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Operating Instructions Digital Corded/Cordless Answering System Model shown is KX-TG9471. Model No. KX-TG9471 KX-TG9472 Before initial use, see “Getting Started” on page 8. Thank you for purchasing a Panasonic product. Please read these operating instructions before using the unit and save them for future reference.
Introduction Model composition .. ............................................3 Accessory information .. ......................................3 System capabilities .. ...........................................5 “Telephone Plug-in ” for Microsoft Office Outlook overview .
Mode l com positi on Seri es Mode l No. Base unit Hand set Part No. Part No. Quan tity KX-T G9471 serie s KX-T G9471 KX-T G9471 KX-T GA939 1 KX-T G9472 K X-TG94 71 KX-T GA939 2 Acce ssory infor matio n Supp lied access ories No.
Addi tiona l/repl aceme nt acc essori es P lea se co ntact your neares t Pan asonic deale r for sales info rmatio n (pag e 58). Acce ssory item Orde r num ber Rech argeab le ba tterie s HHR- 4DPA * 1 R To o rder, pleas e cal l 1-80 0-332- 5368 o r vis it http ://ww w.
Syst em ca pabili ties T he unit can ac commo date u p to 2 exte rnal t eleph one li nes a nd the follo wing operat ions are av ailabl e at the same time.
For your sa fety T o p revent severe injury and l oss of life/ propert y, rea d this sect ion car efully before using the p roduct to ens ure prop er and safe o peratio n of y our pr oduct. WARN ING Powe r conn ection R U se only th e powe r sourc e mark ed on the pro duct.
Impo rtant s afety i nstruct ions W hen using your p roduct, basic safet y prec autions shoul d alwa ys be f ollowe d to re duce t he ris k of f ire, el ectric shoc k, and injury to pe rsons, includ ing th e follo wing: 1.
Sett ing u p Conn ectin g the AC ad aptor/ corde d h and set R Use only the su pplied Pana sonic AC ad aptor PQLV 219. n Base unit A B B A (120 V AC, 60 Hz) Correct Wrong A A B B R T he words “UP D ESK” should be f acing up.
If y ou us e the unit as a single -line telep hone o nly Be s ure t o conn ect t he tel ephon e line cord to LI NE 1/2. Chan ge the line selec tion m ode f rom “ Auto ” to “ Line1 ” (pa ge 14).
Batt ery ch argin g C har ge for abou t 7 ho urs. R When the batter ies a re ful ly ch arged, “ C harge comp leted ” is displa yed. Confirm " Charging " is displayed. Charge indicator Note when setti ng up Note for connec tions R T he AC ad aptor must remain conne cted at all time s.
Cont rols Base unit A G F E H IH KL J B C D O P Q A M N B R S T U Cord ed ha ndset Rece iver Spea ker Disp lay R T he displ ay can be m oved b ack a nd for th to sele ct th e desi red a ngle.
Hand set A H I K J G L M N F E B C D A B Spea ker Head set j ack M N ( T ALK) M N ( S P-PHO NE: S peaker phone ) Dial keyp ad ( * : TON E) M F LA SH N M CALL WAIT N Char ge in dicato r R ing er in dic.
Item M eanin g The line is in use. R W hen flas hing: – The call is put on h old on that line. – The answe ring s ystem is answ ering a cal l on t hat l ine. R When flas hing r apidly : An incomi ng call is n ow bei ng rec eived on th at li ne. 1 L L Ring er vol ume i s off .
R T he date and ti me ma y be i ncorre ct af ter a powe r fail ure. In th is cas e, se t the date and ti me agai n. Disp lay l anguag e You can s elect eithe r “ En glish ” or “ Espa ñol ” as t he di splay langua ge. T he def ault settin g is “ Eng lish ” .
Maki ng ca lls Usin g the base unit 1 D ial the phone number . R To c orrec t a di git, press M CLE AR N . 2 Lift the corded hand set. R An a vaila ble li ne is autom atical ly se lected and either the LINE 1 indi cator or LI NE 2 indi cator light s up.
the phoneb ook, a paus e is also needed ( pag e 25). Exam ple: If yo u need to d ial th e lin e acce ss numb er “9” when makin g out side c alls with a PBX: Bas e uni t / Han dset 1 9 a M P AUS E N 2 Dial the phone number . 3 Proc eed w ith th e ope ration for y our u nit.
2 T o r eleas e hold , pres s M LINE 1 N or M LINE 2 N that is f lashin g on the ha ndset . Note for base u nit a nd ha ndset: R If a call is k ept on hold for m ore th an 9 minute s, an a larm t one s tarts to so und a nd the ringe r indi cator on th e hand set f lashes rapi dly.
