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T ravel Ma te 33 0 Service Guid e P ART NO.: DO C . N O.: PR INTE D IN T AI W AN Service guide fi les and upda tes are a v ai lab l e on the AIP G/CSD web; f o r more i nf or mat ion, pl eas e r e f er t o http: //cs d.
II Copyr igh t Cop yright © 1999 by Ac er I ncor por ated. All righ ts r eser v ed. No part of thi s pub licati on ma y be reprod uced, t r ansm it te d, transcribed , stored in a retrie val syst em,.
III Co n vent ions The f ollo wi ng con venti ons are u sed i n this manual : Scre en mess ages Denotes actual mes sages that appear o n- screen. NO TE Giv es bi t s and pi eces o f addi t i on al i nf orma- tion re lat ed t o the cur r e nt t opi c.
IV Pr efac e Bef ore using th is inf orm a ti on and the prod uct i t sup por ts, ple ase read the f ol- lo wi ng g eneral inf ormation! 1 This Service Guide pro vides you wi t h al l techn i ca l inf or mat i on r el at i n g to the BASI C CONFIGURA TION deci ded f or Acer's "g lobal" pr oduc t off erin g.
6 T ab le of Con tent s Ch apt er 1 Syst em Int ro duc tio ns Basi c Ope rat ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Indi cator s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 Keyboard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
T able of Cont ents 7 Ch apter 3 Remov al and Rep lace ment Gen eral Informat ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Bef ore You B e gin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Disassembly Procedure Flowc hart . . . . . . . . .
8 T ab le of Con tent s Chapter 6 FRU (Field Re pla ceab le Unit) List Appendix A Model Numbe r and Configurations Ap pendix B T est C ompat ible Com ponents L ist Appen dix C On lin e Support In form.
Chapte r 1 9 This co m p ute r was des i gn ed with the user in mind . Here are just a f ew of its many feat ures: Perfo r mance Int el Pent i um® I I Dixo n 300/3 33/366 process or 64-bi t main memo.
10 System In troducti ons Expansi on CardBus PC Card (former l y PCMCIA) slot (one typ e II) wit h Zoom ed V i deo (ZV) suppo r t Upgrade able mem or y and hard disk Displ ay The lar ge gr ap hics displ a y of fers excel lent viewi ng, dis pl a y quality and deskt op performance gr aphics.
Chapte r 1 1 1 Opening and Closing the Displ ay T o open the di spl ay , slide t he dis play cover la tch to the lef t and lift up the cover . Then t i lt i t to a comfor table viewi ng posit ion.
12 System In troducti ons Bas ic Op er ati on Indic ators The com pute r has six easy-t o-read stat us icons on the right of the disp l ay scre en. The Power and Sta ndby status ic ons ar e vis ible eve n when you cl ose t h e disp l ay c over s o you can see the sta tus of t he co m puter whi le the c over i s clos ed.
Chapte r 1 13 Keyboard The key board has ful l - s i z ed keys an d an embedded keypad, separ ate cu rso r keys, two Windows k eys and twelve function keys. Special Key s Lock Ke ys The keyboa rd has three lock keys whi ch you can toggle on and of f .
14 System In troducti ons Embedd ed Numeric Keypad The embe dded num er i c keypad funct ions l ike a deskt op num eri c keypad. It is in di cated by small char act ers locate d on the uppe r r i ght corn er of the keycap s. T o simpl ify the keyboar d l egend, cur sor-c ontrol k ey sym bols are not pri nted o n the key s .
Chapte r 1 15 Windows Keys The keyboa rd has two keys that per f orm W indo w s -s pecific funct ions. Key Description Wi ndows log o ke y Start bu tton .
16 System In troducti ons Hot Ke ys The com pute r employs hot keys or key com b i nations to acc ess m ost o f th e com pute r ’s con t r ols li ke scr een contrast and bri ghtnes s, volume output and the BI OS U tili ty . T o ac tivate hot keys, pres s a nd hold t he Fn key bef ore press ing the oth er key in the ho t key co m bina t ion.
Chapte r 1 17 Fn - F4 Hi berna tion or Sleep Puts the com pute r in Hib ern ation Mo de (if S l eep Ma nage r is ins talle d, v alid an d enab led) . Pr es s the p ow er swit ch to resum e. Oth erwise , the c omput er ent ers St andb y mode. See “ Hib ern ation Mod e” on pag e 39.
18 System In troducti ons Ke yboa rd Er gon omic s Locat ed below the key board, the wide and curved palm re st i s er gonomica ll y desi gned t o provi de you with a ver y comf or t able pl ace to rest your hands whil e you ty pe.
