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Multi-CD control High power cassette player with RDS tuner Operation Manual KEH-P2830R KEH-P2800R.
&RQWH QWV Installation .. ................ ............ .............. 3 Installa tion with the rubber bush .. ...... ......... ...... . 3 Removing the Uni t ....... ...... ... ..... ... ...... ... ...... ... .... 3 Connection Diag ram .......
,QVWDOODWLR Q 1RWH • Before finall y installi ng the unit, c onnect the wiri ng tempo rarily, making sure it is all connect ed up properly , and the un it and the system wor k properly. • Use only the part s included with the unit to ensu re proper installa tion.
&RQQH FWLRQ'LDJ UDP This produc t confo rms to ne w cord colors. 1 3 2 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 7 8 9 10 11 6 13 14 12 15 A B 1. This uni t 2. Rear output 3. Anntenna jack 4. Multi-CD player ( sold sepa rately) 5. Connect leads of the sam e co lo r to each other .
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 23 24 A B CAUTION Cords for this product and tho se for othe r prod ucts ma y be different colors e ven if they have the same functio n. Whe n connec tin g thi s pro duc t to anot he r product , refer to the sup plied Installation manua ls of both p roducts and 14.
&RQQH FWLQJWKH 8QLWV 1RWH • This unit is for ve hi cles with a 12-v olt batt ery and negative grou nding. Befor e install in g it in a recre atio nal ve hicl e, tru ck, or bus , chec k the b att ery vo lta ge.
.H )LQGH U SOURCE b utton Cassette door Eject but ton buttons PTY b utton button s Deta ch b utton AUDIO button Function b utton BAND button DISP/Clock butto n +/– butt on Programm able butto.
%H IRUH8VLQJ7KLV3 URGXFW About This Product • This p roduct com plies wit h the EMC Di rectives ( 89/336/EE C, 92/31/ EEC) and CE Ma rking Directive (93/68/E E C). The tuner frequ encies on this product are allocate d for use in Western Europe, Asia, the Midd le East, Africa and Ocean ia.
'HWDFKLQJD QG5HSODF LQJWKH) URQW3DQHO Theft Pro tecti on The front panel of the main body is d etachable to discou rage thef t.
,QLWL DO6HWWLQJ 0HQX With this me nu , yo u can p er form ini tia l sett ing s for th e unit . Setti ng option s co ver e ver y thi ng from tuning steps for the tune r to auto PI seek ON/OFF switch i ng.
,QLWLD O6HWWLQJ0 HQX Switchin g th e Auto PI Seek During Preset St ation PI Seek operation, yo u can switch t he Au to PI Seek functi on ON/OFF.
%DVLF 2SHUDWL RQ Switching Power On 6HOHFWWKHGH VLUHGVRXUFHVXFKDVWKHWXQHU Each pr es s of the SO URCE but t on select s the desir e d source i n t he follo .
7 XQ HU 2SHUDWL RQ Basi c Op eratio n of T un er 6HOHFW7 XQHU 6HH SDJH The pr og ram servic e name or f requenc y ap pears on t he d isplay . (" " indicat or light s when a stereo station is selected.
7 XQHU 2SHUDWL RQ 5DLV HRUORZHUWKHYR OXP H 7 XUQWKH VRXUFH2)) 6HHSDJH AF Funct io n Swit ching This product’ s AF fun ction can be switched ON and OF F. AF shoul d be switched OFF for norma l tu ning o peratio ns.
Enterin g the Funct ion Menu In this menu you can select tune r functions. 1RWH • REG, TA, PTY and AF are RDS func ti ons. Refer to "Usin g RDS Function" for de t ai ls an d instru ct io ns on how to use thes e fun ctions.
7 XQHU 2SHUDWL RQ Local See k T unin g This mode sel ects on ly stat ion s with e spe cia lly stron g signals. Th e sensitiv ity c an b e adjuste d in 4 steps for FM and 2 steps for MW/LW.
