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Hybrid IP-PBX User Guide f or KX -TD7 896 KX-T A W848/KX-TD A50 Model KX-TD A100/KX-TD A200 This m an u al is desi gned to be use d with the KX -TD7896 Wir eless PT (W ireless Propr ietar y T elephone) a nd a P anas onic KX-T A W/TD A series P BX (Busine ss T elephone Sy stem).
Table of Con tents 2 Location of Controls .............. .................... .......................... ......................... . 3 Before O perating the Handset .................. ................... .......................... ....... 5 Unsupport ed PBX Features .
Location of Cont rols 3 Location o f Controls Handset 7 1 0 3 6 2 4 8 9 5 Receiver Display Charge Contact Ringing/Charge Indicator Headset Jack Microphone The headset is an option. Please use only a P anasonic KX-TCA86/KX-TCA88HA/ KX-TCA91/KX-TCA92 headset.
Location of Cont rols 4 T ALK/SP-PHONE (Speakerphone) Key : Used to m ake or an swe r calls, or toggle be tween the two con versatio n modes (R eceive r/Hands-free * ) during a con vers ation. * Y ou can talk with the other par ty alternately thro ugh the speak er without ho lding the handset.
Befo re Operati ng the Ha ndset 5 Before Operating the Ha ndset Unsupported PBX Features The f ollow ing PBX f eatures are not supported when using a KX-TD7896: 1) Bac kground M usic (BGM) 2) PBX System Programming Selecting the Dis play Language Y ou ca n select the desired lang uage (English/Spa nish/F rench).
Before Op erating the Hand set 6 Selecting the Fwd/DND Icon When the handset is connected to a KX-T A W848/KX-TD A se r ies (KX-TD A5 0/100/200) PBX and the PT LED patter ns f or Fwd and DND ha ve been set re v ersely on the PBX, you should change this setting to M ode 2.
Before Operati ng the Hands et 7 Entering the Standb y Displa y N ame Y ou ca n enter the nam e of the stan dby mo de displa y of the han dset. Entering t he Names of the Fle xible K eys Y ou ca n enter a name for ea ch fle xible ke y of the hand set.
Before Op erating the Hand set 8 Adjusting the Ringer V olume Adjusting the Ringer V olume or T urning the R inger Off While Ringing • F or the ringer pa tter n, see page 31. • * T he adjusted v olume l ev el will also be used f or subs equent call s.
Before Operati ng the Hands et 9 Adjusting the Vibr ate Setting Adjusting the Recei ver/Speaker/Headset V olume • Y ou can receiv e an int ercom call b y the call er’ s vo ice instead of rings ( V o ice Call ). F or fur th er info r mation, re fer to “Alter nat e Receiving—Ring/ V oic e” in the user doc umentation f or y our PBX.
Handset Display 10 Handset Di splay Icons Soft K eys (See page 11.) Ringer V olume OFF (See page 8.) Vibrate (See page 9.) Call F orwarding (See page 21.) Do Not Disturb (See page 21.) A uto Answer (F or Hands-free Ans werback, see page 18.) Meeting Mode (See page 4.
Hands et Displa y 11 Soft Keys Icons a nd inf or mat ion show n on the dis play will v ar y dep ending on the state of use . T o select an item sho wn on the d ispla y , press the corre sponding s oft ke ys. Displa yed when in Alphabetic character entry mode.
Handset Display 12 Operation Out line Handset f unctions ar e accessed thr ough the di spla y menu, and selected with the jo ysti c k and soft ke ys. The guidan ce displa y is shown in standby mode for easy operation . • Thes e functions cannot be ac cessed whil e in ke y loc k mode.
Hands et Displa y 13 Function M enus Pres s the joystick to display the main and s ub menus. Main Me nu—While in Sta ndby Mode Sub Men u—While Off-hook/During a Con versation Ringer V olume : Acce sses the “ Ringer Volu me ” se tting. New Ph onebook : Stores a n ew ite m in the Phoneboo k.
