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2 RQT6750 Getting started Dear custome r Thank you f or purchasing this product. For optim um performance and safety , please read these instructions care fully . [HT900 ] : indicates f eat ures applicable to SC-HT900 only . [HT700 ] : SC-HT700 only .
3 RQT6750 Getting started Accessories Please check and identify the supplied accessories. Use numbers indicated in parentheses when asking f or replacem ent parts. (Onl y for U.S. A.) T o or der accessories contact 1-800-332-5368 or web site (http:// www.
4 RQT6750 Getting started IMPOR T ANT SAFETY INSTR UCTIONS Read these operating instructions carefully bef ore using the uni t. F ollow the safety instructions on the unit and the applicabl e saf ety in structions listed below . Keep t hese operating instructions handy for future ref erence.
5 RQT6750 Getting started Disc in formati on ∫ Discs tha t can be played ≥ Use discs with the abov e logos and that conf or m to specifications. The unit cannot pla y other disc s correctly . ≥ Do not use irregularly shaped disc s (e. g . heart-shaped ), as these can damage t he unit.
6 RQT6750 Simple setup Simple setup Assembl y and connection of front and surr ound speakers ≥ Y ou can attach the speakers directly to their ba ses (if y ou want to put them on shelves , for e xam pl e). [Note] ≥ Nev er short-circuit pos itiv e ( i ) a nd negativ e ( j ) s peak er w ires.
7 RQT6750 Simple setup Locating Locating ≥ The front a nd surround speakers are the sam e . Use those you hav e con nected the shor t co rds to as front speakers and those y ou h ave connected the long cords to as sur round speak ers.
8 RQT6750 Simple setup Connecting speaker s with the subw oofer Attach the speaker-cable stick ers to ma k e connection easier . ∫ Preventing the speakers from falling o ve r ∫ Keeping the cable s out of the wa y P ass the cables through the holes in the stand to keep them out of the wa y .
9 RQT6750 Simple setup ∫ Connecting a television with a VIDEO IN terminal Connect directly to y our tel e vision. Do not connect t he unit through a video c assette recorder , because the picture ma y not be pla yed correctly due to the cop y guard.
10 RQT6750 Simple setup Do not; ≥ mix old and new batt eries. ≥ use different types at the same time. ≥ heat or e x pose to f lame. ≥ take apar t or shor t circuit. ≥ attempt to rec harge alkaline or manganese b atteries. ≥ use batter i es if the cov er ing has been peeled off.
11 RQT6750 Simple setup [HT900] (Center speaker only ) [HT700] [HT690] [Note] The wall or pillar on which t he speakers are to be attached should be capable of suppor ting 10 k g (22 Ib.) per screw . Remove t he sta nd. ( [H T900] onl y) BEFORE REMOV ING THE ST AND ≥ T ake the speaker cab le out of the stand’ s hole if it is threaded through.
12 RQT6750 Simple setup The QUICK SETUP screen appears when you press [SHIFT] i [SETUP] the first time after purchase and assists you to mak e necessar y settings. Y ou c an access this screen again later if you need to ( ➡ page 34, Others — Q U ICK SETUP).
13 RQT6750 Getting started Control ref erence guide 1 Standby/on switch [ Í ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 2 TV/VI DEO button [T V/VIDEO]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 3 Disc sel ect button [D ISC], Disc butt ons [DIS C1]–[DIS C5] .
14 RQT6750 Disc operations Discs — Basic pla y [RAM] [DVD-A] [DV D-V] [VCD] [CD ] [WMA] [MP3] [JPEG] Preparation ≥ Press [ Í ] to turn on the unit. ≥ T ur n on the tele vision and selec t the appropriate video input on the tele vision to suit the connections for the unit .
15 RQT6750 Disc operations [VCD] [CD] [WMA] [MP 3] The unit usually plays the disc in the pla y po sition and then stops. T ur n sequential pl ay on to pla y all loaded di s cs , except f or D V Ds and JPEG dis cs . While st opped Press [ SEQUENTIAL].
16 RQT6750 Disc operations Discs — Ba sic play [RAM] [DVD-A] [DV D-V] [VCD] [CD ] [WMA] [MP3] [JPEG] Press the numbered b uttons to sel ect the item. Play starts from the selected item. T o select a 2-digit n umber Example: T o select trac k 23, press [ S 10] ➡ [2] ➡ [3].
