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U s e r ’ s m a n u a l S L 8 2 2 0 8 / S L 8 2 3 0 8 / S L 8 2 4 0 8 D E C T 6 . 0 c o r d l e s s t e l e p h o n e / a n s w e r i n g s ys t em w i t h c a l l e r I D / c a l l w a i t i n g.
Model #: SL82208 (dual handset)/SL82308 (triple handset)/ SL82408 (quad handset) Type: DECT 6.0 cor dless telephone/answering syst em Serial #: Purchase dat e: P l a c e o f p u r c h a s e : Both the model and serial number of your A T&T product can be found on the bottom of the t elephone base.
Y our new AT&T SL82208/SL82308/SL82408 tel ephone sytem includes: T elephone base Battery for cor dless handset (2 for SL82208) (3 for SL82308) (4 for SL82408) T elephone line cord Cordless handse.
Getting s tarted Quick ref erence guide ...................... 2 Installation .............................................. 4 T elephone base and charger installation ....................................... 5 Battery inst allation & charging ....
2 Getting started Quic k r ef er ence guid e F eatur e menu Menu Fea ture menu DIRECTOR Y .............. Page 22 CALL L OG ................. Page 28 RING ER V OL UME ... Page 17 RINGER TONE ......... Page 18 KEY TONE ................. Page 18 LANGUAGE .
3 Getting started Quic k r ef er ence guid e T elephone base HANDSET L OCA TOR Press to initiat e beeping to locate misplac ed hand- sets (page 10). VOICEMAIL Flashes when you have new voice mail. This service is provided b y your local telephone company , (different fr om the answering system on the telephone base).
4 Getting started Install ation Y our pr od uc t m ay be shi ppe d w ith a pr ot ec ti ve sti ck er co ve rin g t he han dse t o r ba se dis pla y , r em ov e it b ef or e us e. Install the telephone base cl ose to a telephone jack and a power outlet not connected t o a wall switch.
5 Getting started IMPORT ANT INF ORMA TION 1. Us e o nl y th e pow er ada pt er s upp lie d w ith th is pr od uc t. T o o rd er a r ep lac eme nt pow er ada pt er , vi sit ou r w ebs it e at w ww . t el e ph on es .a t t. c om o r cal l 1 (8 00 ) 22 2- 31 11 .
6 Getting started Bat t ery installation & char ging I ns t a l l t he ba t t er y a s s h o w n b el ow . A ft er i ns t al li n g t he b at t e ry , y o u ca n m ak e an d r e c e i v e s h o rt c a l ls . F o r o pt i ma l p er f or ma n c e , c ha r g e t he h a n ds e t ba t t er y f o r a t l e a st 1 6 ho u rs b ef o r e u s e .
7 Getting started Belt clip & optional headset I ns t al la ti on Sn ap be lt cl ip in to notches on both si des of ha nds et. P lu g 2 .5 m m h ea ds et into jack on side of h an d se t ( b en e at h s ma l l r ub b er fl a p) .
8 T elephone operation Handset oper ation Making a call T o ma k e a ca ll : • Pr es s P HO NE / FL AS H or SP EA KE R , th en ent er th e te le ph on e nu mb er . T o en d a ca ll : • Pr ess OF F /C LE AR or r etu rn t he han dse t in the t el ep ho ne b as e or c ha rg er .
9 T elephone operation Handset oper ation Auto off A c al l wi ll b e te rm in at ed a ut om at ic al ly b y pl ac in g th e ha nd se t in t he t el ep ho ne b as e or c ha rg er .
10 T elephone operation Handset oper ation Handset locat or Th e ha nd se t lo ca t or fe at ur e is us ef ul if y ou m is pl ac e a ha nd se t( s) . T o st ar t th e pa gi ng t on e: • Press HANDSET L OCA T OR at the tele phone ba se .
