ParadyneメーカーHotwire 8620 GranDSLAM Installation Guideの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Hotwire ® 8620 GranDSLAM ™ Installatio n Guide Docume nt No. 8620-A2-G N 2 0-40 July 2003.
A July 2003 8620-A2-G N20-40 Copyright © 2003 Paradyne Corporatio n. All righ ts r eserve d. Prin te d in U .S.A . Notice This pu blicatio n is p rotected by feder al copyright law .
8620-A2-G N20-40 July 2003 B Important Saf ety Instru ctions 1. Read and fol low all w arni ng not ice s and instru cti ons marked on the prod uct or included in the manual. 2. The AC product ver sion is in ten ded to be used with a 3-wi re grou ndi ng ty pe plu g — a plug whic h has a groun din g pin.
C July 2003 8620-A2-G N20-40 12. In ad dition , if the eq uipment i s to be used with telecom municati ons circuit s, take th e follo wing preca utions: — Never install t elepho ne wiring d uring a lightnin g storm. — Never install t elepho ne jacks in wet locat ions unle ss th e jack i s specif ically d esign ed for we t locatio ns.
8620-A2-G N20-40 July 2003 D Notice to Use rs of t he Canadian T ele phone Network The I ndustry Can ada la bel ident ifies certified equipm ent. This certif ication m eans tha t the eq uipment meets .
E July 2003 8620-A2-G N20-40.
8620-A2-G N20-40 July 2003 i Contents About This Guide n Document Purpose and Intende d Audien ce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii n New Featu res for this R elease . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i ii n Document Summary .
Conten ts ii July 2003 8620-A2-G N20-40 3 Cabling n Making C able Conne ctions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1 n Installing Network Ti p and Ring Connectio ns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3- 2 Connectin g a DSL Car d Using Cabl e Ties .
8620-A2-G N20-40 July 2003 iii About Th is Guid e Document Purpose and Intended Audience This guid e is w ritten for a dministr ators a nd techni cians wh o instal l devices at the cent ral o f fice (CO) or at a Net wor k Serv ice P rovi der (NSP ) loca ti on adj ace nt to th e CO.
Abou t T his Gu ide iv July 2003 8620-A2-G N20-40 A master gloss ary of te rms and acrony ms used i n Parad yne docu ments is availab le onl in e at www . Se lect Su pport → T echnical Manuals → T echnical Gl ossary . Pr oduct-Related Documents Comple te docume ntation for this produc t is availa ble on line at www .
About This Guide 8620-A2-G N20-40 July 2003 v T o orde r a paper c opy of a P aradyne document , or to speak wi th a sale s represent ative, pl ease call 7 27-530- 2000.
Abou t T his Gu ide vi July 2003 8620-A2-GN20 -40.
8620-A2-G N20-40 July 2003 1-1 1 Intr odu ction The Hotwir e 8620 GranDSLAM The Hotwire ® 8 620 GranDS LAM ™ , which is design ed to be i nstalled in an Internet Servi ce Prov ider (I SP) or Net work Acce ss Pro vider (NA P) loc ation, is a low-sta rtup-co st altern ative cha ssis to the Hotwi re 8820 G ranDSLAM chas sis.
1. Int roduct ion 1-2 July 2003 8620-A2-G N20-40 Hotwir e 8620 GranDSLAM Cards The Gran DSLAM chassi s ac cepts the follow ing types of ca rds: n SCP c ard Provides aggrega tion of DSL traffic on the A TM bus for the s helf, and admin isters and provid es di agnostic conne ctivity to the DSL car ds.
1. Intr oduction 8620-A2-G N20-40 July 2003 1-3 n DS L ca r ds Provide a proces sor and an Ether net or A TM i nterfac e to the NSP . The processo r contr ols the m odems and forwa rds the p acket traffic to and from the Etherne t, A TM and DSL inter faces.
1. Int roduct ion 1-4 July 2003 8620-A2-G N20-40 Ta b l e 1 - 1 shows which DSL cards ca n be us ed with the different SC P car d, MCP , and SC M configu ratio ns.
1. Intr oduction 8620-A2-G N20-40 July 2003 1-5 Hotwir e 8620 GranDSLAM Components The Hotwi re 8620 G ranDSLA M is a 4 -slot c hassis de signed to house one of the followin g comb inatio ns: n One SC.
