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Operating Instructions Please read this manual before using and sa ve this manual for future ref erence. Netw ork Camera Panasonic Netw ork Camera Site: http://www .
Operating Inst ructions 2 Introduction Thank you fo r purchasing a Panasonic Netw ork Camera. Check the foll owing items when unpacki ng. For operatio n assistanc e: • Call 1-80 0-272-7033 • Refer t o the Panason ic Network Cam era Site http://ww w.
Operating Instr uct io ns [F or a s si st an c e, pl ea s e ca ll : 1 - 80 0- 27 2- 7 03 3] 3 Tradem arks • Netscape and Netscape Navigator a re either regis tered t rademarks or trademark s of Netsc ape Communi cations Corporati on in the U. S. and other coun tries.
Operating Inst ructions 4 IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS When usin g this un it, basic sa fety prec autions sho uld alwa ys be follo wed to reduce the risk of fi re, electric shock, or personal in jury. 1. Read and unders tand all instructions . 2. Keep the se instructi ons.
Operating Instr uct io ns [F or a s si st an c e, pl ea s e ca ll : 1 - 80 0- 27 2- 7 03 3] 5 Table o f Contents 1 Product Introduction ................. .................. .............. ..... 7 1.1 Getting t o Know Network Ca mera .... .............
Operating Inst ructions 6 3.6.1 Go to Top Pa ge .................. ................. ................. ................. ................. ... 59 3.6.2 Network ........ ................. ................ ................. ................. ...........
Operating Instr uct io ns [F or a s si st an c e, pl ea s e ca ll : 1 - 80 0- 27 2- 7 03 3] 7 Section 1 Product Introduc tion.
Operating Inst ructions 8 1.1 Getting to Know Network Camera 1.1. 1 Main Feat ure s Easy installa tion Setup CD-R OM simp lifies the i nstallati on. Inser t the Se tup C D-ROM a nd aut orun program sh ould star t the appli cation au tomatica lly. This program a utomatic ally finds Ne twork Camera on the network.
Operating Instr uct io ns [F or a s si st an c e, pl ea s e ca ll : 1 - 80 0- 27 2- 7 03 3] 9 Multi-Client Acce ss Network Camera a llows up t o 30 users to view Moti on JPEG imag e simulta neously. Us ers can a ccess the T op View Imag e screen (Sin gle Camera / Multi-C am era s creen) from their own lo ca tion s.
Operating Inst ructions 10 1.1.2 System Requirements The PC (Pers onal Comp uter) and the n etwork mus t meet the following technical specific ations for Netwo rk Camera to work prope rly. * 1 Network Camera im age is n ot displaye d correctly i n the Netsc ape ® v6.
Operating Instr uct io ns [ F or a s s i s t a n c e, p l e a s e c a l l : 1- 8 0 0 - 2 7 2 - 7 03 3 ] 1 1 1.1.3 Authentication—System Security Feature Authenticatio n window requires you to e nter the admi nistrator/g eneral use r ID and pas sword for se curity.
Operating Inst ructions 12 1.2 Included Accessories The follow ing ite ms are pr ovided w ith Netw ork Came ra. Addit ional p ieces can be ordered by calli ng 1-80 0-332-5368 . Not es • If an y items are m issing , contact the dealer im mediatel y. • The o rder numbe rs listed above ar e subject to change w ithout no tice.
Operating Instr uct io ns [ F or a s s i s t a n c e, p l e a s e c a l l : 1- 8 0 0 - 2 7 2 - 7 03 3 ] 1 3 Setup CD-ROM The setu p program s implifies Network Ca mera inst allation. Adobe ® Acrobat ® Reader 4.05 or lat er enables y ou to see the Opera ting Instructi ons on th e Setup CD-ROM.
Operating Inst ructions 14 1.3 Camera Feature Locations 1.3.1 Front Vi ew Indicator Indicator c an be co ntrolled o n Indica tor Control window on page 90 . Color indicatio ns are sh own below . * 1 Orange indicator will continue blinking in the DHCP se tting.
Operating Instr uct io ns [ F or a s s i s t a n c e, p l e a s e c a l l : 1- 8 0 0 - 2 7 2 - 7 03 3 ] 1 5 1.3. 2 Rea r View 1.3.3 Bottom Vi ew Ethernet port (10/100 Bas e-TX) (Refer t o page 20. ) Analog Video O utput terminal (VIDEO OUT) (Refer t o page 54.
Operating Inst ructions 16 Section 2 Network Camera Setup.
Operating Instr uct io ns [ F or a s s i s t a n c e, p l e a s e c a l l : 1- 8 0 0 - 2 7 2 - 7 03 3 ] 1 7 2.1 In stallation Procedur e Select the Netw ork Camera co nfiguration type . (Page 18 — Pa ge 19) Connect Network Camera for installa tion. (Page 20 ) Prepare the network parameters for Netwo rk Camera.
