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Please read thes e instruc tions ca refully be fore using this pro duct, and sav e this ma nual for future use. More detailed instructions on the opera tion of this camera are cont ained in “Owner ’s Manual for advanced features (PDF format)” in th e suppli ed CD-ROM.
2 VQT5A95 (E NG) Dear Customer , Thank y ou for choo sing Pa nasonic ! Y ou have purchased one of the most sophisticated and reliable product s on the market today . Used properly , we’re sure it will bri ng you and your family y ears of enjoyment. Please take time to f ill in the information below .
3 (ENG) VQ T5A95 ∫ Product identif ication marking THE FOL LOWI NG AP PLIE S ON L Y IN THE U.S. A. Product Location Digital Camera Bottom Batter y char ger Bottom FCC Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant t o Part 15 of the FCC Ru les.
4 VQT5A95 (E NG) THE F OLLOWING APPLIE S ONL Y IN THE U .S. A. THE FOLLOWING APPLIE S ONL Y IN CANADA. Certification and Comp liance See Camera for the certification and compliance mark specific to that device. 1 Select [Wi-Fi ] in the [Setup] menu. 2 Select [Wi-Fi Setup] in th e [Wi -Fi] menu.
5 (ENG) VQ T5A95 ∫ About the bat tery p ac k • Do not heat or ex pose to fl ame. • Do not leave the battery(i es) in a car exp osed to direct sunlight for a long period of ti me with doors and wind ows closed.
6 VQT5A95 (E NG) ∫ Cauti ons for Use • Do no t use an y oth er USB co nnec tion cable s e xcept the supplied one or a ge nuine Panas onic USB connectio n cable (DMW-US BC1: optional). • Use a “High S peed HDMI mini cable” with the HDMI logo.
7 (ENG) VQ T5A95 Contents Inform ation for Y our S afety...... .... .... ... 2 Prepar ation Reading the Owner ’ s M anual (PDF form at) ..... .... .... .... ....... .... .... .... ..... 9 Care of the camera..... .... ..... ...... .... .... . 10 St andard Accessories .
8 VQT5A95 (E NG) Fixing t he Focus and th e Exposur e (AF/AE Loc k) ....... .... ....... .... .... .... ....... . 48 Compensat ing the Exp osure .... .... .... 49 Setting the Light S ensi tivity ..... .... .... 49 Select a Dri ve Mode ......... .... .
9 Prepar ation (ENG) VQ T5A95 Reading the Owne r ’ s Manual (PDF format) More detailed instructions on t he operation of this c amera are contained in “Owner ’s Manual for advanced features (PDF fo rmat)” in the supplied CD-ROM. Install i t on your PC to read it.
10 Prepar ation VQT5A95 (E NG) Care of the camera Do not subject to strong vibration, shock, or pressure. • The lens, monitor , or external cas e may be damaged if us ed i n the f ollowing c onditions . It may also malfu ncti on or image may not be recorded if y ou: – Drop or hit t he camer a.
11 Prepar ation (ENG) VQ T5A95 St andard Accessories Check that all the accessories are supplied before using the camera. Product number s correct as of August 20 13. These may be subject to cha nge. Digital Camera Body (This is referred to as camera body in this owner’s manual.
12 Prepar ation VQT5A95 (E NG) DMC-GX7C DMC-GX7K DMC-GX7 1 2 3 4 5 VFF1225 VFC5059 K1HY08YY0034 67 8 9 10 1 1 12 VYC1113 VYF3510 VYF3371 VFC4605 VFC4605 DMW-BLG10PP H-H020A H-FS1442A VKF4971 VKF4971 VKF4971 DE-A99B : VKF5259/ : VKF5260 DMC-GX7C&GX7K&GX7PPC-VQ T5A95_eng.
13 Prepar ation (ENG) VQ T5A95 Names and Functi ons of Components ∫ Camera body 1 Self-timer indicator/ AF A ssist Lamp 2F l a s h 3 Sensor 4 NFC antenna [ ] (P66) 5 Lens fi tting mark (P16) 6 Mount.
