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Operating Instructions Digital Corded/Cordless Answering System Model shown is KX-TG4771. Model No. KX-TG4771 KX-TG4772 KX-TG242SK KX-TG4773 KX-TG243SK Before initial use, see “Getting Started” on page 8. Thank you for purchasing a Panasonic product.
Introduction Model composition .. ............................................3 Accessory information .. ......................................3 Important Information For your safety .. ..................................................5 Important safety instructions .
Mode l com positi on Seri es Mode l No. Base unit Hand set Part No. Part No. Quan tity KX-T G4771 serie s KX-T G4771 KX-T G4771 KX-T GA470 1 KX-T G4772 K X-TG47 71 KX-T GA470 2 KX-T G242S K KX-TG 4771 KX-TG A470 2 KX-T G4773 K X-TG47 71 KX-T GA470 3 KX-T G243S K KX-TG 4771 KX-TG A470 3 Acce ssory infor matio n Supp lied access ories No.
Addi tiona l/repl aceme nt acc essori es P lea se co ntact your neares t Pan asonic deale r for sales info rmatio n (pag e 51). Acce ssory item Orde r num ber Rech argeab le ba tterie s HHR- 4DPA * 1 R To o rder, pleas e cal l 1-80 0-332- 5368 o r vis it http ://ww w.
For your sa fety T o p revent severe injury and l oss of life/ propert y, rea d this sect ion car efully before using the p roduct to ens ure prop er and safe o peratio n of y our pr oduct. WARN ING Powe r conn ection R U se only th e powe r sourc e mark ed on the pro duct.
Impo rtant s afety i nstruct ions W hen using your p roduct, basic safet y prec autions shoul d alwa ys be f ollowe d to re duce t he ris k of f ire, el ectric shoc k, and injury to pe rsons, includ ing th e follo wing: 1.
R O per ating conditi ons: 0 °C – 40 °C (32 °F – 1 04 °F) , 20 % – 80 % relat ive ai r humi dity (d ry) Note : R Desi gn and specif ication s are subjec t to c hange with out not ice. R The illustr ations in th ese ins tructi ons ma y vary slight ly from the ac tual p roduct .
Sett ing u p Conn ectio ns R U se only the su pplied Pana sonic AC ad aptor PNLV 226. n Base unit Correct *DSL/ADSL filter (not supplied) is required if you “Click” “Click” “Click” have DSL/ADSL service.
Note when setti ng up Note for connec tions R T he AC ad aptor must remain conne cted at all time s. (I t is normal for t he ad aptor to fe el war m duri ng use .) R The AC ad aptor shoul d be c onnect ed to a vert ically orie nted o r flo or-mou nted AC out let.
Cont rols Base unit A B D E F E G A C VOL. J K H I L M N O P B Cord ed ha ndset Rece iver Spea ker Disp lay Micr ophon e Dial keyp ad ( * : TON E) Desk stand /Wall moun ting adapto r R T he adapt or is a rem ovable attac hment for desk stan d or w all m ountin g use (pag e 40).
M N ( T ALK) Head set j ack Dial keyp ad ( * : TON E) Rece iver Disp lay M C AL L WAI T NM FL ASH N M O FF N Micr ophon e Char ge co ntacts n C ont rol t ype Sof t key s T he hands et fea tures 3 sof t key s. By press ing a so ft ke y, yo u can selec t the featu re sho wn dire ctly above it on the d ispla y.
Item M eanin g In u se Answ ering syste m is being u sed by t he bas e uni t or anot her ha ndset . Line in us e Some one is usin g the line. Init ial s ettin gs n D ire ct co mmand code: Prog rammab le se ttings can be acc essed by pres sing M MENU N , # and th en th e corr espond ing c ode on the dial k eypad (pag e 20).
Maki ng ca lls Usin g the base unit 1 D ial the phone number . R To c orrec t a di git, press M CLE AR N . 2 Lift the corded hand set. 3 When you finish talk ing, p lace the co rded hand set o n the cradl e. Note : R You can a lso di al th e phon e numb er af ter li fting the corde d hand set.
Paus e (fo r PBX/ long distan ce se rvice u ser s) A pa use i s some times requi red wh en ma king c alls usin g a P BX or long distan ce se rvice. When stor ing a calli ng car d acc ess n umber and/or PIN in the phoneb ook, a paus e is also needed (pag e 19).