Chapte r 1 19 T o uchp ad The buil t -in touchpad i s a PS/2- com pat ible pointi ng device that senses move ment on its surface . Thi s means the curs or r esponds as you move your fi nger on the sur face of the touc hpad. The central locati on on the palm rest provi des op timum c omfort and suppor t.
20 System In troducti ons Use th e center ( 2) b ut t ons (top and bo ttom) to s cr o l l up or down a page. This but t on m im i cs your c ur s or pr essi ng on the right scro ll bar of Windows appl icati ons. No te: Keep you r f i nger s dry and clean when usi ng the touc hpad.
Chapte r 1 21 I/O P orts Lef t Por ts EasyLi nk™ Combo Dri ve The Eas yLink™ Co mbo Dri ve is a two -in-one floppy /CD-ROM or fl oppy / DVD-ROM “combo” dri ve that conn ect s ext erna l l y to t he computer . The fl oppy dr i v e r e ads and writ es st andard 3.
22 System In troducti ons Rear Port s # Icon Po rt Conne cts to... 1 Mod em j ack Pho ne line 2 Pow er j ack AC adap ter and powe r outl et 3 PS/ 2 p ort PS /2- compa tib le dev ice ( e.g ., PS/ 2 k eyboa rd/mo use/ keypa d) 4 I nfra red p or t Infr ared dev ice ( e.
Chapte r 1 23 Right Ports # Icon Port C onne cts to ... 1 PC Card s lot One 16-bit PC C ard or 32-bit CardBus PC Card (Z oo me d Vi de o su pp or t ed ) 2 M ic r o ph on e- i n jac k Mon o cond en ser micr ophone 3 L in e-in j ack Aud io li ne-in dev ice (e.
24 System In troducti ons Ha rdwa re Co nfig urat ion and Spec ifi cat io n Memory Address M ap Memory Address Size Fun ction 0000 00 00-0 009FF FF 64 0 K B Bas e m emory 000A 00 00- 000B FFF F 128 KB.
Chapte r 1 25 DMA Channel Assign men t DMA Chann el Func tion DRQ 0 A udio or FIR ( optio nal) DRQ 1 E CP or Audi o or FIR( opti onal ) DRQ 2 F lopp y DRQ3 ECP o r FIR(optional) DRQ4 Not Used DRQ 5 No.
26 System In troducti ons 3B C- 3BE paral le r port 1 3B 0-3B B 3C0 -3D F Vide o Cont rol ler 3F 0h-3F 7 Sta ndard Flop py D isk Co ntrol ler 3E 8-3E F COM3 o r L T Win m od em(o ptio na l) 3F 0-3F7 F.
Chapte r 1 27 Above table lists some sy stem memor y config ur ati ons. Y ou may combine DIMMs wit h vari ous ca pacities to f orm ot her combination s .
28 System In troducti ons V i deo M emory Item Sp ecific at ion Fix ed or up grad ea ble Fixe d, bu ilt -in v id eo con t r oll er Vide o me mor y s ize 2. 5MB Vid eo Item Sp ecific at ion Chi p ve nd or T r ide nt Chi p na me CY 95 25 D VD Ch ip vol tag e 3.
Chapte r 1 29 Paral l el Port Item Sp ecific at ion Par all el po r t c ontro ller NS PC 97 338V JG Nu mber of par all el po rts 1 Loca ti on Re ar si de Co nnecto r typ e 25- pin D- type c onne ct or , in f emale ty pe.
30 System In troducti ons IrDA FIR Port Ir DA FI R p ort co ntrol ler NS PC 97 338V JG Number of Ir DA FIR ports 1 Loca ti on R ear side IrDA FIR por t fun ction con trol E nable /dis able by BIOS S e.
Chapte r 1 31 PCMCIA Item Sp ecific at ion PCM CIA cont rol ler O2 OZ6 812 Supp orts c ard t ype Ty pe -II Nu mber of s lo ts One ty pe-II Acc ess lo cation Right side Su pports Z V (Z oome d Vide o) por t Y es Su pports 32 bit C ardB us Y es (IRQ 9) Modem Item Sp ecific at ion Chi ps et A mb it J0 7.
32 System In troducti ons Hard Disk Drive Item Sp ecifi cat ion V e nd or & M od el Na me IBM DBC A 20 64 80 IBM D BC A 204 86 0 Driv e Fo rma t Ca pacity (M B ) 64 90 4860 Bytes p er sec tor 512 .