Operating Inst ructions 18 2.2 Networ k Camera Configur ation Type Network Came ra can be connected ov er the LAN/Intrane t and the Interne t. Select from the fo ur Network Camera config uration ty pes. Netw ork parameters differ depending on the N etwork Ca mera con figuration type.
Operating Instr uct io ns [ F or a s s i s t a n c e, p l e a s e c a l l : 1- 8 0 0 - 2 7 2 - 7 03 3 ] 1 9 [Type 3] — Internet Direct Connection with a Modem Network C amera can b e installed a lone without PC on the network.
Operating Inst ructions 20 2.3 How to turn on Network Camera for Install ation Network Cam era powers up when co nnecting AC plug to th e power outl et. Notes • Do not ho ld or touch the Pan/Ti lt as it starts moving whe n connectin g AC plug to the power ou tlet.
Operating Instr uct io ns [ F or a s s i s t a n c e, p l e a s e c a l l : 1- 8 0 0 - 2 7 2 - 7 03 3 ] 2 1 2.4 Network Paramet ers 2.4.1 Preparing the Network P arameters for Network Camera Befo re st artin g to se t up th e net work pa rame ters of Netw ork Cam era, make no te of cor resp o nding networ k par amete r s.
Operating Inst ructions 22 Network Parame ters Table * 1 Many ISP' s intention ally blo ck port numb er 80 to gu ard agains t network viru ses. If your I SP blo cks port numbe r 80, su bstitu te it to anot her unu sed po rt number.
Operating Instr uct io ns [ F or a s s i s t a n c e, p l e a s e c a l l : 1- 8 0 0 - 2 7 2 - 7 03 3 ] 2 3 How to refer the ne twork parameters from the PC If you ca nnot get the network par ameters, y ou can refe r to the netwo rk paramet ers except for IP addres s from the PC on the sa me network in the following procedure.
Operating Inst ructions 24 2.4.2 Setting IP Addr ess of the PC in [Type 4] Configuration Type Your PC needs to have a sta tic priv ate IP addr ess to acce ss Netw ork Came ra in [Type 4] configurat ion . 1. Follow the steps be low, appropriate for your op erating system t o open TCP/IP Properties wind ow on the PC.
Operating Instr uct io ns [ F or a s s i s t a n c e, p l e a s e c a l l : 1- 8 0 0 - 2 7 2 - 7 03 3 ] 2 5 2. TCP IP Properti es window appea rs. Set "19 0" in the IP address data fiel d and "25 5.255.255. 0" in the S ubnet Mas k data field .
Operating Inst ructions 26 2.5 Proxy Server Setting A proxy se rver may prevent you f rom conne cting di rectly to N etwork Cam era in some cor porate env ironments. Th e web br owser can set up the IP address communi cation wit hout usin g a proxy se rver.
Operating Instr uct io ns [ F or a s s i s t a n c e, p l e a s e c a l l : 1- 8 0 0 - 2 7 2 - 7 03 3 ] 2 7 3. Enter the IP address of Netwo rk Came ra assigned from your ISP o r network adminis trator into the Do not use proxy server for add resses begi nning with data fie ld.
Operating Inst ructions 28 2.6 Simple Installation using the Setup CD-ROM After finishi ng cabling , turn on Network Cam era and insert the Setup C D-ROM in the CD-ROM drive of the PC. Setup C D-ROM sh ould start the appli cation automatic ally. Th is program automat ically f inds Network Camer as on the network.
Operating Instr uct io ns [ F or a s s i s t a n c e, p l e a s e c a l l : 1- 8 0 0 - 2 7 2 - 7 03 3 ] 2 9 3. Click [Network Configuration]. Network Camera List wind ow appears. Setup prog ram finds all N etwork Came ras conne cted on your loc al netwo rk.
Operating Inst ructions 30 4. Select y our target Network Cam era from the l ist as show n in exam ple (A) on Network Cam era List window on page 2 9 and click [S elect] . Configuration window appea rs. Refer to page 21 and page 2 2 and enter the c o rrect n etwork parame ters.
Operating Instr uct io ns [ F or a s s i s t a n c e, p l e a s e c a l l : 1- 8 0 0 - 2 7 2 - 7 03 3 ] 3 1 6. Click [OK] . Refer to pag e 60 for Setup Page (Netwo rk window) .
Operating Inst ructions 32 2.7 Network Came ra Access fr om the Inter net [Type 2] and [Type 3] of the Network Camera configur ation type allow Netw ork Camera t o be access ed from th e Internet.
Operating Instr uct io ns [ F or a s s i s t a n c e, p l e a s e c a l l : 1- 8 0 0 - 2 7 2 - 7 03 3 ] 3 3 Top Page Refer to pag e 37 for Top Pag e. Note When vie wing imag es for the first time in the Interne t Explorer, a pop-up Security Warning wind ow may appe ar.
Operating Inst ructions 34.
Operating Instr uct io ns [ F or a s s i s t a n c e, p l e a s e c a l l : 1- 8 0 0 - 2 7 2 - 7 03 3 ] 3 5 Section 3 Network Camera Scr een and Set up Window.
