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Setup Manual Cat. No. V063-E1-03 NT631 and NT631C Programmable Terminals.
NT631 and NT631C Programmable Terminals Setup Manual Revised S eptembe r 2007 POWER R UN.
v Notice: OMRON products are manufactured for use acc ording to proper procedu res by a qualifi ed ope rator and only f or the pur pos es descr ibe d in this manual. The following conv enti ons are used to indicate and c lassify precauti ons in this manual .
vii TABLE OF CONTENTS PRECAUTION S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xv 1 Intended Aud ience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xvi 2 General Precaution s .
viii TABLE OF CONTENTS 6-5 Operations in the System Installer Mode. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144 6-6 T ransmitting the Screen Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ix About this Manual: This manual des cribes connec ting the NT -ser ies NT631 an d NT631C Programmable T er mina ls (PT s) to a PL C (Pro grammable Controlle r) or o ther host and per ipheral d evices, and the settin gs req uired for communica tions and ap plicat ions.
x Related Manuals: Rela ted m anu als are list ed bel ow . The @ sy mbol at the end of the cata log numb er is the revision number. Connecting and Setting Up the Pr ogrammable T erminal • NT631 an d.
xi Read and Understa nd this Manual Please read and u ndersta nd this ma nual before using the produc t. Pl ease con sult your OMRON represent ative if you hav e any questi ons or comm ents.
xii Application Considerations SUITABILITY FOR USE OMRON shall no t be re sponsible for conformi ty with any stan dards, codes, o r regul ations tha t apply to the combina tion of products in the c ustome r's appl ication or use of the produ cts.
xiii Disclaimers CHANGE IN SPECIFICATIONS Produc t specif ications and acc essor ies m a y be c hanged at any time based on im prov emen ts and othe r reasons. It is our pra ctice to change model numbe rs when p ublished ratin gs or features are c hanged, or when signifi cant con stru ction ch anges are made.
xv PRECA UTIONS This section pro v ides general precaution s for using the Programmable T erminal. The information contained in this section is important for the safe and reliable application of the Programmable T erminal.
xvi Intend ed A udience 1 1 Intended A udien ce This manual is intended for the following personnel, who mus t also have knowledge of ele ctric al syst ems (an electr ical engine er or the equivalent). • P erson nel in char ge of intr oducing F A syst ems into producti on facilitie s.
xvii Safety Precaution s 3 !WARNING Indic ates in f or mati on that, i f not heede d, could po ssibly res ult in lo ss of life or ser iou s inju r y . !Caution Indicates inform ation tha t, if not heeded , could res ult in relat ively ser ious or minor inju r y , damage to t he pro duct, or f aulty o peration.
xviii Saf ety Precautions 3.
1 SECTION 1 General This section provides fundamental in formation about th e functions and f eatures of the NT631/NT631C, t ypes of connection, communicatio ns methods, et c. This information w ill enable you to understand th e applications of the NT631/ NT631C.
2 Role and Operation of the NT631/NT631C Section 1-1 1-1 Role and Op eration of the NT 631/NT631C The NT631/ NT631 C is a so phist icate d display unit (P rogrammable T er minal) which auto matic ally disp lays inf or mati on and ca n also be used for operations when ne cessar y .
3 Role and Operation of the NT631/NT631C Section 1-1 1-1-2 Operations of the NT631/NT631C Displays Scree ns The infor mation t o be di splayed (screen dat a) c an be cr eated o n a co mputer using th e Sup por t T ool an d store d in th e NT631/ NT631C.
4 Functions of the NT631/NT631C Section 1-2 1-2 Functions of the NT631/N T631C The NT631/ NT631 C has the following f eatur es. 1-2-1 Features Slim B ody • Hig h-perfor mance i n a low-profile body (50 mm or l ess in t he pane l*). • T he communic ations cable connec tors are ho used i n the PT so that th ey do not pr otrud e from the PT .
5 Functions of the NT631/NT631C Section 1-2 T wo P orts Featured as Standar d: P or t A for Common Use by Suppo r t T ool/Host and P ort B for Exc lusive Use by the Host • Com municati ons with the host is pos sible via another por t while c on- nected to the Suppor t T ool .
6 Functions of the NT631/NT631C Section 1-2 Device Monitor Fu nction The new device moni tor func tion can be us ed to c hange the PLC’ s operating mode or disp lay/change values in the PLC’ s memor y area s. The present val- ues (PVs ) of sev eral words c an be lis ted with the device monitor.
7 Functions of the NT631/NT631C Section 1-2 1-2-2 Comparison between NT631 and NT631C T wo NT63 1 mode ls — the NT631, wh ich is cap able of versatil e graphic dis- pla ys ( EL d isplay , yell ow), and the NT631 C , wh ich is also c apable of co lor dis- pla y — ar e av ailable.
8 Functions of the NT631/NT631C Section 1-2 1-2-3 Comparison between NT620S/NT620C/NT625C and NT631/ NT631C Item NT620 S/NT620C/N T625C NT631/NT63 1C Support T ool us ed NT - ZJCA T1 - EV4 or NT - ZA3.
9 Functions of the NT631/NT631C Section 1-2 *1 This is the c apacity of the flash mem or y th at stores s creen d ata. *2 The values are the same a s the NT 30/NT30C wh en the PT is in NT3 0/620 c ompatible mode. F or differences in pr ogramming, refer to Appe ndix B in the NT31/NT31C/NT6 31/NT631C P rogrammable T er mi- nal Ref erenc e Man ual .
10 Functions of the NT631/NT631C Section 1-2 1-2-4 Principal Functions of NT631/NT631C The following are the p rinc ipal fun ction s of the NT 631/NT63 1C.
11 Functions of the NT631/NT631C Section 1-2 Functions relating to the system System menu System settings and maintenance can be performed by selecting from system men us display ed on the screen.
12 Functions of the NT631/NT631C Section 1-2 1-2-5 Displa ys The NT631 /NT631 C can displ ay v ari ous kin ds of ele ments su ch as charac- ters, numeri c values, graphs, lamps, and tou ch switches, on a scr een. Th e screen data disp lay ed by the NT631/NT 631C are c reated by using th e Sup- por t T ool at a person al co mputer .
13 Functions of the NT631/NT631C Section 1-2 Lamps These are graphics whos e display status changes in accor dance with the states of b its at the hos t. Squares, c ircles, se ctors a nd poly gons can be use d f or la mps (no rm al (sta ndard) la mps).
14 Functions of the NT631/NT631C Section 1-2 Standa rd, shadow , 3-dimens ion, no dis play frame , rectan gle, circle, poly- gon, sec tor When rec tangle, circ le, polygon, o r sector is selecte d as .
15 Functions of the NT631/NT631C Section 1-2 Thumbwheel S witches Numeric v alue s can be input by increme nting or dec rementin g each dig it with the co rrespondi ng touc h switch (+, – ). The input nume ric values can a lso b e stored i n a numera l memo r y table and not ifica tion sent to the ho st.
16 System Configu ration Section 1-3 Alarm List/Hi story The ala r m list /histo r y func tion dis plays message s in l ist form, or graphics (image/ librar y dat a), in a ccorda nce with ch anges in bit memor y table sta- tuses.
17 System Configu ration Section 1-3 1-3-1 P eripheral Devic es That Can Be Co nnected The following peri pheral devices ca n be conn ected t o an NT631 /NT631C.
18 Communic ations with th e Host Section 1-4 1-3-2 Connecting to the Host The NT631/ NT631 C has the following two com munication s por ts. The ser ial por t B is equipped with an RS -232C co nnecto r and an RS -422A/ 485 ter m inal block (selec table by memor y switch).
19 Communic ations with th e Host Section 1-4 The words and b its allo cated for direct con nection ar e calle d the alloc ated wo rds and alloca ted bit s . The direc t connec tion fu nction al lows the d ata to be di splayed at the NT631/ NT631C to be read fr om the mem or y area in the PLC and wr itten to mem or y tables in the NT631/NT6 31C.
20 Communic ations with th e Host Section 1-4 The NT631/NT 631C also suppor ts OMRON’ s hi gh-spee d 1:N NT Link tha t provides faster 1:N communicati ons. The only PLCs that suppor t the hi gh- speed 1:N NT Lin k are CS1G /CS1H PLCs of version -EV1 a nd higher, CS1D PLCs, and CJ1G/CJ1 H/CJ1M PLCs.
21 Communica tions Using Memory Links Section 1-5 The NT link is c ompatible with th e host link. T he NT631/ NT631 C screen data and PLC pr ograms used wit h the hos t link d irect conn ectio n method c an be used with the NT li nk method as th ey are.
22 Communica tions Using Memory Links Section 1-5 • T he Programming Con sole and Device Monito r function s cannot be u sed. • T he follo wing s trobes of PT s tatus notify bits do not tur n ON (pages 7 to 27).
23 Before Operating Section 1-6 1-6 Bef ore Operating F ollow the procedu re given below to star t the system o f the NT63 1/NT63 1C. *1 System program install ation is only done in s pecia l circum stances, for ex ampl e when changin g the system program, or to rec ov e r the ori ginal st a- tus of th e ins talled pr ogram.
24 Before Operating Section 1-6 PLCs SYSMA C CPM1 Oper ation Manu al W262-E1- @ SYSMA C CPM1A Oper ation Manu al W317-E1- @ SYSMA C CPM2A Oper ation Manu al W352-E1- @ SYSMA C CPM1/CPM1A/CAM2A/C PM2C/.
25 SECTION 2 Preparing f or Con nection This section describes the connection methods th at are possible with th e PT , and the functions of the parts of PT , as the required kno wledge befo re connecting to the host and to the periph eral de vices. 2-1 Method for Conn ection to the Host .
26 Method for Connection to th e Host Section 2-1 2-1 Method f or Connection to the Host This sec tion des cribe s the methods for con nection t o the h ost used with th e NT631/NT63 1C, and the relati onship b etween the conne ction method an d the communica tions method .
27 Method for Connection to th e Host Section 2-1 Combinations of Commu nications Method and Connection Method The connec tion me thods t hat can be u sed dep ending on th e commun ications method us ed and the com munication s type for communic ations be tween the NT631/NT63 1C and th e host are indi cated in the table below .
28 Method for Connection to th e Host Section 2-1 ❍ : Connecti on possible × : Connec tion no t possible • T he RS-232 C/RS-422A ada pter (NT -AL 001) req uires +5 V , 150 mA at pi n 6 of the RS-232 C connecto r . Che ck the signals of the RS-232C connector at the hos t.
29 Names and Functions of P arts Section 2-2 2-2 Names and Fu nctions of P ar ts Before star ti ng operatio n, the names and funct ions of the par ts of the NT631 / NT631C are d escr ibed her e as a con fir matio n. A met hod of hard ware settings is als o descr ib ed.