Hand set 1 P res s M ME NU N d uring an ou tside call. 2 M b N : “ Hol d ” a M SELE CT N 3 To r eleas e hold , pres s M N . R T he base unit u ser c an tak e the call by lift ing t he cor ded h andset . R Anot her h andset user can t ake t he cal l by pres sing M N .
Note : R W hen this featu re is activ ated, is displa yed w hil e talk ing. R Depe nding on th e cond ition and q uality of y our tele phone line, this featu re may emph asize exis ting l ine n oise. If it beco mes di fficul t to hear, turn this featu re of f.
Shar ed ph oneboo k T he share d phon ebook allow s you to ma ke cal ls with out h aving to di al man ually. The base u nit a nd any handse t reg istere d to the ba se un it can use the share d phon ebook. You can ad d 100 names and phone numbe rs to the s hared phone book, and assi gn ea ch ph oneboo k ent ry to the desire d gro up.
Find ing a nd ca lling from a p hon ebook entry Base unit / Han dset Scro lling thro ugh al l ent ries 1 M N 2 M b N : Sele ct th e desi red en try. 3 Proc eed w ith th e ope ration for y our u nit.
Note : R W hen stor ing a calli ng car d acc ess nu mber a nd your PIN in the phon ebook as one phon ebook entr y, pr ess M PAUSE N to a dd pa uses a fter the numb er and PIN as ne cessar y (pa ge 14).
Prog rammab le se tting s Y ou can c ustomi ze th e unit by p rogram ming t he fo llowin g fea tures. To a ccess the featur es, t here a re 2 m ethod s. Base unit / Han dset n S cro lling thro ugh th e dis play menus 1 M MEN U N 2 Proc eed w ith th e ope ration for y our u nit.
Main menu : “ R i nger v olume ” Oper ation Sett ings Co de Adju sting the r inger volum e. (Ba se un it) Off– 6 <6> #160 14 Main menu : “ I nit ial se ttings ” Sub- menu 1 S ub-men u .
Sub- menu 1 S ub-men u 2 Sett ings Code Answ er on *1 – – #327 31 Answ er off * 1 – – #328 31 Main menu : “ V .M. a ccess ” (V. M.: V oice m ail) Oper ation C ode List ening to vo ice m ail me ssages . #330 36 Main menu : “ Interc om ” Oper ation C ode Pagi ng th e desi red un it.
Sub- menu 1 Sub-me nu 2 Sett ings Code Call block *1 – – #217 26 Bloc k w/o num * 1, *2 (Blo ck ca lls wi thout phone numb er) 1: O n 0: < Off > # 240 26 Voic e mail Stor e VM a ccess # *1 (.
*3 This feat ure al lows the un it to autom atical ly ad just t he da te and time each time caller infor matio n i ncl uding date and ti me is recei ved. To t urn t his fe ature on, s elect “ Ca ller I D aut o ” . To tur n thi s feat ure o ff, se lect “ Man ual ” .
Spec ial p rogram ming Alar m A n a larm sounds at t he set time for 3 minu tes once or da ily. Alarm can b e set for e ach ha ndset . Impo rtant : R Set the d ate an d tim e befo rehand (pag e 12). Hand set 1 M M EN U N#72 0 2 M b N : Sele ct th e desi red al arm o ption.
Call bl ock (Call er ID subscr ibers onl y) T his feat ure al lows the un it to rejec t call s whe n: – the unit receiv es a call f rom a phone numbe r stor ed in the c all b lock l ist a s unwa nted (“Stor ing unwa nted c aller s”, pa ge 26) .
Regi sterin g a h a ndset to the base u nit The suppl ied ha ndset and b ase un it ar e pre- regist ered. If f or som e reas on th e hand set i s not regis tered to th e base unit , re-r egiste r the hand set. 1 Hand set: M MEN U N#13 0 2 Base unit : Pres s and hold M LOC ATOR N for a bout 5 seco nds un til t he reg istra tion t one s ounds.
Usin g Cal ler ID serv ice I mpo rtant : R This unit is Ca ller ID com patibl e. To use C aller ID f eatur es, yo u mus t subs cribe to a Calle r ID serv ice.