Operating Inst ructions 36 3.1 Netwo rk Camera F lo w Chart Top Page en ables yo u to acce ss Top View Image scre en (Single C amera/Multi- Camera scr een). Authen tication window can s et pass word for the l ink at (A) . Enter "htt p://IP Address (or URL ) :Port No.
Operating Instr uct io ns [ F or a s s i s t a n c e, p l e a s e c a l l : 1- 8 0 0 - 2 7 2 - 7 03 3 ] 3 7 3.2 Top Page Top Page al lows you to select the Single /Multi-Camera scree n in Motion JPEG or JPEG - R egularly R efresh.
Operating Inst ructions 38 Notes • If a port n umber is specified i n the IP address, " http :// " must precede the IP add ress, othe rwise the p ort number will not be rec ognized. • When vi ewing ima ges for the first time in the Interne t Explorer, a pop- up Security W a rning w indow may app ear.
Operating Instr uct io ns [ F or a s s i s t a n c e, p l e a s e c a l l : 1- 8 0 0 - 2 7 2 - 7 03 3 ] 3 9 ActiveX Controls When viewi ng images for the first ti me in the Internet Ex plorer, a pop-up Security Warning window m ay appea r. The windo w requests your permi ssion to download ActiveX Con trols (OCX fil e) used to di splay M otion JPEG.
Operating Inst ructions 40 3.3 Single Camera Screen Single Camera can mov e the lens by the Pa n/Tilt operation , Preset Po sitioning and Click to Ce nter. Single Camera screen c an be se t eigh t prese t posit ions. Zoom and Focus Buttons provide you with detai led and di stinct i mages.
Operating Instr uct io ns [ F or a s s i s t a n c e, p l e a s e c a l l : 1- 8 0 0 - 2 7 2 - 7 03 3 ] 4 1 Click to Cente r When you click the certai n point on the Single Camera scree n, the poin t is centered on the im age. 1. Put the cu rsor on the point which sho uld be ce ntered and click i t.
Operating Inst ructions 42 3.3.1 Using Operation Bar Operation bar cont rols the g eneral us e of Network Camera. T he follow ing secti ons describe the genera l way of us ing it. (1) End Display: W hen Pan/Ti lt operatio n has reache d the end, Left En d , Right End , Up End or Down End appears.
Operating Instr uct io ns [ F or a s s i s t a n c e, p l e a s e c a l l : 1- 8 0 0 - 2 7 2 - 7 03 3 ] 4 3 3.3.2 Using Pan/Tilt Operation Pan/ Tilt sc an but tons automa tical ly move the l ens hor i.
Operating Inst ructions 44 Not es • Pan/T ilt Range c an be sel ected on Camera Setup window on p age 84. • Whe n the p ower is on, do no t manu ally re volve t he Pa n/ Tilt . Revo lving it forcedl y or movi ng it man ually by s ome mist ake may da mage the Pan/Tilt oper ation, or chan ge the regi stered Pan /Tilt posi tions from actual one s.
Operating Instr uct io ns [ F or a s s i s t a n c e, p l e a s e c a l l : 1- 8 0 0 - 2 7 2 - 7 03 3 ] 4 5 3.3.3 Zooming in and out Zoom butto n increa ses or dec rease s the siz e of the obje ct on the Sin gle Ca mera screen. Tele butto n zooms in, and Wide button zoo ms out.
Operating Inst ructions 46 3.3.4 Automatic and Manual Focusing Focus but ton adjus ts the focus . Network Ca mera has Auto matic an d Manual Focusing features. AF (Au tomatic F ocus) butt on automa tically all ows the le ns to focus on objec ts. Ma nua l focu si ng sta r ts by press ing Near or Far butto n.
Operating Instr uct io ns [ F or a s s i s t a n c e, p l e a s e c a l l : 1- 8 0 0 - 2 7 2 - 7 03 3 ] 4 7 Notes • Check [Ena ble] for Activ e scripting of web browse r when Near or Far button does not work in ma nual f ocusing. Refer to pag e 124.
Operating Inst ructions 48 3.3.5 Setting Preset Positioning and Home Positioning Pr eset Po sitio ning and Home Position ing all ow you to fix t he lens on a spe cific point. Len s moves to the preset /home pos ition when clicki ng each re gistered button.
Operating Instr uct io ns [ F or a s s i s t a n c e, p l e a s e c a l l : 1- 8 0 0 - 2 7 2 - 7 03 3 ] 4 9 Registering or modifying the preset buttons or home position button 1) Clic k [Program] . Red cance l button a ppears. • [Cancel ] return s to the Single Camer a screen.
Operating Inst ructions 50 Deleting the p reset buttons 1) Cli ck [Program] . Re d cancel but ton appea rs. • [Cancel] links to t he Single C amera screen w ithout deleti ng. 2) Select the preset number to de lete. 3) Cli ck [Delete] . • [Cancel] links to t he Single C amera screen w ithout deleti ng.