14 Prepar ation VQT5A95 (E NG) 27 Stereo microphone • Be carefu l not to cover th e microphone with your finge r . Doing so may make sound difficult to record. 28 Hot shoe (Hot s hoe cover) • Keep th e Hot Shoe Cover ou t of reac h of children t o prevent sw allowing.
15 Prepar ation (ENG) VQ T5A95 ∫ Lens T ouch panel of this unit is c apacitive. T ouch the panel directly with your bar e finger . ∫ T ouch T o touch and release the t ouch screen. Use for selecting items or icons. • When se lecting feature s using the t ouch s creen, be s ure to touch the c enter of the desired icon.
16 Prepar ation VQT5A95 (E NG) Preparation • Check that th e camera is tu rned off . • Change lens es where the re is n ot a lo t of dirt or d ust. • Do not p ress t he le ns release butt on A when you at tach a lens . ∫ Det aching the lens 1 Attach the lens cap.
17 Prepar ation (ENG) VQ T5A95 The batt ery that can be used wi th this un it is DMW-BLG10PP. 1 Attach the battery p aying attention to the direction of the battery . 2 Connect the charger to the electrical outlet. • The [CHARGE] in dicator A lig hts up and ch arging beg ins.
18 Prepar ation VQT5A95 (E NG) • Always use genu ine Panasoni c batteries (DMW -BLG10 PP). • If you use othe r batteries, we ca nnot guarantee the quality of this pr oduct. • Being caref ul about the batt ery orient ation, insert all the way until you hear a lock ing sound and then check that it is locked by lever A .
19 Prepar ation (ENG) VQ T5A95 Format t he card before recor ding a picture with this unit. Since data cannot be recovered after formatting, make sure t o back up necessary data in advance. Select [ Format] in th e [Setup] m enu. (P21) • Confirmati on screen is displayed.
20 Prepar ation VQT5A95 (E NG) Adjust the angle of the monitor/v iewfind er . • Be careful not to catch your finge r , etc. in the monitor/viewfinder . • When adjusting the angle of the moni tor/viewfinder , be careful not to a pply too much force, as thi s may cause d amage or mal functio n.
21 Prepar ation (ENG) VQ T5A95 Setting the Menu 1 Press [MENU/SET]. 2 Pr ess 3 / 4 of the curso r button to s elect th e menu it em and pr ess [MENU/SET]. 3 Pr ess 3 / 4 of the curso r button to s elect the setting and pre ss [MENU/SET ]. • Depending on the menu item , its set ting may not appea r or it may be displa yed in a dif feren t way .
22 Prepar ation VQT5A95 (E NG) ∫ Switchi ng t o other menus e.g.: Switching to the [Setup] menu f rom [Rec] menu. 1 Press 2 . 2 Press 3 / 4 to sele ct [ ] or another of the menu toggle ic ons A . 3 Press [MENU/SE T]. • Y ou can also sele ct the menu toggl e icons by rotat ing the fron t dial.
23 Basic (ENG) VQ T5A95 Assigning frequen tly used functions to the buttons (function butt ons) Y ou can as sign frequently-used functions t o particular buttons or icons. 1 Sele ct t he men u. 2 Press 3 / 4 to select [S etting in REC mode] or [Se tting in PLA Y mode] and th en press [MENU/SET ].
24 Basic VQT5A95 (E NG) T aking a Still picture • Set the driv e mode t o [ ] (sin gle) b y pressin g 4 () . 1 Select the R ecordi ng Mode. (P26 ) 2 Press the sh utter button halfway to focus . A Apertu re value B Shutter spee d • Aperture value an d shu tter speed are d isplayed .
25 Basic (ENG) VQ T5A95 Recording Motion P icture This camera can record full high definition motion pictures compatible with the A VCHD format or motion pictures reco rded in MP4. Audio will be rec orded in stereo. 1 St art recordi ng by pres sing the mot ion picture but ton.