11 T elephone operation Options while on calls V olume contr ol P r es s t he V OL UM E k ey s o n t he si de of th e h an d- k ey s o n t he si de of th e h an d- set to adjust listeni ng volume . Each press of the bu tt on i nc r ea se s or d ec r ea se s th e vo lu me .
12 T elephone operation Options while on calls Las t number r edial While on a call, you can press REDIAL /P AUSE to r ev ie w th e mos t r ec ent ly ca ll ed num be r .
13 T elephone operation Options while on calls Dir ectory W h i l e o n a c a l l , y o u c a n p r e s s DIR t o r e v i e w t h e d i r e c t o r y . T o c l e a r t h e e n t r y f r o m t h e d i s p l a y , p r e s s a n d h o l d O F F / C L E A R .
14 T elephone operation Int er com Use the in ter com fe atu re fo r c onv ers ati on b etw een han dset s. Mod el S L82 208 1. Pr es s IN T . Th e sc r ee n wi ll sh ow CA LL IN G O TH ER HA ND SE T . The destination handset will ring, and its screen will show OTHER HANDSET IS CA LL IN G .
15 T elephone operation Int er com call tr ansfer Us e th e in te rc om fe at ur e to tr an sf er an ex te rn al ca ll fr om o ne h an ds et t o an ot he r . Mo de l SL 82 20 8 1. Du ri ng a co nv er sa ti on wi th an e xt er na l ca ll , pr es s IN T .
16 T elephone operation Int er com call tr ansfer Mo de ls SL 82 30 8/ SL 82 40 8 1. Du ri ng a co nv er sa ti on wi th an e xt er na l ca ll , pr es s INT . The external call is automatically placed on ho l d an d T R AN SF ER T O: is d is pl a ye d o n th e sc r ee n.
17 T elephone operation Handset set tings Using the feature menu, you can change settings to customiz e how the telephone works. 1. Press MENU/ SELECT in idle mode to enter the featur e menu. 2. Use DIR / CID to scroll to the feature to be changed. When scrolling through the menu, the top menu item is alway s highlighted with a > s ymb ol.
18 T elephone operation Handset set tings Ringer tone Th is fe atu re a ll ows yo u to ch oo se on e of 10 r in ge r t on es . T o cho ose a rin ger t on e: 1. Press MENU/ SELECT in idle mode to enter the featur e menu. 2. Us e DIR / CID t o scroll to the > RINGER T ONE menu, then press MENU /SELECT .
19 T elephone operation Handset set tings Language In th is me nu, you ca n sel ect th e lan gua ge us ed fo r al l s cr ee n d isp la ys . T o sel ect a lan gua ge: 1. Press MENU/ SELECT in idle mode to enter the featur e menu. 2. U s e DIR / CID to scroll to the > LANGUA GE menu, then press MENU /SELECT .
20 T elephone operation Handset set tings Visual message waiting (voic email) indicator If you subscribe to voice mail service provided by your local telephone company , the visual message w a i t i n.
21 T elephone operation Handset set tings T emporary ring sil encing Press OFF/ CLEAR o r MUTE/ DELETE w h i l e t h e telephone is ringing to silence the ringer tempo- rarily . This will silence the ringer without discon- necting the call. The next incoming call will ring normally at the preset v olume.
22 Directory Pat Williams 555-1234 Dir ectory Shar ed direct ory The directory is stored in the telephone base, and is shared by all handsets. Changes made to the directory on an y one handset will apply to all. NOT E : Only one handset can review the directory or caller ID log at a time.
23 Directory New dir ectory entries T o cr eate and st ore a new dir ectory entry 1. Press MENU/ SELECT in idle mode to enter t he featur e menu. 2. P r e s s M E N U /SELECT again to enter t he > DIRECT ORY menu. 3. Press CID to highlight S T ORE.
24 Directory New dir ectory entries 7. Enter the name when prompt ed. • Use th e dial pad t o ent er a na me (up to 16 chara cter s). Eac h time a k ey is p ress ed, the char acter on th at k ey wil l be di splay ed. Add itiona l ke y pr esses w ill pr oduce ot her cha ract ers o n that key .