Operating Instr uct io ns [ F or a s s i s t a n c e, p l e a s e c a l l : 1- 8 0 0 - 2 7 2 - 7 03 3 ] 5 1 3.3.6 Viewing Buffered Image Screen Buffere d Image scre en can be viewed by clicking [Viewer] on the operation bar. Buffered Im age is sav ed in the internal mem ory of Network Camera by clicking [Start Capture] .
Operating Inst ructions 52 Notes • The refres h interva l become s longer as more c lients acc ess Net work Camera. • The ima ge resolu tion, image q uality a nd object situation affect th e number o f frames in t he Buffered Ima ge.
Operating Instr uct io ns [ F or a s s i s t a n c e, p l e a s e c a l l : 1- 8 0 0 - 2 7 2 - 7 03 3 ] 5 3 3.4 Multi-Camera Screen Four sepa rate Netwo rk Came ra images c an be displa yed in b oth Motion JPEG and JPEG - Regu larly Refresh . The Pan/Tilt op eration can not be operate d on the Multi-C amera scree n.
Operating Inst ructions 54 3.5 Viewi ng Im ages from Network Camera on TV You can vi ew images fro m Network C amera on TV a nd to recor d them on vi deotap es.
Operating Instr uct io ns [ F or a s s i s t a n c e, p l e a s e c a l l : 1- 8 0 0 - 2 7 2 - 7 03 3 ] 5 5 3.6 Setup Page Setup Page c ontrols all features of Network Came ra. Authenticat ion window protects the Network Ca mera securit y. It enab les only ad ministrat or to acce ss Setup Page by enteri ng ID and Pas sword.
Operating Inst ructions 56 Setup Page Note Firmware Version n umber indic ated on Setup Page is important f o r you r future support of Network Cam era.
Operating Instr uct io ns [ F or a s s i s t a n c e, p l e a s e c a l l : 1- 8 0 0 - 2 7 2 - 7 03 3 ] 5 7 Item Description (1) Go to To p Page Links t o Top Page. You can a ccess Singl e/Multi- Camera scree n in Motion JPEG /JPEG - Regularly Refres h.
Operating Inst ructions 58 (9) Multi-Camera The Multi -Camera screen needs to set up these parameters . Enter the Ca mera Na mes and IP addresse s of each Network Ca mera. T he Multi- Camera ca n displ ay up to fou r images in a window . Refer to page 87.
Operating Instr uct io ns [ F or a s s i s t a n c e, p l e a s e c a l l : 1- 8 0 0 - 2 7 2 - 7 03 3 ] 5 9 3.6.1 Go to Top Page Click [Go to Top Page] on Setup Page . You c an acc ess t he Si ngl e C amera and Multi-Cam era screen i n Motion JPEG/J PEG-Regularly Re fresh.
Operating Inst ructions 60 3.6.2 N etwork Network window configure s network para meters. Restart Network Came ra to make the parame ters effec tiv e. • You can set disa ble Configu ration w indow from the Setup CD- ROM for th e securi ty by cl eari ng the check.
Operating Instr uct io ns [ F or a s s i s t a n c e, p l e a s e c a l l : 1- 8 0 0 - 2 7 2 - 7 03 3 ] 6 1 2. Enter each parameter in the proper d ata field . Click [Save] when f inished. • Click [Cancel] to quit th e current set tings. The wi ndow returns to Setup Page with out saving the parame ters.
Operating Inst ructions 62 Static • IP Address • Subnet Ma sk • Chec k [Static] wh en havin g specified IP address assigned to Network Camera from your ISP or admini strator. Ente r the specifi ed IP addres s and Sub net Mask. • If you u se Network Ca mera on th e LAN, set up in the same cl ass as yo ur PC is i n.
Operating Instr uct io ns [ F or a s s i s t a n c e, p l e a s e c a l l : 1- 8 0 0 - 2 7 2 - 7 03 3 ] 6 3 File size of the image The intern al memo ry, image resolution, image qua lity and object situ ation determin e the max imum numb er of frames .
Operating Inst ructions 64 3.6.3 N ame/Time Name/Time w indow is used to a ssign a name to ea ch Networ k Camera. D ate and Time entered on Name/Time w indow are u sed for the Alarm/Timer m ode in the Image Trans fer feature and on the Buf fered Image scree n.
Operating Instr uct io ns [ F or a s s i s t a n c e, p l e a s e c a l l : 1- 8 0 0 - 2 7 2 - 7 03 3 ] 6 5 Time Zone GMT- 10 :00 Haw aii GMT-09:00 Alaska, Hawaii Daylight Time GMT- 08:00 Pac ific Ti .
Operating Inst ructions 66 3.6.4 Secur ity: A dministrat or Security: Adminis trator window allow s the admi nistrator t o limit o r exclude access to the selec ted Network Camera.
Operating Instr uct io ns [ F or a s s i s t a n c e, p l e a s e c a l l : 1- 8 0 0 - 2 7 2 - 7 03 3 ] 6 7 Instructions f or the data fiel ds Authentication Enable Authe ntication window can be set in the three patte rns. None : No au thenticat ion window a ppears.