26 Basic VQT5A95 (E NG) Selecting the Recordin g Mode Select the m ode by rot ating the mode d ial. • Rotate the mode dial slowly to select the desired m ode A . Intelligent A uto Mod e (P32) The subjects are recor ded using settings automatically s elected by the ca mera.
27 Basic (ENG) VQ T5A95 Switching the Infor mation Displayed on the recording screen Press [DISP .] to change. • Screen will switch as follows: (Example of monit or display) A With infor mation B Wi.
28 Basic VQT5A95 (E NG) Playing Back Picture s/Motion Pictures 1 Press [ ( ]. 2 Press 2 / 1 . Rot ate the rea r dial right. 1 k 2 k 4 k 8 k 16 k • When you change the magnifi cation, t he zoo m pos ition indicatio n A appears fo r about 1 s econd.
29 Basic (ENG) VQ T5A95 This unit was designed to play motion pi ctures using the A VCHD, MP4 and QuickTime Motion JPEG formats. In Playback M ode, select a pi cture with th e motion picture icon ([ ]), and then pr ess 3 to play back.
30 Basic VQT5A95 (E NG) Press [DISP .] to switch the monitor scree n. • Screen will switch as follows: A With in for mation ¢ 1 B Detailed inf ormation displa y C Histogram displa y D Without infor.
31 Basic (ENG) VQ T5A95 Deleting Pictures Once deleted, pictures cannot be recovered. 1 In Playback Mode, s elect the pic ture to de lete and then press [ ]. • The same operatio n can be performed by touching [ ]. 2 Pr ess 3 to select [Delete Singl e] and th en press [MENU/SET].
32 Recording VQT5A95 (E NG) T aking Pictur es using the Autom atic Function (Int ell ig ent A uto Mode ) Recording Mode: When you w ish to leave settings to the camera and record without thinking about them, use Intelligent Auto P lus Mode or Intelligent Auto Mode, which m akes optimal se ttings for the subject and s cene.
33 Recording (ENG) VQ T5A95 Recording Mode: Y ou can eas ily set the blurriness of the background while c hecking the screen. 1 Press the rear d ial to display th e setting screen .
34 Recording VQT5A95 (E NG) T aking Pictur es with Y our Favorite Settings (Program AE M ode) Recording Mode: The camera automatically sets the shutter speed and the aperture value according to t he brightness of the subject. Y ou can take pictures wit h greater freedom by changing various settings in the [Rec] menu.
35 Recording (ENG) VQ T5A95 T aking P ictures by Specifying the Aperture / Shutter Speed Recording Mode: Set the aper ture value to a higher number when yo u want a shar p focus back ground. Set the aperture v alue to a lower nu mber when you want a soft focus bac kground.
36 Recording VQT5A95 (E NG) Determine the exposure by manually setting the aperture value and the shutter speed. The Manual Exposu re Assistance appears on the lower portion of the s creen to indicate the exposure.
37 Recording (ENG) VQ T5A95 Applica ble modes : 1 Set a function butto n to [Preview]. (P23) • The foll owing s tep is a n example in wh ich [Pr eview] is assigne d to [Fn5]. 2 T ouch [ ]. 3 Switch the confirm ation screen by touching [Fn5]. • The scree n switche s each time [ Fn5] is touched .
38 Recording VQT5A95 (E NG) T aking Pictur es with different im age effect s (Creative Control Mode) Recording Mode: This mode records with additional image effects. Y ou can set the eff ects to add by selecting example images and checking t hem on the screen.
39 Recording (ENG) VQ T5A95 Registering your p referred settings (Cust om Mode) Recording Mode: Y ou can r egister the current cam era settings as custom set tings. If you then r ecord in Custom Mode, you can use the registered set tings. • Initial set ting of the Pr ogram AE Mode is regist ered as the custom settin gs initially .