Hand set 1 M N a M M ENU N 2 M b N : “ Gro up ” a M SEL ECT N 3 M b N : Sele ct th e desi red gr oup. a M S ELECT N 4 M b N : Sele ct th e curr ent s etting of t he rin ger I D.
Note : R P hon e numb ers f rom t he 4 m ost r ecentl y edit ed area codes are automa tical ly edi ted. Eras ing s electe d call er in format ion Base unit / Han dset 1 P roc eed w ith th e ope ration for y our u nit. Base unit : M CI D N Hand set: M F N C ID 2 M b N : Sele ct th e desi red en try.
Answ ering syste m T he answe ring s ystem can a nswer and r ecord call s for you w hen y ou are unava ilabl e to a nswer the phone. You can a lso se t the unit to pl ay a g reeti ng mess age bu t not to r ecord caller mess ages b y sele cting “ Gre eting only ” as t he re cordin g time sett ing (p age 35 ).
5 M O FF N Usin g a p re-rec orded greet ing mess age The unit provid es 2 pre-re corded gree ting mess ages: – If y ou er ase or do n ot rec ord y our ow n gree ting mess age, the un it pl ays a pre-re corde d gree ting aski ng cal lers to lea ve a messag e.
Note : R T o s witch to th e rec eiver, pres s M N . Oper ating the a nswer ing sy stem M M EN U N a M b N : “ Answe ring device ” a M SEL ECT N Key Op erati on M j N or M k N Adjus t the recei ve.
4 W hen fini shed, hang u p. Voic e gui dance n When the Engli sh voi ce gu idanc e is s electe d Duri ng rem ote o perati on, t he uni t’s v oice guid ance s tarts and prompt s you to pr ess 1 to perf orm a speci fic o perati on, or pres s 2 to list en to more availa ble o perati ons.
If y our s ervice prov ider/t elepho ne co mpany c ann ot do this: – Set this unit’s “ Ri ng cou nt ” s ettin g so t hat this unit ’s ans wering syst em an swers calls befo re th e voic e mai l serv ice o f your servi ce prov ider/t eleph one co mpany does.
Voic e mai l serv ice V oic e mail is a n aut omatic answe ring servic e offe red b y your serv ice pr ovide r/tele phone comp any. After you s ubscri be to this servi ce, yo ur serv ice pr ovide r/tele phone compa ny’s v oice mail syst em ans wers calls for y ou wh en you are unav ailabl e to answer the phone or wh en you r line is b usy.
Base unit T o l isten to vo ice m ail me ssage s, you have to di al your voic e mail acce ss num ber ma nuall y. Hand set 1 M V M N or M MEN U N#33 0 R The speak erphon e turn s on. R If t here are no new messag es in the v oice mail , M VM N is not di splay ed.
Inte rcom I nte rcom calls can b e made : – betw een t he bas e unit and a hand set – betw een ha ndset s Note : R When pagin g uni t(s), the p aged u nit(s ) beep s for 1 min ute. R If y ou re ceive an ou tside call while talkin g on the inte rcom, you h ear 2 tones .
4 T o c omple te the tran sfer: Pres s M OF F N . R The outsi de cal l is being routed to t he dest inati on uni t. To e stabl ish a confe rence call: M MEN U N a M b N : “ Confe rence ” a M SEL ECT N R To l eave the co nfere nce, p ress M OFF N .
Wall moun ting T he base unit c an be mount ed on a wal l by chan ging t he wa ll mou nting adapt or’s p ositi on. Note : R Make sure that the w all an d the fixin g meth od are stron g enou gh to suppo rt the weig ht of the unit . Base unit 1 T o r emove the w all m ountin g adap tor, push down the releas e leve rs ( A ).
Erro r mess ages Disp lay m essage C ause/s oluti on Base no po wer o r No l ink. R e-con nect base AC ad aptor . R T he hands et has lost commu nicat ion wi th th e base unit. Move clos er to the b ase u nit an d try again . R Unpl ug the base unit’ s AC adapto r to reset the u nit.
Prob lem Cau se/sol ution I ca nnot hear a dial tone. R T he base unit’s AC a daptor or t elepho ne lin e cor d is n ot conn ected. Chec k the conne ction s. R Disc onnect the base unit f rom t he tel ephone line and conn ect t he lin e to a know n work ing t elepho ne.