Operating Inst ructions 68 3.6.5 Secur ity: G eneral U ser Security: Gen eral User wind ow allows the admi nistrator to create the general user ID a nd passwo rd for the s ecurity lev el defined as gener al user. Up to 30 individu al user na mes can be def ined.
Operating Instr uct io ns [ F or a s s i s t a n c e, p l e a s e c a l l : 1- 8 0 0 - 2 7 2 - 7 03 3 ] 6 9 Instructions f or the data fiel ds Gener al User Authentication Th e General Us er can be up to 30. Ea ch of them c an have th eir own I D and pass word.
Operating Inst ructions 70 3.6.6 Top View Image Top View Ima ge Setting windo w can change set tings for T op Page, Sin gle Camera a nd Multi -Camera sc reen su ch as the in itial lan guage, the image resolution , image q uality, re fresh interva l as the i nitial setti ng, Limit tim e of Continuous Mot ion JPEG and On the Air time .
Operating Instr uct io ns [ F or a s s i s t a n c e, p l e a s e c a l l : 1- 8 0 0 - 2 7 2 - 7 03 3 ] 7 1 Instructions for the data fields Top Page • Top Page title can be chang ed. Enter th e new title. • Refer t o unavai lable charac ter set 1 on page 1 05 but [space] is ava ilable.
Operating Inst ructions 72 3.6.7 Image Transfer Image T ransfer wind ow can set the I mage Transfe r featur e. Network C amera can buffer ima ges and send the imag es via e -mail or FT P.
Operating Instr uct io ns [ F or a s s i s t a n c e, p l e a s e c a l l : 1- 8 0 0 - 2 7 2 - 7 03 3 ] 7 3 Non Transfer mode Non Tra nsfer mode en ables [Start Capture] on the operation bar to buffe r the image on the Sing le Came ra s cre en. Refer to page 5 1.
Operating Inst ructions 74 Transfe r in the Alarm M ode The Alarm mode can trans fer an image via e-mail or FTP w hen the alarm trig ger is activ e. To activat e the alarm tri gger, the Ex ternal Sensor Input of Ex ternal I/O must be conn ected with the ex ternal sens ors/devic es.
Operating Instr uct io ns [ F or a s s i s t a n c e, p l e a s e c a l l : 1- 8 0 0 - 2 7 2 - 7 03 3 ] 7 5 Instructions fo r the data field s a. External Se nsor Input of External I/O activat es the ala rm trigger. Refer to page 10 3. b. Active Time o f Trigger The activ e trigger ti me can b e set in the primary ti me and th e seconda ry time.
Operating Inst ructions 76 a. Select s Transfer Meth od . Non Transfer w ithout Memory Over Write : Image b uffering wil l stop when the intern al memo ry is full . Non Tr ansfer with Memory Ov er Write : Buffered i mage will overwrite th e older im age data wh en the int ernal memory is full.
Operating Instr uct io ns [ F or a s s i s t a n c e, p l e a s e c a l l : 1- 8 0 0 - 2 7 2 - 7 03 3 ] 7 7 Selects [O ver Write ...] to over write the tran sferred im age or [Add time...] to save ea ch transfe rred image . Data transfer method : Use [Passi ve Mo de] no rma lly.
Operating Inst ructions 78 Setting Example b. a. c. d. e. f..
Operating Instr uct io ns [ F or a s s i s t a n c e, p l e a s e c a l l : 1- 8 0 0 - 2 7 2 - 7 03 3 ] 7 9 Setting expla nation a. The activ e time of trigger is set betwee n 9:00 AM t o 6:00 PM f rom Monday t o Frida y.
Operating Inst ructions 80 Transfe r in the Timer Mode The timer m ode can be activate d by entering the activ e time, the i mage set ting, frequency settin g and th e transf er metho d on Image T ransf er window . Buffere d Image can also be tra nsferred via e -mail or FTP.
Operating Instr uct io ns [ F or a s s i s t a n c e, p l e a s e c a l l : 1- 8 0 0 - 2 7 2 - 7 03 3 ] 8 1 Instructions fo r the data field s a. Buffers or tra nsfers by th e timer tri gger. b. Active Time o f Trigger Always : always activa tes the tim er trigger.
Operating Inst ructions 82 a. Select s Transfer Meth od . Non Transfer w ithout Memory Over Write : Image b uffering wil l stop when the intern al memo ry is full . Non Tr ansfer with Memory Ov er Write : Buffered i mage will overwrite th e older im age data wh en the int ernal memory is full.
Operating Instr uct io ns [ F or a s s i s t a n c e, p l e a s e c a l l : 1- 8 0 0 - 2 7 2 - 7 03 3 ] 8 3 Over wr ite setting : Selects [O ver Write ...] to over write the tran sferred im age or [Add time...] to save ea ch transfe rred image . Data transfer method : Use [Passi ve Mo de] no rma lly.