Chapte r 1 33 En codi ng m etho d M FM Po wer R eq uirem ent Inpu t Voltag e ( V) +5 V +- 10% CD-ROM Item Sp ecific ation V e ndor & Model Name TEAC CD-224E-A2 5 Pe rfor m a nc e Spe c ifi ca ti on Trans fer r ate ( KB/s ec) 1,54 5KB /sec ~ 3, 600K B/s ec.
34 System In troducti ons No te: DC-AC inverter is use d t o generat e ver y high AC voltage, then support to LCD CCF T backl i gh t user , an d is al so re sponsible for the c ontrol of LCD bright ness. Avoi d touchi ng th e DC-AC inv erter area wh i le the sy stem un it is turned o n.
Chapte r 1 35 LCD It em Spec ificati ons V en do r & mode l name 12. 1" Sh ar p LQ12 1S1 D H0 1 To r i s a n TM12 1S V-0 2L04 Mech anic al Sp ecifi cati ons LCD di sp la y ar e a (d iagona l, in ch) 12 .
36 System In troducti ons Power Ad apt er Item S pec ifica tion V e nd or & m od el n ame Lite- On P A-1 46 0-19 AC Rev . 03. Delta ADP-4 5GB Rev . E5 Inpu t Re quire men ts Maxi mum in pu t curr en t (A, @9 0V a c, fu ll lo ad) 1. 5A@9 0V ac 0. 75A@ 180Vac 1.
Chapte r 1 37 Elec trosta tic dis cha rge (ESD) 15k V (at ai r di schar ge) 8kV (at cont act di sch arge) 15kV (at ai r dischar ge) 8kV (at cont act di sch arge) Die lect ric With stan d Voltag e Pr i mary to s econd ary 300 0 V a c (or 4242 Vdc), 10 mA for 1 se cond 30 00 Va c ( or 4 242 V dc) , 10 mA for 1 se cond Leak a ge cu rre nt 0.
38 System In troducti ons Po we r Manage ment This co m pu ter has a bui l t -in power man agem ent uni t tha t moni t or s sys tem acti vi ty . System acti vity r efers to any activ i t y in volvi ng.
Chapte r 1 39 Standby Mode The com pute r cons umes very low power in Standby mode . Data re ma ins int act i n th e s yst em memor y until the batt e ry is dra in ed.
40 System In troducti ons There i s one necessar y conditio ns for the computer to ent er Hiber nation mode : The Hiber natio n file creat ed by Sleep Manager m u st be pr esent and val id .
Chapte r 1 41 Ad vanced P o wer Man agemen t This compu ter support s the APM standar d designed t o furthe r red uce power consum pti on. APM is a p ower-manag ement app roach defi ned j ointly by Micr osoft and Inte l.
42 System In troducti ons.
Chapte r 2 43 BIOS Setu p Util ity The BI OS Setup Utili ty i s a h ar dware confi gurat ion pr ogram b ui lt i nto y our comp ute r ’s BIOS ( Basi c Inp ut/Out put Sys tem). Y our co m puter i s alr eady pr operly conf igured and op timized, and you d o not need t o r un thi s uti lity .
44 Sy stem Utilit ies Press Esc while yo u are in any of the menu o ptions to ret urn to t he m ai n menu . No te: Y ou can change the val ue of a param et er if it is enc l o sed i n square br ackets. No te: Navi gation key s fo r a parti cul ar men u are shown on th e bottom of the s cr een.
Chapte r 2 45 combinat i o n of bot h . The i tems in this su b-menu are important and v ital i nformati on about your comp ute r. If you exp erienc e c omputer probl ems and need to conta ct techn i c al su pport, this dat a help s our ser v i ce personn el kn ow more about your compu ter .
46 Sy stem Utilit ies Bas ic System S ettin gs The Basic Syste m Settings sub-menu all ows you to set the sys t em dat e and tim e. The fol lowing tabl e descr ibes the para me ter s in t his sub- me nu. Paramete r Description Forma t Dat e Se ts th e sys tem dat e.
Chapte r 2 47 Star tup Co nfi gurat ion The St artup Conf iguration sub-menu contai ns pa rameter va lues that define how yo ur compu t er b ehaves o n system star tup. The fol lowing tabl e descr ibes the para meter s i n thi s sub- m e nu. Settings i n boldf ace ar e the def aul t and suggest ed parameter set ting s.
48 Sy stem Utilit ies Sett i ng th e Boot Dri ve Sequence The Boot Dri ve Sequ ence section l is t s boo t prior ities (1 st, 2nd and 3r d) f o r boota bl e dr ives in your comp uter .
