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Operating Instructions Model No. KX-TG8561FX Digital Cordless Answering System Digital Cordless Phone Model No. KX-TG8551FX Model shown is KX-TG8551. Before initial use, see “Getting Started” on page 10. Thank you for purchasing a Panasonic product.
Introduction Model composition .. .....................................3 Accessory information .. ................................3 General information ......................................5 Important Information For your safety .. ..................
Mode l comp ositio n Seri es Mode l No. Base unit Hand set Part No. Part No. Quan tity KX-T G8551 seri es KX-T G8551 KX-T G8551 KX -TGA85 5 1 KX-T G8561 seri es KX-T G8561 KX-T G8561 KX -TGA85 5 1 R T.
Addi tional/ replac ement a ccesso ries Plea se cont act yo ur nea rest P anason ic dea ler fo r sale s info rmation . Acce ssory i tem Mod el num ber Rech argeabl e batt eries HHR- 4MVE o r HHR-4 MVT.
Gene ral in format ion R This equipm ent is desig ned fo r use on the Czech and S lovaki a analo gue te lephon e netw ork. R In t he eve nt of problem s, you shoul d cont act yo ur equ ipment suppl ier in the f irst i nstanc e. R For use in other countr ies, p lease contac t your equip ment s upplier .
For your s afety To p revent severe injur y and loss o f life / prop erty, read th is sec tion c areful ly bef ore usin g the product to en sure p roper and sa fe oper ation o f your produ ct. WARN ING Powe r conne ction R Use only t he powe r sour ce mar ked on the prod uct.
R The AC ada ptor i s used as the main disc onnect device . Ensu re tha t the AC outl et is install ed nea r the produc t and is easi ly acce ssible . R This produc t is u nable to mak e call s when : – the handset batte ries n eed re chargi ng or have failed .
R When you l eave th e prod uct un used f or a long period of ti me, un plug t he pro duct f rom the power outlet. R The product shoul d be k ept aw ay fro m heat sour ces suc h as r adiato rs, co okers, etc. It shou ld not be pla ced in rooms where the temp erature is le ss tha n 0 °C or gr eater than 40 °C .
Note for th e batt ery sy mbol This symbol ( B ) might be use d in comb ination with a chem ical s ymbol ( C ). In this case it comp lies w ith th e requ iremen t set by t he Dir ective for th e chem ical i nvolve d.
Sett ing up Conn ections R Use only t he supp lied P anason ic AC adap tor PN LV226CE . To power outlet *DSL/ADSL filter (not supplied) is required if you have DSL/ADSL service. Hook “Click” Press plug firmly. Use only the supplied telephone line cord.
Note when settin g up Note for co nnecti ons R The AC ada ptor m ust rem ain co nnecte d at all times. (It i s norma l for the ad aptor to fee l warm during use.) R The AC ada ptor s hould b e conn ected to a vert ically orient ed or floor- mounte d AC outl et.
Cont rols Hand set A B A B C D E F H I J L G K Ring er ind icator Spea ker Head set ja ck M N (S peaker phone) M N (T alk) Dial keypa d Rece iver Disp lay M R/E CO N R: R ecall/ Flash ECO: Eco m ode sh ortcut key M N (O ff/Pow er) Micr ophone Char ge con tacts n Cont rol ty pe Sof t keys The handset featu res 3 soft keys.
n KX-T G8561 series: page 3 D A B C E F I J H G Mess age co unter M N (E rase) M N (P lay) Mess age in dicato r Char ge con tacts Spea ker M n N (Stop) M N / M N (Repea t/Skip ) MjN / MkN (V olume up/.
Item M eaning Baby monit or is a ctivat ed. The name/n umber d isplay ed next to th e icon indica tes th e moni toring unit. (page 37) Line in use Some one is using the li ne. IN U SE A nswerin g syst em is being used by ano ther h andset or the base u nit.
Hand set mai n menu icons The follow ing ico ns are shown when you pres s (mi ddle so ft key ) in s tandby mode. Icon F eature Call er List Answ er Syst em *1 Call er Barr ed *2 SMS (Short Messa ge Se.
2 Ente r the current date, month , and year. a Exam ple: 1 5 July , 2012 15 0 7 12 R You can se lect t he date forma t by pres sing # : – dd/m m/yy ( date/mo nth/ye ar) – yy/m m/dd 3 Ente r the current hour and mi nute. Exam ple: 9 :30 09 3 0 R You can se lect 24 -hour or 12- hour cloc k forma t ( “ A M ” or “ PM ” ) by pres sing .
2 M b N : Selec t the desire d sett ing. a a M N Note : R When in mu ltiple items displa y mode , you can move sc reens by pre ssing M E N or M F N , with out sc rollin g down or up throu gh th e list : – Pres s M E N to go to the next screen . – Pres s M F N to ret urn to the p reviou s scre en.