30 Names and Functions of P arts Section 2-2 Rear View Note Confir m system safety before turn ing the power ON/OFF or resetti ng. RDA TRM RDB SDA SDB RSA RSB 24V +DC PRINTER PORT B PORT A RESET W arning label Reset switch (inside the co ver) Used to initializes all the statuses of the NT631/NT631C .
31 SECTION 3 Hardwar e Settin gs and Connection s This sect ion desc ribes the set tings of the NT631/NT63 1C and m ethods for co nnectio n to periph eral de vices.
32 Installation S ection 3-1 Note On unpacking th e NT631/NT 631C a nd per ipheral d evices, check their exter- nal appea rance and confi r m that t here is no damag e. Also con fir m tha t ther e is no ab nor mal n oise o n sha king the P T ligh tly .
33 Installation S ection 3-1 Fit tin gs at t he tw o ( * ) pos ition s are no t necess ar y if you do n ot need it dust proof and water proof. Note 1. Duri ng work at the panel, take ca re to ens ure that no meta l scraps en ter the PT . 2. The thickness of ap plicable operation pan el is 1.
34 Installation S ection 3-1 P ower Suppl y The appl icable power suppl y sp ecifica tions are as follows. P ar ts Used for Connection Note F or the c onnectio n to the power supply t er minal bloc k, tw isted wir es of 2 mm 2 or greater c ross s ectiona l are a and M3 .
35 Connecting to the Support T ool Section 3-2 1,2,3. .. 1. In cases wher e there is a poten tial di fference between the ground s of the NT631/NT63 1C and the h ost, ground as shown in Fig.
36 Connec ting a Printer Section 3-3 3-3 Connecting a Printer Connectin g a pr inter to the NT 631/NT63 1C enables prin ting of hard co pies of the curre ntly disp lay ed scree n (printi ng of screen images ), and, by system menu operatio ns, printin g of the screen displ ay histor y and alar m his tor y .
37 Connecting a Bar Cod e Reader Section 3-4 Note Make sure that th e power supply to the bar code read er and th e power supply to the PT are both OFF before con necting or disco nnecting the ca ble. 3-4-1 Connection Method Connect the ba r code reader to seri al por t A of the NT631/ NT631C, as shown in the figure be low .
38 Connecting a Bar Cod e Reader Section 3-4 About RS/CS Contro l Duri ng bar code readi ng, the NT6 31/NT631C performs RS/ CS control . When the Input Method setti ng of the NT63 1/NT631C is set to Auto , the RS signa l is tur ned OFF , prohibit ing the next input, until the read data has been sent to the host as notificat ion.
39 Using a Memory Unit Section 3-5 3-5 Using a Memory Unit This sec tion dis cusses th e use of th e Memor y Unit . Reference: The Mem or y Uni t functio ns are de ter mine d by the mode l of PT being use d, regard less of t he version of t he syste m program in stall ed in the PT .
40 Using a Memory Unit Section 3-5 • O ne Memor y Unit c an stor e a system program for up to t wo PTs of differ- ent models. In order to transmit a system p rogram from the M emor y Unit to the NT631 /NT631C, the system pro gram must be compatible to the tar - get PT m odel.
41 Using a Memory Unit Section 3-5 SW2 *: The Memor y Unit stores sy stem program or screen dat a for one PT in each of areas (bank 0, bank 1). (The tot al data sto rage is f or two PTs.) SW2-3 sets whi ch of thes e two banks is used for automatic transmi ssion.
42 Using a Memory Unit Section 3-5 1,2,3. .. 1. Check that the power supply to the NT 631/NT6 31C is O FF , then set th e DIP switches of t he Mem or y Un it as follows afte r insta lling M emor y Unit to NT631/NT63 1C.
43 Using a Memory Unit Section 3-5 Reference: When dat a is written to the NT631/NT6 31C, the data that has been stored up until tha t point is lost. When t he syste m pro gram is chan ged, the operation o f NT631/NT63 1C also chan ges.
44 Using a Memory Unit Section 3-5 Reference: When d ata is wr itten to the NT63 1/NT631C o r Mem or y Unit, t he data that has been stored up until that point is lost. Method of Execution Use the following proce dure to wr ite s creen d ata using manual t ransmission.
45 Using a Memory Unit Section 3-5 Current Memor y Unit Screen Data • In t he case o f system program: The first line: Com patible PT type for the system program in- side the Memor y Un it. The s econd l ine: System program name and V ersion f or the sy s- tem program ins ide the Me mor y Unit.
46 Using a Memory Unit Section 3-5 • The RUN LED flash es. If a protect setti ng error oc curs when e x ecu ting manual transmi ssion, it i s pos- sible to retur n to the Mem or y Un it manual trans.
47 SECTION 4 Connecting to the Host from the RS-232C P ort This section describes the m ethod for connecting to the host us ing the RS-232C por t of the PT . 4-1 Connecting to the RS-232C Port at the Host . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
48 Connecting to the RS -232C P ort at the Host Section 4-1 4-1 Connecting to the RS-232C P or t at the Ho st The metho d f or conn ecting bet ween the RS-232 C por t of the PT and the RS- 232C por t of the host is a s follows .
49 Connecting to the RS -232C P ort at the Host Section 4-1 *1 This CPU Unit is for a Duplex-CPU Unit System. The CS1W-SCB21/42(-V1) Ser ial Communicatio ns Board cannot be used.
50 Connecting to the RS -232C P ort at the Host Section 4-1 *2 Use a CPM2C-CN1 11 or CS1W-CN114/118 Conne cting Cable, CPM1-CIF01 RS -232C Ada pter , or CPM1- CIF1 1 RS- 422A A dapt er to co nnect . *3 The CQM1H- CPU11 do es no t hav e a built-in R S-232C p or t, so conn ect to the per iphera l por t to the PT wit h a CS1W-CN118 Connectin g Cable.
51 Connecting to the RS -232C P ort at the Host Section 4-1 Setting t he Rear Switches C1000H(F) /C2000H Rack-mount ing Unit: 3G2A5- LK201-EV1 Setting the Fr ont Switches Setting t he Rear Switches ON 1 CTS selector switch External 0 V (ON) • 1-to-1/1-to-N selection (DIP s witch) Set #3 to ON.
52 Connecting to the RS -232C P ort at the Host Section 4-1 C1000H/C2000H Rack-mounting Unit: C500-LK203 Setting t he Rear Switches C200H/C1000H/C2000H CPU-mounting Unit: 3G2A6-LK201-EV1 Setting t he .
53 Connecting to the RS -232C P ort at the Host Section 4-1 Connecting to a CVM1/CV - series Host Link Unit CVM1/CV -series Rack-mounting Unit: CV500-LK201 A CVM1/CV -s erie s Host L ink Unit (CV5 00-LK201 ) has two con nectors (com- munication s por ts 1 a nd 2).
54 Connecting to the RS -232C P ort at the Host Section 4-1 Setting The Fr ont Switches Connecting t o a CPU Unit CV -ser ies and CVM 1/CV -series (-EV @ ) CPU Units CV500-CPU01 -EV1/CV 1000-CPU0 1-EV.
55 Connecting to the RS -232C P ort at the Host Section 4-1 Setting the Fr ont Switches C-series C2 00HS, C200HX/HG/HE(-Z)E, CPM 1, CPM2A, CPM 2C , CQM1, CPM1H CPU U nits, SRM1 The connec tion m ethod depen ds upo n the mo del of PLC b eing used , as sh own i n t he fol lowi n g ta ble.
56 Connecting to the RS -232C P ort at the Host Section 4-1 PLC Setup Area Settings When connec ting to a C200HS, C200HX/HG/HE (-Z)E, CPM1, CPM2A , CPM2C, CQM1, or CQM1H CP U Unit, or S RM1, set t he f ollowing com muni- catio ns condi tions for the PL C Setup area.
57 Connecting to the RS -232C P ort at the Host Section 4-1 When usi ng por t B o f the Com munication s Boa rd of C200 HX/HG/ HE(-Z)E When usi ng a CP M1 Connecting to a CPM2C The CPM2 C PLCs do not hav e the same kind o f por t c onnectors f ound on CS/ CJ-ser ies PLCs.
58 Connecting to the RS -232C P ort at the Host Section 4-1 When usin g the CQ M1H’ s bui lt- in periph er al port, turn ON SW7. Setting t he Swit ches of a CP M2A When using a CPM2A, the switches on the front pan el must be set as shown below in ord er to make the PLC Setup s etting s effective .
59 Connecting to the RS -232C P ort at the Host Section 4-1 CS/CJ-seri es CPU Uni t: CS1G/H-CPU @@ -E(V1), CS 1G/H/D-CPU @@ H CJ1G/M-CPU @@ , C J1G/H-CP U @@ H Connect to the built-in RS- 232C por t of th e CPU Unit, or the R S-232C p or t o f the Communicati ons Board .
60 Connecting to the RS -232C P ort at the Host Section 4-1 Connecting t o CS-serie s Serial Co mmunications B oard Ser ial Communic ation s Board equ ipped w ith a RS -232C por t for CS-series CPU Units: CS 1W -SCB21(-V 1)/41(-V1) ( See note.) Note Cannot be u sed with th e CS1D-CP U65H/67H .
61 Connecting to the RS -232C P ort at the Host Section 4-1 Allocation DM Area Settings for CPU Unit Settings are wr itte n from th e Programming De vice (a Pro gramming Consol e or CX-Programme r) direct ly into t he allocatio n DM ar ea (syste m setting area) of the CPU Unit.
62 Connecting to the RS -232C P ort at the Host Section 4-1 The host s that can be co nnected to t he NT6 31/NT631C by the NT Link (1 :1) method us ing the R S-232C po r ts o f both Uni ts are i ndicated i n the table below .
63 Connecting to the RS -232C P ort at the Host Section 4-1 *1 One of the following Communica tions Boards is r equired : C200HW- COM02/COM04/CO M0 5/COM0 6-EV1. *2 A CPM1-CIF 01 Adapter is requir ed. *3 Use a CPM2 C-CN111 or CS 1W -CN114/ 118 Connec ting Cable, CPM1- CIF01 RS-2 32C Adapter, or CPM1-CIF11 RS-422A Adapter t o connec t.
64 Connecting to the RS -232C P ort at the Host Section 4-1 Connecting to a CPM2C The CPM2 C PLCs do not hav e the same kind o f por t c onnectors f ound on CS/ CJ-ser ies PLCs. Th e CPM2C’ s communi catio ns por t handle s both RS-232 C and per ipheral po r t connec tions whi ch are divide d inter na lly .
