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Digit al Automatic Blood Pressure Monitor Model i-C10 • Instruction Manual • Mode d ’emploi • G eb rau ch san we isu ng • Man uale di istruzioni • Manual de instruccione s • Gebruiksaanw.
2 Contents Bef ore usin g the uni t Introduction ............ ............ ............. .................... ............. ........... 3 Impor tant Safety Inf or mation ......... ............. ............. .................. 4 1. Ove rview .........
3 Intro duction EN Befo re usin g the un it Introduction Than k yo u for purch asing the OMRON i -C10 I ntellise nse Upper Arm Bloo d Pressur e Mon itor . The OMRON i -C10 Intel lise nse is a fully au tomatic blood pr essure monit or , oper ating on the o scillome tric pr incipl e.
4 Impo rtant Sa fety Info rmation Import ant Safety Information Con s u lt your d octor d uring preg nancy , arrh ythm ia and art erioscle rosis. Pl ease read t his sect ion ca refully b efore usin g the u nit. W arning: Indic ates a pot entially ha zardou s situation wh ich, if not avoi ded, cou ld result in death or serious injury .
5 Impor tant Safe ty Infor mation EN (Optio nal AC Adapter Usag e) • Use only the origin al AC ada pter desig ned fo r this uni t. Use of unsuppor ted adapte rs may damage and/or ma y be h azardous to the u nit. • Plu g the AC a dapter into the approp riate vol tag e outlet.
6 1. Ove rview 1. Ov erv iew Mai n Un it A. Displa y B. SET butto n C. MEMO RY b utton ( ) D. Morni ng/Eve ning A verage button s ( / ) E. O/I ST ART button F . Use r ID sel ection sw itch (A or B) G . User ID sy mbol (A or B) H. Cu f f co mpart men t I.
7 1. Ove rview EN Arm Cuff M. Arm cu ff (Med ium cuf f: arm c ircumferenc e 22-42 cm) N. Air Plug O. Air T ube M O N.
8 1. Ove rview Display P . Systo lic bloo d pressure Q. Dia s to lic bloo d press ure R. Heartbe at symbol 1. (Fla shes during m eas urem ent) 2. (If fl ashing a fte r me asure men t com plete d ind icates blood pre ssur e out of recom mende d rang e) S.
9 1. Ove rview EN Package Content s AG .Fo ur “AA” alkal i n e (LR6) batteri es • Instru ction manual • Guarant ee card • Blood pressure pass • Blood Pressure M onitor un it AG.
10 2. P repar ation 2. Pr ep ara tio n 2.1 Inst alling/ R e placing the Batteries 1. T urn th e main uni t up side d own. 2. Slide the batt ery cover in th e dire ction of the a rrow whi le pr essing t he ribbed p ar t of the cove r .
11 2. Pr eparati on EN Batter y Life & Repl acement If the b attery l ow symbo l ( ) appe ars on th e displ ay , repla ce all fo ur batterie s at th e same ti me. - Whe n the ba ttery lo w symbol ( ) starts to blink , you will still b e abl e to use th e unit f or a sho rt while.
12 2. P repar ation 2.2 Setting the D ate and T i m e Y o ur bl ood pr essu re mon itor au toma tic a l ly st ores up to 8 4 indi vidu al meas urement v alues with t he date and tim e. T o ma ke us e of the memory and aver age valu es fun ctions: • Set the uni t to t he correc t date and time befor e t ak ing a measureme nt for the first time.
13 2. Pr eparati on EN 4. Repe at steps 2 and 3 to se t the mont h. Th e month is set a nd the d ay digits flas h on th e displa y . 5. Repe at steps 2 and 3 to se t the day . Th e day is set an d the ho ur digi t s flas h on th e displa y . 6. Repe at steps 2 and 3 to se t the hour .
14 2. P repar ation Notes on Adjusti ng the Date and Ti m e Settin g If you need to ad just th e date and time for s ome reason , or if th e date and ti me has be en reset after replaci ng the b atteries, ad just t he date and ti me betwe en 10:00 an d 18:59 .
15 2. Pr eparati on EN Notes: • Ple ase en sure tha t the dat e and ti me have b een se t correct ly so that the we ekly average s will b e dis played c orrect ly . If t he Date/T i me setti ngs h ave be en acci dentally set in correc tly , press th e SET b utton to ci rcle th rough the settings in orde r to adju st to th eir cor rect valu es.
16 3. Using the Unit Oper ati ng instr ucti ons 3. Usin g the Unit 3.1 How to Sit C orrectly When T aking a Measurem ent Y ou can take a me asureme nt on eithe r your lef t or righ t arm. Notes: • M easurem ent s should be taken in a quiet pla ce and y ou shoul d be in a re laxed , seated p osition.