25 Directory Dir ectory r eview T o r eview direct ory entries 1. Press DIR in idle mode to display the fir st listing in the direct ory. DIRE CT ORY EMPTY will be displayed if ther e are no direct ory entries.
26 Directory Dir ectory sear ch T o sear ch by name 1. Press DIR in idle mode to display the first listing in the direct ory . DIRECT ORY EMPTY will be displayed if ther e are no direct ory entries. 2. When a name entry is displayed, press a dial pad keys (2-9) t o start a quick name search.
27 Directory T o di al , de le t e or e di t a di re ct or y en tr y (n am e an d nu mb er ), t he e nt ry m us t be d is pl ay ed o n th e ha nd - se t.
28 Caller ID operation Caller ID oper ation Informa tion about caller ID with call waiting Th is pr od uc t ha s a ca ll er I D fu nc ti on wi th ca ll wa it in g f ea tu re wh ic h wo rk s wi th se rv ic e fr om yo ur lo ca l t el ep ho ne co mp an y .
29 Caller ID operation C a l l er I D o p e r at io n How the call log works I nf or ma ti on a bo ut t he l as t 50 i nc om in g ca ll s i s st or ed i n t he ca ll lo g.
30 Caller ID operation HANDSET 1 6 MISSED CALLS C a l l er I D o p e r at io n Memory match If the incoming telephone number exactl y match- es a telephone number in your directory , the name that appears on the screen will match the corresponding name in y our directory .
31 Caller ID operation HA ND SE T 1 6 MI SS ED C AL LS Pa t Wi ll ia ms 55 5- 12 34 Ch ri s Th om ps on 90 8- 55 5- 01 00 Je ff re y Ad am s 55 5- 98 76 NEW 10:21 AM 11/23 NEW 10:11 AM 11/23 NEW 10:31.
32 Answering system operation A n s w e r i n g s ys t e m o p e r at i o n Message capacity The answe ring syst em can re cor d up to 99 mes- sa ge s, de pe nd ing on th e le ngt h of ea ch me ssa ge. Indivi dual m e ss a g es c an b e u p to fo ur m in u te s long, and the total maximum recording time is 14 minute s.
33 Answering system operation Day & time announcement T o check day & time Y ou can press CL OCK when the system is idle to hear the current day and time without changing it. T o set day & time B e fo r e pl ay i n g e ac h m e s sa g e , t h e an s w e r i ng s y st e m announces the day and time the message was r ec ei ve d.
34 Answering system operation Out going announcements O u t g o i n g a n n o u n c e m e n t s a r e t h e m e s s a g e s c a l l e r s h e a r w h e n c a l l s a r e a n s w e r e d b y t h e a n s w e r i n g s y s t e m . T h e t e l ep h o n e i s p r e - s e t w i t h a n o u t g oi n g a n n o u n c e - m e n t .
35 Answering system operation - OR - 1 . SETUP Press until desired f ea- ture is hear d (see list at right). 3 . SETUP Press to set selec- tion and move to ne xt menu option. Changing f eatur e options Y o u c a n c h a n g e h o w t h e a n s w e r i n g s y s t e m o p e r a t e s .
36 Answering system operation Message playback P r es s PL A Y / S T OP t o h ea r me ss ag es . T he sy st em anno unce s the numbe r of messag es, then begins pl ay ba ck . If you have new messages, you will hear only the new messages (oldest first).
37 Answering system operation R ecor ding & playing memos Me mos are me ssa ge s yo u record you rse lf. Th ey are saved , p laye d b ack an d dele ted exact ly l ike incomi ng messa ges.
38 Answering system operation Message counter Message count er displays The message counter usually displays the total nu mb er of me mo s a nd i nc om in g me ss ag es . Se e th e li st be lo w f or e xp la na ti on s of o th er di sp la ys i n t hi s c ou nt er .