65 Connecting to the RS -232C P ort at the Host Section 4-1 Setting t he Swit ches on an RS -232C Ad apter When us ing a CPM1-CIF 01 RS-2 32C Adapte r , set th e mode s witc h as shown in the f ollowin g diagram. Connecting to CVM1/CV Serie s (-EV @ ) Set the DIP switches on the front p anel as follows.
66 Connecting to the RS -232C P ort at the Host Section 4-1 Check the model and seri es of the PLC as well as the model of Ser ial Com- munication s Board or Unit b eing u sed before making th e con nections.
67 Connecting to the RS -232C P ort at the Host Section 4-1 Reference: V ersion 1 (- V1) and h igh-speed versions (H) of the CS- series and CJ- ser ies CPU Units suppor t the hi gh-spee d 1:N NT Li nk method in add ition to th e standar d 1:N NT Li nk method .
68 Connecting to the RS -232C P ort at the Host Section 4-1 Using the CPU Unit's Built-in RS-232 C P o r t *1 Set any value between 0000 and 0 009 Hex f o r the communi cations bau d rate. The same baud rate will be used rega rdless of the value as long as it is between 0 000 and 0009 Hex.
69 Connecting to the RS -232C P ort at the Host Section 4-1 Note Cannot be u sed with th e CS1D-CP U65H/67H . CPU Unit Allocation DM Area Settings Setting i s wri tten from th e Programming Device (a Pr ogramming Consol e or CX-Programme r) directl y into the allo catio n DM area (sy stem se tting area) of the CPU Unit.
70 Connecting to the RS -232C P ort at the Host Section 4-1 *1 Set any value between 00 00 and 0 009 hex f or the bau d rate. The same baud rate will be used regardle ss of the value as long as it is between 0000 and 0009 h e x.
71 Connecting to the RS -232C P ort at the Host Section 4-1 Using the CPU Unit's Built-in RS-232 C P o r t Using the CPU Unit's P er iphe ral P or t When co nnecti ng PTs wi th mode l number.
72 Connecting to the RS -232C P ort at the Host Section 4-1 Reference: CS-ser ies Ser ial Communi cations Boards and Units with lo t number 991 220 (12/20/99 ) and lat er suppo r t the high-s peed 1 :N NT Link. B oards a nd Units with ear lier lot numbe rs cannot be us ed.
73 Connecting to the RS -232C P ort at the Host Section 4-1 W ord m = DM30 000 + (100 × u nit number) When Using the Memory Link Method In the memor y link meth od, the c onnect ion can be ma de to a per sonal c om- puter wit h RS-232 and an F A com puter , etc.
74 Connecting to the RS -232C P ort at the Host Section 4-1 Check the req uired c omponents and prep are them i n advance. Note After c onnect ing a co mmunicati ons c able, alwa y s secu re it with the screws.
75 Connecting to the RS -232C P ort at the Host Section 4-1 When a c onnec tion is made t o a pers onal com puter at se rial po r t A in th e memor y li nk me thod, OMRON cable with connecto rs shown b elow are av ail- able. Note The cable’ s tensile load is 30 N.
76 Connecting to the RS -232C P ort at the Host Section 4-1 CS1G-CPU42 /43/44/ 45-E(V 1) CS1H-CPU 63/64/65 /66/67-E (V1) CS1G-CPU42 H/43H/44 H/45H CS1H-CPU 63H/64H/65H/6 6H/67H CS1D-CPU 65H/67H CJ1G-C.
77 Connecting to the RS -232C P ort at the Host Section 4-1 (9-pin type) Shielding wire 1 6 5 9 FG − SD RD RS CS +5V − − SG 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 SD RD RS CS SG NT631/NT631C Host side Abbreviation A.
78 Connecting to the RS -232C P ort at the Host Section 4-1.
79 SECTION 5 Connecting to the Host fro m the RS-422A/4 85 P ort This secti on descri bes the method f or connectin g to the host u sing the RS -422A/485 po rt of the PT . 5-1 Connecting to the Host’ s RS-232C Po rt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
80 Connec ting to the Host’ s RS-232C P ort Section 5-1 5-1 Connecting to the Host’ s RS-23 2C P or t The metho ds f or connec ting the RS -422A/48 5 por t of the NT631 /NT631C and the R S-2 32C po r t of th e ho st ar e descri bed h ere . The re ar e the f ollo wing methods.
81 Connec ting to the Host’ s RS-232C P ort Section 5-1 Note One end of the wire must always be connected to the host (PLC), and ther e must be no branching . Branching wil l cause problems su ch as transmi ssion delays and communic ations failures.
82 Connec ting to the Host’ s RS-232C P ort Section 5-1 Note Read the ma nual suppli ed wit h the NT -AL001 careful ly before using th e Unit. 5-1-2 1:1 Connection between RS-422A/485 at the PT and .
83 Connec ting to the Host’ s RS-232C P ort Section 5-1 Reference: When using RS- 485 a s a por t f or the NT631/NT 631C, only NT Li nk (1:N) method (s tandard or high-s peed) c an be used .
84 Connec ting to the Host’ s RS-232C P ort Section 5-1 Wiring When Connecting a Host Link Unit (25-pin) Applic able Units: C200H-LK201 -V1 3G2A5-LK 201-EV1 C500-LK203 3G2A6-LK 201-EV1 CV500-LK20 1 .
85 Connec ting to the Host’ s RS-232C P ort Section 5-1 Usable Cables with Atta ched Co nnect ors: • For host link, 1 :1 NT L ink, or 1:N N T Link (+5 V p ower supplied fro m PLC) XW2Z-07 0T - 1(9-pin to 9-pin, 0 .
86 Connec ting to the Host’ s RS-232C P ort Section 5-1 Wiring f or a Memory Link Connection Prepare th e adapt er cable whil e referring to the di agram shown below .
87 Connec ting to the Host’ s RS-232C P ort Section 5-1 Connectin g an NT6 31/ NT631C and NT -AL00 1 (RS-42 2A) The relay term inal bo ard is not i ncluded in the figure bel ow . Inser t a relay ter- minal bo ard so a s to achi e ve the wiri ng con figuration ind icate d below .
88 Connec ting to the Host’ s RS-232C P ort Section 5-1 Connection between NT631/NT631C Units (RS- 422A) The relay term inal bo ard is not i ncluded in the figure bel ow . Inser t a relay ter- minal bo ard so a s to achi e ve the wiri ng con figuration ind icate d below .
89 Connec ting to the Host’ s RS-232C P ort Section 5-1 Connection between NT631/NT631C Units (RS- 485) The relay term inal bo ard is not i ncluded in the figure bel ow . Inser t a relay ter- minal bo ard so a s to achi e ve the wiri ng con figuration ind icate d below .
90 Connec ting to the Host’ s RS-232C P ort Section 5-1 Note A Ser ial Com municati ons Boa rd ca nnot be install ed. Usable Cables with Atta ched Co nnect ors: F or hos t link, 1 :1 NT Link, o r 1:N NT Link (+5 V power supplie d from P LC) XW2Z-07 0T - 1(9-pin to 9-pin, 0 .
91 Connec ting to the Host’ s RS-232C P ort Section 5-1 Cables with Connector s Made by OMR O N When conn ecting an NT -A L001 and a PLC, use the OMRON cables with con- nectors indi cated in the table below . Note 1. The maximum t ensile l oad of the recomm ended c able is 30 N.
92 Connec ting to the Host’ s RS-232C P ort Section 5-1 The ter mi nal screws o f the NT6 31/NT631C are M3.5 specif icati on. When wir- ing, use cr imp ter minals f or M3.5 use. Tighte n ter minal screws with a tighten- ing torq ue of 0.8 N ⋅ m. Note Always use cri mp ter minals for wir ing.
93 Connecting to the Hos t’ s RS-422A/485 P ort Section 5-2 Reference: • The i nter nal circuit o f the NT63 1/NT631C i s sh own below . • F o r deta ils on s etting the ter minal resistan ce of N T - AL001, re f er to Set- tings at the RS-232 C/RS-422A Adap ter (NT -AL001 ) (page 81).
94 Connecting to the Hos t’ s RS-422A/485 P ort Section 5-2 This conne cti on met hod i s use d wi th th e RS-4 85 NT Link ( 1:N ) meth od (standa rd or high-s peed). Note One end of the wire must always be connected to the host (PLC), and ther e must be no branching .
95 Connecting to the Hos t’ s RS-422A/485 P ort Section 5-2 The hos ts featuring the RS-4 22A/485 h ost link func tion and c an be connecte d to the RS-422 A/485 po r t of the NT631/NT631C ar e indica ted in the table below .
96 Connecting to the Hos t’ s RS-422A/485 P ort Section 5-2 *1 This CPU Unit is for a Duple x-CPU Unit System. The CS 1W -S CB41(-V1) Ser ial Communi cations Boar d cannot b e used. *2 Use a CPM2 C-CN111 or CS 1W -CN114/ 118 Connec ting Cable, CPM1- CIF01 RS-2 32C Adapter, or CPM1-CIF11 RS-422A Adapter t o connec t.
97 Connecting to the Hos t’ s RS-422A/485 P ort Section 5-2 Connecting to a C-se ries Host Link Unit C200H/C200HS /C200HE( -Z)E/C200HG (-Z)E/C200 HX(-Z)E Rack-mount ing Unit: C200H-LK201-V1 Setting .
98 Connecting to the Hos t’ s RS-422A/485 P ort Section 5-2 Setting t he Rear Switches I/O por t RS-422A RS-232C Synchronization Internal External OFF ON CTS 0 V External • I/O por t selection (selector switch) Set this to RS-422A. • Unit # (DIP SW1) Set SW1-1 to SW1-5 to OFF (0).
99 Connecting to the Hos t’ s RS-422A/485 P ort Section 5-2 C1000H/C2000H Rack-mounting Unit: C500-LK203 Setting t he Rear Switches C200H/C1000H/C2000H CPU-mounting Unit: 3G2A6-LK202-EV1 Setting t h.
100 Connecting to the Hos t’ s RS-422A/485 P ort Section 5-2 Connecting to a CVM1/CV - series Host Link Unit CVM1/CV -series Rack-mounting Unit: CV500-LK201 A CVM1/CV -s erie s Host L ink Unit (CV5 00-LK201 ) has two con nectors (com- munication s por ts 1 an d 2).
101 Connecting to the Hos t’ s RS-422A/485 P ort Section 5-2 Setting the Fr ont Switches Connecting to a CPU Unit CVM1/CV -series (-EV @ ) CPU Units • CV500-CPU01 -EV1/CV 1000-CPU0 1-EV1/CV20 00-C.