Handset Display 14 PBX Feat ure Keys Hands et functions c an be activ ated through the displa y k ey li st. Mov e the jo ystick left to displ ay th e feat ure ke y list. 1:Re dial : Redi als the l ast dia led number. 2:Auto D ial : Mak es a call through PBX P ersonal/System Speed Dialing.
Hands et Displa y 15 PBX Flexible Ke y s A fle xible k ey can be u sed either to seiz e a line in order to make or receiv e an outside call (F-K ey), or used as a functi on ke y . Mov e the Jo ystic k right to displa y the fle xible ke y list. Here y ou can acc ess the 12 flexi ble k eys .
Oper ation for KX-TAW84 8/TDA50 /100/20 0 16 Operation fo r KX-T AW848 /TDA50/100/200 F or fur ther informati on, refer to the user d ocumentat ion f or your P BX or consult y our dealer . Making Calls • Y ou ca n confirm a num ber was dia led correctly b efore c alling ( Predial ing ) by entering t he numb er , then pre ssing .
Opera tion for KX-TAW84 8/TDA50/10 0/200 17 * 1 Y ou can use the last n umber stored in the PBX to mak e calls (Last Number Re dial). How ev er , in this case th e number will not be stored as a new entry in the O utgoing Call Lo g. Desired Function Operation To store To dial personal speed dial no.
Oper ation for KX-TAW84 8/TDA50 /100/20 0 18 Receivin g Calls * 1 This f eature is av ailable wh en the PBX is c onnected to a Pan asonic V oice Pro cessing System (VPS).
Opera tion for KX-TAW84 8/TDA50/10 0/200 19 When the Dialed E xtension is Busy/No A nswer Desired Function Operation Call Waiting No tone Tone For outside calls Receiver Sender While hearing a busy tone Wait for an answer.
Oper ation for KX-TAW84 8/TDA50 /100/20 0 20 During a Conversation Useful Fe atures * 1 T o return to the call before the destinat ion answ ers, press or , o r select the correspon ding F-K ey . * 2 The meth od used to hold a c all depends on the Cal l Hold mode (General Call/Exclusiv e Call Hol d).
Opera tion for KX-TAW84 8/TDA50/10 0/200 21 Desired Function Operation Setting Absent Message parameter (if required) message no. # 5 7 Do Not Disturb (DND) Set Cancel Log-in/Log-out Log-in Specified All Log-out * PIN: Personal Identification Number * ICD Group: Incoming Call Distribution Group * Enter your desired extension no.
Oper ation for KX-TAW84 8/TDA50 /100/20 0 22 Making Use of t he V oic e M ail Service • * F or more inf ormation on the VPS p asswo rd, refe r to the user do cumentation f or the VPS . • Some featur e access n umbers ma y vary depend ing on the mark et.
Using t he Handse t Phoneb ook 23 Using the Hand set Phonebook Handset Phonebook Y ou can store up to 200 items with names, phone numbers and categor y n umbers i n t he handset f or easy acce ss . Y ou can set unique Ringer/ LED/Vibrate patter ns for each categor y to i dentify incom ing calls.
Using the Ha ndset Phone book 24 Storing an Item Using the Outgoing Call Log Storing a Handset Phonebook Number as Hot Ke y Dial A phone n umber stored in t he Phonebo ok can be ass igned as a H ot K ey . • T o enter cha racters , see page 25. • * The v alid digits are “0” t hrough “9”, “ ”, “#”, “P ( )” and “F ( )”.
Using t he Handse t Phoneb ook 25 Entering Cha racters Y ou ca n enter char acters and d igits using the dialing key s. Y ou c an select one of 3 charact er modes b y pres sing the Rig ht Soft Key while entering a name. Th e function icon abov e the soft key displa ys the current c haracter mode .
Using the Ha ndset Phone book 26 Character Mode T able •P r e s s bef ore or after en tering a charac ter to change between upp ercase and low ercase .
Using t he Handse t Phoneb ook 27 Locki ng the Handset Phonebook Y ou ca n lock/ unlock the Phonebook w hile the ha ndset is in standby mode. Loc king the Handset Phonebook Unloc k ing th e Hands e t Phone book Unloc k ing th e Hands e t Phone book T emporarily Press the Left Soft Key for more than 2 seconds.