1. Int roduct ion 1-6 July 2003 8620-A2-G N20-40.
8620-A2-G N20-40 July 2003 2-1 2 Installation Preinstallation Considerations Consider th e foll owing befor e perform ing in stallati on of the Hotwire 8 620 GranDSLA M chassis: n Installat ion Site Y our instal lation si te sh ould be wel l ventil ated, cle an, and free of environme ntal extr emes.
2. Insta llatio n 2-2 July 2003 8620-A2-G N20-40 n Cabling Use only CA T3 or be tter twis ted-pair ne twork c onnection cabl es for DSL T ermin ation U nit co nnections and inte rface patch cabling . Untwis ted ana log cables of any le ngth anywhe re in the lo op substan tiall y contri bute to cr osstalk and redu ced lo op reac h.
2. Inst all ati on 8620-A2-G N20-40 July 2003 2-3 Unpacking the Hardware Carefull y remov e the 8 620 ch assis from its ship ping conta iner and chec k for physical damage . If the 8620 c hassis shows si gns of shi pping dama ge, repor t this immed iately to your sh ipping a nd sales represen tative s.
2. Insta llatio n 2-4 July 2003 8620-A2-G N20-40 Mounting Configurations The Hotwi re 8620 G ranDSLA M ch assis c an be mou nted in any com mercial Electroni c Indu stries As sociat ion (EIA ) standa rd 19 -inch (48 .3 cm) or 23-in ch (58.4 cm) rack. Both 19 - and 23 -inch rack- mounting hardware is provide d with the unit.
2. Inst all ati on 8620-A2-G N20-40 July 2003 2-5 Hotwire 86 20 GranDSLAM Chassis Installation The Hotwi re 8620 G ranDSLA M ch assis i s desig ned to be p laced on a desk top or table, or mounted i n a 19-or 23-inch r ack (fro nt or ce nter moun t). Instal lable feet are provi ded for d esktop or ta ble inst allati ons.
2. Insta llatio n 2-6 July 2003 8620-A2-G N20-40 Rack Mounting the 8620 Chassis The Hotwi re 8620 G ranDSLA M is su pplied wi th two s ets of mou nting bra ckets, one set fo r a 19-inc h rack and one s et for a 23 -inch rack .
2. Inst all ati on 8620-A2-G N20-40 July 2003 2-7 Installing the 8620 Chassis in a Rack Proc edur e T o inst all the 8620 c hassis in a ra ck: 1. Determ ine the pr eferred pl acement o f the 86 20 chassis in the r ack. Then , mark th e appropria te locati ons for the mountin g scre ws in t he rack.
2. Insta llatio n 2-8 July 2003 8620-A2-G N20-40 Complying with NEBS The foll owing mus t be ta ken into c onsider ation for compli ance with Networ k Equip ment-Bu ildin g System (NEB S) req uiremen ts. Connection to the CO Groun d Lug Proc edur e T o conne ct to t he CO ground lug: 1.
2. Inst all ati on 8620-A2-G N20-40 July 2003 2-9 Connecting Power The Hotwi re 8620 G ranDSLA M ch assis i s avail able in t wo ver sions: n DC po wer (48 V DC, n omi nal ; ma ximum c urr ent draw i s 5 A) — The DC v ersion has two se parate DC inpu ts, A and B, to pr ovide p ower redundan cy .
2. Insta llatio n 2-10 J uly 2003 8620-A2-G N20-40 Using a Si ngle DC Powe r Sour ce Proc edur e ✔ Make su re that the DC power source wires a re not powe red (tha t is, th e circuit breakers or fuse s are open a t the so urce). ✔ The ends of the power so urce wir es (14–18 A WG or 2.
2. Inst all ati on 8620-A2-G N20-40 July 2003 2-11 Using T w o DC Power Sources for Power Redund ancy Proc edur e ✔ Make su re that the DC power source wires a re not powe red (tha t is, th e circuit breakers are open ). ✔ The ends of the power so urce wir es (14–18 A WG or 2.
2. Insta llatio n 2-12 J uly 2003 8620-A2-G N20-40 Using Only AC Power Sour ce Proc edur e T o suppl y power to the 8 620 ch assis using a s ingle AC pow er sour ce: 1. Plug the AC power cord into the IE C 320 rec eptacle labe led A C INPUT ( ). 2. Plug the othe r end of the AC power cord into yo ur AC power outl et.