Maki ng cal ls 1 Lift the h andset and di al the phone numb er. R To c orrect a digi t, pre ss . 2 Pres s M N or . 3 When you f inish t alking , pres s M N or plac e the handset on th e base unit or char ger. Usin g the s peaker phone 1 Dial the p hone nu mber a nd pre ss M N .
Auto talk You can an swer ca lls si mply b y lift ing th e hand set of f the base un it or charge r. You do not need t o press M N . To tur n this featu re on, see pa ge 31. Adju sting t he han dset r inger volume n Whil e the handse t is r inging for a n inco ming c all: Pres s M D N or M C N repea tedly to sel ect th e desi red vol ume.
tele phone b anking servi ces, e tc.). Pres s * be fore e nterin g acce ss num bers whic h requi re ton e dial ling. Hand set equ alizer This featu re clar ifies the vo ice of the p erson you are ta lking t o, pro ducing a mor e natu ral-sou nding voice that i s easi er to hear and underst and.
R Powe r back- up mod e will not w ork if the batt ery le vel of the po wer su pplyin g hand set is / . R Do n ot lif t the power s upplyi ng han dset from the b ase uni t duri ng pow er bac k-up mode . R Do n ot tou ch the handse t’s ch arge c ontact s duri ng powe r back -up mo de.
Phon ebook The phonebo ok all ows yo u to m ake ca lls with out ha ving to dial manual ly. Yo u can add name s and p hone n umbers to th e phon ebook and assign each p honebo ok ent ry to the desi red cat egory. This unit p rovide s 2 ty pes of phon ebooks.
To c hange the ca tegory names in th e pers onal p honebo ok: (le ft sof t key) a 2 3 M b N : “ Cate gory ” a 4 M b N : Selec t the desire d cate gory.
3 M b N : “ Cate gory ” a 4 M b N : Selec t the desire d cate gory. a R If y ou sel ect “ All ” , the un it end s the cate gory se arch. 5 M b N : Scrol l thro ugh th e phone book i f nece ssary. a M N 6 M b N : Selec t the desire d phone numbe r.
Copy ing mul ti ent ries You can co py sele cted e ntries (up t o 100) . To c opy fro m the shared phone book to a person al pho nebook 1 (le ft sof t key) 2 3 M b N : “ Copy ” a 4 M b N : Selec t the desire d entr y. a R The select ed entr ies ar e indi cated by “ ”.
Spee d dial You can as sign 1 phone number to ea ch of the dial k eys ( 1 to 9 ) on t he han dset. Addi ng a ph one nu mbers t o a spee d dial key 1 Pres s and hold th e desi red sp eed di al key ( 1 t o 9 ). a 2 Ente r the party’ s name (16 ch aracte rs max.
Prog rammab le set tings You can cu stomise the u nit by progr amming the f ollowin g feat ures u sing t he han dset. To a ccess the fe atures, there are 2 metho ds. n Scro lling throug h the displa y menu s 1 (mi ddle so ft key ) 2 Pres s M C N , M D N , M E N , or M F N to se lect t he des ired m ain me nu.
Sub- menu 1 Sub- menu 2 Sett ings Code Sett ings Numb er of Rings *2 2–6: 2-6 Ri ngs 4: < 4 Ring s > 0: A uto #211 50 Reco rding T ime *2 1 : 1 Mi nute 3: < 3 Minu tes > 0: G reetin g On.
Sub- menu 1 Sub- menu 2 Sett ings Code Nigh t Mode On/O ff 1: O n 0: < Off > #23 8 34 Star t/End <23 :00/06 :00> #23 7 34 Ring Delay 1: 3 0 sec.
Main menu: “ Ini tial S etup ” Sub- menu 1 S ub-men u 2 Setting s Cod e Ring er Setu p Ring er Volu me – Hand set 0–6: Off–6 <6> #160 19 Ring er Volu me – Base Unit * 1, *2 0–6: Of.
Sub- menu 1 S ub-men u 2 Setting s Cod e Disp lay Set up Wall paper * 11 < Wallp aper1 > #181 – Disp lay Col our 1: < Colour 1 > 2: C olour2 #182 – Disp lay Mod e 1: < Mult i Item s.
Sub- menu 1 S ub-men u 2 Setting s Cod e Powe r Failu re – 1: < Auto > 0: O ff #152 20 Lang uage Disp lay < Engli sh > #11 0 15 Main menu: “ Baby Monito r ” Sub- menu 1 Sub- menu 2 S.
*14 If y ou sub scribe to a C aller ID ser vice a nd wan t to v iew th e call er’s i nformat ion af ter li fting up the handset to a nswer a call, turn off th is fea ture. *15 The recall/ flash time d epends on yo ur tel ephone excha nge or host P BX.