40 Recording VQT5A95 (E NG) 2 Press [MENU/SET] t o display the menu. 3 Press 2 / 1 to s elect the cus tom set ting you wan t to use, and then press [MENU /SET]. ∫ Changing the settings Registered contents do not chang e when the menu setting is c hanged temporarily with the mode dial set to , or .
41 Recording (ENG) VQ T5A95 ∫ Adjusting the picture quality • Picture quality cannot be ad justed in th e Intel ligen t Auto Pl us Mode. 1 Press 2 / 1 to select the type of Photo Style. • In Scen e Guide Mode, y ou cannot s elect the photo style.
42 Recording VQT5A95 (E NG) Adjusting Bright/Dark P ortions [Highlight Shadow] Applicable modes: Y ou can adjust the brightness of bright a nd dark portions on an image while c hecking the brightness on the screen. 1 Select the menu. 2 Press 2 / 1 to s elect the item .
43 Recording (ENG) VQ T5A95 Adjusting the White Balance Applica ble modes : In sunlight, under incandes cent lights or in ot her such conditions where the color of whit e takes on a reddish or bluish tinge, this item adju st s to the color of white which is closest to what is seen by the eye in accordance with t he light source.
44 Recording VQT5A95 (E NG) Applicable modes: Set the number of pixels. The higher the numbers of pi xels, the finer the det ail of the pictures will appear even when they are printed onto large sheets. Applicable modes: Set the compression rate at which the pictures are to be st ored.
45 Recording (ENG) VQ T5A95 T aking P ictures with Auto F ocus Applicable modes: This allows the focusing method that suits the positions and number of the subjects to be selected. 1 Set the focus m ode lever to [AF]. 2 Set [AFS/AFF/AFC] in the [Custom] m enu to [AFS], [AFF] or [AFC].
46 Recording VQT5A95 (E NG) Applicable modes: 1 Select the menu. 2 Press 3 / 4 to s elect item, a nd press [MENU/ SET]. • Select focus mode ac cordi ng to t he mo vement o f the subject and t he scene you ar e recording. • The set focus mode will be assig ned to [AF] of the focus mode leve r .
47 Recording (ENG) VQ T5A95 T aking P ictures with Manu al Focus Applica ble modes : Use this function when you want to f ix the focus or when the dist ance between the lens and the subject is determined and you do not want to activate Auto Focus. 1 Set the focus m ode lever to [MF].
48 Recording VQT5A95 (E NG) • If the fro nt dial or rear dial is r otate d, the dis play can be enlarged /reduced up to ap proximate ly 3 to 6 times whe n the enla rged display is in a windowed di splay or up to ap proximatel y 3 to 10 times when the enlar ged display is in a full screen dis play .
49 Recording (ENG) VQ T5A95 Compensating the Exposure Applica ble modes : Use this function when you cannot achieve appr opriate exposure due t o the dif ference in brightness between the subject and the background. 1 Press the re ar dial to switch to Ex posure Compensa tion operation.
50 Recording VQT5A95 (E NG) Select a Drive Mode Applicable modes: Selecting the drive mode allows yo u to switch the operation, such as burst recording or the self-timer , for when you press the shutter button. 1 Press 4 () . 2 Press 2 / 1 to sel ect the drive m ode, and then press [MENU /SET] .
51 Recording (ENG) VQ T5A95 T aking P ictures using Burs t Mode Applica ble modes : Pictures are taken continuously wh ile t he shutter button is pressed. • Pictures taken with a burst speed of [SH] will be recorded as a single burst group. 1 Press 4 () .
52 Recording VQT5A95 (E NG) 4 Focus on th e subjec t and t a ke a pict ure. • Hold down the shu tter butt on fully to activate t he Burst Mode. ∫ Focusin g in Burst M ode ¢ 5 When the subject is dark or the burst speed is set t o [SH], the focus is fixed on the first picture.