Chapte r 2 49 Onbo ard Devi ces Co nfigu ration The para m e ter s in this scre en are for adva nced users onl y . Y ou do not need to chang e the val ues in this sc reen because these valu es are alre ady opti mized. The O nboard Devices Conf igu ration s ub-menu assigns r esources to basi c comp ute r comm uni cation hard w are.
50 Sy stem Utilit ies Syst em Secur ity The Sy stem Secu rity sub-men u allows you to safeguard your com puter and data wi th passwor ds and other sec ur i t y m e asur es. The f ollowing tabl e descr ibes t he parame ters in t his s creen. Settings in boldf ace ar e the def aul t and suggest ed parameter set ting s.
Chapte r 2 51 Setti ng a Passw or d Fo llo w t h ese s tep s: Use t he cursor up/dow n keys to high l ight a Password p arameter (Set up or Power-on) a nd press the Enter key . The passwor d box appe ars: T ype a passwor d. The passwor d may consi st of up to sev en char acters (A- Z, a -z, 0- 9).
52 Sy stem Utilit ies Changing a Passwor d T o change a pass word, follow the se st e ps: Remov e the cur rent pas sword. See “Removi ng a Password” on page 51.
Chapte r 2 53 The f ollowing tabl e descr ibes t he parameter s in t his scr een. Settings in boldf ace ar e the def aul t and suggest ed parameter set ting s. No te: If your system has ACPI , al l p ower manag ement f unctions ar e taken car e of by Windows .
54 Sy stem Utilit ies Load Defa ult Settin gs If you want to r est ore all par ameter sett ings to t hei r default v al ues, selec t t his menu ite m and press Enter . Th e follo wing di alog box displ ays. If you would l ik e to load defa ul t set ti ngs for all paramet ers, use the cur sor left /rig ht key s to sel ect Ye s ; t hen press Enter .
Chapte r 2 55 AFlash Ut ility The BI OS flash memory up date is r equi red f or t he fol lowing c ondition s: New ver sions of system p rograms New featu res or options Use the AFl ash util i ty to updat e the sy st e m BIOS fla sh ROM. No te: Do not i nst all memory-rel ated driver s ( XMS, EMS, DPMI) when you use AFlash .
56 Sy stem Utilit ies Quick W ay to Exe cute AFl ash When you ha ve alread y copied the AFlash files int o your hard di sk, you can simpl y type t he fol lowing o n the DOS prompt (su bdi rectory whe re t he files a re loca t ed) to qui ckly execute t he pr ogram .
Chapte r 2 57 Syst em Ut ility Disket te This utility disket te i s for the Acer T ravelM ate 330 notebook machine. It provi des t he foll owing f unct ions: 1. Read/write LCD panel ID 2. Set the rmal sensor thr eshold 3. V erify ther ma l sens or t hre shold (by test i ng fan f unct i o n) 4.
58 Sy stem Utilit ies Set Therm al S ens or Th resho ld The s ystem i s equi pped wi th sensor s to pr otect ag ai nst syst em ov erheating. By se tting System a nd proc essor thermal threshold s, t he sys tem can turn on the cooling f an or shut down a utomati call y when temperatur es reach the defi ned thres hold para m eter s.
Chapte r 2 59 Syst em Di agno stic Disk ette This d i ag nostic di sket te is for th e Acer Tr avelMate 330 no tebook mach ine. I t provi des t he foll owing f unct ions: 1. PQA System Diagn ostic s 2. Audio Reso urce and Speaker O u t T est 3. Scrol l Butt on T est 4.
60 Sy stem Utilit ies Ru nning P QA Di agnost ics Prog ram. Press Æ ¨ to move ar ound the m ai n menu. Pre ss Enter t o enable t he selec t ed opti on. T he main opti ons are Diag, Re sult, Sy sInfo , Opti on and Exit. The Diag opt ion let s you sel ect te sting i tems and ti mes.
Chapte r 2 61 The s creen b elow ap pears i f y ou sel ect Mult i T est. Speci fy the desire d numb er of tests and pr ess Ent er . Afte r you spe c i fy the number of tes ts t o perf orm, the screen shows a li st of test item s (se e belo w). Move the hi ghlig ht bar fro m one ite m to another .
62 Sy stem Utilit ies Enter : Opens the avai l able option s T est T imes: Indi cat es the number of tes ts to perf or m . No te: The F1 and F2 keys func t i on only aft er you fi ni sh configuring the T est opt ion .
Chapte r 3 63 This cha pt e r cont ains st ep-by- s te p procedur es on how t o di sass emble the noteb ook comput er f or mai ntenance a nd troubl eshooting.
