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Operating Instructions DVD Stereo System Model No. SC-VK960 SC-VK860 SC-VK760 RQTV0239-1L The il lus tra tion s hows SC -VK 96 0 GCS GCT GN Region number The p layer p lays DVD-Vid eo ma rke d wi th la be ls co nt aini ng th e reg ion n umb er o r “A L L ” .
2 RQTV0239 LANG - 5 LANG - 4 FRANÇAIS DANSK ENGLISH System SC-VK960 SC-VK860 SC-VK760 Main unit SA-VK960 (1 unit) SA-VK 86 0 (1 unit) SA- VK760 (1 unit ) Front speakers SB-PF960 (2 units) SB-PF860 (2.
3 RQTV0239 LANG - 5 LANG - 4 FRANÇAIS DANSK ENGLISH GETTING ST ARTED Safety precautions Placement Set the unit up on an even surface away from direct sunlight, high temperatures, high humidity, and excessive vibration. These conditions can damage the cabinet and other components, thereby shortening the unit’s service life.
4 RQTV0239 LANG - 5 LANG - 4 FRANÇAIS DANSK ENGLISH T able of contents GETTING ST ARTED Safety precautions ..................................... 3 Simple setup ............................................... 5 Disc information .......................
5 RQTV0239 LANG - 5 LANG - 4 FRANÇAIS DANSK ENGLISH GETTING ST ARTED Simple setup Placement of speakers Placement of speakers Use only the supplied speakers • Usi ng ot her s pea ker s ca n dama ge th e uni t and s oun d qua lit y w ill b e ne gati vel y af fec te d.
6 RQTV0239 LANG - 5 LANG - 4 FRANÇAIS DANSK ENGLISH Simple setup (continued) Speaker connections Speaker connections Connect all the speakers as illustrated. Co nne ct s o c ord co lor s ma tch t he te rm inal co lor s. Note: Neve r sho r t-c irc ui t po sit ive (+) and n ega ti ve ( –) sp ea ker w ire s.
7 RQTV0239 LANG - 5 LANG - 4 FRANÇAIS DANSK ENGLISH GETTING ST ARTED Other speaker setup options – attaching to a wall Other speaker setup options – attaching to a wall Y ou can a t tac h the s urr oun d and c ent er sp eake rs t o a wall. 1 Drive a screw (not included) into the wall.
8 RQTV0239 LANG - 5 LANG - 4 FRANÇAIS DANSK ENGLISH T o household AC power socket Video connections Video connections • Do n ot con ne ct t he un it th roug h a vid eo c as set te r ec ord er Due t o co py gua rd pr ote ct io n, the p ic ture m ay not b e di spl ayed c or rec t ly .
9 RQTV0239 LANG - 5 LANG - 4 FRANÇAIS DANSK ENGLISH GETTING ST ARTED Set the voltage Set the voltage For Southeast Asia Before connecting the AC power supply cord, set the voltage.
10 RQTV0239 LANG - 5 LANG - 4 FRANÇAIS DANSK ENGLISH Simple setup (continued) Preparing the remote control Ins er t so t he po les (+ an d – ) matc h th ose i n the remote control. • Do no t use recha rgeabl e type batt e ri e s. 2,2 !! Do not: • mix o ld a nd new b at te rie s.
11 RQTV0239 LANG - 5 LANG - 4 FRANÇAIS DANSK ENGLISH GETTING ST ARTED Discs that can be played Discs that can be played ■ Commercial discs Disc Logo In dic at ed in these instructions by Remarks DVD -V ide o Hi gh q ual it y mo vie a nd m usi c di sc s.
13 RQTV0239 LANG - 5 LANG - 4 FRANÇAIS DANSK ENGLISH GETTING ST ARTED T o mute the sound. • Pres s th e but to n to activate . • Pres s the b ut to n aga in or ad jus t the vo lume t o cancel . • Muting is also canceled whe n you sw itc h th e unit to standby .
14 RQTV0239 LANG - 5 LANG - 4 FRANÇAIS DANSK ENGLISH 1 OPEN/CLOSE 2 OPEN/CLOSE 3 DVD/CD 1 2 3 4 5 Open the tray . The u nit t urn s on. Load a disc in the current tray . Rem ove the d is c fro m its c ar t ri dg e bef ore u se. Close the tray . Start play .
