login name is “CONFIDENTIAL. ” If a non-def ault login name is used, it must be f ollow ed b y the pass word.
310 Using FTP Commands Section 11-5 mkdir Format mkdir DIRECTORY_NAME Function Creates a dir ectory of the specified name at the r emote host (Memory Card or EM File Memory). An error will occur if a file or director y of the same na me already exists in the working directory .
311 Using FTP Commands Section 11-5 type Format type data_type Function Specifies the file dat a type. The follo wing data ty pes are supp or ted: ascii: Files are transf erred as ASCII data binary (image): Files are tr ansf erred as binar y data. All files are treated b y the PLC as binar y files.
312 Using FTP Commands Section 11-5 Any e xisting file with the same name in the remot e host (Memory Card or EM File Memor y) will be ov erwr itten by the contents of the tr ansf erred file. If an error occurs during file transf er , the file being transf erred will be deleted and the transmission of that file will end in an error .
313 Using FTP Commands Section 11-5 11-5-3 Err or Messages an d FTP Status Error Messa g es The error messag es retur ned by the EtherNet /IP Unit or built-in EtherNet/IP por t are listed in the follo wing table . Message Meaning PPP is a director y .
314 Checking FTP Status Section 11-6 PPP: P ath name XXX: IP address YY : P or t number MM: FINS erro r co de NN: Socket error code 11-6 Chec king FTP Status 11-6-1 FTP Status Flag The curren t status of the FTP server can be obtained fr om the service status in the words a llocated to the Eth erNet/IP Unit in the CPU Bus Unit Area in the CIO Area.
315 Using F ile Memory Section 11-7 11-7 Using File Memory There are tw o media that can be used to store files in memory for CS/CJ- series PLCs: • Memor y Cards • EM File Memor y 11-7-1 File Memory 11-7-2 File T ypes ■ File Names Files are distinguished b y assigning file names and ex tensions.
316 Using F ile Memory Section 11-7 File Names Handled by CPU Unit The files descr ibed in the following tab le can be read or written by the CPU Unit. Note 1. Refer to inf or mation on f i l e m e m o r y i n t h e CS/CJ-series Programmable Controllers O peration Manual (W339).
317 Using F ile Memory Section 11-7 11-7-3 Initializing File Memory 11-7-4 I/O Memor y Data Format ■ IOM Format The IOM form at is a data format us ed f or b inary d ata specified by the ladder instructions, READ D A T A FILE (FREAD(700)) and WRITE D A T A FILE (FWRIT(701)), in the CPU Unit .
318 Using F ile Memory Section 11-7 Example: Data f or mat using words delimited b y tabs and CRs after e v er y 10 fields. ■ CSV Format The CSV f or mat is a data f or mat (using comma delimiter s) t hat is specifi ed by ladder instructions, READ D A T A FILE (FREAD(700)) and WRITE D A T A FILE (FWRIT(701)), in the CPU Unit.
319 Using F ile Memory Section 11-7 Example: Data f ormat using words delim ited b y commas with CRs after e v ery 10 fields . Note FREAD(700) will not be able to read the last b yte in a f ile that has been written to the Memory Card if the f ile contains an odd numb er of b ytes.
320 FTP F ile T ransfer T ime Section 11-8 11-8 FTP File T ransfer Time File transf ers using FTP can requ ire 30 or 40 minu tes depending on th e capacity of the file . Appro ximate file transf er time are provided in the f o llowing table f o r reference.
321 Host Computer Application Example Section 11-9 11-9 Host Computer Application Example The f ollowing procedure pro vides an ex ample of FTP ope rations f rom a host computer .
322 Host Computer Application Example Section 11-9 4. Ch an g e to the ME MCARD director y . 5. Change data type to binary . 6. T ransf er the file RESUL T .IOM to the wor kstation. 7. Wr ite the fi le PL AN.IOM to the Memory Card. 8. End FTP . ··· Change to MEMCARD directory .
323 SECTION 12 A utomatic Clock Adjustment Function This section provides an overvie w of the automatic clock adjustment function, including details on specifications, required settings, operations fr om CX-Programmer, and troubleshooting. 12-1 Automatic Clock Adjustment .