64 Removal an d Replacemen t Gene ral In forma tion Before Y ou Begin Befor e proceedi ng wit h th e disassem bly procedu re, make sure that you do the fo l l owi ng: 1. T urn of f th e power t o the sys tem and all per i pherals. 2. Unp l ug the AC ad apter and all power and si gnal cables from the sy stem.
Chapte r 3 65 Disa ssem bly P ro cedu re F lowch art The fl owchart on the succeedi ng p age gives you a gr aphic repr esen tation on the ent i r e di sassembly sequenc e and ins t r uct s you on the componen ts t hat need to be remov ed duri ng servi cing.
66 Removal an d Replacemen t . M ain Un it M ai nboard HD D B oa r d D I M M Modul e M odem Boar d U pper Case M odem C onnect or Lower C ase DI M M C ov e r RTC Ba t t er y M odem Heat Pl a t e PCMC I A Sl ot Touchpad B oar d Touchpad C abl e Touchpad Br ac ket 86 .
Chapte r 3 67 Rem oving the Batt ery Pack 1. Push the battery release button i nward. 2. Sli de the bat t ery pa ck out f rom the main uni t. 3. T o replace t he battery pack i nto the mai n u ni t , be sure th at t he trian gul ar poin t i n the bat t e r y pac k matches wit h t he poi nt in th e lower case.
68 Removal an d Replacemen t Removing the Hard Disk Drive 1. Remove the scr ew of the hard disk modu le. 2. Sli de the har d di sk module out from its bay . Disa ssembli ng the Hard Disk Drive 1. Gentl y , detach t he connector fr om the har d disk modul e.
Chapte r 3 69 4. Sli de the har d di sk out f rom the hard disk drive bezel. 5. This compl et es the d i s assembly proced ur e of the hard dis k dri ve. Disa ssembli ng the Middle Cover 1. T o rem ove the middl e cover , fi rst re move the two scr ews at the back of the main unit .
70 Removal an d Replacemen t 5. Remove the scr ew of the speak er from the mi ddle cover . 6. Remove the spe aker pl ate wit h speak er from the middl e cover .
Chapte r 3 71 Removing the LCD Mo d ule 1. Disco nnect the i nver ter/LED boar d cabl e fr om the sys t em boar d. 2. Remove the two sc rews fro m the LCD coaxial cable. 3. Remove the LCD coaxi al cable. 4. Remove t he two screws on the base of the unit.
72 Removal an d Replacemen t Disa ssembli ng the LCD M odule 1. Remove the fo ur cushi ons from the cor ner s of the LCD be zel. 2. Remove the fo ur sc r ews f rom the LCD bezel. 3. Snap o ff the L CD bezel . 4. Remove t he t wo scr ews from the hinges, t hen remo ve the hinges from th e LCD bez el.
Chapte r 3 73 5. Detach the hi nge caps from th e hing e. 6. Remove the five screws fro m the LCD and the invert er/LED boar d. 7. Remove the LCD and inver ter/LED board from the LCD panel. 8. Disco nnect the LCD power cabl e fr om the in verter /L ED board.
74 Removal an d Replacemen t 10. Disc onnec t t h e LCD coaxial cab le from the LCD. 1 1. This compl etes the dis asse m bly pr ocedure of the LCD modul e.
Chapte r 3 75 Disa ssem blin g th e Main Unit Rem oving the Keyboar d 1. Lift the k eyboard up, turn i t o ver t o expos e the keyboar d connec tor . 2. Disco nnect the ke yboard connecto r car ef ul l y . Removing the DIMM 1. Remove the two sc rews of the DIM M cov er.
76 Removal an d Replacemen t 4. Gentl y , remo ve the DIMM modul e. 5. T o ad d exte nded m emory t o the mai n unit, fi rst remove t he two screws fr om the DIMM cover .
Chapte r 3 77 Rem oving the MODE M Bo ard 1. Remove the scr ew from the modem heat plat e. 2. Remove the modem heat plat e fr om the mai n unit . 3. Use tw o fl at bl aded s cr ewdriver s to pus h out the l atches on both side s of the modem sock et. 4.
78 Removal an d Replacemen t Removing the RTC Ba ttery 1. Use a flat bla ded screw driver to re m ove the R TC batt ery fr om it s socket. No te: T o replace the RTC ba tt ery , press th e RTC batter y into th e soc ket.
Chapte r 3 79 Rem oving the L ower Ca se 1. T o remove t he lower case, remove the t hir t een screws as shown here. 2. Remove t he l ower cas e from t he main unit . Rem oving the Syste m Bo ar d 1. Disco nnect the t ouchp ad cable from the sys t e m board.