102 Connecting to the Hos t’ s RS-422A/485 P ort Section 5-2 Setting the Fr ont Switches C200HX/HG/HE(-Z)E, C PM1, CPM2A, CP M2C, CQM1H , or SRM1 The connec tion m ethod depen ds upo n the mo del of PLC b eing used , as sh own i n t he fol lowi n g ta ble.
103 Connecting to the Hos t’ s RS-422A/485 P ort Section 5-2 PLC Setup Area Settings When conne cting to a C200HX/HG/HE (-Z)E or CPM1 , CPM2A, CPM 2C, CQM1H CPU Uni ts or SRM1 , set the following communicatio ns con ditions for the PLC Se tup ar ea.
104 Connecting to the Hos t’ s RS-422A/485 P ort Section 5-2 Connecting to a CPM2C The CPM2 C PLCs do not hav e the same kind o f por t c onnectors f ound on CS/ CJ-ser ies PLCs. Th e CPM2C’ s communi catio ns por t handle s both RS-232 C and per ipheral po r t connec tions whi ch are divide d inter na lly .
105 Connecting to the Hos t’ s RS-422A/485 P ort Section 5-2 Serial Comm unications Board Swit ch Settings Set the switches on the Seri al Communic ation s Board as shown bel ow . 2-wire or 4-wire se lecto r (WIRE ): (4-wire = RS-422A ) T er mi nating r esistanc e switch (TE RM): ON (ter mi nator O N = ter m inatin g resistanc e enabled).
106 Connecting to the Hos t’ s RS-422A/485 P ort Section 5-2 m = DM 3000 0 + 100 × un it number Using the NT Link (1:1) Method Compatible Host Units Some model s and ser ies of OM RON PLCs hav e the RS-422A NT Link (1:1) function built in.
107 Connecting to the Hos t’ s RS-422A/485 P ort Section 5-2 *3 CPU Units o f CVM1/CV -series PLCs w ithout the suffix -EV @ ca nnot be conne cted. The NT Lin k (1:1) method can not be u sed usin g RS-485. T o us e the NT Link (1:1) metho d, con nect by RS-422A.
108 Connecting to the Hos t’ s RS-422A/485 P ort Section 5-2 Setting th e DIP Swit ches on a C200HX /HG/HE(-Z) E Communications Board Set the switches on a C200HX /HG/HE(-Z )E Communic ations Boa rd as f ol- lows. Switch 1: (4-wire = RS-42 2A) Switch 2 : ON (t er minator ON = ter minating resistan ce ena bled).
109 Connecting to the Hos t’ s RS-422A/485 P ort Section 5-2 *1 A CS1W -S CB41 (-V1) Seria l Comm unicati ons Board o r CS1 W -SCU31- V1 Seria l Comm unicati ons Unit is re quir ed. *2 This CPU Un it is for a Duplex-CPU Unit Sy stem. T he CS1W-SCB41(-V1) Ser ial Communi cations Board c annot b e used.
110 Connecting to the Hos t’ s RS-422A/485 P ort Section 5-2 Reference: • Ther e are no Seri al Communicati ons Board s f or the C200HX/H G/HE(-Z )E in which por t B is the RS-422A /485 po r t. • Ther e are no Ser ial Communi cations Boar ds f or the CQM1 H in which por t 1 is the RS-422A/485 por t.
111 Connecting to the Hos t’ s RS-422A/485 P ort Section 5-2 Allocation DM Area Settings for CPU Unit Settings are wr itte n from th e Programming De vice (a Pro gramming Consol e or CX-Programme r) direct ly into t he allocatio n DM ar ea (syste m setting area) of the CPU Unit.
112 Connecting to the Hos t’ s RS-422A/485 P ort Section 5-2 2-wire or 4-wire se lecto r (WIRE ): (4-wire = RS-422 A), or (2-wire = RS-4 85) T er mi nating r esistan ce switch (TERM): ON ( ter mina tor ON = ter m inatin g resistanc e enabled). DM Area Alloca tion Settings F r om the P rogramming Device (i.
113 Connecting to the Hos t’ s RS-422A/485 P ort Section 5-2 *2 This CPU Unit is for a Duple x-CPU Unit System. The CS 1W -S CB41(-V1) Ser ial Communic ations Boar d cannot be used. Use th e CS1W-SCU31-V1 Comm unicat ions U nit. *3 A CS1W-SCU31-V1 or CS1W-SCU41(-V1) Ser ial Communica tions Unit is required.
114 Connecting to the Hos t’ s RS-422A/485 P ort Section 5-2 *1 F or example, when c onnectin g PTs with model numbers 3, 4, 5, and 6 to por t 2, set the value 8200 hex to DM32010, 000 A hex to DM32011 , and 0006 hex to DM3201 6.
115 Connecting to the Hos t’ s RS-422A/485 P ort Section 5-2 The follo wing are th e communicati ons cond itions th at can be used wi th the memor y l ink metho d. For the host (a per sonal c ompute r , an F A co mputer , etc.), i ts se tting s hould be compat ible to one o f th e communic ations c ondi- tions li sted in the following ta ble.
116 Connecting to the Hos t’ s RS-422A/485 P ort Section 5-2 Wiring When Connecting CPM1 , CPM2A, CPM 2C, or SRM1 Applic able Units: Connect to the PLC thr ough a CP M1-CIF11 RS -422A A dapter . F or de tails o n handl ing shi eld wir es, refer to 5-2-8 Ha ndling th e Shie ld on RS- 422A/485 Cables on pa ge 125.
117 Connecting to the Hos t’ s RS-422A/485 P ort Section 5-2 F or de tails o n handl ing shi eld wir es, refer to 5-2-8 Ha ndling th e Shie ld on RS- 422A/485 Cables on pa ge 125.
118 Connecting to the Hos t’ s RS-422A/485 P ort Section 5-2 5-2-3 Direct Connection between RS-485 P or ts at Both Units The connecti on method in whi ch the RS-485 por ts of an NT631/NT631 C and a host ar e connec ted is de scr ibed here.
119 Connecting to the Hos t’ s RS-422A/485 P ort Section 5-2 5-2-4 1:N Connection among RS-422A P or ts The connec tion meth od in which the RS -422A por ts of multipl e NT631/ NT631Cs and one hos t are c onnect ed in a 1:N connec tion is descr ibed h ere.
120 Connecting to the Hos t’ s RS-422A/485 P ort Section 5-2 Connecting between NT631/NT631C Units * Shor t TRM and RDA termina ls of the NT631/N T631C at the end of the RS- 422A cable ( * mar ked in the above figure) using the shor t- circuit too l sup- plied wi th the NT63 1/NT631C.
121 Connecting to the Hos t’ s RS-422A/485 P ort Section 5-2 Note A Ser ial Com municati ons Boa rd ca nnot be install ed. F or de tails o n handl ing shi eld wir es, refer to 5-2-8 Handl ing th e Shield on RS- 422A/485 Cables on pa ge 125.
122 Connecting to the Hos t’ s RS-422A/485 P ort Section 5-2 Connecting b etween N T631/NT631C Units * Shor t TRM and RDA termina ls of the NT631/N T631C at the end of the RS- 485 cable ( * ma r ked in the above figure) using th e sho r t-ci rcuit t ool sup- plied wi th the NT63 1/NT631C.
123 Connecting to the Hos t’ s RS-422A/485 P ort Section 5-2 Note A Ser ial Com municati ons Boa rd ca nnot be install ed. F or de tails o n handl ing shi eld wir es, refer to 5-2-8 Handl ing th e Shield on RS- 422A/485 Cables on pa ge 125.
124 Connecting to the Hos t’ s RS-422A/485 P ort Section 5-2 *1 Crim p ter min als o f common u se for M3 and M3. 5 The ter mi nal screws o f the NT6 31/NT631C are M3.5 specif icati on. When wir- ing, use cr imp ter minals f or M3.5 use. Tighte n ter minal screws with a tighten- ing torq ue of 0.
125 Connecting to the Hos t’ s RS-422A/485 P ort Section 5-2 Note Before connect ing or disco nnecti ng cables be tween devices, make su re tha t the power supply to all of the conne cted devices ( NT631/NT 631C, PLC , etc.) is OF F . Reference: • The i nter nal circuit o f the NT63 1/NT631C i s sh own below .
126 Connecting to the Hos t’ s RS-422A/485 P ort Section 5-2 When usi ng a CJ1M-CIF1 1 alone or combine d with an NT -AL001 , be sure to conne ct, proc ess the s hield, a nd con nect to grou nd as shown in Fi gure (b) .
127 SECTION 6 System Me nu Operatio n This section desc ribes the operation of the System Menu, foc using on the procedure to start up the NT63 1/NT631C. Functio ns which are con veni ent when using the NT631/ NT631C and thos e that are useful fo r system maintenance are also ex plained here.
128 6-9-6 Setting the Print Method (NT631C Only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169 6-9-7 Setting Screen Sav er Mov ement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170 6-9-8 Setting the Screen Sav er Start-up T ime . . . . . .
129 Syste m Menu Opera tion F low Section 6-1 6-1 System Menu Operatio n Flow F ollow the p rocedure b elow when usi ng the NT63 1/NT631C for the firs t time or chan ging the s ystem pr ogram. Create the Scr een Data Create the data to b e displayed on the NT631/N T631C by using the Su ppor t T ool.
130 Operation Modes and the Sy stem Menu Section 6-3 Memory Unit Check and Pr ocessing Chec k if a Me mory Unit i s instal led. If a Me mory Unit is insta lled, proc essi ng (screen data and sy stem program rea ding/wr itin g) is ex ecut ed in acc ordanc e with its DIP switch settin gs (page 39) .
131 Operation Modes and the Sy stem Menu Section 6-3 Items in the System M enu The item s dis play ed in the s ystem m enu and the ir func tions are as follows.
132 Operation Modes and the Sy stem Menu Section 6-3 Functions of the System Installer Mode The following functi ons can be ex ecuted in the Syst em Inst aller m ode. • Se tting th e display language • C lear ing a nd instal ling system p rograms • Dis abling/ena bling display of the System M enu.
133 Operation Modes and the Sy stem Menu Section 6-3 6-3-3 Operations with the System Men u This se ction descr ibes how to use the menus, includi ng how to call the Sy s- tem Menu, how to call the Sy stem Installe r mode, and how to selec t menu items.
134 Operation Modes and the Sy stem Menu Section 6-3 • At the sam e as the Sy stem Menu is d isplay ed, the operati on of th e NT631/NT63 1C stop s and the RUN LED goes OFF .
135 Memory Initiali zation Section 6-4 Example: Display ing the MAINTE NANCE MODE MENU screen by pressing Mainte- nance Mo de in th e Syste m Menu. Switching fr om the System M enu to the RUN Mode Retur n to the R UN mode by selecti ng Quit in th e System M enu and other menus.