324 A utomatic Clock Adjustment Section 12-1 12-1 A utomatic Cloc k Adjustment 12-1-1 Overview The EtherNet/IP Unit or built-in EtherNet/IP po r t ca n obtain the clock informa- tion from t he SNTP se.
325 Using the A utomatic Clock Adjustment Function Section 12-2 12-1-2 Specifications 12-2 Using the A utomatic Cloc k Adjustment Function 12-2-1 Pr ocedure 1,2,3.
326 Using the A utomatic Clock Adjustment Function Section 12-2 12-2-2 Settings Required f or A uto matic Clock Adjustment Function The f ollowing settings must be set in t he Unit Setu p when using the au to mati c clock adju s tment function. Note When the Ser ver specification type field in Au to Adjust Time T ab is set to Host name .
327 Using the A utomatic Clock Adjustment Function Section 12-2 12-2-3 Auto Adjust Ti me The contents in t he CPU Bus Unit System Setup that a re set f or using mail send and receiv e functions are shown in the CX- Progr ammer’ s Edit P arame- ters Dialog Box.
328 A utomatic Clock Adjustment Switch Section 12-3 12-3 A utomatic Cloc k Adjustment Switch The A utomatic Clock Adjustment Switch is allocated in the CIO Area as shown belo w . The first word n of the CIO Area is calculated using the f oll owing equation.
329 A utomatic Clock Adjus tment Error Processing Section 12-4 The error log can be read b y sending FINS commands to the EtherNet/ IP Unit or bu ilt-in EtherNet/I P por t or b y using the mail receiv e function and specifying the ErrorLogRea d command.
330 A utomatic Clock Adjus tment Error Processing Section 12-4 Note (1) For deta ils on other error log inf ormation, ref er to the Oper ation Manual, Construction of Networks: SECTION 14 T roubleshooting and Error Pro- cessing .
331 SECTION 13 Maintenance and Unit Replacement This section describes cleanin g, inspection, and Unit repl acement procedures, as well as the Simple Backup Function. 13-1 Maintenance and Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
332 Maintenance and Replacement Section 13-1 13-1 Maintenance and Replacement This section describes the routine cleaning and inspect ion recommended as regular maintena nce, as well as t he Unit replaceme nt procedu re required if an EtherNet/IP Un it needs to be rep laced.
333 Simple Backup Function Section 13-2 • If there is a f aulty contact, try wiping the contact with a clean, lint-fre e cloth dampened with alco hol. Note T o prev ent electric shock when repla cing a Unit, alw ays stop comm unications in the networ k and tur n OF F the power supplies to all of the nodes be f o re removing the faulty Unit.
334 Simple Backup Function Section 13-2 Applications Use the simple bac kup function when creat ing a b ac kup data file f or the entire PLC (including the CPU Unit, EtherNet/IP Units, b uilt-in EtherNet/IP por t, and Serial Communications Un its/Boards), or when r eplacing all the Units .
335 Simple Backup Function Section 13-2 This operation will create an EtherNet/IP Unit or built-in EtherNet/IP por t set- tings file , and wr ite that file to the Memory Card along with the oth er backu p files.
336 Using the Backup T ool Section 13-3 Comparing EtherNet/IP Unit or Built-in EtherNet /IP P or t Data w ith the Setup File in the Memory Card Set pins 7 and 8 of the DI P s witch on the front panel of the CPU Unit, as shown in th e f ollowin g tab le, and press down the Memo r y Card P ower Supply Switch f or 3 seconds .
337 Using the Backup T ool Section 13-3 Usage The PLC Backup T ool can be used for the follo wing: • Backing up all dat a in a PLC • Comparing all of the data in a PLC with data that was pre vious.
338 Using the Backup T ool Section 13-3.
339 SECTION 14 T roubleshooting and Err or Processing This section describes error processing, periodic m aintenance operation s, and troubleshooting procedures needed to keep the EtherNet/IP network operat ing properly .
