OTC Wirelessメーカー802.11a/b/g AP/Repeater TRIMARの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Introduction The TRIMAR is a multiple-band, mult iple-data-rate, multiple-role wireless data radio that meets many of the challenges faced by today’s wireless networking applications. Compliant with both 802.11b/g and 802.11a standards and operating in either the 2.
Table of Contents Section Title Page Description Features 3 Specifications 4 1 Equipment Installation 5 Instructions and considerations for wiring and installi ng TRIMAR radios including manufacturer’s recommended practices. 2 Configuring the TRIMAR 9 Basic procedures for working with the TRIMAR web-based administration utility.
Features GENERAL: Enterprise-class wireless LAN capable of supporting up to 48 infrastructure stations/users. Power-Over-Ethernet system (POE) al lows individual radios to be powered over the same cable used to carry data. SSID: Supports multiple SSIDs.
Specifications • RF O Operating Frequency Range: 2.4 –2.4835 GHz, 5.15 – 5.85 GHz O Data Rate: 54, 48, 36, 24, 18,12, 11, 9, 6, 5.5, 2 and 1 Mbps O Turbo mode: 108 Mbps O Modulation: OFDM/CCK/DQ.
1. Equipment Installation Manufacturer’s Recommended Practices Tip: Place a UPS battery back-up unit or as a minimum, a surge protector between the power supply outlet and AC-DC adapter.
Equipment Installation (.. /continued) Installing the TRIMAR Radio Figure 3: Bracket assembly details RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. Do not mount the radio upside down or sideways. The type N-connector must face downwards towards the ground. 2. Strap down the external CAT 5 cable leading from the radio to the antenna mast or other suitable fixture.
Equipment Installation (.. /continued) DC-Injector LED indicators TRIMAR-AP LED indicators LED Color State Power Amber OFF when there is no power. Steady ON when power is supplied to the unit. Network Amber OFF when network connection is absent. Steady ON when network connection is successfully established.
Equipment Installation (.. /continued) Tip: Always test all equipment at the workbench before installing them at their final positions. Example Installations Figure 4: Typical TRIMAR deployment schema.
2. Configuring the TRIMAR AP Basic Procedure Preset Factory Defaults: IP address: User name: admin Subnet Mask: Password: public Default Gateway: 169.
Configuring the TRIMAR AP (.. /continued) Navigating and using the web-based administration utility Figure 9: TRIMAR web- based administration navigation tabs The different pages of the web-based administration utility can be accessed by clicking on the buttons located on the left side of the web-based administration screen.
3. Information Tab This is the “home page” of the TRIMAR’s web-based administration utility. It will be displayed when the utility is first accessed and whenever the TRIMAR AP has been rebooted after configuration changes have been made. The information on this page gives various readings polled directly from the TRIMAR AP.
4. Administration Tab Device Control: (See Figure 12) Reboot: Clicking on this button causes the unit to be rebooted. This is normally used in conjunction with configuring the TRIMAR AP. Reset Configuration: Clicking on this button causes the unit to reboot and will reset the unit’s configuration back to its original factory default settings.
Administration Tab (.. /continued) IP settings: (See Figure 15) These controls are used to assign the TRIMAR AP with its custom IP addressing scheme. IP Addressing Mode: Static – select this control if a static/fixed IP address is to be used. DHCP – select this control if the IP address is to be assigned by an external DHCP server.
Administration Tab (.. /continued) SNMP Setting: (See Figure 17) These controls are used to enable SNMP control of the TRIMAR AP. SNMP enabled: Check this box to enable SNMP management. SNMP server IP address: This field is used to direct the TRIMAR AP to the network location of the SNMP server.
5. Basic Wireless Tab (See Figure 19) Wireless On/Off: This control allows a TRIMAR AP to be s wi tc he d O n o r O f f. Th is is no t th e s am e a s a n on/off switch. It simply allows the wireless functions of the radio to be switched off for maintenance or other contingencies.
Basic Wireless Tab (.. /continued) (See Figure 19 on previous page) Auto Channel Select: This control allows the TRIMAR AP to automatically select what it determines is the best channel to use. This occurs during the radio’s boot up process. The channel it selects can be seen under the Information Tab.
6. Advanced Tab (See Figure 20) Fragmentation Threshold: This determines the maximum size of a data package in bytes. Packages larger than the set value will be broken up for transmission purposes. Reducing the package size in a noisy wireless environment should maintain overall performance.
