PolarisメーカーPN 9918061の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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PN 9918061 Printed in USA 2003 TRAIL BOSS SER VICE MANU AL PN 9918061 2003 TRAIL BOSS SER VICE MANU AL PN 9918061 59173 03 TrailBoss Cover 8/23/02 8:47 PM Page 1.
2003 TRAIL B OSS 330 SERVICE MANUAL Foreword This manual is designed primar ily for use by cert ified Polaris M aster Ser vice Dealer technic ians in a properly equipped shop and should be kept available for r eference.
UNDERST ANDI NG SAFE TY LABEL S AND INSTRUCTI ONS Throughout t hese instr uctions, im portant inf ormation is brought t o your at tention by t he following sym bols: The Safet y Alert S ymbol means A .
1 GENERAL INFORMA TION 1.1 CHAPTER 1 GENERAL INFORMA TION / MAINTENANC E 2003 Model Identification 1.2 .................. Serial Number Location 1.2 ................... 2003 T r ailboss Model 1.3 ..................... Replacement Keys 1.4 ............
GENERAL INFORMA TION 1.2 MO DEL I DE NTI FI CA TI ON The machine m odel number must be us ed with any cor respondence regar ding warranty or s ervice. Machine Model Number I dentif icati on Y ear Desi.
GENERAL INFORMA TION 1.4 REP LACE ME NT KEYS Replacement k eys can be made f rom t he original key . T o identif y which ser ies the key is, t ake the first t wo digits on t he original key and r efer t o the chart t o the right for t he proper part number .
46 in 11 7 c m 46 in 11 7 c m 75 in 191 cm 49.5 in 126 cm 34 in 86 cm FRONT SIDE GENERAL INFORMA TION 1.5 MACHI NE DI ME NS IO NS.
GENERAL INFORM A TION 1.6 MODEL: 2003 TRA IL BOSS 330 .......... MODE L NUMBER: A03CA32 . ENGINE MODEL: ES32PFE10 .. JETT I NG CHART AMBIENT T EMPERA TU RE Altitude Below 4 0 ° F +4 0 E Ft o+ 8 0 E F A l t i t u d e B e l o w 4 0 F Belo w 5 ° C + 4 0 F t o + 8 0 F +5 E Ct o+ 2 6 E C Meters (Feet) 0-1800 (0-6000) 1 17.
GENERAL INFORM A TION 1.7 MODEL: 2003 TRA IL BOSS 330 ............ MODE L NUMBER: A03CA32 ... ENGINE MODEL: ES32PFE10 .... ELE CTRIC AL FLUID Capa city T ype Fly wheel I. D. None Fuel T ank 3.25 gals. ( 12.30 L) ...... .......... CDI Part Number 4010697 T ransmission 1 1.
GENERAL INFORMA TION 1.8 PUB LICA TION NUMBE RS Y ear Model Model No. Owner ’ s Manual P N Parts Manual P N Parts Micro Fiche PN 2 0 0 3 T r a i l B o s s 3 3 0 A 0 3 C A 3 2 A A 9 9 1 7 4 9 2 9 9 1.
GENERAL INFORMA TION 1.9 SAE T AP DRI LL SIZES Threa d Size/Dr ill Size Threa d Size/D rill Size #0-80 3/64 #1-64 53 #1-72 53 #2-56 51 #2-64 50 #3-48 5/64 #3-56 45 #4-40 43 #4-48 42 #5-40 38 #5-44 37 #6-32 36 #6-40 33 #8-32 29 #8-36 29 #10-24 24 #10-32 21 #12-24 17 #12-28 4.
GENERAL INFORMA TION 1.10 CON VERSION T ABLE Unit o f Measure M ultiplied by Converts to ft. lbs . x1 2 =i n .l b s . in. lbs. x .0833 = ft. lbs. ft. lbs . x 1.356 =N m in. lbs. x .01 15 =k g - m Nm x .7376 = ft.lbs . kg-m x 7.233 = ft. lbs . kg-m x 86.
GENERAL INFORMA TION 1.1 1 GLOSSAR Y OF TERMS ABDC: After bot tom dead center . ACV : A lternating c urrent voltage. Alternato r: El ectrical generator produc ing voltage al ternating current . A TDC: Af ter top dead center . BBDC: Before bott om dead center .