Operating Inst ructions 84 3.6. 8 Camera Setup Cam era S etu p wind ow sets White Bal ance and Powe r Line Frequency. Yo u can lock the Brightness , Pan/Tilt/Pr eset, Preset Prog ram, Zoom an d Focus f eatures. You can al so selec t the Pan Ra nge and Ti lt Range.
Operating Instr uct io ns [ F or a s s i s t a n c e, p l e a s e c a l l : 1- 8 0 0 - 2 7 2 - 7 03 3 ] 8 5 Instructions for the data fie lds White Balan ce Notes • The wron g White Bal ance se tting will c ause Netw ork Camer a to di splay co lors i mproper ly.
Operating Inst ructions 86 Specifying the Pan/Tilt range 1. Start up th e web br owser and a ccess the Si ngle Came ra screen. 2. Start up a nother we b browser a nd access Came ra Setup w indow. 3. Align th e Si ngl e C a me ra s cr een an d C am era Set up w ind ow fro m si de to s id e.
Operating Instr uct io ns [ F or a s s i s t a n c e, p l e a s e c a l l : 1- 8 0 0 - 2 7 2 - 7 03 3 ] 8 7 3.6.9 Multi-Ca mera Multi-Camera w indow enables th e setting of Multi-Ca mera scre en. Camera Name an d IP address of each Ne twork Camera must be entered to view the Mu lti- Camera sc reen .
Operating Inst ructions 88 2. Select/En ter the eac h parame ter. Click [ Save] when fi nished. • Click [Cancel] to quit the current s ettings. The window returns to Setup Page witho ut saving the p arameters. * 1 Refer to IP ad dressing on page 105.
Operating Instr uct io ns [ F or a s s i s t a n c e, p l e a s e c a l l : 1- 8 0 0 - 2 7 2 - 7 03 3 ] 8 9 3.6.10 External Output Cont rol External Ou tput Control window enabl es the Ext ernal Devic e Control O utput signal to activa te the ext ernal sensors /devices.
Operating Inst ructions 90 3.6.11 Indicator Control Indicator Control wind ow allows y ou to select Indicator operation. Indicator operation h as three patte rns.
Operating Instr uct io ns [ F or a s s i s t a n c e, p l e a s e c a l l : 1- 8 0 0 - 2 7 2 - 7 03 3 ] 9 1 3.6.12 Status Status wind ow displays g eneral inform ation abo ut Network Cam era. Note When some trou ble occu rs, the inf ormati on is useful.
Operating Inst ructions 92 3.6. 13 Restart Restart wi ndow resta rts Network C amera wit h the paramet ers save d. Restartin g is require d when the n etwork p arameters are changed. 1. Click [Restart] on Setup Page. 2. Click [Restart Now!] . • Click [Cancel] to quit.
Operating Instr uct io ns [ F or a s s i s t a n c e, p l e a s e c a l l : 1- 8 0 0 - 2 7 2 - 7 03 3 ] 9 3 3.6.14 Update Firmware Update Firmw are window allows th e user to i nstall th e latest vers ion of the Network Camera intern al operating system (Application and Camera firmware).
Operating Inst ructions 94 4. Click [Update Firmware] on Setup Pa ge. 5. Click [Update Firmware] . Wait about one minute. Note If yo u click [Upda te Fi rmwar e] , operat ion canno t be canc eled.
Operating Instr uct io ns [ F or a s s i s t a n c e, p l e a s e c a l l : 1- 8 0 0 - 2 7 2 - 7 03 3 ] 9 5 6. Click [Browse...] to select t he firmware from the file s elector. • A dialog b ox appear s to choo se the fil e. 7. Select a d esired Firmw are file for A pplication or Cam era (inclu ding the path informati on) and c lick [Open] .
Operating Inst ructions 96 3.6. 15 Reset to Factory Def ault Reset to Factory Defau lt windo w i nit ial iz es all the pa ram ete rs i ncl ud ing the ID, Password, IP a ddress a nd Subnet M ask excep t Date an d Time setti ng to the factory de fault. Reco nfirm t he setting s before doin g the Re set to Fac tory Defaul t operation.
Operating Instr uct io ns [ F or a s s i s t a n c e, p l e a s e c a l l : 1- 8 0 0 - 2 7 2 - 7 03 3 ] 9 7 Section 4 Technica l Guid es.
Operating Inst ructions 98 4.1 Mounting Two ways of moun ting are s hown in t he followin g figures . MAC Ad dress and Se rial Number a re indica ted on the bottom la bel of the main uni t of Networ k Camera. Record b oth of them on the Net work Camera M emo on p age 3.
Operating Instr uct io ns [ F or a s s i s t a n c e, p l e a s e c a l l : 1- 8 0 0 - 2 7 2 - 7 03 3 ] 9 9 4.1.2 Mounting on the Ceiling Mount Netw ork Camera at an even plac e where vib rations etc. are few. Set the Tilt rang e to [On the ceiling] on Ca mera Setup window on pa ge 84.
Operating Inst ructions 100 2. Make a hole for a cable. 3. Fix the rubbers an d dents o f Network Camera to th e Ceiling P l ate A and fix them fi rmly. • Make sure Network Came ra, using coins etc., is firmly fi xed. 4. Fix the Ceiling Plat e A to the Ceilin g Plate B and fix them firml y with Screws A.
