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54Mbps Wireless Access Point With 5-Port Switch WAP-4035 User’s Manual.
Copyright Copyright © 2005 by PLANET T echnolog y Corp. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcri bed, stored in a retriev al system, or translated int.
interference received, including interfer enc e that may cause undesired operatio n. Federal Communication Commissi on (FCC) Radiation Exposure St atement This equipment complies with FCC radiation expos ure set forth for an uncontrolled envir onment.
Revision User ’s Manual for PLANET Wireless Access Point with 5-Port Switch Model: W AP-4035 Rev: 1.0 (August, 2005) Part No. EM-W AP4035 4.
T ABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter 1 Introduction .................................................................................. 7 1.1 Package Contents .................................................................................................... 7 1.
Appendix A Specification ............................................................................ 38 Appendix B Frequently Ask Question ...........
Chapter 1 Introduction Thank you for purchasin g W AP-403 5. The WAP-403 5 supports both IEEE 802.1 1b and IEEE 802.1 1g standards. Y ou can use it to conn ect an existing WLAN, or to build up a ne w wireless LAN.
Web-based configuration 1.3 LED Indicators LED Color Function PWR Green Off: Pow er is not connected On: Device is ready Blink: During boot up procedu re WLAN Orange Off: Wireless LAN is no functi.
the coverage. Please check the sp ecif ication of the antenn a you want to use, an d make sure it can be used on W A P-4035. 4. WLAN T ype If W AP-4035 is installed in an 802.1 1b and 802.1 1 g mixed WLAN, its performance will be reduced significantly .
Chapter 2 Hardware Installation Before you proceed with the installation, it is nec essary that you have enoug h information about the W AP-4035. 1. Locate an optimum location for the WA P-4 035. T h e b e s t place for your WAP-4035 is usually at the center of your wireless net work, with li ne of sight to all of your mobile stations.
Chapter 3 Web Configuration Web configuration provides a user-friendly graph ic al us er interface (web pages) to manage yo ur W AP-4035. An AP with an assigned IP ad dress (e.g. ) will allow you to monitor and configure (via web browser e.
3.2 Basic Setting In this screen, you can config ure W AP-4035 to work in different operating mode. Please r efer to below sections to know the details configuration of each operating mode. 3.2.1 AP Mode This mode is set to WAP-4035 by default. It served as a transparent Media Access Control (MAC) bridge between wired an d wirele ss network.
Parameter Description Mode Shows the current operation mode. Band 2.4GHz (B): It forces the WAP-4035 to operate in 802.11b o nl y. 2.4GHz (G): It forces the WAP-4035 to operate in 802.11g only. 2.4GHz (B+G): It allows the WAP-4035 to operate in 802.11b and 802.
3.2.2 Station - Ad Hoc Mode W AP-4035 ser ves as a wireless station (Ad-hoc) i n this mode. Connected to a P C or a small LAN (no more than 5 PCs), this station along with other wireless stations can establish a small wireless network without Access Points.
Band 2.4GHz (B): It forces the WAP-4035 to operate in 802.11b o nl y. 2.4GHz (G): It forces the WAP-4035 to operate in 802.11g only. 2.4GHz (B+G): It allows the WAP-4035 to op erate in 802.11 b and 802.11g simultaneously. ESSID Please make sure the ESSID of the wireless net work that you will connect and enter the correct value in this field.
Parameter Description Mode Shows the current operation mode. Band 2.4GHz (B): It forces the WAP-4035 to operate in 802.11b o nl y. 2.4GHz (G): It forces the WAP-4035 to operate in 802.11g only. 2.4GHz (B+G): It allows the WAP-4035 to op erate in 802.11 b and 802.
Parameter Description Mode Shows the current operation mode. Band 2.4GHz (B): It allows to select the transmit rate up to 11Mbps. 2.4GHz (G): It allows to select the transmit rate up to 54Mbps. 2.4GHz (B+G): It allows selecting the 802.11b and 802.1 1g data rates.
3.2.5 AP Bridge - Poin t to Multipoint Mode This function allo ws WAP-4035 to bridge more than 2 wired Ethernet net works together by wireless connection. Parameter Description Mode Shows the current operation mode. Band 2.4GHz (B): It allows to select the transmit rate up to 11Mbps.
3.2.6 AP Bridge - WDS Mode If you want W AP-4035 to bridge to other W AP-4035 and provide access for other wireless clients at the same time, you have to set the W AP-4035 to “AP Bridge - WDS”. Simply speaking, “AP Bridge - WDS” function is the combination of “AP mode” and “AP Bridge-Point to Multi-Point mode”.
Channel 1-13 (Europe) Associated Clients You may press “Show Active Clients” button to check the connected client information. After the button pressed, y ou will see the di alog box as be low: You may press “Refresh” to get the new client table or “Cl o se” to close this dialog box.
Parameter Description Mode Shows the current operation mode. Band 2.4GHz (B): It allows to select the transmit rate up to 11Mbps. 2.4GHz (G): It allows to select the transmit rate up to 54Mbps. 2.4GHz (B+G): It allows selecting the 802.11b and 802.1 1g data rates.