340 Checking Status with the Netw ork Configurator Section 14-1 14-1 Chec king Status with the Network Configurator 14-1-1 The Netw ork Configurator ’ s Device Monitor Function Connect the Netwo rk Configurator online, sele ct the de vice to be chec ke d, right-click to displa y the pop-up menu, and select Monitor .
341 Checking Status with the Netw ork Configurator Section 14-1 Status 2 T ab P ag e Th e Status 2 T ab P a ge’ s T arget PLC Stat us Field shows the stat us of the tar- get node PLCs that are conn ected with the Et herNet/IP Unit as the tag data link originator.
342 Checking Status with the Netw ork Configurator Section 14-1 Note The target PLC st atus is can be used wh en the PLC status is sel ected for all the target sets f or both originator and targe t connections . For t hose that are not selected, the status will be gra yed-out.
343 Checking Status with the Netw ork Configurator Section 14-1 Connection T ab P age The Connection T ab Page’ s T arget Node Status Field sho ws the connection status of the target nodes that are connecte d with the EtherNet/IP Unit as the tag data link or iginator .
344 Checking Status with the Netw ork Configurator Section 14-1 Error His tory T ab Pa ge The Er ror Histor y T ab Page disp la ys the error log stored in the Et herNet/IP Unit or built-in EtherN et /IP po r t. Errors that o ccu rr ed in t he p as t a r e r e cor d ed , and can be cleared or sa ved in a co mputer file as required.
345 Checking Status with the Netw ork Configurator Section 14-1 Ref er to the oper ation manu al of the CPU Unit f or details on error inf ormation. T ag Status T ab P age This tab page sh ows if the ta g settings f or each tag f or tag data links is set so that data can be e xchanged with the CPU Unit .
346 Checking Status with the Netw ork Configurator Section 14-1 If the status is not “OK, ” chec k the ta g data link setting s or the ne tw ork symbol settings in the symbol tab le in the CJ2 CPU Unit.
347 Using the LED Indicators and Display for T roubleshooting Section 14-2 Ethernet Inf ormation T ab Pag e The Ether net Inf ormation T a b P age s hows the communications s tatus at the communications driv er lev el. The error counter inf or mation can be used t o confirm whether communications prob lems hav e occurred.
348 Using the LED Indicators and Display for T roubleshooting Section 14-2 Lit red Not lit H3 EtherNet/IP Unit o r b uilt-in EtherNet/IP por t faulty --- Operation stops. --- Replace the Ether- Net/IP Unit or (for a built-in EtherNet/IP por t) the CPU Unit if the error recurs when the Unit is restar ted.
349 Using the LED Indicators and Display for T roubleshooting Section 14-2 Flashing red --- HA CPU Unit memor y error A parity error occurred during an operation such as reading the routing tabl es. Records the error in the error log. If the routing tables were being read, the rout- ing tables are treated as missing.
350 Using the LED Indicators and Display for T roubleshooting Section 14-2 Flashing red --- HE CPU Unit ser- vice monitor- ing error Ser vicing from the CPU Unit was not com- pleted within the fix ed inter v al. The monitor ing time is normally 11 s. • If the Unit is the or ig- inator of the tag data link connection, it stops communica- tions.
351 Using the LED Indicators and Display for T roubleshooting Section 14-2 Error s Related to the CPU Unit The 7-segment displa y alternates between the nod e address and erro r code. Error s Related to the Contro l Bits The 7-segment displa y alter nates between the node address an d error code .
352 Using the LED Indicators and Display for T roubleshooting Section 14-2 Error s Related to the T ag Data Links The 7-segment displa y alternates between the nod e address and erro r code.
353 Using the LED Indicators and Display for T roubleshooting Section 14-2 Error s Rela ted to Memory Access The 7-segme nt displa y alter nates between the node address an d error code .
354 Using the LED Indicators and Display for T roubleshooting Section 14-2 Flashing red --- E8 Device P aram- eters Error The I/ O Area set in the de vice parameters does not exist in the CPU Unit, or the EM Area was con verted to file memory . There is an error in the parameter set- tings stored in the Unit’ s non-volatile memory .