15 RQTV0239 LANG - 5 LANG - 4 FRANÇAIS DANSK ENGLISH DISC OPERA TIONS Main unit display Tim e dis play ↔ Infor mation display When Slideshow ( page 20) is on: SLIDE ↔ Information display When Slideshow ( page 20) is off: PL A Y ↔ Information display Search (during play) Play sp ee d in cre as es up t o 5 ste ps.
16 RQTV0239 LANG - 5 LANG - 4 FRANÇAIS DANSK ENGLISH Discs — Advanced play CD sequential play (CD MODE) CD sequential play (CD MODE) Thi s feat ure is ve r y co nvenie nt if yo u want t o play seve ral mu sic CD s se que nti all y . Make su re tha t the ap pl ic abl e di sc is i n the p lay po si tio n bef ore p layin g.
17 RQTV0239 LANG - 5 LANG - 4 FRANÇAIS DANSK ENGLISH DISC OPERA TIONS (While stopped or in RESUME mode) Start program/random Play an d se lec t th e desired mode.
18 RQTV0239 LANG - 5 LANG - 4 FRANÇAIS DANSK ENGLISH Discs — Using navigation menus Playing data discs Playing data discs Y ou can p lay JPEG, MPEG4 and D ivX vid eo c ont ent s on DVD-VR or play H igh MA T d is cs w it hou t usin g th e Hig hMA T func ti on ( p age 2 2, “Play a s Dat a Dis c” in Othe r Men u).
19 RQTV0239 LANG - 5 LANG - 4 FRANÇAIS DANSK ENGLISH DISC OPERA TIONS Playing from the selected Playing from the selected track in the CD track in the CD Tit le s ap pea r wi th CD T ex t d isc p lay bac k.
20 RQTV0239 LANG - 5 LANG - 4 FRANÇAIS DANSK ENGLISH Items shown differ depending on the type of disc as well as the recording format. Functions Menu Functions Menu Progr am Group Title Chapter Tr a .
21 RQTV0239 LANG - 5 LANG - 4 FRANÇAIS DANSK ENGLISH DISC OPERA TIONS Other Settings (continued) Other Settings (continued) Play Menu (continued) Marker Ex cept T o mar k up to 5 p osi tio ns to p lay ag ai n Pres s [ ENTER ] . (T he un it is n ow re ad y to ac c ept markers.
22 RQTV0239 LANG - 5 LANG - 4 FRANÇAIS DANSK ENGLISH Discs — Using on-screen menus (continued) Other Settings (continued) Other Settings (continued) Display Menu (continued) Jus t Fi t Zoom T o sel.
23 RQTV0239 LANG - 5 LANG - 4 FRANÇAIS DANSK ENGLISH DISC OPERA TIONS Discs — Changing the player settings (continued) QUICK SETUP enables successive settings of the items in the shaded area.
24 RQTV0239 LANG - 5 LANG - 4 FRANÇAIS DANSK ENGLISH Discs — Changing the player settings (continued) About DivX VOD content About DivX VOD content DivX Vid eo -o n- Dema nd ( VOD) c onte nt is e nc r ypt ed fo r co pyr igh t pro tec ti on. In o rde r to pl ay DivX V OD c onte nt on thi s uni t, you fi rst ne ed t o reg ist er th e unit .
25 RQTV0239 LANG - 5 LANG - 4 FRANÇAIS DANSK ENGLISH DISC OPERA TIONS Tips for making data discs Tips for making data discs • Whe n the re are m ore t han e igh t gro ups , the e igh th gr oup onwa rds w ill b e di sp layed o n one ve r tic al l ine in t he menu screen.
26 RQTV0239 LANG - 5 LANG - 4 FRANÇAIS DANSK ENGLISH Using the radio Playing and recording using the cassette tapes Manual tuning Manual tuning 1 Press [BAND , TUNER] to select “FM” or “AM”. 2 Press [ ] or [ ¡ ] (main unit: [ , / RE W ] or [ ¢ , / F F ]) to select the frequency of the required station.
27 RQTV0239 LANG - 5 LANG - 4 FRANÇAIS DANSK ENGLISH OTHER OPERA TIONS Playing and recording using the cassette tapes (continued) Stop recording Stop recording If the tape fi nishes before the disc The d is c co nti nue s play ing. Pr ess [ ] (m ain u nit : [ , STOP]) t o sto p it .