Prob lem Cau se/sol ution The hands et doe s not ring. R T he ringer volu me is turne d off. Adju st th e ring er vol ume (pag e 14). R Sile nt mo de is turne d on. Turn it off (pag e 25). The base unit d oes n ot rin g. R T he ringer volu me is turne d off.
Prob lem Cau se/sol ution The 2nd c aller’ s inf ormati on is not d isp layed durin g an o utsid e call . R In o rder to use Call er ID, call waiti ng, or Call Waiti ng Ca ller ID ( CWID) , you must first conta ct yo ur ser vice provid er/ tele phone compa ny and subs cribe to th e desi red s ervice .
FCC and o ther i nform ation This equipment complies with Part 68 of the FCC rules and the requirements adopted by the ACT A. On the bottom of this equipment is a label that contains, among other information, a product identifier in the format US:ACJ----------.
frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However , there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation.
Guía Rápi da Esp añola Instal ación Unidad base Auricular Cargador CARGUE APROXIMADAMENTE DURANTE 7 HORAS L Use solo el adaptador de corriente Panasonic PNL V226 incluido. L Para sujetar el cable del adaptador de corriente al gancho de la unidad base.
Sugerencias de operación T eclas de fun ción Cada unidad in cluye 3 teclas de función. Al oprimir una tecla de función, puede seleccionar la función que apa rece direct am ente encima de ella en la pan talla. { C } , { MENU } , { REMR. } y otras funciones adicionales se asignan a las teclas de función.
Fecha y h ora (Auricular) 1 { MENU } ( 1 ) 1 2 Intr oduzca el día, mes y año act uales . s { OK } 3 Introduzca la hora y minu to ac tuales (form ato de reloj de 24 horas). 4 { GUARDA } s { OFF } Operacione s básic as Cómo hacer y con testar llamada s ( Unidad base / Auricu l ar) Para h acer llamad as Unidad base: Marque el número telefónico.
Contestador de llamadas Para escu char mensaj es (Unida d base /Auri cula r) Unidad base: { 6 } (PLAY) Auricular: Para escuchar mensajes nuevos : { REPRO. } o { MENU } ( 323 Para escuchar todos los mensajes: { MENU } ( 324 Preguntas frecue ntes Pregunta Causa y solución ¿Por qué aparece _ ? L El auricular está demasiado lejos de la unidad base.
Cust omer s ervic es Customer Services Directory (United States and Puerto Rico) Obtain Product Information and Operating Assistance; locate your nearest Dealer or Service Center; purchase Parts and Accessories; or make Customer Service and Literature requests by visiting our Web Site at: http://www .
Warr anty (For U nited State s and Puer to Ric o) P ANASONIC CORPORA TION OF NORTH AMERICA One Panasonic W ay , Secaucus, New Jersey 07094 Limited W arranty Coverage If your product does not work prop.
Limited W arranty Limits And Exclusions This Limited W arranty ONL Y COVERS failures due to defects in materials or workmanship, and DOES NOT COVER normal wear and tear or cosmetic damage.
Index # 4 -wa y con ferenc e: 16 A Addi tional hand set: 26 Alar m: 25 Answ ering calls : 14 Answ ering syste m Call scre ening: 31 Eras ing m essage s: 32 , 33 , 34 Gree ting messag e: 31 Gree ting o.
55 Notes TG477x(en-en)_1130_ver021.pdf 55 2011/11/30 15:57:57.
1 Reconnect AC adaptor to the base unit. 2 Check if telephone line cord is connected. 3 Use rechargeable Ni-MH batteries. ( Alkaline/Manganese/Ni-Cd batteries CANNOT be used. ) 4 Read troubleshooting page in the Operating Instructions . Visit our W eb site: http://www .
デバイスPanasonic KX-TG242SKの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Panasonic KX-TG242SKをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはPanasonic KX-TG242SKの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Panasonic KX-TG242SKの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Panasonic KX-TG242SKで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Panasonic KX-TG242SKを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はPanasonic KX-TG242SKの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Panasonic KX-TG242SKに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちPanasonic KX-TG242SKデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。