Operating Instr uct io ns [ F o r a s s i s t a n c e , p l e a s e c a l l : 1 - 8 0 0 - 27 2 - 7 0 3 3 ] 1 0 1 5. Connec t the cable and fix the Ceiling Moun ting Cove r. Adjust the "l" of the mai n unit to th e "l" of th e Ceiling Mounting Cover.
Operating Inst ructions 102 A Ceiling Mounti ng example (Making hol es on mortar wall ) 1. Fit t he Ceiling Plate B to th e mounting p osition a nd put ma rks. 2. Make ho les at the m ark s and put pla st ic pl ugs (cu sto me r prov ide d) int o them.
Operating Instr uct io ns [ F o r a s s i s t a n c e , p l e a s e c a l l : 1 - 8 0 0 - 27 2 - 7 0 3 3 ] 1 0 3 4.2 Interfacing to the External I/O The Alarm mode in the Image Transfer fe ature requi res the ex ternal senso rs/ device s t o be con nec ted to the Ex tern al Sens or Inp ut o f t he External I/O .
Operating Instr uct io ns [ F o r a s s i s t a n c e , p l e a s e c a l l : 1 - 8 0 0 - 27 2 - 7 0 3 3 ] 1 0 5 4.3 ASCII and ISO-8859-1 Character Table The chara cters of t he ASCII chara cter table are available f or use in the variou s setu p wi ndows.
Operating Inst ructions 106 Displa yable charac ter set Network Camera ca n display IS O-8859-1 c haracter set for West Euro pean langua ges and th e Shift-JIS c haracter set for Japane se.
Operating Instr uct io ns [ F o r a s s i s t a n c e , p l e a s e c a l l : 1 - 8 0 0 - 27 2 - 7 0 3 3 ] 1 0 7 4.4 Maintenanc e To keep Network Cam era funct ioning in good con dition, m aintenance p lays an importan t part. Keep maintena nce when u sing Network Camera.
Operating Inst ructions 108 Section 5 Specifications a nd Troubleshooting.
Operating Instr uct io ns [ F o r a s s i s t a n c e , p l e a s e c a l l : 1 - 8 0 0 - 27 2 - 7 0 3 3 ] 1 0 9 5.1 Network Camera Reset Procedure — Default Settings If the u ser forg ets se ttin gs or pa ss w ords , Net work Came ra c an b e easily res et to the defau lt settings.
Operating Inst ructions 110 5.2 Default Settings List No Items Factory Default value Indispensable setting Note 1 Network 1. Network Configuration Checked - - 2. Port No. 80 - 1 – 65535 Static : IP Address If necessary If necessary If necessary (*1) (*1) (*1) (*1) Static : Subnet Mask 255.
Operating Instr uct io ns [ F o r a s s i s t a n c e , p l e a s e c a l l : 1 - 8 0 0 - 27 2 - 7 0 3 3 ] 1 1 1 No Items Factory Default value Indispensable setting Note 5 Top View Image 320 x 240 - .
Operating Inst ructions 112 No Items Factory Default value Indispensable setting Note 6 1. Alarm 5. Non Transfer without Memory Over Write Non Transfer with Memory Over Write Selected - - Not-selected.
Operating Instr uct io ns [ F o r a s s i s t a n c e , p l e a s e c a l l : 1 - 8 0 0 - 27 2 - 7 0 3 3 ] 1 1 3 No Items Factory Default value Indispensable setting Note 1.
Operating Inst ructions 114 No Items Factory Default value Indispensable setting Note 7 1. White Balance Auto Auto, Fixed (Indoor/Fluorescent_1/ Fluorescent_2/Outdoor), Hold Camera Setup 2. Power Line Frequency 60 Hz 60 Hz, 50 Hz 3. Brightness Control 4.
Operating Instr uct io ns [ F o r a s s i s t a n c e , p l e a s e c a l l : 1 - 8 0 0 - 27 2 - 7 0 3 3 ] 1 1 5 No Items Factory Default value Indispensable setting Note - 10 Indicator Control 1. Turn on the Indicator during Power ON Selected 1. Turn on the Indicator during Camera access Not-selected - - - 1.
Operating Inst ructions 116 5.3 Specifications Network Camera Spec ifications Other Specificatio ns Item Descrip tion Pan/Tilt Ang le Pan: -17 5 ° to +175 ° , Tilt: -120 ° to 0 ° (On th e table)/ .
Operating Instr uct io ns [ F o r a s s i s t a n c e , p l e a s e c a l l : 1 - 8 0 0 - 27 2 - 7 0 3 3 ] 1 1 7 Messa ge Tran sfe rrin g C o ndi tio n When dete cti ng the alarm Message T ransferring.
Operating Inst ructions 118 * 4 Scan li nes may d ev iat e w h en vi ew in g mo ving obj ects w ith re so lut ion at 6 40 x 480 because of the interlace-type CCD.