136 Memory Initiali zation Section 6-4 Reference: • Wh en this functio n is us ed, a ll of th e scr een da ta conte nts reg istered in the NT63 1/NT631C up to that poi nt are cleared . Check t hat the c reated screen s are ba ck ed up a t the Su ppor t T ool before using i t.
137 Memory Initiali zation Section 6-4 If No is selected, the NT631/NT 631C retur n s to the MEMO R Y INIT . MENU screen without c lear ing the s creen da ta. On compl etion of sc reen data cl earance, the NT631/NT6 31C retur n s to the MEMOR Y INIT .
138 Memory Initiali zation Section 6-4 Initiali ze the display histor y record data by f ollowing the menu operation fro m the Sys tem Menu shown bel ow . If No is selected, the NT631/NT 631C retur n s to the MEMO R Y INIT . MENU screen without in itial izing th e display histo r y rec ord da ta.
139 Memory Initiali zation Section 6-4 The max imum number of reco rds is 25 6 for sor t by oc curren ce (or der of error occurre nce) and 255 for sor t by frequency (or der of the numbe r of times eac h error ha s occurred).
140 Memory Initiali zation Section 6-4 Initiali ze the a lar m his tor y rec ord da ta by following the m enu operatio n fro m the Sys tem Menu shown bel ow . If No is selected, the NT631/NT 631C retur n s to the MEMO R Y INIT . MENU screen without in itializ ing the al ar m his tor y rec ord data .
141 Memory Initiali zation Section 6-4 Initiali ze the recipe tables by follo wing the menu ope ration from the Syste m Me nu s h ow n be l ow . If No is sel ected, the NT31/NT31C retur ns t o the MEMORY INIT . MENU screen wi thout in itializin g the rec ipe tables.
142 Memory Initiali zation Section 6-4 When the mem or y tables are ini tialized, they are retu rn ed to their initial values regardles s of the s etting made for the resume funct ion (page 177).
143 Memory Initiali zation Section 6-4 If No is selected, the NT631/NT 631C retur n s to the MEMO R Y INIT . MENU screen without in itializ ing the me mor y t ables. On c omple tion of memo ry tab le in itial izat ion, the messag e Fin ished is di s- pla yed and the NT6 31/NT631C retur ns to the MEM OR Y INIT .
144 Operations in the System Installer Mode Section 6-5 After in itial ization, the memor y switch statuse s are as follows. * The c ommunic ations condi tions for a bar co de reader are initi alized as fol- lows: Data bits: 7 bits; st op bit: 1 b it; par ity: no ne; flow cont rol: RS/ CS.
145 Operations in the System Installer Mode Section 6-5 6-5-2 Clearing/I nstalling the System Pr o gram Use this func tion when the system pr ogram of the NT631/NT 631C has bee n corr upted, o r when install ing a new syst em program.
146 Operations in the System Installer Mode Section 6-5 Clearing t he System Program • If Re tur n to Menu is s elected, the N T631/ NT631C retur ns to the Sys tem Installe r mode me nu without clear ing the sys tem program. • If clearance fails, a screen asking whether you wi sh to t r y agai n is di s- pla yed.
147 Operations in the System Installer Mode Section 6-5 When the sys tem program is star te d, the NT631/NT 631C star ts up nor mally . If no sc reen data has been reg istered , an error messag e wil l be dis play e d indicat ing tha t scree n data h asn’t been reg istered.
148 Operations in the System Installer Mode Section 6-5 Change the syst em setti ngs by f ollowing the me nu operation f rom the S ystem Installe r mod e menu sh own below . • If Can cel is sel ected, the NT631 /NT63 1C retur ns to the S ystem Inst aller mode menu w ithout chan ging the se ttings.
149 T ransmitting the S creen Data Section 6-6 • If th e screen data is cl eared in t he Syst em Instal ler mode, th e messag e Screen Data C orrupte d may be dis play ed on s witch ing to the RUN mode. If this h appens, in itialize th e screen d ata aga in from the MEM OR Y INIT .
150 T ransmitting the S creen Data Section 6-6 • If wr iting t o the s creen data m emor y is dis abled b y th e setting made for System Setting in the System Insta ller m ode, screen d ata transmi ssion is not poss ible . Screen Data Composition and T ransmission Un its The scr een data compr ises the following types o f data.
151 T ransmitting the S creen Data Section 6-6 4. Open the s creen data t o be transmi tted at th e Suppor t T oo l, then sel ect Download (NTS T PT) in th e Suppor t T ool’ s Conne ct me nu and spe cify th e data to be t ransmitted . 5. Duri ng scr een data transmis sion, the transmis sion sta tus is displayed.
152 Setting C onditions f or Communic ations with Host by Using Memory Sw itches Section 6-7 • Sc reen dat a transmis sion is stopped by operation at th e Suppor t T o ol. Note When transferrin g the data in units of scr eens, if there are change s in memor y table and/or dir ect acc ess, transf er such d ata al ong with the scr een data.
153 Setting C onditions f or Communic ations with Host by Using Memory Sw itches Section 6-7 P or t Communications Method/Co mmunica tions T ype Settings Communication s Condition Settings for The Host Link Method Communication s Condition Settings for The NT Link (1:1) M ethod No fur ther co mmunica tions condi tions nee d to be set.
154 Setting C onditions f or Communic ations with Host by Using Memory Sw itches Section 6-7 P oss ible Combinations of Communic ations Method Settings The combina tions of communicati ons methods that can be set with the NT631/NT63 1C are indi cated i n the table below .
155 Setting C onditions f or Communic ations with Host by Using Memory Sw itches Section 6-7 6-7-2 Setting the Host Link Method Set th e communic ation s co nditions for the host link m ethod a t ser ial por t A or ser ial por t B by follo wing the ope ration from the Sys tem Menu shown be low .
156 Setting C onditions f or Communic ations with Host by Using Memory Sw itches Section 6-7 • T o quit th e communic ations sp eed se tting scree n withou t setting th e com- munication s speed, pr ess the Ab or t to uch switch.
157 Setting C onditions f or Communic ations with Host by Using Memory Sw itches Section 6-7 6-7-3 Setting the NT Link (1:1) Method Set the communi cations conditi ons for the NT L ink (1 :1) metho d at s eri al por t A or ser ial por t B by f ollowing the o peratio n from the S ystem Me nu shown below .
158 Setting C onditions f or Communic ations with Host by Using Memory Sw itches Section 6-7 6-7-4 Setting the NT Li nk (1:N) Method (Standar d/High-speed) Set the c ommunicati ons con dition s for the NT Link (1:N) method at ser ial po r t A or ser ial por t B by f ollowing the o peratio n from the S ystem Me nu shown below .
159 Setting C onditions f or Communic ations with Host by Using Memory Sw itches Section 6-7 • T o quit the unit number/com munication s speed s ettin g scree n without confir ming the u nit numbe r/co mmunicatio ns sp eed se ttings, pre ss the Abor t touch switch.
160 Setting C onditions f or Communic ations with Host by Using Memory Sw itches Section 6-7 6-7-5 Setting the Memory Link Method Set th e communic ation s co nditions for the host link m ethod a t ser ial por t A or ser ial por t B by following the opera tion from the Sy stem M enu shown bel ow .
161 Setting C onditions f or Communic ations with Host by Using Memory Sw itches Section 6-7 • T o quit th e communic ations sp eed se tting scree n withou t setting th e com- munication s speed, pr ess the Ab or t to uch switch.
162 Setting C onditions f or Communic ations with Host by Using Memory Sw itches Section 6-7 6-7-6 Setting the Comm unications T ype f or Serial P or t B Set the communi cations type (RS- 232C or RS-422 A) for serial po r t B by f ol- lowing the ope ration from the Sy stem Menu s hown below .
163 Starting Oper ation Section 6-8 6-8 Star ting Operati on After com pleting sc reen data transmi ssion and s etting the commun ications conditi ons, conne ct the NT 631/NT631 C to the host and s tar t operation. Note Check the opera tion of all sc reen data and ho st pr ograms careful ly before using th em.
164 V arious System Se ttings Section 6-9 6-9 V arious System Settings The NT631/NT 631C allows a v ar iety of func tions whic h are convenient durin g operation to be set with memor y switches. This sectio n desc ri bes the mem or y s witch s ettings rel ating to the operation e nvironment.
165 V arious System Se ttings Section 6-9 (For the bar code r eader , refer to page 18 4.) • C omm. B S elect page 1 62 • Com m. B Me thod pag e 152 F or de tails o n each setting, r efer to the pa ges indi cated.
166 V arious System Se ttings Section 6-9 6-9-3 Setting the K ey Pre ss Sound It is possible to set wh ether or not the key sound is soun ded when a to uch s witch on the NT 631/NT631 C screen i s pressed . • O N: When a touc h s witch is presse d, the ke y so und sounds f or 0.
167 V arious System Se ttings Section 6-9 •O N : The buzzer sound s in res ponse to instr ucti ons a nd when an error o ccurs. •O F F : The buzzer does no t sound in resp onse to in str uction s or wh en erro rs occur . • ERROR ON: The bu zzer soun ds onl y when an er ror oc curs .
168 V arious System Se ttings Section 6-9 6-9-5 Setting the Printer Contr oller The NT631 /NT631C ha s a fu nction for printing out data at a pr inte r conne cted to it in re sponse to an instr uct ion fr om t he host or o peration a t t he NT631 / NT631C.
169 V arious System Se ttings Section 6-9 T o se t other memor y switches, select the relev a nt screen using the [ ] (ne xt screen ) or [ ] (previous scree n) touch switch, then m ake the setting . • T o co nfir m th e set tings and q uit the memor y switch se tting sc reen, p ress the Quit tou ch s witch.
170 V arious System Se ttings Section 6-9 • For detail s on the prin t funct ion, refer to 2-15 -7 Pr int F unction in the Ref- erence Manual . Set the pr int method setti ng by f ollowing the menu operation fr om the Sys tem Me nu s h ow n be l ow .
171 V arious System Se ttings Section 6-9 If Display erase is selecte d, the cha racter str ing is not displayed, and the backlight is a lso tur n ed off whil e the s creen dis play is off.
172 V arious System Se ttings Section 6-9 Set the screen sav er operat ion by follo wing t he menu ope ration from the Sy s- tem M e nu s how n be low. T o se t other memor y switches, select the relev a nt screen using the [ ] (ne xt screen ) or [ ] (previous scree n) touch switch, then m ake the setting .
173 V arious System Se ttings Section 6-9 6-9-8 Setting the Scree n Saver Start-up Time The NT631/NT 631C has a functi on to maximi ze the ser vice l ife of the back- light an d prev ent the forma tion of an after imag e by tur ning off th e screen dis- pla y an d the backlight if no operat ion is per formed for a cer ta in per iod of time.