355 Using the LED Indicators and Display for T roubleshooting Section 14-2 Error s Related to the Network Th e 7- segment displa y alternates between the node ad dress and error code .
356 Using the LED Indicators and Display for T roubleshooting Section 14-2 --- --- E3 Ser ver Con- nection Error An error occurred in communica- tions with the DNS ser ver . The DNS Ser ver Error Flag (n+14, bit 05) will tur n ON. 03C4 De- tails: 00xx P erform one of the f ollowing: • Correct the DNS ser ver settings.
357 Using the LED Indicators and Display for T roubleshooting Section 14-2 --- --- E3 Ser ver Con- nection Error An error occurred in transmission to the SNMP trap . --- 03C4 De- tails: 07xx P erform one of the f ollowing: •C o r r e c t t h e SNMP trap set- tings.
358 Connection Status Codes and Error Processing Section 14-3 Error s Re lated to the Unit The 7-segme nt displa y alter nates between the node address an d error code . 14-3 Connection Status Codes and Err or Processing This sectio n e xplains how to ide ntify and co rrect errors based on the t ag data link’ s connection sta tus.
359 Connection Status Codes and Error Processing Section 14-3 Email odv WEB www .odv The f ollowing tab le shows the possib le originator/target configu rations. The f ollowing tab le sho ws the likely ca uses of the errors causes f or each con- figurat ion and connecti on status (code).
360 Connection Status Codes and Error Processing Section 14-3 01 0109 Error code retur ned from target: The connectio n size settings are diff erent in the originator and target.
361 Connection Status Codes and Error Processing Section 14-3 01 011A Error code retur ned from or igi- nator : Connection could not be estab- lished because the buff er was full due to high traffic. An une xpected network load may hav e been received.
362 Connection Status Codes and Error Processing Section 14-3 01 0316 Error code retur ned from target: There was a parameter erro r in the frame used to close the co n- nection. This error does not occur . Depend s on the tar- get’ s specification s.
363 Connection Status Codes and Error Processing Section 14-3 Unique OMRON Err o r Codes 01 0810 Error code retur ned from target: New data could not be obtained from the CPU Unit when open- ing connection. (The Unit will automatically retr y , and attempt to open the con nection again.
364 Error Log Function Section 14-4 14-4 Err or Log Function Errors detected b y the EtherNet/IP Unit or b uilt-in EtherNet/IP por t are stored in the error log alon g with the date and ti me of their occurrence . The error log can be read and cleared fr om the Network Configur ator .
365 Error Log Function Section 14-4 14-4-4 Err or Log Erro r Codes Error code (hex) Error Detail code Saved in EEPROM First b yte Second b y te 0001 CPU Unit watchdog timer error 00 hex 00 he x Y es 0.
366 Error Log Function Section 14-4 0300 Par a meter error ; pack et di scarded FINS Command : Bit 15: OFF Bits 08 to 14: Source network address Bits 00 to 07: Source node address FINS Response: Bit 1.
367 Error Log Function Section 14-4 03C4 Ser ver connection error 00 he x: DNS 03 hex: SNTP 04 hex: FTP 06 hex: BOO TP 07 hex: SNMP 08 hex: SNMP T rap 01 he x: Specified host does not exist 02 he x: N.
368 T roubleshooting Section 14-5 Note If a memor y error occurs in the error log area of EEPROM, the record will not be stored in EEPROM. 14-5 T roubleshooting 14-5-1 CPU Unit's ERR/ALM Indicato.
369 T roubleshooting Section 14-5 14-5-2 General Ethernet Prob lems 14-5-3 T ag Data Links F ail to Star t Use the f ollowing tab le to troubl eshoot tag data l inks when the T ag Data Links Operat ing Flag (bit 15 in Comm unications Status 1) does no t go ON.
370 T roubleshooting Section 14-5 14-5-4 T ag Data Link Pr oblems The tag data isn 't simultaneous. Observe the follo wing precautions when wr iting application programs: • Maintain the simultaneity of data in connection-units between the PLC and EtherNet/IP Unit or built-in EtherNet/IP port.