Bas e uni t 1 M M EN U N#19 4 2 M b N : “ On ” or “ Off ” a M SAV E N 3 M n N (EXIT ) R When this featu re is turne d on, “PRIV .” is disp layed durin g an o utsid e call . Temp orari ly tur ning call privac y on/ off D uri ng an outsi de cal l, yo u can tempo rarily turn call priva cy on /off.
“Tel ephon e Plu g-in” setti ngs Syst em req uirem ents Item S pecif icatio ns CPU 1. 0 GHz Intel ® Pe ntium ® /Cele ron ® proc essor or co mparab le CP U or high er pro cesso r RAM 512 MB or m.
Unin stall ing t he “Te lepho ne Pl ug-in” 1 E xit all applic ations and discon nect the mi ni USB cable from your comput er. 2 To u ninst all “T elepho ne Pl ug-in” , per form t he foll owing proce dure: From the Start menu: Poin t to [All Progra ms] a [Pan asoni c] a [Tel ephon e Plu g-in] , and click [Uni nstal l] .
Maki ng a call f rom t he cal ler l ist T he last 10 cal ler i nforma tion i s sto red in the caller list . 1 3 2 Micr osoft Offic e Out look 2 010 u sers 1 Clic k [Ca ller l ist ] . --- -( A ) 2 Clic k the phone numbe r you want to ca ll. ---- ( B ) 3 Clic k [Ca ll fro m lin e1] or [Ca ll fr om li ne2] to sele ct th e desi red l ine.
“Tel ephon e Plu g-in” pop-u p w ind ow fo r inco ming call When a ca ll is recei ved, “ Telep hone P lug-in ” disp lays a pop- up win dow ( Micros oft O ffice Outl ook c ontact list ) on y our c ompute r dis play t o let you k now th ere i s an i ncomin g cal l.
Base unit /hands et p hon ebook The phoneb ook a llows you t o make call s with out havi ng to dial manual ly. Y ou can add names and phon e numb ers t o the base unit a nd ha ndset phon ebook indep endent ly, a nd ass ign e ach phon ebook entry to t he des ired g roup.
4 M b N : Sele ct th e desi red gr oup. a M S ELECT N 5 M b N : “ Gro up nam e ” a M SEL ECT N 6 Edit the name ( 10 ch aracte rs ma x.; pa ge 23) .
Chai n dia l T his feat ure al lows you to dial phone numbe rs in the phoneb ook w hile y ou ar e on a call . This feat ure c an be used, for e xampl e, to dial a call ing card acce ss num ber o r bank acco unt PI N tha t you have stor ed in the p honebo ok, wi thout havin g to dial manua lly.
Prog rammab le se tting s Y ou can c ustomi ze th e unit by p rogram ming t he fo llowin g fea tures. To a ccess the featur es, t here a re 2 m ethod s. Bas e uni t / Han dset n S cro lling thro ugh th e dis play menus 1 M MEN U N 2 Proc eed w ith th e ope ration for y our u nit.
Sub- menu 1 Sub- menu 2 Sett ings Code Unit Play greet ing Line1& Line2 – #30 3 36 Line 1 – Line 2 – Ring count * 1 – Toll saver 2 -7 rings < 4 r ings > #211 39 Reco rding time * 1 �.
Sub- menu 1 Sub- menu 2 Sett ings Code Unit Inte rrupt tone *6 – < O n > Off #201 / 18 , 42 Nigh t mode Star t/End < 1 1:00 PM/06 :00 A M > #23 7 / 30 On/O ff On < O ff > #238 / 30.
Sub- menu 1 Sub- menu 2 Sett ings Code Unit Priv acy – On < O ff > #194 17 Regi strati on HS regist ratio n ( H S : Hand set) – #130 31 Dere gistra tion – #1 31 31 Chan ge lan guage Displ .
Spec ial p rogram ming Nigh t mod e N igh t mode allo ws you to s elect a per iod of time duri ng whi ch th e unit will not r ing f or out side calls. This feat ure is usef ul for time perio ds whe n you do not want to be distu rbed, for e xample , whil e slee ping.
Regi steri ng a u nit Oper ating addit ional unit s Addi tiona l han dsets U p t o 6 h andset s can be re giste red to the base unit . Impo rtant : R See page 4 for i nforma tion on the avai lable mode l. Regi sterin g a h a ndset to the base u nit The suppl ied ha ndset and b ase un it ar e pre- regist ered.