2 MAINTENANCE 2.1 CHAPTER 2 MAINTENANCE Periodic Maintenance Chart 2.2 -2.3 ............... Pre-Ride Inspection 2.3 ...................... Recommended Maintenance Products 2.4 ...... Lubricant and Maintenance Quick Reference 2.5 -2.6 Special T ools 2.
MAINTENANCE 2.2 PE RI ODI C MAI NT ENANCE CHART Inspect ion, adjust ment and lubr ication int ervals of impor tant c omponents is list ed in the f ollowing chart. Maintenance int ervals ar e based upon average riding c onditions and a vehic le speed of approx imately 10 mph.
MAINTENANCE 2.3 PE RI ODI C MAI NT ENANCE CHART , CO NT . CHASSIS Fre quency (Whichever com es fir st) Item Hours C ale ndar Miles (Km) Re mark s " General Lubric ation 50 hrs 3 months 500 (800) Lubric ate All Fittings , Piv ots, C ables, Etc .
MAINTENANCE 2.4 PO LARI S LUBRI CANT S, MAI NT ENANCE AND SE RVICE P RODUCT S Part No. Descr ipt ion Engine Lubr icant 2870791 Fogging Oil ( 12 oz. Aerosol ) 2871281 Engine Oi l (Quar t) Prem ium 4 Sy.
MAINTENANCE 2.5 RECOM ME NDED M AINT ENANCE PRODUCT S - QUI CK REF ERE NCE Item Ty p e Notes See Pages Engine Oi l Pola ris Premiu m 4 Synt hetic , 0W - - 40 Add to pr oper level on dips tick . 2.17-2. 18 T ransm ission Polar is Synt hetic G ear Case Lubric ant Refer t o procedures out lined later in t his chapt er .
MAINTENANCE 2.6 MAI NTE NANCE QUI CK RE FE RENCE CO NT’ D 7. Tie Rod End 6. Ball Joint 5. Front Wheel Bearings 8. Rear Ax le Bearings 9. Swing Ar m Bushings Ill.
MAINTENANCE 2.7 SPECIA L T OOLS P ART NUMBER TOOL DESCRIPTION CHAPTER TOOL USED IN P A - - 44689 V a lve C lutc h Ad ju ste r 2 2870872 Shock Spanner W rench 2, 5 8712100DX or 8712500 T achometer 2, 1.
MAINTENANCE 2.8 TRANS MI S SI ON L UBRI CA TION The tr ansmission lubr icant level should be checked an d changed in ac cordance wit h the maintenance schedule. G Be sure vehic le is level before proceeding. G Check vent hose to be sure it is routed proper ly and unobstr ucted.
MAINTENANCE 2.9 TRANS MI S SI ON G EARS HI FT LI NKAGE ADJUS TM ENT / INSPEC TION Correct ly T ight ened Jam Nut Incorr ectly Tightened Jam Nut Parallel Linkage rod will rot ate 1/8 -1/ 4 turn if rod ends are tight ened properly . G If s hifting pr oblems are encount ered, the tr ansmission link age may requir e adjustment .
MAINTENANCE 2.10 THR OTTLE OPERA TION - ALL MODELS Check for smoot h throt tle opening and closing in all handlebar posit ions. Thr ottle lev er operat ion should be smooth and lev er must retur n freely without binding. 1. Place t he gear select or in neutral.
MAINTENANCE 2.1 1 IDLE SPEED ADJUST ME NT 1. Star t engine and warm it up t horoughly . Idle S crew CV Carburetor Idle Spee d: 1300 ± 100 RPM 2. Adjust idle speed by t urning the idle adjust ment screw in (c lockwise) t o increase or out (counter clockwise) to decr ease RPM .
MAINTENANCE 2.12 FUEL SYSTEM W ARNING Gasol in e is extremel y flammable an d explosi ve under ce rtain conditions . G Always st op the engine and ref uel outdoors or in a well v entilated area. G Do not smok e or allow open flames or sparks in or near the area where refueling is performed or wher e gasoline is st ored.
MAINTENANCE 2.13 NOT E: T he bowl drain scr ew is locat ed on the bott om left si de of the float bowl. 1. Turn fuel valve t o the off pos ition. 2. Place a c lean cont ainer beneath t he bowl drain spigot or bowl dr ain hose. ON OFF RES Fu el V al ve 3.