371 T roubleshooting with FINS Response Codes Section 14-6 14-5-5 Message Timeout Pr oblems 14-6 T r oubleshooting with FINS Response Codes The cause of errors tha t occur when using the SEND( 090), RECV(098), or CMND(490) instructions can be identified from the response codes .
372 T roubleshooting with FINS Response Codes Section 14-6 01 Local node error 03 Local node send error --- Lack of av ailable space in inter nal buff ers Th e load (traffic) on the Ether- net Unit is too heavy .
373 T roubleshooting with FINS Response Codes Section 14-6 10 Command f ormat error 01 Command too long Command data The command is too long. Check the command f or mat of the command and set it cor- rectly . The command exceeded 1,473 bytes when broad- casting.
374 T roubleshooting with FINS Response Codes Section 14-6 22 Status error (oper ating mode dis- agreem ent) 0F Cannot ex ecute because ser vice is being processed. Sock et status area The same sock et service is already in pro g ress at the specified socket num- ber .
375 Appendix A CS/CJ-series Ethernet Unit Function Comparison Item Suppor t for function Ethernet Unit EtherNet/IP Unit or built-in EtherNet/ IP port Unit ver s io n 1.
376 CS/CJ-series Ethernet Un it Function Comparison Appendix A.
377 Appendix B Ethernet Netw ork Parameter s Note The hold time is 3 s f or the UCMM ser vice, Class 3 service, and tag data lin k open/close processing.
378 Ethernet Network P arameters Appendix B.
379 Appendix C TCP Status T ransitions The TCP soc ke t status can be co nfirmed using the sock et status data returned f or the FINS command SOCKET ST A TUS READ (27 64). Status Meaning CLOSED Con nection closed. LISTEN W aiting for connection. SYN SENT SYN sent in active status.
380 TCP Status T ransitions Appendix C.
381 Appendix D CIP Message Communications This appendix describes CIP message commu nications . The basic concepts of CIP message communications ar e described in this appendix from CIP Object on page 381 through Exam ple of CIP Message Creatio n on page 386.
382 CIP Message Communications Appendix D T erminology In CIP specifications , “Object, ” “Class, ” “Instance, ” “Attr ibute” and “Ser vice” ar e defined as f ollows: Specifying an Object Address (Request P ath) This is the basic concept in volv ed in accessing an Obje ct or Attr ibute.
383 CIP Message Communications Appendix D Route P ath Route P ath In the CIP , unlike th e internet protocol, the tran smission fra me contains a complete rela y route from the t rans- mission node to th e reception node. Th e described route is called the “rou te path.
384 CIP Message Communications Appendix D According to CIP Specifications , the Segment T ype specifications are decided as f o llows: The specifications of Se gment F or mat are diff erent f or each Segment T ype.
385 CIP Message Communications Appendix D Specify the size of Link Address when the Exte nded Link Address Size is set to “1. ” The follo wing diagram shows the P or t Segmen t value in this case. Alwa ys set the Link Address to an e v en number o f byt es.
386 CIP Message Communications Appendix D The 8-bit logica l address can be used f or the Attribute ID . Use the Attribute ID when requesting a Service of a par ticular Ob je ct of a pa r ticular de vice.
387 CIP Message Communications Appendix D Response Codes General Status Code The Gener al Status Code is stored in the r esponse data after e x ecution of the CMND instruction has been completed. General Status Code (hex) Status Name Description of Stat us 00 Su ccess Service was successfully performed by the object specified.
388 CIP Message Communications Appendix D 1D Inva lid attribute v alue list The ser vice is retur ning the list of a ttr ibutes supplied with status information for those attributes that were in valid. 1E Embedded se rv ice error An embedded ser vice resulted in an error .
389 CIP Message Communications Appendix D Example of Additional St atus in case that Gene ral Status Is 01 Hex. (Status of Connectio n Manager Object) General Status (hex) Ad ditional Status (hex) Explanation 01 0100 Connection in Use or Duplicate Forward Open.
390 CIP Message Communications Appendix D Priority/Time Tic ks and Time Out Tic ks Format of the Priority/Time Tic k Time tick Base v alue (ms) Maximum time -out time (ms) that can be set in the time .