80 Removal an d Replacemen t 3. Remove the fo ur screws of the sys t e m board. 4. Remove the sys t em boar d f r om the upperca se. 5. Remove the modem conne ctor from the upp er case.
Chapte r 3 81 Rem oving the T ouch p ad 1. Remove the two screws from the touc hpad br acket. 2. Remove t he to uchpad brac ket from the upper case. 3. Disco nnect the t ouchp ad cable from the t ouchpad boar d. 4. Remove t he to uchpad cabl e from t he uppercas e.
82 Removal an d Replacemen t 6. Disco nnect the hard drive /battery connec tion board fr om the sys tem boar d. Rem ov ing th e Fan 1. Disco nnect the fan cabl e fr om the syste m board. 2. Remove the two screws , th en remov e the fa n f rom the syst em boar d.
Chapte r 3 83 Remov ing the P C MC IA Slot 1. Remove the scr ew of the PCMCIA slo t. 2. Remove t he PCMC IA sl ot f rom th e system board . 3. This compl et es the d i s assembly proced ur e of the main unit .
84 Removal an d Replacemen t.
Chapte r 4 85 Use the fo l l owi ng procedur e as a guid e for comput er pr obl ems. No te: The di agnostic te sts are in ten ded t o t est only Acer pro ducts. Non- Acer produ cts, pro totype cards, or modi fied opt ions can gi ve false error s and in valid syst em respon ses.
86 T roubleshoo ting Syst em Ch eck Pro cedure s Exte r n al Disk ette Driv e Check Do the fol l owi n g to isolate the pro bl e m to a contr ol l e r, dri ver , or di sk ette. A writ e- enabled, di agnos tic disket te is req uir ed. No te: M ake sur e t hat the disk et t e does not have mor e than one label attac hed to it.
Chapte r 4 87 If an er ror occur s, r econ nect the connect or on the Syst em board . If the erro r stil l re main s: 1. Reconnect t he ex t ernal diskette dri ve/CD-ROM modu l e. 2. Replac e the ext er nal d i sk et t e dr ive/CD-RO M module. 3. Replac e the sys t e m board.
88 T roubleshoo ting Powe r System Check T o veri f y the sympt om of the p r ob l em, power on t he com put er usi ng eac h o f the following power s ources: 1. Remove t he bat t ery pack. 2. Connect the power adapt er and check that powe r is suppl ied.
Chapte r 4 89 2. Remove the bat tery pac k and measure the vo l t age between bat t e r y ter mi nals 1(+) and 6( ground). See the followi ng fi gure 3.
90 T roubleshoo ting Er ror S y mp tom-to- FRU Ind e x The sym pto m -to - FRU i ndex l i s t s t he sym pt oms and errors and the ir possi bl e causes .
Chapte r 4 91 Ext ended R AM F a i led at offset : nnn n DIMM Sys tem bo ard Sy stem batt ery i s de ad - Re plac e an d run Se tup Re place RT C bat tery and Run BIO S S etu p Ut ility to re conf igure syste m tim e, th en re boot syste m.
92 T roubleshoo ting Allocat ion Error for: dev ice Run “L oad Defau lt Settin gs” in B IOS Setup Utility . RT C b a tt er y Sys tem bo ard Faili ng Bi ts: n nnn DIM M BIOS ROM Sys tem bo ard Fixe.
Chapte r 4 93 No beep , pow er- on indi ca tor tu rns o n and L CD is b la nk. B ut yo u can see POST on an e xternal CRT . Re connec t the LCD conn ecto rs. LCD in verte r ID LC D cabl e LCD in ver ter LCD Sys tem bo ard No beep , pow er- on indi ca tor tu rns o n and a blin ki ng c ursor sh ow n on LCD during POST .
94 T roubleshoo ting Indi cator-Rela ted Symptoms Symp tom / Error Ac ti on in Seq uenc e Indic a tor i ncor rec tly re main s off or on, but sy stem runs co rre ctly Re connec t the i nver ter bo ard.
Chapte r 4 95 Memory - Rel ated Symptoms Symp tom / Error Ac ti on in Seq uenc e Mem ory c oun t (siz e) appe ars diffe rent f rom actu al s ize. Ent er BI OS S etup U tilit y to exec ute “ Loa d D efaul t Se tting s, th en r ebo ot sy stem .
96 T roubleshoo ting Power M anagement - Relat ed Symptom s Symp tom / Error Ac ti on in Seq uenc e The s yst em wi ll not e nter hibe rna tion Ke yboard (if control is from th e key board) Ha rd di sk dr ive Sys tem bo ard The syste m does n' t ent er hib ern at ion mo de an d four s ho r t beep s every mi nut e.