You may press “Refresh” to get the new client table or “Cl o se” to close this dialog box. WLAN MAC Keep default setting : WAP-4035 will use it’s own MAC address to access the wireless LAN. Press “MAC Clone” button : It will use PC’s MAC address to access the wireless LAN.
Parameter Description Encryption Y ou can select “Non e”, “ WEP 64bits”, “WEP 128 bits”, “WP A (TKIP)” or “WP A2 (AES)” of this option . It is set to “None” by default. Key Format This is only used when you select “ WEP 64bits” or “WEP 128bits” encrypt ion method.
After configuration complete, pleas e click “Apply” button to save the configur ation. Then you will see a screen to prompt you the settings are save successfully. You may press “Co ntinue” for configure other settings or “Apply” to restart WAP-4035 with ne w configuration.
The access point will use the highest possible selected transmission rate to transmit the data packet s. Preamble Type Preamble type defines the lengt h of CRC block in th e frames during the wireless communication. “Short Preamble” is suitable for high traffic wireless network.
3.4.1 WEP When you select 64-bit or 128 -bit WEP key , you have to enter WEP key s to encr ypt data. Y ou can enter four WEP keys and sele ct one of them as default key . Then the access point will onl y allow the clients configured with the same encryption ke ys for association.
Parameter Description Encryption Select “WEP” in this option. Key Length Y ou can select the 64 or 128-bit ke y to encrypt transmitted data. Larger WEP key length will provide higher level of securit y , but the throughput will be lower .
Parameter Description Encryption If you want to use 802.1x only, keep this setting in “D isab le”. Enable 802.1x Authenticatio n Check this option to enabl e 8 02.1x function. Use Internal MD5/PEAP RADIUS Server WAP-4035 has built in a RADIUS server.
Parameter Description Encryption Select “WPA pre-shared key” in this opti on. WP A (TKIP) TKIP can change the encryption key frequen tly to enhance the wireless LAN security . WP A2 (AES) This use CCMP protocol to change encryption key frequently .
Parameter Description Encryption Select “WPA RADIUS” in this option. WP A (TKIP) TKIP can change the encryption key frequen tly to enhance the wireless LAN security . WP A2 (AES) This use CCMP protocol to change encryption key frequently . AES can provide high-level encr yption to enhanc e the wireless LAN security .
accounts to login to the Access Point befor e access t he wireless LA N. Y ou also have to add secret key to the RADIUS server . RADIUS server client has to use one of these se cret keys to login the RADIUS server before asking fo r the authentication.
authenticate wireless LAN users. Authentic ation client information includes the “Client IP” and “Secret Key”. An authentication client has to use t he “Secret Ke y” to login to the RADIUS server before it star ts to authenticate wireless LAN users.
Enable Wireless Access Control Enable or disable the MAC A ddress Filtering function. Add MAC address into the table In the bottom “Ne w” area, fill in the “MAC Address” and “Comment” of the wireless station, then click “Add”. This wireless station will be added into the “MAC Address Filtering T able” above.
Parameter Description Password Settings Current Password Enter the current p ass word (up to 15-digit alphanumeric string) of the Access Point. The default password for W AP-4035 is admin . Note that the password is case-sensitive. New Password Enter the password (up to 15-d igit alphanumeric string) you want to login to the Access Point.
resides in. It allows this access point be accessed by PC from deferent subnet to do configuration. DHCP Server Enable or disable the DHCP Server . DHCP Serv er Default Gate way IP S pecify the gateway IP in your network. This IP address should be different from the Management IP .
3.9 Upgrade This page allows you to upgrade WAP-4035 with latest firmware. Parameter Description Firmware Upgrade T o upgrade the firmware of WAP-403 5, you need to do wnload the firmware file to your local hard disk, and enter that file name and path in the appropri ate field on this page.
process is complete, we sugg est you to power off/on W AP-4035 to make the ne w firmware ef fect. 3.10 Reset Y ou ca n reset the W AP-4035 system if necessary .
Appendix A Specification Standard IEEE 802.11g / 802.11b Frequency Band 2.400~2.4835GHz Transfer Rate 802.11g: 54/48/36/24/18/ 12/9/6Mbps 802.11b: 11/5.5/2/1Mbps Modulation OFDM, CCK, DQPSK and DBPSK Sensitivity 1 1g @ PER < 10% 54Mbps: -71.46 dBm 48Mbps: -73.
Appendix B Frequently Ask Question This chapter provides ans wer to problems usually encountered during th e installation and operation o f the Wireless Network Access Point . Rea d th e descri ption below to solve your problems. Q. Can I run an application from a remo te computer over th e w ireless network? A.
Q. When WA P-4035 works with WDS m ode, can wireless connect to it? A. Y es, WDS mode is work as a AP and Bridge at the same time. So the wi reless client can access to WDS mode W AP-403 5 without problem. When wireless client connect to the remote site via WDS mode, the performance will be 50% then access to the connected WDS mode WAP-4035.
デバイスPlanet WAP-4035の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Planet WAP-4035をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはPlanet WAP-4035の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Planet WAP-4035の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Planet WAP-4035で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Planet WAP-4035を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はPlanet WAP-4035の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Planet WAP-4035に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちPlanet WAP-4035デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。