17 3. Using the Unit EN Notes: • Co r r ect pos ture dur ing meas urement i s neces sary to get accu rate result s . • Y ou s hould also try to measu re your blood p ressure at the sa me time each day . (W ithin 1 hour afte r waking up is r ecommend ed.
18 3. Using the Unit 3.2 Applying the Arm Cuff Y ou can wrap the cu f f eit her on your righ t or left arm . • Re move tigh t-fitt ing cloth ing fr om yo ur upper arm. • Do not plac e the cuff over thick c lothes a nd do no t roll up your slee ve if it is too tight.
19 3. Using the Unit EN 3. Hold the gr ip on the cuff securel y with your hand. 4. T urn the palm of yo ur hand u pward. 5. App ly the cuff to your upper arm so that the b lue str ip is cent r e d on th e midd le of your inner arm and p oints down the in side of the a rm.
20 3. Using the Unit 6. When the c uf f is posit ioned corr ectl y , clos e the fab ric fasten er FIRML Y . No tes : • Make certain the c uff fit s snugl y aroun d your a rm.
21 3. Using the Unit EN 3.3 T aking a R eading The unit is d esigned to t ak e mea suremen t s a nd sto re the meas urement v alues in the memory for two p eople usin g user ID A and user ID B. The unit can a lso be us ed to take a s ingle me asureme nt for oth er person s usi ng the gues t mode .
22 3. Using the Unit Selecti ng the User ID Sele ct yo ur user ID. Alway s use the same user ID wh en taking a meas urement. T he unit store s the measureme nt value s in the memo ry by th e user ID selected . The se measu rement v alues ar e used to calc ulate the morning average s and evening a vera ges.
23 3. Using the Unit EN Using t he Single Mode 1. Selec t your user ID (A o r B). 2. Pr ess the O /I ST AR T button . Al l symbol s appear on the display . The user ID sy mbol y ou sel ected fla shes on the display . The c uf f s t arts to i nflate auto maticall y .
24 3. Using the Unit 3. Infl ation st ops automati call y and the measur emen t is started . As the cu f f defl ates, decreasin g numb ers a ppear on the dis play . The h eartbeat symbol ( ) flas hes at every h eartbeat. 4. Whe n the meas urement is complete , the arm cuff com pletely deflate s.
25 3. Using the Unit EN Selecti ng the Auto Mode Auto M ode ma y be sel ected for either A or B user . 1. Mak e sure t he unit is power ed off. 2. Selec t your user ID (A o r B). 3. Pr ess and hold th e SET b utton. Th e auto mo de symbo l ( ) and the oFF settin g appear s on the d isplay .
26 3. Using the Unit 5. Pr ess the S ET butt on to confi rm the c hange. Th e nu mber of second s between each meas urement is disp layed . No te: The d efault va lue bet ween eac h measur ement is 60 se conds. 6. Pr ess the M EMORY button ( ) to chang e the inter val of time between each measu r e ment.
27 3. Using the Unit EN Using t he Auto Mode 1. Selec t your user ID (A o r B). 2. Pr ess the O /I ST AR T button . Al l symbol s appear on the display . The user ID Sy mbol y ou sel ected fla shes on the display . T he cuff starts to infl ate auto matica lly .
28 3. Using the Unit Th e second measu rement s t ar t s automat ically . Th e second m easurem ent is complete , waitin g to start the ne xt meas urement . Th e third m easurem ent starts au tomatical ly . Th e consec utive measure ments are c omple te.
29 3. Using the Unit EN Import ant: • If your sy stolic or diastol ic p ressure i s outside th e standar d range, th e heartbea t symb ol will bl ink when the m easurem ent re sult is dis played. Rece nt resea rch sug gests that the follow ing valu es can be used as a guide to high blood pr essure for meas urements taken at home.
30 3. Using the Unit What is Irr egular Hear tbeat? An i rregular heartbea t is a heartbeat rhythm that va ries by mor e than 2 5% from the aver age hear tbeat rhy thm detec ted while the uni t is meas uring the systol ic an d di astol ic bl ood pr essure .
31 3. Using the Unit EN 3.4 Instructions for S pecial Conditions If you r syst olic pres sure is known to be mor e than 220 mmH g, press and ho ld the O/I ST AR T butto n until the arm cuff infl ates 3 0 to 40 mm Hg high er than y our suspec ted sys tolic pres sure.
32 3. Using the Unit 3.5 Using the Memory Function The unit is des igned to store t he blood p ressure a nd the p ulse ra te in the me mory for two peopl e (user A and user B) every ti me a meas urement i s compl eted.
33 3. Using the Unit EN 3. Pr ess the M EMORY bu tton ( ) to disp lay th e most recent set of indiv idual measu r e ment v alues on the sc reen. T he val ues are display ed from the mos t recent to the o ldest. No te: The date and tim e are alter nately display ed wit h the me asur eme nt val ues.