174 V arious System Se ttings Section 6-9 Set the sc reen saver star t-up time by f o llowing the m enu operation fr om the System Menu shown be low . T o se t other memor y switches, select the relev a nt screen using the [ ] (ne xt screen ) or [ ] (previous scree n) touch switch, then m ake the setting .
175 V arious System Se ttings Section 6-9 6-9-9 Setting the History Display Method The NT631/ NT631 C f eature s the dis play histor y rec ord func tion, whic h records the time at wh ich sc reens are.
176 V arious System Se ttings Section 6-9 Set the histor y disp lay method by f ollowing the m enu operati on from t he Sy s- tem M e nu s how n be low. T o se t other memor y switches, select the relev a nt screen using the [ ] (ne xt screen ) or [ ] (previous scree n) touch switch, then m ake the setting .
177 V arious System Se ttings Section 6-9 6-9-10 Setting the Resume Function The NT631/NT 631C has a function t o keep the content s of the m emor y t ables ev en when the power to the NT631/NT631 C is OFF and write back them to the host wh en the power is tur ne d ON.
178 V arious System Se ttings Section 6-9 Set t he r esum e fun ction b y f ollo wing the men u ope rati on from t he Sy stem Me nu s h ow n be l ow . T o se t other memor y switches, select the relev a nt screen using the [ ] (ne xt screen ) or [ ] (previous scree n) touch switch, then m ake the setting .
179 V arious System Se ttings Section 6-9 6-9-11 Setting the A utomatic Reset Function The NT631/NT 631C has a func tion for ignorin g communica tions er rors and automat ically r etur ning to the RUN mode when th ey occur . The Comm. Auto-retur n setting dete r mines whether the automa tic reset fun c- tion is ef f ecti ve or no t.
180 V arious System Se ttings Section 6-9 Set the automat ic res et fun ction by following the me nu operation from the System Menu shown be low . T o se t other memor y switches, select the relev a nt screen using the [ ] (ne xt screen ) or [ ] (previous scree n) touch switch, then m ake the setting .
181 V arious System Se ttings Section 6-9 6-9-12 Setting the Time-out Interval The NT631/NT 631C goe s into the time- out error status if no resp onse is received from the ho st within a fixed time. The Time- out Inter v al se tting spec i- fies the time la pse at whi ch time- out is j udged t o hav e occur red.
182 V arious System Se ttings Section 6-9 • T o co nfir m th e set tings and q uit the memor y switch se tting sc reen, p ress the Quit tou ch s witch. T he setting s made la st will be s et and the NT631 / NT631C will retur n to the MAINTENA NCE MODE MEN U screen.
183 V arious System Se ttings Section 6-9 Set the retr y count by f ollowing the menu operation from the System Menu shown bel ow . T o se t other memor y switches, select the relev a nt screen using the [ ] (ne xt screen ) or [ ] (previous scree n) touch switch, then m ake the setting .
184 Setting t he Bar Code R eader Input Function Section 6- 10 6-10 Setting the Bar Code Reader Inp ut Function The NT631/NT 631C has a bar code reader in put functio n which al lows a bar code rea der to be c onnected a nd bar cod e data to read as c haracter str ings into cha racter st r ing in put fields.
185 Setting t he Bar Code R eader Input Function Section 6- 10 Setting the Communic ations Conditions and Sett ing Method Set the bar c ode reader communicat ions cond itions and method of co nfir ma- tion at inpu t by f ollowing the menu op eration fro m the Syst em Menu shown below .
186 Setting t he Bar Code R eader Input Function Section 6- 10 • Pr essin g Abor t on the co mmunica tions cond ition /confi rm ation m ethod setting sc reen cau ses the NT631/NT 631C to retur n to the memor y s w itch setting screen (4/4) w ithout e xecuting se tting (with th e previous s ettings stil l effective).
187 Sys tem Ma in tena nce Section 6- 11 6-11 System Maintenance The NT631/ NT631 C has the following mainte nance and ch eck functions. This secti on des cribes how to use the se functi ons. 6-11-1 I/O Setti ngs This funct ion is use d to adju st the c ontrast of the di splay panel and the br ight- ness of the backlight.
188 Sys tem Ma in tena nce Section 6- 11 Setting from th e System Menu Adjust the c ontrast of th e displ ay panel by following the menu o peration f rom the Sys tem Menu shown bel ow . Select Maintenance Mode. Select I/O Settings. Select Contrast Adjust.
189 Sys tem Ma in tena nce Section 6- 11 Setting Using Brightness and Contrast Adjustment Screen Display screen numbe r 9030 usi ng either a to uch switch with switch scree n function , or by specify ing the display screen in the PT stat us co ntrol ar ea.
190 Sys tem Ma in tena nce Section 6- 11 Adjust t he backli ght br ightne ss by following the menu o peration from the S ys- tem M e nu s how n be low. Select Maintenance Mode. Select I/O Settings. Select Brightness Adjust. Press Quit. V er 4.12 Adjust the contrast with the High, Middle , and Low touch s witches in the left half of the screen.
191 Sys tem Ma in tena nce Section 6- 11 Setting Using Brightness and Contrast Adjustment Screen Display screen numbe r 9030 usi ng either a to uch switch with switch scree n function , or by specify ing the display screen in the PT stat us co ntrol ar ea.
192 Sys tem Ma in tena nce Section 6- 11 Display/set clock data by follo wing the menu opera tion from th e Syst em Menu shown bel ow . Pressin g Abor t causes the NT63 1/NT631C to retur n to the da te and time di s- pla y witho ut ex e cuting setting ( with t he previous se ttings s till effective).
193 Sys tem Ma in tena nce Section 6- 11 6-11-3 Checking the PT Setting Status The direct c onnect ion settings of the NT 631/NT63 1C screen data, and the settings for seria l por t A an d ser ial p or t B, ca n be ch eck ed. Screen Configuration and Display Contents There ar e the following three P T setting s tatus screens.
194 Sys tem Ma in tena nce Section 6- 11 Display Method Display the PT setting statuse s by f ollowin g the me nu operatio n from the S ys- tem M e nu s how n be low.
195 Sys tem Ma in tena nce Section 6- 11 Reference: • With th e NT631 /NT631C, the record data can also be display ed by callin g screen No . 9001 (sor t by occurre nce) o r screen No .
196 Sys tem Ma in tena nce Section 6- 11 Example Print-out All of the re corded data i s pr inted out in th e sam e ord er as o n the curren tly displayed screen.
197 Sys tem Ma in tena nce Section 6- 11 Reference: • With the NT 631/NT63 1C , the record d ata ca n also b e displayed by regis- teri ng an a lar m histo r y di splay elemen t on the sc reen .
198 Sys tem Ma in tena nce Section 6- 11 Example Print-out All of the re corded data i s pr inted out in th e sam e ord er as o n the curren tly displayed screen. Example: Sor t by occurren ce method, from old est rec ord 6-11-6 Check ing Screen Data The NT631/NT 631C allows the regis tered screen s (Nos.
199 Sys tem Ma in tena nce Section 6- 11 Specifying The Display Method Specify the di splay method for the sc reens a s ind icated in the table be low . * Default (factory ) setting Reference: Each setti ng of the screen data check is effectiv e only on this menu.
200 Sys tem Ma in tena nce Section 6- 11 Displaying the SCREEN D A T A CHECK Screen Display the SCRE EN D A T A CHECK sc reen by following the menu operatio n from the S ystem M enu shown below . Select Maintenance Mode. Select Screen Data Disp . Press Set.
201 Sys tem Ma in tena nce Section 6- 11 If you wish to con tinue by checking a nother sc reen, repe at the o peration , star ting by specify ing the s creen num ber . T o end t he operation, press Quit o n the screen numbe r selec tion scr een. The NT631/NT631C r etur ns to th e MAINTENANCE MODE MENU scree n.
202 Sys tem Ma in tena nce Section 6- 11 Checking the Buzz er Che ck if the buzzer sounds c orrect ly . Reference: The buzzer will sou nd in this check regar dless o f the settin g made with the Buzzer So und me mor y switch. Check the buzzer by f ollowing the menu operation from the Syst em Menu shown bel ow .
203 Sys tem Ma in tena nce Section 6- 11 Checking the RUN LED Che ck if the RUN LED functions no rm ally . Check the RUN LED by f ollowing th e menu o peration fr om th e Syste m Menu shown bel ow . • If the RUN LED is func tioning nor mal ly , i t will o perate as follows .
204 Sys tem Ma in tena nce Section 6- 11 Checking the LCD (Screen Display) Check if the LCD displ ay (or EL dis play f or NT63 1) funct ions n or mall y by f ol- lowing the menu o peration from the Syst em Menu shown bel ow .
205 Sys tem Ma in tena nce Section 6- 11 • If th e backlight is nor mal, it flashe s. At this tim e, the Backlight Check touch s wit ch is di splayed in reverse video. • T o end th e backlight check, pres s the Backligh t Check touch switch ag ain.
206 Sys tem Ma in tena nce Section 6- 11 Check the screen dat a memor y by following the menu operation fr om the Sys- tem M e nu s how n be low. • Dur ing the che ck, the message Checking Now ... is display ed. • On n or mal c omple tion o f the check, t he mess age Me mor y C heck OK is displayed.
207 Sys tem Ma in tena nce Section 6- 11 After con fir ming the resul t of the check, press Quit. The NT 631/NT631 C retur ns to the DEV ICE CHECK ME NU screen. Check ing T ouch Switches Check whether or not th e touch s witche s functio n nor mal ly by f ollowing the menu operatio n from the System Menu shown bel ow .
208 Sys tem Ma in tena nce Section 6- 11 T o end th e check, pre ss the tou ch switch at the to p ri ght cor n er (NT 631: dis- pla yed in re verse video; NT63 1C: display ed in yellow).
209 Sys tem Ma in tena nce Section 6- 11 After con fir ming the resul t of the check, press Quit. The NT 631/NT631 C retur ns to the DEV ICE CHECK ME NU screen. Note When T he voltage is lowered is disp lay ed, repl ace t he built-in batte r y im medi- ately .
210 Sys tem Ma in tena nce Section 6- 11 If communicati ons with the Suppor t T ool is nor m al, data transmitted from the Suppor t T ool is displayed as he xadeci mal data when r eceived by the NT 631/ NT631C. After conf ir ming the resul t of the test, press Qu it.
211 Sys tem Ma in tena nce Section 6- 11 For NT Link (1:1, 1:N Standar d, or 1:N High-speed) Example: Ser ial por t B wh ile usi ng the NT Link (1: N) Press Execute to s tar t th e check. The da ta f or che cking communicati ons is sent t o the ho st, and is disp lay ed as ∗∗ sy mbols at Sending D ata.