MAINTENANCE 2.14 Maint ena nce- - Free ba tte rie s ar e pe rma nently sealed at th e t ime o f man uf acture. T he u se of lea d - - calc ium a nd AGM t ec hnology ins tea d of lead - - ant imo ny al lo w s the b att ery acid t o be f ul ly abso rbed .
MAINTENANCE 2.15 ENG INE - TO -FRAME GROUN D Inspect engine-t o-fr ame ground cable connec tion. Be sure it is clean and t ight. Engine Ground Str ap MAIN A IR FIL TER CLEANI NG It is advisable t o replace the f ilter when it is dirty .
MAINTENANCE 2.16 NOT E: Apply a sm all am ount of general pur pose grease t o the s ealing edges of t he f ilter bef ore reinst alling. ILL. 1 Filt er Clamp Main Filt er Filt er Support Fr ont Air Box Prope r Filter Placemen t Ill. 3 NOT E: T he air filt er should r est on t he filt er support .
MAINTENANCE 2.17 sealed pr operly , water m ay ent er the recoil housing and damage components . G W at er will enter t he recoil housing if the st arter handle is disengaged from t he rope guide when under water . G Aft er trav elling in wet ar eas, t he recoil housing and star ter should always be drained c ompletely by removing t he recoil.
MAINTENANCE 2.18 OI L AND F IL TE R CHANGE 1. Place vehic le on a level surf ace. 2. Clean area around drain plug at bott om of oil pan. 3. Run engine two t o three minut es until war m. St op engine. 4. Place a dr ain pan beneat h oil pan and r emove drain plug from under the c rankcase.
MAINTENANCE 2.19 VA LV E CL EARANCE Inspect and adjust valve c learance while the engine is cold and the piston positioned at T op Dead Center (TDC) on compressi on stroke. 1. Remove t he seat. 2. Remove body panels and fuel tank as nec essary to gain access to valve co ver .
MAINTENANCE 2.20 1. Inser t .006 ² feeler gauge between end of exhaust valve st em and adjuster sc rew . EXHAUST V AL VE CL EARANCE: 0.006 ± 0.0008 I (0.15 ± 0.02 mm) BTDC on co mpressi on 2. Loosen locknut and t urn adjus ter sc rew until t here is a slight dr ag on feeler gauge.
MAINTENANCE 2.21 G If abnormal movem ent is det ected, inspect t he hub and wheel assembly to deter mine the caus e. G Refer t o the Body/ Steer ing or Final Drive chapt er for m ore inform ation. CAMBE R AND CAST ER The camber and cas ter are non- adjustable.
MAINTENANCE 2.22 TOE AL I GNM ENT ADJUST ME NT If t oe alignment is incorr ect, measure t he distance between vehicle c enter and each wheel. T his will tell you which tie r od needs adjust ing. NO TE: Be sure handlebars are st raight ahead bef ore deter mining which tie rod( s) need adjust ment.
MAINTENANCE 2.23 5. If par ticles ar e still sus pected t o be in t he muffler , drive the m achine onto t he incline so the front of the machine is one foot higher t han the rear. Set the hand brake and block the wheels. M ake sure the machine is in neut ral and repeat S teps 2 and 3.
MAINTENANCE 2.24 If les s than one inch, two t hings must be exam ined: Free Pl ay: Free pla y of the brake pe dal should be 1/8 - 1 /4 inch (3.2 - 6.3 5 mm). If fr ee play is excessive, inspec t pedal, link age, and master c ylinder for wear or damage and replace any parts as needed.
MAINTENANCE 2.25 Aft er inspect ion, again slowly m ove the A TV forwar d until all the c hain slack is on t he top side of the c hain and inspect t he deflect ion.
MAINTENANCE 2.26 CAUTIO N: DO NO T OVE R-TI GHTE N E CCENTRI C CLAMP BO L TS. P RE -MA TURE BEARI NG F AI LURE MA Y RE SUL T . T orque t he nut Eccent ric Clamp W ithout Hit ch WITHOUT TRAI LER HIT CH - 30 ft. lb s. (41 Nm) 7. T ighten caliper m ounting brack et bolts 10-12 f t.
MAINTENANCE 2.27 CONTRO LS Check contr ols for proper operation, positioning and adjustment . G Brake cont rol and s witch must be positioned t o allow brake lever to travel t hroughout entire r ange without c ontact ing switch body . WH EELS Inspect all wheels for runout or damage.