53 Recording (ENG) VQ T5A95 T aking P ictures using Auto Bracket Applica ble modes : Maximum of 7 pictures will be recorded with different exposure settings following the Exposure C ompensation range e very time the shutter button is pressed. 1 Press 4 () .
54 Recording VQT5A95 (E NG) T aking Pictur es with the Self-tim er Applicable modes: 1 Press 4 () . 2 Press 2 / 1 to select the self-timer ic on ([ ], etc.), and then pres s 3 . 3 Press 2 / 1 to select the time setting for the self-timer , and then p ress [MENU/ SET] .
55 Recording (ENG) VQ T5A95 Optical Image Stabilizer The cam era detects jitter during recording and automatically correc ts it, so you can rec ord images with reduced jitter . There are two types of Optical Image S tabilizers, the one built into a lens and the one buil t into this unit.
56 Recording VQT5A95 (E NG) Applicable modes: 1 Select the menu. 2 Press 3 / 4 to s elect the item and then pre ss [MENU/SET]. • Exit the me nu af ter it is set. • When using an option al intercha ngeable lens with an O.I.S. switch, it is possib le to set to enable the Optic al Image S t abilizer by swit ching the O.
57 Recording (ENG) VQ T5A95 Applicable modes: 1 Sel ect t he men u. 2 Pr ess 3 / 4 to select the item and then press [MENU/SET]. • Exit th e men u after it is se t.
58 Recording VQT5A95 (E NG) • When a le ns b ased on the Micro Four Thirds System standard/Four Thirds System s tandard is in use, a focal length is set automatically .
59 Recording (ENG) VQ T5A95 T aking P ictures with the Zo om Applicable modes: ∫ T ypes of zooms and re cording mag nifi cation ¢ 1 When a picture size of [S] (4 M), aspect ratio of [4: 3] is selec ted. The ma gnificat ion le vel dif fer s depen ding on [Pict ure Siz e] and [Aspec t Ratio] sett ing.
60 Recording VQT5A95 (E NG) T aking picture s by using the fla sh Applicable modes: ∫ Open/Close the built-in flas h T akin g a picture using the f lash becomes possible by opening the built-in flash. A T o open t he flash Slide the fl ash open l ever .
61 Playback /Editing (ENG) VQ T5A95 Switching the Pla yback Method Rot ate the re ar dial l ef t. 1 screen 12 screens 30 screens Calendar sc reen disp l ay • It is possi ble to switch t he playbac k screen by touc hing th e following icons .
62 Playback/Editing VQT5A95 (E NG) Using Playback Func tions With this menu, you can use various playback functions such as cropping and other editing of recorded im ages, protect s ettings, etc. Y ou can create a single still picture from a recorded motion picture.
63 Wi-Fi/NFC (ENG) VQ T5A95 What you can do w ith the Wi-Fi R function • Please r efer to “Owner’ s Manual for ad vanced featu res (PDF format )” for det ails . What you can do Controlling with a Smartphone/T ablet Recording with a smartphone.
64 Wi-Fi/NFC VQT5A95 (E NG) Controlling with a Smar tphone/T a blet Y ou can remotely operate the camera using a smartphone/tablet. Y ou need to inst all “Panasonic Image App” (referred to as “ Image App ” from this point on ) on your smartphone/tablet.
65 Wi-Fi/NFC (ENG) VQ T5A95 A connection c an be easily established by pres sing and holding [Wi-F i] or by using the NFC function. 1 Press and h old [Wi-Fi]. • The i nformation (SSI D and p assword ) requi red f or direc tly connect ing your smartphone /t ablet to th is unit is displa yed.
66 Wi-Fi/NFC VQT5A95 (E NG) Using the NFC “ Near Field Communication ” function, you c an easily transfer data necessary for a Wi-Fi connection between this camera and the smartphone/tablet. 1 Launch “ Image App ” on your sma rtphon e/t ablet .