212 Sys tem Ma in tena nce Section 6- 11 • If noth ing is di splay ed a t Rece ived Data w hen data is rea d with the bar code rea der , there is a communic ation s f ault: c heck the commun ications cables and s ettings.
213 Sys tem Ma in tena nce Section 6- 11 Checking Communic ations with a Printer Check communicati ons with a pr inter by follo wing the menu op eration from the Sys tem Menu shown bel ow . • While data is being sent to the printe r , the message Checking Now .
214 Programming Cons ole Function Section 6- 12 • If data does not reac h the pri nter within 60 se conds after sendi ng star ts, the mess age ‘Fi nishe d Pr inter ou tput failed’ is displayed. After con fir ming the resul t of the check, press Quit.
215 Programming Cons ole Function Section 6- 12 6-12-1 Usable Syste ms The Programming Co nsole function ca n be use d with an NT63 1/NT631C c on- nected to a PLC wh en using the co mmunicatio ns meth od ind icated be low . *1 The per iphe ral por t Programmin g Cons ole always has pr ior ity .
216 Programming Cons ole Function Section 6- 12 CQM1: @@@ 3, @@@ 4, @@@ 5, @@ *6 where * i s a number in the range 1 to 9 or the let ter X or Y . C200HX/HG/HE: @@ @ 5 @@ *6 where * is a number in the rang e 1 to 9 or the le tter X or Y .
217 Programming Cons ole Function Section 6- 12 6-12-3 Method of Use The Programmin g Console sc reen is di splay ed by operating the syste m menu as desc rib ed bel ow . *1 With the CS1 G/CS1H, the Programming Console fun ction can not be used simultaneo usly at both the built-in RS-23 2C por t and p erip heral por t.
218 Programming Cons ole Function Section 6- 12 The R UN, MONITOR, and PROGRAM mo de select ion key elements are touch switches and pr essing them caus es the P LC operation m ode to ch ange (unlike an actual Programmin g Console, it is pos sible to switch directly between the R UN mode and the PROGRAM m ode.
219 Programming Cons ole Function Section 6- 12 Standar d Pro gramming Console Ke y Sheet Progr amming Console Ke y Sheet for CS1 Serie s Differences with Resp ect to Pr ogramming Con soles • Programs cannot be s tored (recorde d) or rea d (replayed).
220 Device Monitor Function Section 6- 13 Reference: A com munication s erro r will occ ur if you use th e Programming Co nsol e function to change the co mmunication s se ttings (in t he PLC Setup) th at gov er n the p or t to whi ch the NT63 1/NT631C is connecte d.
221 Device Monitor Function Section 6- 13 6-13-1 Compatible Sys tems The following t able shows the comb inatio ns of c ommunic ations m ethods and PLCs that can s uppor t the PT ’ s Device Mo nitor fun ction. *1 A CPM1-CIF01 RS-232C Ad apter is requir ed.
222 Device Monitor Function Section 6- 13 CPM1 , CP M2A, or SR M1 The 1:1 NT Link can be us ed in all CPU Units an d the 1:N N T Link can also be used in -V2 an d high er versions of t he SRM 1. The c onnecti on meth od is ex actly the same as for the 1:1 NT Link or 1:N NT Link.
223 V ersion Display Section 6- 14 6-13-3 Method of Use The Device M onitor s creen is displayed by operating the system menu as descr ibed b elow . Reference: If an err or scree n is dis play e d, the S ystem Menu can b e disp lay ed from the error sc reen by pressin g two of the f our c or ners of t he touch p anel simultaneo usly .
224 V ersion Display Section 6- 14 6-14-1 Method of Use The V ersion Dis play screen is di splay ed by operating th e system menu as descr ibed b elow . After ch ecking the version i nformatio n, press the Quit touch switch t o ex it th e V ersion Displ ay screen and re tur n to the Expans ion Mo de screen.
225 SECTION 7 T roubleshoot ing and Mainte nance This section describes the action to take when NT63 1/NT63 1C errors occur , and ho w to carry out maintenance and inspection to prevent th e occurr ence of errors. 7-1 T roublesho oting . . . . . . . .
226 T roubleshooting Section 7-1 7-1 T r oubleshooting When a fault r elating t o the o peration of the NT 631/N T631C oc curs, find th e symptom s in the table below and respon d by following the correspon ding Remedy indi cated in the table. Note 1.
227 T roubleshooting Section 7-1 The g raph displa y does not change . One of the percen tage d ispla y set- tings — − 100%, 0%, or 1 00% — i s incor rect .
228 T roubleshooting Section 7-1 Updati ng of nu meric v al- ues and te xt is delay ed. Malfun ction due to e xternal noi se Carry out ground ing w ork in accord ance with t he conditi ons b y ref erring to 3-1 -4 Groundi ng , pa ge 34. Ther e are t oo m any nume ral/t ext dis- pla ys on the di spla y ed screen .
229 Responding to Displayed Error Messages Section 7-2 7-2 Responding to Displayed Err or Messages When the NT63 1/NT631C di splays an error mess age, find the corres ponding symptom s in the appropr iate table bel ow and resp ond by f ollowin g the Rem- edy indi cated in the table.
230 Responding to Displayed Error Messages Section 7-2 [No Starting Screen] Specifie d Starting Screen is not sav ed. Fix Scre en Data u sing by the Suppo r t To o l .
231 Responding to Displayed Error Messages Section 7-2 7-2-2 Error s Occurring during O peration and Their Remedi es The table below shows the error s that can occur du ring operation of th e NT631/NT63 1C and th eir remedi es. Mes sage C ause Remedy [Address Sett ing Error] Address ing Error exis ts in the Screen.
232 Responding to Displayed Error Messages Section 7-2 7-2-3 Err ors Occ urring on Screen Data Initialization and T ransmission The table below shows the errors that can oc cur when the NT 631/NT631 C data is initia lized, a nd dur ing d ata s etting a nd transmi ssion, and their re me- dies.
233 Responding to Displayed Error Messages Section 7-2 7-2-5 Communications Err ors and Their Remedies This sec tion descr ibe s the erro rs rela ting to communi cations that can occ ur duri ng operatio n, and t heir remed ies.
234 Responding to Displayed Error Messages Section 7-2 • Ove rru n error • F CS (sum value) error • T ime ou t error • Data over flo w er ror • PL C unit N o .
235 Maintenance of the NT631/NT631C Section 7-3 7-3 Maintenance of the NT6 31/NT631C Carr y out m ainten ance wor k in order to en sure that th e NT631 /NT631C is alwa ys used i n its op timum co nditio n.
236 Maintenance of the NT631/NT631C Section 7-3 The life of the backlight vari es, par ti cular ly in accordanc e with the temperat ure in the environm ent in whic h it is used. It sh ould be replace d when it beco mes dim and th e scre en become s hard to read.
237 Maintenance of the NT631/NT631C Section 7-3 Removing a nd Fitting The T ouch Panel Cab le Removing The T ouch P anel Cable: Pull the arr ow-mar ked sections up to the ca ble side to unlock the connector , and remove the cable. Fitting The T ouch P anel Cable: While un locking the c onnec tor , in ser t the touc h pane l cable fully .
238 Maintenance of the NT631/NT631C Section 7-3 7. Engage backlight connector s at the top and t he bottom res pectively in place. The backlight cable has a p olar ity; r efer to the figur e below . 8. Fit the touch pa nel cable. Be s ure to l ock the conn ector a s in st ep 4 after fittin g.
239 Maintenance of the NT631/NT631C Section 7-3 NT631C -CFL02 (f or NT631C- ST141 @ -EV2) Pr ocedure 1,2,3. .. 1. T ur n th e power supply to the PT OFF . Be su re to do s o to avoid an electr ic shock. 2. Disconn ect the ter m inal block wirin g, the co mmunication s cable, and the pri nter cable.
240 Maintenance of the NT631/NT631C Section 7-3 6. Fit new bac klights. The backlight f or the t op is dif f ere nt from tha t for the bottom. Fit proje ctions a nd dent s of th e backlight with those o n the fixt ure, and shi ft the backlight to the le ft.
241 Maintenance of the NT631/NT631C Section 7-3 10. Reconnect t he wir ing, cables, and Uni ts di sconnec ted in 2 , a nd tighten the screws at a torque of 0 .4 N·m. T ur n th e power on, and check that the R UN LED is not fla shing and that no buzzer is sou nding.
242 Inspection and Cleanin g Section 7-4 Reference: Unless the power is kept ON for at least 5 minutes, the m emor y contents cannot be retained for more than 5 m inutes witho ut a bat ter y .
243 Inspection and Cleanin g Section 7-4 Inspecti on Metho d In nor mal environ ments, inspect the NT 631/N T631C at i nter vals of between 6 months a nd a year . In environm ents th at are extremely hot and h umid, or very dusty environm ents, shor ten the inspection inter val.
244 Inspection and Cleanin g Section 7-4 2. The dispos al of the Uni t (inclu ding bat teri es to be dis posed and b acklight) may be regulated by natio nal or local author itie s. Dispose of t hem in accor- dance wi th the l aws and regul ations o f the rel e vant countr y and loc al au- thor ity .
245 Appendix A Specifications General Spe cifications *1: Use the NT631C-ST1 53 @ -EV3 wi thin the following temp erature and hu midity ran ges. Item Sp ecifications NT631- ST211 @ -EV2 NT631C -ST141 @ -EV2 NT6 31C-ST153 @ -EV3 Rated power supply v oltage 24 VDC Allow able po wer suppl y v oltage r ange 20.
246 Specifications Appendix A *2: The N T631/NT 631C may not be use d at a l ocation w here it i s exposed to sp lashing oil for a long pe riod . Wet b ulb temperature ( ° C) Humidi ty (%) T emperatu.
247 Specific ations Appendix A P erformance Specifications Displa y Specifications *1: Tim e taken f or br ight ness to red uce to half at nor m al temp erature an d humid ity *2: S har p brigh tnes s adj ustme nt i s not a vai lab le.
248 Specifications Appendix A P anel Specifications Externa l Interface Specificati ons * Ser ial por t B i s used for either a connec tor or te r minal block. Note Check that the cu rrent c apacity o f the equipm ent to be s upplied i s with in 250 mA be f ore us ing the +5 V output of pin No .
249 Specific ations Appendix A Pr ogramming En vi r onment Special Fea tures Item Specification Progr amming Sy stem Progr amming sup por t softw are Progr amming T ool Programmin g support softw are NT -s er ies S upp or t T ool for Wi ndows ( V er .