28 RQTV0239 LANG - 5 LANG - 4 FRANÇAIS DANSK ENGLISH Adjusting the echo effect Adjusting the echo effect 1 Lower the volume with [- MIC VOL+] then connect the microphone(s) to the microphone jack(s). 2 Adjust the microphone volume with [- MIC VOL+]. 3 Press [ECHO] on the remote control.
29 RQTV0239 LANG - 5 LANG - 4 FRANÇAIS DANSK ENGLISH OTHER OPERA TIONS Y ou can not u se Su rro und Enhan ce r , Cent er Foc us, S up er Sur rou nd an d Sub woo fer le vel if yo u have c onne c ted hea dp hon es ( “ ERROR ” ap pea rs o n the d is play) .
30 RQTV0239 LANG - 5 LANG - 4 FRANÇAIS DANSK ENGLISH Speaker level adjustments Speaker level adjustments Thi s is on e of the way s to get a p pro pr iate su rro und effe ct s. Preparation Pres s [ 3 , D VD/ CD ] a nd th en [ 7 ]. 1 While stopped and no on-screen display is shown Press and hold [–TEST] to output a test signal.
31 RQTV0239 LANG - 5 LANG - 4 FRANÇAIS DANSK ENGLISH OTHER OPERA TIONS Using the timers Setting the time Setting the time Thi s is a 24- hou r cl oc k.
32 RQTV0239 LANG - 5 LANG - 4 FRANÇAIS DANSK ENGLISH Connecting to a portable audio equipment Connecting to a portable audio equipment Thi s feat ure en ab les yo u to enj oy mus ic fr om a p or t abl e audio equi pment.
33 RQTV0239 LANG - 5 LANG - 4 FRANÇAIS DANSK ENGLISH OTHER OPERA TIONS Operating a television Operating a television Poin t the re mote c on tro l at th e tel evis ion f or th e fol low ing o pe rat ion s.
34 RQTV0239 LANG - 5 LANG - 4 FRANÇAIS DANSK ENGLISH Decoder A de co de r res tore s the c od ed a ud io si gnal s on DVDs to nor mal. T his i s ca lle d de co di ng.
35 RQTV0239 LANG - 5 LANG - 4 FRANÇAIS DANSK ENGLISH REFERENCE T roubleshooting guide Bef ore re qu est ing s er v ic e, make th e fol low ing c he ck s. If yo u are in d ou bt ab ou t som e of th e che c k poi nt s, or if t he rem ed ies in di ca ted i n the c har t d o not s ol ve the p ro ble m, co nsul t your d eal er fo r ins tr uc tio ns.
36 RQTV0239 LANG - 5 LANG - 4 FRANÇAIS DANSK ENGLISH A-B repeat Page Point B is automatically set. • T he en d of an i tem b ec ome s po int B wh en it i s rea che d.
37 RQTV0239 LANG - 5 LANG - 4 FRANÇAIS DANSK ENGLISH REFERENCE Unit displays Page Although the unit is on standby mode, the display lights up and changes continuously . • T u rn of f th e dem o fun c tio n. • If you s et th e cl oc k, d emo f unc ti on wi ll b e tur ned o f f auto mat ic ally.
38 RQTV0239 LANG - 5 LANG - 4 FRANÇAIS DANSK ENGLISH AMPLIFIER SECTION VK960 RMS Output Power : Dolby Digital Mode Front Ch (High Ch) 1 10 W per channel (3 Ω ), 1 kHz, 10% THD Front Ch (Low Ch) 55 W.
39 RQTV0239 LANG - 5 LANG - 4 FRANÇAIS DANSK ENGLISH REFERENCE Pick up W avelength CD 785 nm DVD 662 nm Laser power CD CLASS 1M DVD CLASS 1 Audio output (Disc) Number of channels (FL, FR, C, SL, SR, SW) 5.
Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. Web Site: RQTV0239-1L L0507KE1067 En VK760 Center speaker SB-PC760 T ype 1 way , 1 speaker system (Bass refl ex) Speaker unit(s) Impedance 3 Ω 1. Full range 6.5 cm Cone type 2. Full range 6.
デバイスPanasonic SC-VK960の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Panasonic SC-VK960をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはPanasonic SC-VK960の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Panasonic SC-VK960の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Panasonic SC-VK960で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Panasonic SC-VK960を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はPanasonic SC-VK960の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Panasonic SC-VK960に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちPanasonic SC-VK960デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。