Usin g Cal ler ID serv ice I mpo rtant : R This unit is Ca ller ID com patibl e. To use C aller ID f eatur es, yo u mus t subs cribe to a Calle r ID serv ice.
– If t he en try ha s alr eady b een v iewed or a nsw ered, “ ” is displa yed, even i f it was v iew ed or answe red us ing a nother unit. R In s tep 2 , if is d isplay ed, n ot all of t he i nfo rmatio n is shown. To s ee th e rema ining info rmatio n: Base unit : Pres s M N .
4 P roc eed w ith th e oper ation for y our u nit. Base unit : M n N (EXI T) Hand set: M OFF N Eras ing a ll cal ler i nforma tion Bas e uni t / Han dset 1 P roc eed w ith th e ope ration for y our u nit.
Answ ering syste m T he answe ring s ystem can a nswer and r ecord call s for you w hen y ou are unava ilabl e to a nswer the phone. Impo rtant : R Only 1 pe rson c an ac cess t he an swerin g syst em (li sten to me ssages , rec ord a greeti ng mess age, etc.
Usin g a p re-rec orded greet ing m ess age If y ou er ase or do n ot rec ord y our ow n gree ting mess age, the un it pl ays a pre-re corde d gree ting aski ng cal lers to lea ve a messag e.
List ening to me ssage s u sin g the hand set When new messag es ha ve bee n reco rded, “ N ew mess age ” is di splaye d. 1 To l isten to n ew mes sages: M MEN U N#32 3 To l isten to a ll mes sages: M MEN U N#32 4 2 When fini shed, press M OF F N .
Remo te op eratio n U sin g a t ouch-t one ph one, you ca n cal l your phon e numb er fr om out side and ac cess the un it to list en to messa ges o r chan ge ans werin g syst em sett ings. The u nit’s voice guid ance p rompts you to pres s cer tain d ial k eys to perf orm di fferen t oper ations .
Key Op erati on *# End remot e ope ration (or hang u p) *1 If p resse d with in th e firs t 5 s econds of a m ess age, the pr evious mess age is play ed. *2 For Engli sh voi ce gu idance only *3 For Spani sh voi ce gu idance only Turn ing o n the answe ring system remo tely If t he an swerin g sys tem is off, you can tu rn it on remo tely.
requ ired t o act ivate the v oice mail s ervice p rov ided b y you r ser vice p rovide r/tel ephone comp any be fore changi ng th is set ting. – Chan ge the numb er of rings of th e voi ce mai l serv ice s o that the answer ing s ystem can answ er the call firs t.
Voic e mai l serv ice V oic e mail is a n aut omatic answe ring servic e offe red b y your serv ice pr ovide r/tele phone comp any. After you s ubscri be to this servi ce, yo ur serv ice pr ovide r/tele phone compa ny’s v oice mail syst em ans wers calls for y ou wh en you are unav ailabl e to answer the phone or wh en you r line is b usy.
Inte rcom I nte rcom calls can b e made : – betw een t he bas e unit and a hand set – betw een ha ndset s Note : R If y ou re ceive an ou tside call while talkin g on the inte rcom, you h ear a n inte rrupt tone (page 28). – To a nswer the c all w ith th e bas e unit , pla ce the corde d hand set o n the cradle , the n lift it agai n.
4 P res s M OF F N . R The outsi de cal l is being routed to t he dest inati on uni t. Answ ering a tra nsfer red ca ll Bas e uni t L ift the corded hand set or pres s M N to an swer the page. Han dset P res s M N t o ans wer th e pag e. Conf erenc e call s 3 pe ople c an es tablis h a c onfere nce c all.
Wall moun ting T he base unit c an be mount ed on a wal l by chan ging t he wa ll mou nting adapt or’s p ositi on. Note : R Make sure that the w all an d the fixin g meth od are stron g enou gh to suppo rt the weig ht of the unit . Base unit 1 T o r emove the w all m ountin g adap tor, push down the releas e leve rs ( A ).
Erro r mess ages Disp lay m essage Cau se/so lution Busy R T he ca lled u nit is in u se. R Othe r uni ts are in u se and the system is b usy. T ry ag ain la ter. R Priv acy m ode is on f or the call you t ried to joi n (pa ge 17). R The hands et you are using is to o far from the ba se un it.
Trou blesh ooting I f y ou st ill ha ve di fficul ties after follo wing t he in struct ions i n thi s sect ion, discon nect the ba se un it’s A C adap tor, then r econne ct th e bas e unit ’s AC adapt or. Re move the ba tteri es fro m the hands et, a nd the n inse rt th e batt eries into the h andset again .