67 Wi-Fi/NFC (ENG) VQ T5A95 1 Connect t o a smartphon e/tab let. (P65) 2 Select [ ] on th e smartphone/tablet. • The recorde d images ar e saved in th e camera. • Motion pic tures can also be re corded. • Some settin gs are not availa ble. • The scree n diff ers dependin g on the oper ating syst em.
68 Wi-Fi/NFC VQT5A95 (E NG) A Wi-Fi connection using NFC function is possible by touching the smartphone/tablet to this unit, and you c an easily transfer im ages displayed on the s creen. An image can be sent on site immediately af ter taking it, so you can easily send it to t he smartphone/tablet ¢ of your family or friend.
69 Wi-Fi/NFC (ENG) VQ T5A95 T o change the connecti on method, press [DISP .], and then select the c onnection method. Changing th e connection method Connection method Description of settings [Via Networ k] Connec ts via a wi reless acces s point. P70 [Direct] Y our device connec ts directly to this unit.
70 Wi-Fi/NFC VQT5A95 (E NG) Y ou can select the method for connecting to a wireless access point. ¢ WPS refe rs to a functio n that allows you to ea sily conf igure the set tings re lated to the c onnect ion and security of wirel ess LAN devices.
71 Wi-Fi/NFC (ENG) VQ T5A95 Search for avai lable wireless access point s. • Confirm enc ryption k ey of the select ed wireless acc ess point if t he network au thentic ation is encr yp ted . • When conne cting by [ Manual In put], co nfirm SSID, encrypti on typ e, encr yption k ey of the wireless acces s point you are using.
72 Wi-Fi/NFC VQT5A95 (E NG) Y ou can select the method fo r connecting to the device you are using. Select the connec tion method supported by your device. Direct connection Connection m ethod Description of settings [Wi- Fi Di rec t] 1 Set the devi ce to Wi-Fi D irect TM mo de .
73 Abou t th e supp lie d so ftwa re (ENG) VQ T5A95 About the supplied sof tware The supplied CD-ROM includes the following software. Install the software on to your computer before us e. • PHOTOf unSTU DIO 9.2 PE ( Windows XP/Vis ta/7/8) This soft ware allows yo u to manage images .
74 About the supp lied software VQT5A95 (E NG) ∫ Inst alling supplied software • Before insert ing the CD-ROM, clos e all running applic ations. 1 Check t he enviro nment of your PC.
75 Others (ENG) VQ T5A95 Monitor Display/Viewfinder Display • The follo wing images ar e exampl es of when the displ ay screen is set to [ ] (monit or style ) in the monito r . ∫ In record ing ¢ “h” is an abbre viation f or hour , “m” for minute and “s” f or second.
76 Others VQT5A95 (E NG) ¢ 1 This is displayed for abo ut 5 second s when the came ra is turned on if the [Prof ile Setu p] setti ng is set. ¢ 2 This is displayed for abo ut 5 second s when the came ra is turned on , afte r setting the clock and aft er switchin g from Playba ck Mode to Record ing Mode.
77 Others (ENG) VQ T5A95 ¢ 1 This is di splayed d uring co untdown. ¢ 2 It is possible to switch t he display between the numb er of recorda ble picture s and available recordin g time with the [Re maining Disp.] setting in the [Custom] menu. ¢ 3 “h” is an abbreviation f or hour , “m” for minute and “s” for sec ond.
78 Others VQT5A95 (E NG) • Only displaye d in the monitor . × × Fn8 Fn8 Fn8 Fn8 Fn9 Fn9 Fn9 Fn9 Fn6 Fn6 Fn6 Fn6 Fn5 Fn5 Fn5 Fn5 Fn7 Fn7 Fn7 Fn7 I S O ISO SS SS SS F F T ouch zo om T ouch Shu tter .
79 Others (ENG) VQ T5A95 ∫ In playback 1 Playback Mod e Protected pic ture Number of prints Ü Favori tes å Cable di sconnect p rohibit icon Motion pict ure playbac k Pla y pano ram a Continuous Bu.