39 Answering system operation ANSWER ON Press until the system announces “Calls will not be answered. ” " Beep." The system has been turned off. Answering syst em mode Th e de f au lt se tt in g i s f or th e an sw er in g sy st em to be on .
40 Answering system operation R emot e acc ess Y ou can access your answering system r emotely by dialing your home telephone number fr om any touch-tone t elephone. T o remotely access y our answering system: 1. Dial your tel ephone number from any touch-t one telephone.
41 Appendix One beep every 10 seconds Message alert. Scr een icons, indicat or lights & t ones Scr een icons & al ert tones Ringer off. Battery char ging (animated display). Low batt ery (flashing); place handset in telephone base or charger to r echarge.
42 Appendix PHONE The handset is in use. DIRECTORY EMPTY You ar e accessing an empty direct ory. MUTED The call is on mute. LOW BATTERY The batt ery needs to be recharged. INCOMING CALL There is a call coming in. Handset display scr een messages ENDED Y ou have just ended a call.
43 Appendix Handset display scr een messages Scr een display messages Failed int ercom or confer ence call (there are alr eady two handsets being used). UNABLE TO CALL TRY AGAIN Someone else is already using the directory or call log when y ou try to do so.
44 Appendix T r oubleshooting If you have dif fic ul ty with yo ur pho ne, ple ase tr y the sugg est ions belo w . For Customer Service, visit our website at www .tel or call 1 (800) 222-3111 . In Canada dial 1 (866) 288-4268 . My phone doesn’t work at all • Make sure the power cor d is securely plugged in.
45 Appendix CONNE CTING... displays on my cordl ess handset • Ensure that the telephone base is powered up. • Place the cordless handset in the telephone base for one minute to allow the cordless handset and base to resynchr onize channels. • Move the cordl ess handset closer to the telephone base.
46 Appendix T r oubleshooting The batteries will not hold a charge • If the cordless handset is in its base and the charge light does not come on, refer to The charge light is off in this T roubl eshooting guide. • Charge the battery in the cordl ess handset for at least 16 hours.
47 Appendix T r oubleshooting • Do not install this phone near a microwa ve oven or on the same electrical outlet. Y ou may experience de c re a se d pe r fo r m an ce w h il e th e mi c ro wa ve o ve n is operating.
48 Appendix • T h e la yo u t o f y o u r h o m e o r o ff i ce m i g ht b e li m i ti n g the operating range. Try moving the telephone base to another location, pref erably on an upper floor . • If the other phones in your home are having the same problem, the problem is in your wiring or local service.
49 Appendix The charge light is off • Ma k e s ur e th e po we r an d li ne c or ds ar e pl ug ge d in co rr ec tl y an d se cu re ly . • Un pl ug t he un it ’s el ec tr ic al po we r . Wa it fo r 15 se c on ds , th en pl ug i t ba ck in . Al lo w up t o on e mi nu te f or th e c or dl es s ha nd - se t an d te le ph on e ba se t o r es et .
50 Appendix Incomplete messages • If a caller leaves a very long message, part of it may be lost when the syst em disconnects the call aft er four min- utes. • If the caller pauses for more than seven seconds, the system st ops recor ding and disconnects the call.
51 Appendix System announc- es “Time and day not set” • Y o u n ee d t o r e s et t h e a n s w er i n g s y st em c l oc k ( s e e p a g e 3 3 ) . S y s t e m d o e s n o t r e s p o n d t o r e m o t e c o m m a n d s • Ma k e su r e t o en te r yo ur r em ot e ac ce ss c od e co rr ec tl y (s ee pa ge 4 0) .
52 Appendix This cordless telephone operates with the maximum power allowed by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Even so, this handset and telephone base can communicate over only a cert ain distance — which can v ary with the locations of the telephone base and handset, the weather , and the layout of your home or office.