391 Appendix E FINS Commands Addressed to EtherNet/IP Units or Built-in EtherNet/IP P or ts RESET Resets the Et herNet/IP Unit o r built-in EtherNet/IP po r t.
392 FINS Commands Addressed to EtherNet/I P Units or Built-in EtherNet/IP P orts Appendix E Precautions • No response will be retur ned if the command ends norm ally .
393 FINS Commands Addressed to EtherNet/IP Units or Bu ilt-in EtherNet/IP P orts Appendix E Mode Setting (Response) The mode setting in the system setup is returned.
394 FINS Commands Addressed to EtherNet/I P Units or Built-in EtherNet/IP P orts Appendix E Response Codes CONTR OLLER ST A TUS READ Reads the cont roller status .
395 FINS Commands Addressed to EtherNet/IP Units or Bu ilt-in EtherNet/IP P orts Appendix E IP Router T able Error Routing T able Err or Ethernet Ad v anced Setting Error BOO TP Server Error SNTP Serv.
396 FINS Commands Addressed to EtherNet/I P Units or Built-in EtherNet/IP P orts Appendix E T otal Number of Pac kets Sent (Response) The total number of pack ets sent by the Ethe rNet/IP Unit o r built-in EtherNet/IP por t is retur ned.
397 FINS Commands Addressed to EtherNet/IP Units or Bu ilt-in EtherNet/IP P orts Appendix E Response Codes BR O ADCAST TEST RESUL TS READ Reads the results (n umber of times data receiv ed) of the broadcast t est.
398 FINS Commands Addressed to EtherNet/I P Units or Built-in EtherNet/IP P orts Appendix E Precautions • No response is made t o th is command. • When using this command, set the FINS header pa r.
399 FINS Commands Addressed to EtherNet/IP Units or Bu ilt-in EtherNet/IP P orts Appendix E Error Code, Detailed Information Details of the erro r stored in the re cord. Ref er to 14-4-4 Error Lo g Error Codes f or details. Minute, Second, Day , Hour , Y ear , Month Indicate the time at which the error sto red in the re cord occurred.
400 FINS Commands Addressed to EtherNet/I P Units or Built-in EtherNet/IP P orts Appendix E Command Bloc k Response Bloc k Pa r a m e t e r s Destination IP Address (Command) The IP address (in he xadecimal) of t he destination n ode f or the PING command echo request pac ket.
401 FINS Commands Addressed to EtherNet/IP Units or Bu ilt-in EtherNet/IP P orts Appendix E Command Bloc k Response Bloc k Pa r a m e t e r s FINS/TCP Connection No. (Command) Specifies , in two b ytes, the FINS/TCP connectio n number (1 to 16) f or which the change is to be made .
402 FINS Commands Addressed to EtherNet/I P Units or Built-in EtherNet/IP P orts Appendix E Response Bloc k Pa r a m e t e r s FINS/TCP Connection No. (Command, Response) Command: Specif ies, in tw o bytes, the FINS/TCP connect ion numbe r (1 to 16) f or which the stat us is to be read.
403 FINS Commands Addressed to EtherNet/IP Units or Bu ilt-in EtherNet/IP P orts Appendix E Response Codes IP ADDRESS T ABLE WRITE Writes the IP address tab le.
404 FINS Commands Addressed to EtherNet/I P Units or Built-in EtherNet/IP P orts Appendix E • An error response will be re tur ned if the IP address conversion me thod in the system mode settings is set f or automatic gener ation on the FINS/ UDP T ab Pa ge of the Unit.
405 FINS Commands Addressed to EtherNet/IP Units or Bu ilt-in EtherNet/IP P orts Appendix E Response Codes Precautions • The local IP address and su bnet ma sk set b y this command are written to th e CPU Bus Unit System Setup f or the EtherNet /IP Un it or built-in EtherNet /IP po r t.
406 FINS Commands Addressed to EtherNet/I P Units or Built-in EtherNet/IP P orts Appendix E FINS Node Address Node address f or communications via the FI NS command (in he xadecimal).