Advanced Tab (.. /continued) Note about the TRIMAR MAC address options: The TRIMAR AP supports 2 MAC addresses, one used to address the Ethernet port and the other the Wirele ss port. By default, these are set to a particular unit’s hardware and are unique to the unit.
7. SSID Admin Tab SSID CONTROLS (See Figure 21) SSID #: Selecting an item in this dropdown menu allows configuration to be performed on the SSID selected.
SSID Admin Tab (.. /continued) Figure 22: WPA configuration WPA configuration (See Figure 22) Each configured SSID can support its own unique WPA configuration, which it does not need to share with the other SSIDs in the configuration set. WPA Enable: Check this box if WPA is to be used to secure this SSID’s wireless access and transmissions.
SSID Admin Tab (.. /continued) 802.1X configuration (See Figure 23) If WPA is used in conjunction with a RADIUS Server, these controls are used to activate this service.
SSID Admin Tab (.. /continued) WEP configuration (See Figure 24) The same WEP keys are used by all SSIDs using WEP encryption on the TRIMAR AP. TRIMAR APs deployed in WDS mode are limited to using WEP. Enable WEP: Check this box if the selected SSID will implement WEP as a component of its security policy.
8. WEP Security Tab WEP configuration (See Figure 26) The WEP settings configured under this tab are shared by all SSIDs configured to use WEP. TRIMAR APs used in WDS mode are limited to using WEP encryption only. Enable WEP: Check this box to enable WEP.
9. Access Control Tab Access Control (See Figure 27) These controls allow administrators to specifically allow stations to associate with the access point. This is accomplished by entering the allowed stations’ unique MAC addre sses into the MAC address fields.
10. WDS Tab For load-balance management and other network administrative functions, use a TRIMAR Controller to manage all aspects of a TRIMAR WDS mesh.
WDS Tab (.. /continued) WDS neighbor table (See Figure 29) This display reports on the radios th at are a part of the same mesh and includes information such as the a ssociating units MAC address, SSID and the wireless signal quality. WDS table: This button refreshes the display.
11. DHCP Server Tab DHCP Server Configuration (See Figure 30 and Figure 31) The TRIMAR AP can be configured to function as a DHCP server. To use this feature, since the TRIMAR AP ca n only issue IP addresses within its own IP subnet, t he TRI MAR AP m us t be giv en an I P ad dre ss in th e same IP subnet as the IP addresses it will be assigning.
12. Stations Tab Stations (See Figure 32) The stations tab display shows inform ation about all stations that have associated with the TRIMAR AP. Info rmation polled from the associated stations include the individual stat ions’ MAC addresses as well as the number of packets sent and received.
13. Save Tab Save Configuration (See Figure 33, Figure 34 and Figure 35) A TRIMAR AP’s configuration can be sa ved to a template and reapplied to other TRIMAR APs. This feature makes it easy to configure and deploy multiple units quickly and without having to re-type the configuration information into every unit.
Save Tab (.. /continued) Uploading a template (See Figure 36) To upload a template file into a TRIMAR AP open the settings.htm file using a web-browser. Target AP: Enter the IP address of the TRIMAR AP to which the template is to be applied. Upload Settings: Click on this button to upload the template file.
14. Help Tab Contact our Technical Support depa rtment for additional technical assistance for configuring and deploying your TRIMAR AP. OTC Wireless Technical Support Depart ment can be contacted by either email, phone or the web-mail form on the Pegasus Wireless Corporation web site: Email: support@otcwireless.
Appendix Limited Warranty FCC Rules and Regulations - Part 15 The seller warrants to the end user (“Customer ”) th at th is pr od uc t w il l b e f re e f ro m defects in workmanship and materials, und er normal use and service, for one (1) year from the date of purchase.
デバイスOTC Wireless 802.11a/b/g AP/Repeater TRIMARの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
OTC Wireless 802.11a/b/g AP/Repeater TRIMARをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはOTC Wireless 802.11a/b/g AP/Repeater TRIMARの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。OTC Wireless 802.11a/b/g AP/Repeater TRIMARの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。OTC Wireless 802.11a/b/g AP/Repeater TRIMARで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
OTC Wireless 802.11a/b/g AP/Repeater TRIMARを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はOTC Wireless 802.11a/b/g AP/Repeater TRIMARの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、OTC Wireless 802.11a/b/g AP/Repeater TRIMARに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちOTC Wireless 802.11a/b/g AP/Repeater TRIMARデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。