53 Appendix Important saf ety instructions Th is sy mb ol is to al er t yo u to imp ort an t op er at in g or ser vic ing in str uct ion s th at ma y app ear in th is us er’ s m an ua l. Al wa ys f oll ow ba sic sa fet y p r ec aut ion s w he n us ing th is p r od uc t t o r edu ce t he r is k o f in jur y, fi re , or ele ctr ic sho ck.
54 Appendix Im por t an t s af ety ins tr uct io ns Esp ecia ll y A bou t Co r dl ess T el ephon es • Pri va cy : The sa me fe atur es tha t ma k e a cor dle ss ph one con veni ent cr eat e s om e l im it at io ns .
55 Appendix Important saf ety instructions Pr ecautions for users of implanted car diac pacemak ers Car diac pac emak ers (a ppli es onl y t o 900 MHz di git al c ordl ess t eleph one s): Wi re les s .
56 Appendix F C C P art 68 and ACT A Th is eq ui pm en t c om pl ie s wi th Pa rt 68 of th e F CC ru l es an d w it h t ec hn ic al re qu ir e- me nt s ad op te d by th e A dm in ist ra tiv e Co unc il f or T erm in al At ta ch men ts (A CT A) .
57 Appendix F C C P art 68 and ACT A If this product is equipped with a corded or cordless handset, it is hearing aid compatible. If th is pr od uc t ha s me mo ry di al in g l oc at io ns , yo u ma y ch oo se to st or e e me rg en cy t e le ph on e n um be rs (e .
58 Appendix F C C P art 15 This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the requirement s for a Class B digital device under Part 15 of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) rul es. These requirements are intended to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.
59 Appendix Limit ed warr anty The A T&T brand is used under license - any repai r , replac ement or warran- ty service, and all questions about this product should be directed to: In th e Un i te d S ta te s of Am e r ic a , v i si t www.t elephones.
60 Appendix Limit ed warr anty 4. What is not cover ed by this limited warranty? This limit ed warranty does not cover: • PRODUCT that has been subjected to misuse, accident, shipping or other physi.
61 Appendix Limit ed warr anty 6. What must you return with the PR ODUCT to get warranty service? Y ou must: a. Return the entir e original package and contents including the PRODUCT to the service location along with a description of the malfunction or dif- ficulty; and b.
62 Appendix T echnical specifications RF frequency band 1921.536 MHz — 1928.448 MHz Channels 5 Operating temperat ure 32°F — 122°F 0°C — 50°C T elephone base voltage (AC voltage, 60Hz) 96 — 127 Vrms T elephone base voltage (AC adapter output) 6VDC @400mA Handset voltage 2.
63 Appendix A AC adapter , 5 Alert tones, 41 Answering calls, 8 Answering system, 32-40 Auto off , 9 B Battery char ging, 6 Battery inst allation, 6 Belt clip, 7 C Call interc ept, 39 Call screening, .
64 Appendix Inde x T T echnical specifications, 62 T elephone operating range, 52, 62 Tr oubleshooting, 44-51 V Visual message waiting indicat or , 20 Voic email, 3, 41 Voic e prompts, 32 Volume c ont.
Appendix Use th e wa lle t c ar d be low t o he lp you r emem ber co mman ds to co ntr ol yo ur ans weri ng sys te m fr om a ny t ouch to ne t elep hone . R emot e acc ess wallet car d Fold her e. Cut along dotted line. Action Remot e command Play all messages .
© 2007 Advanced American T elephones. All rights reserv ed. A T&T and the A T&T logo are tr ademarks of A T&T Knowledge Ventur es, licensed t o Advanced American T elephones. Printed in China. Issue 2 A T&T 08/07. www .telephones.a tt.
デバイスAT&T SL82308の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
AT&T SL82308をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはAT&T SL82308の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。AT&T SL82308の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。AT&T SL82308で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
AT&T SL82308を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はAT&T SL82308の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、AT&T SL82308に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちAT&T SL82308デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。