80 Others VQT5A95 (E NG) Detail ed info rma tion d ispla y Histogram display ¢ 1 This is not displa yed for moti on pictures rec orded in [A VCHD]. ¢ 2 This is not displayed fo r motion pic tures. 100-0001 F1.7 60 P '(& s RGB AFS 200 0 WB WB ISO ISO AWB STD.
81 Others (ENG) VQ T5A95 Menu list This menu lets you set t he aspect ratio, number of pixels and ot her aspects of the pictures you are rec ording. • [Photo S tyle], [Meteri ng Mode ], [Hig hlight Sh adow] , [i. Dynamic], [i .Resol ution] and [Digit al Zoom] are common to both the [Rec] men u a nd [Moti on Pict ure] menu.
82 Others VQT5A95 (E NG) [Stop Motion Animation] A stop motion picture is created by splicing pictures together . [Panorama Settings] Set s the recording direction and image ef fect for panorama recording. [Electr onic Sh utter] The shutter sou nd can be turn ed off for recording in a quiet environment.
83 Others (ENG) VQ T5A95 This menu lets you set the [Rec Format], [Rec Q uality], and other as pects for motion picture recording. • [Photo S tyle], [Meteri ng Mode ], [Hig hlight Sh adow] , [i. Dynamic], [i .Resol ution] and [Digit al Zoom] are common to both the [Rec] men u a nd [Moti on Pict ure] menu.
84 Others VQT5A95 (E NG) [AF/AE Lock Hold] This will set the ope ration of [AF/AE LOCK] button when taking a picture with fixed focus or exposure. [Shutter AF] Set whether or not the focus is adjusted automatically wh en the shutter button is pressed halfway .
85 Others (ENG) VQ T5A95 [Constant Preview] Y ou can check the effects of the chosen aperture and shutter speed on the recording screen in Manual Exposure Mode. [Expo.Met er] Set whether or not t o display the exposure meter . [Dial Gu ide] Set whether or not to display the dial ope ration guide.
86 Others VQT5A95 (E NG) This menu lets you perform t he clock settings, select the ope rating beep tone settings and set other set tings which make it easier for y ou to operate the cam era. Y ou can also configure the settings of Wi-Fi related functions.
87 Others (ENG) VQ T5A95 [Language] Set the language displayed on the sc reen. [V er sion Disp.] This enables the f irmware versions of the camera and lens to be checked. [Exp osu re Co mp. Re set] A n exposure value can be reset when the recording mode is changed or t he camera is t urned off.
88 Others VQT5A95 (E NG) This menu lets you set the Pro tection, Cropping or Print Settings, etc . of recorded pictures. [Playback] [2D/3D Settings] Swit ches the playback method f or 3D images. [Slide Show] Selects the type etc. of the im ages and plays ba ck in order.
89 Others (ENG) VQ T5A95 Specifications S pecifications are subject t o change without notice. Digital Camera Body (DMC-GX7): Informa tion for your safet y Power S ource: DC 8.4 V Po wer Co nsum ptio n: 2.5 W (When recording with LCD Monitor) [When the Interchangeable lens (H-H020A) is used] 2.
90 Others VQT5A95 (E NG) Burst recording Burst speed Mecha nical shutter: 5 pictures/second (H igh speed), 4 pictures/second (M iddle speed), 2 pictures/second (Lo w speed) Electronic shutter: 40 pict.
91 Others (ENG) VQ T5A95 Flash Built-in pop up flash GN 7.0 equivalent (ISO200· m ) [GN 5.0 equivalent ( ISO100 · m)] Flash range: Approx. 50 cm (1.6 feet ) to 1 1.7 m (38 feet) [When the Interchangeable lens (H-H020A) is mounted, [ISO AUTO] is set] Flash range: Approx.