Deleting Stor ed Items 28 Deleting Stored Items Deleting Stor ed Items in Handset Phonebook/Hot K ey Dial/ Outgoing Call Log/I ncoming Call Log • If y ou delete a Phonebook item that y ou also stor ed as a Hot Ke y , the Hot K ey Dial i s also deleted .
Sett ing the Handse t and Base Uni t 29 Setting the Han dset and Base Unit Setting the Handset and Base Unit Y ou ca n customiz e the hand set and bas e unit by e diting the se ttings f ound un der “ Setting Handset ” or “ Settin g Base ” in the men u list, as follo ws: • T o return to the p revio us menu, press .
Setting t he Handset and Ba se Unit 30 Handset and Base Unit Menu La yout Tone Option Key Tone Display Option Language Double Tone Backlight LCD Contrast Standby Display Category Name Answer Option An.
Sett ing the Handse t and Base Uni t 31 * 1 When “ Ring On Charger ” is set to on b ut “ Ringer Volume ” is set to off, the ha ndset ri ngs at le vel 1. * 2 The LED pattern does not change when a call is being monitored wi th the Call Monitor feature .
Setting t he Handset and Ba se Unit 32 * 1 This f e a ture functions w hen receiving P aging or V oice Calls as well. * 2 On: The b acklig ht of the LCD and ke ypad is tur ned on for about 5 seco nds: – from th e moment a cal l is receiv ed. – after oper ating the handset.
Sett ing the Handse t and Base Uni t 33 Main Item Sub Item Description Setting Default Adjust s the LCD contra st. Le vel 1 -5 Lev el 3 Edits the name displa yed on the LCD while in stan dby mod e. 16 char acters Not store d Edits the category name . Category 1-9 Not store d Edits the names of the flexib le keys.
Setting t he Handset and Ba se Unit 34 * 1 After you set the PBX ty pe , disconnect an d reconne ct the telepho ne cord. * 2 T o check the type of PBX y ou are usin g, see page 30. * 3 When a check m ar k is displa yed b eside a tone type, the incoming c all log f or that tone type will be logged.
Trouble shooting and Err or Messages 35 Tr o ubleshooting and Error Me ssages T roub leshooting Pr oblem Description a nd Solution The handset does not work. • The battery is drained. → Charge the battery fully . (See “Charging the Batter y” in the Installation Instr uctions.
Troubles hooting and Error Mess ages 36 Even when in stand b y mode , y ou cannot access the Phonebook or other menus. ( is displayed in standby mode.) • The BGM sett ing may be on. → Press then , and pres s . Noise is frequently heard. → Set the handset and base unit a way from other electrical appliances.
Trouble shooting and Err or Messages 37 Err or Messages Displa yed Messa ge Descriptio n and Solution No Service • The handset is out of range. → Move closer t o the base unit . • The base unit is turned off. → Make sure the power cord is connected.
Importa nt Information 38 Imp ortan t Info rmati on Battery Inf o r m ati on After y our P anasonic batter y is fully charged [ at 25 °C (77 °F)]: • Oper ating time may be shortened dependin g on usage c onditions a nd ambient temper ature. • The batter y w ill drai n slowly e ven wh ile the u nit is t urn ed off.
PSQX397 0ZA KK0905ST 0 Panasonic Consumer Electronics Company Division of Panasonic Corporation of North America One Panasonic Way, Secaucus, New Jersey 07094 Panasonic Puerto Rico, lnc. Ave. 65 de Infantería, Km. 9.5, San Gabriel Industrial Park, Carolina, Puerto Rico 00985 2005 Panasonic Communications Co.
デバイスPanasonic KX-TDA100の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Panasonic KX-TDA100をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはPanasonic KX-TDA100の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Panasonic KX-TDA100の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Panasonic KX-TDA100で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Panasonic KX-TDA100を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はPanasonic KX-TDA100の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Panasonic KX-TDA100に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちPanasonic KX-TDA100デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。