407 FINS Commands Addressed to EtherNet/IP Units or Bu ilt-in EtherNet/IP P orts Appendix E Maximum Number of Stored Recor ds (Response) The maximum numb er of records tha t can be stored in the IP ro uter t ab l e is returned. The maxim um n umber of stored records is fixed at 0008 (8 r ecords).
408 FINS Commands Addressed to EtherNet/I P Units or Built-in EtherNet/IP P orts Appendix E Pa r a m e t e r s IP Status (Response) T welve types of IP stat us inf ormation occupying 4 b ytes each are returned in the follo wing sequence. Each v alue is returned as an 8-digit he xadecimal value .
409 FINS Commands Addressed to EtherNet/IP Units or Bu ilt-in EtherNet/IP P orts Appendix E 5. The number of receiv ed ICMP pack ets discarded because the t ype-indicatio n co de was out of range .
410 FINS Commands Addressed to EtherNet/I P Units or Built-in EtherNet/IP P orts Appendix E 1. The number of times activ e connections were correct l y established. 2. The number of times a SYN pac ket was rece ived while waiting to estab lish a passive conn ect ion.
411 FINS Commands Addressed to EtherNet/IP Units or Bu ilt-in EtherNet/IP P orts Appendix E 8. The number of b ytes in the resend pac kets. 9. The number of duplicated re se nd pac kets receive d. 10. The numbe r of bytes in the duplic ated resend pack ets r eceived.
412 FINS Commands Addressed to EtherNet/I P Units or Built-in EtherNet/IP P orts Appendix E Response Bloc k Pa r a m e t e r s Memory Status (Response) A total of 23 data items in six areas are returned in the follo wing order . Each item consists of 4 by t es.
413 FINS Commands Addressed to EtherNet/IP Units or Bu ilt-in EtherNet/IP P orts Appendix E Precautions All the abo ve v alues are set to 0 if Ethernet communications functi ons are stopped due to improper settings in the system setup. These v alues are cleared when the EtherNet/IP Unit or built-in EtherNet/IP port is star ted or reset.
414 FINS Commands Addressed to EtherNet/I P Units or Built-in EtherNet/IP P orts Appendix E Remote P or t Number (4 bytes) The remote po r t number alloc ated to the s ock et. TCP T ransitions (4 b ytes) The TCP conn ection stat us is retur ned as one of th e numbers shown in the following table .
415 FINS Commands Addressed to EtherNet/IP Units or Bu ilt-in EtherNet/IP P orts Appendix E Address Inf ormation Returns the FINS node addresses and I P a dd resses . Each pair requires 6 b ytes and has the f ollowing conf igu- rati on. FINS Node Address Node address set in the Ethe rN et/IP Unit or built-in EtherNet/IP por t (he xad ec imal).
416 FINS Commands Addressed to EtherNet/I P Units or Built-in EtherNet/IP P orts Appendix E IP Address (Response) The local IP address set in the CPU Bus Unit System Setup f or the EtherNet/IP Unit or b uilt-in Et herNet/I P port is returned in order star ting from the leftmo st byte s in he xadecimal.
417 FINS Commands Addressed to EtherNet/IP Units or Bu ilt-in EtherNet/IP P orts Appendix E Description F or details , ref er to EXPLICIT MESSAGE SEND (28 01) on page 241 in 9-1-1 Sending Explicit Messages Using CMND(490) . CIP UCMM MESSA GE SEND Sends a message in the CI P message (UCMM) format.
418 FINS Commands Addressed to EtherNet/I P Units or Built-in EtherNet/IP P orts Appendix E Description F or details, ref er to CIP UCMM MES SA GE SEND (28 10) on page 236 in 9-1-1 Send ing Explicit Messages Using CMND(490) . 1005 Header error 110B Response length exceeds maximum response length.
419 Appendix F EDS File Management This section e xplains the EDS file management functions used in the Netw ork Configurator . Installing EDS Files Note Using Windows Vista or Windows 7 Is recommend ed that y ou star t the Network Configu rator f rom Run as administr ator when you install an EDS file in the Netw ork Configur ator .