Nigh t mode Nigh t mode allows you t o sele ct a p eriod of time during which the h andset will not ri ng for outs ide cal ls. Th is fea ture i s usef ul for time peri ods whe n you do not want to be distur bed, for example , whil e slee ping. Night mode c an be s et for each handset .
Inco ming ca ll bar ring (C aller ID subs cribers only) This featu re allo ws the unit to rej ect ca lls fr om spec ified phone n umbers that you do not w ant to a nswer such as junk calls. When a cal l is re ceived , the unit d oes no t ring whil e the caller is bei ng ide ntifie d.
PIN to you . If y ou for get yo ur PIN , cont act an a uthoris ed ser vice c entre. 1 (mi ddle so ft key ) #1 32 2 Ente r the current 4-dig it bas e unit PIN (def ault: “ 0000 ” ).
6 Ente r a te xt mem o (30 c haract ers ma x.; page 54). a 7 M b N : Selec t the desire d alarm tone. a 2 t imes R You can se lect “ Off ” if you prefe r not to h ear an alarm tone. R We r ecommen d sele cting a diff erent ring er tone from the on e used for outs ide cal ls.
R Duri ng the monito ring m ode, b attery cons umption is fa ster t han us ual. W e reco mmend l eaving the m onitor ed hand set on t he bas e unit or cha rger. R The monito red han dset n ever r ings d uring the monito ring mo de. Bu t if t he mon itored hand set is on the base unit, the ba se uni t ring er soun ds.
7 Edit the p hone n umber i f nece ssary (24 digi ts max. ). a 2 tim es Eras ing an outsid e moni toring numb er 1 Pres s on the ha ndset being moni tored.
Note : R Call s are d isconn ected when t he han dset move s from one ra dio ce ll to anothe r. Regi stering a han dset to a bas e unit The supplie d hand set an d base unit are pre- registe red.
Incr easing the ra nge of the ba se unit You can in crease the si gnal r ange o f the base unit by us ing a D ECT re peater . Plea se use only the P anasoni c DECT repea ter no ted on page 4. Cont act yo ur Pan asonic deale r for deta ils. Impo rtant: R Befo re reg isterin g the repeat er to this b ase unit , you must t urn the repea ter mo de on.
Usin g Call er ID servic e Impo rtant: R This unit is Call er ID compat ible. To use Call er ID feature s, you must subscr ibe to a Call er ID service . Cont act yo ur ser vice prov ider/te lephon e comp any fo r deta ils. Call er ID f eature s When an ou tside c all is being recei ved, t he call er inf ormatio n is d isplay ed.
View ing the calle r list and ca lling back 1 M F N ( ) 2 Pres s M C N to sea rch fr om the most recent call , or p ress M D N to searc h from the olde st call . R You can se e the detaile d info rmatio n abou t the caller by pre ssing when in mul tiple displa y mode .
Usin g SMS SMS allows you t o send and re ceive text mess ages be tween other fixed- line a nd mobi le phon es that suppo rt com patibl e SMS netw orks an d feat ures. Impo rtant: R To u se SMS featu res, y ou mus t: – subs cribe t o a Ca ller I D and/ or an appr opriate servi ce suc h as S MS.
M F N ( ) a M b N : S elect the pa rty. a 2 t imes To u se the share d phon ebook: a M b N : Se lect t he pho nebook entr y. a a M b N : Selec t the desired phon e numbe r. a 2 t imes To u se the perso nal ph oneboo k: a a M b N : Sel ect th e phon ebook e ntry.
4 Edit the d estina tion ph one nu mber i f nece ssary. a 5 Cont inue f rom ste p 5, “ Writin g and send ing a n ew mes sage”, page 44 . Edit ing/for wardin g a mes sage 1 Whil e readi ng a r eceive d mess age, p ress . 2 M b N : “ Edit Messag e ” a 3 Cont inue f rom ste p 3, “ Writin g and send ing a n ew mes sage”, page 44 .
Answ ering system Avai lable for: KX-T G8561 series (page 3) The answeri ng sys tem ca n answ er and recor d call s for you whe n you are un availa ble to answ er the phone.
You can us e eithe r: – your own gr eeting messa ge – a pr e-recor ded gr eeting messa ge Reco rding you r greetin g message 1 (mi ddle so ft key ) #3 02 2 M b N : “ Yes ” a 3 Afte r a be ep sou nds, ho ld the hands et abou t 20 c m away and sp eak cl early into the microph one (5 0 seco nds ma x.