Maki ng/an swerin g cal ls, i nterco m Prob lem Cau se/sol ution is flash ing. R T he hands et is too f ar fro m the base unit. Move close r. R The base unit’s AC a daptor is n ot pro perly conne cted. Reco nnect AC ad aptor to th e bas e unit . R The hands et is not r egiste red t o the base unit.
Prob lem Cau se/sol ution I ca nnot dial t he ph one nu mber e dit ed in the c aller list. R The phone numbe r you diale d migh t have been edite d inco rrectl y (fo r exa mple, the lo ng di stance “1” or the area code is m issing ). Ed it the phon e numb er wit h ano ther patt ern ( page 33 ).
Tele phone Plug -in Prob lem Cau se/sol ution If t he in stalle r pro gram d oes n ot start autom atica lly. R Doub le cli ck [ Setup. exe] in yo ur CD- ROM d rive f older to st art inst alling . A po p-up window (Micr osoft O ffi ce Ou tlook conta ct li st) is not displ ayed w hen a call is rece ived.
FCC and o ther i nform ation This equipment complies with Part 68 of the FCC rules and the requirements adopted by the ACT A. On the bottom of this equipment is a label that contains, among other information, a product identifier in the format US:ACJ----------.
frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However , there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation.
Guía Rápi da Esp añola Instal ación Si está suscrito a un servicio de DSL/ADSL, aña da un filtro de DS L/ADSL a la línea telefónica entre la unidad b ase y la t oma de la líne a tel efóni ca. Consul te l as i nstr uccion es de o peraci ón par a ver l as con exio nes.
Instal ación Auricular Cargador L UTILICE SOLO baterías de Ni-MH tamaño AAA (R03). L NO utilice baterías Alcalinas, de Manganeso o de Ni-Cd. L Compruebe que las polaridades son las correctas ( S , T ). (120 V CA, 60 Hz) Confirme que aparezca “ Cargando ” .
Sugerencias de operación T eclas de fun ción Cada unidad incluye 3 teclas de función. Al oprimir una tecla de función, pu ede seleccionar la función q ue aparece direct amente encima de ella en la pant alla. { MENU } , { SELEC. } , { OK } y otr as fu nciones adic iona les se asig nan a l as teclas de función.
Operacione s básic as Para hacer y contestar llamad as (Unidad base/Auricular) Para h acer llamad as Unidad base: Marque el núm ero telefónico . s Levante el auricular alám brico u op rima {s} . Auricular: Marque el núm er o telefónico . s {C} / {s} Para contestar lla madas Unidad base : Levante el auricular alám b rico u oprim a {s} .
Contestador de llamadas Para escuchar mens ajes (Unida d base /Auri cula r) Unidad base : { 6 } Auricular: Para escuchar mensajes nuevos: { MENU } ( 323 Para escuchar to dos los mensajes: { MENU } ( 3.
Cómo colgar una llamada Cuando termine la llama da, pu lse {s} en la unidad base, o [Descon. línea 1] o [Descon. línea 2] en la barra de herramientas.
Cust omer s ervic es Customer Services Directory (United States and Puerto Rico) Obtain Product Information and Operating Assistance; locate your nearest Dealer or Service Center; purchase Parts and Accessories; or make Customer Service and Literature requests by visiting our Web Site at: http://www .
Warr anty (For U nited State s and Puer to Ric o) P ANASONIC CORPORA TION OF NORTH AMERICA One Panasonic W ay , Secaucus, New Jersey 07094 Limited W arranty Coverage If your product does not work prop.
Limited W arranty Limits And Exclusions This Limited W arranty ONL Y COVERS failures due to defects in materials or workmanship, and DOES NOT COVER normal wear and tear or cosmetic damage.
Index # 3 -wa y con ferenc e: 17 A Addi tional hand set: 31 Alar m: 30 Answ ering calls : 16 Answ ering syste m Call scre ening: 35 Eras ing m essage s: 36 , 37 , 38 Gree ting messag e: 35 List ening .
62 Notes.
63 Notes.
1 Reconnect AC adaptor to the base unit. 2 Check if telephone line cord is connected. 3 Use rechargeable Ni-MH batteries. ( Alkaline/Manganese/Ni-Cd batteries CANNOT be used. ) 4 Read troubleshooting page in the Operating Instructions . Visit our W eb site: http://www .
デバイスPanasonic KX-TG9472の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Panasonic KX-TG9472をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはPanasonic KX-TG9472の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Panasonic KX-TG9472の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Panasonic KX-TG9472で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Panasonic KX-TG9472を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はPanasonic KX-TG9472の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Panasonic KX-TG9472に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちPanasonic KX-TG9472デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。