420 EDS F ile Management Appendix F 3. Select the EDS file to be installed and clic k the Open Button. Ne xt, select the icon file (* .ico), and the EDS file will be added to the Ha rdware List. If the EDS file already exists , the new ED S file will ov erwrite the pre vious one.
421 EDS F ile Management Appendix F 3. Input the f older and file names an d click the Save Button The EDS file will be save d. Sear ching EDS Files EDS File - Search T o search the de vices (EDS file s) displa yed in th e Hardwar e List, use the f ollowing procedure .
422 EDS F ile Management Appendix F 2. Select EDS File - Proper ty . The f ollowing window will be displa yed. The time and date that the EDS file was created will be displa yed, along with the de vice inf or mation.
423 Appendix G Precautions f or Using Windo ws XP , Vista, or Windo ws 7 Changing Windows Fire wall Settings Better fire wall security f or Windows XP (SP2 or higher), Windows Vista, and Windows 7 has increased the restrictions f or data communications on Ethernet por ts.
424 Precautions for Using W indo ws XP , V ista, or W indo ws 7 Appendix G The User Account Control Dialog Bo x ma y be displa yed during this procedure . If it appears, clic k the Continu e Button and continue with th e pr oc ed ur e. 1. Select Control P anel from the Windo ws Star t Menu and change the displa y to Classic View .
425 Precautions for Using W indo ws XP , V ista, or W indows 7 Appendix G An EtherNet/IP connection will be acce pted from CX-Programmer or Netw ork Configurator and EtherNet/ IP connections will be enab le d in the future as well.
426 Precautions for Using W indo ws XP , V ista, or W indo ws 7 Appendix G.
427 Index Numerics 7-segment display , 24 A Adjust Time field , 326 , 328 alternate DNS server , 54 applications precautions , xxiv Auto Adjust Time field , 326 , 327 Auto Adjust T ime Tab , 326 , 327.
428 Index creating a tag set , 126 creating tag sets , 126 creating tags , 128 crimp terminals , xxv current consumption CJ-seri es , 15 , 16 CS-seri es , 14 CX-Integrator , 46 creating routing tables.
Index 429 EtherNet/IP Unit F eatures , 2 EtherNet/IP Units resetting , 391 ETN11-compatible mode , 99 explicit message communications , 187 , 233 explicit message co mmunications service , 106 , 108 e.
430 Index Host name field , 326 , 327 I I/O allocations CIO Area , 70 DM Area , 83 I/O memory address , 116 I/O response time , 283 I/O tables creating , 46 overview , 46 ICMP communications status , .
Index 431 multicast comm unications , 114 multicast f ilter , 29 N n beginning word of allocated CIO Area , 70 network devices required for constructing a network , 4 network configuration file readin.
432 Index refresh cycle , 268 Register Device List , 141 Registered Target Node Flags , 81 , 85 registering devices , 125 , 141 relay tables , 207 rename command , 303 , 308 replacing a Unit , 332 rep.
Index 433 specifications , 115 status flags , 186 tag data links (cyc lic communications) , 6 tag set , 116 tag sets creating , 126 Target Node PLC Error Flags , 73 , 87 Target Node PLC Operating Flag.
434 Index.
435 Revi sion History A manual re vision code appear s as a suffix to the catalog numbe r on the front co ver of th e manual. The follo wing table outlines th e changes ma de to the manual during each revision. P age num bers refer to the pre vious ve rsion.
436 Revision History.
Authorized Distrib utor: In the interest of product improv ement, specifications are subject to change without notice. Cat. No. W465-E1-05 Pr inted in Japan 0210 © OMRON Corporation 2007 All Rights Reserved. OMRON Corporation Industrial A utomation Company OMRON ELECTR ONICS LLC One Commerce Drive Schaumburg, IL 60173-5302 U .
デバイスOmron CJ2M-CPU3@の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Omron CJ2M-CPU3@をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはOmron CJ2M-CPU3@の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Omron CJ2M-CPU3@の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Omron CJ2M-CPU3@で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Omron CJ2M-CPU3@を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はOmron CJ2M-CPU3@の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Omron CJ2M-CPU3@に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちOmron CJ2M-CPU3@デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。