17 RQT6750 Disc operations Discs — Con venient fu nct i ons [DVD-A] [W MA] [MP3] [JPEG] 1 Press [GROUP]. Example [MP3] 2 Press t he numbered b uttons to sele ct the gr o up and press [ENTER]. 3 Press t he numbered b uttons to sele ct the trac k/picture n umber and press [ENTER].
18 RQT6750 Disc operations Discs — Conv enient functions ≥ “–” or “– –” is d ispla yed instead of t he language number in circumstances such as when no languag e is recorded on the disc. [VCD] (SV CD only) Soundtrack and subtitle numbers may change e ven if corresponding soundtracks are not recorded.
19 RQT6750 Disc operations [DVD-A] [D VD-V] [VCD ] [CD] [WM A] [M P3] [DVD-A] The unit plays trac k s in all the groups on a disc. Press [ 1 ] (pl ay). Y ou can select up to 24 items to play in the order y o u choose. [VCD] [CD] (There is no on-screen di spla y .
20 RQT6750 Disc operations Discs — Conv enient functions [RAM] [DVD-A] [DV D-V] [VCD] [CD ] [WMA] [MP3] [JPEG] Y ou can mark a position so you can ret u rn to it easily at a lat er t ime. 1 Dur ing play Press [DIS PLA Y] until the unit inf o rmation s c re en is displa yed ( ➡ page 25) .
21 RQT6750 Disc operations Playing the p r ogram s or play lists o n D VD- RAM [RAM] Use the program list to f ind progr am s to play . 1 Press [DIRECT NA VIGA T OR]. 2 Press [ 3 , 4 ] to select the program. The selected program plays in the background.
22 RQT6750 Disc operations WMA/MP3, CD text and JPEG navigation men us [WMA] [MP 3] [CD] (CD text only) [JPEG] V arious menus help you f ind items you w ant t o st ar t pla y . 1 Press [T OP MENU]. 2 Press [ 3 , 4 ] to select a trac k or [ 3 , 4 , 2 , 1 ] to select a picture, and press [ENT ER].
23 RQT6750.
24 RQT6750 Disc operations Using On-Screen Men u Icons [RAM] [DVD-A] [DV D-V] [VCD] [CD ] [WMA] [MP3] [JPEG] On-Screen Men u Icons are menus that contain information about the disc or unit. T hese menus allow you to perform operations by changing this information.
25 RQT6750 Disc operations Unless otherwise in dicated, select items wit h [ 2 , 1 ] and change with [ 3 , 4 ]. A udio/ Subtit le langua g e [Play menu] [Audiome nu] Disc inf ormation 2 2 1 : 46 : 50 Digital 1 ENG 3/2.1 ch ON 1 ENG 1 1 2 34 5 6 128kbps 44.
26 RQT6750 Disc operations Using On-Screen Menu Icons [Disp layme nu] [Pict uremenu] T o change the user mode 1 Select User mode and press [ 1 ] to highlight the number .
27 RQT6750 Radio operations The radio 1 Press [SE LECT OR] to select “FM” or “AM” . Each time you press the b utton: D VD/CD > FM > AM > TV > VC R > AU X > DIGIT AL IN ( [HT900] ) ^----- --------------- ------------ ----------- --------- ------------ ------------} ≥ Remote control: Press [TUNER/BAND].
28 RQT6750 Sound field/sound qu ality operations Sound field ≥ Dolby Pro Logic, Dolb y Pro Logic II, Sup er Surround, Center F oc us , Multi Rear Surround, Vir tual Rear Surround, S eat P osition, D.
29 RQT6750 Sound field/sound qu ality operations ∫ T o adju st speaker level du ring play 1 Press [CH SELECT] to sel ect the speaker . Lch > Cch > Rch > RSch > LSch > SW ch ^----- -------------- ------------ ------------ --------- ---------} SWch: Subwoofer ≥ Y ou can only adjust SWch if the disc i n cludes a subwoof er channel.
30 RQT6750 Sound field/sound qu ality operations Sound field [DVD-A] [DV D-V] [VCD] [CD] Store the s ound settings f o r a disc so the unit rec all s them the ne xt time you play it.