34 3. Using the Unit Morning a nd Evening A verages The unit cal culates and displ ays a weekly average for meas urements taken in t he mor ning ( ) an d evening ( ). The unit st ores 8 wee ks of morn ing aver ages and 8 week s of even ing av erages for each user (A and B ).
35 3. Using the Unit EN About t he W eekly A verages Morning W eek ly A vera ge This i s the av erage for measur ements taken dur ing the m ornin g (4:00 -9:59) b etween Sunda y and S aturday . A n averag e for each d ay is calc ulated for up to three mea sure ments t ak en within 10 minute s of the first m easurem ent of th e mornin g.
36 3. Using the Unit T o Di splay Mor ning and E v ening A verages 1. Sele ct you r user ID (A or B). 2. Pr ess the m orning a vera ge butto n ( ) or the ev ening ave rage button ( ) . Th e averag e for the c urrent week “THIS WEEK” appears on the d isplay .
37 3. Using the Unit EN Notes on Display Combinat ions In add ition t o the mo rning av erage an d even ing aver age sym bols, the unit m ay al so disp lay th e mornin g hype rtensio n symbol if the morning averag e for t hat week i s above t he home blood pr essure guideli ne.
38 3. Using the Unit The morni ng hyperten sion symb ol ( ) appears if the week ly average for m orning m easurem ent s is above 1 35/85. In thi s case t he mor ning hyp ertensi on symbo l ( ) is disp layed when the ev ening average is dis playe d, regar dless o f the va lues for the even ing aver age.
39 4. Q uick Referenc e Guide EN 4. Quick Reference Guide This Quick Referenc e Gui de is for reference only . P leas e r ead the ent ire manual bef ore using the unit for the first time. T o help ensure a reliable reading, avoi d eating, smoking, or exerci sing for at least 30 minutes bef ore t aking a meas urement.
40 5. Hand lin g Err ors an d Pro blems 5. H a ndling Errors and Pr o bl e ms 5.1 Erro r Message s Error Display Cause Remedy Cuf f is under inflated. Carefully read and repeat the steps listed under Chapt er 3. 3 . Movement dur ing measurem ent. Cuf f ov er inflated.
41 5. H andling Er rors and Prob lems EN 5.2 T roubleshooti ng Pro blem Ca use Rem edy No display appe ars when the O/I S T ART button is pres sed. The batteries ar e empty . Replace the batteries. Cannot measure or readings are too high. Is the cu f f wra pped correct l y around the arm? Attach the arm cuff correctly .
42 6. Mai ntenance a nd S torage 6. M a intenance and S torage T o pro tect your unit f r om damag e, please observe the fol lowing: • Do not subject your unit and cuf f to extreme temperatures, humidity , moisture or direct sunl ight. • Do not fold the cuf f or tubing tightly .
43 7. Opti onal Parts EN 7. Optional Part s Using t he Optional AC Adapter Insert b atteries i nto the batte ry compartment ev en whe n using th e AC adapte r . Notes: • Ne v e r plu g in or u nplug the p ower cord f rom th e electric outle t with wet ha nds.
44 8. Te chnical Da ta 8. T echnic al Dat a Note: Subject to technical modification without prior noti c e. • This device fulfils the previsions of EC directive 93 /42/EEC (Medical Device Directive).
45 8. T echnical Data EN This marking shown on the product or its literature, i n dicates that it should not be di s posed of, with other household wastes at the end of it s working life.
46 9. Some Useful In forma tion ab out B l o od Pres sure 9. Some Useful Inform ation about Blood Pressure What is Bl ood Pressure? Bloo d pressur e is a me asure of the forc e of blo od flo wing again st the walls of the arterie s. Arte rial blo od pr essure is cons t an tly c hangin g during the cou rse of the heart's cy cle.
47 9. S ome U seful In format ion abo ut Blood P ressure EN Classif ication of Blood Pressur e by the W orld Health Organiza tion The W orld Health Organi zation (WHO) an d the In ternat ional Society of Hyperte nsion (ISH) d eveloped the Bl ood Pres sure Cl assifi cation shown in this figure.
48 9. Some Useful In forma tion ab out B l o od Pres sure Manuf acturer OMRON HEAL THCARE Co., Ltd. 53, Kunot subo , T erado-cho, Muko , K yoto , 617-0002 J AP AN EU-repres enta tive OM RON HE AL T HCA RE E U ROPE B.V . Scorpius 33, 2132 LR Hoofddorp , THE NETHERLA NDS www .
デバイスOmron i-C10の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Omron i-C10をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはOmron i-C10の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Omron i-C10の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Omron i-C10で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Omron i-C10を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はOmron i-C10の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Omron i-C10に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちOmron i-C10デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。