2. Inst all ati on 8620-A2-G N20-40 July 2003 2-13 Using AC Power w ith DC Power Backup Proc edur e ✔ Mak e sur e t hat t he D C powe r sou rce w ires a re not pow e red ( i.e ., th e cir c ui t breakers are open ). ✔ The ends o f the DC po wer sourc e wires (1 4–18 AWG solid or st randed wire ) must be strip ped o f insul ation.
2. Insta llatio n 2-14 J uly 2003 8620-A2-G N20-40 Installing the Cards Use a sm all- to m edium -size Phill ips sc rewdriv er to in stall the SC P , MCP , SCM, and DSL c ards. If use d: n An SC P card m ust be install ed in Slo t A. Do not attempt to insert an SCP card into any slot other than Slot A .
2. Inst all ati on 8620-A2-G N20-40 July 2003 2-15 Proc edur e T o inst all a ci rcuit card i n the Ho twire 8620 GranDSLA M chass is: 1. Remov e the fill er plate from the slo t by unsc rewing t he moun ting screw s at each end.
2. Insta llatio n 2-16 J uly 2003 8620-A2-G N20-40 V erifying the Installation T o verify the hard ware instal lation , observ e the fro nt panel i ndicator s.
8620-A2-G N20-40 July 2003 3-1 3 Cabling Making Cable Connections This sec tion pro vides th e instruct ions you ne ed to make the nec essary c able conne ction s to: n Network ( T ip and Ri ng connec.
3. Ca bli ng 3-2 July 2003 8620-A2-G N20-40 Installing Networ k T ip and Ring Conne ctions DSL cards connec t to the n etwork th rough conn ectors mounted o n the bac k of the Hotwire 8 620 Gran DSLAM chassis . Each slot has its own 5 0-pin c onnector wired to it and i s capabl e of supp orting hi gh-dens ity cards with up to 25 port s.
3. Cabli ng 8620-A2-G N20-40 July 2003 3-3 Connecting a D SL Card Using Cable Ties Proc edur e T o conne ct a DSL c ard in t he 8620 chassi s using the pr ovided c able tie s: 1. On ea ch cabl e, replac e the long er capti ve screw on the cab le co nnector w ith the #4-40 Philli ps pan-h ead screw shipp ed in a pl astic ba g with the u nit.
3. Ca bli ng 3-4 July 2003 8620-A2-G N20-40 Connecting a DSL Card Using Locking Pivot Brackets Proc edur e T o conne ct a DSL c ard in t he 8620 chas sis using the pr ovided l ocking pivot bracke ts: 1.
3. Cabli ng 8620-A2-G N20-40 July 2003 3-5 6. Tighten the captive screw on the top of the cab le’ s co nnector to secure it to the inse rt mou nted on the rear cove r .
3. Ca bli ng 3-6 July 2003 8620-A2-G N20-40 Connecting an SCP Card to an SNMP Management System Proc edur e T o conne ct an SCP card to an SNM P mana gement sy stem o r for T eln et acces s: 1. Plug the end of a n 8-pin m odular c able int o LAN S CM jack of th e SIM, which corresp onds to the SCP car d in Slo t A of the c hassis.
3. Cabli ng 8620-A2-G N20-40 July 2003 3-7 Connecting to a Modem for R emote Management (with MCP) Before c onnecti ng the Hotwir e 8620 G ranDSLAM to a dial -up mode m, config ure the modem with the following settings : n Set the mo dem for auto ans wer .
3. Ca bli ng 3-8 July 2003 8620-A2-G N20-40 Connecting an MCP t o an SNMP Management System Proc edur e T o conne ct an MCP card to an SNMP manag ement sy stem or f or T eln et access: 1. Plug the end of an 8-pin m odular cable into LAN M CP jack of th e SIM, whi ch corre sponds to the MCP c ard in S lot 1 o f the ch assis.
3. Cabli ng 8620-A2-G N20-40 July 2003 3-9 Connecting CO Alarm to the Alarm System The foll owing pr ocedure is optio nal. Follo w this pr ocedure only if y ou want to connect to a CO alarm sys tem. See 8-Pi n Modul ar Conne ctor for Alarm Relay Interfac e in Appen dix A, Pin outs , for pin-out info rmation.