92 Others VQT5A95 (E NG) Recording quality Motion pictures [A VCHD] 1920 k 1080/60p (28 Mbps)/1920 k 1080/60i (17 Mbp s)/ 1920 k 1080/60i ¢ (24 Mbps)/1920 k 1080/24p (24 Mbps)/ 1280 k 720/60p (17 Mbps) ( ¢ Sensor output is 30 frames/sec.
93 Others (ENG) VQ T5A95 Wireless transmitter NFC Battery Charger (Panaso nic DE-A99B): Informa tion for your safet y Equipment mobilit y: Movable Battery Pack (lithium-io n) (Panasonic DMW-BLG10PP): Informa tion for your safet y Dimensio ns Approx. 122.
94 Others VQT5A95 (E NG) Interchangeable Lens H-H020A “LUMIX G 20 mm/F 1.7 II ASPH.” H-FS1442A “LUMIX G V ARIO 1 4–4 2 m m / F 3 . 5–5 . 6 II ASPH.
95 Others (ENG) VQ T5A95 Digital Camera Accessory System ¢ 1 The AC Adaptor (optiona l) can only be us ed with the des ignated Pa nasoni c DC Coupler (optiona l). The AC adapt or (o ptional) cannot be used by it self. ¢ 2 Use if the attached le ns is in cont act with th e tripod pe dest al.
96 Others VQT5A95 (E NG) Digit al Camera Acces sory Order Form (For USA and Puerto Rico Custom ers) TO OBT AIN ANY OF OUR DIGIT AL CAMERA ACCESSORIES YOU CAN DO ANY OF THE FOLLOWING: VISIT YOUR LOCAL .
97 Others (ENG) VQ T5A95 Limited Warranty (ONL Y FOR U.S.A. AND PUE RTO RICO) Panasonic Prod uct s Limited W a rranty Limited W a rranty Coverage (For USA and Pue rto Rico Only ) If your prod uct does.
98 Others VQT5A95 (E NG) Mail-In Service --On line o r T elepho ne Rep ai r Requ est Onli ne Re pair Req uest T o subm it a new rep air request and for quick rep air status visit our W eb Site at www .
100 Others VQT5A95 (E NG) Limited W arranty (ONL Y FOR CANADA) Pana so nic C ana da Inc . 5770 Ambler Drive, Mississauga, Ontario L4W 2T3 P ANASONIC PRODUCT – LIMITED W ARRANTY Panasonic Canada Inc.
101 Others (ENG) VQ T5A95 LIMIT A TIONS AND EXCLUSIONS This warranty ONL Y COVERS failures due to def ects in materials or workmanship, and DOES NOT COVE R normal wear and tear or cosmetic damage. The warranty ALSO DOES NOT COVER damages which occurred in shipment, or failures which are caus ed by products not supplied by Panasonic Canada Inc.
102 Others VQT5A95 (E NG) Panasonic Canada In c. LUMIX Concierge for Ca mera Owners Welcome : As the owner of a Panasonic’s LUMIX camera you are entitled to a variety of privileges that will make owning your new LUMIX camera even more of a pleasure.
103 Others (ENG) VQ T5A95 This product incorpor ates the following software: (1) the software de velope d independent ly by or for Panasonic Corpor ation, (2) the software own ed by thi rd part y and .
• QuickT i me and the QuickT ime logo are tra demarks or regis tered trade marks of Apple In c., use d under license t herefr om. • Windows and Windo ws Vist a are eith er registe red trade marks or trade marks of Micr osof t Corpo ration in t he Unite d S t ates and/ or othe r countries .
デバイスPanasonic DMCGX7SBODYの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Panasonic DMCGX7SBODYをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはPanasonic DMCGX7SBODYの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Panasonic DMCGX7SBODYの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Panasonic DMCGX7SBODYで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Panasonic DMCGX7SBODYを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はPanasonic DMCGX7SBODYの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Panasonic DMCGX7SBODYに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちPanasonic DMCGX7SBODYデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。