Operating Instr uct io ns [ F o r a s s i s t a n c e , p l e a s e c a l l : 1 - 8 0 0 - 27 2 - 7 0 3 3 ] 1 1 9 5.4 Troubleshootin g About Network Ca mera Setup Problem Cause and Remedy When Setu p CD-ROM cannot f ind Network Camera. • Reco nnect the AC adaptor if installat ion is no t comple ted withi n 20 minu tes.
Operating Inst ructions 120 When Top Pa ge does not appear. • Enter the c orrect IP ad dress on the web brow ser. • IP address and Subnet M ask of the PC a nd the Netw ork Camera m ust be in the same c lass of the private IP address on the LAN. Refe r to page 25.
Operating Instr uct io ns [ F o r a s s i s t a n c e , p l e a s e c a l l : 1 - 8 0 0 - 27 2 - 7 0 3 3 ] 1 2 1 Top Page does not appe ar in the Intern et Conn ectio n. • Confi rm that D efault Ga teway addre ss is corre ct on Network window on pa ge 60.
Operating Inst ructions 122 Red ind icator contin ues blinking . If you c annot acces s Network Camera, th e Network Camera hardwar e may be def ective. C all our cus tomer ca ll center. Imag e Tra nsfer on e- mail or FT P does not work. • Default Gateway and DNS s erver add ress shoul d be set up on Network window o n page 60.
Operating Instr uct io ns [ F o r a s s i s t a n c e , p l e a s e c a l l : 1 - 8 0 0 - 27 2 - 7 0 3 3 ] 1 2 3 Update Firmware has not fini shed. When Update Firmware is interrup ted by p ower off, o r for netwo rk troubles a nd other pro blems, foll ow the proc edure belo w.
Operating Inst ructions 124 About Top Vi ew Imag e scre en Problem Cause and Re medy The T op Vi ew Imag e scre en (Si n gle Ca mera/ Multi -Camera) do es not app ear. • If you are using Interne t Explorer, the first time the PC conne cts to Netw ork Ca mera, a pop-up Secu rity Warning window w ill app ear to downl oad ActiveX Con trols.
Operating Instr uct io ns [ F o r a s s i s t a n c e , p l e a s e c a l l : 1 - 8 0 0 - 27 2 - 7 0 3 3 ] 1 2 5 Regi stered Pan/T ilt pos itions no tice ably dev i a te fr om act ual ones. When m oving Pan /Tilt not usin g the oper ation bar, e .g. revo lving it manually, re start Ne twork Camera.
Operating Inst ructions 126 Ref resh inte rval is longer than the setup. • The traffic of the ne twork, PC perform ance and th e object of the im age affect the refresh interval . The network congest ion ca uses refresh interval slower than the set up .
Operating Instr uct io ns [ F o r a s s i s t a n c e , p l e a s e c a l l : 1 - 8 0 0 - 27 2 - 7 0 3 3 ] 1 2 7 5.5 Con firmation of Network Camera Operation This proc edure ch ecks the Netwo rk Camera operat ion. IP ad dress o f the PC has to be on the same network to be able to access Network Camera.
Operating Inst ructions 128 4. Record the c urrent TCP/IP prop erties of the PC. Th ey are impor tant in the later pro cedure to se t the TCP/I P properties of the PC ba ck. 5. Enter "19 0" in the IP address fie ld and "2 55.
Operating Instr uct io ns [ F o r a s s i s t a n c e , p l e a s e c a l l : 1 - 8 0 0 - 27 2 - 7 0 3 3 ] 1 2 9 5.6 FCC and Other Informatio n This equ ipme nt has been t est ed and found to com ply wi th the l imits fo r a Cl ass B digital de vice, purs uant to Part 15 of t he FCC Rules.
Operating Inst ructions 130.
Operating Instr uct io ns 131 Index.
Operating Inst ructions 132 A AC adap tor 12, 20, 117 AC cord 12 , 20 ActiveX Contro ls 39 Administra tor 66 Alarm Mo de 74 Alarm trig ger 74, 75 Analog Vi deo Output te rminal 15, 5 4 ASCII ch aracte.
Operating Instr uct io ns 133 M MAC address 15, 29 Max. Band width Us age 22, 63 Motion J PEG 38 Mount ing 98 MS- DOS Prom pt 23 Mult i Client Access 9 Multi- Cam era 53, 87 Multi- Language 37, 70 N N.
Panasonic Consumer Electr onics Company , Division of Matsushita Electric Corporation of America Printed in Japan PSQX2830ZA KK0203JT0 2003 P anasonic Communications Co ., Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Panasonic Sales Compan y , Division of Matsushita Electric of Puerto Rico, Inc.
デバイスPanasonic KX-HCM280の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Panasonic KX-HCM280をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはPanasonic KX-HCM280の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Panasonic KX-HCM280の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Panasonic KX-HCM280で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Panasonic KX-HCM280を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はPanasonic KX-HCM280の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Panasonic KX-HCM280に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちPanasonic KX-HCM280デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。