List ening t o mess ages fr om the mess age lis t You can se lect th e item to pl ay bac k. 1 (mi ddle so ft key ) #3 29 2 M b N : Selec t the desire d item from the mess age lis t. a R You can er ase the selec ted me ssage as f ollows: a M b N : “ Y es ” a 3 When finis hed, pr ess M N .
unit to li sten t o messa ges or chang e answ ering s ystem settin gs. Remo te acce ss cod e A 3- digit remote access code must b e ente red when operat ing th e answ ering system remo tely. This co de pre vents unauth orised part ies fr om list ening to you r mess ages remo tely.
mess ages ha ve bee n reco rded, or at the en d of t he 5th ring when th ere ar e no n ew mess ages. I f you call y our ph one fr om out side to l isten to new messag es (pa ge 50), you know that there are no new me ssages when the phone rings f or the 3rd t ime.
Voic e mail servi ce Voic e mail is an automa tic an swerin g serv ice offe red by your s ervice provi der/te lephon e comp any. A fter y ou subs cribe to thi s serv ice, your servic e prov ider/t elepho ne com pany’s voic e mail system answe rs cal ls for you w hen you are un availab le to answer the p hone o r when your l ine is busy.
Inte rcom Inte rcom c alls ca n be m ade be tween handse ts in t he sam e radio cell. Note : R When paging the h andset , the paged hand set bee ps for 1 min ute. R If y ou rec eive an outsi de cal l whil e talk ing on t he int ercom, you he ar 2 t ones.
Char acter entry The dial k eys are used to ent er cha racter s and number s. Eac h dial key h as mult iple c haract ers assi gned to it. The cha racter s that can b e ente red de pend o n the charac ter ent ry mod e (pag e 54). – Pres s M F N or M E N to mo ve the curso r left or ri ght.
Gree k char acter t able ( ) z y 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Exte nded 1 chara cter ta ble ( ) z y 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R The follow ing are used for bo th upp ercase and l owercas e: Exte nded 2 chara cter ta ble.
1 4 9 56 Useful Information TG8551_61FX_(en-en)_0427_ver021.56 56 2012/04/27 20:24:48.
Erro r mess ages Disp lay me ssage Cau se/sol ution Base no pow er or No l ink to base. Reco nnect m ain ba se AC a daptor. or No l ink. R The handset has l ost co mmunic ation with t he bas e unit . Move clos er to the bas e unit and t ry aga in. R Unpl ug the base u nit’s AC ada ptor t o rese t the unit.
Trou blesho oting If y ou sti ll hav e diffi cultie s afte r foll owing the in struct ions i n this secti on, di sconne ct the base unit’s AC a daptor and t urn off the h andset , then recon nect t he bas e unit ’s AC adapto r and turn o n the hand set.
Prob lem Caus e/solu tion I ca nnot r egister a hand set to a base unit. R The maximum numbe r of b ase un its (4 ) is a lready regis tered t o the handset . Canc el unu sed ba se uni t regi strati ons fr om the hand set (pa ge 40). R The maximum numbe r of h andset s (6) is alr eady r egiste red to the base u nit.
Prob lem Caus e/solu tion I ca nnot m ake a call. R The diallin g mode may b e set incorr ectly. Chang e the settin g (pag e 16). R You dialled a cal l rest ricted numbe r (pag e 35). R The key lo ck feat ure is turne d on. Turn i t off (page 20). Call er ID Prob lem Caus e/solu tion Call er info rmatio n is n ot disp layed.
Prob lem Caus e/solu tion “ E0 ” is di splayed . R Your phone number is pe rmanen tly wi thheld or yo u have not subs cribed to the appro priate servi ce. Co ntact your s ervice prov ider/te lephon e comp any. Answ ering s ystem Prob lem Caus e/solu tion The unit d oes not recor d new message s.
Belt clip n To a ttach n To r emove 62 Useful Information TG8551_61FX_(en-en)_0427_ver021.62 62 2012/04/27 20:24:48.
Index A Addi tional base u nits: 39 Addi tional handse ts: 39 Alar m: 33 Answ ering c alls: 18 Answ ering s ystem: 47 Call screen ing: 47 Eras ing mes sages: 48 , 49 , 50 Gree ting m essage: 47 Gree t.
N Czech N Slovakia B-dul Preciziei, Nr. 24, West Gate Park, Clădirea H3, Etaj 2, Sector 6, București, 062204, Romania Telefon: +40.21.316.31.61 Fax: +40.
デバイスPanasonic KX-TG8561FXの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Panasonic KX-TG8561FXをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはPanasonic KX-TG8561FXの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Panasonic KX-TG8561FXの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Panasonic KX-TG8561FXで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Panasonic KX-TG8561FXを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はPanasonic KX-TG8561FXの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Panasonic KX-TG8561FXに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちPanasonic KX-TG8561FXデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。