250 Specifications Appendix A Communications Specifications For a Host Link, RS-23 2C * When us ing a n NT -A L001, th e speci fications a re as follows.
251 Specific ations Appendix A For a Host Link, RS-42 2A For an NT Lin k, 1:1, RS-232C * When us ing a n NT -A L001, th e speci fications a re as follows.
252 Specifications Appendix A For an NT Lin k, 1:N, RS-422A /485 For a High-sp eed NT Link, 1:N, RS-23 2C * T o connec t two or more PTs, NT -AL001 Adapte rs are required . Whe n using an NT -A L001, the specif icati ons are as follows. • RS- 232C cable: M ax.
253 Specific ations Appendix A For a Memor y Link, RS-422A For a Bar Code Read er Item Specif ication Comm unications sta ndard EI A RS-422A Comm unications se ttings Start-stop synchro nization Comm .
254 Specifications Appendix A.
255 Appendix B Dimens ions Body Units: mm (inch) With memor y unit installed (NT -MF261) POWER RUN 315 (12.40) 302.5 (11.91) 54 (2.13) 7.5 (0.30) 250 (9.
256 Dimension s Appendix B Mounting Dime nsions POWER RUN 140 (5.51) 7.5 (0.30) 324 (12.76) 240 (9.45) 15.5 (0.61) Mounting panel Mounting fixture Units: mm (inch) 34 (1.
257 Dimensions Appendix B Cable Connection Dimensions ( with NT -MF261) Units: mm ( inch ) 91 (3.58) RDA TRM RDB SDA SDB CSA CSB 24V +DC PRINTER PORT B POR T A RESET 20.
258 Dimension s Appendix B.
259 Appendix C Using an RS-2 32C/RS-422A Adapter This sec tion out lines the e xter n al dime nsions, pro cedure for mounting a nd rem ov al, and s pecif ications of a n RS-232C/R S-422A A dapter ( NT - AL001-E ). Refer to this informat ion when des igning th e control panel.
260 Using an RS-232C/RS-422A Adapter Appendix C Remo val fr om a DIN Rail Remov e the e nd plates a t rig ht and l eft of the Adap ter an d, as shown in th e figure b elow , inse r t a fl at-blade screwdriver into the rail st opper at the botto m face of the Ad apter and pr y it free.
261 Using an RS-232C/RS-422A A dapter Appendix C Specifications The gene ral spe cifica tions and communi catio ns sp ecifica tions of the A dapter ar e shown b elow .
262 Using an RS-232C/RS-422A Adapter Appendix C When usi ng the host li nk or NT link (1:1), set th e RS-422A send mod e to continual sending ( set both SW 1-5 and 6 OFF ). When us ing th e NT li nk (1:N), s et the RS-422A s end m ode to complie s with CS cont rol of RS -232C (i.
263 Using an RS-232C/RS-422A A dapter Appendix C Pin Arrangem ent The Adapte r has a ter m inal block f or an RS-422A /485 interface connect ion and a co nnecto r for an RS-232C int erf ace c onnec tion. The pin arrangements f or the RS-422A /485 ter mi nal block and the R S-232C c onnector are as f ollows.
264 Using an RS-232C/RS-422A Adapter Appendix C Block Dia gram A diagram showing the inte rn al blocks of the Adapter is shown below . Refer to this diagram when makin g cab les yo urself , or w hen con necti ng de vices wit h spec ial inte rf aces.
265 Appendix D T ran spor ting and Storin g the NT631/NT631C • Wh en transpor ting the NT631/NT 631C, use the packaging i ntende d for it. • Wh en stor ing the NT631 /NT631C, obser ve the following cond itions.
266 T ransporting and Storing the NT631/NT631C Appendix D.
267 Appendi x E Making the Cable The pro cedure f or mak ing up the ca ble is descr ibe d below . Also r efer to this proce dure for making a c onnectin g cable for use with RS- 422A/485 c onnec tions. Cable Preparation The preparati on of the cable differs accordi ng to whethe r or not the shie lding wire is to be connected to the FG.
268 Making the Cable Appendix E Soldering 1,2,3... 1. Slide he at-shr in k tube ov er each wi re. 2. Pre-sol der ea ch wire and co nnecto r ter minal . 3. Solder each w ire to each connec tor ter mi nal. 4. Push the heat s hrin k tube over the solde red join t and he at the tube t o shr ink it in place.
269 Making the Cable Appendix E Hood Assembly Assemble the conne ctor hood as s hown below . Aluminum f oil tape End connected to FG End not connected to FG.
270 Making the Cable Appendix E.
271 Appendi x F Making the Cable f or Connecting a PLC Refer to the f oll owing when m aking a c able f or co nnecting the Sup por t T ool . Assembl y of Connecting Cables Wir ing shou ld be car ri ed out in o ne of the following wa y s, depending o n the type of RS- 232C conn ector .
272 Making the Cable f or Connecting a PLC Appendix F Use the following recom mended product s when making th e conn ecting c able. * One XM 2S-0911 (for PT) and either one XM2 S-09 11 or -0913 (for y our per sonal c omputer) a re nee ded.
273 Appendix G Making the Cable f or Connection to a Bar Code Reader Refer to the f oll owing when m aking the cable for connection to a bar co de re ader . Wiri ng Metho d When usin g the +5 V output of se r ial por t A of the NT631/ NT631C, limit the cable length to withi n 2 m.
274 Making the Cable f or Connection to a Bar Code Reader Appendix G.
275 Appendix H Making the Cable f or Connection to a Printer The following prod uct is r ecommend ed as the ca ble f or conn ecting a p r inter. NT -CNT12 1 (ma de by OMRON, cable length 1 .5 m, 20-p in – 36 -pin) Refer to the f oll owing when m aking a cable for conne ction to a pr inter .
276 Making the Cable f or Connection to a Printer Appendix H.
277 Appendix I Relationsh ip between sys tem program and hard ware Here, relations hip between syst em program an d hardware is d escr ibed. System p rograms indi cated b elow are inst alled for the model s shown above in the default stat e. Also , syste m programs are supplied with th e Suppor t T oo l as follows.
278 Relationship betw een system program and hardware Appendix I Combining a -EV1 V ersion and V ersion withou t a -EV @ Suffix * The sys tem program’s version can b e checked from the System Menu. Combining a -EV1 V ersion and -EV2 V er sion * The sys tem program’s version can b e checked from the System Menu.
279 Relationship between system program and hardware Appendix I Combining a -EV2 V ersion and V ersion withou t a -EV @ Suffix * The sys tem program’s version can b e checked from the System Menu.
280 Relationship betw een system program and hardware Appendix I.
281 Append ix J Model List PTs Host Link Un its CompoBus/ S Master Control Unit Communications Unit Model Speci fication NT631- ST211-EV2 High-intens ity EL displ ay (yel low) , beige NT631- ST211B-EV.
282 Model List Appendix J CPU Units for Connection via a Hos t Link * Either of the Commun ications B oards C2 00HW- COM02/C OM04/ COM05/CO M06-EV1 is req uired.
283 Model List Appendix J CPU Units for Connection via a 1:1 N T Link * Either of the Commun ications B oards C2 00HW- COM02/C OM04/ COM05/CO M06-EV1 is req uired.
284 Model List Appendix J CPU Units for Connection via a 1:N NT Link *1: A C QM1H-S CB41 Ser ial Co mmunica tions Bo ard is re quired. *2: E ither of the C omm unica tio ns Bo ards C200HW -CO M02/ COM04 /COM 05/C OM06 -EV1 is requ ired .
285 Model List Appendix J RS-232C/RS-422 A Adapter RS-232C Ada ptor , RS-422A Adaptor Related P ar ts and Equ ipment for PT Reference: The S uppor t Tool in dicat ed above in clud es the s ystem in stall er and the standar d syst em pro grams (Ver. 3.
286 Model List Appendix J Cables wit h Connectors f or Connecting PT and P ersonal Computer Connection Cable Applicable Connectors Print er Cable Cabl e for P eriphera l P or t of CS/CJ-series PLC Con.
287 Appendix K Option List Replaceabl e Backl ights ... NT631C-CFL01 (for NT631C-ST151 @ -EV2) These are backlights for NT631C for replacemen t pur po ses. T wo piec es make a set. Replaceabl e Backl ights ... NT631C-CFL02 (for NT631C-ST141 @ -EV2) Pr otective S heet .
288 Option List Appendix K Chemical-resi stant Cov er ... NT625-KB A 01 Cov ers the fro nt panel and pr otects it from various c hemical agents. The entire s heet is mil ky white an d made of sil ico ne rubb er . The she et offers protectio n agai nst the f ollowing c hemic al agents.
289 Option List Appendix K Memo ry U nit ... NT -M F26 1 This is a dedicated unit for reading/wr iting t he scree n data an d the sys tem programs in a n NT63 1/NT631C.
290 Option List Appendix K.
291 Index Numerics 1:N conne ction among RS-4 22A ports , 119 1:N conne ction among RS-4 85 port s , 121 1:N connec tion betwe en RS-422 A/485 at t he NT631/ NT631C and RS-232C at the host , 86 A Allo.
292 Index Display specifica tions , 247 Disp laying and printing the dis play histo ry reco rd , 194 Disp laying/ setting the c alendar and clock , 191 Downloadin g the system program , 146 E Effectiv.
Index 293 P Peripheral devices that can be conne cted , 17 Power co nsumption , 245 Power inpu t terminals , 30 POWE R LED , 29 Power supp ly connection , 33 precaution s , xv Precaution s to be obser.
294 Index U Usable s ystems (prog ramming console fu nction) , 215 Using a Memory Unit (NT6 31/NT631C with V1) , 39 Using an RS-2 32C/RS-4 22A Adapte r , 259 V Vibration resistanc e (ope rating) , 245.
295 Revision History A manual r e vision code a ppears a s a suffi x to th e catalog number on th e front c ov er of the manual. The following table outlines the changes mad e to the manua l duri ng each revision . P age numbers refer to the previous version.
296 Revision Histor y.
Terms an d Conditions of Sal e 1. Offer; Acc eptance . These terms and condit ions (thes e "T er ms ") are deemed par t o f all quotes, agreements, purchase orders , ackno w ledgments, price.
Specifications subject to change without notice. Printed in the U.S .A. OMRON ELECTRONICS L LC 1 Commerce Drive Schaumbur g, IL 60173 847.843.7900 For US technical support or other inquiries: 800.556.6766 OMRON CANADA, INC. 885 M ilner A venue T oronto, Ontario M 1 B 5 V 8 416.
デバイスOmron NT631の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Omron NT631をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはOmron NT631の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Omron NT631の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Omron NT631で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Omron NT631を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はOmron NT631の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Omron NT631に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちOmron NT631デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。