BSM (B est St ations Memory ) The BSM fun ction store s stations i n memory autom atically. 6HOHFWWKH%60P RGHLQWKH )XQFWLRQ0HQX 6ZLWFKWKH%60PR GH21 The station s with the strongest signals will be stored un der butt ons 1-6 an d in ord er of the ir signal strength.
7 XQHU 2SHUDWL RQ Recalli ng Preset Stations There are two way s to recall preset statio ns. Direct Reca ll 3UHVVRQHRIEXWWRQV WRUHFDOODVWDWLRQSUH.
8VLQJ5'6) XQFWLR QV What is RD S? RDS (Radio Data System) is a syste m for transmitting data along with FM programs . This data, which is in audible, prov ides a variety of features .
AF Functi on The AF (Alt ernative Freque ncies search) fu nction is use d to search for other frequ encies in th e same network as the current ly tune d station.
8VLQJ5'6) XQFWLR QV PI Seek Funct ion The tune r searches for anot her frequency broad casting the sam e programming. "PI SE EK" ap pears o n the display and th e radio volum e is mu ted du ring a PI Seek . The m uting is discon tinued after comp letion of the PI S eek, whether or not th e PI see k has succeed ed.
T A Func ti on The TA (Traffic A nno uncement st andby) functio n lets you receiv e traffic announ cements automatica lly, no matter what sourc e (tuner, cassette playe r or multi-CD playe r) you are listening to .
PTY Functi on The PTY funct ion ena bles yo u to select s tation s by th e type o f prog rammin g they broa dcast (PTY Search) . It al so pr ovides automatic tuni ng to e mergency broa dcasts ( PTY Ala rm). 1RWH • PTY code progra m types are as follo ws: 1.
8VLQJ5'6) XQFWLR QV PTY Search Setting Function ( QWHUWKH3 7<6HDUFKVHWWLQJPRG H The "P TY" ind ic ator lig ht s and the n a me o f a progra m type app ears on the di splay f or 5 seconds.
PTY Search Function ,QLWLDWHD3 7 <VHDUFK The tuner search es for a station broa d cas tin g the de sired PTY. 1RWH • The progr am of som e st at io ns may differ from tha t indicated by the tra nsmitted PTY.
Fast Forward/Rewin d Fast Forward While " <--> " is displayed, the system fast-forwards the casse tte tape to the end of the curren t side.
8VLQJWKH &DVVH WWH3O DHU Radio Interc ept (RI ) This functi on allows yo u to lis t en to the ra d io dur i ng tape f ast-for w ar ding /rewin ding. 6ZLWFKWKH5DGLR,QWHUFHSWPR GH21RU2)) 1RWH • You can also switch the Radio Intercept mode ON/OFF by pressing the Programmable button.
&DVVHW WH3O DHUD QG&DUH Precau tion About the Cassette Player • A loos e or warped la bel on a cas sette ta pe may in terfere wi th the eje ct mech anism o f the unit or ca use the casse tte to beco me j amme d in t he un it.
8VLQJ0XOW L&'3OD HU This produc t can cont rol on e or more multi-CD pla yers. Basic O peratio n of M ulti-CD Playe rs 6 HOHFWWKHP XOWL&'SODHUVR.
Switch ing th e Multi -CD Pla yer It is po ssible to co nnect up to three m ulti-CD play ers by me ans of a mul tiple insta llation adapter. Wh en two or m ore multi-C D players ar e installed, th eir prioritie s must be specifi ed. Follow the multi-CD pl ayer instructio ns carefully, and set the address switch es properl y.
Enterin g the Funct ion Menu In this menu you can select Multi-CD P layer functi ons. 6HOHFWWKHGH VLUHGPRG HLQ)XQFWLRQ0HQX Each pre ss of the Fun ction but ton selec ts the mode i n the fo llowing orde r: REPEAT + RANDOM + ITS P + P AUSE 1RWH • You can cancel the Function Menu by pressing the BAND button.