31 RQT6750 Other functions Sound field/sound quality operations Sound quality Press [SUBWO O FER LEVEL]. Each time you press the but t on: SUB W 1 > SUB W 2 > SUB W 3 > SUB W 4 (f actor y preset) ^------ --------------- ------------ ----------- --------- -------- -} [RAM] [DV D-A] [DVD-V] [CD] Discs recorded with 2-channel LPCM at 44.
32 RQT6750 Other functions Operating other equip ment Y ou can use the re mote control to operate a Panasonic television or a video cassette rec order . (Some models c annot be operated by this remote control.) Preparation ≥ F ace the r emote control at this unit and press [TV].
33 RQT6750 Other functions Preparation ≥ F ace the remote control at t his unit and press [VC R]. The button lights and “VCR” appear s on the unit’ s displa y . Y ou can operate the video cassette recorder . ≥ Change the v i de o input mode on the t el evision (“VIDEO 2” in the ex ample).
34 RQT6750 Other functions Changing settings This chart shows the settings for this un i t. Chang e the settings to suit yo ur preferences an d to suit the unit to the envi ronme n t in wh ich it is being used. These settings are retained in memory until they are change d, e ven if the unit is turned off.
35 RQT6750 Other functions See page 34 f or menu and option details. Preparation Press [D VD/CD ]. 1 Press [SHIFT] i [SET UP] to s how the men us. 2 Press [ 2 , 1 ] to select the menu’ s tab. The screen changes to displa y the menu. 3 Press [ 3 , 4 ] to select the item you want to change and press [ENTER].
36 RQT6750 Other functions Changing settings Use outdoor ant ennas if radio re ception is poor . [Not e] Disconnect the antenna when the unit is not i n use.
37 RQT6750 Reference Glossary Decoder A decoder restores the coded audio signals on D VDs to nor mal. This is called decoding. Dolby Digital This is a met hod of coding digital signals dev eloped by Dolby Laboratories. Apar t from stereo (2-channel) audio, these signals can also be multi-channel audio.
38 RQT6750 Reference Specificat ions AMPLIFIER SECTI O N [HT900 ] RMS Output P ower: Dolby Digital Mode, 10 % T otal Harmonic Distortion 1 kHz Front CH 60 W per channel (6 ≠ ) 1 kHz Sur roun d CH 60.
39 RQT6750 Reference SPEAKER SECTION [HT900] [Fron t/Surrounds peakersSB-FS900 ] Ty p e 2 W ay , 2 Speaker , Bass-ref . Speaker unit Full r ange 6.5 cm (2 1 / 2 z ) cone type, 6 ≠ Super tweeter PIEZO type Input po wer 60 W (Music) Output sound pressure le vel 79 dB/W (1.
40 RQT6750 Reference T roubleshooting gu ide Before requesting service, make the below checks. If y ou are in doubt about some of the check points, or if the remedies indica ted in the char t do not solv e the problem: In the U. S .A., con tact the P anasonic Customer Call Center at 1-800-211-7262, or e-mail consumerpr oducts@panason i c.
41 RQT6750 Reference Sound Picture Listening to the radio No sound . Distorted sound . ≥ Check the connections. ≥ T ur n the volume up . ≥ T ur n muting off . ≥ Switch off the un i t, determ ine and correct the c ause , then s witch the unit on.
42 RQT6750 Reference T ro ubleshooting guide Unit displa ys T el evision displays 1. Damage requiring service — The unit should be serviced by qualified ser vice personnel if: (a) The A C power supp.
43 RQT6750 Reference Limit ed W arran ty (U .S .A.) P anaso nic Consumer El ectr onics Compa ny , Divis ion of Mats ushita Elect ric Co rporati on of Ameri ca One Panasonic Wa y Secau cus, New Jersey 07094 P anaso nic Sales Compan y , Divisi on of Matsu shita Electri c of Puerto Rico, Inc.
User memo: Listening caution Selecting fine audio equipment such as the unit you’v e just purchased is only the star t of your musical enjoyment. No w it’s t im e to consider how you can maximize the fun and excitement your equi pment off ers.
デバイスPanasonic SC-HT700の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Panasonic SC-HT700をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはPanasonic SC-HT700の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Panasonic SC-HT700の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Panasonic SC-HT700で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Panasonic SC-HT700を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はPanasonic SC-HT700の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Panasonic SC-HT700に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちPanasonic SC-HT700デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。