MAINTENANCE 2.28 TIRE PRESSU RE Tire Pressure I nspect ion ( PSI - Cold ) Front Rear 4 3 TIRE INSPEC TION W ARNING Operat ing an A TV wit h worn tires will increase the possibilit y of the vehicle skidding and pos- sible loss of cont rol. Worn tires can c ause an accident .
3 ENGINE 3.1 CHAPTER 3 ENGINE Engine Service Data 3.2 -3.3 ......................... Special T ools and T orque Specifications 3.4 ........ T orque Patterns 3.4 ............................. Piston Identification 3.5 .......................... Engine Removal 3.
ENGINE 3.2 ES32 PFE10 EN GINE SER VICE DA T A Cylinder Head / V alve ES32P F E10 Rocker Arm Rocke r arm ID .8669-. 8678 ² (22.020-22. 041 mm) Rocker sha ft OD .8656-.8661 ² (21. 987-22.0 m m) Rocker shaf t O il Clearance Std .0008- .0021 ² (.020- .
ENGINE 3.3 ES32PFE1 0 ENGIN E SER VICE DA T A Cylinde r / Piston / C onnecting R od ES32PF E10 Cylinder Surf ace warpage limit (m ating with c ylinder head) .0020 ² (0.050 mm) Cylinder bore Std 3.0906-3. 0913 ² (78.50-78. 520 mm) T aper limit .0020 ² (0.
ENGINE 3.4 SPECIA L T OOLS P ART NUMBER TOOL DESCRIPTION 2200634 V alve Seat Recondit ioning Ki t 2870390 Pist on Support Block 2870159 Flywheel P ull er 2871293 Slott ed Nut So cket PV - - 43527 Oi l Fil ter W rench T OR QUE SPEC IFICA TIONS ENGINE TORQUE SPECIFICA TIONS Fasten er Size 330 ES32PF E10 Ft.
ENGINE 3.5 PIST ON IDEN TIFICA TI ON The piston ma y h ave an i dent ifi catio n mark or t he piston ma y not have an id enti ficat ion mark for pist on pl acement. If t he piston has an identific ation mark, f ollow the dir ections f or pist on placement below .
ENGINE 3.6 ENGIN E INST ALLA TION NOTE S Aft er the engine is ins talled in the f rame, rev iew t his checklist and per form all s teps t hat apply . Gene ral Items G Install previously re moved components using new gas kets, seals, and f astener s where applicable.
ENGINE 3.7 If cy linder wear or damage is excessiv e, it will be necessary to replace t he cylinder. Hone only enough to deglaze t he outer layer of t he cylinder bore.
ENGINE 3.8 3. Star t engine and allow it to reac h operating temperat ure while monit oring gauge indicator. Oil P ressure at 3000 RPM (E ngi ne Ho t): Standard: 71 -9 9 PSI Min imum: 20 PSI at i dle ES32PF 10 NOTE : Use P olaris Premium 0 - - 40W Synthet ic Engine Lubricant ( P N 2871281 ).
ENGINE 3.9 OIL FLOW DIAGRAM - ES 32PF Engine Sump Crankcase Oil Passage Oil Pump Oil P ickup Screen Bypass Oil F ilter Oil Passage I n Cyli nder Chain Room Cam Shaft Journal Rocker Ar m / Rocker Shaf .
ENGINE 3.10 ES32PFE EN GINE EXPLOD ED VIEW Crankcase Cy linde r/ Cyl inder H ead Crankshaft and Piston V alve T rain ES32PF.
ENGINE 3.1 1 ENG INE RE M OV AL REFER TO P AGE 3.5 - 3.6 FOR ENGINE REMOV AL / INST AL LA TION NO TES. CAM CHAI N TE NS IO NER REM OV AL 1. Remove ignit ion timing inspec tion plug fr om recoil housing. T o posi tio n cranksh aft at T op Dead Center (T DC) on comp ressio n stroke: 2.
ENGINE 3.12 4. Measure f ree length of tensioner spring. Replace spring if excessi vely worn. T ensioner Spr ing Free Le ngth: 2.06 ² (5.23 cm) Std. 1.92 ² (4. 88 cm) Li mit 5. Replace ent ire t ensioner assembly if any par t is worn or damaged. ROCKE R ARM/ S HAFT INSPEC TION 1.