8VLQJ0XOW L&'3OD HU Multi-CD Pl ayer Repea t Modes Multi-CD players offer four repeat modes: One-track Repeat, Disc Repeat, Multi-CD player Repeat and All Repeat. Multi-CD player Repeat is the d efault mode (normal play) when one or more multi-CD pla yers is installed.
Multi-CD Player Random Play Random Play is available when one or more multi-CD pl ay ers are in use. 6HOHFWWKH5DQGR PP R GHLQWKH)XQFWLRQ 0 HQX 6ZLWFKWKH5DQGRP 3OD21RU2)) When Mul ti-CD Player Rand om Play is ON , you can combi ne it with Repeat M ode to operat e as shown bel ow.
8VLQJ0XOW L&'3OD HUV 3URJUDP WKHGHVLUHGWUDFN 1RWH • Pres sing th e BAN D b utton c ancels the Detail ed Se tting M enu.
Erasing ITS Pr ograms ITS prog rams for up to 100 discs a re stored perma nently until you er ase them. Erase a track program 6HOHFWWKHWUDFN RXZLVKWRHUDVHGXUL.
8VLQJ0XOW L&'3OD HUV Disc T itl e I nput You can inp ut Titles up to 10 letters long for up to 100 discs. Using this fu nction lets yo u easily search for and select a d esired disc fo r play. (You c an store ITS program an d Disc Title d ata for up to 100 discs in memory.
Displayi ng Disc Titles &KDQJHWKH'LVF7LWOHGLVSO DRIWKHFXUU HQWGLVF If no title h as been inpu t for a disc, “NO TITLE” flashes o n the display fo r 8 seconds, after which t he display becomes blank.
8VLQJ0XOW L&'3OD HUV Using the Programmable Button The Prog rammabl e button op erates in a dif ferent way de pending on the functi on progra mmed (memoriz ed).
$XGLR $GMXVWP HQW Select ing the Mo de 6HOHFWWKHP RGH RXZDQWWRDGMXVW Each press of the AUDIO button selects the mode in the following order: Fader/Balance + Bass + Tre ble + Loudness When audio modes are selected for adjustment, the setting return s to the no rmal displa y after 30 second s.
$XGLR $GMXVWPHQW Bass/T reble Adj ustm e nt This produ ct is equi pped with two to ne adjust ment modes, th e Bass Adjustmen t and Treble Adjustment mod es. 6 HOHFW%DVV$GMXVWP HQWP RG HRU7 UHEOH$GMXVWP HQWP RGH After adjustment u se the BAND button to return to th e normal di splay.
2WKHU )XQFWLRQV Time Display/Set ting Displayi ng the time 7 RWXUQWKH WLPHGLVS OD21Z LWKWKH6RXUFH21 The time di sp la y dis a p pe a rs temp o rari ly w he n yo u pe r fo rm anot her ope ra tio n, but the time indica tion ret urns to the dis play after 25 seco nds.
6SHF LILFDWLRQV General Power source ..... ...... .... 14.4 V D C (10.8 – 15.1 V allowable) Grounding system ....... ...... ...... ........ ...... ...... ..... Negative type Max. current consumption ....... ..... ...... ...... ...... ..... ..
PIONEER ELECTRONIC CORP ORATION 1-4-1 MEGURO, MEGURO-KU, TOKYO 153-8654, JAP AN PIONEE R ELE CT RO N ICS (USA) INC . P .O. Box 1760, Long B each, California 90801, U.S.A. TEL: (800) 421-1404 PIONEE R ELE CT RO N IC (EU ROPE) N.V . Haven 1087 Keetberglaan 1, 9120 Melsele, Belgium TEL:(0) 3/570.
デバイスPioneer KEH-P2830Rの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Pioneer KEH-P2830Rをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはPioneer KEH-P2830Rの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Pioneer KEH-P2830Rの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Pioneer KEH-P2830Rで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Pioneer KEH-P2830Rを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はPioneer KEH-P2830Rの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Pioneer KEH-P2830Rに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちPioneer KEH-P2830Rデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。