Chapte r 4 97 Perip heral-Rela t ed Sympto m s Symp tom / Error Ac ti on in Seq uenc e Sys tem co nf igura tio n do es not m atc h t he in stal led dev ices. Ent er BI OS S etup U tilit y to exec ute “ Loa d D efaul t Se tting s”, then rebo ot sy stem .
98 T roubleshoo ting No te: If you cann ot find a sympt om or an er r or in th is list and t he proble m r emains, see “ Undetermined Problems” on pa ge 56.
Chapte r 4 99 3. Remov e or di sconnect all of the fol lo wing devices: Non-Ace r devices Prin ter , m ouse, and ot her exte r nal devices Ba tte r y p ac k Hard di sk drive DIMM CD-ROM/Di sket te drive Module PC Cards 4. Power- on the co m pu ter . 5.
100 T roubleshoo ting.
Chapte r 5 101 To p V i e w CN 1 P S/ 2 P or t C N1 4 T ou ch pa d C on ne ct or CN2 AC Adapter Connector CN1 5 HDD Bo ard Connector CN 3 V i de o Por t SW 1 P ower Sw it ch CN4 Seri al P or t SW2 L C.
102 Jum per and Connector I nformati on Bo ttom Vi e w SW4 Setti ngs SW2 S etting Switch 1 , Switch 2, Switch 3 OFF , OFF , OFF: US ke y b o ard OF F , ON, OF F: Europe an keyboard ON, OFF , OFF: J ap.
Chapte r 6 103 This cha pt e r gi ves you the FRU (Fi eld Replac eabl e Unit) listing in glo bal confi gu rations of T r av elMate 330. Refer to this chap ter whenever ord er i ng for part s to re pair or for RMA (Ret ur n Merc handise Author i zation).
104 FRU (Field Repla c eabl e Uni t ) Lis t FRU (Field Repla ceable Unit) List (P/N: 91.40CXX. XXX) Pi ct ure No. Part name Description Pa rt No. LCD NS LCD ASSEM BL Y MODUL E (1 2.1 T F T) SHAR P ASSY LCD MODULE 12.1" TFT TM33 0 6M.4 0C01. 001 NS LCD12.
Chapte r 6 105 NS LCD BA ZEL ASSEM BL Y 12 .1" TF T ASSY LCE BZL 330 60.4 0C0 5.0 01 DIMM NS DIMM 32MB SDR AM (MICRON) SDI MM 32M MT4LSD T464 HG -662B 72.0 4464 .00N NS DIMM 32MB SDR AM (MIT SUBISHI) SDI MM 32M M5 M4V6 4S 0T P-8L 72.5 4644 .B0N NS DIMM 32MB SDR AM (SAM SUNG) DIMM KMM466S4 24 CT - F10 32M V.
106 FRU (Field Repla c eabl e Uni t ) Lis t DIMM NS DIMM 64MB SDR AM (SAMS UNG) SDI MM 64M KMM466S8 24 CT2F10 V . C 72.4 6824 .A0N NS DIMM 64MB SDR AM (LG) SDIMM 6 4MB GMM 264 9228 CTG-10K 72.2 6498 .00N NS DIMM 64MB SDR AM (NEC) SDI MM 64M 4564 16 3G5 - A10B-9 J F B 72.
Chapte r 6 107 NS HDD 4.8G IB M HDD 4870MB IBM/DBCA- 2048 60 56.0 2834 .121 NS HDD PLA TE ASSY HDD PL T TM33 0 60.4 0C1 5.0 01 NS HDD BAZEL BZL HDD P C 050 3 3 0 41.4 0C01. 001 NS HDD ASSEM BL Y 6.4G IB M ASSY HDD M O DULE 6.4G TM33 0 6M.4 0C02. 002 NS HDD 6.
108 FRU (Field Repla c eabl e Uni t ) Lis t PCB 8 PCI M ODEM BOARD (AMBI T) MOD E M 56 K AMBIT/ J07. 01 7.C. 00 54 .090 1 1.2 1 1 10 HDD BA T TERY BOA RD 330 H D D BOARD 55.4 0C03. 001 1 1 T OUCH P AD BOA RD T O UCHP AD MUL T I- SWITCH SYNAPTIC 56.1 740C .
Chapte r 6 109 Powe r NS ADA P T ER 45W (DEL T A) ADT 90 -270V ADP-45GB UE5 37 0P 25.1 0046 .151 NS ADA P TER 45W (LITE -ON) ADT 45 W P A- 1460 -19 AC TM33 0 25.1 0068 .021 14 BA TTERY P ACK LI-ON P ANAS ONIC ASSY BTY P ACK CGP-E / 618A E 33 0 60.4 0C0 7.