ENGINE 3.13 Rocker Arm & S upport I.D.: .8669 -.8678 I (22.020 -22.041 mm) 7. Measure I. D. of both rocker arm shaf t support areas and vis ually inspect surf ace. Compare t o specific ations. Rocker Sh aft Oi l Cl earance: Std: . 0008 -.0021 I (.
ENGINE 3.14 CAMSHAFT RE MOV AL CONT ’D 6. Inspec t cam sproc ket teet h for wear or damage. Replace if neces sary . Inspect f or Areas of T ooth Wear or Damage 7.
ENGINE 3.15 2. Thoroughly c lean the cam s haft, making s ure the oil feed holes are not obs truct ed. 3. Measure height of each cam lobe using a micromet er . Compar e to specif ications . 4. Measure c amshaft journal outside diamet er (O.D.) Journal O.
ENGINE 3.16 CYL INDE R HE AD W ARP AG E 1. Lay a st raight edge acr oss the surfac e of the cylinder . head at several different points and measure warpage by inser ting a feeler gauge between the s traight edge and the cylinder head surfac e. I f warpage ex ceeds the s ervice limit, replace the c ylinder head.
ENGINE 3.17 5. Remove valve seals. CAUT IO N: Replace seals whenever the c ylinder head is disassembled. Hardened, cr acked or worn v alve seals will caus e excessiv e oil consumpt ion and carbon buildup. VA LV E INSPECTION 1. Remove all car bon from v alve with a sof t wire wheel.
ENGINE 3.18 7. Subtr act valv e stem m easurement to obt ain stem to guide clearanc e. NO TE: B e sure to measur e each guide and valve com bination individually . 8. Replace valve and/ or guide if c learance is excessiv e. Compare to spec ificat ions.
ENGINE 3.19 4. Follow t he manufact urers instruct ions provided with the v alve seat c utter s in the V alve Seat Reconditioning Kit ( P N 2200634 ). Abrasive stone seat rec onditioning equipment c an also be used. Keep valves in or der with t heir respect ive seat .
ENGINE 3.20 V AL VE SEA T RECON DITIONIN G CONT’D 3. Place 46 ° cut ter on t he pilot and mak e a light cut . 4. Inspec t the c ut area of t he seat. G If t he contac t area is less than 75% of the c ircumf erence of t he seat, rota te the pi lo t 180 ° and make another light cut .
ENGINE 3.21 NOTE : When us ing an int erfer ence angle, t he seat contact point on t he valve will be ver y narrow , and is a normal condit ion. Look f or an even and cont inuous contact point on the black m arker , all the way around the valve face. Seat Width V alve Se at Width: Int ake Std: .
ENGINE 3.22 CYLINDER HEAD ASSEMB L Y CONT’D 5. Dip valve spr ing and retainer in clean engine oil and install spr ing with closely spaced coils toward the cylinder head. Closely spaced coils toward cylinder head 6. Place ret ainer on spring and ins tall valve s pring compress or .
ENGINE 3.23 PIST ON REMOV AL 1. Remove cir clip. Note that opening f or circlip access is on t he intake side. 2. Remove pist on circlip and pus h pis ton pin out of piston. If necessar y , heat the crown of the piston slightly wit h a propane torc h.
ENGINE 3.24 CYLINDER INSPECTION CONT’D 5. Record meas urements . If c ylinder is t apered or out of r ound beyond .002, t he cylinder must be re-bored over size, or replac ed. Cylin der T ap er Limi t: .002 Max. Cylinde r Out of Round Limi t: .002 Max.
ENGINE 3.25 5. Measure c onnecting rod s mall end ID. Connec ting Rod Sma ll End I.D. .7095 -.7101 I (18.007 -18.023 mm) 6. Measure pis ton ring t o groove clearance by placing the ring in t he ring land and measuring with a thic kness gauge. Replace pis ton and rings if ring-t o-groove c learance ex ceeds serv ice limits.
ENGINE 3.26 ST ARTER DRIVE REM OV AL/IN SPECTION 1. Remove recoil housing bolt s and remove housing. 2. Remove st arter drive assembly . Note the thrust washer locat ed at the rear of the drive mechanism. 3. Inspec t the thrust washer f or wear or damage and replace if nec essary .
デバイスPolaris PN 9918061の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Polaris PN 9918061をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはPolaris PN 9918061の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Polaris PN 9918061の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Polaris PN 9918061で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Polaris PN 9918061を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はPolaris PN 9918061の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Polaris PN 9918061に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちPolaris PN 9918061デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。