3. Ca bli ng 3-10 J uly 2003 8620-A2-G N20-40.
8620-A2-G N20-40 July 2003 4-1 4 T roubleshooting T roubleshooting T a ble T able 4-1. T roubleshooting T able (1 of 2) Symptom Possible Ca use Soluti ons Dif ficulty s eatin g MCP , SCM o r DSL Card when installi ng Other ca rds a nd filler plates in the chassi s are n ot properly sec ured.
4. Troubl eshoo ting 4-2 July 2003 8620-A2-G N20-40 System Alarm LED is ON (o n a DSL card) SYSTEM ALM LED is ON and DSL ca rd i s ino pera tiv e in Slot n . For an SCP-car d-ba se d chassi s: 1. Using the Status - A larm s sc ree n o f the w eb in ter fac e , det erm i ne w hat alarms h ave been reported ag ainst the DSL card.
4. Troub le sho oti ng 8620-A2-G N20-40 July 2003 4-3 LEDs The foll owing tabl e describ es the me aning and states of the LEDs on the fr ont panel of th e SIM c ard in the Gran DSLAM ch assis. For in dividua l card L EDs, see the appro priate c ard Inst allation Instruc tions.
4. Troubl eshoo ting 4-4 July 2003 8620-A2-G N20-40.
8620-A2-G N20-40 July 2003 A-1 A Pino uts 8-Pin Modular Connect or fo r Alarm Relay Interface The 8-pin inter face for the Alar m Rela y Interfac e (ALARM) connec tion ha s the followin g pin a ssignments .
A. Pinouts A-2 July 2003 8620-A2-G N20-40 8-Pin Modular LAN MCP /LAN SCM Slot Connector The 8-pin inter face for the LAN 10/ 100 Ba seT con nections has the followi ng pin assign ments.
A. Pinouts 8620-A2-G N20-40 July 2003 A-3 8-Pin Modular Serial MCP Connector The 8- pin SERIA L MCP c onnector (used for the MC P’s asynch ronous terminal interfac e) is a DCE -type c onnectio n with th e followi ng pin as signments . NOTE: The seri al port i s active o nly o n the ba se unit.
A. Pinouts A-4 July 2003 8620-A2-G N20-40 DB25 Adap ter Pinouts The DB25 (RS-23 2 male ) cable adapter ( Paradyne Part No. 002-00 87-0031) i s used to c onvert t he 8-pin modular serial in terface t o a sta ndard RS- 232 DB25 interfac e, which can the n be conn ected to a terminal , computer, or any Data T e rminati on Equ ipment (D TE).
A. Pinouts 8620-A2-G N20-40 July 2003 A-5 T elco 50-Pin Connec tor Pinouts for D SL Loops and POTS Splitters The thr ee T elco 50 -pin receptacl es on t he rear of the chas sis (la beled for Slots 1, .
A. Pinouts A-6 July 2003 8620-A2-G N20-40.
8620-A2-G N20-40 July 2003 B-1 B T ec hnical Specifications Ta b l e B - 1 li sts t he tech nical spec ificati ons fo r the Hotwi re 8620 G ranDSLA M chas sis. T able B-1. Hotwire 8620 GranDSLAM T echnical Specifications (1 of 2) Specifications Criteria* Physical Dimensions H eight: 5.
B. Technica l Spec ifi cat ion s B-2 July 2003 8620-A2-G N20-40 Grounding A gro und lu g is located on the rig ht rear o f the Hotw ire 8620 GranDSLA M. It ac cepts 14 A WG w ire. A noninsu lated bana na jack is locat ed at th e left fron t of the Hotwire 8620 Gran DSLAM pro viding a ground for the ESD wr ist strap plug.
8620-A2-G N20-40 July 2003 IN-1 Index A alar m rela y, A-1 ATM, 1-1 ADSL card, 1-3 SDSL card, 1-3 C cable t ies, 3-3 cablin g, 2-2, 3-1 alarm, 3-9 comput er, 3-5–3-6 modem, 3- 7 SNMP, 3-6, 3-8 tip a.
Index IN-2 July 2003 8620-A2-GN 20-40 R Reach DSL card, 1-3 relat ed docum ents, iv RT (Remote Termin al), 1-1 S SCM, 1-2 inter operabili ty, 1-4 SCP card, 1-2 inter operabili ty, 1-4 site, 2-1 SNMP, .
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