1 10 FRU (Field Repla ceabl e Uni t ) Lis t 12 LO WER CASE ASSY L CASE 330 60.4 0C0 2.0 01 1 UPP ER DIMM COVE R CVR DIMM U AL 330 34.4 0C0 2.0 01 NS LOWER DIMM COVE R CVR DIMM L PL 05 03 30 42.4 0C05. 001 15 M IDDLE COVER & SPEAKE R ASSEM BL Y ASSY MI DDLE CVR TM330 60.
C h a p t e r 6 111 2 TOUCH P AD BRAC KET HL D T OUCH- PA D M E T A L TM33 0 34.4 0C0 7.0 01 Others 6 TOUCH P AD FPC CAB LE C.A F PC T OUCH P AD TM33 0 50.4 0C0 3.0 01 4 330 LOGO PL T LOGO (T OOLING) PMMA TM33 0 40.4 0C0 1.0 01 NS HINGE CAP PA C K ASSY HINGE CAP P ACK TM33 0 6K.
1 12 FRU (Field Repla ceabl e Uni t ) Lis t 21 SCREWS SCR W W A FER NYLO M2.5*6L NI 86 .9A 353. 6R0 22 SCREWS SCR W KAH MS+CN M2*L6 NI 86 .9A 522. 6R0 NS SCR EWS SCRW MACH FL M3*4L NI 86.5 A52 4.4R 0 NS SCR EWS SCRW MACH P AN M2*4L C- ZN 86 .9A 522. 4R0 NS SCR EWS SCRW MACH P AN M2*4L C-ZN 86 .
Appendi x A 1 13 This app endix provides th e BASIC model number and th e configu rat ion to T ravelMa te 330 dec i d ed for Acer’s “gl obal” pr oduct offeri ng. Contact your regi onal of fic es or the resp onsi ble personnel / channel to prov id e you wit h fur t her ext ension model num ber s and conf i g ur a t i ons.
1 14 Mod el Number and Co nfigurat ions.
Appendi x B 1 15 This compu ter ’ s com pat ibilit y is t est ed and verified by Acer’ s i nt ernal test i ng depart ment. Al l of it s syst em func tions are tested under W indows 95, Windows 98 and W indows NT 4.
1 16 T est Compati ble Compon ents L ist T es t Co m patib le PC MCIA , M ode m Card V e ndor Ad ap ter Name Win 9 8 Win 95 Wi n NT CardBus 3COM Fa st E t her Link XL card bus pa ss pass pa ss w/ fix .
Appendi x B 1 17 T es t Co m patib le I/O Pe rip hera l T est T est Comp ati ble I/O, Stor age Adapter Vendor Adapter Name Wi n 98 Win 95 Wi n NT Display IBM G7 2 pass pass pa ss I BM 95 14- B04 T F T.
1 18 T est Compati ble Compon ents L ist.
Appendi x C 1 19 This section descri bes onl ine tec hnical suppor t servi ces availab l e to help you repai r yo ur Acer Sy stems If you are a distr ibutor , deale r, ASP or TP M , please r efer your techn i cal queri es to your local Acer branc h of f i ce .
120 Online Supp or t Inf ormation An overvi ew of all t he support services we offer , acc ompani ed by a l ist of tel ephone, f ax and email contact s f or all you r tec hni cal queries .
Index 121 A ACPI. See Adva nced Confi gur at i on and Po wer Inter face Advance d Configur ation and Powe r Inte rfa ce ,41 Advance d Power M anagement ,41 APM.
122 In dex Dual Displ ay ,10 hot key s ,17 openi ng and closing ,11 perf or man ce ,10 power manage m e nt ,10 , ,38 simul t a neous ,1 0 DMA Channel Assi gnment ,25 E EasyLi nk ,21 Erro r Symptom-t o.
Index 123 L LCD ,9 LEDs ,12 M media acc ess on i ndicator ,12 Memory Check ,87 Mode l Number and Co nfigurat ions ,113 N Notebo ok M a nager hot key ,16 num lo ck on i ndicator ,12 nu me ri c keypad n.
124 In dex Standb y mode ,39 enter ing ,39 hot key ,16 resumi ng f r om ,39 sign al s ,39 stat us indi cator ,1 2 stat us indi cators ,12 stor age EasyLi nk ,21 fl oppy driv e ,2 1 SVGA ,10 Syste m Ch.
デバイスAcer 330の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Acer 330をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはAcer 330の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Acer 330の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Acer 330で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Acer 330を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はAcer 330の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Acer 330に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちAcer 330デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。